Support a 'recommended' completion entry (#20020)
* Support a 'recommended' completion entry * Code review * Restore duplicate comments
This commit is contained in:
@ -256,6 +256,7 @@ namespace ts {
return resolveName(location, escapeLeadingUnderscores(name), meaning, /*nameNotFoundMessage*/ undefined, /*nameArg*/ undefined, /*isUse*/ false);
getJsxNamespace: () => unescapeLeadingUnderscores(getJsxNamespace()),
const tupleTypes: GenericType[] = [];
@ -763,10 +764,6 @@ namespace ts {
return nodeLinks[nodeId] || (nodeLinks[nodeId] = { flags: 0 });
function getObjectFlags(type: Type): ObjectFlags {
return type.flags & TypeFlags.Object ? (<ObjectType>type).objectFlags : 0;
function isGlobalSourceFile(node: Node) {
return node.kind === SyntaxKind.SourceFile && !isExternalOrCommonJsModule(<SourceFile>node);
@ -10452,20 +10449,6 @@ namespace ts {
!hasBaseType(checkClass, getDeclaringClass(p)) : false) ? undefined : checkClass;
// Return true if the given type is the constructor type for an abstract class
function isAbstractConstructorType(type: Type) {
if (getObjectFlags(type) & ObjectFlags.Anonymous) {
const symbol = type.symbol;
if (symbol && symbol.flags & SymbolFlags.Class) {
const declaration = getClassLikeDeclarationOfSymbol(symbol);
if (declaration && hasModifier(declaration, ModifierFlags.Abstract)) {
return true;
return false;
// Return true if the given type is deeply nested. We consider this to be the case when structural type comparisons
// for 5 or more occurrences or instantiations of the type have been recorded on the given stack. It is possible,
// though highly unlikely, for this test to be true in a situation where a chain of instantiations is not infinitely
@ -13767,7 +13750,7 @@ namespace ts {
// the contextual type of an initializer expression is the type annotation of the containing declaration, if present.
function getContextualTypeForInitializerExpression(node: Expression): Type {
const declaration = <VariableLikeDeclaration>node.parent;
if (node === declaration.initializer) {
if (node === declaration.initializer || node.kind === SyntaxKind.EqualsToken) {
const typeNode = getEffectiveTypeAnnotationNode(declaration);
if (typeNode) {
return getTypeFromTypeNode(typeNode);
@ -13899,6 +13882,12 @@ namespace ts {
case SyntaxKind.AmpersandAmpersandToken:
case SyntaxKind.CommaToken:
return node === right ? getContextualType(binaryExpression) : undefined;
case SyntaxKind.EqualsEqualsEqualsToken:
case SyntaxKind.EqualsEqualsToken:
case SyntaxKind.ExclamationEqualsEqualsToken:
case SyntaxKind.ExclamationEqualsToken:
// For completions after `x === `
return node === operatorToken ? getTypeOfExpression(binaryExpression.left) : undefined;
return undefined;
@ -14114,9 +14103,13 @@ namespace ts {
return getContextualTypeForReturnExpression(node);
case SyntaxKind.YieldExpression:
return getContextualTypeForYieldOperand(<YieldExpression>parent);
case SyntaxKind.CallExpression:
case SyntaxKind.NewExpression:
return getContextualTypeForArgument(<CallExpression>parent, node);
if (node.kind === SyntaxKind.NewKeyword) { // for completions after `new `
return getContextualType(parent as NewExpression);
// falls through
case SyntaxKind.CallExpression:
return getContextualTypeForArgument(<CallExpression | NewExpression>parent, node);
case SyntaxKind.TypeAssertionExpression:
case SyntaxKind.AsExpression:
return getTypeFromTypeNode((<AssertionExpression>parent).type);
@ -14150,6 +14143,12 @@ namespace ts {
case SyntaxKind.JsxOpeningElement:
case SyntaxKind.JsxSelfClosingElement:
return getAttributesTypeFromJsxOpeningLikeElement(<JsxOpeningLikeElement>parent);
case SyntaxKind.CaseClause: {
if (node.kind === SyntaxKind.CaseKeyword) { // for completions after `case `
const switchStatement = (parent as CaseClause).parent.parent;
return getTypeOfExpression(switchStatement.expression);
return undefined;
@ -22578,10 +22577,6 @@ namespace ts {
return getCheckFlags(s) & CheckFlags.Instantiated ? (<TransientSymbol>s).target : s;
function getClassLikeDeclarationOfSymbol(symbol: Symbol): Declaration {
return forEach(symbol.declarations, d => isClassLike(d) ? d : undefined);
function getClassOrInterfaceDeclarationsOfSymbol(symbol: Symbol) {
return filter(symbol.declarations, (d: Declaration): d is ClassDeclaration | InterfaceDeclaration =>
d.kind === SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration || d.kind === SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration);
@ -2818,6 +2818,17 @@ namespace ts {
/* @internal */ getAllPossiblePropertiesOfTypes(type: ReadonlyArray<Type>): Symbol[];
/* @internal */ resolveName(name: string, location: Node, meaning: SymbolFlags): Symbol | undefined;
/* @internal */ getJsxNamespace(): string;
* Note that this will return undefined in the following case:
* // a.ts
* export namespace N { export class C { } }
* // b.ts
* <<enclosingDeclaration>>
* Where `C` is the symbol we're looking for.
