
373 строки
16 KiB

[string[]]$Configurations = @(if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($env:WDS_Configuration)) { "Debug" } else { $env:WDS_Configuration }),
[string[]]$Platforms = @(if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($env:WDS_Platform)) { "x64" } else { $env:WDS_Platform }),
$LogFilesDirectory = (Get-Location),
[string]$ReportFileName = $(if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($env:WDS_ReportFileName)) { "_overview" } else { $env:WDS_ReportFileName }),
[int]$ThrottleLimit = 0
$root = Get-Location
# launch developer powershell (if necessary to prevent multiple developer sessions)
if (-not $env:VSCMD_VER) {
Import-Module (Resolve-Path "$env:ProgramFiles\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\*\Common7\Tools\Microsoft.VisualStudio.DevShell.dll")
Enter-VsDevShell -VsInstallPath (Resolve-Path "$env:ProgramFiles\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\*")
cd $root
$ThrottleFactor = 5
$LogicalProcessors = (Get-CIMInstance -Class 'CIM_Processor' -Verbose:$false).NumberOfLogicalProcessors
if ($ThrottleLimit -eq 0) {
$ThrottleLimit = $ThrottleFactor * $LogicalProcessors
$Verbose = $false
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Verbose')) {
$Verbose = $PsBoundParameters.Get_Item('Verbose')
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $LogFilesDirectory | Out-Null
$reportFilePath = Join-Path $LogFilesDirectory "$ReportFileName.htm"
$reportCsvFilePath = Join-Path $LogFilesDirectory "$ReportFileName.csv"
Remove-Item -Recurse -Path $LogFilesDirectory 2>&1 | Out-Null
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $LogFilesDirectory | Out-Null
$oldPreference = $ErrorActionPreference
$ErrorActionPreference = "stop"
try {
# Check that msbuild can be called before trying anything.
Get-Command "msbuild" | Out-Null
catch {
Write-Host "`u{274C} msbuild cannot be called from current environment. Check that msbuild is set in current path (for example, that it is called from a Visual Studio developer command)."
Write-Error "msbuild cannot be called from current environment."
exit 1
finally {
$ErrorActionPreference = $oldPreference
# Determine build environment: 'GitHub', 'NuGet', 'EWDK', or 'WDK'.
# Determine build number (used for exclusions based on build number). Five digits. Say, '22621'.
# Determine NuGet package version (if applicable).
# Determine WDK vsix version.
# In Github we build using NuGet and get the version from packages and vsix version from env var set from the install vsix step.
$nuget_package_version=([regex]'(?<=x64\.)(\d+\.)(\d+\.)(\d+\.)(\d+)').Matches((Get-Childitem .\packages\*WDK.x64* -Name)).Value
$vsix_version = $env:SAMPLES_VSIX_VERSION
# WDK NuGet will require presence of a folder 'packages'. The version is sourced from repo .\Env-Vars.ps1.
# Hack: If user has hydrated nuget packages, then use those. That will be indicated by presence of a folder named '.\packages'.
# Further, we need to test that the directory has been hydrated using '.\packages\*'.
elseif(Test-Path(".\packages\*")) {
$nuget_package_version=([regex]'(?<=x64\.)(\d+\.)(\d+\.)(\d+\.)(\d+)').Matches((Get-Childitem .\packages\*WDK.x64* -Name)).Value
# EWDK sets environment variable BuildLab. For example 'ni_release_svc_prod1.22621.2428'.
elseif($env:BuildLab -match '(?<branch>[^.]*).(?<build>[^.]*).(?<qfe>[^.]*)') {
# WDK sets environment variable UCRTVersion. For example '10.0.22621.0'.
elseif ($env:UCRTVersion -match '10.0.(?<build>.*).0') {
else {
# Dump all environment variables so as to help debug error:
Write-Output "Environment variables {"
gci env:* | sort-object name
Write-Output "Environment variables }"
Write-Error "Could not determine build environment."
exit 1
# Get the vsix version from packages if not set
if (-not $vsix_version) {
$vsix_version = ls "${env:ProgramData}\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Packages\Microsoft.Windows.DriverKit,version=*" | Select -ExpandProperty Name
if ($vsix_version) {
$vsix_version = $vsix_version.split('=')[1]
else {
Write-Error "No version of the WDK VSIX could be found. The WDK VSIX is not installed."
