Add aiida-dynamic-workflows source
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1 @@
aiida_dynamic_workflows/ export-subst
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
from . import (
from ._version import __version__ # noqa: F401
from .samples import input_samples
from .step import step
__all__ = [
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
# This file will be overwritten by when a source or binary
# distribution is made. The magic value "__use_git__" is interpreted by
version = "__use_git__"
# These values are only set if the distribution was created with 'git archive'
refnames = "$Format:%D$"
git_hash = "$Format:%h$"
@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
from collections import namedtuple
import os
import subprocess
from setuptools.command.build_py import build_py as build_py_orig
from setuptools.command.sdist import sdist as sdist_orig
Version = namedtuple("Version", ("release", "dev", "labels"))
# No public API
__all__ = []
package_root = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
package_name = os.path.basename(package_root)
distr_root = os.path.dirname(package_root)
# If the package is inside a "src" directory the
# distribution root is 1 level up.
if os.path.split(distr_root)[1] == "src":
_package_root_inside_src = True
distr_root = os.path.dirname(distr_root)
_package_root_inside_src = False
def get_version(version_file=STATIC_VERSION_FILE):
version_info = get_static_version_info(version_file)
version = version_info["version"]
if version == "__use_git__":
version = get_version_from_git()
if not version:
version = get_version_from_git_archive(version_info)
if not version:
version = Version("unknown", None, None)
return pep440_format(version)
return version
def get_static_version_info(version_file=STATIC_VERSION_FILE):
version_info = {}
with open(os.path.join(package_root, version_file), "rb") as f:
exec(, {}, version_info)
return version_info
def version_is_from_git(version_file=STATIC_VERSION_FILE):
return get_static_version_info(version_file)["version"] == "__use_git__"
def pep440_format(version_info):
release, dev, labels = version_info
version_parts = [release]
if dev:
if release.endswith("-dev") or release.endswith(".dev"):
else: # prefer PEP440 over strict adhesion to semver
if labels:
return "".join(version_parts)
def get_version_from_git():
p = subprocess.Popen(
["git", "rev-parse", "--show-toplevel"],
except OSError:
if p.wait() != 0:
if not os.path.samefile(p.communicate()[0].decode().rstrip("\n"), distr_root):
# The top-level directory of the current Git repository is not the same
# as the root directory of the distribution: do not extract the
# version from Git.
# git describe --first-parent does not take into account tags from branches
# that were merged-in. The '--long' flag gets us the 'dev' version and
# git hash, '--always' returns the git hash even if there are no tags.
for opts in [["--first-parent"], []]:
p = subprocess.Popen(
["git", "describe", "--long", "--always"] + opts,
except OSError:
if p.wait() == 0:
description = (
.strip("v") # Tags can have a leading 'v', but the version should not
.rsplit("-", 2) # Split the latest tag, commits since tag, and hash
release, dev, git = description
except ValueError: # No tags, only the git hash
# prepend 'g' to match with format returned by 'git describe'
git = "g{}".format(*description)
release = "unknown"
dev = None
labels = []
if dev == "0":
dev = None
p = subprocess.Popen(["git", "diff", "--quiet"], cwd=distr_root)
except OSError:
labels.append("confused") # This should never happen.
if p.wait() == 1:
return Version(release, dev, labels)
# TODO: change this logic when there is a git pretty-format
# that gives the same output as 'git describe'.
# Currently we can only tell the tag the current commit is
# pointing to, or its hash (with no version info)
# if it is not tagged.
def get_version_from_git_archive(version_info):
refnames = version_info["refnames"]
git_hash = version_info["git_hash"]
except KeyError:
# These fields are not present if we are running from an sdist.
# Execution should never reach here, though
return None
if git_hash.startswith("$Format") or refnames.startswith("$Format"):
# variables not expanded during 'git archive'
return None
VTAG = "tag: v"
refs = set(r.strip() for r in refnames.split(","))
version_tags = set(r[len(VTAG) :] for r in refs if r.startswith(VTAG))
if version_tags:
release, *_ = sorted(version_tags) # prefer e.g. "2.0" over "2.0rc1"
return Version(release, dev=None, labels=None)
return Version("unknown", dev=None, labels=["g{}".format(git_hash)])
__version__ = get_version()
# The following section defines a module global 'cmdclass',
# which can be used from The 'package_name' and
# '__version__' module globals are used (but not modified).
def _write_version(fname):
# This could be a hard link, so try to delete it first. Is there any way
# to do this atomically together with opening?
except OSError:
with open(fname, "w") as f:
"# This file has been created by\n"
"version = '{}'\n".format(__version__)
class _build_py(build_py_orig):
def run(self):
_write_version(os.path.join(self.build_lib, package_name, STATIC_VERSION_FILE))
class _sdist(sdist_orig):
def make_release_tree(self, base_dir, files):
super().make_release_tree(base_dir, files)
if _package_root_inside_src:
p = os.path.join("src", package_name)
p = package_name
_write_version(os.path.join(base_dir, p, STATIC_VERSION_FILE))
cmdclass = dict(sdist=_sdist, build_py=_build_py)
@ -0,0 +1,672 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
"""Aiida Calculations for running arbitrary Python functions."""
import os
import textwrap
from typing import Any, Dict, Sequence
import aiida.common
import aiida.engine
import numpy as np
import toolz
from . import common
from .data import (
class PyCalcJob(aiida.engine.CalcJob):
"""CalcJob that runs a single Python function."""
def out(self, output_port, value=None) -> None:
"""Attach output to output port."""
