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Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the MIT License.
This module contains helper functions for dealing with Shared Access Signatures
(SAS) tokens for Azure Blob Storage.
This module assumes azure-storage-blob version 12.3.
Documentation for Azure Blob Storage:
Documentation for SAS:
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import io
from typing import (
Any, AnyStr, Dict, IO, Iterable, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union)
from urllib import parse
import uuid
from tqdm import tqdm
from import (
from azure.core.exceptions import ResourceNotFoundError
class SasBlob:
2020-07-15 00:50:41 +03:00
"""SAS URI: https://<account><container>?<sas_token>"""
def _get_resource_reference(prefix: str) -> str:
return '{}{}'.format(prefix, str(uuid.uuid4()).replace('-', ''))
def get_client_from_uri(sas_uri: str) -> ContainerClient:
"""Gets a ContainerClient for the given container URI."""
return ContainerClient.from_container_url(sas_uri)
def get_account_from_uri(sas_uri: str) -> str:
Assumes that sas_uri points to Azure Blob Storage account hosted at
a default Azure URI. Does not work for locally-emulated Azure Storage
or Azure Storage hosted at custom endpoints.
url_parts = parse.urlsplit(sas_uri)
loc = url_parts.netloc # "<account>"
return loc.split('.')[0]
def get_container_from_uri(sas_uri: str, unquote: bool = True) -> str:
"""Gets the container name from a Azure Blob Storage URI.
Assumes that sas_uri points to Azure Blob Storage account hosted at
a default Azure URI. Does not work for locally-emulated Azure Storage
or Azure Storage hosted at custom endpoints.
sas_uri: str, Azure blob storage URI, may include SAS token
unquote: bool, whether to replace any %xx escapes by their
single-character equivalent, default True
Returns: str, container name
Raises: ValueError, if sas_uri does not include a container
url_parts = parse.urlsplit(sas_uri)
raw_path = url_parts.path.lstrip('/') # remove leading "/" from path
container = raw_path.split('/')[0]
if container == '':
raise ValueError('Given sas_uri does not include a container.')
if unquote:
container = parse.unquote(container)
return container
def get_blob_from_uri(sas_uri: str, unquote: bool = True) -> str:
"""Return the path to the blob from the root container if this sas_uri
is for an individual blob; otherwise returns None.
sas_uri: str, Azure blob storage URI, may include SAS token
unquote: bool, whether to replace any %xx escapes by their
single-character equivalent, default True
Returns: str, blob name (path to the blob from the root container)
Raises: ValueError, if sas_uri does not include a blob name
# Get the entire path with all slashes after the container
url_parts = parse.urlsplit(sas_uri)
raw_path = url_parts.path.lstrip('/') # remove leading "/" from path
parts = raw_path.split('/', maxsplit=1)
if len(parts) < 2 or parts[1] == '':
raise ValueError('Given sas_uri does not include a blob name')
blob = parts[1] # first item is an empty string
if unquote:
blob = parse.unquote(blob)
return blob
def get_sas_key_from_uri(sas_uri: str) -> Optional[str]:
"""Get the query part of the SAS token that contains permissions, access
times and signature.
sas_uri: str, Azure blob storage SAS token
Returns: Query part of the SAS token, or None if URI has no token.
url_parts = parse.urlsplit(sas_uri)
sas_token = url_parts.query or None # None if query is empty string
return sas_token
def get_resource_type_from_uri(sas_uri: str) -> Optional[str]:
"""Get the resource type pointed to by this SAS token.
sas_uri: str, Azure blob storage SAS token
Returns: A string (either 'blob' or 'container') or None.
url_parts = parse.urlsplit(sas_uri)
data = parse.parse_qs(url_parts.query)
if 'sr' in data:
types = data['sr']
if 'b' in types:
return 'blob'
elif 'c' in types:
return 'container'
return None
def get_permissions_from_uri(sas_uri: str) -> Set[str]:
"""Get the permissions given by this SAS token.
sas_uri: str, Azure blob storage SAS token
Returns: A set containing some of 'read', 'write', 'delete' and 'list'.
Empty set returned if no permission specified in sas_uri.
url_parts = parse.urlsplit(sas_uri)
data = parse.parse_qs(url_parts.query)
permissions_set = set()
if 'sp' in data:
permissions = data['sp'][0]
if 'r' in permissions:
if 'w' in permissions:
if 'd' in permissions:
if 'l' in permissions:
return permissions_set
def get_all_query_parts(sas_uri: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Gets the SAS token parameters."""
url_parts = parse.urlsplit(sas_uri)
return parse.parse_qs(url_parts.query)
def check_blob_existence(sas_uri: str,
blob_name: Optional[str] = None) -> bool:
"""Checks whether a given URI points to an actual blob.
