363 строки
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363 строки
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///<reference path='refs.ts'/>
module TDev {
export module Embedded {
import J = AST.Json
export module Helpers {
export var librarySymbol = "♻";
var cppKeywords = {
"alignas": null,
"alignof": null,
"and": null,
"and_eq": null,
"asm": null,
"auto": null,
"bitand": null,
"bitor": null,
"bool": null,
"break": null,
"case": null,
"catch": null,
"char": null,
"char16_t": null,
"char32_t": null,
"class": null,
"compl": null,
"concept": null,
"const": null,
"constexpr": null,
"const_cast": null,
"continue": null,
"decltype": null,
"default": null,
"delete": null,
"do": null,
"double": null,
"dynamic_cast": null,
"else": null,
"enum": null,
"explicit": null,
"export": null,
"extern": null,
"false": null,
"float": null,
"for": null,
"friend": null,
"goto": null,
"if": null,
"inline": null,
"int": null,
"long": null,
"mutable": null,
"namespace": null,
"new": null,
"noexcept": null,
"not": null,
"not_eq": null,
"nullptr": null,
"operator": null,
"or": null,
"or_eq": null,
"private": null,
"protected": null,
"public": null,
"register": null,
"reinterpret_cast": null,
"requires": null,
"return": null,
"short": null,
"signed": null,
"sizeof": null,
"static": null,
"static_assert": null,
"static_cast": null,
"struct": null,
"switch": null,
"template": null,
"this": null,
"thread_local": null,
"throw": null,
"true": null,
"try": null,
"typedef": null,
"typeid": null,
"typename": null,
"union": null,
"unsigned": null,
"using": null,
"virtual": null,
"void": null,
"volatile": null,
"wchar_t": null,
"while": null,
"xor": null,
"xor_eq ": null,
var replacementTable = {
"<": "lt",
"≤": "leq",
"≠": "neq",
"=": "eq",
">": "gt",
"≥": "geq",
"+": "plus",
"-": "minus",
"/": "div",
"*": "times",
// Our name environments. We have two behaviors for names:
// - global names must be left intact (i.e. function "f" is emitted as
// function "f"), mostly because libraries are mutually recursive, and
// doing a pre-computation of names would most likely be difficult
// (also, it's more readable);
// - local names may be renamed to avoid conflicts with: another local
// name, or a global.
export interface Env {
// Maps a TouchDevelop id, or a global "left intact" name to the name of
// a corresponding, valid C++ identifier.
ident_of_id: { [id: string]: string };
// Contains [true] if this C++ identifier has been used already.
id_of_ident: { [ident: string]: boolean };
// Mark a name as being exported as a GLOBAL, and assert that there's no
// earlier name collision. If [id] is provided, name will also be
// registered for local-style, id-based lookup (this is useful for local
// actions which are lifted as globals but are still refered to with their
// local id).
export function reserveName(e: Env, name: string, id?: string) {
var mangledName = mangleName(name);
// This should not happen because all the names are reserved in a first
// pass (we run through function prototypes and global declarations
// first).
if (mangledName in e.id_of_ident)
throw new Error("Internal error: unexpected name collision");
// This name is no longer available.
e.id_of_ident[mangledName] = true;
e.ident_of_id[name] = mangledName;
if (id)
e.ident_of_id[id] = mangledName;
// Compute a unique name for a LOCAL, based on a user-provided name and a
// TouchDevelop-generated unique id. This function does its best to keep
// the original name, but uses the id to make sure there's no collisions
// in the generated code.
export function mangleUnique(env: Env, name: string, id: string) {
if (id in env.ident_of_id)
return env.ident_of_id[id];
else {
var i = 0;
var suffix = <any> "";
while (mangleName(name+suffix) in env.id_of_ident)
suffix = i++;
env.id_of_ident[mangleName(name+suffix)] = true;
env.ident_of_id[id] = mangleName(name + suffix);
return mangleName(name + suffix);
// There's an extra step, which is that we need to convert a name into a
// valid C++ identifier. You may call this function only when referring to
// a global whose name is meant to be left intact.
export function mangleName(name: string) {
var candidate = name.replace(/\W/g, x => (replacementTable[x] || "_"));
if (candidate in cppKeywords)
candidate += "_";
else if (candidate.match(/^\d/))
candidate = "_" + candidate;
return candidate;
// Convert a prefixed name into a valid C++ identifier. Same as above,
// only call this directly if you know that [n] is unique (i.e. is a
// global, whose name is unique).
export function manglePrefixedName(e: Env, l: string, n: string) {
if (l)
return mangleName(l)+"::"+mangleName(n);
return mangleName(n);
export function mangleDef(env: Env, d: J.JLocalDef) {
return mangleUnique(env, d.name, d.id);
export function mangleRef(env: Env, d: J.JLocalRef) {
return mangleUnique(env, d.name, <any> d.localId);
// --- Helper functions.