# This hack is necessary to work around a bug with output namespace naming.
# Some parts of Aiida consider the namespace/port separator to be '__',
# but others think it is '.'.
return super().out(output_port.replace("__", "."), value)
def define(cls, spec: aiida.engine.CalcJobProcessSpec): # noqa: D102
spec.input("func", valid_type=PyFunction, help="The function to execute")
"kwargs", dynamic=True, help="The (keyword) arguments to the function"
"return_values", dynamic=True, help="The return value(s) of the function"
"exception", required=False, help="The exception raised (if any)",
].default = "dynamic_workflows.PyCalcParser"
spec.inputs["metadata"]["options"]["resources"].default = dict(
num_machines=1, num_mpiprocs_per_machine=1
# TODO: add error codes
message="User code raised an Exception.",
message="Script returned non-zero exit code.",
message="Script returned zero exit code, but no output generated.",
# TODO: refactor this; it is a bit of a mess
def prepare_for_submission(
self, folder: aiida.common.folders.Folder,
) -> aiida.common.CalcInfo: # noqa: D102
# TODO: update "resources" given the resources specified on "py_func"
codeinfo = aiida.common.CodeInfo()
codeinfo.code_uuid = self.inputs.code.uuid
calcinfo = aiida.common.CalcInfo()
calcinfo.codes_info = [codeinfo]
calcinfo.remote_copy_list = []
calcinfo.remote_symlink_list = []
py_function = self.inputs.func
computer =
kwargs = getattr(self.inputs, "kwargs", dict())
remaining_kwargs_file = "__kwargs__/__remaining__.pickle"
kwargs_array_folder_template = "__kwargs__/{}"
kwargs_filename_template = "__kwargs__/{}.pickle"
function_file = "__func__.pickle"
exception_file = "__exception__.pickle"
return_value_files = [
f"__return_values__/{r}.pickle" for r in py_function.returns
folder.get_subfolder("__kwargs__", create=True)
folder.get_subfolder("__return_values__", create=True)
calcinfo.retrieve_list = [exception_file]
# TODO: figure out how to do this with "folder.copy_file" or whatever
with, "wb") as f:
literal_kwargs = dict()
local_kwargs = dict()
remote_kwargs = dict()
remote_array_kwargs = dict()
for k, v in kwargs.items():
# TODO: refactor this to allow more generic / customizable dispatch
if isinstance(v, aiida.orm.BaseType):
literal_kwargs[k] = v.value
elif isinstance(v, PyArray):
literal_kwargs[k] = v.get_array()
elif isinstance(v, PyRemoteData):
remote_kwargs[k] = v
elif isinstance(v, PyRemoteArray):
remote_array_kwargs[k] = v
elif isinstance(v, Nil):
literal_kwargs[k] = None
elif isinstance(v, PyData):
local_kwargs[k] = v
raise ValueError(f"Unsure how to treat '{k}' ({type(v)})")
for k, v in remote_kwargs.items():
# TODO: move the data as needed.
if !=
raise ValueError(
f"Data passed as '{k}' to '{}' is stored "
f"on '{}', which is not directly accessible "
f"from '{computer.label}'."
(computer.uuid, v.pickle_path, kwargs_filename_template.format(k))
for k, v in remote_array_kwargs.items():
# TODO: move the data as needed.
if !=
raise ValueError(
f"Data passed as '{k}' to '{}' is stored "
f"on '{}', which is not directly accessible "
f"from '{computer.label}'."
(computer.uuid, v.pickle_path, kwargs_array_folder_template.format(k))
assert not local_kwargs
kwarg_filenames = [kwargs_filename_template.format(k) for k in remote_kwargs]
kwarg_array_folders = [
kwargs_array_folder_template.format(k) for k in remote_array_kwargs
kwarg_array_shapes = [v.shape for v in remote_array_kwargs.values()]
separate_kwargs = list(remote_kwargs.keys())
separate_array_kwargs = list(remote_array_kwargs.keys())
if literal_kwargs:
common.dump(literal_kwargs, remaining_kwargs_file,
# Add the '.common' subpackage as a package called 'common'.
# This can therefore be used directly from the script.
common_package_folder = folder.get_subfolder("common", create=True)
for filename, contents in common.package_module_contents():
with, "w") as f:
# TODO: factor this out
script = textwrap.dedent(
import os
import sys
import cloudpickle
import common
# Define paths for I/O
function_file = "{function_file}"
separate_kwargs = {separate_kwargs}
separate_kwarg_filenames = {kwarg_filenames}
separate_array_kwargs = {separate_array_kwargs}
separate_array_folders = {kwarg_array_folders}
separate_array_shapes = {kwarg_array_shapes}
remaining_kwargs_file = "{remaining_kwargs_file}"
exception_file = "{exception_file}"
return_value_files = {return_value_files}
assert return_value_files
# Load code
func = common.load(function_file)
# Load kwargs
kwargs = dict()
# TODO: hard-code this when we switch to a Jinja template
# TODO: parallel load using a threadpool
for pname, fname in zip(separate_kwargs, separate_kwarg_filenames):
kwargs[pname] = common.load(fname)
for pname, fname, shape in zip(
separate_array_kwargs, separate_array_folders, separate_array_shapes,
kwargs[pname] = common.FileBasedObjectArray(fname, shape=shape)
if os.path.exists(remaining_kwargs_file):
# Execute
return_values = func(**kwargs)
except Exception as e:
common.dump(e, exception_file)
# Output
if len(return_value_files) == 1:
common.dump(return_values, return_value_files[0])
for r, f in zip(return_values, return_value_files):
common.dump(r, f)
with"", "w", encoding="utf8") as handle:
codeinfo.stdin_name = ""
return calcinfo
class PyMapJob(PyCalcJob):
"""CalcJob that maps a Python function over (a subset of) its parameters."""
def define(cls, spec: aiida.engine.CalcJobProcessSpec): # noqa: D102
"A specification for which parameters to map over, "
"and how to map them"
# Setting 1 as the default means people won't accidentally
# overload the cluster with jobs.
help="How many machines to use for this map, maximally.",
help="How many cores per machines to use for this map.",
].default = "dynamic_workflows.PyMapParser"
def mapspec(self) -> common.MapSpec:
"""Parameter and shape specification for this map job."""
return common.MapSpec.from_string(self.metadata.options.mapspec)
# TODO: refactor / merge this with PyCalcJob
def prepare_for_submission( # noqa: C901
self, folder: aiida.common.folders.Folder
) -> aiida.common.CalcInfo: # noqa: D102
# TODO: update "resources" given the resources specified on "py_func"
codeinfo = aiida.common.CodeInfo()
codeinfo.code_uuid = self.inputs.code.uuid
calcinfo = aiida.common.CalcInfo()
calcinfo.codes_info = [codeinfo]
calcinfo.remote_copy_list = []
calcinfo.remote_symlink_list = []
py_function = self.inputs.func
kwargs = self.inputs.kwargs
computer =
spec = self.mapspec
mapped_kwargs = {
k: v for k, v in self.inputs.kwargs.items() if k in spec.parameters
mapped_kwarg_shapes = toolz.valmap(array_shape, mapped_kwargs)
