import { Octokit } from "@octokit/rest"; import assert from "assert"; import ado from "azure-devops-node-api"; import fetch from "node-fetch"; /** * @param {string} name */ function mustGetEnv(name) { const value = process.env[name]; assert(value, `No ${name} specified`); return value; } const REQUESTING_USER = mustGetEnv("REQUESTING_USER"); const SOURCE_ISSUE = +mustGetEnv("SOURCE_ISSUE"); const BUILD_BUILDID = +mustGetEnv("BUILD_BUILDID"); const DISTINCT_ID = mustGetEnv("DISTINCT_ID"); const STATUS_COMMENT = +mustGetEnv("STATUS_COMMENT"); const gh = new Octokit({ auth: process.argv[2], }); async function main() { // The pipelines API does _not_ make getting the direct URL to a specific file _within_ an artifact trivial const cli = new ado.WebApi("", ado.getHandlerFromToken("")); // Empty token, anon auth const build = await cli.getBuildApi(); const artifact = await build.getArtifact("typescript", BUILD_BUILDID, "tgz"); assert(artifact.resource?.url); const updatedUrl = new URL(artifact.resource.url); = `artifactName=tgz&fileId=${}&fileName=manifest`; const resp = await (await fetch(`${updatedUrl}`)).json(); const file = /** @type {any} */ (resp).items[0]; const tgzUrl = new URL(artifact.resource.url); = `artifactName=tgz&fileId=${}&fileName=${file.path}`; const link = "" + tgzUrl; // Please keep the strings "an installable tgz" and "packed" in this message, as well as the devDependencies section, // so that the playgrounds deployment process can find these comments. const comment = `Hey @${REQUESTING_USER}, I've packed this into [an installable tgz](${link}). You can install it for testing by referencing it in your \`package.json\` like so: \`\`\` { "devDependencies": { "typescript": "${link}" } } \`\`\` and then running \`npm install\`. `; // Temporarily disable until we get access controls set up right // Send a ping to await gh.request("POST /repos/microsoft/typescript-make-monaco-builds/dispatches", { event_type: `${SOURCE_ISSUE}`, headers: { Accept: "application/vnd.github.everest-preview+json" } }); return comment; } let newComment; let emoji; try { newComment = await main(); emoji = "✅"; } catch (e) { console.error(e); newComment = `Hey @${REQUESTING_USER}, something went wrong when looking for the build artifact. ([You can check the log here](${BUILD_BUILDID}&_a=summary)).`; emoji = "❌"; } const resultsComment = await gh.issues.createComment({ issue_number: SOURCE_ISSUE, owner: "microsoft", repo: "TypeScript", body: newComment, }); const toReplace = ``; let posted = false; for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { // Get status comment contents const statusComment = await{ comment_id: STATUS_COMMENT, owner: "microsoft", repo: "TypeScript", }); const oldComment =; if (!oldComment?.includes(toReplace)) { posted = true; break; } const newComment = oldComment.replace(toReplace, `[${emoji} Results](${})`); // Update status comment await{ comment_id: STATUS_COMMENT, owner: "microsoft", repo: "TypeScript", body: newComment, }); // Repeat; someone may have edited the comment at the same time. await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); } if (!posted) { throw new Error("Failed to update status comment"); }