389 строки
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389 строки
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///<reference path='refs.ts'/>
module TDev.RT {
//? A map pushpin
//@ stem("pushpin") ctx(general,gckey) cap(maps)
export class MapPushpin
extends RTValue
private _map : Microsoft.Maps.Map;
private _pp : Microsoft.Maps.Pushpin;
private _location: Location_;
private _text: string;
private _background: Color;
private _foreground: Color;
private _pictureUrl: string;
private _taptarget: RTValue;
public onTap: Event_ = new Event_();
static mk(location: Location_, text: string, background: Color, foreground: Color, pictureUrl: string = undefined, taptarget:RTValue = undefined)
var p = new MapPushpin();
p._location = location;
p._text = text;
p._background = background;
p._foreground = foreground;
p._pictureUrl = pictureUrl;
p._taptarget = taptarget;
return p;
//? Set the handler invoked when the pushpin is tapped
//@ ignoreReturnValue
public on_tap(body: Action) : EventBinding {
return this.onTap.addHandler(body);
//? Gets the pushpin geo location
//@ readsMutable
public location(): Location_
return this._location;
//? Sets the location of the pushpin
//@ writesMutable
public set_location(loc : Location_) {
this._location = loc;
if (this._pp)
this._pp.setLocation(new Microsoft.Maps.Location(this._location.latitude(), this._location.longitude()));
//? Shows or hides the pushpin
//@ writesMutable
public set_visible(visible : boolean) {
private setOptions() {
if (!this._pp) return;
var options: any = {
anchor: new Microsoft.Maps.Point(14, 25 + 16 + 16),
width: 39 + 20,
height: 25 + 16
options.htmlContent = "<div class='mapPushpin' style='";
if (this._foreground)
options.htmlContent += "color:" + this._foreground.toHtml() + ";";
if (this._background)
options.htmlContent += "background-color:" + this._background.toHtml() + ";";
options.htmlContent += "'>";
if (this._pictureUrl)
options.htmlContent += "<img src='" + Web.html_encode(this._pictureUrl) + "' style='float:left;height:auto;max-width:39px;max-height:25px;' />";
if (this._text)
options.htmlContent += "<div class='mapPushpinInner'>" + Web.html_encode(this._text) + "</div>";
options.htmlContent += "</div>";
public addToMap(map: Microsoft.Maps.Map)
this._map = map;
if (!map) return;
this._pp = new Microsoft.Maps.Pushpin(
new Microsoft.Maps.Location(this._location.latitude(), this._location.longitude()), {}
BingMaps.addClickHandler(this._pp, () => {
var rt = Runtime.theRuntime;
if (rt) {
rt.queueLocalEvent(this.onTap, []);
if (this._taptarget) {
var evtname = "tap wall " + this._taptarget.rtType();
rt.eventQ.add(evtname, null, [this._taptarget]);
public setPictureUrl(url : string) {
this._pictureUrl = url;
export class MapLine
extends RTValue
private _locations: Collection<Location_>;
private _fill: Color;
private _stroke: Color;
private _thickness: number;
static mk(locations: Collection<Location_>, fill : Color, stroke: Color, thickness : number)
var p = new MapLine();
p._locations = locations;
p._fill = fill;
p._stroke = stroke;
p._thickness = thickness;
return p;
public addToMap(map: Microsoft.Maps.Map)
var locs : Microsoft.Maps.Location[] =
this._locations.a.map((l) => new Microsoft.Maps.Location(l.latitude(), l.longitude()));
var options : any = {
strokeColor: new Microsoft.Maps.Color(this._stroke.a, this._stroke.r, this._stroke.g, this._stroke.b),
strokeThickness: Math.floor(Math.max(1, this._thickness))
var pp: any;
if (this._fill) {
options.fillColor = new Microsoft.Maps.Color(this._fill.a, this._fill.r, this._fill.g, this._fill.b);
pp = new Microsoft.Maps.Polygon(locs, options);
pp = new Microsoft.Maps.Polyline(locs, options);
//? A Bing map
//@ ctx(general,gckey) cap(maps)
export class Map
extends RTValue
private _full: boolean = false;
private _zoom : number = 12;
private _center : Location_ = undefined;
private _pushpins: MapPushpin[] = [];
private _lines: MapLine[] = [];
private _map : Microsoft.Maps.Map;
static mk(full: boolean)
var m = new Map();
m._full = full;
return m;
//? Gets the zoom level
//@ readsMutable
public zoom() : number {
return this._zoom;
//? Sets the zoom level from 1 (earth) to 21 (street)
//@ writesMutable
//@ [level].defl(12)
public set_zoom(level:number) : void {
this._zoom = level;
//? Gets the map center location
//@ readsMutable
public center(): Location_ {
return this._center;
//? Sets the map center location
//@ writesMutable
public set_center(center: Location_): void {
this._center = center;
//? Adds a text pushpin on the map
//@ writesMutable ignoreReturnValue
//@ [background].deflExpr('colors->accent') [foreground].deflExpr('colors->white')
public add_text(location: Location_, text: string, background: Color, foreground: Color): MapPushpin
var pp = MapPushpin.mk(location, text, background, foreground);
return pp;
//? Adds a cloud picture pushpin on the map
//@ cap(network) flow(SinkWeb)
