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208 строки
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///<reference path='refs.ts'/>
module TDev.RT {
//? Emails, sms, contacts, calendar, ...
//@ skill(2)
export module Social
//? Opens the mail client
//@ flow(SinkSharing) uiAsync
export function send_email(to:string, subject:string, body:string, r : ResumeCtx) : void
var url = "mailto:" + encodeURIComponent(to || " ") + "?subject=" + encodeURIComponent(subject || " ") + "&body=" + encodeURIComponent(body);
Web.browse(url, r);
//? Allows the user to save the email address (email)
//@ cap(contacts) flow(SinkContacts)
export function save_email(email_address: string): void {
ModalDialog.showText(email_address, 'save email', 'Saving emails is not supported on this platform. Please copy and save this email manually.');
//? Saves a new contact
//@ cap(contacts) flow(SinkContacts)
export function save_contact(contact: Contact): void {
ModalDialog.showText(contact.toFullString(), 'save contact', 'Saving contacts is not supported on this platform. Please copy and save this contact manually.');
export var sendSmsAsync = (to: string, body: string): Promise => {
var url = "sms:" + encodeURIComponent(to || " ") + "?body=" + encodeURIComponent(body);
return Web.browseAsync(url);
//? Opens the short message client (to, body)
//@ flow(SinkSharing) uiAsync
export function send_sms(to: string, body: string, r : ResumeCtx): void
return sendSmsAsync(to, body).done(() => r.resume());
//? Creates a link from a phone number
//@ [result].writesMutable
export function link_phone_number(phone_number: string): Link { return Link.mk(phone_number, LinkKind.phoneNumber); }
//? Creates a link from an email
//@ [result].writesMutable
export function link_email(email_address: string): Link { return Link.mk(email_address, LinkKind.email); }
//? Creates a message to share
//@ [result].writesMutable
export function create_message(message: string): Message { return Message.mk(message); }
//? Creates a place
//@ [result].writesMutable
export function create_place(name: string, location: Location_): Place { return Place.mk(name, location); }
//? Searches for recent messages in a social network (twitter, facebook)
//@ async flow(SinkSafe) returns(Collection<Message>) obsolete
//@ [result].writesMutable
//@ [network].deflStrings("facebook", "twitter")
export function search(network: string, terms: string, r: ResumeCtx) // : Collection<Message>
var links = Collections.create_message_collection();
var url = Cloud.getPrivateApiUrl('runtime/social/search?network=' + encodeURIComponent(network) + '&query=' + encodeURIComponent(terms));
var request = WebRequest.mk(url, undefined);
.then((response: WebResponse) =>
try {
var json = response.content_as_json();
if (json) {
var links = Collections.create_message_collection();
for (var i = 0; i < json.count(); ++i) {
var m = json.at(i);
var msg = Social.create_message(m.string("message"));
if (m.contains_key('time'))
var loc = m.field('loc');
if (loc)
msg.set_location(Location_.mkShort(loc.number('latitude'), loc.number('longitude')));
catch (ex) {
Time.log('social search failed');
//? Searches for places nearby. The distance is in meters.
