1340 строки
47 KiB
1340 строки
47 KiB
///<reference path='refs.ts'/>
module TDev.AST.Thumb
/* Docs:
* Thumb 16-bit Instruction Set Quick Reference Card
* http://infocenter.arm.com/help/topic/com.arm.doc.qrc0006e/QRC0006_UAL16.pdf
* ARMv6-M Architecture Reference Manual (bit encoding of instructions)
* http://ecee.colorado.edu/ecen3000/labs/lab3/files/DDI0419C_arm_architecture_v6m_reference_manual.pdf
* The ARM-THUMB Procedure Call Standard
* http://www.cs.cornell.edu/courses/cs414/2001fa/armcallconvention.pdf
* Cortex-M0 Technical Reference Manual: 3.3. Instruction set summary (cycle counts)
* http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.ddi0432c/CHDCICDF.html
interface EmitResult {
stack: number;
opcode: number;
opcode2?: number;
numArgs?: number[];
error?: string;
errorAt?: string;
var badNameError = emitErr("opcode name doesn't match", "<name>")
class Instruction
public name:string;
public args:string[];
public friendlyFmt:string;
public code:string;
constructor(format:string, public opcode:number, public mask:number)
Util.assert((opcode & mask) == opcode)
this.code = format.replace(/\s+/g, " ");
this.friendlyFmt = format.replace(/\$\w+/g, m => {
if (encoders[m])
return encoders[m].pretty
return m
var words = tokenize(format)
this.name = words[0]
this.args = words.slice(1)
var tokens = ln.words;
if (tokens[0] != this.name) return badNameError;
var r = this.opcode;
var j = 1;
var stack = 0;
var numArgs = []
for (var i = 0; i < this.args.length; ++i) {
var formal = this.args[i]
var actual = tokens[j++]
if (/^\$/.test(formal)) {
var enc = encoders[formal]
var v = null
if (enc.isRegister) {
v = registerNo(actual);
if (v == null) return emitErr("expecting register name", actual)
} else if (enc.isImmediate) {
actual = actual.replace(/^#/, "")
v = ln.bin.parseOneInt(actual);
if (v == null) {
return emitErr("expecting number", actual)
} else {
if (this.opcode == 0xb000) // add sp, #imm
stack = -(v / 4);
else if (this.opcode == 0xb080) // sub sp, #imm
stack = (v / 4);
} else if (enc.isRegList) {
if (actual != "{") return emitErr("expecting {", actual);
v = 0;
while (tokens[j] != "}") {
actual = tokens[j++];
if (!actual)
return emitErr("expecting }", tokens[j - 2])
var no = registerNo(actual);
if (no == null) return emitErr("expecting register name", actual)
if (v & (1 << no)) return emitErr("duplicate register name", actual)
v |= (1 << no);
if (this.opcode == 0xb400) // push
else if (this.opcode == 0xbc00) // pop
if (tokens[j] == ",") j++;
actual = tokens[j++]; // skip close brace
} else if (enc.isLabel) {
actual = actual.replace(/^#/, "")
if (/^[+-]?\d+$/.test(actual)) {
v = parseInt(actual, 10)
} else {
v = ln.bin.getRelativeLabel(actual)
if (v == null) {
if (ln.bin.finalEmit)
return emitErr("unknown label", actual)
v = 8; // needs to be divisible by 4 etc
} else {
if (v == null) return emitErr("didn't understand it", actual); // shouldn't happen
if (this.name == "bl" || this.name == "bb") {
if (tokens[j]) return emitErr("trailing tokens", tokens[j])
return this.emitBl(v, actual);
v = enc.encode(v)
if (v == null) return emitErr("argument out of range or mis-aligned", actual);
Util.assert((r & v) == 0)
r |= v;
} else if (formal == actual) {
// skip
} else {
return emitErr("expecting " + formal, actual)
if (tokens[j]) return emitErr("trailing tokens", tokens[j])
return {
stack: stack,
opcode: r,
numArgs: numArgs,
private emitBl(v:number, actual:string):EmitResult
if (v % 2) return emitErr("uneven BL?", actual);
var off = v / 2
Util.assert(off != null)
if ((off|0) != off ||
// we can actually support more but the board has 256k (128k instructions)
!(-128*1024 <= off && off <= 128*1024))
return emitErr("jump out of range", actual);
// note that off is already in instructions, not bytes
var imm11 = off & 0x7ff
var imm10 = (off >> 11) & 0x3ff
return {
opcode: (off & 0xf0000000) ? (0xf400 | imm10) : (0xf000 | imm10),
opcode2: (0xf800 | imm11),
stack: 0,
numArgs: [v],
