/// // TODO events and async // Next available error: TD215: module TDev.AST { export class TypeResolver extends NodeVisitor { constructor(public parent:TypeChecker) { super() } private fixupKind(n:AstNode, k:Kind) { if (k instanceof UnresolvedKind && this.parent.topApp) { var k0 = this.parent.topApp.getDefinedKinds().filter(n => n.getName() == k.getName())[0] if (k0) k = k0 } if (k.getRoot() != k) { var pk = k var parms = pk.parameters.map(kk => this.fixupKind(n, kk)) if (parms.some((kk, i) => pk.parameters[i] != kk)) { k = pk.createInstance(parms) } } if (k.isError()) { if (k instanceof LibraryRefAbstractKind || k.getRecord() instanceof LibraryRecordDef) { if (k.parentLibrary().hasAbstractKind(k.getName())) { k = k.parentLibrary().getAbstractKind(k.getName()) } } } if (k.isError()) { this.parent.errorCount++; n.setError(lf("TD121: cannot find type {0}", k.toString())); } return k; } visitGlobalDef(node:GlobalDef) { node._kind = this.fixupKind(node, node.getKind()); } visitAction(node:Action) { var fixupLocal = (a:ActionParameter) => { var l = a.local; l._kind = this.fixupKind(node, l.getKind()); } if (node.modelParameter) fixupLocal(node.modelParameter); node.getInParameters().forEach(fixupLocal); node.getOutParameters().forEach(fixupLocal); } visitBlock(b:Block) { this.visitChildren(b); } visitRecordDef(r:RecordDef) { this.visitChildren(r); } visitRecordField(node:RecordField) { node.setKind(this.fixupKind(node, node.dataKind)) } visitApp(a:App) { this.visitChildren(a); } } export enum ActionSection { Normal, Init, Display, Lambda, } export interface InlineError { scope:string; message:string; line:string; lineNo:number; coremsg:string; hints:string; } export class TypeChecker extends NodeVisitor { private typeResolver:TypeResolver; private isTopExpr = false; static lastStoreLocalsAt:ExprHolder; static lintThumb : (a:Action, asm:string) => InlineError[]; constructor() { super() this.typeResolver = new TypeResolver(this); } static tcAction(a:Action, first:boolean, storeAt:ExprHolder = null) { var ctx = new TypeChecker(); ctx.topApp = Script; ctx.storeLocalsAt = storeAt; TypeChecker.lastStoreLocalsAt = storeAt; if (first) { TypeChecker.iterTokenUsage((t:TokenUsage) => { t.localCount = 0 }); ctx.countToUpdate = 1; } ctx.dispatch(a); } static tcFragment(e: ExprHolder) { var ctx = new TypeChecker(); ctx.topApp = Script; ctx.storeLocalsAt = e; TypeChecker.lastStoreLocalsAt = e; var es = mkExprStmt(e); ctx.dispatch(es); } static tcScript(a:App, ignoreLibErrors = false, isTop = false, depth = 0) : number { var ctx = new TypeChecker(); ctx.topApp = a; a.imports = new AppImports(); var prev = Script; ctx.storeLocalsAt = TypeChecker.lastStoreLocalsAt; ctx.ignoreLibErrors = ignoreLibErrors; try { setGlobalScript(a); ctx.typecheckLibraries(a); // this may be too often a.libNamespaceCache.recompute(); ctx.typeResolver.dispatch(a); if (isTop) { TypeChecker.iterTokenUsage((t:TokenUsage) => { t.globalCount = 0 }); ctx.countToUpdate = 2; } ctx.dispatch(a); a.addFeatures(LanguageFeature.Refs); // refs is fixed after one round if (ctx.numFixes > 0 && depth < 5) { // retry return TypeChecker.tcScript(a, ignoreLibErrors, isTop, depth + 1); } a.addFeatures(LanguageFeature.Current); a.things.forEach((t) => { if (ignoreLibErrors && t instanceof LibraryRef) { (t)._hasErrors = false return; } if (t.hasErrors()) ctx.errorCount++; }); return ctx.errorCount; } finally { setGlobalScript(prev); // rebinds "data", "code" etc. } } static tcApp(a:App) : number { return TypeChecker.tcScript(a, false, true); } static iterTokenUsage(f:(t:TokenUsage)=>void) { TDev.api.getKinds().forEach((k:Kind) => { if (!!k.singleton) { f(k.singleton.usage); } k.listProperties().forEach((p:IProperty) => { f(p.getUsage()); }); }); TDev.api.getKind("code").singleton.usage.apiFreq = TDev.Script.actions().length > 0 ? 1.0 : 0.0; TDev.api.getKind("data").singleton.usage.apiFreq = TDev.Script.variables().length > 0 ? 0.9 : 0.0; TDev.api.getKind("art").singleton.usage.apiFreq = TDev.Script.resources().length > 0 ? 0.8 : 0.0; api.core.allStmtUsage().forEach(f); } static resolveKind(k:Kind) { var ctx = new TypeChecker(); ctx.topApp = Script; var a = new GlobalDef() a._kind = k ctx.typeResolver.dispatch(a); return a._kind } public topApp:App; private currentAction:Action; private currentAnyAction:Stmt; private seenAwait = false; private numFixes = 0; private nothingLocals:LocalDef[] = []; private localScopes: LocalDef[][] = [[]]; private readOnlyLocals:LocalDef[] = []; private outsideScopeLocals:LocalDef[] = []; private invisibleLocals:LocalDef[] = []; private writtenLocals:LocalDef[] = []; private readLocals:LocalDef[] = []; private currLoop:Stmt; private inAtomic = false; private inShim = false; private actionSection = ActionSection.Normal; private pageInit:Block; private pageDisplay:Block; private saveFixes = 0; private outLocals:LocalDef[] = []; private reportedUnassigned = false; private allLocals :LocalDef[] = []; private recentErrors: string[] = []; private lastStmt:Stmt; public errorCount = 0; public countToUpdate = 0; private timestamp = 1; private seenCurrent = false; private missingLocals:LocalDef[] = []; private errorLevel = 0; private hintsToFlush:string[] = []; private topInline:InlineActions; public storeLocalsAt:ExprHolder = null; public ignoreLibErrors = false; private typeHint:Kind; // TSBUG should be private public markError(expr:Token, msg:string) { if (!!expr.getError()) return; if (this.errorLevel > 0) return; expr.setError(msg); this.recentErrors.push(msg); this.errorCount++; var loc = (expr).loc; if (loc) { var i = loc.beg; var e = i + loc.len; while (i < e) { var t = loc.tokens[i] if (!t.getError()) t.setError(msg); i++; } } } private markHolderError(eh:ExprHolder, msg:string) { if (!!eh.getError()) return; if (!msg) return; if (this.errorLevel > 0) return; this.errorCount++; eh.setError(msg); } private setNodeError(n:AstNode, msg:string) { if (this.errorLevel == 0) { this.errorCount++; n.setError(msg) } } private typeCheck(expr:Stmt) { expr.clearError(); expr._kind = null; this.dispatch(expr); } private snapshotLocals() { var locs = []; this.localScopes.forEach((l) => { locs.pushRange(l); }); return locs; } public tcTokens(toks:Token[]) { var e = new ExprHolder(); e.tokens = toks this.expect(e, null, "void"); } private expectsMessage(whoExpects:string, tp:string) { switch (whoExpects) { case "if": return lf("TD118: 'if' condition wants {1:a}", whoExpects, tp); case "where": return lf("TD128: 'where' condition wants {1:a}", whoExpects, tp); case "while": return lf("TD129: 'while' condition wants {1:a}", whoExpects, tp); case "for": return lf("TD130: bound of 'for' wants {1:a}", whoExpects, tp); case "optional": return lf("TD186: this optional parameter wants {1:a}", whoExpects, tp); case "return": return lf("TD204: 'return' value wants {1:a}", whoExpects, tp); default: Util.die() } } private expect(expr:ExprHolder, tp:Kind, whoExpects:string) { this.hintsToFlush = []; if (expr.tokens.length == 1) { if (expr.isPlaceholder()) expr.tokens = []; } if (this.topApp.featureMissing(LanguageFeature.AllAsync) && expr.tokens.some(t => t.getOperator() == 'await')) { expr.tokens = expr.tokens.filter(t => t.getOperator() != 'await') this.numFixes++; } expr.clearError(); expr.tokens.forEach((t, i) => { if (!(t instanceof ThingRef)) return var tt = t if (tt.forceLocal) return if (!(expr.tokens[i + 1] instanceof PropertyRef)) return var pp = expr.tokens[i + 1] var key = tt.data + "->" + pp.data if (AST.crossKindRenames.