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// The current version of this file can be retrieved by:
// GET /api/language/webast
module TDev.AST.Json
// This module describes an AST for TouchDevelop scripts. The documentation
// is severely lacking, so the best way to figure things out is to write a
// TouchDevelop script, and type (in the console):
// "TDev.AST.Json.dump(TDev.Script)"
// which will dump the currently-edited script in this representation. The
// converse operation is:
// "TDev.AST.Json.serialize(yourJsonAst)"
// Beware: the composition of these two operations is *not* the
// identity. In particular, [dump] will resolve implicit optional arguments,
// while [serialize] expects them to be left out.
// These two interfaces are never used. Actually, whenever a field has type
// [JNodeRef], this is a lie, and its type is [string].
export interface JNodeRef { dummyNodeRef: number; }
export interface JTypeRef { dummyTypeRef: number; }
// the JTypeRef may be either a simple string, or if it starts with '{',
// it is JSON-encoded and conforms to one of these interfaces or is just a string (API type)
export interface JGenericTypeInstance extends JTypeRef {
g: string;
a?: JTypeRef[];
export interface JUserType extends JTypeRef {
o: string;
export interface JLibraryType extends JUserType {
l: JNodeRef;
/*abstract*/ export interface JNode
nodeType:string; // name of interface without leading J and with lower-case first letter
id:string; // do not depend on the particular format of these strings
/*abstract*/ export interface JDecl extends JNode
name: string;
/*abstract*/ export interface JToken extends JNode { }
/*abstract*/ export interface JExpr extends JToken { }
// This corresponds to the [operator] syntactic class defined in the
// OOPSLA'15 submission. When adopting the "hybrid AST" point of view,
// an expression is decomposed as a series of tokens. The [JOperator]
// interface covers operators (assignment, comparison, boolean and
// arithmetic operators), but also *digits*.
// For instance, "1 + 10 = 11" will generate:
// [JOperator 1; JOperator +; JOperator 0; JOperator =; JOperator 1; JOperator 1]
export interface JOperator extends JToken { op:string; }
// A reference to a "property", i.e. something defined for an object of that
// type. There is no good way of figuring out what should the [parent] be
// when generating such properties; probably the best way is to dump a
// TouchDevelop AST.
export interface JPropertyRef extends JToken
parent: JTypeRef; // if used as token this is ignored when building
// if used as JCall it's needed for operators
declId?: JNodeRef; // filled when the property is user-defined
export interface JStringLiteral extends JExpr {
export interface JBooleanLiteral extends JExpr { value:boolean; }
// A number literal is only used when adopting the "tree" view for
// expressions (see comment on [JExprHolder]).
export interface JNumberLiteral extends JExpr {
// If parsing 'stringForm' yields 'value', 'stringForm' is used
// Otherwise stringified form of 'value' is used
// when building expressions of these three types you can provide localId/type or name;
// if you provide both, name is ignored
export interface JLocalRef extends JExpr
export interface JPlaceholder extends JExpr
// A singleton (probably) references one of the top-level categories such as
// libraries or data. When trying to call "♻ l → foo(x1, x2)", one may
// understand that the following call takes place:
// ♻ -> l -> foo(x1, x2)
// and the following AST is generated:
// JCall { name: foo, parent: l, args: [
// JCall { name: l, parent: ♻, args: [ JSingletonRef ♻ ] },
// x1,
// x2
// ]}
// this is surprising, because when calling "1 + 2", we generate a call that
// has two arguments only.
export interface JSingletonRef extends JExpr
// type is ignored when building
// It seems like TouchDevelop has an extra invariant that a [JCall] must
// *always* be wrapped in a [JExprHolder].
export interface JCall extends JPropertyRef, JExpr
// The field below allows to tell the difference between f->x (a
// reference to a field from a record, for which [isExtensionMethod] is
// false) and f->x() (a call to function x which takes f as a parameter,
// but that is represented as an "extension method")
isExtensionMethod: boolean;
// Expressions can be represented in two different manners.
// - The first one is as a series of tokens. This would correspond to the
// "hybrid AST" described in the OOPSLA'15 submission. In that
// representation, the [tree] field is null and the [tokens] field
// contains the list of tokens.
// - The second one is as an actual AST, with a proper tree structure. In
// that case, the [tokens] field is null and [tree] must contain a proper
// tree.
