/// module TDev.RT { export module BingServices { function readBingSearchResponse(response: WebResponse): BingSearchResult[] { var links: BingSearchResult[] = []; try { var json = response.content_as_json(); if (json) { for (var i = 0; i < json.count(); ++i) { var jlink = json.at(i); var url = jlink.string('address'); var name = jlink.string('name'); var thumb = jlink.string('thumb'); var web = jlink.string('web'); if (url != null && url.length > 0) links.push({ url: url, name: name, thumbUrl: thumb, web: web }); } } return links; } catch (ex) {} return links; } export var searchAsync = (kind: string, query: string, loc: Location_): Promise => { if (!query) return Promise.as([]); var url = 'runtime/web/search?kind=' + encodeURIComponent(kind) + '&query=' + encodeURIComponent(query); if (loc) { url += '&latitude=' + encodeURIComponent(loc.latitude().toString()) + '&longitude=' + encodeURIComponent(loc.longitude().toString()); } var request = WebRequest.mk(Cloud.getPrivateApiUrl(url), undefined); return request.sendAsync() .then((response: WebResponse) => readBingSearchResponse(response)); } } export interface BingSearchResult { name: string; url: string; thumbUrl: string; web: string; } export interface EventSource { addEventListener(msg: string, cb: (e: any) => void, replace: boolean); close(); readyState: number; } //? A Server-Sent-Events client //@ stem("source") export class WebEventSource extends RTDisposableValue { private onMessages = {}; private onOpen: Event_; private onError: Event_; constructor(rt : Runtime, private source : EventSource) { super(rt); } //? Sets an event to run when a message is received. Change name to receive custom events. //@ [name].defl('message') ignoreReturnValue writesMutable public on_message(name: string, handler: TextAction): EventBinding { if (!name || /^close|error$/i.test(name)) Util.userError(lf("name cannot be 'close' or 'error'")); var onMessage = this.onMessages[name]; if (!onMessage) { onMessage = new Event_(); if (this.source) this.source.addEventListener(name, (e: MessageEvent) => { if (this.source && onMessage.handlers) { var d = e.data || ""; this.rt.queueLocalEvent(onMessage, [d]); } }, false); } return onMessage.addHandler(handler); } //? Gets the current connection state (`connecting`, `open`, `closed`) public state(): string { if (!this.source) return "closed"; else switch (this.source.readyState) { case 0: return "connecting"; case 1: return "open"; case 2: return "closed"; default: return "unkown"; } } //? Sets an event to run when the event source is opened //@ ignoreReturnValue writesMutable public on_open(opened: Action): EventBinding { if (!this.onOpen) { this.onOpen = new Event_(); if (this.source) this.source.addEventListener('open', (e) => { if (this.source && this.onOpen.handlers) this.rt.queueLocalEvent(this.onOpen); }, false); } return this.onOpen.addHandler(opened); } //? Sets an event to run when an error occurs //@ ignoreReturnValue writesMutable public on_error(handler: Action): EventBinding { if (!this.onError) { this.onError = new Event_(); if (this.source) this.source.addEventListener('error', (e) => { if (this.source && this.onError.handlers) this.rt.queueLocalEvent(this.onError); }, false); } return this.onError.addHandler(handler); } //? Closes the EventSource. No further event will be raised. //@ writesMutable public close() { if (this.source) { try { this.source.close(); } catch (e) {} this.source = undefined; } } public dispose() { this.close(); super.dispose(); } } //? Search and browse the web... export module Web { export interface MessageWaiter { origin: string; handler: (js:JsonObject)=>void; } export interface State { _onReceivedMessageEvent: Event_; _messageWaiters: MessageWaiter[]; receiveMessage: (event: MessageEvent) => void; } export function rt_start(rt: Runtime): void { clearReceivedMessageEvent(rt); } export function rt_stop(rt: Runtime) { clearReceivedMessageEvent(rt); } function toLink(jlink: BingSearchResult, kind: LinkKind): Link { var link: Link = Link.mk(jlink.url, kind); var idx = jlink.name.indexOf(' : '); if (idx > 0) { link.set_title(jlink.name.slice(0, idx)); link.set_description(jlink.name.slice(idx + 3)); } else { link.set_name(jlink.name); } return link; } function bingSearch(kind: string, query: string, loc: Location_, linkKind: LinkKind, r: ResumeCtx) { BingServices.searchAsync(kind, query, loc) .done((results: BingSearchResult[]) => { var links = Collections.create_link_collection(); results.forEach(result => { links.add(toLink(result, linkKind)); }); r.resumeVal(links); }); } //? Searching the web using Bing //@ async cap(search) flow(SinkSafe) returns(Collection) //@ [result].writesMutable export function search(query: string, r: ResumeCtx) //: Collection { bingSearch("Web", query, undefined, LinkKind.hyperlink, r); } //? Searching the web near a location using Bing. Distance in meters, negative to ignore. //@ async cap(search) flow(SinkSafe) returns(Collection) //@ [result].writesMutable //@ [location].deflExpr('senses->current_location') [distance].defl(1000) export function search_nearby(query: string, location: Location_, distance: number, r: ResumeCtx) // : Collection { bingSearch("Web", query, location, LinkKind.hyperlink, r); } //? Searching images using Bing //@ async cap(search) flow(SinkSafe) returns(Collection) //@ [result].writesMutable export function search_images(query: string, r: ResumeCtx) // : Collection { bingSearch("Images", query, undefined, LinkKind.image, r); } //? Searching images near a location using Bing. Distance in meters, negative to ignore. //@ async cap(search) flow(SinkSafe) returns(Collection) //@ [result].writesMutable //@ [location].deflExpr('senses->current_location') [distance].defl(1000) export function search_images_nearby(query: string, location: Location_, distance: number, r: ResumeCtx) // : Collection { bingSearch("Images", query, location, LinkKind.image, r); } //? Search phone numbers using Bing //@ obsolete cap(search) flow(SinkSafe) //@ [result].writesMutable export function search_phone_numbers(query: string): Collection { return undefined; } //? Search phone numbers near a location using Bing. Distance in meters, negative to ignore. //@ obsolete cap(search) flow(SinkSafe) //@ [result].writesMutable //@ [location].deflExpr('senses->current_location') [distance].defl(1000) export function search_phone_numbers_nearby(query: string, location: Location_, distance: number): Collection { return undefined; } //? Searching news using Bing //@ async cap(search) flow(SinkSafe) returns(Collection) //@ [result].writesMutable export function search_news(query: string, r: ResumeCtx) // : Collection { bingSearch("News", query, undefined, LinkKind.hyperlink, r); } //? Searching news near a location using Bing. Distance in meters, negative to ignore. //@ async cap(search) flow(SinkSafe) returns(Collection) //@ [result].writesMutable //@ [location].deflExpr('senses->current_location') [distance].defl(1000) export function search_news_nearby(query: string, location: Location_, distance: number, r: ResumeCtx) // : Collection { bingSearch("News", query, location, LinkKind.hyperlink, r); } //? Indicates whether any network connection is available export function is_connected(): boolean { return window.navigator.onLine; } //? Gets the type of the network servicing Internet requests (unknown, none, ethernet, wifi, mobile) //@ quickAsync returns(string) //@ import("cordova", "org.apache.cordova.network-information") export function connection_type(r: ResumeCtx) { //: string var res = 'unknown'; var connection = (navigator).connection; if (connection) { res = connection.type || 'unknown'; } r.resumeVal(res); } //? Gets a name of the currently connected network servicing Internet requests. Empty string if no connection. //@ quickAsync returns(string) export function connection_name(r : ResumeCtx) { // : string r.resumeVal(''); } //? Opens a connection settings page (airplanemode, bluetooth, wifi, cellular) //@ cap(phone) uiAsync //@ [page].defl("airplanemode") [page].deflStrings("airplanemode", "bluetooth", "wifi", "cellular") export function