148 строки
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148 строки
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///<reference path='refs.ts'/>
module TDev.RT {
export interface SpriteFrame {
x : number;
y : number;
width : number;
height : number;
export interface SpriteFrameClip {
frames : string[];
duration : number;
loopCount: number;
//? A sprite sheet which packs multiple frames in a single picture
//@ stem("sheet") ctx(general)
export class SpriteSheet
extends RTValue
private frames = {}; // string => Frame
private animations = {}; // string => SpriteFrameClip
constructor(public _board : Board, public _picture : Picture) {
//? Gets the picture associated to this sprite sheet.
//@ readsMutable
public picture() : Picture {
return this._picture;
private empty : SpriteFrame = { x:0, y:0, width:0, height:0, rotated:false};
//? Sets the current frame displayed by sprite
//@ writesMutable
public set_frame(sprite : Sprite, frame : string) {
var f = <SpriteFrame>this.frames[frame];
sprite.setFrame(f || this.empty);
//? Creates a new sprite displaying the given frame.
//@ readsMutable [result].writesMutable
//@ embedsLink("SpriteSheet", "Sprite"), embedsLink("Sprite", "Picture")
public create_sprite(frame : string) : Sprite {
var sprite = this._board.mkSprite(SpriteType.Picture, 1, 1);
this.set_frame(sprite, frame);
return sprite;
//? Sets the frames as a rectangular grid. The tiles are numbered from top, left to bottom right starting at 0.
//@ writesMutable [rows].defl(1) [columns].defl(1)
public set_frame_grid(rows : number, columns : number, frame_width : number, frame_height:number, margin_left : number, margin_top : number, spacing : number) {
this.frames = [];
if (rows < 1 || columns < 1) return;
rows = Math.floor(rows);
columns = Math.floor(columns);
var h = this._picture.heightSync();
var w = this._picture.widthSync();
var fw = frame_width > 0 ? frame_width : w / columns;
var fh = frame_height > 0 ? frame_height : h / rows;
var k = 1;
var y = margin_top;
for(var i = 0; i < rows; ++i) {
var x = margin_left;
for(var j = 0; j < columns; ++j) {
var name = (k++).toString();
this.add_frame(name, x, y, fw, fh, false);
x += fw + spacing;
y += fh + spacing;
//? Defines a new frame in the sprite sheet
//@ writesMutable
public add_frame(name : string, x : number, y : number, width : number, height : number, rotated : boolean) {
this.frames[name] = <SpriteFrame>{
x : x,
y : y,
width : width,
height : height,
rotated : rotated
public findAnimation(name : string) : SpriteFrameClip {
return <SpriteFrameClip>this.animations[name];
//? Defines an animation as a continuous sequence of frames. The frame index starts at `1`.
//@ writesMutable [loops].defl(1) [start].defl(1) [name].defl("all")
public add_grid_animation(name : string, start : number, count : number, duration : number, loops : number, yoyo : boolean) {
var frs = [];
start = Math.floor(start);
count = Math.floor(count);
if (count < 1) return;
var n = start + count;
for(var i = start; i<=n;++i) frs.push(i.toString());
if (frs.length > 0)
this.add_animation(name, Collection.mkStrings(frs), duration, loops, yoyo);
//? Defines an animation as a custom sequence of frames.
//@ writesMutable [loops].defl(1)
public add_animation(name : string, frames : Collection<string>, duration : number, loops : number, yoyo:boolean) {
if (duration <= 0) duration = frames.count() * 1/30.0; // 30fps
this.animations[name] = <SpriteFrameClip>{
frames : frames.a.slice(0),
duration : Math.max(0.02, duration),
public getDebugCanvas() {
var picCanvas = this._picture.getCanvas();
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.width = picCanvas.width;
canvas.height = picCanvas.height;
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.drawImage(picCanvas, 0, 0);
ctx.strokeStyle = "blue";
ctx.lineWidth = 1;
ctx.font = "1em Arial";
var keys = Object.keys(this.frames);
keys.forEach(key => {
var frame = this.frames[key];
ctx.strokeRect(frame.x, frame.y, frame.width, frame.height);
ctx.fillText(key, frame.x + 4, frame.y + 12);
return canvas;
public getViewCore(s: IStackFrame, b:BoxBase): HTMLElement {
return this.getDebugCanvas();
//? Displays the sprite sheet.
//@ readsMutable
//@ embedsLink("Wall", "Picture")
public post_to_wall(s: IStackFrame): void {
} |