exit 1
# InfVerif_AdditionalOptions
# Samples must build cleanly and even without warnings.
# An exception is for infverif where specific warnings are acceptable. Those
# specific warnings indicates issues intentially present in the samples, that
# anyone that clones the samples must fix as part of productizing a driver.
# In 22621 those warnings are: /sw1284 /sw1285 /sw1293 /sw2083 /sw2086
# After 22621 those warnings are put under a common flag: /samples
$InfVerif_AdditionalOptions=($build_number -le 22621 ? "/sw1284 /sw1285 /sw1293 /sw2083 /sw2086" : "/samples")
# Determine exclusions.
# Exclusions are loaded from .\exclusions.csv.
# Each line has form:
# Path,Configurations,MinBuild,MaxBuild,Reason
# Where:
# Path: Is the path to folder containing solution(s) using backslashes. For example: 'audio\acx\samples\audiocodec\driver' .
# Configurations: Are the configurations to exclude. For example: '*|arm64' .
# MinBuild: Is the minimum WDK/EWDK build number the exclusion is applicable for. For example: '22621' .
# MaxBuild: Is the maximum WDK/EWDK build number the exclusion is applicable for. For example: '26031' .
# Reason: Is plain text documenting the reason for the exclusion. For example: 'error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'acx.h': No such file or directory' .
$exclusionConfigurations = @{}
$exclusionReasons = @{}
Import-Csv 'exclusions.csv' | ForEach-Object {
$excluded_driver=$_.Path.Replace($root, '').Trim('\').Replace('\', '.').ToLower()
$excluded_configurations=($_.configurations -eq '' ? '*' : $_.configurations)
$excluded_minbuild=($_.MinBuild -eq '' ? 00000 : $_.MinBuild)
$excluded_maxbuild=($_.MaxBuild -eq '' ? 99999 : $_.MaxBuild)
if (($excluded_minbuild -le $build_number) -and ($build_number -le $excluded_maxbuild) )
$exclusionConfigurations[$excluded_driver] = $excluded_configurations
$exclusionReasons[$excluded_driver] = $_.Reason
Write-Verbose "Exclusion.csv entry applied for '$excluded_driver' for configuration '$excluded_configurations'."
Write-Verbose "Exclusion.csv entry not applied for '$excluded_driver' due to build number."
$jresult = @{
SolutionsBuilt = 0
SolutionsSucceeded = 0
SolutionsExcluded = 0
SolutionsUnsupported = 0
SolutionsFailed = 0
SolutionsSporadic = 0
Results = @()
FailSet = @()
lock = [System.Threading.Mutex]::new($false)
$SolutionsTotal = $sampleSet.Count * $Configurations.Count * $Platforms.Count
Write-Output ("Build Environment: " + $build_environment)
Write-Output ("Build Number: " + $build_number)
if (($build_environment -eq "GitHub") -or ($build_environment -eq "NuGet")) { Write-Output ("Nuget Package Version: " + $nuget_package_version) }
Write-Output ("WDK VSIX Version: " + $vsix_version)
Write-Output ("Samples: " + $sampleSet.Count)
Write-Output ("Configurations: " + $Configurations.Count + " (" + $Configurations + ")")
Write-Output ("Platforms: " + $Platforms.Count + " (" + $Platforms + ")")
Write-Output "InfVerif_AdditionalOptions: $InfVerif_AdditionalOptions"
Write-Output "Combinations: $SolutionsTotal"
Write-Output "LogicalProcessors: $LogicalProcessors"
Write-Output "ThrottleFactor: $ThrottleFactor"
Write-Output "ThrottleLimit: $ThrottleLimit"
Write-Output "WDS_WipeOutputs: $env:WDS_WipeOutputs"
Write-Output ("Disk Remaining (GB): " + (((Get-Volume ($DriveLetter = (Get-Item ".").PSDrive.Name)).SizeRemaining / 1GB)))
Write-Output ""
Write-Output "T: Combinations"
Write-Output "B: Built"
Write-Output "R: Build is running currently"
Write-Output "P: Build is pending an available build slot"
Write-Output ""
Write-Output "S: Built and result was 'Succeeded'"
Write-Output "E: Built and result was 'Excluded'"
Write-Output "U: Built and result was 'Unsupported' (Platform and Configuration combination)"
Write-Output "F: Built and result was 'Failed'"
Write-Output "O: Built and result was 'Sporadic'"
Write-Output ""
Write-Output "Building all combinations..."
