
638 строки
17 KiB

# Make a valid AppxManifest.xml from a templated file and variable substititon
Verify the environment for Windows App SDK development
Review the current environment and fix or warn if anything is amiss. This includes...
* TAEF service is installed and running
* Test certificate to sign test MSIX packages is installed
* Visual Studio 2022 is installed and properly configured
.PARAMETER CertPassword
Password for new certificates
Run as if it's the first time (ignore any previous cached artifacts from previous runs).
Check all. If not specified this is set to true if all other -Check... options are false
Check the TAEF service
.PARAMETER CheckTestCert
Check the Test certificate
Check the MSIX Test signing certificate (to sign developer test MSIXs)
.PARAMETER CheckVisualStudio
Check Visual Studio
.PARAMETER NoInteractive
Run in non-interactive mode (fail if any need for user input)
Do not access the network
Remove all.
.PARAMETER RemoveTestCert
Remove the Test certificate (i.e. undoc CheckTestCert)
.PARAMETER RemoveTestPfx
Remove the MSIX Test signing certificate (i.e. undoc CheckTestPfx)
Display detailed information
DevCheck -Verbose
$global:issues = 0
$remove_any = ($RemoveAll -eq $true) -or ($RemoveTestCert -eq $true) -or ($RemoveTestCert -eq $true)
if (($remove_any -eq $false) -And ($CheckTAEFService -eq $false) -And ($CheckTestCert -eq $false) -And ($CheckTestPfx -eq $false) -And ($CheckVisualStudio -eq $false))
$CheckAll = $true
function Write-Verbose
if ($Verbose -eq $true)
Write-Host $Message
function Get-IsAdmin
return [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Groups -contains 'S-1-5-32-544'
function Get-ProjectRoot
return $PSScriptRoot
function Get-TempPath
$root = Get-ProjectRoot
$temp = Join-Path $root 'temp'
if (-not(Test-Path -Path $temp -PathType Container))
Write-Host "Creating $temp..."
New-Item -Path $temp -ItemType Directory -Force
return $temp
function Get-UserPath
$root = Get-ProjectRoot
$user = Join-Path $root '.user'
if (-not(Test-Path -Path $user -PathType Container))
Write-Host "Creating $user..."
$null = New-Item -Path $user -ItemType Directory -Force
return $user
function Get-CpuArchitecture
$architecture = $(Get-WmiObject Win32_Processor).Architecture
if ($architecture -eq 0)
return "x86"
elseif ($architecture -eq 9)
return "x64"
elseif ($architecture -eq 12)
return "arm64"
throw "Unknown CPU Architecture $architecture"
# Home of vswhere.exe:
$vswhere = ''
$vswhere_url = ''
function Get-VSWhere
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($global:vswhere))
Write-Verbose "Detecting vswhere.exe..."
$vswhere = Join-Path $env:TEMP 'vswhere.exe'
if ($Clean -eq $true -And (Test-Path -Path $vswhere -PathType Leaf))
Write-Verbose "Found $vswhere. Deleting per -Clean..."
Remove-Item -Path $vswhere -Force
if (-not(Test-Path -Path $vswhere -PathType Leaf))
if ($Offline -eq $true)
Write-Host "vswhere.exe not detected"
$global:issues += 1
$vswhere_url = ''
Write-Host "Downloading $vswhere from $vswhere_url..."
Write-Verbose "Executing: curl.exe --output $vswhere -L -# $vswhere_url"
$p = Start-Process curl.exe -ArgumentList "--output $vswhere -L -# $vswhere_url" -Wait -NoNewWindow -PassThru
Write-Verbose "Using $vswhere"
$global:vswhere = $vswhere
return $global:vswhere
function Run-Process([string]$exe, [string]$arguments, [Ref][string]$stderr)
$pi = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
$pi.FileName = $exe
if (-not([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($arguments)))
$pi.Arguments = $arguments
$pi.CreateNoWindow = $true
$pi.RedirectStandardError = $true
$pi.RedirectStandardOutput = $true
$pi.UseShellExecute = $false
$p = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process
$p.StartInfo = $pi
$ok = $p.Start()
$stdout = $p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()
$stderr = $p.StandardError.ReadToEnd()
return $stdout
$vspath = ''
function Get-VisualStudio2022InstallPath
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($global:vspath))
Write-Verbose "Detecting VisualStudio 2022..."
