616 строки
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616 строки
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///<reference path='refs.ts'/>
module TDev.RT {
//? Pictures and music...
//@ skill(2)
export module Media
export function rt_start(rt: Runtime): void
export function rt_stop(rt: Runtime)
//? Plays a monotone sine wave
//@ [gain].defl(1) [frequency].defl(440)
export function tone(frequency: number, gain: number) {
if (Math_.is_nan(frequency) || Math_.is_nan(gain)) return;
AudioContextManager.tone(frequency, gain);
//? Plays a monotone note
//@ [gain].defl(1) [frequency].defl(440) [seconds].defl(1)
export function play_note(frequency: number, gain: number, seconds: number, r: ResumeCtx) {
if (Math_.is_nan(frequency) || Math_.is_nan(gain) || Math_.is_nan(seconds) || seconds <= 0) return;
AudioContextManager.tone(frequency, gain);
Util.setTimeout(seconds * 1000, () => {
AudioContextManager.tone(frequency, 0);
Util.setTimeout(40, () => {
//? Creates a new picture of the given size
//@ [result].writesMutable
//@ [width].defl(480) [height].defl(800)
export function create_picture(width:number, height:number) : Picture { return Picture.mk(width, height); }
//? Searches the Windows Phone Store (type in applications or music)
//@ stub flow(SinkSafe) obsolete
//@ [type].defl("music")
export function search_marketplace(terms:string, type:string) : void
{ }
export function askMusicAccessAsync(r : ResumeCtx): Promise { // boolean
return r.rt.host.askSourceAccessAsync("music", "your songs, song albums and playlists.", false);
export function askPictureAccessAsync(r : ResumeCtx): Promise { // boolean
return r.rt.host.askSourceAccessAsync("picture", "your pictures and picture albums.", false);
//? Gets the playlists on the phone
//@ cap(media) flow(SourceMusic) returns(Playlists)
//@ embedsLink("Playlists", "Playlist") async
export function playlists(r : ResumeCtx) // : Playlists
.then(allow => r.resumeVal(undefined))
export function pictureUriForMedia(uri: string, media: string) {
return uri;
export function pictureDataUriAsync(uri: string): Promise { // string
return Promise.as(undefined);
var _pictureUrls: string[] = undefined;
export function picturesAsync(uri : string) : Promise
if (!!_pictureUrls)
return Promise.as(Pictures.mk(_pictureUrls));
return BingServices.searchAsync("Images", "cat", null)
.then((results) => {
_pictureUrls = results.map((r) => r.url).slice(0, 4);
return Pictures.mk(_pictureUrls);
var _pictureAlbums: PictureAlbums = undefined;
export function pictureAlbumsAsync(uri : string) : Promise
if (_pictureAlbums) return Promise.as(_pictureAlbums);
return Media.picturesAsync(uri).then(pics => {
_pictureAlbums = PictureAlbums.mk([PictureAlbum.mk('cats', 'cats', pics)]);
return _pictureAlbums;
//? Gets the pictures on the phone
//@ async cap(media) flow(SourcePicture) returns(Pictures)
//@ embedsLink("Pictures", "Picture")
export function pictures(r: ResumeCtx) {
.then(allow => {
if (!allow) return Promise.as(Pictures.mk([]));
else return Media.picturesAsync('');
}).done(pics => r.resumeVal(pics));
//? Gets the saved pictures on the phone
//@ cap(media) flow(SourcePicture) returns(Pictures)
//@ embedsLink("Pictures", "Picture") async
export function saved_pictures(r: ResumeCtx) // : Pictures
export function choosePictureAsync(title = 'choose a picture', description = ''): Promise {
var cam = (<any>navigator).camera;
if (cam) {
return new Promise((onSuccess, onError, onProgress) => {
cam.getPicture((url) => {
onSuccess(Picture.fromUrlSync(url, false, false));
}, (msg) => {
TDev.RT.App.logEvent(App.DEBUG, "senses", "choose picture failed: " + msg, undefined);
}, {
quality: 85,
mediaType: (<any>window).Camera.MediaType.JPEG,
sourceType: (<any>window).Camera.PictureSourceType.PHOTOLIBRARY,
destinationType: (<any>window).Camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI
return new Promise(function (onSuccess, onError, onProgress) {
var m = new ModalDialog();
var file = HTML.mkImageInput(true, -1);