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var m = /(.*)->(.*)/.exec(AST.crossKindRenames[key]) tt.data = m[1] pp.data = m[2] } }) var parsed = ExprParser.parse1(expr.tokens); parsed.clearError(); parsed._kind = null; expr.parsed = parsed; this.seenAwait = false; this.recentErrors = []; var parseErr:Token = expr.tokens.filter((n:Token) => n.getError() != null)[0]; var prevLocals = this.allLocals.length; this.saveFixes = expr == this.storeLocalsAt ? 1 : 0; if (!parseErr) { this.isTopExpr = (whoExpects == "void"); this.dispatch(parsed); expr.hasFix = this.saveFixes > 1 } else { expr.hasFix = true if (this.errorLevel == 0) this.errorCount++; this.errorLevel++; this.dispatch(parsed); this.errorLevel--; } this.saveFixes = 0 expr._kind = expr.parsed.getKind(); var seenAssign = false; var prevTok = null var tokErr:Token = null expr.tokens.forEach((t) => { if (t instanceof PropertyRef) { var p = t; if (!p.prop) p.prop = p.getOrMakeProp(); if (prevTok && prevTok.getThing() instanceof LocalDef && prevTok.getThing().getName() == modelSymbol && AST.mkFakeCall(p).referencedRecordField()) p.skipArrow = true; else if (p.skipArrow) p.skipArrow = false; } else if (t instanceof ThingRef) { var tt = t; if (tt._lastTypechecker != this) this.dispatch(tt); } else if (t.getOperator() == ":=") { seenAssign = true; } else if (t instanceof Literal) { if (!t._kind) { this.dispatch(t); } } prevTok = t if (!tokErr && t.getError() != null) tokErr = t }) if (whoExpects == "void") { if (seenAssign && (this.allLocals.length == prevLocals || !this.allLocals.slice(prevLocals).some(l => l.isRegular))) seenAssign = false; expr.looksLikeVarDef = seenAssign; } var errNode:AstNode = parseErr || tokErr || expr.parsed; this.markHolderError(expr, errNode.getError()); this.markHolderError(expr, this.recentErrors[0]); expr.isAwait = this.seenAwait; if (expr == this.storeLocalsAt) { this.seenCurrent = true; expr.locals = this.snapshotLocals(); } else { expr.locals = null; } if (!Util.check(expr.getKind() != null, "expr type unset")) { expr._kind = api.core.Unknown } if (!expr.getError() && tp != null && !expr.getKind().equals(tp)) { var msg = this.expectsMessage(whoExpects, tp.toString()) if (expr.getKind() != this.core.Unknown) msg += lf(", got {0:a} instead", expr.getKind().toString()) this.markHolderError(expr, msg); } if (!expr.getError() && parsed instanceof AST.Call) { var call = parsed; if (tp == null && whoExpects == "void") { var par = call.prop().parentKind var act = call.anyCalledAction() if (AST.legacyMode && par == this.core.Number && call.prop().getName() == "=") expr.hint = lf("the '=' comparison has no effect here; did you mean assignment ':=' instead?"); else if (expr.getKind() != this.core.Nothing && expr.getKind() != this.core.Unknown && expr.getKind().getRoot() != this.core.Task) // call.calledAction() == null) // (par == core.Number || call.args.length == 0)) { var exception = !!(call.prop().getFlags() & PropertyFlags.IgnoreReturnValue); var k = expr.getKind() var msg = "" if (k.hasContext(KindContext.Parameter)) msg = lf("did you want to use this value?"); else msg = lf("now you can select a property on it"); if (call.prop() instanceof LibraryRef) expr.hint = lf("we have a library '{0}' here; {1}", call.prop().getName(), msg) else if ((par.isBuiltin || call.args.length == 1) && !exception) expr.hint = lf("'{0}' returns a '{1}'; {2}", call.prop().getName(), call.getKind(), msg) else if (!exception) { /* switch (expr.getKind().getName()) { case "Board": case "Sprite Set": case "Sprite": case "Json Object": case "Xml Object": case "Json Builder": case "Form Builder": case "Web Request": case "Web Response": case "OAuth Response": msgIt = storeIt; break; } */ expr.hint = lf("'{0}' returns a '{1}'; {2}", call.prop().getName(), call.getKind(), msg) } } else if (act && act.getOutParameters().length > 0) expr.hint = lf("'{0}' returns {1} values; you can use 'store in var' button to save them to locals", call.prop().getName(), act.getOutParameters().length) } } else if (tp == null && whoExpects == "void") { var k = expr.getKind(); if (k != this.core.Nothing && k != this.core.Unknown) { if (k.singleton) expr.hint = lf("now you can select a property of {0}; it doesn't do anything by itself", k) else expr.hint = lf("we have {0:a} here; did you want to do something with it?", k) } } if (this.hintsToFlush.length > 0) { var hh = this.hintsToFlush.join("\n") if (expr.hint) expr.hint += "\n" + hh else expr.hint = hh this.hintsToFlush = []; } if (expr.assignmentInfo() && expr.assignmentInfo().fixContextError && expr.tokens[1].getOperator() == ":=") { this.numFixes++; this.nothingLocals.push(expr.tokens[0].getThing()); expr.tokens.splice(0, 2); } if (this.nothingLocals.length > 0 && expr.tokens.length == 1 && this.nothingLocals.indexOf(expr.tokens[0].getThing()) >= 0) { expr.tokens = [] this.numFixes++; } if (this.topApp.featureMissing(LanguageFeature.Refs) && expr.tokens.some(t => !!t.tokenFix)) { var t0 = expr.tokens.filter(t => t.tokenFix == ":=")[0] if (t0) { var idx = expr.tokens.indexOf(t0) if (expr.tokens[idx + 1] && expr.tokens[idx + 1].getOperator() == "(") { expr.tokens[idx] = mkOp(":="); expr.tokens.splice(idx + 1, 1) if (expr.tokens.peek().getOperator() == ")") expr.tokens.pop() } } expr.tokens = expr.tokens.filter(t => t.tokenFix != "delete") this.numFixes++; } } private declareLocal(v:LocalDef) { this.localScopes.peek().push(v); this.allLocals.push(v); v._isMutable = false; v._isCaptured = false; v.lastUsedAt = this.timestamp++; this.recordLocalRead(v); } private lookupSymbol(t:ThingRef) : AST.Decl { var n = t.data; for (var i = this.localScopes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var s = this.localScopes[i]; for (var j = s.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) if (s[j].getName() === n) return s[j]; } if (n == "...") n = "$skip"; if (t.forceLocal) return undefined; return TDev.api.getThing(n); } private scope(f : () => any) { this.localScopes.push([]); // STRBUG: this cast shouldn't be needed var r = f(); this.localScopes.pop(); return r; } private conditionalScope(f: () => any) { var prevWritten = this.writtenLocals.slice(0); var prevLoop = this.currLoop try { return this.scope(f); } finally { this.writtenLocals = prevWritten; this.currLoop = prevLoop } } private core = TDev.api.core; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Visitors /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public visitAstNode(node:AstNode) { Util.oops("typechecking " + node.nodeType() + " not implemented!"); } public visitAnyIf(node:If) { this.updateStmtUsage(node); this.expect(node.rawCondition, this.core.Boolean, "if"); var isComment = node.isTopCommentedOut() if (isComment) { var vis = new ClearErrors() vis.dispatch(node.rawThenBody) } var prevWritten = this.writtenLocals.slice(0); if (node.rawThenBody == this.pageInit) this.actionSection = ActionSection.Init; else if (node.rawThenBody == this.pageDisplay) this.actionSection = ActionSection.Display; if (isComment) this.errorLevel++ this.typeCheck(node.rawThenBody); node.rawThenBody.newlyWrittenLocals = this.writtenLocals.slice(prevWritten.length); if (node.rawElseBody.stmts.length == 1 && node.rawElseBody.stmts[0] instanceof If) { var ei = node.rawElseBody.stmts[0] ei.isElseIf = true; node.setElse(Parser.emptyBlock()) var bl = node.parentBlock() var idx = bl.stmts.indexOf(node) bl.stmts.splice(idx + 1, 