// TouchDevelop conflates variable binding and expressions. This means that
// every expression is flagged with the variables that are introduced at
// this stage. For instance, "var x = 1" will be translated as a
// [JExprHolder] where [locals] contains a [JLocalDef x], and either:
// - [tokens] is [JLocalRef x; JOperator :=; JOperator 1], or
// - [tree] is [JCall { name: ":=", parent: "Unknown", args: [JLocalRef x, JNumberLiteral 1] }]
// This is not the traditional notion of binding! The variable's scope is
// not limited to the tokens, but rather extends until the end of the parent
// block.
export interface JExprHolder extends JNode
// if tokens is unset, will try to use tree
locals:JLocalDef[]; // locals variables defined in this expression
/*abstract*/ export interface JStmt extends JNode
// this is available when using the short form
locals?: JLocalDef[];
export interface JComment extends JStmt { text: string; }
export interface JFor extends JStmt
export interface JForeach extends JStmt
/*abstract*/ export interface JCondition extends JNode {
// this is available when using the short form
locals?: JLocalDef[];
export interface JWhere extends JCondition { condition: JExprHolder; }
export interface JWhile extends JStmt
// Sequences of if / else if / else statements are not represented the usual
// way. That is, instead of having a structured AST:
// if
// |- condition1
// |- then-branch1 = ...
// |- else-branch = if
// |- condition2
// |- then-branch2
// |- else-branch2
// the TouchDevelop AST adopts the following (unusual) representation.
// if
// |- condition1
// |- then-branch1 = ...
// |- else-branch = null
// if
// |- condition2
// |- then-branch2
// |- else-branch2
// |- isElseIf = true
// This is NOT equivalent to the representation above (condition2 may
// subsume condition1), so the extra flag "isElseIf" is set and (I suppose)
// gets some special treatment when it comes to running / compiling the
// program.
export interface JIf extends JStmt
export interface JBoxed extends JStmt { body:JStmt[]; }
export interface JExprStmt extends JStmt { expr:JExprHolder; }
export interface JInlineActions extends JExprStmt { actions:JInlineAction[]; }
export interface JInlineAction extends JNode
locals?:JLocalDef[]; // this contains the reference in short mode; it never contains anything else
export interface JOptionalParameter extends JNode
/*abstract*/ export interface JActionBase extends JDecl
// note that events should be always treated as private, but for historical reasons this field can be true or false
isOffline: boolean;
isQuery: boolean;
isTest: boolean;
description: string;
export interface JActionType extends JActionBase
export interface JAction extends JActionBase { body: JStmt[]; }
export interface JPage extends JActionBase
export interface JEvent extends JActionBase
// when building provide name or both eventName and eventVariableId (which take precedence over name)
export interface JLibAction extends JActionBase
parentLibId:JNodeRef; // this can be empty - it means "current script"
export interface JLibAbstractType extends JDecl
export interface JLibActionType extends JActionBase
/*abstract*/ export interface JGlobalDef extends JDecl
export interface JArt extends JGlobalDef {
url: string;
// If it's a string art, contains its value.
value: string;
export interface JData extends JGlobalDef { }
export interface JLibrary extends JDecl
libIdentifier: string;
libIsPublished: boolean;
scriptName: string; // name of the script to which the library resolves
exportedTypes: string; // space separated; obsolete, use exportedTypeDefs
exportedTypeDefs: JDecl[]; // JLibAbstractType or JLibActionType
exportedActions: JLibAction[];
resolveClauses: JResolveClause[];
/*abstract*/ export interface JBinding extends JNode
name:string; // name of the formal argument
isExplicit:boolean; // was it explicitly specified by the user
// implicit bindings are ignored when building expressions
export interface JTypeBinding extends JBinding { type:JTypeRef; }
export interface JActionBinding extends JBinding { actionId:JNodeRef; }
export interface JResolveClause extends JNode
// points to a JLibrary (not publish-id);
// it may be null for binding to the current script
withTypes: JTypeBinding[];
withActions: JActionBinding[];
export interface JRecord extends JDecl
comment: string;
category: string; // "object", "table", "index", or "decorator"
isCloudEnabled: boolean;
isCloudPartiallyEnabled: boolean;
isPersistent: boolean;
isExported: boolean;
keys: JRecordKey[];
fields: JRecordField[];
export interface JRecordField extends JNode
export interface JRecordKey extends JRecordField {}
// local variable or a parameter
export interface JLocalDef extends JNode
// Response to:
// GET /api/<script-id>/webast
export interface JApp extends JNode
// both versions are comma-separated list of tokens/features
textVersion: string;
jsonVersion: string;
name: string;
comment: string;
// The name and icon are only given here if they are explicitly specified by the user.