* This should be called in a loop climbing parents of the symbol, so we'll get `N`.
/* @internal */ getAccessibleSymbolChain(symbol: Symbol, enclosingDeclaration: Node | undefined, meaning: SymbolFlags, useOnlyExternalAliasing: boolean): Symbol[] | undefined;
export enum NodeBuilderFlags {
@ -465,7 +465,6 @@ namespace ts {
return isExternalModule(node) || compilerOptions.isolatedModules || ((getEmitModuleKind(compilerOptions) === ModuleKind.CommonJS) && !!node.commonJsModuleIndicator);
/* @internal */
export function isBlockScope(node: Node, parentNode: Node) {
switch (node.kind) {
case SyntaxKind.SourceFile:
@ -493,7 +492,6 @@ namespace ts {
return false;
/* @internal */
export function isDeclarationWithTypeParameters(node: Node): node is DeclarationWithTypeParameters;
export function isDeclarationWithTypeParameters(node: DeclarationWithTypeParameters): node is DeclarationWithTypeParameters {
switch (node.kind) {
@ -523,7 +521,6 @@ namespace ts {
/* @internal */
export function isAnyImportSyntax(node: Node): node is AnyImportSyntax {
switch (node.kind) {
case SyntaxKind.ImportDeclaration:
@ -1805,7 +1802,6 @@ namespace ts {
/* @internal */
// See GH#16030
export function isAnyDeclarationName(name: Node): boolean {
switch (name.kind) {
@ -3115,7 +3111,6 @@ namespace ts {
return flags;
/* @internal */
export function getModifierFlagsNoCache(node: Node): ModifierFlags {
let flags = ModifierFlags.None;
@ -3677,6 +3672,27 @@ namespace ts {
// Return true if the given type is the constructor type for an abstract class
export function isAbstractConstructorType(type: Type): boolean {
return !!(getObjectFlags(type) & ObjectFlags.Anonymous) && !!type.symbol && isAbstractConstructorSymbol(type.symbol);
export function isAbstractConstructorSymbol(symbol: Symbol): boolean {
if (symbol.flags & SymbolFlags.Class) {
const declaration = getClassLikeDeclarationOfSymbol(symbol);
return !!declaration && hasModifier(declaration, ModifierFlags.Abstract);
return false;
export function getClassLikeDeclarationOfSymbol(symbol: Symbol): Declaration | undefined {
return find(symbol.declarations, isClassLike);
export function getObjectFlags(type: Type): ObjectFlags {
return type.flags & TypeFlags.Object ? (<ObjectType>type).objectFlags : 0;
export function typeHasCallOrConstructSignatures(type: Type, checker: TypeChecker) {
return checker.getSignaturesOfType(type, SignatureKind.Call).length !== 0 || checker.getSignaturesOfType(type, SignatureKind.Construct).length !== 0;
@ -888,7 +888,7 @@ namespace FourSlash {
* @param expectedKind the kind of symbol (see ScriptElementKind)
* @param spanIndex the index of the range that the completion item's replacement text span should match
public verifyCompletionListDoesNotContain(entryId: ts.Completions.CompletionEntryIdentifier, expectedText?: string, expectedDocumentation?: string, expectedKind?: string, spanIndex?: number, options?: ts.GetCompletionsAtPositionOptions) {
public verifyCompletionListDoesNotContain(entryId: ts.Completions.CompletionEntryIdentifier, expectedText?: string, expectedDocumentation?: string, expectedKind?: string, spanIndex?: number, options?: FourSlashInterface.CompletionsAtOptions) {
let replacementSpan: ts.TextSpan;
if (spanIndex !== undefined) {
replacementSpan = this.getTextSpanForRangeAtIndex(spanIndex);
@ -1207,7 +1207,7 @@ Actual: ${stringify(fullActual)}`);
this.raiseError(`verifyReferencesAtPositionListContains failed - could not find the item: ${stringify(missingItem)} in the returned list: (${stringify(references)})`);