// For constructing / modifying AST nodes.
export interface LibMap { [id: string]: string }
// Resolve a type reference to either "t" (no scope for this type) or
// "l::t" (reference to a library-defined type). If the former case, lib
// is the empty string; in the latter case, lib is "l".
export function resolveTypeRef(libMap: LibMap, typeRef: J.JTypeRef): { lib: string; type: string } {
var s = <any> typeRef;
if (s.length && s[0] == "{") {
var t = JSON.parse(<any> typeRef);
if (!(t.o || t.g))
throw new Error("Unsupported type reference");
return {
lib: t.l ? libMap[t.l] : "",
type: t.o || t.g
} else {
return {
lib: "",
type: s
export function defaultValueForType(libMap: LibMap, t1: J.JTypeRef) {
var t = resolveTypeRef(libMap, t1);
if (!t.lib && t.type == "Number")
return "0";
else if (!t.lib && t.type == "Boolean")
return "false";
else if (!t.lib && t.type == "Action")
return "NULL";
return null;
export function mkType(env: Env, libMap: LibMap, type: J.JTypeRef) {
var t = resolveTypeRef(libMap, type);
return manglePrefixedName(env, t.lib, t.type);
export function mkParam(env: Env, libMap: LibMap, p: J.JLocalDef) {
return mkType(env, libMap, p.type)+" "+mangleDef(env, p);
export function mkSignature(env: Env, libMap: LibMap, name: string, inParams: J.JLocalDef[], outParams: J.JLocalDef[]) {
if (outParams.length > 1)
throw new Error("Not supported (multiple return parameters)");
var retType = outParams.length ? mkType(env, libMap, outParams[0].type) : "void";
if (name == "main")
name = "app_main";
return [
retType, " ", name, "(",
inParams.map(p => mkParam(env, libMap, p)).join(", "),
// Generate the return instruction for the function.
export function mkReturn(exprCode: string) {
return "return "+exprCode+";";
// --- Pattern-matching.
// Because there's no pattern-matching in TypeScript, these slightly
// cumbersome functions match on the node types, and either return [null] or
// the thing we were looking for. The pattern is written as a comment to the
// function.
// JCall { args: [ JSingletonRef { name = ♻ } ], name = NAME } -> NAME
export function isLibrary(e: J.JExpr): string {
if (e.nodeType == "singletonRef")
return (<J.JSingletonRef>e).libraryName;
return (
e.nodeType == "call" &&
(<J.JCall> e).args[0].nodeType == "singletonRef" &&
(<J.JSingletonRef> (<J.JCall> e).args[0]).name == librarySymbol &&
(<J.JCall> e).name || null
export function isEnumLiteral(e: J.JExpr): number {
return (
e.nodeType == "stringLiteral" &&
(<J.JStringLiteral> e).enumValue
export function isSingletonRef(e: J.JExpr): string {
return (
e.nodeType == "singletonRef" &&
(<J.JSingletonRef> e).name
// JSingletonRef { name = "code" } -> true
export function isScopedCall(e: J.JExpr): boolean {
return (
e.nodeType == "singletonRef" &&
(<J.JSingletonRef> e).name == "code" || null
export function isShim(s: string) {
var matches = s.match(/^{shim:([^}]*)}\s*$/);
if (matches)
return matches[1];
return null;
// [ ..., JComment { text: "{shim:VALUE}" }, ... ] -> VALUE
// Beware:
// - null means "function has to be compiled in C++ land";
// - "" means "function does not have to be compiled in C++ land, author
// promises that no one will call this function
// - anything else means "function does not have to be compiled in C++
// land, calls to this function to be replaced with the shim"
export function isShimBody(body: J.JStmt[]): string {
var ret = null;
body.forEach((s: J.JStmt) => {
var shim = s.nodeType == "comment" && isShim((<J.JComment> s).text);
if (shim || shim === "")
ret = shim;
return ret;
// JStringLiteral { value: VALUE } -> VALUE
export function isStringLiteral(x: J.JNode) {
return x.nodeType == "stringLiteral" && (<J.JStringLiteral> x).value;
export function willCompile (f: J.JAction) {
return isShimBody(f.body) == null;
/* Some functions for constructing fake "WebAST" nodes when we need them. */
export function mkLibraryRef(x: string) {
return {
nodeType: "call",
id: null,
args: [<J.JSingletonRef> {
nodeType: "singletonRef",
id: null,
name: "♻",
name: x,
parent: null,
export function mkCodeRef() {
return {
nodeType: "singletonRef",
id: null,
name: "code"
// vim: set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2: