uapi/linux/irqnr.h was emitted by the UAPI disintegration script as an empty
file because the parent linux/irqnr.h had no UAPI stuff in it, despite being
marked with "header-y".
Unfortunately, the patch program deletes the empty file when applying a kernel
It's not clear why this file is part of the UAPI at all. Looking in:
there's nothing there but a header reinclusion guard and a comment.
So just stick a comment in there as a placeholder.
Without this, if the kernel is fabricated from, say, a tarball and a patch, you
can get this error when building x86_64 or usermode Linux (and probably
include/linux/irqnr.h:4:30: fatal error: uapi/linux/irqnr.h: No such file or directory
Reported-by: Randy Dunlap <>
Reported-by: Alessandro Suardi <>
Signed-off-by: David Howells <>
cc: Randy Dunlap <>
cc: Alessandro Suardi <>