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///<reference path='refs.ts'/>
module TDev {
export module ScriptCache {
function log(s: string) { Util.log("ScriptCache: " + s); }
var getScriptCacheTableAsync = () => Storage.getTableAsync("ScriptCache");
export function scriptSource(text:string) : (id:string)=>Promise
return (id:string) => {
if (!id) return Promise.as(text);
else return getScriptAsync(id);
export function snapshotCacheAsync(storage:any)
return getScriptCacheTableAsync()
.then((table:Storage.Table) => table.getKeysAsync()
.then((keys:string[]) => {
keys = keys.filter(s => /^id-/.test(s))
return table.getItemsAsync(keys)
.then(v => {
storage.scriptCache = v
export function restoreCacheAsync(storage:any)
if (!storage.scriptCache) return Promise.as()
return getScriptCacheTableAsync()
.then((table:Storage.Table) => table.setItemsAsync(storage.scriptCache))
export function forceUpdateId(id: string): string {
var libCache = (<any>TDev).shippedLibraryCache
return !libCache ? id : libCache.updates[id] || id;
export function forcedUpdate(id: string): { text: string; json: any; }
var libCache = (<any>TDev).shippedLibraryCache
if (!libCache) return null
if (libCache && libCache.updates.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
id = libCache.updates[id]
return { json: libCache.json[id], text: libCache.text[id] }
return null
export function shippedLibrariesJson(): StringMap<any> {
var libCache: { text: StringMap<string>; json: StringMap<any>; } = (<any>TDev).shippedLibraryCache
return libCache ? libCache.json : undefined;
export function getScriptAsync(id: string) : Promise // of string
if (!Util.check(!!id)) return Promise.as("");
var libCache = (<any>TDev).shippedLibraryCache
if (libCache && libCache.text.hasOwnProperty(id))
return Promise.as(libCache.text[id])
return getScriptCacheTableAsync()
.then((table) => table.getValueAsync("id-" + id))
.then(function (value) {
if (typeof value === "string") {
log("cache hit: " + id);
return value;
log("cache miss: " + id);
return Cloud.getScriptTextAsync(id)
.then((value) =>
.then(function (table) {
if (!value) return value; // don't store in the cache
var items = {}
items["id-" + id] = value;
return table.setItemsAsync(items)
.then(() => value);
(err) => {
if (err.status != 404) {
Util.reportError("getScriptAsync", err, false);
return null; // different from "" to indicate (transient?) problem
return "";