private getCompletionListAtCaret(options?: ts.GetCompletionsAtPositionOptions): ts.CompletionInfo {
private getCompletionListAtCaret(options?: FourSlashInterface.CompletionsAtOptions): ts.CompletionInfo {
return this.languageService.getCompletionsAtPosition(this.activeFile.fileName, this.currentCaretPosition, options);
@ -1721,7 +1721,7 @@ Actual: ${stringify(fullActual)}`);
const longestNameLength = max(entries, m =>;
const longestKindLength = max(entries, m => m.kind.length);
entries.sort((m, n) => m.sortText > n.sortText ? 1 : m.sortText < n.sortText ? -1 : > ? 1 : < ? -1 : 0);
const membersString = => `${pad(, longestNameLength)} ${pad(m.kind, longestKindLength)} ${m.kindModifiers} ${m.source === undefined ? "" : m.source}`).join("\n");
const membersString = => `${pad(, longestNameLength)} ${pad(m.kind, longestKindLength)} ${m.kindModifiers} ${m.isRecommended ? "recommended " : ""}${m.source === undefined ? "" : m.source}`).join("\n");
@ -3114,6 +3114,7 @@ Actual: ${stringify(fullActual)}`);
assert.equal(item.hasAction, hasAction);
assert.equal(item.isRecommended, options && options.isRecommended, "isRecommended");
private findFile(indexOrName: string | number) {
@ -4552,12 +4553,13 @@ namespace FourSlashInterface {
newContent: string;
export interface CompletionsAtOptions {
export interface CompletionsAtOptions extends ts.GetCompletionsAtPositionOptions {
isNewIdentifierLocation?: boolean;
export interface VerifyCompletionListContainsOptions extends ts.GetCompletionsAtPositionOptions {
sourceDisplay: string;
isRecommended?: true;
export interface NewContentOptions {
@ -180,14 +180,15 @@ namespace ts.server {
isGlobalCompletion: false,
isMemberCompletion: false,
isNewIdentifierLocation: false,
entries: => {
entries:<CompletionEntry>(entry => {
if (entry.replacementSpan !== undefined) {
const { name, kind, kindModifiers, sortText, replacementSpan } = entry;
return { name, kind, kindModifiers, sortText, replacementSpan: this.decodeSpan(replacementSpan, fileName) };
const { name, kind, kindModifiers, sortText, replacementSpan, hasAction, source, isRecommended } = entry;
// TODO: GH#241
const res: CompletionEntry = { name, kind, kindModifiers, sortText, replacementSpan: this.decodeSpan(replacementSpan, fileName), hasAction, source, isRecommended };
return res;
return entry as { name: string, kind: ScriptElementKind, kindModifiers: string, sortText: string };
return entry as { name: string, kind: ScriptElementKind, kindModifiers: string, sortText: string }; // TODO: GH#18217
@ -1701,8 +1701,9 @@ namespace ts.server.protocol {
sortText: string;
* An optional span that indicates the text to be replaced by this completion item. If present,
* this span should be used instead of the default one.
* An optional span that indicates the text to be replaced by this completion item.
* If present, this span should be used instead of the default one.
* It will be set if the required span differs from the one generated by the default replacement behavior.
replacementSpan?: TextSpan;
@ -1714,6 +1715,12 @@ namespace ts.server.protocol {
* Identifier (not necessarily human-readable) identifying where this completion came from.
source?: string;
* If true, this completion should be highlighted as recommended. There will only be one of these.
* This will be set when we know the user should write an expression with a certain type and that type is an enum or constructable class.
