188 строки
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188 строки
6.2 KiB
# function write_html_image_list(filename,imageFilenames,titles, options)
# Given a list of image file names, writes an HTML file that
# shows all those images, with optional one-line headers above each.
# Each "filename" can also be a dict with elements 'filename','title',
# 'imageStyle','textStyle'
# Strips directory information away if options.makeRelative == 1.
# Tries to convert absolute to relative paths if options.makeRelative == 2.
# Owner: Dan Morris (dan@microsoft.com)
#%% Constants and imports
import math
import matlab_porting_tools as mpt
#%% write_html_image_list
def write_html_image_list(filename=None,images=None,options={}):
# returns an options struct
if 'fHtml' not in options:
options['fHtml'] = -1
if 'makeRelative' not in options:
options['makeRelative'] = 0
if 'headerHtml' not in options:
options['headerHtml'] = ''
if 'trailerHtml' not in options:
options['trailerHtml'] = ''
if 'defaultTextStyle' not in options:
options['defaultTextStyle'] = \
if 'defaultImageStyle' not in options:
options['defaultImageStyle'] = \
# Possibly split the html output for figures into multiple files; Chrome gets sad with
# thousands of images in a single tab.
if 'maxFiguresPerHtmlFile' not in options:
options['maxFiguresPerHtmlFile'] = math.inf
if filename == None:
return options
# images may be a list of images or a list of image/style/title dictionaries,
# enforce that it's the latter to simplify downstream code
for iImage,imageInfo in enumerate(images):
if isinstance(imageInfo,str):
imageInfo = {'filename':imageInfo,'imageStyle':'','title':'','textStyle':''}
if 'filename' not in imageInfo:
imageInfo['filename'] = ''
if 'imageStyle' not in imageInfo:
imageInfo['imageStyle'] = options['defaultImageStyle']
if 'title' not in imageInfo:
imageInfo['title'] = ''
if 'textStyle' not in imageInfo:
textStyle = options['defaultTextStyle']
imageInfo['textStyle'] = options['defaultTextStyle']
images[iImage] = imageInfo
# Remove leading directory information from filenames if requested
if options['makeRelative'] == 1:
for iImage in range(0,len(images)):
_,n,e = mpt.fileparts(images[iImage]['filename'])
images[iImage]['filename'] = n + e
elif options['makeRelative'] == 2:
baseDir,_,_ = mpt.fileparts(filename)
if len(baseDir) > 1 and baseDir[-1] != '\\':
baseDir = baseDir + '\\'
for iImage in range(0,len(images)):
fn = images[iImage]['filename']
fn = fn.replace(baseDir,'')
images[iImage]['filename'] = fn
nImages = len(images)
# If we need to break this up into multiple files...
if nImages > options['maxFiguresPerHtmlFile']:
# You can't supply your own file handle in this case
if options['fHtml'] != -1:
raise ValueError(
'You can''t supply your own file handle if we have to page the image set')
figureFileStartingIndices = list(range(0,nImages,options['maxFiguresPerHtmlFile']))
assert len(figureFileStartingIndices) > 1
# Open the meta-output file
fMeta = open(filename,'w')
# Write header stuff
fMeta.write('<table border = 0 cellpadding = 2>\n')
for startingIndex in figureFileStartingIndices:
iStart = startingIndex
iEnd = startingIndex+options['maxFiguresPerHtmlFile']-1;
if iEnd >= nImages:
iEnd = nImages-1
trailer = 'image_{:05d}_{:05d}'.format(iStart,iEnd)
localFiguresHtmlFilename = mpt.insert_before_extension(filename,trailer)
fMeta.write('<p style="padding-bottom:0px;margin-bottom:0px;text-align:left;font-family:''segoe ui'',calibri,arial;font-size:100%;text-decoration:none;font-weight:bold;">')
fMeta.write('<a href="{}">Figures for images {} through {}</a></p></td></tr>\n'.format(
localImages = images[iStart:iEnd+1]
localOptions = options.copy();
localOptions['headerHtml'] = '';
localOptions['trailerHtml'] = '';
# Make a recursive call for this image set
# ...for each page of images
return options
# ...if we have to make multiple sub-pages
bCleanupFile = False
if options['fHtml'] == -1:
bCleanupFile = True;
fHtml = open(filename,'w')
fHtml = options['fHtml']
# Write out images
for iImage,image in enumerate(images):
title = image['title']
imageStyle = image['imageStyle']
textStyle = image['textStyle']
filename = image['filename']
if len(title) > 0:
'<p style="{}">{}</p>\n'\
fHtml.write('<img src="{}" style="{}">\n'.format(filename,imageStyle))
if iImage != len(images)-1:
# ...for each image we need to write
if bCleanupFile:
# ...function