# This will raise an exception if the shapes are not compatible.
function_file = "__func__.pickle"
exceptions_folder = "__exceptions__"
remaining_kwargs_file = "__kwargs__/__remaining__.pickle"
kwarg_file_template = "__kwargs__/{}.pickle"
mapped_kwarg_folder_template = "__kwargs__/{}"
return_value_folders = [f"__return_values__/{r}" for r in py_function.returns]
calcinfo.retrieve_list = [exceptions_folder]
# TODO: figure out how to do this with "folder.copy_file" or whatever
with, "wb") as f:
folder.get_subfolder(exceptions_folder, create=True)
folder.get_subfolder("__kwargs__", create=True)
folder.get_subfolder("__return_values__", create=True)
folder.get_subfolder(exceptions_folder, create=True)
for rv in return_value_folders:
folder.get_subfolder(rv, create=True)
valid_sequence_types = (
for k in mapped_kwargs:
v = kwargs[k]
if not isinstance(v, valid_sequence_types):
raise TypeError(
f"Expected one of {valid_sequence_types} for {k}, "
f"but received {type(v)}"
remaining_kwargs = dict()
mapped_literal_kwargs = dict()
remote_kwargs = dict()
for k, v in kwargs.items():
# TODO: refactor this to allow more generic / customizable dispatch
if isinstance(v, (PyRemoteData, PyRemoteArray)):
remote_kwargs[k] = v
elif isinstance(v, aiida.orm.List) and k in mapped_kwargs:
mapped_literal_kwargs[k] = v.get_list()
elif isinstance(v, PyArray) and k in mapped_kwargs:
mapped_literal_kwargs[k] = v.get_array()
elif isinstance(v, aiida.orm.List):
remaining_kwargs[k] = v.get_list()
elif isinstance(v, PyArray):
remaining_kwargs[k] = v.get_array()
elif isinstance(v, Nil):
remaining_kwargs[k] = None
elif isinstance(v, PyData):
assert False
remaining_kwargs[k] = v.value
except AttributeError:
raise RuntimeError(f"Unsure how to treat values of type {type(v)}")
if remaining_kwargs:
common.dump(remaining_kwargs, remaining_kwargs_file,
for k, v in mapped_literal_kwargs.items():
common.dump(v, kwarg_file_template.format(k),
for k, v in remote_kwargs.items():
# TODO: move the data as needed.
if !=
raise ValueError(
f"Data passed as '{k}' to '{}' is stored "
f"on '{}', which is not directly accessible "
f"from '{computer.label}'."
if k in mapped_kwargs:
template = mapped_kwarg_folder_template
template = kwarg_file_template
(computer.uuid, v.pickle_path, template.format(k))
separate_kwargs = [k for k in remote_kwargs if k not in mapped_kwargs]
# Add the '.common' subpackage as a package called 'common'.
# This can therefore be used directly from the script.
common_package_folder = folder.get_subfolder("common", create=True)
for filename, contents in common.package_module_contents():
with, "w") as f:
# TODO: factor this out
script = textwrap.dedent(
import functools
import operator
import os
import sys
import cloudpickle
import common
# hard-coded to 1 job per map element for now
element_id = int(os.environ["SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID"])
def tails(seq):
while seq:
seq = seq[1:]
yield seq
def make_strides(shape):
return tuple(functools.reduce(operator.mul, s, 1) for s in tails(shape))
mapspec = common.MapSpec.from_string("{self.metadata.options.mapspec}")
kwarg_shapes = {mapped_kwarg_shapes}
map_shape = mapspec.shape(kwarg_shapes)
output_key = mapspec.output_key(map_shape, element_id)
input_keys = {{
k: v[0] if len(v) == 1 else v
for k, v in mapspec.input_keys(map_shape, element_id).items()
# Define paths for I/O
function_file = "{function_file}"
mapped_kwargs = {spec.parameters}
mapped_literal_kwargs = {list(mapped_literal_kwargs.keys())}
separate_kwargs = {separate_kwargs}
kwarg_file_template = "{kwarg_file_template}"
mapped_kwarg_folder_template = "{mapped_kwarg_folder_template}"
remaining_kwargs_file = "{remaining_kwargs_file}"
exceptions_folder = "{exceptions_folder}"
return_value_folders = {return_value_folders}
assert return_value_folders
# Load code
func = common.load(function_file)
# Load kwargs
kwargs = dict()
# TODO: hard-code this when we switch to a Jinja template
# TODO: parallel load using a threadpool
for pname in separate_kwargs:
kwargs[pname] = common.load(kwarg_file_template.format(pname))
for pname in mapped_kwargs:
if pname in mapped_literal_kwargs:
values = common.load(kwarg_file_template.format(pname))
values = common.FileBasedObjectArray(
kwargs[pname] = values[input_keys[pname]]
if os.path.exists(remaining_kwargs_file):
# Execute
return_values = func(**kwargs)
except Exception as e:
exceptions = common.FileBasedObjectArray(
exceptions_folder, shape=map_shape
exceptions.dump(output_key, e)
# Output
if len(return_value_folders) == 1:
return_values = (return_values,)
for r, f in zip(return_values, return_value_folders):
output_array = common.FileBasedObjectArray(f, shape=map_shape)
output_array.dump(output_key, r)
with"", "w", encoding="utf8") as handle:
codeinfo.stdin_name = ""
return calcinfo
def merge_remote_arrays(**kwargs: PyRemoteArray) -> PyRemoteArray:
"""Merge several remote arrays into a single array.
This is most commonly used for combining the results of
several PyMapJobs, where each job only produced a subset of
the results (e.g. some tasks failed).
The arrays to merge. The arrays will be merged in the same
order as 'kwargs' (i.e. lexicographically by key).
If the input arrays are not on the same computer.
If the input arrays are not the same shape
arrays = [kwargs[k] for k in sorted(kwargs.keys())]
computer, *other_computers = [ for x in arrays]
if any(computer.uuid != x.uuid for x in other_computers):
raise ValueError("Need to be on same computer")
shape, *other_shapes = [x.shape for x in arrays]
if any(shape != x for x in other_shapes):
raise ValueError("Arrays need to be same shape")
output_array = PyRemoteArray(
with computer.get_transport() as transport:
f = create_remote_folder(transport, computer.get_workdir(), output_array.uuid)
for arr in arrays:
array_files = os.path.join(arr.get_attribute("remote_path"), "*")
transport.copy(array_files, f, recursive=False)
output_array.attributes["remote_path"] = f
return output_array
def create_remote_folder(transport, workdir_template, uuid):
"""Create a folder in the Aiida working directory on a remote computer.
A transport to the remote computer.
Template string for the Aiida working directory on the computer.
Must expect a 'username' argument.
A UUID uniquely identifying the remote folder. This will be
combined with 'workdir_template' to provide a sharded folder
path = workdir_template.format(username=transport.whoami())
# Create a sharded path, e.g. 'ab1234ef...' -> 'ab/12/34ef...'.
for segment in (uuid[:2], uuid[2:4], uuid[4:]):
path = os.path.join(path, segment)
transport.mkdir(path, ignore_existing=True)
return path
def num_mapjob_tasks(p: aiida.orm.ProcessNode) -> int:
"""Return the number of tasks that will be executed by a mapjob."""
mapspec = common.MapSpec.from_string(p.get_option("mapspec"))
mapped_kwargs = {
k: v for k, v in p.inputs.kwargs.items() if k in mapspec.parameters
return np.sum(~expected_mask(mapspec, mapped_kwargs))
def expected_mask(mapspec: common.MapSpec, inputs: Dict[str, Any]) -> np.ndarray:
"""Return the result mask that one should expect, given a MapSpec and inputs.
