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194 строки
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///<reference path='refs.ts'/>
module TDev {
export module Embedded {
import J = AST.Json
export class JsonAstVisitor<T, U> {
public visit(env: T, n: J.JNode): U {
switch (n.nodeType) {
case "numberLiteral":
return this.visitNumberLiteral(env, (<J.JNumberLiteral> n).value);
case "booleanLiteral":
return this.visitBooleanLiteral(env, (<J.JBooleanLiteral> n).value);
case "stringLiteral":
return this.visitStringLiteral(env, (<J.JStringLiteral> n).value);
case "operator":
return this.visitOperator(env, (<J.JOperator> n).op);
case "propertyRef":
var n9 = <J.JPropertyRef> n;
return this.visitPropertyRef(env, n9.name, <any> n9.parent);
case "call":
var n10 = <J.JCall> n;
return this.visitCall(env, n10.name, n10.args, n10.typeArgs, n10.parent, n10.callType);
case "singletonRef":
return this.visitSingletonRef(env, (<J.JSingletonRef> n).name);
case "globalDef":
var n13 = <J.JGlobalDef> n;
return this.visitGlobalDef(env, n13.name, n13.type, n13.comment);
case "localDef":
var n1 = <J.JLocalDef> n;
return this.visitLocalDef(env, n1.name, n1.id, n1.type, n1.isByRef);
case "localRef":
var n11 = <J.JLocalRef> n;
return this.visitLocalRef(env, n11.name, <any> n11.localId);
case "exprHolder":
var n16 = <J.JExprHolder> n;
return this.visitExprHolder(env, n16.locals, n16.tree, n16.tokens);
case "exprStmt":
var ex = <J.JExprStmt> n;
var tr = ex.expr.tree;
// I don't understand why we skip the JExprHolder node here. I
// assume that the JExprHolder node is useless in case the
// "expression" is a return node? Is that meant to signify that
// this is a hack to avoid adding new varieties of statements?
switch (tr.nodeType) {
case "show":
var nshow = <J.JShow> tr;
return this.visitShow(env, nshow.expr);
case "break":
return this.visitBreak(env);
case "continue":
return this.visitContinue(env);
case "return":
var nret = <J.JReturn> tr;
return this.visitReturn(env, nret.expr);
return this.visitExprStmt(env, ex.expr);
case "inlineActions":
var n8 = <J.JInlineActions> n;
return this.visitInlineActions(env, n8.expr, n8.actions);
case "while":
var n3 = <J.JWhile> n;
return this.visitWhile(env, n3.condition, n3.body);
case "for":
var n4 = <J.JFor> n;
return this.visitFor(env, n4.index, n4.bound, n4.body);
case "comment":
return this.visitComment(env, (<J.JComment> n).text);
case "if":
var n5 = <J.JIf> n;
return this.visitIf(env, n5.condition, n5.thenBody, n5.elseBody, n5.isElseIf);
case "inlineAction":
var n6 = <J.JInlineAction> n;
return this.visitInlineAction(env, n6.reference, n6.inParameters, n6.outParameters, n6.body);
case "action":
var n7 = <J.JAction> n;
return this.visitAction(env, n7.name, n7.id, n7.inParameters, n7.outParameters, n7.body, n7.isPrivate);
case "app":
return this.visitApp(env, (<J.JApp> n).decls);
case "library":
return this.visitLibrary(env, (<J.JLibrary> n).scriptName);
case "art":
var n12 = <J.JArt> n;
return this.visitArt(env, n12.name, n12.type, n12.url, n12.comment);
case "data":
var n14 = <J.JData> n;
return this.visitData(env, n14.name, n14.type, n14.comment);
case "record":
var n15 = <J.JRecord> n;
return this.visitRecord(env, n15.name, n15.keys, n15.fields, n15.isExported);
throw new Error("Unsupported node: "+n.nodeType);
public visitNumberLiteral(env: T, v: number): U { throw new Error("Not implemented"); }
public visitStringLiteral(env: T, v: string): U { throw new Error("Not implemented"); }
public visitBooleanLiteral(env: T, v: boolean): U { throw new Error("Not implemented"); }
public visitOperator(env: T, op: string): U { throw new Error("Not implemented"); }
public visitPropertyRef(
env: T,
name: string,
parent: string): U { throw new Error("Not implemented"); }
public visitCall(
env: T,
name: string,
args: J.JExpr[],
typeArgs: J.JTypeRef[],
parent: J.JTypeRef,
callType: string): U { throw new Error("Not implemented"); }
public visitSingletonRef(env: T, name: string): U { throw new Error("Not implemented"); }
public visitLocalDef(
env: T,
name: string,
id: string,
type: J.JTypeRef,
isByRef: boolean): U { throw new Error("Not implemented"); }
public visitLocalRef(env: T, name: string, id: string): U { throw new Error("Not implemented"); }
public visitExprHolder(
env: T,
locals: J.JLocalDef[],
expr: J.JExpr,
tokens: J.JToken[]): U { throw new Error("Not implemented"); }
public visitExprStmt(env: T, expr: J.JExpr): U { throw new Error("Not implemented"); }
public visitReturn(env: T, expr: J.JExpr): U { throw new Error("Not implemented"); }
public visitShow(env: T, expr: J.JExpr): U { throw new Error("Not implemented"); }
public visitBreak(env: T): U { throw new Error("Not implemented"); }
public visitContinue(env: T): U { throw new Error("Not implemented"); }
public visitInlineActions(
env: T,
expr: J.JExprHolder,
actions: J.JInlineAction[]): U { throw new Error("Not implemented"); }
public visitWhile(env: T, cond: J.JExprHolder, body: J.JStmt[]): U { throw new Error("Not implemented"); }
public visitFor(
env: T,
index: J.JLocalDef,
bound: J.JExprHolder,
body: J.JStmt[]): U { throw new Error("Not implemented"); }
public visitComment(env: T, c: string): U { throw new Error("Not implemented"); }
public visitIf(
env: T,
cond: J.JExprHolder,
thenBranch: J.JStmt[],
elseBranch: J.JStmt[],
isElseIf: boolean): U { throw new Error("Not implemented"); }
public visitInlineAction(env: T,
reference: J.JLocalDef,
inParams: J.JLocalDef[],
outParams: J.JLocalDef[],
body: J.JStmt[]): U { throw new Error("Not implemented"); }
public visitAction(
env: T,
name: string,
id: string,
inParams: J.JLocalDef[],
outParams: J.JLocalDef[],
body: J.JStmt[],
isPrivate: boolean): U { return this.visitDecl(env, name); }
public visitApp(env: T, decls: J.JDecl[]): U { throw new Error("Not implemented"); }
public visitLibrary(env: T, name: string): U { return this.visitDecl(env, name); }
public visitArt(
env: T,
name: string,
type: J.JTypeRef,
url: string,
comment: string): U { return this.visitGlobalDef(env, name, type, comment); }
public visitData(
env: T,
name: string,
type: J.JTypeRef,
comment: string): U { return this.visitGlobalDef(env, name, type, comment); }
public visitGlobalDef(
env: T,
name: string,
type: J.JTypeRef,
comment: string): U { return this.visitDecl(env, name); }
public visitRecord(
env: T,
name: string,
keys: J.JRecordKey[],
fields: J.JRecordField[],
isExported: boolean): U { return this.visitDecl(env, name); }
public visitDecl(
env: T,
name: string): U { throw new Error("Not implemented"); }
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