1553 строки
62 KiB
1553 строки
62 KiB
///<reference path='refs.ts'/>
module TDev.AST {
export module Merge {
//var mergeLog = Util.log;
var mergeLog = (x) => {return};
var getTime = () => Util.perfNow();
var seqTime = [];
var sccTime = 0;
var treeTime = [];
var imTime = 0;
var oldSeqMerge = false;
var numChecks = 0;
export var badAstMsg = "malformed ASTs";
function enc(s : string) : string {
return "!"+s
function dec(s : string) : string {
return s.substr(1)
function getStableName(x : Stmt) : string {
if(x instanceof App) {
return "***"; // TODO XXX - is this an okay globally-unique symbol for the app ID?
} else {
return enc(x.getStableName());
function setStableName(x : Stmt, name : string) {
function containsId(
table : { [s:string]:HashNode},
id : string
) : boolean {
if(table[id]) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function containsArrow(
table : { [s:string]:HashNode},
id1 : string,
id2 : string
) : boolean {
var a = table[id1];
if(oldSeqMerge) {
if(a && a.successors.indexOf(id2) >= 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
var b = table[id2];
if(a && b && a.order < b.order) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function getNodeHash(sh : HashNode[]) : {[s:string]:HashNode} {
var result : {[s:string]:HashNode} = {};
sh.forEach(x => {
result[x.name] = x;
return result;
function getChildren(s : HashNode) : HashNode[] {
if(!s) return[];
var stmts : Stmt[] = <Stmt[]>(s.stmt.children().filter(x => x instanceof Stmt));
if (s.stmt instanceof If &&
stmts.length == 2 &&
stmts[1] instanceof CodeBlock &&
//if(s.stmt instanceof Block) {
return stmts.map(function(x : Stmt, i : number) {
return new HashNode(s.name, getStableName(x), [], x);
/*} else {
return stmts.map(function(x : Stmt, i : number) {
return new HashNode(s.name, s.name+"_"+i, [], x);
export class HashNode {
public parent : string;
public name : string;
public successors : string[];
public stmt : Stmt;
public order : number;
public used : boolean;
constructor(parent : string, name : string, successors : string[], stmt : Stmt) {
this.parent = parent;
this.name = name;
this.successors = successors;
this.stmt = stmt;
public toString() : string {
return ""+this.name+":("+this.parent+"):["+/*this.successors.join(",")+*/"]"
function getStmt(table : { [s:string]:HashNode}, key : string) : Stmt {
if(table[key]) {
return table[key].stmt;
} else {
return null;
export function getIds(sl : Stmt[], allIds : string[]) : {[s:string]:HashNode} {
var nodeIndex = 0;
// returns the flattened list
function flatten(
sl : HashNode[],
table : { [s:string]:HashNode},
arr : string[]
) : string[] {
return sl.reduce(
function(acc2 : string[], x : HashNode, i : number) {
//mergeLog("getIds: "+x.name+" => "+x.toString());
x.order = nodeIndex++;
table[x.name] = null;
var theParent : string = undefined;
theParent = x.parent;
table[x.name] = x;
return flatten(getChildren(x), table, acc2);
var result : { [s:string]:HashNode } = {};
var flat = flatten(sl.map((x : Stmt) => new HashNode(undefined, getStableName(x), [], x)), result, []);
flat.forEach(function(x,i) {
result[x].successors = flat.slice(i+1,flat.length)
return result;
function transitiveClosure(
succMap : { [s : string] : {[t:string] : number } }
) {
var keys = Object.keys(succMap);
mergeLog(">>> transitive closure: "+keys.length)
keys.forEach(k => {
keys.forEach(i => {
keys.forEach (j => {
succMap[i][j] = succMap[i][j] ||
(succMap[i][k] && succMap[k][j]);
export function stronglyConnectedComponents(
succMap : { [s : string] : {[t:string] : number } },
keys : string[],
resultAssignment : { [s : string] : number },
debug = false
) : string[][] {
//if(debug) console.log("SCC: "+keys.length);
var index = 0;
var stack = [];
var stackVals = {};
var indices = {};
var lowlink = {};
var result : string[][] = [];
var currentComponent : string[] = [];
keys.forEach(v => {
if(!indices[v]) strongConnect(v);
function strongConnect(v : string, depth = 0) {
//mergeLog("strongConnect("+v+"): "+depth);
//if(debug) numChecks++;
indices[v] = index;
lowlink[v] = index;
stackVals[v] = true;
// for each edge (v,w) ...
