This commit is contained in:
Peli de Halleux 2015-11-11 09:47:50 -08:00
Родитель f1cb787ee4 7c124eba54
Коммит 3a65f6ae7a
24 изменённых файлов: 20895 добавлений и 8188 удалений

.gitignore поставляемый
Просмотреть файл

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ microbit/loader/Microbit.Loader/obj
# visual studio

Просмотреть файл

@ -491,6 +491,11 @@ task('update-docs', [ 'build/client.js', 'default' ], { async: true }, function(
'node build/client.js updatelang'], this);
task('update-lang', [ 'build/client.js', 'default' ], { async: true }, function() {
var task = this;
[ 'node build/client.js updatelang'], this);
task('azure', [ 'build/shell.js' ], { async: true }, function() {

Разница между файлами не показана из-за своего большого размера Загрузить разницу

generated/strings.json Normal file

Различия файлов скрыты, потому что одна или несколько строк слишком длинны

locales/ar/strings.json Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,824 @@
"my scripts":"برامجي النصية",
"a function":"دالة أ",
"tap there":"اضغط هناك",
"insert {0}":"إدراج {0}",
"script":"برنامج نصي",
"'Javascripty' curly braces, all the tools, for experienced devs!":"أقواس 'Javascripty' المتعرجة، كل الأدوات، للمطورين الخبراء!",
"Sets the position in pixels":"تعيين الموضع بالبسكل",
"insert comment":"إدراج تعليق",
"translating tutorial...":"ترجمة البرنامج التعليمي...",
"loading tutorial":"تحميل البرنامج التعليمي",
"reloading script":"إعادة تحميل البرنامج النصي",
"we have {0:a} here; did you want to do something with it?":"لدينا {0:a} هنا؛ هل كنت تريد أن تفعل به شيئًا ؟",
"privacy and cookies":"privacy and cookies",
"terms of use":"terms of use",
" -- a local variable":" --متغير محلي",
"signing in...":"يتم الآن تسجيل الدخول...",
"global vars":"متغيرات عمومية",
"We will adapt the editor to your coding skill level. You can change your skill level later in the hub.":"سنجعل المحرر ملائمًا لمستوى مهارات الترميز لديك. يمكنك تغيير مستوى مهاراتك لاحقًا في الموزع.",
"run main":"تشغيل الرئيسي",
"Edit code as text, more options, for aspiring app writers!":"تحرير التعليمة البرمجية كنص، مزيد من الخيارات، لكتاب التطبيقات الطموحين!",
"Drag and drop blocks, simplified interface, great for beginners!":"سحب وإفلات الكتل، واجهة مبسّطة، رائعة للمبتدئين!",
"choose your coding skill level":"اختيار مستوى مهارات الترميز لديك",
"Your full name":"اسمك بالكامل",
"website url":"عنوان url الخاص بموقع الويب",
"website":"موقع الويب",
"wallpaper":"خلفية الشاشة",
"twitter handle":"الاسم على twitter",
"sign out":"تسجيل الخروج",
"sign in":"تسجيل الدخول",
"receive email newsletters":"تلقي رسائل إخبارية على البريد الإلكتروني",
"remove picture":"إزالة صورة",
"Receive email notifications when other people review\/take a screenshot of\/comment on your scripts, or reply to one of your comments, or when events related to your subscriptions occur.":"يمكنك تلقي إعلامات البريد الإلكتروني عند مراجعة أشخاص آخرين\/أخذهم لقطات شاشة من\/التعليق على البرامج النصية الخاصة بك، أو الرد على أحد تعليقاتك أو عند وقوع أحداث متعلقة باشتراكاتك.",
"Your twitter handle, like @touchdevelop.":"اسمك على twitter، مثل @touchdevelop.",
"receive email notifications":"تلقي إعلامات البريد الإلكتروني",
"real name":"الاسم الحقيقي",
"public profile":"ملف تعريف عام",
"public nickname":"اللقب العام",
"private profile":"ملف تعريف خاص",
"saving...":"يتم الآن الحفظ...",
"Please review our Privacy Statement.":"يرجى مراجعة بيان الخصوصية الخاص بنا.",
"Your email address has not yet been verified. Please check your inbox.":"لم يتم التحقق من صحة عنوان بريدك الإلكتروني حتى الآن. يرجى التحقق من علبة الوارد لديك.",
"email":"البريد الإلكتروني",
"email and push notifications":"البريد الإلكتروني والإعلامات",
"Enter your school affiliation if any.":"إدخال انتساب المدرسة، إن وُجد.",
"What is your occupation?":"ما مهنتك؟",
"What is your level of programming knowledge?":"ما مستوى معلوماتك البرمجية؟",
"programming knowledge":"المعلومات البرمجية",
"How did you discover TouchDevelop?":"كيف اكتشفت TouchDevelop؟",
"how found":"كيف عرفت",
"year of birth":"تاريخ الميلاد",
"about you":"عنك",
"Where in the world are you?":"في أي مكان في العالم تقيم؟",
"Your Minecraft user.":"مستخدم Minecraft الخاصة بك.",
"more settings":"مزيد من الإعدادات",
"Your GitHub user.":"مستخدم GitHub الخاص بك.",
"minecraft user":"مستخدم minecraft",
"A unique display name for your public profile (at least 8 characters)":"اسم عرض فريد لملف التعريف العام لديك (8 أحرف على الأقل)",
"Scripts by this user:":"البرامج النصية بواسطة هذا المستخدم:",
"github user":"مستخدم github",
"Items marked with * are required.":"العناصر المعلَّمة بـ * مطلوبة.",
"gender":"النوع الاجتماعي",
"Enter the URL to your personal website (Example: http:\/\/":"إدخال عنوان URL لموقع الويب الشخصي لديك (مثلاً: http:\/\/",
"Enter some information about yourself":"إدخال بعض المعلومات الخاصة بك",
"Don't forget to scroll down and tap 'save' when you are done editing!":"لا تنس التمرير لأسفل ولمس \"حفظ\" عند الانتهاء من التحرير!",
"Do you want to receive informational TouchDevelop-related newsletters, e.g. about new features and upcoming events?":"هل ترغب في تلقي رسائل إخبارية متعلقة بـ TouchDevelop مثلاً، حول الميزات الجديدة والأحداث القادمة؟",
"<h3>loading current settings...<\/h3>":"<h3>تحميل الإعدادات الحالية...<\/h3>",
"Art by this user:":"النشاط الفني بواسطة هذا المستخدم:",
"abuse reports":"تقارير الإساءة",
"go back to coding! {0}★ to go":"العودة إلى الترميز! {0}★ للانتقال",
"add input parameter":"إضافة معلمة إدخال",
"start over":"البدء مرة أخرى",
"API Docs":"مستندات واجهة برمجة التطبيقات \\\"API\\\"",
"Upload Picture":"تحميل صورة",
"breakpoint":"نقطة توقف",
"toggle breakpoint":"تبديل نقطة التوقف",
"plugins":"مكونات إضافية",
"Create Script":"إنشاء برنامج نصي",
"Create Group":"إنشاء مجموعة",
"Tutorials":"برامج تعليمية",
"Join Group":"انضم للمجموعة",
"global variable":"متغير عمومي",
"rename":"إعادة تسمية",
"script properties":"خصائص البرنامج النصي",
"decimal dot":"نقطة عشرية",
"re-run":"إعادة تشغيل",
"move cursor":"تحريك المؤشر",
"upload picture":"تحميل الصورة",
"showcase":"عرض الحالة",
"the hub":"الموزع",
"logical negation":"رفض منطقي",
"A number (possibly negative and\/or fractional)":"الرقم (قد يكون سالبًا و\/أو كسرًا)",
"replicated ":"نسخ ",
"publish as hidden":"نشر إصدار مخفي",
"learn about publishing":"معرفة المزيد عن عملية النشر",
"Publish script":"نشر البرنامج النصي",
"Minecraft user":"مستخدم Minecraft",
"TD155: '{0}' cannot be assigned to a local variable":"TD155: '{0}' لا يمكن تعيينها إلى متغير محلي",
"TD130: bound of 'for' wants {1:a}":"TD130: مرتبط بما يريده \\\"لـ\\\" {1}",
"TD150: cannot call the thing before '('":"TD150: يتعذر استدعاء الشيء قبل '('",
"TD151: unclosed '('":"TD151: مفتوح '('",
"TD112: i cannot find property '{0}' on {1}":"TD112: لا يمكنني العثور على الخاصية \\\"{0}\\\" على {1}",
"TD116: not enough parameters supplied to {0}":"TD116: لا توجد معلمات كافية إلى {0}",
"move to library":"انتقال إلى المكتبة",
" [hidden]":" [hidden]",
"color #{0}":"لون #{0}",
"load more replies":"تحميل المزيد من الردود",
"export to app":"تصدير إلى التطبيق",
"pull changes":"تغييرات السحب",
"'{0}' is obsolete and should not be used":"'{0}' قديم وينبغي عدم استخدامه",
"add output parameter":"إضافة معلمة إخراج",
"superior, supernatural, terrific, unbelievable, unearthly, unique, unprecedented, unusual, weird, wonderful, wondrous":"فائق، غير عادي، مرعب، لا يصدق، خارق للعادة، فريد، غير مسبوق، غير عادي، غريب، رائع، مدهش",
"incredible, magical, marvellous, marvelous, mind-blowing, mind-boggling, miraculous, peculiar, phenomenal, rad, rockin', special, spectacular, startling, stunning, super-cool, ":"مذهل، سحري، إعجازي، إعجازي، آخذ للعقول، مدهش للعقول، معجز، متميز، نادر، مثير للإعجاب، أسطوري، خاص، دراماتيكي، مروع، فاتن، رائع بشكل فائق، ",
"amazing, astonishing, astounding, awe-inspiring, awesome, breathtaking, classic, cool, curious, distinct, exceptional, exclusive, extraordinary, fabulous, fantastic, glorious, great, ":"مذهل، مدهش، رائع، ملهم، جميل، خلاب، كلاسيكي، ظريف، لافت للنظر، مميز، استثنائي، حصري، غير عادي، خرافي، باهر، فخم، عظيم. ",
" sending changes":" إرسال التغييرات",
"diff prev":"سابق مختلف",
"diff curr":"حالي مختلف",
"Types, order, and number of event parameters cannot be edited.":"يتعذر تحرير أنواع وترتيب ورقم معلمات الأحداث.",
"Events cannot have out parameters.":"لا يمكن أن يكون للأحداث معلمات خارجية.",
"starting...":"جارِ البدء...",
"TD109: cannot assign to this":"TD109: يتعذر التعيين إلى ذلك",
"pause":"إيقاف مؤقت",
"just keep typing the search terms!":"واصل كتابة مصطلحات البحث!",
"... there's more ...":"... هناك المزيد ...",
"tap there for instructions":"الضغط هناك للحصول على تعليمات",
"show how to complete this activity":"إظهار كيفية إكمال هذا النشاط",
"move left":"تحريك لليسار",
"To add page data, create a local var and tap 'promote to field'.":"لإضافة بيانات الصفحة، قم بإنشاء متغير واضغط \\\"ترقية إلى الحقل\\\".",
"TD111: cannot assign from {0} to {1}":"TD111: يتعذر التعيين من {0} إلى {1}",
"{0} ({1} line{1:s})":"{0} ({1} سطر{1:s})",
"replace all in script":"استبدال الكل في البرنامج النصي",
"global replace":"استبدال عمومي",
"create a new parameter":"إنشاء معلمة جديدة",
"select more":"تحديد المزيد",
"strip '{0}'":"شريط \\\"{0}\\\"",
"pull out to block level":"سحب لمستوى الحظر",
", got {0:a} instead":"، حصل على {0} في المقابل",
"an function type definition":"تعريف نوع دالة",
"tap to translate with Microsoft® Translator...":"اضغط للترجمة مع Microsoft ® مترجم...",
"Translations by Microsoft® Translator, tap to see original...":"ترجمة من قبل مترجم Microsoft ®، اضغط لرؤية الأصلي...",
"into local":"إلى محلي",
"extract to var":"استخراج إلى متغير",
"turn into":"تحويل إلى",
"else if":"آخر في حالة",
"forks":"روافع شوكية",
"a minute ago":"منذ دقيقة",
"loading replies...":"جارٍ تحميل الردود...",
"show more options":"إظهار المزيد من الخيارات",
"find references":"بحث عن مراجع",
"need to edit elsewhere":"بحاجة إلى التحرير في مكان آخر",
"an hour ago":"منذ ساعة",
" of ":" من ",
"need to delete this":"بحاجة إلى حذف ذلك",
"screenshot of {0}":"لقطة شاشة لـ {0}",
"loading comments for \/{0}...":"جارٍ تحميل التعليقات لـ \/{0}...",
"my art":"العمل الفني الخاص بي",
"insert statement":"إدراج عبارة",
"learn more":"معرفة المزيد",
"now you can select a property of {0}; it doesn't do anything by itself":"يمكنك الآن تحديد خاصية {0}; لا يقوم بأي شيء بنفسه",
"tutorial progress":"تقدم البرنامج التعليمي",
"What's new":"الجديد",
"Search everything":"بحث عن كل شيء",
"Search Help":"تعليمات البحث",
"Getting started":"بدء الاستخدام",
"Export to Windows, Android, iOS, Azure":"تصدير إلى Windows، Android، iOS، Azure",
"top & new":"الأفضل والجديد",
"a few seconds ago":"منذ بضع ثوانٍ",
"screenshot":"لقطة شاشة",
"number entry":"إدخال الرقم",
"regular keypad":"لوحة مفاتيح عادية",
"Upload Sound":"تحميل صوت",
"Insert '{0}' {1}":"إدراج \"{0}\" {1}",
"go to":"انتقال إلى",
"{0} second{0:s} ago":"منذ {0} ثانية{0:s}",
"New Scripts":"برامج نصية جديدة",
"abuse":"إساءة استخدام",
"TD145: there seem to be an operator (like '+', '(' or ',') missing here":"TD145: يبدو أنه يوجد عامل (مثل \\\"+\\\", أو \\\"(\\\"، أو \\\",\\\") مفقود هنا",
"we have a library '{0}' here; {1}":"لدينا مكتبة \\\"{0}\\\" هنا; {1}",
"now you can select a property on it":"يمكنك الآن تحديد خاصية عليه",
"we need different keypad":"نحتاج للوحة مفاتيح مختلفة",
"saved":"تم الحفظ",
"i'm finished with my Hour of Code™":"™انتهيتُ من ساعة البرمجة",
"a page":"صفحة",
"TD154: the operator needs something after it":"TD154: المحرر في حاجة إلى شيء بعده",
"TD144: it seems you're missing '{0}', try adding it":"TD144: يبدو أنك ليس لديك \\\"{0}\\\", حاول الإضافة",
"{0} hour{0:s} ago":"منذ {0} عام{0:s}",
"fix it":"الإصلاح",
"learn more about {0}":"معرفة المزيد حول {0}",
"Your art will appear here":"العمل الفني الخاص بك يظهر هنا",
"{0} minute{0:s} ago":"منذ {0} دقيقة{0:s}",
"break in debugger":"إيقاف في مصحح الأخطاء",
"Picks a random color":"يختار لون عشوائي",
"type: {0}":"النوع: {0}",
"need a different string here":"بحاجة إلى سلسلة مختلفة هنا",
"follow tutorial in editor":"متابعة البرنامج التعليمي في المحرر",
"tap here when done":"اضغط هنا عندما تنتهي",
"upload sound":"تحميل صوت",
"keep editing":"واصل التحرير",
"searching...":"جارِ البحث...",
"Type to search...":"اكتب للبحث...",
"let's get started!":"لنبدأ",
"creating script":"إنشاء برنامج نصي",
"tutorial: ":"البرنامج التعليمي: ",
"excellent; great job; awesome; cool; you rock; well done; outstanding; you got it; right on":"ممتاز؛ عمل رائع؛ جميل؛ جيد؛ مبهر؛ متقن؛ استثنائي؛ مكتمل؛ صحيح",
"Post a comment...":"نشر تعليق...",
"cancel":"إلغاء الأمر",
"parsing script text":"تحليل نص البرنامج النصي",
"report abuse":"إبلاغ عن إساءة استخدام",
"load more":"تحميل المزيد",
"TD100: insert {0:a} here":"TD100: إدراج {0} هنا",
"loading...":"جارِ التحميل...",
"Sets the background picture":"تعيين صورة الخلفية",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #00FFFFFF":"الحصول على لون له قيمة ARGB تبلغ #00FFFFFF",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF800080":"الحصول على لون له قيمة ARGB تبلغ #FF800080",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFF00FF":"الحصول على لون له قيمة ARGB تبلغ #FFFF00FF",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFFF00":"الحصول على لون له قيمة ARGB تبلغ #FFFFFF00",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF00FFFF":"الحصول على لون له قيمة ARGB تبلغ #FF00FFFF",
"Sets the sprite color.":"تعيين لون العرض ثنائي الأبعاد.",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFA500":"الحصول على لون له قيمة ARGB تبلغ #FFFFA500",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFFFFF":"الحصول على لون له قيمة ARGB تبلغ #FFFFFFFF",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFF0000":"الحصول على لون له قيمة ARGB تبلغ #FFFF0000",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF0000FF":"الحصول على لون له قيمة ARGB تبلغ #FF0000FF",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF000000":"الحصول على لون له قيمة ARGB تبلغ #FF000000",
"'atomic' function":"دالة \"ذرية\"",
"test function":"دالة اختبار",
"private function":"دالة خاصة",
"function name":"اسم الدالة",
"store the value in a variable":"تخزين القيمة في متغير",
"this script is a web service":"هذا البرنامج النصي عبارة عن خدمة ويب",
"variable name":"اسم المتغير",
"library name":"اسم المكتبة",
"Enter a name":"إدخال اسم",
"exported from this library":"تم التصدير من هذه المكتبة",
"search here for {0}":"بحث هنا عن {0}",
"ex: ":"مثال: ",
"to code":"إلى رمز",
"this script is a library":"هذا البرنامج النصي عبارة عن مكتبة",
"run with instrumentation":"تشغيل من خلال الأدوات",
"revert to published version":"عودة إلى الإصدار المنشور",
"manage data":"إدارة البيانات",
"i want it to run on":"أريد التشغيل على",
"delete local data and permissions":"حذف البيانات المحلية والأذونات",
"allow other users to export to app":"تمكين المستخدمين الآخرين من التصدير إلى التطبيق",
"about profile":"عن ملف التعريف",
"about insights":"عن الأفكار",
"about coverage":"عن التغطية",
"Search here...":"بحث هنا...",
"For published scripts, also look at the tab of the published script page to find anonymously collected crowd-sourced profile and coverage data.":"بالنسبة للبرامج النصية المنشورة، انظر أيضا إلى علامة التبويب الخاصة بصفحة البرنامج النصي المنشور للبحث عن ملف التعريف وبيانات التغطية التي يتم تجميعها بواسطة العديد من المصادر.",
"After the script stops, browse the code to see collected information.":"بعد توقف البرنامج النصي، استعرض الرمز لمشاهدة المعلومات التي تم تجميعها.",
"read only":"قراءة فقط",
"offline available":"متوفر دون اتصال",
"cloud sessions":"جلسات عمل سحابية",
"profile":"ملف تعريف",
"record name:":"اسم السجل:",
"view as script":"عرض كبرنامج نصي",
", got {0}":"، تم الحصول على {0}",
"See More":"مشاهدة المزيد",
"'{0}' expects {1} here":"'{0}' يتوقع {1} هنا",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF008000":"الحصول على لون له قيمة ARGB تبلغ #FF008000",
"replace picture":"استبدال صورة",
"demote to var":"تخفيض إلى متغير",
"change (back) to local":"تغيير (رجوع) إلى محلي",
"search art":"بحث في الفن",
"let's change this":"لنقم بتغيير ذلك",
"backspace this":"رجوع بذلك للخلف",
"current expression":"التعبير الحالي",
"set name":"تعيين اسم",
"Create a new picture sprite.":"إنشاء عرض ثنائي الأبعاد جديد لصورة.",
"Sets the center horizontal position in pixels":"تعيين موضع التمركز الأفقي بالبكسل",
"we'll guide you step by step":"سنقوم بتوجيهك خطوة بخطوة",
"All tutorials":"كل البرامج التعليمية",
"tutorials":"برامج تعليمية",
"All my scripts":"كل برامجي النصية",
"Skill level: {0} ":"مستوى المهارة: {0} ",
"All my groups":"كل مجموعاتي",
"social":"مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي",
"Create your own apps":"إنشاء تطبيقاتك",
"Sets the y position in pixels":"تعيين الموضع ص بالبسكل",
"change contents":"تغيير المحتويات",
"move the cursor right":"تحريك المؤشر لليمين",
"customize the art!":"تخصيص الفن!",
"Sets the width in pixels":"تعيين العرض بالبسكل",
"{0} day{0:s} ago":"منذ {0} يوم{0:s}",
"stop loop":"إيقاف الحلقة",
"stop function":"إيقاف الدالة",
"skip iteration":"تخطي التكرار",
"display value":"عرض قيمة",
"repeat while":"تكرار أثناء",
"repeat n times":"تكرار على أوقات",
"\/\/ comment":"\/\/ تعليقات",
"repeat on collection":"تكرار على المجموعة",
"UI widget":"عنصر واجهة المستخدم الخاص بواجهة المستخدم",
"read more...":"قراءة المزيد...",
"Create a new text sprite.":"إنشاء عرض ثنائي الأبعاد جديد لنص.",
"step over":"تخطي",
"step out":"خروج",
"step in":"دخول",
"Search code...":"بحث عن الرمز...",
"go to previous step":"انتقال إلى الخطوة السابقة",
"to continue coding":"لمتابعة الترميز",
"compiling script":"تجميع البرنامج النصي",
"'{0}' returns a '{1}'; {2}":"'{0}' يقوم بإرجاع \\\"{1}\\\"؛ {2}",
"promote to data":"ترقية لبيانات",
"to global var":"لمتغير عمومي",
"let's do it!":"لنقم بذلك!",
"store in var":"تخزين في متغير",
"set local variable name":"تعيين اسم متغير محلي",
"please wait...":"يرجى الانتظار...",
"function, variable, library, ...":"الدالة، المتغير، المكتبة، ...",
"add new":"إضافة جديد",
"function types":"أنواع الدالة",
"database":"قاعدة بيانات",
"<b>this line is perfect!<\/b> let's move on":"<b>هذا السطر كامل!<\/b> دعنا نتابع العمل",
"art resource":"مورد العمل الفني",
"Your script will appear here":"البرنامج النصي الخاص بك يظهر هنا",
"Change skill level!":"تغيير مستوى المهارة!",
"backspace":"مسافة للخلف",
"move the cursor left":"تحريك المؤشر لليسار",
"new variable":"متغير جديد",
"a global variable":"متغير عمومي",
"{0} year{0:s} ago":"منذ {0} عام{0:s}",
"{0} month{0:s} ago":"منذ {0} شهر{0:s}",
"creates an empty collection of objects":"إنشاء مجموعة كائنات فارغة",
"Create an invalid value of this object type":"إنشاء قيمة غير صالحة لنوع الكائن هذا",
"import field values from a JSON object":"استيراد قيم الحقل من كائن JSON",
"checks if reference has not been set":"التحقق مما إذا كان المرجع لم يتم تعيينه",
"tests if two references refer to the same object":"اختبار ما إذا كان هناك مرجعان يشيران إلى نفس الكائن",
"sets all fields to their default values":"تعيين كل الحقول على قيمها الافتراضية",
"export a JSON representation of the contents":"تصدير تمثيل JSON للمحتويات",
"displays the object on the wall":"عرض الكائن على الحائط",
"add line below":"إضافة سطر في الأسفل",
"select that line":"تحديد هذا السطر",
"access the {0} field":"الوصول إلى الحقل {0}",
"tap there to run your app":"اضغط هناك لتشغيل تطبيقك",
"new stmt below":"عبارة جديدة أدناه",
"new line":"سطر جديد",
"Concatenates two pieces of text":"سَلسلة جزأين من النص",
"more ":"المزيد ",
"TD152: unexpected ')'":"TD152: \\\")\\\"\\\" غير متوقع",
"TD118: 'if' condition wants {1:a}":"TD118: يريد الشرط \\\"إذا\\\" {1}",
"TD115: excessive parameter(s) supplied to {0}":"TD115: معلمة (معلمات) زائدة متوفرة لـ {0}",
"TD101: cannot find '{0}'":"TD101: يتعذر البحث عن \\\"{0}\\\"",
"TD147: we didn't expect '{0}' here":"TD147: لم نتوقع \\\"{0}\\\" هنا",
"art":"عمل فني",
"no hearts. you can add one once you install the script!":"لا توجد قلوب. يمكنك إضافة واحد منها بمجرد تثبيت البرنامج النصي!",
"no forks, install, edit and re-publish script to create one!":"لا توجد تفرعات شوكية، قم بتثبيت البرنامج النصي وتحريره وإعادة نشره لإنشاء تفرع شوكي!",
"no art published by this user":"لم يتم نشر أي فن بواسطة هذا المستخدم",
"get my Hour of Code™ certificate":"الحصول على شهادة Hour of Code™ الخاصة بي",
"next tutorials...":"البرامج التعليمية التالية...",
"no tags, tap to add some!":"لا توجد علامات، المس لإضافة البعض!",
"no comments, tap to write some!":"لا توجد تعليقات، المس لكتابة شيء ما!",
"Gets the printers on the current wireless network":"الحصول على الطابعات على الشبكة اللاسلكية الحالية",
"Plays the media at the 'url' internet address.":"يقوم بتشغيل الوسائط على عنوان الإنترنت الخاص بعنوان \"url\".",
"Browses to the device control panel":"الاستعراض إلى لوحة تحكم الجهاز",
"Gets the manfacturer name":"الحصول على اسم الجهة المصنعة",
"Returns a date that adds the specified number of years to the value of this instance.":"يقوم بإرجاع تاريخ يضيق عدد معينا من الأعوام لقيمة هذا المثيل.",
"Converts to the local time":"تحويل إلى الوقت المحلي",
"Choose a media player on the current wireless network":"اختيار مشغل وسائط على الشبكة اللاسلكية الحالية",
"Gets the media players on the current wireless network":"الحصول على مشغلات الوسائط على الشبكة اللاسلكية الحالية",
"Indicates if no jobs can be processed and intervention is needed.":"يوضح ما إذا كان من غير الممكن معالجة أي مهام والتدخل عند الحاجة.",
"Choose a media server on the current wireless network":"اختيار خادم الوسائط على الشبكة اللاسلكية الحالية",
"Gets the media servers on the home network":"الحصول على خوادم الوسائط على الشبكة المنزلية",
"Gets the current motion that combines data from the accelerometer, compass and gyroscope if available.":"يحصل على حركة حالية تضم بيانات من مقياس التسارع، والبوصلة، والجيروسكوب في حالة توفرها.",
"Gets a value whether the song is DRM protected":"الحصول على قيمة توضح ما إذا كانت الأغنية محمية بموجب إدارة الحقوق الرقمية \"DRM\"",
"Gets the width of the camera image in pixels.":"يحصل على العرض الخاص بصورة الكاميرا بالبكسل.",
"Indicates if new jobs can start processing immediately without waiting.":"يوضح ما إذا كان من الممكن بدء المعالجة على الفور بدون انتظار.",
"Returns a date that adds the specified number of months to the value of this instance.":"يقوم بإرجاع تاريخ يضيق عدد معينا من الأشهر لقيمة هذا المثيل.",
"Indicates if jobs are processing; new jobs will wait before processing, i.e., are said to be pending.":"يوضح ما إذا كانت تتم معالجة المهام، سيكون هناك انتظار قبل معالجة المهام الجديدة، يعني ستكون معلقة.",
"Indicates the media can be played, paused, resumed":"توضيح ما إذا كان من الممكن تشغيل الوسائط أو إيقافها مؤقتا أو استئناف تشغيلها",
"Sets the sound volume level from 0 (silent) to 1 (current volume)":"تعيين مستوى الصوت للأصوات من 0 (صامت) إلى 1 (الصوت الحالي)",
"Indicates if volume can be changed":"توضيح ما إذا كان قد تم تغيير مستوى الصوت",
"Gets the sound volume for sounds from 0 (silent) to 1 (current volume)":"الحصول على مستوى الصوت للأصوات من 0 (صامت) إلى 1 (الصوت الحالي)",
"Reads the response body as a wave sound":"يقرأ نص الاستجابة كموجة صوتية",
"Gets the height of the camera image in pixels.":"يحصل على الارتفاع الخاص بصورة الكاميرا بالبكسل.",
"This script uses the following capabilities: ":"يستخدم هذا البرنامج النصي الإمكانات التالية: ",
"Sets the 3x3 affine matrix transformation applied to the wall.":"يقوم بتعيين التحويل الخطي مع إضافة مصفوفة 3×3 المطبقة على الحائط.",
"Searches the Windows Phone Store (type in applications or music)":"يبحث عن Windows Phone Store (النوع في التطبيقات أو الموسيقى)",
"Display the printer to the wall":"عرض الطابعة على الحائط",
"Gets the name of the printer":"الحصول على اسم الطابعة",
"Gets the detailled information about this device":"الحصول على معلومات تفصيلية حول هذا الجهاز",
"Applies `converter` on all elements of the input collection and returns a collection of results":"يقوم بتطبيق `converter` على جميع عناصر مجموعة الإدخال ويقوم بإرجاع مجموعة نتائج",
"overview":"نظرة عامة",
"Draws a line between two points":"رسم خط بين نقطتين",
"Writes another picture at a given location. The opacity ranges from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).":"يكتب صورة أخرى في مكان معين. يتراوح معدل الشفافية من 0 (شفاف) إلى 1 (معتم).",
"Fills a ellipse with a given color":"ملء قطع ناقص بلون معين",
"Returns a copy of the image":"إرجاع نسخة للصورة",
"Draws some text border with a given color and font size":"رسم بعض حدود النص بلون وحجم خط معين",
"Fills a rectangle with a given color":"ملء مستطيل بلون معين",
"Resizes the picture to the given size in pixels":"تغيير حجم الصورة إلى الحجم المحدد بالبكسل",
"Displays the image to the wall; you need to call 'update on wall' later if you want changes to be reflected.":"يعرض الصورة على حائط، ستكون بحاجة إلى طلب \"التحديث على الحائط\" في وقت لاحق إذا كنت تريد أن تظهر التغييرات.",
"you did it!":"لقد قمت بذلك بنجاح!",
"upload screenshot":"تحمين لقطة شاشة",
"Publishing is subject to our ":"النشر يخضع لـ \" الخاص بنا ",
". Please read our information about ":". الرجاء قراءة المعلومات الخاصة بنا حول ",
"maybe later":"ربما في وقت لاحق",
"Embeded text or downloaded from the web":"نص مضمن أو يتم تنزيله من الويب",
"Code that performs a specific task":"رمز يؤدي مهمة معينة",
"Code raised when a user interaction happens":"رمز يتم إبرازه عندما يحدث تفاعل مستخدم",
"An indexed table of user-defined rows":"جدول مفهرس لصفوف معرفة من قبل المستخدم",
"A user interface":"واجهة مستخدم",
"A table of user-defined rows":"جدول صفوف معرفة من قبل المستخدم",
"A reference to a library script":"مرجع إلى برنامج نصي لمكتبة",
"A number constant":"قيمة ثابتة للعدد",
"A global variable":"متغير عمومي",
"A color constant":"قيمة ثابتة للّون",
"Current device":"الجهاز الحالي",
"tap to change the color":"الضغط لتغيير اللون",
"Show errors in the editor if the script uses any APIs that prevent it from running on these platforms.":"يظهر أخطاء في المحرر في حالة استخدام البرنامج النصي لأي واجهات برمجة تطبيقات (API) تمنع تشغيله على هذه الأنظمة الأساسية.",
"Detaches the handler from the event.":"يفصل المعالج عن الحدث.",
"set the handler that is invoked when the board is tapped":"تعيين المعالج الذي يتم استدعاؤه عند الضغط على اللوحة",
"Returns true if the current instance is useless":"إرجاع \"صواب\" إذا كان المثيل الحالي بدون استخدام",
"Gets the width in pixels":"الحصول على العرض بالبسكل",
"Gets the height in pixels":"الحصول على الارتفاع بالبسكل",
"Script Updates":"تحديثات البرنامج النصي",
"rewind ":"إرجاع ",
"A picture":"صورة",
"search art pictures":"بحث في صور الفن",
"no picture loaded yet":"لم يتم تحميل أي صورة حتى الآن",
"url":"url عنوان",
"Updates picture on a picture sprite (if it is a picture sprite)":"تحديث الصورة على عرض ثنائي الأبعاد للصورة (إذا كانت عبارة عن عرض ثنائي الأبعاد للصورة)",
"Add an action that fires for every display frame":"إضافة إجراء يضفي جمالاً لكل إطار عرض",
"Gets the center horizontal position of in pixels":"الحصول على موضع التمركز الأفقي بالبكسل",
"Sets the y acceleration in pixels\/sec^2":"تعيين تسارع ص بالبكسل\/الثانية المربعة",
"Sets the height in pixels":"تعيين الارتفاع بالبسكل",
"Sets the y speed in pixels\/sec":"تعيين السرعة ص بالبكسل\/ث",
"we need to edit another thing":"نحتاج لتحرير شيء آخر",
"Do the sprites overlap":"تنفيذ تداخل العرض ثنائي الأبعاد",
"Gets the y position in pixels":"الحصول على الموضع ص بالبسكل",
"Sets the x speed in pixels\/sec":"تعيين السرعة س بالبكسل\/ث",
"New or built-in colors":"الألوان الجديدة أو المضمنة",
"Compares numbers for equality":"مقارنة الأرقام بأرقام مساوية",
"Compares numbers for less":"مقارنة الأرقام بأقل",
"Compares numbers for more":"مقارنة الأرقام بأكثر",
"Multiplies numbers":"ضرب أرقام",
"Subtracts numbers":"طرح أرقام",
"Adds numbers":"إضافة أرقام",
"Interact with devices in the home network. Devices must be UPnP™ compatible.":"",
"Phone numbers, vibrate, etc...":"",
"Create invalid values":"",
"Search and browse the web...":"",
"Camera, location, microphone and other sensors":"",
"Pictures and music...":"",
"ADJ script":"",
"Please wait...":"",
"Interact with the app runtime":"التفاعل مع وقت التشغيل",
"Ask or display values on the wall...":"السؤال أو عرض القيم على الجدار...",
"Emails, sms, contacts, calendar, ...":"",
"2D barcodes, QR codes and NFC tags":"",
"Support for interactive tutorials.":"",
"Translation, speech to text, ...":"",
"Access to the radio":"",
"tiles and notifications for Windows and Windows Phone":"",
"Maps, location to address, address to location":"",
"Current box element in the page.":"",
"A place to hook up an action to execute in response to an event":"",
"Divides numbers":"",
"Correctness helpers":"",
"Play, stop or resume songs, ...":"",
"time and dates":"",
"Create collections of items.":"إنشاء مجموعات من العناصر.",
"replace all in function":"استبدال الكل في الدالة",
"in this function":"في هذه الدالة",
"Gets a list of all songs":"يحصل على قائمة بجميع الأغاني",
"Gets a list of all pictures":"يحصل على قائمة بكافة الصور",
"Gets the name of the audio\/video player":"يحصل على اسم مشغل الصوت\/الفيديو",
"Gets a list of all videos":"الحصول على قائمة من كافة ملفات الفيديو",
"Searches for pictures in a particular date range.":"البحث عن الصور في نطاق تاريخ معين.",
"Searches for songs":"البحث عن الأغاني",
"Checks if the device is connected":"التحقق من ما إذا كان الجهاز متصلاً",
"Searches for videos":"البحث عن ملفات الفيديو",
"Chooses a song":"اختار أغنية",
"Chooses a picture":"اختار صورة",
"Chooses a video or a movie":"اختار مقطع فيديو أو فيلم",
"Moves the player to the next media in the queue.":"ينتقل اللاعب إلى الوسائط التالية في قائمة الانتظار.",
"Choose a printer on the current wireless network":"اختر طابعة على شبكة الاتصال اللاسلكية الحالية",
"of an object":"لكائن",
"given ♥":"",
"promote to field":"",
"go to list of things in your script":"",
"Computes the maximum of the values":"",
"Computes the minimum of the values":"",
"Returns a random integral number between `min` and `max` included.":"",
"Converts the value into a json data structure.":"",
"Arithmetic and bitwise operations on 32 bit integers":"",
"OneDrive, OneNote operations":"",
"Gets the number of elements":"",
"Run the inline action.":"",
"Gets the number of playlists":"",
"you can also search":"",
"A unit test":"",
"add {0}":"",
"blank esplora":"",
"An empty Arduino Esplora script.":"",
"blank arduino":"",
"An empty Arduino sketch.":"",
"add line above":"",
"pick a script template...":"",
"type: ":"",
"TD121: cannot find type {0}":"",
"An empty script, which doesn't do anything.":"",
"image proxying":"",
"{0} down":"",
"{0} up":"",
"Displays the playlist to the wall":"",
"Plays the songs in the playlist":"",
"enter a number":"",
"undo fix":"",
"web apps":"",
"run tests":"",
"JSON data":"",
"add comment for this field":"",
"add comment":"",
"we need a new {0}":"",
"new property":"",
"A web app using Azure Services, Node.js and Restify.":"",
"A web app using Node.js and Restify.":"",
"see more options":"",
"parameter name":"",
"tap (←) when done":"",
"tap to change the splash screen picture":"",
"color: {0}":"",
"import column values from a JSON object":"",
"blank engduino":"",
"Counts the number of rows":"",
"Enter a script name...":"",
"Tutorial completed":"",
"This tab contains additional information about this script":"",
"creates an empty collection of entries":"",
"Creates an invalid reference to an entry":"",
"blank office mix":"",
"An empty Office Mix app.":"",
"blank tutorial":"",
"An empty interactive tutorial.":"",
"Pictures, sounds, etc. in the current script":"",
"Objects, tables and indexes in the current script":"",
"Libraries referenced by the current script":"",
"Functions in the current script":"",
"blank app":"",
"surround with":"",
"delete selection":"",
"cut selection":"",
"copy selection":"",
"search templates":"",
"your best score: {0}":"",
"blank game":"",
"the current function":"",
"Cordova mobile app":"",
"pin to start":"",
"or tap to get help":"",
"Boiler plate code to create a game.":"",
"blank pixel art":"",
"An empty app using the scratch library.":"",
"An turtle app.":"",
"an event handler":"",
"make call async":"",
"extract to parameter":"",
"comment out":"",
"Sets the current value":"",
"Gets the status of the player":"",
"Searches for videos in a particular date range.":"",
"Moves the player to the previous media in the queue.":"",
"Sets the friendly name of the device":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Player Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Device Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Printer Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Server instance":"",
"Plays a media from the home network.":"",
"Gets the friendly name of the device":"",
"Creates an invalid Device instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Printer instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Link instance":"",
"Exports a JSON representation of the contents.":"",
"Browse and review scripts from the bazaar":"",
"Gets the foreground color in the current theme":"",
"Gets the normalized red value (0.0-1.0)":"",
"Checks if the color is equal to the other":"",
"Gets the chrome color in the current theme (control background)":"",
"Gets the accent color in the current theme":"",
"Gets the location":"",
"Gets the name of the album":"",
"Gets the link associated to the message":"",
"Sorts the places by distance to the location":"",
"Gets the songs":"",
"Indicates if the key exists":"",
"Gets a field value as a boolean":"",
"Gets the name of the song":"",
"Displays the link on the wall":"",
"Gets the genre of the song":"",
"Plays the song.":"",
"Gets the name of the artist":"",
"Gets a value indicating if the background repeats horizontally":"",
"Gets the number of values":"",
"Sets a value indicating if the background repeats horizontally":"",
"Gets the list of keys":"",
"Gets the text":"",
"Gets a field value as a string":"",
"Creates a new color by changing the alpha channel from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).":"",
"Picks a color from a color wheel where the hue is between 0 and 1.":"",
"Indicates if the player is paused":"",
"Gets the duration in seconds":"",
"Gets the number of elements in the collection":"",
"Imports a JSON representation of the contents.":"",
"Ooops, there was an error loading the picture.":"",
"loading more...":"",
"loading art ...":"",
"ok, let's roll!":"",
"From now on we won't show you the code to write. Follow the instructions and tap run when you think you are done.":"",
"Try tweaking your code until you get it right. If you get stuck, tap the tutorial bar.":"",
"<h3>no more tips!<\/h3>":"",
"Specify how to arrange the content of this box":"",
"Starts a new tween animation.":"",
"Parses the string as a number":"",
"publish your script":"",
"Publishing script...":"",
"{0} script{0:s} published":"",
"4. publish":"",
"Sets the rotation speed in degrees\/sec":"",
"Sets the z-index of the sprite":"",
"Gets the acceleration along y in pixels\/sec^2":"",
"Hide sprite.":"",
"Sets the url to the picture":"",
"Displays the value to the wall":"",
"Gets a url to the picture":"",
"Create a new collection for sprites.":"",
"Converts to a boolean (type must be boolean)":"",
"Converts and parses to a date time (type must be string)":"",
"Stringify the current JSON object":"",
"Sorts from the newest to oldest":"",
"Prints the number to the wall":"",
"Sorts the strings in this collection":"",
"Displays the sprite sheet.":"",
"Gets the field value as a time":"",
"Returns a collection sorted using specified comparison key":"",
"Gets a json kind (string, number, object, array, boolean, null)":"",
"Gets a field value as a number":"",
"Converts to a number (type must be number)":"",
"Sets the wall background picture. The picture will be resized and clipped to the screen background as needed.":"",
"Gets a value by name":"",
"Gets the i-th json value":"",
"Creates an empty Picture collection":"",
"Sets the speed in pixels\/sec":"",
"Makes a lighter color by a delta between 0 and 1.":"",
"Makes a darker color by a delta between 0 and 1.":"",
"Compares numbers for less or equal":"",
"Compares numbers for more or equal":"",
"Indicates if the player is stopped":"",
"Updates text on a text sprite (if it is a text sprite)":"",
"add an action that fires for every display frame.":"",
"Returns a substring given a start index and a length":"",
"Converts a number to a string":"",
"Indicates if the string is empty":"",
"Sets the background color":"",
"In debug mode, board displays speed and other info of sprites":"",
"Returns the number of characters":"",
"Sets the angle of the sprite in degrees":"",
"Checks if two strings are the same":"",
"Gets a random item; invalid if collection is empty":"",
"Displays the request to the wall":"",
"Displays string on the wall":"",
"Computes the sum of the values":"",
"Prints the value to the wall":"",
"Computes the average of the values":"",
"Gets the item at position 'index'; invalid if index is out of bounds":"",
"Returns the sprite color.":"",
"Create a new rectangle sprite.":"",
"A argb color (alpha, red, green, blue)":"",
"Gets the names of the headers":"",
"Gets the value of a given header":"",
"Geo coordinates":"",
"Cloud session management":"",
"add optional":"",
"cannot sync - you are not signed in":"",
"try again!":"",
"Returns a string collection that contains the substrings in this string that are delimited by elements of a specified string.":"",
"Teach Creative Coding!":"",
"ok, got it!":"",
"Try finding the buttons yourself. If you get stuck, tap on the goal line.":"",
"From now on we just show you the code that you need to write, in the goal line. It looks like this:":"",
"<h3>now, do it yourself!<\/h3>":"",
"tap a checkmark to add (or remove) your 'vote' to an existing tag":"",
"add new tag":"",
"Writes a static NFC tag with url, text or any other format. `type` may be a mime type.":"",
"Scans an id tag created by TouchDevelop and returns the embeded text.":"",
"Generates a 2D barcode pointing to the text using Microsoft Tag. text must be less than 1000 character long and size must be between 0.75 and 5 inches.":"",
"Set what happens when the box is tapped.":"",
"If the page did not open, tap the 'open' button below, otherwise tap 'done'.":"",
"tap [ok] when done":"",
"Make updates visible.":"",
"Plays the current media from the start.":"",
"Private actions do not get a run button. ":"",
"remove else":"",
"Gets the uri of the media currently active":"",
"Indicates additional information about why the Printer is in its current state.":"",
"Pauses the current media if any.":"",
"Queues a job to print the text.":"",
"Gets the position in seconds whithin the active media":""

locales/cy/strings.json Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,824 @@
"my scripts":"fy sgriptiau",
"a function":"",
"tap there":"tap yno",
"insert {0}":"",
"'Javascripty' curly braces, all the tools, for experienced devs!":"",
"Sets the position in pixels":"",
"insert comment":"",
"translating tutorial...":"",
"loading tutorial":"",
"reloading script":"",
"we have {0:a} here; did you want to do something with it?":"",
"privacy and cookies":"",
"terms of use":"",
" -- a local variable":"",
"signing in...":"",
"global vars":"",
"We will adapt the editor to your coding skill level. You can change your skill level later in the hub.":"",
"run main":"",
"Edit code as text, more options, for aspiring app writers!":"",
"Drag and drop blocks, simplified interface, great for beginners!":"",
"choose your coding skill level":"",
"Your full name":"",
"website url":"",
"twitter handle":"",
"sign out":"",
"sign in":"",
"receive email newsletters":"",
"remove picture":"",
"Receive email notifications when other people review\/take a screenshot of\/comment on your scripts, or reply to one of your comments, or when events related to your subscriptions occur.":"",
"Your twitter handle, like @touchdevelop.":"",
"receive email notifications":"",
"real name":"",
"public profile":"",
"public nickname":"",
"private profile":"",
"Please review our Privacy Statement.":"",
"Your email address has not yet been verified. Please check your inbox.":"",
"email and push notifications":"",
"Enter your school affiliation if any.":"",
"What is your occupation?":"",
"What is your level of programming knowledge?":"",
"programming knowledge":"",
"How did you discover TouchDevelop?":"",
"how found":"",
"year of birth":"",
"about you":"",
"Where in the world are you?":"",
"Your Minecraft user.":"",
"more settings":"",
"Your GitHub user.":"",
"minecraft user":"",
"A unique display name for your public profile (at least 8 characters)":"",
"Scripts by this user:":"",
"github user":"",
"Items marked with * are required.":"",
"Enter the URL to your personal website (Example: http:\/\/":"",
"Enter some information about yourself":"",
"Don't forget to scroll down and tap 'save' when you are done editing!":"",
"Do you want to receive informational TouchDevelop-related newsletters, e.g. about new features and upcoming events?":"",
"<h3>loading current settings...<\/h3>":"",
"Art by this user:":"",
"abuse reports":"",
"go back to coding! {0}★ to go":"",
"add input parameter":"",
"start over":"",
"API Docs":"",
"Upload Picture":"",
"toggle breakpoint":"",
"Create Script":"",
"Create Group":"",
"Join Group":"",
"global variable":"",
"script properties":"",
"decimal dot":"",
"move cursor":"",
"upload picture":"",
"the hub":"",
"logical negation":"",
"A number (possibly negative and\/or fractional)":"",
"replicated ":"",
"publish as hidden":"",
"learn about publishing":"",
"Publish script":"",
"Minecraft user":"",
"TD155: '{0}' cannot be assigned to a local variable":"",
"TD130: bound of 'for' wants {1:a}":"",
"TD150: cannot call the thing before '('":"",
"TD151: unclosed '('":"",
"TD112: i cannot find property '{0}' on {1}":"",
"TD116: not enough parameters supplied to {0}":"",
"move to library":"",
" [hidden]":"",
"color #{0}":"",
"load more replies":"",
"export to app":"",
"pull changes":"",
"'{0}' is obsolete and should not be used":"",
"add output parameter":"",
"superior, supernatural, terrific, unbelievable, unearthly, unique, unprecedented, unusual, weird, wonderful, wondrous":"",
"incredible, magical, marvellous, marvelous, mind-blowing, mind-boggling, miraculous, peculiar, phenomenal, rad, rockin', special, spectacular, startling, stunning, super-cool, ":"",
"amazing, astonishing, astounding, awe-inspiring, awesome, breathtaking, classic, cool, curious, distinct, exceptional, exclusive, extraordinary, fabulous, fantastic, glorious, great, ":"",
" sending changes":"",
"diff prev":"",
"diff curr":"",
"Types, order, and number of event parameters cannot be edited.":"",
"Events cannot have out parameters.":"",
"TD109: cannot assign to this":"",
"just keep typing the search terms!":"",
"... there's more ...":"",
"tap there for instructions":"",
"show how to complete this activity":"",
"move left":"",
"To add page data, create a local var and tap 'promote to field'.":"",
"TD111: cannot assign from {0} to {1}":"",
"{0} ({1} line{1:s})":"",
"replace all in script":"",
"global replace":"",
"create a new parameter":"",
"select more":"",
"strip '{0}'":"",
"pull out to block level":"",
", got {0:a} instead":"",
"an function type definition":"",
"tap to translate with Microsoft® Translator...":"",
"Translations by Microsoft® Translator, tap to see original...":"",
"into local":"",
"extract to var":"",
"turn into":"",
"else if":"",
"a minute ago":"",
"loading replies...":"",
"show more options":"",
"find references":"",
"need to edit elsewhere":"",
"an hour ago":"",
" of ":"",
"need to delete this":"",
"screenshot of {0}":"",
"loading comments for \/{0}...":"",
"my art":"",
"insert statement":"",
"learn more":"",
"now you can select a property of {0}; it doesn't do anything by itself":"",
"tutorial progress":"",
"What's new":"",
"Search everything":"",
"Search Help":"",
"Getting started":"",
"Export to Windows, Android, iOS, Azure":"",
"top & new":"",
"a few seconds ago":"",
"number entry":"",
"regular keypad":"",
"Upload Sound":"",
"Insert '{0}' {1}":"",
"go to":"",
"{0} second{0:s} ago":"",
"New Scripts":"",
"TD145: there seem to be an operator (like '+', '(' or ',') missing here":"",
"we have a library '{0}' here; {1}":"",
"now you can select a property on it":"",
"we need different keypad":"",
"i'm finished with my Hour of Code™":"",
"a page":"",
"TD154: the operator needs something after it":"",
"TD144: it seems you're missing '{0}', try adding it":"",
"{0} hour{0:s} ago":"",
"fix it":"",
"learn more about {0}":"",
"Your art will appear here":"",
"{0} minute{0:s} ago":"",
"break in debugger":"",
"Picks a random color":"",
"type: {0}":"",
"need a different string here":"",
"follow tutorial in editor":"",
"tap here when done":"",
"upload sound":"",
"keep editing":"",
"Type to search...":"",
"let's get started!":"",
"creating script":"",
"tutorial: ":"",
"excellent; great job; awesome; cool; you rock; well done; outstanding; you got it; right on":"",
"Post a comment...":"",
"parsing script text":"",
"report abuse":"",
"load more":"",
"TD100: insert {0:a} here":"",
"Sets the background picture":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #00FFFFFF":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF800080":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFF00FF":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFFF00":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF00FFFF":"",
"Sets the sprite color.":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFA500":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFFFFF":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFF0000":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF0000FF":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF000000":"",
"'atomic' function":"",
"test function":"",
"private function":"",
"function name":"",
"store the value in a variable":"",
"this script is a web service":"",
"variable name":"",
"library name":"",
"Enter a name":"",
"exported from this library":"",
"search here for {0}":"",
"ex: ":"",
"to code":"",
"this script is a library":"",
"run with instrumentation":"",
"revert to published version":"",
"manage data":"",
"i want it to run on":"",
"delete local data and permissions":"",
"allow other users to export to app":"",
"about profile":"",
"about insights":"",
"about coverage":"",
"Search here...":"",
"For published scripts, also look at the tab of the published script page to find anonymously collected crowd-sourced profile and coverage data.":"",
"After the script stops, browse the code to see collected information.":"",
"read only":"",
"offline available":"",
"cloud sessions":"",
"record name:":"",
"view as script":"",
", got {0}":"",
"See More":"",
"'{0}' expects {1} here":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF008000":"",
"replace picture":"",
"demote to var":"",
"change (back) to local":"",
"search art":"",
"let's change this":"",
"backspace this":"",
"current expression":"",
"set name":"",
"Create a new picture sprite.":"",
"Sets the center horizontal position in pixels":"",
"we'll guide you step by step":"",
"All tutorials":"",
"All my scripts":"",
"Skill level: {0} ":"",
"All my groups":"",
"Create your own apps":"",
"Sets the y position in pixels":"",
"change contents":"",
"move the cursor right":"",
"customize the art!":"",
"Sets the width in pixels":"",
"{0} day{0:s} ago":"",
"stop loop":"",
"stop function":"",
"skip iteration":"",
"display value":"",
"repeat while":"",
"repeat n times":"",
"\/\/ comment":"",
"repeat on collection":"",
"UI widget":"",
"read more...":"",
"Create a new text sprite.":"",
"step over":"",
"step out":"",
"step in":"",
"Search code...":"",
"go to previous step":"",
"to continue coding":"",
"compiling script":"",
"'{0}' returns a '{1}'; {2}":"",
"promote to data":"",
"to global var":"",
"let's do it!":"",
"store in var":"",
"set local variable name":"",
"please wait...":"",
"function, variable, library, ...":"",
"add new":"",
"function types":"",
"<b>this line is perfect!<\/b> let's move on":"",
"art resource":"",
"Your script will appear here":"",
"Change skill level!":"",
"move the cursor left":"",
"new variable":"",
"a global variable":"",
"{0} year{0:s} ago":"",
"{0} month{0:s} ago":"",
"creates an empty collection of objects":"",
"Create an invalid value of this object type":"",
"import field values from a JSON object":"",
"checks if reference has not been set":"",
"tests if two references refer to the same object":"",
"sets all fields to their default values":"",
"export a JSON representation of the contents":"",
"displays the object on the wall":"",
"add line below":"",
"select that line":"",
"access the {0} field":"",
"tap there to run your app":"",
"new stmt below":"",
"new line":"",
"Concatenates two pieces of text":"",
"more ":"",
"TD152: unexpected ')'":"",
"TD118: 'if' condition wants {1:a}":"",
"TD115: excessive parameter(s) supplied to {0}":"",
"TD101: cannot find '{0}'":"",
"TD147: we didn't expect '{0}' here":"",
"no hearts. you can add one once you install the script!":"",
"no forks, install, edit and re-publish script to create one!":"",
"no art published by this user":"",
"get my Hour of Code™ certificate":"",
"next tutorials...":"",
"no tags, tap to add some!":"",
"no comments, tap to write some!":"",
"Gets the printers on the current wireless network":"",
"Plays the media at the 'url' internet address.":"",
"Browses to the device control panel":"",
"Gets the manfacturer name":"",
"Returns a date that adds the specified number of years to the value of this instance.":"",
"Converts to the local time":"",
"Choose a media player on the current wireless network":"",
"Gets the media players on the current wireless network":"",
"Indicates if no jobs can be processed and intervention is needed.":"",
"Choose a media server on the current wireless network":"",
"Gets the media servers on the home network":"",
"Gets the current motion that combines data from the accelerometer, compass and gyroscope if available.":"",
"Gets a value whether the song is DRM protected":"",
"Gets the width of the camera image in pixels.":"",
"Indicates if new jobs can start processing immediately without waiting.":"",
"Returns a date that adds the specified number of months to the value of this instance.":"",
"Indicates if jobs are processing; new jobs will wait before processing, i.e., are said to be pending.":"",
"Indicates the media can be played, paused, resumed":"",
"Sets the sound volume level from 0 (silent) to 1 (current volume)":"",
"Indicates if volume can be changed":"",
"Gets the sound volume for sounds from 0 (silent) to 1 (current volume)":"",
"Reads the response body as a wave sound":"",
"Gets the height of the camera image in pixels.":"",
"This script uses the following capabilities: ":"",
"Sets the 3x3 affine matrix transformation applied to the wall.":"",
"Searches the Windows Phone Store (type in applications or music)":"",
"Display the printer to the wall":"",
"Gets the name of the printer":"",
"Gets the detailled information about this device":"",
"Applies `converter` on all elements of the input collection and returns a collection of results":"",
"Draws a line between two points":"",
"Writes another picture at a given location. The opacity ranges from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).":"",
"Fills a ellipse with a given color":"",
"Returns a copy of the image":"",
"Draws some text border with a given color and font size":"",
"Fills a rectangle with a given color":"",
"Resizes the picture to the given size in pixels":"",
"Displays the image to the wall; you need to call 'update on wall' later if you want changes to be reflected.":"",
"you did it!":"",
"upload screenshot":"",
"Publishing is subject to our ":"",
". Please read our information about ":"",
"maybe later":"",
"Embeded text or downloaded from the web":"",
"Code that performs a specific task":"",
"Code raised when a user interaction happens":"",
"An indexed table of user-defined rows":"",
"A user interface":"",
"A table of user-defined rows":"",
"A reference to a library script":"",
"A number constant":"",
"A global variable":"",
"A color constant":"",
"Current device":"",
"tap to change the color":"",
"Show errors in the editor if the script uses any APIs that prevent it from running on these platforms.":"",
"Detaches the handler from the event.":"",
"set the handler that is invoked when the board is tapped":"",
"Returns true if the current instance is useless":"",
"Gets the width in pixels":"",
"Gets the height in pixels":"",
"Script Updates":"",
"rewind ":"",
"A picture":"",
"search art pictures":"",
"no picture loaded yet":"",
"Updates picture on a picture sprite (if it is a picture sprite)":"",
"Add an action that fires for every display frame":"",
"Gets the center horizontal position of in pixels":"",
"Sets the y acceleration in pixels\/sec^2":"",
"Sets the height in pixels":"",
"Sets the y speed in pixels\/sec":"",
"we need to edit another thing":"",
"Do the sprites overlap":"",
"Gets the y position in pixels":"",
"Sets the x speed in pixels\/sec":"",
"New or built-in colors":"",
"Compares numbers for equality":"",
"Compares numbers for less":"",
"Compares numbers for more":"",
"Multiplies numbers":"",
"Subtracts numbers":"",
"Adds numbers":"",
"Interact with devices in the home network. Devices must be UPnP™ compatible.":"",
"Phone numbers, vibrate, etc...":"",
"Create invalid values":"",
"Search and browse the web...":"",
"Camera, location, microphone and other sensors":"",
"Pictures and music...":"",
"ADJ script":"",
"Please wait...":"",
"Interact with the app runtime":"",
"Ask or display values on the wall...":"",
"Emails, sms, contacts, calendar, ...":"",
"2D barcodes, QR codes and NFC tags":"",
"Support for interactive tutorials.":"",
"Translation, speech to text, ...":"",
"Access to the radio":"",
"tiles and notifications for Windows and Windows Phone":"",
"Maps, location to address, address to location":"",
"Current box element in the page.":"",
"A place to hook up an action to execute in response to an event":"",
"Divides numbers":"",
"Correctness helpers":"",
"Play, stop or resume songs, ...":"",
"time and dates":"",
"Create collections of items.":"",
"replace all in function":"",
"in this function":"",
"Gets a list of all songs":"",
"Gets a list of all pictures":"",
"Gets the name of the audio\/video player":"",
"Gets a list of all videos":"",
"Searches for pictures in a particular date range.":"",
"Searches for songs":"",
"Checks if the device is connected":"",
"Searches for videos":"",
"Chooses a song":"",
"Chooses a picture":"",
"Chooses a video or a movie":"",
"Moves the player to the next media in the queue.":"",
"Choose a printer on the current wireless network":"",
"of an object":"",
"given ♥":"",
"promote to field":"",
"go to list of things in your script":"",
"Computes the maximum of the values":"",
"Computes the minimum of the values":"",
"Returns a random integral number between `min` and `max` included.":"",
"Converts the value into a json data structure.":"",
"Arithmetic and bitwise operations on 32 bit integers":"",
"OneDrive, OneNote operations":"",
"Gets the number of elements":"",
"Run the inline action.":"",
"Gets the number of playlists":"",
"you can also search":"",
"A unit test":"",
"add {0}":"",
"blank esplora":"",
"An empty Arduino Esplora script.":"",
"blank arduino":"",
"An empty Arduino sketch.":"",
"add line above":"",
"pick a script template...":"",
"type: ":"",
"TD121: cannot find type {0}":"",
"An empty script, which doesn't do anything.":"",
"image proxying":"",
"{0} down":"",
"{0} up":"",
"Displays the playlist to the wall":"",
"Plays the songs in the playlist":"",
"enter a number":"",
"undo fix":"",
"web apps":"",
"run tests":"",
"JSON data":"",
"add comment for this field":"",
"add comment":"",
"we need a new {0}":"",
"new property":"",
"A web app using Azure Services, Node.js and Restify.":"",
"A web app using Node.js and Restify.":"",
"see more options":"",
"parameter name":"",
"tap (←) when done":"",
"tap to change the splash screen picture":"",
"color: {0}":"",
"import column values from a JSON object":"",
"blank engduino":"",
"Counts the number of rows":"",
"Enter a script name...":"",
"Tutorial completed":"",
"This tab contains additional information about this script":"",
"creates an empty collection of entries":"",
"Creates an invalid reference to an entry":"",
"blank office mix":"",
"An empty Office Mix app.":"",
"blank tutorial":"",
"An empty interactive tutorial.":"",
"Pictures, sounds, etc. in the current script":"",
"Objects, tables and indexes in the current script":"",
"Libraries referenced by the current script":"",
"Functions in the current script":"",
"blank app":"",
"surround with":"",
"delete selection":"",
"cut selection":"",
"copy selection":"",
"search templates":"",
"your best score: {0}":"",
"blank game":"",
"the current function":"",
"Cordova mobile app":"",
"pin to start":"",
"or tap to get help":"",
"Boiler plate code to create a game.":"",
"blank pixel art":"",
"An empty app using the scratch library.":"",
"An turtle app.":"",
"an event handler":"",
"make call async":"",
"extract to parameter":"",
"comment out":"",
"Sets the current value":"",
"Gets the status of the player":"",
"Searches for videos in a particular date range.":"",
"Moves the player to the previous media in the queue.":"",
"Sets the friendly name of the device":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Player Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Device Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Printer Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Server instance":"",
"Plays a media from the home network.":"",
"Gets the friendly name of the device":"",
"Creates an invalid Device instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Printer instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Link instance":"",
"Exports a JSON representation of the contents.":"",
"Browse and review scripts from the bazaar":"",
"Gets the foreground color in the current theme":"",
"Gets the normalized red value (0.0-1.0)":"",
"Checks if the color is equal to the other":"",
"Gets the chrome color in the current theme (control background)":"",
"Gets the accent color in the current theme":"",
"Gets the location":"",
"Gets the name of the album":"",
"Gets the link associated to the message":"",
"Sorts the places by distance to the location":"",
"Gets the songs":"",
"Indicates if the key exists":"",
"Gets a field value as a boolean":"",
"Gets the name of the song":"",
"Displays the link on the wall":"",
"Gets the genre of the song":"",
"Plays the song.":"",
"Gets the name of the artist":"",
"Gets a value indicating if the background repeats horizontally":"",
"Gets the number of values":"",
"Sets a value indicating if the background repeats horizontally":"",
"Gets the list of keys":"",
"Gets the text":"",
"Gets a field value as a string":"",
"Creates a new color by changing the alpha channel from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).":"",
"Picks a color from a color wheel where the hue is between 0 and 1.":"",
"Indicates if the player is paused":"",
"Gets the duration in seconds":"",
"Gets the number of elements in the collection":"",
"Imports a JSON representation of the contents.":"",
"Ooops, there was an error loading the picture.":"",
"loading more...":"",
"loading art ...":"",
"ok, let's roll!":"",
"From now on we won't show you the code to write. Follow the instructions and tap run when you think you are done.":"",
"Try tweaking your code until you get it right. If you get stuck, tap the tutorial bar.":"",
"<h3>no more tips!<\/h3>":"",
"Specify how to arrange the content of this box":"",
"Starts a new tween animation.":"",
"Parses the string as a number":"",
"publish your script":"",
"Publishing script...":"",
"{0} script{0:s} published":"",
"4. publish":"",
"Sets the rotation speed in degrees\/sec":"",
"Sets the z-index of the sprite":"",
"Gets the acceleration along y in pixels\/sec^2":"",
"Hide sprite.":"",
"Sets the url to the picture":"",
"Displays the value to the wall":"",
"Gets a url to the picture":"",
"Create a new collection for sprites.":"",
"Converts to a boolean (type must be boolean)":"",
"Converts and parses to a date time (type must be string)":"",
"Stringify the current JSON object":"",
"Sorts from the newest to oldest":"",
"Prints the number to the wall":"",
"Sorts the strings in this collection":"",
"Displays the sprite sheet.":"",
"Gets the field value as a time":"",
"Returns a collection sorted using specified comparison key":"",
"Gets a json kind (string, number, object, array, boolean, null)":"",
"Gets a field value as a number":"",
"Converts to a number (type must be number)":"",
"Sets the wall background picture. The picture will be resized and clipped to the screen background as needed.":"",
"Gets a value by name":"",
"Gets the i-th json value":"",
"Creates an empty Picture collection":"",
"Sets the speed in pixels\/sec":"",
"Makes a lighter color by a delta between 0 and 1.":"",
"Makes a darker color by a delta between 0 and 1.":"",
"Compares numbers for less or equal":"",
"Compares numbers for more or equal":"",
"Indicates if the player is stopped":"",
"Updates text on a text sprite (if it is a text sprite)":"",
"add an action that fires for every display frame.":"",
"Returns a substring given a start index and a length":"",
"Converts a number to a string":"",
"Indicates if the string is empty":"",
"Sets the background color":"",
"In debug mode, board displays speed and other info of sprites":"",
"Returns the number of characters":"",
"Sets the angle of the sprite in degrees":"",
"Checks if two strings are the same":"",
"Gets a random item; invalid if collection is empty":"",
"Displays the request to the wall":"",
"Displays string on the wall":"",
"Computes the sum of the values":"",
"Prints the value to the wall":"",
"Computes the average of the values":"",
"Gets the item at position 'index'; invalid if index is out of bounds":"",
"Returns the sprite color.":"",
"Create a new rectangle sprite.":"",
"A argb color (alpha, red, green, blue)":"",
"Gets the names of the headers":"",
"Gets the value of a given header":"",
"Geo coordinates":"",
"Cloud session management":"",
"add optional":"",
"cannot sync - you are not signed in":"",
"try again!":"",
"Returns a string collection that contains the substrings in this string that are delimited by elements of a specified string.":"",
"Teach Creative Coding!":"",
"ok, got it!":"",
"Try finding the buttons yourself. If you get stuck, tap on the goal line.":"",
"From now on we just show you the code that you need to write, in the goal line. It looks like this:":"",
"<h3>now, do it yourself!<\/h3>":"",
"tap a checkmark to add (or remove) your 'vote' to an existing tag":"",
"add new tag":"",
"Writes a static NFC tag with url, text or any other format. `type` may be a mime type.":"",
"Scans an id tag created by TouchDevelop and returns the embeded text.":"",
"Generates a 2D barcode pointing to the text using Microsoft Tag. text must be less than 1000 character long and size must be between 0.75 and 5 inches.":"",
"Set what happens when the box is tapped.":"",
"If the page did not open, tap the 'open' button below, otherwise tap 'done'.":"",
"tap [ok] when done":"",
"Make updates visible.":"",
"Plays the current media from the start.":"",
"Private actions do not get a run button. ":"",
"remove else":"",
"Gets the uri of the media currently active":"",
"Indicates additional information about why the Printer is in its current state.":"",
"Pauses the current media if any.":"",
"Queues a job to print the text.":"",
"Gets the position in seconds whithin the active media":""