icon?: string; // name of the icon, e.g., "Bolt"
color?: string; // e.g., #ff00ff
// These two are always present. They are ignored when building new scripts.
platform: string; // comma-separated
isLibrary: boolean;
allowExport: boolean;
showAd: boolean;
hasIds: boolean; // does it have stable, persistent ids for every stmt
rootId: string;
decls: JDecl[];
deletedDecls: JDecl[]; // these are present when a node was deleted but is still referenced from somewhere
libraryName?: string; // when used in reflection info
libraryId?: string; // when used in reflection info
// API description
export interface JPropertyParameter
name: string;
type: JTypeRef;
writesMutable?: boolean; // are fields of the object referenced by this paramter being written to
readsMutable?: boolean; // .... read from
defaultValue?: JToken[];
stringValues?: string[]; // these show up in intelli buttons; they are usually all allowed values for a parameter
export interface JProperty
name: string;
help: string;
usage_count: number; // this is used for syntax autocompletion priority
runOnInvalid?: boolean; // should the property by run even if one of the arguments is 'invalid'
isHidden?: boolean; // doesn't show in autocompletion
isAsync?: boolean;
isObsolete?: boolean; // generates a warning
isDbgOnly?: boolean; // an experimental feature; not visible in regular builds
isBetaOnly?: boolean; // a feature in testing; visible in /app/beta
jsName: string; // how is the property refered to from JavaScript
infixPriority?: number; // when present, this is an infix operator with given priority
// higher number is higher priority; even assosiates left, odd - right
pausesInterpreter?: boolean; // is this a potentially-async operation
usesStackFrame?: boolean; // is the implementation passed IStackFrame object
missingWeb?: boolean; // is the implementation missing from the general web version
missingWab?: boolean; // .... from web version running with WebAppBooster
capabilities?: string; // comma-separated list of required platform capabilities (if any)
result: JPropertyParameter;
parameters: JPropertyParameter[];
export interface JTypeDef
name: string;
help: string;
icon: string; // a name of the icon representing this type
isAction?: boolean; // is it a function type; look for 'run' property for the signature
isData: boolean; // false for singleton types
stemName: string; // used when auto-naming variables of this type
jsName: string; // how is the type refered to from JavaScript
isDbgOnly?: boolean; // an experimental feature; not visible in regular builds
isBetaOnly?: boolean; // a feature in testing; visible in /app/beta
isSerializable: boolean; // do we support automatic serialization of this type
isBuiltin?: boolean; // true for number, boolean, string; the JS calling convention is different for these
ctxLocal?: boolean; // can it be used as local variable
ctxGlobal?: boolean; // .... as global variable
ctxField?: boolean; // .... as field of a record
ctxLocalKey?: boolean; // .... as key in a local index
ctxGcKey?: boolean; // can it have decorators
ctxCloudKey?: boolean;
ctxRowKey?: boolean;
ctxCloudField?: boolean;
ctxWallTap?: boolean; // do global variables of this type get 'wall tap' events
ctxEnumerable?: boolean; // can it be used with foreach construct
ctxJson?: boolean; // can it be json exported/imported
properties: JProperty[];
// GET /api/language/apis
export interface JApis
jsonVersion: string;
The short format
The main difference between the full JSON format and the short JSON format is
representation of `JExprHolder` nodes. Whenever the full JSON format says node
`JBar` has a field `foo` of type `JExprHolder`, then in the short format `JBar`
has a field `foo` of type `string` and a field `locals` of type `JLocalDef[]`.
