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///<reference path='refs.ts'/>
module TDev.RT {
//? A scene contains layers of parralax backgrounds.
//@ stem("scene")
export class BoardBackgroundScene
extends RTValue {
private _offsetX : number = 0;
private _offsetY: number = 0;
private _layers: BoardBackgroundLayer[] = [];
constructor(private _board : Board) {
//? Gets the view horizontal offset
//@ readsMutable
public view_x(): number {
return this._offsetX;
//? Sets the view horizontal offset
//@ writesMutable
public set_view_x(x: number) {
if (!isNaN(x))
this._offsetX = x;
//? Gets the view vertical offset
//@ readsMutable
public view_y(): number {
return this._offsetY;
//? Sets the view vertical offset
//@ writesMutable
public set_view_y(y: number) {
if (!isNaN(y))
this._offsetY = y;
public sortLayers() {
this._layers.sort((a, b) => b.distance() - a.distance());
//? Creates a new layer on the scene. The distance determines the order of rendering and how fast the layer moves
//@ writesMutable picAsync ignoreReturnValue
//@ embedsLink("BoardBackgroundScene", "BoardBackgroundLayer")
//@ returns(BoardBackgroundLayer)
public create_layer(distance: number, pic: Picture, r: ResumeCtx) {
pic.loadFirst(r, () => {
var layer = new BoardBackgroundLayer(this, distance, pic);
return layer;
//? Gets the number of layers in the scene
//@ readsMutable
public count() : number { return this._layers.length; }
//? Gets the layer at the given index
//@ readsMutable
public at(index: number): BoardBackgroundLayer { return this._layers[Math.floor(index)]; }
//? Removes all layers from scene and resets the viewport
public clear() {
this._layers = [];
this._offsetX = this._offsetY = 0;
public render(w: number, h: number, ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) {
this._layers.forEach(layer => {
// compute displacement based on distance
var ox = Math.round(this._offsetX / (1 + layer.distance()));
var oy = Math.round(this._offsetY / (1 + layer.distance()));
layer.render(w, h, ctx, ox, oy);
//? Displays the sprite sheet.
//@ readsMutable
public post_to_wall(s: IStackFrame): void {
//? A background scene layer
//@ stem("layer")
export class BoardBackgroundLayer
extends RTValue {
private _repeatX = true;
private _repeatY = true;
private _alignX = BoardBackgroundLayer.ARRANGE_LEFT;
private _alignY = BoardBackgroundLayer.ARRANGE_TOP;
static ARRANGE_LEFT: number = 1;
static ARRANGE_RIGHT: number = 2;
static ARRANGE_TOP: number = 3;
static ARRANGE_BOTTOM: number = 4;
static ARRANGE_CENTER: number = 5;
constructor(private _scene : BoardBackgroundScene, private _distance : number, private _pic : Picture) {
//? Gets the picture associated to the layer.
public picture() { return this._pic; }
//? Gets the layer distance
//@ readsMutable
public distance() { return this._distance; }
//? Sets the layer distance
//@ writesMutable
public set_distance(d: number) {
if (isNaN(d)) d = 0;
var d = Math.max(0, d);
if (this._distance != d) {
this._distance = d;
//? Gets a value indicating how the picture aligns horizontally. The default is `left`.
//@ readsMutable
public align_x() { return this._alignX; }
//? Sets a value indicating how the picture aligns horizontally. The default is `left`.
//@ [align].deflStrings("right", "left", "center")
//@ writesMutable
public set_align_x(align: string) {
switch (align.trim().toLowerCase()) {
case "left": this._alignX = BoardBackgroundLayer.ARRANGE_LEFT; break;
case "right": this._alignX = BoardBackgroundLayer.ARRANGE_RIGHT; break;
case "center": this._alignX = BoardBackgroundLayer.ARRANGE_CENTER; break;
//? Gets a value indicating how the picture aligns vertically. The default is `top`.
//@ readsMutable
public align_y() { return this._alignY; }
//? Sets a value indicating how the picture aligns vertically. The default is `top`.
//@ [align].deflStrings("bottom", "top", "center")
//@ writesMutable
public set_align_y(align: string) {
switch (align.trim().toLowerCase()) {
case "center": this._alignY = BoardBackgroundLayer.ARRANGE_LEFT; break;
case "top": this._alignY = BoardBackgroundLayer.ARRANGE_TOP; break;
case "bottom": this._alignY = BoardBackgroundLayer.ARRANGE_BOTTOM; break;
//? Gets a value indicating if the background repeats horizontally
//@ readsMutable
public repeat_x() { return this._repeatX; }
//? Sets a value indicating if the background repeats horizontally
//@ writesMutable
public set_repeat_x(repeat: boolean) { this._repeatX = !!repeat; }
//? Gets a value indicating if the background repeats horizontally
//@ readsMutable
public repeat_y() { return this._repeatY; }
//? Sets a value indicating if the background repeats horizontally
//@ writesMutable
public set_repeat_y(repeat: boolean) { this._repeatY = !!repeat; }
public render(w: number, h: number, ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, offsetX: number, offsetY: number) {
var p = this._pic.getCanvas();
var pw = p.width;
var ph = p.height;
if (!pw || !ph) return; // empty image.
// left, top aligned
var rx = -offsetX;
var ry = -offsetY;
switch (this._alignX) {
case BoardBackgroundLayer.ARRANGE_RIGHT: rx -= (w+pw); break;
case BoardBackgroundLayer.ARRANGE_CENTER: rx -= (w+pw) / 2; break;
switch (this._alignY) {
case BoardBackgroundLayer.ARRANGE_BOTTOM: ry -= (h+ph); break;
case BoardBackgroundLayer.ARRANGE_CENTER: ry -= (h+ph) / 2; break;
rx %= w; if (rx < 0) rx += w;
ry %= h; if (ry < 0) ry += h;
// avoid subpixel aliasing
rx = Math.floor(rx);
ry = Math.floor(ry);
var renderEdge = !Browser.isWebkit;
var y = 0;
var py = 0;
while (y < h) {
py = y % ph;
var dh = Math.min(ph - py, h - ry);
var x = 0;
while (x < w) {
var px = x % pw;
var dw = Math.min(pw - px, w - rx);
try {
ctx.drawImage(p, px, py, dw, dh, rx, ry, dw, dh);
if (renderEdge) {
if (this._repeatX)
ctx.drawImage(p, px, py, 2, dh, rx - 1, ry, 2, dh);
if (this._repeatY)
ctx.drawImage(p, px, py, dw, 2, rx, ry - 1, dw, 2);
} catch (e) {
Util.log('scene: ' + JSON.stringify({
w:w, h:h, pw:pw, ph:ph, dw:dw, dh:dh, x:x, y:y, px:px, py:py, rx:rx, ry:ry, edge:renderEdge
Util.reportError('backgroundScene', e, false);
// stop rendering
rx = (rx + dw) % w;
x += this._repeatX ? dw : w;
ry = (ry + dh) % h;
y += this._repeatY ? dh : h;