return this.friendlyFmt;
class Line
public type:string;
public lineNo:number;
public words:string[];
public scope:string;
public instruction:Instruction;
public numArgs:number[];
constructor(public bin:Binary, public text:string)
public getOpExt()
return this.instruction ? this.instruction.code : "";
public getOp()
return this.instruction ? this.instruction.name : "";
public singleReg()
Util.assert(this.getOp() == "push" || this.getOp() == "pop")
var k = 0;
var ret = -1;
var v = this.numArgs[0]
while (v > 0) {
if (v & 1) {
if (ret == -1) ret = k;
else ret = -2;
v >>= 1;
if (ret >= 0) return ret;
else return -1;
// if true then instruction doesn't write r<n> and doesn't read/write memory
public preservesReg(n:number)
if (this.getOpExt() == "movs $r5, $i0" && this.numArgs[0] != n)
return true;
return false;
public clobbersReg(n:number)
// TODO add some more
if (this.getOp() == "pop" && this.numArgs[0] & (1 << n))
return true;
return false;
public update(s:string)
s = s.replace(/^\s*/, "")
if (!s)
if (s) s += " ";
s = " " + s;
this.text = s + "; WAS: " + this.text.trim();
this.instruction = null;
this.numArgs = null;
this.words = tokenize(s) || [];
if (this.words.length == 0)
this.type = "empty";
export class Binary
this.currLine = new Line(this, "<start>");
this.currLine.lineNo = 0;
public baseOffset:number;
public finalEmit:boolean;
public checkStack = true;
public inlineMode = false;
public lookupExternalLabel:(name:string)=>number;
private lines:Line[];
private currLineNo:number = 0;
private realCurrLineNo:number;
private currLine:Line;
private scope = "";
public errors:InlineError[] = [];
public buf:number[];
private labels:StringMap<number> = {};
private stackpointers:StringMap<number> = {};
private stack = 0;
public peepOps = 0;
public peepDel = 0;
private stats = "";
public throwOnError = false;
public disablePeepHole = false;
private emitShort(op:number)
Util.assert(0 <= op && op <= 0xffff);
private location()
return this.buf.length * 2;
public parseOneInt(s:string)
if (!s)
return null;
var mul = 1
while (m = /^([^\*]*)\*(.*)$/.exec(s)) {
var tmp = this.parseOneInt(m[1])
if (tmp == null) return null;
mul *= tmp;
s = m[2]
if (/^-/.test(s)) {
mul *= -1;
s = s.slice(1)
var v:number = null
var m = /^0x([a-f0-9]+)$/i.exec(s)
if (m) v = parseInt(m[1], 16)
m = /^0b([01]+)$/i.exec(s)
if (m) v = parseInt(m[1], 2)
m = /^(\d+)$/i.exec(s)
if (m) v = parseInt(m[1], 10)
m = /^(\w+)@(-?\d+)$/.exec(s)
if (m) {
if (mul != 1)
this.directiveError(lf("multiplication not supported with saved stacks"));
if (this.stackpointers.hasOwnProperty(m[1]))
v = 4 * (this.stack - this.stackpointers[m[1]] + parseInt(m[2]))
this.directiveError(lf("saved stack not found"))
m = /^(.*)@(hi|lo)$/.exec(s)
if (m && this.looksLikeLabel(m[1])) {
v = this.lookupLabel(m[1], true)
if (v != null) {
v >>= 1;
if (0 <= v && v <= 0xffff) {
if (m[2] == "hi")
v = (v >> 8) & 0xff
else if (m[2] == "lo")
v = v & 0xff
} else {
this.directiveError(lf("@hi/lo out of range"))
v = null
if (v == null && this.looksLikeLabel(s)) {
v = this.lookupLabel(s, true);
v += this.baseOffset;
if (v == null || isNaN(v)) return null;
return v * mul;
private looksLikeLabel(name:string)
if (/^(r\d|pc|sp|lr)$/i.test(name))
return false
return /^[\.a-zA-Z_][\.\w+]*$/.test(name)
private scopedName(name:string)
if (name[0] == "." && this.scope)
return this.scope + "$" + name;
else return name;
private lookupLabel(name:string, direct = false)
var v = null;
var scoped = this.scopedName(name)
if (this.labels.hasOwnProperty(scoped))
v = this.labels[scoped];
else if (this.lookupExternalLabel)
v = this.lookupExternalLabel(name)
if (v == null && direct) {
if (this.finalEmit)
this.directiveError(lf("unknown label: {0}", name));
v = 42;
return v;
public getRelativeLabel(s:string)
var l = this.lookupLabel(s);
if (l == null) return null;
return l - (this.location() + 4);
private align(n:number)
Util.assert(n == 2 || n == 4 || n == 8 || n == 16)