* Then either that enum/class or a namespace containing it will be the recommended symbol.
isRecommended?: true;
@ -1207,10 +1207,10 @@ namespace ts.server {
if (simplifiedResult) {
return mapDefined<CompletionEntry, protocol.CompletionEntry>(completions && completions.entries, entry => {
if (completions.isMemberCompletion || startsWith(, prefix.toLowerCase())) {
const { name, kind, kindModifiers, sortText, replacementSpan, hasAction, source } = entry;
const { name, kind, kindModifiers, sortText, replacementSpan, hasAction, source, isRecommended } = entry;
const convertedSpan = replacementSpan ? this.toLocationTextSpan(replacementSpan, scriptInfo) : undefined;
// Use `hasAction || undefined` to avoid serializing `false`.
return { name, kind, kindModifiers, sortText, replacementSpan: convertedSpan, hasAction: hasAction || undefined, source };
return { name, kind, kindModifiers, sortText, replacementSpan: convertedSpan, hasAction: hasAction || undefined, source, isRecommended };
}).sort((a, b) => compareStringsCaseSensitiveUI(,;
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ namespace ts.Completions {
return undefined;
const { symbols, isGlobalCompletion, isMemberCompletion, allowStringLiteral, isNewIdentifierLocation, location, request, keywordFilters, symbolToOriginInfoMap } = completionData;
const { symbols, isGlobalCompletion, isMemberCompletion, allowStringLiteral, isNewIdentifierLocation, location, request, keywordFilters, symbolToOriginInfoMap, recommendedCompletion } = completionData;
if (sourceFile.languageVariant === LanguageVariant.JSX &&
location && location.parent && location.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.JsxClosingElement) {
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ namespace ts.Completions {
const entries: CompletionEntry[] = [];
if (isSourceFileJavaScript(sourceFile)) {
const uniqueNames = getCompletionEntriesFromSymbols(symbols, entries, location, /*performCharacterChecks*/ true, typeChecker,, log, allowStringLiteral, symbolToOriginInfoMap);
const uniqueNames = getCompletionEntriesFromSymbols(symbols, entries, location, /*performCharacterChecks*/ true, typeChecker,, log, allowStringLiteral, recommendedCompletion, symbolToOriginInfoMap);
getJavaScriptCompletionEntries(sourceFile, location.pos, uniqueNames,, entries);
else {
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ namespace ts.Completions {
return undefined;
getCompletionEntriesFromSymbols(symbols, entries, location, /*performCharacterChecks*/ true, typeChecker,, log, allowStringLiteral, symbolToOriginInfoMap);
getCompletionEntriesFromSymbols(symbols, entries, location, /*performCharacterChecks*/ true, typeChecker,, log, allowStringLiteral, recommendedCompletion, symbolToOriginInfoMap);
// TODO add filter for keyword based on type/value/namespace and also location
@ -137,6 +137,7 @@ namespace ts.Completions {
target: ScriptTarget,
allowStringLiteral: boolean,
origin: SymbolOriginInfo | undefined,
recommendedCompletion: Symbol | undefined,
): CompletionEntry | undefined {
// Try to get a valid display name for this symbol, if we could not find one, then ignore it.
// We would like to only show things that can be added after a dot, so for instance numeric properties can
@ -160,10 +161,20 @@ namespace ts.Completions {
kindModifiers: SymbolDisplay.getSymbolModifiers(symbol),
sortText: "0",
source: getSourceFromOrigin(origin),
hasAction: origin === undefined ? undefined : true,
hasAction: trueOrUndefined(origin !== undefined),
isRecommended: trueOrUndefined(isRecommendedCompletionMatch(symbol, recommendedCompletion, typeChecker)),
function isRecommendedCompletionMatch(localSymbol: Symbol, recommendedCompletion: Symbol, checker: TypeChecker): boolean {
return localSymbol === recommendedCompletion ||
!!(localSymbol.flags & SymbolFlags.ExportValue) && checker.getExportSymbolOfSymbol(localSymbol) === recommendedCompletion;
function trueOrUndefined(b: boolean): true | undefined {
return b ? true : undefined;
function getSourceFromOrigin(origin: SymbolOriginInfo | undefined): string | undefined {
return origin && stripQuotes(;
@ -177,6 +188,7 @@ namespace ts.Completions {
target: ScriptTarget,
log: Log,
allowStringLiteral: boolean,
recommendedCompletion?: Symbol,
symbolToOriginInfoMap?: SymbolOriginInfoMap,
): Map<true> {