$vswhere = Get-VSWhere
$args = " -latest -products * -version [17.0,18.0) -requires Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.Tools.x86.x64 -property installationPath"
Write-Verbose "Executing $vswhere $args"
$path = Run-Process $vswhere $args
$path = $path -replace [environment]::NewLine, ''
Write-Verbose "Visual Studio 2022 detected at $path"
$global:vspath = $path
return $global:vspath
function Test-VisualStudio2022Install
$path = Get-VisualStudio2022InstallPath
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($path))
Write-Host "VisualStudio 2022...$path"
function Test-DevTestPfx
if ($Clean -eq $true)
return $false
$user = Get-UserPath
$pfx_thumbprint = Join-Path $user 'winappsdk.certificate.test.thumbprint'
if (-not(Test-Path -Path $pfx_thumbprint -PathType Leaf))
Write-Host "Test certificate thumbprint $pfx_thumbprint...Not Found"
$global:issues += 1
return $false
$thumbprint = Get-Content -Path $pfx_thumbprint -Encoding utf8
$cert_path = "cert:\LocalMachine\TrustedPeople\$thumbprint"
if (-not(Test-Path -Path $cert_path))
Write-Host "Test certificate for $pfx_thumbprint...Not Found"
$global:issues += 1
return $false
$cert = Get-ChildItem $cert_path
$expiration = $cert.NotAfter
$now = Get-Date
if ($expiration -lt $now)
Write-Host "Test certificate for $pfx_thumbprint...Expired ($expiration)"
$global:issues += 1
return $false
elseif ($expiration -lt ($now + (New-TimeSpan -Days 14)))
Write-Host "Test certificate for $pfx_thumbprint...Expires soon ($expiration)"
$global:issues += 1
return $true
Write-Host "Test certificate for $pfx_thumbprint...OK"
return $true
function Repair-DevTestPfx
$isadmin = Get-IsAdmin
if ($isadmin -eq $false)
Write-Host "Test certificate .pfx...Access Denied. Run from an admin prompt"
$global:issues += 1
return $false
$user = Get-UserPath
$pwd_file = Join-Path $user 'winappsdk.certificate.test.pwd'
# -CertPassword <password> is a required parameter for this work
$password = ''
if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($CertPassword))
$password_plaintext = $CertPassword
elseif (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($CertPasswordFile))
if (-not(Test-Path -Path $CertPasswordFile -PathType Leaf))
Write-Host "Test certificate file $CertPasswordFile...Not Found"
$global:issues += 1
return $false
$password = Get-Content -Path $CertPasswordFile -Encoding utf8
elseif (($CertPasswordUser -eq $true) -and (Test-Path -Path $pwd_file -PathType Leaf))
$password = Get-Content -Path $pwd_file -Encoding utf8
elseif ($NoInteractive -eq $false)
$password_plaintext = Read-Host -Prompt 'Creating test certificate. Please enter a password'
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($password_plaintext))
Write-Host "Test certificate .pfx...password parameter (-CertPassword | -CertPasswordFile | -CertPasswordUser) or prompting required"
$global:issues += 1
return $false
$password = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $password_plaintext -Force -AsPlainText
Set-Content -Path $pwd_file -Value $password_plaintext -Force
# Prepare to record the pfx for the certificate
$user = Get-UserPath
$cert_thumbprint = Join-Path $user 'winappsdk.certificate.test.thumbprint'
# Create the certificate
$cert_path = "cert:\CurrentUser\My"
$now = Get-Date
$expiration = $now.AddMonths(12)
$subject = 'CN=Microsoft Corporation, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US'
