![Ace Logo](http://microsoft.github.io/ace/assets/images/logo/ace.png) Visit our [homepage](http://microsoft.github.io/ace/) & [get started](http://microsoft.github.io/ace/docs/getting-started/) in minutes! ## WHAT IS ACE? An Apache Cordova plugin that enables you to easily add native UI and native code to your JavaScript and HTML. * Mix native UI with HTML * Use a cross-platform native UI framework * Call native code without additional plugins ![Ace Diagram](http://microsoft.github.io/ace/assets/images/github/intro.png) ## QUICK START ### RUNNING THE EXAMPLES **From a Command Prompt (Windows) or Terminal (Mac):** * Install NPM, which is [included in the Node.js installation](https://nodejs.org/en/download/), if you haven't already * Install Cordova using NPM (this might require executing with sudo on a Mac): ``` npm install -g cordova ``` * Go to the examples/AceExamples subfolder, then run: ``` cordova prepare cordova run android cordova run ios ``` **Or, Using Visual Studio:** * Ensure you have [Tools for Apache Cordova](https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/features/cordova-vs.aspx) installed * Open examples/AceExamples/AceExamples.sln * Deploy to either an Android emulator or device (KitKat or later, ideally Marshmallow), or an iOS remote device * If you need a Marshmallow Android emulator, run the "Visual Studio Emulator for Android" program from the Start menu to download one. ### ADDING TO A NEW OR EXISTING CORDOVA PROJECT **Just add the plugin to your Cordova project.** Whether you use Visual Studio or command-line tools, Windows or Mac, you can add this plugin the standard way. For example: ``` cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-ace ``` or, in Visual Studio, open **config.xml** then add the plugin under **Plugins**, **Custom**. You can point it at https://github.com/microsoft/ace.git or a local copy that you download. Then follow the examples and docs. You can find examples in the examples folder of this repository. ## COMMUNITY * Have a question that's not a feature request or bug report? [Discuss on Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/ace-plugin) * Have a feature request or find a bug? [Submit an issue](https://github.com/microsoft/ace/issues) * Please [contribute](https://github.com/microsoft/ace/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) to the source code! ## DEVELOPMENT The easiest way to test plugin code changes is to copy the examples/AceExamples folder *outside of* the plugin folder, remove the Ace plugin from the project, and then add it back using a path to your local ace folder with your code changes. Just remember to copy any enhancements you make to the AceExamples project back to the original location! ## LICENSE Ace is licensed under the MIT Open Source license.