0, ei) bl.newChild(ei) } if (node.rawElseBody.isBlockPlaceholder()) { node.rawElseBody.newlyWrittenLocals = []; this.typeCheck(node.rawElseBody); } else { this.writtenLocals = prevWritten.slice(0); this.typeCheck(node.rawElseBody); node.rawElseBody.newlyWrittenLocals = this.writtenLocals.slice(prevWritten.length); } if (isComment) this.errorLevel-- this.writtenLocals = prevWritten; } public visitWhere(node:Where) { this.expect(node.condition, this.core.Boolean, 'where'); } public visitWhile(node:While) { this.updateStmtUsage(node); this.expect(node.condition, this.core.Boolean, 'while'); this.conditionalScope(() => { this.currLoop = node; this.typeCheck(node.body); }); } public visitBreakContinue(node:Call, tp:string) { node._kind = this.core.Nothing; node.topAffectedStmt = this.currLoop if (!this.currLoop) this.markError(node, lf("TD200: '{0}' can be only used inside a loop", tp)) if (!node.args[0].isPlaceholder()) this.markError(node, lf("TD205: '{0}' cannot take arguments", tp)) this.expectExpr(node.args[0], null, tp) } public visitBreak(node:Call) { this.visitBreakContinue(node, "break") } public visitContinue(node:Call) { this.visitBreakContinue(node, "continue") } public visitShow(node:Call) { node._kind = this.core.Nothing; this.expectExpr(node.args[0], null, "show") node.topPostCall = null; if (node.args[0].isPlaceholder()) { this.markError(node, lf("TD207: we need something to show")) } else { var tp = node.args[0].getKind() if (tp == api.core.Unknown) return var show = tp.getProperty("post to wall") if (!show) this.markError(node, lf("TD201: we don't know how to display {0}", tp.toString())) else node.topPostCall = mkFakeCall(PropertyRef.mkProp(show), [node.args[0]]) } } public visitReturn(node:Call) { node._kind = this.core.Nothing; node.topRetLocal = null; var exp = null if (!node.args[0].isPlaceholder()) { if (this.outLocals.length == 0) this.markError(node.args[0], lf("TD202: the function doesn't have output parameters; return with a value is not allowed")) else if (this.outLocals.length > 1) this.markError(node.args[0], lf("TD203: the function has more than one output parameter; return with a value is not allowed")) else { node.topRetLocal = this.outLocals[0] exp = node.topRetLocal.getKind() this.recordLocalWrite(node.topRetLocal) } } else { if (this.outLocals.length == 1) this.markError(node, lf("TD206: we need a value to return here")) } this.expectExpr(node.args[0], exp, "return") node.topAffectedStmt = this.currentAnyAction; this.checkAssignment(this.lastStmt) } public visitActionParameter(node:ActionParameter) { } public visitBlock(node:Block) { this.scope(() => { var ss = node.stmts; var unreach = false var reported = false for (var i = 0; i < ss.length; ++i) { this.typeCheck(ss[i]) if (unreach) { ss[i].isUnreachable = true if (!reported && !(ss[i] instanceof Comment)) { reported = true ss[i].addHint(lf("code after return, break or continue won't ever run")) } } if (ss[i].isJump()) unreach = true } for (var i = 0; i < ss.length; ++i) { if (ss[i] instanceof If) { var si = ss[i] si.isElseIf = false; var end = i + 1 while (isElseIf(ss[end])) { end++; if (!(ss[end - 1]).rawElseBody.isBlockPlaceholder()) break; } si.branches = [] while (i < end) { var innerIf = ss[i++] innerIf.parentIf = si; si.branches.push({ condition: innerIf.rawCondition, body: innerIf.rawThenBody }) if (i == end) { si.branches.push({ condition: null, body: innerIf.rawElseBody }) innerIf.displayElse = true; } else { innerIf.displayElse = false; } } i--; this.writtenLocals.pushRange(Util.intersectArraysVA(si.branches.map(b => b.body.newlyWrittenLocals))) } } }) } private updateStmtUsage(s:Stmt, tp:string = null) { this.lastStmt = s if (this.countToUpdate != 0) { var u = api.core.stmtUsage(tp || s.nodeType()) if (this.countToUpdate == 1) u.localCount++; else u.globalCount++; } } public visitFor(node:For) { this.updateStmtUsage(node); this.expect(node.upperBound, this.core.Number, 'for'); node.boundLocal._kind = this.core.Number; this.readOnlyLocals.push(node.boundLocal); this.conditionalScope(() => { this.currLoop = node; this.declareLocal(node.boundLocal); this.typeCheck(node.body); }); } public visitForeach(node:Foreach) { this.updateStmtUsage(node); this.expect(node.collection, null, null); var k = node.collection.getKind(); if (!k.isEnumerable() && !node.collection.getError()) { if (k == this.core.Unknown) { this.markHolderError(node.collection, lf("TD119: i need something to iterate on")); } else { this.markHolderError(node.collection, lf("TD120: i cannot iterate over {0}", k.toString())); } } var ek: Kind; if (k instanceof RecordDefKind) ek = (k).record.entryKind; var atProp = k.getProperty("at"); if (!ek && !!atProp) ek = atProp.getResult().getKind(); if (!!ek) node.boundLocal._kind = ek; this.readOnlyLocals.push(node.boundLocal); this.conditionalScope(() => { this.currLoop = node; this.declareLocal(node.boundLocal); this.typeCheck(node.conditions); this.typeCheck(node.body); }); } public visitBox(node:Box) { this.updateStmtUsage(node); this.typeCheck(node.body) } public visitComment(node:Comment) { this.updateStmtUsage(node); } private setOutLocals(locs:LocalDef[]) { this.outLocals = locs var isHiddenOut = locs.length == 1 locs.forEach(l => { l.isHiddenOut = isHiddenOut; l.isOut = true; }) } public visitAction(node:Action) { this.writtenLocals = []; this.readOnlyLocals = []; this.allLocals = []; this.currentAction = node; this.currentAnyAction = node; node.clearError(); this.actionSection = ActionSection.Normal; this.inAtomic = node.isAtomic; this.inShim = this.topApp.entireShim || node.getShimName() != null; node._compilerInlineBody = null; this.scope(() => { // TODO in - read-only? var prevErr = this.errorCount; this.setOutLocals(node.getOutParameters().map((p) => p.local)) this.reportedUnassigned = false; this.typeResolver.visitAction(node); var fixupLocalInp = (a:ActionParameter) => { this.declareLocal(a.local); if (node.isPage()) this.readOnlyLocals.push(a.local) } if (node.modelParameter) fixupLocalInp(node.modelParameter); node.getInParameters().forEach(fixupLocalInp); node.getOutParameters().forEach((a) => this.declareLocal(a.local)) if (node.isPage()) { this.pageInit = node.getPageBlock(true) this.pageDisplay = node.getPageBlock(false) } this.typeCheck(node.body); if (node.isActionTypeDef()) { var outp1 = node.getOutParameters()[1] if (outp1) { this.setNodeError(node, lf("TD171: function types support at most one output parameter; sorry")) } } else { if (!this.reportedUnassigned) this.checkAssignment(node); } node._hasErrors = this.errorCount > prevErr; node.allLocals = this.allLocals; }); if (// this.topApp.featureMissing(LanguageFeature.UnicodeModel) && node.modelParameter && node.modelParameter.local.getName() != modelSymbol) { node.modelParameter.local.setName(modelSymbol) this.numFixes++; } if (this.missingLocals.length > 0 && this.storeLocalsAt && this.storeLocalsAt.locals) { this.storeLocalsAt.locals.pushRange(this.missingLocals); } var inf = node.eventInfo; if (inf != null) { inf.disabled = false; if (inf.type.globalKind != null && !inf.onVariable) { var varName = node.getName().slice(inf.type.category.length); var v = this.topApp.variables().filter((v:GlobalDef) => v.getName() == varName)[0]; if (v === undefined) { node.setError(lf("TD122: i cannot find variable {0}", varName)) inf.disabled = true; } inf.onVariable = v; } if (!!inf.onVariable) { var newName = inf.type.category + inf.onVariable.getName() if (!Script.things.filter(t => t.getName() == newName)[0]) node.setName(newName); if (node.getName() != newName) inf.onVariable = null; } // these should never really happen - we do not allow users to edit the signature if (node.hasOutParameters()) node.setError(lf("TD123: events cannot have out parameters")); if (node.getInParameters().length != inf.type.inParameters.length) node.setError(lf("TD124: wrong number of in parameters to an event")); else { var inParms = node.getInParameters(); for (var i = 0; i < inParms.length; ++i) if (inParms[i].getKind() != inf.type.inParameters[i].getKind()) node.setError(lf("TD125: wrong type of parameter #{0}", i)); } if (this.topApp.isLibrary && !this.ignoreLibErrors) node.setError(lf("TD126: libraries cannot define global events")); } if (!node.isExternal) { if (this.topApp.isCloud && node.isPage()) node.setError(lf("TD177: cloud libraries cannot define pages")); if (this.topApp.isCloud && !node.isPrivate && node.isAtomic) node.setError(lf("TD178: cloud libraries cannot define atomic functions")); } if (!!node.getError()) node._hasErrors = true; node._errorsOK = undefined; if (node.isCompilerTest()) { node._errorsOK = runErrorChecker(node); } } public visitLibraryRef(node:LibraryRef) { } private persistentStorageError(whatr: AST.RecordDef, wherep: AST.RecordPersistence, where?: AST.RecordDef): string { var error: string; var wheres: string; switch (wherep) { case RecordPersistence.Cloud: wheres = lf("replicated "); break; case RecordPersistence.Partial: wheres = lf("replicated "); break; case RecordPersistence.Local: wheres = Script.isCloud ? lf("server-local ") :lf("locally persisted "); break; } wheres = wheres + (!where ? lf("variable") : (where.recordType === RecordType.Table ? lf("table") : lf("index"))); if (whatr.recordType === RecordType.Object) { return lf("TD169: {0:a} cannot be persisted between script runs", whatr.toString());; } else { Util.assert(whatr.recordType === RecordType.Table); var whats: string; switch (whatr.getRecordPersistence()) { case RecordPersistence.Cloud: whats = lf("replicated table rows"); break; case RecordPersistence.Local: whats = Script.isCloud ? lf("server-local table rows") : lf("locally persisted table rows"); break; case RecordPersistence.Temporary: whats = lf("temporary table rows"); break; case RecordPersistence.Partial: whats = lf("replicated table rows"); break; } return lf("TD166: cannot store {0} in a {1}", whats, wheres); } } visitGlobalDef(node: GlobalDef) { node.clearError(); if (node.isResource) { node.isTransient = true; node.cloudEnabled = false; } this.typeResolver.visitGlobalDef(node); if (node.getRecordPersistence() != RecordPersistence.Temporary && (node.getKind().getContexts() & KindContext.CloudField) == 0) { this.setNodeError(node, lf("TD165: {0:a} cannot be saved between script runs", node.getKind().toString())) if (this.topApp.featureMissing(LanguageFeature.LocalCloud)) { node.isTransient = true; node.cloudEnabled = false; this.numFixes++; } } if (node.getKind() instanceof RecordEntryKind) { var rdef = ((node.getKind())).getRecord(); if (rdef.recordType == RecordType.Decorator) { this.setNodeError(node, lf("TD175: must not store decorators in variables")); } else if (node.getRecordPersistence() > rdef.getRecordPersistence()) { this.setNodeError(node, this.persistentStorageError(rdef, node.getRecordPersistence())); if (!node.isTransient && this.topApp.featureMissing(LanguageFeature.LocalCloud)) { node.isTransient = true; node.cloudEnabled = false; this.numFixes++; } } } } private cyclefree(start,current: RecordDef) : boolean { return (current != start) && (!current._wasTypechecked || current.linkedtables.every((t: RecordDef) => this.cyclefree(start, t))); } public visitRecordField(node:RecordField) { node.clearError(); this.typeResolver.visitRecordField(node); var pers = node.def().getRecordPersistence() var cl = pers != RecordPersistence.Temporary; var ctx = cl ? (node.isKey ? KindContext.IndexKey : KindContext.CloudField) : (node.isKey ? KindContext.IndexKey : KindContext.GlobalVar); var k = node.dataKind var c = k.getContexts(); var newtype = node.def().recordType if (node.def().recordType == RecordType.Decorator && ctx == KindContext.IndexKey) ctx = KindContext.GcKey // check if this is a valid row key for an index or table if (!!(c & KindContext.RowKey) && (newtype == RecordType.Index || newtype == RecordType.Table)) { var other = (node.dataKind).getRecord() var otherpers = other.getRecordPersistence(); if (otherpers < pers && !(otherpers == RecordPersistence.Cloud && pers == RecordPersistence.Partial)) { this.setNodeError(node, this.persistentStorageError(other, pers, node.def())); this.errorCount++; if (this.topApp.featureMissing(LanguageFeature.LocalCloud) && pers != RecordPersistence.Cloud && other.getRecordPersistence() != RecordPersistence.Cloud) { node.def().persistent = false other.persistent = false this.numFixes++; } } if (node.isKey && newtype == RecordType.Table) // check links { if (!this.cyclefree(node.def(), other)) { this.setNodeError(node, lf("TD176: links must not be circular") ) } else node.def().linkedtables.push(other); } return; } if (!(c & ctx)) { if (cl) this.setNodeError(node, lf("TD167: {0:a} cannot be persisted between script runs", k.toString())); else this.setNodeError(node, lf("TD168: {0:a} cannot be used as a {1}", node.isKey ? lf("key") : lf("field"), k.toString())) if (this.topApp.featureMissing(LanguageFeature.LocalCloud) && pers == RecordPersistence.Local) { node.def().persistent = false; this.numFixes++; } } if (pers === RecordPersistence.Partial && node.isKey && node.isFirstChild()) { if (node.dataKind.getName() !== "User") { this.errorCount++; node.setError("A partially replicated Index should have a User as first key"); } } } public visitRecordDef(node:RecordDef) { node.isModel = false; node.linkedtables = []; this.visitChildren(node); } private typecheckLibraries(node:App) { node.libraries().forEach((l) => l.resolve()); node.libraries().forEach((l) => l.typeCheck()); } public visitApp(node:App) { this.typecheckLibraries(node); if (Cloud.isRestricted()) node.entireShim = /#entireshim/i.test(node.comment) || node.actions().some(a => a.isPage()) || node.libraries().some(l => l.resolved && l.resolved.entireShim) node.things.forEach((n:Decl) => { var wt = n._wasTypechecked; n._wasTypechecked = true; this.dispatch(n); if (!wt) n.notifyChange(); }); var usedNames = {} node.things.forEach((n) => { if (usedNames.hasOwnProperty(n.getName())) { // name clash, need to fix this.numFixes++; n.setName(node.freshName(n.getName() + " " + this.numFixes)) } else { usedNames[n.getName()] = n; } }) node.actions().forEach(a => { var d = a.getModelDef() if (d) d.isModel = true }) } public visitExprStmt(expr:ExprStmt) { this.updateStmtUsage(expr); this.expect(expr.expr, null, "void"); if (expr.isVarDef()) this.updateStmtUsage(expr, "var"); } private checkAssignment(node:Stmt) { var unassigned = this.outLocals.filter((v) => this.writtenLocals.indexOf(v) < 0); if (unassigned.length > 0) { this.reportedUnassigned = true; node.addHint(lf("the function may not always return a value; insert a return statement?")); } } private actionScope(k:Kind, f:()=>void) { this.scope(() => { var prevReadOnly = this.readOnlyLocals; var prevRead = this.readLocals; var prevOutsideScopeLocals = this.outsideScopeLocals; var prevWritten = this.writtenLocals; var prevSect = this.actionSection; var prevAtomic = this.inAtomic; var