
92 строки
3.2 KiB

import minimist from "minimist";
import os from "os";
const ci = ["1", "true"].includes(process.env.CI ?? "");
const parsed = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), {
boolean: ["dirty", "light", "colors", "lkg", "soft", "fix", "failed", "keepFailed", "force", "built", "ci", "bundle", "typecheck", "lint", "coverage"],
string: ["browser", "tests", "break", "host", "reporter", "stackTraceLimit", "timeout", "shards", "shardId"],
alias: {
b: "browser",
i: ["inspect", "inspect-brk", "break", "debug", "debug-brk"],
t: ["tests", "test"],
ru: ["runners", "runner"],
r: "reporter",
c: ["colors", "color"],
skippercent: "skipPercent",
w: "workers",
f: "fix",
default: {
soft: false,
colors: process.env.colors || process.env.color || true,
debug: process.env.debug || process.env["debug-brk"] || process.env.d,
inspect: process.env.inspect || process.env["inspect-brk"] || process.env.i,
host: process.env.TYPESCRIPT_HOST || process.env.host || "node",
browser: process.env.browser || process.env.b || (os.platform() === "win32" ? "edge" : "chrome"),
timeout: +(process.env.timeout ?? 0) || 40000,
tests: process.env.test || process.env.tests || process.env.t,
runners: process.env.runners || process.env.runner || process.env.ru,
light: process.env.light === undefined || process.env.light !== "false",
reporter: process.env.reporter || process.env.r,
fix: process.env.fix || process.env.f,
workers: +(process.env.workerCount ?? 0) || ((os.cpus().length - (ci ? 0 : 1)) || 1),
failed: false,
keepFailed: false,
lkg: false,
dirty: false,
built: false,
bundle: true,
typecheck: true,
lint: true,
coverage: false,
/** @type {CommandLineOptions} */
const options = /** @type {any} */ (parsed);
if (options.built && options.lkg) {
throw new Error("--built and --lkg are mutually exclusive");
if (!options.bundle && !options.typecheck) {
throw new Error("--no-typecheck cannot be passed when bundling is disabled");
export default options;
* @typedef CommandLineOptions
* @property {boolean} dirty
* @property {boolean} light
* @property {boolean} colors
* @property {boolean} lkg
* @property {boolean} built
* @property {boolean} soft
* @property {boolean} fix
* @property {string} browser
* @property {string} tests
* @property {boolean} skipSysTests
* @property {string | boolean} break
* @property {string | boolean} inspect
* @property {string} runners
* @property {number} workers
* @property {string} host
* @property {string} reporter
* @property {string} stackTraceLimit
* @property {number} timeout
* @property {boolean} failed
* @property {boolean} keepFailed
* @property {boolean} ci
* @property {string} shards
* @property {string} shardId
* @property {string} break
* @property {boolean} bundle
* @property {boolean} typecheck
* @property {boolean} lint
* @property {boolean} coverage
void 0;