var temp = succMap[v];
if(temp) {
Object.keys(temp).forEach(w => {
//var check = temp[w];
//Util.assert(check > 0);
//if(check) {
// do the following:
if(indices[w] == undefined) {
strongConnect(w, depth+1);
lowlink[v] = Math.min(lowlink[v], lowlink[w]);
} else {
//var sccStart = getTime();
//var ind = stack.indexOf(w);
var ind = stackVals[w]
//var sccEnd = getTime();
//if(debug) sccTime += (sccEnd-sccStart);
if(ind >= 0) {
lowlink[v] = Math.min(lowlink[v], indices[w]);
if(lowlink[v] == indices[v]) {
currentComponent = [];
do {
var w = stack.pop();
delete stackVals[w];
} while(w != v);
result.forEach((comp,index) => {
comp.forEach(v => {
resultAssignment[v] = index;
return result;
function initMatrix(
succMap : { [s : string] : {[t:string] : number } },
keys : string[],
init : number = 0
) {
keys.forEach(i => {
succMap[i] = {};
/*keys.forEach(j => {
succMap[i][j] = init;
function printMatrix(m : { [s : string] : {[t:string] : number } }) {
var str = "";
Object.keys(m).forEach(j => {
str += ", "+j;
Object.keys(m).forEach(i => {
str = "";
Object.keys(m).forEach(j => {
str += ", "+m[i][j];
function tokensToStr(a:Token[]) : string {
return a.map((x:Token) => x.getText()).join(" ");
function strToTokens(s:string) : Token[] {
return s.split(/\s+/).map((y:string) => {var t = new Literal(); t.data = y; return t});
export function merge3(o:Stmt, a:Stmt, b:Stmt, datacollector?:(IMergeData)=>void) : Stmt {
if(datacollector) {
sccTime = 0;
imTime = 0;
seqTime = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0];
treeTime = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0];
numChecks = 0;
/*if(!noprint) {
myO = o;
myA = a;
myB = b;
var start = getTime();
mergeLog(">>> Merge: "+getTime()+" begin merge3");
mergeLog(">>> Merge: "+getTime()+" get IDs");
var lo = [];
var la = [];
var lb = [];
var hashO = getIds([o], lo);
var hashA = getIds([a], la);
var hashB = getIds([b], lb);
function combineTokens(tl:Token[]) : Token[] {
return TDev.AST.ExprParser.parse0(tl).map(
(x:StackOp) => {
if(x.expr) {
return <Token>(x.expr);
} else {
return TDev.AST.mkOp(x.op);
function merge3tokens(eOt:Token[], eAt:Token[], eBt:Token[], combine) : Token[] {
//mergeLog(">>> merge3tokens: "+tokensToStr(eOt)+"; "+tokensToStr(eAt)+"; "+tokensToStr(eBt));
var i = 0;
//var com = combine ? ((x:Token[]) => combineTokens(x)) : ((x:Token[]) => x);
var com = ((x:Token[]) => x);
var eO = new ExprHolder(); eO.tokens = com(eOt);
var eA = new ExprHolder(); eA.tokens = com(eAt);
var eB = new ExprHolder(); eB.tokens = com(eBt);
var tmap : { [s : string] : Token } = {};
var index = 0; // unique id for tokens
// the following function compares ThingRef tokens by Decl ID,
// and otherwise uses the default token-distance function
var f = (tokenDist) => {
return (a:Token, b:Token) => {
if((!a) || (!b)) {
return tokenDist(a,b);
// TODO XXX - something is wrong with the following
} /*else if((a instanceof ThingRef) && (b instanceof ThingRef)) {
console.log(">>> comparing: "+a+", "+b+" -> ");
console.log(">>> "+(<ThingRef>a).def.getStableName());
console.log(">>> "+(<ThingRef>b).def.getStableName());
if((<ThingRef>a).def.getStableName() == (<ThingRef>b).def.getStableName()) {
return 0;
} else {
return 3;
}*/ else {
return tokenDist(a,b);
TDev.AST.Diff.diffExprs(eO, eA, {}, f);
TDev.AST.Diff.diffExprs(eO, eB, {}, f);
var da = eA.diffTokens;
var db = eB.diffTokens;
// compute IDs for the base tokens
var arrO = [];
for(var i = 0; i < da.length; i+=2) {
if(da[i]) {
var name = ""+index;
tmap[name] = da[i];
// compute IDs for the A tokens
var arrA = [];
var j = 0; // keeps track of position in base
for(i = 1; i < da.length; i+=2) {
if(da[i]) {
if(da[i-1]) {
} else {
var name = ""+index;
tmap[""+index] = da[i];
if(da[i-1]) j++;
// compute IDs for the B tokens
var arrB = [];
j = 0; // keeps track of position in base
for(i = 1; i < db.length; i+=2) {
if(db[i]) {
if(db[i-1]) {
} else {
var name = ""+index;
tmap[""+index] = db[i];
if(db[i-1]) j++;
//mergeLog(">>>> O=["+arrO.join(",")+"], A=["+arrA.join(",")+"], B=["+arrB.join(",")+"]");
function mapper(x:string[]) : App {
var v = new App(null); // TODO - use Block
v.things = x.map((y:string)=>{
var z = new Decl();
return z;
return v;
var result : App = <App>merge3(mapper(arrO),mapper(arrA),mapper(arrB));
return result.things.map((x:Decl)=>tmap[x.getStableName()]);
var maxDepth = 0;
function merge3node(
oN : HashNode,
aN : HashNode,
bN : HashNode,
cmap : { [s : string] : string[] },
depth = 0
) : Stmt {
// NOTE - oN,aN,bN must agree on the name (stableName)
maxDepth = Math.max(depth, maxDepth);
var id;
if(oN) {
id = oN.name;
} else if(aN) {
id = aN.name;
} else if(bN) {
id = bN.name;
} else {
return null;
//mergeLog("merge3node("+id+"): "+maxDepth);
// "id" should be defined by now
var childs = cmap[id];
if(!childs) {
childs = [];
var newChilds = [];
//if(!id) {
// mergeLog("BAD!"); // TODO - get rid of
//} else {
newChilds = childs.map(function(x : string) {
//mergeLog(" trying: "+x+" : "+[hashO,hashA,hashB].map(y=>y[x]).join(", "));
return merge3node(hashO[x], hashA[x], hashB[x], cmap, depth+1);
function getNewChild(index : number) : Stmt {
var rc = newChilds[index];
if(rc) {
return rc;
} else {
return null;
function merge3inputs(f, combine) {
var oTok = []; if(oN) oTok = f(oN.stmt);
var aTok = []; if(aN) aTok = f(aN.stmt);
var bTok = []; if(bN) bTok = f(bN.stmt);
return merge3tokens(oTok, aTok, bTok, combine);
// construct a new node containing newChilds
function test(x) {
var t1 = !oN || (oN.stmt instanceof x);
var t2 = !aN || (aN.stmt instanceof x);
var t3 = !bN || (bN.stmt instanceof x);
return t1 && t2 && t3;
function getChange(f) {
if(!aN && !bN) {
return undefined; // TODO - this should never happen?