prevOut = this.outLocals; var prevRep = this.reportedUnassigned; var prevAct = this.currentAnyAction; var prevLoop = this.currLoop; var prevInvisibleLocals = this.invisibleLocals; this.currLoop = null; this.writtenLocals = []; this.readLocals = []; this.actionSection = ActionSection.Lambda; this.inAtomic = k instanceof ActionKind && (k).isAtomic(); this.outsideScopeLocals = this.snapshotLocals() this.readOnlyLocals = AST.writableLocalsInClosures ? this.outsideScopeLocals.filter(l => !l.isRegular) : this.outsideScopeLocals.slice(0); if (Cloud.isRestricted()) this.invisibleLocals = this.snapshotLocals(); try { f() } finally { this.readLocals = prevRead; this.writtenLocals = prevWritten; this.readOnlyLocals = prevReadOnly; this.inAtomic = prevAtomic; this.actionSection = prevSect; this.outLocals = prevOut; this.currentAnyAction = prevAct; this.reportedUnassigned = prevRep; this.currLoop = prevLoop; this.invisibleLocals = prevInvisibleLocals; this.outsideScopeLocals = prevOutsideScopeLocals; } }) } private typeCheckInlineAction(inl:InlineAction) { this.actionScope(inl.name.getKind(), () => { this.currentAnyAction = inl; inl.inParameters.forEach((d) => this.declareLocal(d)); inl.outParameters.forEach((d) => this.declareLocal(d)); if (Cloud.isRestricted()) this.readOnlyLocals.pushRange(inl.inParameters) this.setOutLocals(inl.outParameters.slice(0)) this.reportedUnassigned = false; this.typeCheck(inl.body); if (!this.reportedUnassigned) this.checkAssignment(inl); this.computeClosure(inl); }) } public visitInlineActions(inl:InlineActions) { this.updateStmtUsage(inl) // cannot just use scope, as the next expression can introduce fresh variables var names = inl.normalActions().map(a => a.name); names.forEach((n) => { this.declareLocal(n); n.lambdaNameStatus = 2; }); inl.actions.forEach((iab:InlineActionBase) => { iab.clearError() }) this.topInline = inl this.expect(inl.expr, null, "void"); var p = this.localScopes.length - 1; this.localScopes[p] = this.localScopes[p].filter((l) => names.indexOf(l) < 0); var defined = (inl.expr.assignmentInfo() ? inl.expr.assignmentInfo().definedVars : null) || [] var prevScope = this.localScopes[p] this.localScopes[p] = prevScope.filter(l => defined.indexOf(l) < 0) var rename = (s:string) => s; // TODO inl.actions.forEach((iab:InlineActionBase) => { if (iab instanceof OptionalParameter) { var op = iab var knd = op.recordField ? op.recordField.dataKind : null this.expect(op.expr, knd, "optional") return } var ia = iab var coerced = false; var coerce = (locs:LocalDef[], parms:PropertyParameter[]) => { if (locs.length > parms.length) { locs.splice(parms.length, locs.length - parms.length) coerced = true; } else if (parms.length > locs.length) { coerced = true; parms.slice(locs.length).forEach((pp) => { locs.push(mkLocal(rename(pp.getName()), pp.getKind())) }); } locs.forEach((l, i) => { var pp = parms[i]; if (pp.getKind() != l.getKind()) { l.rename(rename(pp.getName())); l._kind = pp.getKind(); coerced = true; } }) } if (ia.isOptional && ia.recordField) { var ak = ia.recordField.dataKind ia.name.setKind(ak) if (ak.isAction) { coerce(ia.inParameters, ak.getInParameters()) coerce(ia.outParameters, ak.getOutParameters()) } else { this.setNodeError(ia, lf("TD189: type of optional parameter '{0}' is not a function type", ia.getName())) } } else if (ia.name.lambdaNameStatus != 2 && ia.name.getKind().isAction) { var ak = ia.name.getKind(); coerce(ia.inParameters, ak.getInParameters()) coerce(ia.outParameters, ak.getOutParameters()) } this.typeCheckInlineAction(ia); ia.closure.forEach(l => this.recordLocalRead(l)) }); this.localScopes[p] = prevScope } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Expression type-checking ///////////////////////////////////////////////// public visitThingRef(t:ThingRef) { if (Util.startsWith(t.data, ThingRef.placeholderPrefix)) { var kn = t.data.slice(ThingRef.placeholderPrefix.length); var plName = null var colon = kn.indexOf(':') if (colon > 0) { plName = kn.slice(colon + 1) kn = kn.slice(0, colon) } var k = api.getKind(kn); if (!k && /[_\[]/.test(kn)) { k = Parser.parseType(kn) if (k) k = TypeChecker.resolveKind(k) if (k == api.core.Unknown) k = null } if (!!k) { var pl = new PlaceholderDef(); pl.setName(""); pl._kind = k; if (plName) pl.label = plName t.def = pl } } t._lastTypechecker = this; if (t.def instanceof PlaceholderDef) { if (!t.isEscapeDef()) this.markError(t, (t.def).longError()); } else { if (!!t.def && !t.def.deleted && t.data != t.def.getName()) t.data = t.def.getName(); t.def = this.lookupSymbol(t); if (!t.def && t.namespaceLibraryName()) { if (!t.namespaceLibrary || t.namespaceLibrary.deleted) t.namespaceLibrary = Script.libraries().filter(l => l.getName() == t.namespaceLibraryName())[0] t.def = Script.libNamespaceCache.createSingleton(t.data, t.namespaceLibrary) } if (!t.def) { this.markError(t, lf("TD101: cannot find '{0}'", t.data)); var loc = mkLocal(t.data, this.core.Unknown); t.def = loc loc.isRegular = true if (this.seenCurrent) this.missingLocals.push(loc) this.declareLocal(loc) } } if (t.def instanceof LocalDef) this.recordLocalRead(t.def) if (t.def instanceof LocalDef) t.forceLocal = true; else if (t.def instanceof SingletonDef) t.forceLocal = false; var l = t.def; if (l instanceof LocalDef && l.lambdaNameStatus) { if (l.lambdaNameStatus == 1) this.markError(t, lf("TD102: lambda reference '{0}' cannot be used more than once", l.getName())) else { l.lambdaNameStatus = 1; if (this.typeHint && this.typeHint.isAction) { l._kind = this.typeHint; } } } t._kind = t.def.getKind(); if (t.def instanceof LocalDef) { var l = t.def; if (!this.seenCurrent) l.lastUsedAt = this.timestamp++; } else if (this.countToUpdate != 0) { if (t.def instanceof SingletonDef) { var u = ( t.def).usage; if (this.countToUpdate == 1) u.localCount++; else u.globalCount++; } } } public visitLiteral(l:Literal) { // Special, built-in type-checking for the literal that stands for a // field name. if (l instanceof FieldName) { var mkKind = () => { var mk = TDev.MultiplexRootProperty.md_make_kind(); mk.md_parametric("T"); var prop = TDev.MultiplexRootProperty .md_make_prop(mk, 0, TDev.api.core.Unknown, ":", "Whatever", [], mk.getParameter(0)); return prop.getResult().getKind(); } l._kind = mkKind(); } else switch (typeof l.data) { case "number": if (Cloud.isRestricted() && !this.inShim) { if (Util.between(-0x80000000, l.data, l.possiblyNegative ? 0x80000000 : 0x7fffffff) != l.data) { this.markError(l, lf("TD209: the number is outside of the allowed range (between {0} and {1})", -0x80000000, 0x7fffffff)); } else if (Math.round(l.data) != l.data) { this.markError(l, lf("TD210: fractional numbers not allowed")); } } l._kind = this.core.Number; break; case "string": l._kind = this.core.String; break; case "boolean": l._kind = this.core.Boolean; break; default: Util.die(); } } private typeCheckExpr(e:Expr) { e._kind = null; // e.error = null; this.dispatch(e); Util.assert(e.getKind() != null); } private expectExpr(expr:Expr, tp:Kind, whoExpects:string, skipTypecheck = false) { if (!skipTypecheck) { var prevHint = this.typeHint; this.typeHint = tp; this.typeCheckExpr(expr); this.typeHint = prevHint; } if (!Util.check(expr.getKind() != null, "expr type unset2")) { expr._kind = api.core.Unknown } if (tp != null && expr.getKind() !