$Results = @()
$sw = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
$SampleSet.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object -ThrottleLimit $ThrottleLimit -Parallel {
$LogFilesDirectory = $using:LogFilesDirectory
$exclusionConfigurations = $using:exclusionConfigurations
$exclusionReasons = $using:exclusionReasons
$Configurations = $using:Configurations
$Platforms = $using:Platforms
$InfVerif_AdditionalOptions = $using:InfVerif_AdditionalOptions
$Verbose = $using:Verbose
$sampleName = $_.Key
$directory = $_.Value
$ResultElement = new-object psobject
Add-Member -InputObject $ResultElement -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Sample -Value "$sampleName"
foreach ($configuration in $Configurations) {
foreach ($platform in $Platforms) {
$thisunsupported = 0
$thisfailed = 0
$thissporadic = 0
$thisexcluded = 0
$thissucceeded = 0
$thisresult = "Not run"
$thisfailset = @()
$thissporadicset = @()
if ($exclusionConfigurations.ContainsKey($sampleName) -and ($exclusionConfigurations[$sampleName].Split(';') | Where-Object { "$configuration|$platform" -like $_ })) {
# Verbose
Write-Verbose "[$sampleName $configuration|$platform] `u{23E9} Excluded and skipped. Reason: $($exclusionReasons[$sampleName])"
$thisexcluded += 1
$thisresult = "Excluded"
else {
.\Build-Sample -Directory $directory -SampleName $sampleName -LogFilesDirectory $LogFilesDirectory -Configuration $configuration -Platform $platform -InfVerif_AdditionalOptions $InfVerif_AdditionalOptions -Verbose:$Verbose
if ($LASTEXITCODE -eq 0) {
$thissucceeded += 1
$thisresult = "Succeeded"
elseif ($LASTEXITCODE -eq 1) {
$thisfailset += "$sampleName $configuration|$platform"
$thisfailed += 1
$thisresult = "Failed"
elseif ($LASTEXITCODE -eq 2) {
$thissporadicset += "$sampleName $configuration|$platform"
$thissporadic += 1
$thisresult = "Sporadic"
else {
$thisunsupported += 1
$thisresult = "Unsupported"
Add-Member -InputObject $ResultElement -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "$configuration|$platform" -Value "$thisresult"
$null = ($using:jresult).lock.WaitOne()
try {
($using:jresult).SolutionsBuilt += 1
($using:jresult).SolutionsSucceeded += $thissucceeded
($using:jresult).SolutionsExcluded += $thisexcluded
($using:jresult).SolutionsUnsupported += $thisunsupported
($using:jresult).SolutionsFailed += $thisfailed
($using:jresult).SolutionsSporadic += $thissporadic
($using:jresult).FailSet += $thisfailset
($using:jresult).SporadicSet += $thissporadicset
$SolutionsTotal = $using:SolutionsTotal
$ThrottleLimit = $using:ThrottleLimit
$SolutionsBuilt = ($using:jresult).SolutionsBuilt
$SolutionsRemaining = $SolutionsTotal - $SolutionsBuilt
$SolutionsRunning = if ($SolutionsRemaining -ge $ThrottleLimit) { $ThrottleLimit } else { $SolutionsRemaining }
$SolutionsPending = if ($SolutionsRemaining -ge $ThrottleLimit) { ($SolutionsRemaining - $ThrottleLimit) } else { 0 }
$SolutionsBuiltPercent = [Math]::Round(100 * ($SolutionsBuilt / $using:SolutionsTotal))
$TBRP = "T:" + ($SolutionsTotal) + "; B:" + (($using:jresult).SolutionsBuilt) + "; R:" + ($SolutionsRunning) + "; P:" + ($SolutionsPending)