while (this.location() % n != 0)
public pushError(msg:string, hints:string = "")
var err = <InlineError>{
scope: this.scope,
message: lf(" -> Line {2} ('{1}'), error: {0}\n{3}", msg, this.currLine.text, this.currLine.lineNo, hints),
lineNo: this.currLine.lineNo,
line: this.currLine.text,
coremsg: msg,
hints: hints
if (this.throwOnError)
throw new Error(err.message)
private directiveError(msg:string)
// this.pushError(lf("directive error: {0}", msg))
private emitString(l:string)
function byteAt(s:string, i:number) { return (s.charCodeAt(i) || 0) & 0xff }
var m = /^\s*([\w\.]+\s*:\s*)?.\w+\s+(".*")\s*$/.exec(l)
var s:string;
if (!m || null == (s = parseString(m[2]))) {
this.directiveError(lf("expecting string"))
} else {
// s.length + 1 to NUL terminate
for (var i = 0; i < s.length + 1; i += 2) {
this.emitShort( (byteAt(s, i+1) << 8) | byteAt(s, i) )
private parseNumber(words:string[]):number
var v = this.parseOneInt(words.shift())
if (v == null) return null;
return v;
private parseNumbers(words:string[])
words = words.slice(1)
var nums:number[] = []
while (true) {
var n = this.parseNumber(words)
if (n == null) {
this.directiveError(lf("cannot parse number at '{0}'", words[0]))
} else
if (words[0] == ",") {
if (words[0] == null)
} else if (words[0] == null) {
} else {
this.directiveError(lf("expecting number, got '{0}'", words[0]))
return nums
private emitSpace(words:string[])
var nums = this.parseNumbers(words);
if (nums.length == 1)
if (nums.length != 2)
this.directiveError(lf("expecting one or two numbers"))
else if (nums[0] % 2 != 0)
this.directiveError(lf("only even space supported"))
else {
var f = nums[1] & 0xff;
f = f | (f << 8)
for (var i = 0; i < nums[0]; i += 2)
private emitBytes(words:string[])
var nums = this.parseNumbers(words)
if (nums.length % 2 != 0) {
this.directiveError(".bytes needs an even number of arguments")
for (var i = 0; i < nums.length; i += 2) {
var n0 = nums[i]
var n1 = nums[i+1]
if (0 <= n0 && n1 <= 0xff &&
0 <= n1 && n0 <= 0xff)
this.emitShort((n0&0xff) | ((n1&0xff) << 8))
this.directiveError(lf("expecting uint8"))
private emitHex(words:string[])
words.slice(1).forEach(w => {
if (w == ",") return
if (w.length % 4 != 0)
this.directiveError(".hex needs an even number of bytes")
else if (!/^[a-f0-9]+$/i.test(w))
this.directiveError(".hex needs a hex number")
for (var i = 0; i < w.length; i += 4) {
var n = parseInt(w.slice(i, i + 4), 16)
n = ((n & 0xff) << 8) | ((n >> 8) & 0xff)
private handleDirective(l:Line)
var words = l.words;
var expectOne = () => {
if (words.length != 2)
this.directiveError(lf("expecting one argument"));
var num0:number;
switch (words[0]) {
case ".ascii":
case ".asciz":
case ".string":
case ".align":
num0 = this.parseOneInt(words[1]);
if (num0 != null) {
if (num0 == 0) return;
if (num0 <= 4) {
this.align(1 << num0);
} else {
this.directiveError(lf("expecting 1, 2, 3 or 4 (for 2, 4, 8, or 16 byte alignment)"))
} else this.directiveError(lf("expecting number"));
case ".balign":
num0 = this.parseOneInt(words[1]);
if (num0 != null) {
if (num0 == 1) return;
if (num0 == 2 || num0 == 4 || num0 == 8 || num0 == 16) {
} else {
this.directiveError(lf("expecting 2, 4, 8, or 16"))
} else this.directiveError(lf("expecting number"));
case ".byte":
case ".hex":
case ".hword":
case ".short":
case ".2bytes":
this.parseNumbers(words).forEach(n => {
// we allow negative numbers
if (-0x8000 <= n && n <= 0xffff)
this.emitShort(n & 0xffff)
this.directiveError(lf("expecting int16"))
case ".word":
case ".4bytes":
this.parseNumbers(words).forEach(n => {
// we allow negative numbers
if (-0x80000000 <= n && n <= 0xffffffff) {
this.emitShort(n & 0xffff)
this.emitShort((n >> 16) & 0xffff)
} else {
this.directiveError(lf("expecting int32"))
case ".skip":
case ".space":
// The usage for this is as follows:
// push {...}
// @stackmark locals ; locals := sp
// ... some push/pops ...
// ldr r0, [pc, locals@3] ; load local number 3
// ... some push/pops ...