== tp) { var code = "TD103: " var suff = "" if (tp.getRoot() == api.core.Ref && (expr.referencedData() || expr.referencedRecordField())) { code = "TD164: " suff = lf("; are you missing β€Šβ†’β€Šβ—ˆref?") } var msg = lf("'{0}' expects {1} here", whoExpects, tp.toString()) var k = expr.getKind(); if (k != this.core.Unknown) msg += lf(", got {0}", k.toString()) this.markError(expr, code + msg + suff); } } private handleAsync(t:Call, args:Expr[]) { t._kind = this.core.Unknown; // will get overridden if (args.length != 2) { // cannot trigger this one? this.markError(t, lf("TD104: syntax error in async")); return; } // args[0] is 'this' var arg = args[1] if (arg instanceof Call) (arg).runAsAsync = true; this.expectExpr(arg, null, "async") var calledProp = arg.getCalledProperty(); var isAsyncable = calledProp && !!(calledProp.getFlags() & PropertyFlags.Async) if (calledProp == api.core.AsyncProp) isAsyncable = false; if (!isAsyncable) { this.markError(t, lf("TD157: 'async' keyword needs a non-atomic API or function to call")) return; } (arg).runAsAsync = true; if (calledProp && calledProp.forwardsTo() instanceof Action) { var act = calledProp.forwardsTo() if (act.getOutParameters().length > 1) this.markError(t, lf("TD170: cannot use 'async' on functions with more than one output parameter")) } t._kind = this.core.Task.createInstance([arg.getKind()]) } private computeClosure(inl:InlineAction) { inl.closure = []; inl.allLocals = []; this.readLocals.forEach(l => { if (this.outsideScopeLocals.indexOf(l) >= 0) { inl.closure.push(l) l._isCaptured = true } inl.allLocals.push(l) }) } private handleFun(t:Call, args:Expr[]) { var ak:ActionKind = null var resKind:Kind = null if (this.typeHint && this.typeHint.isAction) { ak = this.typeHint var outp = ak.getOutParameters() if (outp.length != 1) this.markError(t, lf("TD194: lambda expressions need to return exactly one value; function type '{0}' returns {1}", ak.getName(), outp.length)) else resKind = outp[0].getKind() } else { this.markError(t, lf("TD195: lambda expressions can only be used as arguments of function type")) } this.actionScope(this.typeHint, () => { if (ak) { var synth = new InlineAction() synth.name = mkLocal(Random.uniqueId(), ak) this.declareLocal(synth.name) var names = t.propRef.fromOp.getFunArgs() || [] synth.inParameters = ak.getInParameters().map((p, i) => mkLocal(names[i] || p.getName(), p.getKind())) t.propRef.fromOp.funArgs = synth.inParameters synth.outParameters = ak.getOutParameters().map(p => mkLocal(p.getName(), p.getKind())) synth.inParameters.forEach(p => this.declareLocal(p)) synth.body = new CodeBlock() synth.body.parent = synth synth.parent = this.lastStmt.parent var bb = Parser.emptyExprStmt() synth.body.setChildren([bb]) var outp0 = synth.outParameters[0] if (outp0) { var resR = mkThing(outp0.getName(), true) resR.def = outp0 bb.expr.parsed = mkFakeCall(PropertyRef.mkProp(api.core.AssignmentProp), [ resR, args[1] ]) t.funAction = synth } } this.expectExpr(args[1], resKind, "lambda expression") if (ak) this.computeClosure(synth); }); t._kind = ak || this.core.Unknown } private recordLocalRead(loc:LocalDef) { if (this.readLocals.indexOf(loc) < 0) this.readLocals.push(loc); } private recordLocalWrite(loc:LocalDef) { this.recordLocalRead(loc); if (this.writtenLocals.indexOf(loc) < 0) this.writtenLocals.push(loc); } private handleAssignment(t:Call, args:Expr[]) { t._kind = this.core.Nothing; if (args.length != 2) { // cannot trigger this one? this.markError(t, lf("TD104: syntax error in assignment")); return; } Util.assert(args.length == 2); var lhs = args[0].flatten(this.core.TupleProp); var rhs = args[1]; this.isTopExpr = true; this.typeCheckExpr(rhs); var info = new AssignmentInfo(); t._assignmentInfo = info; var sources = [AST.mkLocal("", rhs.getKind())]; var act = rhs.anyCalledAction() if (act != null) { sources = act.getOutParameters().map((a:AST.ActionParameter) => a.local); var missing = sources.length - lhs.length; if (missing > 0) { this.markError(t, lf("TD105: function '{0}' returns {1} more value{1:s}", act, missing)); info.missingArguments = missing; } } info.targets = lhs; info.sources = sources; for (var i = 0; i < lhs.length; ++i) { var trg = lhs[i]; var src = sources[i]; if (src == undefined) { this.markError(trg, lf("TD106: not enough values returned to assign to {0}", trg)); continue; } var prevErr = this.errorCount; if (trg.nodeType() === "thingRef") { var tr = trg; tr._lastTypechecker = this; if (!!tr.def) tr.data = tr.def.getName(); var name = tr.data; var thing = this.lookupSymbol(tr); if (!thing) { var loc = mkLocal(name, src.getKind()); info.definedVars.push(loc); thing = loc; loc.isRegular = true this.declareLocal(loc) if (!src.getKind().hasContext(KindContext.Parameter)) { if (src.getKind() == api.core.Nothing && this.topApp.featureMissing(LanguageFeature.ContextCheck)) info.fixContextError = true; this.markError(tr, lf("TD155: '{0}' cannot be assigned to a local variable", src.getKind())) } } else { var loc = thing; if (this.readOnlyLocals.indexOf(loc) >= 0) { if (!AST.writableLocalsInClosures && this.actionSection == ActionSection.Lambda) { this.markError(trg, lf("TD107: inline functions cannot assign to locals from outside like '{0}'", name)); } else { this.markError(trg, lf("TD108: you cannot assign to the local variable '{0}'", name)); } } else { if (this.outsideScopeLocals.indexOf(loc) >= 0) loc._isCaptured = true; this.recordLocalWrite(loc) } // if it wasn't captured yet anywhere, and we're not inside a loop, no reason to treat it as mutable just yet if (loc._isCaptured || this.currLoop) loc._isMutable = true; } this.typeCheckExpr(trg); } else { this.typeCheckExpr(trg); var gd = trg.referencedData(); var rcf = trg.referencedRecordField(); var setter = trg.getLiftedSetter(); if (rcf == null && gd == null && setter == null) { this.markError(trg, lf("TD109: cannot assign to this")); continue; } if (gd && gd.readonly) { this.markError(trg, lf("TD110: trying to assign to a read-only variable")); } else if (rcf && rcf.isKey) { this.markError(trg, lf("TD163: trying to assign to an index key")); } else { Util.assert(!!setter || trg.isRefValue()); } (trg).autoGet = false; } if (src.getKind() != trg.getKind() && prevErr == this.errorCount) this.markError(trg, lf("TD111: cannot assign from {0} to {1}", src.getKind(), trg.getKind())); } } private lintJavaScript(js:string, isAsync:boolean) { var toks:string[] = Lexer.tokenize(js).map(l => { switch (l.category) { case TokenType.Op: case TokenType.Id: case TokenType.Keyword: case TokenType.Label: return l.data; default: return "" } }).filter(s => !!s) var nextProtected = false var hasResume = false var hasUnprotected = 0 var hasOverprotected = 0 var brStack = [] var hasBrError = false toks.forEach((t, i) => { if ((t == "resume" || t == "checkAndResume") && toks[i + 1] == "(") hasResume = true if (t == "protect" && toks[i + 1] == "(") nextProtected = true if (t == "function") { if (isAsync) { if (!nextProtected) hasUnprotected++ } else { if (nextProtected) hasOverprotected++ } nextProtected = false } if (t == "(") brStack.push(")") if (t == "{") brStack.push("}") if (t == "[") brStack.push("]") if (t == ")" || t == "}" || t == "]") { if (brStack.peek() != t) { if (!hasBrError) this.hintsToFlush.push(lf("JS hint: possible brace mismatch: got '{0}', expecting '{1}'", t, brStack.peek())) hasBrError = true } else brStack.pop() } }) if (!hasBrError && brStack.length > 0) this.hintsToFlush.push(lf("JS hint: possible missing closing brace: '{0}'", brStack.peek())) if (isAsync && !hasResume) this.hintsToFlush.push(lf("JS hint: using 'javascript async' but