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2021-03-01 14:21:32 +03:00
# Sample Data Generator
BenchmarkLogGenerator is a command line tool to generate sample trace and error logs data. This data can be used for proof of concepts or performance benchmarking scenarios.
This tool supports following configurable command line parameters –
1. **-output**: This is the location where output should be written to.
Supported values are: LocalDisk, AzureStorage, EventHub
2. **-size**: The data size to be generated.
Supported values are: OneGB, OneTB, HundredTB
Default value is OneGB
3. **-partition**: The value for data partition, it could be between -1 to 9, where -1 means single partition. Default value is -1. Its only relevant for HundredTB data size.
**Examples of commands** – change CAPS values in following examples with your environment's values.
1. **OneGB size**
`BenchmarkLogGenerator.exe -output:AzureStorage -size:OneGB -cc:BLOB STORAGE CONN STR`
`BenchmarkLogGenerator -output:LocalDisk -size:OneGB -localPath:"C:\DATA"`
`BenchmarkLogGenerator -output:EventHub -eventHubConnection:Endpoint=sb://;EntityPath=EVENTHUBNAME;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey=KEYVALUE -size:OneGB"`
**Note** – Data size is restricted to 1 GB for event hub.
2. **OneTB size**
`BenchmarkLogGenerator.exe -output:AzureStorage -size:OneTB -cc: BLOB STORAGE CONN STR`
`BenchmarkLogGenerator -output:LocalDisk -size:OneTB -localPath:"C:\DATA"`
You can also use below mentioned Azure batch templates to generate 1 TB data, 3 Standard_D32_v3 VMs would be enough to generate 1 TB .
3. **HundredTB size**
Use Azure Batch compute to generate 100 TBs of data. Tool has Azure batch templates for generating required batch pools and jobs.
Follow these steps to generate 100TBs of data -
a. Create required ten Azure storage accounts and Azure batch account using this script that calls relevant ARM templates-
“TelemetryLogsGeneratorAndBenchmark\Infrastructure\ARM\deploy.ps1” -
b. Create application package that has all required files and dependencies for running BenchmarkLogGenerator.exe. Application package will help to upload required files on
all batch pool nodes.
Publish self-contained .net app by using this command -
`dotnet publish -r win-x64 -c Release --self-contained`
This will create folder named publish under bin/Release with all dependencies, zip publish folder to be uploaded as an application package in next step.
Use this command to create application package -
`az batch application package create --application-name GENERATOR --name testbatchacc --package-file --resource-group sample-rg --version-name 1.0`
c. Create Azure batch pool using following template –
10 Standard_D64_v3 VMs with 0 to 9 partitions takes approximately 12 hrs to generate 100 TBs of data.
**Note** – Number of VMs should match the number of tasks and partitions in generator-job.json
`az batch pool create --template generator-pool.json`
d. Create batch job using following template –
Provide 10 storage account connection strings that were created in step 3a and create 10 tasks with 0 to 9 partitions respectively.
`az batch job create --template generator-job.json`
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