// @stackempty locals ; expect an empty stack here
case "@stackmark":
this.stackpointers[words[1]] = this.stack;
case "@stackempty":
if (this.stackpointers[words[1]] == null)
this.directiveError(lf("no such saved stack"))
else if (this.stackpointers[words[1]] != this.stack)
this.directiveError(lf("stack mismatch"))
case "@scope":
this.scope = words[1] || "";
this.currLineNo = this.scope ? 0 : this.realCurrLineNo;
case ".section":
case ".global":
this.stackpointers = {};
this.stack = 0;
case ".file":
case ".text":
case ".cpu":
case ".fpu":
case ".eabi_attribute":
case ".code":
case ".thumb_func":
case ".type":
case "@":
// @ sp needed
if (/^\.cfi_/.test(words[0])) {
// ignore
} else {
this.directiveError(lf("unknown directive"))
private handleInstruction(ln:Line)
var getIns = n => instructions.hasOwnProperty(n) ? instructions[n] : [];
var ins = ln.instruction ? [ln.instruction] : getIns(ln.words[0])
for (var i = 0; i < ins.length; ++i) {
var op = ins[i].emit(ln);
if (!op.error) {
this.stack += op.stack;
if (this.checkStack && this.stack < 0)
this.pushError(lf("stack underflow"))
if (op.opcode2 != null)
ln.instruction = ins[i];
ln.numArgs = op.numArgs;
var w0 = ln.words[0].toLowerCase().replace(/s$/, "").replace(/[^a-z]/g, "")
var hints = ""
var possibilities = getIns(w0).concat(getIns(w0 + "s"))
if (possibilities.length > 0) {
possibilities.forEach(i => {
var err = i.emit(ln);
hints += lf(" Maybe: {0} ({1} at '{2}')\n", i.toString(), err.error, err.errorAt)
this.pushError(lf("assembly error"), hints);
private mkLine(tx:string)
var l = new Line(this, tx);
l.scope = this.scope;
l.lineNo = this.currLineNo;
return l;
private prepLines(text:string)
this.currLineNo = 0;
this.realCurrLineNo = 0;
this.lines = [];
text.split(/\r?\n/).forEach(tx => {
if (this.errors.length > 10)
var l = this.mkLine(tx);
var words = tokenize(l.text) || [];
l.words = words;
var m = /^([\.\w]+):$/.exec(words[0])
if (m) {
l.type = "label";
l.text = m[1] + ":"
l.words = [m[1]]
if (words.length > 1) {
l = this.mkLine(tx.replace(/^[^:]*:/, ""))
l.words = words
} else {
if (/^[\.@]/.test(l.words[0])) {
l.type = "directive";
if (l.words[0] == "@scope")
} else {
if (l.words.length == 0)
l.type = "empty";
l.type = "instruction";
private iterLines()
this.stack = 0;
this.buf = [];
this.lines.forEach(l => {
if (this.errors.length > 10)
this.currLine = l;
if (l.words.length == 0) return;
if (l.type == "label") {
var lblname = this.scopedName(l.words[0])
if (this.finalEmit) {
var curr = this.labels[lblname]
if (curr == null)
Util.assert(this.errors.length > 0 || curr == this.location())
} else {
if (this.labels.hasOwnProperty(lblname))
this.directiveError(lf("label redefinition"))
else if (this.inlineMode && /^_/.test(lblname))
this.directiveError(lf("labels starting with '_' are reserved for the compiler"))
this.labels[lblname] = this.location();
} else if (l.type == "directive") {
} else if (l.type == "instruction") {
} else if (l.type == "empty") {
// nothing
} else {
public getSource(clean:boolean)
var lenTotal = this.buf ? this.buf.length*2 : 0
var lenThumb = this.labels["_program_end"] || lenTotal;
var res =
Util.fmt("; thumb size: {0} bytes; src size {1} bytes\n", lenThumb, lenTotal - lenThumb) +
Util.fmt("; assembly: {0} lines\n", this.lines.length) +
this.stats + "\n\n"
var pastEnd = false;
this.lines.forEach((ln, i) => {
if (pastEnd) return;
if (ln.type == "label" && ln.words[0] == "_program_end")
pastEnd = true;
var text = ln.text
if (clean) {
if (ln.words[0] == "@stackempty" &&
this.lines[i - 1].text == ln.text)
text = text.replace(/; WAS: .*/, "")
if (!text.trim()) return;
res += text + "\n"
return res;
private peepHole()
// TODO add: str X; ldr X -> str X ?