When executing a PyMapJob over inputs that have a mask applied, we expect the
output to be masked also. This function returns the expected mask.
MapSpec that determines how inputs should be combined.
Inputs to map over
kwarg_shapes = toolz.valmap(array_shape, inputs)
kwarg_masks = toolz.valmap(array_mask, inputs)
# This will raise an exception if the shapes are incompatible.
map_shape = mapspec.shape(kwarg_shapes)
map_size =
# We only want to run tasks for _unmasked_ map elements.
# Additionally, instead of a task array specified like "0,1,2,...",
# we want to group tasks into 'runs': "0-30,35-38,...".
def is_masked(i):
return any(
kwarg_masks[k][v] for k, v in mapspec.input_keys(map_shape, i).items()
return np.array([is_masked(x) for x in range(map_size)]).reshape(map_shape)
def array_job_spec(mapspec: common.MapSpec, inputs: Dict[str, Any]) -> str:
"""Return a job-array task specification, given a MapSpec and inputs.
MapSpec that determines how inputs should be combined.
Inputs to map over
# We only want tasks in the array job corresponding to the _unmasked_
# elements in the map.
unmasked_elements = ~expected_mask(mapspec, inputs).reshape(-1)
return array_job_spec_from_booleans(unmasked_elements)
def array_job_spec_from_booleans(should_run_task: Sequence[bool]) -> str:
"""Return a job-array task specification, given a sequence of booleans.
If element 'i' in the sequence is 'True', then task 'i' will be included
in the job array spec
>>> array_job_spec_from_booleans([False, True, True, True, False, True])
return ",".join(
str(start) if start == stop else f"{start}-{stop}"
for start, stop in _group_runs(should_run_task)
def _group_runs(s: Sequence[bool]):
"""Yield (start, stop) pairs for runs of 'True' in 's'.
>>> list(_group_runs([True, True, True]))
>>> list(_group_runs(
... [False, True, True, True, False, False, True, False, True, True]
... )
[(1,3), (6, 6), (8,9)]
prev_unmasked = False
start = None
for i, unmasked in enumerate(s):
if unmasked and not prev_unmasked:
start = i
if prev_unmasked and not unmasked:
assert start is not None
yield (start, i - 1)
start = None
prev_unmasked = unmasked
if prev_unmasked and start is not None:
yield (start, i)
def all_equal(seq):
"""Return True iff all elements of the input are equal."""
fst, *rest = seq
if not rest:
return True
return all(r == fst for r in rest)
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
# Common code used both by the plugin and by the runtime that wraps usercode.
import importlib.resources
from .array import FileBasedObjectArray
from .mapspec import MapSpec
from .serialize import dump, load
__all__ = ["dump", "load", "FileBasedObjectArray", "MapSpec", "package_module_contents"]
def package_module_contents():
"""Yield (filename, contents) pairs for each module in this subpackage."""
for filename in importlib.resources.contents(__package__):
if filename.endswith(".py"):
yield filename, importlib.resources.read_text(__package__, filename)
@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
import concurrent.futures
import functools
import itertools
import operator
import pathlib
from typing import Any, List, Sequence, Tuple
import numpy as np
from . import serialize
filename_template = "__{:d}__.pickle"
class FileBasedObjectArray:
"""Array interface to a folder of files on disk.
__getitem__ returns "" for non-existant files.
def __init__(
self, folder, shape, strides=None, filename_template=filename_template,
self.folder = pathlib.Path(folder).absolute()
self.shape = tuple(shape)
self.strides = _make_strides(self.shape) if strides is None else tuple(strides)
self.filename_template = str(filename_template)
def size(self) -> int:
"""Return number of elements in the array."""
return functools.reduce(operator.mul, self.shape, 1)
def rank(self) -> int:
"""Return the rank of the array."""
return len(self.shape)
def _normalize_key(self, key: Tuple[int, ...]) -> Tuple[int, ...]:
if not isinstance(key, tuple):
key = (key,)
if len(key) != self.rank:
raise IndexError(
f"too many indices for array: array is {self.rank}-dimensional, "
"but {len(key)} were indexed"
if any(isinstance(k, slice) for k in key):
raise NotImplementedError("Cannot yet slice subarrays")
normalized_key = []
for axis, k in enumerate(key):
axis_size = self.shape[axis]
normalized_k = k if k >= 0 else (axis_size - k)
if not (0 <= normalized_k < axis_size):
raise IndexError(
"index {k} is out of bounds for axis {axis} with size {axis_size}"
return tuple(normalized_key)
def _index_to_file(self, index: int) -> pathlib.Path:
"""Return the filename associated with the given index."""
return self.folder / self.filename_template.format(index)
def _key_to_file(self, key: Tuple[int, ...]) -> pathlib.Path:
"""Return the filename associated with the given key."""
index = sum(k * s for k, s in zip(key, self.strides))
return self._index_to_file(index)
def _files(self):
"""Yield all the filenames that constitute the data in this array."""
return map(self._key_to_file, itertools.product(*map(range, self.shape)))
def __getitem__(self, key):
key = self._normalize_key(key)
if any(isinstance(x, slice) for x in key):
# XXX: need to figure out strides in order to implement this.
raise NotImplementedError("Cannot yet slice subarrays")
f = self._key_to_file(key)
if not f.is_file():
return serialize.load(f)
def to_array(self) ->
"""Return a masked numpy array containing all the data.
The returned numpy array has dtype "object" and a mask for
masking out missing data.
items = _load_all(map(self._index_to_file, range(self.size)))
mask = [not self._index_to_file(i).is_file() for i in range(self.size)]
return, mask=mask, dtype=object).reshape(self.shape)
def dump(self, key, value):
"""Dump 'value' into the file associated with 'key'.
>>> arr = FileBasedObjectArray(...)
