- Moved directory structure info from README.md to CONTRIBUTING.md
- Updated contribution process
  - CLA submission process now automated via the Azure pull request bot
  - Detailed the contribution process including How-To for verifying changes
This commit is contained in:
Dan McLachlan 2014-09-07 21:28:05 -07:00
Родитель b023740b70
Коммит c67c5aa618
3 изменённых файлов: 157 добавлений и 217 удалений

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@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
Contribution License Agreement
Microsoft asks that all contributors sign a contributor license agreement (CLA).
CLAs are generally common and accepted in most open source software projects.
We all want Microsoft's open source projects to be as widely used and
distributed as possible. We also want its users to be confident about the
origins and continuing existence of the code. The CLA helps us achieve that
goal by ensuring that we have the agreement of our contributors to use their
work, whether it be code, or documentation.
The CLA permits Microsoft to distribute your code without restriction. It
doesn't require you to assign to us any copyright you have, the ownership of
the copyright remains with you. You cannot withdraw permission for use of the
contribution at a later date.
We are generally seeking originally authored code and documentation as
contributions. Should you wish to submit materials that are not your original
work, you may submit them separately to the Project in accordance with the terms
of the CLA.
This Contribution License Agreement ("Agreement") is agreed to by the parties
signing below ("You"), and conveys certain license rights to Microsoft
Corporation and its affiliates ("Microsoft") for Your contributions to Microsoft
open source projects. This Agreement is effective as of the latest signature
date below ("Effective Date").
1. Definitions.
"Code" means the computer software code, whether in human-readable or
machine-executable form, that is delivered by You to Microsoft under this
"Project" means any of the projects owned or managed by Microsoft and offered
under a license approved by the Open Source Initiative (www.opensource.org).
"Submit" is the act of uploading, submitting, transmitting, or distributing code
or other content to any Project, including but not limited to communication on
electronic mailing lists, source code control systems, and issue tracking
systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the Project for the purpose of
discussing and improving that Project, but excluding communication that is
conspicuously marked or otherwise designated in writing by You as
"Not a Submission."
"Submission" means the Code and any other copyrightable material Submitted by
You, including any associated comments and documentation.
2. Your Submission. You must agree to the terms of this Agreement before making
a Submission to any Project. This Agreement covers any and all Submissions that
You, now or in the future (except as described in Section 4 below), Submit to
any Project.
3. Originality of Work. You represent that each of Your Submissions is entirely
Your original work. Should You wish to Submit materials that are not Your
original work, You may Submit them separately to the Project if You (a) retain
all copyright and license information that was in the materials as you received
them, (b) in the description accompanying your Submission, include the phrase
"Submission containing materials of a third party:" followed by the names of the
third party and any licenses or other restrictions of which You are aware, and
(c) follow any other instructions in the Project's written guidelines concerning
4. Your Employer. If You have an employer (other than yourself), You must have
the employer sign in one of the two spaces indicated below. If the employer
signs in the first space, the term "You" in this Agreement will refer to You and
the employer collectively. If You change employers in the future and desire to
Submit additional Submissions, then You agree to sign a new Agreement signed by
the new employer before Submitting those Submissions.
5. Licenses.
a. Copyright License. You grant Microsoft, and those who receive the Code
directly or indirectly from Microsoft, a perpetual, worldwide,
non-exclusive, royalty-free, irrevocable license in the Submission to
reproduce, prepare derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform,
and distribute the Submission and such derivative works, and to sublicense
any or all of the foregoing rights to third parties.
b. Patent License. You grant Microsoft, and those who receive the Code
directly or indirectly from Microsoft, a perpetual, worldwide,
non-exclusive, royalty-free, irrevocable license under your patent claims
that directly read on the Code to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell
and import or otherwise dispose of the Code.
c. Other Rights Reserved. Each party reserves all rights not expressly
granted in this Agreement. No additional licenses or rights whatsoever
(including, without limitation, any implied licenses) are granted by
implication, exhaustion, estoppel or otherwise.
6. Representations and Warranties. You represent that You are legally entitled
to grant the above licenses. You represent that each of Your Submissions is
entirely Your original work (except as you may have disclosed under Section 3).
If an individual is signing this Agreement on behalf of the employer of a person
making a Submission, pursuant to Section 4 above, the individual represents and
warrants that he or she has the necessary authority to bind the listed employer
to the obligations contained in this Agreement. You are not expected to provide
support for Your Submission, unless you choose to do so. UNLESS REQUIRED BY
7. Notice to Microsoft. You agree to notify Microsoft in writing of any facts or
circumstances of which You later become aware that would make Your
representations in this Agreement inaccurate in any respect.