var lb11 = encoders["$lb11"]
var lb = encoders["$lb"]
var mylines = this.lines.filter(l => l.type != "empty")
for (var i = 0; i < mylines.length; ++i) {
var ln = mylines[i];
if (/^user/.test(ln.scope)) // skip opt for user-supplied assembly
var lnNext = mylines[i + 1];
if (!lnNext) continue;
var lnNext2 = mylines[i + 2]
if (ln.type == "instruction") {
var lnop = ln.getOp()
var isSkipBranch = false
if (lnop == "bne" || lnop == "beq") {
if (lnNext.getOp() == "b" && ln.numArgs[0] == 0)
isSkipBranch = true;
if (lnNext.getOp() == "bb" && ln.numArgs[0] == 2)
isSkipBranch = true;
if (lnop == "bb" && lb11.encode(ln.numArgs[0]) != null) {
// RULE: bb .somewhere -> b .somewhere (if fits)
ln.update("b " + ln.words[1])
} else if (lnop == "bne" && isSkipBranch && lb.encode(lnNext.numArgs[0]) != null) {
// RULE: bne .next; b .somewhere; .next: -> beq .somewhere
ln.update("beq " + lnNext.words[1])
} else if (lnop == "beq" && isSkipBranch && lb.encode(lnNext.numArgs[0]) != null) {
// RULE: beq .next; b .somewhere; .next: -> bne .somewhere
ln.update("bne " + lnNext.words[1])
} else if (lnop == "push" && lnNext.getOp() == "pop" && ln.numArgs[0] == lnNext.numArgs[0]) {
// RULE: push {X}; pop {X} -> nothing
Util.assert(ln.numArgs[0] > 0)
} else if (lnop == "push" && lnNext.getOp() == "pop" &&
ln.words.length == 4 &&
lnNext.words.length == 4) {
// RULE: push {rX}; pop {rY} -> mov rY, rX
Util.assert(ln.words[1] == "{")
ln.update("mov " + lnNext.words[2] + ", " + ln.words[2])
} else if (lnNext2 && ln.getOpExt() == "movs $r5, $i0" && lnNext.getOpExt() == "mov $r0, $r1" &&
ln.numArgs[0] == lnNext.numArgs[1] &&
lnNext2.clobbersReg(ln.numArgs[0])) {
// RULE: movs rX, #V; mov rY, rX; clobber rX -> movs rY, #V
ln.update("movs r" + lnNext.numArgs[0] + ", #" + ln.numArgs[1])
} else if (lnop == "pop" && ln.singleReg() >= 0 && lnNext.getOp() == "push" &&
ln.singleReg() == lnNext.singleReg()) {
// RULE: pop {rX}; push {rX} -> ldr rX, [sp, #0]
ln.update("ldr r" + ln.singleReg() + ", [sp, #0]")
} else if (lnNext2 && lnop == "push" && ln.singleReg() >= 0 && lnNext.preservesReg(ln.singleReg()) &&
lnNext2.getOp() == "pop" && ln.singleReg() == lnNext2.singleReg()) {
// RULE: push {rX}; movs rY, #V; pop {rX} -> movs rY, #V (when X != Y)
private peepPass()
if (this.disablePeepHole)
this.peepOps = 0;
this.peepDel = 0;
this.throwOnError = true;
this.finalEmit = false;
this.labels = {};
Util.assert(!this.checkStack || this.stack == 0);
this.finalEmit = true;
this.stats += Util.fmt("; peep hole pass: {0} instructions removed and {1} updated\n", this.peepDel, this.peepOps - this.peepDel)
public emit(text:string)
Util.assert(this.buf == null);
if (this.errors.length > 0)
this.labels = {};
if (this.checkStack && this.stack != 0)
this.directiveError(lf("stack misaligned at the end of the file"))
if (this.errors.length > 0)
this.finalEmit = true;
if (this.errors.length > 0)
for (var i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
if (this.peepOps == 0) break;
function registerNo(actual:string)
if (!actual) return null;
actual = actual.toLowerCase()
switch (actual) {
case "pc": actual = "r15"; break;
case "lr": actual = "r14"; break;
case "sp": actual = "r13"; break;
var m = /^r(\d+)$/.exec(actual)
if (m) {
var r = parseInt(m[1], 10)
if (0 <= r && r < 16)