} else if(!aN) {
return f(bN.stmt);
} else if(!bN) {
return f(aN.stmt);
} else if(!oN) {
return f(aN.stmt);
// at this point, oN.stmt,aN.stmt,bN.stmt are all defined
if(f(oN.stmt) == f(aN.stmt)) {
return f(bN.stmt);
} else {
return f(aN.stmt);
function mergeExprHolder(f) {
var temp = new ExprHolder();
temp.tokens = merge3inputs(x => f(x).tokens, true);
return temp
var result : Stmt = null;
var newName = undefined;
if(test(RecordField)) {
var dataKind = getChange(x => (<RecordField>x).dataKind);
var isKey = getChange(x => (<RecordField>x).isKey);
var nm = getChange(x => (<RecordField>x).getName());
result = new RecordField(nm, dataKind, isKey); // TODO - correct args?
} else if(test(ResolveClause)) {
var nm = getChange(x => (<ResolveClause>x).name);
result = new ResolveClause(nm);
(<ResolveClause>result).kindBindings = <BindingBlock>getNewChild(0); // TODO - check cast?
(<ResolveClause>result).actionBindings = <BindingBlock>getNewChild(1);
(<ResolveClause>result).defaultLib = getChange(x => (<ResolveClause>x).defaultLib);
// TODO - more properties?
} else if(test(ActionBinding)) {
var nm = getChange(x => (<ActionBinding>x).formalName);
result = new ActionBinding(nm);
(<ActionBinding>result).actualLib = getChange(x => (<ActionBinding>x).actualLib);
(<ActionBinding>result).actualName = getChange(x => (<ActionBinding>x).actualName);
(<ActionBinding>result).actual = getChange(x => (<ActionBinding>x).actual);
(<ActionBinding>result).isExplicit = getChange(x => (<ActionBinding>x).isExplicit);
} else if(test(KindBinding)) {
var nm = getChange(x => (<KindBinding>x).formalName);
result = new KindBinding(nm);
(<KindBinding>result).actual = getChange(x => (<KindBinding>x).actual);
(<KindBinding>result).isExplicit = getChange(x => (<KindBinding>x).isExplicit);
} else if(test(Binding)) {
var nm = getChange(x => (<Binding>x).formalName);
result = new Binding(nm);
(<Binding>result).isExplicit = getChange(x => (<Binding>x).isExplicit);
} else if(test(Comment)) {
result = new Comment();
(<Comment>result).text = tokensToStr(merge3inputs(x => strToTokens((<Comment>x).text), false));
//(<Comment>result).text = getChange(x => (<Comment>x).text);
} else if(test(CodeBlock)) {
result = new CodeBlock();
(<CodeBlock>result).stmts = newChilds;
(<CodeBlock>result).flags = getChange(x => (<CodeBlock>x).flags);
} else if(test(ConditionBlock)) {
result = new ConditionBlock();
(<ConditionBlock>result).stmts = newChilds;
} else if(test(ParameterBlock)) {
result = new ParameterBlock();
(<ParameterBlock>result).stmts = newChilds;
} else if(test(BindingBlock)) {
result = new BindingBlock();
(<BindingBlock>result).stmts = newChilds;
} else if(test(ResolveBlock)) {
result = new ResolveBlock();
(<ResolveBlock>result).stmts = newChilds;
} else if(test(FieldBlock)) {
result = new FieldBlock();
(<FieldBlock>result).stmts = newChilds;
(<FieldBlock>result).parentDef = getChange(x => (<FieldBlock>x).parentDef);
} else if(test(InlineActionBlock)) {
result = new InlineActionBlock();
(<InlineActionBlock>result).stmts = newChilds;
} else if(test(Block)) {
throw Error(badAstMsg);
result = new Block();
(<Block>result).stmts = newChilds;
} else if(test(For)) {
result = new For();
(<For>result).body = <CodeBlock>getNewChild(0); // TODO - check cast?
(<For>result).boundLocal = getChange(x => (<For>x).boundLocal);
(<For>result).upperBound = mergeExprHolder(x => (<For>x).upperBound);
} else if(test(Foreach)) {
result = new Foreach();
(<Foreach>result).conditions = <ConditionBlock>getNewChild(0); // TODO - check cast?
(<Foreach>result).body = <CodeBlock>getNewChild(1);
(<Foreach>result).boundLocal = getChange(x => (<Foreach>x).boundLocal);
(<Foreach>result).collection = mergeExprHolder(x => (<Foreach>x).collection);
} else if(test(While)) {
result = new While();
(<While>result).body = <CodeBlock>getNewChild(0); // TODO - check cast?
(<While>result).condition = mergeExprHolder(x => (<While>x).condition);
} else if(test(OptionalParameter)) {
result = new OptionalParameter();
(<OptionalParameter>result)._opt_name = getChange(x => (<OptionalParameter>x).getName());
(<OptionalParameter>result).expr = mergeExprHolder(x => (<OptionalParameter>x).expr);
} else if(test(If)) {
result = new If();
(<If>result).rawThenBody = <CodeBlock>getNewChild(0); // TODO - check cast?
var elseBody = <CodeBlock>getNewChild(1);
if (!elseBody) {
elseBody = Parser.emptyBlock()
(<If>result).rawElseBody = elseBody;
(<If>result).rawCondition = mergeExprHolder(x => (<If>x).rawCondition);
(<If>result).isElseIf = getChange(x => (<If>x).isElseIf);
(<If>result).displayElse = getChange(x => (<If>x).displayElse);
} else if(test(Box)) {
result = new Box();
(<Box>result).body = <CodeBlock>getNewChild(0); // TODO - check cast?