$friendly_name = "Microsoft.WindowsAppSDK Test Certificate Create=$now"
$key_friendly_name = "Microsoft.WindowsAppSDK Test PrivateKey Create=$now"
$key_description = "Microsoft.WindowsAppSDK Test PrivateKey Create=$now"
$eku_oid = ''
$eku_value = ','
$eku = "$eku_oid={text}$eku_value"
$cert = New-SelfSignedCertificate -CertStoreLocation $cert_path -NotAfter $expiration -Subject $subject -FriendlyName $friendly_name -KeyFriendlyName $key_friendly_name -KeyDescription $key_description -TextExtension $eku
# Save the thumbprint
$thumbprint = $cert.Thumbprint
Set-Content -Path $cert_thumbprint -Value $thumbprint -Force
# Export the certificate
$cer = Join-Path $user 'winappsdk.certificate.test.cer'
$export_cer = Export-Certificate -Cert $cert -FilePath $cer -Force
$cert_personal = "cert:\CurrentUser\My\$thumbprint"
$pfx = Join-Path $user 'winappsdk.certificate.test.pfx'
$export_pfx = Export-PfxCertificate -Cert $cert_personal -FilePath $pfx -Password $password
# Delete the personal certiicate
Remove-Item -Path $cert_personal -DeleteKey
$ok = $true
foreach ($f in $cer,$pfx,$pwd_file,$cert_thumbprint)
if (Test-Path -Path $f -PathType Leaf)
Write-Host "Create $f...OK"
Write-Host "Create $f...Error"
$global:issues += 1
$ok = $false
return $ok
function Remove-DevTestPfx
$user = Get-UserPath
$cer = Join-Path $user 'winappsdk.certificate.test.cer'
$pfx = Join-Path $user 'winappsdk.certificate.test.pfx'
$pwd_file = Join-Path $user 'winappsdk.certificate.test.pwd'
$pfx_thumbprint = Join-Path $user 'winappsdk.certificate.test.thumbprint'
foreach ($f in $cer,$pfx,$pwd_file,$pfx_thumbprint)
if (Test-Path -Path $f -PathType Leaf)
Remove-Item -Path $f -Force
Write-Host "Remove test certificate $f...OK"
return $true
function Test-DevTestCert
$user = Get-UserPath
$pfx_thumbprint = Join-Path $user 'winappsdk.certificate.test.thumbprint'
$thumbprint = Get-Content -Path $pfx_thumbprint -Encoding utf8
$cert_path = "cert:\LocalMachine\TrustedPeople\$thumbprint"
if (-not(Test-Path -Path $cert_path))
Write-Host "Test certificate $pfx_thumbprint thumbprint $thumbprint...Not Found"
$global:issues += 1
return $false
$cert = Get-ChildItem -Path $cert_path
$expiration = $cert.NotAfter
$now = Get-Date
if ($expiration -lt $now)
Write-Host "Test certificate $thumbprint...Expired ($expiration)"
$global:issues += 1
return $false
elseif ($expiration -lt ($now + (New-TimeSpan -Days 14)))
Write-Host "Test certificate $thumbprint...Expires soon ($expiration)"
$global:issues += 1
return $false
Write-Host "Test certificate $thumbprint...OK"
return $true
function Repair-DevTestCert
$isadmin = Get-IsAdmin
if ($isadmin -eq $false)
Write-Host "Install test certificate...Access Denied. Run from an admin prompt"
$global:issues += 1
$user = Get-UserPath
$cer = Join-Path $user 'winappsdk.certificate.test.cer'
$pfx = Join-Path $user 'winappsdk.certificate.test.pfx'
$pfx_thumbprint = Join-Path $user 'winappsdk.certificate.test.thumbprint'
$thumbprint = Get-Content -Path $pfx_thumbprint -Encoding utf8
$cert_path = "cert:\LocalMachine\TrustedPeople"
$x509certificates = Import-Certificate -FilePath $cer -CertStoreLocation $cert_path
Write-Host "Install test certificate $cer...OK"
function Remove-DevTestCert
$isadmin = Get-IsAdmin
if ($isadmin -eq $false)
Write-Host "Remove test certificate...Access Denied. Run from an admin prompt"