8. Information about Submissions. You acknowledge that contributions to Projects
and information about contributions may be maintained indefinitely and disclosed
publicly, including your name and other information that you submit with Your
9. Governing Law/Jurisdiction/Attorneys' Fees. This Agreement shall be construed
and controlled by the laws of the State of Washington, and the parties consent
to exclusive jurisdiction and venue in the federal courts sitting in King
County, Washington, unless no federal subject matter jurisdiction exists, in
which case the parties consent to exclusive jurisdiction and venue in the
Superior Court of King County, Washington. The parties waive all defenses of
lack of personal jurisdiction and forum non-conveniens. Process may be served on
either party in the manner authorized by applicable law or court rule. In any
action to enforce any right or remedy under this Agreement or to interpret any
provision of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover
its reasonable attorneys' fees, costs and other expenses.
10. Entire Agreement/Assignment. This Agreement is the entire agreement between
the parties, and supersedes any and all prior agreements, understandings or
communications, written or oral, between the parties relating to the subject
matter hereof. This Agreement may be assigned by Microsoft.
Name ("You"):
Primary email address:
Mailing address:
In addition to Your signature above, please initial one of the boxes below:
___ I am employed by someone else, and per Section 4 above, my employer,
by signing below, agrees to be a party to this Agreement, and the defined term
"You" includes my employer.
Employer Name (Individual or Company): ____________________________________
Signature: _________________________________________
By: _________________________________________
Title: _________________________________________
Date: _________________________________________
___ I am employed by someone else, and my employer, by signing below, waives
any rights it may have to my Submissions by virtue of my having created it
during the term of my employment (including by virtue of any contract with my
employer). If signed below, the defined term "You" does not include my
Employer Name (Individual or Company): ____________________________________
Signature: _________________________________________
By: _________________________________________
Title: _________________________________________
Date: _________________________________________
___ I am not employed by anyone (other than myself) and have sole rights to my
If you have multiple employers, please attach a signature page for each of the

CONTRIBUTING.md Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
# Contribute to the Win2D Project
Thank you for your interest in the Win2D project!
* [Before we can accept your pull request](#before-we-can-accept-your-pull-request)
* [Source Directory Structure](#source-directory-structure)
* [Contribute](#contribute)
## Before we can accept your pull request
Microsoft asks that all contributors sign a contributor license agreement (CLA).
CLAs are generally common and accepted in most open source software projects.
We all want Microsoft's open source projects to be as widely used and
distributed as possible. We also want its users to be confident about the
origins and continuing existence of the code. The CLA helps us achieve that
goal by ensuring that we have the agreement of our contributors to use their
work, whether it be code, or documentation.
The CLA permits Microsoft to distribute your code without restriction. It
doesn't require you to assign to us any copyright you have, the ownership of
the copyright remains with you. You cannot withdraw permission for use of the
contribution at a later date.
We are generally seeking originally authored code and documentation as
contributions. Should you wish to submit materials that are not your original
work, you may submit them separately to the Project in accordance with the terms
of the CLA.
Our Azure Pull Request Bot will automatically check for a signed CLA when you
submit a pull request as described below in [Contribute](#contribute).
If there isn't a CLA on file, it will walk you through an all electronic process.
**Note**: your employer may also have to complete an on-line form.
If you would rather use an off-line process, email
[win2dcla@microsoft.com](mailto:win2dcla@microsoft.com) and we will send you the
form to sign, scan and return.
## Source Directory Structure
Note: For the bulk of interesting product code, go to /winrt/lib.
**/bin** - Binary files generated by the build
**/build** - Shared, build-related resources that are common across projects
- /Assets - Common Windows Store assets used for tests and samples
- /nuget - Resources needed for building the NuGet package
**/numerics** - Cross-platform vector and matrix math library. There are three implementations:
- /Cpp
- /DotNet
- /WinRT
**/obj** - Intermediate files generated by the build
**/samples** - Example projects showing how to use Win2D
**/tests** - Test projects that consume Win2D in a similar way to how an
external customer would. Each one is a Windows Store app. These tests are run for manual
**/tools** - Standalone utilities, separate from Win2D product code
- /codegen - Generates headers+IDL from XML resource files (you don't have to build this to build Win2D)
- /copyright - Verifies the right copyright banner appears at the top of each source file
- /docs - Tools and scripts for building API reference documentation
**/winrt** - Win2D product code and automated tests
- /dll - Build resources for the product dll
- /docsrc - Source files used to create the reference documentation
- /inc - Common includes
- /lib - All the projected IDL and runtime class implementations!