return r;
return null;
interface Encoder {
name: string;
pretty: string;
encode: (v:number) => number;
isRegister: boolean;
isImmediate: boolean;
isRegList: boolean;
isLabel: boolean;
var instructions:StringMap<Instruction[]>;
var encoders:StringMap<Encoder>;
function tokenize(line:string):string[]
line = line.replace(/[\[\]\!\{\},]/g, m => " " + m + " ")
var words = line.split(/\s/).filter(s => !!s)
if (!words[0]) return null
if (/^;/.test(words[0])) return null
for (var i = 1; i < words.length; ++i) {
if (/^;/.test(words[i]))
return words.slice(0, i);
return words
function init()
if (instructions) return;
encoders = {};
var addEnc = (n:string, p:string, e:(v:number) => number) => {
var ee = {
isRegister: /^\$r\d/.test(n),
isImmediate: /^\$i\d/.test(n),
isRegList: /^\$rl\d/.test(n),
isLabel: /^\$l[a-z]/.test(n),
encoders[n] = ee
return ee
var inrange = (max:number, v:number, e:number) => {
if (Math.floor(v) != v) return null;
if (v < 0) return null;
if (v > max) return null;
return e;
// Registers
// $r0 - bits 2:1:0
// $r1 - bits 5:4:3
// $r2 - bits 7:2:1:0
// $r3 - bits 6:5:4:3
// $r4 - bits 8:7:6
// $r5 - bits 10:9:8
addEnc("$r0", "R0-7", v => inrange(7, v, v))
addEnc("$r1", "R0-7", v => inrange(7, v, v << 3))
addEnc("$r2", "R0-15", v => inrange(15, v, (v & 7) | ((v & 8) << 4)))
addEnc("$r3", "R0-15", v => inrange(15, v, v << 3))
addEnc("$r4", "R0-7", v => inrange(7, v, v << 6))
addEnc("$r5", "R0-7", v => inrange(7, v, v << 8))
// Immdiates:
// $i0 - bits 7-0
// $i1 - bits 7-0 * 4
// $i2 - bits 6-0 * 4
// $i3 - bits 8-6
// $i4 - bits 10-6
// $i5 - bits 10-6 * 4
// $i6 - bits 10-6, 0 is 32
// $i7 - bits 10-6 * 2
addEnc("$i0", "#0-255", v => inrange(255, v, v))
addEnc("$i1", "#0-1020", v => inrange(255, v/4, v >> 2))
addEnc("$i2", "#0-510", v => inrange(127, v/4, v >> 2))
addEnc("$i3", "#0-7", v => inrange(7, v, v << 6))
addEnc("$i4", "#0-31", v => inrange(31, v, v << 6))
addEnc("$i5", "#0-124", v => inrange(31, v/4, (v >> 2) << 6))
addEnc("$i6", "#1-32", v => v == 0 ? null : v == 32 ? 0 : inrange(31, v, v << 6))
addEnc("$i7", "#0-62", v => inrange(31, v/2, (v >> 1) << 6))
addEnc("$rl0", "{R0-7,...}", v => inrange(255, v, v))
addEnc("$rl1", "{LR,R0-7,...}", v => (v & 0x4000) ? inrange(255, (v & ~0x4000), 0x100 | (v&0xff)) : inrange(255, v, v))
addEnc("$rl2", "{PC,R0-7,...}", v => (v & 0x8000) ? inrange(255, (v & ~0x8000), 0x100 | (v&0xff)) : inrange(255, v, v))
var inrangeSigned = (max:number, v:number, e:number) => {
if (Math.floor(v) != v) return null;
if (v < -(max+1)) return null;
if (v > max) return null;
var mask = (max << 1) | 1
return e & mask;
addEnc("$la", "LABEL", v => inrange(255, v/4, v >> 2))
addEnc("$lb", "LABEL", v => inrangeSigned(127, v/2, v >> 1))
addEnc("$lb11", "LABEL", v => inrangeSigned(1023, v/2, v >> 1))
instructions = {}
var add = (name, code, mask) => {
var ins = new Instruction(name, code, mask)
if (!instructions.hasOwnProperty(ins.name))
instructions[ins.name] = [];
//add("nop", 0xbf00, 0xffff); // we use mov r8,r8 as gcc
add("adcs $r0, $r1", 0x4140, 0xffc0);
add("add $r2, $r3", 0x4400, 0xff00);
add("add $r5, pc, $i1", 0xa000, 0xf800);
add("add $r5, sp, $i1", 0xa800, 0xf800);
add("add sp, $i2", 0xb000, 0xff80);
add("adds $r0, $r1, $i3", 0x1c00, 0xfe00);