} else if(test(InlineActions)) {
result = new InlineActions();
(<InlineActions>result).actions = <InlineActionBlock>getNewChild(0); // TODO - check cast?
(<InlineActions>result).expr = mergeExprHolder(x => (<InlineActions>x).expr)
} else if(test(ExprStmt)) {
result = new ExprStmt();
(<ExprStmt>result).expr = mergeExprHolder(x => (<ExprStmt>x).expr)
} else if(test(InlineAction)) {
result = new InlineAction();
(<InlineAction>result).body = <CodeBlock>getNewChild(0); // TODO - check cast?
(<InlineAction>result).name = getChange(x => (<InlineAction>x).name);
(<InlineAction>result).isOptional = getChange(x => (<InlineAction>x).isOptional);
(<InlineAction>result).isImplicit = getChange(x => (<InlineAction>x).isImplicit);
(<InlineAction>result).inParameters = getChange(x => (<InlineAction>x).inParameters);
(<InlineAction>result).outParameters = getChange(x => (<InlineAction>x).outParameters);
} else if(test(Where)) {
result = new Where();
(<Where>result).condition = mergeExprHolder(x => (<Where>x).condition);
} else if(test(ForeachClause)) {
result = new ForeachClause();
} else if(test(ActionParameter)) {
result = new ActionParameter(mkLocal(
getChange(x => (<ActionParameter>x).getName()),
getChange(x => (<ActionParameter>x).getKind())
} else if(test(ActionHeader)) {
result = new ActionHeader(new Action());
(<ActionHeader>result).inParameters = (<ParameterBlock>getNewChild(0)); // TODO - check cast?
(<ActionHeader>result).outParameters = (<ParameterBlock>getNewChild(1));
(<ActionHeader>result).action.body = (<CodeBlock>getNewChild(2));
} else if(test(GlobalDef)) {
result = new GlobalDef();
(<GlobalDef>result).readonly = getChange(x => (<GlobalDef>x).readonly);
(<GlobalDef>result).comment = getChange(x => (<GlobalDef>x).comment);
(<GlobalDef>result).url = getChange(x => (<GlobalDef>x).url);
(<GlobalDef>result).isResource = getChange(x => (<GlobalDef>x).isResource);
(<GlobalDef>result).isTransient = getChange(x => (<GlobalDef>x).isTransient);
(<GlobalDef>result).cloudEnabled = getChange(x => (<GlobalDef>x).cloudEnabled);
(<GlobalDef>result).debuggingData = getChange(x => (<GlobalDef>x).debuggingData);
(<GlobalDef>result).cloudEnabled = getChange(x => (<GlobalDef>x).cloudEnabled);
} else if(test(Action)) {
result = new Action();
var ah : ActionHeader = (<ActionHeader>getNewChild(0)); // TODO - check cast?
(<Action>result).body = ah.action.body;
ah.action = (<Action>result);
ah.inParameters.parent = result;
ah.outParameters.parent = result;
(<Action>result).header = ah;
(<Action>result).isPrivate = getChange(x => (<Action>x).isPrivate);
(<Action>result)._isPage = getChange(x => (<Action>x)._isPage);
(<Action>result)._isTest = getChange(x => (<Action>x)._isTest);
(<Action>result)._isActionTypeDef = getChange(x => (<Action>x)._isActionTypeDef);
(<Action>result).isAtomic = getChange(x => (<Action>x).isAtomic);
(<Action>result).eventInfo = getChange(x => (<Action>x).eventInfo);
(<Action>result).isOffline = getChange(x => (<Action>x).isOffline);
(<Action>result).isQuery = getChange(x => (<Action>x).isQuery);
(<Action>result)._isTest = getChange(x => (<Action>x)._isTest);
// TODO XXX make sure the following is okay
if(getChange(x => (<Action>x).modelParameter)) {
(<Action>result).modelParameter = <ActionParameter>ah.inParameters.stmts.shift();
} else if(test(RecordDef)) {
result = new RecordDef();
(<RecordDef>result).keys = (<FieldBlock>getNewChild(0)); // TODO - check cast?
(<RecordDef>result).values = (<FieldBlock>getNewChild(1));
(<RecordDef>result).description = getChange(x => (<RecordDef>x).description);
(<RecordDef>result).recordType = getChange(x => (<RecordDef>x).recordType);
(<RecordDef>result).cloudEnabled = getChange(x => (<RecordDef>x).cloudEnabled);
(<RecordDef>result).persistent = getChange(x => (<RecordDef>x).persistent);
(<RecordDef>result)._isExported = getChange(x => (<RecordDef>x)._isExported);
newName = getChange(x => (<RecordDef>x).getCoreName());
// TODO - what other things do we need to set here?
} else if(test(LibraryRef)) {
result = new LibraryRef();
(<LibraryRef>result).resolveClauses = (<ResolveBlock>getNewChild(0));
(<LibraryRef>result).guid = getChange(x => (<LibraryRef>x).guid);
(<LibraryRef>result).pubid = getChange(x => (<LibraryRef>x).pubid);
(<LibraryRef>result)._publicActions = getChange(x => (<LibraryRef>x)._publicActions);
(<LibraryRef>result)._publicKinds = getChange(x => (<LibraryRef>x)._publicKinds);
// TODO - what other things do we need to set here?