>>> arr.dump((2, 1, 5), dict(a=1, b=2))
key = self._normalize_key(key)
if not any(isinstance(x, slice) for x in key):
return serialize.dump(value, self._key_to_file(key))
raise NotImplementedError("Cannot yet dump subarrays")
def _tails(seq):
while seq:
seq = seq[1:]
yield seq
def _make_strides(shape):
return tuple(functools.reduce(operator.mul, s, 1) for s in _tails(shape))
def _load_all(filenames: Sequence[str]) -> List[Any]:
def maybe_read(f):
return if f.is_file() else None
def maybe_load(x):
return serialize.loads(x) if x is not None else None
# Delegate file reading to the threadpool but deserialize sequentially,
# as this is pure Python and CPU bound
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as tex:
return [maybe_load(x) for x in, filenames)]
@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
from __future__ import annotations
from dataclasses import dataclass
import functools
import re
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
from .array import _make_strides
class ArraySpec:
"""Specification for a named array, with some axes indexed by named indices."""
name: str
axes: Tuple[Optional[str]]
def __post_init__(self):
if not
raise ValueError(
f"Array name '{}' is not a valid Python identifier"
for i in self.axes:
if not (i is None or i.isidentifier()):
raise ValueError(f"Index name '{i}' is not a valid Python identifier")
def __str__(self) -> str:
indices = [":" if x is None else x for x in self.axes]
return f"{}[{', '.join(indices)}]"
def indices(self) -> Tuple[str]:
"""Return the names of the indices for this array spec."""
return tuple(x for x in self.axes if x is not None)
def rank(self) -> int:
"""Return the rank of this array spec."""
return len(self.axes)
def validate(self, shape: Tuple[int, ...]):
"""Raise an exception if 'shape' is not compatible with this array spec."""
if len(shape) != self.rank:
raise ValueError(
f"Expecting array of rank {self.rank}, but got array of shape {shape}"
class MapSpec:
"""Specification for how to map input axes to output axes.
>>> mapped = MapSpec.from_string("a[i, j], b[i, j], c[k] -> q[i, j, k]")
>>> partial_reduction = MapSpec.from_string("a[i, :], b[:, k] -> q[i, k]")
inputs: Tuple[ArraySpec]
output: ArraySpec
def __post_init__(self):
if any(x is None for x in self.output.axes):
raise ValueError("Output array must have all axes indexed (no ':').")
output_indices = set(self.output.indices)
input_indices = functools.reduce(
set.union, (x.indices for x in self.inputs), set()
if extra_indices := output_indices - input_indices:
raise ValueError(
"Output array has indices that do not appear "
f"in the input: {extra_indices}"
if unused_indices := input_indices - output_indices:
raise ValueError(
"Input array have indices that do not appear "
f"in the output: {unused_indices}"
def parameters(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
"""Return the parameter names of this mapspec."""
return tuple( for x in self.inputs)
def indices(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
"""Return the index names for this MapSpec."""
return self.output.indices
def shape(self, shapes: Dict[str, Tuple[int, ...]]) -> Tuple[int, ...]:
"""Return the shape of the output of this MapSpec.
Shapes of the inputs, keyed by name.
input_names = set( for x in self.inputs)
if extra_names := set(shapes.keys()) - input_names:
raise ValueError(
f"Got extra array {extra_names} that are not accepted by this map."
if missing_names := input_names - set(shapes.keys()):
raise ValueError(
f"Inputs expected by this map were not provided: {missing_names}"
# Each individual array is of the appropriate rank
for x in self.inputs:
# Shapes match between array sharing a named index
def get_dim(array, index):
axis = array.axes.index(index)
return shapes[][axis]
shape = []
for index in self.output.indices:
relevant_arrays = [x for x in self.inputs if index in x.indices]
dim, *rest = [get_dim(x, index) for x in relevant_arrays]
if any(dim != x for x in rest):
raise ValueError(
f"Dimension mismatch for arrays {relevant_arrays} "
f"along {index} axis."
return tuple(shape)
def output_key(self, shape: Tuple[int, ...], linear_index: int) -> Tuple[int, ...]:
"""Return a key used for indexing the output of this map.
The shape of the map output.
The index of the element for which to return the key.
>>> spec = MapSpec.from_string("x[i, j], y[j, :, k] -> z[i, j, k]")
>>> spec.output_key((5, 2, 3), 23)
(3, 1, 2)
if len(shape) != len(self.indices):
raise ValueError(
f"Expected a shape of length {len(self.indices)}, got {shape}"
return tuple(
(linear_index // stride) % dim
for stride, dim in zip(_make_strides(shape), shape)
def input_keys(
self, shape: Tuple[int, ...], linear_index: int,
) -> Dict[str, Tuple[Union[slice, int]]]:
"""Return keys for indexing inputs of this map.
The shape of the map output.
The index of the element for which to return the keys.
>>> spec = MapSpec("x[i, j], y[j, :, k] -> z[i, j, k]")
>>> spec.input_keys((5, 2, 3), 23)
{'x': (3, 1), 'y': (1, slice(None, None, None), 2)}
output_key = self.output_key(shape, linear_index)
if len(output_key) != len(self.indices):
raise ValueError(
f"Expected a key of shape {len(self.indices)}, got {output_key}"
ids = dict(zip(self.indices, output_key))
return {
|||| tuple(slice(None) if ax is None else ids[ax] for ax in x.axes)
for x in self.inputs
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"{', '.join(map(str, self.inputs))} -> {self.output}"
def from_string(cls, expr):
"""Construct an MapSpec from a string."""
in_, out_ = expr.split("->")
except ValueError:
raise ValueError(f"Expected expression of form 'a -> b', but got '{expr}''")
inputs = _parse_indexed_arrays(in_)
outputs = _parse_indexed_arrays(out_)
if len(outputs) != 1:
raise ValueError(f"Expected a single output, but got {len(outputs)}")
(output,) = outputs
return cls(inputs, output)
def to_string(self) -> str:
"""Return a faithful representation of a MapSpec as a string."""
return str(self)
def _parse_index_string(index_string) -> List[Optional[str]]:
indices = [idx.strip() for idx in index_string.split(",")]
return [i if i != ":" else None for i in indices]
def _parse_indexed_arrays(expr) -> List[ArraySpec]:
array_pattern = r"(\w+?)\[(.+?)\]"
return [
ArraySpec(name, _parse_index_string(indices))
for name, indices in re.findall(array_pattern, expr)
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
import cloudpickle
def read(name, opener=open):
"""Load file contents as a bytestring."""
with opener(name, "rb") as f:
loads = cloudpickle.loads
dumps = cloudpickle.dumps
def load(name, opener=open):
"""Load a cloudpickled object from the named file."""
with opener(name, "rb") as f:
return cloudpickle.load(f)
def dump(obj, name, opener=open):
"""Dump an object to the named file using cloudpickle."""
with opener(name, "wb") as f:
cloudpickle.dump(obj, f)
@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
import subprocess
import time
from typing import Optional, Union
from aiida import get_config_option
from aiida.cmdline.commands.cmd_process import process_kill, process_pause, process_play
from aiida.cmdline.utils import common, daemon, echo
from aiida.engine.daemon.client import get_daemon_client
from aiida.orm import ProcessNode, load_node
def kill(process: Union[ProcessNode, int, str], timeout: int = 5) -> bool:
"""Kill the specified process.