open_connection_settings(page:string, r : ResumeCtx) : void { r.resume(); } //? Opens a web browser to a url //@ cap(network) flow(SinkWeb) uiAsync export function browse(url: string, r : ResumeCtx): void { Web.browseAsync(url).done(() => r.resume()); } //? Redirects the browser to a url; only available when exporting //@ betaOnly uiAsync export function redirect(url:string, r: ResumeCtx) : void { if (r.rt.devMode) Util.userError(lf("web->redirect not available when running in the editor")) else { // TODO this is a hack // give it some time to save data etc // we never resume Util.setTimeout(1500, () => Util.navigateInWindow(url)) } } export var browseAsync = (url: string) => { window.open(url, "_blank"); // popup blocked the url return new Promise((onSuccess, onError, onProgress) => { var d = new ModalDialog(); d.onDismiss = () => onSuccess(undefined); d.add(div("wall-dialog-header", lf("web browsing..."))); d.add(div("wall-dialog-body", "We tried to open the following web page: " + url + ".")) d.add(div("wall-dialog-body", lf("If the page did not open, tap the 'open' button below, otherwise tap 'done'."))) d.add(div("wall-dialog-buttons", HTML.mkA("button wall-button", url, "_blank", "open"), HTML.mkButton(lf("done"), () => { d.dismiss(); }))) d.show(); }); } //? Plays an internet audio/video in full screen //@ cap(network) flow(SinkWeb) export function play_media(url: string): void { window.open(url); } //? Creates a link to an internet audio/video //@ [result].writesMutable export function link_media(url: string): Link { return Link.mk(url, LinkKind.media); } //? Creates a link to an internet image //@ [result].writesMutable export function link_image(url: string): Link { return Link.mk(url, LinkKind.image); } //? Creates a link to an internet page //@ [result].writesMutable export function link_url(name: string, url: string): Link { var l = Link.mk(url, LinkKind.hyperlink); l.set_name(name); return l; } //? Creates a multi-scale image from an image url //@ obsolete //@ [result].writesMutable export function link_deep_zoom(url: string): Link { return undefined; } export function proxy(url: string) { // don't proxy localhost if (!url || /^http:\/\/localhost(:[0-9]+)?\//i.test(url)) return url; // don't proxy private ip ranges // - // - // - var m = url.match(/^http:\/\/([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)(:[0-9]+)?\//i); if (m) { var a = parseInt(m[1]); if (a == 10) return url; var b = parseInt(m[2]); if (a == 172 && b >= 16 && b <= 31) return url; if (a == 192 && b == 168) return url; } return Cloud.getPrivateApiUrl("runtime/web/proxy?url=" + encodeURIComponent(url)); } //? Downloads the content of an internet page (http get) //@ async cap(network) flow(SinkWeb) returns(string) export function download(url: string, r: ResumeCtx) { r.progress('Downloading...'); var request = create_request(url); request .sendAsync() .done((response: WebResponse) => r.resumeVal(response.content()), (e) => r.resumeVal(undefined)); } //? Downloads a web service response as a JSON data structure (http get) //@ async cap(network) flow(SinkWeb) returns(JsonObject) export function download_json(url: string, r: ResumeCtx) { r.progress('Downloading...'); var request = create_request(url); request.set_accept('application/json'); request .sendAsync() .done((response: WebResponse) => r.resumeVal(response.content_as_json()), (e) => r.resumeVal(undefined)); } //? Downloads a web service response as a XML data structure (http get) //@ cap(network) async flow(SinkWeb) returns(XmlObject) //@ import("npm", "xmldom", "0.1.