} else if(test(PropertyDecl)) {
throw Error(badAstMsg);
result = new PropertyDecl();
} else if(test(SingletonDef)) {
throw Error(badAstMsg);
result = new SingletonDef();
(<SingletonDef>result)._isBrowsable = getChange(x => (<SingletonDef>x)._isBrowsable);
} else if(test(PlaceholderDef)) {
throw Error(badAstMsg);
result = new PlaceholderDef();
} else if(test(LocalDef)) {
result = new LocalDef();
} else if(test(App)) {
result = new App(null);
(<App>result).rootId = getChange(x => (<App>x).rootId);
(<App>result).icon = getChange(x => (<App>x).icon);
(<App>result).color = getChange(x => (<App>x).color);
(<App>result).comment = getChange(x => (<App>x).comment);
(<App>result).iconArtId = getChange(x => (<App>x).iconArtId);
(<App>result).splashArtId = getChange(x => (<App>x).splashArtId);
App.metaMapping.forEach(k => {
result[k] = getChange(x => x[k])
(<App>result).setPlatform(getChange(x => (<App>x).getPlatformRaw()));
(<App>result).things = <Decl[]>newChilds;
} else if(test(Decl)) {
result = new Decl();
(<Decl>result)._wasTypechecked = getChange(x => (<Decl>x)._wasTypechecked);
(<Decl>result).deleted = getChange(x => (<Decl>x).deleted);
// TODO - do we need to handle this parent separately?
(<Decl>result).wasAutoNamed = getChange(x => (<Decl>x).wasAutoNamed);
(<Decl>result).diffStatus = getChange(x => (<Decl>x).diffStatus);
(<Decl>result).diffAltDecl = getChange(x => (<Decl>x).diffAltDecl);
} else if(test(Stmt)) {
throw Error(badAstMsg);
result = new Stmt();
} else {
throw Error(badAstMsg); // TODO - can't merge - what should we do here?
//result = new CodeBlock();
//(<CodeBlock>result).stmts = newChilds;
result._kind = getChange(x => x._kind); // TODO XXX
setStableName(result, id);
if(newName) result.setName(newName)
else result.setName(getChange(x => x.getName()));
newChilds.forEach(function(x:Stmt) {
x.parent = result;
return result;
mergeLog(">>> Merge: "+getTime()+" init maps");
var tt = getTime();
var parentMap : { [s : string] : string } = {};
var parentTemp : { [s : string] : boolean } = {};
var added : { [s : string] : boolean } = {};
var succMap : { [s : string] : {[t:string] : number } } = {};
// TODO XXX - don't use "for"!
Object.keys(hashO).forEach(key => { parentMap[key] = null; });
Object.keys(hashA).forEach(key => { parentMap[key] = null; });
Object.keys(hashB).forEach(key => { parentMap[key] = null; });
var tt2 = getTime(); treeTime[0]+=(tt2-tt); tt = tt2; // 0
mergeLog(">>> Merge: "+getTime()+" step 1");
// step 1 - perform additions and deletions
Object.keys(parentMap).forEach(x => {
var intersect = (containsId(hashA,x) &&
containsId(hashB,x) && containsId(hashO,x));
!(((containsId(hashA,x) || containsId(hashB,x)) &&
!(containsId(hashO,x))) || intersect)
) {
delete parentMap[x];
} else if(!intersect) {
added[x] = true;
var tt2 = getTime(); treeTime[1]+=(tt2-tt); tt = tt2; // 1
//if(!noprint) console.log("added: "+Object.keys(added));
mergeLog(">>> Merge: "+getTime()+" step 2");
function applyChanges(f) {
Object.keys(parentMap).forEach(x => {
var pO = hashO[x];
var pA = hashA[x];
var pB = hashB[x];
f(x,parentMap,(pO ? pO.parent : undefined),(pA ? pA.parent : undefined),(pB ? pB.parent : undefined));
applyChanges((x,parentMap,pO,pA,pB) => { if(pA != pO) {/*console.log("locking: "+x);*/ parentTemp[x]=true;} parentMap[x]=pA });
applyChanges((x,parentMap,pO,pA,pB) => { if(pB != pA && !parentTemp[x]) parentMap[x]=pB });
var tt2 = getTime(); treeTime[2]+=(tt2-tt); tt = tt2; // 2
var roots = [];
var pk = Object.keys(parentMap)
pk.forEach(k => {
var src = parentMap[k];
var dst = k;
/*if(!succMap[src] && src) {
succMap[src] = {};
if(!succMap[dst] && dst) {
succMap[dst] = {};
if(src && dst) {
if(!succMap[src]) succMap[src] = {};
succMap[src][dst] = 1;
if(!src) roots.push(dst);
// TODO - get rid of:
//console.log("--- item="+k+", parent="+parentMap[k])
var tt2 = getTime(); treeTime[3]+=(tt2-tt); tt = tt2; // 3
var table : { [s : string] : number } = {};
var conn = stronglyConnectedComponents(succMap, pk, table);
succMap = null;
var tt2 = getTime(); treeTime[4]+=(tt2-tt); tt = tt2; // 4
//mergeLog("strongly connected components: ");
//mergeLog("roots = "+roots.map(x => x+"("+table[x]+")").join(", "));
function processChildren(cl : string[], done : {[t:string] : boolean }) {
