89 строки
2.4 KiB
89 строки
2.4 KiB
declare module Blockly {
class Block {
static obtain(workspace: Workspace, prototypeName?: string): Block;
// May allow downcasting (see below).
type: string;
id: string;
// Returns null if the field does not exist on the specified block.
getFieldValue(field: string): string;
setFieldValue(newValue: string, field: string): void;
// Returns null if the input does not exist on the specified block, or
// is disconnected.
getInputTargetBlock(field: string): Block;
// Returns null if no next block or is disconnected.
getNextBlock(): Block;
outputConnection: Connection;
svgGroup_: SVGElement;
parentBlock_: Block;
inputList: Input[];
disabled: boolean;
// if type == controls_if
class IfBlock extends Block {
elseifCount_: number;
elseCount_: number;
class Input {
name: string;
connection: Connection;
sourceBlock_: Block;
class Connection {
check_: string[];
// if type is one of "procedures_def{,no}return", or "procedures_call{,no}return"
class DefOrCallBlock extends Block {
arguments_: string[];
class Workspace {
clear(): void;
dispose(): void;
getTopBlocks(ordered: boolean): Block[];
getAllBlocks(): Block[];
module Xml {
function domToText(dom: Element): string;
function domToPrettyText(dom: Element): string;
function domToWorkspace(workspace: Workspace, dom: Element): void;
function textToDom(text: string): Element;
function workspaceToDom(workspace: Workspace): Element;
interface Options {
readOnly?: boolean;
toolbox?: Element;
trashcan?: boolean;
collapse?: boolean;
comments?: boolean;
disable?: boolean;
scrollbars?: boolean;
sound?: boolean;
css?: boolean;
grid?: {
spacing?: boolean;
length?: boolean;
colour?: boolean;
snap?: boolean;
enableRealTime?: boolean;
interface callbackHandler {}
function inject(elt: Element, options?: Options): void;
function addChangeListener(f: () => void): callbackHandler;
function removeChangeListener(h: callbackHandler): void;
var mainWorkspace: Workspace;