
401 строка
14 KiB

// File: ControllerFont.h
// Class for compositing text with Xbox controller font button sprites
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
#pragma once
#include "SpriteBatch.h"
#include "SpriteFont.h"
namespace DX
enum class ControllerFont : wchar_t
LeftThumb = L' ',
DPad = L'!',
RightThumb = L'\"',
View = L'#',
Nexus = L'$',
Menu = L'%',
XButton = L'&',
AButton = L'\'',
YButton = L'(',
BButton = L')',
RightShoulder = L'*',
RightTrigger = L'+',
LeftTrigger = L',',
LeftShoulder = L'-',
inline void XM_CALLCONV DrawControllerString(_In_ DirectX::SpriteBatch* spriteBatch, _In_ DirectX::SpriteFont* textFont, _In_ DirectX::SpriteFont* butnFont,
_In_z_ wchar_t const* text, DirectX::XMFLOAT2 const& position, DirectX::FXMVECTOR color = DirectX::Colors::White, float scale = 1)
using namespace DirectX;
size_t textLen = wcslen(text);
if (textLen >= 4096)
throw std::out_of_range("String is too long");
float buttonHeight = butnFont->GetLineSpacing();
float buttonScale = (textFont->GetLineSpacing() * scale) / buttonHeight;
float offsetY = buttonScale / 2.f;
size_t j = 0;
wchar_t strBuffer[4096] = {};
bool buttonText = false;
XMFLOAT2 outPos = position;
for (size_t ch = 0; ch < textLen; ++ch)
if (buttonText)
strBuffer[j++] = text[ch];
if (text[ch] == L']')
wchar_t button[2] = {};
if (_wcsicmp(strBuffer, L"[A]") == 0)
*button = static_cast<wchar_t>(ControllerFont::AButton);
else if (_wcsicmp(strBuffer, L"[B]") == 0)
*button = static_cast<wchar_t>(ControllerFont::BButton);
else if (_wcsicmp(strBuffer, L"[X]") == 0)
*button = static_cast<wchar_t>(ControllerFont::XButton);
else if (_wcsicmp(strBuffer, L"[Y]") == 0)
*button = static_cast<wchar_t>(ControllerFont::YButton);
else if (_wcsicmp(strBuffer, L"[DPad]") == 0)
*button = static_cast<wchar_t>(ControllerFont::DPad);
else if (_wcsicmp(strBuffer, L"[View]") == 0)
*button = static_cast<wchar_t>(ControllerFont::View);
else if (_wcsicmp(strBuffer, L"[Menu]") == 0)
*button = static_cast<wchar_t>(ControllerFont::Menu);
else if (_wcsicmp(strBuffer, L"[Nexus]") == 0)
*button = static_cast<wchar_t>(ControllerFont::Nexus);
else if (_wcsicmp(strBuffer, L"[RThumb]") == 0)
*button = static_cast<wchar_t>(ControllerFont::RightThumb);
else if (_wcsicmp(strBuffer, L"[LThumb]") == 0)
*button = static_cast<wchar_t>(ControllerFont::LeftThumb);
else if (_wcsicmp(strBuffer, L"[RB]") == 0)
*button = static_cast<wchar_t>(ControllerFont::RightShoulder);
else if (_wcsicmp(strBuffer, L"[LB]") == 0)
*button = static_cast<wchar_t>(ControllerFont::LeftShoulder);
else if (_wcsicmp(strBuffer, L"[RT]") == 0)
*button = static_cast<wchar_t>(ControllerFont::RightTrigger);
else if (_wcsicmp(strBuffer, L"[LT]") == 0)
*button = static_cast<wchar_t>(ControllerFont::LeftTrigger);
if (*button)
float bsize = XMVectorGetX(butnFont->MeasureString(button));
float offsetX = (bsize * buttonScale / 2.f);
outPos.x += offsetX;
outPos.y -= offsetY;
butnFont->DrawString(spriteBatch, button, outPos, Colors::White, 0.f, XMFLOAT2(0.f, 0.f), XMFLOAT2(buttonScale, buttonScale));
outPos.x += bsize * buttonScale;
outPos.y += offsetY;
memset(strBuffer, 0, sizeof(strBuffer));
j = 0;
buttonText = false;
switch (text[ch])
case '\r':
case '[':
if (*strBuffer)
textFont->DrawString(spriteBatch, strBuffer, outPos, color, 0.f, XMFLOAT2(0.f, 0.f), XMFLOAT2(scale, scale));
outPos.x += XMVectorGetX(textFont->MeasureString(strBuffer)) * scale;
memset(strBuffer, 0, sizeof(strBuffer));
j = 0;
buttonText = true;
*strBuffer = L'[';
case '\n':
if (*strBuffer)
textFont->DrawString(spriteBatch, strBuffer, outPos, color, 0.f, XMFLOAT2(0.f, 0.f), XMFLOAT2(scale, scale));
memset(strBuffer, 0, sizeof(strBuffer));
j = 0;
outPos.x = position.x;
outPos.y += textFont->GetLineSpacing() * scale;
strBuffer[j++] = text[ch];
if (*strBuffer)
textFont->DrawString(spriteBatch, strBuffer, outPos, color, 0.f, XMFLOAT2(0.f, 0.f), XMFLOAT2(scale, scale));
inline RECT XM_CALLCONV MeasureControllerDrawBounds(_In_ DirectX::SpriteFont* textFont, _In_ DirectX::SpriteFont* butnFont,
