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2018-06-08 23:41:55 +03:00
category: ControlsLayoutAndText FilesFoldersAndLibraries
# Photo Editor C++/WinRT sample application
The Photo Editor application is a Universal Windows Platform (UWP) sample that showcases development with the [C++/WinRT](https://docs.microsoft.com/windows/uwp/cpp-and-winrt-apis/intro-to-using-cpp-with-winrt) language projection. The sample application allows you to retrieve photos from the **Pictures** library, and then edit the selected image with assorted photo effects. In the sample's source code, you'll see a number of common practices&mdash;such as [data binding](https://docs.microsoft.com/windows/uwp/cpp-and-winrt-apis/binding-property), and [asynchronous actions and operations](https://docs.microsoft.com/windows/uwp/cpp-and-winrt-apis/concurrency)&mdash;performed using the C++/WinRT projection.
2018-06-08 23:50:42 +03:00
![PhotoEditor sample showing the image collection page, editing page, and editing controls](Screenshots/PhotoEditorBanner.png)
2018-06-08 23:41:55 +03:00
## Features
Photo Editor primarily demonstrates:
- Use of Standard C++17 syntax and libraries with Windows Runtime (WinRT) APIs.
- Use of coroutines, including the use of co_await, co_return, [**IAsyncAction**](https://docs.microsoft.com/uwp/api/windows.foundation.iasyncaction), and [**IAsyncOperation&lt;TResult&gt;**](https://docs.microsoft.com/uwp/api/windows.foundation.iasyncoperation_tresult_).
- Creation and use of custom Windows Runtime class (runtime class) projected types and implementation types. For more info about these terms, see [Consume APIs with C++/WinRT](https://docs.microsoft.com/windows/uwp/cpp-and-winrt-apis/consume-apis) and [Author APIs with C++/WinRT](https://docs.microsoft.com/windows/uwp/cpp-and-winrt-apis/author-apis).
- [Event handling](https://docs.microsoft.com/windows/uwp/cpp-and-winrt-apis/handle-events), including the use of auto-revoking event tokens.
- Use of the external Win2D NuGet package, and [Windows::UI::Composition](https://docs.microsoft.com/uwp/api/windows.ui.composition), for image effects.
- XAML data binding, including the [{x:Bind} markup extension](https://docs.microsoft.com/windows/uwp/xaml-platform/x-bind-markup-extension).
- XAML styling and UI customization, including [connected animations](https://docs.microsoft.com/windows/uwp/design/motion/connected-animation).
## Prerequisites
2018-06-09 01:59:30 +03:00
This sample requires:
- [Visual Studio 2017 and the latest version of the Windows 10 SDK (10.0.17134.0)](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=280676). You can use the free Visual Studio Community Edition to build and run Windows Universal Platform (UWP) apps.
- Download and install the [C++/WinRT Visual Studio Extension](https://aka.ms/cppwinrt/vsix).
2018-06-08 23:41:55 +03:00
To get the latest updates to Windows and the development tools, and to help shape their development, join the [Windows Insider Program](https://insider.windows.com).
## Running the sample
The default project is PhotoEditor and you can Start Debugging (F5) or Start Without Debugging (Ctrl+F5) to try it out, just make sure to set the platform target appropriately.
The app will run in the emulator or on physical devices.
## Code at a glance
If you're just interested in code snippets for certain areas, and don't want to browse or run the full sample,
check out the following files.
A custom runtime class that represents a photo.
* [Photo.idl](PhotoEditor/Photo.idl)
* [Photo.h](PhotoEditor/Photo.h)
* [Photo.cpp](PhotoEditor/Photo.cpp)
The first page that loads the photos from the Pictures Library and displays a tiled thumbnail view.
* [MainPage.xaml](PhotoEditor/MainPage.xaml)
* [MainPage.idl](PhotoEditor/MainPage.idl)
* [MainPage.h](PhotoEditor/MainPage.h)
* [MainPage.cpp](PhotoEditor/MainPage.cpp)
Tapping a photo from the MainPage thumbnail view will take you to the photo editor page, where Win2D effects are toggled, set, and chained together.
* [DetailPage.xaml](PhotoEditor/DetailPage.xaml)
* [DetailPage.idl](PhotoEditor/DetailPage.idl)
* [DetailPage.h](PhotoEditor/DetailPage.h)
* [DetailPage.cpp](PhotoEditor/DetailPage.cpp)
## Related C++/WinRT documentation and blogs.
* [C++/WinRT UWP conceptual documentation](https://docs.microsoft.com/windows/uwp/cpp-and-winrt-apis/)
* [C++/WinRT base.h reference documentation](https://docs.microsoft.com/uwp/cpp-ref-for-winrt/winrt)
* [ModernCpp blog](https://moderncpp.com/)
## Related XAML documentation and code samples.
* [Controls and patterns for UWP apps](https://docs.microsoft.com/windows/uwp/controls-and-patterns/index)
* [Layout for UWP apps](https://docs.microsoft.com/windows/uwp/layout/)
* [Data binding in depth](https://docs.microsoft.com/windows/uwp/data-binding/data-binding-in-depth)
* [UWP style guide](https://docs.microsoft.com/windows/uwp/style/)
* [Visual layer](https://docs.microsoft.com/windows/uwp/composition/visual-layer)
* [ListView and GridView data virtualization](https://docs.microsoft.com/windows/uwp/debug-test-perf/listview-and-gridview-data-optimization)
* [Data virtualization sample](https://github.com/Microsoft/Windows-universal-samples/tree/master/Samples/XamlDataVirtualization)
## External libraries used in this sample
* [Win2D](https://github.com/Microsoft/Win2D)