cl.forEach((x:string) => {
//mergeLog("processing: "+x);
var pA = hashA[x];
var childA = getNodeHash(getChildren(pA));
var childAll = Object.keys(childA);
//var childAll = Object.keys(succMap).map(k => succMap[x][k] ? k : undefined).filter(k => !!k);
//mergeLog(" childs: "+childAll.join(","));
//childAll.sort(); // TODO - get rid of
childAll.forEach(y => {
if(table[x] != table[y] && !done[table[y]]) {
if(parentMap[y]) parentMap[y] = x;
done[table[y]] = true;
processChildren(childAll, done);
var initDone : {[t:string] : boolean } = {};
conn.forEach(comp => {
comp.forEach(x => {
if(comp.length <= 1) initDone[table[x]] = true;
var tt2 = getTime(); treeTime[5]+=(tt2-tt); tt = tt2; // 5
processChildren(roots, initDone);
// step 2 - determine parents
/*Object.keys(parentMap).forEach(x => {
var temp;
containsId(hashO,x) && containsId(hashA,x) &&
) {
var p1 = hashO[x];
var p2 = hashA[x];
var p3 = hashB[x];
mergeLog(" check 1: ("+p1.parent+" = "+p2.parent+", "+p3.parent+")");
if(p1.parent==p2.parent) {
temp = p3;
} else {
temp = p2;
} else if(containsId(hashA,x)) {
mergeLog(" check 2:");
var p2 = hashA[x];
temp = p2;
} else { // containsId(hashB,x)
mergeLog(" check 3:");
var p3 = hashB[x];
temp = p3;
mergeLog("setting parent of "+x+" to "+temp.parent);
parentMap[x] = temp.parent;
var tt2 = getTime(); treeTime[6]+=(tt2-tt); tt = tt2; // 6
mergeLog(">>> Merge: "+getTime()+" step 3: "+Object.keys(parentMap).length);
// step 3 - determine ordering
var startX = getTime();
var childMap : { [s : string] : string[] } = {};
Object.keys(parentMap).forEach(x => {
var p = parentMap[x];
if(childMap[p]) {
if(childMap[p].indexOf(x) < 0) {
} else {
childMap[p] = [x];
var tt2 = getTime(); seqTime[0]+=(tt2-tt); tt = tt2; // 0
function addEdge(theX : string, theY : string, edgeMap : { [s : string] : {[t:string] : number } }, v : number = 1) {
if(!edgeMap[theY][theX]) {
edgeMap[theX][theY] = v;
Object.keys(childMap).forEach(px => {
var childs = childMap[px];
mergeLog(">>> processing children: "+px+": "+getTime());
// now we want to order "childs"
var addMap : { [s : string] : HashNode[] } = {};
var edgeMap : { [s : string] : {[t : string] : number} } = {};
initMatrix(edgeMap, childs);
if(oldSeqMerge) {
// part (a) - take the ones where A (left) disagrees
//if(ck.length > 2000) throw new Error("Too many children: "+ck.length) // TODO XXX - get rid of
mergeLog(">>> part A: "+childs.length);
childs.forEach(i => {
childs.forEach(j => {
if(i != j) {
var theX = i;
var theY = j;
if (
containsArrow(hashA, theX, theY) &&
!containsArrow(hashO, theX, theY)
!containsArrow(hashB, theY, theX)
) addEdge(theX, theY, edgeMap);
//if(theRes != temp) console.log(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> theRes != temp: ("+theRes+" != "+temp+"): "+msg);
mergeLog(">>> part C");
// part (c) - take the ones where B (right) disagrees
childs.forEach(i => {
childs.forEach(j => {
if(i != j) {
var theX = i;
var theY = j;
containsArrow(hashB, theX, theY) &&
containsArrow(hashO, theY, theX) &&
containsArrow(hashA, theY, theX)
) {
addEdge(theX, theY, edgeMap);
containsArrow(hashB, theX, theY) &&
containsArrow(hashO, theY, theX) &&
containsArrow(hashA, theY, theX)
) ||
!containsArrow(hashO, theY, theX) &&
!containsArrow(hashA, theY, theX)
) {
addEdge(theX, theY, edgeMap);
mergeLog(">>> part E");
// part (e) - add edges from A to B where ordering is unknown
childs.forEach(i => {
childs.forEach(j => {
if(i != j) {
var theX = i;
var theY = j;
containsId(hashA, theX) &&
!containsId(hashB, theX)
) &&
containsId(hashB, theY) &&
!containsId(hashA, theY)
) {
addEdge(theX, theY, edgeMap);
} else {
// part (a) - take the ones where A (left) disagrees
var imStart = getTime();
// slow
var sla = childs.reduce((acc:HashNode[],x:string) => {
var y = hashA[x];
if(y) {
y.used = false;
return acc;
}, []).sort((x,y) => x.order < y.order ? -1 : 1) //.map(x => x.name)
var slb = childs.reduce((acc:HashNode[],x:string) => {
var y = hashB[x];
if(y) {
y.used = false;
return acc
}, []).sort((x,y) => x.order < y.order ? -1 : 1) //.map(x => x.name)
/*var sla2 = la.filter(x => !!edgeMap[x])
var slb2 = lb.filter(x => !!edgeMap[x])
var theCheck = (sla2.toString() == sla.toString() && slb2.toString() == slb.toString());
if(!theCheck) {
console.log("sla = "+sla+"\nsla2 = "+sla2);