locales/de/strings.json Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,824 @@
"my scripts":"Meine Skripte",
"a function":"eine Funktion",
"tap there":"Dort tippen",
"insert {0}":"{0} einfügen",
"'Javascripty' curly braces, all the tools, for experienced devs!":"Geschweifte Javascript-Klammern und alle Tools für erfahrene Entwickler!",
"Sets the position in pixels":"Legt die Position in Pixeln fest",
"insert comment":"Kommentar einfügen",
"translating tutorial...":"Tutorial wird übersetzt...",
"loading tutorial":"Tutorial wird geladen",
"reloading script":"Skript wird neu geladen",
"we have {0:a} here; did you want to do something with it?":"Wir haben hier {0:a}. Wolltest du dieses Element für eine Aktion verwenden?",
"privacy and cookies":"privacy and cookies",
"terms of use":"terms of use",
" -- a local variable":" -- Lokale Variable",
"signing in...":"Anmelden...",
"global vars":"Globale Variablen",
"We will adapt the editor to your coding skill level. You can change your skill level later in the hub.":"Der Editor wird gemäß Ihrer Qualifikationsstufe im Programmierbereich angepasst. Sie können Ihre Qualifikationsstufe später im Hub ändern.",
"run main":"„main“ ausführen",
"Edit code as text, more options, for aspiring app writers!":"Code als Text bearbeiten und mehr Optionen – optimal für angehende App-Entwickler!",
"Drag and drop blocks, simplified interface, great for beginners!":"Blöcke per Drag & Drop einfügen und eine übersichtliche Oberfläche – hervorragend für Anfänger geeignet!",
"choose your coding skill level":"Qualifikationsstufe im Programmierbereich auswählen",
"Your full name":"Ihr vollständiger Name",
"website url":"Website-URL",
"twitter handle":"Twitter-Name",
"sign out":"Abmelden",
"sign in":"Anmelden",
"receive email newsletters":"E-Mail-Newsletter erhalten",
"remove picture":"Bild entfernen",
"Receive email notifications when other people review\/take a screenshot of\/comment on your scripts, or reply to one of your comments, or when events related to your subscriptions occur.":"Erhalten Sie E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen, wenn andere Benutzer Ihre Skripts anzeigen\/kommentieren bzw. einen Screenshot Ihrer Skripts erstellen, auf einen Ihrer Kommentare antworten oder wenn Ereignisse in Zusammenhang mit Ihrem Abonnement auftreten.",
"Your twitter handle, like @touchdevelop.":"Ihr Twitter-Name wie etwa „@touchdevelop“.",
"receive email notifications":"E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen erhalten",
"real name":"Richtiger Name",
"public profile":"Öffentliches Profil",
"public nickname":"Öffentlicher Spitzname",
"private profile":"Privates Profil",
"saving...":"Wird gespeichert...",
"Please review our Privacy Statement.":"Lesen Sie unsere Datenschutzbestimmungen.",
"Your email address has not yet been verified. Please check your inbox.":"Ihre E-Mail-Adresse wurde noch nicht überprüft. Überprüfen Sie Ihren Posteingang.",
"email and push notifications":"E-Mail- und Pushbenachrichtigungen",
"Enter your school affiliation if any.":"Geben Sie ggf. die Schulzugehörigkeit ein.",
"What is your occupation?":"Was ist Ihr Beruf?",
"What is your level of programming knowledge?":"Über welche Qualifikationsstufe verfügen Sie im Programmierbereich?",
"programming knowledge":"Programmierkenntnisse",
"How did you discover TouchDevelop?":"Wie haben Sie TouchDevelop gefunden?",
"how found":"Wie gefunden",
"year of birth":"Geburtsjahr",
"about you":"Persönliche Infos",
"Where in the world are you?":"Wo befinden Sie sich?",
"Your Minecraft user.":"Ihr Minecraft-Benutzer",
"more settings":"Weitere Einstellungen",
"Your GitHub user.":"Ihr GitHub-Benutzer.",
"minecraft user":"Minecraft-Benutzer",
"A unique display name for your public profile (at least 8 characters)":"Ein eindeutiger Anzeigename für Ihr öffentliches Profil (mindestens 8 Zeichen)",
"Scripts by this user:":"Skripts von diesem Benutzer:",
"github user":"GitHub-Benutzer",
"Items marked with * are required.":"Mit einem Sternchen (*) markierte Elemente sind erforderlich.",
"Enter the URL to your personal website (Example: http:\/\/":"Geben Sie die URL zu Ihrer persönlichen Website ein (Beispiel: http:\/\/",
"Enter some information about yourself":"Geben Sie Informationen über sich selbst ein.",
"Don't forget to scroll down and tap 'save' when you are done editing!":"Vergessen Sie nicht, einen Bildlauf nach unten auszuführen und auf „Speichern“ zu tippen, wenn Sie mit der Bearbeitung fertig sind!",
"Do you want to receive informational TouchDevelop-related newsletters, e.g. about new features and upcoming events?":"Möchten Sie Newsletter zu TouchDevelop mit Informationen zu neuen Features und geplanten Veranstaltungen erhalten?",
"<h3>loading current settings...<\/h3>":"<h3>Aktuelle Einstellungen werden geladen...<\/h3>",
"Art by this user:":"Grafiken dieses Benutzers:",
"abuse reports":"Missbrauchsmeldungen",
"go back to coding! {0}★ to go":"Zurück zum Codieren! noch {0}★",
"add input parameter":"Eingabeparameter hinzufügen",
"start over":"Von vorn beginnen",
"API Docs":"API-Dokumente",
"Upload Picture":"Bild hochladen",
"toggle breakpoint":"Breakpoint umschalten",
"Create Script":"Skript erstellen",
"Create Group":"Gruppe erstellen",
"Join Group":"Gruppe beitreten",
"global variable":"Globale Variable",
"script properties":"Skripteigenschaften",
"decimal dot":"Dezimalzeichen",
"re-run":"Erneut ausführen",
"move cursor":"Cursor bewegen",
"upload picture":"bild hochladen",
"the hub":"Der Hub",
"logical negation":"Logische Negation",
"A number (possibly negative and\/or fractional)":"Eine Zahl (negative und\/oder Bruchzahl möglich)",
"replicated ":"Repliziert ",
"publish as hidden":"Veröffentlichen als ausgeblendet",
"learn about publishing":"Informationen zum Veröffentlichen",
"Publish script":"Skript veröffentlichen",
"Minecraft user":"Minecraft-Benutzer",
"TD155: '{0}' cannot be assigned to a local variable":"TD155: '{0}' kann keiner lokalen Variable zugewiesen werden.",
"TD130: bound of 'for' wants {1:a}":"TD130: Gebundenes Element von 'for' möchte {1}",
"TD150: cannot call the thing before '('":"TD150: Element vor '(' kann nicht abgerufen werden.",
"TD151: unclosed '('":"TD151: '(' nicht geschlossen",
"TD112: i cannot find property '{0}' on {1}":"TD112: Ich kann die Eigenschaft '{0}' nicht auf {1} finden",
"TD116: not enough parameters supplied to {0}":"TD116: Nicht genügend Parameter für {0} angegeben",
"move to library":"In die Bibliothek verschieben",
" [hidden]":" [ausgeblendet]",
"color #{0}":"Farbe #{0}",
"load more replies":"Weitere Antworten laden",
"export to app":"Zur App exportieren",
"pull changes":"Änderungen",
"'{0}' is obsolete and should not be used":"„{0}“ ist ein Hindernis und sollte nicht verwendet werden.",
"add output parameter":"Ausgabeparameter hinzufügen",
"superior, supernatural, terrific, unbelievable, unearthly, unique, unprecedented, unusual, weird, wonderful, wondrous":"überragend, unnormal, grandios, sagenhaft, überirdisch, einzigartig, beispiellos, ausgefallen, eigenartig, herrlich, traumhaft",
"incredible, magical, marvellous, marvelous, mind-blowing, mind-boggling, miraculous, peculiar, phenomenal, rad, rockin', special, spectacular, startling, stunning, super-cool, ":"unglaublich, magisch, wundervoll, wunderbar, überwältigend, umwerfend, seltsam, phänomenal, bombig, irre, speziell, spektakulär, aufsehenerregend, cool, spitze, ",
"amazing, astonishing, astounding, awe-inspiring, awesome, breathtaking, classic, cool, curious, distinct, exceptional, exclusive, extraordinary, fabulous, fantastic, glorious, great, ":"erstaunlich, verblüffend, beeindruckend, atemberaubend, eindrucksvoll, klassisch, toll, eigenartig, besonders, außergewöhnlich, exklusiv, ungewöhnlich, fabelhaft, fantastisch, herrlich, großartig, ",
" sending changes":" Änderungen werden gesendet...",
"diff prev":"Differenz (vorher)",
"diff curr":"Differenz (aktuell)",
"Types, order, and number of event parameters cannot be edited.":"Die Typen, die Reihenfolge und die Anzahl der Ereignisparameter können nicht bearbeitet werden.",
"Events cannot have out parameters.":"Für Ereignisse können keine out-Parameter angegeben werden.",
"starting...":"Wird gestartet...",
"TD109: cannot assign to this":"TD109: Zuweisen darauf nicht möglich",
"just keep typing the search terms!":"Geben Sie einfach weitere Suchbegriffe ein!",
"... there's more ...":"... wir haben noch mehr ...",
"tap there for instructions":"Für Anweisungen hier tippen",
"show how to complete this activity":"Zeigen, wie diese Aktion fertiggestellt wird",
"move left":"Nach links bewegen",
"To add page data, create a local var and tap 'promote to field'.":"Um Seitendaten hinzuzufügen, erstellen Sie eine lokale var, und tippen Sie auf 'Auf Feld hochstufen'-",
"TD111: cannot assign from {0} to {1}":"TD111: Zuweisen von {0} zu {1} nicht möglich",
"{0} ({1} line{1:s})":"{0} ({1} Zeile{1:s})",
"replace all in script":"Alle in Skript ersetzen",
"global replace":"Globales Ersetzen",
"create a new parameter":"Einen neuen Parameter erstellen",
"select more":"Mehr auswählen",
"strip '{0}'":"Streifen '{0}'",
"pull out to block level":"Herausziehen, um Stufe zu blockieren",
", got {0:a} instead":", stattdessen {0} abgerufen",
"an function type definition":"Die Definition eines Funktionstyps",
"tap to translate with Microsoft® Translator...":"Tippen, um mit Microsoft® Translator zu übersetzen...",
"Translations by Microsoft® Translator, tap to see original...":"Übersetzungen von Microsoft® Translator. Tippen, um Original anzuzeigen...",
"into local":"In lokales Element",
"extract to var":"Zur var extrahieren",
"turn into":"Umwandeln",
"else if":"else if",
"a minute ago":"Vor einer Minute",
"loading replies...":"Antworten werden geladen...",
"show more options":"Weitere Optionen anzeigen",
"find references":"Verweis suchen",
"need to edit elsewhere":"Muss an anderer Stelle bearbeitet werden",
"an hour ago":"Vor einer Stunde",
" of ":" von ",
"need to delete this":"Muss gelöscht werden",
"screenshot of {0}":"Screenshot von {0}",
"loading comments for \/{0}...":"kommentare für {0} wird geladen...",
"my art":"Meine Kunst",
"insert statement":"Anweisung einfügen",
"learn more":"Mehr erfahren",
"now you can select a property of {0}; it doesn't do anything by itself":"Jetzt können Sie eine Eigenschaft von {0} auswählen, es tut selbst nichts",
"tutorial progress":"Fortschritt in der Anleitung",
"What's new":"Was ist neu",
"Search everything":"Durchsuchen",
"Search Help":"Hilfe durchsuchen",
"Getting started":"Erste Schritte",
"Export to Windows, Android, iOS, Azure":"Auf Windows, Android, iOS, Azure exportieren",
"top & new":"Beste & Neueste",
"a few seconds ago":"Vor einigen Sekunden",
"number entry":"Zahleneingabe",
"regular keypad":"Normales Tastenfeld",
"Upload Sound":"Klang hochladen",
"Insert '{0}' {1}":"{1} '{0}' einfügen",
"go to":"Wechseln zu",
"{0} second{0:s} ago":"Vor {0} Sekunde{0:s}",
"New Scripts":"Neue Skripts",
"TD145: there seem to be an operator (like '+', '(' or ',') missing here":"TD145: Es scheint hier ein Operator (z. B. '+', '('or',') zu fehlen",
"we have a library '{0}' here; {1}":"Wir haben hier '{0}' eine Bibliothek; {1}",
"now you can select a property on it":"Jetzt können Sie eine Eigenschaft dafür auswählen",
"we need different keypad":"Wir benötigen ein anderes Tastenfeld",
"i'm finished with my Hour of Code™":"Ich bin mit meiner Hour of Code™ fertig.",
"a page":"Eine Seite",
"TD154: the operator needs something after it":"TD154: Hinter dem Operator muss etwas stehen",
"TD144: it seems you're missing '{0}', try adding it":"TD144: Scheinbar fehlt Ihnen '{0}'. Versuchen Sie das hinzuzufügen",
"{0} hour{0:s} ago":"vor {0} Stunde{0:s}",
"fix it":"Reparieren Sie's",
"learn more about {0}":"erfahren Sie mehr über {0}",
"Your art will appear here":"Ihre Kunst wird hier angezeigt",
"{0} minute{0:s} ago":"Vor {0} Minute{0:s}",
"break in debugger":"In Debugger unterbrechen",
"Picks a random color":"Wählt willkürlich eine Farbe aus.",
"type: {0}":"Typ: {0}",
"need a different string here":"andere Zeichenfolge erforderlich",
"follow tutorial in editor":"Der Anleitung im Editor folgen",
"tap here when done":"Anschließend hier tippen",
"upload sound":"Klang hochladen",
"keep editing":"Bearbeiten Sie weiter",
"searching...":"Wird gesucht...",
"Type to search...":"Eingeben, um zu suchen...",
"let's get started!":"Los geht's!",
"creating script":"Skript erstellen",
"tutorial: ":"Anleitung: ",
"excellent; great job; awesome; cool; you rock; well done; outstanding; you got it; right on":"Exzellent, Großartige Leistung, Erstaunlich, Cool, Sie sind der Hammer, Gut gemacht, Hervorragend, Sie haben es drauf, Genau richtig",
"Post a comment...":"Kommentar posten...",
"parsing script text":"Analyse des Skripttexts",
"report abuse":"Missbrauch melden",
"load more":"Mehr laden",
"TD100: insert {0:a} here":"TD100: Hier {0} einfügen",
"loading...":"Wird geladen...",
"Sets the background picture":"Legt das Hintergrundbild fest.",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #00FFFFFF":"Ruft die Farbe mit dem ARGB-Wert '#00FFFFFF' ab.",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF800080":"Ruft die Farbe mit dem ARGB-Wert '#FF800080' ab.",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFF00FF":"Ruft die Farbe mit dem ARGB-Wert '#FFFF00FF' ab.",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFFF00":"Ruft die Farbe mit dem ARGB-Wert '#FFFFFF00' ab.",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF00FFFF":"Ruft die Farbe mit dem ARGB-Wert '#FF00FFFF' ab.",
"Sets the sprite color.":"Legt die Sprite-Farbe fest.",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFA500":"Ruft die Farbe mit dem ARGB-Wert '#FFFFA500' ab.",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFFFFF":"Ruft die Farbe mit dem ARGB-Wert '#FFFFFFFF' ab.",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFF0000":"Ruft die Farbe mit dem ARGB-Wert '#FFFF0000' ab.",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF0000FF":"Ruft die Farbe mit dem ARGB-Wert '#FF0000FF' ab.",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF000000":"Ruft die Farbe mit dem ARGB-Wert '#FF000000' ab.",
"'atomic' function":"'Atomische' Funktion",
"test function":"Testfunktion",
"private function":"private Funktion",
"function name":"Funktionsname",
"store the value in a variable":"Speichern Sie den Wert in einer Variablen",
"this script is a web service":"Dieses Skript ist ein Webdienst.",
"variable name":"Variablenname",
"library name":"Bibliothekname",
"Enter a name":"Namen eingeben",
"exported from this library":"aus dieser Bibliothek exportiert",
"search here for {0}":"Hier suchen nach {0}",
"ex: ":"ex: ",
"to code":"Zum Codieren",
"this script is a library":"Dieses Skript ist eine Bibliothek",
"run with instrumentation":"Mit Instrumentation ausführen",
"revert to published version":"Veröffentlichte Version wiederherstellen",
"manage data":"Daten verwalten",
"i want it to run on":"Ausführen auf",
"delete local data and permissions":"Lokale Daten und Berechtigungen löschen",
"allow other users to export to app":"Anderen Benutzern den Export der App gestatten",
"about profile":"Über Profile",
"about insights":"Über Einblicke",
"about coverage":"Über Deckung",
"Search here...":"Hier suchen...",
"For published scripts, also look at the tab of the published script page to find anonymously collected crowd-sourced profile and coverage data.":"Achten Sie bei veröffentlichen Skripts auch auf die Registerkarte der Seite für veröffentlichte Skripts, um anonym gesammelte Crowdsourcing- und Deckungsdaten zu finden.",
"After the script stops, browse the code to see collected information.":"Nachdem das Skript beendet wird, durchsuchen Sie den Code, um die gesammelten Informationen anzuzeigen.",
"read only":"Schreibgeschützt",
"offline available":"Offline verfügbar",
"cloud sessions":"Cloud-Sitzungen",
"record name:":"Name aufzeichnen:",
"view as script":"Als Skript anzeigen",
", got {0}":", {0} abgerufen",
"See More":"Mehr",
"'{0}' expects {1} here":"'{0}' erwartet {1} hier",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF008000":"Ruft die Farbe mit dem ARGB-Wert '#FF008000' ab.",
"replace picture":"Bild ersetzen",
"demote to var":"Auf var tiefer stufen",
"change (back) to local":"Auf lokal (zurück) ändern",
"search art":"Kunst durchsuchen",
"let's change this":"Das ändern wir.",
"backspace this":"Mit Rücktaste löschen",
"current expression":"Aktueller Ausdruck",
"set name":"Name festlegen",
"Create a new picture sprite.":"Neues Bildsprite erstellen.",
"Sets the center horizontal position in pixels":"Legt die mittlere horizontale Position in Pixeln fest",
"we'll guide you step by step":"Wir leiten Sie Schritt für Schritt weiter",
"All tutorials":"Alle Tutorials",
"All my scripts":"Alle meine Skripts",
"Skill level: {0} ":"Qualifikationsstufe: {0} ",
"All my groups":"Alle meine Gruppen",
"Create your own apps":"Erstellen Sie Ihre eigenen Apps",
"Sets the y position in pixels":"Legt die y-Position in Pixeln fest",
"change contents":"Inhalte ändern",
"move the cursor right":"Cursor nach rechts bewegen",
"customize the art!":"Passen Sie die Kunst an!",
"Sets the width in pixels":"Legt die Breite in Pixeln fest",
"{0} day{0:s} ago":"Vor {0} Tag{0:s}",
"stop loop":"Schleife beenden",
"stop function":"Funktion beenden",
"skip iteration":"Iteration überspringen",
"display value":"Anzeigewert",
"repeat while":"wiederholen während",
"repeat n times":"n Mal wiederholen",
"\/\/ comment":"\/\/ Kommentar",
"repeat on collection":"Auf Sammlung wiederholen",
"UI widget":"UI-Widget",
"read more...":"lesen Sie mehr...",
"Create a new text sprite.":"Erstellen Sie eine neue Text-Sprite.",
"step over":"Überspringen",
"step out":"Schrittweise ausführen beenden",
"step in":"Schrittweise ausführen",
"Search code...":"Code suchen...",
"go to previous step":"zum vorherigen Schritt",
"to continue coding":"zum Fortsetzen des Codierens",
"compiling script":"Skript wird kompiliert",
"'{0}' returns a '{1}'; {2}":"'{0}' gibt '{1}' zurück; {2}",
"promote to data":"Auf Daten höherstufen",
"to global var":"Zur globalen var",
"let's do it!":"Legen wir los!",
"store in var":"In var speichern",
"set local variable name":"Name der lokalen Variablen festlegen",
"please wait...":"Bitte warten...",
"function, variable, library, ...":"Funktion, Variable, Bibliothek, ...",
"add new":"Neu hinzufügen",
"function types":"Funktionsarten",
"<b>this line is perfect!<\/b> let's move on":"<b>Diese Zeile ist perfekt!<\/b> Weiter geht's",
"art resource":"Kunst-Ressource",
"Your script will appear here":"Ihr Skript wird hier angezeigt",
"Change skill level!":"Qualifikationsstufe ändern",
"move the cursor left":"Cursor nach links bewegen",
"new variable":"Neue Variable",
"a global variable":"Eine globale Variable",
"{0} year{0:s} ago":"Vor {0} Jahr{0:s}",
"{0} month{0:s} ago":"Vor {0} Monat{0:s}",
"creates an empty collection of objects":"Erstellt eine leere Sammlung mit Objekten",
"Create an invalid value of this object type":"Einen ungültigen Wert dieses Objekttyps erstellen",
"import field values from a JSON object":"Feldwerte aus einem JSON-Objekt importieren",
"checks if reference has not been set":"Überprüft, ob kein Verweis festgelegt wurde.",
"tests if two references refer to the same object":"Überprüft, ob sich zwei Verweise auf dasselbe Objekt beziehen.",
"sets all fields to their default values":"Legt alle Felder auf die Standardwerte fest.",
"export a JSON representation of the contents":"Eine JSON-Darstellung der Inhalte exportieren",
"displays the object on the wall":"Zeigt das Objekt an der Wand an.",
"add line below":"Zeilen unterhalb hinzufügen",
"select that line":"Diese Zeile auswählen",
"access the {0} field":"Auf Feld '{0}' zugreifen",
"tap there to run your app":"Dort tippen, um die Anwendung auszuführen",
"new stmt below":"Neue stmt unterhalb",
"new line":"Neue Zeile",
"Concatenates two pieces of text":"Verkettet zwei Textstücke",
"more ":"Mehr ",
"TD152: unexpected ')'":"TD152: unerwartet ')'",
"TD118: 'if' condition wants {1:a}":"TD118: 'if'-Bedingung möchte {1}",
"TD115: excessive parameter(s) supplied to {0}":"TD115: Überzählige(r) Parameter an {0} übergeben",
"TD101: cannot find '{0}'":"TD101: '{0}' kann nicht gefunden werden",
"TD147: we didn't expect '{0}' here":"TD147: Wir haben '{0}' hier nicht erwartet",
"no hearts. you can add one once you install the script!":"Keine Herzen, Sie können eins hinzufügen, indem Sie das Skript installieren!",
"no forks, install, edit and re-publish script to create one!":"Keine Verzweigungen, Skript installieren, bearbeiten und neu veröffentlichen, um eine zu erstellen!",
"no art published by this user":"Von diesem Benutzer wurde keine Kunst veröffentlicht.",
"get my Hour of Code™ certificate":"Hour of Code™-Zertifikat erhalten",
"next tutorials...":"Weitere Anleitungen...",
"no tags, tap to add some!":"Keine Tags, tippen, um welche hinzuzufügen!",
"no comments, tap to write some!":"Keine Kommentare, tippen, um welche zu schreiben!",
"Gets the printers on the current wireless network":"Ruft die Drucker im aktuellen drahtlosen Netzwerk ab",
"Plays the media at the 'url' internet address.":"Gibt die Medien von der 'URL'-Internetadresse wieder",
"Browses to the device control panel":"Navigiert zur Systemsteuerung des Geräts",
"Gets the manfacturer name":"Ruft den Namen des Herstellers ab",
"Returns a date that adds the specified number of years to the value of this instance.":"Gibt ein Datum zurück, das dem Wert dieser Instanz eine bestimmte Anzahl von Jahren hinzufügt.",
"Converts to the local time":"Konvertiert zur lokalen Zeit",
"Choose a media player on the current wireless network":"Wählen Sie einen Media-Player im aktuellen drahtlosen Netzwerk aus",
"Gets the media players on the current wireless network":"Ruft den Media-Player im aktuellen drahtlosen Netzwerk ab",
"Indicates if no jobs can be processed and intervention is needed.":"Gibt an, ob keine Aufträge verarbeitet werden können und ein Eingreifen erforderlich ist.",
"Choose a media server on the current wireless network":"Wählen Sie einen Medienserver im aktuellen drahtlosen Netzwerk aus",
"Gets the media servers on the home network":"Ruft die Medienserver vom Heimnetzwerk ab",
"Gets the current motion that combines data from the accelerometer, compass and gyroscope if available.":"Ruft die aktuelle Bewegung ab, die Daten aus dem Beschleunigungsmesser, dem Kompass und dem Gyroskop kombiniert, sofern vorhanden.",
"Gets a value whether the song is DRM protected":"Ruft einen Wert ab, ob das Lied DRM-geschützt ist",
"Gets the width of the camera image in pixels.":"Ruft die Breite des Kamerabilds in Pixeln ab.",
"Indicates if new jobs can start processing immediately without waiting.":"Gibt an, ob neue Aufträge sofort verarbeitet werden können, ohne zu warten.",
"Returns a date that adds the specified number of months to the value of this instance.":"Gibt ein Datum zurück, das dem Wert dieser Instanz eine bestimmte Anzahl von Monaten hinzufügt.",
"Indicates if jobs are processing; new jobs will wait before processing, i.e., are said to be pending.":"Gibt an, ob Aufträge verarbeitet werden; neue Aufträge warten vor der Verarbeitung, d. h. sie sind ausstehend.",
"Indicates the media can be played, paused, resumed":"Gibt an, dass die Medien wiedergegeben, angehalten und fortgesetzt werden können",
"Sets the sound volume level from 0 (silent) to 1 (current volume)":"Legt die Lautstärkestufe von 0 (leise) auf 1 (aktuelle Lautstärke) fest",
"Indicates if volume can be changed":"Gibt an, ob die Lautstärke geändert werden kann",
"Gets the sound volume for sounds from 0 (silent) to 1 (current volume)":"Ruft die Lautstärke für Töne von 0 (leise) bis 1 (aktuelle Lautstärke) ab",
"Reads the response body as a wave sound":"Liest den Antworttext als einen Wavesound",
"Gets the height of the camera image in pixels.":"Ruft die Höhe des Kamerabilds in Pixeln ab.",
"This script uses the following capabilities: ":"Das Skript verwendet die folgenden Fähigkeiten: ",
"Sets the 3x3 affine matrix transformation applied to the wall.":"Legt die affine 3x3-Matrixtransformation fest, die auf die Wand angewendet wird.",
"Searches the Windows Phone Store (type in applications or music)":"Durchsucht den Windows Phone Store (Anwendungen oder Musik eingeben)",
"Display the printer to the wall":"Den Drucker an der Wand anzeigen",
"Gets the name of the printer":"Ruft den Namen des Druckers ab",
"Gets the detailled information about this device":"Ruft die detaillierten Informationen über dieses Gerät ab",
"Applies `converter` on all elements of the input collection and returns a collection of results":"Wendet `Konverter` auf alle Elemente der Eingabesammlung an und gibt eine Sammlung von Ergebnissen zurück",
"Draws a line between two points":"Zeichnet eine Linie zwischen zwei Punkten",
"Writes another picture at a given location. The opacity ranges from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).":"Schreibt ein anderes Bild an einem angegebenen Speicherort. Die Deckkraft reicht von 0 (transparent) bis 1 (opak).",
"Fills a ellipse with a given color":"Füllt eine Ellipse mit einer angegebenen Farbe",
"Returns a copy of the image":"Gibt eine Kopie des Bilds zurück",
"Draws some text border with a given color and font size":"Zeichnet einen Textrand mit einer angegebenen Farbe und Schriftgröße",
"Fills a rectangle with a given color":"Füllt ein Rechteck mit einer angegebenen Farbe",
"Resizes the picture to the given size in pixels":"Passt die Bildgröße an die angegebene Größe in Pixel an",
"Displays the image to the wall; you need to call 'update on wall' later if you want changes to be reflected.":"Zeigt das Bild an der Wand an; Sie müssen später 'An der Wand aktualisieren' aufrufen, wenn Sie die Änderungen übernehmen möchten.",
"you did it!":"Sie haben es geschafft!",
"upload screenshot":"Screenshot hochladen",
"Publishing is subject to our ":"Eine Veröffentlichung unterliegt unseren ",
". Please read our information about ":". Lesen Sie bitte unsere Informationen zu ",
"maybe later":"Vielleicht später",
"Embeded text or downloaded from the web":"Eingebetteter Text oder aus dem Internet heruntergeladen",
"Code that performs a specific task":"Code, der eine bestimmte Aufgabe durchführt",
"Code raised when a user interaction happens":"Code, der bei einer Benutzerinteraktion ausgelöst wird",
"An indexed table of user-defined rows":"Eine indizierte Tabelle mit benutzerdefinierten Zeilen",
"A user interface":"Eine Benutzeroberfläche",
"A table of user-defined rows":"Eine Tabelle mit benutzerdefinierten Zeilen",
"A reference to a library script":"Ein Verweis auf ein Bibliotheksskript",
"A number constant":"Eine Zahlenkonstante",
"A global variable":"Eine globale Variable",
"A color constant":"Eine Farbkonstante",
"Current device":"Aktuelles Gerät",
"tap to change the color":"Tippen, um die Farbe zu ändern",
"Show errors in the editor if the script uses any APIs that prevent it from running on these platforms.":"Fehler im Editor anzeigen, wenn das Skript APIs verwendet, die ein Ausführen auf diesen Plattformen verhindern.",
"Detaches the handler from the event.":"Trennt den Handler vom Ereignis.",
"set the handler that is invoked when the board is tapped":"Legen Sie den Handler, der beim Tippen auf das Brett aufgerufen wird, fest",
"Returns true if the current instance is useless":"Gibt \"wahr\" zurück, wenn die aktuelle Instanz nutzlos ist",
"Gets the width in pixels":"Ruft die Breite in Pixeln ab",
"Gets the height in pixels":"Ruft die Höhe in Pixeln ab",
"Script Updates":"Skript-Updates",
"rewind ":"Zurück ",
"A picture":"Ein Bild",
"search art pictures":"Kunstbilder durchsuchen",
"no picture loaded yet":"Noch kein Bild geladen",
"Updates picture on a picture sprite (if it is a picture sprite)":"Aktualisiert das Bild auf einem Bildsprite (wenn es ein Bildsprite ist)",
"Add an action that fires for every display frame":"Fügen Sie eine Aktion hinzu, die für jeden Anzeigeframe ausgelöst wird",
"Gets the center horizontal position of in pixels":"Ruft die mittlere horizontale Position in Pixeln ab",
"Sets the y acceleration in pixels\/sec^2":"Legt die Beschleunigung von \"y\" in Pixel\/s^2 fest",
"Sets the height in pixels":"Legt die Höhe in Pixeln fest",
"Sets the y speed in pixels\/sec":"Legt die Geschwindigkeit von \"y\" in Pixel\/s fest",
"we need to edit another thing":"Wir müssen noch etwas anderes Ändern",
"Do the sprites overlap":"Überlappen die Sprites",
"Gets the y position in pixels":"Ruft die y-Position in Pixeln ab",
"Sets the x speed in pixels\/sec":"Legt die Geschwindigkeit von \"x\" in Pixel\/s fest",
"New or built-in colors":"Neue oder integrierte Farben",
"Compares numbers for equality":"Vergleicht Zahlen auf Gleichheit",
"Compares numbers for less":"Vergleicht Zahlen auf weniger",
"Compares numbers for more":"Vergleicht Zahlen auf mehr",
"Multiplies numbers":"Multipliziert Zahlen",
"Subtracts numbers":"Subtrahiert Zahlen",
"Adds numbers":"Addiert Zahlen",
"Interact with devices in the home network. Devices must be UPnP™ compatible.":"",
"Phone numbers, vibrate, etc...":"",
"Create invalid values":"",
"Search and browse the web...":"",
"Camera, location, microphone and other sensors":"",
"Pictures and music...":"Bilder und Musik...",
"ADJ script":"ADJ-Skript",
"syncing...":"synchronisieren von...",
"Please wait...":"",
"Interact with the app runtime":"",
"Ask or display values on the wall...":"",
"Emails, sms, contacts, calendar, ...":"",
"2D barcodes, QR codes and NFC tags":"",
"Support for interactive tutorials.":"",
"Translation, speech to text, ...":"",
"Access to the radio":"",
"tiles and notifications for Windows and Windows Phone":"",
"Maps, location to address, address to location":"",
"Current box element in the page.":"",
"A place to hook up an action to execute in response to an event":"",
"Divides numbers":"",
"Correctness helpers":"",
"Play, stop or resume songs, ...":"",
"time and dates":"",
"Create collections of items.":"Erstellen Sie Sammlungen von Gegenständen.",
"replace all in function":"",
"in this function":"",
"Gets a list of all songs":"",
"Gets a list of all pictures":"",
"Gets the name of the audio\/video player":"",
"Gets a list of all videos":"",
"Searches for pictures in a particular date range.":"",
"Searches for songs":"",
"Checks if the device is connected":"",
"Searches for videos":"",
"Chooses a song":"",
"Chooses a picture":"",
"Chooses a video or a movie":"",
"Moves the player to the next media in the queue.":"",
"Choose a printer on the current wireless network":"",
"of an object":"",
"given ♥":"",
"promote to field":"",
"go to list of things in your script":"",
"Computes the maximum of the values":"",
"Computes the minimum of the values":"",
"Returns a random integral number between `min` and `max` included.":"",
"Converts the value into a json data structure.":"",
"Arithmetic and bitwise operations on 32 bit integers":"",
"OneDrive, OneNote operations":"",
"Gets the number of elements":"",
"Run the inline action.":"",
"Gets the number of playlists":"",
"you can also search":"",
"A unit test":"",
"add {0}":"",
"blank esplora":"",
"An empty Arduino Esplora script.":"",
"blank arduino":"",
"An empty Arduino sketch.":"",
"add line above":"",
"pick a script template...":"",
"type: ":"",
"TD121: cannot find type {0}":"",
"An empty script, which doesn't do anything.":"",
"image proxying":"",
"{0} down":"",
"{0} up":"",
"Displays the playlist to the wall":"",
"Plays the songs in the playlist":"",
"enter a number":"",
"undo fix":"",
"web apps":"",
"run tests":"",
"JSON data":"",
"add comment for this field":"",
"add comment":"",
"we need a new {0}":"",
"new property":"",
"A web app using Azure Services, Node.js and Restify.":"",
"A web app using Node.js and Restify.":"",
"see more options":"",
"parameter name":"",
"tap (←) when done":"",
"tap to change the splash screen picture":"",
"color: {0}":"",
"import column values from a JSON object":"",
"blank engduino":"",
"Counts the number of rows":"",
"Enter a script name...":"",
"Tutorial completed":"",
"This tab contains additional information about this script":"",
"creates an empty collection of entries":"",
"Creates an invalid reference to an entry":"",
"blank office mix":"",
"An empty Office Mix app.":"",
"blank tutorial":"",
"An empty interactive tutorial.":"",
"Pictures, sounds, etc. in the current script":"",
"Objects, tables and indexes in the current script":"",
"Libraries referenced by the current script":"",
"Functions in the current script":"",
"blank app":"",
"surround with":"",
"delete selection":"",
"cut selection":"",
"copy selection":"",
"search templates":"",
"your best score: {0}":"",
"blank game":"",
"the current function":"",
"Cordova mobile app":"",
"pin to start":"",
"or tap to get help":"",
"Boiler plate code to create a game.":"",
"blank pixel art":"",
"An empty app using the scratch library.":"",
"An turtle app.":"",
"an event handler":"",
"make call async":"",
"extract to parameter":"",
"comment out":"",
"Sets the current value":"",
"Gets the status of the player":"",
"Searches for videos in a particular date range.":"",
"Moves the player to the previous media in the queue.":"",
"Sets the friendly name of the device":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Player Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Device Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Printer Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Server instance":"",
"Plays a media from the home network.":"",
"Gets the friendly name of the device":"",
"Creates an invalid Device instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Printer instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Link instance":"",
"Exports a JSON representation of the contents.":"",
"Browse and review scripts from the bazaar":"",
"Gets the foreground color in the current theme":"",
"Gets the normalized red value (0.0-1.0)":"",
"Checks if the color is equal to the other":"",
"Gets the chrome color in the current theme (control background)":"",
"Gets the accent color in the current theme":"",
"Gets the location":"",
"Gets the name of the album":"",
"Gets the link associated to the message":"",
"Sorts the places by distance to the location":"",
"Gets the songs":"",
"Indicates if the key exists":"",
"Gets a field value as a boolean":"",
"Gets the name of the song":"",
"Displays the link on the wall":"",
"Gets the genre of the song":"",
"Plays the song.":"",
"Gets the name of the artist":"",
"Gets a value indicating if the background repeats horizontally":"",
"Gets the number of values":"",
"Sets a value indicating if the background repeats horizontally":"",
"Gets the list of keys":"",
"Gets the text":"",
"Gets a field value as a string":"",
"Creates a new color by changing the alpha channel from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).":"",
"Picks a color from a color wheel where the hue is between 0 and 1.":"",
"Indicates if the player is paused":"",
"Gets the duration in seconds":"",
"Gets the number of elements in the collection":"",
"Imports a JSON representation of the contents.":"",
"Ooops, there was an error loading the picture.":"",
"loading more...":"",
"loading art ...":"",
"ok, let's roll!":"",
"From now on we won't show you the code to write. Follow the instructions and tap run when you think you are done.":"",
"Try tweaking your code until you get it right. If you get stuck, tap the tutorial bar.":"",
"<h3>no more tips!<\/h3>":"",
"Specify how to arrange the content of this box":"",
"Starts a new tween animation.":"",
"Parses the string as a number":"",
"publish your script":"",
"Publishing script...":"",
"{0} script{0:s} published":"",
"4. publish":"",
"Sets the rotation speed in degrees\/sec":"",
"Sets the z-index of the sprite":"",
"Gets the acceleration along y in pixels\/sec^2":"",
"Hide sprite.":"",
"Sets the url to the picture":"",
"Displays the value to the wall":"",
"Gets a url to the picture":"",
"Create a new collection for sprites.":"",
"Converts to a boolean (type must be boolean)":"",
"Converts and parses to a date time (type must be string)":"",
"Stringify the current JSON object":"",
"Sorts from the newest to oldest":"",
"Prints the number to the wall":"",
"Sorts the strings in this collection":"",
"Displays the sprite sheet.":"",
"Gets the field value as a time":"",
"Returns a collection sorted using specified comparison key":"",
"Gets a json kind (string, number, object, array, boolean, null)":"",
"Gets a field value as a number":"",
"Converts to a number (type must be number)":"",
"Sets the wall background picture. The picture will be resized and clipped to the screen background as needed.":"",
"Gets a value by name":"",
"Gets the i-th json value":"",
"Creates an empty Picture collection":"",
"Sets the speed in pixels\/sec":"",
"Makes a lighter color by a delta between 0 and 1.":"",
"Makes a darker color by a delta between 0 and 1.":"",
"Compares numbers for less or equal":"",
"Compares numbers for more or equal":"",
"Indicates if the player is stopped":"",
"Updates text on a text sprite (if it is a text sprite)":"",
"add an action that fires for every display frame.":"",
"Returns a substring given a start index and a length":"",
"Converts a number to a string":"",
"Indicates if the string is empty":"",
"Sets the background color":"",
"In debug mode, board displays speed and other info of sprites":"",
"Returns the number of characters":"",
"Sets the angle of the sprite in degrees":"",
"Checks if two strings are the same":"",
"Gets a random item; invalid if collection is empty":"",
"Displays the request to the wall":"",
"Displays string on the wall":"",
"Computes the sum of the values":"",
"Prints the value to the wall":"",
"Computes the average of the values":"",
"Gets the item at position 'index'; invalid if index is out of bounds":"",
"Returns the sprite color.":"",
"Create a new rectangle sprite.":"",
"A argb color (alpha, red, green, blue)":"",
"Gets the names of the headers":"",
"Gets the value of a given header":"",
"Geo coordinates":"",
"Cloud session management":"",
"add optional":"",
"cannot sync - you are not signed in":"",
"try again!":"",
"Returns a string collection that contains the substrings in this string that are delimited by elements of a specified string.":"",
"Teach Creative Coding!":"",
"ok, got it!":"",
"Try finding the buttons yourself. If you get stuck, tap on the goal line.":"",
"From now on we just show you the code that you need to write, in the goal line. It looks like this:":"",
"<h3>now, do it yourself!<\/h3>":"",
"tap a checkmark to add (or remove) your 'vote' to an existing tag":"",
"add new tag":"",
"Writes a static NFC tag with url, text or any other format. `type` may be a mime type.":"",
"Scans an id tag created by TouchDevelop and returns the embeded text.":"",
"Generates a 2D barcode pointing to the text using Microsoft Tag. text must be less than 1000 character long and size must be between 0.75 and 5 inches.":"",
"Set what happens when the box is tapped.":"",
"If the page did not open, tap the 'open' button below, otherwise tap 'done'.":"",
"tap [ok] when done":"",
"Make updates visible.":"",
"Plays the current media from the start.":"",
"Private actions do not get a run button. ":"",
"remove else":"",
"Gets the uri of the media currently active":"",
"Indicates additional information about why the Printer is in its current state.":"",
"Pauses the current media if any.":"",
"Queues a job to print the text.":"",
"Gets the position in seconds whithin the active media":""

locales/en-GB/strings.json Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,824 @@
"my scripts":"my scripts",
"a function":"a function",
"tap there":"tap there",
"insert {0}":"insert {0}",
"'Javascripty' curly braces, all the tools, for experienced devs!":"",
"Sets the position in pixels":"",
"insert comment":"",
"translating tutorial...":"",
"loading tutorial":"",
"reloading script":"",
"we have {0:a} here; did you want to do something with it?":"",
"privacy and cookies":"",
"terms of use":"",
" -- a local variable":"",
"signing in...":"",
"global vars":"",
"We will adapt the editor to your coding skill level. You can change your skill level later in the hub.":"",
"run main":"",
"Edit code as text, more options, for aspiring app writers!":"",
"Drag and drop blocks, simplified interface, great for beginners!":"",
"choose your coding skill level":"",
"Your full name":"",
"website url":"",
"twitter handle":"",
"sign out":"",
"sign in":"",
"receive email newsletters":"",
"remove picture":"",
"Receive email notifications when other people review\/take a screenshot of\/comment on your scripts, or reply to one of your comments, or when events related to your subscriptions occur.":"",
"Your twitter handle, like @touchdevelop.":"",
"receive email notifications":"",
"real name":"",
"public profile":"",
"public nickname":"",
"private profile":"",
"Please review our Privacy Statement.":"",
"Your email address has not yet been verified. Please check your inbox.":"",
"email and push notifications":"",
"Enter your school affiliation if any.":"",
"What is your occupation?":"",
"What is your level of programming knowledge?":"",
"programming knowledge":"",
"How did you discover TouchDevelop?":"",
"how found":"",
"year of birth":"",
"about you":"",
"Where in the world are you?":"",
"Your Minecraft user.":"",
"more settings":"",
"Your GitHub user.":"",
"minecraft user":"",
"A unique display name for your public profile (at least 8 characters)":"",
"Scripts by this user:":"",
"github user":"",
"Items marked with * are required.":"",
"Enter the URL to your personal website (Example: http:\/\/":"",
"Enter some information about yourself":"",
"Don't forget to scroll down and tap 'save' when you are done editing!":"",
"Do you want to receive informational TouchDevelop-related newsletters, e.g. about new features and upcoming events?":"",
"<h3>loading current settings...<\/h3>":"",
"Art by this user:":"",
"abuse reports":"",
"go back to coding! {0}★ to go":"",
"add input parameter":"",
"start over":"",
"API Docs":"",
"Upload Picture":"",
"toggle breakpoint":"",
"Create Script":"",
"Create Group":"",
"Join Group":"",
"global variable":"",
"script properties":"",
"decimal dot":"",
"move cursor":"",
"upload picture":"",
"the hub":"",
"logical negation":"",
"A number (possibly negative and\/or fractional)":"",
"replicated ":"",
"publish as hidden":"",
"learn about publishing":"",
"Publish script":"",
"Minecraft user":"",
"TD155: '{0}' cannot be assigned to a local variable":"",
"TD130: bound of 'for' wants {1:a}":"",
"TD150: cannot call the thing before '('":"",
"TD151: unclosed '('":"",
"TD112: i cannot find property '{0}' on {1}":"",
"TD116: not enough parameters supplied to {0}":"",
"move to library":"",
" [hidden]":"",
"color #{0}":"",
"load more replies":"",
"export to app":"",
"pull changes":"",
"'{0}' is obsolete and should not be used":"",
"add output parameter":"",
"superior, supernatural, terrific, unbelievable, unearthly, unique, unprecedented, unusual, weird, wonderful, wondrous":"",
"incredible, magical, marvellous, marvelous, mind-blowing, mind-boggling, miraculous, peculiar, phenomenal, rad, rockin', special, spectacular, startling, stunning, super-cool, ":"",
"amazing, astonishing, astounding, awe-inspiring, awesome, breathtaking, classic, cool, curious, distinct, exceptional, exclusive, extraordinary, fabulous, fantastic, glorious, great, ":"",
" sending changes":"",
"diff prev":"",
"diff curr":"",
"Types, order, and number of event parameters cannot be edited.":"",
"Events cannot have out parameters.":"",
"TD109: cannot assign to this":"",
"just keep typing the search terms!":"",
"... there's more ...":"",
"tap there for instructions":"",
"show how to complete this activity":"",
"move left":"",
"To add page data, create a local var and tap 'promote to field'.":"",
"TD111: cannot assign from {0} to {1}":"",
"{0} ({1} line{1:s})":"",
"replace all in script":"",
"global replace":"",
"create a new parameter":"",
"select more":"",
"strip '{0}'":"",
"pull out to block level":"",
", got {0:a} instead":"",
"an function type definition":"",
"tap to translate with Microsoft® Translator...":"",
"Translations by Microsoft® Translator, tap to see original...":"",
"into local":"",
"extract to var":"",
"turn into":"",
"else if":"",
"a minute ago":"",
"loading replies...":"",
"show more options":"",
"find references":"",
"need to edit elsewhere":"",
"an hour ago":"",
" of ":"",
"need to delete this":"",
"screenshot of {0}":"",
"loading comments for \/{0}...":"",
"my art":"",
"insert statement":"",
"learn more":"",
"now you can select a property of {0}; it doesn't do anything by itself":"",
"tutorial progress":"",
"What's new":"",
"Search everything":"",
"Search Help":"",
"Getting started":"",
"Export to Windows, Android, iOS, Azure":"",
"top & new":"",
"a few seconds ago":"",
"number entry":"",
"regular keypad":"",
"Upload Sound":"",
"Insert '{0}' {1}":"",
"go to":"",
"{0} second{0:s} ago":"",
"New Scripts":"",
"TD145: there seem to be an operator (like '+', '(' or ',') missing here":"",
"we have a library '{0}' here; {1}":"",
"now you can select a property on it":"",
"we need different keypad":"",
"i'm finished with my Hour of Code™":"",
"a page":"",
"TD154: the operator needs something after it":"",
"TD144: it seems you're missing '{0}', try adding it":"",
"{0} hour{0:s} ago":"",
"fix it":"",
"learn more about {0}":"",
"Your art will appear here":"",
"{0} minute{0:s} ago":"",
"break in debugger":"",
"Picks a random color":"",
"type: {0}":"",
"need a different string here":"",
"follow tutorial in editor":"",
"tap here when done":"",
"upload sound":"",
"keep editing":"",
"Type to search...":"",
"let's get started!":"",
"creating script":"",
"tutorial: ":"",
"excellent; great job; awesome; cool; you rock; well done; outstanding; you got it; right on":"",
"Post a comment...":"",
"parsing script text":"",
"report abuse":"",
"load more":"",
"TD100: insert {0:a} here":"",
"Sets the background picture":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #00FFFFFF":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF800080":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFF00FF":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFFF00":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF00FFFF":"",
"Sets the sprite color.":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFA500":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFFFFF":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFF0000":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF0000FF":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF000000":"",
"'atomic' function":"",
"test function":"",
"private function":"",
"function name":"",
"store the value in a variable":"",
"this script is a web service":"",
"variable name":"",
"library name":"",
"Enter a name":"",
"exported from this library":"",
"search here for {0}":"",
"ex: ":"",
"to code":"",
"this script is a library":"",
"run with instrumentation":"",
"revert to published version":"",
"manage data":"",
"i want it to run on":"",
"delete local data and permissions":"",
"allow other users to export to app":"",
"about profile":"",
"about insights":"",
"about coverage":"",
"Search here...":"",
"For published scripts, also look at the tab of the published script page to find anonymously collected crowd-sourced profile and coverage data.":"",
"After the script stops, browse the code to see collected information.":"",
"read only":"",
"offline available":"",
"cloud sessions":"",
"record name:":"",
"view as script":"",
", got {0}":"",
"See More":"",
"'{0}' expects {1} here":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF008000":"",
"replace picture":"",
"demote to var":"",
"change (back) to local":"",
"search art":"",
"let's change this":"",
"backspace this":"",
"current expression":"",
"set name":"",
"Create a new picture sprite.":"",
"Sets the center horizontal position in pixels":"",
"we'll guide you step by step":"",
"All tutorials":"",
"All my scripts":"",
"Skill level: {0} ":"",
"All my groups":"",
"Create your own apps":"",
"Sets the y position in pixels":"",
"change contents":"",
"move the cursor right":"",
"customize the art!":"",
"Sets the width in pixels":"",
"{0} day{0:s} ago":"",
"stop loop":"",
"stop function":"",
"skip iteration":"",
"display value":"",
"repeat while":"",
"repeat n times":"",
"\/\/ comment":"",
"repeat on collection":"",
"UI widget":"",
"read more...":"",
"Create a new text sprite.":"",
"step over":"",
"step out":"",
"step in":"",
"Search code...":"",
"go to previous step":"",
"to continue coding":"",
"compiling script":"",
"'{0}' returns a '{1}'; {2}":"",
"promote to data":"",
"to global var":"",
"let's do it!":"",
"store in var":"",
"set local variable name":"",
"please wait...":"",
"function, variable, library, ...":"",
"add new":"",
"function types":"",
"<b>this line is perfect!<\/b> let's move on":"",
"art resource":"",
"Your script will appear here":"",
"Change skill level!":"",
"move the cursor left":"",
"new variable":"",
"a global variable":"",
"{0} year{0:s} ago":"",
"{0} month{0:s} ago":"",
"creates an empty collection of objects":"",
"Create an invalid value of this object type":"",
"import field values from a JSON object":"",
"checks if reference has not been set":"",
"tests if two references refer to the same object":"",
"sets all fields to their default values":"",
"export a JSON representation of the contents":"",
"displays the object on the wall":"",
"add line below":"",
"select that line":"",
"access the {0} field":"",
"tap there to run your app":"",
"new stmt below":"",
"new line":"",
"Concatenates two pieces of text":"",
"more ":"",
"TD152: unexpected ')'":"",
"TD118: 'if' condition wants {1:a}":"",
"TD115: excessive parameter(s) supplied to {0}":"",
"TD101: cannot find '{0}'":"",
"TD147: we didn't expect '{0}' here":"",
"no hearts. you can add one once you install the script!":"",
"no forks, install, edit and re-publish script to create one!":"",
"no art published by this user":"",
"get my Hour of Code™ certificate":"",
"next tutorials...":"",
"no tags, tap to add some!":"",
"no comments, tap to write some!":"",
"Gets the printers on the current wireless network":"",
"Plays the media at the 'url' internet address.":"",
"Browses to the device control panel":"",
"Gets the manfacturer name":"",
"Returns a date that adds the specified number of years to the value of this instance.":"",
"Converts to the local time":"",
"Choose a media player on the current wireless network":"",
"Gets the media players on the current wireless network":"",
"Indicates if no jobs can be processed and intervention is needed.":"",
"Choose a media server on the current wireless network":"",
"Gets the media servers on the home network":"",
"Gets the current motion that combines data from the accelerometer, compass and gyroscope if available.":"",
"Gets a value whether the song is DRM protected":"",
"Gets the width of the camera image in pixels.":"",
"Indicates if new jobs can start processing immediately without waiting.":"",
"Returns a date that adds the specified number of months to the value of this instance.":"",
"Indicates if jobs are processing; new jobs will wait before processing, i.e., are said to be pending.":"",
"Indicates the media can be played, paused, resumed":"",
"Sets the sound volume level from 0 (silent) to 1 (current volume)":"",
"Indicates if volume can be changed":"",
"Gets the sound volume for sounds from 0 (silent) to 1 (current volume)":"",
"Reads the response body as a wave sound":"",
"Gets the height of the camera image in pixels.":"",
"This script uses the following capabilities: ":"",
"Sets the 3x3 affine matrix transformation applied to the wall.":"",
"Searches the Windows Phone Store (type in applications or music)":"",
"Display the printer to the wall":"",
"Gets the name of the printer":"",
"Gets the detailled information about this device":"",
"Applies `converter` on all elements of the input collection and returns a collection of results":"",
"Draws a line between two points":"",
"Writes another picture at a given location. The opacity ranges from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).":"",
"Fills a ellipse with a given color":"",
"Returns a copy of the image":"",
"Draws some text border with a given color and font size":"",
"Fills a rectangle with a given color":"",
"Resizes the picture to the given size in pixels":"",
"Displays the image to the wall; you need to call 'update on wall' later if you want changes to be reflected.":"",
"you did it!":"",
"upload screenshot":"",
"Publishing is subject to our ":"",
". Please read our information about ":"",
"maybe later":"",
"Embeded text or downloaded from the web":"",
"Code that performs a specific task":"",
"Code raised when a user interaction happens":"",
"An indexed table of user-defined rows":"",
"A user interface":"",
"A table of user-defined rows":"",
"A reference to a library script":"",
"A number constant":"",
"A global variable":"",
"A color constant":"",
"Current device":"",
"tap to change the color":"",
"Show errors in the editor if the script uses any APIs that prevent it from running on these platforms.":"",
"Detaches the handler from the event.":"",
"set the handler that is invoked when the board is tapped":"",
"Returns true if the current instance is useless":"",
"Gets the width in pixels":"",
"Gets the height in pixels":"",
"Script Updates":"",
"rewind ":"",
"A picture":"",
"search art pictures":"",
"no picture loaded yet":"",
"Updates picture on a picture sprite (if it is a picture sprite)":"",
"Add an action that fires for every display frame":"",
"Gets the center horizontal position of in pixels":"",
"Sets the y acceleration in pixels\/sec^2":"",
"Sets the height in pixels":"",
"Sets the y speed in pixels\/sec":"",
"we need to edit another thing":"",
"Do the sprites overlap":"",
"Gets the y position in pixels":"",
"Sets the x speed in pixels\/sec":"",
"New or built-in colors":"",
"Compares numbers for equality":"",
"Compares numbers for less":"",
"Compares numbers for more":"",
"Multiplies numbers":"",
"Subtracts numbers":"",
"Adds numbers":"",
"Interact with devices in the home network. Devices must be UPnP™ compatible.":"",
"Phone numbers, vibrate, etc...":"",
"Create invalid values":"",
"Search and browse the web...":"",
"Camera, location, microphone and other sensors":"",
"Pictures and music...":"",
"ADJ script":"",
"Please wait...":"",
"Interact with the app runtime":"",
"Ask or display values on the wall...":"",
"Emails, sms, contacts, calendar, ...":"",
"2D barcodes, QR codes and NFC tags":"",
"Support for interactive tutorials.":"",
"Translation, speech to text, ...":"",
"Access to the radio":"",
"tiles and notifications for Windows and Windows Phone":"",
"Maps, location to address, address to location":"",
"Current box element in the page.":"",
"A place to hook up an action to execute in response to an event":"",
"Divides numbers":"",
"Correctness helpers":"",
"Play, stop or resume songs, ...":"",
"time and dates":"",
"Create collections of items.":"",
"replace all in function":"",
"in this function":"",
"Gets a list of all songs":"",
"Gets a list of all pictures":"",
"Gets the name of the audio\/video player":"",
"Gets a list of all videos":"",
"Searches for pictures in a particular date range.":"",
"Searches for songs":"",
"Checks if the device is connected":"",
"Searches for videos":"",
"Chooses a song":"",
"Chooses a picture":"",
"Chooses a video or a movie":"",
"Moves the player to the next media in the queue.":"",
"Choose a printer on the current wireless network":"",
"of an object":"",
"given ♥":"",
"promote to field":"",
"go to list of things in your script":"",
"Computes the maximum of the values":"",
"Computes the minimum of the values":"",
"Returns a random integral number between `min` and `max` included.":"",
"Converts the value into a json data structure.":"",
"Arithmetic and bitwise operations on 32 bit integers":"",
"OneDrive, OneNote operations":"",
"Gets the number of elements":"",
"Run the inline action.":"",
"Gets the number of playlists":"",
"you can also search":"",
"A unit test":"",
"add {0}":"",
"blank esplora":"",
"An empty Arduino Esplora script.":"",
"blank arduino":"",
"An empty Arduino sketch.":"",
"add line above":"",
"pick a script template...":"",
"type: ":"",
"TD121: cannot find type {0}":"",
"An empty script, which doesn't do anything.":"",
"image proxying":"",
"{0} down":"",
"{0} up":"",
"Displays the playlist to the wall":"",
"Plays the songs in the playlist":"",
"enter a number":"",
"undo fix":"",
"web apps":"",
"run tests":"",
"JSON data":"",
"add comment for this field":"",
"add comment":"",
"we need a new {0}":"",
"new property":"",
"A web app using Azure Services, Node.js and Restify.":"",
"A web app using Node.js and Restify.":"",
"see more options":"",
"parameter name":"",
"tap (←) when done":"",
"tap to change the splash screen picture":"",
"color: {0}":"",
"import column values from a JSON object":"",
"blank engduino":"",
"Counts the number of rows":"",
"Enter a script name...":"",
"Tutorial completed":"",
"This tab contains additional information about this script":"",
"creates an empty collection of entries":"",
"Creates an invalid reference to an entry":"",
"blank office mix":"",
"An empty Office Mix app.":"",
"blank tutorial":"",
"An empty interactive tutorial.":"",
"Pictures, sounds, etc. in the current script":"",
"Objects, tables and indexes in the current script":"",
"Libraries referenced by the current script":"",
"Functions in the current script":"",
"blank app":"",
"surround with":"",
"delete selection":"",
"cut selection":"",
"copy selection":"",
"search templates":"",
"your best score: {0}":"",
"blank game":"",
"the current function":"",
"Cordova mobile app":"",
"pin to start":"",
"or tap to get help":"",
"Boiler plate code to create a game.":"",
"blank pixel art":"",
"An empty app using the scratch library.":"",
"An turtle app.":"",
"an event handler":"",
"make call async":"",
"extract to parameter":"",
"comment out":"",
"Sets the current value":"",
"Gets the status of the player":"",
"Searches for videos in a particular date range.":"",
"Moves the player to the previous media in the queue.":"",
"Sets the friendly name of the device":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Player Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Device Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Printer Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Server instance":"",
"Plays a media from the home network.":"",
"Gets the friendly name of the device":"",
"Creates an invalid Device instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Printer instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Link instance":"",
"Exports a JSON representation of the contents.":"",
"Browse and review scripts from the bazaar":"",
"Gets the foreground color in the current theme":"",
"Gets the normalized red value (0.0-1.0)":"",
"Checks if the color is equal to the other":"",
"Gets the chrome color in the current theme (control background)":"",
"Gets the accent color in the current theme":"",
"Gets the location":"",
"Gets the name of the album":"",
"Gets the link associated to the message":"",
"Sorts the places by distance to the location":"",
"Gets the songs":"",
"Indicates if the key exists":"",
"Gets a field value as a boolean":"",
"Gets the name of the song":"",
"Displays the link on the wall":"",
"Gets the genre of the song":"",
"Plays the song.":"",
"Gets the name of the artist":"",
"Gets a value indicating if the background repeats horizontally":"",
"Gets the number of values":"",
"Sets a value indicating if the background repeats horizontally":"",
"Gets the list of keys":"",
"Gets the text":"",
"Gets a field value as a string":"",
"Creates a new color by changing the alpha channel from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).":"",
"Picks a color from a color wheel where the hue is between 0 and 1.":"",
"Indicates if the player is paused":"",
"Gets the duration in seconds":"",
"Gets the number of elements in the collection":"",
"Imports a JSON representation of the contents.":"",
"Ooops, there was an error loading the picture.":"",
"loading more...":"",
"loading art ...":"",
"ok, let's roll!":"",
"From now on we won't show you the code to write. Follow the instructions and tap run when you think you are done.":"",
"Try tweaking your code until you get it right. If you get stuck, tap the tutorial bar.":"",
"<h3>no more tips!<\/h3>":"",
"Specify how to arrange the content of this box":"",
"Starts a new tween animation.":"",
"Parses the string as a number":"",
"publish your script":"",
"Publishing script...":"",
"{0} script{0:s} published":"",
"4. publish":"",
"Sets the rotation speed in degrees\/sec":"",
"Sets the z-index of the sprite":"",
"Gets the acceleration along y in pixels\/sec^2":"",
"Hide sprite.":"",
"Sets the url to the picture":"",
"Displays the value to the wall":"",
"Gets a url to the picture":"",
"Create a new collection for sprites.":"",
"Converts to a boolean (type must be boolean)":"",
"Converts and parses to a date time (type must be string)":"",
"Stringify the current JSON object":"",
"Sorts from the newest to oldest":"",
"Prints the number to the wall":"",
"Sorts the strings in this collection":"",
"Displays the sprite sheet.":"",
"Gets the field value as a time":"",
"Returns a collection sorted using specified comparison key":"",
"Gets a json kind (string, number, object, array, boolean, null)":"",
"Gets a field value as a number":"",
"Converts to a number (type must be number)":"",
"Sets the wall background picture. The picture will be resized and clipped to the screen background as needed.":"",
"Gets a value by name":"",
"Gets the i-th json value":"",
"Creates an empty Picture collection":"",
"Sets the speed in pixels\/sec":"",
"Makes a lighter color by a delta between 0 and 1.":"",
"Makes a darker color by a delta between 0 and 1.":"",
"Compares numbers for less or equal":"",
"Compares numbers for more or equal":"",
"Indicates if the player is stopped":"",
"Updates text on a text sprite (if it is a text sprite)":"",
"add an action that fires for every display frame.":"",
"Returns a substring given a start index and a length":"",
"Converts a number to a string":"",
"Indicates if the string is empty":"",
"Sets the background color":"",
"In debug mode, board displays speed and other info of sprites":"",
"Returns the number of characters":"",
"Sets the angle of the sprite in degrees":"",
"Checks if two strings are the same":"",
"Gets a random item; invalid if collection is empty":"",
"Displays the request to the wall":"",
"Displays string on the wall":"",
"Computes the sum of the values":"",
"Prints the value to the wall":"",
"Computes the average of the values":"",
"Gets the item at position 'index'; invalid if index is out of bounds":"",
"Returns the sprite color.":"",
"Create a new rectangle sprite.":"",
"A argb color (alpha, red, green, blue)":"",
"Gets the names of the headers":"",
"Gets the value of a given header":"",
"Geo coordinates":"",
"Cloud session management":"",
"add optional":"",
"cannot sync - you are not signed in":"",
"try again!":"",
"Returns a string collection that contains the substrings in this string that are delimited by elements of a specified string.":"",
"Teach Creative Coding!":"",
"ok, got it!":"",
"Try finding the buttons yourself. If you get stuck, tap on the goal line.":"",
"From now on we just show you the code that you need to write, in the goal line. It looks like this:":"",
"<h3>now, do it yourself!<\/h3>":"",
"tap a checkmark to add (or remove) your 'vote' to an existing tag":"",
"add new tag":"",
"Writes a static NFC tag with url, text or any other format. `type` may be a mime type.":"",
"Scans an id tag created by TouchDevelop and returns the embeded text.":"",
"Generates a 2D barcode pointing to the text using Microsoft Tag. text must be less than 1000 character long and size must be between 0.75 and 5 inches.":"",
"Set what happens when the box is tapped.":"",
"If the page did not open, tap the 'open' button below, otherwise tap 'done'.":"",
"tap [ok] when done":"",
"Make updates visible.":"",
"Plays the current media from the start.":"",
"Private actions do not get a run button. ":"",
"remove else":"",
"Gets the uri of the media currently active":"",
"Indicates additional information about why the Printer is in its current state.":"",
"Pauses the current media if any.":"",
"Queues a job to print the text.":"",
"Gets the position in seconds whithin the active media":""

locales/es/strings.json Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,824 @@
"my scripts":"mis scripts",
"a function":"una función",
"tap there":"pulsa aquí",
"insert {0}":"insertar {0}",
"'Javascripty' curly braces, all the tools, for experienced devs!":"Las llaves de Javascript, todas las herramientas, para desarrolladores con experiencia",
"Sets the position in pixels":"Establece la posición en píxeles",
"insert comment":"insertar comentario",
"translating tutorial...":"traduciendo tutorial...",
"loading tutorial":"cargando tutorial",
"reloading script":"volviendo a cargar script",
"we have {0:a} here; did you want to do something with it?":"Aquí tenemos un {0:a}; ¿quería hacer algo con él?",
"privacy and cookies":"privacy and cookies",
"terms of use":"terms of use",
" -- a local variable":" -- una variable local",
"signing in...":"iniciando sesión...",
"global vars":"variables globales",
"We will adapt the editor to your coding skill level. You can change your skill level later in the hub.":"Adaptaremos el editor a su nivel de aptitud en codificación. Puede cambiar su nivel de aptitud más tarde en el concentrador.",
"run main":"ejecute principal",
"Edit code as text, more options, for aspiring app writers!":"Edite el código como texto, más opciones, para quienes aspiran a ser escritores de aplicaciones.",
"Drag and drop blocks, simplified interface, great for beginners!":"Arrastre y suelte bloques, interfaz simplificada, ¡perfecto para principiantes!",
"choose your coding skill level":"seleccione su nivel de aptitud en codificación",
"Your full name":"Su nombre completo",
"website url":"url del sitio web",
"website":"sitio web",
"wallpaper":"fondo de pantalla",
"twitter handle":"usuario de Twitter",
"sign out":"cerrar sesión",
"sign in":"iniciar sesión",
"receive email newsletters":"recibir boletín de correo electrónico",
"remove picture":"eliminar imagen",
"Receive email notifications when other people review\/take a screenshot of\/comment on your scripts, or reply to one of your comments, or when events related to your subscriptions occur.":"Recibir notificaciones de correo electrónico cuando otras personas revisen\/tomen una captura de pantalla de sus scripts o respondan a uno de sus comentarios, o cuando ocurran eventos relacionados con sus suscripciones.",
"Your twitter handle, like @touchdevelop.":"Su usuario de Twitter, por ej. @touchdevelop.",
"receive email notifications":"recibir notificaciones de correo electrónico",
"real name":"nombre real",
"public profile":"perfil público",
"public nickname":"sobrenombre público",
"private profile":"perfil privado",
"Please review our Privacy Statement.":"Revise nuestra Declaración de privacidad.",
"Your email address has not yet been verified. Please check your inbox.":"Todavía no se ha verificado su dirección de correo electrónico. Revise su bandeja de entrada.",
"email":"correo electrónico",
"email and push notifications":"correo electrónico y notificaciones push",
"Enter your school affiliation if any.":"Introduzca su afiliación escolar si la hubiere.",
"What is your occupation?":"¿A qué se dedica?",
"What is your level of programming knowledge?":"¿Cuál es su nivel de conocimiento sobre programación?",
"programming knowledge":"conocimiento sobre programación",
"How did you discover TouchDevelop?":"¿Cómo descubrió TouchDevelop?",
"how found":"como encontró",
"year of birth":"año de nacimiento",
"about you":"sobre usted",
"Where in the world are you?":"¿En qué parte del mundo se encuentra?",
"Your Minecraft user.":"Su usuario Minecraft.",
"more settings":"más configuraciones",
"Your GitHub user.":"Su usuario de GitHub.",
"minecraft user":"usuario de minecraft",
"A unique display name for your public profile (at least 8 characters)":"Un nombre único para mostrar en su perfil público (al menos 8 caracteres)",
"Scripts by this user:":"Scripts por este usuario:",
"github user":"usuario de github",
"Items marked with * are required.":"Los elementos marcados con * son obligatorios.",
"Enter the URL to your personal website (Example: http:\/\/":"Introduzca la URL de su sitio web personal (ejemplo: http:\/\/",
"Enter some information about yourself":"Introduzca alguna información sobre usted",
"Don't forget to scroll down and tap 'save' when you are done editing!":"Recuerde desplazarse hacia abajo y presionar “guardar” al terminar la edición.",
"Do you want to receive informational TouchDevelop-related newsletters, e.g. about new features and upcoming events?":"¿Desea recibir boletines informativos relacionados con TouchDevelop, por ej. sobre las nuevas funciones y los próximos eventos?",
"<h3>loading current settings...<\/h3>":"<h3>cargando configuraciones actuales...<\/h3>",
"Art by this user:":"Artículos por este usuario:",
"abuse reports":"informes de contenido inapropiado",
"go back to coding! {0}★ to go":"¡regresar a la codificación! {0}★ para ir",
"add input parameter":"agregar parámetro de entrada",
"start over":"volver a empezar",
"API Docs":"Documentos API",
"Upload Picture":"Cargar imagen",
"breakpoint":"punto de interrupción",
"toggle breakpoint":"alternar punto de interrupción",
"Create Script":"Crear script",
"Create Group":"Crear grupo",
"Join Group":"Unirse a un grupo",
"global variable":"variable global",
"rename":"cambiar nombre",
"script properties":"propiedades del script",
"decimal dot":"punto decimal",
"re-run":"volver a ejecutar",
"move cursor":"mover cursor",
"upload picture":"cargar imagen",
"the hub":"el hub",
"logical negation":"negación lógica",
"A number (possibly negative and\/or fractional)":"Un número (posiblemente negativo o fracción)",
"replicated ":"replicado ",
"publish as hidden":"publicar como oculto",
"learn about publishing":"obtener información sobre la publicación",
"Publish script":"Publicar guión",
"Minecraft user":"Usuario de Minecraft",
"TD155: '{0}' cannot be assigned to a local variable":"TD155: no se puede asignar '{0}' a una variable local",
"TD130: bound of 'for' wants {1:a}":"TD130: el enlace de 'for' pide {1}",
"TD150: cannot call the thing before '('":"TD150: no puede llamar a la cosa antes '('",
"TD151: unclosed '('":"TD151: sin cerrar '('",
"TD112: i cannot find property '{0}' on {1}":"TD112: no puedo encontrar la propiedad '{0}' en {1}",
"TD116: not enough parameters supplied to {0}":"TD116: no se han suministrado suficientes parámetros a {0}",
"preview":"vista previa",
"move to library":"mover a biblioteca",
" [hidden]":" [oculto]",
"color #{0}":"color #{0}",
"load more replies":"cargar más respuestas",
"export to app":"exportar a aplicación",
"pull changes":"extraer cambios",
"'{0}' is obsolete and should not be used":"'{0}' obsoleto, no debería utilizarse",
"add output parameter":"agregar parámetro de salida",
"superior, supernatural, terrific, unbelievable, unearthly, unique, unprecedented, unusual, weird, wonderful, wondrous":"superior, sobrenatural, estupendo, inaudito, sobrenatural, único, sin precedentes, inusual, raro, extraño, fuera de lo común",
"incredible, magical, marvellous, marvelous, mind-blowing, mind-boggling, miraculous, peculiar, phenomenal, rad, rockin', special, spectacular, startling, stunning, super-cool, ":"increíble, mágico, maravilloso, sorprendente, alucinante, milagroso, peculiar, fenomenal, molón, especial, espectacular, inesperado, chocante, super guay, ",
"amazing, astonishing, astounding, awe-inspiring, awesome, breathtaking, classic, cool, curious, distinct, exceptional, exclusive, extraordinary, fabulous, fantastic, glorious, great, ":"increíble, asombroso, alucinante, impresionante, formidable, impactante, clásico, guay, curioso, distinto, excepcional, exclusivo, extraordinario, fabuloso, fantástico, glorioso, genial, ",
" sending changes":" enviando cambios",
"diff prev":"dif. ant.",
"diff curr":"dif. act.",
"Types, order, and number of event parameters cannot be edited.":"No se pueden editar los tipos, el orden y el número de parámetros del evento.",
"Events cannot have out parameters.":"No se puede tener parámetros out en estos eventos.",
"TD109: cannot assign to this":"TD109: no se puede asignar a esto",
"just keep typing the search terms!":"¡siga escribiendo los términos de búsqueda!",
"... there's more ...":"... hay más ...",
"tap there for instructions":"pulsar aquí para obtener instrucciones",
"show how to complete this activity":"mostrar cómo completar esta actividad",
"move left":"mover a la izquierda",
"To add page data, create a local var and tap 'promote to field'.":"Para agregar datos a la página, crea una variable local y pulsa 'promocionar a campo'.",
"TD111: cannot assign from {0} to {1}":"TD111: no se puede asignar de {0} a {1}",
"{0} ({1} line{1:s})":"{0} ({1} línea{1:s})",
"replace all in script":"sustituir todo en el script",
"global replace":"sustitución global",
"create a new parameter":"crear un nuevo parámetro",
"select more":"seleccionar más",
"strip '{0}'":"tira '{0}'",
"pull out to block level":"sacar a nivel de bloque",
", got {0:a} instead":", en su lugar, se obtuvo {0}",
"an function type definition":"definición de un tipo de función",
"tap to translate with Microsoft® Translator...":"pulsar para traducir con el traductor de Microsoft®...",
"Translations by Microsoft® Translator, tap to see original...":"Traducciones hechas por Microsoft ® Translator, pulse para ver original...",
"into local":"en local",
"extract to var":"extraer a variable",
"turn into":"convertir en",
"else if":"otra cosa si",
"a minute ago":"hace un minuto",
"loading replies...":"cargando respuestas...",
"show more options":"mostrar más opciones",
"find references":"encontrar referencias",
"need to edit elsewhere":"tienes que hacer modificaciones en otro sitio",
"an hour ago":"hace una hora",
" of ":" de ",
"need to delete this":"tienes que borrar esto",
"screenshot of {0}":"captura de pantalla de {0}",
"loading comments for \/{0}...":"cargando comentarios de \/{0}...",
"my art":"mi arte",
"insert statement":"insertar instrucción",
"learn more":"más información",
"now you can select a property of {0}; it doesn't do anything by itself":"ya puedes seleccionar una propiedad de {0}; por sí misma no hace nada",
"insights":"información detallada",
"tutorial progress":"progreso del tutorial",
"What's new":"Novedades",
"Search everything":"Buscar todo",
"Search Help":"Buscar ayuda",
"Getting started":"Empezar",
"Export to Windows, Android, iOS, Azure":"Exportar a Windows, Android, iOS, Azure",
"top & new":"más destacado y nuevo",
"a few seconds ago":"hace unos segundos",
"screenshot":"captura de pantalla",
"number entry":"entrada numérica",
"regular keypad":"teclado numérico normal",
"Upload Sound":"Cargar sonido",
"Insert '{0}' {1}":"Insertar '{0}' {1}",
"go to":"ir a",
"{0} second{0:s} ago":"hace {0} segundo{0:s}",
"New Scripts":"Nuevos scripts",
"TD145: there seem to be an operator (like '+', '(' or ',') missing here":"TD145: parece que aquí falta un operador (como '+', '(' o ',')",
"we have a library '{0}' here; {1}":"tenemos una biblioteca '{0}' aquí; {1}",
"now you can select a property on it":"ahora puedes seleccionar una propiedad en él",
"we need different keypad":"necesitamos un teclado numérico diferente",
"i'm finished with my Hour of Code™":"He terminado mi Hora del Código™",
"a page":"una página",
"TD154: the operator needs something after it":"TD154: hay algo que tiene que ir detrás del operador",
"TD144: it seems you're missing '{0}', try adding it":"TD144: parece que te falta '{0}', intenta añadirlo",
"{0} hour{0:s} ago":"hace {0} hora{0:s}",
"fix it":"arréglalo",
"learn more about {0}":"más información acerca de {0}",
"Your art will appear here":"Tu arte aparecerá aquí",
"{0} minute{0:s} ago":"hace {0} minuto{0:s}",
"break in debugger":"pausa en el depurador",
"Picks a random color":"Escoge un color aleatorio",
"type: {0}":"tipo: {0}",
"need a different string here":"aquí se necesita una cadena diferente",
"follow tutorial in editor":"seguir tutorial en el editor",
"tap here when done":"pulsar aquí cuando termine",
"upload sound":"cargar sonido",
"keep editing":"seguir editando",
"Type to search...":"Escribir para búsqueda...",
"let's get started!":"¡empecemos!",
"creating script":"creando el script",
"online":"en línea",
"tutorial: ":"tutorial: ",
"excellent; great job; awesome; cool; you rock; well done; outstanding; you got it; right on":"muy bien; buen trabajo; fantástico, guay; molas; bien hecho; sobresaliente; lo has pillado; genial",
"Post a comment...":"Publicar un comentario...",
"parsing script text":"análisis del texto del script",
"report abuse":"denunciar abuso",
"load more":"cargar más",
"TD100: insert {0:a} here":"TD100: insertar {0} aquí",
"Sets the background picture":"Establece la imagen de fondo",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #00FFFFFF":"Obtiene el color que tiene el valor ARGB de #00FFFFFF",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF800080":"Obtiene el color que tiene el valor ARGB de #FF800080",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFF00FF":"Obtiene el color que tiene el valor ARGB de #FFFF00FF",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFFF00":"Obtiene el color que tiene el valor ARGB de #FFFFFF00",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF00FFFF":"Obtiene el color que tiene el valor ARGB de #FF00FFFF",
"Sets the sprite color.":"Establece el color del sprite.",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFA500":"Obtiene el color que tiene el valor ARGB de #FFFFA500",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFFFFF":"Obtiene el color que tiene el valor ARGB de #FFFFFFFF",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFF0000":"Obtiene el color que tiene el valor ARGB de #FFFF0000",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF0000FF":"Obtiene el color que tiene el valor ARGB de #FF0000FF",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF000000":"Obtiene el color que tiene el valor ARGB de #FF000000",
"'atomic' function":"función 'atomic'",
"test function":"función de prueba",
"private function":"función privada",
"function name":"nombre de la función",
"store the value in a variable":"guardar el valor en una variable",
"this script is a web service":"este script es un servicio web",
"variable name":"nombre de la variable",
"library name":"nombre de la biblioteca",
"Enter a name":"Escribir un nombre",
"exported from this library":"exportado desde esta biblioteca",
"search here for {0}":"buscar aquí para {0}",
"ex: ":"ej.: ",
"to code":"a código",
"this script is a library":"este script es una biblioteca",
"run with instrumentation":"ejecutar con instrumentación",
"revert to published version":"revertir a versión publicada",
"manage data":"administrar datos",
"i want it to run on":"quiero ejecutarla en",
"delete local data and permissions":"eliminar datos locales y permisos",
"allow other users to export to app":"permitir a otros usuarios exportar a la aplicación",
"about profile":"acerca del perfil",
"about insights":"acerca de la información detallada",
"about coverage":"acerca de la cobertura",
"Search here...":"Buscar aquí...",
"For published scripts, also look at the tab of the published script page to find anonymously collected crowd-sourced profile and coverage data.":"Para los scripts publicados, consulta también la pestaña en la página del script publicado para buscar un perfil y cobertura recopilados por \\\"crowdsourcing\\\" de forma anónima",
"After the script stops, browse the code to see collected information.":"Después que se detiene el script, explora el código para ver la información recopilada.",
"read only":"solo lectura",
"offline available":"disponible sin conexión",
"cloud sessions":"sesiones en la nube",
"record name:":"registrar nombre:",
"view as script":"ver como script",
", got {0}":", obtuvo {0}",
"See More":"Ver más",
"'{0}' expects {1} here":"'{0}' espera {1} aquí",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF008000":"Obtiene el color que tiene el valor ARGB de #FF008000",
"replace picture":"sustituir imagen",
"demote to var":"bajar a variable",
"change (back) to local":"cambiar (de nuevo) a local",
"search art":"buscar arte",
"let's change this":"cambiemos esto",
"backspace this":"borra esto",
"current expression":"expresión actual",
"set name":"establecer nombre",
"Create a new picture sprite.":"Crear una imagen sprite nueva.",
"Sets the center horizontal position in pixels":"Establece la posición horizontal central en píxeles",
"we'll guide you step by step":"te guiaremos paso a paso",
"All tutorials":"Todos los tutoriales",
"All my scripts":"Todos mis scripts",
"Skill level: {0} ":"Nivel de aptitud: {0} ",
"All my groups":"Todos mis grupos",
"Create your own apps":"Crea tus propias aplicaciones",
"Sets the y position in pixels":"Establece la posición de y en píxeles",
"change contents":"cambiar contenidos",
"move the cursor right":"mover el cursor a la derecha",
"customize the art!":"¡personaliza el arte!",
"Sets the width in pixels":"Establece el ancho en píxeles",
"{0} day{0:s} ago":"hace {0} día{0:s}",
"stop loop":"detener bucle",
"stop function":"función detener",
"skip iteration":"saltar iteración",
"display value":"mostrar valor",
"repeat while":"repetir mientras",
"repeat n times":"repetir n veces",
"\/\/ comment":"\/\/ comentario",
"repeat on collection":"repetir en la colección",
"UI widget":"Widget de interfaz de usuario",
"read more...":"leer mas...",
"Create a new text sprite.":"Crear un nuevo sprite de texto.",
"step over":"encima",
"step out":"fuera",
"step in":"dentro",
"Search code...":"Buscar código...",
"go to previous step":"ir al paso anterior",
"to continue coding":"para continuar escribiendo código",
"compiling script":"compilando script",
"'{0}' returns a '{1}'; {2}":"'{0}' devuelve un '{1}'; {2}",
"promote to data":"promocionar a datos",
"to global var":"para variable global",
"let's do it!":"¡Vamos!",
"store in var":"guardar en variable",
"set local variable name":"establecer el nombre de la variable local",
"please wait...":"espera...",
"function, variable, library, ...":"función, variable, biblioteca, ...",
"add new":"agregar nuevo",
"function types":"tipos de funciones",
"database":"base de datos",
"<b>this line is perfect!<\/b> let's move on":"<b>¡una línea perfecta!<\/b> sigamos",
"art resource":"recursos de arte",
"Your script will appear here":"El script aparecerá aquí",
"Change skill level!":"¡Cambiar nivel de aptitud!",
"move the cursor left":"mover el cursor a la izquierda",
"new variable":"nueva variable",
"a global variable":"una variable global",
"{0} year{0:s} ago":"hace {0:s}años {0}",
"{0} month{0:s} ago":"hace {0} mes{0:s}",
"creates an empty collection of objects":"crea una colección vacía de objetos",
"Create an invalid value of this object type":"Crear un valor no válido de este tipo de objeto",
"import field values from a JSON object":"importar valores de los campos desde un objeto JSON",
"checks if reference has not been set":"comprueba si la referencia no se ha establecido",
"tests if two references refer to the same object":"prueba si dos referencias aluden al mismo objeto",
"sets all fields to their default values":"establece todos los campos a sus valores predeterminados",
"export a JSON representation of the contents":"exportar una representación JSON de los contenidos",
"displays the object on the wall":"muestra el objeto en el muro",
"add line below":"añadir una línea debajo",
"select that line":"selecciona esa línea",
"access the {0} field":"acceder al campo {0}",
"tap there to run your app":"pulsa aquí para ejecutar la aplicación",
"new stmt below":"nueva instrucción debajo",
"new line":"nueva línea",
"Concatenates two pieces of text":"Concatena dos fragmentos de texto",
"more ":"más ",
"TD152: unexpected ')'":"TD152: inesperado ')'",
"TD118: 'if' condition wants {1:a}":"TD118: la condición 'if' pide {1}",
"TD115: excessive parameter(s) supplied to {0}":"TD115: se han proporcionado demasiados parámetros a {0}",
"TD101: cannot find '{0}'":"TD101: no puede encontrar '{0}'",
"TD147: we didn't expect '{0}' here":"TD147: no esperábamos ver a '{0}' aquí",
"no hearts. you can add one once you install the script!":"no hay corazones. ¡podrás agregar uno cuando instales el script!",
"no forks, install, edit and re-publish script to create one!":"¡no hay tenedores, instala, edita y vuelve a publicar tu script para crear uno!",
"no art published by this user":"este usuario no tiene ningún arte publicado",
"get my Hour of Code™ certificate":"Obtener mi certificado Hora del Código™",
"next tutorials...":"siguientes tutoriales...",
"no tags, tap to add some!":"sin etiquetas, pulsa para añadirlas",
"no comments, tap to write some!":"sin comentarios, pulsa para escribirlos",
"Gets the printers on the current wireless network":"Obtiene las impresoras en la red inalámbrica actual",
"Plays the media at the 'url' internet address.":"Reproduce el elemento multimedia en la dirección de Internet 'url'.",
"Browses to the device control panel":"Va al panel de control del dispositivo",
"Gets the manfacturer name":"Obtiene el nombre del fabricante",
"Returns a date that adds the specified number of years to the value of this instance.":"Devuelve una fecha que agrega el número especificado de años al valor de esta instancia.",
"Converts to the local time":"Convierte a la hora local",
"Choose a media player on the current wireless network":"Elige un reproductor multimedia en la red inalámbrica actual",
"Gets the media players on the current wireless network":"Obtiene los reproductores multimedia en la red inalámbrica actual",
"Indicates if no jobs can be processed and intervention is needed.":"Indica si no se pueden procesar tareas y se requiere intervención.",
"Choose a media server on the current wireless network":"Elige un servidor multimedia en la red inalámbrica actual",
"Gets the media servers on the home network":"Obtiene servidores multimedia en la red doméstica",
"Gets the current motion that combines data from the accelerometer, compass and gyroscope if available.":"Obtiene el movimiento actual que combina los datos del acelerómetro, brújula y giroscopio, si estuviera disponible.",
"Gets a value whether the song is DRM protected":"Obtiene un valor que indica si la canción está protegida por DRM",
"Gets the width of the camera image in pixels.":"Obtiene el ancho de la imagen de la cámara en píxeles.",
"Indicates if new jobs can start processing immediately without waiting.":"Indica si las tareas nuevas pueden empezar a procesarse inmediatamente sin esperar.",
"Returns a date that adds the specified number of months to the value of this instance.":"Devuelve una fecha que agrega el número especificado de meses al valor de esta instancia.",
"Indicates if jobs are processing; new jobs will wait before processing, i.e., are said to be pending.":"Indica si las tareas se están procesando; las tareas nuevas esperarán para procesarse, es decir, están pendientes.",
"Indicates the media can be played, paused, resumed":"Indica que el elemento multimedia se puede reproducir, pausar, reanudar",
"Sets the sound volume level from 0 (silent) to 1 (current volume)":"Establece el nivel del volumen del sonido de 0 (silencio) a 1 (volumen actual)",
"Indicates if volume can be changed":"Indica si se puede modificar el volumen",
"Gets the sound volume for sounds from 0 (silent) to 1 (current volume)":"Obtiene el volumen del sonido para sonidos comprendidos de 0 (silencio) a 1 (volumen actual)",
"Reads the response body as a wave sound":"Lee el cuerpo de la respuesta como archivo de sonido",
"Gets the height of the camera image in pixels.":"Obtiene el alto de la imagen de la cámara en píxeles.",
"This script uses the following capabilities: ":"Este script usa las siguientes capacidades: ",
"Sets the 3x3 affine matrix transformation applied to the wall.":"Establece la transformación afín de matriz 3x3 que se aplica al muro.",
"Searches the Windows Phone Store (type in applications or music)":"Busca en Windows Phone Store (escribir en aplicaciones o música)",
"Display the printer to the wall":"Muestra la impresora en el muro",
"Gets the name of the printer":"Obtiene el nombre de la impresora",
"Gets the detailled information about this device":"Obtiene la información detallada sobre este dispositivo",
"Applies `converter` on all elements of the input collection and returns a collection of results":"Aplica `converter` a todos los elementos de la colección de datos de entrada y devuelve una colección de resultados",
"overview":"información general",
"Draws a line between two points":"Dibuja una línea entre dos puntos",
"Writes another picture at a given location. The opacity ranges from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).":"Escribe otra imagen en una ubicación determinada. La opacidad tiene una gradación de 0 (transparente) a 1 (opaco).",
"Fills a ellipse with a given color":"Rellena una elipse en un color determinado",
"Returns a copy of the image":"Devuelve una copia de la imagen",
"Draws some text border with a given color and font size":"Dibuja borde de texto en un color y tamaño de fuente determinados",
"Fills a rectangle with a given color":"Rellena un rectángulo en un color determinado",
"Resizes the picture to the given size in pixels":"Cambia el tamaño de la imagen según el tamaño en píxeles especificado",
"Displays the image to the wall; you need to call 'update on wall' later if you want changes to be reflected.":"Muestra la imagen en el muro; debes llamar a 'actualizar en el muro' posteriormente si quieres que se vean reflejados los cambios.",
"you did it!":"¡Lo has conseguido!",
"upload screenshot":"Cargar captura de pantalla",
"Publishing is subject to our ":"La publicación está sujeta a nuestras ",
". Please read our information about ":". Lee la información acerca de ",
"maybe later":"quizás más tarde",
"Embeded text or downloaded from the web":"Texto incrustado o descargado de Internet",
"Code that performs a specific task":"Código que realiza una tarea específica",
"Code raised when a user interaction happens":"Código que aparece cuando se produce una interacción del usuario",
"An indexed table of user-defined rows":"Una tabla indexada con filas definidas por el usuario",
"A user interface":"Una interfaz de usuario",
"A table of user-defined rows":"Una tabla con filas definidas por el usuario",
"A reference to a library script":"Una referencia a un script de biblioteca",
"A number constant":"Una constante numérica",
"A global variable":"Una variable global",
"A color constant":"Una constante de color",
"Current device":"Dispositivo actual",
"tap to change the color":"pulsa para cambiar el color",
"Show errors in the editor if the script uses any APIs that prevent it from running on these platforms.":"Mostrar errores en el editor si el script usa API que evitan que se ejecute en estas plataformas.",
"Detaches the handler from the event.":"Desasocia el controlador del evento.",
"set the handler that is invoked when the board is tapped":"establecer el controlador que se invoca cuando se pulsa el panel",
"Returns true if the current instance is useless":"Devuelve TRUE si la instancia actual es inservible",
"Gets the width in pixels":"Obtiene el ancho en píxeles",
"Gets the height in pixels":"Obtiene el alto en píxeles",
"Script Updates":"Actualizaciones de script",
"rewind ":"retroceder ",
"A picture":"Una imagen",
"search art pictures":"buscar imágenes de arte",
"no picture loaded yet":"todavía no se cargaron imágenes",
"Updates picture on a picture sprite (if it is a picture sprite)":"Actualiza la imagen como imagen sprite (si es una imagen sprite)",
"Add an action that fires for every display frame":"Agregar una acción que se desencadene para cada fotograma de la pantalla",
"Gets the center horizontal position of in pixels":"Obtiene la posición horizontal central en píxeles",
"Sets the y acceleration in pixels\/sec^2":"Establece la aceleración de y en píxeles\/seg^2",
"Sets the height in pixels":"Establece el alto en píxeles",
"Sets the y speed in pixels\/sec":"Establece la velocidad de y en píxeles\/seg",
"we need to edit another thing":"tenemos que editar otra cosa",
"Do the sprites overlap":"¿Se solapan los sprites?",
"Gets the y position in pixels":"Obtiene la posición de y en píxeles",
"Sets the x speed in pixels\/sec":"Establece la velocidad de x en píxeles\/seg",
"New or built-in colors":"Colores nuevos o integrados",
"Compares numbers for equality":"Compara números según igualdad",
"Compares numbers for less":"Compara números según menor",
"Compares numbers for more":"Compara números según mayor",
"Multiplies numbers":"Multiplica números",
"Subtracts numbers":"Resta números",
"Adds numbers":"Suma números",
"Interact with devices in the home network. Devices must be UPnP™ compatible.":"",
"Phone numbers, vibrate, etc...":"Números de teléfono, vibración, etc....",
"Create invalid values":"Crear valores no válidos",
"Search and browse the web...":"Buscar y navegar por la web...",
"Camera, location, microphone and other sensors":"Ubicación, micrófono, cámara y otros sensores",
"Pictures and music...":"Fotos y música...",
"ADJ script":"Script ADJ",
"syncing...":"sincronización de...",
"Please wait...":"espera...",
"Interact with the app runtime":"Interactuar con el tiempo de ejecución de la aplicación",
"Ask or display values on the wall...":"Pedir o mostrar los valores en la pared...",
"Emails, sms, contacts, calendar, ...":"Mensajes de correo electrónico, sms, contactos, calendario...",
"2D barcodes, QR codes and NFC tags":"etiquetas NFC, los códigos QR y los códigos de barras 2D",
"Support for interactive tutorials.":"Soporte para tutoriales interactivos.",
"Translation, speech to text, ...":"Traducción, discurso al texto...",
"Access to the radio":"Acceso a la radio",
"tiles and notifications for Windows and Windows Phone":"azulejos y notificaciones para Windows y Windows Phone",
"Maps, location to address, address to location":"Mapas, ubicación, dirección, dirección de ubicación",
"Current box element in the page.":"Elemento actual de la caja en la página.",
"A place to hook up an action to execute in response to an event":"Un lugar para conectar una acción para ejecutar en respuesta a un evento",
"Divides numbers":"Divide números",
"Correctness helpers":"Ayudantes de corrección",
"Play, stop or resume songs, ...":"Reproducir, detener o reanudar canciones...",
"time and dates":"hora y fecha",
"Create collections of items.":"Crear colecciones de objetos.",
"replace all in function":"",
"in this function":"",
"Gets a list of all songs":"",
"Gets a list of all pictures":"",
"Gets the name of the audio\/video player":"",
"Gets a list of all videos":"",
"Searches for pictures in a particular date range.":"",
"Searches for songs":"",
"Checks if the device is connected":"",
"Searches for videos":"",
"Chooses a song":"",
"Chooses a picture":"",
"Chooses a video or a movie":"",
"Moves the player to the next media in the queue.":"",
"Choose a printer on the current wireless network":"",
"of an object":"",
"given ♥":"",
"promote to field":"",
"go to list of things in your script":"",
"Computes the maximum of the values":"",
"Computes the minimum of the values":"",
"Returns a random integral number between `min` and `max` included.":"",
"Converts the value into a json data structure.":"",
"Arithmetic and bitwise operations on 32 bit integers":"",
"OneDrive, OneNote operations":"",
"Gets the number of elements":"",
"Run the inline action.":"",
"Gets the number of playlists":"",
"you can also search":"",
"A unit test":"",
"add {0}":"",
"blank esplora":"",
"An empty Arduino Esplora script.":"",
"blank arduino":"",
"An empty Arduino sketch.":"",
"add line above":"",
"pick a script template...":"",
"type: ":"",
"TD121: cannot find type {0}":"",
"An empty script, which doesn't do anything.":"",
"image proxying":"",
"{0} down":"",
"{0} up":"",
"Displays the playlist to the wall":"",
"Plays the songs in the playlist":"",
"enter a number":"",
"undo fix":"",
"web apps":"",
"run tests":"",
"JSON data":"",
"add comment for this field":"",
"add comment":"",
"we need a new {0}":"",
"new property":"",
"A web app using Azure Services, Node.js and Restify.":"",
"A web app using Node.js and Restify.":"",
"see more options":"",
"parameter name":"",
"tap (←) when done":"",
"tap to change the splash screen picture":"",
"color: {0}":"",
"import column values from a JSON object":"",
"blank engduino":"",
"Counts the number of rows":"",
"Enter a script name...":"",
"Tutorial completed":"",
"This tab contains additional information about this script":"",
"creates an empty collection of entries":"",
"Creates an invalid reference to an entry":"",
"blank office mix":"",
"An empty Office Mix app.":"",
"blank tutorial":"",
"An empty interactive tutorial.":"",
"Pictures, sounds, etc. in the current script":"",
"Objects, tables and indexes in the current script":"",
"Libraries referenced by the current script":"",
"Functions in the current script":"",
"blank app":"",
"surround with":"",
"delete selection":"",
"cut selection":"",
"copy selection":"",
"search templates":"",
"your best score: {0}":"",
"blank game":"",
"the current function":"",
"Cordova mobile app":"",
"pin to start":"",
"or tap to get help":"",
"Boiler plate code to create a game.":"",
"blank pixel art":"",
"An empty app using the scratch library.":"",
"An turtle app.":"",
"an event handler":"",
"make call async":"",
"extract to parameter":"",
"comment out":"",
"Sets the current value":"",
"Gets the status of the player":"",
"Searches for videos in a particular date range.":"",
"Moves the player to the previous media in the queue.":"",
"Sets the friendly name of the device":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Player Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Device Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Printer Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Server instance":"",
"Plays a media from the home network.":"",
"Gets the friendly name of the device":"",
"Creates an invalid Device instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Printer instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Link instance":"",
"Exports a JSON representation of the contents.":"",
"Browse and review scripts from the bazaar":"",
"Gets the foreground color in the current theme":"",
"Gets the normalized red value (0.0-1.0)":"",
"Checks if the color is equal to the other":"",
"Gets the chrome color in the current theme (control background)":"",
"Gets the accent color in the current theme":"",
"Gets the location":"",
"Gets the name of the album":"",
"Gets the link associated to the message":"",
"Sorts the places by distance to the location":"",
"Gets the songs":"",
"Indicates if the key exists":"",
"Gets a field value as a boolean":"",
"Gets the name of the song":"",
"Displays the link on the wall":"",
"Gets the genre of the song":"",
"Plays the song.":"",
"Gets the name of the artist":"",
"Gets a value indicating if the background repeats horizontally":"",
"Gets the number of values":"",
"Sets a value indicating if the background repeats horizontally":"",
"Gets the list of keys":"",
"Gets the text":"",
"Gets a field value as a string":"",
"Creates a new color by changing the alpha channel from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).":"",
"Picks a color from a color wheel where the hue is between 0 and 1.":"",
"Indicates if the player is paused":"",
"Gets the duration in seconds":"",
"Gets the number of elements in the collection":"",
"Imports a JSON representation of the contents.":"",
"Ooops, there was an error loading the picture.":"",
"loading more...":"",
"loading art ...":"",
"ok, let's roll!":"",
"From now on we won't show you the code to write. Follow the instructions and tap run when you think you are done.":"",
"Try tweaking your code until you get it right. If you get stuck, tap the tutorial bar.":"",
"<h3>no more tips!<\/h3>":"",
"Specify how to arrange the content of this box":"",
"Starts a new tween animation.":"",
"Parses the string as a number":"",
"publish your script":"",
"Publishing script...":"",
"{0} script{0:s} published":"",
"4. publish":"",
"Sets the rotation speed in degrees\/sec":"",
"Sets the z-index of the sprite":"",
"Gets the acceleration along y in pixels\/sec^2":"",
"Hide sprite.":"",
"Sets the url to the picture":"",
"Displays the value to the wall":"",
"Gets a url to the picture":"",
"Create a new collection for sprites.":"",
"Converts to a boolean (type must be boolean)":"",
"Converts and parses to a date time (type must be string)":"",
"Stringify the current JSON object":"",
"Sorts from the newest to oldest":"",
"Prints the number to the wall":"",
"Sorts the strings in this collection":"",
"Displays the sprite sheet.":"",
"Gets the field value as a time":"",
"Returns a collection sorted using specified comparison key":"",
"Gets a json kind (string, number, object, array, boolean, null)":"",
"Gets a field value as a number":"",
"Converts to a number (type must be number)":"",
"Sets the wall background picture. The picture will be resized and clipped to the screen background as needed.":"",
"Gets a value by name":"",
"Gets the i-th json value":"",
"Creates an empty Picture collection":"",
"Sets the speed in pixels\/sec":"",
"Makes a lighter color by a delta between 0 and 1.":"",
"Makes a darker color by a delta between 0 and 1.":"",
"Compares numbers for less or equal":"",
"Compares numbers for more or equal":"",
"Indicates if the player is stopped":"",
"Updates text on a text sprite (if it is a text sprite)":"",
"add an action that fires for every display frame.":"",
"Returns a substring given a start index and a length":"",
"Converts a number to a string":"",
"Indicates if the string is empty":"",
"Sets the background color":"",
"In debug mode, board displays speed and other info of sprites":"",
"Returns the number of characters":"",
"Sets the angle of the sprite in degrees":"",
"Checks if two strings are the same":"",
"Gets a random item; invalid if collection is empty":"",
"Displays the request to the wall":"",
"Displays string on the wall":"",
"Computes the sum of the values":"",
"Prints the value to the wall":"",
"Computes the average of the values":"",
"Gets the item at position 'index'; invalid if index is out of bounds":"",
"Returns the sprite color.":"",
"Create a new rectangle sprite.":"",
"A argb color (alpha, red, green, blue)":"",
"Gets the names of the headers":"",
"Gets the value of a given header":"",
"Geo coordinates":"",
"Cloud session management":"",
"add optional":"",
"cannot sync - you are not signed in":"",
"try again!":"",
"Returns a string collection that contains the substrings in this string that are delimited by elements of a specified string.":"",
"Teach Creative Coding!":"",
"ok, got it!":"",
"Try finding the buttons yourself. If you get stuck, tap on the goal line.":"",
"From now on we just show you the code that you need to write, in the goal line. It looks like this:":"",
"<h3>now, do it yourself!<\/h3>":"",
"tap a checkmark to add (or remove) your 'vote' to an existing tag":"",
"add new tag":"",
"Writes a static NFC tag with url, text or any other format. `type` may be a mime type.":"",
"Scans an id tag created by TouchDevelop and returns the embeded text.":"",
"Generates a 2D barcode pointing to the text using Microsoft Tag. text must be less than 1000 character long and size must be between 0.75 and 5 inches.":"",
"Set what happens when the box is tapped.":"",
"If the page did not open, tap the 'open' button below, otherwise tap 'done'.":"",
"tap [ok] when done":"",
"Make updates visible.":"",
"Plays the current media from the start.":"",
"Private actions do not get a run button. ":"",
"remove else":"",
"Gets the uri of the media currently active":"",
"Indicates additional information about why the Printer is in its current state.":"",
"Pauses the current media if any.":"",
"Queues a job to print the text.":"",
"Gets the position in seconds whithin the active media":""