add("adds $r0, $r1, $r4", 0x1800, 0xfe00);
add("adds $r5, $i0", 0x3000, 0xf800);
add("adr $r5, $la", 0xa000, 0xf800);
add("ands $r0, $r1", 0x4000, 0xffc0);
add("asrs $r0, $r1", 0x4100, 0xffc0);
add("asrs $r0, $r1, $i6", 0x1000, 0xf800);
add("bics $r0, $r1", 0x4380, 0xffc0);
add("bkpt $i0", 0xbe00, 0xff00);
add("blx $r3", 0x4780, 0xff87);
add("bx $r3", 0x4700, 0xff80);
add("cmn $r0, $r1", 0x42c0, 0xffc0);
add("cmp $r0, $r1", 0x4280, 0xffc0);
add("cmp $r2, $r3", 0x4500, 0xff00);
add("cmp $r5, $i0", 0x2800, 0xf800);
add("eors $r0, $r1", 0x4040, 0xffc0);
add("ldmia $r5!, $rl0", 0xc800, 0xf800);
add("ldmia $r5, $rl0", 0xc800, 0xf800);
add("ldr $r0, [$r1, $i5]", 0x6800, 0xf800);
add("ldr $r0, [$r1, $r4]", 0x5800, 0xfe00);
add("ldr $r5, [pc, $i1]", 0x4800, 0xf800);
//add("ldr $r5, $la", 0x4800, 0xf800);
add("ldr $r5, [sp, $i1]", 0x9800, 0xf800);
add("ldrb $r0, [$r1, $i4]", 0x7800, 0xf800);
add("ldrb $r0, [$r1, $r4]", 0x5c00, 0xfe00);
add("ldrh $r0, [$r1, $i7]", 0x8800, 0xf800);
add("ldrh $r0, [$r1, $r4]", 0x5a00, 0xfe00);
add("ldrsb $r0, [$r1, $r4]", 0x5600, 0xfe00);
add("ldrsh $r0, [$r1, $r4]", 0x5e00, 0xfe00);
add("lsls $r0, $r1", 0x4080, 0xffc0);
add("lsls $r0, $r1, $i4", 0x0000, 0xf800);
add("lsrs $r0, $r1", 0x40c0, 0xffc0);
add("lsrs $r0, $r1, $i6", 0x0800, 0xf800);
add("mov $r0, $r1", 0x4600, 0xffc0);
//add("mov $r2, $r3", 0x4600, 0xff00);
add("movs $r0, $r1", 0x0000, 0xffc0);
add("movs $r5, $i0", 0x2000, 0xf800);
add("muls $r0, $r1", 0x4340, 0xffc0);
add("mvns $r0, $r1", 0x43c0, 0xffc0);
add("negs $r0, $r1", 0x4240, 0xffc0);
add("nop", 0x46c0, 0xffff); // mov r8, r8
add("orrs $r0, $r1", 0x4300, 0xffc0);
add("pop $rl2", 0xbc00, 0xfe00);
add("push $rl1", 0xb400, 0xfe00);
add("rev $r0, $r1", 0xba00, 0xffc0);
add("rev16 $r0, $r1", 0xba40, 0xffc0);
add("revsh $r0, $r1", 0xbac0, 0xffc0);
add("rors $r0, $r1", 0x41c0, 0xffc0);
add("sbcs $r0, $r1", 0x4180, 0xffc0);
add("sev", 0xbf40, 0xffff);
add("stmia $r5!, $rl0", 0xc000, 0xf800);
add("str $r0, [$r1, $i5]", 0x6000, 0xf800);
add("str $r0, [$r1, $r4]", 0x5000, 0xfe00);
add("str $r5, [sp, $i1]", 0x9000, 0xf800);
add("strb $r0, [$r1, $i4]", 0x7000, 0xf800);
add("strb $r0, [$r1, $r4]", 0x5400, 0xfe00);
add("strh $r0, [$r1, $i7]", 0x8000, 0xf800);
add("strh $r0, [$r1, $r4]", 0x5200, 0xfe00);
add("sub sp, $i2", 0xb080, 0xff80);
add("subs $r0, $r1, $i3", 0x1e00, 0xfe00);
add("subs $r0, $r1, $r4", 0x1a00, 0xfe00);
add("subs $r5, $i0", 0x3800, 0xf800);
add("svc $i0", 0xdf00, 0xff00);
add("sxtb $r0, $r1", 0xb240, 0xffc0);
add("sxth $r0, $r1", 0xb200, 0xffc0);
add("tst $r0, $r1", 0x4200, 0xffc0);
add("udf $i0", 0xde00, 0xff00);
add("uxtb $r0, $r1", 0xb2c0, 0xffc0);
add("uxth $r0, $r1", 0xb280, 0xffc0);
add("wfe", 0xbf20, 0xffff);
add("wfi", 0xbf30, 0xffff);
add("yield", 0xbf10, 0xffff);
add("cpsid i", 0xb672, 0xffff);
add("cpsie i", 0xb662, 0xffff);
add("beq $lb", 0xd000, 0xff00);
add("bne $lb", 0xd100, 0xff00);
add("bcs $lb", 0xd200, 0xff00);
add("bcc $lb", 0xd300, 0xff00);
add("bmi $lb", 0xd400, 0xff00);
add("bpl $lb", 0xd500, 0xff00);
add("bvs $lb", 0xd600, 0xff00);
add("bvc $lb", 0xd700, 0xff00);
add("bhi $lb", 0xd800, 0xff00);
add("bls $lb", 0xd900, 0xff00);
add("bge $lb", 0xda00, 0xff00);
add("blt $lb", 0xdb00, 0xff00);
add("bgt $lb", 0xdc00, 0xff00);
add("ble $lb", 0xdd00, 0xff00);