//@ readsMutable writesMutable ignoreReturnValue
//@ [background].deflExpr('colors->accent')
//@ embedsLink("Map", "CloudPicture")
public add_cloud_picture(location: Location_, picture: CloudPicture, background: Color): MapPushpin {
var pp = MapPushpin.mk(location, undefined, background, undefined, undefined, picture);
picture.toPictureUrlAsync('thumbnail').done(url => { pp.setPictureUrl(url); });
return pp;
//? Adds a link pushpin on the map (ignored if the location if not set)
//@ cap(network) flow(SinkWeb)
//@ readsMutable writesMutable ignoreReturnValue
//@ [background].deflExpr('colors->accent') [foreground].deflExpr('colors->white')
//@ embedsLink("Map", "Link")
public add_link(link: Link, background: Color, foreground: Color): MapPushpin
var loc = link.location();
if (loc) {
var pp = MapPushpin.mk(loc, link.name() || link.address(), background, foreground, link.kind() == 'image' ? link.address() : null);
return pp;
} else return undefined;
//? Adds a message pushpin on the map (ignored if the location is not set)
//@ cap(network) flow(SinkWeb)
//@ writesMutable ignoreReturnValue
//@ [background].deflExpr('colors->accent') [foreground].deflExpr('colors->white')
//@ embedsLink("Map", "Message")
public add_message(msg: Message, background: Color, foreground: Color): MapPushpin
var loc = msg.location();
if (loc)
return this.add_text(loc, msg.title() || msg.from(), background, foreground);
else return undefined;
//? Adds a picture pushpin on the map
//@ writesMutable ignoreReturnValue
//@ [background].deflExpr('colors->accent')
//@ embedsLink("Map", "Picture")
public add_picture(location: Location_, picture: Picture, background: Color): MapPushpin
var pp = MapPushpin.mk(location, undefined, background, undefined, undefined, picture);
picture.getUrlAsync().done(url => pp.setPictureUrl(url));
return pp;
//? Adds a place pushpin on the map (ignored if the location is not set)
//@ cap(network) flow(SinkWeb)
//@ writesMutable ignoreReturnValue
//@ [background].deflExpr('colors->accent') [foreground].deflExpr('colors->white')
//@ embedsLink("Map", "Place")
public add_place(place: Place, background: Color, foreground: Color): MapPushpin
var loc = place.location();
if (loc) {
var pp = MapPushpin.mk(loc, place.name(), background, foreground, place.picture_link(), place);
return pp;
} else return undefined;
//? Adds a polyline that passes through various geocoordinates
//@ writesMutable [locations].readsMutable
//@ [color].deflExpr('colors->accent') [thickness].defl(6)
public add_line(locations: Collection<Location_>, color: Color, thickness: number): void
var pp = MapLine.mk(locations, undefined, color, thickness);
//? Fills a region with a color
//@ writesMutable [locations].readsMutable
//@ [fill].deflExpr('colors->background') [stroke].deflExpr('colors->foreground') [thickness].defl(6)
public fill_region(locations:Collection<Location_>, fill:Color, stroke:Color, thickness:number) : void
var pp = MapLine.mk(locations, fill, stroke, thickness);
//? Clears the lines, regions and pushpins
//@ writesMutable
public clear(): void
this._pushpins = [];
this._lines = [];
if (this._map)
// Displays the map in the wall using Bing.
public getViewCore(s: IStackFrame, b: BoxBase): HTMLElement
// add placeholder
var el = div("");
el.style.display = 'inline';
el.style.margin = '8px 8px 8px 8px';
el.style.verticalAlign = 'top';
el.style.width = '400px';
el.style.height = '400px';
(<any>el).fullScreen = this._full;
// load map async
BingMaps.mkMapAsync(el, this.center(), this.zoom())
.done((map : Microsoft.Maps.Map) =>
this._map = map;
if (!this._full)
this._map.setOptions({ width: 400, height: 400 });
this._lines.forEach(p => p.addToMap(this._map));
this._pushpins.forEach(p => p.addToMap(this._map));
if (!this._center) // no center, auto-zoom on pushpins
if (this._full && b instanceof WallBox) {
(<WallBox>b).attributes.stretchwidth = 1;
(<WallBox>b).attributes.stretchheight = 1;
return el;
private updateView() {
if (this._map && this._center) {
var options : any = { zoom : this._zoom };
options.center = new Microsoft.Maps.Location(this._center.latitude(), this._center.longitude())
private syncView() {
if (this._map) {
// update center and zoom
var c = this._map.getCenter();
this._center = Location_.mkShort(c.latitude, c.longitude);
this._zoom = this._map.getZoom();
//? Changes the current zoom and center so that all the pushpins are visible. This method has no effect if the map is not posted on a the wall yet.
//@ writesMutable
public view_pushpins(): void
if (this._map && this._pushpins.length > 0) {
var locs = this._pushpins
.map(p => new Microsoft.Maps.Location(p.location().latitude(), p.location().longitude()));
var rect = Microsoft.Maps.LocationRect.fromLocations(locs);
this._map.setView({ bounds: rect});
//? Displays the map in the wall using Bing.
//@ cap(maps) flow(SinkSafe)
//@ readsMutable
public post_to_wall(s:IStackFrame) : void { super.post_to_wall(s) }