2015-02-05 00:41:44 +03:00
///<reference path='refs.ts'/>
module TDev.RT {
//? The front or back camera
//@ walltap
export class Camera
extends RTValue
private _isFront: boolean = false;
private _deviceId: string = undefined;
private _videoUrl: string = undefined;
private _video: HTMLVideoElement = undefined;
constructor() {
public set_is_front(isFront : boolean)
this._isFront = isFront;
public device_id() : string { return this._deviceId; }
public set_device_id(deviceId: string)
this._deviceId = deviceId;
//? Gets the height of the camera image in pixels.
//@ stub()
public height() : number
return undefined;
//? Indicates if this camera is in front of the phone; false if this is the primary (back) camera.
public is_front() : boolean
return this._isFront;
//? Gets the width of the camera image in pixels.
//@ stub()
public width() : number
return undefined;
public getVideoAsync(r : Runtime): Promise
return this.askCameraAccessAsync(r)
.then(allow => {
if (!allow) return Promise.as(undefined);
return new Promise((onSuccess, onError, onProcess) => {
if (this._videoUrl) {
var v = <HTMLVideoElement>createElement('video');
v.src = this._videoUrl;
v.controls = false;
v.autoplay = true;
else {
UserMediaManager.getCameraUrlAsync(this._isFront, this._deviceId)
.then((url: string) => {
if (url) {
this._videoUrl = url;
var v = <HTMLVideoElement>createElement('video');
v.src = this._videoUrl;
v.controls = false;
v.autoplay = true;
else {
public askCameraAccessAsync(r: Runtime): Promise { // boolean
return r.host.askSourceAccessAsync("camera", "your camera.", false);
//? Displays the camera video stream in full screen.
//@ flow(SourceCamera)
public post_to_wall(s : IStackFrame): void
.done(v => {
this._video = v;
if (this._video) {
this._video.controls = true;
s.rt.postBoxedHtml(this._video, s.pc);
private previewVideo(v : HTMLVideoElement, r : ResumeCtx)
var picurl = UserMediaManager.previewVideo(v);
.then(p => { r.resumeVal(p) });
//? Takes a low quality picture from the camera.
//@ flow(SourceCamera) returns(Picture) uiAsync
public preview(r: ResumeCtx) // : Picture
if (this._video) {
this.previewVideo(this._video, r);
} else {
.then(v => {
if (!v) {
} else {
this._video = v;
this._video.controls = true;
r.rt.postBoxedHtml(this._video, r.rt.current.pc);
// events specifying that the video started do not trigger reliably
// so unfortunately, waiting is our best option
Util.setTimeout(5 * 1000, () => { this.previewVideo(this._video, r); });