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using Azure.Core;
using Azure.Storage.Blobs;
using BenchmarkLogGenerator.Utilities;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace BenchmarkLogGenerator
class Program
static CommandLineArgs m_args = new CommandLineArgs();
private static readonly string[] m_basicHelpHints = { "/?", "-?", "?", "/help", "-help", "help" };
static void Main(string[] args)
if (args.Length > 0)
if (m_basicHelpHints.SafeFastAny(h => string.Equals(h, args[0], StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
CommandLineArgsParser.Parse(args, m_args, null, true);
if (m_args.outputType == WriterType.LocalDisk && m_args.localPath == null
|| m_args.outputType == WriterType.EventHub && m_args.eventHubConnectionString == null
|| m_args.outputType == WriterType.AzureStorage && m_args.blobConnectionString == null)
CommandLineArgsParser.WriteHelpStringToConsoleAndQuit(new string[] { }, new CommandLineArgs(), $"The output type of {m_args.outputType} was specified without the corrosponding connection/path");
string containerName = "";
string partitionName = "";
BlobContainerClient container = null;
if(m_args.outputType == WriterType.AzureStorage)
partitionName = $"-p{m_args.partition}";
var blobOptions = new BlobClientOptions();
blobOptions.Retry.MaxRetries = 3;
blobOptions.Retry.Mode = RetryMode.Exponential;
BlobServiceClient blobClient = new BlobServiceClient(m_args.blobConnectionString, blobOptions);
containerName = $"logsbenchmark-{m_args.size}{partitionName}".ToLower();
var response = blobClient.CreateBlobContainer(containerName);
container = response.Value;
catch (Exception ex)
var color = Console.ForegroundColor;
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
Console.WriteLine($"Error creating container {containerName}. Please verify that the container does not exist");
Console.WriteLine($"Exception Message: {ex.Message}");
Console.ForegroundColor = color;
if (m_args.outputType == WriterType.LocalDisk && m_args.size == BenchmarkDataSize.HundredTB)
Console.WriteLine("For 100TB data size, please use Azure storage outputType.");
if (m_args.outputType == WriterType.EventHub && m_args.size != BenchmarkDataSize.OneGB)
Console.WriteLine("For event hub, data size is restricted to 1 GB.");
Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
int logsPerSessionFactor = GetLogsPerSessionFactor(m_args.size);
int numSessionsFactor = GetNumSessionsFactor(m_args.size);
int start = GetStart(m_args.partition, m_args.size);
int end = GetEnd(m_args.partition, m_args.size);
var res = Parallel.For(start, end, index =>
Generator.Run(index, GetWriter($"iteration count: {index} ", container), logsPerSessionFactor, numSessionsFactor);
Console.WriteLine($"Total time {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms");
//OneTB 6X more sessions, 100X more sources
//HundredTB 10X more sessions, 10X more logs per session, 10X more sources
//Expected timespan period for logs:
//~1 day for 1GB
//~9 days for 1TB
//~90 days for 100TB
private static int GetNumSessionsFactor(BenchmarkDataSize size)
switch (size)
case BenchmarkDataSize.OneGB:
return 1;
case BenchmarkDataSize.TenGB:
return 2;
case BenchmarkDataSize.OneTB:
return 6;
case BenchmarkDataSize.HundredTB:
return 60;
return 1;
private static int GetLogsPerSessionFactor(BenchmarkDataSize size)
switch (size)
case BenchmarkDataSize.OneGB:
return 1;
case BenchmarkDataSize.TenGB:
return 1;
case BenchmarkDataSize.OneTB:
return 1;
case BenchmarkDataSize.HundredTB:
return 1;
return 1;
private static int GetStart(int partition, BenchmarkDataSize size)
if (size == BenchmarkDataSize.HundredTB && partition > -1)
return partition * 100;
return 0;
private static int GetEnd(int partition, BenchmarkDataSize size)
if (size == BenchmarkDataSize.HundredTB && partition > -1)
return (partition + 1) * 100 - 1;
return NumThreads(size) * NumIterations(size);
private static int NumThreads(BenchmarkDataSize size)
switch (size)
case BenchmarkDataSize.OneGB:
return 1;
case BenchmarkDataSize.TenGB:
return 5;
case BenchmarkDataSize.OneTB:
return 100;
case BenchmarkDataSize.HundredTB:
return 100;
return 100;
private static int NumIterations(BenchmarkDataSize size)
switch (size)
case BenchmarkDataSize.OneGB:
return 1;
case BenchmarkDataSize.TenGB:
return 1;
case BenchmarkDataSize.OneTB:
return 1;
case BenchmarkDataSize.HundredTB:
return 10;
return 1;
private static void PrintUsage()
var esb = new ExtendedStringBuilder();
esb.AppendLine("The BenchmarkLogGenerator is a tool to generate logs for benchmark testing");
esb.AppendLine("It is invoked with the following parameters:");
esb.AppendLine("-output:Where the output should be written to. Possible values are: LocalDisk, AzureBlobStorage or EventHub");
esb.AppendLine("-localPath: The root folder");
esb.AppendLine("-azureStorageAccountConnections: A comma separated list of Azure storage account connections (can be single connection), containers will be created automaticly using the following template: logsBenchmark-{size}-p{partition}");
esb.AppendLine("-eventHubConnection: The connection string for Azure EventHub");
esb.AppendLine("-size: The output size, possible values are OneGB, TenGB, OneTB, HundredTB. Default is OneGB");
esb.AppendLine("-partition: The applicable partition, between -1 to 9, where -1 means single partition. Only relevant for HundredTB size. Default is -1");
private static LogWriter GetWriter(string writerId, BlobContainerClient container)
switch (m_args.outputType)
case WriterType.LocalDisk:
return new FileLogWriter(m_args.localPath, false, writerId, null);
case WriterType.AzureStorage:
return new FileLogWriter(m_args.blobConnectionString, true, writerId, container);
case WriterType.EventHub:
return new EventHubWriter(m_args.eventHubConnectionString);
return null;