//@ obsolete flow(SinkSafe) stub()
//@ [result].writesMutable
//@ [network].defl("facebook") [location].deflExpr('senses->current_location') [distance].defl(1000)
export function search_places_nearby(network: string, terms: string, location: Location_, distance: number): Collection<Place> {
return Collections.create_place_collection();
var _fakeContacts: Contact[] = [
Contact.mkFake("Orlando", "N.", "Gee", "orlando0@adventure-works.com", "245-555-0173", "1.jpg"),
Contact.mkFake("Janet", "M.", "Gates", "janet1@adventure-works.com", "710-555-0173", "9.jpg"),
Contact.mkFake("Donna", "F.", "Carreras", "donna0@adventure-works.com", "279-555-0130", "10.jpg"),
Contact.mkFake("Lucy", null, "Harrington", "lucy0@adventure-works.com", "828-555-0186", "32.jpg"),
Contact.mkFake("Rosmarie","J.", "Carroll", "rosmarie0@adventure-works.com", "244-555-0112", "42.jpg"),
Contact.mkFake("Dominic", "P.", "Gash", "dominic0@adventure-works.com", "192-555-0173", "5.jpg"),
Contact.mkFake("Kathleen", "M.", "Garza", "kathleen0@adventure-works.com", "150-555-0127", "72.jpg"),
Contact.mkFake("Johnny", "A.", "Caprio", "johnny0@adventure-works.com", "112-555-0191","28.jpg"),
Contact.mkFake("Christopher", "R.", "Beck","christopher1@adventure-works.com", "1 (11) 500 555-0132", "48.jpg"),
Contact.mkFake("Donald", "L.", "Blanton", "donald0@adventure-works.com", "357-555-0161", "184.jpg")
//? Retrieves the list of contacts
//@ async hidden cap(contacts) flow(SourceContacts) returns(Collection<Contact>)
//@ [network].defl("phone")
export function contacts(network:string, r : ResumeCtx)
search_contacts("", r);
export var askCalendarAccessAsync = (r: ResumeCtx): Promise => { // boolean
return r.rt.host.askSourceAccessAsync("calendar", "your calendar and appointments.", false);
export var askContactsAccessAsync = (r : ResumeCtx): Promise => { // boolean
return r.rt.host.askSourceAccessAsync("contacts", "your contact list.", false);
export var searchContactsAsync = (prefix: string): Promise => { // Collection<Contact>
var prefix = prefix.toUpperCase();
var cs: Contact[] = [];
_fakeContacts.forEach((c) => {
if (c.name().toUpperCase().indexOf(prefix) > -1)
return Promise.as(Collection.mkAny(Contact, cs));
//? Searches for contacts by name.
//@ async cap(contacts) flow(SourceContacts) returns(Collection<Contact>)
export function search_contacts(prefix:string, r : ResumeCtx)
.then((allow) => {
if (allow) return Social.searchContactsAsync(prefix);
else return Promise.as(Collection.mkAny(Contact));
}).done(cs => r.resumeVal(cs));
//? Chooses an email from the contact list
//@ cap(contacts) flow(SourceContacts) returns(Link) uiAsync
//@ [result].writesMutable
export function choose_email(r : ResumeCtx)
Social.chooseContactAsync().done(c => {
var url : string = c ? (c.email() || c.work_email() || c.personal_email()) : "";
if (url)
r.resumeVal(Link.mk(url, LinkKind.email));
export var chooseContactAsync = (): Promise => {
var c = _fakeContacts[Math_.random(_fakeContacts.length)].clone();
return Promise.as(c);
//? Chooses a contact from the contact list
//@ cap(contacts) flow(SourceContacts) returns(Contact) uiAsync
//@ [result].writesMutable
export function choose_contact(r: ResumeCtx) {
Social.chooseContactAsync().done(c => r.resumeVal(c));
export var searchAppointmentsAsync = (start: DateTime, end: DateTime): Promise => { // Collection<Appointment>
Util.log('returning fake appointments');
return Promise.as(Collection.mkAny(Appointment));
//? Searches for appointments in a given time range
//@ async cap(calendar) flow(SourceCalendar) returns(Collection<Appointment>)
//@ [start].deflExpr('time->now') [end].deflExpr('time->tomorrow')
export function search_appointments(start:DateTime, end:DateTime, r : ResumeCtx) // : Collection<Appointment>
.then((allow) => {
if (allow) return Social.searchAppointmentsAsync(start, end);
else return Promise.as(Collection.mkAny(Appointment));
}).done(cs => r.resumeVal(cs));
//? Creates a new contact
//@ [nickname].writesMutable
//@ [result].writesMutable
export function create_contact(nickname: string): Contact { return Contact.mk(nickname); }