locales/fr/strings.json Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,824 @@
"my scripts":"",
"a function":"",
"tap there":"",
"insert {0}":"",
"'Javascripty' curly braces, all the tools, for experienced devs!":"",
"Sets the position in pixels":"",
"insert comment":"",
"translating tutorial...":"",
"loading tutorial":"",
"reloading script":"",
"we have {0:a} here; did you want to do something with it?":"",
"privacy and cookies":"privacy and cookies",
"terms of use":"terms of use",
" -- a local variable":"",
"signing in...":"",
"global vars":"",
"We will adapt the editor to your coding skill level. You can change your skill level later in the hub.":"",
"run main":"",
"Edit code as text, more options, for aspiring app writers!":"",
"Drag and drop blocks, simplified interface, great for beginners!":"",
"choose your coding skill level":"",
"Your full name":"",
"website url":"",
"twitter handle":"",
"sign out":"",
"sign in":"",
"receive email newsletters":"",
"remove picture":"",
"Receive email notifications when other people review\/take a screenshot of\/comment on your scripts, or reply to one of your comments, or when events related to your subscriptions occur.":"",
"Your twitter handle, like @touchdevelop.":"",
"receive email notifications":"",
"real name":"",
"public profile":"",
"public nickname":"",
"private profile":"",
"Please review our Privacy Statement.":"",
"Your email address has not yet been verified. Please check your inbox.":"",
"email and push notifications":"",
"Enter your school affiliation if any.":"",
"What is your occupation?":"",
"What is your level of programming knowledge?":"",
"programming knowledge":"",
"How did you discover TouchDevelop?":"",
"how found":"",
"year of birth":"",
"about you":"",
"Where in the world are you?":"",
"Your Minecraft user.":"",
"more settings":"",
"Your GitHub user.":"",
"minecraft user":"",
"A unique display name for your public profile (at least 8 characters)":"",
"Scripts by this user:":"",
"github user":"",
"Items marked with * are required.":"",
"Enter the URL to your personal website (Example: http:\/\/":"",
"Enter some information about yourself":"",
"Don't forget to scroll down and tap 'save' when you are done editing!":"",
"Do you want to receive informational TouchDevelop-related newsletters, e.g. about new features and upcoming events?":"",
"<h3>loading current settings...<\/h3>":"",
"Art by this user:":"",
"abuse reports":"",
"go back to coding! {0}★ to go":"",
"add input parameter":"",
"start over":"",
"API Docs":"API Docs",
"Upload Picture":"",
"toggle breakpoint":"",
"Create Script":"",
"Create Group":"",
"Join Group":"",
"global variable":"",
"script properties":"",
"decimal dot":"",
"move cursor":"",
"upload picture":"",
"the hub":"",
"logical negation":"",
"A number (possibly negative and\/or fractional)":"",
"replicated ":"",
"publish as hidden":"",
"learn about publishing":"",
"Publish script":"",
"Minecraft user":"",
"TD155: '{0}' cannot be assigned to a local variable":"",
"TD130: bound of 'for' wants {1:a}":"",
"TD150: cannot call the thing before '('":"",
"TD151: unclosed '('":"",
"TD112: i cannot find property '{0}' on {1}":"",
"TD116: not enough parameters supplied to {0}":"",
"move to library":"",
" [hidden]":"",
"color #{0}":"",
"load more replies":"",
"export to app":"",
"pull changes":"",
"'{0}' is obsolete and should not be used":"",
"add output parameter":"",
"superior, supernatural, terrific, unbelievable, unearthly, unique, unprecedented, unusual, weird, wonderful, wondrous":"",
"incredible, magical, marvellous, marvelous, mind-blowing, mind-boggling, miraculous, peculiar, phenomenal, rad, rockin', special, spectacular, startling, stunning, super-cool, ":"",
"amazing, astonishing, astounding, awe-inspiring, awesome, breathtaking, classic, cool, curious, distinct, exceptional, exclusive, extraordinary, fabulous, fantastic, glorious, great, ":"",
" sending changes":"",
"diff prev":"",
"diff curr":"",
"Types, order, and number of event parameters cannot be edited.":"",
"Events cannot have out parameters.":"",
"TD109: cannot assign to this":"",
"just keep typing the search terms!":"",
"... there's more ...":"",
"tap there for instructions":"",
"show how to complete this activity":"",
"move left":"",
"To add page data, create a local var and tap 'promote to field'.":"",
"TD111: cannot assign from {0} to {1}":"",
"{0} ({1} line{1:s})":"",
"replace all in script":"",
"global replace":"",
"create a new parameter":"",
"select more":"",
"strip '{0}'":"",
"pull out to block level":"",
", got {0:a} instead":"",
"an function type definition":"",
"tap to translate with Microsoft® Translator...":"",
"Translations by Microsoft® Translator, tap to see original...":"",
"into local":"",
"extract to var":"",
"turn into":"",
"else if":"else if",
"a minute ago":"",
"loading replies...":"",
"show more options":"",
"find references":"",
"need to edit elsewhere":"",
"an hour ago":"",
" of ":"",
"need to delete this":"",
"screenshot of {0}":"",
"loading comments for \/{0}...":"",
"my art":"",
"insert statement":"",
"learn more":"",
"now you can select a property of {0}; it doesn't do anything by itself":"",
"tutorial progress":"",
"What's new":"",
"Search everything":"",
"Search Help":"",
"Getting started":"",
"Export to Windows, Android, iOS, Azure":"",
"top & new":"",
"a few seconds ago":"",
"number entry":"",
"regular keypad":"",
"Upload Sound":"",
"Insert '{0}' {1}":"",
"go to":"",
"{0} second{0:s} ago":"",
"New Scripts":"",
"TD145: there seem to be an operator (like '+', '(' or ',') missing here":"",
"we have a library '{0}' here; {1}":"",
"now you can select a property on it":"",
"we need different keypad":"",
"i'm finished with my Hour of Code™":"",
"a page":"",
"TD154: the operator needs something after it":"",
"TD144: it seems you're missing '{0}', try adding it":"",
"{0} hour{0:s} ago":"",
"fix it":"",
"learn more about {0}":"",
"Your art will appear here":"",
"{0} minute{0:s} ago":"",
"break in debugger":"",
"Picks a random color":"",
"type: {0}":"",
"need a different string here":"",
"follow tutorial in editor":"",
"tap here when done":"",
"upload sound":"",
"keep editing":"",
"Type to search...":"",
"let's get started!":"",
"creating script":"",
"tutorial: ":"",
"excellent; great job; awesome; cool; you rock; well done; outstanding; you got it; right on":"",
"Post a comment...":"",
"parsing script text":"",
"report abuse":"",
"load more":"",
"TD100: insert {0:a} here":"",
"Sets the background picture":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #00FFFFFF":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF800080":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFF00FF":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFFF00":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF00FFFF":"",
"Sets the sprite color.":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFA500":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFFFFF":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFF0000":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF0000FF":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF000000":"",
"'atomic' function":"",
"test function":"",
"private function":"",
"function name":"",
"store the value in a variable":"",
"this script is a web service":"",
"variable name":"",
"library name":"",
"Enter a name":"",
"exported from this library":"",
"search here for {0}":"",
"ex: ":"",
"to code":"",
"this script is a library":"",
"run with instrumentation":"",
"revert to published version":"",
"manage data":"",
"i want it to run on":"",
"delete local data and permissions":"",
"allow other users to export to app":"",
"about profile":"",
"about insights":"",
"about coverage":"",
"Search here...":"",
"For published scripts, also look at the tab of the published script page to find anonymously collected crowd-sourced profile and coverage data.":"",
"After the script stops, browse the code to see collected information.":"",
"read only":"",
"offline available":"",
"cloud sessions":"",
"record name:":"",
"view as script":"",
", got {0}":"",
"See More":"",
"'{0}' expects {1} here":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF008000":"",
"replace picture":"",
"demote to var":"",
"change (back) to local":"",
"search art":"",
"let's change this":"",
"backspace this":"",
"current expression":"",
"set name":"",
"Create a new picture sprite.":"",
"Sets the center horizontal position in pixels":"",
"we'll guide you step by step":"",
"All tutorials":"",
"All my scripts":"",
"Skill level: {0} ":"",
"All my groups":"",
"Create your own apps":"",
"Sets the y position in pixels":"",
"change contents":"",
"move the cursor right":"",
"customize the art!":"",
"Sets the width in pixels":"",
"{0} day{0:s} ago":"",
"stop loop":"",
"stop function":"",
"skip iteration":"",
"display value":"",
"repeat while":"",
"repeat n times":"",
"\/\/ comment":"",
"repeat on collection":"",
"UI widget":"",
"read more...":"",
"Create a new text sprite.":"",
"step over":"",
"step out":"",
"step in":"",
"Search code...":"",
"go to previous step":"",
"to continue coding":"",
"compiling script":"",
"'{0}' returns a '{1}'; {2}":"",
"promote to data":"",
"to global var":"",
"let's do it!":"",
"store in var":"",
"set local variable name":"",
"please wait...":"",
"function, variable, library, ...":"",
"add new":"",
"function types":"",
"<b>this line is perfect!<\/b> let's move on":"",
"art resource":"",
"Your script will appear here":"",
"Change skill level!":"",
"move the cursor left":"",
"new variable":"",
"a global variable":"",
"{0} year{0:s} ago":"",
"{0} month{0:s} ago":"",
"creates an empty collection of objects":"",
"Create an invalid value of this object type":"",
"import field values from a JSON object":"",
"checks if reference has not been set":"",
"tests if two references refer to the same object":"",
"sets all fields to their default values":"",
"export a JSON representation of the contents":"",
"displays the object on the wall":"",
"add line below":"",
"select that line":"",
"access the {0} field":"",
"tap there to run your app":"",
"new stmt below":"",
"new line":"",
"Concatenates two pieces of text":"",
"more ":"",
"TD152: unexpected ')'":"",
"TD118: 'if' condition wants {1:a}":"",
"TD115: excessive parameter(s) supplied to {0}":"",
"TD101: cannot find '{0}'":"",
"TD147: we didn't expect '{0}' here":"",
"no hearts. you can add one once you install the script!":"",
"no forks, install, edit and re-publish script to create one!":"",
"no art published by this user":"",
"get my Hour of Code™ certificate":"",
"next tutorials...":"",
"no tags, tap to add some!":"",
"no comments, tap to write some!":"",
"Gets the printers on the current wireless network":"",
"Plays the media at the 'url' internet address.":"",
"Browses to the device control panel":"",
"Gets the manfacturer name":"",
"Returns a date that adds the specified number of years to the value of this instance.":"",
"Converts to the local time":"",
"Choose a media player on the current wireless network":"",
"Gets the media players on the current wireless network":"",
"Indicates if no jobs can be processed and intervention is needed.":"",
"Choose a media server on the current wireless network":"",
"Gets the media servers on the home network":"",
"Gets the current motion that combines data from the accelerometer, compass and gyroscope if available.":"",
"Gets a value whether the song is DRM protected":"",
"Gets the width of the camera image in pixels.":"",
"Indicates if new jobs can start processing immediately without waiting.":"",
"Returns a date that adds the specified number of months to the value of this instance.":"",
"Indicates if jobs are processing; new jobs will wait before processing, i.e., are said to be pending.":"",
"Indicates the media can be played, paused, resumed":"",
"Sets the sound volume level from 0 (silent) to 1 (current volume)":"",
"Indicates if volume can be changed":"",
"Gets the sound volume for sounds from 0 (silent) to 1 (current volume)":"",
"Reads the response body as a wave sound":"",
"Gets the height of the camera image in pixels.":"",
"This script uses the following capabilities: ":"",
"Sets the 3x3 affine matrix transformation applied to the wall.":"",
"Searches the Windows Phone Store (type in applications or music)":"",
"Display the printer to the wall":"",
"Gets the name of the printer":"",
"Gets the detailled information about this device":"",
"Applies `converter` on all elements of the input collection and returns a collection of results":"",
"Draws a line between two points":"",
"Writes another picture at a given location. The opacity ranges from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).":"",
"Fills a ellipse with a given color":"",
"Returns a copy of the image":"",
"Draws some text border with a given color and font size":"",
"Fills a rectangle with a given color":"",
"Resizes the picture to the given size in pixels":"",
"Displays the image to the wall; you need to call 'update on wall' later if you want changes to be reflected.":"",
"you did it!":"",
"upload screenshot":"",
"Publishing is subject to our ":"",
". Please read our information about ":"",
"maybe later":"",
"Embeded text or downloaded from the web":"",
"Code that performs a specific task":"",
"Code raised when a user interaction happens":"",
"An indexed table of user-defined rows":"",
"A user interface":"",
"A table of user-defined rows":"",
"A reference to a library script":"",
"A number constant":"",
"A global variable":"",
"A color constant":"",
"Current device":"",
"tap to change the color":"",
"Show errors in the editor if the script uses any APIs that prevent it from running on these platforms.":"",
"Detaches the handler from the event.":"",
"set the handler that is invoked when the board is tapped":"",
"Returns true if the current instance is useless":"",
"Gets the width in pixels":"",
"Gets the height in pixels":"",
"Script Updates":"",
"rewind ":"",
"A picture":"",
"search art pictures":"",
"no picture loaded yet":"",
"Updates picture on a picture sprite (if it is a picture sprite)":"",
"Add an action that fires for every display frame":"",
"Gets the center horizontal position of in pixels":"",
"Sets the y acceleration in pixels\/sec^2":"",
"Sets the height in pixels":"",
"Sets the y speed in pixels\/sec":"",
"we need to edit another thing":"",
"Do the sprites overlap":"",
"Gets the y position in pixels":"",
"Sets the x speed in pixels\/sec":"",
"New or built-in colors":"",
"Compares numbers for equality":"",
"Compares numbers for less":"",
"Compares numbers for more":"",
"Multiplies numbers":"",
"Subtracts numbers":"",
"Adds numbers":"",
"Interact with devices in the home network. Devices must be UPnP™ compatible.":"",
"Phone numbers, vibrate, etc...":"",
"Create invalid values":"",
"Search and browse the web...":"",
"Camera, location, microphone and other sensors":"",
"Pictures and music...":"",
"ADJ script":"",
"Please wait...":"",
"Interact with the app runtime":"",
"Ask or display values on the wall...":"",
"Emails, sms, contacts, calendar, ...":"",
"2D barcodes, QR codes and NFC tags":"",
"Support for interactive tutorials.":"",
"Translation, speech to text, ...":"",
"Access to the radio":"",
"tiles and notifications for Windows and Windows Phone":"",
"Maps, location to address, address to location":"",
"Current box element in the page.":"",
"A place to hook up an action to execute in response to an event":"",
"Divides numbers":"",
"Correctness helpers":"",
"Play, stop or resume songs, ...":"",
"time and dates":"",
"Create collections of items.":"",
"replace all in function":"",
"in this function":"",
"Gets a list of all songs":"",
"Gets a list of all pictures":"",
"Gets the name of the audio\/video player":"",
"Gets a list of all videos":"",
"Searches for pictures in a particular date range.":"",
"Searches for songs":"",
"Checks if the device is connected":"",
"Searches for videos":"",
"Chooses a song":"",
"Chooses a picture":"",
"Chooses a video or a movie":"",
"Moves the player to the next media in the queue.":"",
"Choose a printer on the current wireless network":"",
"of an object":"",
"given ♥":"",
"promote to field":"",
"go to list of things in your script":"",
"Computes the maximum of the values":"",
"Computes the minimum of the values":"",
"Returns a random integral number between `min` and `max` included.":"",
"Converts the value into a json data structure.":"",
"Arithmetic and bitwise operations on 32 bit integers":"",
"OneDrive, OneNote operations":"",
"Gets the number of elements":"",
"Run the inline action.":"",
"Gets the number of playlists":"",
"you can also search":"",
"A unit test":"",
"add {0}":"",
"blank esplora":"",
"An empty Arduino Esplora script.":"",
"blank arduino":"",
"An empty Arduino sketch.":"",
"add line above":"",
"pick a script template...":"",
"type: ":"",
"TD121: cannot find type {0}":"",
"An empty script, which doesn't do anything.":"",
"image proxying":"",
"{0} down":"",
"{0} up":"",
"Displays the playlist to the wall":"",
"Plays the songs in the playlist":"",
"enter a number":"",
"undo fix":"",
"web apps":"",
"run tests":"",
"JSON data":"",
"add comment for this field":"",
"add comment":"",
"we need a new {0}":"",
"new property":"",
"A web app using Azure Services, Node.js and Restify.":"",
"A web app using Node.js and Restify.":"",
"see more options":"",
"parameter name":"",
"tap (←) when done":"",
"tap to change the splash screen picture":"",
"color: {0}":"",
"import column values from a JSON object":"",
"blank engduino":"",
"Counts the number of rows":"",
"Enter a script name...":"",
"Tutorial completed":"",
"This tab contains additional information about this script":"",
"creates an empty collection of entries":"",
"Creates an invalid reference to an entry":"",
"blank office mix":"",
"An empty Office Mix app.":"",
"blank tutorial":"",
"An empty interactive tutorial.":"",
"Pictures, sounds, etc. in the current script":"",
"Objects, tables and indexes in the current script":"",
"Libraries referenced by the current script":"",
"Functions in the current script":"",
"blank app":"",
"surround with":"",
"delete selection":"",
"cut selection":"",
"copy selection":"",
"search templates":"",
"your best score: {0}":"",
"blank game":"",
"the current function":"",
"Cordova mobile app":"",
"pin to start":"",
"or tap to get help":"",
"Boiler plate code to create a game.":"",
"blank pixel art":"",
"An empty app using the scratch library.":"",
"An turtle app.":"",
"an event handler":"",
"make call async":"",
"extract to parameter":"",
"comment out":"",
"Sets the current value":"",
"Gets the status of the player":"",
"Searches for videos in a particular date range.":"",
"Moves the player to the previous media in the queue.":"",
"Sets the friendly name of the device":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Player Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Device Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Printer Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Server instance":"",
"Plays a media from the home network.":"",
"Gets the friendly name of the device":"",
"Creates an invalid Device instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Printer instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Link instance":"",
"Exports a JSON representation of the contents.":"",
"Browse and review scripts from the bazaar":"",
"Gets the foreground color in the current theme":"",
"Gets the normalized red value (0.0-1.0)":"",
"Checks if the color is equal to the other":"",
"Gets the chrome color in the current theme (control background)":"",
"Gets the accent color in the current theme":"",
"Gets the location":"",
"Gets the name of the album":"",
"Gets the link associated to the message":"",
"Sorts the places by distance to the location":"",
"Gets the songs":"",
"Indicates if the key exists":"",
"Gets a field value as a boolean":"",
"Gets the name of the song":"",
"Displays the link on the wall":"",
"Gets the genre of the song":"",
"Plays the song.":"",
"Gets the name of the artist":"",
"Gets a value indicating if the background repeats horizontally":"",
"Gets the number of values":"",
"Sets a value indicating if the background repeats horizontally":"",
"Gets the list of keys":"",
"Gets the text":"",
"Gets a field value as a string":"",
"Creates a new color by changing the alpha channel from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).":"",
"Picks a color from a color wheel where the hue is between 0 and 1.":"",
"Indicates if the player is paused":"",
"Gets the duration in seconds":"",
"Gets the number of elements in the collection":"",
"Imports a JSON representation of the contents.":"",
"Ooops, there was an error loading the picture.":"",
"loading more...":"",
"loading art ...":"",
"ok, let's roll!":"",
"From now on we won't show you the code to write. Follow the instructions and tap run when you think you are done.":"",
"Try tweaking your code until you get it right. If you get stuck, tap the tutorial bar.":"",
"<h3>no more tips!<\/h3>":"",
"Specify how to arrange the content of this box":"",
"Starts a new tween animation.":"",
"Parses the string as a number":"",
"publish your script":"",
"Publishing script...":"",
"{0} script{0:s} published":"",
"4. publish":"",
"Sets the rotation speed in degrees\/sec":"",
"Sets the z-index of the sprite":"",
"Gets the acceleration along y in pixels\/sec^2":"",
"Hide sprite.":"",
"Sets the url to the picture":"",
"Displays the value to the wall":"",
"Gets a url to the picture":"",
"Create a new collection for sprites.":"",
"Converts to a boolean (type must be boolean)":"",
"Converts and parses to a date time (type must be string)":"",
"Stringify the current JSON object":"",
"Sorts from the newest to oldest":"",
"Prints the number to the wall":"",
"Sorts the strings in this collection":"",
"Displays the sprite sheet.":"",
"Gets the field value as a time":"",
"Returns a collection sorted using specified comparison key":"",
"Gets a json kind (string, number, object, array, boolean, null)":"",
"Gets a field value as a number":"",
"Converts to a number (type must be number)":"",
"Sets the wall background picture. The picture will be resized and clipped to the screen background as needed.":"",
"Gets a value by name":"",
"Gets the i-th json value":"",
"Creates an empty Picture collection":"",
"Sets the speed in pixels\/sec":"",
"Makes a lighter color by a delta between 0 and 1.":"",
"Makes a darker color by a delta between 0 and 1.":"",
"Compares numbers for less or equal":"",
"Compares numbers for more or equal":"",
"Indicates if the player is stopped":"",
"Updates text on a text sprite (if it is a text sprite)":"",
"add an action that fires for every display frame.":"",
"Returns a substring given a start index and a length":"",
"Converts a number to a string":"",
"Indicates if the string is empty":"",
"Sets the background color":"",
"In debug mode, board displays speed and other info of sprites":"",
"Returns the number of characters":"",
"Sets the angle of the sprite in degrees":"",
"Checks if two strings are the same":"",
"Gets a random item; invalid if collection is empty":"",
"Displays the request to the wall":"",
"Displays string on the wall":"",
"Computes the sum of the values":"",
"Prints the value to the wall":"",
"Computes the average of the values":"",
"Gets the item at position 'index'; invalid if index is out of bounds":"",
"Returns the sprite color.":"",
"Create a new rectangle sprite.":"",
"A argb color (alpha, red, green, blue)":"",
"Gets the names of the headers":"",
"Gets the value of a given header":"",
"Geo coordinates":"",
"Cloud session management":"",
"add optional":"",
"cannot sync - you are not signed in":"",
"try again!":"",
"Returns a string collection that contains the substrings in this string that are delimited by elements of a specified string.":"",
"Teach Creative Coding!":"",
"ok, got it!":"",
"Try finding the buttons yourself. If you get stuck, tap on the goal line.":"",
"From now on we just show you the code that you need to write, in the goal line. It looks like this:":"",
"<h3>now, do it yourself!<\/h3>":"",
"tap a checkmark to add (or remove) your 'vote' to an existing tag":"",
"add new tag":"",
"Writes a static NFC tag with url, text or any other format. `type` may be a mime type.":"",
"Scans an id tag created by TouchDevelop and returns the embeded text.":"",
"Generates a 2D barcode pointing to the text using Microsoft Tag. text must be less than 1000 character long and size must be between 0.75 and 5 inches.":"",
"Set what happens when the box is tapped.":"",
"If the page did not open, tap the 'open' button below, otherwise tap 'done'.":"",
"tap [ok] when done":"",
"Make updates visible.":"",
"Plays the current media from the start.":"",
"Private actions do not get a run button. ":"",
"remove else":"",
"Gets the uri of the media currently active":"",
"Indicates additional information about why the Printer is in its current state.":"",
"Pauses the current media if any.":"",
"Queues a job to print the text.":"",
"Gets the position in seconds whithin the active media":""

locales/he/strings.json Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,824 @@
"my scripts":"הסקריפטים שלי",
"a function":"",
"tap there":"הקש שם",
"insert {0}":"",
"'Javascripty' curly braces, all the tools, for experienced devs!":"",
"Sets the position in pixels":"",
"insert comment":"",
"translating tutorial...":"",
"loading tutorial":"",
"reloading script":"",
"we have {0:a} here; did you want to do something with it?":"",
"privacy and cookies":"",
"terms of use":"",
" -- a local variable":"",
"signing in...":"",
"global vars":"",
"We will adapt the editor to your coding skill level. You can change your skill level later in the hub.":"",
"run main":"",
"Edit code as text, more options, for aspiring app writers!":"",
"Drag and drop blocks, simplified interface, great for beginners!":"",
"choose your coding skill level":"",
"Your full name":"",
"website url":"",
"twitter handle":"",
"sign out":"",
"sign in":"",
"receive email newsletters":"",
"remove picture":"",
"Receive email notifications when other people review\/take a screenshot of\/comment on your scripts, or reply to one of your comments, or when events related to your subscriptions occur.":"",
"Your twitter handle, like @touchdevelop.":"",
"receive email notifications":"",
"real name":"",
"public profile":"",
"public nickname":"",
"private profile":"",
"Please review our Privacy Statement.":"",
"Your email address has not yet been verified. Please check your inbox.":"",
"email and push notifications":"",
"Enter your school affiliation if any.":"",
"What is your occupation?":"",
"What is your level of programming knowledge?":"",
"programming knowledge":"",
"How did you discover TouchDevelop?":"",
"how found":"",
"year of birth":"",
"about you":"",
"Where in the world are you?":"",
"Your Minecraft user.":"",
"more settings":"",
"Your GitHub user.":"",
"minecraft user":"",
"A unique display name for your public profile (at least 8 characters)":"",
"Scripts by this user:":"",
"github user":"",
"Items marked with * are required.":"",
"Enter the URL to your personal website (Example: http:\/\/":"",
"Enter some information about yourself":"",
"Don't forget to scroll down and tap 'save' when you are done editing!":"",
"Do you want to receive informational TouchDevelop-related newsletters, e.g. about new features and upcoming events?":"",
"<h3>loading current settings...<\/h3>":"",
"Art by this user:":"",
"abuse reports":"",
"go back to coding! {0}★ to go":"",
"add input parameter":"",
"start over":"",
"API Docs":"",
"Upload Picture":"",
"toggle breakpoint":"",
"Create Script":"",
"Create Group":"",
"Join Group":"",
"global variable":"",
"script properties":"",
"decimal dot":"",
"move cursor":"",
"upload picture":"",
"the hub":"",
"logical negation":"",
"A number (possibly negative and\/or fractional)":"",
"replicated ":"",
"publish as hidden":"",
"learn about publishing":"",
"Publish script":"",
"Minecraft user":"",
"TD155: '{0}' cannot be assigned to a local variable":"",
"TD130: bound of 'for' wants {1:a}":"",
"TD150: cannot call the thing before '('":"",
"TD151: unclosed '('":"",
"TD112: i cannot find property '{0}' on {1}":"",
"TD116: not enough parameters supplied to {0}":"",
"move to library":"",
" [hidden]":"",
"color #{0}":"",
"load more replies":"",
"export to app":"",
"pull changes":"",
"'{0}' is obsolete and should not be used":"",
"add output parameter":"",
"superior, supernatural, terrific, unbelievable, unearthly, unique, unprecedented, unusual, weird, wonderful, wondrous":"",
"incredible, magical, marvellous, marvelous, mind-blowing, mind-boggling, miraculous, peculiar, phenomenal, rad, rockin', special, spectacular, startling, stunning, super-cool, ":"",
"amazing, astonishing, astounding, awe-inspiring, awesome, breathtaking, classic, cool, curious, distinct, exceptional, exclusive, extraordinary, fabulous, fantastic, glorious, great, ":"",
" sending changes":"",
"diff prev":"",
"diff curr":"",
"Types, order, and number of event parameters cannot be edited.":"",
"Events cannot have out parameters.":"",
"TD109: cannot assign to this":"",
"just keep typing the search terms!":"",
"... there's more ...":"",
"tap there for instructions":"",
"show how to complete this activity":"",
"move left":"",
"To add page data, create a local var and tap 'promote to field'.":"",
"TD111: cannot assign from {0} to {1}":"",
"{0} ({1} line{1:s})":"",
"replace all in script":"",
"global replace":"",
"create a new parameter":"",
"select more":"",
"strip '{0}'":"",
"pull out to block level":"",
", got {0:a} instead":"",
"an function type definition":"",
"tap to translate with Microsoft® Translator...":"",
"Translations by Microsoft® Translator, tap to see original...":"",
"into local":"",
"extract to var":"",
"turn into":"",
"else if":"",
"a minute ago":"",
"loading replies...":"",
"show more options":"",
"find references":"",
"need to edit elsewhere":"",
"an hour ago":"",
" of ":"",
"need to delete this":"",
"screenshot of {0}":"",
"loading comments for \/{0}...":"",
"my art":"",
"insert statement":"",
"learn more":"",
"now you can select a property of {0}; it doesn't do anything by itself":"",
"tutorial progress":"",
"What's new":"",
"Search everything":"",
"Search Help":"",
"Getting started":"",
"Export to Windows, Android, iOS, Azure":"",
"top & new":"",
"a few seconds ago":"",
"number entry":"",
"regular keypad":"",
"Upload Sound":"",
"Insert '{0}' {1}":"",
"go to":"",
"{0} second{0:s} ago":"",
"New Scripts":"",
"TD145: there seem to be an operator (like '+', '(' or ',') missing here":"",
"we have a library '{0}' here; {1}":"",
"now you can select a property on it":"",
"we need different keypad":"",
"i'm finished with my Hour of Code™":"",
"a page":"",
"TD154: the operator needs something after it":"",
"TD144: it seems you're missing '{0}', try adding it":"",
"{0} hour{0:s} ago":"",
"fix it":"",
"learn more about {0}":"",
"Your art will appear here":"",
"{0} minute{0:s} ago":"",
"break in debugger":"",
"Picks a random color":"",
"type: {0}":"",
"need a different string here":"",
"follow tutorial in editor":"",
"tap here when done":"",
"upload sound":"",
"keep editing":"",
"Type to search...":"",
"let's get started!":"",
"creating script":"",
"tutorial: ":"",
"excellent; great job; awesome; cool; you rock; well done; outstanding; you got it; right on":"",
"Post a comment...":"",
"parsing script text":"",
"report abuse":"",
"load more":"",
"TD100: insert {0:a} here":"",
"Sets the background picture":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #00FFFFFF":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF800080":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFF00FF":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFFF00":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF00FFFF":"",
"Sets the sprite color.":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFA500":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFFFFF":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFF0000":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF0000FF":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF000000":"",
"'atomic' function":"",
"test function":"",
"private function":"",
"function name":"",
"store the value in a variable":"",
"this script is a web service":"",
"variable name":"",
"library name":"",
"Enter a name":"",
"exported from this library":"",
"search here for {0}":"",
"ex: ":"",
"to code":"",
"this script is a library":"",
"run with instrumentation":"",
"revert to published version":"",
"manage data":"",
"i want it to run on":"",
"delete local data and permissions":"",
"allow other users to export to app":"",
"about profile":"",
"about insights":"",
"about coverage":"",
"Search here...":"",
"For published scripts, also look at the tab of the published script page to find anonymously collected crowd-sourced profile and coverage data.":"",
"After the script stops, browse the code to see collected information.":"",
"read only":"",
"offline available":"",
"cloud sessions":"",
"record name:":"",
"view as script":"",
", got {0}":"",
"See More":"",
"'{0}' expects {1} here":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF008000":"",
"replace picture":"",
"demote to var":"",
"change (back) to local":"",
"search art":"",
"let's change this":"",
"backspace this":"",
"current expression":"",
"set name":"",
"Create a new picture sprite.":"",
"Sets the center horizontal position in pixels":"",
"we'll guide you step by step":"",
"All tutorials":"",
"All my scripts":"",
"Skill level: {0} ":"",
"All my groups":"",
"Create your own apps":"",
"Sets the y position in pixels":"",
"change contents":"",
"move the cursor right":"",
"customize the art!":"",
"Sets the width in pixels":"",
"{0} day{0:s} ago":"",
"stop loop":"",
"stop function":"",
"skip iteration":"",
"display value":"",
"repeat while":"",
"repeat n times":"",
"\/\/ comment":"",
"repeat on collection":"",
"UI widget":"",
"read more...":"",
"Create a new text sprite.":"",
"step over":"",
"step out":"",
"step in":"",
"Search code...":"",
"go to previous step":"",
"to continue coding":"",
"compiling script":"",
"'{0}' returns a '{1}'; {2}":"",
"promote to data":"",
"to global var":"",
"let's do it!":"",
"store in var":"",
"set local variable name":"",
"please wait...":"",
"function, variable, library, ...":"",
"add new":"",
"function types":"",
"<b>this line is perfect!<\/b> let's move on":"",
"art resource":"",
"Your script will appear here":"",
"Change skill level!":"",
"move the cursor left":"",
"new variable":"",
"a global variable":"",
"{0} year{0:s} ago":"",
"{0} month{0:s} ago":"",
"creates an empty collection of objects":"",
"Create an invalid value of this object type":"",
"import field values from a JSON object":"",
"checks if reference has not been set":"",
"tests if two references refer to the same object":"",
"sets all fields to their default values":"",
"export a JSON representation of the contents":"",
"displays the object on the wall":"",
"add line below":"",
"select that line":"",
"access the {0} field":"",
"tap there to run your app":"",
"new stmt below":"",
"new line":"",
"Concatenates two pieces of text":"",
"more ":"",
"TD152: unexpected ')'":"",
"TD118: 'if' condition wants {1:a}":"",
"TD115: excessive parameter(s) supplied to {0}":"",
"TD101: cannot find '{0}'":"",
"TD147: we didn't expect '{0}' here":"",
"no hearts. you can add one once you install the script!":"",
"no forks, install, edit and re-publish script to create one!":"",
"no art published by this user":"",
"get my Hour of Code™ certificate":"",
"next tutorials...":"",
"no tags, tap to add some!":"",
"no comments, tap to write some!":"",
"Gets the printers on the current wireless network":"",
"Plays the media at the 'url' internet address.":"",
"Browses to the device control panel":"",
"Gets the manfacturer name":"",
"Returns a date that adds the specified number of years to the value of this instance.":"",
"Converts to the local time":"",
"Choose a media player on the current wireless network":"",
"Gets the media players on the current wireless network":"",
"Indicates if no jobs can be processed and intervention is needed.":"",
"Choose a media server on the current wireless network":"",
"Gets the media servers on the home network":"",
"Gets the current motion that combines data from the accelerometer, compass and gyroscope if available.":"",
"Gets a value whether the song is DRM protected":"",
"Gets the width of the camera image in pixels.":"",
"Indicates if new jobs can start processing immediately without waiting.":"",
"Returns a date that adds the specified number of months to the value of this instance.":"",
"Indicates if jobs are processing; new jobs will wait before processing, i.e., are said to be pending.":"",
"Indicates the media can be played, paused, resumed":"",
"Sets the sound volume level from 0 (silent) to 1 (current volume)":"",
"Indicates if volume can be changed":"",
"Gets the sound volume for sounds from 0 (silent) to 1 (current volume)":"",
"Reads the response body as a wave sound":"",
"Gets the height of the camera image in pixels.":"",
"This script uses the following capabilities: ":"",
"Sets the 3x3 affine matrix transformation applied to the wall.":"",
"Searches the Windows Phone Store (type in applications or music)":"",
"Display the printer to the wall":"",
"Gets the name of the printer":"",
"Gets the detailled information about this device":"",
"Applies `converter` on all elements of the input collection and returns a collection of results":"",
"Draws a line between two points":"",
"Writes another picture at a given location. The opacity ranges from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).":"",
"Fills a ellipse with a given color":"",
"Returns a copy of the image":"",
"Draws some text border with a given color and font size":"",
"Fills a rectangle with a given color":"",
"Resizes the picture to the given size in pixels":"",
"Displays the image to the wall; you need to call 'update on wall' later if you want changes to be reflected.":"",
"you did it!":"",
"upload screenshot":"",
"Publishing is subject to our ":"",
". Please read our information about ":"",
"maybe later":"",
"Embeded text or downloaded from the web":"",
"Code that performs a specific task":"",
"Code raised when a user interaction happens":"",
"An indexed table of user-defined rows":"",
"A user interface":"",
"A table of user-defined rows":"",
"A reference to a library script":"",
"A number constant":"",
"A global variable":"",
"A color constant":"",
"Current device":"",
"tap to change the color":"",
"Show errors in the editor if the script uses any APIs that prevent it from running on these platforms.":"",
"Detaches the handler from the event.":"",
"set the handler that is invoked when the board is tapped":"",
"Returns true if the current instance is useless":"",
"Gets the width in pixels":"",
"Gets the height in pixels":"",
"Script Updates":"",
"rewind ":"",
"A picture":"",
"search art pictures":"",
"no picture loaded yet":"",
"Updates picture on a picture sprite (if it is a picture sprite)":"",
"Add an action that fires for every display frame":"",
"Gets the center horizontal position of in pixels":"",
"Sets the y acceleration in pixels\/sec^2":"",
"Sets the height in pixels":"",
"Sets the y speed in pixels\/sec":"",
"we need to edit another thing":"",
"Do the sprites overlap":"",
"Gets the y position in pixels":"",
"Sets the x speed in pixels\/sec":"",
"New or built-in colors":"",
"Compares numbers for equality":"",
"Compares numbers for less":"",
"Compares numbers for more":"",
"Multiplies numbers":"",
"Subtracts numbers":"",
"Adds numbers":"",
"Interact with devices in the home network. Devices must be UPnP™ compatible.":"",
"Phone numbers, vibrate, etc...":"",
"Create invalid values":"",
"Search and browse the web...":"",
"Camera, location, microphone and other sensors":"",
"Pictures and music...":"",
"ADJ script":"",
"Please wait...":"",
"Interact with the app runtime":"",
"Ask or display values on the wall...":"",
"Emails, sms, contacts, calendar, ...":"",
"2D barcodes, QR codes and NFC tags":"",
"Support for interactive tutorials.":"",
"Translation, speech to text, ...":"",
"Access to the radio":"",
"tiles and notifications for Windows and Windows Phone":"",
"Maps, location to address, address to location":"",
"Current box element in the page.":"",
"A place to hook up an action to execute in response to an event":"",
"Divides numbers":"",
"Correctness helpers":"",
"Play, stop or resume songs, ...":"",
"time and dates":"",
"Create collections of items.":"",
"replace all in function":"",
"in this function":"",
"Gets a list of all songs":"",
"Gets a list of all pictures":"",
"Gets the name of the audio\/video player":"",
"Gets a list of all videos":"",
"Searches for pictures in a particular date range.":"",
"Searches for songs":"",
"Checks if the device is connected":"",
"Searches for videos":"",
"Chooses a song":"",
"Chooses a picture":"",
"Chooses a video or a movie":"",
"Moves the player to the next media in the queue.":"",
"Choose a printer on the current wireless network":"",
"of an object":"",
"given ♥":"",
"promote to field":"",
"go to list of things in your script":"",
"Computes the maximum of the values":"",
"Computes the minimum of the values":"",
"Returns a random integral number between `min` and `max` included.":"",
"Converts the value into a json data structure.":"",
"Arithmetic and bitwise operations on 32 bit integers":"",
"OneDrive, OneNote operations":"",
"Gets the number of elements":"",
"Run the inline action.":"",
"Gets the number of playlists":"",
"you can also search":"",
"A unit test":"",
"add {0}":"",
"blank esplora":"",
"An empty Arduino Esplora script.":"",
"blank arduino":"",
"An empty Arduino sketch.":"",
"add line above":"",
"pick a script template...":"",
"type: ":"",
"TD121: cannot find type {0}":"",
"An empty script, which doesn't do anything.":"",
"image proxying":"",
"{0} down":"",
"{0} up":"",
"Displays the playlist to the wall":"",
"Plays the songs in the playlist":"",
"enter a number":"",
"undo fix":"",
"web apps":"",
"run tests":"",
"JSON data":"",
"add comment for this field":"",
"add comment":"",
"we need a new {0}":"",
"new property":"",
"A web app using Azure Services, Node.js and Restify.":"",
"A web app using Node.js and Restify.":"",
"see more options":"",
"parameter name":"",
"tap (←) when done":"",
"tap to change the splash screen picture":"",
"color: {0}":"",
"import column values from a JSON object":"",
"blank engduino":"",
"Counts the number of rows":"",
"Enter a script name...":"",
"Tutorial completed":"",
"This tab contains additional information about this script":"",
"creates an empty collection of entries":"",
"Creates an invalid reference to an entry":"",
"blank office mix":"",
"An empty Office Mix app.":"",
"blank tutorial":"",
"An empty interactive tutorial.":"",
"Pictures, sounds, etc. in the current script":"",
"Objects, tables and indexes in the current script":"",
"Libraries referenced by the current script":"",
"Functions in the current script":"",
"blank app":"",
"surround with":"",
"delete selection":"",
"cut selection":"",
"copy selection":"",
"search templates":"",
"your best score: {0}":"",
"blank game":"",
"the current function":"",
"Cordova mobile app":"",
"pin to start":"",
"or tap to get help":"",
"Boiler plate code to create a game.":"",
"blank pixel art":"",
"An empty app using the scratch library.":"",
"An turtle app.":"",
"an event handler":"",
"make call async":"",
"extract to parameter":"",
"comment out":"",
"Sets the current value":"",
"Gets the status of the player":"",
"Searches for videos in a particular date range.":"",
"Moves the player to the previous media in the queue.":"",
"Sets the friendly name of the device":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Player Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Device Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Printer Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Server instance":"",
"Plays a media from the home network.":"",
"Gets the friendly name of the device":"",
"Creates an invalid Device instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Printer instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Link instance":"",
"Exports a JSON representation of the contents.":"",
"Browse and review scripts from the bazaar":"",
"Gets the foreground color in the current theme":"",
"Gets the normalized red value (0.0-1.0)":"",
"Checks if the color is equal to the other":"",
"Gets the chrome color in the current theme (control background)":"",
"Gets the accent color in the current theme":"",
"Gets the location":"",
"Gets the name of the album":"",
"Gets the link associated to the message":"",
"Sorts the places by distance to the location":"",
"Gets the songs":"",
"Indicates if the key exists":"",
"Gets a field value as a boolean":"",
"Gets the name of the song":"",
"Displays the link on the wall":"",
"Gets the genre of the song":"",
"Plays the song.":"",
"Gets the name of the artist":"",
"Gets a value indicating if the background repeats horizontally":"",
"Gets the number of values":"",
"Sets a value indicating if the background repeats horizontally":"",
"Gets the list of keys":"",
"Gets the text":"",
"Gets a field value as a string":"",
"Creates a new color by changing the alpha channel from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).":"",
"Picks a color from a color wheel where the hue is between 0 and 1.":"",
"Indicates if the player is paused":"",
"Gets the duration in seconds":"",
"Gets the number of elements in the collection":"",
"Imports a JSON representation of the contents.":"",
"Ooops, there was an error loading the picture.":"",
"loading more...":"",
"loading art ...":"",
"ok, let's roll!":"",
"From now on we won't show you the code to write. Follow the instructions and tap run when you think you are done.":"",
"Try tweaking your code until you get it right. If you get stuck, tap the tutorial bar.":"",
"<h3>no more tips!<\/h3>":"",
"Specify how to arrange the content of this box":"",
"Starts a new tween animation.":"",
"Parses the string as a number":"",
"publish your script":"",
"Publishing script...":"",
"{0} script{0:s} published":"",
"4. publish":"",
"Sets the rotation speed in degrees\/sec":"",
"Sets the z-index of the sprite":"",
"Gets the acceleration along y in pixels\/sec^2":"",
"Hide sprite.":"",
"Sets the url to the picture":"",
"Displays the value to the wall":"",
"Gets a url to the picture":"",
"Create a new collection for sprites.":"",
"Converts to a boolean (type must be boolean)":"",
"Converts and parses to a date time (type must be string)":"",
"Stringify the current JSON object":"",
"Sorts from the newest to oldest":"",
"Prints the number to the wall":"",
"Sorts the strings in this collection":"",
"Displays the sprite sheet.":"",
"Gets the field value as a time":"",
"Returns a collection sorted using specified comparison key":"",
"Gets a json kind (string, number, object, array, boolean, null)":"",
"Gets a field value as a number":"",
"Converts to a number (type must be number)":"",
"Sets the wall background picture. The picture will be resized and clipped to the screen background as needed.":"",
"Gets a value by name":"",
"Gets the i-th json value":"",
"Creates an empty Picture collection":"",
"Sets the speed in pixels\/sec":"",
"Makes a lighter color by a delta between 0 and 1.":"",
"Makes a darker color by a delta between 0 and 1.":"",
"Compares numbers for less or equal":"",
"Compares numbers for more or equal":"",
"Indicates if the player is stopped":"",
"Updates text on a text sprite (if it is a text sprite)":"",
"add an action that fires for every display frame.":"",
"Returns a substring given a start index and a length":"",
"Converts a number to a string":"",
"Indicates if the string is empty":"",
"Sets the background color":"",
"In debug mode, board displays speed and other info of sprites":"",
"Returns the number of characters":"",
"Sets the angle of the sprite in degrees":"",
"Checks if two strings are the same":"",
"Gets a random item; invalid if collection is empty":"",
"Displays the request to the wall":"",
"Displays string on the wall":"",
"Computes the sum of the values":"",
"Prints the value to the wall":"",
"Computes the average of the values":"",
"Gets the item at position 'index'; invalid if index is out of bounds":"",
"Returns the sprite color.":"",
"Create a new rectangle sprite.":"",
"A argb color (alpha, red, green, blue)":"",
"Gets the names of the headers":"",
"Gets the value of a given header":"",
"Geo coordinates":"",
"Cloud session management":"",
"add optional":"",
"cannot sync - you are not signed in":"",
"try again!":"",
"Returns a string collection that contains the substrings in this string that are delimited by elements of a specified string.":"",
"Teach Creative Coding!":"",
"ok, got it!":"",
"Try finding the buttons yourself. If you get stuck, tap on the goal line.":"",
"From now on we just show you the code that you need to write, in the goal line. It looks like this:":"",
"<h3>now, do it yourself!<\/h3>":"",
"tap a checkmark to add (or remove) your 'vote' to an existing tag":"",
"add new tag":"",
"Writes a static NFC tag with url, text or any other format. `type` may be a mime type.":"",
"Scans an id tag created by TouchDevelop and returns the embeded text.":"",
"Generates a 2D barcode pointing to the text using Microsoft Tag. text must be less than 1000 character long and size must be between 0.75 and 5 inches.":"",
"Set what happens when the box is tapped.":"",
"If the page did not open, tap the 'open' button below, otherwise tap 'done'.":"",
"tap [ok] when done":"",
"Make updates visible.":"",
"Plays the current media from the start.":"",
"Private actions do not get a run button. ":"",
"remove else":"",
"Gets the uri of the media currently active":"",
"Indicates additional information about why the Printer is in its current state.":"",
"Pauses the current media if any.":"",
"Queues a job to print the text.":"",
"Gets the position in seconds whithin the active media":""

locales/ja/strings.json Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,824 @@
"my scripts":"マイ スクリプト",
"a function":"関数",
"tap there":"ここをタップします",
"insert {0}":"{0} の挿入",
"'Javascripty' curly braces, all the tools, for experienced devs!":"経験豊富な開発者のために、Javascript の中かっこやあらゆるツールも用意されています!",
"Sets the position in pixels":"位置をピクセル単位で設定",
"insert comment":"コメントの挿入",
"translating tutorial...":"チュートリアルの翻訳...",
"loading tutorial":"チュートリアルの読み込み",
"reloading script":"スクリプトの再読み込み",
"we have {0:a} here; did you want to do something with it?":"ここに {0:a} があります。これで何かを実行しようと思いましたか?",
"privacy and cookies":"privacy and cookies",
"terms of use":"terms of use",
" -- a local variable":" -- ローカル変数",
"signing in...":"サインインしています…",
"global vars":"グローバル変数",
"We will adapt the editor to your coding skill level. You can change your skill level later in the hub.":"コーディング スキル レベルに合わせたディターを採用しています。ハブで後からスキル レベルを変更できます。",
"run main":"main を実行",
"Edit code as text, more options, for aspiring app writers!":"テキストとしてコードを編集できることやその他のオプションは、コーディング初心者にとって心強い味方です!",
"Drag and drop blocks, simplified interface, great for beginners!":"ブロックのドラッグ アンド ドロップ、簡略化されたインターフェイスによって、初心者でも簡単に操作できます!",
"choose your coding skill level":"コーディングのスキル レベルを選んでください",
"Your full name":"フル ネーム",
"website url":"Web サイトの URL",
"website":"Web サイト",
"twitter handle":"Twitter のハンドル名",
"sign out":"サインアウト",
"sign in":"サインインしています",
"receive email newsletters":"電子メールのニュースレターを受信",
"remove picture":"画像を削除",
"Receive email notifications when other people review\/take a screenshot of\/comment on your scripts, or reply to one of your comments, or when events related to your subscriptions occur.":"他の人があなたのスクリプトをレビューしたり、スクリーンショットを作成したり、コメントした場合や、あなたのコメントに返信した場合、あるいはあなたのサブスクリプションに関するイベントが発生した場合に、電子メールで通知を受け取ります。",
"Your twitter handle, like @touchdevelop.":"Twitter のハンドル名 (例: @touchdevelop)",
"receive email notifications":"電子メールの通知を受信",
"real name":"本名",
"public profile":"パブリック プロフィール",
"public nickname":"パブリック ニックネーム",
"private profile":"プライベート プロフィール",
"Please review our Privacy Statement.":"プライバシーに関する声明を確認してください。",
"Your email address has not yet been verified. Please check your inbox.":"電子メールが確認されていません。受信トレイをチェックしてください。",
"email and push notifications":"電子メールとプッシュ通知",
"Enter your school affiliation if any.":"学生の場合は、学校名を入力してください。",
"What is your occupation?":"あなたのご職業は?",
"What is your level of programming knowledge?":"プログラムに関する知識はどの程度のレベルですか?",
"programming knowledge":"プログラムに関する知識",
"How did you discover TouchDevelop?":"TouchDevelop を見つけた方法?",
"how found":"見つけた方法",
"year of birth":"生年",
"about you":"自分について",
"Where in the world are you?":"どこにお住まいですか?",
"Your Minecraft user.":"自分の Minecraft ユーザー名。",
"more settings":"その他の設定",
"Your GitHub user.":"自分の GitHub ユーザー名。",
"minecraft user":"Minecraft ユーザー",
"A unique display name for your public profile (at least 8 characters)":"パブリック プロフィールの一意の表示名 (8 文字以上)",
"Scripts by this user:":"このユーザーによるスクリプト:",
"github user":"GitHub ユーザー",
"Items marked with * are required.":"* が付いている項目は必須です。",
"Enter the URL to your personal website (Example: http:\/\/":"お客様の Web サイト URL を入力してください (例: http:\/\/",
"Enter some information about yourself":"お客様の情報を入力してください",
"Don't forget to scroll down and tap 'save' when you are done editing!":"編集が終わったら、下にスクロールして、[保存] をタップしてください!",
"Do you want to receive informational TouchDevelop-related newsletters, e.g. about new features and upcoming events?":"TouchDevelop に関する新機能や今後のイベントなどのニュースレターの受信をご希望なさいますか?",
"<h3>loading current settings...<\/h3>":"<h3>現在の設定を読み込んでいます…<\/h3>",
"Art by this user:":"このユーザーによるアート:",
"abuse reports":"不正使用を報告",
"go back to coding! {0}★ to go":"コーディングに戻ります!残り {0}★",
"add input parameter":"入力パラメーターの追加",
"start over":"最初からやり直し",
"API Docs":"API 文書",
"Upload Picture":"画像のアップロード",
"toggle breakpoint":"ブレークポイントのトグル",
"Create Script":"スクリプトの作成",
"Create Group":"グループの作成",
"Join Group":"グループに参加",
"global variable":"グローバル変数",
"script properties":"スクリプトのプロパティ",
"decimal dot":"小数点",
"move cursor":"カーソルの移動",
"upload picture":"画像のアップロード",
"the hub":"ハブ",
"logical negation":"論理否定",
"A number (possibly negative and\/or fractional)":"数値 (負 \/ 小数の場合もある)",
"replicated ":"レプリケート済み ",
"publish as hidden":"非表示として公開",
"learn about publishing":"公開について学習する",
"Publish script":"スクリプトの公開",
"Minecraft user":"Minecraft ユーザー",
"TD155: '{0}' cannot be assigned to a local variable":"TD155: '{0}' をローカル変数に割り当てることはできません",
"TD130: bound of 'for' wants {1:a}":"TD130: 'for' に結合された条件で要求されているのは {1}",
"TD150: cannot call the thing before '('":"TD150: '(' の前に何かを呼び出すことはできません",
"TD151: unclosed '('":"TD151: 閉じられていない '('",
"TD112: i cannot find property '{0}' on {1}":"TD112: プロパティ '{0}' が {1} で見つかりません",
"TD116: not enough parameters supplied to {0}":"TD116: {0} に対して十分なパラメーターが指定されていません",
"move to library":"ライブラリに移動",
" [hidden]":" [非表示]",
"color #{0}":"カラー #{0}",
"load more replies":"さらに返信を読み込み",
"export to app":"アプリへのエクスポート",
"pull changes":"変更の取得",
"'{0}' is obsolete and should not be used":"'{0}' は古い形式であり、使用しないでください",
"add output parameter":"出力パラメーターの追加",
"superior, supernatural, terrific, unbelievable, unearthly, unique, unprecedented, unusual, weird, wonderful, wondrous":"上等の, 超自然の, 最高の, 信じられない, この世のものとも思えない, 唯一の, 空前の, まれな, 奇妙な, 驚嘆すべき, 不思議なほど",
"incredible, magical, marvellous, marvelous, mind-blowing, mind-boggling, miraculous, peculiar, phenomenal, rad, rockin', special, spectacular, startling, stunning, super-cool, ":"途方もない, 魔法でも見ているような, 驚くべき, 本当とも思えないほど, 幻覚でも起こしそうな, 肝をつぶすような, 奇跡の, 独特の, 珍しい, 格好良い, 揺り動かす, 特殊な, 華々しい, あっと言わせる, 立派な, とてもクールな, ",
"amazing, astonishing, astounding, awe-inspiring, awesome, breathtaking, classic, cool, curious, distinct, exceptional, exclusive, extraordinary, fabulous, fantastic, glorious, great, ":"すばらしい, 目を見張る, 仰天するような, 恐怖すら感じる, 恐ろしい, はらはらする, 最高水準の, クールな, 不思議な, 格別な, 例外的な, 上級の, 非凡な, 信じがたい, すてきな, 名誉ある, 偉大な, ",
" sending changes":" 変更の送信",
"diff prev":"diff prev",
"diff curr":"diff curr",
"Types, order, and number of event parameters cannot be edited.":"イベントパラメーターのタイプ、順序、および数を編集することはできません。",
"Events cannot have out parameters.":"イベントにアウト パラメーターを含めることはできません。",
"TD109: cannot assign to this":"TD109: これに割り当てることはできません",
"just keep typing the search terms!":"検索語句の入力を続けます!",
"... there's more ...":"... さらに...",
"tap there for instructions":"説明を表示するには、ここをタップします",
"show how to complete this activity":"このアクティビティを完了させる方法を表示します",
"move left":"左に移動",
"To add page data, create a local var and tap 'promote to field'.":"ページ データを追加するには、ローカル変数を作成し、'promote to field' (フィールドに昇格) をタップします。",
"TD111: cannot assign from {0} to {1}":"TD111: {0} から {1} に割り当てることはできません",
"{0} ({1} line{1:s})":"{0} ({1} 行{1:s})",
"replace all in script":"スクリプト内ですべてを置換",
"global replace":"一括置換",
"create a new parameter":"新規パラメーターの作成",
"select more":"他を選択",
"strip '{0}'":"'{0}' を取り除く",
"pull out to block level":"ブロック レベルまで引き上げる",
", got {0:a} instead":"、代わりに得られたのは {0}",
"an function type definition":"関数の種類の定義",
"tap to translate with Microsoft® Translator...":"タップすると、Microsoft® Translator で翻訳されます...",
"Translations by Microsoft® Translator, tap to see original...":"Microsoft® Translator による翻訳。タップすると、原文が表示されます...",
"into local":"ローカルに",
"extract to var":"変数に抽出",
"turn into":"次のものに変化",
"else if":"else if",
"a minute ago":"1 分前",
"loading replies...":"返信を読み込んでいます...",
"show more options":"その他のオプションを表示",
"find references":"参照の検索",
"need to edit elsewhere":"どこかを編集する必要があります",
"an hour ago":"1 時間前",
" of ":" \/ ",
"need to delete this":"これを削除する必要があります",
"screenshot of {0}":"{0} のスクリーンショット",
"loading comments for \/{0}...":"\/{0} に対するコメントを読み込んでいます...",
"my art":"マイ アート",
"insert statement":"ステートメントの挿入",
"learn more":"詳細情報",
"now you can select a property of {0}; it doesn't do anything by itself":"{0} のプロパティを選択できます。これは単独では何も実行しません",
"tutorial progress":"チュートリアルの進行状況",
"What's new":"新機能",
"Search everything":"すべてを検索",
"Search Help":"ヘルプの検索",
"Getting started":"作業の開始",
"Export to Windows, Android, iOS, Azure":"Windows、Android、iOS、Azure へのエクスポート",
"top & new":"トップと新機能",
"a few seconds ago":"数秒前",
"number entry":"数値エントリ",
"regular keypad":"通常のキーパッド",
"Upload Sound":"サウンドのアップロード",
"Insert '{0}' {1}":"'{0}' {1} の挿入",
"go to":"移動",
"{0} second{0:s} ago":"{0} 秒{0:s} 前",
"New Scripts":"新しいスクリプト",
"TD145: there seem to be an operator (like '+', '(' or ',') missing here":"TD145: ここで演算子 ('+'、'('、',' など) が欠落しているようです",
"we have a library '{0}' here; {1}":"ライブラリ '{0}' がここにあります。 {1}",
"now you can select a property on it":"現在、これに対するプロパティを選択できます",
"we need different keypad":"別のキーパッドが必要です",
"i'm finished with my Hour of Code™":"Hour of Code™ を使用した作業が完了しました",
"a page":"ページ",
"TD154: the operator needs something after it":"TD154: この後、オペレーターはいずれかを実行する必要があります",
"TD144: it seems you're missing '{0}', try adding it":"TD144: '{0}' が欠落しているようです。追加してみてください",
"{0} hour{0:s} ago":"{0} 時間{0:s} 前",
"fix it":"これを修正します",
"learn more about {0}":"{0} を詳細します。",
"Your art will appear here":"制作したアートはここに表示されます",
"{0} minute{0:s} ago":"{0} 分{0:s} 前",
"break in debugger":"デバッガーでブレーク",
"Picks a random color":"ランダム カラーを選択します",
"type: {0}":"タイプ: {0}",
"need a different string here":"ここに別の文字列が必要",
"follow tutorial in editor":"エディター内のチュートリアルに従ってください",
"tap here when done":"完了したら、ここをタップ",
"upload sound":"",
"keep editing":"編集の続行",
"Type to search...":"入力して検索...",
"let's get started!":"作業を開始しましょう。",
"creating script":"スクリプトの作成",
"tutorial: ":"チュートリアル: ",
"excellent; great job; awesome; cool; you rock; well done; outstanding; you got it; right on":"最高; 優れた成果; 完璧; クール; 感動的; 良好な出来; 抜群; 上出来; 適切",
"Post a comment...":"コメントを投稿します...",
"parsing script text":"スクリプトのテキストを解析",
"report abuse":"不正使用を報告",
"load more":"さらに読み込み",
"TD100: insert {0:a} here":"TD100: {0} をここに挿入",
"Sets the background picture":"背景の画像を設定します",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #00FFFFFF":"ARGB 値が #00FFFFFF の色を取得",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF800080":"ARGB 値が #FF800080 の色を取得",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFF00FF":"ARGB 値が #FFFF00FF の色を取得",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFFF00":"ARGB 値が #FFFFFF00 の色を取得",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF00FFFF":"ARGB 値が #FF00FFFF の色を取得",
"Sets the sprite color.":"スプライトの色を設定します。",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFA500":"ARGB 値が #FFFFA500 の色を取得",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFFFFF":"ARGB 値が #FFFFFFFF の色を取得",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFF0000":"ARGB 値が #FFFF0000 の色を取得",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF0000FF":"ARGB 値が #FF0000FF の色を取得",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF000000":"ARGB 値が #FF000000 の色を取得",
"'atomic' function":"'アトミック' 関数",
"test function":"テスト関数",
"private function":"プライベート関数",
"function name":"関数名",
"store the value in a variable":"値を変数に格納します",
"this script is a web service":"このスクリプトは Web サービスです",
"variable name":"変数名",
"library name":"ライブラリ名",
"Enter a name":"名前の入力",
"exported from this library":"このライブラリからエクスポート済み",
"search here for {0}":"ここで {0} を検索",
"ex: ":"例: ",
"to code":"コードに",
"this script is a library":"このスクリプトはライブラリです",
"run with instrumentation":"インストルメンテーションを使用して実行",
"revert to published version":"公開されているバージョンに戻す",
"manage data":"データの管理",
"i want it to run on":"次のものに対して実行",
"delete local data and permissions":"ローカルのデータとアクセス許可の削除",
"allow other users to export to app":"アプリへのエクスポートを他のユーザーに許可",
"about profile":"プロファイルについて",
"about insights":"洞察について",
"about coverage":"カバレッジについて",
"Search here...":"ここで検索...",
"For published scripts, also look at the tab of the published script page to find anonymously collected crowd-sourced profile and coverage data.":"公開されているスクリプトについては、公開されているスクリプト ページに対応するタブも参照し、匿名で収集されたクラウドベースのプロファイルとカバレッジ データを確認してください。",
"After the script stops, browse the code to see collected information.":"スクリプトの停止後、コードを参照して、収集された情報を確認してください。",
"read only":"読み取り専用",
"offline available":"オフラインで使用可能",
"cloud sessions":"クラウド セッション",
"record name:":"名前の記録:",
"view as script":"スクリプトとして表示",
", got {0}":"、{0} を取得",
"See More":"詳細の表示",
"'{0}' expects {1} here":"'{0}' はここで {1} を予期しています",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF008000":"ARGB 値が #FF008000 の色を取得",
"replace picture":"アートの置換",
"demote to var":"変数に降格",
"change (back) to local":"ローカルに変更 (戻す)",
"search art":"アートの検索",
"let's change this":"これを変更しましょう",
"backspace this":"ここでバックスペース",
"current expression":"現在の式",
"set name":"名前の設定",
"Create a new picture sprite.":"新しい画像スプライトを作成します。",
"Sets the center horizontal position in pixels":"水平方向の中心位置をピクセル単位で設定",
"we'll guide you step by step":"手順を追って説明します",
"All tutorials":"すべてのチュートリアル",
"All my scripts":"すべてのマイ スクリプト",
"Skill level: {0} ":"スキル レベル:{0} ",
"All my groups":"すべてのマイ グループ",
"Create your own apps":"アプリの作成",
"Sets the y position in pixels":"y 位置をピクセル単位で設定",
"change contents":"内容の変更",
"move the cursor right":"カーソルを右に移動",
"customize the art!":"アートをカスタマイズします。",
"Sets the width in pixels":"幅をピクセル単位で設定",
"{0} day{0:s} ago":"{0} 日{0:s} 前",
"stop loop":"ループを停止",
"stop function":"関数を停止",
"skip iteration":"繰り返しをスキップ",
"display value":"値を表示",
"repeat while":"少しの間反復処理",
"repeat n times":"n 回反復処理",
"\/\/ comment":"\/\/ コメント",
"repeat on collection":"コレクションの反復処理",
"UI widget":"UI ウィジェット",
"read more...":"詳細...",
"Create a new text sprite.":"新しいテキスト スプライトを作成します。",
"step over":"ステップ オーバー",
"step out":"ステップ アウト",
"step in":"ステップ イン",
"Search code...":"コードの検索...",
"go to previous step":"前の手順に移動",
"to continue coding":"コーディングを続行する",
"compiling script":"スクリプトのコンパイル",
"'{0}' returns a '{1}'; {2}":"'{0}' は '{1}' を返します。{2}",
"promote to data":"データに昇格",
"to global var":"グローバル変数に",
"let's do it!":"実行しましょう。",
"store in var":"変数に格納",
"set local variable name":"ローカル変数の名前を設定",
"please wait...":"お待ちください...",
"function, variable, library, ...":"関数、変数、ライブラリなどを追加します...",
"add new":"新しい",
"function types":"関数タイプ",
"<b>this line is perfect!<\/b> let's move on":"<b>この行は完成しました。<\/b> 先へ進みましょう",
"art resource":"アート リソース",
"Your script will appear here":"制作したスクリプトはここに表示されます",
"Change skill level!":"スキル レベルの変更",
"move the cursor left":"カーソルを左に移動",
"new variable":"新しい変数",
"a global variable":"グローバル変数",
"{0} year{0:s} ago":"{0} 年{0:s} 前",
"{0} month{0:s} ago":"{0} か月{0:s} 前",
"creates an empty collection of objects":"オブジェクトの空のコレクションを作成します",
"Create an invalid value of this object type":"このオブジェクト タイプの無効な値を作成します",
"import field values from a JSON object":"JSON オブジェクトからフィールド値をインポートします",
"checks if reference has not been set":"参照が設定されているかどうかを確認します",
"tests if two references refer to the same object":"同じオブジェクトを参照する 2 つの参照をテストします",
"sets all fields to their default values":"すべてのフィールドを既定値に設定します",
"export a JSON representation of the contents":"コンテンツの JSON 表現をエクスポートします",
"displays the object on the wall":"オブジェクトをウォールに表示します",
"add line below":"次の行を追加",
"select that line":"行の選択",
"access the {0} field":"{0} フィールドにアクセスします",
"tap there to run your app":"ここをタップして開発中のアプリを実行します",
"new stmt below":"新しいステートメントを下に",
"new line":"新しい行",
"Concatenates two pieces of text":"2 つのテキスト要素を連結",
"more ":"その他? ",
"TD152: unexpected ')'":"TD152: 予期しない ')'",
"TD118: 'if' condition wants {1:a}":"TD118: 'if' 条件で要求されているのは {1}",
"TD115: excessive parameter(s) supplied to {0}":"TD115: {0} に対して指定したパラメーターが多すぎます",
"TD101: cannot find '{0}'":"TD101: '{0}' が見つかりません",
"TD147: we didn't expect '{0}' here":"TD147: ここで '{0}' は予期されていませんでした",
"no hearts. you can add one once you install the script!":"ハートがありません。スクリプトをインストールした後、ハートを追加できます。",
"no forks, install, edit and re-publish script to create one!":"スクリプトを作成するために、スクリプトのフォーク (分岐)、インストール、編集、再発行なし",
"no art published by this user":"このユーザーからアートは発行されていません",
"get my Hour of Code™ certificate":"Hour of Code™ 認定証の取得",
"next tutorials...":"次のチュートリアル...",
"no tags, tap to add some!":"タグはありません。タップして何かコードを追加します。",
"no comments, tap to write some!":"コメントはありません。タップして何かコードを記述します。",
"Gets the printers on the current wireless network":"現在のワイヤレス ネットワーク上にあるプリンターを取得",
"Plays the media at the 'url' internet address.":"'url' のインターネット アドレスにあるメディアを再生します。",
"Browses to the device control panel":"デバイスのコントロール パネルを参照",
"Gets the manfacturer name":"製造業者の名前を取得",
"Returns a date that adds the specified number of years to the value of this instance.":"このインスタンスの値に対して指定した年数を加算したのに相当する日付を返します。",
"Converts to the local time":"ローカル時刻に変換",
"Choose a media player on the current wireless network":"現在のワイヤレス ネットワーク上にあるメディア プレーヤーのいずれかを選択",
"Gets the media players on the current wireless network":"現在のワイヤレス ネットワーク上にあるメディア プレーヤーを取得",
"Indicates if no jobs can be processed and intervention is needed.":"どのジョブも処理できず対策が必要であるかどうかを表します。",
"Choose a media server on the current wireless network":"現在のワイヤレス ネットワーク上のメディア サーバーのいずれかを選択",
"Gets the media servers on the home network":"ホーム ネットワーク上のメディア サーバーを取得",
"Gets the current motion that combines data from the accelerometer, compass and gyroscope if available.":"使用可能な場合は、加速度計、コンパス、ジャイロスコープから得られたデータを組み合わせた現在のモーションを取得します。",
"Gets a value whether the song is DRM protected":"歌が DRM で保護されているかどうかを表す値を取得します",
"Gets the width of the camera image in pixels.":"カメラ画像の幅をピクセル単位で取得します。",
"Indicates if new jobs can start processing immediately without waiting.":"待機なしで新しいジョブの処理を開始できるかどうかを表します。",
"Returns a date that adds the specified number of months to the value of this instance.":"このインスタンスの値に対して指定した月数を加算したのに相当する日付を返します。",
"Indicates if jobs are processing; new jobs will wait before processing, i.e., are said to be pending.":"ジョブが処理中であるかどうかを表します。新しいジョブは処理前に待機します。つまり、保留状態になります。",
"Indicates the media can be played, paused, resumed":"メディアの再生、一時停止、再開が可能かどうかを表します",
"Sets the sound volume level from 0 (silent) to 1 (current volume)":"サウンド ボリューム レベルを 0 (無音) から 1 (現在のボリューム) の範囲で設定します",
"Indicates if volume can be changed":"ボリュームを変更できるかどうかを表します",
"Gets the sound volume for sounds from 0 (silent) to 1 (current volume)":"サウンドに関するサウンド ボリュームを 0 (無音) から 1 (現在のボリューム) の範囲で取得します",
"Reads the response body as a wave sound":"広告本文をウェーブ サウンドとして読み上げ",
"Gets the height of the camera image in pixels.":"カメラ画像の高さをピクセル単位で取得します。",
"This script uses the following capabilities: ":"このスクリプトでは次の機能を使用: ",
"Sets the 3x3 affine matrix transformation applied to the wall.":"ウォールに対して適用される 3x3 のアフィン行列の転換を設定します。",
"Searches the Windows Phone Store (type in applications or music)":"Windows Phone Store の検索 (アプリケーションまたはミュージックを入力)",
"Display the printer to the wall":"プリンターをウォールに表示",
"Gets the name of the printer":"プリンターの名前を取得",
"Gets the detailled information about this device":"このデバイスに関する詳細情報を取得します",
"Applies `converter` on all elements of the input collection and returns a collection of results":"入力コレクションのすべての要素に対して `converter` を適用し、結果から成るコレクションを返します",
"Draws a line between two points":"2 つの店の間に 1 本の直線を描きます",
"Writes another picture at a given location. The opacity ranges from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).":"指定した場所に別の画像を書き込みます。透明度の範囲は 0 (透過) から 1 (不透明) です。",
"Fills a ellipse with a given color":"特定の色で楕円を塗りつぶし",
"Returns a copy of the image":"画像のコピーを返します",
"Draws some text border with a given color and font size":"指定したカラーとフォント サイズでテキスト境界を描画します",
"Fills a rectangle with a given color":"特定の色で長方形を塗りつぶし",
"Resizes the picture to the given size in pixels":"ピクセル単位で指定したサイズに合わせて画像をサイズ変更",
"Displays the image to the wall; you need to call 'update on wall' later if you want changes to be reflected.":"ウォールに画像を表示します。変更を反映するには、'update on wall' (ウォールで変更) を後で呼び出す必要があります。",
"you did it!":"作業が完了しました。",
"upload screenshot":"スクリーンショットのアップロード",
"Publishing is subject to our ":"公開は、当社の ",
". Please read our information about ":".次のものに関する情報をお読みください ",
"maybe later":"後で実行することもできます",
"Embeded text or downloaded from the web":"埋め込まれたテキストまたは Web からのダウンロード",
"Code that performs a specific task":"特定のタスクを実行するコード",
"Code raised when a user interaction happens":"ユーザー操作が発生したときに呼び出されるコード",
"An indexed table of user-defined rows":"ユーザー定義行から成るインデックス付きテーブル",
"A user interface":"ユーザー インターフェイス",
"A table of user-defined rows":"ユーザー定義行から成るテーブル",
"A reference to a library script":"ライブラリ スクリプトの参照",
"A number constant":"数値定数",
"A global variable":"グローバル変数",
"A color constant":"カラー定数",
"Current device":"現在のデバイス",
"tap to change the color":"タップしてカラーを変更",
"Show errors in the editor if the script uses any APIs that prevent it from running on these platforms.":"これらのプラットフォームで実行できない API をスクリプトで使用している場合は、エディターでエラーを表示します。",
"Detaches the handler from the event.":"イベントからのハンドラーのデタッチ",
"set the handler that is invoked when the board is tapped":"ボードがタップされたときに起動されるハンドラーを設定",
"Returns true if the current instance is useless":"現在のインスタンスが不要な場合は true を返す",
"Gets the width in pixels":"幅をピクセル単位で取得",
"Gets the height in pixels":"高さをピクセル単位で取得",
"Script Updates":"スクリプトの更新",
"rewind ":"巻き戻し ",
"A picture":"画像",
"search art pictures":"アート画像の検索",
"no picture loaded yet":"まだどの画像も読み込まれていません",
"Updates picture on a picture sprite (if it is a picture sprite)":"画像スプライト (これが画像スプライトである場合) を画像で更新",
"Add an action that fires for every display frame":"表示フレームごとに起動されるアクションの追加",
"Gets the center horizontal position of in pixels":"水平方向の中心位置をピクセル単位で取得",
"Sets the y acceleration in pixels\/sec^2":"y 方向の加速度をピクセル\/秒^2 で設定",
"Sets the height in pixels":"高さをピクセル単位で設定",
"Sets the y speed in pixels\/sec":"y 方向の速度をピクセル\/秒で設定",
"we need to edit another thing":"別のものを編集する必要があります",
"Do the sprites overlap":"スプライトを重ね合わせますか",
"Gets the y position in pixels":"y 位置をピクセル単位で取得",
"Sets the x speed in pixels\/sec":"x 方向の速度をピクセル\/秒で設定",
"New or built-in colors":"新しい色または組み込みの色",
"Compares numbers for equality":"数値が等しいかどうかの比較",
"Compares numbers for less":"数値が小さいかどうかの比較",
"Compares numbers for more":"数値が大きいかどうかの比較",
"Multiplies numbers":"数値の乗算",
"Subtracts numbers":"数値の減算",
"Adds numbers":"数値の加算",
"Interact with devices in the home network. Devices must be UPnP™ compatible.":"",
"Phone numbers, vibrate, etc...":"",
"Create invalid values":"",
"Search and browse the web...":"",
"Camera, location, microphone and other sensors":"",
"Pictures and music...":"",
"ADJ script":"",
"Please wait...":"",
"Interact with the app runtime":"",
"Ask or display values on the wall...":"",
"Emails, sms, contacts, calendar, ...":"",
"2D barcodes, QR codes and NFC tags":"",
"Support for interactive tutorials.":"",
"Translation, speech to text, ...":"",
"Access to the radio":"",
"tiles and notifications for Windows and Windows Phone":"",
"Maps, location to address, address to location":"",
"Current box element in the page.":"",
"A place to hook up an action to execute in response to an event":"",
"Divides numbers":"",
"Correctness helpers":"",
"Play, stop or resume songs, ...":"",
"time and dates":"",
"Create collections of items.":"",
"replace all in function":"",
"in this function":"",
"Gets a list of all songs":"",
"Gets a list of all pictures":"",
"Gets the name of the audio\/video player":"",
"Gets a list of all videos":"",
"Searches for pictures in a particular date range.":"",
"Searches for songs":"",
"Checks if the device is connected":"",
"Searches for videos":"",
"Chooses a song":"",
"Chooses a picture":"",
"Chooses a video or a movie":"",
"Moves the player to the next media in the queue.":"",
"Choose a printer on the current wireless network":"",
"of an object":"",
"given ♥":"",
"promote to field":"",
"go to list of things in your script":"",
"Computes the maximum of the values":"",
"Computes the minimum of the values":"",
"Returns a random integral number between `min` and `max` included.":"",
"Converts the value into a json data structure.":"",
"Arithmetic and bitwise operations on 32 bit integers":"",
"OneDrive, OneNote operations":"",
"Gets the number of elements":"",
"Run the inline action.":"",
"Gets the number of playlists":"",
"you can also search":"",
"A unit test":"",
"add {0}":"",
"blank esplora":"",
"An empty Arduino Esplora script.":"",
"blank arduino":"",
"An empty Arduino sketch.":"",
"add line above":"",
"pick a script template...":"",
"type: ":"",
"TD121: cannot find type {0}":"",
"An empty script, which doesn't do anything.":"",
"image proxying":"",
"{0} down":"",
"{0} up":"",
"Displays the playlist to the wall":"",
"Plays the songs in the playlist":"",
"enter a number":"",
"undo fix":"",
"web apps":"",
"run tests":"",
"JSON data":"",
"add comment for this field":"",
"add comment":"",
"we need a new {0}":"",
"new property":"",
"A web app using Azure Services, Node.js and Restify.":"",
"A web app using Node.js and Restify.":"",
"see more options":"",
"parameter name":"",
"tap (←) when done":"",
"tap to change the splash screen picture":"",
"color: {0}":"",
"import column values from a JSON object":"",
"blank engduino":"",
"Counts the number of rows":"",
"Enter a script name...":"",
"Tutorial completed":"",
"This tab contains additional information about this script":"",
"creates an empty collection of entries":"",
"Creates an invalid reference to an entry":"",
"blank office mix":"",
"An empty Office Mix app.":"",
"blank tutorial":"",
"An empty interactive tutorial.":"",
"Pictures, sounds, etc. in the current script":"",
"Objects, tables and indexes in the current script":"",
"Libraries referenced by the current script":"",
"Functions in the current script":"",
"blank app":"",
"surround with":"",
"delete selection":"",
"cut selection":"",
"copy selection":"",
"search templates":"",
"your best score: {0}":"",
"blank game":"",
"the current function":"",
"Cordova mobile app":"",
"pin to start":"",
"or tap to get help":"",
"Boiler plate code to create a game.":"",
"blank pixel art":"",
"An empty app using the scratch library.":"",
"An turtle app.":"",
"an event handler":"",
"make call async":"",
"extract to parameter":"",
"comment out":"",
"Sets the current value":"",
"Gets the status of the player":"",
"Searches for videos in a particular date range.":"",
"Moves the player to the previous media in the queue.":"",
"Sets the friendly name of the device":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Player Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Device Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Printer Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Server instance":"",
"Plays a media from the home network.":"",
"Gets the friendly name of the device":"",
"Creates an invalid Device instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Printer instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Link instance":"",
"Exports a JSON representation of the contents.":"",
"Browse and review scripts from the bazaar":"",
"Gets the foreground color in the current theme":"",
"Gets the normalized red value (0.0-1.0)":"",
"Checks if the color is equal to the other":"",
"Gets the chrome color in the current theme (control background)":"",
"Gets the accent color in the current theme":"",
"Gets the location":"",
"Gets the name of the album":"",
"Gets the link associated to the message":"",
"Sorts the places by distance to the location":"",
"Gets the songs":"",
"Indicates if the key exists":"",
"Gets a field value as a boolean":"",
"Gets the name of the song":"",
"Displays the link on the wall":"",
"Gets the genre of the song":"",
"Plays the song.":"",
"Gets the name of the artist":"",
"Gets a value indicating if the background repeats horizontally":"",
"Gets the number of values":"",
"Sets a value indicating if the background repeats horizontally":"",
"Gets the list of keys":"",
"Gets the text":"",
"Gets a field value as a string":"",
"Creates a new color by changing the alpha channel from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).":"",
"Picks a color from a color wheel where the hue is between 0 and 1.":"",
"Indicates if the player is paused":"",
"Gets the duration in seconds":"",
"Gets the number of elements in the collection":"",
"Imports a JSON representation of the contents.":"",
"Ooops, there was an error loading the picture.":"",
"loading more...":"",
"loading art ...":"",
"ok, let's roll!":"",
"From now on we won't show you the code to write. Follow the instructions and tap run when you think you are done.":"",
"Try tweaking your code until you get it right. If you get stuck, tap the tutorial bar.":"",
"<h3>no more tips!<\/h3>":"",
"Specify how to arrange the content of this box":"",
"Starts a new tween animation.":"",
"Parses the string as a number":"",
"publish your script":"",
"Publishing script...":"",
"{0} script{0:s} published":"",
"4. publish":"",
"Sets the rotation speed in degrees\/sec":"",
"Sets the z-index of the sprite":"",
"Gets the acceleration along y in pixels\/sec^2":"",
"Hide sprite.":"",
"Sets the url to the picture":"",
"Displays the value to the wall":"",
"Gets a url to the picture":"",
"Create a new collection for sprites.":"",
"Converts to a boolean (type must be boolean)":"",
"Converts and parses to a date time (type must be string)":"",
"Stringify the current JSON object":"",
"Sorts from the newest to oldest":"",
"Prints the number to the wall":"",
"Sorts the strings in this collection":"",
"Displays the sprite sheet.":"",
"Gets the field value as a time":"",
"Returns a collection sorted using specified comparison key":"",
"Gets a json kind (string, number, object, array, boolean, null)":"",
"Gets a field value as a number":"",
"Converts to a number (type must be number)":"",
"Sets the wall background picture. The picture will be resized and clipped to the screen background as needed.":"",
"Gets a value by name":"",
"Gets the i-th json value":"",
"Creates an empty Picture collection":"",
"Sets the speed in pixels\/sec":"",
"Makes a lighter color by a delta between 0 and 1.":"",
"Makes a darker color by a delta between 0 and 1.":"",
"Compares numbers for less or equal":"",
"Compares numbers for more or equal":"",
"Indicates if the player is stopped":"",
"Updates text on a text sprite (if it is a text sprite)":"",
"add an action that fires for every display frame.":"",
"Returns a substring given a start index and a length":"",
"Converts a number to a string":"",
"Indicates if the string is empty":"",
"Sets the background color":"",
"In debug mode, board displays speed and other info of sprites":"",
"Returns the number of characters":"",
"Sets the angle of the sprite in degrees":"",
"Checks if two strings are the same":"",
"Gets a random item; invalid if collection is empty":"",
"Displays the request to the wall":"",
"Displays string on the wall":"",
"Computes the sum of the values":"",
"Prints the value to the wall":"",
"Computes the average of the values":"",
"Gets the item at position 'index'; invalid if index is out of bounds":"",
"Returns the sprite color.":"",
"Create a new rectangle sprite.":"",
"A argb color (alpha, red, green, blue)":"",
"Gets the names of the headers":"",
"Gets the value of a given header":"",
"Geo coordinates":"",
"Cloud session management":"",
"add optional":"",
"cannot sync - you are not signed in":"",
"try again!":"",
"Returns a string collection that contains the substrings in this string that are delimited by elements of a specified string.":"",
"Teach Creative Coding!":"",
"ok, got it!":"",
"Try finding the buttons yourself. If you get stuck, tap on the goal line.":"",
"From now on we just show you the code that you need to write, in the goal line. It looks like this:":"",
"<h3>now, do it yourself!<\/h3>":"",
"tap a checkmark to add (or remove) your 'vote' to an existing tag":"",
"add new tag":"",
"Writes a static NFC tag with url, text or any other format. `type` may be a mime type.":"",
"Scans an id tag created by TouchDevelop and returns the embeded text.":"",
"Generates a 2D barcode pointing to the text using Microsoft Tag. text must be less than 1000 character long and size must be between 0.75 and 5 inches.":"",
"Set what happens when the box is tapped.":"",
"If the page did not open, tap the 'open' button below, otherwise tap 'done'.":"",
"tap [ok] when done":"",
"Make updates visible.":"",
"Plays the current media from the start.":"",
"Private actions do not get a run button. ":"",
"remove else":"",
"Gets the uri of the media currently active":"",
"Indicates additional information about why the Printer is in its current state.":"",
"Pauses the current media if any.":"",
"Queues a job to print the text.":"",
"Gets the position in seconds whithin the active media":""

locales/ko/strings.json Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,824 @@
"my scripts":"내 스크립트",
"a function":"함수",
"tap there":"여기 탭",
"insert {0}":"{0} 삽입",
"'Javascripty' curly braces, all the tools, for experienced devs!":"Javascripty의 중괄호, 모든 도구는 숙련된 개발자를 위한 것입니다!",
"Sets the position in pixels":"위치 설정(픽셀)",
"insert comment":"설명 삽입",
"translating tutorial...":"자습서를 번역하는 중...",
"loading tutorial":"자습서를 로드하는 중",
"reloading script":"스크립트를 다시 로드하는 중",
"we have {0:a} here; did you want to do something with it?":"여기에 {0:a}이(가) 있습니다. 이를 통해 작업을 수행하려 하셨습니까?",
"privacy and cookies":"privacy and cookies",
"terms of use":"terms of use",
" -- a local variable":" -- 지역 변수",
"signing in...":"로그인하는 중...",
"global vars":"전역 변수",
"We will adapt the editor to your coding skill level. You can change your skill level later in the hub.":"편집기를 코딩 기술 수준에 맞춥니다. 나중에 허브에서 기술 수준을 변경할 수 있습니다.",
"run main":"기본 실행",
"Edit code as text, more options, for aspiring app writers!":"예비 앱 개발자를 위한 텍스트로 코드 편집 기능 및 추가 옵션!",
"Drag and drop blocks, simplified interface, great for beginners!":"초보자에게 안성맞춤인 끌어서 놓기 블록, 간편해진 인터페이스!",
"choose your coding skill level":"코딩 기술 수준 선택",
"Your full name":"전체 이름",
"website url":"웹 사이트 URL",
"website":"웹 사이트",
"wallpaper":"배경 화면",
"twitter handle":"Twitter handle",
"sign out":"로그아웃",
"sign in":"로그인",
"receive email newsletters":"전자 메일 뉴스레터 수신",
"remove picture":"그림 제거",
"Receive email notifications when other people review\/take a screenshot of\/comment on your scripts, or reply to one of your comments, or when events related to your subscriptions occur.":"다른 사람이 스크립트를 검토하거나 스크립트의 스크린샷을 찍거나 이에 대해 댓글을 다는 경우, 사용자의 댓글에 답글이 게재되는 경우, 또는 사용자 구독 관련 이벤트가 발생할 경우 전자 메일 알림이 수신됩니다.",
"Your twitter handle, like @touchdevelop.":"@touchdevelop과 같은 Twitter handle.",
"receive email notifications":"전자 메일 알림 수신",
"real name":"실명",
"public profile":"공개 프로필",
"public nickname":"공개 애칭",
"private profile":"비공개 프로필",
"saving...":"저장하는 중...",
"Please review our Privacy Statement.":"개인정보취급방침을 검토하세요.",
"Your email address has not yet been verified. Please check your inbox.":"전자 메일 주소가 확인되지 않습니다. 받은 편지함을 확인하세요.",
"email":"전자 메일",
"email and push notifications":"전자 메일 및 푸시 알림",
"Enter your school affiliation if any.":"해당하는 경우 학교 정보를 입력해 주세요.",
"What is your occupation?":"직업은 무엇입니까?",
"What is your level of programming knowledge?":"프로그래밍 지식 수준은 어떻게 됩니까?",
"programming knowledge":"프로그래밍 지식",
"How did you discover TouchDevelop?":"TouchDevelop을 알게 된 경로는 무엇입니까?",
"how found":"찾은 방법",
"year of birth":"출생 연도",
"about you":"내 정보",
"Where in the world are you?":"현재 위치한 세계",
"Your Minecraft user.":"Minecraft 사용자입니다.",
"more settings":"추가 설정",
"Your GitHub user.":"GitHub 사용자입니다.",
"minecraft user":"minecraft 사용자",
"A unique display name for your public profile (at least 8 characters)":"공개 프로필의 고유한 표시 이름(8자 이상)",
"Scripts by this user:":"이 사용자가 작성한 스크립트:",
"github user":"GitHub 사용자",
"Items marked with * are required.":"*로 표시된 항목은 필수 항목입니다.",
"Enter the URL to your personal website (Example: http:\/\/":"개인 웹 사이트의 URL(예: http:\/\/을 입력하세요.",
"Enter some information about yourself":"본인에 대한 정보를 입력하세요.",
"Don't forget to scroll down and tap 'save' when you are done editing!":"편집을 완료하면 아래로 스크롤하여 '저장'을 탭해야 합니다.",
"Do you want to receive informational TouchDevelop-related newsletters, e.g. about new features and upcoming events?":"새로운 기능 및 추후 이벤트 등에 대한 정보용 TouchDevelop 관련 뉴스레터를 받아 보시겠습니까?",
"<h3>loading current settings...<\/h3>":"<h3>현재 설정을 로드하는 중...<\/h3>",
"Art by this user:":"이 사용자가 만든 아트:",
"abuse reports":"신고서",
"go back to coding! {0}★ to go":"코딩으로 돌아가기! 이동할 {0}★",
"add input parameter":"입력 매개 변수 추가",
"start over":"다시 시작",
"API Docs":"API 문서",
"Upload Picture":"그림 업로드",
"toggle breakpoint":"중단점 설정\/해제",
"plugins":"플러그 인",
"Create Script":"스크립트 만들기",
"Create Group":"그룹 만들기",
"Join Group":"그룹 참가",
"global variable":"전역 변수",
"rename":"이름 바꾸기",
"script properties":"스크립트 속성",
"decimal dot":"소수점",
"undo":"실행 취소",
"re-run":"다시 실행",
"move cursor":"커서 이동",
"upload picture":"사진 업로드",
"the hub":"허브",
"logical negation":"논리 부정",
"A number (possibly negative and\/or fractional)":"숫자(음수 또는 분수)",
"replicated ":"복제됨 ",
"publish as hidden":"숨김 항목으로 게시",
"learn about publishing":"게시에 대해 알아보기",
"Publish script":"스크립트 게시",
"Minecraft user":"Minecraft 사용자",
"TD155: '{0}' cannot be assigned to a local variable":"TD155: '{0}'은(는) 로컬 변수에 할당할 수 없음",
"TD130: bound of 'for' wants {1:a}":"TD130: 'for'의 경계에 {1} 필요",
"TD150: cannot call the thing before '('":"TD150: '(' 앞의 항목을 호출할 수 없음",
"TD151: unclosed '('":"TD151: 닫히지 않은 '('",
"TD112: i cannot find property '{0}' on {1}":"TD112: {1}에서 속성 '{0}'을(를) 찾을 수 없음",
"TD116: not enough parameters supplied to {0}":"TD116: {0}에 매개 변수가 충분히 제공되지 않음",
"preview":"미리 보기",
"move to library":"라이브러리로 이동",
" [hidden]":" [숨김]",
"color #{0}":"색 #{0}",
"load more replies":"추가 회신 로드",
"export to app":"앱으로 내보내기",
"pull changes":"변경 내용 받음",
"'{0}' is obsolete and should not be used":"'{0}'은(는) 사용되지 않으므로 사용하면 안 됩니다.",
"add output parameter":"출력 매개 변수 추가",
"superior, supernatural, terrific, unbelievable, unearthly, unique, unprecedented, unusual, weird, wonderful, wondrous":"우수한, 초자연적인, 빼어난, 믿기 어려운, 비현실적인, 독특한, 전례가 없는, 유별난, 기묘한, 이상한, 불가사의한",
"incredible, magical, marvellous, marvelous, mind-blowing, mind-boggling, miraculous, peculiar, phenomenal, rad, rockin', special, spectacular, startling, stunning, super-cool, ":"엄청난, 신기한, 놀랄 만한, 감동적인, 믿어지지 않는, 기적적인, 독특한, 경이적인, 끝내주는, 마음을 뒤흔드는, 특별한, 눈부신, 깜짝 놀라게 하는, 엄청난, 아주 멋진, ",
"amazing, astonishing, astounding, awe-inspiring, awesome, breathtaking, classic, cool, curious, distinct, exceptional, exclusive, extraordinary, fabulous, fantastic, glorious, great, ":"놀라운, 눈부신, 뜻밖의, 장엄한, 근사한, 숨막히는, 클래식, 멋진, 호기심을 일으키는, 명확한, 특별한, 예외적인, 대단한, 굉장한, 멋진, 훌륭한, 대단한, ",
" sending changes":" 변경 내용을 보내는 중",
"diff prev":"이전 차이",
"diff curr":"현재 차이",
"Types, order, and number of event parameters cannot be edited.":"이벤트 매개 변수의 유형, 순서 및 번호는 편집할 수 없습니다.",
"Events cannot have out parameters.":"이벤트에는 Out 매개 변수가 있을 수 없습니다.",
"starting...":"시작하는 중...",
"TD109: cannot assign to this":"TD109: 이 항목에 할당할 수 없음",
"pause":"일시 정지",
"just keep typing the search terms!":"검색어를 계속 입력하세요!",
"... there's more ...":"... 더 많은 결과가 있습니다. ...",
"tap there for instructions":"여기를 탭하여 지침 보기",
"show how to complete this activity":"이 작업을 수행하는 방법 표시",
"move left":"왼쪽으로 이동",
"To add page data, create a local var and tap 'promote to field'.":"페이지 데이터를 추가하려면 로컬 변수를 만들고 '필드로 수준 올리기'를 탭하세요.",
"TD111: cannot assign from {0} to {1}":"TD111: {0}에서 {1}에 할당할 수 없음",
"{0} ({1} line{1:s})":"{0} ({1} 줄{1:s})",
"replace all in script":"스크립트에서 모두 바꾸기",
"global replace":"전체 바꾸기",
"create a new parameter":"새 매개 변수 만들기",
"select more":"더 선택",
"strip '{0}'":"'{0}' 스트립",
"pull out to block level":"블록 수준으로 끌어내기",
", got {0:a} instead":", 대신 {0} 받음",
"an function type definition":"함수 유형 정의",
"tap to translate with Microsoft® Translator...":"Microsoft® Translator로 번역하려면 탭...",
"Translations by Microsoft® Translator, tap to see original...":"Microsoft® Translator의 번역, 원본을 보려면 탭...",
"into local":"로컬로",
"extract to var":"변수로 추출",
"turn into":"다음으로 변환",
"else if":"else if",
"a minute ago":"1분 전",
"loading replies...":"회신 로드 중...",
"show more options":"추가 옵션 표시",
"author":"만든 이",
"find references":"참조 찾기",
"need to edit elsewhere":"다른 곳에서 편집 필요",
"details":"세부 정보",
"an hour ago":"1시간 전",
" of ":" \/ ",
"need to delete this":"삭제 필요",
"screenshot of {0}":"{0}의 스크린 샷",
"loading comments for \/{0}...":"\/{0}에 대한 설명 로드 중...",
"my art":"내 아트",
"insert statement":"문 삽입",
"learn more":"자세히 알아보기",
"now you can select a property of {0}; it doesn't do anything by itself":"이제 {0}의 속성을 선택할 수 있지만 그 자체는 아무 것도 하지 않음",
"tutorial progress":"자습서 진행률",
"What's new":"새로운 기능",
"Search everything":"모두 검색",
"Search Help":"도움말 검색",
"Getting started":"시작하기",
"Export to Windows, Android, iOS, Azure":"Windows, Android, iOS, Azure로 내보내기",
"top & new":"인기 및 최신",
"a few seconds ago":"몇 초 전",
"screenshot":"스크린 샷",
"number entry":"숫자 항목",
"regular keypad":"일반 키보드",
"Upload Sound":"사운드 업로드",
"Insert '{0}' {1}":"'{0}' {1} 삽입",
"go to":"이동",
"{0} second{0:s} ago":"{0}초{0:s} 전",
"New Scripts":"새 스크립트",
"TD145: there seem to be an operator (like '+', '(' or ',') missing here":"TD145: 연산자('+', '(', ',' 등)가 누락된 것 같음",
"we have a library '{0}' here; {1}":"여기에 라이브러리 '{0}' 있음, {1}",
"now you can select a property on it":"이제 속성을 선택할 수 있습니다.",
"we need different keypad":"다른 키보드 필요",
"i'm finished with my Hour of Code™":"내 Hour of Code™ 마침",
"a page":"페이지",
"TD154: the operator needs something after it":"TD154: 연산자 다음 항목 필요",
"TD144: it seems you're missing '{0}', try adding it":"TD144: '{0}'이(가) 누락된 것 같음, 추가 필요",
"{0} hour{0:s} ago":"{0}시간{0:s} 전",
"fix it":"수정",
"learn more about {0}":"{0}에 대해 자세히 알아보기",
"Your art will appear here":"아트가 여기 표시됨",
"{0} minute{0:s} ago":"{0}분{0:s} 전",
"break in debugger":"중단하고 디버거 실행",
"Picks a random color":"임의의 색 선택",
"type: {0}":"유형: {0}",
"need a different string here":"여기에는 다른 문자열이 필요함",
"follow tutorial in editor":"편집기에서 자습서 추적",
"tap here when done":"완료되면 여기를 탭",
"upload sound":"소리 업로드",
"keep editing":"계속 편집",
"searching...":"검색 중...",
"Type to search...":"검색 내용 입력...",
"let's get started!":"시작!",
"creating script":"스크립트 만들기",
"tutorial: ":"자습서: ",
"excellent; great job; awesome; cool; you rock; well done; outstanding; you got it; right on":"우수, 훌륭함, 멋짐, 감동, 보기 좋음, 잘함, 뛰어남, 해냄, 옳음",
"Post a comment...":"설명 게시...",
"parsing script text":"스크립트 텍스트 구문 분석 중",
"report abuse":"신고",
"load more":"더 로드",
"TD100: insert {0:a} here":"TD100: 여기에 {0} 삽입",
"loading...":"로드 중...",
"Sets the background picture":"배경 그림 설정",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #00FFFFFF":"ARGB 값이 #00FFFFFF인 색 가져오기",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF800080":"ARGB 값이 #FF800080인 색 가져오기",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFF00FF":"ARGB 값이 #FFFF00FF인 색 가져오기",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFFF00":"ARGB 값이 #FFFFFF00인 색 가져오기",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF00FFFF":"ARGB 값이 #FF00FFFF인 색 가져오기",
"Sets the sprite color.":"스프라이트 색을 설정합니다.",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFA500":"ARGB 값이 #FFFFA500인 색 가져오기",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFFFFF":"ARGB 값이 #FFFFFFFF인 색 가져오기",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFF0000":"ARGB 값이 #FFFF0000인 색 가져오기",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF0000FF":"ARGB 값이 #FF0000FF인 색 가져오기",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF000000":"ARGB 값이 #FF000000인 색 가져오기",
"'atomic' function":"'원자성' 함수",
"test function":"테스트 함수",
"private function":"개인 함수",
"function name":"함수 이름",
"store the value in a variable":"변수에 값 저장",
"this script is a web service":"이 스크립트는 웹 서비스임",
"variable name":"변수 이름",
"library name":"라이브러리 이름",
"Enter a name":"이름 입력",
"exported from this library":"이 라이브러리에서 내보냄",
"search here for {0}":"여기에서 {0} 검색",
"ex: ":"예: ",
"to code":"코드에",
"this script is a library":"이 스크립트는 라이브러리임",
"run with instrumentation":"계측으로 실행",
"revert to published version":"게시된 버전으로 되돌리기",
"manage data":"데이터 관리",
"i want it to run on":"다음에 실행",
"delete local data and permissions":"로컬 데이터 및 사용 권한 삭제",
"allow other users to export to app":"다른 사용자가 앱으로 내보낼 수 있도록 허용",
"about profile":"프로필 정보",
"about insights":"통찰력 정보",
"about coverage":"검사 정보",
"Search here...":"여기 검색...",
"For published scripts, also look at the tab of the published script page to find anonymously collected crowd-sourced profile and coverage data.":"게시된 스크립트의 경우 게시된 스크립트 페이지의 탭을 보고 익명으로 수집된 크라우드 제공 프로필과 검사 데이터를 찾아보세요.",
"After the script stops, browse the code to see collected information.":"스크립트 중지 후 코드를 찾아 수집된 정보를 보세요.",
"read only":"읽기 전용",
"offline available":"오프라인으로 사용 가능",
"cloud sessions":"클라우드 세션",
"record name:":"레코드 이름:",
"view as script":"스크립트로 보기",
", got {0}":", {0} 받음",
"See More":"더 보기",
"'{0}' expects {1} here":"'{0}'에 {1} 필요",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF008000":"ARGB 값이 #FF008000인 색 가져오기",
"replace picture":"그림 바꾸기",
"demote to var":"변수로 수준 내리기",
"change (back) to local":"로컬로 다시 변경",
"search art":"아트 검색",
"let's change this":"이것을 바꿔 보겠습니다.",
"backspace this":"이 항목 지우기",
"current expression":"현재 식",
"set name":"이름 설정",
"Create a new picture sprite.":"새 그림 스프라이트를 만드세요.",
"Sets the center horizontal position in pixels":"가로 가운데 위치 설정(픽셀)",
"we'll guide you step by step":"단계별 안내",
"All tutorials":"모든 자습서",
"All my scripts":"모든 내 스크립트",
"Skill level: {0} ":"기술 수준: {0} ",
"All my groups":"모든 내 그룹",
"Create your own apps":"자신만의 앱 만들기",
"Sets the y position in pixels":"y 위치 설정(픽셀)",
"change contents":"콘텐츠 변경",
"move the cursor right":"오른쪽으로 커서 이동",
"customize the art!":"아트를 사용자 지정하십시오.",
"Sets the width in pixels":"너비 설정(픽셀)",
"{0} day{0:s} ago":"{0}일{0:s} 전",
"stop loop":"반복 중지",
"stop function":"함수 중지",
"skip iteration":"반복 건너뛰기",
"display value":"값 표시",
"repeat while":"반복",
"repeat n times":"n번 반복",
"\/\/ comment":"\/\/ 설명",
"repeat on collection":"컬렉션에서 반복",
"UI widget":"UI 위젯",
"read more...":"자세히 읽기...",
"Create a new text sprite.":"새 텍스트 스프라이트를 만드십시오.",
"step over":"프로시저 단위 실행",
"step out":"프로시저 나가기",
"step in":"한 단계씩 코드 실행",
"Search code...":"코드 검색...",
"go to previous step":"이전 단계로 이동",
"to continue coding":"코딩을 계속하려면",
"compiling script":"스크립트 컴파일 중",
"'{0}' returns a '{1}'; {2}":"'{0}'이(가) '{1}' 반환, {2}",
"promote to data":"데이터로 수준 올리기",
"to global var":"전역 변수로",
"let's do it!":"시작!",
"store in var":"변수에 저장",
"set local variable name":"로컬 변수 이름 설정",
"please wait...":"잠시 기다려 주세요.",
"function, variable, library, ...":"함수, 변수, 라이브러리, ...",
"add new":"새로 추가",
"function types":"함수 유형",
"<b>this line is perfect!<\/b> let's move on":"<b>이 줄은 완벽합니다.<\/b> 넘어가세요.",
"art resource":"아트 리소스",
"Your script will appear here":"스크립트가 여기 표시됨",
"Change skill level!":"기술 수준 변경!",
"move the cursor left":"왼쪽으로 커서 이동",
"new variable":"새 변수",
"a global variable":"전역 변수",
"{0} year{0:s} ago":"{0}년{0:s} 전",
"{0} month{0:s} ago":"{0}개월{0:s} 전",
"creates an empty collection of objects":"빈 개체 컬렉션 생성",
"Create an invalid value of this object type":"이 개체 유형의 잘못된 값 생성",
"import field values from a JSON object":"JSON 개체에서 필드 값 가져오기",
"checks if reference has not been set":"참조가 설정되지 않았는지 확인",
"tests if two references refer to the same object":"두 참조가 동일한 개체를 참조하는지 테스트",
"sets all fields to their default values":"모든 필드를 기본값으로 설정",
"export a JSON representation of the contents":"콘텐츠의 JSON 표현 내보내기",
"displays the object on the wall":"담벼락에 개체 표시",
"add line below":"아래에 줄 추가",
"select that line":"이 줄 선택",
"access the {0} field":"{0} 필드에 액세스",
"tap there to run your app":"앱을 실행하려면 거기 탭",
"new stmt below":"아래 문 추가",
"new line":"줄 추가",
"Concatenates two pieces of text":"두 텍스트 연결",
"more ":"기타 ",
"TD152: unexpected ')'":"TD152: 예기치 않음 ')'",
"TD118: 'if' condition wants {1:a}":"TD118: 'if' 조건에 {1} 필요",
"TD115: excessive parameter(s) supplied to {0}":"TD115: {0}에 과도한 매개 변수 제공됨",
"TD101: cannot find '{0}'":"TD101: '{0}'을(를) 찾을 수 없음",
"TD147: we didn't expect '{0}' here":"TD147: 여기에 '{0}' 필요 없음",
"no hearts. you can add one once you install the script!":"하트가 없습니다. 스크립트를 설치하면 하나 추가할 수 있습니다.",
"no forks, install, edit and re-publish script to create one!":"분기가 없습니다. 스크립트를 설치, 편집 및 다시 게시하여 하나 만드십시오.",
"no art published by this user":"이 사용자가 게시한 아트 없음",
"get my Hour of Code™ certificate":"내 Hour of Code™ 인증서 받기",
"next tutorials...":"다음 자습서...",
"no tags, tap to add some!":"태그 없음, 몇 가지를 추가하려면 탭!",
"no comments, tap to write some!":"설명 없음, 몇 가지를 기록하려면 탭!",
"Gets the printers on the current wireless network":"현재 무선 네트워크의 프린터 가져오기",
"Plays the media at the 'url' internet address.":"'url' 인터넷 주소의 미디어를 재생합니다.",
"Browses to the device control panel":"장치 제어판으로 이동",
"Gets the manfacturer name":"제조업체 이름 가져오기",
"Returns a date that adds the specified number of years to the value of this instance.":"이 인스턴스의 값에 지정된 연도 수를 추가하는 날짜를 반환합니다.",
"Converts to the local time":"로컬 시간으로 변환",
"Choose a media player on the current wireless network":"현재 무선 네트워크의 미디어 플레이어 선택",
"Gets the media players on the current wireless network":"현재 무선 네트워크의 미디어 플레이어 가져오기",
"Indicates if no jobs can be processed and intervention is needed.":"작업을 처리할 수 없거나 간섭이 필요한지 여부를 나타냅니다.",
"Choose a media server on the current wireless network":"현재 무선 네트워크의 미디어 서버 선택",
"Gets the media servers on the home network":"홈 네트워크의 미디어 서버 가져오기",
"Gets the current motion that combines data from the accelerometer, compass and gyroscope if available.":"사용 가능한 경우 가속도계, 나침반 및 자이로스코프의 데이터를 결합하는 현재 동작을 가져옵니다.",
"Gets a value whether the song is DRM protected":"DRM에 의해 보호되는 곡인지 여부에 대한 값 가져오기",
"Gets the width of the camera image in pixels.":"카메라 이미지의 너비(픽셀)를 구합니다.",
"Indicates if new jobs can start processing immediately without waiting.":"새 작업이 대기하지 않고 바로 처리를 시작할 수 있는지 여부를 나타냅니다.",
"Returns a date that adds the specified number of months to the value of this instance.":"이 인스턴스의 값에 지정된 개월 수를 추가하는 날짜를 반환합니다.",
"Indicates if jobs are processing; new jobs will wait before processing, i.e., are said to be pending.":"작업을 처리 중인지 표시. 처리 전에 새 작업이 대기합니다. 즉, 지연됩니다.",
"Indicates the media can be played, paused, resumed":"미디어를 재생, 일시 정지 및 다시 시작할 수 있는지 여부를 나타냄",
"Sets the sound volume level from 0 (silent) to 1 (current volume)":"0(무음)에서 1(현재 볼륨)까지 사운드 볼륨 수준 설정",
"Indicates if volume can be changed":"볼륨을 변경할 수 있는지 여부를 나타냄",
"Gets the sound volume for sounds from 0 (silent) to 1 (current volume)":"0(무음)에서 1(현재 볼륨)까지 사운드 볼륨 가져오기",
"Reads the response body as a wave sound":"웨이브 사운드로 응답 본문 읽기",
"Gets the height of the camera image in pixels.":"카메라 이미지의 높이(픽셀)를 구합니다.",
"This script uses the following capabilities: ":"이 스크립트는 다음 기능을 사용함: ",
"Sets the 3x3 affine matrix transformation applied to the wall.":"담벼락에 적용되는 3x3 행렬 유사 변환을 설정합니다.",
"Searches the Windows Phone Store (type in applications or music)":"Windows Phone 스토어 검색(응용 프로그램이나 음악 입력)",
"Display the printer to the wall":"담벼락에 프린터 표시",
"Gets the name of the printer":"프린터 이름 가져오기",
"Gets the detailled information about this device":"이 장치에 대한 자세한 정보 가져오기",
"Applies `converter` on all elements of the input collection and returns a collection of results":"입력 컬렉션의 모든 요소에 `변환기` 적용 및 결과 컬렉션 반환",
"Draws a line between two points":"두 점 사이 선 그리기",
"Writes another picture at a given location. The opacity ranges from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).":"지정된 위치에 다른 그림을 작성합니다. 불투명도 범위는 0(투명)에서 1(불투명)입니다.",
"Fills a ellipse with a given color":"지정된 색으로 타원 채우기",
"Returns a copy of the image":"이미지의 복사본 반환",
"Draws some text border with a given color and font size":"지정된 색과 글꼴 크기로 텍스트 테두리 그리기",
"Fills a rectangle with a given color":"지정된 색으로 사각형 채우기",
"Resizes the picture to the given size in pixels":"지정된 크기(픽셀)로 그림 크기 조정",
"Displays the image to the wall; you need to call 'update on wall' later if you want changes to be reflected.":"담벼락에 이미지를 표시합니다. 변경 내용을 적용하려면 나중에 '담벼락에서 업데이트'를 호출해야 합니다.",
"you did it!":"해냈습니다.",
"upload screenshot":"스크린 샷 업로드",
"Publishing is subject to our ":"게시에 다음 적용됨 ",
". Please read our information about ":". 다음에 대한 정보를 읽으세요. ",
"maybe later":"나중에",
"Embeded text or downloaded from the web":"포함된 텍스트 또는 웹에서 다운로드함",
"Code that performs a specific task":"특정 작업을 수행하는 코드",
"Code raised when a user interaction happens":"사용자 상호 작업 발생 시 실행된 코드",
"An indexed table of user-defined rows":"사용자 정의 행의 인덱싱된 테이블",
"A user interface":"사용자 인터페이스",
"A table of user-defined rows":"사용자 정의 행의 테이블",
"A reference to a library script":"라이브러리 스크립트에 대한 참조",
"A number constant":"숫자 상수",
"A global variable":"전역 변수",
"A color constant":"색 상수",
"Current device":"현재 장치",
"tap to change the color":"탭하여 색 변경",
"Show errors in the editor if the script uses any APIs that prevent it from running on these platforms.":"이러한 플랫폼에서 실행되지 못하게 하는 API가 스크립트에 사용되는 경우 편집기에 오류를 표시합니다.",
"Detaches the handler from the event.":"이벤트에서 처리기를 분리합니다.",
"set the handler that is invoked when the board is tapped":"보드를 탭할 때 호출되는 처리기 설정",
"Returns true if the current instance is useless":"현재 인스턴스가 소용 없을 경우 true 반환",
"Gets the width in pixels":"너비 구하기(픽셀)",
"Gets the height in pixels":"높이 구하기(픽셀)",
"Script Updates":"스크립트 업데이트",
"rewind ":"되감기 ",
"A picture":"그림",
"search art pictures":"아트 그림 검색",
"no picture loaded yet":"업로드된 그림 없음",
"Updates picture on a picture sprite (if it is a picture sprite)":"그림 스프라이트의 그림 업데이트(그림 스프라이트인 경우)",
"Add an action that fires for every display frame":"모든 디스플레이 프레임에 대해 실행되는 작업 추가",
"Gets the center horizontal position of in pixels":"가로 가운데 위치 구하기(픽셀)",
"Sets the y acceleration in pixels\/sec^2":"y 가속화 설정(픽셀\/초)^2",
"Sets the height in pixels":"높이 설정(픽셀)",
"Sets the y speed in pixels\/sec":"y 위치 설정(픽셀\/초)",
"we need to edit another thing":"다른 사항을 편집해야 함",
"Do the sprites overlap":"스프라이트 겹치기 수행",
"Gets the y position in pixels":"y 위치 구하기(픽셀)",
"Sets the x speed in pixels\/sec":"x 위치 설정(픽셀\/초)",
"New or built-in colors":"새 또는 기본 제공 색",
"Compares numbers for equality":"등호",
"Compares numbers for less":"어느 숫자가 더 작은지 비교",
"Compares numbers for more":"부등호(보다 큼)",
"Multiplies numbers":"곱하기",
"Subtracts numbers":"빼기",
"Adds numbers":"더하기",
"Interact with devices in the home network. Devices must be UPnP™ compatible.":"",
"Phone numbers, vibrate, etc...":"",
"Create invalid values":"",
"Search and browse the web...":"",
"Camera, location, microphone and other sensors":"",
"Pictures and music...":"",
"ADJ script":"",
"Please wait...":"",
"Interact with the app runtime":"",
"Ask or display values on the wall...":"",
"Emails, sms, contacts, calendar, ...":"",
"2D barcodes, QR codes and NFC tags":"",
"Support for interactive tutorials.":"",
"Translation, speech to text, ...":"",
"Access to the radio":"",
"tiles and notifications for Windows and Windows Phone":"",
"Maps, location to address, address to location":"",
"Current box element in the page.":"",
"A place to hook up an action to execute in response to an event":"",
"Divides numbers":"",
"Correctness helpers":"",
"Play, stop or resume songs, ...":"",
"time and dates":"",
"Create collections of items.":"",
"replace all in function":"",
"in this function":"",
"Gets a list of all songs":"",
"Gets a list of all pictures":"",
"Gets the name of the audio\/video player":"",
"Gets a list of all videos":"",
"Searches for pictures in a particular date range.":"",
"Searches for songs":"",
"Checks if the device is connected":"",
"Searches for videos":"",
"Chooses a song":"",
"Chooses a picture":"",
"Chooses a video or a movie":"",
"Moves the player to the next media in the queue.":"",
"Choose a printer on the current wireless network":"",
"of an object":"",
"given ♥":"",
"promote to field":"",
"go to list of things in your script":"",
"Computes the maximum of the values":"",
"Computes the minimum of the values":"",
"Returns a random integral number between `min` and `max` included.":"",
"Converts the value into a json data structure.":"",
"Arithmetic and bitwise operations on 32 bit integers":"",
"OneDrive, OneNote operations":"",
"Gets the number of elements":"",
"Run the inline action.":"",
"Gets the number of playlists":"",
"you can also search":"",
"A unit test":"",
"add {0}":"",
"blank esplora":"",
"An empty Arduino Esplora script.":"",
"blank arduino":"",
"An empty Arduino sketch.":"",
"add line above":"",
"pick a script template...":"",
"type: ":"",
"TD121: cannot find type {0}":"",
"An empty script, which doesn't do anything.":"",
"image proxying":"",
"{0} down":"",
"{0} up":"",
"Displays the playlist to the wall":"",
"Plays the songs in the playlist":"",
"enter a number":"",
"undo fix":"",
"web apps":"",
"run tests":"",
"JSON data":"",
"add comment for this field":"",
"add comment":"",
"we need a new {0}":"",
"new property":"",
"A web app using Azure Services, Node.js and Restify.":"",
"A web app using Node.js and Restify.":"",
"see more options":"",
"parameter name":"",
"tap (←) when done":"",
"tap to change the splash screen picture":"",
"color: {0}":"",
"import column values from a JSON object":"",
"blank engduino":"",
"Counts the number of rows":"",
"Enter a script name...":"",
"Tutorial completed":"",
"This tab contains additional information about this script":"",
"creates an empty collection of entries":"",
"Creates an invalid reference to an entry":"",
"blank office mix":"",
"An empty Office Mix app.":"",
"blank tutorial":"",
"An empty interactive tutorial.":"",
"Pictures, sounds, etc. in the current script":"",
"Objects, tables and indexes in the current script":"",
"Libraries referenced by the current script":"",
"Functions in the current script":"",
"blank app":"",
"surround with":"",
"delete selection":"",
"cut selection":"",
"copy selection":"",
"search templates":"",
"your best score: {0}":"",
"blank game":"",
"the current function":"",
"Cordova mobile app":"",
"pin to start":"",
"or tap to get help":"",
"Boiler plate code to create a game.":"",
"blank pixel art":"",
"An empty app using the scratch library.":"",
"An turtle app.":"",
"an event handler":"",
"make call async":"",
"extract to parameter":"",
"comment out":"",
"Sets the current value":"",
"Gets the status of the player":"",
"Searches for videos in a particular date range.":"",
"Moves the player to the previous media in the queue.":"",
"Sets the friendly name of the device":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Player Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Device Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Printer Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Server instance":"",
"Plays a media from the home network.":"",
"Gets the friendly name of the device":"",
"Creates an invalid Device instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Printer instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Link instance":"",
"Exports a JSON representation of the contents.":"",
"Browse and review scripts from the bazaar":"",
"Gets the foreground color in the current theme":"",
"Gets the normalized red value (0.0-1.0)":"",
"Checks if the color is equal to the other":"",
"Gets the chrome color in the current theme (control background)":"",
"Gets the accent color in the current theme":"",
"Gets the location":"",
"Gets the name of the album":"",
"Gets the link associated to the message":"",
"Sorts the places by distance to the location":"",
"Gets the songs":"",
"Indicates if the key exists":"",
"Gets a field value as a boolean":"",
"Gets the name of the song":"",
"Displays the link on the wall":"",
"Gets the genre of the song":"",
"Plays the song.":"",
"Gets the name of the artist":"",
"Gets a value indicating if the background repeats horizontally":"",
"Gets the number of values":"",
"Sets a value indicating if the background repeats horizontally":"",
"Gets the list of keys":"",
"Gets the text":"",
"Gets a field value as a string":"",
"Creates a new color by changing the alpha channel from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).":"",
"Picks a color from a color wheel where the hue is between 0 and 1.":"",
"Indicates if the player is paused":"",
"Gets the duration in seconds":"",
"Gets the number of elements in the collection":"",
"Imports a JSON representation of the contents.":"",
"Ooops, there was an error loading the picture.":"",
"loading more...":"",
"loading art ...":"",
"ok, let's roll!":"",
"From now on we won't show you the code to write. Follow the instructions and tap run when you think you are done.":"",
"Try tweaking your code until you get it right. If you get stuck, tap the tutorial bar.":"",
"<h3>no more tips!<\/h3>":"",
"Specify how to arrange the content of this box":"",
"Starts a new tween animation.":"",
"Parses the string as a number":"",
"publish your script":"",
"Publishing script...":"",
"{0} script{0:s} published":"",
"4. publish":"",
"Sets the rotation speed in degrees\/sec":"",
"Sets the z-index of the sprite":"",
"Gets the acceleration along y in pixels\/sec^2":"",
"Hide sprite.":"",
"Sets the url to the picture":"",
"Displays the value to the wall":"",
"Gets a url to the picture":"",
"Create a new collection for sprites.":"",
"Converts to a boolean (type must be boolean)":"",
"Converts and parses to a date time (type must be string)":"",
"Stringify the current JSON object":"",
"Sorts from the newest to oldest":"",
"Prints the number to the wall":"",
"Sorts the strings in this collection":"",
"Displays the sprite sheet.":"",
"Gets the field value as a time":"",
"Returns a collection sorted using specified comparison key":"",
"Gets a json kind (string, number, object, array, boolean, null)":"",
"Gets a field value as a number":"",
"Converts to a number (type must be number)":"",
"Sets the wall background picture. The picture will be resized and clipped to the screen background as needed.":"",
"Gets a value by name":"",
"Gets the i-th json value":"",
"Creates an empty Picture collection":"",
"Sets the speed in pixels\/sec":"",
"Makes a lighter color by a delta between 0 and 1.":"",
"Makes a darker color by a delta between 0 and 1.":"",
"Compares numbers for less or equal":"",
"Compares numbers for more or equal":"",
"Indicates if the player is stopped":"",
"Updates text on a text sprite (if it is a text sprite)":"",
"add an action that fires for every display frame.":"",
"Returns a substring given a start index and a length":"",
"Converts a number to a string":"",
"Indicates if the string is empty":"",
"Sets the background color":"",
"In debug mode, board displays speed and other info of sprites":"",
"Returns the number of characters":"",
"Sets the angle of the sprite in degrees":"",
"Checks if two strings are the same":"",
"Gets a random item; invalid if collection is empty":"",
"Displays the request to the wall":"",
"Displays string on the wall":"",
"Computes the sum of the values":"",
"Prints the value to the wall":"",
"Computes the average of the values":"",
"Gets the item at position 'index'; invalid if index is out of bounds":"",
"Returns the sprite color.":"",
"Create a new rectangle sprite.":"",
"A argb color (alpha, red, green, blue)":"",
"Gets the names of the headers":"",
"Gets the value of a given header":"",
"Geo coordinates":"",
"Cloud session management":"",
"add optional":"",
"cannot sync - you are not signed in":"",
"try again!":"",
"Returns a string collection that contains the substrings in this string that are delimited by elements of a specified string.":"",
"Teach Creative Coding!":"",
"ok, got it!":"",
"Try finding the buttons yourself. If you get stuck, tap on the goal line.":"",
"From now on we just show you the code that you need to write, in the goal line. It looks like this:":"",
"<h3>now, do it yourself!<\/h3>":"",
"tap a checkmark to add (or remove) your 'vote' to an existing tag":"",
"add new tag":"",
"Writes a static NFC tag with url, text or any other format. `type` may be a mime type.":"",
"Scans an id tag created by TouchDevelop and returns the embeded text.":"",
"Generates a 2D barcode pointing to the text using Microsoft Tag. text must be less than 1000 character long and size must be between 0.75 and 5 inches.":"",
"Set what happens when the box is tapped.":"",
"If the page did not open, tap the 'open' button below, otherwise tap 'done'.":"",
"tap [ok] when done":"",
"Make updates visible.":"",
"Plays the current media from the start.":"",
"Private actions do not get a run button. ":"",
"remove else":"",
"Gets the uri of the media currently active":"",
"Indicates additional information about why the Printer is in its current state.":"",
"Pauses the current media if any.":"",
"Queues a job to print the text.":"",
"Gets the position in seconds whithin the active media":""

