201 строка
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201 строка
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
utility functions
import torch
# %% Index Converters (layout, sequential)
def layout2seq(row_id, col_id, column_number):
return row_id * column_number + col_id
def seq2layout(cell_id, column_number):
row_id = cell_id // column_number
col_id = cell_id - (row_id * column_number)
return row_id, col_id
# %% unzipping functions for tree positions
def zip_to_index(zipped, node_degree=[32,32,64,256], total_node=384):
index = [-1 for _ in zipped]
offset = 0
for ilayer, zp in enumerate(zipped):
if -1 < zp < node_degree[ilayer]:
index[ilayer] = offset + zp
index[ilayer] = total_node
offset += node_degree[ilayer]
return index
def zip_to_orgindex(zipped, node_degree=[32,32,64,256]):
index = [-1 for _ in zipped]
for ilayer, zp in enumerate(zipped):
if -1 < zp < node_degree[ilayer]:
index[ilayer] = zp
index[ilayer] = node_degree[ilayer]
return index
"tuta": zip_to_index,
"base": zip_to_index,
"tuta_explicit": zip_to_index
# %% model initialization choices
def init_ts32(model, ts32_path, strict=False, initializer_range=0.01):
if ts32_path:
if strict: # strict load
model.load_state_dict(torch.load(ts32_path, map_location=torch.device("cpu")), strict=strict)
print("Parameters initiated from {}".format(ts32_path))
else: # partial load
for n,p in list(model.named_parameters()):
if 'gamma' not in n and 'beta' not in n:
p.data.normal_(0, initializer_range)
print("Parameters first initiated randomly within range ", initializer_range)
pretrained_dict = torch.load(ts32_path, map_location=torch.device("cpu"))
# print("Pretrained Dict: ", list(pretrained_dict.keys()), "\n")
current_dict = model.state_dict()
# print("Current Dict: ", list(current_dict.keys()), "\n")
updated_dict = {k:v for (k,v) in pretrained_dict.items() if k in current_dict}
model.load_state_dict(updated_dict, strict=strict)
print("{} parameters (pretrained: {}, current: {}) further initiated from {}".
format(len(updated_dict), len(pretrained_dict), len(current_dict), ts32_path))
else: # random init
for n,p in list(model.named_parameters()):
if 'gamma' not in n and 'beta' not in n:
p.data.normal_(0, initializer_range)
print("Parameters initiated randomly within range {}".format(initializer_range))
def init_tuta_loose(model, tuta_path, initializer_range=0.02):
# random initialize within the sepcified range
for n,p in list(model.named_parameters()):
if 'gamma' not in n and 'beta' not in n:
p.data.normal_(0, initializer_range)
print("Parameters initiated randomly within range {}".format(initializer_range))
if tuta_path is None:
# load model parameters from ts_path
pretrained_dict = torch.load(tuta_path, map_location=torch.device("cpu"))
num_target_fit, num_target_expand = 0, 0
target_dict = model.state_dict()
for name, params in pretrained_dict.items():
if name not in target_dict:
if params.size() == target_dict[name].size():
target_dict[name] = params
num_target_fit += 1
old_size, _ = params.size()
new_size, _ = target_dict[name].size()
target_dict[name][: min(old_size, new_size), :] = params[: min(old_size, new_size), :]
print("model's state_dict expand parameter {} from size {} to {}".format(name, old_size, new_size))
num_target_expand += 1
print("{} parameters (fit: {}, expand: {}) initiated from {} in {}". \
format(num_target_fit+num_target_expand, num_target_fit, num_target_expand, len(pretrained_dict), tuta_path))
model.load_state_dict(target_dict, strict=True)
def init_with_bert_weight(args, ts_model, initializer_range=1e-3):
for n,p in list(ts_model.named_parameters()):
if 'gamma' not in n and 'beta' not in n:
