88 строки
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88 строки
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///<reference path='refs.ts'/>
module TDev { export module RT {
//? A number (possibly negative and/or fractional)
//@ stem("x") icon("fa-calculator") immutable isData builtin ctx(general,indexkey,cloudfield,json)
//@ robust
//@ idempotent
export module Number_
//? Converts a number to a string
export function to_string(self:number) : string { return self.toString(); }
export function fromArtUrl(url: string) { return Promise.wrap(String_.to_number(url)); }
//? Prints the number to the wall
export function post_to_wall(self:number, s:IStackFrame)
var box = s.rt.postBoxedText(self.toString(), s.pc);
//? Interprets a number as a unicode value and converts it to the single character string
export function to_character(self: number): string {
var c = Math.round(self);
if (c < -0x8000 || c > 0xFFFF) return undefined;
c &= 0xFFFF;
return String.fromCharCode(c);
//? Interprets the number as a ARGB (alpha, red, green, blue) color
export function to_color(self:number) : Color { return Color.fromInt32(self); }
export function picker()
var inp = HTML.mkTextInput("number", lf("number"));
return <IPicker>{
html: inp,
validate: () => /^[+-]?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?$/.test(inp.value),
get: () => parseFloat(inp.value),
set: function(v) { inp.value = v + "" }
//? Converts the value into a json data structure.
export function to_json(self: number): JsonObject {
return JsonObject.wrap(self);
//? Adds numbers
//@ name("+") infixPriority(10) inlineApply("+")
export function add(self: number, other: number) : number { return 0; }
//? Subtracts numbers
//@ name("-") infixPriority(10) inlineApply("-")
export function subtract(self: number, other: number) : number { return 0; }
//? Multiplies numbers
//@ name("*") infixPriority(20) inlineApply("*")
export function multiply(self: number, other: number) : number { return 0; }
//? Divides numbers
//@ name("/") infixPriority(20) inlineApply("/")
export function divide(self: number, other: number) : number { return 0; }
//? Compares numbers for equality
//@ name("=") infixPriority(5) inlineApply("===")
export function eq(self: number, other: number) : boolean { return false; }
//? Compares numbers for disequality
//@ name("\u2260") infixPriority(5) inlineApply("!==")
export function neq(self: number, other: number) : boolean { return false; }
//? Compares numbers for less or equal
//@ name("\u2264") infixPriority(5) inlineApply("<=")
export function le(self: number, other: number) : boolean { return false; }
//? Compares numbers for less
//@ name("<") infixPriority(5) inlineApply("<")
export function lt(self: number, other: number) : boolean { return false; }
//? Compares numbers for more or equal
//@ name("\u2265") infixPriority(5) inlineApply(">=")
export function ge(self: number, other: number) : boolean { return false; }
//? Compares numbers for more
//@ name(">") infixPriority(5) inlineApply(">")
export function gt(self: number, other: number) : boolean { return false; }
} }