locales/nl/strings.json Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,824 @@
"my scripts":"mijn scripts",
"a function":"een functie",
"tap there":"tik daar",
"insert {0}":"{0} invoegen",
"'Javascripty' curly braces, all the tools, for experienced devs!":"'Javascript'-accolades, alle hulpmiddelen, voor ervaren ontwerpers!",
"Sets the position in pixels":"Stelt de positie in pixels in",
"insert comment":"opmerking invoegen",
"translating tutorial...":"tutorial vertalen...",
"loading tutorial":"tutorial laden",
"reloading script":"script opnieuw laden",
"we have {0:a} here; did you want to do something with it?":"dit is een {0:a}; wilde je daar iets mee doen?",
"privacy and cookies":"privacy and cookies",
"terms of use":"terms of use",
" -- a local variable":" -- een lokale variabele",
"signing in...":"bezig met aanmelden...",
"global vars":"globale vars",
"We will adapt the editor to your coding skill level. You can change your skill level later in the hub.":"We passen de editor aan uw coderingsniveau aan. U kunt uw ervaringsniveau later in de hub wijzigen.",
"run main":"hoofdprogramma uitvoeren",
"Edit code as text, more options, for aspiring app writers!":"Code als tekst bewerken, meer opties, voor aankomende app-schrijvers!",
"Drag and drop blocks, simplified interface, great for beginners!":"Blokken verslepen en plaatsen, vereenvoudigde interface, perfect voor beginners!",
"choose your coding skill level":"kies uw vaardigheidsniveau voor coderen",
"Your full name":"Uw volledige naam",
"website url":"website url",
"twitter handle":"twitter-gebruikersnaam",
"sign out":"afmelden",
"sign in":"aanmelden",
"receive email newsletters":"e-mailnieuwsbrieven ontvangen",
"remove picture":"afbeelding verwijderen",
"Receive email notifications when other people review\/take a screenshot of\/comment on your scripts, or reply to one of your comments, or when events related to your subscriptions occur.":"Ontvang e-mailmeldingen als anderen je scripts bekijken\/daar een schermafbeelding van maken\/daar opmerkingen over hebben, of een van je opmerkingen beantwoorden, of als gebeurtenissen plaatsvinden die betrekking hebben op je abonnementen.",
"Your twitter handle, like @touchdevelop.":"Uw twitter-gebruikersnaam, zoals @touchdevelop.",
"receive email notifications":"e-mailmeldingen ontvangen",
"real name":"echte naam",
"public profile":"openbaar profiel",
"public nickname":"openbare bijnaam",
"private profile":"privéprofiel",
"saving...":"bezig met opslaan...",
"Please review our Privacy Statement.":"Lees onze Privacyverklaring.",
"Your email address has not yet been verified. Please check your inbox.":"Uw e-mailadres is nog niet geverifieerd. Controleer uw postvak.",
"email and push notifications":"e-mail- en push-meldingen",
"Enter your school affiliation if any.":"Aan welke school bent u verbonden, indien aanwezig.",
"What is your occupation?":"Wat is uw beroep?",
"What is your level of programming knowledge?":"Wat is het niveau van uw programmeerkennis?",
"programming knowledge":"programmeerkennis",
"How did you discover TouchDevelop?":"Hoe hebt u Touch Develop gevonden?",
"how found":"hoe gevonden",
"year of birth":"geboortejaar",
"about you":"over u",
"Where in the world are you?":"Waar ter wereld bent u?",
"Your Minecraft user.":"Uw Minecraft-gebruiker.",
"more settings":"meer instellingen",
"Your GitHub user.":"Uw GitHub-gebruiker.",
"minecraft user":"minecraft-gebruiker",
"A unique display name for your public profile (at least 8 characters)":"Een unieke weergavenaam voor uw openbare profiel (minimaal 8 tekens)",
"Scripts by this user:":"Scripts van deze gebruiker:",
"github user":"github-gebruiker",
"Items marked with * are required.":"Onderdelen gemarkeerd met * zijn verplicht.",
"Enter the URL to your personal website (Example: http:\/\/":"Voer de URL naar uw persoonlijke website in (bijvoorbeeld: http:\/\/",
"Enter some information about yourself":"Voer informatie over uzelf in.",
"Don't forget to scroll down and tap 'save' when you are done editing!":"Vergeet niet om naar beneden te bladeren en op “Opslaan” te tikken als u klaar bent met bewerken!",
"Do you want to receive informational TouchDevelop-related newsletters, e.g. about new features and upcoming events?":"Wilt u nieuwsbrieven ontvangen met informatie over Touch Develop, zoals over nieuwe functies en komende evenementen?",
"<h3>loading current settings...<\/h3>":"<h3>bezig met laden van huidige instellingen...<\/h3>",
"Art by this user:":"Activiteit van deze gebruiker:",
"abuse reports":"meldingen van misbruik",
"go back to coding! {0}★ to go":"programmeer verder! nog {0}★ te gaan",
"add input parameter":"invoerparameter toevoegen",
"start over":"begin opnieuw",
"API Docs":"API Docs",
"Upload Picture":"Afbeelding uploaden",
"toggle breakpoint":"onderbrekingspunt",
"Create Script":"Script maken",
"Create Group":"Groep maken",
"Join Group":"Aanmelden bij groep",
"pages":"pagina 's",
"global variable":"globale variabele",
"rename":"naam wijzigen",
"script properties":"eigenschappen van script",
"decimal dot":"decimale punt",
"undo":"ongedaan maken",
"re-run":"opnieuw uitvoeren",
"move cursor":"cursor verplaatsen",
"upload picture":"afbeelding uploaden",
"the hub":"de hub",
"logical negation":"logische negatie",
"A number (possibly negative and\/or fractional)":"Een aantal (mogelijk negatieve en\/of gedeeltelijke)",
"replicated ":"herhaald ",
"publish as hidden":"verborgen publiceren",
"learn about publishing":"meer informatie over publiceren",
"Publish script":"Script publiceren",
"Minecraft user":"Minecraft-gebruiker",
"TD155: '{0}' cannot be assigned to a local variable":"TD155: '{0}' kan niet worden toegewezen aan een lokale variabele",
"TD130: bound of 'for' wants {1:a}":"TD130: limiet van 'voor' wil {1}",
"TD150: cannot call the thing before '('":"TD150: kan het ding voor ' (' niet aanroepen",
"TD151: unclosed '('":"TD151: ongesloten ' ('",
"TD112: i cannot find property '{0}' on {1}":"TD112: ik kan eigenschap '{0}' op {1} niet vinden",
"TD116: not enough parameters supplied to {0}":"TD116: niet genoeg parameters geleverd aan {0}",
"move to library":"naar bibliotheek verplaatsen",
" [hidden]":" [verborgen]",
"color #{0}":"kleur #{0}",
"load more replies":"laden van meer antwoorden",
"export to app":"exporteren naar app",
"pull changes":"haal wijzigingen op",
"'{0}' is obsolete and should not be used":"'{0}' is verouderd en mag niet worden gebruikt",
"add output parameter":"uitvoerparameter toevoegen",
"superior, supernatural, terrific, unbelievable, unearthly, unique, unprecedented, unusual, weird, wonderful, wondrous":"superieur, bovennatuurlijk, ontzagwekkend, ongelofelijk, buitenaards goed, uniek, ongekend, ongebruikelijk, vreemd, schitterend, prachtig, wonderbaarlijk",
"incredible, magical, marvellous, marvelous, mind-blowing, mind-boggling, miraculous, peculiar, phenomenal, rad, rockin', special, spectacular, startling, stunning, super-cool, ":"onvoorstelbaar, magisch, schitterend, onthutsend, verbijsterend, miraculeus, vreemd, fenomenaal, stoer, speciaal, spectaculair, opzienbarend, magnifiek, supergaaf ",
"amazing, astonishing, astounding, awe-inspiring, awesome, breathtaking, classic, cool, curious, distinct, exceptional, exclusive, extraordinary, fabulous, fantastic, glorious, great, ":"verbazingwekkend, verbijsterend, ongelofelijk, ontzagwekkend, gaaf, adembenemend, klassiek, gaaf, curieus, apart, uitzonderlijk, exclusief, buitengewoon, fabuleus, fantastisch, glorieus, geweldig, ",
" sending changes":" wijzigingen worden doorgestuurd",
"diff prev":"vor wijz",
"diff curr":"huid wijz",
"Types, order, and number of event parameters cannot be edited.":"Het type, de volgorde en het aantal gebeurtenisparameters kunnen niet bewerkt worden.",
"Events cannot have out parameters.":"Gebeurtenissen kunnen geen out parameters hebben.",
"TD109: cannot assign to this":"TD109: kan niet toewijzen aan deze",
"just keep typing the search terms!":"blijf de zoektermen gewoon intypen!",
"... there's more ...":"... er is meer ...",
"tap there for instructions":"tik daar voor instructies",
"show how to complete this activity":"laat zien hoe je deze activiteit kunt afronden",
"move left":"ga naar links",
"To add page data, create a local var and tap 'promote to field'.":"Maak een lokale var en tik op 'bevorderen naar veld' om paginagegevens toe te voegen.",
"TD111: cannot assign from {0} to {1}":"TD111: kan niet toewijzen van {0} aan {1}",
"{0} ({1} line{1:s})":"{0} ({1} regel{1:s})",
"replace all in script":"alle vervangen in script",
"global replace":"globaal vervangen",
"create a new parameter":"een nieuwe parameter maken",
"select more":"meer selecteren",
"strip '{0}'":"strip '{0}'",
"pull out to block level":"trek uit niveau blokkeren",
", got {0:a} instead":", kreeg in plaats daarvan {0}",
"an function type definition":"definitie voor een functietype",
"tap to translate with Microsoft® Translator...":"tik hier om te vertalen met Microsoft ® vertaler...",
"Translations by Microsoft® Translator, tap to see original...":"Vertalingen door Microsoft ® vertaler, tik om het origineel te zien...",
"into local":"naar lokaal",
"extract to var":"overnemen naar var",
"turn into":"veranderen in",
"else if":"anders als",
"a minute ago":"een minuut geleden",
"loading replies...":"antwoorden worden geladen...",
"show more options":"meer opties tonen",
"find references":"verwijzingen zoeken",
"need to edit elsewhere":"bewerken op ander punt nodig",
"an hour ago":"een uur geleden",
" of ":" van ",
"need to delete this":"moet dit verwijderen",
"screenshot of {0}":"schermafbeelding van {0}",
"loading comments for \/{0}...":"opmerkingen voor \/{0} worden geladen...",
"my art":"mijn kunst",
"insert statement":"propositie invoegen",
"learn more":"meer leren",
"now you can select a property of {0}; it doesn't do anything by itself":"nu kun je een eigenschap selecteren van {0}; op zichzelf doet het niets",
"tutorial progress":"voortgang tutorial",
"What's new":"Wat is er nieuw",
"Search everything":"Alles doorzoeken",
"Search Help":"Zoeken in Help...",
"Getting started":"Aan de slag",
"Export to Windows, Android, iOS, Azure":"Exporteren naar Windows, Android, iOS, Azure",
"top & new":"beste en nieuw",
"a few seconds ago":"een paar seconden geleden",
"number entry":"getalinvoer",
"regular keypad":"gewoon toetsenpaneel",
"Upload Sound":"Geluid uploaden",
"Insert '{0}' {1}":"'{0}' {1} invoegen",
"go to":"ga naar",
"{0} second{0:s} ago":"{0} seconden{0:s} geleden",
"New Scripts":"Nieuwe scripts",
"TD145: there seem to be an operator (like '+', '(' or ',') missing here":"TD145: er lijkt hier een operator (zoals '+', '(' of ',') te ontbreken",
"we have a library '{0}' here; {1}":"we hebben een bibliotheek '{0}' hier; {1}",
"now you can select a property on it":"nu kun je er een eigenschap voor selecteren",
"we need different keypad":"we hebben een ander toetsenpaneel nodig",
"i'm finished with my Hour of Code™":"ik ben klaar met mijn Uur Code™",
"a page":"een pagina",
"TD154: the operator needs something after it":"TD154: er moet iets na de operator komen",
"TD144: it seems you're missing '{0}', try adding it":"TD144: het lijkt erop dat '{0}' ontbreekt, probeer deze toe te voegen",
"{0} hour{0:s} ago":"{0} uur {0:s} geleden",
"fix it":"repareer het",
"learn more about {0}":"meer weten over {0}",
"Your art will appear here":"Uw kunst verschijnt hier",
"{0} minute{0:s} ago":"{0} minuten {0:s} geleden",
"break in debugger":"stop in debugger",
"Picks a random color":"Kiest een willekeurige kleur",
"type: {0}":"type: {0}",
"need a different string here":"hier is een andere tekenreeks nodig",
"follow tutorial in editor":"tutorial in editor volgen",
"tap here when done":"tik hier als je klaar bent",
"upload sound":"geluid uploaden",
"keep editing":"doorgaan met bewerken",
"Type to search...":"Typ om te zoeken...",
"let's get started!":"laten we beginnen!",
"creating script":"script maken",
"tutorial: ":"tutorial: ",
"excellent; great job; awesome; cool; you rock; well done; outstanding; you got it; right on":"uitstekend; goed gedaan; fantastisch; vet; jij bent geweldig; super; grandioos; het is je gelukt; perfect",
"Post a comment...":"Een opmerking posten...",
"parsing script text":"scripttekst wordt geparseerd",
"report abuse":"misbruik melden",
"load more":"meer laden",
"TD100: insert {0:a} here":"TD100: hier {0} invoegen",
"Sets the background picture":"Stelt de achtergrondafbeelding in",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #00FFFFFF":"Haalt de kleur op met ARGB-waarde #00FFFFFF",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF800080":"Haalt de kleur op met ARGB-waarde #FF800080",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFF00FF":"Haalt de kleur op met ARGB-waarde #FFFF00FF",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFFF00":"Haalt de kleur op met ARGB-waarde #FFFFFF00",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF00FFFF":"Haalt de kleur op met ARGB-waarde #FF00FFFF",
"Sets the sprite color.":"Stelt de kleur van de sprite in.",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFA500":"Haalt de kleur op met ARGB-waarde #FFFFA500",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFFFFF":"Haalt de kleur op met ARGB-waarde #FFFFFFFF",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFF0000":"Haalt de kleur op met ARGB-waarde #FFFF0000",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF0000FF":"Haalt de kleur op met ARGB-waarde #FF0000FF",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF000000":"Haalt de kleur op met ARGB-waarde #FF000000",
"'atomic' function":"'atomaire' functie",
"test function":"testfunctie",
"private function":"persoonlijke functie",
"function name":"naam functie",
"store the value in a variable":"sla de waarde op in een variabele",
"this script is a web service":"dit script is een webdienst",
"variable name":"naam variabele",
"library name":"naam bibliotheek",
"Enter a name":"Voer een naam in",
"exported from this library":"geëxporteerd van deze bibliotheek",
"search here for {0}":"hier zoeken naar {0}",
"ex: ":"ex: ",
"to code":"naar code",
"this script is a library":"dit script is een bibliotheek",
"run with instrumentation":"uitvoeren met instrumentatie",
"revert to published version":"terugkeren naar gepubliceerde versie",
"manage data":"gegevens beheren",
"i want it to run on":"ik wil het uitvoeren op",
"delete local data and permissions":"lokale gegevens en machtigingen verwijderen",
"allow other users to export to app":"andere gebruikers toestaan te exporteren naar app",
"about profile":"over profiel",
"about insights":"over inzichten",
"about coverage":"over dekking",
"Search here...":"Hier zoeken...",
"For published scripts, also look at the tab of the published script page to find anonymously collected crowd-sourced profile and coverage data.":"Bekijk bij gepubliceerde scripts ook de tab van de gepubliceerde scriptpagina om anoniem verzamelde crowd-sourced profiel- en dekkingsgegevens te zoeken.",
"After the script stops, browse the code to see collected information.":"Doorzoek nadat het script stopt de code om verzamelde informatie weer te geven.",
"read only":"alleen lezen",
"offline available":"offline beschikbaar",
"cloud sessions":"cloud-sessies",
"record name:":"naam record:",
"view as script":"weergeven als script",
", got {0}":", kreeg {0}",
"See More":"Meer info",
"'{0}' expects {1} here":"'{0}' verwacht {1} hier",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF008000":"Haalt de kleur op met ARGB-waarde #FF008000",
"replace picture":"afbeelding vervangen",
"demote to var":"terugzetten naar var",
"change (back) to local":"(terug) veranderen naar lokaal",
"search art":"afbeeldingen doorzoeken",
"let's change this":"laten we dit veranderen",
"backspace this":"verwijder deze met backspace",
"current expression":"huidige expressie",
"set name":"naam instellen",
"Create a new picture sprite.":"Een nieuwe afbeeldingssprite maken.",
"Sets the center horizontal position in pixels":"Stelt de centrale horizontale positie in pixels in",
"we'll guide you step by step":"we begeleiden je stap voor stap",
"All tutorials":"Alle tutorials",
"All my scripts":"Al mijn scripts",
"Skill level: {0} ":"Vaardigheidsniveau: {0} ",
"All my groups":"Al mijn groepen",
"Create your own apps":"Maak je eigen apps",
"Sets the y position in pixels":"Stelt de y-positie in pixels in",
"change contents":"inhoud veranderen",
"move the cursor right":"verplaats de cursor naar rechts",
"customize the art!":"pas de afbeeldingen aan!",
"Sets the width in pixels":"Stelt de breedte in pixels in",
"{0} day{0:s} ago":"{0} dag {0:s} geleden",
"stop loop":"lus stoppen",
"stop function":"functie stoppen",
"skip iteration":"iteratie overslaan",
"display value":"waarde weergeven",
"repeat while":"herhalen zolang",
"repeat n times":"n keer herhalen",
"\/\/ comment":"\/\/ opmerking",
"repeat on collection":"herhaal op collectie",
"UI widget":"UI widget",
"read more...":"lees meer...",
"Create a new text sprite.":"Een nieuwe tekstsprite maken.",
"step over":"eroverheen stappen",
"step out":"uitstappen",
"step in":"instappen",
"Search code...":"Code zoeken...",
"go to previous step":"ga naar de vorige stap",
"to continue coding":"om verder te programmeren",
"compiling script":"script compileren",
"'{0}' returns a '{1}'; {2}":"'{0}' retourneert een '{1}'; {2}",
"promote to data":"verhogen naar data",
"to global var":"naar globale var",
"let's do it!":"aan de slag!",
"store in var":"opslaan in var",
"set local variable name":"instellen naam lokale variabele",
"please wait...":"een ogenblik geduld...",
"function, variable, library, ...":"functie, variabele, bibliotheek, ...",
"add new":"nieuwe toevoegen",
"function types":"soorten functie",
"<b>this line is perfect!<\/b> let's move on":"<b>deze regel is perfect!<\/b> laten we verdergaan",
"art resource":"kunst resource",
"Your script will appear here":"Jouw script verschijnt hier",
"Change skill level!":"Niveau wijzigen!",
"move the cursor left":"verplaats de cursor naar links",
"new variable":"nieuwe variabele",
"a global variable":"een globale variabele",
"{0} year{0:s} ago":"{0} jaar {0:s} geleden",
"{0} month{0:s} ago":"{0} maand {0:s} geleden",
"creates an empty collection of objects":"maakt een lege verzameling van objecten",
"Create an invalid value of this object type":"Een ongeldige waarde van dit objecttype maken",
"import field values from a JSON object":"veldwaarden van een JSON-object importeren",
"checks if reference has not been set":"controleert of verwijzing niet werd ingesteld",
"tests if two references refer to the same object":"controleert of twee verwijzingen verwijzen naar hetzelfde object",
"sets all fields to their default values":"stelt alle velden in op hun standaardwaarden",
"export a JSON representation of the contents":"een JSON-representatie van de inhoud exporteren",
"displays the object on the wall":"geeft het object op de wand weer",
"add line below":"voeg hieronder een regel toe",
"select that line":"selecteer deze regel",
"access the {0} field":"toegang tot het veld {0}",
"tap there to run your app":"tik daar om de app uit te voeren",
"new stmt below":"nieuwe stmt hieronder",
"new line":"nieuwe regel",
"Concatenates two pieces of text":"Koppelt twee stukken tekst aaneen",
"more ":"meer ",
"TD152: unexpected ')'":"TD152: onverwachte ')'",
"TD118: 'if' condition wants {1:a}":"TD118: 'als'-voorwaarde wil {1}",
"TD115: excessive parameter(s) supplied to {0}":"TD115: excessieve parameter(s) geleverd aan {0}",
"TD101: cannot find '{0}'":"TD101: kan '{0}' niet vinden",
"TD147: we didn't expect '{0}' here":"TD147: we hadden '{0}' hier niet verwacht",
"no hearts. you can add one once you install the script!":"geen harten. Je kunt er één toevoegen nadat je het script hebt geïnstalleerd!",
"no forks, install, edit and re-publish script to create one!":"geen vorken. Installeer, bewerk en publiceer script opnieuw om er één te maken!",
"no art published by this user":"geen afbeeldingen gepubliceerd door deze gebruiker",
"get my Hour of Code™ certificate":"mij Uur Code™-certificaat ontvangen",
"next tutorials...":"volgende tutorials...",
"no tags, tap to add some!":"geen codes, tik om er enkele toe te voegen!",
"no comments, tap to write some!":"geen commentaar, tik om iets te schrijven!",
"Gets the printers on the current wireless network":"Haalt de printers op het huidige draadloze netwerk op",
"Plays the media at the 'url' internet address.":"Speelt de media af op het 'url' internetadres.",
"Browses to the device control panel":"Zoekt naar het bedieningspaneel van het apparaat",
"Gets the manfacturer name":"Haalt de naam van de fabrikant op",
"Returns a date that adds the specified number of years to the value of this instance.":"Retourneert een datum die het opgegeven aantal jaren optelt bij de waarde van dit geval.",
"Converts to the local time":"Zet om naar de lokale tijd",
"Choose a media player on the current wireless network":"Kies een mediaspeler op het huidige draadloze netwerk",
"Gets the media players on the current wireless network":"Haalt de mediaspelers op het huidige draadloze netwerk op",
"Indicates if no jobs can be processed and intervention is needed.":"Geeft aan of er geen opdrachten kunnen worden verwerkt en ingrijpen noodzakelijk is.",
"Choose a media server on the current wireless network":"Kies een mediaserver op het huidige draadloze netwerk",
"Gets the media servers on the home network":"Haalt de mediaservers op het thuisnetwerk op",
"Gets the current motion that combines data from the accelerometer, compass and gyroscope if available.":"Haalt de huidige beweging op die gegevens combineert van de snelheidsmeter, het kompas en de gyroscoop (indien beschikbaar).",
"Gets a value whether the song is DRM protected":"Haalt een waarde op die aangeeft of het lied door DRM is beschermd",
"Gets the width of the camera image in pixels.":"Haalt de breedte van het camerabeeld in pixels op.",
"Indicates if new jobs can start processing immediately without waiting.":"Geeft aan of nieuwe opdrachten direct kunnen worden verwerkt, zonder wachttijd.",
"Returns a date that adds the specified number of months to the value of this instance.":"Retourneert een datum die het opgegeven aantal maanden optelt bij de waarde van dit geval.",
"Indicates if jobs are processing; new jobs will wait before processing, i.e., are said to be pending.":"Geeft aan of er opdrachten worden verwerkt. Nieuwe opdrachten worden in de wachtrij gezet, i.e er wordt gezegd dat ze in de wacht staan.",
"Indicates the media can be played, paused, resumed":"Geeft aan of de media kan worden afgespeeld, gepauzeerd, hervat",
"Sets the sound volume level from 0 (silent) to 1 (current volume)":"Stelt het volumeniveau in van 0 (stil) op 1 (huidig volume)",
"Indicates if volume can be changed":"Geeft aan of het volume kan worden gewijzigd",
"Gets the sound volume for sounds from 0 (silent) to 1 (current volume)":"Haalt het geluidsvolume op voor geluiden van 0 (stil) tot 1 (huidig volume)",
"Reads the response body as a wave sound":"Leest het responslichaam als een geluidsgolf",
"Gets the height of the camera image in pixels.":"Haalt de hoogte van het camerabeeld in pixels op.",
"This script uses the following capabilities: ":"Dit script gebruikt de volgende mogelijkheden: ",
"Sets the 3x3 affine matrix transformation applied to the wall.":"Stelt de 3x3 affiene matrixtransformatie in die op de wand is toegepast.",
"Searches the Windows Phone Store (type in applications or music)":"Doorzoekt de Windows Phone Store (typ toepassingen of muziek in)",
"Display the printer to the wall":"De printer op de wand weergeven",
"Gets the name of the printer":"Haalt de naam van de printer op",
"Gets the detailled information about this device":"Haalt de gedetailleerde informatie over dit apparaat op",
"Applies `converter` on all elements of the input collection and returns a collection of results":"Past 'omzetter' toe op alle elementen van de inputverzameling en retourneert een verzameling resultaten",
"Draws a line between two points":"Tekent een lijn tussen twee punten",
"Writes another picture at a given location. The opacity ranges from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).":"Schrijft nog een afbeelding op een gegeven locatie. De opaciteit loopt uiteen van 0 (transparant) tot 1 (ondoorzichtig).",
"Fills a ellipse with a given color":"Vult een ovaal met een gegeven kleur",
"Returns a copy of the image":"Retourneert een kopie van de afbeelding",
"Draws some text border with a given color and font size":"Tekent een tekstrand met een gegeven kleur en fontgrootte",
"Fills a rectangle with a given color":"Vult een rechthoek met een gegeven kleur",
"Resizes the picture to the given size in pixels":"Past de afbeelding aan de opgegeven grootte in pixels aan",
"Displays the image to the wall; you need to call 'update on wall' later if you want changes to be reflected.":"Geeft de afbeelding op de wand weer; je moet later 'bijwerken op wand' gebruiken als je wilt dat de veranderingen worden weergegeven.",
"you did it!":"Het is je gelukt!",
"upload screenshot":"schermafbeelding uploaden",
"Publishing is subject to our ":"Publicatie is onderhevig aan onze ",
". Please read our information about ":". Lees onze informatie over ",
"maybe later":"misschien later",
"Embeded text or downloaded from the web":"Ingesloten tekst of gedownload vanaf het web",
"Code that performs a specific task":"Code die een specifieke taak uitvoert",
"Code raised when a user interaction happens":"Code doorgegeven in geval van interactie met gebruiker",
"An indexed table of user-defined rows":"Een geïndexeerde tabel met door de gebruiker ingestelde rijen",
"A user interface":"Een gebruikersinterface",
"A table of user-defined rows":"Een tabel met door de gebruiker ingestelde rijen",
"A reference to a library script":"Een verwijzing naar een bibliotheekscript",
"A number constant":"Een getalconstante",
"A global variable":"Een globale variabele",
"A color constant":"Een kleurconstante",
"Current device":"Huidig apparaat",
"tap to change the color":"tik om de kleur te veranderen",
"Show errors in the editor if the script uses any APIs that prevent it from running on these platforms.":"Geeft fouten weer in de editor als het script API's gebruikt die voorkomen dat de app op deze platformen kan worden uitgevoerd.",
"Detaches the handler from the event.":"Koppelt de handler los van de gebeurtenis.",
"set the handler that is invoked when the board is tapped":"stel de handler in die wordt uitgelokt wanneer op het bord wordt getikt",
"Returns true if the current instance is useless":"Retourneert waar als het huidige geval nutteloos is",
"Gets the width in pixels":"Haalt de breedte in pixels op",
"Gets the height in pixels":"Haalt de hoogte in pixels op",
"Script Updates":"Scriptupdates",
"rewind ":"terugspoelen ",
"A picture":"Een afbeelding",
"search art pictures":"kunstafbeeldingen doorzoeken",
"no picture loaded yet":"nog geen afbeelding geladen",
"Updates picture on a picture sprite (if it is a picture sprite)":"Werkt afbeelding op een afbeeldingssprite bij (als het een afbeeldingssprite is)",
"Add an action that fires for every display frame":"Voeg een actie toe die wordt uitgevoerd voor elk weergavebeeld",
"Gets the center horizontal position of in pixels":"Haalt de centrale horizontale positie in pixels op",
"Sets the y acceleration in pixels\/sec^2":"Stelt de y-versnelling in pixels\/sec^2 in",
"Sets the height in pixels":"Stelt de hoogte in pixels in",
"Sets the y speed in pixels\/sec":"Stelt de y-snelheid in pixels\/sec in",
"we need to edit another thing":"we moeten ook nog iets anders bewerken",
"Do the sprites overlap":"Overlappen de sprites elkaar",
"Gets the y position in pixels":"Haalt de y-positie in pixels op",
"Sets the x speed in pixels\/sec":"Stelt de x-snelheid in pixels\/sec in",
"New or built-in colors":"Nieuwe of ingebouwde kleuren",
"Compares numbers for equality":"Vergelijkt getallen voor gelijkheid",
"Compares numbers for less":"Vergelijkt getallen voor minder",
"Compares numbers for more":"Vergelijkt getallen voor meer",
"Multiplies numbers":"Vermenigvuldigt getallen",
"Subtracts numbers":"Trekt getallen af",
"Adds numbers":"Telt getallen op",
"Interact with devices in the home network. Devices must be UPnP™ compatible.":"",
"Phone numbers, vibrate, etc...":"",
"Create invalid values":"",
"Search and browse the web...":"",
"Camera, location, microphone and other sensors":"",
"Pictures and music...":"",
"ADJ script":"",
"Please wait...":"",
"Interact with the app runtime":"",
"Ask or display values on the wall...":"",
"Emails, sms, contacts, calendar, ...":"",
"2D barcodes, QR codes and NFC tags":"2D barcodes, QR codes en NFC tags",
"Support for interactive tutorials.":"",
"Translation, speech to text, ...":"",
"Access to the radio":"",
"tiles and notifications for Windows and Windows Phone":"",
"Maps, location to address, address to location":"",
"Current box element in the page.":"",
"A place to hook up an action to execute in response to an event":"",
"Divides numbers":"",
"Correctness helpers":"",
"Play, stop or resume songs, ...":"",
"time and dates":"",
"Create collections of items.":"",
"replace all in function":"",
"in this function":"",
"Gets a list of all songs":"Deze eigenschap haalt een lijst van alle liedjes op",
"Gets a list of all pictures":"Verkrijg een lijst van alle afbeeldingen",
"Gets the name of the audio\/video player":"Deze eigenschap haalt de naam van het audio\/video-speler op",
"Gets a list of all videos":"",
"Searches for pictures in a particular date range.":"",
"Searches for songs":"",
"Checks if the device is connected":"Controleert of het apparaat is aangesloten",
"Searches for videos":"Zoekt naar video's",
"Chooses a song":"Kiest een liedje",
"Chooses a picture":"Kiest een afbeelding",
"Chooses a video or a movie":"Kiest een video of een film",
"Moves the player to the next media in the queue.":"Verplaatst de speler naar de volgende media in de rij",
"Choose a printer on the current wireless network":"Kies een printer op het huidige draadloze netwerk",
"of an object":"van een object",
"given ♥":"",
"promote to field":"promoveren naar veld",
"go to list of things in your script":"",
"Computes the maximum of the values":"",
"Computes the minimum of the values":"",
"Returns a random integral number between `min` and `max` included.":"",
"Converts the value into a json data structure.":"",
"Arithmetic and bitwise operations on 32 bit integers":"",
"OneDrive, OneNote operations":"",
"Gets the number of elements":"",
"Run the inline action.":"",
"Gets the number of playlists":"",
"you can also search":"",
"A unit test":"",
"add {0}":"",
"blank esplora":"",
"An empty Arduino Esplora script.":"",
"blank arduino":"",
"An empty Arduino sketch.":"",
"add line above":"",
"pick a script template...":"",
"type: ":"type: ",
"TD121: cannot find type {0}":"",
"An empty script, which doesn't do anything.":"",
"image proxying":"",
"{0} down":"",
"{0} up":"",
"Displays the playlist to the wall":"",
"Plays the songs in the playlist":"Speelt de liedjes in de afspeellijst",
"enter a number":"",
"undo fix":"",
"web apps":"",
"run tests":"",
"JSON data":"",
"add comment for this field":"",
"add comment":"",
"we need a new {0}":"",
"new property":"",
"A web app using Azure Services, Node.js and Restify.":"",
"A web app using Node.js and Restify.":"",
"see more options":"",
"parameter name":"",
"tap (←) when done":"",
"tap to change the splash screen picture":"",
"color: {0}":"",
"import column values from a JSON object":"",
"blank engduino":"",
"Counts the number of rows":"",
"Enter a script name...":"",
"Tutorial completed":"",
"This tab contains additional information about this script":"",
"creates an empty collection of entries":"",
"Creates an invalid reference to an entry":"",
"blank office mix":"",
"An empty Office Mix app.":"",
"blank tutorial":"",
"An empty interactive tutorial.":"",
"Pictures, sounds, etc. in the current script":"",
"Objects, tables and indexes in the current script":"",
"Libraries referenced by the current script":"",
"Functions in the current script":"",
"blank app":"",
"surround with":"omringen met",
"delete selection":"selectie verwijderen",
"cut selection":"selectie knippen",
"copy selection":"",
"search templates":"",
"your best score: {0}":"",
"blank game":"",
"the current function":"",
"Cordova mobile app":"",
"pin to start":"pin om te beginnen",
"or tap to get help":"",
"Boiler plate code to create a game.":"",
"blank pixel art":"",
"An empty app using the scratch library.":"",
"An turtle app.":"",
"an event handler":"",
"make call async":"",
"extract to parameter":"",
"comment out":"",
"Sets the current value":"",
"Gets the status of the player":"",
"Searches for videos in a particular date range.":"",
"Moves the player to the previous media in the queue.":"",
"Sets the friendly name of the device":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Player Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Device Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Printer Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Server instance":"",
"Plays a media from the home network.":"",
"Gets the friendly name of the device":"",
"Creates an invalid Device instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Printer instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Link instance":"",
"Exports a JSON representation of the contents.":"",
"Browse and review scripts from the bazaar":"",
"Gets the foreground color in the current theme":"",
"Gets the normalized red value (0.0-1.0)":"",
"Checks if the color is equal to the other":"",
"Gets the chrome color in the current theme (control background)":"",
"Gets the accent color in the current theme":"",
"Gets the location":"",
"Gets the name of the album":"",
"Gets the link associated to the message":"",
"Sorts the places by distance to the location":"",
"Gets the songs":"",
"Indicates if the key exists":"",
"Gets a field value as a boolean":"",
"Gets the name of the song":"",
"Displays the link on the wall":"",
"Gets the genre of the song":"",
"Plays the song.":"",
"Gets the name of the artist":"",
"Gets a value indicating if the background repeats horizontally":"",
"Gets the number of values":"",
"Sets a value indicating if the background repeats horizontally":"",
"Gets the list of keys":"",
"Gets the text":"",
"Gets a field value as a string":"",
"Creates a new color by changing the alpha channel from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).":"",
"Picks a color from a color wheel where the hue is between 0 and 1.":"",
"Indicates if the player is paused":"",
"Gets the duration in seconds":"",
"Gets the number of elements in the collection":"",
"Imports a JSON representation of the contents.":"",
"Ooops, there was an error loading the picture.":"",
"loading more...":"",
"loading art ...":"",
"ok, let's roll!":"",
"From now on we won't show you the code to write. Follow the instructions and tap run when you think you are done.":"Vanaf nu laten we de code niet meer zien. Volg de instructies en tik uitvoeren als je denkt dat je klaar bent.",
"Try tweaking your code until you get it right. If you get stuck, tap the tutorial bar.":"",
"<h3>no more tips!<\/h3>":"",
"Specify how to arrange the content of this box":"",
"Starts a new tween animation.":"",
"Parses the string as a number":"",
"publish your script":"",
"Publishing script...":"",
"{0} script{0:s} published":"",
"4. publish":"",
"Sets the rotation speed in degrees\/sec":"",
"Sets the z-index of the sprite":"",
"Gets the acceleration along y in pixels\/sec^2":"",
"Hide sprite.":"",
"Sets the url to the picture":"",
"Displays the value to the wall":"",
"Gets a url to the picture":"",
"Create a new collection for sprites.":"",
"Converts to a boolean (type must be boolean)":"",
"Converts and parses to a date time (type must be string)":"",
"Stringify the current JSON object":"",
"Sorts from the newest to oldest":"",
"Prints the number to the wall":"",
"Sorts the strings in this collection":"",
"Displays the sprite sheet.":"",
"Gets the field value as a time":"",
"Returns a collection sorted using specified comparison key":"",
"Gets a json kind (string, number, object, array, boolean, null)":"",
"Gets a field value as a number":"",
"Converts to a number (type must be number)":"",
"Sets the wall background picture. The picture will be resized and clipped to the screen background as needed.":"",
"Gets a value by name":"",
"Gets the i-th json value":"",
"Creates an empty Picture collection":"",
"Sets the speed in pixels\/sec":"",
"Makes a lighter color by a delta between 0 and 1.":"",
"Makes a darker color by a delta between 0 and 1.":"",
"Compares numbers for less or equal":"",
"Compares numbers for more or equal":"",
"Indicates if the player is stopped":"",
"Updates text on a text sprite (if it is a text sprite)":"",
"add an action that fires for every display frame.":"",
"Returns a substring given a start index and a length":"",
"Converts a number to a string":"",
"Indicates if the string is empty":"",
"Sets the background color":"",
"In debug mode, board displays speed and other info of sprites":"",
"Returns the number of characters":"",
"Sets the angle of the sprite in degrees":"",
"Checks if two strings are the same":"",
"Gets a random item; invalid if collection is empty":"",
"Displays the request to the wall":"",
"Displays string on the wall":"",
"Computes the sum of the values":"",
"Prints the value to the wall":"",
"Computes the average of the values":"",
"Gets the item at position 'index'; invalid if index is out of bounds":"",
"Returns the sprite color.":"",
"Create a new rectangle sprite.":"",
"A argb color (alpha, red, green, blue)":"",
"Gets the names of the headers":"",
"Gets the value of a given header":"",
"Geo coordinates":"",
"Cloud session management":"",
"add optional":"",
"cannot sync - you are not signed in":"",
"try again!":"",
"Returns a string collection that contains the substrings in this string that are delimited by elements of a specified string.":"",
"Teach Creative Coding!":"",
"ok, got it!":"",
"Try finding the buttons yourself. If you get stuck, tap on the goal line.":"",
"From now on we just show you the code that you need to write, in the goal line. It looks like this:":"",
"<h3>now, do it yourself!<\/h3>":"",
"tap a checkmark to add (or remove) your 'vote' to an existing tag":"tik een checkmark om je 'vote' aan een bestaande 'tag' toe te voegen",
"add new tag":"voeg een nieuwe tag toe",
"Writes a static NFC tag with url, text or any other format. `type` may be a mime type.":"Schrijft een statische NFC tag met url, tekst of elk ander formaat. 'type' mag een mime type zijn.",
"Scans an id tag created by TouchDevelop and returns the embeded text.":"Scant een id tag die gemaakt is door TouchDevelop en geeft de embedded tekst terug.",
"Generates a 2D barcode pointing to the text using Microsoft Tag. text must be less than 1000 character long and size must be between 0.75 and 5 inches.":"Genereert een 2D barcode die verwijst naar de tekst gebruikmakend van Microsoft Tag. De tekst moet minder dan 1000 karakters lang zijn en moet tussen 0.75 en 5 inches zijn.",
"Set what happens when the box is tapped.":"Definieer wat er gebeurd als op de box wordt getikt",
"If the page did not open, tap the 'open' button below, otherwise tap 'done'.":"Als de pagina niet opende, tik dan op de 'open' knop beneden of tik 'klaar'.",
"tap [ok] when done":"tik [ok] wanneer je klaar bent",
"Make updates visible.":"not yet translated",
"Plays the current media from the start.":"Speelt de huidige media vanaf het begin.",
"Private actions do not get a run button. ":"Privé acties krijgen geen 'run' knop. ",
"remove else":"verwijderen anders",
"Gets the uri of the media currently active":"Wordt de uri van de media momenteel actief",
"Indicates additional information about why the Printer is in its current state.":"Geeft extra informatie over waarom de Printer in zijn huidige staat is.",
"Pauses the current media if any.":"Hiermee onderbreekt u de huidige media indien van toepassing.",
"Queues a job to print the text.":"Zet de taak in de wachtrij om een tekst uit te printen.",
"Gets the position in seconds whithin the active media":"Deze eigenschap haalt de positie in seconden binnen de actieve media op"

locales/pl/strings.json Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,824 @@
"my scripts":"moje skrypty",
"a function":"funkcja",
"tap there":"kliknij tutaj",
"insert {0}":"wstaw {0}",
"'Javascripty' curly braces, all the tools, for experienced devs!":"",
"Sets the position in pixels":"Ustawia położenie w pikselach",
"insert comment":"wstaw komentarz",
"translating tutorial...":"",
"loading tutorial":"",
"reloading script":"",
"we have {0:a} here; did you want to do something with it?":"",
"privacy and cookies":"prywatność i pliki cookie",
"terms of use":"warunki użytkowania",
" -- a local variable":"",
"signing in...":"",
"global vars":"",
"We will adapt the editor to your coding skill level. You can change your skill level later in the hub.":"",
"run main":"",
"Edit code as text, more options, for aspiring app writers!":"",
"Drag and drop blocks, simplified interface, great for beginners!":"",
"choose your coding skill level":"",
"Your full name":"",
"website url":"",
"twitter handle":"",
"sign out":"",
"sign in":"",
"receive email newsletters":"",
"remove picture":"",
"Receive email notifications when other people review\/take a screenshot of\/comment on your scripts, or reply to one of your comments, or when events related to your subscriptions occur.":"",
"Your twitter handle, like @touchdevelop.":"",
"receive email notifications":"",
"real name":"",
"public profile":"",
"public nickname":"",
"private profile":"",
"Please review our Privacy Statement.":"",
"Your email address has not yet been verified. Please check your inbox.":"",
"email and push notifications":"",
"Enter your school affiliation if any.":"",
"What is your occupation?":"",
"What is your level of programming knowledge?":"",
"programming knowledge":"",
"How did you discover TouchDevelop?":"",
"how found":"",
"year of birth":"",
"about you":"",
"Where in the world are you?":"",
"Your Minecraft user.":"",
"more settings":"",
"Your GitHub user.":"",
"minecraft user":"",
"A unique display name for your public profile (at least 8 characters)":"",
"Scripts by this user:":"",
"github user":"",
"Items marked with * are required.":"",
"Enter the URL to your personal website (Example: http:\/\/":"",
"Enter some information about yourself":"",
"Don't forget to scroll down and tap 'save' when you are done editing!":"",
"Do you want to receive informational TouchDevelop-related newsletters, e.g. about new features and upcoming events?":"",
"<h3>loading current settings...<\/h3>":"",
"Art by this user:":"",
"abuse reports":"",
"go back to coding! {0}★ to go":"",
"add input parameter":"dodaj parametr wejściowy",
"start over":"zacznij od nowa",
"API Docs":"Dokumentacja API",
"Upload Picture":"Wrzuć Zdjęcie",
"breakpoint":"punkt przerwania",
"toggle breakpoint":"przełącz punkt przerwania",
"Create Script":"Utwórz skrypt",
"Create Group":"Utwórz grupę",
"Join Group":"Dołącz do grupy",
"conditional":"instrukcja warunkowa",
"global variable":"zmienna globalna",
"rename":"zmień nazwę",
"script properties":"właściwości skryptu",
"decimal dot":"kropka dziesiętna",
"re-run":"uruchom od nowa",
"move cursor":"rusz kursor",
"upload picture":"",
"the hub":"hub",
"logical negation":"negacja logiczna",
"A number (possibly negative and\/or fractional)":"",
"replicated ":"",
"publish as hidden":"",
"learn about publishing":"",
"Publish script":"",
"Minecraft user":"",
"TD155: '{0}' cannot be assigned to a local variable":"",
"TD130: bound of 'for' wants {1:a}":"TD130: granica 'for' potrzebuje {1}",
"TD150: cannot call the thing before '('":"",
"TD151: unclosed '('":"",
"TD112: i cannot find property '{0}' on {1}":"TD112: nie można znaleźć właściwości '{0}' w {1}",
"TD116: not enough parameters supplied to {0}":"TD116: za mało parametrów dla {0}",
"move to library":"przenieś do biblioteki",
" [hidden]":"",
"color #{0}":"kolor nr{0}",
"load more replies":"",
"export to app":"eksport do aplikacji",
"pull changes":"ściągnij zmiany",
"'{0}' is obsolete and should not be used":"„{0}” to element przestarzały i nie należy go używać",
"add output parameter":"dodaj parametr wyjściowy",
"superior, supernatural, terrific, unbelievable, unearthly, unique, unprecedented, unusual, weird, wonderful, wondrous":"nadprzyrodzony, niewiarygodny, nieziemski, unikatowy, bezprecedensowy, dziwny",
"incredible, magical, marvellous, marvelous, mind-blowing, mind-boggling, miraculous, peculiar, phenomenal, rad, rockin', special, spectacular, startling, stunning, super-cool, ":"magiczny, wspaniały, cudowny, osobliwy, fenomenalny, specjalny, spektakularny, zaskakujący, wspaniały, super-fajny, ",
"amazing, astonishing, astounding, awe-inspiring, awesome, breathtaking, classic, cool, curious, distinct, exceptional, exclusive, extraordinary, fabulous, fantastic, glorious, great, ":"niesamowity, zadziwiający, zdumiewający, inspirujący, klasyczny, fajny, ciekawy, wyjątkowy, ekskluzywny, nadzwyczajny, wspaniały, fantastyczny, wielki, ",
" sending changes":"",
"diff prev":"",
"diff curr":"",
"Types, order, and number of event parameters cannot be edited.":"",
"Events cannot have out parameters.":"",
"starting...":"trwa rozpoczynanie...",
"TD109: cannot assign to this":"TD109: nie można wykonać przypisania do tego elementu",
"just keep typing the search terms!":"",
"... there's more ...":"",
"tap there for instructions":"kliknij tutaj, aby uzyskać instrukcje",
"show how to complete this activity":"pokaż, jak przeprowadzić tę czynność",
"move left":"przesuń w lewo",
"To add page data, create a local var and tap 'promote to field'.":"Aby dodać dane strony, utwórz zmienną lokalną i kliknij 'promuj do pola'.",
"TD111: cannot assign from {0} to {1}":"TD111: nie można wykonać przypisania z {0} do {1}",
"{0} ({1} line{1:s})":"{0} ({1} linia{1:s})",
"replace all in script":"zastąp wszystko w skrypcie",
"global replace":"globalne zastąpienie",
"create a new parameter":"utwórz nowy parametr",
"select more":"wybierz więcej",
"strip '{0}'":"odpakuj '{0}'",
"pull out to block level":"wyciągnij na poziom bloku",
", got {0:a} instead":", weź zamiast tego {0}",
"an function type definition":"",
"tap to translate with Microsoft® Translator...":"",
"Translations by Microsoft® Translator, tap to see original...":"",
"into local":"do lokalnej",
"extract to var":"wyodrębnij do var",
"turn into":"przekształć na",
"else if":"else if",
"a minute ago":"minutę temu",
"loading replies...":"",
"show more options":"",
"find references":"znajdź odniesienia",
"need to edit elsewhere":"trzeba edytować coś jeszcze",
"an hour ago":"godzinę temu",
" of ":"",
"need to delete this":"trzeba to usunąć",
"screenshot of {0}":"",
"loading comments for \/{0}...":"",
"my art":"moja sztuka",
"insert statement":"wstaw instrukcję",
"learn more":"dowiedz się więcej",
"now you can select a property of {0}; it doesn't do anything by itself":"teraz możesz wybrać właściwość {0}; samo z siebie to nic nie zrobi",
"tutorial progress":"postęp przerabiania samouczka",
"What's new":"Nowości",
"Search everything":"Szukaj wszędzie",
"Search Help":"Szukaj w Pomocy",
"Getting started":"Pierwsze kroki",
"Export to Windows, Android, iOS, Azure":"Eksport do Windows, Android, iOS, Azure",
"top & new":"najlepsze & nowe",
"learn":"uczymy się",
"a few seconds ago":"kilka sekund temu",
"screenshot":"zrzut ekranu",
"number entry":"wpisywanie liczb",
"regular keypad":"zwykła klawiatura",
"Upload Sound":"Wrzuć Dźwięk",
"Insert '{0}' {1}":"",
"go to":"idź do",
"{0} second{0:s} ago":"{0} s{0:s} temu",
"New Scripts":"Nowe skrypty",
"TD145: there seem to be an operator (like '+', '(' or ',') missing here":"TD145: chyba brakuje tutaj operatora (np. '+', '(' lub',')",
"we have a library '{0}' here; {1}":"'{0}' to biblioteka; {1}",
"now you can select a property on it":"teraz możesz wybrać właściwość",
"we need different keypad":"potrzebujemy innej klawiatury",
"i'm finished with my Hour of Code™":"moja godzina Godzinka z kodem™ jest skończona",
"a page":"strona",
"TD154: the operator needs something after it":"TD154: coś musi być po operatorze",
"TD144: it seems you're missing '{0}', try adding it":"TD144: chyba brakuje tutaj '{0}', spróbuj to dodać",
"{0} hour{0:s} ago":"Godzin temu: {0} {0:s}",
"fix it":"napraw",
"learn more about {0}":"",
"Your art will appear here":"Zasoby artystyczne pojawią się tutaj",
"{0} minute{0:s} ago":"{0} min{0:s} temu",
"break in debugger":"zatrzymaj się w debugerze",
"Picks a random color":"Wybiera losowy kolor",
"type: {0}":"",
"need a different string here":"",
"follow tutorial in editor":"obserwuj samouczek w edytorze",
"tap here when done":"",
"upload sound":"",
"keep editing":"nadal edytuj",
"Type to search...":"Wpisz, aby wyszukać...",
"let's get started!":"zaczynajmy!",
"creating script":"tworzenie skryptu",
"tutorial: ":"samouczek: ",
"excellent; great job; awesome; cool; you rock; well done; outstanding; you got it; right on":"doskonale; świetna robota; niesamowite; spoko; brawo; wybitnie; dokładnie tak",
"Post a comment...":"",
"parsing script text":"",
"report abuse":"zgłoś nadużycie",
"load more":"załaduj więcej",
"TD100: insert {0:a} here":"TD100: wstaw tutaj {0}",
"Sets the background picture":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #00FFFFFF":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF800080":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFF00FF":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFFF00":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF00FFFF":"",
"Sets the sprite color.":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFA500":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFFFFF":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFF0000":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF0000FF":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF000000":"",
"'atomic' function":"",
"test function":"",
"private function":"",
"function name":"",
"store the value in a variable":"przechowaj wartość w zmiennej",
"this script is a web service":"",
"variable name":"",
"library name":"",
"Enter a name":"",
"exported from this library":"",
"search here for {0}":"szukaj tutaj {0}",
"ex: ":"eks: ",
"to code":"do kodu",
"this script is a library":"ten skrypt jest biblioteką",
"run with instrumentation":"uruchom z instrumentacją",
"revert to published version":"przywróć opublikowaną wersję",
"manage data":"zarządzaj danymi",
"i want it to run on":"chcę to uruchomić",
"delete local data and permissions":"usuń lokalne dane i uprawnienia",
"allow other users to export to app":"zezwalaj innym użytkownikom na eksport do aplikacji",
"about profile":"o profilu",
"about insights":"o wnioskach",
"about coverage":"o pokryciu",
"Search here...":"Szukaj tutaj...",
"For published scripts, also look at the tab of the published script page to find anonymously collected crowd-sourced profile and coverage data.":"W przypadku opublikowanych skryptów poszukaj także na karcie strony opublikowanego skryptu anonimowo zebranych profili społecznościowych i danych o pokryciu.",
"After the script stops, browse the code to see collected information.":"Po zatrzymaniu skryptu przejrzyj kod i zapoznaj się z zebranymi informacjami.",
"read only":"tylko do odczytu",
"offline available":"dostępne offline",
"cloud sessions":"sesje chmurowe",
"record name:":"nazwa rekordu:",
"view as script":"wyświetl jako skrypt",
", got {0}":", mamy {0}",
"See More":"Zobacz więcej",
"'{0}' expects {1} here":"'{0}' oczekuje {1} tutaj",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF008000":"",
"replace picture":"zamień obraz",
"demote to var":"zdegraduj do zmiennej",
"change (back) to local":"zmień (ponownie) na lokalną",
"search art":"szukaj grafiki",
"let's change this":"",
"backspace this":"usuńmy to",
"current expression":"aktualne wyrażenie",
"set name":"ustaw nazwę",
"Create a new picture sprite.":"Utwórz nowy obrazek złożony.",
"Sets the center horizontal position in pixels":"Ustawia wyśrodkowane położenie poziome w pikselach",
"we'll guide you step by step":"poprowadzimy Cię krok po kroku",
"All tutorials":"",
"All my scripts":"",
"Skill level: {0} ":"",
"All my groups":"",
"Create your own apps":"Stwórz własne aplikacje",
"Sets the y position in pixels":"Ustawia położenie y w pikselach",
"change contents":"",
"move the cursor right":"przesuń kursor w prawo",
"customize the art!":"dostosuj grafikę!",
"Sets the width in pixels":"Ustawia szerokość w pikselach",
"{0} day{0:s} ago":"Dni temu: {0} {0:s}",
"stop loop":"",
"stop function":"",
"skip iteration":"",
"display value":"",
"repeat while":"",
"repeat n times":"",
"\/\/ comment":"\/\/ komentarz",
"repeat on collection":"iteruj po kolekcji",
"UI widget":"widżet UI",
"read more...":"",
"Create a new text sprite.":"",
"step over":"przejdź nad",
"step out":"wyjdź",
"step in":"wejdź w",
"Search code...":"Szukaj w kodzie...",
"go to previous step":"",
"to continue coding":"",
"compiling script":"kompilujemy skrypt",
"'{0}' returns a '{1}'; {2}":"'{0}' zwraca '{1}'; {2}",
"promote to data":"",
"to global var":"na zmienną globalną",
"let's do it!":"do dzieła!",
"store in var":"zapisz w var",
"set local variable name":"ustaw nazwę zmiennej lokalnej",
"please wait...":"czekaj...",
"function, variable, library, ...":"",
"add new":"",
"function types":"",
"<b>this line is perfect!<\/b> let's move on":"<b>ten wiersz jest doskonały!<\/b> przejdźmy dalej",
"art resource":"zasoby artystyczne",
"Your script will appear here":"Twój skrypt pojawi się tutaj",
"Change skill level!":"",
"move the cursor left":"przesuń kursor w lewo",
"new variable":"nowa zmienna",
"a global variable":"zmienna globalna",
"{0} year{0:s} ago":"Lat temu {0} {0:s}",
"{0} month{0:s} ago":"{0} mies.{0:s} temu",
"creates an empty collection of objects":"",
"Create an invalid value of this object type":"",
"import field values from a JSON object":"",
"checks if reference has not been set":"",
"tests if two references refer to the same object":"",
"sets all fields to their default values":"",
"export a JSON representation of the contents":"",
"displays the object on the wall":"",
"add line below":"dodaj wiersz poniżej",
"select that line":"wybierz ten wiersz",
"access the {0} field":"",
"tap there to run your app":"kliknij tutaj, aby uruchomić aplikację",
"new stmt below":"nowa instrukcja poniżej",
"new line":"nowa linia",
"Concatenates two pieces of text":"Łączy dwa fragmenty tekstu",
"more ":"więcej ",
"TD152: unexpected ')'":"TD152: nieoczekiwane ')'",
"TD118: 'if' condition wants {1:a}":"TD118: warunek 'if' potrzebuje {1}",
"TD115: excessive parameter(s) supplied to {0}":"TD115: nadmierne parametry dostarczone do {0}",
"TD101: cannot find '{0}'":"TD101: nie mogę znaleźć '{0}'",
"TD147: we didn't expect '{0}' here":"TD147: nie oczekiwaliśmy tutaj '{0}'",
"no hearts. you can add one once you install the script!":"nie ma serc. możesz jedno dodać po zainstalowaniu skryptu!",
"no forks, install, edit and re-publish script to create one!":"brak skryptu rozgałęzienia, instalacji, edycji lub ponownej publikacji do utworzenia!",
"no art published by this user":"brak grafik opublikowanych przez tego użytkownika",
"get my Hour of Code™ certificate":"pobierz swój certyfikat Godzinka z kodem™",
"next tutorials...":"następne samouczki...",
"no tags, tap to add some!":"brak tagów, kliknij, aby jakieś dodać!",
"no comments, tap to write some!":"brak komentarzy, kliknij, aby jakieś napisać!",
"Gets the printers on the current wireless network":"Pobiera drukarki multimediów w aktualnej sieci bezprzewodowej",
"Plays the media at the 'url' internet address.":"Odtwarza multimedia z danego internetowego adresu url.",
"Browses to the device control panel":"Przegląda w poszukiwaniu panelu sterowania urządzenia",
"Gets the manfacturer name":"Pobiera nazwę producenta",
"Returns a date that adds the specified number of years to the value of this instance.":"Zwraca datę, która dodaje do wartości tego wystąpienia określoną liczbę lat.",
"Converts to the local time":"Konwertuje na czas lokalny",
"Choose a media player on the current wireless network":"Wybierz odtwarzacz multimediów w aktualnej sieci bezprzewodowej",
"Gets the media players on the current wireless network":"Pobiera odtwarzacze multimediów w aktualnej sieci bezprzewodowej",
"Indicates if no jobs can be processed and intervention is needed.":"Wskazuje, że żadne zadanie nie może być przetworzone i jest potrzebna interwencja.",
"Choose a media server on the current wireless network":"Wybierz serwer multimediów w aktualnej sieci bezprzewodowej",
"Gets the media servers on the home network":"Pobiera serwery multimediów do sieci domowej",
"Gets the current motion that combines data from the accelerometer, compass and gyroscope if available.":"Pobiera bieżący ruch, który łączy dane z przyspieszeniomierza, kompasu i żyroskopu, jeśli są dostępne.",
"Gets a value whether the song is DRM protected":"Pobiera wartość, określającą czy utwór jest chroniony prawami DRM",
"Gets the width of the camera image in pixels.":"Pobiera szerokość obrazu z aparatu w pikselach.",
"Indicates if new jobs can start processing immediately without waiting.":"Wskazuje, czy nowe zadania mogą rozpocząć przetwarzanie natychmiast, bez oczekiwania.",
"Returns a date that adds the specified number of months to the value of this instance.":"Zwraca datę, która dodaje do wartości tego wystąpienia określoną liczbę miesięcy.",
"Indicates if jobs are processing; new jobs will wait before processing, i.e., are said to be pending.":"Wskazuje, czy zadania są przetwarzane; nowe zadania będą czekać na przetworzenie, to znaczy będą określane jako oczekujące.",
"Indicates the media can be played, paused, resumed":"Wskazuje, że materiał multimedialny może być odtwarzany, wstrzymywany, wznawiany",
"Sets the sound volume level from 0 (silent) to 1 (current volume)":"Ustawia głośność dźwięku od 0 (cicho) do 1 (bieżąca głośność)",
"Indicates if volume can be changed":"Wskazuje, czy można zmienić głośność",
"Gets the sound volume for sounds from 0 (silent) to 1 (current volume)":"Pobiera głośność dźwięku od 0 (cicho) do 1 (bieżąca głośność)",
"Reads the response body as a wave sound":"Odczytuje treść odpowiedzi jako falę dźwiękową",
"Gets the height of the camera image in pixels.":"Pobiera wysokość obrazu z aparatu w pikselach.",
"This script uses the following capabilities: ":"Ten skrypt używa następujących funkcji: ",
"Sets the 3x3 affine matrix transformation applied to the wall.":"Ustawia afiniczne przekształcenie macierzy 3x3 stosowane do tablicy.",
"Searches the Windows Phone Store (type in applications or music)":"Przeszukuje Sklep Windows Phone (wpisz aplikacje lub muzykę)",
"Display the printer to the wall":"Wyświetl drukarkę na tablicy",
"Gets the name of the printer":"Pobiera nazwę drukarki",
"Gets the detailled information about this device":"Pobiera szczegółowe informacje na temat tego urządzenia",
"Applies `converter` on all elements of the input collection and returns a collection of results":"Aplikuje `converter` na wszystkich elementach kolekcji wejściowej i zwraca kolekcję wyników",
"Draws a line between two points":"Rysuje linię między dwoma punktami",
"Writes another picture at a given location. The opacity ranges from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).":"Zapisuje inny obraz w danej lokalizacji. Przezroczystość może mieć wartość od 0 (przezroczyste) do 1 (nieprzezroczyste).",
"Fills a ellipse with a given color":"Wypełnia elipsę zadanym kolorem",
"Returns a copy of the image":"Zwraca kopię obrazu",
"Draws some text border with a given color and font size":"Rysuje niektóre obramowania tekstowe za pomocą zadanego koloru i rozmiaru czcionki",
"Fills a rectangle with a given color":"Wypełnia prostokąt zadanym kolorem",
"Resizes the picture to the given size in pixels":"Zmienia rozmiar obrazu do zadanego rozmiaru w pikselach",
"Displays the image to the wall; you need to call 'update on wall' later if you want changes to be reflected.":"Wyświetla zdjęcia na tablicy; trzeba będzie wywołać polecenie „update on wall” później, jeśli chcesz zobaczyć zmiany.",
"you did it!":"udało się!",
"upload screenshot":"załaduj zrzut ekranu",
"Publishing is subject to our ":"Publikowanie wymaga ",
". Please read our information about ":". Przeczytaj informacje na temat ",
"maybe later":"może później",
"Embeded text or downloaded from the web":"Tekst osadzony lub pobrany z Internetu",
"Code that performs a specific task":"Kod wykonujący określone zadanie",
"Code raised when a user interaction happens":"Kod zgłaszany po interakcji z użytkownikiem",
"An indexed table of user-defined rows":"Indeksowana tabela wierszy zdefiniowanych przez użytkownika",
"A user interface":"Interfejs użytkownika",
"A table of user-defined rows":"Tabela wierszy zdefiniowanych przez użytkownika",
"A reference to a library script":"Odwołanie do skryptu z biblioteki",
"A number constant":"Stała liczba",
"A global variable":"Zmienna globalna",
"A color constant":"Stała koloru",
"Current device":"Bieżące urządzenie",
"tap to change the color":"kliknij, aby zmienić kolor",
"Show errors in the editor if the script uses any APIs that prevent it from running on these platforms.":"Pokaż błędy w edytorze, jeśli skrypt używa interfejsu API, który uniemożliwia uruchomienie go na tych platformach.",
"Detaches the handler from the event.":"Odłącza program obsługi od zdarzenia.",
"set the handler that is invoked when the board is tapped":"ustaw program obsługi wywoływany po kliknięciu tablicy",
"Returns true if the current instance is useless":"Zwraca wartość true, jeśli bieżąca instancja jest bezużyteczna",
"Gets the width in pixels":"Pobiera szerokość w pikselach",
"Gets the height in pixels":"Pobiera wysokość w pikselach",
"Script Updates":"Aktualizacje skryptów",
"rewind ":"cofnij ",
"A picture":"Obraz",
"search art pictures":"szukaj grafik",
"no picture loaded yet":"nie załadowano obrazów",
"Updates picture on a picture sprite (if it is a picture sprite)":"Aktualizuje zdjęcia na obrazku (jeśli jest obrazek z wielu zdjęć)",
"Add an action that fires for every display frame":"Dodaj akcję, która zadziała dla każdej wyświetlanej klatki",
"Gets the center horizontal position of in pixels":"Pobiera wyśrodkowane położenie poziome w pikselach",
"Sets the y acceleration in pixels\/sec^2":"Ustawia przyspieszenie y w pikselach\/s^2",
"Sets the height in pixels":"Ustawia wysokość w pikselach",
"Sets the y speed in pixels\/sec":"Ustawia prędkość y w pikselach\/s",
"we need to edit another thing":"trzeba jeszcze coś zmienić",
"Do the sprites overlap":"Nałóż na siebie obrazki",
"Gets the y position in pixels":"Pobiera położenie y w pikselach",
"Sets the x speed in pixels\/sec":"Ustawia prędkość x w pikselach\/s",
"New or built-in colors":"Nowe lub wbudowane kolory",
"Compares numbers for equality":"Porównuje liczby",
"Compares numbers for less":"Sprawdza, która liczba jest mniejsza",
"Compares numbers for more":"Sprawdza, która liczba jest większa",
"Multiplies numbers":"Mnoży liczby",
"Subtracts numbers":"Odejmuje liczby",
"Adds numbers":"Dodaje liczby",
"Interact with devices in the home network. Devices must be UPnP™ compatible.":"Interakcja z urządzeniami w sieci domowej. Urządzenia muszą być zgodne z UPnP ™.",
"Phone numbers, vibrate, etc...":"Numery telefonów, wibracja, itp...",
"Create invalid values":"Tworzenie nieprawidłowych wartości",
"Search and browse the web...":"Wyszukiwanie i przeglądanie stron internetowych...",
"Camera, location, microphone and other sensors":"Aparat fotograficzny, lokalizacja, mikrofon i inne czujniki",
"Pictures and music...":"Zdjęcia i muzyka...",
"ADJ script":"",
"Please wait...":"Proszę czekać...",
"Interact with the app runtime":"Interakcja z bibliotekami uruchomieniowymi",
"Ask or display values on the wall...":"Wprowadź lub wyświetl wartości na ścianie...",
"Emails, sms, contacts, calendar, ...":"E-maile, sms, kontakty, kalendarz...",
"2D barcodes, QR codes and NFC tags":"Dwuwymiarowe kody kreskowe, QR-kody, tagi NFC",
"Support for interactive tutorials.":"Wsparcie dla interaktywnych samouczków.",
"Translation, speech to text, ...":"tłumaczenia, mowa do tekstu...",
"Access to the radio":"Dostęp do radia",
"tiles and notifications for Windows and Windows Phone":"płytki i powiadomienia dla Windows i Windows Phone",
"Maps, location to address, address to location":"Mapy, z lokalizacji do adresu i odwrotnie",
"Current box element in the page.":"Bieżące pudełko na stronie.",
"A place to hook up an action to execute in response to an event":"Miejsce aby podpiąć akcję, żeby wykonać ją w odpowiedzi na zdarzenie",
"Divides numbers":"Dzielenie liczb",
"Correctness helpers":"Funkcje pomocnicze dla poprawności",
"Play, stop or resume songs, ...":"Zagraj, zatrzymaj lub wznów piosenki..",
"time and dates":"czas i daty",
"Create collections of items.":"Tworzy kolekcję przedmiotów.",
"replace all in function":"",
"in this function":"",
"Gets a list of all songs":"",
"Gets a list of all pictures":"",
"Gets the name of the audio\/video player":"",
"Gets a list of all videos":"",
"Searches for pictures in a particular date range.":"",
"Searches for songs":"",
"Checks if the device is connected":"",
"Searches for videos":"",
"Chooses a song":"",
"Chooses a picture":"",
"Chooses a video or a movie":"",
"Moves the player to the next media in the queue.":"",
"Choose a printer on the current wireless network":"",
"of an object":"",
"given ♥":"",
"promote to field":"",
"go to list of things in your script":"",
"Computes the maximum of the values":"",
"Computes the minimum of the values":"",
"Returns a random integral number between `min` and `max` included.":"",
"Converts the value into a json data structure.":"",
"Arithmetic and bitwise operations on 32 bit integers":"Operacje arytmetyczne i logiczne na 32-bitowych liczbach całkowitych",
"OneDrive, OneNote operations":"OneDrive, operacje programu OneNote",
"Gets the number of elements":"",
"Run the inline action.":"Uruchomia akcję inline.",
"Gets the number of playlists":"",
"you can also search":"",
"A unit test":"",
"add {0}":"",
"blank esplora":"",
"An empty Arduino Esplora script.":"",
"blank arduino":"",
"An empty Arduino sketch.":"",
"add line above":"",
"pick a script template...":"",
"type: ":"",
"TD121: cannot find type {0}":"",
"An empty script, which doesn't do anything.":"Pusty skrypt, który nic nie robi.",
"image proxying":"",
"{0} down":"",
"{0} up":"",
"Displays the playlist to the wall":"",
"Plays the songs in the playlist":"",
"enter a number":"",
"undo fix":"",
"web apps":"",
"run tests":"",
"JSON data":"",
"add comment for this field":"",
"add comment":"",
"we need a new {0}":"",
"new property":"",
"A web app using Azure Services, Node.js and Restify.":"",
"A web app using Node.js and Restify.":"",
"see more options":"",
"parameter name":"",
"tap (←) when done":"",
"tap to change the splash screen picture":"",
"color: {0}":"",
"import column values from a JSON object":"",
"blank engduino":"",
"Counts the number of rows":"",
"Enter a script name...":"",
"Tutorial completed":"",
"This tab contains additional information about this script":"",
"creates an empty collection of entries":"",
"Creates an invalid reference to an entry":"",
"blank office mix":"",
"An empty Office Mix app.":"",
"blank tutorial":"",
"An empty interactive tutorial.":"",
"Pictures, sounds, etc. in the current script":"",
"Objects, tables and indexes in the current script":"",
"Libraries referenced by the current script":"",
"Functions in the current script":"",
"blank app":"",
"surround with":"",
"delete selection":"",
"cut selection":"",
"copy selection":"",
"search templates":"",
"your best score: {0}":"",
"blank game":"pusta gra",
"the current function":"",
"Cordova mobile app":"",
"pin to start":"",
"or tap to get help":"",
"Boiler plate code to create a game.":"Stelarz do stworzenia gry.",
"blank pixel art":"",
"An empty app using the scratch library.":"",
"An turtle app.":"",
"an event handler":"",
"make call async":"",
"extract to parameter":"",
"comment out":"",
"Sets the current value":"",
"Gets the status of the player":"",
"Searches for videos in a particular date range.":"",
"Moves the player to the previous media in the queue.":"",
"Sets the friendly name of the device":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Player Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Device Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Printer Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Server instance":"",
"Plays a media from the home network.":"",
"Gets the friendly name of the device":"",
"Creates an invalid Device instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Printer instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Link instance":"",
"Exports a JSON representation of the contents.":"",
"Browse and review scripts from the bazaar":"Przeglądaj i recenzuj skrypty z bazaru",
"Gets the foreground color in the current theme":"",
"Gets the normalized red value (0.0-1.0)":"",
"Checks if the color is equal to the other":"",
"Gets the chrome color in the current theme (control background)":"",
"Gets the accent color in the current theme":"",
"Gets the location":"",
"Gets the name of the album":"",
"Gets the link associated to the message":"",
"Sorts the places by distance to the location":"",
"Gets the songs":"",
"Indicates if the key exists":"",
"Gets a field value as a boolean":"",
"Gets the name of the song":"",
"Displays the link on the wall":"",
"Gets the genre of the song":"",
"Plays the song.":"",
"Gets the name of the artist":"",
"Gets a value indicating if the background repeats horizontally":"",
"Gets the number of values":"",
"Sets a value indicating if the background repeats horizontally":"",
"Gets the list of keys":"",
"Gets the text":"",
"Gets a field value as a string":"",
"Creates a new color by changing the alpha channel from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).":"",
"Picks a color from a color wheel where the hue is between 0 and 1.":"",
"Indicates if the player is paused":"",
"Gets the duration in seconds":"",
"Gets the number of elements in the collection":"",
"Imports a JSON representation of the contents.":"",
"Ooops, there was an error loading the picture.":"",
"loading more...":"",
"loading art ...":"",
"ok, let's roll!":"ok, startujemy!",
"From now on we won't show you the code to write. Follow the instructions and tap run when you think you are done.":"Od teraz nie pokażemy Ci kodu do wpisania. Postępuj zgodnie z instrukcjami i gdy jesteś gotowy uruchom program.",
"Try tweaking your code until you get it right. If you get stuck, tap the tutorial bar.":"Zmieniaj kod, aż pojawi się znak powodzenia. Jeśli utkniesz, kliknij na pasku samouczka.",
"<h3>no more tips!<\/h3>":"<h3>koniec podpowiedzi!<\/h3>",
"Specify how to arrange the content of this box":"",
"Starts a new tween animation.":"",
"Parses the string as a number":"",
"publish your script":"",
"Publishing script...":"",
"{0} script{0:s} published":"",
"4. publish":"",
"Sets the rotation speed in degrees\/sec":"",
"Sets the z-index of the sprite":"",
"Gets the acceleration along y in pixels\/sec^2":"",
"Hide sprite.":"",
"Sets the url to the picture":"",
"Displays the value to the wall":"",
"Gets a url to the picture":"",
"Create a new collection for sprites.":"",
"Converts to a boolean (type must be boolean)":"",
"Converts and parses to a date time (type must be string)":"",
"Stringify the current JSON object":"",
"Sorts from the newest to oldest":"",
"Prints the number to the wall":"",
"Sorts the strings in this collection":"",
"Displays the sprite sheet.":"",
"Gets the field value as a time":"",
"Returns a collection sorted using specified comparison key":"",
"Gets a json kind (string, number, object, array, boolean, null)":"",
"Gets a field value as a number":"",
"Converts to a number (type must be number)":"",
"Sets the wall background picture. The picture will be resized and clipped to the screen background as needed.":"",
"Gets a value by name":"",
"Gets the i-th json value":"",
"Creates an empty Picture collection":"",
"Sets the speed in pixels\/sec":"",
"Makes a lighter color by a delta between 0 and 1.":"",
"Makes a darker color by a delta between 0 and 1.":"",
"Compares numbers for less or equal":"",
"Compares numbers for more or equal":"",
"Indicates if the player is stopped":"",
"Updates text on a text sprite (if it is a text sprite)":"",
"add an action that fires for every display frame.":"",
"Returns a substring given a start index and a length":"",
"Converts a number to a string":"",
"Indicates if the string is empty":"",
"Sets the background color":"",
"In debug mode, board displays speed and other info of sprites":"",
"Returns the number of characters":"",
"Sets the angle of the sprite in degrees":"",
"Checks if two strings are the same":"",
"Gets a random item; invalid if collection is empty":"",
"Displays the request to the wall":"",
"Displays string on the wall":"Wyświetla napis na ścianie",
"Computes the sum of the values":"",
"Prints the value to the wall":"",
"Computes the average of the values":"",
"Gets the item at position 'index'; invalid if index is out of bounds":"",
"Returns the sprite color.":"Zwraca kolor duszka.",
"Create a new rectangle sprite.":"",
"A argb color (alpha, red, green, blue)":"Kolor argb (alfa, czerwony, zielony, niebieski)",
"Gets the names of the headers":"",
"Gets the value of a given header":"",
"Geo coordinates":"Współrzędne geograficzne",
"Cloud session management":"Zarządzanie sesjami w chmurze",
"add optional":"",
"cannot sync - you are not signed in":"",
"try again!":"",
"Returns a string collection that contains the substrings in this string that are delimited by elements of a specified string.":"",
"Teach Creative Coding!":"Ucz Kreatywnego Programowania!",
"ok, got it!":"ok, mam to!",
"Try finding the buttons yourself. If you get stuck, tap on the goal line.":"Spróbuj znaleźć przyciski samemu. Jeśli utkniesz, naciśnij na linii celu.",
"From now on we just show you the code that you need to write, in the goal line. It looks like this:":"Od teraz będziemy tylko pokazywać kod do napisania w linii celu. Wygląda to tak:",
"<h3>now, do it yourself!<\/h3>":"<h3>teraz, zrób to sam!<\/h3>",
"tap a checkmark to add (or remove) your 'vote' to an existing tag":"",
"add new tag":"",
"Writes a static NFC tag with url, text or any other format. `type` may be a mime type.":"",
"Scans an id tag created by TouchDevelop and returns the embeded text.":"",
"Generates a 2D barcode pointing to the text using Microsoft Tag. text must be less than 1000 character long and size must be between 0.75 and 5 inches.":"",
"Set what happens when the box is tapped.":"",
"If the page did not open, tap the 'open' button below, otherwise tap 'done'.":"",
"tap [ok] when done":"",
"Make updates visible.":"",
"Plays the current media from the start.":"",
"Private actions do not get a run button. ":"",
"remove else":"",
"Gets the uri of the media currently active":"",
"Indicates additional information about why the Printer is in its current state.":"",
"Pauses the current media if any.":"",
"Queues a job to print the text.":"",
"Gets the position in seconds whithin the active media":""

locales/pt-BR/strings.json Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,824 @@
"my scripts":"",
"a function":"",
"tap there":"",
"insert {0}":"",
"'Javascripty' curly braces, all the tools, for experienced devs!":"",
"Sets the position in pixels":"",
"insert comment":"",
"translating tutorial...":"",
"loading tutorial":"",
"reloading script":"",
"we have {0:a} here; did you want to do something with it?":"",
"privacy and cookies":"",
"terms of use":"",
" -- a local variable":"",
"signing in...":"",
"global vars":"",
"We will adapt the editor to your coding skill level. You can change your skill level later in the hub.":"",
"run main":"",
"Edit code as text, more options, for aspiring app writers!":"",
"Drag and drop blocks, simplified interface, great for beginners!":"",
"choose your coding skill level":"",
"Your full name":"",
"website url":"",
"twitter handle":"",
"sign out":"",
"sign in":"",
"receive email newsletters":"",
"remove picture":"",
"Receive email notifications when other people review\/take a screenshot of\/comment on your scripts, or reply to one of your comments, or when events related to your subscriptions occur.":"",
"Your twitter handle, like @touchdevelop.":"",
"receive email notifications":"",
"real name":"",
"public profile":"",
"public nickname":"",
"private profile":"",
"Please review our Privacy Statement.":"",
"Your email address has not yet been verified. Please check your inbox.":"",
"email and push notifications":"",
"Enter your school affiliation if any.":"",
"What is your occupation?":"",
"What is your level of programming knowledge?":"",
"programming knowledge":"",
"How did you discover TouchDevelop?":"",
"how found":"",
"year of birth":"",
"about you":"",
"Where in the world are you?":"",
"Your Minecraft user.":"",
"more settings":"",
"Your GitHub user.":"",
"minecraft user":"",
"A unique display name for your public profile (at least 8 characters)":"",
"Scripts by this user:":"",
"github user":"",
"Items marked with * are required.":"",
"Enter the URL to your personal website (Example: http:\/\/":"",
"Enter some information about yourself":"",
"Don't forget to scroll down and tap 'save' when you are done editing!":"",
"Do you want to receive informational TouchDevelop-related newsletters, e.g. about new features and upcoming events?":"",
"<h3>loading current settings...<\/h3>":"",
"Art by this user:":"",
"abuse reports":"",
"go back to coding! {0}★ to go":"",
"add input parameter":"",
"start over":"",
"API Docs":"",
"Upload Picture":"",
"toggle breakpoint":"",
"Create Script":"",
"Create Group":"",
"Join Group":"",
"global variable":"",
"script properties":"",
"decimal dot":"",
"move cursor":"",
"upload picture":"",
"the hub":"",
"logical negation":"",
"A number (possibly negative and\/or fractional)":"",
"replicated ":"",
"publish as hidden":"",
"learn about publishing":"",
"Publish script":"",
"Minecraft user":"",
"TD155: '{0}' cannot be assigned to a local variable":"",
"TD130: bound of 'for' wants {1:a}":"",
"TD150: cannot call the thing before '('":"",
"TD151: unclosed '('":"",
"TD112: i cannot find property '{0}' on {1}":"",
"TD116: not enough parameters supplied to {0}":"",
"move to library":"",
" [hidden]":"",
"color #{0}":"",
"load more replies":"",
"export to app":"",
"pull changes":"",
"'{0}' is obsolete and should not be used":"",
"add output parameter":"",
"superior, supernatural, terrific, unbelievable, unearthly, unique, unprecedented, unusual, weird, wonderful, wondrous":"",
"incredible, magical, marvellous, marvelous, mind-blowing, mind-boggling, miraculous, peculiar, phenomenal, rad, rockin', special, spectacular, startling, stunning, super-cool, ":"",
"amazing, astonishing, astounding, awe-inspiring, awesome, breathtaking, classic, cool, curious, distinct, exceptional, exclusive, extraordinary, fabulous, fantastic, glorious, great, ":"",
" sending changes":"",
"diff prev":"",
"diff curr":"",
"Types, order, and number of event parameters cannot be edited.":"",
"Events cannot have out parameters.":"",
"TD109: cannot assign to this":"",
"just keep typing the search terms!":"",
"... there's more ...":"",
"tap there for instructions":"",
"show how to complete this activity":"",
"move left":"",
"To add page data, create a local var and tap 'promote to field'.":"",
"TD111: cannot assign from {0} to {1}":"",
"{0} ({1} line{1:s})":"",
"replace all in script":"",
"global replace":"",
"create a new parameter":"",
"select more":"",
"strip '{0}'":"",
"pull out to block level":"",
", got {0:a} instead":"",
"an function type definition":"",
"tap to translate with Microsoft® Translator...":"",
"Translations by Microsoft® Translator, tap to see original...":"",
"into local":"",
"extract to var":"",
"turn into":"",
"else if":"",
"a minute ago":"",
"loading replies...":"",
"show more options":"",
"find references":"",
"need to edit elsewhere":"",
"an hour ago":"",
" of ":"",
"need to delete this":"",
"screenshot of {0}":"",
"loading comments for \/{0}...":"",
"my art":"",
"insert statement":"",
"learn more":"",
"now you can select a property of {0}; it doesn't do anything by itself":"",
"tutorial progress":"",
"What's new":"",
"Search everything":"",
"Search Help":"",
"Getting started":"",
"Export to Windows, Android, iOS, Azure":"",
"top & new":"",
"a few seconds ago":"",
"number entry":"",
"regular keypad":"",
"Upload Sound":"",
"Insert '{0}' {1}":"",
"go to":"",
"{0} second{0:s} ago":"",
"New Scripts":"",
"TD145: there seem to be an operator (like '+', '(' or ',') missing here":"",
"we have a library '{0}' here; {1}":"",
"now you can select a property on it":"",
"we need different keypad":"",
"i'm finished with my Hour of Code™":"",
"a page":"",
"TD154: the operator needs something after it":"",
"TD144: it seems you're missing '{0}', try adding it":"",
"{0} hour{0:s} ago":"",
"fix it":"",
"learn more about {0}":"",
"Your art will appear here":"",
"{0} minute{0:s} ago":"",
"break in debugger":"",
"Picks a random color":"",
"type: {0}":"",
"need a different string here":"",
"follow tutorial in editor":"",
"tap here when done":"",
"upload sound":"",
"keep editing":"",
"Type to search...":"",
"let's get started!":"",
"creating script":"",
"tutorial: ":"",
"excellent; great job; awesome; cool; you rock; well done; outstanding; you got it; right on":"",
"Post a comment...":"",
"parsing script text":"",
"report abuse":"",
"load more":"",
"TD100: insert {0:a} here":"",
"Sets the background picture":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #00FFFFFF":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF800080":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFF00FF":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFFF00":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF00FFFF":"",
"Sets the sprite color.":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFA500":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFFFFF":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFF0000":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF0000FF":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF000000":"",
"'atomic' function":"",
"test function":"",
"private function":"",
"function name":"",
"store the value in a variable":"",
"this script is a web service":"",
"variable name":"",
"library name":"",
"Enter a name":"",
"exported from this library":"",
"search here for {0}":"",
"ex: ":"",
"to code":"",
"this script is a library":"",
"run with instrumentation":"",
"revert to published version":"",
"manage data":"",
"i want it to run on":"",
"delete local data and permissions":"",
"allow other users to export to app":"",
"about profile":"",
"about insights":"",
"about coverage":"",
"Search here...":"",
"For published scripts, also look at the tab of the published script page to find anonymously collected crowd-sourced profile and coverage data.":"",
"After the script stops, browse the code to see collected information.":"",
"read only":"",
"offline available":"",
"cloud sessions":"",
"record name:":"",
"view as script":"",
", got {0}":"",
"See More":"",
"'{0}' expects {1} here":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF008000":"",
"replace picture":"",
"demote to var":"",
"change (back) to local":"",
"search art":"",
"let's change this":"",
"backspace this":"",
"current expression":"",
"set name":"",
"Create a new picture sprite.":"",
"Sets the center horizontal position in pixels":"",
"we'll guide you step by step":"",
"All tutorials":"",
"All my scripts":"",
"Skill level: {0} ":"",
"All my groups":"",
"Create your own apps":"",
"Sets the y position in pixels":"",
"change contents":"",
"move the cursor right":"",
"customize the art!":"",
"Sets the width in pixels":"",
"{0} day{0:s} ago":"",
"stop loop":"",
"stop function":"",
"skip iteration":"",
"display value":"",
"repeat while":"",
"repeat n times":"",
"\/\/ comment":"",
"repeat on collection":"",
"UI widget":"",
"read more...":"",
"Create a new text sprite.":"",
"step over":"",
"step out":"",
"step in":"",
"Search code...":"",
"go to previous step":"",
"to continue coding":"",
"compiling script":"",
"'{0}' returns a '{1}'; {2}":"",
"promote to data":"",
"to global var":"",
"let's do it!":"",
"store in var":"",
"set local variable name":"",
"please wait...":"",
"function, variable, library, ...":"",
"add new":"",
"function types":"",
"<b>this line is perfect!<\/b> let's move on":"",
"art resource":"",
"Your script will appear here":"",
"Change skill level!":"",
"move the cursor left":"",
"new variable":"",
"a global variable":"",
"{0} year{0:s} ago":"",
"{0} month{0:s} ago":"",
"creates an empty collection of objects":"",
"Create an invalid value of this object type":"",
"import field values from a JSON object":"",
"checks if reference has not been set":"",
"tests if two references refer to the same object":"",
"sets all fields to their default values":"",
"export a JSON representation of the contents":"",
"displays the object on the wall":"",
"add line below":"",
"select that line":"",
"access the {0} field":"",
"tap there to run your app":"",
"new stmt below":"",
"new line":"",
"Concatenates two pieces of text":"",
"more ":"",
"TD152: unexpected ')'":"",
"TD118: 'if' condition wants {1:a}":"",
"TD115: excessive parameter(s) supplied to {0}":"",
"TD101: cannot find '{0}'":"",
"TD147: we didn't expect '{0}' here":"",
"no hearts. you can add one once you install the script!":"",
"no forks, install, edit and re-publish script to create one!":"",
"no art published by this user":"",
"get my Hour of Code™ certificate":"",
"next tutorials...":"",
"no tags, tap to add some!":"",
"no comments, tap to write some!":"",
"Gets the printers on the current wireless network":"",
"Plays the media at the 'url' internet address.":"",
"Browses to the device control panel":"",
"Gets the manfacturer name":"",
"Returns a date that adds the specified number of years to the value of this instance.":"",
"Converts to the local time":"",
"Choose a media player on the current wireless network":"",
"Gets the media players on the current wireless network":"",
"Indicates if no jobs can be processed and intervention is needed.":"",
"Choose a media server on the current wireless network":"",
"Gets the media servers on the home network":"",
"Gets the current motion that combines data from the accelerometer, compass and gyroscope if available.":"",
"Gets a value whether the song is DRM protected":"",
"Gets the width of the camera image in pixels.":"",
"Indicates if new jobs can start processing immediately without waiting.":"",
"Returns a date that adds the specified number of months to the value of this instance.":"",
"Indicates if jobs are processing; new jobs will wait before processing, i.e., are said to be pending.":"",
"Indicates the media can be played, paused, resumed":"",
"Sets the sound volume level from 0 (silent) to 1 (current volume)":"",
"Indicates if volume can be changed":"",
"Gets the sound volume for sounds from 0 (silent) to 1 (current volume)":"",
"Reads the response body as a wave sound":"",
"Gets the height of the camera image in pixels.":"",
"This script uses the following capabilities: ":"",
"Sets the 3x3 affine matrix transformation applied to the wall.":"",
"Searches the Windows Phone Store (type in applications or music)":"",
"Display the printer to the wall":"",
"Gets the name of the printer":"",
"Gets the detailled information about this device":"",
"Applies `converter` on all elements of the input collection and returns a collection of results":"",
"Draws a line between two points":"",
"Writes another picture at a given location. The opacity ranges from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).":"",
"Fills a ellipse with a given color":"",
"Returns a copy of the image":"",
"Draws some text border with a given color and font size":"",
"Fills a rectangle with a given color":"",
"Resizes the picture to the given size in pixels":"",
"Displays the image to the wall; you need to call 'update on wall' later if you want changes to be reflected.":"",
"you did it!":"",
"upload screenshot":"",
"Publishing is subject to our ":"",
". Please read our information about ":"",
"maybe later":"",
"Embeded text or downloaded from the web":"",
"Code that performs a specific task":"",
"Code raised when a user interaction happens":"",
"An indexed table of user-defined rows":"",
"A user interface":"",
"A table of user-defined rows":"",
"A reference to a library script":"",
"A number constant":"",
"A global variable":"",
"A color constant":"",
"Current device":"",
"tap to change the color":"",
"Show errors in the editor if the script uses any APIs that prevent it from running on these platforms.":"",
"Detaches the handler from the event.":"",
"set the handler that is invoked when the board is tapped":"",
"Returns true if the current instance is useless":"",
"Gets the width in pixels":"",
"Gets the height in pixels":"",
"Script Updates":"",
"rewind ":"",
"A picture":"",
"search art pictures":"",
"no picture loaded yet":"",
"Updates picture on a picture sprite (if it is a picture sprite)":"",
"Add an action that fires for every display frame":"",
"Gets the center horizontal position of in pixels":"",
"Sets the y acceleration in pixels\/sec^2":"",
"Sets the height in pixels":"",
"Sets the y speed in pixels\/sec":"",
"we need to edit another thing":"",
"Do the sprites overlap":"",
"Gets the y position in pixels":"",
"Sets the x speed in pixels\/sec":"",
"New or built-in colors":"",
"Compares numbers for equality":"",
"Compares numbers for less":"",
"Compares numbers for more":"",
"Multiplies numbers":"",
"Subtracts numbers":"",
"Adds numbers":"",
"Interact with devices in the home network. Devices must be UPnP™ compatible.":"",
"Phone numbers, vibrate, etc...":"",
"Create invalid values":"",
"Search and browse the web...":"",
"Camera, location, microphone and other sensors":"",
"Pictures and music...":"",
"ADJ script":"",
"Please wait...":"",
"Interact with the app runtime":"",
"Ask or display values on the wall...":"",
"Emails, sms, contacts, calendar, ...":"",
"2D barcodes, QR codes and NFC tags":"",
"Support for interactive tutorials.":"",
"Translation, speech to text, ...":"",
"Access to the radio":"",
"tiles and notifications for Windows and Windows Phone":"",
"Maps, location to address, address to location":"",
"Current box element in the page.":"",
"A place to hook up an action to execute in response to an event":"",
"Divides numbers":"",
"Correctness helpers":"",
"Play, stop or resume songs, ...":"",
"time and dates":"",
"Create collections of items.":"",
"replace all in function":"",
"in this function":"",
"Gets a list of all songs":"",
"Gets a list of all pictures":"",
"Gets the name of the audio\/video player":"",
"Gets a list of all videos":"",
"Searches for pictures in a particular date range.":"",
"Searches for songs":"",
"Checks if the device is connected":"",
"Searches for videos":"",
"Chooses a song":"",
"Chooses a picture":"",
"Chooses a video or a movie":"",
"Moves the player to the next media in the queue.":"",
"Choose a printer on the current wireless network":"",
"of an object":"",
"given ♥":"",
"promote to field":"",
"go to list of things in your script":"",
"Computes the maximum of the values":"",
"Computes the minimum of the values":"",
"Returns a random integral number between `min` and `max` included.":"",
"Converts the value into a json data structure.":"",
"Arithmetic and bitwise operations on 32 bit integers":"",
"OneDrive, OneNote operations":"",
"Gets the number of elements":"",
"Run the inline action.":"",
"Gets the number of playlists":"",
"you can also search":"",
"A unit test":"",
"add {0}":"",
"blank esplora":"",
"An empty Arduino Esplora script.":"",
"blank arduino":"",
"An empty Arduino sketch.":"",
"add line above":"",
"pick a script template...":"",
"type: ":"",
"TD121: cannot find type {0}":"",
"An empty script, which doesn't do anything.":"",
"image proxying":"",
"{0} down":"",
"{0} up":"",
"Displays the playlist to the wall":"",
"Plays the songs in the playlist":"",
"enter a number":"",
"undo fix":"",
"web apps":"",
"run tests":"",
"JSON data":"",
"add comment for this field":"",
"add comment":"",
"we need a new {0}":"",
"new property":"",
"A web app using Azure Services, Node.js and Restify.":"",
"A web app using Node.js and Restify.":"",
"see more options":"",
"parameter name":"",
"tap (←) when done":"",
"tap to change the splash screen picture":"",
"color: {0}":"",
"import column values from a JSON object":"",
"blank engduino":"",
"Counts the number of rows":"",
"Enter a script name...":"",
"Tutorial completed":"",
"This tab contains additional information about this script":"",
"creates an empty collection of entries":"",
"Creates an invalid reference to an entry":"",
"blank office mix":"",
"An empty Office Mix app.":"",
"blank tutorial":"",
"An empty interactive tutorial.":"",
"Pictures, sounds, etc. in the current script":"",
"Objects, tables and indexes in the current script":"",
"Libraries referenced by the current script":"",
"Functions in the current script":"",
"blank app":"",
"surround with":"",
"delete selection":"",
"cut selection":"",
"copy selection":"",
"search templates":"",
"your best score: {0}":"",
"blank game":"",
"the current function":"",
"Cordova mobile app":"",
"pin to start":"",
"or tap to get help":"",
"Boiler plate code to create a game.":"",
"blank pixel art":"",
"An empty app using the scratch library.":"",
"An turtle app.":"",
"an event handler":"",
"make call async":"",
"extract to parameter":"",
"comment out":"",
"Sets the current value":"",
"Gets the status of the player":"",
"Searches for videos in a particular date range.":"",
"Moves the player to the previous media in the queue.":"",
"Sets the friendly name of the device":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Player Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Device Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Printer Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Server instance":"",
"Plays a media from the home network.":"",
"Gets the friendly name of the device":"",
"Creates an invalid Device instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Printer instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Link instance":"",
"Exports a JSON representation of the contents.":"",
"Browse and review scripts from the bazaar":"",
"Gets the foreground color in the current theme":"",
"Gets the normalized red value (0.0-1.0)":"",
"Checks if the color is equal to the other":"",
"Gets the chrome color in the current theme (control background)":"",
"Gets the accent color in the current theme":"",
"Gets the location":"",
"Gets the name of the album":"",
"Gets the link associated to the message":"",
"Sorts the places by distance to the location":"",
"Gets the songs":"",
"Indicates if the key exists":"",
"Gets a field value as a boolean":"",
"Gets the name of the song":"",
"Displays the link on the wall":"",
"Gets the genre of the song":"",
"Plays the song.":"",
"Gets the name of the artist":"",
"Gets a value indicating if the background repeats horizontally":"",
"Gets the number of values":"",
"Sets a value indicating if the background repeats horizontally":"",
"Gets the list of keys":"",
"Gets the text":"",
"Gets a field value as a string":"",
"Creates a new color by changing the alpha channel from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).":"",
"Picks a color from a color wheel where the hue is between 0 and 1.":"",
"Indicates if the player is paused":"",
"Gets the duration in seconds":"",
"Gets the number of elements in the collection":"",
"Imports a JSON representation of the contents.":"",
"Ooops, there was an error loading the picture.":"",
"loading more...":"",
"loading art ...":"",
"ok, let's roll!":"",
"From now on we won't show you the code to write. Follow the instructions and tap run when you think you are done.":"",
"Try tweaking your code until you get it right. If you get stuck, tap the tutorial bar.":"",
"<h3>no more tips!<\/h3>":"",
"Specify how to arrange the content of this box":"",
"Starts a new tween animation.":"",
"Parses the string as a number":"",
"publish your script":"",
"Publishing script...":"",
"{0} script{0:s} published":"",
"4. publish":"",
"Sets the rotation speed in degrees\/sec":"",
"Sets the z-index of the sprite":"",
"Gets the acceleration along y in pixels\/sec^2":"",
"Hide sprite.":"",
"Sets the url to the picture":"",
"Displays the value to the wall":"",
"Gets a url to the picture":"",
"Create a new collection for sprites.":"",
"Converts to a boolean (type must be boolean)":"",
"Converts and parses to a date time (type must be string)":"",
"Stringify the current JSON object":"",
"Sorts from the newest to oldest":"",
"Prints the number to the wall":"",
"Sorts the strings in this collection":"",
"Displays the sprite sheet.":"",
"Gets the field value as a time":"",
"Returns a collection sorted using specified comparison key":"",
"Gets a json kind (string, number, object, array, boolean, null)":"",
"Gets a field value as a number":"",
"Converts to a number (type must be number)":"",
"Sets the wall background picture. The picture will be resized and clipped to the screen background as needed.":"",
"Gets a value by name":"",
"Gets the i-th json value":"",
"Creates an empty Picture collection":"",
"Sets the speed in pixels\/sec":"",
"Makes a lighter color by a delta between 0 and 1.":"",
"Makes a darker color by a delta between 0 and 1.":"",
"Compares numbers for less or equal":"",
"Compares numbers for more or equal":"",
"Indicates if the player is stopped":"",
"Updates text on a text sprite (if it is a text sprite)":"",
"add an action that fires for every display frame.":"",
"Returns a substring given a start index and a length":"",
"Converts a number to a string":"",
"Indicates if the string is empty":"",
"Sets the background color":"",
"In debug mode, board displays speed and other info of sprites":"",
"Returns the number of characters":"",
"Sets the angle of the sprite in degrees":"",
"Checks if two strings are the same":"",
"Gets a random item; invalid if collection is empty":"",
"Displays the request to the wall":"",
"Displays string on the wall":"",
"Computes the sum of the values":"",
"Prints the value to the wall":"",
"Computes the average of the values":"",
"Gets the item at position 'index'; invalid if index is out of bounds":"",
"Returns the sprite color.":"",
"Create a new rectangle sprite.":"",
"A argb color (alpha, red, green, blue)":"",
"Gets the names of the headers":"",
"Gets the value of a given header":"",
"Geo coordinates":"",
"Cloud session management":"",
"add optional":"",
"cannot sync - you are not signed in":"",
"try again!":"",
"Returns a string collection that contains the substrings in this string that are delimited by elements of a specified string.":"",
"Teach Creative Coding!":"",
"ok, got it!":"",
"Try finding the buttons yourself. If you get stuck, tap on the goal line.":"",
"From now on we just show you the code that you need to write, in the goal line. It looks like this:":"",
"<h3>now, do it yourself!<\/h3>":"",
"tap a checkmark to add (or remove) your 'vote' to an existing tag":"",
"add new tag":"",
"Writes a static NFC tag with url, text or any other format. `type` may be a mime type.":"",
"Scans an id tag created by TouchDevelop and returns the embeded text.":"",
"Generates a 2D barcode pointing to the text using Microsoft Tag. text must be less than 1000 character long and size must be between 0.75 and 5 inches.":"",
"Set what happens when the box is tapped.":"",
"If the page did not open, tap the 'open' button below, otherwise tap 'done'.":"",
"tap [ok] when done":"",
"Make updates visible.":"",
"Plays the current media from the start.":"",
"Private actions do not get a run button. ":"",
"remove else":"",
"Gets the uri of the media currently active":"",
"Indicates additional information about why the Printer is in its current state.":"",
"Pauses the current media if any.":"",
"Queues a job to print the text.":"",
"Gets the position in seconds whithin the active media":""