*") export function download_xml(url: string, r: ResumeCtx) { var request = create_request(url); r.progress('Downloading...'); request.set_accept('text/xml'); request .sendAsync() .done((response: WebResponse) => r.resumeVal(response.content_as_xml()), (e) => r.resumeVal(undefined)); } //? Downloads a WAV sound file from internet //@ async cap(network) flow(SinkWeb) returns(Sound) export function download_sound(url: string, r: ResumeCtx) // : Sound { r.progress("Downloading..."); Sound .fromUrl(url) .done(snd => r.resumeVal(snd)); } //? Create a streamed song file from internet (download happens when playing) //@ cap(media,network) flow(SinkWeb) //@ [name].defl("a song") export function download_song(url: string, name: string): Song { return Song.mk(url, undefined, name); } //? Uploads text to an internet page (http post) //@ async cap(network) flow(SinkWeb) returns(string) export function upload(url:string, body:string, r : ResumeCtx) { var request = create_request(url); r.progress('Uploading...'); request.set_method('post'); request.set_content(body); request .sendAsync() .done((response : WebResponse) => r.resumeVal(response.content()), (e) => r.resumeVal(undefined)); } //? Uploads a sound to an internet page (http post). The sound must have been recorded from the microphone. //@ async cap(network) flow(SinkWeb) returns(string) export function upload_sound(url: string, snd: Sound, r : ResumeCtx) //: string { var request = create_request(url); r.progress('Uploading...'); request.set_method('post'); request.setContentAsSoundInternal(snd); request.sendAsync() .done((response : WebResponse) => r.resumeVal(response.content()), (e) => r.resumeVal(undefined)); } //? Uploads a picture to an internet page (http post) //@ async cap(network) flow(SinkWeb) returns(string) export function upload_picture(url: string, pic: Picture, r : ResumeCtx) //: string { var request = create_request(url); r.progress('Uploading...'); request.set_method('post'); pic.initAsync() .then(() => { request.setContentAsPictureInternal(pic, 0.85); return request.sendAsync(); }).done((response : WebResponse) => r.resumeVal(response.content()), (e) => r.resumeVal(undefined)); } //? Downloads a picture from internet //@ async cap(network) flow(SinkWeb) returns(Picture) //@ [result].writesMutable export function download_picture(url:string, r : ResumeCtx) { r.progress('Downloading...'); var pic = undefined; Picture.fromUrl(url) .then((p : Picture) => { pic = p; return p.initAsync(); }) .done(() => r.resumeVal(pic), (e) => r.resumeVal(undefined)); } //? Decodes a string that has been HTML-encoded export function html_decode(html: string): string { return Util.htmlUnescape(html); } //? Converts a text string into an HTML-encoded string export function html_encode(text: string): string { return Util.htmlEscape(text); } //? Decodes a URI component export function decode_uri(url: string): string { return decodeURI(url); } //? Encodes a uri component export function encode_uri(text: string): string { return encodeURI(text); } //? Decodes a URI component export function decode_uri_component(url: string): string { return decodeURIComponent(url); } //? Encodes a uri component export function encode_uri_component(text: string): string { return encodeURIComponent(text); } //? Use `web->decode uri component` instead. //@ obsolete export function url_decode(url:string) : string { return decodeURIComponent(url); } //? Use `web->encode uri component` instead. //@ obsolete export function url_encode(text:string) : string { return encodeURIComponent(text); } //? Parses the string as a json object export function json(value: string): JsonObject { return JsonObject.mk(value, function (msg) { App.logEvent(App.DEBUG, 'json', lf("error parsing json: {0}", msg), undefined); }); } //? Returns an empty json object export function json_object(): JsonObject { return JsonObject.wrap({}); } //? Returns an empty json array export function json_array(): JsonObject { return JsonObject.wrap([]); } //? Parses the string as a xml element //@ import("npm", "xmldom", "0.1.