const start = timestamp();
@ -188,7 +200,7 @@ namespace ts.Completions {
if (symbols) {
for (const symbol of symbols) {
const origin = symbolToOriginInfoMap ? symbolToOriginInfoMap[getSymbolId(symbol)] : undefined;
const entry = createCompletionEntry(symbol, location, performCharacterChecks, typeChecker, target, allowStringLiteral, origin);
const entry = createCompletionEntry(symbol, location, performCharacterChecks, typeChecker, target, allowStringLiteral, origin, recommendedCompletion);
if (!entry) {
@ -540,9 +552,29 @@ namespace ts.Completions {
request?: Request;
keywordFilters: KeywordCompletionFilters;
symbolToOriginInfoMap: SymbolOriginInfoMap;
recommendedCompletion: Symbol | undefined;
type Request = { kind: "JsDocTagName" } | { kind: "JsDocTag" } | { kind: "JsDocParameterName", tag: JSDocParameterTag };
function getRecommendedCompletion(currentToken: Node, checker: TypeChecker/*, symbolToOriginInfoMap: SymbolOriginInfoMap*/): Symbol | undefined {
const ty = checker.getContextualType(currentToken as Expression);
const symbol = ty && ty.symbol;
// Don't include make a recommended completion for an abstract class
return symbol && (symbol.flags & SymbolFlags.Enum || symbol.flags & SymbolFlags.Class && !isAbstractConstructorSymbol(symbol))
? getFirstSymbolInChain(symbol, currentToken, checker)
: undefined;
function getFirstSymbolInChain(symbol: Symbol, enclosingDeclaration: Node, checker: TypeChecker): Symbol | undefined {
const chain = checker.getAccessibleSymbolChain(symbol, enclosingDeclaration, /*meaning*/ SymbolFlags.All, /*useOnlyExternalAliasing*/ false);
if (chain) return first(chain);
return isModuleSymbol(symbol.parent) ? symbol : symbol.parent && getFirstSymbolInChain(symbol.parent, enclosingDeclaration, checker);
function isModuleSymbol(symbol: Symbol): boolean {
return symbol.declarations.some(d => d.kind === SyntaxKind.SourceFile);
function getCompletionData(
typeChecker: TypeChecker,
log: (message: string) => void,
@ -632,6 +664,7 @@ namespace ts.Completions {
keywordFilters: KeywordCompletionFilters.None,
symbolToOriginInfoMap: undefined,
recommendedCompletion: undefined,
@ -771,7 +804,8 @@ namespace ts.Completions {
log("getCompletionData: Semantic work: " + (timestamp() - semanticStart));
return { symbols, isGlobalCompletion, isMemberCompletion, allowStringLiteral, isNewIdentifierLocation, location, isRightOfDot: (isRightOfDot || isRightOfOpenTag), request, keywordFilters, symbolToOriginInfoMap };
const recommendedCompletion = getRecommendedCompletion(previousToken, typeChecker);
return { symbols, isGlobalCompletion, isMemberCompletion, allowStringLiteral, isNewIdentifierLocation, location, isRightOfDot: (isRightOfDot || isRightOfOpenTag), request, keywordFilters, symbolToOriginInfoMap, recommendedCompletion };
type JSDocTagWithTypeExpression = JSDocParameterTag | JSDocPropertyTag | JSDocReturnTag | JSDocTypeTag | JSDocTypedefTag;
@ -714,19 +714,21 @@ namespace ts {
entries: CompletionEntry[];
// see comments in protocol.ts
export interface CompletionEntry {
name: string;
kind: ScriptElementKind;
kindModifiers: string; // see ScriptElementKindModifier, comma separated
kindModifiers: string; // see ScriptElementKindModifier, comma separated
sortText: string;
* An optional span that indicates the text to be replaced by this completion item. It will be
* set if the required span differs from the one generated by the default replacement behavior and should
* be used in that case
* An optional span that indicates the text to be replaced by this completion item.
* If present, this span should be used instead of the default one.
* It will be set if the required span differs from the one generated by the default replacement behavior.
replacementSpan?: TextSpan;
hasAction?: true;
source?: string;
isRecommended?: true;
export interface CompletionEntryDetails {
@ -4342,13 +4342,14 @@ declare namespace ts {
kindModifiers: string;
sortText: string;
* An optional span that indicates the text to be replaced by this completion item. It will be
* set if the required span differs from the one generated by the default replacement behavior and should
* be used in that case
* An optional span that indicates the text to be replaced by this completion item.
* If present, this span should be used instead of the default one.