_In_z_ wchar_t const* text, DirectX::XMFLOAT2 const& position, float scale = 1)
using namespace DirectX;
size_t textLen = wcslen(text);
if (textLen >= 4096)
throw std::out_of_range("String is too long");
float buttonHeight = butnFont->GetLineSpacing();
float buttonScale = (textFont->GetLineSpacing() * scale) / buttonHeight;
float offsetY = buttonScale / 2.f;
size_t j = 0;
wchar_t strBuffer[4096] = {};
bool buttonText = false;
XMFLOAT2 outPos = position;
RECT result = { LONG_MAX, LONG_MAX, 0, 0 };
for (size_t ch = 0; ch < textLen; ++ch)
if (buttonText)
strBuffer[j++] = text[ch];
if (text[ch] == L']')
wchar_t button[2] = {};
if (_wcsicmp(strBuffer, L"[A]") == 0)
*button = static_cast<wchar_t>(ControllerFont::AButton);
else if (_wcsicmp(strBuffer, L"[B]") == 0)
*button = static_cast<wchar_t>(ControllerFont::BButton);
else if (_wcsicmp(strBuffer, L"[X]") == 0)
*button = static_cast<wchar_t>(ControllerFont::XButton);
else if (_wcsicmp(strBuffer, L"[Y]") == 0)
*button = static_cast<wchar_t>(ControllerFont::YButton);
else if (_wcsicmp(strBuffer, L"[DPad]") == 0)
*button = static_cast<wchar_t>(ControllerFont::DPad);
else if (_wcsicmp(strBuffer, L"[View]") == 0)
*button = static_cast<wchar_t>(ControllerFont::View);
else if (_wcsicmp(strBuffer, L"[Menu]") == 0)
*button = static_cast<wchar_t>(ControllerFont::Menu);
else if (_wcsicmp(strBuffer, L"[Nexus]") == 0)
*button = static_cast<wchar_t>(ControllerFont::Nexus);
else if (_wcsicmp(strBuffer, L"[RThumb]") == 0)
*button = static_cast<wchar_t>(ControllerFont::RightThumb);
else if (_wcsicmp(strBuffer, L"[LThumb]") == 0)
*button = static_cast<wchar_t>(ControllerFont::LeftThumb);
else if (_wcsicmp(strBuffer, L"[RB]") == 0)
*button = static_cast<wchar_t>(ControllerFont::RightShoulder);
else if (_wcsicmp(strBuffer, L"[LB]") == 0)
*button = static_cast<wchar_t>(ControllerFont::LeftShoulder);
else if (_wcsicmp(strBuffer, L"[RT]") == 0)
*button = static_cast<wchar_t>(ControllerFont::RightTrigger);
else if (_wcsicmp(strBuffer, L"[LT]") == 0)
*button = static_cast<wchar_t>(ControllerFont::LeftTrigger);
if (*button)
float bsize = XMVectorGetX(butnFont->MeasureString(button));
float offsetX = (bsize * buttonScale / 2.f);
if (outPos.x < result.left)
result.left = long(outPos.x);
if (outPos.y < = long(outPos.y);
outPos.x += offsetX;
outPos.y -= offsetY;
if (outPos.x < result.left)
result.left = long(outPos.x);
if (outPos.y < = long(outPos.y);
outPos.x += bsize * buttonScale;
outPos.y += offsetY;
if (result.right < outPos.x)
result.right = long(outPos.x);
if (result.bottom < outPos.y)
result.bottom = long(outPos.y);
memset(strBuffer, 0, sizeof(strBuffer));
j = 0;
buttonText = false;
switch (text[ch])
case '\r':
case '[':
if (*strBuffer)
if (outPos.x < result.left)
result.left = long(outPos.x);
if (outPos.y < = long(outPos.y);
outPos.x += XMVectorGetX(textFont->MeasureString(strBuffer)) * scale;
if (result.right < outPos.x)
result.right = long(outPos.x);
if (result.bottom < outPos.y)
result.bottom = long(outPos.y);
memset(strBuffer, 0, sizeof(strBuffer));
j = 0;
buttonText = true;
*strBuffer = L'[';
case '\n':
if (*strBuffer)
if (outPos.x < result.left)
result.left = long(outPos.x);
if (outPos.y < = long(outPos.y);
outPos.x += XMVectorGetX(textFont->MeasureString(strBuffer)) * scale;
if (result.right < outPos.x)
result.right = long(outPos.x);
if (result.bottom < outPos.y)
result.bottom = long(outPos.y);
memset(strBuffer, 0, sizeof(strBuffer));
j = 0;
outPos.x = position.x;
outPos.y += textFont->GetLineSpacing() * scale;
strBuffer[j++] = text[ch];
if (*strBuffer)
if (outPos.x < result.left)
result.left = long(outPos.x);
if (outPos.y < = long(outPos.y);
outPos.x += XMVectorGetX(textFont->MeasureString(strBuffer)) * scale;
if (result.right < outPos.x)
result.right = long(outPos.x);
if (result.bottom < outPos.y)
result.bottom = long(outPos.y);
if (result.left == LONG_MAX)
result.left = 0; = 0;
return result;