console.log("slb = "+slb+"\nslb2 = "+slb2);
var imEnd = getTime();
imTime += (imEnd-imStart);
var tt2 = getTime(); seqTime[1]+=(tt2-tt); tt = tt2; // 1
sla.reduce((prevs:HashNode[],curr:HashNode) => {
if(added[curr ? curr.name : undefined]) {
prevs.forEach((prev:HashNode) => {
if(!addMap[prev ? prev.name : undefined]) addMap[prev ? prev.name : undefined] = [];
addMap[prev ? prev.name : undefined].unshift(curr);
return prevs;
}, [undefined]);
slb.reduce((prevs:HashNode[],curr:HashNode) => {
if(added[curr ? curr.name : undefined]) {
prevs.forEach((prev:HashNode) => {
if(!addMap[prev ? prev.name : undefined]) addMap[prev ? prev.name : undefined] = [];
addMap[prev ? prev.name : undefined].unshift(curr);
return prevs;
}, [undefined]);
childs = childs.filter(x => !added[x]);
var tt2 = getTime(); seqTime[2]+=(tt2-tt); tt = tt2; // 2
mergeLog(">>> part A: "+childs.length);
childs.forEach(i => {
childs.forEach(j => {
if(i != j) {
var theX = i;
var theY = j;
if (
containsArrow(hashA, theX, theY) &&
!containsArrow(hashO, theX, theY)
!containsArrow(hashB, theY, theX)
) addEdge(theX, theY, edgeMap, 1);
//if(theRes != temp) console.log(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> theRes != temp: ("+theRes+" != "+temp+"): "+msg);
var tt2 = getTime(); seqTime[3]+=(tt2-tt); tt = tt2; // 3
mergeLog(">>> part B");
// part (c) - take the ones where B (right) disagrees
childs.forEach(i => {
childs.forEach(j => {
if(i != j) {
var theX = i;
var theY = j;
containsArrow(hashB, theX, theY) &&
containsArrow(hashO, theY, theX) &&
containsArrow(hashA, theY, theX)
) {
addEdge(theX, theY, edgeMap, 2);
var tt2 = getTime(); seqTime[4]+=(tt2-tt); tt = tt2; // 4
mergeLog(">>> SCC: "+childs.length);
var nums : { [s : string] : number} = {};
var comps = stronglyConnectedComponents(edgeMap, childs, nums, (childs.length > 100));
var tt2 = getTime(); seqTime[5]+=(tt2-tt); tt = tt2; // 5
mergeLog(">>> comps");
// delete all B edges which are in a non-trivial strongly-connected component,
// replacing them with opposing A edges
comps.forEach(comp => {
if(comp.length <= 1) return; // ignore
comp.forEach(x => {
comp.forEach(y => {
if(edgeMap[x][y] >= 2) {
edgeMap[x][y] = 0
edgeMap[y][x] = 1
var tt2 = getTime(); seqTime[6]+=(tt2-tt); tt = tt2; // 6
mergeLog(">>> sorting");
childs.sort((a,b) => {
if(true || oldSeqMerge) { // TODO XXX - remove
if(edgeMap[a][b] > 0) {
return -1;
} else if(edgeMap[b][a] > 0) {
return 1;
} else {
throw "merge exception: ("+a+", "+b+") not ordered";
edgeMap = null;
var tt2 = getTime(); seqTime[7]+=(tt2-tt); tt = tt2; // 7
function pop(answer : string[]) {
//if(!first && !init) return answer;
if(childs.length == 0) return answer;
var first = childs.pop();
var a = addMap[first];
if(a) {
// NOTE - var "a" is in backwards order, i.e. the last element should appear
// first in the result
a.forEach(x => {
if(x && !x.used) {
x.used = true;
//childs = a.concat(childs);
if(first) answer.unshift(first);
return pop(answer);
if(!oldSeqMerge) {
childs = pop([]);
childMap[px] = childs;
sla.forEach(x => x.used = false);
slb.forEach(x => x.used = false);
addMap = null;
var tt2 = getTime(); seqTime[8]+=(tt2-tt); tt = tt2; // 8
var endX = getTime();
//seqTime += (endX-startX);
var theTemp : string = undefined;
delete childMap[theTemp];
Object.keys(childMap).forEach(x => {
var childs = childMap[x];
var s = "";
if(x == getStableName(o)) {
s = "<<ROOT>>";
mergeLog(">>> Merge: parent="+x+", child="+childs.join(", ")+" | "+s);
// TODO - childMap can now be used directly
// to produce the new merged AST
var end1 = getTime();
mergeLog(">>> Merge: "+getTime()+" doing node-level merge...");
//var rtemp = o; // TODO - see the above note
var rtemp = merge3node(
new HashNode(undefined, getStableName(o), [], o),
new HashNode(undefined, getStableName(a), [], a),
new HashNode(undefined, getStableName(b), [], b),
var end = getTime();
if (datacollector) {
var mergedata = <IMergeData> {};
mergedata.totaltime = (end - start);
mergedata.nodeleveltime = (end - end1);
mergedata.seqtime = seqTime;
mergedata.treetime = treeTime;
mergedata.scctime = sccTime;
mergedata.numchecks = numChecks;
mergedata.deviceinfo = Browser.platformCaps;
mergedata.releaseid = Cloud.currentReleaseId;
// TODO XXX - print this?