sas_uri: str, URI to a container or a blob
blob_name: optional str, name of blob
must be given if sas_uri is a URI to a container
overrides blob name in sas_uri if sas_uri is a URI to a blob
Returns: bool, whether the sas_uri given points to an existing blob
if blob_name is not None:
account = SasBlob.get_account_from_uri(sas_uri)
container = SasBlob.get_container_from_uri(sas_uri)
sas_token = SasBlob.get_sas_key_from_uri(sas_uri)
container_url = f'https://{account}{container}'
if sas_token is not None:
container_url += f'?{sas_token}'
sas_uri = SasBlob.generate_blob_sas_uri(
container_url, blob_name=blob_name)
# until Azure implements a proper BlobClient.exists() method, we can
# only use try/except to determine blob existence
# see:
with BlobClient.from_blob_url(sas_uri) as blob_client:
except ResourceNotFoundError:
return False
return True
def list_blobs_in_container(
sas_uri: str,
limit: Optional[int] = None,
blob_prefix: Optional[str] = None,
blob_suffix: Optional[Union[str, Tuple[str]]] = None) -> List[str]:
"""Get a list of blob names in this container.
sas_uri: str, Azure blob storage SAS token
limit: int, maximum # of blob names to list
if None, then returns all blob names
blob_prefix: Optional, a string as the prefix to blob names to
filter the results to those with this prefix
blob_suffix: Optional, a string or a tuple of strings, to filter the
results to those with this/these suffix(s). The blob names will
be lowercased first before comparing with the suffix(es).
sorted list of blob names, of length limit or shorter.
print('listing blobs...')
if (SasBlob.get_sas_key_from_uri(sas_uri) is not None
and SasBlob.get_resource_type_from_uri(sas_uri) != 'container'):
raise ValueError('The SAS token provided is not for a container.')
if blob_prefix is not None and not isinstance(blob_prefix, str):
raise ValueError('blob_prefix must be a str.')
if (blob_suffix is not None
and not isinstance(blob_suffix, str)
and not isinstance(blob_suffix, tuple)):
raise ValueError('blob_suffix must be a str or a tuple of strings')
list_blobs = []
with SasBlob.get_client_from_uri(sas_uri) as container_client:
generator = container_client.list_blobs(name_starts_with=blob_prefix)
for blob in tqdm(generator):
if blob_suffix is None or
if limit is not None and len(list_blobs) == limit:
return sorted(list_blobs) # sort for determinism
def generate_writable_container_sas(account_name: str,
account_key: str,
container_name: str,
access_duration_hrs: float,
account_url: Optional[str] = None
) -> str:
"""Creates a container and returns a SAS URI with read/write/list
account_name: str, name of blob storage account
account_key: str, account SAS token or account shared access key
container_name: str, name of container to create, must not match an
existing container in the given storage account
access_duration_hrs: float
account_url: str, optional, defaults to default Azure Storage URL
Returns: str, URL to newly created container
Raises: azure.core.exceptions.ResourceExistsError, if container already
NOTE: This method currently fails on non-default Azure Storage URLs. The
initializer for ContainerClient() assumes the default Azure Storage URL
format, which is a bug that has been reported here:
if account_url is None:
account_url = f'https://{account_name}'
container_client = ContainerClient(account_url=account_url,
permissions = ContainerSasPermissions(read=True, write=True, list=True)
container_sas_token = generate_container_sas(
expiry=datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(hours=access_duration_hrs))
return f'{account_url}/{container_name}?{container_sas_token}'
def upload_blob(container_sas_uri: str, blob_name: str,
data: Union[Iterable[AnyStr], IO[AnyStr]]) -> str:
"""Creates a new blob of the given name from an IO stream.
container_sas_uri: str, URI to a container
blob_name: str, name of blob to upload
data: str, bytes, or IO stream
if str, assumes utf-8 encoding
Returns: str, URI to blob
blob_url = SasBlob.generate_blob_sas_uri(container_sas_uri, blob_name)
upload_blob_to_url(blob_url, data=data)
return blob_url
def get_blob_to_stream(sas_uri: str) -> Tuple[io.BytesIO, BlobProperties]:
"""Downloads a blob to an IO stream.
sas_uri: str, URI to a blob
output_stream: io.BytesIO, remember to close it when finished using
blob_properties: BlobProperties
Raises: azure.core.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundError, if sas_uri points
to a non-existant blob
NOTE: the returned BlobProperties object may have incorrect values for
the blob name and container name. This is a bug which has been reported
with BlobClient.from_blob_url(sas_uri) as blob_client:
output_stream = io.BytesIO()
blob_properties = blob_client.get_blob_properties()
return output_stream, blob_properties
def generate_blob_sas_uri(container_sas_uri: str, blob_name: str) -> str:
container_sas_uri: str, URI to blob storage container
blob_name: str, name of blob
Returns: str, blob URI
account_container = container_sas_uri.split('?', maxsplit=1)[0]
account_url, container_name = account_container.rsplit('/', maxsplit=1)
sas_token = SasBlob.get_sas_key_from_uri(container_sas_uri)
blob_uri = f'{account_url}/{container_name}/{blob_name}'
if sas_token is not None:
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blob_uri += f'?{sas_token}'
return blob_uri