The process to kill.
Timeout (in seconds) to wait for confirmation that the process was killed.
True only if the process is now terminated.
process = _ensure_process_node(process)
process_kill.callback([process], timeout=timeout, wait=True)
return process.is_terminated
def pause(process: Union[ProcessNode, int, str], timeout: int = 5) -> bool:
"""Pause the specified process.
Paused processes will not continue execution, and can be unpaused later.
The process to kill.
Timeout (in seconds) to wait for confirmation that the process was killed.
True only if the process is now paused.
process = _ensure_process_node(process)
if process.is_terminated:
raise RuntimeError("Cannot pause terminated process {}.")
process_pause.callback([process], all_entries=False, timeout=timeout, wait=True)
return process.paused
def unpause(process: Union[ProcessNode, int, str], timeout: int = 5) -> bool:
"""Unpause the specified process.
The process to kill.
Timeout (in seconds) to wait for confirmation that the process was killed.
True only if the process is now unpaused.
process = _ensure_process_node(process)
if process.is_terminated:
raise RuntimeError("Cannot unpause terminated process {}.")
process_play.callback([process], all_entries=False, timeout=timeout, wait=True)
return not process.paused
def ensure_daemon_restarted(n_workers: Optional[int] = None):
"""Restart the daemon (if it is running), or start it (if it is stopped).
The number of daemon workers to start. If not provided, the default
number of workers for this profile is used.
If the daemon is running this is equivalent to running
'verdi daemon restart --reset', i.e. we fully restart the daemon, including
the circus controller. This ensures that any changes in the environment are
properly picked up by the daemon.
client = get_daemon_client()
n_workers = n_workers or get_config_option("daemon.default_workers")
if client.is_daemon_running:
echo.echo("Stopping the daemon...", nl=False)
response = client.stop_daemon(wait=True)
retcode = daemon.print_client_response_status(response)
if retcode:
raise RuntimeError(f"Problem restarting Aiida daemon: {response['status']}")
echo.echo("Starting the daemon...", nl=False)
# We have to run this in a subprocess because it daemonizes, and we do not
# want to daemonize _this_ process.
command = [
currenv = common.get_env_with_venv_bin()
subprocess.check_output(command, env=currenv, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exception:
echo.echo("FAILED", fg="red", bold=True)
raise RuntimeError("Failed to start the daemon") from exception
response = client.get_status()
retcode = daemon.print_client_response_status(response)
if retcode:
raise RuntimeError(f"Problem starting Aiida daemon: {response['status']}")
def _ensure_process_node(node_or_id: Union[ProcessNode, int, str]) -> ProcessNode:
if isinstance(node_or_id, ProcessNode):
return node_or_id
return load_node(node_or_id)
@ -0,0 +1,458 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
"""Aiida data plugins for running arbitrary Python functions."""
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
import functools
import inspect
import io
from itertools import repeat
import operator
import os
from pathlib import Path
import tempfile
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
import aiida.orm
import cloudpickle
import numpy as np
import toolz
# To get Aiida's caching to be useful we need to have a stable way to hash Python
# functions. The "default" is to hash the cloudpickle blob, but this is not
# typically stable for functions defined in a Jupyter notebook.
# TODO: insert something useful here.
function_hasher = None
class PyFunction(aiida.orm.Data):
"""Aiida representation of a Python function."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
# TODO: basic typechecks on these
func = kwargs.pop("func")
assert callable(func)
returns = kwargs.pop("returns")
if isinstance(returns, str):
returns = [returns]
resources = kwargs.pop("resources", None)
if resources is None:
resources = dict()
path="function.pickle", handle=io.BytesIO(cloudpickle.dumps(func)),
self.set_attribute("resources", resources)
self.set_attribute("returns", returns)
self.set_attribute("parameters", _parameters(func))
# If 'function_hasher' is available then we store the
# function hash directly, and _get_objects_to_hash will
# _not_ use the pickle blob (which is not stable e.g.
# for functions defined in a notebook).
if callable(function_hasher):
self.set_attribute("_function_hash", function_hasher(func))
source = inspect.getsource(func)
except Exception:
self.set_attribute("source", source)
name = getattr(func, "__name__", None)
if name:
self.set_attribute("name", name)
def resources(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
"""Resources required by this function."""
return self.get_attribute("resources")
def source(self) -> str:
"""Source code of this function."""
return self.get_attribute("source")
def name(self) -> str:
"""Name of this function."""
return self.get_attribute("name")
def parameters(self) -> List[str]:
"""Parameters of this function."""
return self.get_attribute("parameters")
def returns(self) -> Optional[List[str]]:
"""List of names returned by this function."""
return self.get_attribute("returns")
# TODO: use better caching for this (maybe on the class level?)
def pickle(self) -> bytes:
"""Pickled function."""
return self.get_object_content("function.pickle", "rb")
def callable(self) -> Callable:
"""Return the function stored in this object."""
return cloudpickle.loads(self.pickle)
def __signature__(self):
return inspect.signature(self.callable)
def __call__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any):
"""Call the function stored in this object."""
return self.callable(*args, **kwargs)
def _get_objects_to_hash(self) -> List[Any]:
objects = super()._get_objects_to_hash()
# XXX: this depends on the specifics of the implementation
# of super()._get_objects_to_hash(). The second-to-last
# elements in 'objects' is the hash of the file repository.
# For 'PyFunction' nodes this contains the cloudpickle blob,
# which we _do not_ want hashed.
if "_function_hash" in self.attributes:
*a, _, x = objects
return [*a, x]
return objects
def _parameters(f: Callable) -> List[str]:
valid_kinds = [
getattr(inspect.Parameter, k) for k in ("POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD", "KEYWORD_ONLY")
params = inspect.signature(f).parameters.values()
if any(p.kind not in valid_kinds for p in params):
raise TypeError("Invalid signature")
return [ for p in params]
class Nil(aiida.orm.Data):
"""Trivial representation of the None type in Aiida."""