$global:issues += 1
return $false
$user = Get-UserPath
$pfx_thumbprint = Join-Path $user 'winappsdk.certificate.test.thumbprint'
if (-not(Test-Path -Path [System.IO.FileInfo]$pfx_thumbprint -PathType Leaf))
Write-Host "Remove test certificate $pfx_thumbprint...OK (Not Found)"
return $true
$thumbprint = Get-Content -Path $pfx_thumbprint -Encoding utf8
$cert_path = "cert:\LocalMachine\TrustedPeople\$thumbprint"
if (-not(Test-Path -Path $cert_path))
Write-Host "Remove test certificate for $thumbprint...OK (Not Found)"
return $true
Remove-Item -Path $cert_path -DeleteKey
Write-Host "Remove test certificate for $thumbprint...OK"
return $true
function Test-TAEFService
$service = Get-Service |Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "TE.Service"}
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($service))
Write-Host "TAEF service...Not Installed"
return 'NotFound'
elseif ($service.Status -ne "Running")
Write-Host "TAEF service...Not running ($service.Status)"
return 'NotRunning'
Write-Host "TAEF service...Running"
return 'Running'
function Repair-TAEFService
$isadmin = Get-IsAdmin
if ($isadmin -eq $false)
Write-Host "Install TAEF service...Access Denied. Run from an admin prompt"
$global:issues += 1
$root = Get-ProjectRoot
$cpu = Get-CpuArchitecture
$taef = 'Microsoft.Taef.10.58.210222006-develop'
$path = "$root\packages\$taef\build\Binaries\$cpu\Wex.Services.exe"
if (-not(Test-Path -Path $path -PathType Leaf))
Write-Host "Install TAEF service...Not Found ($path)"
$global:issues += 1
return 'TAEFNotFound'
$args = '/install:TE.Service'
$output = Run-Process $path $args
$service = Get-Service |Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "TE.Service"}
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($service))
Write-Host "Install TAEF service...Failed"
$global:issues += 1
return 'InstallError'
Write-Host "Install TAEF service...OK"
return 'NotRunning'
function Start-TAEFService
$isadmin = Get-IsAdmin
if ($isadmin -eq $false)
Write-Host "Install TAEF service...Access Denied. Run from an admin prompt"
$global:issues += 1
$ok = Start-Service 'TE.Service'
$service = Get-Service |Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "TE.Service"}
if ($service.Status -ne "Running")
Write-Host "Start TAEF service...Failed"
$global:issues += 1
Write-Host "Start TAEF service...OK"
return $true
Write-Output "Checking developer environment..."
$cpu = Get-CpuArchitecture
$project_root = Get-ProjectRoot
Write-Output "Windows App SDK location...$project_root"
if (($CheckAll -ne $false) -Or ($CheckVisualStudio -ne $false))
if (($CheckAll -ne $false) -Or ($CheckTestPfx -ne $false))
$test = Test-DevTestPfx
if ($test -ne $true)
$test = Repair-DevTestPfx
if ($test -ne $true)
Write-Output "Fatal error. Aborting..."
Exit 1
if (($CheckAll -ne $false) -Or ($CheckTestCert -ne $false))
$test = Test-DevTestCert
if ($test -ne $true)
if (($CheckAll -ne $false) -Or ($CheckTAEFService -ne $false))
$test = Test-TAEFService
if ($test -eq 'NotFound')
$test = Repair-TAEFService
if ($test -eq 'NotRunning')
$test = Start-TAEFService
if (($RemoveAll -ne $false) -Or ($RemoveTestCert -ne $false))
$test = Remove-DevTestCert
if (($RemoveAll -ne $false) -Or ($RemoveTestPfx -ne $false))
$test = Remove-DevTestPfx
if ($global:issues -eq 0)
Write-Output "Coding time!"
$n = $global:issues
Write-Output "$n issue(s) detected"