*") export function xml(value:string) : XmlObject { return XmlObject.mk(value); } //? Obsolete. Use 'feed' instead. //@ obsolete //@ [result].writesMutable export function rss(value: string): Collection { return feed(value); } //? Creates a web request export function create_request(url: string): WebRequest { return WebRequest.mk(url, "text"); } //? Creates a web socket //@ dbgOnly async returns(WebSocket_) export function open_web_socket(url: string, r:ResumeCtx) { var ws = new WebSocket(url) ws.onopen = () => { ws.onerror = null; ws.onopen = null; r.resumeVal(WebSocket_.mk(ws, r.rt)) } ws.onerror = () => { r.resumeVal(undefined) } } //? Decodes a string that has been base64-encoded export function base64_decode(text: string): string { return Util.base64Decode(text); } //? Converts a string into an base64-encoded string export function base64_encode(text: string): string { return Util.base64Encode(text); } function htmlToPictureUrl(value: string) { if (!value) return value; var m = value.match(//i); if (m) return m[1]; return null; } function htmlToText(value : string) { if (!value) return value; var r = value.replace(/<[^>]+>/ig, ''); var decoded = Web.html_decode(r); var decodedescaped = decoded.replace(/<[^>]+>/ig, ''); return decodedescaped; } function parseRss(rssx: XmlObject, msgs: Collection) { var channel = rssx.child('channel'); if (!channel) return; var imgRx = /^image\/(png|jpg|jpeg)$/i; var mediaRx = Browser.isGecko ? /^video\/webm|audio\/mp3$/i : /^video\/mp4|audio\/mp3$/i; var items = channel.children('item'); for (var i = 0; i < items.count(); ++i) { var item = items.at(i); var msg = Message.mk(""); msg.set_from(undefined); msgs.add(msg); var description = item.child('description'); if (description) parseHtmlContent(msg, description.value()); var title = item.child('title'); if (title) msg.set_title(htmlToText(title.value())); var link = item.child('link'); if (link) msg.set_link(link.value()); var pubDate = item.child('pubDate'); if (pubDate) msg.set_time(DateTime.parse(pubDate.value())); var speaker = item.child('{http://www.microsoft.com/dtds/mavis/}speaker'); if (speaker) msg.set_from(htmlToText(speaker.value())); var author = item.child('{http://www.itunes.com/dtds/podcast-1.0.dtd}author'); if (author) msg.set_from(htmlToText(author.value())); var creator = item.child('creator'); if (creator) msg.set_from(htmlToText(creator.value())); var img = item.child('{http://www.itunes.com/dtds/podcast-1.0.dtd}image'); if (img && img.attr('href')) msg.set_picture_link(img.attr('href')); var enclosure = item.child('enclosure'); if (enclosure) { var enclosureType = enclosure.attr('type') || ""; if (imgRx.test(enclosureType)) msg.set_picture_link(enclosure.attr('url')); else if (mediaRx.test(enclosureType)) msg.set_media_link(enclosure.attr('url')); } var thumbnails = item.children('{http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/}thumbnail'); var tisize = -1; for (var ti = 0; ti < thumbnails.count(); ++ti) { var thumbnail = thumbnails.at(ti); var cisize = (String_.to_number(thumbnail.attr('width')) || 1) * (String_.to_number(thumbnail.attr('height')) || 1); if (thumbnail.attr('url') && cisize > tisize) { msg.set_picture_link(thumbnail.attr('url')); tisize = cisize; } } var group = item.child('{http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/}group'); if (group) { var contents = group.children('{http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/}content'); var mcsize = 0; for (var ci = 0; ci < contents.count(); ++ci) { var content = contents.at(ci); var csize = String_.to_number(content.attr('fileSize')) || 0; var curl = content.attr('url'); var ctype = content.attr('type'); if (curl && mediaRx.test(ctype) && csize > mcsize) { msg.set_media_link(curl); mcsize = csize; } } } parseGeoRss(msg, item); } } function parseGeoRss(msg: Message, item: XmlObject) { var point = item.child('{http://www.georss.org/georss}point'); if (point) { var txt = point.value(); var i = txt.indexOf(' '); if (i > 0) { var lat = parseFloat(txt.substr(0, i)); var long = parseFloat(txt.substr(i + 1)); if (!isNaN(lat) && !isNaN(long)) msg.set_location(Location_.mkShort(lat, long)); } } } function parseProperties(msg: Message, entry: XmlObject) { var properties = entry.child('{http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices/metadata}properties'); if (properties) { var props = properties.children(""); for (var j = 0; j < props.count(); ++j) { var prop = props.at(j); msg.values().set_at(prop.local_name(), prop.value()); } } } function parseHtmlContent(msg: Message, value: string) { if (!value) return; msg.set_message(htmlToText(value)); var pic = htmlToPictureUrl(value); if (pic) msg.set_picture_link(pic); } function parseAtom(feed: XmlObject, msgs: Collection) { var channelTitlex = feed.child('title'); var channelTitle = channelTitlex ? channelTitlex.value() : "atom"; var entries = feed.children('entry'); if (entries) { for (var i = 0; i < entries.count(); ++i) { var entry = entries.at(i); var msg = Message.mk(""); msg.set_from(undefined); msgs.add(msg); var summary = entry.child('summary'); if (summary) parseHtmlContent(msg, summary.value()); var title = entry.child('title'); if (title) msg.set_title(htmlToText(title.value())); var updated = entry.child('updated'); if (updated) { var updatedd = DateTime.parse(updated.value()); if (updatedd) msg.set_time(updatedd); } var content = entry.child('content'); if (content) { var contentType = content.attr('type') || ""; if (/^image\//i.test(contentType) && content.attr('src')) msg.set_picture_link(content.attr('src')); else if (/^application\/xml/i.test(contentType)) parseProperties(msg, content); else if (/html/i.test(contentType)) parseHtmlContent(msg, content.value()); } var author = entry.child('author'); if (author) { var authorName = author.child('name'); if (authorName) msg.set_from(authorName.value()); } parseGeoRss(msg, entry); } } } //? Parses the newsfeed string (RSS 2.0 or Atom 1.0) into a message collection //@ [result].writesMutable //@ import("npm", "xmldom", "0.1.*") export function feed(value: string): Collection { var msgs = Collections.create_message_collection(); var xml = XmlObject.mk(value); while(xml != null) { if (xml.name() === 'rss') { parseRss(xml, msgs); break; } else if (xml.name() === 'feed') { parseAtom(xml, msgs); break; } else { xml = xml.next_sibling(); } } return msgs; } //? Creates a json builder //@ [result].writesMutable export function create_json_builder(): JsonBuilder { return new (JsonBuilder)(); //TS9 } //? Parses a Command Separated Values document into a JsonObject where the `headers` is a string array of column names; `records` is an array of rows where each row is itself an array of strings. The delimiter is inferred if not specified. //@ [delimiter].defl("\t") export function csv(text: string, delimiter : string): JsonObject { var file = new CsvParser().parse(text, delimiter); return JsonObject.wrap(file); } //? Creates a picture from a web address. The resulting picture cannot be modified, use clone if you want to change it. export function picture(url: string): Picture { return Picture.fromUrlSync(url, true); } interface OAuthRedirect { redirect_url: string; user_id: string; time: number; } //? Authenticate with OAuth 2.0 and receives the access token or error. See [](/oauthv2) for more information on which Redirect URI to choose. //@ cap(network) flow(SinkWeb) returns(OAuthResponse) uiAsync export function oauth_v2(oauth_url: string, r : ResumeCtx) { // validating url if (!oauth_url) { r.resumeVal(OAuthResponse.mkError("access_denied", "Empty oauth url.", null)); return; } // dissallow state and redirect uris. if (/state=|redirect_uri=/i.test(oauth_url)) { r.resumeVal(OAuthResponse.mkError("access_denied", "The `redirect_uri` and `state` query arguments are not allowed.", null)); return; } // check connection if (!Web.is_connected()) { r.resumeVal(OAuthResponse.mkError("access_denied", "No internet connection.", null)); return; } var userid = r.rt.currentAuthorId; Web.oauth_v2_async(oauth_url, userid).done((v) => { r.resumeVal(v); }) } export function oauth_v2_async(oauth_url: string, userid: string): Promise // : OAuthResponse { var redirectURI = "https://www.touchdevelop.com/" + userid + "/oauth"; var state = Util.guidGen(); var stateArg = "state=" + state.replace('-', ''); var hostM = /^([^\/]+:\/\/[^\/]+)/.exec(document.URL) var host = hostM ? hostM[1] : "" if (host && !