# TODO: make this JSON serializable so it can go directly in the DB
class PyOutline(aiida.orm.Data):
"""Naive Aiida representation of a workflow outline."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
outline = kwargs.pop("outline")
path="outline.pickle", handle=io.BytesIO(cloudpickle.dumps(outline)),
def value(self):
"""Python object loaded from the stored pickle."""
return cloudpickle.loads(self.get_object_content("outline.pickle", "rb"))
# TODO: Annotate these with the class name (useful for visualization)
class PyData(aiida.orm.Data):
"""Naive Aiida representation of an arbitrary Python object."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
pickle_path = kwargs.pop("pickle_path")
self.put_object_from_file(filepath=pickle_path, path="object.pickle")
# TODO: do caching more intelligently: we could attach a cache to the
# _class_ instead so that if we create 2 PyData objects that
# point to the _same_ database entry (pk) then we only have to
# load the data once.
# (does Aiida provide some tooling for this?)
def value(self):
"""Python object loaded from the stored pickle."""
return cloudpickle.loads(self.get_object_content("object.pickle", "rb"))
class PyRemoteData(aiida.orm.RemoteData):
"""Naive Aiida representation of an arbitrary Python object on a remote computer."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
pickle_path = str(kwargs.pop("pickle_path"))
self.set_attribute("pickle_path", pickle_path)
def pickle_path(self):
"""Return the remote path that contains the pickle."""
return os.path.join(self.get_remote_path(), self.get_attribute("pickle_path"))
def fetch_value(self):
"""Load Python object from the remote pickle."""
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="rb") as f:
return cloudpickle.load(f)
def from_remote_data(cls, rd: aiida.orm.RemoteData, pickle_path: str):
"""Return a new PyRemoteData, given an existing RemoteData.
RemoteData folder.
Relative path in the RemoteData that contains pickle data.
return cls(
class PyRemoteArray(aiida.orm.RemoteData):
"""Naive Aiida representation of a remote array of arbitrary Python objects.
Each object is stored in a separate file.
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
shape = kwargs.pop("shape")
filename_template = kwargs.pop("filename_template")
self.set_attribute("shape", tuple(shape))
self.set_attribute("filename_template", str(filename_template))
def _file(self, i: int) -> str:
return self.get_attribute("filename_template").format(i)
def pickle_path(self):
"""Return the remote path that contains the pickle files."""
return self.get_remote_path()
def _fetch_buffer(self, local_files=False):
"""Return iterator over Python objects in this array."""
def _load(dir: Path, pickle_file: str):
path = dir / pickle_file
if not path.is_file():
return None
with open(path, "rb") as f:
return cloudpickle.load(f)
def _iter_files(dir):
with ThreadPoolExecutor() as ex:
file_gen = map(self._file, range(self.size))
yield from, repeat(dir), file_gen)
if local_files:
yield from _iter_files(Path(self.get_remote_path()))
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
dir = Path(os.path.join(temp_dir, "values"))
# TODO: do this with chunks, rather than all files at once.
with self.get_authinfo().get_transport() as transport:
transport.gettree(self.get_remote_path(), dir)
yield from _iter_files(dir)
def fetch_value(self, local_files=False) ->
"""Return a numpy array with dtype 'object' for this array."""
# Objects that have a bogus '__array__' implementation fool
# 'buff[:] = xs', so we need to manually fill the array.
buff = np.empty((self.size,), dtype=object)
for i, x in enumerate(self._fetch_buffer(local_files)):
buff[i] = x
buff = buff.reshape(self.shape)
return, mask=self.mask)
def shape(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]:
"""Shape of this remote array."""
return tuple(self.get_attribute("shape"))
def is_masked(self) -> bool:
"""Return True if some elements of the array are 'masked' (missing)."""
return np.any(self.mask)
def mask(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Return the mask for the missing elements of the array."""
existing_files = set(
v["name"] for v in self.listdir_withattributes() if not v["isdir"]
return np.array(
[self._file(i) not in existing_files for i in range(self.size)], dtype=bool,
def size(self) -> int:
"""Size of this remote array (product of the shape)."""
return toolz.reduce(operator.mul, self.shape, 1)
class PyArray(PyData):
"""Wrapper around PyData for storing a single array."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
array = np.asarray(kwargs.pop("array"))
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as handle:
cloudpickle.dump(array, handle)
super().__init__(, **kwargs)
self.set_attribute("shape", array.shape)
self.set_attribute("dtype", str(array.dtype))
self._cached = None
def shape(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]:
"""Shape of this remote array."""
return tuple(self.get_attribute("shape"))
def dtype(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]:
"""Shape of this remote array."""
return np.dtype(self.get_attribute("dtype"))
def size(self) -> int:
"""Size of this remote array (product of the shape)."""
return toolz.reduce(operator.mul, self.shape, 1)
def get_array(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Return the array."""
return self.value
class PyException(aiida.orm.Data):
"""Aiida representation of a Python exception."""
# - Exception type
# - message
# - traceback
# Register automatic conversion from lists and numpy arrays
# to the appropriate Aiida datatypes
def _(_: None):
return Nil()
# Aiida Lists can only handle built-in types, which is not general
# enough for our purposes. We therefore convert Python lists into
# 1D PyArray types with 'object' dtype.
def _(xs: list):
arr = np.empty((len(xs),), dtype=object)
# Objects that have a bogus '__array__' implementation fool
# 'arr[:] = xs', so we need to manually fill the array.
for i, x in enumerate(xs):
arr[i] = x
return PyArray(array=arr)
def _(x):
return PyArray(array=x)
def ensure_aiida_type(x: Any) -> aiida.orm.Data:
"""Return a new Aiida value containing 'x', if not already of an Aiida datatype.
If 'x' is already an Aiida datatype, then return 'x'.
if isinstance(x, aiida.orm.Data):
return x
r = aiida.orm.to_aiida_type(x)
if not isinstance(r, aiida.orm.Data):
raise RuntimeError(
"Expected 'to_aiida_type' to return an Aiida data node, but "
f"got an object of type '{type(r)}' instead (when passed "
f"an object of type '{type(x)}')."
return r
# Register handlers for getting native Python objects from their
# Aiida equivalents
def from_aiida_type(x):
"""Turn Aiida types into their corresponding native Python types."""
raise TypeError(f"Do not know how to convert {type(x)} to native Python type")
def _(_):
return None
def _(x):
return x.value
def _(x):
return x.value
def _(x):
return x.get_array()
# Register handlers for figuring out array shapes for different datatypes
def array_shape(x) -> Tuple[int, ...]:
"""Return the shape of 'x'."""
return tuple(map(int, x.shape))
except AttributeError:
raise TypeError(f"No array shape defined for type {type(x)}")
def _(x):
return (len(x),)
# Register handlers for figuring out array masks for different datatypes
def array_mask(x) -> np.ndarray:
"""Return the mask applied to 'x'."""