locales/pt-PT/strings.json Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,824 @@
"my scripts":"meus scripts",
"a function":"uma função",
"tap there":"toque aqui",
"insert {0}":"inserir {0}",
"'Javascripty' curly braces, all the tools, for experienced devs!":"Chaves como em JavaScript, todas as ferramentas, para desenvolvedores experientes!",
"Sets the position in pixels":"Define a posição em pixels",
"insert comment":"inserir comentário",
"translating tutorial...":"traduzindo tutorial...",
"loading tutorial":"carregando tutorial",
"reloading script":"recarregando script",
"we have {0:a} here; did you want to do something with it?":"temos {0:a} aqui; você queria fazer algo com isso?",
"privacy and cookies":"privacy and cookies",
"terms of use":"terms of use",
" -- a local variable":" -- uma variável local",
"signing in...":"entrando...",
"global vars":"variáveis globais",
"We will adapt the editor to your coding skill level. You can change your skill level later in the hub.":"Adaptaremos o editor ao seu nível de habilidade em codificação. Você poderá alterar seu nível de habilidade posteriormente no hub.",
"run main":"executar principal",
"Edit code as text, more options, for aspiring app writers!":"Edite código como texto, mais opções, para aspirantes a criadores de aplicativos!",
"Drag and drop blocks, simplified interface, great for beginners!":"Arrastar e soltar blocos, interface simplificada, ótimo para iniciantes!",
"choose your coding skill level":"escolha seu nível de habilidade em codificação",
"Your full name":"Seu nome completo",
"website url":"url do website",
"wallpaper":"papel de parede",
"twitter handle":"handle do twitter",
"sign out":"sair",
"sign in":"entrar",
"receive email newsletters":"receber boletins de notícias por email",
"remove picture":"remover imagem",
"Receive email notifications when other people review\/take a screenshot of\/comment on your scripts, or reply to one of your comments, or when events related to your subscriptions occur.":"Receba notificações quando outras pessoas avaliam\/tiram uma captura de tela\/comentam seus scripts, ou respondem um de seus comentários, ou quando ocorrem eventos relacionados às suas assinaturas.",
"Your twitter handle, like @touchdevelop.":"Seu handle do twitter, como @touchdevelop.",
"receive email notifications":"receber notificações por email",
"real name":"nome real",
"public profile":"perfil público",
"public nickname":"apelido público",
"private profile":"perfil privado",
"Please review our Privacy Statement.":"Examine nossa Declaração de Privacidade",
"Your email address has not yet been verified. Please check your inbox.":"Seu endereço de email ainda não foi verificado Verifique sua caixa de entrada.",
"email and push notifications":"email e notificações por push",
"Enter your school affiliation if any.":"Insira sua afiliação escolar, se houver.",
"What is your occupation?":"Qual é a sua ocupação?",
"What is your level of programming knowledge?":"Qual seu nível de conhecimento de programação?",
"programming knowledge":"conhecimento de programação",
"How did you discover TouchDevelop?":"Como descobriu o TouchDevelop?",
"how found":"como encontrou",
"year of birth":"ano de nascimento",
"about you":"sobre você",
"Where in the world are you?":"Onde você está?",
"Your Minecraft user.":"Seu usuário Minecraft.",
"more settings":"mais configurações",
"Your GitHub user.":"Seu usuário GitHub.",
"minecraft user":"usuário minecraft",
"A unique display name for your public profile (at least 8 characters)":"Um nome exclusivo de exibição para seu perfil público (pelo menos 8 caracteres)",
"Scripts by this user:":"Scripts desse usuário:",
"github user":"usuário github",
"Items marked with * are required.":"Itens marcados com * são obrigatórios.",
"Enter the URL to your personal website (Example: http:\/\/":"Insira o URL de seu website pessoal (Exemplo: http:\/\/",
"Enter some information about yourself":"Insira algumas informações sobre você",
"Don't forget to scroll down and tap 'save' when you are done editing!":"Não se esqueça de rolar para baixo na tela e tocar em 'salvar' quando terminar de editar!",
"Do you want to receive informational TouchDevelop-related newsletters, e.g. about new features and upcoming events?":"Quer receber boletins de notícias com informações relacionadas as TouchDevelop, p.ex., novos recursos e eventos futuros?",
"<h3>loading current settings...<\/h3>":"<h3>carregando configurações atuais...<\/h3>",
"Art by this user:":"Arte desse usuário:",
"abuse reports":"relatar abusos",
"go back to coding! {0}★ to go":"voltar para a codificação! {0}★ para ir",
"add input parameter":"adicionar parâmetro de entradas",
"start over":"começar novamente",
"API Docs":"API Docs",
"Upload Picture":"Carregar imagens",
"breakpoint":"ponto de interrupção",
"toggle breakpoint":"ativar\/desativar ponto de interrupção",
"Create Script":"Criar Script",
"Create Group":"Criar Grupo",
"Join Group":"Ingressar no grupo",
"global variable":"variável global",
"script properties":"propriedades do script",
"decimal dot":"ponto decimal",
"re-run":"executar novamente",
"move cursor":"mover cursor",
"upload picture":"carregar imagens",
"the hub":"o hub",
"logical negation":"negação lógica",
"A number (possibly negative and\/or fractional)":"Um número (possivelmente negativo e\/ou fração)",
"replicated ":"replicado ",
"publish as hidden":"publicar como oculto",
"learn about publishing":"saiba mais sobre publicação",
"Publish script":"Publicar script",
"Minecraft user":"Usuário Minecraft",
"TD155: '{0}' cannot be assigned to a local variable":"TD155: '{0}' não pode ser atribuída a uma variável local",
"TD130: bound of 'for' wants {1:a}":"TD130: associado de 'para' quer {1}",
"TD150: cannot call the thing before '('":"TD150: não pode chamar antes de '('",
"TD151: unclosed '('":"TD151: unclosed ' ('",
"TD112: i cannot find property '{0}' on {1}":"TD112: não consigo encontrar a propriedade '{0}' em {1}",
"TD116: not enough parameters supplied to {0}":"TD116: não foram fornecidos parâmetros suficientes para {0}",
"move to library":"mover para a biblioteca",
" [hidden]":" [oculto]",
"color #{0}":"cor nº{0}",
"load more replies":"carregar mais respostas",
"export to app":"exportar para aplicativo",
"pull changes":"extrair alterações",
"'{0}' is obsolete and should not be used":"'{0}' é obsoleto e não deve ser usado",
"add output parameter":"adicionar parâmetro de saídas",
"superior, supernatural, terrific, unbelievable, unearthly, unique, unprecedented, unusual, weird, wonderful, wondrous":"superior, supernatural, tremendo, inacreditável, sobrenatural, único, sem precedente, incomum, estranho, magnífico, notável",
"incredible, magical, marvellous, marvelous, mind-blowing, mind-boggling, miraculous, peculiar, phenomenal, rad, rockin', special, spectacular, startling, stunning, super-cool, ":"incrível, mágico, maravilhoso, maravilhoso, alucinante, estarrecedor, milagroso, peculiar, fenomenal, radical, formidável, especial, espetacular, vistoso, deslumbrante, superlegal, ",
"amazing, astonishing, astounding, awe-inspiring, awesome, breathtaking, classic, cool, curious, distinct, exceptional, exclusive, extraordinary, fabulous, fantastic, glorious, great, ":"excelente, surpreendente, impressionante, espantoso, fenomenal, de tirar o fôlego, clássico, legal, curioso, diferente, excepcional, exclusivo, extraordinário, fabuloso, fantástico, esplêndido, ótimo, ",
" sending changes":" enviando alterações",
"diff prev":"diff prev",
"diff curr":"diff curr",
"Types, order, and number of event parameters cannot be edited.":"Tipos, ordem e número de parâmetros de evento não podem ser editados.",
"Events cannot have out parameters.":"Os eventos não podem ter parâmetros.",
"TD109: cannot assign to this":"TD109: não é possível fazer essa atribuição",
"just keep typing the search terms!":"basta digitar os termos de pesquisa!",
"... there's more ...":"... há mais...",
"tap there for instructions":"toque lá para obter instruções",
"show how to complete this activity":"mostrar como completar esta atividade",
"move left":"mover para a esquerda",
"To add page data, create a local var and tap 'promote to field'.":"Para adicionar dados de página, crie uma variável local e toque em 'promover para campo'.",
"TD111: cannot assign from {0} to {1}":"TD111: não é possível atribuir de {0} a {1}",
"{0} ({1} line{1:s})":"{0} ({1} linha{1:s})",
"replace all in script":"substituir tudo no script",
"global replace":"substituição global",
"create a new parameter":"criar um novo parâmetro",
"select more":"selecionar mais",
"strip '{0}'":"faixa '{0}'",
"pull out to block level":"extrair para nível de bloco",
", got {0:a} instead":", em vez disso, obteve {0}",
"an function type definition":"uma definição de tipo de função",
"tap to translate with Microsoft® Translator...":"toque para traduzir com o Microsoft® Translator...",
"Translations by Microsoft® Translator, tap to see original...":"Traduções por Microsoft ® Translator, toque para ver o original...",
"into local":"no local",
"extract to var":"extrair para var",
"turn into":"transformar em",
"else if":"e se",
"a minute ago":"um minuto atrás",
"loading replies...":"carregando respostas...",
"show more options":"mostrar mais opções",
"find references":"encontrar referências",
"need to edit elsewhere":"é necessário editar em algum outro local",
"an hour ago":"uma hora atrás",
" of ":" de ",
"need to delete this":"é necessário excluir isso",
"screenshot of {0}":"captura de tela de {0}",
"loading comments for \/{0}...":"carregando comentários para \/{0}...",
"my art":"minha arte",
"insert statement":"inserir instrução",
"learn more":"saber mais",
"now you can select a property of {0}; it doesn't do anything by itself":"agora você pode selecionar uma propriedade de {0}; ele não faz nada sozinho",
"tutorial progress":"progresso do tutorial",
"What's new":"O que há de novo",
"Search everything":"Pesquisar tudo",
"Search Help":"Pesquisar Ajuda",
"Getting started":"Introdução",
"Export to Windows, Android, iOS, Azure":"Exportar para Windows, Android, iOS, Azure",
"top & new":"Novidades principais",
"a few seconds ago":"alguns segundos atrás",
"screenshot":"captura de tela",
"number entry":"entrada de número",
"regular keypad":"teclado normal",
"Upload Sound":"Carregar som",
"Insert '{0}' {1}":"Inserir '{0}' {1}",
"go to":"ir para",
"{0} second{0:s} ago":"{0} segundo{0:s} atrás",
"New Scripts":"Novos Scripts",
"TD145: there seem to be an operator (like '+', '(' or ',') missing here":"TD145: parece que está faltando um operador (como '+', '(' ou ',') aqui",
"we have a library '{0}' here; {1}":"temos uma biblioteca '{0}' aqui; {1}",
"now you can select a property on it":"agora você pode selecionar uma propriedade nele",
"we need different keypad":"precisamos de um teclado diferente",
"i'm finished with my Hour of Code™":"terminei com meu Hora do Código™",
"a page":"uma página",
"TD154: the operator needs something after it":"TD154: o operador precisa de alguma coisa após isso",
"TD144: it seems you're missing '{0}', try adding it":"TD144: parece que está faltando '{0}', tente adicioná-lo",
"{0} hour{0:s} ago":"{0} hora{0:s} atrás",
"fix it":"corrigir",
"learn more about {0}":"saiba mais sobre {0}",
"Your art will appear here":"Sua arte aparecerá aqui",
"{0} minute{0:s} ago":"{0} minuto{0:s} atrás",
"break in debugger":"quebrar no depurador",
"Picks a random color":"Escolhe uma cor aleatória",
"type: {0}":"tipo: {0}",
"need a different string here":"necessário uma string diferente aqui",
"follow tutorial in editor":"seguir tutorial no editor",
"tap here when done":"toque aqui quando concluir",
"upload sound":"carregar som",
"keep editing":"continuar editando",
"Type to search...":"Digite para pesquisar...",
"let's get started!":"vamos começar!",
"creating script":"criação de script",
"tutorial: ":"tutorial: ",
"excellent; great job; awesome; cool; you rock; well done; outstanding; you got it; right on":"excelente; ótimo trabalho; incrível; legal; você é demais; bom trabalho; extraordinário; você conseguiu; é isso aí",
"Post a comment...":"Publicação de um comentário...",
"parsing script text":"analisando o texto do script",
"report abuse":"denunciar abuso",
"load more":"carregar mais",
"TD100: insert {0:a} here":"TD100: inserir {0} aqui",
"Sets the background picture":"Define a imagem de fundo",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #00FFFFFF":"Obtém a cor com valor ARGB igual a #00FFFFFF",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF800080":"Obtém a cor com valor ARGB igual a #FF800080",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFF00FF":"Obtém a cor com valor ARGB igual a #FFFF00FF",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFFF00":"Obtém a cor com valor ARGB igual a #FFFFFF00",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF00FFFF":"Obtém a cor com valor ARGB igual a #FF00FFFF",
"Sets the sprite color.":"Define a cor do sprite.",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFA500":"Obtém a cor com valor ARGB igual a #FFFFA500",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFFFFF":"Obtém a cor com valor ARGB igual a #FFFFFFFF",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFF0000":"Obtém a cor com valor ARGB igual a #FFFF0000",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF0000FF":"Obtém a cor com valor ARGB igual a #FF0000FF",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF000000":"Obtém a cor com valor ARGB igual a #FF000000",
"'atomic' function":"função “atômica”",
"test function":"testar função",
"private function":"função privada",
"function name":"nome da função",
"store the value in a variable":"armazenar o valor em uma variável",
"this script is a web service":"este script é um serviço Web",
"variable name":"nome da variável",
"library name":"nome da biblioteca",
"Enter a name":"Insira um nome",
"exported from this library":"exportado desta biblioteca",
"search here for {0}":"pesquisar {0} aqui",
"ex: ":"ex: ",
"to code":"para código",
"this script is a library":"este script é uma biblioteca",
"run with instrumentation":"executar com instrumentação",
"revert to published version":"reverter para versão publicada",
"manage data":"gerenciar dados",
"i want it to run on":"quero que seja executado em",
"delete local data and permissions":"excluir dados locais e permissões",
"allow other users to export to app":"permitir que outros usuários exportem para o aplicativo",
"about profile":"sobre perfil",
"about insights":"sobre percepções",
"about coverage":"sobre cobertura",
"Search here...":"Pesquisar aqui...",
"For published scripts, also look at the tab of the published script page to find anonymously collected crowd-sourced profile and coverage data.":"Para scripts publicados, veja também a guia da página de scripts publicados para encontrar dados de cobertura e perfis coletados de forma anônima.",
"After the script stops, browse the code to see collected information.":"Após a interrupção do script, procure o código para ver as informações coletadas.",
"read only":"somente leitura",
"offline available":"offline disponível",
"cloud sessions":"sessões de nuvem",
"record name:":"registrar nome:",
"view as script":"exibir como script",
", got {0}":", obteve {0}",
"See More":"Ver Mais",
"'{0}' expects {1} here":"'{0}' espera {1} aqui",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF008000":"Obtém a cor com valor ARGB igual a #FF008000",
"replace picture":"substituir imagem",
"demote to var":"rebaixar para var",
"change (back) to local":"alterar (voltar) para local",
"search art":"pesquisar arte",
"let's change this":"vamos mudar isso",
"backspace this":"usar backspace nisto",
"current expression":"expressão atual",
"set name":"definir nome",
"Create a new picture sprite.":"Crie uma nova forma de imagem.",
"Sets the center horizontal position in pixels":"Define a posição horizontal do centro em pixels",
"we'll guide you step by step":"orientaremos você passo a passo",
"All tutorials":"Todos os tutoriais",
"All my scripts":"Todos os meus scripts",
"Skill level: {0} ":"Nível de habilidade: {0} ",
"All my groups":"Todos os meus grupos",
"Create your own apps":"Criar seus próprios aplicativos",
"Sets the y position in pixels":"Define a posição y em pixels",
"change contents":"alterar conteúdos",
"move the cursor right":"mova o cursor para a direita",
"customize the art!":"personalize a arte!",
"Sets the width in pixels":"Define a largura em pixels",
"{0} day{0:s} ago":"{0} dia{0:s} atrás",
"stop loop":"parar loop",
"stop function":"parar função",
"skip iteration":"ignorar a iteração",
"display value":"valor de exibição",
"repeat while":"repetir enquanto",
"repeat n times":"repetir n vezes",
"\/\/ comment":"\/\/ comentário",
"repeat on collection":"repetir na coleção",
"UI widget":"Widget de interface do usuário",
"read more...":"leia mais...",
"Create a new text sprite.":"Criar um novo sprite de texto.",
"step over":"transpor",
"step out":"sair",
"step in":"entrar",
"Search code...":"Pesquisar código...",
"go to previous step":"ir para a etapa anterior",
"to continue coding":"para continuar a codificar",
"compiling script":"script de compilação",
"'{0}' returns a '{1}'; {2}":"'{0}' retorna um '{1}'; {2}",
"promote to data":"promover para dados",
"to global var":"para var global",
"let's do it!":"vamos fazer isso!",
"store in var":"store in var",
"set local variable name":"definir nome da variável local",
"please wait...":"aguarde...",
"function, variable, library, ...":"função, variável, biblioteca...",
"add new":"adicionar novo",
"function types":"tipos de função",
"database":"banco de dados",
"<b>this line is perfect!<\/b> let's move on":"<b>esta linha está perfeita!<\/b> vamos continuar",
"art resource":"recurso de arte",
"Your script will appear here":"Seu script aparecerá aqui",
"Change skill level!":"Alterar o nível de habilidade!",
"move the cursor left":"mova o cursor para esquerda",
"new variable":"nova variável",
"a global variable":"uma variável global",
"{0} year{0:s} ago":"{0} ano{0:s} atrás",
"{0} month{0:s} ago":"{0} mês{0:s} atrás",
"creates an empty collection of objects":"cria uma coleção vazia de objetos",
"Create an invalid value of this object type":"Crie um valor inválido deste tipo de objeto",
"import field values from a JSON object":"importar valores de campo de um objeto JSON",
"checks if reference has not been set":"verifica se a referência não foi definida",
"tests if two references refer to the same object":"testa se duas referências estão relacionadas a um mesmo objeto",
"sets all fields to their default values":"define todos os campos para os valores padrão",
"export a JSON representation of the contents":"exportar uma representação JSON dos conteúdos",
"displays the object on the wall":"exibe o objeto na rede",
"add line below":"adicionar linha abaixo",
"select that line":"selecionar essa linha",
"access the {0} field":"acesse o campo {0}",
"tap there to run your app":"toque aqui para executar seu aplicativo",
"new stmt below":"novo stmt abaixo",
"new line":"nova linha",
"Concatenates two pieces of text":"Concatena dois trechos de texto",
"more ":"mais ",
"string":"cadeia de caracteres",
"TD152: unexpected ')'":"TD152: inesperado ')'",
"TD118: 'if' condition wants {1:a}":"TD118: condição 'se' quer {1}",
"TD115: excessive parameter(s) supplied to {0}":"TD115: parâmetro(s) excessivo(s) fornecido(s) para {0}",
"TD101: cannot find '{0}'":"TD101: não é possível encontrar '{0}'",
"TD147: we didn't expect '{0}' here":"TD147: não esperávamos '{0}' aqui",
"no hearts. you can add one once you install the script!":"nenhum coração. Você pode adicionar um desde que instale um script!",
"no forks, install, edit and re-publish script to create one!":"nenhum script de bifurcações, instalação, edição e nova publicação para criar um!",
"no art published by this user":"nenhuma arte publicada por este usuário",
"get my Hour of Code™ certificate":"obter meu certificado da Hora do Código™",
"next tutorials...":"próximos tutoriais...",
"no tags, tap to add some!":"nenhuma marca; toque para adicionar alguma!",
"no comments, tap to write some!":"nenhum comentário; toque para escrever algum!",
"Gets the printers on the current wireless network":"Obtém as impressoras na rede sem fio atual",
"Plays the media at the 'url' internet address.":"Reproduz a mídia no endereço de internet 'url'.",
"Browses to the device control panel":"Procura o painel de controle do dispositivo",
"Gets the manfacturer name":"Obtém o nome do fabricante",
"Returns a date that adds the specified number of years to the value of this instance.":"Retorna uma data que adiciona o número especificado de anos ao valor dessa instância.",
"Converts to the local time":"Converte na hora local",
"Choose a media player on the current wireless network":"Escolher um media player na rede sem fio atual",
"Gets the media players on the current wireless network":"Obtém os media players na rede sem fio atual",
"Indicates if no jobs can be processed and intervention is needed.":"Indica se nenhum trabalho puder ser processado e for necessária intervenção.",
"Choose a media server on the current wireless network":"Escolher um servidor de mídia na rede sem fio atual",
"Gets the media servers on the home network":"Obtém os servidores de mídia na rede doméstica",
"Gets the current motion that combines data from the accelerometer, compass and gyroscope if available.":"Obtém o movimento atual que combina dados do medidor de aceleração, da bússola e do giroscópio, se disponíveis.",
"Gets a value whether the song is DRM protected":"Obterá um valor se a música for protegida por DRM",
"Gets the width of the camera image in pixels.":"Obtém a largura da imagem da câmera em pixels.",
"Indicates if new jobs can start processing immediately without waiting.":"Indica se novos trabalhos podem iniciar o processamento imediatamente sem aguardar.",
"Returns a date that adds the specified number of months to the value of this instance.":"Retorna uma data que adiciona o número especificado de meses ao valor dessa instância.",
"Indicates if jobs are processing; new jobs will wait before processing, i.e., are said to be pending.":"Indica se os trabalhos estão em processamento; novos trabalhos aguardarão antes do processamento, isto é, são chamados de pendentes.",
"Indicates the media can be played, paused, resumed":"Indica que é possível reproduzir, pausar e retomar a mídia",
"Sets the sound volume level from 0 (silent) to 1 (current volume)":"Define o nível de volume para sons de 0 (silencioso) a 1 (volume atual)",
"Indicates if volume can be changed":"Indica se é possível alterar o volume",
"Gets the sound volume for sounds from 0 (silent) to 1 (current volume)":"Obtém o volume para sons de 0 (silencioso) a 1 (volume atual)",
"Reads the response body as a wave sound":"Lê o corpo de resposta como som wave",
"Gets the height of the camera image in pixels.":"Obtém a altura da imagem da câmera em pixels.",
"This script uses the following capabilities: ":"Este script usa os seguintes recursos: ",
"Sets the 3x3 affine matrix transformation applied to the wall.":"Define a transformação de matriz offline 3x3 aplicada à parede.",
"Searches the Windows Phone Store (type in applications or music)":"Pesquisa a Windows Phone Store (digite aplicativos ou música)",
"Display the printer to the wall":"Exibir a impressora na parede",
"Gets the name of the printer":"Obtém o nome da impressora",
"Gets the detailled information about this device":"Obtém as informações detalhadas sobre este dispositivo",
"Applies `converter` on all elements of the input collection and returns a collection of results":"Aplica `conversor` a todos os elementos da coleção de entradas e retorna uma coleção de resultados",
"overview":"visão geral",
"Draws a line between two points":"Traça uma linha entre dois pontos",
"Writes another picture at a given location. The opacity ranges from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).":"Grava outra imagem em um determinado local. A opacidade varia de 0 (transparente) a 1 (opaco).",
"Fills a ellipse with a given color":"Preenche uma elipse com uma determinada cor",
"Returns a copy of the image":"Retorna uma cópia da imagem",
"Draws some text border with a given color and font size":"Desenha alguma borda de texto com uma determinada cor e tamanho de fonte",
"Fills a rectangle with a given color":"Preenche um retângulo com uma determinada cor",
"Resizes the picture to the given size in pixels":"Redimensiona a imagem de acordo com o tamanho fornecido em pixels",
"Displays the image to the wall; you need to call 'update on wall' later if you want changes to be reflected.":"Exibe a imagem na parede; você precisará chamar 'atualização na parede' mais tarde se quiser que as alterações sejam refletidas.",
"you did it!":"você conseguiu!",
"upload screenshot":"carregar screenshot",
"Publishing is subject to our ":"A publicação está sujeita aos nossos ",
". Please read our information about ":". Leia nossas informações sobre ",
"maybe later":"talvez mais tarde",
"Embeded text or downloaded from the web":"Texto inserido ou baixado da Web",
"Code that performs a specific task":"Código que executa uma tarefa específica",
"Code raised when a user interaction happens":"Código gerado quando ocorre uma interação do usuário",
"An indexed table of user-defined rows":"Uma tabela indexada de linhas definidas pelo usuário",
"A user interface":"Uma interface do usuário",
"A table of user-defined rows":"Uma tabela de linhas definidas pelo usuário",
"A reference to a library script":"Uma referência a um script de biblioteca",
"A number constant":"Um número constante",
"A global variable":"Uma variável global",
"A color constant":"Uma cor constante",
"Current device":"Dispositivo atual",
"tap to change the color":"tocar para alterar a cor",
"Show errors in the editor if the script uses any APIs that prevent it from running on these platforms.":"Mostrar erros no editor se o script usar APIs que impeçam sua execução nessas plataformas.",
"Detaches the handler from the event.":"Desvincula o manipulador do evento.",
"set the handler that is invoked when the board is tapped":"definir o manipulador que é invocado quando o painel é tocado",
"Returns true if the current instance is useless":"Retorna verdadeiro se a instância atual é inútil",
"Gets the width in pixels":"Obtém a largura em pixels",
"Gets the height in pixels":"Obtém a altura em pixels",
"Script Updates":"Atualizações de script",
"rewind ":"retroceder ",
"A picture":"Uma imagem",
"search art pictures":"pesquisar imagens de arte",
"no picture loaded yet":"nenhuma imagem carregada ainda",
"Updates picture on a picture sprite (if it is a picture sprite)":"Atualiza a imagem em uma forma de imagem (se não for uma forma de imagem)",
"Add an action that fires for every display frame":"Adicionar uma ação que é disparada para cada quadro de exibição",
"Gets the center horizontal position of in pixels":"Obtém a posição horizontal do centro em pixels",
"Sets the y acceleration in pixels\/sec^2":"Define a aceleração y em pixels\/s^2",
"Sets the height in pixels":"Define a altura em pixels",
"Sets the y speed in pixels\/sec":"Define a velocidade y em pixels\/s",
"we need to edit another thing":"precisamos editar outro item",
"Do the sprites overlap":"Fazer com que as formas se sobreponham",
"Gets the y position in pixels":"Obtém a posição y em pixels",
"Sets the x speed in pixels\/sec":"Define a velocidade x em pixels\/s",
"New or built-in colors":"Cores novas ou inseridas",
"Compares numbers for equality":"Compara números para igualdade",
"Compares numbers for less":"Compara números para menos",
"Compares numbers for more":"Compara números para mais",
"Multiplies numbers":"Multiplica números",
"Subtracts numbers":"Subtrai números",
"Adds numbers":"Adiciona números",
"Interact with devices in the home network. Devices must be UPnP™ compatible.":"Interagir com os dispositivos na rede doméstica. Dispositivos devem ser compatível com UPnP ™.",
"Phone numbers, vibrate, etc...":"Números de telefone, vibrar, etc...",
"Create invalid values":"Criar valores inválidos",
"Search and browse the web...":"Pesquisar e navegar na web...",
"Camera, location, microphone and other sensors":"",
"Pictures and music...":"",
"ADJ script":"",
"Please wait...":"",
"Interact with the app runtime":"",
"Ask or display values on the wall...":"Perguntar ou exibir valores na tela...",
"Emails, sms, contacts, calendar, ...":"",
"2D barcodes, QR codes and NFC tags":"códigos de barras 2D, QR codes e tags NFC",
"Support for interactive tutorials.":"",
"Translation, speech to text, ...":"Tradução, fala em texto,...",
"Access to the radio":"",
"tiles and notifications for Windows and Windows Phone":"",
"Maps, location to address, address to location":"Mapas, localização de endereço, endereço de localização",
"Current box element in the page.":"",
"A place to hook up an action to execute in response to an event":"",
"Divides numbers":"Divide números",
"Correctness helpers":"Ajudantes de correção",
"Play, stop or resume songs, ...":"",
"time and dates":"tempo e datas",
"Create collections of items.":"",
"replace all in function":"",
"in this function":"",
"Gets a list of all songs":"",
"Gets a list of all pictures":"",
"Gets the name of the audio\/video player":"",
"Gets a list of all videos":"",
"Searches for pictures in a particular date range.":"",
"Searches for songs":"",
"Checks if the device is connected":"",
"Searches for videos":"",
"Chooses a song":"",
"Chooses a picture":"",
"Chooses a video or a movie":"",
"Moves the player to the next media in the queue.":"",
"Choose a printer on the current wireless network":"",
"of an object":"de um objeto",
"given ♥":"dado ♥",
"promote to field":"promover a campo",
"go to list of things in your script":"ir para a lista de coisas em seu script",
"Computes the maximum of the values":"Calcula o máximo dos valores",
"Computes the minimum of the values":"Calcula o mínimo dos valores",
"Returns a random integral number between `min` and `max` included.":"Retorna que um número aleatório integral entre 'min' e 'max' incluído.",
"Converts the value into a json data structure.":"Converte o valor em uma estrutura de dados json.",
"Arithmetic and bitwise operations on 32 bit integers":"Operações aritméticas e bit a bit em inteiros de 32 bits",
"OneDrive, OneNote operations":"OneDrive, operações do OneNote",
"Gets the number of elements":"Obtém o número de elementos",
"Run the inline action.":"Execute a ação de inline.",
"Gets the number of playlists":"",
"you can also search":"",
"A unit test":"",
"add {0}":"",
"blank esplora":"",
"An empty Arduino Esplora script.":"",
"blank arduino":"",
"An empty Arduino sketch.":"",
"add line above":"",
"pick a script template...":"",
"type: ":"",
"TD121: cannot find type {0}":"",
"An empty script, which doesn't do anything.":"",
"image proxying":"",
"{0} down":"",
"{0} up":"",
"Displays the playlist to the wall":"",
"Plays the songs in the playlist":"",
"enter a number":"",
"undo fix":"",
"web apps":"",
"run tests":"",
"JSON data":"",
"add comment for this field":"",
"add comment":"",
"we need a new {0}":"",
"new property":"",
"A web app using Azure Services, Node.js and Restify.":"",
"A web app using Node.js and Restify.":"",
"see more options":"",
"parameter name":"",
"tap (←) when done":"",
"tap to change the splash screen picture":"",
"color: {0}":"",
"import column values from a JSON object":"",
"blank engduino":"",
"Counts the number of rows":"",
"Enter a script name...":"",
"Tutorial completed":"",
"This tab contains additional information about this script":"",
"creates an empty collection of entries":"",
"Creates an invalid reference to an entry":"",
"blank office mix":"",
"An empty Office Mix app.":"",
"blank tutorial":"",
"An empty interactive tutorial.":"",
"Pictures, sounds, etc. in the current script":"",
"Objects, tables and indexes in the current script":"",
"Libraries referenced by the current script":"",
"Functions in the current script":"",
"blank app":"",
"surround with":"",
"delete selection":"",
"cut selection":"",
"copy selection":"",
"search templates":"",
"your best score: {0}":"",
"blank game":"",
"the current function":"",
"Cordova mobile app":"",
"pin to start":"",
"or tap to get help":"",
"Boiler plate code to create a game.":"",
"blank pixel art":"",
"An empty app using the scratch library.":"",
"An turtle app.":"",
"an event handler":"",
"make call async":"",
"extract to parameter":"",
"comment out":"",
"Sets the current value":"",
"Gets the status of the player":"",
"Searches for videos in a particular date range.":"",
"Moves the player to the previous media in the queue.":"",
"Sets the friendly name of the device":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Player Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Device Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Printer Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Server instance":"",
"Plays a media from the home network.":"",
"Gets the friendly name of the device":"",
"Creates an invalid Device instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Printer instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Link instance":"",
"Exports a JSON representation of the contents.":"",
"Browse and review scripts from the bazaar":"",
"Gets the foreground color in the current theme":"",
"Gets the normalized red value (0.0-1.0)":"",
"Checks if the color is equal to the other":"",
"Gets the chrome color in the current theme (control background)":"",
"Gets the accent color in the current theme":"",
"Gets the location":"",
"Gets the name of the album":"",
"Gets the link associated to the message":"",
"Sorts the places by distance to the location":"",
"Gets the songs":"",
"Indicates if the key exists":"",
"Gets a field value as a boolean":"",
"Gets the name of the song":"",
"Displays the link on the wall":"",
"Gets the genre of the song":"",
"Plays the song.":"",
"Gets the name of the artist":"",
"Gets a value indicating if the background repeats horizontally":"",
"Gets the number of values":"",
"Sets a value indicating if the background repeats horizontally":"",
"Gets the list of keys":"",
"Gets the text":"",
"Gets a field value as a string":"",
"Creates a new color by changing the alpha channel from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).":"",
"Picks a color from a color wheel where the hue is between 0 and 1.":"",
"Indicates if the player is paused":"",
"Gets the duration in seconds":"",
"Gets the number of elements in the collection":"",
"Imports a JSON representation of the contents.":"",
"Ooops, there was an error loading the picture.":"",
"loading more...":"",
"loading art ...":"",
"ok, let's roll!":"",
"From now on we won't show you the code to write. Follow the instructions and tap run when you think you are done.":"",
"Try tweaking your code until you get it right. If you get stuck, tap the tutorial bar.":"",
"<h3>no more tips!<\/h3>":"",
"Specify how to arrange the content of this box":"",
"Starts a new tween animation.":"",
"Parses the string as a number":"",
"publish your script":"",
"Publishing script...":"",
"{0} script{0:s} published":"",
"4. publish":"",
"Sets the rotation speed in degrees\/sec":"",
"Sets the z-index of the sprite":"",
"Gets the acceleration along y in pixels\/sec^2":"",
"Hide sprite.":"",
"Sets the url to the picture":"",
"Displays the value to the wall":"",
"Gets a url to the picture":"",
"Create a new collection for sprites.":"",
"Converts to a boolean (type must be boolean)":"",
"Converts and parses to a date time (type must be string)":"",
"Stringify the current JSON object":"",
"Sorts from the newest to oldest":"",
"Prints the number to the wall":"",
"Sorts the strings in this collection":"",
"Displays the sprite sheet.":"",
"Gets the field value as a time":"",
"Returns a collection sorted using specified comparison key":"",
"Gets a json kind (string, number, object, array, boolean, null)":"",
"Gets a field value as a number":"",
"Converts to a number (type must be number)":"",
"Sets the wall background picture. The picture will be resized and clipped to the screen background as needed.":"",
"Gets a value by name":"",
"Gets the i-th json value":"",
"Creates an empty Picture collection":"",
"Sets the speed in pixels\/sec":"",
"Makes a lighter color by a delta between 0 and 1.":"",
"Makes a darker color by a delta between 0 and 1.":"",
"Compares numbers for less or equal":"",
"Compares numbers for more or equal":"",
"Indicates if the player is stopped":"",
"Updates text on a text sprite (if it is a text sprite)":"",
"add an action that fires for every display frame.":"",
"Returns a substring given a start index and a length":"",
"Converts a number to a string":"",
"Indicates if the string is empty":"",
"Sets the background color":"",
"In debug mode, board displays speed and other info of sprites":"",
"Returns the number of characters":"",
"Sets the angle of the sprite in degrees":"",
"Checks if two strings are the same":"",
"Gets a random item; invalid if collection is empty":"",
"Displays the request to the wall":"",
"Displays string on the wall":"",
"Computes the sum of the values":"",
"Prints the value to the wall":"",
"Computes the average of the values":"",
"Gets the item at position 'index'; invalid if index is out of bounds":"",
"Returns the sprite color.":"",
"Create a new rectangle sprite.":"",
"A argb color (alpha, red, green, blue)":"",
"Gets the names of the headers":"",
"Gets the value of a given header":"",
"Geo coordinates":"",
"Cloud session management":"",
"add optional":"",
"cannot sync - you are not signed in":"",
"try again!":"",
"Returns a string collection that contains the substrings in this string that are delimited by elements of a specified string.":"",
"Teach Creative Coding!":"",
"ok, got it!":"",
"Try finding the buttons yourself. If you get stuck, tap on the goal line.":"",
"From now on we just show you the code that you need to write, in the goal line. It looks like this:":"",
"<h3>now, do it yourself!<\/h3>":"",
"tap a checkmark to add (or remove) your 'vote' to an existing tag":"",
"add new tag":"",
"Writes a static NFC tag with url, text or any other format. `type` may be a mime type.":"",
"Scans an id tag created by TouchDevelop and returns the embeded text.":"",
"Generates a 2D barcode pointing to the text using Microsoft Tag. text must be less than 1000 character long and size must be between 0.75 and 5 inches.":"",
"Set what happens when the box is tapped.":"",
"If the page did not open, tap the 'open' button below, otherwise tap 'done'.":"",
"tap [ok] when done":"",
"Make updates visible.":"",
"Plays the current media from the start.":"",
"Private actions do not get a run button. ":"",
"remove else":"",
"Gets the uri of the media currently active":"",
"Indicates additional information about why the Printer is in its current state.":"",
"Pauses the current media if any.":"",
"Queues a job to print the text.":"",
"Gets the position in seconds whithin the active media":""

locales/pt/strings.json Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,824 @@
"my scripts":"meus scripts",
"a function":"uma função",
"tap there":"toque aqui",
"insert {0}":"inserir {0}",
"'Javascripty' curly braces, all the tools, for experienced devs!":"Chaves como em JavaScript, todas as ferramentas, para desenvolvedores experientes!",
"Sets the position in pixels":"Define a posição em pixels",
"insert comment":"inserir comentário",
"translating tutorial...":"traduzindo tutorial...",
"loading tutorial":"carregando tutorial",
"reloading script":"recarregando script",
"we have {0:a} here; did you want to do something with it?":"temos {0:a} aqui; você queria fazer algo com isso?",
"privacy and cookies":"privacy and cookies",
"terms of use":"terms of use",
" -- a local variable":" -- uma variável local",
"signing in...":"entrando...",
"global vars":"variáveis globais",
"We will adapt the editor to your coding skill level. You can change your skill level later in the hub.":"Adaptaremos o editor ao seu nível de habilidade em codificação. Você poderá alterar seu nível de habilidade posteriormente no hub.",
"run main":"executar principal",
"Edit code as text, more options, for aspiring app writers!":"Edite código como texto, mais opções, para aspirantes a criadores de aplicativos!",
"Drag and drop blocks, simplified interface, great for beginners!":"Arrastar e soltar blocos, interface simplificada, ótimo para iniciantes!",
"choose your coding skill level":"escolha seu nível de habilidade em codificação",
"Your full name":"Seu nome completo",
"website url":"url do website",
"wallpaper":"papel de parede",
"twitter handle":"handle do twitter",
"sign out":"sair",
"sign in":"entrar",
"receive email newsletters":"receber boletins de notícias por email",
"remove picture":"remover imagem",
"Receive email notifications when other people review\/take a screenshot of\/comment on your scripts, or reply to one of your comments, or when events related to your subscriptions occur.":"Receba notificações quando outras pessoas avaliam\/tiram uma captura de tela\/comentam seus scripts, ou respondem um de seus comentários, ou quando ocorrem eventos relacionados às suas assinaturas.",
"Your twitter handle, like @touchdevelop.":"Seu handle do twitter, como @touchdevelop.",
"receive email notifications":"receber notificações por email",
"real name":"nome real",
"public profile":"perfil público",
"public nickname":"apelido público",
"private profile":"perfil privado",
"Please review our Privacy Statement.":"Examine nossa Declaração de Privacidade",
"Your email address has not yet been verified. Please check your inbox.":"Seu endereço de email ainda não foi verificado Verifique sua caixa de entrada.",
"email and push notifications":"email e notificações por push",
"Enter your school affiliation if any.":"Insira sua afiliação escolar, se houver.",
"What is your occupation?":"Qual é a sua ocupação?",
"What is your level of programming knowledge?":"Qual seu nível de conhecimento de programação?",
"programming knowledge":"conhecimento de programação",
"How did you discover TouchDevelop?":"Como descobriu o TouchDevelop?",
"how found":"como encontrou",
"year of birth":"ano de nascimento",
"about you":"sobre você",
"Where in the world are you?":"Onde você está?",
"Your Minecraft user.":"Seu usuário Minecraft.",
"more settings":"mais configurações",
"Your GitHub user.":"Seu usuário GitHub.",
"minecraft user":"usuário minecraft",
"A unique display name for your public profile (at least 8 characters)":"Um nome exclusivo de exibição para seu perfil público (pelo menos 8 caracteres)",
"Scripts by this user:":"Scripts desse usuário:",
"github user":"usuário github",
"Items marked with * are required.":"Itens marcados com * são obrigatórios.",
"Enter the URL to your personal website (Example: http:\/\/":"Insira o URL de seu website pessoal (Exemplo: http:\/\/",
"Enter some information about yourself":"Insira algumas informações sobre você",
"Don't forget to scroll down and tap 'save' when you are done editing!":"Não se esqueça de rolar para baixo na tela e tocar em 'salvar' quando terminar de editar!",
"Do you want to receive informational TouchDevelop-related newsletters, e.g. about new features and upcoming events?":"Quer receber boletins de notícias com informações relacionadas as TouchDevelop, p.ex., novos recursos e eventos futuros?",
"<h3>loading current settings...<\/h3>":"<h3>carregando configurações atuais...<\/h3>",
"Art by this user:":"Arte desse usuário:",
"abuse reports":"relatar abusos",
"go back to coding! {0}★ to go":"voltar para a codificação! {0}★ para ir",
"add input parameter":"adicionar parâmetro de entradas",
"start over":"começar novamente",
"API Docs":"API Docs",
"Upload Picture":"Carregar imagens",
"breakpoint":"ponto de interrupção",
"toggle breakpoint":"ativar\/desativar ponto de interrupção",
"Create Script":"Criar Script",
"Create Group":"Criar Grupo",
"Join Group":"Ingressar no grupo",
"global variable":"variável global",
"script properties":"propriedades do script",
"decimal dot":"ponto decimal",
"re-run":"executar novamente",
"move cursor":"mover cursor",
"upload picture":"carregar imagens",
"the hub":"o hub",
"logical negation":"negação lógica",
"A number (possibly negative and\/or fractional)":"Um número (possivelmente negativo e\/ou fração)",
"replicated ":"replicado ",
"publish as hidden":"publicar como oculto",
"learn about publishing":"saiba mais sobre publicação",
"Publish script":"Publicar script",
"Minecraft user":"Usuário Minecraft",
"TD155: '{0}' cannot be assigned to a local variable":"TD155: '{0}' não pode ser atribuída a uma variável local",
"TD130: bound of 'for' wants {1:a}":"TD130: associado de 'para' quer {1}",
"TD150: cannot call the thing before '('":"TD150: não pode chamar antes de '('",
"TD151: unclosed '('":"TD151: unclosed ' ('",
"TD112: i cannot find property '{0}' on {1}":"TD112: não consigo encontrar a propriedade '{0}' em {1}",
"TD116: not enough parameters supplied to {0}":"TD116: não foram fornecidos parâmetros suficientes para {0}",
"move to library":"mover para a biblioteca",
" [hidden]":" [oculto]",
"color #{0}":"cor nº{0}",
"load more replies":"carregar mais respostas",
"export to app":"exportar para aplicativo",
"pull changes":"extrair alterações",
"'{0}' is obsolete and should not be used":"'{0}' é obsoleto e não deve ser usado",
"add output parameter":"adicionar parâmetro de saídas",
"superior, supernatural, terrific, unbelievable, unearthly, unique, unprecedented, unusual, weird, wonderful, wondrous":"superior, supernatural, tremendo, inacreditável, sobrenatural, único, sem precedente, incomum, estranho, magnífico, notável",
"incredible, magical, marvellous, marvelous, mind-blowing, mind-boggling, miraculous, peculiar, phenomenal, rad, rockin', special, spectacular, startling, stunning, super-cool, ":"incrível, mágico, maravilhoso, maravilhoso, alucinante, estarrecedor, milagroso, peculiar, fenomenal, radical, formidável, especial, espetacular, vistoso, deslumbrante, superlegal, ",
"amazing, astonishing, astounding, awe-inspiring, awesome, breathtaking, classic, cool, curious, distinct, exceptional, exclusive, extraordinary, fabulous, fantastic, glorious, great, ":"excelente, surpreendente, impressionante, espantoso, fenomenal, de tirar o fôlego, clássico, legal, curioso, diferente, excepcional, exclusivo, extraordinário, fabuloso, fantástico, esplêndido, ótimo, ",
" sending changes":" enviando alterações",
"diff prev":"diff prev",
"diff curr":"diff curr",
"Types, order, and number of event parameters cannot be edited.":"Tipos, ordem e número de parâmetros de evento não podem ser editados.",
"Events cannot have out parameters.":"Os eventos não podem ter parâmetros.",
"TD109: cannot assign to this":"TD109: não é possível fazer essa atribuição",
"just keep typing the search terms!":"basta digitar os termos de pesquisa!",
"... there's more ...":"... há mais...",
"tap there for instructions":"toque lá para obter instruções",
"show how to complete this activity":"mostrar como completar esta atividade",
"move left":"mover para a esquerda",
"To add page data, create a local var and tap 'promote to field'.":"Para adicionar dados de página, crie uma variável local e toque em 'promover para campo'.",
"TD111: cannot assign from {0} to {1}":"TD111: não é possível atribuir de {0} a {1}",
"{0} ({1} line{1:s})":"{0} ({1} linha{1:s})",
"replace all in script":"substituir tudo no script",
"global replace":"substituição global",
"create a new parameter":"criar um novo parâmetro",
"select more":"selecionar mais",
"strip '{0}'":"faixa '{0}'",
"pull out to block level":"extrair para nível de bloco",
", got {0:a} instead":", em vez disso, obteve {0}",
"an function type definition":"uma definição de tipo de função",
"tap to translate with Microsoft® Translator...":"toque para traduzir com o Microsoft® Translator...",
"Translations by Microsoft® Translator, tap to see original...":"Traduções por Microsoft ® Translator, toque para ver o original...",
"into local":"no local",
"extract to var":"extrair para var",
"turn into":"transformar em",
"else if":"e se",
"a minute ago":"um minuto atrás",
"loading replies...":"carregando respostas...",
"show more options":"mostrar mais opções",
"find references":"encontrar referências",
"need to edit elsewhere":"é necessário editar em algum outro local",
"an hour ago":"uma hora atrás",
" of ":" de ",
"need to delete this":"é necessário excluir isso",
"screenshot of {0}":"captura de tela de {0}",
"loading comments for \/{0}...":"carregando comentários para \/{0}...",
"my art":"minha arte",
"insert statement":"inserir instrução",
"learn more":"saber mais",
"now you can select a property of {0}; it doesn't do anything by itself":"agora você pode selecionar uma propriedade de {0}; ele não faz nada sozinho",
"tutorial progress":"progresso do tutorial",
"What's new":"O que há de novo",
"Search everything":"Pesquisar tudo",
"Search Help":"Pesquisar Ajuda",
"Getting started":"Introdução",
"Export to Windows, Android, iOS, Azure":"Exportar para Windows, Android, iOS, Azure",
"top & new":"Novidades principais",
"a few seconds ago":"alguns segundos atrás",
"screenshot":"captura de tela",
"number entry":"entrada de número",
"regular keypad":"teclado normal",
"Upload Sound":"Carregar som",
"Insert '{0}' {1}":"Inserir '{0}' {1}",
"go to":"ir para",
"{0} second{0:s} ago":"{0} segundo{0:s} atrás",
"New Scripts":"Novos Scripts",
"TD145: there seem to be an operator (like '+', '(' or ',') missing here":"TD145: parece que está faltando um operador (como '+', '(' ou ',') aqui",
"we have a library '{0}' here; {1}":"temos uma biblioteca '{0}' aqui; {1}",
"now you can select a property on it":"agora você pode selecionar uma propriedade nele",
"we need different keypad":"precisamos de um teclado diferente",
"i'm finished with my Hour of Code™":"terminei com meu Hora do Código™",
"a page":"uma página",
"TD154: the operator needs something after it":"TD154: o operador precisa de alguma coisa após isso",
"TD144: it seems you're missing '{0}', try adding it":"TD144: parece que está faltando '{0}', tente adicioná-lo",
"{0} hour{0:s} ago":"{0} hora{0:s} atrás",
"fix it":"corrigir",
"learn more about {0}":"saiba mais sobre {0}",
"Your art will appear here":"Sua arte aparecerá aqui",
"{0} minute{0:s} ago":"{0} minuto{0:s} atrás",
"break in debugger":"quebrar no depurador",
"Picks a random color":"Escolhe uma cor aleatória",
"type: {0}":"tipo: {0}",
"need a different string here":"necessário uma string diferente aqui",
"follow tutorial in editor":"seguir tutorial no editor",
"tap here when done":"toque aqui quando concluir",
"upload sound":"carregar som",
"keep editing":"continuar editando",
"Type to search...":"Digite para pesquisar...",
"let's get started!":"vamos começar!",
"creating script":"criação de script",
"tutorial: ":"tutorial: ",
"excellent; great job; awesome; cool; you rock; well done; outstanding; you got it; right on":"excelente; ótimo trabalho; incrível; legal; você é demais; bom trabalho; extraordinário; você conseguiu; é isso aí",
"Post a comment...":"Publicação de um comentário...",
"parsing script text":"analisando o texto do script",
"report abuse":"denunciar abuso",
"load more":"carregar mais",
"TD100: insert {0:a} here":"TD100: inserir {0} aqui",
"Sets the background picture":"Define a imagem de fundo",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #00FFFFFF":"Obtém a cor com valor ARGB igual a #00FFFFFF",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF800080":"Obtém a cor com valor ARGB igual a #FF800080",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFF00FF":"Obtém a cor com valor ARGB igual a #FFFF00FF",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFFF00":"Obtém a cor com valor ARGB igual a #FFFFFF00",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF00FFFF":"Obtém a cor com valor ARGB igual a #FF00FFFF",
"Sets the sprite color.":"Define a cor do sprite.",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFA500":"Obtém a cor com valor ARGB igual a #FFFFA500",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFFFFF":"Obtém a cor com valor ARGB igual a #FFFFFFFF",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFF0000":"Obtém a cor com valor ARGB igual a #FFFF0000",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF0000FF":"Obtém a cor com valor ARGB igual a #FF0000FF",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF000000":"Obtém a cor com valor ARGB igual a #FF000000",
"'atomic' function":"função “atômica”",
"test function":"testar função",
"private function":"função privada",
"function name":"nome da função",
"store the value in a variable":"armazenar o valor em uma variável",
"this script is a web service":"este script é um serviço Web",
"variable name":"nome da variável",
"library name":"nome da biblioteca",
"Enter a name":"Insira um nome",
"exported from this library":"exportado desta biblioteca",
"search here for {0}":"pesquisar {0} aqui",
"ex: ":"ex: ",
"to code":"para código",
"this script is a library":"este script é uma biblioteca",
"run with instrumentation":"executar com instrumentação",
"revert to published version":"reverter para versão publicada",
"manage data":"gerenciar dados",
"i want it to run on":"quero que seja executado em",
"delete local data and permissions":"excluir dados locais e permissões",
"allow other users to export to app":"permitir que outros usuários exportem para o aplicativo",
"about profile":"sobre perfil",
"about insights":"sobre percepções",
"about coverage":"sobre cobertura",
"Search here...":"Pesquisar aqui...",
"For published scripts, also look at the tab of the published script page to find anonymously collected crowd-sourced profile and coverage data.":"Para scripts publicados, veja também a guia da página de scripts publicados para encontrar dados de cobertura e perfis coletados de forma anônima.",
"After the script stops, browse the code to see collected information.":"Após a interrupção do script, procure o código para ver as informações coletadas.",
"read only":"somente leitura",
"offline available":"offline disponível",
"cloud sessions":"sessões de nuvem",
"record name:":"registrar nome:",
"view as script":"exibir como script",
", got {0}":", obteve {0}",
"See More":"Ver Mais",
"'{0}' expects {1} here":"'{0}' espera {1} aqui",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF008000":"Obtém a cor com valor ARGB igual a #FF008000",
"replace picture":"substituir imagem",
"demote to var":"rebaixar para var",
"change (back) to local":"alterar (voltar) para local",
"search art":"pesquisar arte",
"let's change this":"vamos mudar isso",
"backspace this":"usar backspace nisto",
"current expression":"expressão atual",
"set name":"definir nome",
"Create a new picture sprite.":"Crie uma nova forma de imagem.",
"Sets the center horizontal position in pixels":"Define a posição horizontal do centro em pixels",
"we'll guide you step by step":"orientaremos você passo a passo",
"All tutorials":"Todos os tutoriais",
"All my scripts":"Todos os meus scripts",
"Skill level: {0} ":"Nível de habilidade: {0} ",
"All my groups":"Todos os meus grupos",
"Create your own apps":"Criar seus próprios aplicativos",
"Sets the y position in pixels":"Define a posição y em pixels",
"change contents":"alterar conteúdos",
"move the cursor right":"mova o cursor para a direita",
"customize the art!":"personalize a arte!",
"Sets the width in pixels":"Define a largura em pixels",
"{0} day{0:s} ago":"{0} dia{0:s} atrás",
"stop loop":"parar loop",
"stop function":"parar função",
"skip iteration":"ignorar a iteração",
"display value":"valor de exibição",
"repeat while":"repetir enquanto",
"repeat n times":"repetir n vezes",
"\/\/ comment":"\/\/ comentário",
"repeat on collection":"repetir na coleção",
"UI widget":"Widget de interface do usuário",
"read more...":"leia mais...",
"Create a new text sprite.":"Criar um novo sprite de texto.",
"step over":"transpor",
"step out":"sair",
"step in":"entrar",
"Search code...":"Pesquisar código...",
"go to previous step":"ir para a etapa anterior",
"to continue coding":"para continuar a codificar",
"compiling script":"script de compilação",
"'{0}' returns a '{1}'; {2}":"'{0}' retorna um '{1}'; {2}",
"promote to data":"promover para dados",
"to global var":"para var global",
"let's do it!":"vamos fazer isso!",
"store in var":"store in var",
"set local variable name":"definir nome da variável local",
"please wait...":"aguarde...",
"function, variable, library, ...":"função, variável, biblioteca...",
"add new":"adicionar novo",
"function types":"tipos de função",
"database":"banco de dados",
"<b>this line is perfect!<\/b> let's move on":"<b>esta linha está perfeita!<\/b> vamos continuar",
"art resource":"recurso de arte",
"Your script will appear here":"Seu script aparecerá aqui",
"Change skill level!":"Alterar o nível de habilidade!",
"move the cursor left":"mova o cursor para esquerda",
"new variable":"nova variável",
"a global variable":"uma variável global",
"{0} year{0:s} ago":"{0} ano{0:s} atrás",
"{0} month{0:s} ago":"{0} mês{0:s} atrás",
"creates an empty collection of objects":"cria uma coleção vazia de objetos",
"Create an invalid value of this object type":"Crie um valor inválido deste tipo de objeto",
"import field values from a JSON object":"importar valores de campo de um objeto JSON",
"checks if reference has not been set":"verifica se a referência não foi definida",
"tests if two references refer to the same object":"testa se duas referências estão relacionadas a um mesmo objeto",
"sets all fields to their default values":"define todos os campos para os valores padrão",
"export a JSON representation of the contents":"exportar uma representação JSON dos conteúdos",
"displays the object on the wall":"exibe o objeto na rede",
"add line below":"adicionar linha abaixo",
"select that line":"selecionar essa linha",
"access the {0} field":"acesse o campo {0}",
"tap there to run your app":"toque aqui para executar seu aplicativo",
"new stmt below":"novo stmt abaixo",
"new line":"nova linha",
"Concatenates two pieces of text":"Concatena dois trechos de texto",
"more ":"mais ",
"string":"cadeia de caracteres",
"TD152: unexpected ')'":"TD152: inesperado ')'",
"TD118: 'if' condition wants {1:a}":"TD118: condição 'se' quer {1}",
"TD115: excessive parameter(s) supplied to {0}":"TD115: parâmetro(s) excessivo(s) fornecido(s) para {0}",
"TD101: cannot find '{0}'":"TD101: não é possível encontrar '{0}'",
"TD147: we didn't expect '{0}' here":"TD147: não esperávamos '{0}' aqui",
"no hearts. you can add one once you install the script!":"nenhum coração. Você pode adicionar um desde que instale um script!",
"no forks, install, edit and re-publish script to create one!":"nenhum script de bifurcações, instalação, edição e nova publicação para criar um!",
"no art published by this user":"nenhuma arte publicada por este usuário",
"get my Hour of Code™ certificate":"obter meu certificado da Hora do Código™",
"next tutorials...":"próximos tutoriais...",
"no tags, tap to add some!":"nenhuma marca; toque para adicionar alguma!",
"no comments, tap to write some!":"nenhum comentário; toque para escrever algum!",
"Gets the printers on the current wireless network":"Obtém as impressoras na rede sem fio atual",
"Plays the media at the 'url' internet address.":"Reproduz a mídia no endereço de internet 'url'.",
"Browses to the device control panel":"Procura o painel de controle do dispositivo",
"Gets the manfacturer name":"Obtém o nome do fabricante",
"Returns a date that adds the specified number of years to the value of this instance.":"Retorna uma data que adiciona o número especificado de anos ao valor dessa instância.",
"Converts to the local time":"Converte na hora local",
"Choose a media player on the current wireless network":"Escolher um media player na rede sem fio atual",
"Gets the media players on the current wireless network":"Obtém os media players na rede sem fio atual",
"Indicates if no jobs can be processed and intervention is needed.":"Indica se nenhum trabalho puder ser processado e for necessária intervenção.",
"Choose a media server on the current wireless network":"Escolher um servidor de mídia na rede sem fio atual",
"Gets the media servers on the home network":"Obtém os servidores de mídia na rede doméstica",
"Gets the current motion that combines data from the accelerometer, compass and gyroscope if available.":"Obtém o movimento atual que combina dados do medidor de aceleração, da bússola e do giroscópio, se disponíveis.",
"Gets a value whether the song is DRM protected":"Obterá um valor se a música for protegida por DRM",
"Gets the width of the camera image in pixels.":"Obtém a largura da imagem da câmera em pixels.",
"Indicates if new jobs can start processing immediately without waiting.":"Indica se novos trabalhos podem iniciar o processamento imediatamente sem aguardar.",
"Returns a date that adds the specified number of months to the value of this instance.":"Retorna uma data que adiciona o número especificado de meses ao valor dessa instância.",
"Indicates if jobs are processing; new jobs will wait before processing, i.e., are said to be pending.":"Indica se os trabalhos estão em processamento; novos trabalhos aguardarão antes do processamento, isto é, são chamados de pendentes.",
"Indicates the media can be played, paused, resumed":"Indica que é possível reproduzir, pausar e retomar a mídia",
"Sets the sound volume level from 0 (silent) to 1 (current volume)":"Define o nível de volume para sons de 0 (silencioso) a 1 (volume atual)",
"Indicates if volume can be changed":"Indica se é possível alterar o volume",
"Gets the sound volume for sounds from 0 (silent) to 1 (current volume)":"Obtém o volume para sons de 0 (silencioso) a 1 (volume atual)",
"Reads the response body as a wave sound":"Lê o corpo de resposta como som wave",
"Gets the height of the camera image in pixels.":"Obtém a altura da imagem da câmera em pixels.",
"This script uses the following capabilities: ":"Este script usa os seguintes recursos: ",
"Sets the 3x3 affine matrix transformation applied to the wall.":"Define a transformação de matriz offline 3x3 aplicada à parede.",
"Searches the Windows Phone Store (type in applications or music)":"Pesquisa a Windows Phone Store (digite aplicativos ou música)",
"Display the printer to the wall":"Exibir a impressora na parede",
"Gets the name of the printer":"Obtém o nome da impressora",
"Gets the detailled information about this device":"Obtém as informações detalhadas sobre este dispositivo",
"Applies `converter` on all elements of the input collection and returns a collection of results":"Aplica `conversor` a todos os elementos da coleção de entradas e retorna uma coleção de resultados",
"overview":"visão geral",
"Draws a line between two points":"Traça uma linha entre dois pontos",
"Writes another picture at a given location. The opacity ranges from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).":"Grava outra imagem em um determinado local. A opacidade varia de 0 (transparente) a 1 (opaco).",
"Fills a ellipse with a given color":"Preenche uma elipse com uma determinada cor",
"Returns a copy of the image":"Retorna uma cópia da imagem",
"Draws some text border with a given color and font size":"Desenha alguma borda de texto com uma determinada cor e tamanho de fonte",
"Fills a rectangle with a given color":"Preenche um retângulo com uma determinada cor",
"Resizes the picture to the given size in pixels":"Redimensiona a imagem de acordo com o tamanho fornecido em pixels",
"Displays the image to the wall; you need to call 'update on wall' later if you want changes to be reflected.":"Exibe a imagem na parede; você precisará chamar 'atualização na parede' mais tarde se quiser que as alterações sejam refletidas.",
"you did it!":"você conseguiu!",
"upload screenshot":"carregar screenshot",
"Publishing is subject to our ":"A publicação está sujeita aos nossos ",
". Please read our information about ":". Leia nossas informações sobre ",
"maybe later":"talvez mais tarde",
"Embeded text or downloaded from the web":"Texto inserido ou baixado da Web",
"Code that performs a specific task":"Código que executa uma tarefa específica",
"Code raised when a user interaction happens":"Código gerado quando ocorre uma interação do usuário",
"An indexed table of user-defined rows":"Uma tabela indexada de linhas definidas pelo usuário",
"A user interface":"Uma interface do usuário",
"A table of user-defined rows":"Uma tabela de linhas definidas pelo usuário",
"A reference to a library script":"Uma referência a um script de biblioteca",
"A number constant":"Um número constante",
"A global variable":"Uma variável global",
"A color constant":"Uma cor constante",
"Current device":"Dispositivo atual",
"tap to change the color":"tocar para alterar a cor",
"Show errors in the editor if the script uses any APIs that prevent it from running on these platforms.":"Mostrar erros no editor se o script usar APIs que impeçam sua execução nessas plataformas.",
"Detaches the handler from the event.":"Desvincula o manipulador do evento.",
"set the handler that is invoked when the board is tapped":"definir o manipulador que é invocado quando o painel é tocado",
"Returns true if the current instance is useless":"Retorna verdadeiro se a instância atual é inútil",
"Gets the width in pixels":"Obtém a largura em pixels",
"Gets the height in pixels":"Obtém a altura em pixels",
"Script Updates":"Atualizações de script",
"rewind ":"retroceder ",
"A picture":"Uma imagem",
"search art pictures":"pesquisar imagens de arte",
"no picture loaded yet":"nenhuma imagem carregada ainda",
"Updates picture on a picture sprite (if it is a picture sprite)":"Atualiza a imagem em uma forma de imagem (se não for uma forma de imagem)",
"Add an action that fires for every display frame":"Adicionar uma ação que é disparada para cada quadro de exibição",
"Gets the center horizontal position of in pixels":"Obtém a posição horizontal do centro em pixels",
"Sets the y acceleration in pixels\/sec^2":"Define a aceleração y em pixels\/s^2",
"Sets the height in pixels":"Define a altura em pixels",
"Sets the y speed in pixels\/sec":"Define a velocidade y em pixels\/s",
"we need to edit another thing":"precisamos editar outro item",
"Do the sprites overlap":"Fazer com que as formas se sobreponham",
"Gets the y position in pixels":"Obtém a posição y em pixels",
"Sets the x speed in pixels\/sec":"Define a velocidade x em pixels\/s",
"New or built-in colors":"Cores novas ou inseridas",
"Compares numbers for equality":"Compara números para igualdade",
"Compares numbers for less":"Compara números para menos",
"Compares numbers for more":"Compara números para mais",
"Multiplies numbers":"Multiplica números",
"Subtracts numbers":"Subtrai números",
"Adds numbers":"Adiciona números",
"Interact with devices in the home network. Devices must be UPnP™ compatible.":"Interagir com os dispositivos na rede doméstica. Dispositivos devem ser compatível com UPnP ™.",
"Phone numbers, vibrate, etc...":"Números de telefone, vibrar, etc...",
"Create invalid values":"Criar valores inválidos",
"Search and browse the web...":"Pesquisar e navegar na web...",
"Camera, location, microphone and other sensors":"",
"Pictures and music...":"",
"ADJ script":"",
"Please wait...":"",
"Interact with the app runtime":"",
"Ask or display values on the wall...":"Perguntar ou exibir valores na tela...",
"Emails, sms, contacts, calendar, ...":"",
"2D barcodes, QR codes and NFC tags":"códigos de barras 2D, QR codes e tags NFC",
"Support for interactive tutorials.":"",
"Translation, speech to text, ...":"Tradução, fala em texto,...",
"Access to the radio":"",
"tiles and notifications for Windows and Windows Phone":"",
"Maps, location to address, address to location":"Mapas, localização de endereço, endereço de localização",
"Current box element in the page.":"",
"A place to hook up an action to execute in response to an event":"",
"Divides numbers":"Divide números",
"Correctness helpers":"Ajudantes de correção",
"Play, stop or resume songs, ...":"",
"time and dates":"tempo e datas",
"Create collections of items.":"",
"replace all in function":"",
"in this function":"",
"Gets a list of all songs":"",
"Gets a list of all pictures":"",
"Gets the name of the audio\/video player":"",
"Gets a list of all videos":"",
"Searches for pictures in a particular date range.":"",
"Searches for songs":"",
"Checks if the device is connected":"",
"Searches for videos":"",
"Chooses a song":"",
"Chooses a picture":"",
"Chooses a video or a movie":"",
"Moves the player to the next media in the queue.":"",
"Choose a printer on the current wireless network":"",
"of an object":"de um objeto",
"given ♥":"dado ♥",
"promote to field":"promover a campo",
"go to list of things in your script":"ir para a lista de coisas em seu script",
"Computes the maximum of the values":"Calcula o máximo dos valores",
"Computes the minimum of the values":"Calcula o mínimo dos valores",
"Returns a random integral number between `min` and `max` included.":"Retorna que um número aleatório integral entre 'min' e 'max' incluído.",
"Converts the value into a json data structure.":"Converte o valor em uma estrutura de dados json.",
"Arithmetic and bitwise operations on 32 bit integers":"Operações aritméticas e bit a bit em inteiros de 32 bits",
"OneDrive, OneNote operations":"OneDrive, operações do OneNote",
"Gets the number of elements":"Obtém o número de elementos",
"Run the inline action.":"Execute a ação de inline.",
"Gets the number of playlists":"",
"you can also search":"",
"A unit test":"",
"add {0}":"",
"blank esplora":"",
"An empty Arduino Esplora script.":"",
"blank arduino":"",
"An empty Arduino sketch.":"",
"add line above":"",
"pick a script template...":"",
"type: ":"",
"TD121: cannot find type {0}":"",
"An empty script, which doesn't do anything.":"",
"image proxying":"",
"{0} down":"",
"{0} up":"",
"Displays the playlist to the wall":"",
"Plays the songs in the playlist":"",
"enter a number":"",
"undo fix":"",
"web apps":"",
"run tests":"",
"JSON data":"",
"add comment for this field":"",
"add comment":"",
"we need a new {0}":"",
"new property":"",
"A web app using Azure Services, Node.js and Restify.":"",
"A web app using Node.js and Restify.":"",
"see more options":"",
"parameter name":"",
"tap (←) when done":"",
"tap to change the splash screen picture":"",
"color: {0}":"",
"import column values from a JSON object":"",
"blank engduino":"",
"Counts the number of rows":"",
"Enter a script name...":"",
"Tutorial completed":"",
"This tab contains additional information about this script":"",
"creates an empty collection of entries":"",
"Creates an invalid reference to an entry":"",
"blank office mix":"",
"An empty Office Mix app.":"",
"blank tutorial":"",
"An empty interactive tutorial.":"",
"Pictures, sounds, etc. in the current script":"",
"Objects, tables and indexes in the current script":"",
"Libraries referenced by the current script":"",
"Functions in the current script":"",
"blank app":"",
"surround with":"",
"delete selection":"",
"cut selection":"",
"copy selection":"",
"search templates":"",
"your best score: {0}":"",
"blank game":"",
"the current function":"",
"Cordova mobile app":"",
"pin to start":"",
"or tap to get help":"",
"Boiler plate code to create a game.":"",
"blank pixel art":"",
"An empty app using the scratch library.":"",
"An turtle app.":"",
"an event handler":"",
"make call async":"",
"extract to parameter":"",
"comment out":"",
"Sets the current value":"",
"Gets the status of the player":"",
"Searches for videos in a particular date range.":"",
"Moves the player to the previous media in the queue.":"",
"Sets the friendly name of the device":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Player Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Device Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Printer Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Server instance":"",
"Plays a media from the home network.":"",
"Gets the friendly name of the device":"",
"Creates an invalid Device instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Printer instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Link instance":"",
"Exports a JSON representation of the contents.":"",
"Browse and review scripts from the bazaar":"",
"Gets the foreground color in the current theme":"",
"Gets the normalized red value (0.0-1.0)":"",
"Checks if the color is equal to the other":"",
"Gets the chrome color in the current theme (control background)":"",
"Gets the accent color in the current theme":"",
"Gets the location":"",
"Gets the name of the album":"",
"Gets the link associated to the message":"",
"Sorts the places by distance to the location":"",
"Gets the songs":"",
"Indicates if the key exists":"",
"Gets a field value as a boolean":"",
"Gets the name of the song":"",
"Displays the link on the wall":"",
"Gets the genre of the song":"",
"Plays the song.":"",
"Gets the name of the artist":"",
"Gets a value indicating if the background repeats horizontally":"",
"Gets the number of values":"",
"Sets a value indicating if the background repeats horizontally":"",
"Gets the list of keys":"",
"Gets the text":"",
"Gets a field value as a string":"",
"Creates a new color by changing the alpha channel from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).":"",
"Picks a color from a color wheel where the hue is between 0 and 1.":"",
"Indicates if the player is paused":"",
"Gets the duration in seconds":"",
"Gets the number of elements in the collection":"",
"Imports a JSON representation of the contents.":"",
"Ooops, there was an error loading the picture.":"",
"loading more...":"",
"loading art ...":"",
"ok, let's roll!":"",
"From now on we won't show you the code to write. Follow the instructions and tap run when you think you are done.":"",
"Try tweaking your code until you get it right. If you get stuck, tap the tutorial bar.":"",
"<h3>no more tips!<\/h3>":"",
"Specify how to arrange the content of this box":"",
"Starts a new tween animation.":"",
"Parses the string as a number":"",
"publish your script":"",
"Publishing script...":"",
"{0} script{0:s} published":"",
"4. publish":"",
"Sets the rotation speed in degrees\/sec":"",
"Sets the z-index of the sprite":"",
"Gets the acceleration along y in pixels\/sec^2":"",
"Hide sprite.":"",
"Sets the url to the picture":"",
"Displays the value to the wall":"",
"Gets a url to the picture":"",
"Create a new collection for sprites.":"",
"Converts to a boolean (type must be boolean)":"",
"Converts and parses to a date time (type must be string)":"",
"Stringify the current JSON object":"",
"Sorts from the newest to oldest":"",
"Prints the number to the wall":"",
"Sorts the strings in this collection":"",
"Displays the sprite sheet.":"",
"Gets the field value as a time":"",
"Returns a collection sorted using specified comparison key":"",
"Gets a json kind (string, number, object, array, boolean, null)":"",
"Gets a field value as a number":"",
"Converts to a number (type must be number)":"",
"Sets the wall background picture. The picture will be resized and clipped to the screen background as needed.":"",
"Gets a value by name":"",
"Gets the i-th json value":"",
"Creates an empty Picture collection":"",
"Sets the speed in pixels\/sec":"",
"Makes a lighter color by a delta between 0 and 1.":"",
"Makes a darker color by a delta between 0 and 1.":"",
"Compares numbers for less or equal":"",
"Compares numbers for more or equal":"",
"Indicates if the player is stopped":"",
"Updates text on a text sprite (if it is a text sprite)":"",
"add an action that fires for every display frame.":"",
"Returns a substring given a start index and a length":"",
"Converts a number to a string":"",
"Indicates if the string is empty":"",
"Sets the background color":"",
"In debug mode, board displays speed and other info of sprites":"",
"Returns the number of characters":"",
"Sets the angle of the sprite in degrees":"",
"Checks if two strings are the same":"",
"Gets a random item; invalid if collection is empty":"",
"Displays the request to the wall":"",
"Displays string on the wall":"",
"Computes the sum of the values":"",
"Prints the value to the wall":"",
"Computes the average of the values":"",
"Gets the item at position 'index'; invalid if index is out of bounds":"",
"Returns the sprite color.":"",
"Create a new rectangle sprite.":"",
"A argb color (alpha, red, green, blue)":"",
"Gets the names of the headers":"",
"Gets the value of a given header":"",
"Geo coordinates":"",
"Cloud session management":"",
"add optional":"",
"cannot sync - you are not signed in":"",
"try again!":"",
"Returns a string collection that contains the substrings in this string that are delimited by elements of a specified string.":"",
"Teach Creative Coding!":"",
"ok, got it!":"",
"Try finding the buttons yourself. If you get stuck, tap on the goal line.":"",
"From now on we just show you the code that you need to write, in the goal line. It looks like this:":"",
"<h3>now, do it yourself!<\/h3>":"",
"tap a checkmark to add (or remove) your 'vote' to an existing tag":"",
"add new tag":"",
"Writes a static NFC tag with url, text or any other format. `type` may be a mime type.":"",
"Scans an id tag created by TouchDevelop and returns the embeded text.":"",
"Generates a 2D barcode pointing to the text using Microsoft Tag. text must be less than 1000 character long and size must be between 0.75 and 5 inches.":"",
"Set what happens when the box is tapped.":"",
"If the page did not open, tap the 'open' button below, otherwise tap 'done'.":"",
"tap [ok] when done":"",
"Make updates visible.":"",
"Plays the current media from the start.":"",
"Private actions do not get a run button. ":"",
"remove else":"",
"Gets the uri of the media currently active":"",
"Indicates additional information about why the Printer is in its current state.":"",
"Pauses the current media if any.":"",
"Queues a job to print the text.":"",
"Gets the position in seconds whithin the active media":""