$rstr = "S:" + (($using:jresult).SolutionsSucceeded) + "; E:" + (($using:jresult).SolutionsExcluded) + "; U:" + (($using:jresult).SolutionsUnsupported) + "; F:" + (($using:jresult).SolutionsFailed) + "; O:" + (($using:jresult).SolutionsSporadic)
Write-Progress -Activity "Building combinations" -Status "$SolutionsBuilt of $using:SolutionsTotal combinations built ($SolutionsBuiltPercent%) | $TBRP | $rstr" -PercentComplete $SolutionsBuiltPercent
finally {
$null = ($using:jresult).lock.WaitOne()
try {
($using:jresult).Results += $ResultElement
finally {
Write-Output ""
if ($jresult.FailSet.Count -gt 0) {
Write-Output "Some combinations were built with errors:"
$jresult.FailSet = $jresult.FailSet | Sort-Object
foreach ($failedSample in $jresult.FailSet) {
$failedSample -match "^(.*) (\w*)\|(\w*)$" | Out-Null
$failName = $Matches[1]
$failConfiguration = $Matches[2]
$failPlatform = $Matches[3]
Write-Output "Build errors in Sample $failName; Configuration: $failConfiguration; Platform: $failPlatform {"
Get-Content "$LogFilesDirectory\$failName.$failConfiguration.$failPlatform.0.err" | Write-Output
Write-Output "} $failedSample"
Write-Error "Some combinations were built with errors."
Write-Output ""
if ($jresult.SporadicSet.Count -gt 0) {
Write-Output "Some combinations were built with sporadic error:"
$jresult.SporadicSet = $jresult.SporadicSet | Sort-Object
foreach ($sporadicSample in $jresult.SporadicSet) {
$sporadicSample -match "^(.*) (\w*)\|(\w*)$" | Out-Null
$sporadicName = $Matches[1]
$sporadicConfiguration = $Matches[2]
$sporadicPlatform = $Matches[3]
Write-Output "Build sporadic errors in Sample $sporadicName; Configuration: $sporadicConfiguration; Platform: $sporadicPlatform {"
Get-Content "$LogFilesDirectory\$sporadicName.$sporadicConfiguration.$sporadicPlatform.0.err" | Write-Output
Write-Output "} $sporadicSample"
Write-Error "Some combinations were built with sporadic errors."
Write-Output ""
# Display timer statistics to host
$min = $sw.Elapsed.Minutes
$seconds = $sw.Elapsed.Seconds
$SolutionsSucceeded = $jresult.SolutionsSucceeded
$SolutionsExcluded = $jresult.SolutionsExcluded
$SolutionsUnsupported = $jresult.SolutionsUnsupported
$SolutionsFailed = $jresult.SolutionsFailed
$SolutionsSporadic = $jresult.SolutionsSporadic
$Results = $jresult.Results
Write-Output "Built all combinations."
Write-Output ""
Write-Output "Elapsed time: $min minutes, $seconds seconds."
Write-Output ("Disk Remaining (GB): " + (((Get-Volume ($DriveLetter = (Get-Item ".").PSDrive.Name)).SizeRemaining / 1GB)))
Write-Output ("Samples: " + $sampleSet.Count)
Write-Output ("Configurations: " + $Configurations.Count + " (" + $Configurations + ")")
Write-Output ("Platforms: " + $Platforms.Count + " (" + $Platforms + ")")
Write-Output "Combinations: $SolutionsTotal"
Write-Output "Succeeded: $SolutionsSucceeded"
Write-Output "Excluded: $SolutionsExcluded"
Write-Output "Unsupported: $SolutionsUnsupported"
Write-Output "Failed: $SolutionsFailed"
Write-Output "Sporadic: $SolutionsSporadic"
Write-Output "Log files directory: $LogFilesDirectory"
Write-Output "Overview report: $reportFilePath"
Write-Output ""
$Results | Sort-Object { $_.Sample } | ConvertTo-Csv | Out-File $reportCsvFilePath
$Results | Sort-Object { $_.Sample } | ConvertTo-Html -Title "Overview" | Out-File $reportFilePath
Invoke-Item $reportFilePath