/\.touchdevelop\.com$/i.test(host)) { redirectURI = host + "/api/oauth" userid = "web-app" } var actualRedirectURI = redirectURI; // special subdomain scheme? var subdomainRx = /&tdredirectdomainid=([a-z0-9]{1,64})/i; var msubdomain = oauth_url.match(subdomainRx); if (msubdomain) { var appid = msubdomain[1]; actualRedirectURI = 'https://' + appid + '-' + userid + '.users.touchdevelop.com/oauth'; redirectURI = "https://www.touchdevelop.com/" + appid + '-' + userid + "/oauth"; App.log('oauth appid redirect: ' + appid); oauth_url = oauth_url.replace(subdomainRx, ''); } // state variable needed in redirect uri? var stateRx = /&tdstateinredirecturi=true/i; if (stateRx.test(oauth_url)) { actualRedirectURI += "?" + stateArg; Time.log('oauth adding state to url'); oauth_url = oauth_url.replace(stateRx, ''); } App.log('oauth login uri: ' + oauth_url); App.log('oauth redirect uri: ' + actualRedirectURI); // craft url login; var url = oauth_url + (/\?/.test(oauth_url) ? '&' : '?') + 'redirect_uri=' + encodeURIComponent(actualRedirectURI) + "&" + stateArg; if (!/response_type=token/i.test(url)) url += "&response_type=token"; App.log('oauth auth url: ' + url); return Web.oauth_v2_dance_async(url, actualRedirectURI, userid, stateArg); } export function oauth_v2_dance_async(url: string, redirect_uri: string, userid: string, stateArg: string): Promise { var res = new PromiseInv(); var response: OAuthResponse; var oauthWindow: Window; var m = new ModalDialog(); function handleMessage(event) { var origin = document.URL.replace(/(.*:\/\/[^\/]+).*/, (a, b) => b) if (event.origin == origin && Array.isArray(event.data)) { processRedirects(event.data) } } function handleStorage(event) { // console.log("Storage: " + event.key) if (event.key == "oauth_redirect") processRedirects(JSON.parse(event.newValue || "[]")) } function dismiss() { window.removeEventListener("message", handleMessage, false) window.removeEventListener("storage", handleStorage, false) if (!response) response = OAuthResponse.mkError("access_denied", "The user cancelled the authentication.", null); if (oauthWindow) oauthWindow.close(); res.success(response); } function processRedirects(redirects:OAuthRedirect[]) { redirects.reverse(); // pick the latest oauth message var matches = redirects.filter(redirect => userid == redirect.user_id && redirect.redirect_url.indexOf(stateArg) > -1); if (matches.length > 0) { Time.log('oauth redirect_uri: ' + matches[0].redirect_url); response = OAuthResponse.parse(matches[0].redirect_url); m.dismiss(); return; } // is the window still opened? if (!response && oauthWindow && oauthWindow.closed) { response = OAuthResponse.mkError("access_denied", "The authentication window was closed", null); m.dismiss(); return; } } // monitors local storage for the url function tracker() { if (response) return; // we've gotten a response or the user dismissed window.localStorage.setItem("last_oauth_check", Date.now() + "") // array of access tokens processRedirects(JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem("oauth_redirect") || "[]")) if (!response) Util.setTimeout(100, tracker); } // start the oauth dance... var woptions = 'menubar=no,toolbar=no'; oauthWindow = window.open(url, '_blank', woptions); m.add(div('wall-dialog-header', 'authenticating...')); m.add(div('wall-dialog-body', 'A separate window with the sign in dialog has opened, please sign in in that window.')); m.add(div('wall-dialog-body', "Can't see any window? Try tapping the button below to log in manually.")); m.add(div('wall-dialog-buttons', HTML.mkA("button wall-button", url, "_blank", "log in"))); m.onDismiss = () => { dismiss(); }; m.show(); // and start listening... Util.setTimeout(100, tracker); // window.addEventListener("message", handleMessage, false) // window.addEventListener("storage", handleStorage, false) return res; } //? Create a form builder //@ [result].writesMutable export function create_form_builder(): FormBuilder { return new FormBuilder(); } //? Posts a message to the parent window if any. The `target origin` must match the domain of the parent window, * is not accepted. //@ readsMutable [target_origin].defl('https://www.touchdevelop.com') export function post_message_to_parent(target_origin: string, message: JsonObject, s:IStackFrame) { if (!target_origin || target_origin == "*") Util.userError(lf("target origin cannot be empty or *")); if (isWebWorker) { var msg = message.value() if (s && s.rt.pluginSlotId) { msg = Util.jsonClone(msg) msg.tdSlotId = s.rt.pluginSlotId } (self).postMessage(msg) return } var parent = window.parent; if (parent && parent != window && parent.postMessage) { try { parent.postMessage(message.value(), target_origin); } catch (e) { App.log("web: posting message to parent failed"); } } } function receiveMessage(rt:Runtime, event: MessageEvent) { var s = rt.webState if (window != window.parent && event.source === window.parent && s._onReceivedMessageEvent) { App.log("web: receiving message from parent"); var json = JsonObject.wrap(event.data) var waiters = s._messageWaiters.filter(m => m.origin === event.origin) if (waiters.length > 0) { // remove them s._messageWaiters = s._messageWaiters.filter(m => m.origin !== event.origin) waiters.forEach(w => w.handler(json)) } if (s._onReceivedMessageEvent.handlers) { rt.queueLocalEvent(s._onReceivedMessageEvent, [json], false, false, (binding) => { var origin = binding.data; return event.origin === origin; }); } } } export function receiveWorkerMessage(rt:Runtime, data:any) { var s = rt.webState if (s._onReceivedMessageEvent) { var json = JsonObject.wrap(data) var waiters = s._messageWaiters if (waiters.length > 0) { // remove them s._messageWaiters = [] waiters.forEach(w => w.handler(json)) } if (s._onReceivedMessageEvent.handlers) { rt.queueLocalEvent(s._onReceivedMessageEvent, [json], false, false) } } } function installReceiveMessage(rt:Runtime, origin:string) { if (!origin) Util.userError(lf("origin cannot be empty")); var s = rt.webState if (!s._onReceivedMessageEvent) { s._onReceivedMessageEvent = new Event_(); s._messageWaiters = []; if (!isWebWorker) { s.receiveMessage = (e) => receiveMessage(rt, e) window.addEventListener("message", s.receiveMessage, false); } } } //? Waits for the next message from the parent window in `origin`. //@ async //@ returns(JsonObject) export function wait_for_message_from_parent(origin: string, r: ResumeCtx) { installReceiveMessage(r.rt, origin) r.rt.webState._messageWaiters.push({ origin: origin, handler: (j) => r.resumeVal(j) }) } //? Attaches code to run when a message is received. Only messages from the parent window and `origin` will be received. //@ ignoreReturnValue export function on_received_message_from_parent(origin: string, received: JsonAction, s:IStackFrame): EventBinding { installReceiveMessage(s.rt, origin) var st = s.rt.webState var binding = st._onReceivedMessageEvent.addHandler(received); binding.data = origin; return binding; } function clearReceivedMessageEvent(rt:Runtime) { var s = rt.webState if (s._onReceivedMessageEvent) { if (s.receiveMessage) window.removeEventListener("message", s.receiveMessage, false); s._onReceivedMessageEvent = undefined; s._messageWaiters = undefined; } } //? Opens an Server-Sent-Events client on the given URL. If not supported, returns invalid. The server must implement CORS to allow https://www.touchdevelop.com to receive messages. // [result].writesMutable export function create_event_source(url: string, s: IStackFrame): WebEventSource { if (!url) Util.userError(lf("url cannot be empty"), s.pc); if (!!(window).EventSource) { var source = new (window).EventSource(url); return new WebEventSource(s.rt, source); } else { // Result to xhr polling :( return undefined; } } //? Parses a OAuth v2.0 access token from a redirect uri as described in http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749. Returns invalid if the url does not contain an OAuth token. export function oauth_token_from_url(redirect_url : string) : OAuthResponse { return OAuthResponse.parse(redirect_url); } //? Parses a OAuth v2.0 access token from a JSON payload as described in http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749. Returns invalid if the payload is not an OAuth token. export function oauth_token_from_json(response: JsonObject): OAuthResponse { return OAuthResponse.parseJSON(response); } } }