locales/ru/strings.json Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,824 @@
"my scripts":"мои скрипты",
"a function":"функция",
"tap there":"нажмите здесь",
"insert {0}":"вставить {0}",
"'Javascripty' curly braces, all the tools, for experienced devs!":"",
"Sets the position in pixels":"Устанавливает положение в пикселях",
"insert comment":"вставить комментарий",
"translating tutorial...":"перевод урока...",
"loading tutorial":"",
"reloading script":"",
"we have {0:a} here; did you want to do something with it?":"",
"privacy and cookies":"политикой конфиденциальности и условиями использования",
"terms of use":"файлов cookie",
" -- a local variable":"",
"signing in...":"",
"global vars":"глобальные переменные",
"We will adapt the editor to your coding skill level. You can change your skill level later in the hub.":"",
"run main":"",
"Edit code as text, more options, for aspiring app writers!":"",
"Drag and drop blocks, simplified interface, great for beginners!":"",
"choose your coding skill level":"",
"Your full name":"",
"website url":"",
"twitter handle":"",
"sign out":"выход",
"sign in":"",
"receive email newsletters":"",
"remove picture":"",
"Receive email notifications when other people review\/take a screenshot of\/comment on your scripts, or reply to one of your comments, or when events related to your subscriptions occur.":"",
"Your twitter handle, like @touchdevelop.":"",
"receive email notifications":"",
"real name":"",
"public profile":"",
"public nickname":"",
"private profile":"",
"Please review our Privacy Statement.":"",
"Your email address has not yet been verified. Please check your inbox.":"",
"email and push notifications":"",
"Enter your school affiliation if any.":"",
"What is your occupation?":"",
"What is your level of programming knowledge?":"",
"programming knowledge":"",
"How did you discover TouchDevelop?":"",
"how found":"",
"year of birth":"",
"about you":"",
"Where in the world are you?":"",
"Your Minecraft user.":"",
"more settings":"",
"Your GitHub user.":"",
"minecraft user":"",
"A unique display name for your public profile (at least 8 characters)":"",
"Scripts by this user:":"",
"github user":"",
"Items marked with * are required.":"",
"Enter the URL to your personal website (Example: http:\/\/":"",
"Enter some information about yourself":"",
"Don't forget to scroll down and tap 'save' when you are done editing!":"",
"Do you want to receive informational TouchDevelop-related newsletters, e.g. about new features and upcoming events?":"",
"<h3>loading current settings...<\/h3>":"",
"Art by this user:":"",
"abuse reports":"",
"go back to coding! {0}★ to go":"",
"add input parameter":"Добавить параметр ввода",
"start over":"начать заново",
"API Docs":"Документы по API",
"Upload Picture":"Загрузить изображение",
"breakpoint":"точка останова",
"toggle breakpoint":"переключить точку останова",
"plugins":"подключаемые модули",
"Create Script":"Создать скрипт",
"Create Group":"Создать группу",
"Join Group":"Присоединиться к группе",
"global variable":"глобальная переменная",
"script properties":"свойства скрипта",
"decimal dot":"десятичная точка",
"re-run":"повторный запуск",
"move cursor":"переместить курсор",
"upload picture":"загрузить картинку",
"the hub":"главный экран",
"logical negation":"логическое отрицание",
"A number (possibly negative and\/or fractional)":"",
"replicated ":"",
"publish as hidden":"",
"learn about publishing":"",
"Publish script":"",
"Minecraft user":"",
"TD155: '{0}' cannot be assigned to a local variable":"TD155: '{0}' не может быть назначен локальной переменной",
"TD130: bound of 'for' wants {1:a}":"TD130: связанный с \"для\" элемент требует указать {1}",
"TD150: cannot call the thing before '('":"TD150: не удается вызвать часть перед ' ('",
"TD151: unclosed '('":"TD151: отсутствует закрывающая ' ('",
"TD112: i cannot find property '{0}' on {1}":"TD112: не удается найти свойство \"{0}\" в {1}",
"TD116: not enough parameters supplied to {0}":"TD116: для {0} указано недостаточно параметров",
"preview":"предварительный просмотр",
"move to library":"переместить в библиотеку",
" [hidden]":" [скрытый]",
"color #{0}":"цвет №{0}",
"load more replies":"загрузить больше ответов",
"export to app":"экспортировать в приложение",
"pull changes":"перетащить изменения",
"'{0}' is obsolete and should not be used":"'{0}' устарел, использовать его не следует",
"add output parameter":"Добавить параметр вывода",
"superior, supernatural, terrific, unbelievable, unearthly, unique, unprecedented, unusual, weird, wonderful, wondrous":"сверхъестественно, сногсшибательно, уникально, удивительно, умопомрачительно, уникально, фантастически, феноменально, чудесно, эксклюзивно",
"incredible, magical, marvellous, marvelous, mind-blowing, mind-boggling, miraculous, peculiar, phenomenal, rad, rockin', special, spectacular, startling, stunning, super-cool, ":"любопытно, завораживающе, на грани фантастики, невероятно, незабываемо, необыкновенно, необычайно, необычно, отлично, ошеломляюще, поразительно, потрясающе, превосходно, пугающе, ",
"amazing, astonishing, astounding, awe-inspiring, awesome, breathtaking, classic, cool, curious, distinct, exceptional, exclusive, extraordinary, fabulous, fantastic, glorious, great, ":"абсурдно, удивительно, потрясающе, великолепно, волшебно, восхитительно, впечатляюще, головокружительно, замечательно, захватывающе, зрелищно, изумительно, исключительно, классика, колоссально, непревзойденно, ",
" sending changes":"",
"diff prev":"",
"diff curr":"",
"Types, order, and number of event parameters cannot be edited.":"",
"Events cannot have out parameters.":"",
"TD109: cannot assign to this":"TD109: невозможно присвоить такое значение",
"just keep typing the search terms!":"",
"... there's more ...":"",
"tap there for instructions":"нажмите здесь, чтобы получить инструкции",
"show how to complete this activity":"показать, как нужно завершить это действие",
"move left":"переместиться влево",
"To add page data, create a local var and tap 'promote to field'.":"Чтобы добавить страничные данные, создайте локальную переменную и нажмите \"повысить уровень до поля\".",
"TD111: cannot assign from {0} to {1}":"TD111: невозможно присвоить значение от {0} до {1}",
"{0} ({1} line{1:s})":"{0} (линий: {1})",
"replace all in script":"заменить все в скрипте",
"global replace":"глобальная замена",
"create a new parameter":"создать новый параметр",
"select more":"выбрать дополнительные элементы",
"strip '{0}'":"полоса \"{0}\"",
"pull out to block level":"перенести на уровень блоков",
", got {0:a} instead":", вместо этого получено {0}",
"an function type definition":"",
"tap to translate with Microsoft® Translator...":"нажмите, чтобы перевести Microsoft® Переводчиком...",
"Translations by Microsoft® Translator, tap to see original...":"Перевод Microsoft® Переводчика, нажмите, чтобы увидеть оригинал...",
"into local":"в локальный",
"extract to var":"извлечь в переменную",
"turn into":"преобразовать в",
"else if":"иначе если",
"a minute ago":"минуту назад",
"loading replies...":"",
"show more options":"показать дополнительные параметры",
"find references":"найти ссылки",
"need to edit elsewhere":"необходимо отредактировать в другом месте",
"an hour ago":"час назад",
" of ":" из ",
"need to delete this":"нужно удалить это",
"screenshot of {0}":"скриншот {0}",
"loading comments for \/{0}...":"загрузка комментариев для {0}...",
"my art":"мои медиа-объекты",
"insert statement":"вставить оператор",
"learn more":"подробнее",
"now you can select a property of {0}; it doesn't do anything by itself":"теперь вы можете выбрать свойство элемента {0}; сам по себе этот элемент ничего не делает",
"insights":"аналитические данные",
"tutorial progress":"Прохождение курса",
"What's new":"Новые возможности",
"Search everything":"Поиск везде",
"Search Help":"Поиск в справке",
"Getting started":"Приступая к работе",
"Export to Windows, Android, iOS, Azure":"Экспортировать в Windows, Android, iOS, Azure",
"top & new":"наиболее популярные и новые",
"a few seconds ago":"несколько секунд назад",
"number entry":"ввод чисел",
"regular keypad":"обычная дополнительная клавиатура",
"Upload Sound":"Загрузить звук",
"Insert '{0}' {1}":"Вставить '{0}' {1}",
"go to":"перейти",
"{0} second{0:s} ago":"Секунд назад: {0}",
"New Scripts":"Новые скрипты",
"TD145: there seem to be an operator (like '+', '(' or ',') missing here":"TD145: кажется, здесь не хватает оператора (например, \"+\", \"(\" или \",\")",
"we have a library '{0}' here; {1}":"здесь есть библиотека \"{0}\"; {1}",
"now you can select a property on it":"теперь вы можете выбрать свойство в этом",
"we need different keypad":"нужна другая дополнительная клавиатура",
"i'm finished with my Hour of Code™":"я подтверждаю прохождение курса Час Кода™",
"a page":"страница",
"TD154: the operator needs something after it":"TD154: после оператора нужно указать еще что-то",
"TD144: it seems you're missing '{0}', try adding it":"TD144: кажется, что вы пропустили элемент \"{0}\", попробуйте добавить его",
"{0} hour{0:s} ago":"Часов назад: {0}",
"fix it":"исправить",
"learn more about {0}":"узнайте больше о {0}",
"Your art will appear here":"Ваши медиа-объекты появятся здесь",
"{0} minute{0:s} ago":"Минут назад: {0}",
"break in debugger":"переключиться в отладчик",
"Picks a random color":"Выбирает случайный цвет",
"type: {0}":"",
"need a different string here":"",
"follow tutorial in editor":"следовать учебнику в редакторе",
"tap here when done":"",
"upload sound":"загрузить звук",
"keep editing":"Редактировать еще",
"Type to search...":"Ввести поисковой запрос...",
"let's get started!":"давайте приступим!",
"creating script":"Создание скрипта",
"online":"в сети",
"tutorial: ":"учебник: ",
"excellent; great job; awesome; cool; you rock; well done; outstanding; you got it; right on":"отлично; отличная работа; превосходно; классно; вы отлично справляетесь; молодец; выдающийся результат; у вас получилось; в точку",
"Post a comment...":"Опубликовать комментарий...",
"parsing script text":"",
"report abuse":"сообщить о нарушении",
"load more":"загрузить еще",
"TD100: insert {0:a} here":"TD100: вставить {0} сюда",
"Sets the background picture":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #00FFFFFF":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF800080":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFF00FF":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFFF00":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF00FFFF":"",
"Sets the sprite color.":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFA500":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFFFFF":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFF0000":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF0000FF":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF000000":"",
"'atomic' function":"",
"test function":"функция теста",
"private function":"",
"function name":"имя функции",
"store the value in a variable":"сохранить значение в переменной",
"this script is a web service":"",
"variable name":"имя переменной",
"library name":"имя библиотеки",
"Enter a name":"Введите имя",
"exported from this library":"экспортированно из этой библиотеки",
"search here for {0}":"искать {0} здесь",
"ex: ":"пример: ",
"to code":"в код",
"this script is a library":"этот скрипт является библиотекой",
"run with instrumentation":"запуск с инструментированием",
"revert to published version":"вернуться к опубликованной версии",
"manage data":"управление данными",
"i want it to run on":"хочу, чтобы это запускалось на",
"delete local data and permissions":"удалить локальные данные и разрешения",
"allow other users to export to app":"разрешить другим пользователям экспортировать элементы в приложение",
"about profile":"о профиле",
"about insights":"об аналитических данных",
"about coverage":"о покрытии",
"Search here...":"Искать здесь...",
"For published scripts, also look at the tab of the published script page to find anonymously collected crowd-sourced profile and coverage data.":"При использовании опубликованных скриптов также откройте вкладку страницы для таких скриптов, чтобы найти анонимно собранные данные покрытия и профиля для краудсорсинга.",
"After the script stops, browse the code to see collected information.":"После остановки скрипта просмотрите код, чтобы увидеть собранную информацию.",
"read only":"только чтение",
"offline available":"автономный режим доступен",
"cloud sessions":"облачные сеансы",
"record name:":"имя записи:",
"view as script":"посмотреть как скрипт",
", got {0}":", получено {0}",
"See More":"Больше",
"'{0}' expects {1} here":"\"{0}\" ожидает {1} здесь",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF008000":"",
"replace picture":"Заменить изображение",
"demote to var":"понизить уровень до переменной",
"change (back) to local":"изменить на локальный",
"search art":"Поиск картинок",
"let's change this":"давайте изменим это",
"backspace this":"удалить это клавишей backspace",
"current expression":"текущее выражение",
"set name":"установить имя",
"Create a new picture sprite.":"Создать новый спрайт изображения.",
"Sets the center horizontal position in pixels":"Устанавливает горизонтальное положение по центру в пикселях",
"we'll guide you step by step":"мы будем сопровождать вас на всех этапах",
"All tutorials":"",
"All my scripts":"Все мои сценарии",
"Skill level: {0} ":"",
"All my groups":"Все мои группы",
"Create your own apps":"Создание собственных приложений",
"Sets the y position in pixels":"Устанавливает положение y в пикселях",
"change contents":"изменить содержимое",
"move the cursor right":"переместить курсор вправо",
"customize the art!":"Наделите рисунки индивидуальностью!",
"Sets the width in pixels":"Устанавливает ширину в пикселях",
"{0} day{0:s} ago":"Дней назад: {0}",
"stop loop":"остановить цикл",
"stop function":"",
"skip iteration":"",
"display value":"отображаемое значение",
"repeat while":"повторять во время",
"repeat n times":"повторить n раз",
"\/\/ comment":"\/\/комментарий",
"repeat on collection":"повторять на коллекции",
"UI widget":"Мини-приложение пользовательского интерфейса",
"read more...":"подробнее...",
"Create a new text sprite.":"",
"step over":"шаг с обходом",
"step out":"шаг с выходом",
"step in":"шаг с заходом",
"Search code...":"Поиск в коде...",
"go to previous step":"перейти к предыдущему шагу",
"to continue coding":"чтобы продолжить кодирование",
"compiling script":"компиляция скрипта",
"'{0}' returns a '{1}'; {2}":"\"{0}\" возвращает \"{1}\"; {2}",
"promote to data":"",
"to global var":"до глобальной переменной",
"let's do it!":"приступим!",
"store in var":"сохранить в переменной",
"set local variable name":"установить имя локальной переменной",
"please wait...":"подождите...",
"function, variable, library, ...":"",
"add new":"",
"function types":"",
"database":"база данных",
"<b>this line is perfect!<\/b> let's move on":"<b>эта строка идеальна!<\/b> давайте двигаться дальше",
"art resource":"медиа-объект",
"Your script will appear here":"Ваш скрипт появится здесь",
"Change skill level!":"Изменить уровень мастерства!",
"move the cursor left":"переместить курсор влево",
"new variable":"новая переменная",
"a global variable":"глобальная переменная",
"{0} year{0:s} ago":"Лет назад: {0}",
"{0} month{0:s} ago":"Месяцев назад: {0}",
"creates an empty collection of objects":"создает пустую коллекцию объектов",
"Create an invalid value of this object type":"",
"import field values from a JSON object":"",
"checks if reference has not been set":"",
"tests if two references refer to the same object":"",
"sets all fields to their default values":"",
"export a JSON representation of the contents":"",
"displays the object on the wall":"отображает объект на стене",
"add line below":"добавить строку ниже",
"select that line":"выберите эту строку",
"access the {0} field":"доступ к полю {0}",
"tap there to run your app":"нажмите здесь для запуска приложения",
"new stmt below":"новый stmt ниже",
"new line":"новая строка",
"Concatenates two pieces of text":"Соединяет две части текста",
"more ":"вперед ",
"TD152: unexpected ')'":"TD152: непредвиденный знак \")\"",
"TD118: 'if' condition wants {1:a}":"TD118: для условия \"если\" нужно указать {1}",
"TD115: excessive parameter(s) supplied to {0}":"TD115: для {0} указаны лишние параметры",
"TD101: cannot find '{0}'":"TD101: не удается найти \"{0}\"",
"TD147: we didn't expect '{0}' here":"TD147: элемент \"{0}\" не ожидался здесь",
"no hearts. you can add one once you install the script!":"Сердец нет. Установите скрипт и добавьте их сами!",
"no forks, install, edit and re-publish script to create one!":"Ветвления отсутствуют: чтобы создать ветвление, установите, отредактируйте и заново опубликуйте скрипт.",
"no art published by this user":"Данный пользователь не публиковал картинки",
"get my Hour of Code™ certificate":"Получить сертификат «Час кода»™",
"next tutorials...":"Следующий курс...",
"no tags, tap to add some!":"нет тегов, нажмите, чтобы их добавить!",
"no comments, tap to write some!":"нет комментариев, нажмите, чтобы их оставить!",
"Gets the printers on the current wireless network":"Получает сведения о принтерах в текущей беспроводной сети",
"Plays the media at the 'url' internet address.":"Воспроизводит медиа-объект, находящийся по определенному URL-адресу в Интернете.",
"Browses to the device control panel":"Переходит к панели управления устройства",
"Gets the manfacturer name":"Получает имя производителя",
"Returns a date that adds the specified number of years to the value of this instance.":"Возвращает дату, которая прибавляет указанное количество лет к значению этого экземпляра.",
"Converts to the local time":"Преобразует время в местное",
"Choose a media player on the current wireless network":"Выберите мультимедиапроигрыватель в текущей беспроводной сети",
"Gets the media players on the current wireless network":"Получает сведения о мультимедиапроигрывателях в текущей беспроводной сети",
"Indicates if no jobs can be processed and intervention is needed.":"Указывает на то, что задания не могут быть обработаны и требуется вмешательство.",
"Choose a media server on the current wireless network":"Выберите мультимедийный сервер в текущей беспроводной сети",
"Gets the media servers on the home network":"Получает сведения о мультимедийных серверах в домашней сети",
"Gets the current motion that combines data from the accelerometer, compass and gyroscope if available.":"Получает текущее движение, которое сочетает данные, полученные с помощью акселерометра, компаса и гироскопа (при наличии).",
"Gets a value whether the song is DRM protected":"Получает значение, которое указывает на то, защищена ли песня с помощью DRM",
"Gets the width of the camera image in pixels.":"Получает ширину изображения с камеры в пикселях.",
"Indicates if new jobs can start processing immediately without waiting.":"Указывает, могут ли новые задания начать обрабатываться сразу без ожидания.",
"Returns a date that adds the specified number of months to the value of this instance.":"Возвращает дату, которая прибавляет указанное количество месяцев к значению этого экземпляра.",
"Indicates if jobs are processing; new jobs will wait before processing, i.e., are said to be pending.":"Указывает, обрабатываются ли задания; новые задания будут ждать обработки, т. е. такие задания называются ожидающими.",
"Indicates the media can be played, paused, resumed":"Указывает, что для медиа-объектов можно использовать функцию воспроизведения, приостановки и возобновления воспроизведения",
"Sets the sound volume level from 0 (silent) to 1 (current volume)":"Устанавливает громкость звука, значения — от 0 (без звука) до 1 (текущая громкость)",
"Indicates if volume can be changed":"Указывает, можно ли изменить громкость",
"Gets the sound volume for sounds from 0 (silent) to 1 (current volume)":"Получает громкость звука, значения — от 0 (без звука) до 1 (текущая громкость)",
"Reads the response body as a wave sound":"Читает текст ответа со звуком WAVE",
"Gets the height of the camera image in pixels.":"Получает высоту изображения с камеры в пикселях.",
"This script uses the following capabilities: ":"В этом скрипте используются следующие возможности: ",
"Sets the 3x3 affine matrix transformation applied to the wall.":"Задает аффинное преобразование с матричным представлением 3x3, которое применяется к стене.",
"Searches the Windows Phone Store (type in applications or music)":"Осуществляет поиск в Магазине Windows Phone (введите название приложений или музыкальных композиций)",
"Display the printer to the wall":"Отображение сведений о принтере на стене",
"Gets the name of the printer":"Получает имя принтера",
"Gets the detailled information about this device":"Получает подробные сведения об этом устройстве",
"Applies `converter` on all elements of the input collection and returns a collection of results":"Применяет преобразователь ко всем элементам входной коллекции и возвращает коллекцию результатов",
"Draws a line between two points":"Рисует линию между двумя точками.",
"Writes another picture at a given location. The opacity ranges from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).":"Записывает еще одно изображение в определенном расположении. Для прозрачности устанавливаются значения от 0 (прозрачное изображение) до 1 (непрозрачное изображение).",
"Fills a ellipse with a given color":"Заполняет эллипс определенным цветом",
"Returns a copy of the image":"Возвращает копию изображения",
"Draws some text border with a given color and font size":"Рисует рамку с определенным цветом и размером шрифта",
"Fills a rectangle with a given color":"Заполняет прямоугольник определенным цветом",
"Resizes the picture to the given size in pixels":"Изменяет размер изображения на определенный размер в пикселях",
"Displays the image to the wall; you need to call 'update on wall' later if you want changes to be reflected.":"Отображает изображение на стене; необходимо вызвать позже команду \"обновить на стене\", если вы хотите увидеть изменения.",
"you did it!":"вам удалось это!",
"upload screenshot":"загрузить снимок экрана",
"Publishing is subject to our ":"Публикация регулируется нашими ",
". Please read our information about ":". Прочитать сведения о ",
"maybe later":"возможно, позже",
"Embeded text or downloaded from the web":"Встроенный текст или текст, скачанный из Интернета",
"Code that performs a specific task":"Код, который выполняет определенную задачу",
"Code raised when a user interaction happens":"Код, который порождается при взаимодействии с пользователем",
"An indexed table of user-defined rows":"Индексированная таблица заданных пользователем строк",
"A user interface":"Пользовательский интерфейс",
"A table of user-defined rows":"Таблица заданных пользователем строк",
"A reference to a library script":"Ссылка на скрипт библиотеки",
"A number constant":"Константа числа",
"A global variable":"Глобальная переменная",
"A color constant":"Константа цвета",
"Current device":"Текущее устройство",
"tap to change the color":"нажмите, чтобы изменить цвет",
"Show errors in the editor if the script uses any APIs that prevent it from running on these platforms.":"В редакторе будут отображаться ошибки, если в скрипте используются API, которые не дают ему выполняться на этих платформах.",
"Detaches the handler from the event.":"Отключает обработчик от события.",
"set the handler that is invoked when the board is tapped":"установите обработчик, который вызывается при касании доски",
"Returns true if the current instance is useless":"Возвращает значение \"истина\", если текущий экземпляр является бесполезным",
"Gets the width in pixels":"Получает ширину в пикселях",
"Gets the height in pixels":"Получает высоту в пикселях",
"Script Updates":"Обновления скриптов",
"rewind ":"назад ",
"A picture":"Изображение",
"search art pictures":"поиск в изображениях из числа медиа-объектов",
"no picture loaded yet":"изображение еще не загружено",
"Updates picture on a picture sprite (if it is a picture sprite)":"Обновляет изображение на его спрайте (если это спрайт изображения)",
"Add an action that fires for every display frame":"Добавьте действие, которое вызывается для каждого кадра отображаемого изображения",
"Gets the center horizontal position of in pixels":"Получает горизонтальное положение по центру в пикселях",
"Sets the y acceleration in pixels\/sec^2":"Устанавливает ускорение y в пикселях\/с^2",
"Sets the height in pixels":"Устанавливает высоту в пикселях",
"Sets the y speed in pixels\/sec":"Устанавливает скорость y в пикселях\/с",
"we need to edit another thing":"нам необходимо отредактировать еще кое-что",
"Do the sprites overlap":"Сделайте наложение спрайтов",
"Gets the y position in pixels":"Получает положение y в пикселях",
"Sets the x speed in pixels\/sec":"Устанавливает скорость x в пикселях\/с",
"New or built-in colors":"Новые или встроенные цвета",
"Compares numbers for equality":"Сравнивает числа (равенство)",
"Compares numbers for less":"Сравнивает числа (определяет меньшее из них)",
"Compares numbers for more":"Сравнивает числа (определяет большее из них)",
"Multiplies numbers":"Умножает числа",
"Subtracts numbers":"Вычитает числа",
"Adds numbers":"Складывает числа",
"Interact with devices in the home network. Devices must be UPnP™ compatible.":"",
"Phone numbers, vibrate, etc...":"",
"Create invalid values":"",
"Search and browse the web...":"",
"Camera, location, microphone and other sensors":"",
"Pictures and music...":"Картинки и музыка...",
"ADJ script":"ADJ сценарий",
"Please wait...":"",
"Interact with the app runtime":"Взаимодействовать с исполняющей средой приложенеия",
"Ask or display values on the wall...":"Прочтите или отобразите значения на стене...",
"Emails, sms, contacts, calendar, ...":"",
"2D barcodes, QR codes and NFC tags":"",
"Support for interactive tutorials.":"",
"Translation, speech to text, ...":"",
"Access to the radio":"",
"tiles and notifications for Windows and Windows Phone":"",
"Maps, location to address, address to location":"",
"Current box element in the page.":"",
"A place to hook up an action to execute in response to an event":"Место для подключения действие для выполнения в ответ на событие",
"Divides numbers":"Делит числа",
"Correctness helpers":"",
"Play, stop or resume songs, ...":"",
"time and dates":"время и даты",
"Create collections of items.":"Создание коллекций элементов.",
"replace all in function":"",
"in this function":"в этой функции",
"Gets a list of all songs":"Получает список всех песен",
"Gets a list of all pictures":"Получает список всех изображений",
"Gets the name of the audio\/video player":"",
"Gets a list of all videos":"Получает список всех видео",
"Searches for pictures in a particular date range.":"Поиск изображений в диапазоне дат.",
"Searches for songs":"Поиск песни",
"Checks if the device is connected":"",
"Searches for videos":"Поиск видео",
"Chooses a song":"Выбирает песню",
"Chooses a picture":"Выбирает изображение",
"Chooses a video or a movie":"",
"Moves the player to the next media in the queue.":"",
"Choose a printer on the current wireless network":"Выберите принтер в текущей беспроводной сети",
"of an object":"объекта",
"given ♥":"",
"promote to field":"",
"go to list of things in your script":"перейти к списку вещей в вашем скрипте",
"Computes the maximum of the values":"",
"Computes the minimum of the values":"",
"Returns a random integral number between `min` and `max` included.":"",
"Converts the value into a json data structure.":"",
"Arithmetic and bitwise operations on 32 bit integers":"",
"OneDrive, OneNote operations":"",
"Gets the number of elements":"",
"Run the inline action.":"Запуск встроенных действий.",
"Gets the number of playlists":"Получает количество плейлистов",
"you can also search":"вы также можете искать",
"A unit test":"Модульный тест",
"add {0}":"добавить {0}",
"blank esplora":"пустой esplora",
"An empty Arduino Esplora script.":"Пустой сценарий Arduino Esplora.",
"blank arduino":"пустой arduino",
"An empty Arduino sketch.":"Пустой эскиз Arduino.",
"add line above":"добавить строку выше",
"clipboard":"буфер обмена",
"pick a script template...":"выберите шаблон скрипта...",
"type: ":"тип: ",
"TD121: cannot find type {0}":"TD121: не удается найти тип {0}",
"An empty script, which doesn't do anything.":"Пустой сценарий, который ничего не делает.",
"image proxying":"проксирование изображения",
"{0} down":"{0} вниз",
"{0} up":"{0} вверх",
"Displays the playlist to the wall":"Отображает плейлист на стене",
"Plays the songs in the playlist":"Проигрывает песни в плейлисте",
"enter a number":"введите число",
"undo fix":"отменить исправление",
"web apps":"веб-приложения",
"run tests":"запустить тесты",
"JSON data":"Данные JSON",
"add comment for this field":"добавить комментарий для этого поля",
"add comment":"добавить комментарий",
"we need a new {0}":"нам нужна новая {0}",
"new property":"новое свойство",
"A web app using Azure Services, Node.js and Restify.":"Веб-приложение с использованием служб Azure, Node.js и Restify.",
"A web app using Node.js and Restify.":"Веб-приложение с использованием Node.js и Restify.",
"see more options":"посмотреть другие варианты",
"parameter name":"имя параметра",
"tap (←) when done":"нажмите (←), когда закончите",
"tap to change the splash screen picture":"нажмите, чтобы изменить изображение экрана заставки",
"color: {0}":"цвет: {0}",
"import column values from a JSON object":"импорт значений столбца из объекта JSON",
"blank engduino":"пустой engduino",
"Counts the number of rows":"Подсчитывает количество строк",
"Enter a script name...":"Введите имя сценария...",
"Tutorial completed":"Урок завершён",
"This tab contains additional information about this script":"Эта вкладка содержит дополнительные сведения об этом сценарии",
"creates an empty collection of entries":"создает пустую коллекцию записей",
"Creates an invalid reference to an entry":"Создает недопустимую ссылку на запись",
"blank office mix":"пустой Office Mix",
"An empty Office Mix app.":"Пустое приложение Office Mix.",
"blank tutorial":"пустой урок",
"An empty interactive tutorial.":"Пустой интерактивный урок.",
"Pictures, sounds, etc. in the current script":"Картинки, звуки и т.д. в текущем сценарии",
"Objects, tables and indexes in the current script":"Объекты, таблицы и индексы в текущем сценарии",
"Libraries referenced by the current script":"Библиотеки, на которые ссылается текущий сценарий",
"Functions in the current script":"Функции в текущем сценарии",
"blank app":"пустое приложение",
"surround with":"окружить",
"delete selection":"удалить выделенное",
"cut selection":"вырезать выделенное",
"copy selection":"скопировать выделенное",
"search templates":"поиск шаблона",
"your best score: {0}":"ваш лучший результат: {0}",
"blank game":"пустая игра",
"the current function":"текущая функция",
"Cordova mobile app":"Мобильное приложение Cordova",
"pin to start":"закрепить в меню \"Пуск\"",
"or tap to get help":"или нажмите, чтобы получить помощь",
"Boiler plate code to create a game.":"Шаблонный код для создания игры.",
"blank pixel art":"пустой пиксель арт",
"An empty app using the scratch library.":"Пустое приложение с использованием вспомогательной библиотеки.",
"An turtle app.":"Приложение черепаха.",
"an event handler":"обработчик событий",
"make call async":"сделать вызов асинхронного",
"extract to parameter":"извлечение параметров",
"comment out":"комментарий",
"Sets the current value":"Устанавливает текущее значение",
"Gets the status of the player":"Получает статус игрока",
"Searches for videos in a particular date range.":"Поиск видео в определенном промежутке времени.",
"Moves the player to the previous media in the queue.":"Перемещает игрока в предыдущих средств массовой информации в очереди.",
"Sets the friendly name of the device":"Задает понятное имя устройства",
"Creates an invalid Media Player Collection instance":"Создается недопустимый экземпляр коллекции медиа плеер",
"Creates an invalid Device Collection instance":"Создается недопустимый экземпляр коллекции устройства",
"Creates an invalid Printer Collection instance":"Создается недопустимый экземпляр коллекции принтера",
"Creates an invalid Media Server instance":"Создается недопустимый экземпляр сервера мультимедиа",
"Plays a media from the home network.":"Воспроизводит мультимедиа по домашней сети.",
"Gets the friendly name of the device":"Получает понятное имя устройства",
"Creates an invalid Device instance":"Создается недопустимый экземпляр устройства",
"Creates an invalid Printer instance":"Создается недопустимый экземпляр принтера",
"Creates an invalid Media Link instance":"Создается недопустимый экземпляр Media Link",
"Exports a JSON representation of the contents.":"",
"Browse and review scripts from the bazaar":"",
"Gets the foreground color in the current theme":"",
"Gets the normalized red value (0.0-1.0)":"",
"Checks if the color is equal to the other":"",
"Gets the chrome color in the current theme (control background)":"",
"Gets the accent color in the current theme":"",
"Gets the location":"",
"Gets the name of the album":"",
"Gets the link associated to the message":"",
"Sorts the places by distance to the location":"",
"Gets the songs":"",
"Indicates if the key exists":"",
"Gets a field value as a boolean":"",
"Gets the name of the song":"",
"Displays the link on the wall":"",
"Gets the genre of the song":"",
"Plays the song.":"",
"Gets the name of the artist":"",
"Gets a value indicating if the background repeats horizontally":"",
"Gets the number of values":"",
"Sets a value indicating if the background repeats horizontally":"",
"Gets the list of keys":"",
"Gets the text":"",
"Gets a field value as a string":"",
"Creates a new color by changing the alpha channel from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).":"",
"Picks a color from a color wheel where the hue is between 0 and 1.":"",
"Indicates if the player is paused":"",
"Gets the duration in seconds":"",
"Gets the number of elements in the collection":"",
"Imports a JSON representation of the contents.":"",
"Ooops, there was an error loading the picture.":"",
"loading more...":"",
"loading art ...":"",
"ok, let's roll!":"",
"From now on we won't show you the code to write. Follow the instructions and tap run when you think you are done.":"",
"Try tweaking your code until you get it right. If you get stuck, tap the tutorial bar.":"",
"<h3>no more tips!<\/h3>":"",
"Specify how to arrange the content of this box":"",
"Starts a new tween animation.":"",
"Parses the string as a number":"",
"publish your script":"",
"Publishing script...":"",
"{0} script{0:s} published":"",
"4. publish":"",
"Sets the rotation speed in degrees\/sec":"",
"Sets the z-index of the sprite":"",
"Gets the acceleration along y in pixels\/sec^2":"",
"Hide sprite.":"",
"Sets the url to the picture":"",
"Displays the value to the wall":"",
"Gets a url to the picture":"",
"Create a new collection for sprites.":"",
"Converts to a boolean (type must be boolean)":"",
"Converts and parses to a date time (type must be string)":"",
"Stringify the current JSON object":"",
"Sorts from the newest to oldest":"",
"Prints the number to the wall":"",
"Sorts the strings in this collection":"",
"Displays the sprite sheet.":"",
"Gets the field value as a time":"",
"Returns a collection sorted using specified comparison key":"",
"Gets a json kind (string, number, object, array, boolean, null)":"",
"Gets a field value as a number":"",
"Converts to a number (type must be number)":"",
"Sets the wall background picture. The picture will be resized and clipped to the screen background as needed.":"",
"Gets a value by name":"",
"Gets the i-th json value":"",
"Creates an empty Picture collection":"",
"Sets the speed in pixels\/sec":"",
"Makes a lighter color by a delta between 0 and 1.":"",
"Makes a darker color by a delta between 0 and 1.":"",
"Compares numbers for less or equal":"",
"Compares numbers for more or equal":"",
"Indicates if the player is stopped":"",
"Updates text on a text sprite (if it is a text sprite)":"",
"add an action that fires for every display frame.":"",
"Returns a substring given a start index and a length":"",
"Converts a number to a string":"",
"Indicates if the string is empty":"",
"Sets the background color":"",
"In debug mode, board displays speed and other info of sprites":"",
"Returns the number of characters":"",
"Sets the angle of the sprite in degrees":"",
"Checks if two strings are the same":"",
"Gets a random item; invalid if collection is empty":"",
"Displays the request to the wall":"",
"Displays string on the wall":"",
"Computes the sum of the values":"",
"Prints the value to the wall":"",
"Computes the average of the values":"",
"Gets the item at position 'index'; invalid if index is out of bounds":"",
"Returns the sprite color.":"",
"Create a new rectangle sprite.":"",
"A argb color (alpha, red, green, blue)":"",
"Gets the names of the headers":"",
"Gets the value of a given header":"",
"Geo coordinates":"",
"Cloud session management":"",
"add optional":"",
"cannot sync - you are not signed in":"",
"try again!":"",
"Returns a string collection that contains the substrings in this string that are delimited by elements of a specified string.":"",
"Teach Creative Coding!":"",
"ok, got it!":"",
"Try finding the buttons yourself. If you get stuck, tap on the goal line.":"",
"From now on we just show you the code that you need to write, in the goal line. It looks like this:":"",
"<h3>now, do it yourself!<\/h3>":"",
"tap a checkmark to add (or remove) your 'vote' to an existing tag":"",
"add new tag":"",
"Writes a static NFC tag with url, text or any other format. `type` may be a mime type.":"",
"Scans an id tag created by TouchDevelop and returns the embeded text.":"",
"Generates a 2D barcode pointing to the text using Microsoft Tag. text must be less than 1000 character long and size must be between 0.75 and 5 inches.":"",
"Set what happens when the box is tapped.":"",
"If the page did not open, tap the 'open' button below, otherwise tap 'done'.":"",
"tap [ok] when done":"",
"Make updates visible.":"",
"Plays the current media from the start.":"",
"Private actions do not get a run button. ":"",
"remove else":"",
"Gets the uri of the media currently active":"",
"Indicates additional information about why the Printer is in its current state.":"",
"Pauses the current media if any.":"",
"Queues a job to print the text.":"",
"Gets the position in seconds whithin the active media":""

locales/tr/strings.json Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,824 @@
"my scripts":"komut dosyalarım",
"more":"daha fazla",
"a function":"bir işlev",
"tap there":"buraya dokunun",
"insert {0}":"{0} ekle",
"script":"komut dosyası",
"'Javascripty' curly braces, all the tools, for experienced devs!":"",
"Sets the position in pixels":"Pikseldeki konumu belirler",
"insert comment":"yorum ekle",
"translating tutorial...":"",
"loading tutorial":"",
"reloading script":"",
"we have {0:a} here; did you want to do something with it?":"",
"privacy and cookies":"tabidir",
"terms of use":"hakkındaki bilgilerimizi okuyun",
" -- a local variable":"",
"signing in...":"",
"global vars":"",
"We will adapt the editor to your coding skill level. You can change your skill level later in the hub.":"",
"run main":"",
"Edit code as text, more options, for aspiring app writers!":"",
"Drag and drop blocks, simplified interface, great for beginners!":"",
"choose your coding skill level":"",
"Your full name":"",
"website url":"",
"twitter handle":"",
"sign out":"",
"sign in":"",
"receive email newsletters":"",
"remove picture":"",
"Receive email notifications when other people review\/take a screenshot of\/comment on your scripts, or reply to one of your comments, or when events related to your subscriptions occur.":"",
"Your twitter handle, like @touchdevelop.":"",
"receive email notifications":"",
"real name":"",
"public profile":"",
"public nickname":"",
"private profile":"",
"Please review our Privacy Statement.":"",
"Your email address has not yet been verified. Please check your inbox.":"",
"email and push notifications":"",
"Enter your school affiliation if any.":"",
"What is your occupation?":"",
"What is your level of programming knowledge?":"",
"programming knowledge":"",
"How did you discover TouchDevelop?":"",
"how found":"",
"year of birth":"",
"about you":"",
"Where in the world are you?":"",
"Your Minecraft user.":"",
"more settings":"",
"Your GitHub user.":"",
"minecraft user":"",
"A unique display name for your public profile (at least 8 characters)":"",
"Scripts by this user:":"",
"github user":"",
"Items marked with * are required.":"",
"Enter the URL to your personal website (Example: http:\/\/":"",
"Enter some information about yourself":"",
"Don't forget to scroll down and tap 'save' when you are done editing!":"",
"Do you want to receive informational TouchDevelop-related newsletters, e.g. about new features and upcoming events?":"",
"<h3>loading current settings...<\/h3>":"",
"Art by this user:":"",
"abuse reports":"",
"go back to coding! {0}★ to go":"kodlama için geri dönün! Gitmek için {0} ★",
"add input parameter":"giriş parametresi ekle",
"start over":"baştan başla",
"API Docs":"API Belgeleri",
"Upload Picture":"Resim Yükle",
"breakpoint":"kesme noktası",
"toggle breakpoint":"kesim noktasını değiştir",
"Create Script":"Komut Dosyası Oluştur",
"Create Group":"Grup Oluştur",
"Join Group":"Gruba Katıl",
"global variable":"genel değişken",
"rename":"yeniden adlandır",
"script properties":"komut dosyası özellikleri",
"decimal dot":"ondalık nokta",
"undo":"geri al",
"re-run":"yeniden çalıştır",
"move cursor":"imleci taşı",
"upload picture":"",
"the hub":"merkez",
"logical negation":"mantıksal olumsuzlama",
"A number (possibly negative and\/or fractional)":"",
"replicated ":"",
"publish as hidden":"",
"learn about publishing":"",
"Publish script":"",
"Minecraft user":"",
"TD155: '{0}' cannot be assigned to a local variable":"",
"TD130: bound of 'for' wants {1:a}":"TD130: isteklere 'bağlı' {1}",
"TD150: cannot call the thing before '('":"",
"TD151: unclosed '('":"TD151: kapatılmamış ' ('",
"TD112: i cannot find property '{0}' on {1}":"TD112: '{0}' özelliğini {1} öğesinde bulamadım",
"TD116: not enough parameters supplied to {0}":"TD116: {0} öğesine sağlanan yeterli parametre yok",
"move to library":"kitaplığa taşı",
" [hidden]":"",
"color #{0}":"renk #{0}",
"load more replies":"",
"export to app":"uygulamaya aktar",
"pull changes":"değişiklikleri çek",
"'{0}' is obsolete and should not be used":"'{0}' kullanımdan kalkmıştır ve kullanılmamalıdır",
"add output parameter":ıkış parametresi ekle",
"superior, supernatural, terrific, unbelievable, unearthly, unique, unprecedented, unusual, weird, wonderful, wondrous":"üstün, doğaüstü, korkunç, inanılmaz, esrarengiz, benzersiz, eşi görülmemiş, tuhaf, garip, mükemmel, şahane",
"incredible, magical, marvellous, marvelous, mind-blowing, mind-boggling, miraculous, peculiar, phenomenal, rad, rockin', special, spectacular, startling, stunning, super-cool, ":"akıl almaz, sihirli, nefis, harikulade, akıllara durgunluk veren, parmak ısırtan, mucizevi, acayip, fevkalade, radikal, göz kamaştırıcı, ayrıcalıklı, dikkat çekici, çok şaşırtıcı, çarpıcı, enfes, ",
"amazing, astonishing, astounding, awe-inspiring, awesome, breathtaking, classic, cool, curious, distinct, exceptional, exclusive, extraordinary, fabulous, fantastic, glorious, great, ":"inanılmaz, şaşırtıcı, hayret verici, büyüleyici, müthiş, nefes kesici, klasik, havalı, ilginç, farklı, özel, seçkin, sıra dışı, mükemmel, etkileyici, olağanüstü, harika, ",
" sending changes":"",
"diff prev":"",
"diff curr":"",
"Types, order, and number of event parameters cannot be edited.":"",
"Events cannot have out parameters.":"",
"TD109: cannot assign to this":"TD109: buna atanamıyor",
"just keep typing the search terms!":"",
"... there's more ...":"",
"tap there for instructions":"yönergeler için buraya dokunun",
"show how to complete this activity":"bu aktivitenin nasıl tamamlandığını göster",
"move left":"sola taşı",
"To add page data, create a local var and tap 'promote to field'.":"Sayfa verileri eklemek için, yerel bir değişken oluşturun ve 'alana yükselt' seçeneğine dokunun.",
"TD111: cannot assign from {0} to {1}":"TD111: {0} kaynağından {1} hedefine atanamıyor",
"{0} ({1} line{1:s})":"{0} ({1} çizgi{1:s})",
"replace all in script":"komut dosyasında tümünü değiştir",
"global replace":"genel değiştirme",
"create a new parameter":"yeni bir parametre oluştur",
"select more":"daha fazla seç",
"strip '{0}'":"'{0}' şeridi",
"pull out to block level":"seviyeyi engellemek için çek",
", got {0:a} instead":", bunun yerine {0} var",
"an function type definition":"",
"tap to translate with Microsoft® Translator...":"microsoft ® çevirmen ile çevirmek için dokunun...",
"Translations by Microsoft® Translator, tap to see original...":"Microsoft ® çevirmen tarafından çeviriler dokunun orijinal görmek için...",
"into local":"yerele",
"extract to var":"değişkene çıkar",
"turn into":"dönüştür",
"else if":"veya",
"a minute ago":"bir dakika önce",
"loading replies...":"",
"show more options":"",
"find references":"referans bul",
"need to edit elsewhere":"başka bir yerde düzenlemek gerekiyor",
"an hour ago":"bir saat önce",
" of ":"",
"need to delete this":"bunun silinmesi gerekiyor",
"screenshot of {0}":"",
"loading comments for \/{0}...":"",
"my art":"görsellerim",
"insert statement":"ifade ekle",
"learn more":"daha fazla bilgi edinin",
"now you can select a property of {0}; it doesn't do anything by itself":"şimdi {0} öğesinin bir özelliğini seçebilirsiniz; kendisi tek başına bir şey yapmaz",
"tutorial progress":"öğretici ilerleme durumu",
"What's new":"Yenilikler",
"Search everything":"Her şeyi ara",
"Search Help":"Yardım Ara",
"Getting started":"Başlarken",
"Export to Windows, Android, iOS, Azure":"Windows'a, Android'e, iOS'a, Azure'ye aktar",
"top & new":"popüler ve yeni",
"a few seconds ago":"birkaç saniye önce",
"screenshot":"ekran görüntüleri",
"number entry":"sayı girişi",
"regular keypad":"normal tuş takımı",
"Upload Sound":"Ses Yükle",
"Insert '{0}' {1}":"",
"go to":"git",
"{0} second{0:s} ago":"{0} saniye{0:s} önce",
"New Scripts":"Yeni Komut Dosyaları",
"TD145: there seem to be an operator (like '+', '(' or ',') missing here":"TD145: görünüşe göre burada bir işleç ('+', '(' veya ',' gibi) eksik",
"we have a library '{0}' here; {1}":"burada bir kütüphanemiz '{0}' var; {1}",
"now you can select a property on it":"şimdi bir özelliğini seçebilirsiniz",
"we need different keypad":"farklı bir tuş takımına ihtiyacımız var",
"i'm finished with my Hour of Code™":"Kodlama Saati™ ile işim bitti",
"a page":"bir sayfa",
"TD154: the operator needs something after it":"TD154: ardından işlece bir şey gerekir",
"TD144: it seems you're missing '{0}', try adding it":"TD144: görünüşe göre '{0}' öğesini atladınız, eklemeyi deneyin",
"{0} hour{0:s} ago":"{0} saat{0:s} önce",
"fix it":"düzelt",
"learn more about {0}":"",
"Your art will appear here":"Görseliniz burada görüntülenecek",
"{0} minute{0:s} ago":"{0} dakika{0:s} önce",
"break in debugger":"hata ayıklamayı ara ver",
"Picks a random color":"",
"type: {0}":"",
"need a different string here":"",
"follow tutorial in editor":"düzenleyicide öğreticiyi takip edin",
"tap here when done":"",
"upload sound":"",
"keep editing":"düzenlemeye devam et",
"Type to search...":"Aramak için yazın...",
"let's get started!":"haydi başlayalım!",
"creating script":"betik oluşturma",
"tutorial: ":"öğreticiler: ",
"excellent; great job; awesome; cool; you rock; well done; outstanding; you got it; right on":"mükemmel; harika iş; müthiş; havalı; süpersin; aferin; olağanüstü; başardın; tam isabet",
"Post a comment...":"",
"parsing script text":"",
"report abuse":"uygunsuz kullanımı bildir",
"load more":"daha fazla yükle",
"debug":"hata ayıkla",
"TD100: insert {0:a} here":"TD100: buraya {0} ekle",
"Sets the background picture":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #00FFFFFF":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF800080":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFF00FF":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFFF00":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF00FFFF":"",
"Sets the sprite color.":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFA500":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFFFFF":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFF0000":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF0000FF":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF000000":"",
"'atomic' function":"",
"test function":"",
"private function":"",
"function name":"",
"store the value in a variable":"değeri bir değişkende depola",
"this script is a web service":"",
"variable name":"",
"library name":"",
"Enter a name":"",
"exported from this library":"",
"search here for {0}":"{0} öğesini burada ara",
"ex: ":"örn: ",
"to code":"koduna",
"this script is a library":"bu komut dosyası bir kütüphanedir",
"run with instrumentation":"araç ile çalıştır",
"revert to published version":"yayınlanmış sürüme geri dön",
"manage data":"verileri yönet",
"i want it to run on":"çalıştırmak istiyorum",
"delete local data and permissions":"yerel verileri ve izinleri sil",
"allow other users to export to app":"diğer kullanıcıların uygulamaya aktarmalarına izin ver",
"about profile":"profil hakkında",
"about insights":"öngörüler hakkında",
"about coverage":"kapsam hakkında",
"Search here...":"Burada ara...",
"For published scripts, also look at the tab of the published script page to find anonymously collected crowd-sourced profile and coverage data.":"Yayınlanan komut dosyaları için, anonim olarak toplanan kitle kaynaklı profil ve kapsam verilerini bulmak için yayınlanan komut dosyası sayfasının sekmesine de bakın.",
"After the script stops, browse the code to see collected information.":"Komut dosyası durduktan sonra, toplanan bilgileri görmek için koda göz atın.",
"read only":"salt okunur",
"offline available":"çevrimdışı kullanılabilir",
"cloud sessions":"bulut oturumları",
"record name:":"kayıt adı:",
"view as script":"komut dosyası olarak görüntüle",
", got {0}":", {0} var",
"See More":"Daha Fazla Bilgi Edinin",
"'{0}' expects {1} here":"'{0}' burada {1} bekleniyor",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF008000":"",
"replace picture":"resmi değiştir",
"demote to var":"değişkene indirge",
"change (back) to local":"yerele (geri) değiştir",
"search art":"görselleri ara",
"let's change this":"",
"backspace this":"bunu sil",
"current expression":"varsayılan ifade",
"set name":"ad belirle",
"Create a new picture sprite.":"Yeni bir hareketli resim oluştur.",
"Sets the center horizontal position in pixels":"Pikseldeki merkez yatay pozisyonunu belirler",
"we'll guide you step by step":"size adım adım rehberlik edeceğiz",
"All tutorials":"",
"All my scripts":"",
"Skill level: {0} ":"",
"All my groups":"",
"Create your own apps":"Kendi uygulamalarınızı oluşturun",
"Sets the y position in pixels":"Pikseldeki y konumunu belirler",
"change contents":"",
"move the cursor right":"imleci sağa taşı",
"customize the art!":"görselleri özelleştirin!",
"Sets the width in pixels":"Pikseldeki genişliği belirler",
"{0} day{0:s} ago":"{0} gün{0:s} önce",
"stop loop":"",
"stop function":"",
"skip iteration":"",
"display value":"",
"repeat while":"",
"repeat n times":"",
"\/\/ comment":"\/\/ yorum",
"repeat on collection":"koleksiyon üzerinde tekrarla",
"UI widget":"UI widget",
"read more...":"",
"Create a new text sprite.":"",
"step over":"adımlama",
"step out":"dışarı çık",
"step in":"içeri gir",
"Search code...":"Kod ara...",
"go to previous step":"",
"to continue coding":"",
"compiling script":"komut dosyası derleniyor",
"'{0}' returns a '{1}'; {2}":"'{0}' bir '{1}'; {2}ye dönüşür",
"promote to data":"",
"to global var":"genel değişkene",
"let's do it!":"haydi yapalım!",
"store in var":"değişkene depola",
"set local variable name":"yerel değişken adını ayarla",
"please wait...":"lütfen bekleyin...",
"function, variable, library, ...":"",
"add new":"",
"function types":"",
"<b>this line is perfect!<\/b> let's move on":"<b>bu satır mükemmel!<\/b> devam edelim",
"art resource":"görsel kaynağı",
"Your script will appear here":"Komut dosyanız burada görüntülenecek",
"Change skill level!":"",
"move the cursor left":"imleci sola taşı",
"new variable":"yeni değişken",
"a global variable":"genel bir değişken",
"{0} year{0:s} ago":"{0} yıl{0:s} önce",
"{0} month{0:s} ago":"{0} ay{0:s} önce",
"creates an empty collection of objects":"",
"Create an invalid value of this object type":"",
"import field values from a JSON object":"",
"checks if reference has not been set":"",
"tests if two references refer to the same object":"",
"sets all fields to their default values":"",
"export a JSON representation of the contents":"",
"displays the object on the wall":"",
"add line below":"aşağıya satır ekle",
"select that line":"bu satırı seçin",
"access the {0} field":"",
"tap there to run your app":"uygulamanızı çalıştırmak için buraya dokunun",
"new stmt below":"aşağıda yeni stmt",
"new line":"yeni satır",
"Concatenates two pieces of text":"Metnin iki parçasını birleştirir",
"more ":"daha fazla ",
"TD152: unexpected ')'":"TD152: beklenmeyen ')'",
"TD118: 'if' condition wants {1:a}":"TD118: 'eğer' koşulu {1} istiyor",
"TD115: excessive parameter(s) supplied to {0}":"TD115: {0} öğesine sağlanan aşırı parametre(ler)",
"TD101: cannot find '{0}'":"TD101: '{0}' bulunamadı",
"TD147: we didn't expect '{0}' here":"TD147: '{0}' öğesini burada beklemiyorduk",
"no hearts. you can add one once you install the script!":"kalp yok. betiği yükledikten sonra bir adet ekleyebilirsiniz!",
"no forks, install, edit and re-publish script to create one!":"çatal yok; oluşturmak için betiği yükleyin, düzenleyin ve yeniden yayımlayın!",
"no art published by this user":"bu kullanıcı tarafından yayımlanan görsel yok",
"get my Hour of Code™ certificate":"Kodlama Saati™ sertifikamı al",
"next tutorials...":"sonraki öğreticiler...",
"no tags, tap to add some!":"yorum yok, eklemek için dokunun!",
"no comments, tap to write some!":"yorum yok, yazmak için dokunun!",
"Gets the printers on the current wireless network":"Geçerli kablosuz ağdaki yazıcıları alır",
"Plays the media at the 'url' internet address.":"'url' internet adresinde medya oynatır.",
"Browses to the device control panel":"Cihaz kontrol paneline göz atar",
"Gets the manfacturer name":"Üretici adını alır",
"Returns a date that adds the specified number of years to the value of this instance.":"Bu örneğin değerine göre belirtilen yılların sayısını ekleyen bir tarihe döner.",
"Converts to the local time":"Yerel saate dönüştürür",
"Choose a media player on the current wireless network":"Geçerli kablosuz ağdaki bir medya oynatıcısını seçin",
"Gets the media players on the current wireless network":"Geçerli kablosuz ağdaki medya oynatıcılarını alır",
"Indicates if no jobs can be processed and intervention is needed.":"Hiçbir işin işlenemediğini ve müdahalenin gerekli olduğunu gösterir.",
"Choose a media server on the current wireless network":"Geçerli kablosuz ağdaki bir medya sunucusunu seçin",
"Gets the media servers on the home network":"Ev ağındaki medya sunucularını alır",
"Gets the current motion that combines data from the accelerometer, compass and gyroscope if available.":"Kullanılabilir ise ivmeölçer, pusula ve jiroskoptan gelen verileri birleştiren geçerli hareketi alır.",
"Gets a value whether the song is DRM protected":"Şarkının DRM korumalı olup olmadığına göre bir değer alır",
"Gets the width of the camera image in pixels.":"Kamera görüntüsünün genişliğini piksel olarak alır.",
"Indicates if new jobs can start processing immediately without waiting.":"Yeni işlerin beklemeden hemen işlenebileceğini gösterir.",
"Returns a date that adds the specified number of months to the value of this instance.":"Bu örneğin değerine göre belirtilen ayların sayısını ekleyen bir tarihe döner.",
"Indicates if jobs are processing; new jobs will wait before processing, i.e., are said to be pending.":"İşlerin işlendiğini gösterir; yeni işler işleme geçmeden önce bekler, yani beklemekte olduğu söylenir.",
"Indicates the media can be played, paused, resumed":"Medyanın oynatılabileceğini, duraklatılabileceğini, devam ettirilebileceğini gösterir",
"Sets the sound volume level from 0 (silent) to 1 (current volume)":"Sesler için ses yüksekliği seviyesini 0 (sessiz) ile 1 (geçerli ses) arasında ayarlar",
"Indicates if volume can be changed":"Ses değiştirilebilir ise gösterir",
"Gets the sound volume for sounds from 0 (silent) to 1 (current volume)":"Sesler için ses yüksekliğini 0 (sessiz) ile 1 (geçerli ses) arasında alır",
"Reads the response body as a wave sound":"Yanıt gövdesini bir ses dalgası olarak okur",
"Gets the height of the camera image in pixels.":"Kamera görüntüsünün yüksekliğini piksel olarak alır.",
"This script uses the following capabilities: ":"Bu komut dosyası aşağıdaki özellikleri kullanır: ",
"Sets the 3x3 affine matrix transformation applied to the wall.":"Duvara uygulanan afin matris dönüşümünü 3x3 olarak ayarlar.",
"Searches the Windows Phone Store (type in applications or music)":"Windows Phone Mağazası'nı arar (uygulamalar veya müzikte yazın)",
"Display the printer to the wall":"Yazıcıyı duvarda görüntüler",
"Gets the name of the printer":"Yazıcının adını alır",
"Gets the detailled information about this device":"Bu cihaz hakkında detaylı bilgi edinir",
"Applies `converter` on all elements of the input collection and returns a collection of results":"Giriş koleksiyonunun tüm öğelerinde `dönüştürücü` uygular ve sonuçların koleksiyonunu getirir",
"overview":"genel bakış",
"Draws a line between two points":"İki nokta arasında bir çizgi çizer",
"Writes another picture at a given location. The opacity ranges from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).":"Belirlenmiş bir konumda başka bir resim yazar. Opaklık aralığı 0 (saydam) ile 1 (opak) arasında değişir.",
"Fills a ellipse with a given color":"Elipsi belirlenmiş bir renk ile doldurur",
"Returns a copy of the image":"Görüntünün bir kopyasını getirir",
"Draws some text border with a given color and font size":"Belirlenmiş bir renk ve yazı tipi boyutu ile metin çizer",
"Fills a rectangle with a given color":"Dikdörtgeni belirlenmiş renk ile doldurur",
"Resizes the picture to the given size in pixels":"Belirlenmiş piksel boyutuna resmi yeniden boyutlandırır",
"Displays the image to the wall; you need to call 'update on wall' later if you want changes to be reflected.":"Görüntüyü duvara getirir; daha sonra değişikliklerin yansıtılmasını isterseniz 'duvarda güncelle' öğesini seçmelisiniz.",
"you did it!":"başardınız!",
"upload screenshot":"ekran görüntüsü yükle",
"Publishing is subject to our ":"Yayınlama kullanım koşullarımıza ",
". Please read our information about ":". Lütfen gizlilik ve tanımlama bilgileri ",
"maybe later":"belki daha sonra",
"Embeded text or downloaded from the web":"Gömülü metin veya web'den indirilen",
"Code that performs a specific task":"Belirli bir görevi yerine getiren kod",
"Code raised when a user interaction happens":"Kullanıcı etkileşimi gerçekleştiğinde kod çalışır",
"An indexed table of user-defined rows":"Kullanıcı tanımlı satırların bir dizinli tablosu",
"A user interface":"Bir kullanıcı arayüzü",
"A table of user-defined rows":"Bir kullanıcı tanımlı satırlar tablosu",
"A reference to a library script":"Bir kütüphane komut dosyasına referans",
"A number constant":"Sabit bir sayı",
"A global variable":"Genel bir değişken",
"A color constant":"Sabit bir renk",
"Current device":"Geçerli cihaz",
"tap to change the color":"rengi değiştirmek için dokunun",
"Show errors in the editor if the script uses any APIs that prevent it from running on these platforms.":"Komut dosyası, bu platformlar üzerinde çalışmasını önleyen API'ler kullanıyorsa, hataları düzenleyicide göster.",
"Detaches the handler from the event.":"İşleyiciyi etkinlikten ayırır.",
"set the handler that is invoked when the board is tapped":"panoya dokunulduğunda çağrılan işleyiciyi ayarlayın",
"Returns true if the current instance is useless":"Geçerli örnek işe yaramaz ise doğru döner",
"Gets the width in pixels":"Pikseldeki genişliği alır",
"Gets the height in pixels":"Pikseldeki yüksekliği alır",
"Script Updates":"Komut Dosyası Güncellemeleri",
"rewind ":"geri sar ",
"A picture":"Bir resim",
"search art pictures":"sanat resimlerini ara",
"no picture loaded yet":"henüz hiçbir resim yüklenmedi",
"Updates picture on a picture sprite (if it is a picture sprite)":"Hareketli resimdeki resmi günceller (hareketli resim ise)",
"Add an action that fires for every display frame":"Her bir ekran çerçevesi için etkinleşen bir eylem ekleyin",
"Gets the center horizontal position of in pixels":"Pikseldeki merkez yatay pozisyonunu alır",
"Sets the y acceleration in pixels\/sec^2":"Pikselde\/saniyede^2 y hızlanmasını belirler",
"Sets the height in pixels":"Pikseldeki yüksekliği belirler",
"Sets the y speed in pixels\/sec":"Pikselde\/saniyede y hızını belirler",
"we need to edit another thing":"başka bir şeyi düzenlememiz gerekiyor",
"Do the sprites overlap":"Hareketli görüntüleri üst üste bindir",
"Gets the y position in pixels":"Pikseldeki y konumunu alır",
"Sets the x speed in pixels\/sec":"Pikselde\/saniyede x hızını belirler",
"New or built-in colors":"Yeni veya mevcut renkler",
"Compares numbers for equality":"Eşitlik için sayıları karşılaştırır",
"Compares numbers for less":"Daha azı için sayıları karşılaştırır",
"Compares numbers for more":"Daha fazlası için sayıları karşılaştırır",
"Multiplies numbers":"Sayıları çarpar",
"Subtracts numbers":"Sayıları çıkarır",
"Adds numbers":"Sayılar ekler",
"Interact with devices in the home network. Devices must be UPnP™ compatible.":"",
"Phone numbers, vibrate, etc...":"",
"Create invalid values":"",
"Search and browse the web...":"",
"Camera, location, microphone and other sensors":"",
"Pictures and music...":"",
"ADJ script":"",
"Please wait...":"",
"Interact with the app runtime":"",
"Ask or display values on the wall...":"",
"Emails, sms, contacts, calendar, ...":"",
"2D barcodes, QR codes and NFC tags":"",
"Support for interactive tutorials.":"",
"Translation, speech to text, ...":"",
"Access to the radio":"",
"tiles and notifications for Windows and Windows Phone":"",
"Maps, location to address, address to location":"",
"Current box element in the page.":"",
"A place to hook up an action to execute in response to an event":"",
"Divides numbers":"",
"Correctness helpers":"",
"Play, stop or resume songs, ...":"",
"time and dates":"",
"Create collections of items.":"",
"replace all in function":"",
"in this function":"",
"Gets a list of all songs":"",
"Gets a list of all pictures":"",
"Gets the name of the audio\/video player":"",
"Gets a list of all videos":"",
"Searches for pictures in a particular date range.":"",
"Searches for songs":"",
"Checks if the device is connected":"",
"Searches for videos":"",
"Chooses a song":"",
"Chooses a picture":"",
"Chooses a video or a movie":"",
"Moves the player to the next media in the queue.":"",
"Choose a printer on the current wireless network":"",
"of an object":"",
"given ♥":"",
"promote to field":"",
"go to list of things in your script":"komut listesi gidin",
"Computes the maximum of the values":"",
"Computes the minimum of the values":"",
"Returns a random integral number between `min` and `max` included.":"",
"Converts the value into a json data structure.":"",
"Arithmetic and bitwise operations on 32 bit integers":"",
"OneDrive, OneNote operations":"",
"Gets the number of elements":"",
"Run the inline action.":"",
"Gets the number of playlists":"",
"you can also search":"",
"A unit test":"",
"add {0}":"",
"blank esplora":"",
"An empty Arduino Esplora script.":"",
"blank arduino":"",
"An empty Arduino sketch.":"",
"add line above":"",
"pick a script template...":"",
"type: ":"",
"TD121: cannot find type {0}":"",
"An empty script, which doesn't do anything.":"",
"image proxying":"",
"{0} down":"",
"{0} up":"",
"Displays the playlist to the wall":"",
"Plays the songs in the playlist":"Çalma listesindeki şarkıları çalar",
"enter a number":"",
"undo fix":"",
"web apps":"",
"run tests":"",
"JSON data":"",
"add comment for this field":"",
"add comment":"",
"we need a new {0}":"",
"new property":"",
"A web app using Azure Services, Node.js and Restify.":"",
"A web app using Node.js and Restify.":"",
"see more options":"",
"parameter name":"",
"tap (←) when done":"",
"tap to change the splash screen picture":"",
"color: {0}":"",
"import column values from a JSON object":"",
"blank engduino":"",
"Counts the number of rows":"",
"Enter a script name...":"",
"Tutorial completed":"",
"This tab contains additional information about this script":"",
"creates an empty collection of entries":"",
"Creates an invalid reference to an entry":"",
"blank office mix":"",
"An empty Office Mix app.":"",
"blank tutorial":"",
"An empty interactive tutorial.":"",
"Pictures, sounds, etc. in the current script":"",
"Objects, tables and indexes in the current script":"",
"Libraries referenced by the current script":"",
"Functions in the current script":"",
"blank app":"",
"surround with":"",
"delete selection":"",
"cut selection":"",
"copy selection":"",
"search templates":"",
"your best score: {0}":"",
"blank game":"",
"the current function":"",
"Cordova mobile app":"",
"pin to start":"pIN başlatmak için",
"or tap to get help":"",
"Boiler plate code to create a game.":"",
"blank pixel art":"",
"An empty app using the scratch library.":"",
"An turtle app.":"",
"an event handler":"",
"make call async":"",
"extract to parameter":"",
"comment out":"",
"Sets the current value":"",
"Gets the status of the player":"",
"Searches for videos in a particular date range.":"",
"Moves the player to the previous media in the queue.":"",
"Sets the friendly name of the device":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Player Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Device Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Printer Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Server instance":"",
"Plays a media from the home network.":"",
"Gets the friendly name of the device":"",
"Creates an invalid Device instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Printer instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Link instance":"",
"Exports a JSON representation of the contents.":"",
"Browse and review scripts from the bazaar":"",
"Gets the foreground color in the current theme":"",
"Gets the normalized red value (0.0-1.0)":"",
"Checks if the color is equal to the other":"",
"Gets the chrome color in the current theme (control background)":"",
"Gets the accent color in the current theme":"",
"Gets the location":"",
"Gets the name of the album":"",
"Gets the link associated to the message":"",
"Sorts the places by distance to the location":"",
"Gets the songs":"",
"Indicates if the key exists":"",
"Gets a field value as a boolean":"",
"Gets the name of the song":"",
"Displays the link on the wall":"",
"Gets the genre of the song":"",
"Plays the song.":"",
"Gets the name of the artist":"",
"Gets a value indicating if the background repeats horizontally":"",
"Gets the number of values":"",
"Sets a value indicating if the background repeats horizontally":"",
"Gets the list of keys":"",
"Gets the text":"",
"Gets a field value as a string":"",
"Creates a new color by changing the alpha channel from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).":"",
"Picks a color from a color wheel where the hue is between 0 and 1.":"",
"Indicates if the player is paused":"",
"Gets the duration in seconds":"",
"Gets the number of elements in the collection":"",
"Imports a JSON representation of the contents.":"",
"Ooops, there was an error loading the picture.":"",
"loading more...":"",
"loading art ...":"",
"ok, let's roll!":"",
"From now on we won't show you the code to write. Follow the instructions and tap run when you think you are done.":"",
"Try tweaking your code until you get it right. If you get stuck, tap the tutorial bar.":"",
"<h3>no more tips!<\/h3>":"",
"Specify how to arrange the content of this box":"",
"Starts a new tween animation.":"",
"Parses the string as a number":"",
"publish your script":"",
"Publishing script...":"",
"{0} script{0:s} published":"",
"4. publish":"",
"Sets the rotation speed in degrees\/sec":"",
"Sets the z-index of the sprite":"",
"Gets the acceleration along y in pixels\/sec^2":"",
"Hide sprite.":"",
"Sets the url to the picture":"",
"Displays the value to the wall":"",
"Gets a url to the picture":"",
"Create a new collection for sprites.":"",
"Converts to a boolean (type must be boolean)":"",
"Converts and parses to a date time (type must be string)":"",
"Stringify the current JSON object":"",
"Sorts from the newest to oldest":"",
"Prints the number to the wall":"",
"Sorts the strings in this collection":"",
"Displays the sprite sheet.":"",
"Gets the field value as a time":"",
"Returns a collection sorted using specified comparison key":"",
"Gets a json kind (string, number, object, array, boolean, null)":"",
"Gets a field value as a number":"",
"Converts to a number (type must be number)":"",
"Sets the wall background picture. The picture will be resized and clipped to the screen background as needed.":"",
"Gets a value by name":"",
"Gets the i-th json value":"",
"Creates an empty Picture collection":"",
"Sets the speed in pixels\/sec":"",
"Makes a lighter color by a delta between 0 and 1.":"",
"Makes a darker color by a delta between 0 and 1.":"",
"Compares numbers for less or equal":"",
"Compares numbers for more or equal":"",
"Indicates if the player is stopped":"",
"Updates text on a text sprite (if it is a text sprite)":"",
"add an action that fires for every display frame.":"",
"Returns a substring given a start index and a length":"",
"Converts a number to a string":"",
"Indicates if the string is empty":"",
"Sets the background color":"",
"In debug mode, board displays speed and other info of sprites":"",
"Returns the number of characters":"",
"Sets the angle of the sprite in degrees":"",
"Checks if two strings are the same":"",
"Gets a random item; invalid if collection is empty":"",
"Displays the request to the wall":"",
"Displays string on the wall":"",
"Computes the sum of the values":"",
"Prints the value to the wall":"",
"Computes the average of the values":"",
"Gets the item at position 'index'; invalid if index is out of bounds":"",
"Returns the sprite color.":"",
"Create a new rectangle sprite.":"",
"A argb color (alpha, red, green, blue)":"",
"Gets the names of the headers":"",
"Gets the value of a given header":"",
"Geo coordinates":"",
"Cloud session management":"",
"add optional":"",
"cannot sync - you are not signed in":"",
"try again!":"",
"Returns a string collection that contains the substrings in this string that are delimited by elements of a specified string.":"",
"Teach Creative Coding!":"",
"ok, got it!":"",
"Try finding the buttons yourself. If you get stuck, tap on the goal line.":"",
"From now on we just show you the code that you need to write, in the goal line. It looks like this:":"",
"<h3>now, do it yourself!<\/h3>":"",
"tap a checkmark to add (or remove) your 'vote' to an existing tag":"",
"add new tag":"",
"Writes a static NFC tag with url, text or any other format. `type` may be a mime type.":"",
"Scans an id tag created by TouchDevelop and returns the embeded text.":"",
"Generates a 2D barcode pointing to the text using Microsoft Tag. text must be less than 1000 character long and size must be between 0.75 and 5 inches.":"",
"Set what happens when the box is tapped.":"",
"If the page did not open, tap the 'open' button below, otherwise tap 'done'.":"",
"tap [ok] when done":"",
"Make updates visible.":"",
"Plays the current media from the start.":"",
"Private actions do not get a run button. ":"",
"remove else":"",
"Gets the uri of the media currently active":"",
"Indicates additional information about why the Printer is in its current state.":"",
"Pauses the current media if any.":"",
"Queues a job to print the text.":"",
"Gets the position in seconds whithin the active media":""