var pic : Picture = null;
m.add([div("wall-dialog-header", title),
div('wall-dialog-body', description),
div("wall-dialog-input", file.element),
div("wall-dialog-buttons", HTML.mkButtonOnce("ok", () => {
.then(dataUri => {
if (dataUri) return Picture.fromUrl(dataUri);
else return Promise.as(null);
.then(p => {
pic = p;
return p ? p.initAsync() : null;
.done(() => { m.dismiss(); });
m.onDismiss = () => onSuccess(pic);
//? Chooses a picture from the media library
//@ flow(SourcePicture) returns(Picture) uiAsync
//@ import("cordova", "org.apache.cordova.camera")
export function choose_picture(r: ResumeCtx)
return choosePictureAsync().done(pic => r.resumeVal(pic));
//? Gets the picture albums
//@ cap(media) flow(SourcePicture) returns(PictureAlbums)
//@ embedsLink("Picture Albums", "Picture Album") async
export function picture_albums(r: ResumeCtx) //: PictureAlbums
.then(allow => {
if (!allow) return Promise.as(PictureAlbums.mk([]));
else return Media.pictureAlbumsAsync('');
}).done(albums => r.resumeVal(albums));
export function initSongAlbumAsync(album: SongAlbum): Promise { // must call init
album.init('', 0, null);
return Promise.as(undefined);
export function loadSongAlbumArtAsync(albumName: string): Promise { // string
return Promise.as(undefined);
export function songsAsync(album : string) : Promise // Songs
return Promise.as(Songs.mk([]));
export function songAlbumsAsync() : Promise // SongAlbums
return Promise.as(SongAlbums.mk([]));
//? Gets the songs on the phone
//@ cap(media) flow(SourceMusic) returns(Songs)
//@ embedsLink("Songs", "Song") async
export function songs(r: ResumeCtx)
.then(allow => {
if (!allow) return Promise.as(Songs.mk([]));
else return Media.songsAsync("");
}).done(s => r.resumeVal(s));
//? Gets the song albums on the phone
//@ cap(media) flow(SourceMusic) returns(SongAlbums)
//@ embedsLink("Song Albums", "Song Album") async
export function song_albums(r : ResumeCtx) // : SongAlbums
.then(allow => {
if (!allow) return Promise.as(SongAlbums.mk([]));
else return Media.songAlbumsAsync();
}).done(s => r.resumeVal(s));
//? Creates a new game board
//@ timestamp
//@ [result].writesMutable
//@ [height].defl(640)
export function create_board(height:number, s:IStackFrame) : Board { return Board.mk(s.rt, false, 456, height, false); }
//? Creates a new game board in portrait mode. On rotatable devices it will take the entire screen when posted.
//@ obsolete
//@ timestamp
//@ [result].writesMutable
export function create_full_board(s:IStackFrame) : Board {
return Board.mk(s.rt, false, 480, 800, true);
//? Creates a new game board in portrait mode. On rotatable devices it will take the entire screen when posted.
//@ [result].writesMutable
//@ [width].defl(480) [height].defl(800)
export function create_portrait_board(width:number, height:number, s:IStackFrame) : Board {
return Board.mk(s.rt, false, width, height, true);
//? Creates a new game board in landscape mode. On rotatable devices it will take the entire screen when posted.
//@ [result].writesMutable
//@ [width].defl(800) [height].defl(480)
export function create_landscape_board(width:number, height:number, s:IStackFrame) : Board {
return Board.mk(s.rt, true, width, height, true);
var iconNames = [
//? Gets the list of built-in 48x48 icon names. You can see the icon list in the script settings.
//@ hidden cap(editoronly)
export function icon_names() : Collection<string>
return Collection.mkStrings(iconNames.slice(0));
function load_icon(name : string, size:number)
if (iconNames.indexOf(name.toLowerCase()) < 0)
return undefined;
return Picture.fromSVGIcon(name.toLowerCase(), size);
//? Gets a 48x48 icon picture. Use 'media->icon names' to retrieve the list of names available.
//@ hidden cap(editoronly)
export function icon(name:string):Picture
return load_icon(name, 48);
//? Gets a 96x96 icon picture. Use 'media->icon names' to retrieve the list of names available.
//@ hidden cap(editoronly)
export function large_icon(name:string):Picture
return load_icon(name, 96);