- /WinRTDirectX - projections for D3D/DXGI types
- /published - Headers that are included directly in the NuGet package for 3rd part consumption
- /test.external - Automated tests that use only the public WinRT interface
- /test.internal - Automated tests that link directly with winrt.lib to access internals of the implementation
- /test.managed - Automated tests written in C#
- /test.nativecomponent - C++/CX component that exposes native functionality for use by test.managed
## Contribute
In order for the contribution process to be as seamless as possible, the
following procedure has been established.
1. Create a new branch
2. Add new content or edit existing content
3. Verify your changes
4. Submit a pull request to the main repository
5. Delete the branch
Each branch should be limited to a single feature/bug fix both to streamline
work flow and reduce the possibility of merge conflicts.
#### Create a new branch
This can be done in Visual Studio:
- Go to 'View' -> 'Team Explorer' -> 'Branches'
- Click 'New Branch'
- Enter the name of your new branch
- Check the check box 'Checkout branch'
- Click 'Create Branch'
#### Add new content or edit existing content
Using Visual Studio or your favorite editor, add your new content or edit
existing files.
You can commit multiple times while you are doing your work, or you can wait
and commit only once when you're done.
#### Verify your changes
If you have added new functionality please make sure to add tests to the
appropriate test suites.
To validate your changes, run "msbuild /m Win2D.proj" from a Visual Studio
command prompt. This will:
- Build all flavors of all projects (debug, release, x86, x64, and ARM)
- Run all automated tests
- Generate updated reference documentation
- Make sure all source files include the correct Apache copyright header
The documentation generation step requires you to have installed the
Sandcastle tools from https://shfb.codeplex.com.
To run Store unit tests, you must have a Windows Store development license
installed on your computer, and must install a test package certificate as
described in the Remarks section of http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/jj835836%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
#### Submit a pull request to the main repository
When you are done with your work and are ready to have it merged into the central
repository follow these steps.
1. Push your branch back to GitHub
2. On the GitHub site, navigate in your fork to the new branch
3. Click the **Pull Request** button at the top of the page
4. Ensure that the Base branch is 'Win2D@master' and the Head branch is
'<your username>/Win2D@<branch name>'
5. Click the **Update Commit Range** button
6. Give your pull request a Title, and describe all the changes being made.
If your change fixes a GitHub issue make sure to reference it in the description.
7. Submit the Pull Request
One of the site administrators will now process your pull request. Your pull
request will surface on the Win2D site under Issues. When the Pull Request is
accepted, the issue will be resolved.
#### Delete a branch
Once your changes have been successfully merged into the central repository you
can delete the branch you used, as you will no longer need it. Any further work
requires a new branch.
Congratulations, you have successfully contributed to the project.

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ in an early, incomplete state is to solicit early developer feedback.
- [Documentation](http://microsoft.github.io/Win2D)
- [Team blog](http://blogs.msdn.com/b/win2d)
- [License](http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html)
- [Contributing](http://github.com/Microsoft/Win2D/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING)
- [Contributing](http://github.com/Microsoft/Win2D/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)
## Code Example
To give you a flavor of what the code looks like, here is a snippet of XAML:
@ -74,44 +74,4 @@ Follow the steps below to get started on writing your own apps.
- Change Solution platform from 'Any CPU' to x86
- You are now ready to hit F5 (Build)
A working sample can be found in the Samples directory.
## Source Directory Structure
Note: For the bulk of interesting product code, go to /winrt/lib.
**/bin** - Binary files generated by the build
**/build** - Shared, build-related resources that are common across projects
- /Assets - Common Windows Store assets used for tests and samples
- /nuget - Resources needed for building the NuGet package
**/numerics** - Cross-platform vector and matrix math library. There are three implementations:
- /Cpp
- /DotNet
- /WinRT
**/obj** - Intermediate files generated by the build
**/samples** - Example projects showing how to use Win2D
**/tests** - Test projects that consume Win2D in a similar way to how an
external customer would. Each one is a Windows Store app. These tests are run for manual
**/tools** - Standalone utilities, separate from Win2D product code
- /codegen - Generates headers+IDL from XML resource files (you don't have to build this to build Win2D)
- /copyright - Verifies the right copyright banner appears at the top of each source file
- /docs - Tools and scripts for building API reference documentation
**/winrt** - Win2D product code and automated tests
- /dll - Build resources for the product dll
- /docsrc - Source files used to create the reference documentation
- /inc - Common includes
- /lib - All the projected IDL and runtime class implementations!
- /WinRTDirectX - projections for D3D/DXGI types
- /published - Headers that are included directly in the NuGet package for 3rd part consumption
- /test.external - Automated tests that use only the public WinRT interface
- /test.internal - Automated tests that link directly with winrt.lib to access internals of the implementation
- /test.managed - Automated tests written in C#
- /test.nativecomponent - C++/CX component that exposes native functionality for use by test.managed
A working sample can be found in the Samples directory.