* It will be set if the required span differs from the one generated by the default replacement behavior.
replacementSpan?: TextSpan;
hasAction?: true;
source?: string;
isRecommended?: true;
interface CompletionEntryDetails {
name: string;
@ -6155,8 +6156,9 @@ declare namespace ts.server.protocol {
sortText: string;
* An optional span that indicates the text to be replaced by this completion item. If present,
* this span should be used instead of the default one.
* An optional span that indicates the text to be replaced by this completion item.
* If present, this span should be used instead of the default one.
* It will be set if the required span differs from the one generated by the default replacement behavior.
replacementSpan?: TextSpan;
@ -6168,6 +6170,12 @@ declare namespace ts.server.protocol {
* Identifier (not necessarily human-readable) identifying where this completion came from.
source?: string;
* If true, this completion should be highlighted as recommended. There will only be one of these.
* This will be set when we know the user should write an expression with a certain type and that type is an enum or constructable class.
* Then either that enum/class or a namespace containing it will be the recommended symbol.
isRecommended?: true;
* Additional completion entry details, available on demand
@ -4342,13 +4342,14 @@ declare namespace ts {
kindModifiers: string;
sortText: string;
* An optional span that indicates the text to be replaced by this completion item. It will be
* set if the required span differs from the one generated by the default replacement behavior and should
* be used in that case
* An optional span that indicates the text to be replaced by this completion item.
* If present, this span should be used instead of the default one.
* It will be set if the required span differs from the one generated by the default replacement behavior.
replacementSpan?: TextSpan;
hasAction?: true;
source?: string;
isRecommended?: true;
interface CompletionEntryDetails {
name: string;
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
/// <reference path="fourslash.ts" />
////enum E {}
////declare const e: E;
////e === /**/
verify.completionListContains("E", "enum E", "", "enum", undefined, undefined, { isRecommended: true });
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
/// <reference path="fourslash.ts" />
// @noLib: true
// @Filename: /a.ts
////export class C {}
////export function f(c: C) {}
// @Filename: /b.ts
////import { f } from "./a";
// Here we will recommend a new import of 'C'
////f(new /*b*/);
// @Filename: /c.ts
////import * as a from "./a";
// Here we will recommend 'a' because it contains 'C'.
////a.f(new /*c*/);
verify.completionListContains({ name: "C", source: "/a" }, "class C", "", "class", undefined, /*hasAction*/ true, {
includeExternalModuleExports: true,
isRecommended: true,
sourceDisplay: "./a",
verify.completionListContains("a", "import a", "", "alias", undefined, undefined, { isRecommended: true });
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
/// <reference path="fourslash.ts" />
////enum E {}
////class C {}
////abstract class A {}
////const e: E = /*e*/
////const c: C = new /*c*/
////const a: A = new /*a*/
verify.completionListContains("E", "enum E", "", "enum", undefined, undefined, { isRecommended: true });
verify.completionListContains("C", "class C", "", "class", undefined, undefined, { isRecommended: true });
// Not recommended, because it's an abstract class
verify.completionListContains("A", "class A", "", "class");
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
/// <reference path="fourslash.ts" />
// @noLib: true
// @Filename: /a.ts
////export namespace N {
//// export class C {}
////export function f(c: N.C) {}
////f(new /*a*/);
// @Filename: /b.ts
////import { f } from "./a";
// Here we will recommend a new import of 'N'
////f(new /*b*/);
// @Filename: /c.ts
////import * as a from "./a";
// Here we will recommend 'a' because it contains 'N' which contains 'C'.
////a.f(new /*c*/);
verify.completionListContains("N", "namespace N", "", "module", undefined, undefined, { isRecommended: true });
verify.completionListContains({ name: "N", source: "/a" }, "namespace N", "", "module", undefined, /*hasAction*/ true, {
includeExternalModuleExports: true,
isRecommended: true,
sourceDisplay: "./a",
verify.completionListContains("a", "import a", "", "alias", undefined, undefined, { isRecommended: true });
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
/// <reference path="fourslash.ts" />
////enum E {}
////declare const e: E;
////switch (e) {
//// case /**/
verify.completionListContains("E", "enum E", "", "enum", undefined, undefined, { isRecommended: true });
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ declare namespace FourSlashInterface {
kind?: string,
spanIndex?: number,
hasAction?: boolean,
options?: { includeExternalModuleExports?: boolean, sourceDisplay?: string },
options?: { includeExternalModuleExports?: boolean, sourceDisplay?: string, isRecommended?: true },
): void;
completionListItemsCountIsGreaterThan(count: number): void;
completionListIsEmpty(): void;
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