p.data.normal_(0, initializer_range)
print("Parameters initiated randomly within range {}".format(initializer_range))
bert_dict = torch.load(args.pretrained_model_path)
selected_dict = {"backbone.embeddings.token_weight.weight": bert_dict["bert.embeddings.word_embeddings.weight"],
"backbone.embeddings.LayerNorm.weight": bert_dict["bert.embeddings.LayerNorm.weight"],
"backbone.embeddings.LayerNorm.bias": bert_dict["bert.embeddings.LayerNorm.bias"]}
layer_num = args.num_encoder_layers
suffixes = [".attention.self.query.weight", ".attention.self.query.bias",
".attention.self.key.weight", ".attention.self.key.bias",
".attention.self.value.weight", ".attention.self.value.bias",
".attention.output.dense.weight", ".attention.output.dense.bias",
".attention.output.LayerNorm.weight", ".attention.output.LayerNorm.bias",
".intermediate.dense.weight", ".intermediate.dense.bias",
".output.dense.weight", ".output.dense.bias",
".output.LayerNorm.weight", ".output.LayerNorm.bias"]
for ilayer in range(layer_num):
for suffix in suffixes:
bert_key = "bert.encoder.layer." + str(ilayer) + suffix
select_key = "backbone.encoder.layer." + str(ilayer) + suffix
selected_dict[select_key] = bert_dict[bert_key]
ts_model.load_state_dict(selected_dict, strict=False)
print("Selected Keys: ", sorted(list(selected_dict.keys())))
return ts_model
def save_model(model, save_path):
if hasattr(model, "module"):
torch.save(model.module.state_dict(), save_path)
torch.save(model.state_dict(), save_path)
# %% batch loader
def dataset_to_tensors(dataset):
"""return a list of collected tensor from a pre-processed data set. """
tensor_num = len(dataset[0])
tensors = [torch.LongTensor([sample[i] for sample in dataset]) for i in range(tensor_num)]
return tensors
def load_tensor_batch(tensors, batch_size):
total_num = tensors[0].size()[0]
print("collect {} valid samples in total, starting loading...".format(total_num))
load_num = (total_num + batch_size - 1) // batch_size
tensor_num = len(tensors)
for j in range(load_num):
yield [tensors[i][j * batch_size: (j+1) * batch_size] for i in range(tensor_num)]
def load_dataset_batch(dataset, batch_size):
tensors = dataset_to_tensors(dataset)
for batch_list in load_tensor_batch(tensors, batch_size):
yield batch_list
def load_tensor_batch_withpad(dataset, batch_size, defaults, device_id=None):
total_num = len(dataset)
print("collect {} valid samples in total, starting loading...".format(total_num))
load_iters = (total_num + batch_size - 1) // batch_size
tensor_num = len(dataset[0])
for j in range(load_iters):
start, end = j * batch_size, min((j+1) * batch_size, total_num)
# compute max sequence length of current batch
batch_max_seqlen = 0
for idx in range(start, end):
batch_max_seqlen = max(batch_max_seqlen, len(dataset[idx][0]))
# print("batch max sequence length: ", batch_max_seqlen)
# pad each input
assert len(defaults) == tensor_num, "Number of Tensors: {} not matching Given Defaults: {}".\
format(len(defaults), tensor_num)
batch_data = []
for i in range(tensor_num):
batch_data.append( [] )
pad = defaults[i]
for idx in range(start, end):
short_tensor = dataset[idx][i]
align_tensor = short_tensor + [pad for _ in range(batch_max_seqlen - len(short_tensor))]
batch_data[-1].append( align_tensor )
if device_id is not None:
yield [torch.LongTensor(chunk).to(device_id) for chunk in batch_data]
yield [torch.LongTensor(chunk) for chunk in batch_data]
def load_dataset_batch_withpad(dataset, batch_size, defaults, device_id):
# tensors = dataset_to_tensors(dataset)
for batch_list in load_tensor_batch_withpad(dataset, batch_size, defaults, device_id):
yield batch_list