add("bhs $lb", 0xd200, 0xff00); // cs
add("blo $lb", 0xd300, 0xff00); // cc
add("b $lb11", 0xe000, 0xf800);
add("bal $lb11", 0xe000, 0xf800);
// handled specially - 32 bit instruction
add("bl $lb", 0xf000, 0xf800);
// this is normally emitted as 'b' but will be emitted as 'bl' if needed
add("bb $lb", 0xe000, 0xf800);
function parseString(s:string)
var toks = AST.Lexer.tokenize(s)
if (toks.length != 2 ||
toks[0].category != AST.TokenType.String ||
toks[1].category != AST.TokenType.EOF)
return null
return toks[0].data
function emitErr(msg:string, tok:string)
return {
stack: null,
opcode: null,
error: msg,
errorAt: tok
export function testOne(op:string, code:number)
var b = new Binary()
b.checkStack = false;
Util.assert(b.buf[0] == code)
function expectError(asm:string)
var b = new Binary();
if (b.errors.length == 0) {
Util.oops("ASMTEST: expecting error for: " + asm)
// console.log(b.errors[0].message)
export function tohex(n:number)
if (n < 0 || n > 0xffff)
return ("0x" + n.toString(16)).toLowerCase()
return ("0x" + ("000" + n.toString(16)).slice(-4)).toLowerCase()
function expect(disasm:string)
var exp = []
var asm = disasm.replace(/^([0-9a-fA-F]{4})\s/gm, (w, n) => {
exp.push(parseInt(n, 16))
return ""
var b = new Binary();
b.throwOnError = true;
b.disablePeepHole = true;
if (b.errors.length > 0) {
Util.oops("ASMTEST: not expecting errors")
if (b.buf.length != exp.length)
Util.oops("ASMTEST: wrong buf len")
for (var i = 0; i < exp.length; ++i) {
if (b.buf[i] != exp[i])
Util.oops("ASMTEST: wrong buf content, exp:" + tohex(exp[i]) + ", got: " + tohex(b.buf[i]))
export function test()
expectError("lsl r0, r0, #8");
expectError("push {pc,lr}");
expectError("push {r17}");
expectError("mov r0, r1 foo");
expectError("movs r14, #100");
expectError("push {r0");
expectError("push lr,r0}");
expectError("pop {lr,r0}");
expectError("b #+11");
expectError("b #+102400");
expectError("bne undefined_label");
"0200 lsls r0, r0, #8\n" +
"b500 push {lr}\n" +
"2064 movs r0, #100 ; 0x64\n" +
"b401 push {r0}\n" +
"bc08 pop {r3}\n" +
"b501 push {r0, lr}\n" +
"bd20 pop {r5, pc}\n" +
"bc01 pop {r0}\n" +
"4770 bx lr\n" +
"0000 .balign 4\n" +
"e6c0 .word -72000\n" +
"fffe\n" )
"4291 cmp r1, r2\n" +
"d100 bne l6\n" +
"e000 b l8\n" +
"1840 l6: adds r0, r0, r1\n" +
"4718 l8: bx r3\n")
" @stackmark base\n" +
"b403 push {r0, r1}\n" +
" @stackmark locals\n" +
"9801 ldr r0, [sp, locals@1]\n" +
"b401 push {r0}\n" +
"9802 ldr r0, [sp, locals@1]\n" +
"bc01 pop {r0}\n" +
" @stackempty locals\n" +
"9901 ldr r1, [sp, locals@1]\n" +
"9102 str r1, [sp, base@0]\n" +
" @stackempty locals\n" +
"b002 add sp, #8\n" +
" @stackempty base\n")
"b090 sub sp, #4*16\n" +
"b010 add sp, #4*16\n"
"6261 .string \"abc\"\n" +
"0063 \n"
"6261 .string \"abcde\"\n" +
"6463 \n" +
"0065 \n"
"3042 adds r0, 0x42\n" +
"1c0d adds r5, r1, #0\n" +
"d100 bne #0\n" +
"2800 cmp r0, #0\n" +
"6b28 ldr r0, [r5, #48]\n" +
"0200 lsls r0, r0, #8\n" +
"2063 movs r0, 0x63\n" +
"4240 negs r0, r0\n" +
"46c0 nop\n" +
"b500 push {lr}\n" +
"b401 push {r0}\n" +
"b402 push {r1}\n" +
"b404 push {r2}\n" +
"b408 push {r3}\n" +
"b520 push {r5, lr}\n" +
"bd00 pop {pc}\n" +
"bc01 pop {r0}\n" +
"bc02 pop {r1}\n" +
"bc04 pop {r2}\n" +
"bc08 pop {r3}\n" +
"bd20 pop {r5, pc}\n" +
"9003 str r0, [sp, #4*3]\n")