Additionally, the fields `index` in `JFor` and `iterator` in `JForeach` are
absent, and the loop-bound variable is instead stored as the first element of
The string placed instead of the `JExprHolder` node can be turned into sequence
of tokens using the following function:
export function shortToTokens(shortForm:string)
function uq(s:string) {
var r = ""
for (var i = 0; i < s.length; ++i) {
var c = s.charAt(i);
if (c == "_") {
r += " ";
} else if (c == "/") {
r += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(s.slice(i + 1, i + 5), 16))
i += 4
} else {
r += c;
return r;
function oneToken(s:string) {
var v = s.slice(1)
switch (s[0]) {
case ",": return { nodeType: "operator", op: v }
case "#": return { nodeType: "propertyRef", declId: v }
case ".": return { nodeType: "propertyRef", name: uq(v) }
case "'": return { nodeType: "stringLiteral", value: uq(v) }
case "F":
case "T": return { nodeType: "booleanLiteral", value: (s[0] == "T") }
case "$": return { nodeType: "localRef", localId: v }
case ":": return { nodeType: "singletonRef", name: uq(v) }
case "?":
var cln = v.indexOf(':')
if (cln > 0)
return { nodeType: "placeholder", type: uq(v.slice(0, cln)), name: uq(v.slice(cln + 1)) }
return { nodeType: "placeholder", type: uq(v) }
throw new Error("wrong short form: " + s)
if (!shortForm) return []; // handles "" and null; the code below is incorrect for ""
return shortForm.split(" ").map(oneToken)
In other words, it's space separated sequence of strings, where the first
character denotes the kind of token and remaining characters are the payload.
The string is quoted by replacing spaces with underscores and all other
non-alphanumeric characters with unicode sequences preceeded by a slash (not
backslash to avoid double quoting in JSON).
Short diff format
Every object node in the short JSON format has a field named `id`. This is used
when formulating diffs. The diff is set of updates to nodes of given ids. For
every id there is a set of `fieldName`, `value` pairs.
For example consider:
A = {
"id": "01",
"one": "one",
"two": 2,
"baz": [
{ "id": "02", "enabled": true },
{ "id": "03", "x": 0 }
B = {
"id": "01",
"one": "seven",
"two": 2,
"baz": [
{ "id": "02", "enabled": true },
{ "id": "05", "y": 7, "z": 13 }
diff(A, B) = {
// new node, assignment given for all fields
"05": { "y": 7, "z": 13 },
// updated node
"01": {
"one": "seven", // the field "one" is now "seven"
// the field "two" is not mentioned and thus unchanged
// the field "baz" now contains two nodes, ids of which are given
"baz": [ "02", "05" ]
// the node "03" is deleted
"03": null
The JSON diff relies on the following properties of the short JSON format:
Fields of JNodes always contain either:
1. a JSON primitive value (string, boolean, integer, null), or
2. a sequence of JNodes
Every JNode has a unique 'id' field.
This is why JFor.bound and JForeach.collection fields are missing. In the diff
format sequence of strings is always treated as a sequence of node ids.
The following function can be used to apply JSON diff:
function indexIds(obj:any)
var oldById:any = {}
function findIds(o:any) {
if (!o) return;
if (Array.isArray(o)) {
for (var i = 0; i < o.length; ++i)
} else if (typeof o === "object") {
if (! Util.oops("no id for " + JSON.stringify(o))
if (oldById.hasOwnProperty( Util.oops("duplicate id " +
oldById[] = o
var k = Object.keys(o)
for (var i = 0; i < k.length; ++i)
return oldById
export function applyJsonDiff(base:any, diff:any)
var byId = indexIds(base)
var k = Object.keys(diff)
for (var i = 0; i < k.length; ++i) {
var id = k[i]
var upd = diff[id]
if (upd === undefined) continue;
var trg = byId[id]
if (upd === null) {
if (!trg) Util.oops("apply diff: no target id " + id)
trg.__deleted = true;
if (!trg) {
byId[id] = trg = { id: id }
var kk = Object.keys(upd)
for (var j = 0; j < kk.length; ++j) {
var f = kk[j]
var v = upd[f]
if (Array.isArray(v) && typeof v[0] === "string")
v = => {
var r = byId[id]
if (!r) { r = byId[id] = { id: id } }
return r
Util.assert(f != "nodeType" || !trg[f])
trg[f] = v
var newIds = indexIds(base)
k = Object.keys(newIds)
for (var i = 0; i < k.length; ++i) {
var id = k[i]
if (newIds[k[i]].__deleted)
Util.oops("dangling id after diff " + id)