//mergeLog(">>> Merge: " + getTime() + " >>> TOTAL TIME: " + mergedata.totaltime + ", NODE-LEVEL TIME: " + mergedata.nodeleveltime + ", seqTime =" + seqTime + " (" + seqTime + "), treeTime = " + treeTime + ", sccTime = " + sccTime + ", numChecks = " + numChecks);
return rtemp;
export interface IMergeData {
totaltime: number;
nodeleveltime: number;
seqtime: number[];
treetime: number[];
scctime: number;
numchecks: number;
deviceinfo: string[];
releaseid: string;
export var theO = undefined;
export var theA = undefined;
export var theB = undefined;
export var theM = undefined;
function getApp(text:string) {
var app = (<any>TDev).AST.Parser.parseScript(text);
var v = new TDev.AST.InitIdVisitor(false);
return app;
export function testMerge(idO="yqum", idA="yqum", idB="xspn") {
(<any>TDev).ScriptCache.getScriptAsync(idO).then(textO =>
(<any>TDev).ScriptCache.getScriptAsync(idA).then(textA =>
(<any>TDev).ScriptCache.getScriptAsync(idB).then(textB => {
var table = {};
[[idO,textO],[idA,textA],[idB,textB]].forEach(x => {
if(!table[x[0]]) {
table[x[0]] = getApp(x[1])
function doMerge(idO:string, idA:string, idB:string, compareTo:string) {
theO = table[idO];
theA = table[idA];
theB = table[idB];
var m = (<any>TDev).AST.Merge.merge3(theO,theA,theB);
theM = m;
var success = false;
var str = "merge("+idO+","+idA+","+idB+")";
if(table[compareTo] && m.serialize().replace(/\s*/g,"") != table[compareTo].serialize().replace(/\s*/g,"")) {
str += (" =/= ");
m.things.forEach((th,i) => {
if(m.things[i].serialize().replace(/\s*/g,"") != table[compareTo].things[i].serialize().replace(/\s*/g,"")) {
console.log("unequal: "+i);
} else {
success = true;
str += (" = ");
console.log(str+""+compareTo+(!success ? " ((FAIL!))" : " (success)"));
console.log("testing merge(x,x,x)");
console.log("testing merge(x,y,x)");
console.log("testing merge(x,x,y)");
export function basicTest(o:string, a:string, b:string) {
if(!o) {
o =
"meta version \"v2.2,js,ctx,refs,localcloud,unicodemodel,allasync\";\n"+
"meta name \"awe-inspiring script\";\n"+
"meta rootId \"nLWNALhDdDnO6mTvydoNe8aI\";\n"+
"meta allowExport \"yes\";\n"+
"meta platform \"current\";\n"+
"meta parentIds \"\";\n"+
"action main() {\n"+
" #x1QgKIXXV6P3GL4v $x1 := 1;\n"+
" #nrxemFg0cPs5bQh7 $x2 := 12;\n"+
"action main2() {\n"+
" #x1QgKIXXV6P3GL4v1 $x1 := 1;\n"+
" #nrxemFg0cPs5bQh72 $x2 := 12;\n"+
" #rpYjyryilrIApEv14 $x4 := 123;\n"+
if(!a) {
a =
"meta version \"v2.2,js,ctx,refs,localcloud,unicodemodel,allasync\";\n"+
"meta name \"awe-inspiring script\";\n"+
"meta rootId \"nLWNALhDdDnO6mTvydoNe8aI\";\n"+
"meta allowExport \"yes\";\n"+
"meta platform \"current\";\n"+
"meta parentIds \"\";\n"+
"action main() {\n"+
" #nrxemFg0cPs5bQh7 $x2 := 12;\n"+
" #x1QgKIXXV6P3GL4v $x1 := 1;\n"+
"action main2() {\n"+
" #x1QgKIXXV6P3GL4v1 $x1 := 1;\n"+
" #nrxemFg0cPs5bQh72 $x2 := 12;\n"+
" #rpYjyryilrIApEv03 $x3 := 123;\n"+
if(!b) {
b =
"meta version \"v2.2,js,ctx,refs,localcloud,unicodemodel,allasync\";\n"+
"meta name \"awe-inspiring script\";\n"+
"meta rootId \"nLWNALhDdDnO6mTvydoNe8aI\";\n"+
"meta allowExport \"yes\";\n"+
"meta platform \"current\";\n"+
"meta parentIds \"\";\n"+
"action main() {\n"+
" #x1QgKIXXV6P3GL4v $x1 := 1;\n"+
" #nrxemFg0cPs5bQh7 $x2 := 12;\n"+
" #rpYjyryilrIApEv0 $x3 := 123;\n"+
" #rpYjyryilrIApEv1 $x4 := 123;\n"+
" #rpYjyryilrIApEv2 $x5 := 123;\n"+
" #rpYjyryilrIApEv3 $x6 := 123;\n"+
"action main2() {\n"+
" #nrxemFg0cPs5bQh72 $x2 := 12;\n"+
" #x1QgKIXXV6P3GL4v1 $x1 := 1;\n"+
theO = getApp(o);
theA = getApp(a);
theB = getApp(b);
var m = (<any>TDev).AST.Merge.merge3(theO,theA,theB);
theM = m;
class Normalizer
extends NodeVisitor
var newStmts = []
var lastPlace = false
b.stmts.forEach(s => {
if (s.isPlaceholder() && lastPlace) return
lastPlace = s.isPlaceholder()
b.stmts = newStmts
export function mergeScripts(baseText:string, ourText:string, otherText:string)
var prep = (s:string) => {
var app = Parser.parseScript(s, [])
TypeChecker.tcScript(app, true)
new InitIdVisitor(false).dispatch(app)
return app
var baseApp = prep(baseText)
var ourApp = prep(ourText)
var otherApp = prep(otherText)
var mergedApp = <App>Merge.merge3(baseApp, ourApp, otherApp)
mergedApp.parentIds = ourApp.parentIds.slice(0)
// new Normalizer().dispatch(mergedApp)
Diff.diffApps(ourApp, mergedApp, { useStableNames: false })
return mergedApp