no call to 'resume()'")) if (!isAsync && hasResume) this.hintsToFlush.push(lf("JS hint: using 'resume()' outside of 'javascript async'")) if (hasUnprotected) this.hintsToFlush.push(lf("JS hint: found function() without lib.protect(...) around it")) if (hasOverprotected) this.hintsToFlush.push(lf("JS hint: found function() with lib.protect(...) outside of `javascript async`")) } private checkStringLiteralArguments(t: Call) : (number) => boolean { var propName = t.prop().getName(); if (!t.args.slice(1).every(a => a.getStringLiteral() != null)) { this.markError(t, lf("TD179: arguments to `{0}` have to be string literals", propName)) return undefined; } var checkArgumentCount = (c: number) => { if (t.args.length != c) { this.markError(t, lf("TD181: wrong number of arguments to `{0}`", propName)) return false; } return true; } return checkArgumentCount; } private handleJavascriptImport(t:Call) { var checkArgumentCount = this.checkStringLiteralArguments(t); if (!checkArgumentCount) return; var propName = t.prop().getName(); switch (propName) { case "javascript": case "javascript async": if (!checkArgumentCount(3)) return; this.currentAction.getOutParameters().forEach(p => this.recordLocalWrite(p.local)) this.lintJavaScript(t.args[2].getStringLiteral(), /async/.test(t.prop().getName())) break; case "thumb": if (!Cloud.isRestricted()) { this.markError(t, lf("app->thumb not supported in full Touch Develop")) return; } if (!checkArgumentCount(2)) return; if (!this.inShim) this.markError(t, lf("TD213: app->thumb only supported inside of {asm:}")) if (this.currentAction._compilerInlineBody) this.markError(t, lf("TD214: only one app->thumb allowed")) this.currentAction._compilerInlineBody = this.lastStmt this.currentAction.getOutParameters().forEach(p => this.recordLocalWrite(p.local)) if (TypeChecker.lintThumb) { var errs = TypeChecker.lintThumb(this.currentAction, t.args[1].getStringLiteral()) if (errs.length > 0) { this.markError(t, lf("TD212: thumb assembler error")) this.lastStmt._inlineErrors = errs; } else { this.lastStmt._inlineErrors = null; } } break; case "import": if (!checkArgumentCount(4)) return; var manager = t.args[1].getStringLiteral() || "" var plugin = t.args[2].getStringLiteral() var v = t.args[3].getStringLiteral() if (v == null) v = "*"; switch (manager.trim().toLowerCase()) { case "npm": if (!this.topApp.canUseCapability(PlatformCapability.Npm)) this.unsupportedCapability(plugin, PlatformCapability.Npm); this.topApp.imports.importNpm(this, t, plugin, v); break; case "cordova": if (!this.topApp.canUseCapability(PlatformCapability.Cordova)) this.unsupportedCapability(plugin, PlatformCapability.Cordova); this.topApp.imports.importCordova(this, t, plugin, v); break; case "bower": this.topApp.imports.importBower(this, t, plugin, v); break; case "client": this.topApp.imports.importClientScript(this, t, plugin, v); break; case "pip": if (!this.topApp.canUseCapability(PlatformCapability.Npm)) this.unsupportedCapability(plugin, PlatformCapability.Npm); this.topApp.imports.importPip(this, t, plugin, v); break; case "touchdevelop": { if (!/^\/?[a-z]{4,}$/.test(v)) this.markError(t, lf("TD190: version must be a published script id")); else { if (!this.topApp.canUseCapability(PlatformCapability.EditorOnly)) this.unsupportedCapability(plugin, PlatformCapability.EditorOnly); this.topApp.imports.importTouchDevelop(this, t, plugin, v.replace(/^\/?/, "")); } break; } default: this.markError(t, lf("TD191: unknown package manager")); break; } break; } } public visitCall(t:Call) { var args = t.args; var prop = t.prop(); var wasTopExpr = this.isTopExpr this.isTopExpr = false if (this.inShim) t.isShim = this.inShim; t._assignmentInfo = null; if (prop === this.core.AssignmentProp) { this.handleAssignment(t, args); return; } if (prop === this.core.AsyncProp) { this.handleAsync(t, args); return; } if (prop == this.core.FunProp) { this.handleFun(t, args) return } var topInline = this.topInline this.topInline = null var prevErr = this.errorCount; this.typeCheckExpr(args[0]); var k0 = args[0].getKind(); if (this.topApp.featureMissing(LanguageFeature.Refs) && args[0].referencedRecordField() && /^(get|set|test and set|confirmed|clear|add)$/.test(t.propRef.data)) { this.numFixes++; prop = null; t.propRef.data = api.core.refPropPrefix + t.propRef.data if (/^.(get)$/.test(t.propRef.data)) { t.propRef.tokenFix = "delete"; } else if (/^.(set)$/.test(t.propRef.data)) { t.propRef.tokenFix = ":="; } } if (t.propRef.getText().slice(0,1) == api.core.refPropPrefix && args[0].allowRefUse()) { var innerCall = args[0] Util.assert(innerCall.autoGet) innerCall._kind = k0 = api.core.Ref.createInstance([k0]) innerCall.autoGet = false; } if (prop) { if (k0 != this.core.Unknown && prop.getInfixPriority() == 0 && prop.parentKind != k0) prop = null; // rebind } if (prop && prop.deleted) { var nn = prop.getName() if (nn) t.propRef.data = nn prop = null; } if (!prop || prop instanceof UnresolvedProperty) { prop = k0.getProperty(t.propRef.data); if (!prop && this.topApp.featureMissing(LanguageFeature.UppercaseMultiplex)) { if (k0 instanceof MultiplexKind) { var otherOption = (s:string) => false if (t.propRef.data[0] == recordSymbol) { var libsuffix = "\u00A0" + t.propRef.data.slice(1) otherOption = s => s.slice(-libsuffix.length) == libsuffix } prop = k0.listProperties().filter(p => p.getName().toLowerCase() == t.propRef.data || otherOption(p.getName()))[0] } else if (k0.getName() == "Create" && t.propRef.data == "collection of") { prop = k0.getProperty("Collection of") } } if (!prop) { var pref = k0.getName() + "->" var autoRenameKey = pref + t.propRef.data if (AST.propRenames.hasOwnProperty(autoRenameKey)) prop = k0.getProperty(AST.propRenames[autoRenameKey]) } if (!prop && args[0] instanceof ThingRef) { var nl = (args[0]).namespaceLibrary if (nl && !nl.deleted) prop = nl.getKind().getProperty(t.propRef.data) } if (!prop) { if (prevErr == this.errorCount) this.markError(t, lf("TD112: i cannot find property '{0}' on {1}", t.propRef.data, k0)); prop = new UnresolvedProperty(k0, t.propRef.data); } t.propRef.prop = prop; } if (prop instanceof UnresolvedProperty) { args.slice(1).forEach((p:Expr) => { this.typeCheckExpr(p); }); t._kind = this.core.Unknown; return; } if (prop && prop.parentKind == this.core.App && /^(javascript|import|thumb)/.test(prop.getName())) { this.handleJavascriptImport(t); } var imports = prop.getImports(); if (imports) imports.forEach(imp => { switch (imp.manager) { case "cordova": this.topApp.imports.importCordova(this, null, imp.name, imp.version); break; case "npm": this.topApp.imports.importNpm(this, null, imp.name, imp.version); break; default: Util.assert(false, imp.manager + " not supported"); break; } }); t.autoGet = t.isRefValue(); var decl = prop.forwardsTo(); if (!!decl && decl.deleted) { try { Util.log("deleted decl name: " + decl.getName()) Util.log("deleted decl: " + decl.serialize()) } catch (e) { } Util.check(false, "deleted decl"); // should be handled above decl.deleted = false; // cannot trigger // this.markError(t, "TD113: '{0}' was deleted", t.propRef.data); } var cacc = t.calledExtensionAction() || t.calledAction(); if (cacc) { cacc.markUsed(); if (cacc.isPage()) { t._assignmentInfo = new AssignmentInfo(); t._assignmentInfo.isPagePush = true; } } if ((prop.getFlags() & PropertyFlags.Async) && !t.runAsAsync) { if (this.inAtomic) { if (this.actionSection == ActionSection.Init) { // it's ok } else if (this.actionSection == ActionSection.Display) { var isRun = prop.getName() == "run" && prop.parentKind.isAction if (cacc || isRun) { // TODO: fix this warning to something usable // this.hintsToFlush.push(Util.fmt("'{0}' may call non-atomic actions, which will fail at run time (search for 'atomic display' in the help)", prop.getName())); } else { this.markError(t, lf("TD172: '{0}' cannot be used in page display section (which is treated as 'atomic')", prop.getName())); } } else { this.markError(t, lf("TD158: '{0}' cannot be used in functions marked with 'atomic'", prop.getName())); } } this.seenAwait = true; } if (!prop.isImplementedAnywhere()) { if (prop.getFlags() & PropertyFlags.IsObsolete) this.hintsToFlush.push(lf("'{0}' is obsolete and not implemented", prop.getName())); else this.hintsToFlush.push(lf("'{0}' is currently not implemented", prop.getName())); } else if (Cloud.isRestricted() && prop.getCapability() && ! ((prop).allowInRestricted || (Cloud.hasPermission("post-raw") && prop.getCapability() == PlatformCapability.Network))) { this.markError(t, lf("TD211: this call is not supported in the restricted profile")) } else if (!Browser.isNodeJS && !this.topApp.canUseProperty(prop)) { this.unsupportedCapability(prop.getName(), prop.getCapability()); } else if (prop.getFlags() & PropertyFlags.IsObsolete) { this.hintsToFlush.push(lf("'{0}' is obsolete and should not be used", prop.getName())); } t._kind = prop.getResult().getKind(); var inP = prop.getParameters(); if (this.countToUpdate > 0) if (this.countToUpdate == 1) prop.getUsage().localCount++; else prop.getUsage().globalCount++; if (topInline) (()=>{ var impl = topInline.implicitAction() if (impl) { var implIdx = -1 inP.forEach((p, i) => { if (InlineActions.isImplicitActionKind(p.getKind())) implIdx = i }) if (implIdx < 0) { this.setNodeError(topInline, lf("TD182: '{0}' doesn't take an implicit inline function", prop)) } else { var tok = AST.mkThing(impl.getName(), true) // this.dispatch(tok) args.splice(implIdx, 0, tok) } } })() var optionsParm = OptionalParameter.optionsParameter(prop) if (optionsParm && inP.length > args.length) (()=>{ var lk = optionsParm.getKind() var rec = lk.getRecord() var maker = new PlaceholderDef() maker._kind = lk maker.escapeDef = { objectToMake: lk, optionalConstructor: topInline, isEmpty: true } var t = mkThing("_libobj_"); (t).def = maker args.push(t) if (!topInline) return var used:StringMap = {} topInline.optionalParameters().forEach(opt => { var fld = lk.getProperty(opt.getName()) var stmt = fld ? fld.forwardsToStmt() : null if (stmt instanceof AST.RecordField) { if (used.hasOwnProperty(opt.getName())) this.setNodeError(opt, lf("TD185: optional parameter '{0}' specified more than once", opt.getName())) used[opt.getName()] = true var rf = stmt opt.recordField = rf maker.escapeDef.isEmpty = false } else if (!opt.getName()) { this.setNodeError(opt, lf("TD193: we need a name for optional parameter of '{0}' (from type '{1}')", prop, lk)) } else { this.setNodeError(opt, lf("TD183: '{0}' doesn't take optional parameter named '{1}' (in type '{2}')", prop, opt.getName(), lk)) } }) topInline = null })() if (topInline && topInline.optionalParameters().length > 0) if (optionsParm) this.markError(t, lf("TD188: '{0}' already has the optional parameters object passed explicitly", prop)) else this.markError(t, lf("TD184: '{0}' doesn't take optional parameters", prop)) if (inP.length < args.length) this.markError(t, lf("TD115: excessive parameter(s) supplied to {0}", prop)); else if (inP.length > args.length) this.markError(t, lf("TD116: not enough parameters supplied to {0}", prop)); var concatOk = (e:Expr) => { var k = e.getKind() if (k == api.core.Unknown) return; if (k == api.core.Nothing || k.singleton || k instanceof AST.LibraryRefKind) this.markError(e, lf("TD117: cannot use this expression as argument to ||; are you missing parenthesis?")); } // args[0] is already typechecked; typechecking it again is exponential if (prop == this.core.StringConcatProp) { this.typeCheckExpr(args[1]); concatOk(args[0]); concatOk(args[1]); if (this.saveFixes) this.fixConcat(t) return; } for (var i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) { if (i >= inP.length) { if (i > 0) this.typeCheckExpr(args[i]); } else { var expK = inP[i].getKind(); if (i == 0 && args[i].getThing() instanceof SingletonDef && expK instanceof LibraryRefKind) { (args[i]).namespaceLibrary = (expK).lib; (args[i]).namespaceLibraryName(); } else { this.expectExpr(args[i], expK, prop.getName(), i == 0); } args[i].languageHint = inP[i].languageHint var str = inP[i].getStringValues() if (str) { var emap = (str).enumMap if (emap) { var lit = args[i].getLiteral() if (typeof lit == "string") { var picMap = inP[i].getStringValueArtIds(); if (picMap) args[i].hintArtId = picMap[lit]; if (str.indexOf(lit) >= 0) { args[i].enumVal = emap.hasOwnProperty(lit) ? emap[lit] : undefined } else { this.markError(args[i], lf("TD199: we didn't expect {0} here; try something like {1}", JSON.stringify(lit), str.map(s => JSON.stringify(s)).join(", ").slice(0, 100))) } } else { this.markError(args[i], lf("TD198: we need an enum string here, something like {0}", str.map(s => JSON.stringify(s)).join(", ").slice(0, 100))) } } else { // hints var lit = args[i].getLiteral() if (typeof lit == "string") { var picMap = inP[i].getStringValueArtIds(); if (picMap) args[i].hintArtId = picMap[lit]; if(str.indexOf(lit) >= 0) args[i].hintVal = lit; } } } if (/^bitmatrix|bitframe$/i.test(args[i].languageHint)) { var lit = args[i].getLiteral(); if (!(typeof lit == "string")) { this.markError(args[i], lf("TD179: we need a string here")); } } } } if (this.saveFixes) this.argumentFixes(t, inP) } private unsupportedCapability(name: string, cap: PlatformCapability) { var missing = App.capabilityString(cap & ~(this.topApp.getPlatform())); if (this.topApp.getPlatformRaw() & PlatformCapability.Current) this.hintsToFlush.push(lf("your current device does not support '{0}'; to develop scripts for other devices, enable the '{1}' capability in the platform settings in the script properties pane", name, missing)); else this.hintsToFlush.push(lf("your current platform settings do not include the '{1}' capability required for '{0}'; you can change platform settings in the script properties pane", name, missing)); if (this.currentAction) this.currentAction.numUnsupported++ } private cloneCall(t:Call, args:Expr[]) { return mkFakeCall(t.propRef, args) } private fixConcat(t:Call) { var prop = t.args[1].getCalledProperty() var c = t.args[1] if (prop && prop.getResult().getKind() == api.core.Nothing && c.args.length == 1) { t.savedFix = this.cloneCall(c, [this.cloneCall(t, [t.args[0], c.args[0]])]) this.saveFixes++ } } private argumentFixes(t:Call, inP:PropertyParameter[]) { if (t.prop() == api.core.TupleProp) { if (t.args[0].getKind() == api.core.String || t.args[1].getKind() == api.core.String) { t.savedFix = mkFakeCall(PropertyRef.mkProp(api.core.StringConcatProp), t.args.slice(0)) this.saveFixes++ } } else if (inP.length > t.args.length) { var args = t.args.slice(0) var locs = this.snapshotLocals() for (var i = args.length; i < inP.length; ++i) { var toks = Fixer.findDefault(inP[i], locs) var innExpr = ExprParser.parse1(toks) this.typeCheckExpr(innExpr) args.push(innExpr) } t.savedFix = this.cloneCall(t, args) this.saveFixes++ } } } class ClearErrors extends NodeVisitor { public visitAstNode(n:AstNode) { n.clearError() this.visitChildren(n) } } }