locales/zh-CN/strings.json Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,824 @@
"my scripts":"我的脚本",
"a function":"函数",
"tap there":"点击这里",
"insert {0}":"插入 {0}",
"'Javascripty' curly braces, all the tools, for experienced devs!":"Javascripty 花括号,以及所有工具,适合于有经验的开发人员!",
"Sets the position in pixels":"设定位置(单位: 像素)",
"insert comment":"插入注释",
"translating tutorial...":"正在翻译教程...",
"loading tutorial":"正在加载教程",
"reloading script":"正在重新加载脚本",
"we have {0:a} here; did you want to do something with it?":"此处为{0:a};是否要对其执行操作?",
"privacy and cookies":"privacy and cookies",
"terms of use":"terms of use",
" -- a local variable":" — — 局部变量",
"signing in...":"正在登录...",
"global vars":"全局变量",
"We will adapt the editor to your coding skill level. You can change your skill level later in the hub.":"我们会让编辑器适应您的技能水平。您可以稍后在中心更改您的技能水平。",
"run main":"运行主项",
"Edit code as text, more options, for aspiring app writers!":"将代码编辑为文本,以及其他更多选项,适合于应用程序编写爱好者!",
"Drag and drop blocks, simplified interface, great for beginners!":"拖放功能块,界面简单,适合于初学者!",
"choose your coding skill level":"选择您的编码技能水平",
"Your full name":"您的全名",
"website url":"网站 URL",
"twitter handle":"Twitter 帐户",
"sign out":"登出",
"sign in":"登录",
"receive email newsletters":"收到电子邮件通讯",
"remove picture":"删除图片",
"Receive email notifications when other people review\/take a screenshot of\/comment on your scripts, or reply to one of your comments, or when events related to your subscriptions occur.":"其他人查看您的推文或截取推文截图时;或者对推文发表评论或对你的评论进行回复时;或者发生与您的订阅相关的事件时,您会收到电子邮件通知。",
"Your twitter handle, like @touchdevelop.":"你的 Twitter 帐号,例如 @touchdevelop。",
"receive email notifications":"接收电子邮件通知",
"real name":"实际名称",
"public profile":"公开信息",
"public nickname":"公开昵称",
"private profile":"个人资料",
"Please review our Privacy Statement.":"请查看我们的隐私声明。",
"Your email address has not yet been verified. Please check your inbox.":"您的电子邮件地址尚未验证。请检查您的收件箱。",
"email and push notifications":"电子邮件和推送通知",
"Enter your school affiliation if any.":"请输入您的附属学校(如果有)。",
"What is your occupation?":"您的职业是什么?",
"What is your level of programming knowledge?":"您的编程知识是什么水平?",
"programming knowledge":"编程知识",
"How did you discover TouchDevelop?":"您是如何发现 TouchDevelop 的?",
"how found":"如何发现",
"year of birth":"出生年份",
"about you":"关于您",
"Where in the world are you?":"您到底在哪里?",
"Your Minecraft user.":"您的 Minecraft 用户。",
"more settings":"更多设置",
"Your GitHub user.":"您的 GitHub 用户。",
"minecraft user":"minecraft 用户",
"A unique display name for your public profile (at least 8 characters)":"您公开信息的唯一显示名称(至少 8 个字符)",
"Scripts by this user:":"由此用户编写:",
"github user":"github 用户",
"Items marked with * are required.":"标记 * 的项为必填项。",
"Enter the URL to your personal website (Example: http:\/\/":"请输入您个人网站的 URL例如http:\/\/",
"Enter some information about yourself":"请输入有关您的个人信息",
"Don't forget to scroll down and tap 'save' when you are done editing!":"完成编辑后,不要忘记向下滚动,然后点击“保存”!",
"Do you want to receive informational TouchDevelop-related newsletters, e.g. about new features and upcoming events?":"您是否想要接收 TouchDevelop 相关的信息资讯,例如,有关新功能和近期动向?",
"<h3>loading current settings...<\/h3>":"<h3>正在加载当前设置...<\/h3>",
"Art by this user:":"由此用户绘制:",
"abuse reports":"滥用报告",
"go back to coding! {0}★ to go":"返回编码!{0}★ 待执行",
"add input parameter":"添加输入参数",
"start over":"重新开始",
"API Docs":"API 文档",
"Upload Picture":"上传图片",
"toggle breakpoint":"切换断点",
"Create Script":"创建脚本",
"Create Group":"创建组",
"Join Group":"加入组",
"global variable":"全局变量",
"script properties":"脚本属性",
"decimal dot":"小数点",
"move cursor":"移动光标",
"upload picture":"上传图片",
"the hub":"中心",
"logical negation":"逻辑求反",
"A number (possibly negative and\/or fractional)":"数値 (負 \/ 小数の場合もある)",
"replicated ":"已复制 ",
"publish as hidden":"发布为隐藏项目",
"learn about publishing":"了解有关发布的信息",
"Publish script":"发布脚本",
"Minecraft user":"Minecraft 用户",
"TD155: '{0}' cannot be assigned to a local variable":"TD155: “{0}”无法分配到本地变量",
"TD130: bound of 'for' wants {1:a}":"TD130: “for”的边界需要 {1:a}",
"TD150: cannot call the thing before '('":"TD150: 无法调用“(”之前的东西",
"TD151: unclosed '('":"TD151: 未关闭的“(”",
"TD112: i cannot find property '{0}' on {1}":"TD112: 找不到 {1} 的属性“{0}”",
"TD116: not enough parameters supplied to {0}":"TD116: 没有向 {0} 提供足够参数",
"move to library":"移至库",
" [hidden]":" [隐藏]",
"color #{0}":"颜色 #{0}",
"load more replies":"加载更多回复",
"export to app":"导出到应用",
"pull changes":"拉进更改",
"'{0}' is obsolete and should not be used":"“{0}”已弃用,不应使用。",
"add output parameter":"添加输出参数",
"superior, supernatural, terrific, unbelievable, unearthly, unique, unprecedented, unusual, weird, wonderful, wondrous":"出众的、不可思议的、令人恐怖的、令人难以置信的、神奇的、独一无二的、前所未有的、不寻常的、怪异的、美好的、奇妙的",
"incredible, magical, marvellous, marvelous, mind-blowing, mind-boggling, miraculous, peculiar, phenomenal, rad, rockin', special, spectacular, startling, stunning, super-cool, ":"惊人的、不可思议的、绝妙的、非凡的、令人兴奋的、令人难以置信的、神奇的、奇特的、杰出的、出色的、疯狂的、特别的、壮观的、令人吃惊的、令人惊叹的、超酷 ",
"amazing, astonishing, astounding, awe-inspiring, awesome, breathtaking, classic, cool, curious, distinct, exceptional, exclusive, extraordinary, fabulous, fantastic, glorious, great, ":"惊人的、惊异的、惊骇的、令人敬畏的、可怕的、惊险的、一流的、酷、好奇的、独特的、特殊的、独一无二的、特别的、令人难以置信的、神奇的、令人愉快的、出色的 ",
" sending changes":" 发送更改",
"diff prev":"diff prev",
"diff curr":"diff curr",
"Types, order, and number of event parameters cannot be edited.":"无法编辑事件参数的类型、顺序和数量。",
"Events cannot have out parameters.":"事件不能有输出参数。",
"TD109: cannot assign to this":"TD109: 无法分配至此",
"just keep typing the search terms!":"只需继续输入搜索项!",
"... there's more ...":"... 有更多...",
"tap there for instructions":"点击此处获取说明",
"show how to complete this activity":"演示如何完成该活动",
"move left":"向左移动",
"To add page data, create a local var and tap 'promote to field'.":"要添加页数据,请创建一个本地变量,然后点击“升级为字段”。",
"TD111: cannot assign from {0} to {1}":"TD111: 无法从 {0} 分配至 {1}",
"{0} ({1} line{1:s})":"{0} ({1} 行{1:s})",
"replace all in script":"在脚本中替换全部",
"global replace":"全局替换",
"create a new parameter":"创建新参数",
"select more":"选择更多",
"strip '{0}'":"条带“{0}”",
"pull out to block level":"退出到块级别",
", got {0:a} instead":",而获得了 {0:a}",
"an function type definition":"函数类型定义",
"tap to translate with Microsoft® Translator...":"点击以使用 Microsoft® Translator 进行翻译...",
"Translations by Microsoft® Translator, tap to see original...":"Microsoft® Translator 进行的翻译,点击以查看原文...",
"into local":"到本地",
"extract to var":"提取到变量",
"turn into":"变为",
"else if":"else if",
"a minute ago":"一分钟以前",
"loading replies...":"正在加载回复...",
"show more options":"显示更多选项",
"find references":"查找引用",
"need to edit elsewhere":"需要在其他位置进行编辑",
"an hour ago":"一小时以前",
" of ":" 的 ",
"need to delete this":"需要删除",
"screenshot of {0}":"{0} 的屏幕截图",
"loading comments for \/{0}...":"正在加载 \/{0} 的注释...",
"my art":"我的图稿",
"insert statement":"插入语句",
"learn more":"了解更多",
"now you can select a property of {0}; it doesn't do anything by itself":"现在您可以选择 {0} 的一个属性;但它本身不执行任何操作",
"tutorial progress":"教程进度",
"What's new":"新增内容",
"Search everything":"搜索所有内容",
"Search Help":"搜索 帮助",
"Getting started":"快速入门",
"Export to Windows, Android, iOS, Azure":"导出到 Windows、Android、iOS、Azure",
"top & new":"最新内容",
"a few seconds ago":"几秒以前",
"number entry":"数字输入",
"regular keypad":"常规键盘",
"Upload Sound":"上传声音",
"Insert '{0}' {1}":"插入“{0}”{1}",
"go to":"转到",
"{0} second{0:s} ago":"{0} 秒以前",
"New Scripts":"新脚本",
"TD145: there seem to be an operator (like '+', '(' or ',') missing here":"TD145: 此处好像缺一个运算符(如“+”、“(”或“,”)",
"we have a library '{0}' here; {1}":"此处有一个库“{0}”;{1}",
"now you can select a property on it":"现在可以选择它的一个属性",
"we need different keypad":"我们需要不同的键盘",
"i'm finished with my Hour of Code™":"我已完成 Hour of Code™",
"a page":"页",
"TD154: the operator needs something after it":"TD154: 运算符后不能为空",
"TD144: it seems you're missing '{0}', try adding it":"TD144: 好像缺了“{0}”,请补上",
"{0} hour{0:s} ago":"{0} 小时以前",
"fix it":"修复",
"learn more about {0}":"了解有关 {0} 的更多信息",
"Your art will appear here":"您的图形将在此处显示",
"{0} minute{0:s} ago":"{0} 分钟以前",
"break in debugger":"调试器中断",
"Picks a random color":"选取随机颜色",
"type: {0}":"类型:{0}",
"need a different string here":"这里需要不同的字符串",
"follow tutorial in editor":"在编辑器中按教程操作",
"tap here when done":"完成后点击这里",
"upload sound":"上传声音",
"keep editing":"继续编辑",
"Type to search...":"键入以搜索...",
"let's get started!":"我们开始吧!",
"creating script":"正在创建脚本",
"tutorial: ":"教程: ",
"excellent; great job; awesome; cool; you rock; well done; outstanding; you got it; right on":"优秀;非常好;很棒;很酷;很牛;做得好;不错;做得对;正确",
"Post a comment...":"发表评论...",
"parsing script text":"解析脚本文本",
"report abuse":"报告滥用",
"load more":"加载更多",
"TD100: insert {0:a} here":"TD100: 在此插入 {0:a}",
"Sets the background picture":"设置背景图片",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #00FFFFFF":"获取 ARGB 值为 #00FFFFFF 的颜色",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF800080":"获取 ARGB 值为 #FF800080 的颜色",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFF00FF":"获取 ARGB 值为 #FFFF00FF 的颜色",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFFF00":"获取 ARGB 值为 #FFFFFF00 的颜色",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF00FFFF":"获取 ARGB 值为 #FF00FFFF 的颜色",
"Sets the sprite color.":"设置画面颜色。",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFA500":"获取 ARGB 值为 #FFFFA500 的颜色",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFFFFF":"获取 ARGB 值为 #FFFFFFFF 的颜色",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFF0000":"获取 ARGB 值为 #FFFF0000 的颜色",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF0000FF":"获取 ARGB 值为 #FF0000FF 的颜色",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF000000":"获取 ARGB 值为 #FF000000 的颜色",
"'atomic' function":"“atomic”函数",
"test function":"测试函数",
"private function":"私有函数",
"function name":"函数名称",
"store the value in a variable":"将值存储在变量中",
"this script is a web service":"此脚本是一项 Web 服务",
"variable name":"变量名称",
"library name":"库名称",
"Enter a name":"输入名称",
"exported from this library":"已从此库导出",
"search here for {0}":"在此搜索 {0}",
"ex: ":"ex ",
"to code":"到代码",
"this script is a library":"此脚本是一个库",
"run with instrumentation":"带检测运行",
"revert to published version":"还原到已发布版本",
"manage data":"管理数据",
"i want it to run on":"我希望它运行的位置",
"delete local data and permissions":"删除本地数据和权限",
"allow other users to export to app":"允许其他用户导出到应用",
"about profile":"关于个人资料",
"about insights":"关于见解",
"about coverage":"关于覆盖率",
"Search here...":"在此搜索...",
"For published scripts, also look at the tab of the published script page to find anonymously collected crowd-sourced profile and coverage data.":"对于已发布的脚本,还可查看已发布脚本页上的选项卡,查找匿名收集的众多个人资料和覆盖率数据。",
"After the script stops, browse the code to see collected information.":"在脚本停止后,浏览代码以查看收集到的信息。",
"read only":"只读",
"offline available":"可脱机使用",
"cloud sessions":"云会话",
"record name:":"记录名称:",
"view as script":"以脚本形式查看",
", got {0}":",获得了 {0}",
"See More":"查看更多",
"'{0}' expects {1} here":"“{0}”认为此处应为 {1}",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF008000":"获取 ARGB 值为 #FF008000 的颜色",
"replace picture":"替换图片",
"demote to var":"降级到 var",
"change (back) to local":"改(回)到本地",
"search art":"搜索图片",
"let's change this":"让我们改动一下",
"backspace this":"使用退格键删除",
"current expression":"当前表达式",
"set name":"设置名称",
"Create a new picture sprite.":"新建图片画面。",
"Sets the center horizontal position in pixels":"设定水平居中位置(单位: 像素)",
"we'll guide you step by step":"我们将逐步引导您完成",
"All tutorials":"所有教程",
"All my scripts":"我的所有脚本",
"Skill level: {0} ":"技能等级:{0} ",
"All my groups":"我的所有组",
"Create your own apps":"创建自己的应用",
"Sets the y position in pixels":"设定 y 轴位置(单位: 像素)",
"change contents":"更改内容",
"move the cursor right":"将光标向右移动",
"customize the art!":"自定义图片!",
"Sets the width in pixels":"设置宽度(单位: 像素)",
"{0} day{0:s} ago":"{0} 天以前",
"stop loop":"停止循环",
"stop function":"停止函数",
"skip iteration":"跳过迭代",
"display value":"显示值",
"repeat while":"重复条件",
"repeat n times":"重复 n 次",
"\/\/ comment":"\/\/ 注释",
"repeat on collection":"对集合重复",
"UI widget":"UI 小组件",
"read more...":"阅读更多...",
"Create a new text sprite.":"创建新的文本画面。",
"step over":"单步跳过",
"step out":"单步跳出",
"step in":"单步进入",
"Search code...":"搜索代码...",
"go to previous step":"转到上一步",
"to continue coding":"以继续编码",
"compiling script":"编译脚本",
"'{0}' returns a '{1}'; {2}":"“{0}”返回“{1}”;{2}",
"promote to data":"升级为数据",
"to global var":"到全局变量",
"let's do it!":"我们去做吧!",
"store in var":"存储在变量中",
"set local variable name":"设置本地变量名称",
"please wait...":"请稍等...",
"function, variable, library, ...":"函数、变量、库...",
"add new":"新增",
"function types":"函数类型",
"<b>this line is perfect!<\/b> let's move on":"<b>此行正确无误!<\/b>我们继续吧",
"art resource":"图稿资源",
"Your script will appear here":"您的脚本将显示在此处",
"Change skill level!":"更改技能等级!",
"move the cursor left":"将光标向左移动",
"new variable":"新变量",
"a global variable":"全局变量",
"{0} year{0:s} ago":"{0} 年以前",
"{0} month{0:s} ago":"{0} 个月以前",
"creates an empty collection of objects":"创建空的对象集合",
"Create an invalid value of this object type":"创建此对象类型的无效值",
"import field values from a JSON object":"从 JSON 对象导入字段值",
"checks if reference has not been set":"检查是否已设置引用",
"tests if two references refer to the same object":"测试两个引用是否指向同一对象",
"sets all fields to their default values":"将所有字段设置为默认值",
"export a JSON representation of the contents":"导出内容的 JSON 表示",
"displays the object on the wall":"在留言板上显示对象",
"add line below":"在下面添加行",
"select that line":"选择此行",
"access the {0} field":"访问 {0} 字段",
"tap there to run your app":"点击这里运行应用",
"new stmt below":"在下面添加新语句",
"new line":"换行",
"Concatenates two pieces of text":"连接两段文本",
"more ":"更多 ",
"TD152: unexpected ')'":"TD152: 意外的“)”",
"TD118: 'if' condition wants {1:a}":"TD118: “if”条件需要 {1:a}",
"TD115: excessive parameter(s) supplied to {0}":"TD115: :向 {0} 提供的参数过多",
"TD101: cannot find '{0}'":"TD101: :无法找到“{0}”",
"TD147: we didn't expect '{0}' here":"TD147: 此处不应出现“{0}”",
"no hearts. you can add one once you install the script!":"没有红心。可以在安装脚本后添加一个!",
"no forks, install, edit and re-publish script to create one!":"无叉子,请安装、编辑和重新发布脚本以创建一个!",
"no art published by this user":"该用户没有发布图片",
"get my Hour of Code™ certificate":"获取“是编程一小时™”证书",
"next tutorials...":"后续教程...",
"no tags, tap to add some!":"无标记,点击以填写标记!",
"no comments, tap to write some!":"无评论,点击以发表评论!",
"Gets the printers on the current wireless network":"获取当前无线网络上的打印机",
"Plays the media at the 'url' internet address.":"播放位于特定“URL” Internet 地址的媒介。",
"Browses to the device control panel":"浏览到设备控制面板",
"Gets the manfacturer name":"获取制造商名称",
"Returns a date that adds the specified number of years to the value of this instance.":"返回向此实例的值中添加指定年数的日期。",
"Converts to the local time":"转换为本地时间",
"Choose a media player on the current wireless network":"选择当前无线网络上的媒体播放器",
"Gets the media players on the current wireless network":"获取当前无线网络上的媒体播放器",
"Indicates if no jobs can be processed and intervention is needed.":"指示是否有作业要处理以及是否需要干预。",
"Choose a media server on the current wireless network":"选择当前无线网络上的媒体服务器",
"Gets the media servers on the home network":"获取家庭网络上的媒体服务器",
"Gets the current motion that combines data from the accelerometer, compass and gyroscope if available.":"获取合并了加速计、指南针和陀螺仪数据的当前运动。",
"Gets a value whether the song is DRM protected":"获取歌曲是否受 DRM 保护的信息",
"Gets the width of the camera image in pixels.":"获取相机图像的宽度(单位: 像素)。",
"Indicates if new jobs can start processing immediately without waiting.":"指示能否立即开始处理新作业而无需等待。",
"Returns a date that adds the specified number of months to the value of this instance.":"返回向此实例的值中添加指定月数的日期。",
"Indicates if jobs are processing; new jobs will wait before processing, i.e., are said to be pending.":"指示是否正在处理作业;新作业会等待处理,即处于挂起状态。",
"Indicates the media can be played, paused, resumed":"指示可以播放、暂停、恢复媒介",
"Sets the sound volume level from 0 (silent) to 1 (current volume)":"获取从 0 (静音)到 1 (当前音量)的音量级别",
"Indicates if volume can be changed":"指示能否调整音量",
"Gets the sound volume for sounds from 0 (silent) to 1 (current volume)":"获取从 0 (静音)到 1 (当前音量)的音量",
"Reads the response body as a wave sound":"以声波形式读取响应体",
"Gets the height of the camera image in pixels.":"获取相机图像的高度(单位: 像素)。",
"This script uses the following capabilities: ":"此脚本使用以下功能: ",
"Sets the 3x3 affine matrix transformation applied to the wall.":"设置应用于展示墙的 3x3 仿射矩阵转换。",
"Searches the Windows Phone Store (type in applications or music)":"搜索 Windows Phone 应用商店(键入应用或音乐)",
"Display the printer to the wall":"将打印机显示到展示墙",
"Gets the name of the printer":"获取打印机的名称",
"Gets the detailled information about this device":"获取有关此设备的详细信息",
"Applies `converter` on all elements of the input collection and returns a collection of results":"对输入集合的所有元素应用“转换器”并返回结果集",
"Draws a line between two points":"在两点之间画一条线",
"Writes another picture at a given location. The opacity ranges from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).":"在给定位置写入另一张图片。 不透明度范围介于 0 (透明)和 1 (不透明)之间。",
"Fills a ellipse with a given color":"用给定颜色填充椭圆",
"Returns a copy of the image":"返回图像副本",
"Draws some text border with a given color and font size":"用给定颜色和字号绘制一些文本边框",
"Fills a rectangle with a given color":"用给定颜色填充矩形",
"Resizes the picture to the given size in pixels":"将图片调整为给定大小(单位: 像素)",
"Displays the image to the wall; you need to call 'update on wall' later if you want changes to be reflected.":"将图像显示到展示墙上;稍后如果您希望所做更改生效,则需要调用“展示墙更新”。",
"you did it!":"您已完成任务!",
"upload screenshot":"上载屏幕截图",
"Publishing is subject to our ":"发布须遵守我们的 ",
". Please read our information about ":"。 请阅读有关以下内容的信息 ",
"maybe later":"以后再说",
"Embeded text or downloaded from the web":"嵌入式文本或从网络上下载",
"Code that performs a specific task":"执行特定任务的代码",
"Code raised when a user interaction happens":"用户交流时分享的代码",
"An indexed table of user-defined rows":"包含用户定义行的索引表",
"A user interface":"用户界面",
"A table of user-defined rows":"包含用户定义行的表",
"A reference to a library script":"对库脚本的引用",
"A number constant":"数字常量",
"A global variable":"全局变量",
"A color constant":"颜色常量",
"Current device":"当前设备",
"tap to change the color":"点击以更改颜色",
"Show errors in the editor if the script uses any APIs that prevent it from running on these platforms.":"如果该脚本使用任何阻止它在这些平台上运行的 API会在编辑器中显示错误。",
"Detaches the handler from the event.":"从事件中分离处理程序。",
"set the handler that is invoked when the board is tapped":"设置点击该板时调用的处理程序",
"Returns true if the current instance is useless":"如果当前实例无效,则返回 true",
"Gets the width in pixels":"获取宽度(单位: 像素)",
"Gets the height in pixels":"获取高度(单位: 像素)",
"Script Updates":"脚本更新",
"rewind ":"后退 ",
"A picture":"图片",
"search art pictures":"搜索图片",
"no picture loaded yet":"尚未上载任何图片",
"Updates picture on a picture sprite (if it is a picture sprite)":"更新子画面上的图片(如果是子画面)",
"Add an action that fires for every display frame":"添加对每一显示帧触发的动作",
"Gets the center horizontal position of in pixels":"获取水平居中位置(单位: 像素)",
"Sets the y acceleration in pixels\/sec^2":"设置 y 轴加速度(单位: 像素\/秒^2)",
"Sets the height in pixels":"设置高度(单位: 像素)",
"Sets the y speed in pixels\/sec":"设置 y 轴速度(单位: 像素\/秒)",
"we need to edit another thing":"我们需要编辑另一项内容",
"Do the sprites overlap":"子画面是否重叠",
"Gets the y position in pixels":"获取 y 轴位置(单位: 像素)",
"Sets the x speed in pixels\/sec":"设置 x 轴速度(单位: 像素\/秒)",
"New or built-in colors":"新颜色或内置颜色",
"Compares numbers for equality":"比较数字是否相等",
"Compares numbers for less":"比较数字以确定更小值",
"Compares numbers for more":"比较数字以确定更大值",
"Multiplies numbers":"乘以数字",
"Subtracts numbers":"减去数字",
"Adds numbers":"增加数字",
"Interact with devices in the home network. Devices must be UPnP™ compatible.":"与家庭网络中的设备进行交互。设备必须 UPnP ™ 兼容。",
"Phone numbers, vibrate, etc...":"电话号码、 振动、 等...",
"Create invalid values":"创建无效的值",
"Search and browse the web...":"搜索和浏览互联网......",
"Camera, location, microphone and other sensors":"相机、 位置、 麦克风和其他传感器",
"Pictures and music...":"图片和音乐......",
"ADJ script":"",
"Please wait...":"",
"Interact with the app runtime":"",
"Ask or display values on the wall...":"",
"Emails, sms, contacts, calendar, ...":"",
"2D barcodes, QR codes and NFC tags":"",
"Support for interactive tutorials.":"",
"Translation, speech to text, ...":"",
"Access to the radio":"",
"tiles and notifications for Windows and Windows Phone":"",
"Maps, location to address, address to location":"",
"Current box element in the page.":"",
"A place to hook up an action to execute in response to an event":"",
"Divides numbers":"",
"Correctness helpers":"",
"Play, stop or resume songs, ...":"",
"time and dates":"",
"Create collections of items.":"",
"replace all in function":"",
"in this function":"",
"Gets a list of all songs":"",
"Gets a list of all pictures":"",
"Gets the name of the audio\/video player":"",
"Gets a list of all videos":"",
"Searches for pictures in a particular date range.":"",
"Searches for songs":"",
"Checks if the device is connected":"",
"Searches for videos":"",
"Chooses a song":"",
"Chooses a picture":"",
"Chooses a video or a movie":"",
"Moves the player to the next media in the queue.":"",
"Choose a printer on the current wireless network":"",
"of an object":"",
"given ♥":"",
"promote to field":"",
"go to list of things in your script":"",
"Computes the maximum of the values":"",
"Computes the minimum of the values":"",
"Returns a random integral number between `min` and `max` included.":"",
"Converts the value into a json data structure.":"",
"Arithmetic and bitwise operations on 32 bit integers":"",
"OneDrive, OneNote operations":"",
"Gets the number of elements":"",
"Run the inline action.":"",
"Gets the number of playlists":"",
"you can also search":"",
"A unit test":"",
"add {0}":"",
"blank esplora":"",
"An empty Arduino Esplora script.":"",
"blank arduino":"",
"An empty Arduino sketch.":"",
"add line above":"",
"pick a script template...":"",
"type: ":"",
"TD121: cannot find type {0}":"",
"An empty script, which doesn't do anything.":"",
"image proxying":"",
"{0} down":"",
"{0} up":"",
"Displays the playlist to the wall":"",
"Plays the songs in the playlist":"",
"enter a number":"",
"undo fix":"",
"web apps":"",
"run tests":"",
"JSON data":"",
"add comment for this field":"",
"add comment":"",
"we need a new {0}":"",
"new property":"",
"A web app using Azure Services, Node.js and Restify.":"",
"A web app using Node.js and Restify.":"",
"see more options":"",
"parameter name":"",
"tap (←) when done":"",
"tap to change the splash screen picture":"",
"color: {0}":"",
"import column values from a JSON object":"",
"blank engduino":"",
"Counts the number of rows":"",
"Enter a script name...":"",
"Tutorial completed":"",
"This tab contains additional information about this script":"",
"creates an empty collection of entries":"",
"Creates an invalid reference to an entry":"",
"blank office mix":"",
"An empty Office Mix app.":"",
"blank tutorial":"",
"An empty interactive tutorial.":"",
"Pictures, sounds, etc. in the current script":"",
"Objects, tables and indexes in the current script":"",
"Libraries referenced by the current script":"",
"Functions in the current script":"",
"blank app":"",
"surround with":"",
"delete selection":"",
"cut selection":"",
"copy selection":"",
"search templates":"",
"your best score: {0}":"",
"blank game":"",
"the current function":"",
"Cordova mobile app":"",
"pin to start":"",
"or tap to get help":"",
"Boiler plate code to create a game.":"",
"blank pixel art":"",
"An empty app using the scratch library.":"",
"An turtle app.":"",
"an event handler":"",
"make call async":"",
"extract to parameter":"",
"comment out":"",
"Sets the current value":"",
"Gets the status of the player":"",
"Searches for videos in a particular date range.":"",
"Moves the player to the previous media in the queue.":"",
"Sets the friendly name of the device":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Player Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Device Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Printer Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Server instance":"",
"Plays a media from the home network.":"",
"Gets the friendly name of the device":"",
"Creates an invalid Device instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Printer instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Link instance":"",
"Exports a JSON representation of the contents.":"",
"Browse and review scripts from the bazaar":"",
"Gets the foreground color in the current theme":"",
"Gets the normalized red value (0.0-1.0)":"",
"Checks if the color is equal to the other":"",
"Gets the chrome color in the current theme (control background)":"",
"Gets the accent color in the current theme":"",
"Gets the location":"",
"Gets the name of the album":"",
"Gets the link associated to the message":"",
"Sorts the places by distance to the location":"",
"Gets the songs":"",
"Indicates if the key exists":"",
"Gets a field value as a boolean":"",
"Gets the name of the song":"",
"Displays the link on the wall":"",
"Gets the genre of the song":"",
"Plays the song.":"",
"Gets the name of the artist":"",
"Gets a value indicating if the background repeats horizontally":"",
"Gets the number of values":"",
"Sets a value indicating if the background repeats horizontally":"",
"Gets the list of keys":"",
"Gets the text":"",
"Gets a field value as a string":"",
"Creates a new color by changing the alpha channel from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).":"",
"Picks a color from a color wheel where the hue is between 0 and 1.":"",
"Indicates if the player is paused":"",
"Gets the duration in seconds":"",
"Gets the number of elements in the collection":"",
"Imports a JSON representation of the contents.":"",
"Ooops, there was an error loading the picture.":"",
"loading more...":"",
"loading art ...":"",
"ok, let's roll!":"",
"From now on we won't show you the code to write. Follow the instructions and tap run when you think you are done.":"",
"Try tweaking your code until you get it right. If you get stuck, tap the tutorial bar.":"",
"<h3>no more tips!<\/h3>":"",
"Specify how to arrange the content of this box":"",
"Starts a new tween animation.":"",
"Parses the string as a number":"",
"publish your script":"",
"Publishing script...":"",
"{0} script{0:s} published":"",
"4. publish":"",
"Sets the rotation speed in degrees\/sec":"",
"Sets the z-index of the sprite":"",
"Gets the acceleration along y in pixels\/sec^2":"",
"Hide sprite.":"",
"Sets the url to the picture":"",
"Displays the value to the wall":"",
"Gets a url to the picture":"",
"Create a new collection for sprites.":"",
"Converts to a boolean (type must be boolean)":"",
"Converts and parses to a date time (type must be string)":"",
"Stringify the current JSON object":"",
"Sorts from the newest to oldest":"",
"Prints the number to the wall":"",
"Sorts the strings in this collection":"",
"Displays the sprite sheet.":"",
"Gets the field value as a time":"",
"Returns a collection sorted using specified comparison key":"",
"Gets a json kind (string, number, object, array, boolean, null)":"",
"Gets a field value as a number":"",
"Converts to a number (type must be number)":"",
"Sets the wall background picture. The picture will be resized and clipped to the screen background as needed.":"",
"Gets a value by name":"",
"Gets the i-th json value":"",
"Creates an empty Picture collection":"",
"Sets the speed in pixels\/sec":"",
"Makes a lighter color by a delta between 0 and 1.":"",
"Makes a darker color by a delta between 0 and 1.":"",
"Compares numbers for less or equal":"",
"Compares numbers for more or equal":"",
"Indicates if the player is stopped":"",
"Updates text on a text sprite (if it is a text sprite)":"",
"add an action that fires for every display frame.":"",
"Returns a substring given a start index and a length":"",
"Converts a number to a string":"",
"Indicates if the string is empty":"",
"Sets the background color":"",
"In debug mode, board displays speed and other info of sprites":"",
"Returns the number of characters":"",
"Sets the angle of the sprite in degrees":"",
"Checks if two strings are the same":"",
"Gets a random item; invalid if collection is empty":"",
"Displays the request to the wall":"",
"Displays string on the wall":"",
"Computes the sum of the values":"",
"Prints the value to the wall":"",
"Computes the average of the values":"",
"Gets the item at position 'index'; invalid if index is out of bounds":"",
"Returns the sprite color.":"",
"Create a new rectangle sprite.":"",
"A argb color (alpha, red, green, blue)":"",
"Gets the names of the headers":"",
"Gets the value of a given header":"",
"Geo coordinates":"",
"Cloud session management":"",
"add optional":"",
"cannot sync - you are not signed in":"",
"try again!":"",
"Returns a string collection that contains the substrings in this string that are delimited by elements of a specified string.":"",
"Teach Creative Coding!":"",
"ok, got it!":"",
"Try finding the buttons yourself. If you get stuck, tap on the goal line.":"",
"From now on we just show you the code that you need to write, in the goal line. It looks like this:":"",
"<h3>now, do it yourself!<\/h3>":"",
"tap a checkmark to add (or remove) your 'vote' to an existing tag":"",
"add new tag":"",
"Writes a static NFC tag with url, text or any other format. `type` may be a mime type.":"",
"Scans an id tag created by TouchDevelop and returns the embeded text.":"",
"Generates a 2D barcode pointing to the text using Microsoft Tag. text must be less than 1000 character long and size must be between 0.75 and 5 inches.":"",
"Set what happens when the box is tapped.":"",
"If the page did not open, tap the 'open' button below, otherwise tap 'done'.":"",
"tap [ok] when done":"",
"Make updates visible.":"",
"Plays the current media from the start.":"",
"Private actions do not get a run button. ":"",
"remove else":"",
"Gets the uri of the media currently active":"",
"Indicates additional information about why the Printer is in its current state.":"",
"Pauses the current media if any.":"",
"Queues a job to print the text.":"",
"Gets the position in seconds whithin the active media":""

locales/zh-HK/strings.json Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,824 @@
"my scripts":"",
"a function":"",
"tap there":"",
"insert {0}":"",
"'Javascripty' curly braces, all the tools, for experienced devs!":"",
"Sets the position in pixels":"",
"insert comment":"",
"translating tutorial...":"",
"loading tutorial":"",
"reloading script":"",
"we have {0:a} here; did you want to do something with it?":"",
"privacy and cookies":"",
"terms of use":"",
" -- a local variable":"",
"signing in...":"",
"global vars":"",
"We will adapt the editor to your coding skill level. You can change your skill level later in the hub.":"",
"run main":"",
"Edit code as text, more options, for aspiring app writers!":"",
"Drag and drop blocks, simplified interface, great for beginners!":"",
"choose your coding skill level":"",
"Your full name":"",
"website url":"",
"twitter handle":"",
"sign out":"",
"sign in":"",
"receive email newsletters":"",
"remove picture":"",
"Receive email notifications when other people review\/take a screenshot of\/comment on your scripts, or reply to one of your comments, or when events related to your subscriptions occur.":"",
"Your twitter handle, like @touchdevelop.":"",
"receive email notifications":"",
"real name":"",
"public profile":"",
"public nickname":"",
"private profile":"",
"Please review our Privacy Statement.":"",
"Your email address has not yet been verified. Please check your inbox.":"",
"email and push notifications":"",
"Enter your school affiliation if any.":"",
"What is your occupation?":"",
"What is your level of programming knowledge?":"",
"programming knowledge":"",
"How did you discover TouchDevelop?":"",
"how found":"",
"year of birth":"",
"about you":"",
"Where in the world are you?":"",
"Your Minecraft user.":"",
"more settings":"",
"Your GitHub user.":"",
"minecraft user":"",
"A unique display name for your public profile (at least 8 characters)":"",
"Scripts by this user:":"",
"github user":"",
"Items marked with * are required.":"",
"Enter the URL to your personal website (Example: http:\/\/":"",
"Enter some information about yourself":"",
"Don't forget to scroll down and tap 'save' when you are done editing!":"",
"Do you want to receive informational TouchDevelop-related newsletters, e.g. about new features and upcoming events?":"",
"<h3>loading current settings...<\/h3>":"",
"Art by this user:":"",
"abuse reports":"",
"go back to coding! {0}★ to go":"",
"add input parameter":"",
"start over":"",
"API Docs":"",
"Upload Picture":"",
"toggle breakpoint":"",
"Create Script":"",
"Create Group":"",
"Join Group":"",
"global variable":"",
"script properties":"",
"decimal dot":"",
"move cursor":"",
"upload picture":"",
"the hub":"",
"logical negation":"",
"A number (possibly negative and\/or fractional)":"",
"replicated ":"",
"publish as hidden":"",
"learn about publishing":"",
"Publish script":"",
"Minecraft user":"",
"TD155: '{0}' cannot be assigned to a local variable":"",
"TD130: bound of 'for' wants {1:a}":"",
"TD150: cannot call the thing before '('":"",
"TD151: unclosed '('":"",
"TD112: i cannot find property '{0}' on {1}":"",
"TD116: not enough parameters supplied to {0}":"",
"move to library":"",
" [hidden]":"",
"color #{0}":"",
"load more replies":"",
"export to app":"",
"pull changes":"",
"'{0}' is obsolete and should not be used":"",
"add output parameter":"",
"superior, supernatural, terrific, unbelievable, unearthly, unique, unprecedented, unusual, weird, wonderful, wondrous":"",
"incredible, magical, marvellous, marvelous, mind-blowing, mind-boggling, miraculous, peculiar, phenomenal, rad, rockin', special, spectacular, startling, stunning, super-cool, ":"",
"amazing, astonishing, astounding, awe-inspiring, awesome, breathtaking, classic, cool, curious, distinct, exceptional, exclusive, extraordinary, fabulous, fantastic, glorious, great, ":"",
" sending changes":"",
"diff prev":"",
"diff curr":"",
"Types, order, and number of event parameters cannot be edited.":"",
"Events cannot have out parameters.":"",
"TD109: cannot assign to this":"",
"just keep typing the search terms!":"",
"... there's more ...":"",
"tap there for instructions":"",
"show how to complete this activity":"",
"move left":"",
"To add page data, create a local var and tap 'promote to field'.":"",
"TD111: cannot assign from {0} to {1}":"",
"{0} ({1} line{1:s})":"",
"replace all in script":"",
"global replace":"",
"create a new parameter":"",
"select more":"",
"strip '{0}'":"",
"pull out to block level":"",
", got {0:a} instead":"",
"an function type definition":"",
"tap to translate with Microsoft® Translator...":"",
"Translations by Microsoft® Translator, tap to see original...":"",
"into local":"",
"extract to var":"",
"turn into":"",
"else if":"",
"a minute ago":"",
"loading replies...":"",
"show more options":"",
"find references":"",
"need to edit elsewhere":"",
"an hour ago":"",
" of ":"",
"need to delete this":"",
"screenshot of {0}":"",
"loading comments for \/{0}...":"",
"my art":"",
"insert statement":"",
"learn more":"",
"now you can select a property of {0}; it doesn't do anything by itself":"",
"tutorial progress":"",
"What's new":"",
"Search everything":"",
"Search Help":"",
"Getting started":"",
"Export to Windows, Android, iOS, Azure":"",
"top & new":"",
"a few seconds ago":"",
"number entry":"",
"regular keypad":"",
"Upload Sound":"",
"Insert '{0}' {1}":"",
"go to":"",
"{0} second{0:s} ago":"",
"New Scripts":"",
"TD145: there seem to be an operator (like '+', '(' or ',') missing here":"",
"we have a library '{0}' here; {1}":"",
"now you can select a property on it":"",
"we need different keypad":"",
"i'm finished with my Hour of Code™":"",
"a page":"",
"TD154: the operator needs something after it":"",
"TD144: it seems you're missing '{0}', try adding it":"",
"{0} hour{0:s} ago":"",
"fix it":"",
"learn more about {0}":"",
"Your art will appear here":"",
"{0} minute{0:s} ago":"",
"break in debugger":"",
"Picks a random color":"",
"type: {0}":"",
"need a different string here":"",
"follow tutorial in editor":"",
"tap here when done":"",
"upload sound":"",
"keep editing":"",
"Type to search...":"",
"let's get started!":"",
"creating script":"",
"tutorial: ":"",
"excellent; great job; awesome; cool; you rock; well done; outstanding; you got it; right on":"",
"Post a comment...":"",
"parsing script text":"",
"report abuse":"",
"load more":"",
"TD100: insert {0:a} here":"",
"Sets the background picture":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #00FFFFFF":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF800080":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFF00FF":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFFF00":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF00FFFF":"",
"Sets the sprite color.":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFA500":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFFFFF":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFF0000":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF0000FF":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF000000":"",
"'atomic' function":"",
"test function":"",
"private function":"",
"function name":"",
"store the value in a variable":"",
"this script is a web service":"",
"variable name":"",
"library name":"",
"Enter a name":"",
"exported from this library":"",
"search here for {0}":"",
"ex: ":"",
"to code":"",
"this script is a library":"",
"run with instrumentation":"",
"revert to published version":"",
"manage data":"",
"i want it to run on":"",
"delete local data and permissions":"",
"allow other users to export to app":"",
"about profile":"",
"about insights":"",
"about coverage":"",
"Search here...":"",
"For published scripts, also look at the tab of the published script page to find anonymously collected crowd-sourced profile and coverage data.":"",
"After the script stops, browse the code to see collected information.":"",
"read only":"",
"offline available":"",
"cloud sessions":"",
"record name:":"",
"view as script":"",
", got {0}":"",
"See More":"",
"'{0}' expects {1} here":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF008000":"",
"replace picture":"",
"demote to var":"",
"change (back) to local":"",
"search art":"",
"let's change this":"",
"backspace this":"",
"current expression":"",
"set name":"",
"Create a new picture sprite.":"",
"Sets the center horizontal position in pixels":"",
"we'll guide you step by step":"",
"All tutorials":"",
"All my scripts":"",
"Skill level: {0} ":"",
"All my groups":"",
"Create your own apps":"",
"Sets the y position in pixels":"",
"change contents":"",
"move the cursor right":"",
"customize the art!":"",
"Sets the width in pixels":"",
"{0} day{0:s} ago":"",
"stop loop":"",
"stop function":"",
"skip iteration":"",
"display value":"",
"repeat while":"",
"repeat n times":"",
"\/\/ comment":"",
"repeat on collection":"",
"UI widget":"",
"read more...":"",
"Create a new text sprite.":"",
"step over":"",
"step out":"",
"step in":"",
"Search code...":"",
"go to previous step":"",
"to continue coding":"",
"compiling script":"",
"'{0}' returns a '{1}'; {2}":"",
"promote to data":"",
"to global var":"",
"let's do it!":"",
"store in var":"",
"set local variable name":"",
"please wait...":"",
"function, variable, library, ...":"",
"add new":"",
"function types":"",
"<b>this line is perfect!<\/b> let's move on":"",
"art resource":"",
"Your script will appear here":"",
"Change skill level!":"",
"move the cursor left":"",
"new variable":"",
"a global variable":"",
"{0} year{0:s} ago":"",
"{0} month{0:s} ago":"",
"creates an empty collection of objects":"",
"Create an invalid value of this object type":"",
"import field values from a JSON object":"",
"checks if reference has not been set":"",
"tests if two references refer to the same object":"",
"sets all fields to their default values":"",
"export a JSON representation of the contents":"",
"displays the object on the wall":"",
"add line below":"",
"select that line":"",
"access the {0} field":"",
"tap there to run your app":"",
"new stmt below":"",
"new line":"",
"Concatenates two pieces of text":"",
"more ":"",
"TD152: unexpected ')'":"",
"TD118: 'if' condition wants {1:a}":"",
"TD115: excessive parameter(s) supplied to {0}":"",
"TD101: cannot find '{0}'":"",
"TD147: we didn't expect '{0}' here":"",
"no hearts. you can add one once you install the script!":"",
"no forks, install, edit and re-publish script to create one!":"",
"no art published by this user":"",
"get my Hour of Code™ certificate":"",
"next tutorials...":"",
"no tags, tap to add some!":"",
"no comments, tap to write some!":"",
"Gets the printers on the current wireless network":"",
"Plays the media at the 'url' internet address.":"",
"Browses to the device control panel":"",
"Gets the manfacturer name":"",
"Returns a date that adds the specified number of years to the value of this instance.":"",
"Converts to the local time":"",
"Choose a media player on the current wireless network":"",
"Gets the media players on the current wireless network":"",
"Indicates if no jobs can be processed and intervention is needed.":"",
"Choose a media server on the current wireless network":"",
"Gets the media servers on the home network":"",
"Gets the current motion that combines data from the accelerometer, compass and gyroscope if available.":"",
"Gets a value whether the song is DRM protected":"",
"Gets the width of the camera image in pixels.":"",
"Indicates if new jobs can start processing immediately without waiting.":"",
"Returns a date that adds the specified number of months to the value of this instance.":"",
"Indicates if jobs are processing; new jobs will wait before processing, i.e., are said to be pending.":"",
"Indicates the media can be played, paused, resumed":"",
"Sets the sound volume level from 0 (silent) to 1 (current volume)":"",
"Indicates if volume can be changed":"",
"Gets the sound volume for sounds from 0 (silent) to 1 (current volume)":"",
"Reads the response body as a wave sound":"",
"Gets the height of the camera image in pixels.":"",
"This script uses the following capabilities: ":"",
"Sets the 3x3 affine matrix transformation applied to the wall.":"",
"Searches the Windows Phone Store (type in applications or music)":"",
"Display the printer to the wall":"",
"Gets the name of the printer":"",
"Gets the detailled information about this device":"",
"Applies `converter` on all elements of the input collection and returns a collection of results":"",
"Draws a line between two points":"",
"Writes another picture at a given location. The opacity ranges from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).":"",
"Fills a ellipse with a given color":"",
"Returns a copy of the image":"",
"Draws some text border with a given color and font size":"",
"Fills a rectangle with a given color":"",
"Resizes the picture to the given size in pixels":"",
"Displays the image to the wall; you need to call 'update on wall' later if you want changes to be reflected.":"",
"you did it!":"",
"upload screenshot":"",
"Publishing is subject to our ":"",
". Please read our information about ":"",
"maybe later":"",
"Embeded text or downloaded from the web":"",
"Code that performs a specific task":"",
"Code raised when a user interaction happens":"",
"An indexed table of user-defined rows":"",
"A user interface":"",
"A table of user-defined rows":"",
"A reference to a library script":"",
"A number constant":"",
"A global variable":"",
"A color constant":"",
"Current device":"",
"tap to change the color":"",
"Show errors in the editor if the script uses any APIs that prevent it from running on these platforms.":"",
"Detaches the handler from the event.":"",
"set the handler that is invoked when the board is tapped":"",
"Returns true if the current instance is useless":"",
"Gets the width in pixels":"",
"Gets the height in pixels":"",
"Script Updates":"",
"rewind ":"",
"A picture":"",
"search art pictures":"",
"no picture loaded yet":"",
"Updates picture on a picture sprite (if it is a picture sprite)":"",
"Add an action that fires for every display frame":"",
"Gets the center horizontal position of in pixels":"",
"Sets the y acceleration in pixels\/sec^2":"",
"Sets the height in pixels":"",
"Sets the y speed in pixels\/sec":"",
"we need to edit another thing":"",
"Do the sprites overlap":"",
"Gets the y position in pixels":"",
"Sets the x speed in pixels\/sec":"",
"New or built-in colors":"",
"Compares numbers for equality":"",
"Compares numbers for less":"",
"Compares numbers for more":"",
"Multiplies numbers":"",
"Subtracts numbers":"",
"Adds numbers":"",
"Interact with devices in the home network. Devices must be UPnP™ compatible.":"",
"Phone numbers, vibrate, etc...":"",
"Create invalid values":"",
"Search and browse the web...":"",
"Camera, location, microphone and other sensors":"",
"Pictures and music...":"",
"ADJ script":"",
"Please wait...":"",
"Interact with the app runtime":"",
"Ask or display values on the wall...":"",
"Emails, sms, contacts, calendar, ...":"",
"2D barcodes, QR codes and NFC tags":"",
"Support for interactive tutorials.":"",
"Translation, speech to text, ...":"",
"Access to the radio":"",
"tiles and notifications for Windows and Windows Phone":"",
"Maps, location to address, address to location":"",
"Current box element in the page.":"",
"A place to hook up an action to execute in response to an event":"",
"Divides numbers":"",
"Correctness helpers":"",
"Play, stop or resume songs, ...":"",
"time and dates":"",
"Create collections of items.":"",
"replace all in function":"",
"in this function":"",
"Gets a list of all songs":"",
"Gets a list of all pictures":"",
"Gets the name of the audio\/video player":"",
"Gets a list of all videos":"",
"Searches for pictures in a particular date range.":"",
"Searches for songs":"",
"Checks if the device is connected":"",
"Searches for videos":"",
"Chooses a song":"",
"Chooses a picture":"",
"Chooses a video or a movie":"",
"Moves the player to the next media in the queue.":"",
"Choose a printer on the current wireless network":"",
"of an object":"",
"given ♥":"",
"promote to field":"",
"go to list of things in your script":"",
"Computes the maximum of the values":"",
"Computes the minimum of the values":"",
"Returns a random integral number between `min` and `max` included.":"",
"Converts the value into a json data structure.":"",
"Arithmetic and bitwise operations on 32 bit integers":"",
"OneDrive, OneNote operations":"",
"Gets the number of elements":"",
"Run the inline action.":"",
"Gets the number of playlists":"",
"you can also search":"",
"A unit test":"",
"add {0}":"",
"blank esplora":"",
"An empty Arduino Esplora script.":"",
"blank arduino":"",
"An empty Arduino sketch.":"",
"add line above":"",
"pick a script template...":"",
"type: ":"",
"TD121: cannot find type {0}":"",
"An empty script, which doesn't do anything.":"",
"image proxying":"",
"{0} down":"",
"{0} up":"",
"Displays the playlist to the wall":"",
"Plays the songs in the playlist":"",
"enter a number":"",
"undo fix":"",
"web apps":"",
"run tests":"",
"JSON data":"",
"add comment for this field":"",
"add comment":"",
"we need a new {0}":"",
"new property":"",
"A web app using Azure Services, Node.js and Restify.":"",
"A web app using Node.js and Restify.":"",
"see more options":"",
"parameter name":"",
"tap (←) when done":"",
"tap to change the splash screen picture":"",
"color: {0}":"",
"import column values from a JSON object":"",
"blank engduino":"",
"Counts the number of rows":"",
"Enter a script name...":"",
"Tutorial completed":"",
"This tab contains additional information about this script":"",
"creates an empty collection of entries":"",
"Creates an invalid reference to an entry":"",
"blank office mix":"",
"An empty Office Mix app.":"",
"blank tutorial":"",
"An empty interactive tutorial.":"",
"Pictures, sounds, etc. in the current script":"",
"Objects, tables and indexes in the current script":"",
"Libraries referenced by the current script":"",
"Functions in the current script":"",
"blank app":"",
"surround with":"",
"delete selection":"",
"cut selection":"",
"copy selection":"",
"search templates":"",
"your best score: {0}":"",
"blank game":"",
"the current function":"",
"Cordova mobile app":"",
"pin to start":"",
"or tap to get help":"",
"Boiler plate code to create a game.":"",
"blank pixel art":"",
"An empty app using the scratch library.":"",
"An turtle app.":"",
"an event handler":"",
"make call async":"",
"extract to parameter":"",
"comment out":"",
"Sets the current value":"",
"Gets the status of the player":"",
"Searches for videos in a particular date range.":"",
"Moves the player to the previous media in the queue.":"",
"Sets the friendly name of the device":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Player Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Device Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Printer Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Server instance":"",
"Plays a media from the home network.":"",
"Gets the friendly name of the device":"",
"Creates an invalid Device instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Printer instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Link instance":"",
"Exports a JSON representation of the contents.":"",
"Browse and review scripts from the bazaar":"",
"Gets the foreground color in the current theme":"",
"Gets the normalized red value (0.0-1.0)":"",
"Checks if the color is equal to the other":"",
"Gets the chrome color in the current theme (control background)":"",
"Gets the accent color in the current theme":"",
"Gets the location":"",
"Gets the name of the album":"",
"Gets the link associated to the message":"",
"Sorts the places by distance to the location":"",
"Gets the songs":"",
"Indicates if the key exists":"",
"Gets a field value as a boolean":"",
"Gets the name of the song":"",
"Displays the link on the wall":"",
"Gets the genre of the song":"",
"Plays the song.":"",
"Gets the name of the artist":"",
"Gets a value indicating if the background repeats horizontally":"",
"Gets the number of values":"",
"Sets a value indicating if the background repeats horizontally":"",
"Gets the list of keys":"",
"Gets the text":"",
"Gets a field value as a string":"",
"Creates a new color by changing the alpha channel from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).":"",
"Picks a color from a color wheel where the hue is between 0 and 1.":"",
"Indicates if the player is paused":"",
"Gets the duration in seconds":"",
"Gets the number of elements in the collection":"",
"Imports a JSON representation of the contents.":"",
"Ooops, there was an error loading the picture.":"",
"loading more...":"",
"loading art ...":"",
"ok, let's roll!":"",
"From now on we won't show you the code to write. Follow the instructions and tap run when you think you are done.":"",
"Try tweaking your code until you get it right. If you get stuck, tap the tutorial bar.":"",
"<h3>no more tips!<\/h3>":"",
"Specify how to arrange the content of this box":"",
"Starts a new tween animation.":"",
"Parses the string as a number":"",
"publish your script":"",
"Publishing script...":"",
"{0} script{0:s} published":"",
"4. publish":"",
"Sets the rotation speed in degrees\/sec":"",
"Sets the z-index of the sprite":"",
"Gets the acceleration along y in pixels\/sec^2":"",
"Hide sprite.":"",
"Sets the url to the picture":"",
"Displays the value to the wall":"",
"Gets a url to the picture":"",
"Create a new collection for sprites.":"",
"Converts to a boolean (type must be boolean)":"",
"Converts and parses to a date time (type must be string)":"",
"Stringify the current JSON object":"",
"Sorts from the newest to oldest":"",
"Prints the number to the wall":"",
"Sorts the strings in this collection":"",
"Displays the sprite sheet.":"",
"Gets the field value as a time":"",
"Returns a collection sorted using specified comparison key":"",
"Gets a json kind (string, number, object, array, boolean, null)":"",
"Gets a field value as a number":"",
"Converts to a number (type must be number)":"",
"Sets the wall background picture. The picture will be resized and clipped to the screen background as needed.":"",
"Gets a value by name":"",
"Gets the i-th json value":"",
"Creates an empty Picture collection":"",
"Sets the speed in pixels\/sec":"",
"Makes a lighter color by a delta between 0 and 1.":"",
"Makes a darker color by a delta between 0 and 1.":"",
"Compares numbers for less or equal":"",
"Compares numbers for more or equal":"",
"Indicates if the player is stopped":"",
"Updates text on a text sprite (if it is a text sprite)":"",
"add an action that fires for every display frame.":"",
"Returns a substring given a start index and a length":"",
"Converts a number to a string":"",
"Indicates if the string is empty":"",
"Sets the background color":"",
"In debug mode, board displays speed and other info of sprites":"",
"Returns the number of characters":"",
"Sets the angle of the sprite in degrees":"",
"Checks if two strings are the same":"",
"Gets a random item; invalid if collection is empty":"",
"Displays the request to the wall":"",
"Displays string on the wall":"",
"Computes the sum of the values":"",
"Prints the value to the wall":"",
"Computes the average of the values":"",
"Gets the item at position 'index'; invalid if index is out of bounds":"",
"Returns the sprite color.":"",
"Create a new rectangle sprite.":"",
"A argb color (alpha, red, green, blue)":"",
"Gets the names of the headers":"",
"Gets the value of a given header":"",
"Geo coordinates":"",
"Cloud session management":"",
"add optional":"",
"cannot sync - you are not signed in":"",
"try again!":"",
"Returns a string collection that contains the substrings in this string that are delimited by elements of a specified string.":"",
"Teach Creative Coding!":"",
"ok, got it!":"",
"Try finding the buttons yourself. If you get stuck, tap on the goal line.":"",
"From now on we just show you the code that you need to write, in the goal line. It looks like this:":"",
"<h3>now, do it yourself!<\/h3>":"",
"tap a checkmark to add (or remove) your 'vote' to an existing tag":"",
"add new tag":"",
"Writes a static NFC tag with url, text or any other format. `type` may be a mime type.":"",
"Scans an id tag created by TouchDevelop and returns the embeded text.":"",
"Generates a 2D barcode pointing to the text using Microsoft Tag. text must be less than 1000 character long and size must be between 0.75 and 5 inches.":"",
"Set what happens when the box is tapped.":"",
"If the page did not open, tap the 'open' button below, otherwise tap 'done'.":"",
"tap [ok] when done":"",
"Make updates visible.":"",
"Plays the current media from the start.":"",
"Private actions do not get a run button. ":"",
"remove else":"",
"Gets the uri of the media currently active":"",
"Indicates additional information about why the Printer is in its current state.":"",
"Pauses the current media if any.":"",
"Queues a job to print the text.":"",
"Gets the position in seconds whithin the active media":""

locales/zh-TW/strings.json Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,824 @@
"my scripts":"",
"a function":"",
"tap there":"",
"insert {0}":"",
"'Javascripty' curly braces, all the tools, for experienced devs!":"",
"Sets the position in pixels":"",
"insert comment":"",
"translating tutorial...":"",
"loading tutorial":"",
"reloading script":"",
"we have {0:a} here; did you want to do something with it?":"",
"privacy and cookies":"",
"terms of use":"",
" -- a local variable":"",
"signing in...":"",
"global vars":"",
"We will adapt the editor to your coding skill level. You can change your skill level later in the hub.":"",
"run main":"",
"Edit code as text, more options, for aspiring app writers!":"",
"Drag and drop blocks, simplified interface, great for beginners!":"",
"choose your coding skill level":"",
"Your full name":"",
"website url":"",
"twitter handle":"",
"sign out":"",
"sign in":"",
"receive email newsletters":"",
"remove picture":"",
"Receive email notifications when other people review\/take a screenshot of\/comment on your scripts, or reply to one of your comments, or when events related to your subscriptions occur.":"",
"Your twitter handle, like @touchdevelop.":"",
"receive email notifications":"",
"real name":"",
"public profile":"",
"public nickname":"",
"private profile":"",
"Please review our Privacy Statement.":"",
"Your email address has not yet been verified. Please check your inbox.":"",
"email and push notifications":"",
"Enter your school affiliation if any.":"",
"What is your occupation?":"",
"What is your level of programming knowledge?":"",
"programming knowledge":"",
"How did you discover TouchDevelop?":"",
"how found":"",
"year of birth":"",
"about you":"",
"Where in the world are you?":"",
"Your Minecraft user.":"",
"more settings":"",
"Your GitHub user.":"",
"minecraft user":"",
"A unique display name for your public profile (at least 8 characters)":"",
"Scripts by this user:":"",
"github user":"",
"Items marked with * are required.":"",
"Enter the URL to your personal website (Example: http:\/\/":"",
"Enter some information about yourself":"",
"Don't forget to scroll down and tap 'save' when you are done editing!":"",
"Do you want to receive informational TouchDevelop-related newsletters, e.g. about new features and upcoming events?":"",
"<h3>loading current settings...<\/h3>":"",
"Art by this user:":"",
"abuse reports":"",
"go back to coding! {0}★ to go":"",
"add input parameter":"",
"start over":"",
"API Docs":"",
"Upload Picture":"",
"toggle breakpoint":"",
"Create Script":"",
"Create Group":"",
"Join Group":"",
"global variable":"",
"script properties":"",
"decimal dot":"",
"move cursor":"",
"upload picture":"",
"the hub":"",
"logical negation":"",
"A number (possibly negative and\/or fractional)":"",
"replicated ":"",
"publish as hidden":"",
"learn about publishing":"",
"Publish script":"",
"Minecraft user":"",
"TD155: '{0}' cannot be assigned to a local variable":"",
"TD130: bound of 'for' wants {1:a}":"",
"TD150: cannot call the thing before '('":"",
"TD151: unclosed '('":"",
"TD112: i cannot find property '{0}' on {1}":"",
"TD116: not enough parameters supplied to {0}":"",
"move to library":"",
" [hidden]":"",
"color #{0}":"",
"load more replies":"",
"export to app":"",
"pull changes":"",
"'{0}' is obsolete and should not be used":"",
"add output parameter":"",
"superior, supernatural, terrific, unbelievable, unearthly, unique, unprecedented, unusual, weird, wonderful, wondrous":"",
"incredible, magical, marvellous, marvelous, mind-blowing, mind-boggling, miraculous, peculiar, phenomenal, rad, rockin', special, spectacular, startling, stunning, super-cool, ":"",
"amazing, astonishing, astounding, awe-inspiring, awesome, breathtaking, classic, cool, curious, distinct, exceptional, exclusive, extraordinary, fabulous, fantastic, glorious, great, ":"",
" sending changes":"",
"diff prev":"",
"diff curr":"",
"Types, order, and number of event parameters cannot be edited.":"",
"Events cannot have out parameters.":"",
"TD109: cannot assign to this":"",
"just keep typing the search terms!":"",
"... there's more ...":"",
"tap there for instructions":"",
"show how to complete this activity":"",
"move left":"",
"To add page data, create a local var and tap 'promote to field'.":"",
"TD111: cannot assign from {0} to {1}":"",
"{0} ({1} line{1:s})":"",
"replace all in script":"",
"global replace":"",
"create a new parameter":"",
"select more":"",
"strip '{0}'":"",
"pull out to block level":"",
", got {0:a} instead":"",
"an function type definition":"",
"tap to translate with Microsoft® Translator...":"",
"Translations by Microsoft® Translator, tap to see original...":"",
"into local":"",
"extract to var":"",
"turn into":"",
"else if":"",
"a minute ago":"",
"loading replies...":"",
"show more options":"",
"find references":"",
"need to edit elsewhere":"",
"an hour ago":"",
" of ":"",
"need to delete this":"",
"screenshot of {0}":"",
"loading comments for \/{0}...":"",
"my art":"",
"insert statement":"",
"learn more":"",
"now you can select a property of {0}; it doesn't do anything by itself":"",
"tutorial progress":"",
"What's new":"",
"Search everything":"",
"Search Help":"",
"Getting started":"",
"Export to Windows, Android, iOS, Azure":"",
"top & new":"",
"a few seconds ago":"",
"number entry":"",
"regular keypad":"",
"Upload Sound":"",
"Insert '{0}' {1}":"",
"go to":"",
"{0} second{0:s} ago":"",
"New Scripts":"",
"TD145: there seem to be an operator (like '+', '(' or ',') missing here":"",
"we have a library '{0}' here; {1}":"",
"now you can select a property on it":"",
"we need different keypad":"",
"i'm finished with my Hour of Code™":"",
"a page":"",
"TD154: the operator needs something after it":"",
"TD144: it seems you're missing '{0}', try adding it":"",
"{0} hour{0:s} ago":"",
"fix it":"",
"learn more about {0}":"",
"Your art will appear here":"",
"{0} minute{0:s} ago":"",
"break in debugger":"",
"Picks a random color":"",
"type: {0}":"",
"need a different string here":"",
"follow tutorial in editor":"",
"tap here when done":"",
"upload sound":"",
"keep editing":"",
"Type to search...":"",
"let's get started!":"",
"creating script":"",
"tutorial: ":"",
"excellent; great job; awesome; cool; you rock; well done; outstanding; you got it; right on":"",
"Post a comment...":"",
"parsing script text":"",
"report abuse":"",
"load more":"",
"TD100: insert {0:a} here":"",
"Sets the background picture":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #00FFFFFF":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF800080":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFF00FF":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFFF00":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF00FFFF":"",
"Sets the sprite color.":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFA500":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFFFFF":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFF0000":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF0000FF":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF000000":"",
"'atomic' function":"",
"test function":"",
"private function":"",
"function name":"",
"store the value in a variable":"",
"this script is a web service":"",
"variable name":"",
"library name":"",
"Enter a name":"",
"exported from this library":"",
"search here for {0}":"",
"ex: ":"",
"to code":"",
"this script is a library":"",
"run with instrumentation":"",
"revert to published version":"",
"manage data":"",
"i want it to run on":"",
"delete local data and permissions":"",
"allow other users to export to app":"",
"about profile":"",
"about insights":"",
"about coverage":"",
"Search here...":"",
"For published scripts, also look at the tab of the published script page to find anonymously collected crowd-sourced profile and coverage data.":"",
"After the script stops, browse the code to see collected information.":"",
"read only":"",
"offline available":"",
"cloud sessions":"",
"record name:":"",
"view as script":"",
", got {0}":"",
"See More":"",
"'{0}' expects {1} here":"",
"Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF008000":"",
"replace picture":"",
"demote to var":"",
"change (back) to local":"",
"search art":"",
"let's change this":"",
"backspace this":"",
"current expression":"",
"set name":"",
"Create a new picture sprite.":"",
"Sets the center horizontal position in pixels":"",
"we'll guide you step by step":"",
"All tutorials":"",
"All my scripts":"",
"Skill level: {0} ":"",
"All my groups":"",
"Create your own apps":"",
"Sets the y position in pixels":"",
"change contents":"",
"move the cursor right":"",
"customize the art!":"",
"Sets the width in pixels":"",
"{0} day{0:s} ago":"",
"stop loop":"",
"stop function":"",
"skip iteration":"",
"display value":"",
"repeat while":"",
"repeat n times":"",
"\/\/ comment":"",
"repeat on collection":"",
"UI widget":"",
"read more...":"",
"Create a new text sprite.":"",
"step over":"",
"step out":"",
"step in":"",
"Search code...":"",
"go to previous step":"",
"to continue coding":"",
"compiling script":"",
"'{0}' returns a '{1}'; {2}":"",
"promote to data":"",
"to global var":"",
"let's do it!":"",
"store in var":"",
"set local variable name":"",
"please wait...":"",
"function, variable, library, ...":"",
"add new":"",
"function types":"",
"<b>this line is perfect!<\/b> let's move on":"",
"art resource":"",
"Your script will appear here":"",
"Change skill level!":"",
"move the cursor left":"",
"new variable":"",
"a global variable":"",
"{0} year{0:s} ago":"",
"{0} month{0:s} ago":"",
"creates an empty collection of objects":"",
"Create an invalid value of this object type":"",
"import field values from a JSON object":"",
"checks if reference has not been set":"",
"tests if two references refer to the same object":"",
"sets all fields to their default values":"",
"export a JSON representation of the contents":"",
"displays the object on the wall":"",
"add line below":"",
"select that line":"",
"access the {0} field":"",
"tap there to run your app":"",
"new stmt below":"",
"new line":"",
"Concatenates two pieces of text":"",
"more ":"",
"TD152: unexpected ')'":"",
"TD118: 'if' condition wants {1:a}":"",
"TD115: excessive parameter(s) supplied to {0}":"",
"TD101: cannot find '{0}'":"",
"TD147: we didn't expect '{0}' here":"",
"no hearts. you can add one once you install the script!":"",
"no forks, install, edit and re-publish script to create one!":"",
"no art published by this user":"",
"get my Hour of Code™ certificate":"",
"next tutorials...":"",
"no tags, tap to add some!":"",
"no comments, tap to write some!":"",
"Gets the printers on the current wireless network":"",
"Plays the media at the 'url' internet address.":"",
"Browses to the device control panel":"",
"Gets the manfacturer name":"",
"Returns a date that adds the specified number of years to the value of this instance.":"",
"Converts to the local time":"",
"Choose a media player on the current wireless network":"",
"Gets the media players on the current wireless network":"",
"Indicates if no jobs can be processed and intervention is needed.":"",
"Choose a media server on the current wireless network":"",
"Gets the media servers on the home network":"",
"Gets the current motion that combines data from the accelerometer, compass and gyroscope if available.":"",
"Gets a value whether the song is DRM protected":"",
"Gets the width of the camera image in pixels.":"",
"Indicates if new jobs can start processing immediately without waiting.":"",
"Returns a date that adds the specified number of months to the value of this instance.":"",
"Indicates if jobs are processing; new jobs will wait before processing, i.e., are said to be pending.":"",
"Indicates the media can be played, paused, resumed":"",
"Sets the sound volume level from 0 (silent) to 1 (current volume)":"",
"Indicates if volume can be changed":"",
"Gets the sound volume for sounds from 0 (silent) to 1 (current volume)":"",
"Reads the response body as a wave sound":"",
"Gets the height of the camera image in pixels.":"",
"This script uses the following capabilities: ":"",
"Sets the 3x3 affine matrix transformation applied to the wall.":"",
"Searches the Windows Phone Store (type in applications or music)":"",
"Display the printer to the wall":"",
"Gets the name of the printer":"",
"Gets the detailled information about this device":"",
"Applies `converter` on all elements of the input collection and returns a collection of results":"",
"Draws a line between two points":"",
"Writes another picture at a given location. The opacity ranges from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).":"",
"Fills a ellipse with a given color":"",
"Returns a copy of the image":"",
"Draws some text border with a given color and font size":"",
"Fills a rectangle with a given color":"",
"Resizes the picture to the given size in pixels":"",
"Displays the image to the wall; you need to call 'update on wall' later if you want changes to be reflected.":"",
"you did it!":"",
"upload screenshot":"",
"Publishing is subject to our ":"",
". Please read our information about ":"",
"maybe later":"",
"Embeded text or downloaded from the web":"",
"Code that performs a specific task":"",
"Code raised when a user interaction happens":"",
"An indexed table of user-defined rows":"",
"A user interface":"",
"A table of user-defined rows":"",
"A reference to a library script":"",
"A number constant":"",
"A global variable":"",
"A color constant":"",
"Current device":"",
"tap to change the color":"",
"Show errors in the editor if the script uses any APIs that prevent it from running on these platforms.":"",
"Detaches the handler from the event.":"",
"set the handler that is invoked when the board is tapped":"",
"Returns true if the current instance is useless":"",
"Gets the width in pixels":"",
"Gets the height in pixels":"",
"Script Updates":"",
"rewind ":"",
"A picture":"",
"search art pictures":"",
"no picture loaded yet":"",
"Updates picture on a picture sprite (if it is a picture sprite)":"",
"Add an action that fires for every display frame":"",
"Gets the center horizontal position of in pixels":"",
"Sets the y acceleration in pixels\/sec^2":"",
"Sets the height in pixels":"",
"Sets the y speed in pixels\/sec":"",
"we need to edit another thing":"",
"Do the sprites overlap":"",
"Gets the y position in pixels":"",
"Sets the x speed in pixels\/sec":"",
"New or built-in colors":"",
"Compares numbers for equality":"",
"Compares numbers for less":"",
"Compares numbers for more":"",
"Multiplies numbers":"",
"Subtracts numbers":"",
"Adds numbers":"",
"Interact with devices in the home network. Devices must be UPnP™ compatible.":"",
"Phone numbers, vibrate, etc...":"",
"Create invalid values":"",
"Search and browse the web...":"",
"Camera, location, microphone and other sensors":"",
"Pictures and music...":"",
"ADJ script":"",
"Please wait...":"",
"Interact with the app runtime":"",
"Ask or display values on the wall...":"",
"Emails, sms, contacts, calendar, ...":"",
"2D barcodes, QR codes and NFC tags":"",
"Support for interactive tutorials.":"",
"Translation, speech to text, ...":"",
"Access to the radio":"",
"tiles and notifications for Windows and Windows Phone":"",
"Maps, location to address, address to location":"",
"Current box element in the page.":"",
"A place to hook up an action to execute in response to an event":"",
"Divides numbers":"",
"Correctness helpers":"",
"Play, stop or resume songs, ...":"",
"time and dates":"",
"Create collections of items.":"",
"replace all in function":"",
"in this function":"",
"Gets a list of all songs":"",
"Gets a list of all pictures":"",
"Gets the name of the audio\/video player":"",
"Gets a list of all videos":"",
"Searches for pictures in a particular date range.":"",
"Searches for songs":"",
"Checks if the device is connected":"",
"Searches for videos":"",
"Chooses a song":"",
"Chooses a picture":"",
"Chooses a video or a movie":"",
"Moves the player to the next media in the queue.":"",
"Choose a printer on the current wireless network":"",
"of an object":"",
"given ♥":"",
"promote to field":"",
"go to list of things in your script":"",
"Computes the maximum of the values":"",
"Computes the minimum of the values":"",
"Returns a random integral number between `min` and `max` included.":"",
"Converts the value into a json data structure.":"",
"Arithmetic and bitwise operations on 32 bit integers":"",
"OneDrive, OneNote operations":"",
"Gets the number of elements":"",
"Run the inline action.":"",
"Gets the number of playlists":"",
"you can also search":"",
"A unit test":"",
"add {0}":"",
"blank esplora":"",
"An empty Arduino Esplora script.":"",
"blank arduino":"",
"An empty Arduino sketch.":"",
"add line above":"",
"pick a script template...":"",
"type: ":"",
"TD121: cannot find type {0}":"",
"An empty script, which doesn't do anything.":"",
"image proxying":"",
"{0} down":"",
"{0} up":"",
"Displays the playlist to the wall":"",
"Plays the songs in the playlist":"",
"enter a number":"",
"undo fix":"",
"web apps":"",
"run tests":"",
"JSON data":"",
"add comment for this field":"",
"add comment":"",
"we need a new {0}":"",
"new property":"",
"A web app using Azure Services, Node.js and Restify.":"",
"A web app using Node.js and Restify.":"",
"see more options":"",
"parameter name":"",
"tap (←) when done":"",
"tap to change the splash screen picture":"",
"color: {0}":"",
"import column values from a JSON object":"",
"blank engduino":"",
"Counts the number of rows":"",
"Enter a script name...":"",
"Tutorial completed":"",
"This tab contains additional information about this script":"",
"creates an empty collection of entries":"",
"Creates an invalid reference to an entry":"",
"blank office mix":"",
"An empty Office Mix app.":"",
"blank tutorial":"",
"An empty interactive tutorial.":"",
"Pictures, sounds, etc. in the current script":"",
"Objects, tables and indexes in the current script":"",
"Libraries referenced by the current script":"",
"Functions in the current script":"",
"blank app":"",
"surround with":"",
"delete selection":"",
"cut selection":"",
"copy selection":"",
"search templates":"",
"your best score: {0}":"",
"blank game":"",
"the current function":"",
"Cordova mobile app":"",
"pin to start":"",
"or tap to get help":"",
"Boiler plate code to create a game.":"",
"blank pixel art":"",
"An empty app using the scratch library.":"",
"An turtle app.":"",
"an event handler":"",
"make call async":"",
"extract to parameter":"",
"comment out":"",
"Sets the current value":"",
"Gets the status of the player":"",
"Searches for videos in a particular date range.":"",
"Moves the player to the previous media in the queue.":"",
"Sets the friendly name of the device":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Player Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Device Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Printer Collection instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Server instance":"",
"Plays a media from the home network.":"",
"Gets the friendly name of the device":"",
"Creates an invalid Device instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Printer instance":"",
"Creates an invalid Media Link instance":"",
"Exports a JSON representation of the contents.":"",
"Browse and review scripts from the bazaar":"",
"Gets the foreground color in the current theme":"",
"Gets the normalized red value (0.0-1.0)":"",
"Checks if the color is equal to the other":"",
"Gets the chrome color in the current theme (control background)":"",
"Gets the accent color in the current theme":"",
"Gets the location":"",
"Gets the name of the album":"",
"Gets the link associated to the message":"",
"Sorts the places by distance to the location":"",
"Gets the songs":"",
"Indicates if the key exists":"",
"Gets a field value as a boolean":"",
"Gets the name of the song":"",
"Displays the link on the wall":"",
"Gets the genre of the song":"",
"Plays the song.":"",
"Gets the name of the artist":"",
"Gets a value indicating if the background repeats horizontally":"",
"Gets the number of values":"",
"Sets a value indicating if the background repeats horizontally":"",
"Gets the list of keys":"",
"Gets the text":"",
"Gets a field value as a string":"",
"Creates a new color by changing the alpha channel from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).":"",
"Picks a color from a color wheel where the hue is between 0 and 1.":"",
"Indicates if the player is paused":"",
"Gets the duration in seconds":"",
"Gets the number of elements in the collection":"",
"Imports a JSON representation of the contents.":"",
"Ooops, there was an error loading the picture.":"",
"loading more...":"",
"loading art ...":"",
"ok, let's roll!":"",
"From now on we won't show you the code to write. Follow the instructions and tap run when you think you are done.":"",
"Try tweaking your code until you get it right. If you get stuck, tap the tutorial bar.":"",
"<h3>no more tips!<\/h3>":"",
"Specify how to arrange the content of this box":"",
"Starts a new tween animation.":"",
"Parses the string as a number":"",
"publish your script":"",
"Publishing script...":"",
"{0} script{0:s} published":"",
"4. publish":"",
"Sets the rotation speed in degrees\/sec":"",
"Sets the z-index of the sprite":"",
"Gets the acceleration along y in pixels\/sec^2":"",
"Hide sprite.":"",
"Sets the url to the picture":"",
"Displays the value to the wall":"",
"Gets a url to the picture":"",
"Create a new collection for sprites.":"",
"Converts to a boolean (type must be boolean)":"",
"Converts and parses to a date time (type must be string)":"",
"Stringify the current JSON object":"",
"Sorts from the newest to oldest":"",
"Prints the number to the wall":"",
"Sorts the strings in this collection":"",
"Displays the sprite sheet.":"",
"Gets the field value as a time":"",
"Returns a collection sorted using specified comparison key":"",
"Gets a json kind (string, number, object, array, boolean, null)":"",
"Gets a field value as a number":"",
"Converts to a number (type must be number)":"",
"Sets the wall background picture. The picture will be resized and clipped to the screen background as needed.":"",
"Gets a value by name":"",
"Gets the i-th json value":"",
"Creates an empty Picture collection":"",
"Sets the speed in pixels\/sec":"",
"Makes a lighter color by a delta between 0 and 1.":"",
"Makes a darker color by a delta between 0 and 1.":"",
"Compares numbers for less or equal":"",
"Compares numbers for more or equal":"",
"Indicates if the player is stopped":"",
"Updates text on a text sprite (if it is a text sprite)":"",
"add an action that fires for every display frame.":"",
"Returns a substring given a start index and a length":"",
"Converts a number to a string":"",
"Indicates if the string is empty":"",
"Sets the background color":"",
"In debug mode, board displays speed and other info of sprites":"",
"Returns the number of characters":"",
"Sets the angle of the sprite in degrees":"",
"Checks if two strings are the same":"",
"Gets a random item; invalid if collection is empty":"",
"Displays the request to the wall":"",
"Displays string on the wall":"",
"Computes the sum of the values":"",
"Prints the value to the wall":"",
"Computes the average of the values":"",
"Gets the item at position 'index'; invalid if index is out of bounds":"",
"Returns the sprite color.":"",
"Create a new rectangle sprite.":"",
"A argb color (alpha, red, green, blue)":"",
"Gets the names of the headers":"",
"Gets the value of a given header":"",
"Geo coordinates":"",
"Cloud session management":"",
"add optional":"",
"cannot sync - you are not signed in":"",
"try again!":"",
"Returns a string collection that contains the substrings in this string that are delimited by elements of a specified string.":"",
"Teach Creative Coding!":"",
"ok, got it!":"",
"Try finding the buttons yourself. If you get stuck, tap on the goal line.":"",
"From now on we just show you the code that you need to write, in the goal line. It looks like this:":"",
"<h3>now, do it yourself!<\/h3>":"",
"tap a checkmark to add (or remove) your 'vote' to an existing tag":"",
"add new tag":"",
"Writes a static NFC tag with url, text or any other format. `type` may be a mime type.":"",
"Scans an id tag created by TouchDevelop and returns the embeded text.":"",
"Generates a 2D barcode pointing to the text using Microsoft Tag. text must be less than 1000 character long and size must be between 0.75 and 5 inches.":"",
"Set what happens when the box is tapped.":"",
"If the page did not open, tap the 'open' button below, otherwise tap 'done'.":"",
"tap [ok] when done":"",
"Make updates visible.":"",
"Plays the current media from the start.":"",
"Private actions do not get a run button. ":"",
"remove else":"",
"Gets the uri of the media currently active":"",
"Indicates additional information about why the Printer is in its current state.":"",
"Pauses the current media if any.":"",
"Queues a job to print the text.":"",
"Gets the position in seconds whithin the active media":""

Просмотреть файл

@ -1618,8 +1618,7 @@ export function stringCompare(an:string, bn:string)
export function updatelang(args:string[])
var excluded = ["hi"]
var langs = ["none"]
var langs = []
var allTrans = {}
var numStarted = 0
@ -1647,16 +1646,19 @@ export function updatelang(args:string[])
var finish = () => {
var strings = {}
var keys = {}
var res = "TDev.Util._languageData = function (lang) {\n"
langs.forEach(l => {
Object.keys(allTrans[l]).forEach(k => {
if (keys[k] === 1) return
if (usedSet.hasOwnProperty(k))
if (usedSet.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
keys[k] = 1
strings[k] = k;
else {
console.log("would skip: " + k)
keys[k] = 1
console.log("skipping: " + k)
//keys[k] = 1
@ -1664,13 +1666,17 @@ export function updatelang(args:string[])
kk.forEach((k, i) => keys[k] = i)
res += "var keys = " + arrToStr(kk) + ";\n\n"
if (!fs.existsSync("build/locale"))
langs.forEach(l => {
var arr = []
var tr = {};
var map = allTrans[l]
var numTr = 0
Object.keys(map).forEach(k => {
if (keys[k] !== undefined) {
arr[keys[k]] = map[k]
tr[k] = map[k];
@ -1678,14 +1684,29 @@ export function updatelang(args:string[])
for(var i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i)
if (!arr[i]) arr[i] = 0
res += "if (lang == \"" + l + "\") { TDev.Util._setLanguageArray(keys, " + arrToStr(arr) + "); return true; }\n\n"
fs.writeFileSync("build/locale/" + l + ".json", JSON.stringify(tr));
res += "\n return false;\n}\n\n"
fs.writeFileSync("generated/langs.js", res)
fs.writeFileSync("generated/strings.json", JSON.stringify(strings));
fs.readdirSync("locales").forEach((folder: string) => {
var fn = "locales/" + folder + "/strings.json";
console.log("importing " + fn);
var js = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(fn, "utf8"));
Object.keys(js).forEach(key => {
if (!js[key]) delete js[key];
allTrans[folder] = js;
tdevGet("", resp => {
var ll = JSON.parse(resp)
excluded.forEach(l => delete ll[l])
langs = Object.keys(ll)
langs.forEach(l => {
@ -1697,6 +1718,7 @@ export function updatelang(args:string[])
export function updatehelp(args:string[])