return x.mask
except AttributeError:
raise TypeError(f"No array mask defined for type {type(x)}")
def _(x):
return np.full((len(x),), False)
def _(x):
return np.full(x.shape, False)
@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
from __future__ import annotations
from import Mapping
import copy
from dataclasses import dataclass
import os
import sys
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import aiida.engine
import aiida.orm
import toolz
from .calculations import PyCalcJob, PyMapJob, array_job_spec
from .common import MapSpec
from .data import PyFunction, ensure_aiida_type
from .workchains import RestartedPyCalcJob, RestartedPyMapJob
__all__ = ["apply", "map_"]
class ExecutionEnvironment:
"""An execution environment in which to run a PyFunction as a PyCalcJob."""
code_label: str
computer_label: str
queue: Optional[Tuple[str, int]] = None
def code(self):
return aiida.orm.load_code("@".join((self.code_label, self.computer_label)))
def computer(self):
return aiida.orm.load_computer(self.computer_label)
def code_from_conda_env(conda_env: str, computer_name: str) -> aiida.orm.Code:
c = aiida.orm.load_computer(computer_name)
with c.get_transport() as t:
username = t.whoami()
conda_dir = c.get_property("conda_dir").format(username=username)
except AttributeError:
raise RuntimeError(f"'conda_dir' is not set for {computer_name}.")
conda_initscript = os.path.join(conda_dir, "etc", "profile.d", "")
python_path = os.path.join(conda_dir, "envs", conda_env, "bin", "python")
prepend_text = "\n".join(
[f"source {conda_initscript}", f"conda activate {conda_env}"]
r, stdout, stderr = t.exec_command_wait(prepend_text)
if r != 0:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Failed to find Conda environment '{conda_env}' on '{computer_name}':"
code = aiida.orm.Code((c, python_path), label=conda_env)
return code
def current_conda_environment() -> str:
"""Return current conda environment name."""
# from
return sys.exec_prefix.split(os.sep)[-1]
def execution_environment(conda_env: Optional[str], computer: str, queue=None):
if conda_env is None:
conda_env = current_conda_environment()
code_id = "@".join([conda_env, computer])
except aiida.common.NotExistent:
code = code_from_conda_env(conda_env, computer)
if queue and (queue[0] not in get_queues(computer)):
raise ValueError(f"Queue '{queue[0]}' does not exist on '{computer}'")
return ExecutionEnvironment(conda_env, computer, queue)
def get_queues(computer_name) -> List[str]:
"""Return a list of valid queue names for the named computer."""
computer = aiida.orm.load_computer(computer_name)
with computer.get_transport() as t:
command = "sinfo --summarize"
retval, stdout, stderr = t.exec_command_wait(command)
if retval != 0:
raise RuntimeError(
f"'{command}' failed on on '{computer_name}' "
f"with exit code {retval}: {stderr}"
_, *lines = stdout.splitlines()
return [line.split(" ")[0] for line in lines]
def local_current_execution_environment() -> ExecutionEnvironment:
return execution_environment(None, "localhost")
class ProcessBuilder(aiida.engine.ProcessBuilder):
"""ProcessBuilder that is serializable."""
def on(
self, env: ExecutionEnvironment, max_concurrent_machines: Optional[int] = None
) -> ProcessBuilder:
"""Return a new ProcessBuilder, setting it up for execution on 'env'."""
r = copy.deepcopy(self)
r.code = env.code
if env.queue is not None:
queue_name, cores_per_machine = env.queue
r.metadata.options.queue_name = queue_name
if issubclass(r.process_class, (PyMapJob, RestartedPyMapJob)):
# NOTE: We are using a feature of the scheduler (Slurm in our case) to
# use array jobs. We could probably figure a way to do this with
# the 'direct' scheduler (GNU parallel or sth), but that is out
# of scope for now.
if != "dynamic_workflows.slurm":
raise NotImplementedError(
"Mapping is currently only supported in an environment that "
f"supports Slurm array jobs, but {} is "
f" configured to use '{}'."
if env.queue is None:
raise ValueError(
"A queue specification (e.g. ('my-queue', 24) ) is required"
r.metadata.options.cores_per_machine = cores_per_machine
if max_concurrent_machines is not None:
r.metadata.options.max_concurrent_machines = max_concurrent_machines
return r
def finalize(self, **kwargs) -> ProcessBuilder:
"""Return a new ProcessBuilder, setting its 'kwargs' to those provided."""
r = copy.deepcopy(self)
r.kwargs = toolz.valmap(ensure_aiida_type, kwargs)
opts = r.metadata.options
custom_scheduler_commands = ["#SBATCH --requeue"]
if issubclass(r.process_class, (PyMapJob, RestartedPyMapJob)):
mapspec = MapSpec.from_string(opts.mapspec)
mapped_kwargs = {
k: v for k, v in r.kwargs.items() if k in mapspec.parameters
cores_per_job = opts.resources.get(
"num_cores_per_mpiproc", 1
) * opts.resources.get("num_mpiprocs_per_machine", 1)
jobs_per_machine = opts.cores_per_machine // cores_per_job
max_concurrent_jobs = jobs_per_machine * opts.max_concurrent_machines
task_spec = array_job_spec(mapspec, mapped_kwargs)
# NOTE: This assumes that we are running on Slurm.
f"#SBATCH --array={task_spec}%{max_concurrent_jobs}"
opts.custom_scheduler_commands = "\n".join(custom_scheduler_commands)
return r
def with_restarts(self, max_restarts: int) -> ProcessBuilder:
"""Return a new builder for a RestartedPyCalcJob or RestartedPyMapJob."""
if issubclass(self.process_class, (PyMapJob, RestartedPyMapJob)):
r = ProcessBuilder(RestartedPyMapJob)
elif issubclass(self.process_class, (PyCalcJob, RestartedPyCalcJob)):
r = ProcessBuilder(RestartedPyCalcJob)
raise TypeError(f"Do not know how to add restarts to {self.process_class}")
_copy_builder_contents(to=r, frm=self)
r.metadata.options.max_restarts = max_restarts
return r
# XXX: This is a complete hack to be able to serialize "Outline".
# We should think this through more carefully when we come to refactor.
def __getstate__(self):
def serialized_aiida_nodes(x):
if isinstance(x, aiida.orm.Data):
if not x.is_stored:
return _AiidaData(x.uuid)
return x
serialized_data = traverse_mapping(serialized_aiida_nodes, self._data)
return self._process_class, serialized_data
def __setstate__(self, state):
process_class, serialized_data = state
def deserialize_aiida_nodes(x):
if isinstance(x, _AiidaData):
return aiida.orm.load_node(x.uuid)
return x
deserialized_data = traverse_mapping(deserialize_aiida_nodes, serialized_data)
for k, v in deserialized_data.items():
if isinstance(v, Mapping):
getattr(self, k)._update(v)
setattr(self, k, v)
# XXX: This is part of the __getstate__/__setstate__ hack for our custom ProcessBuilder
class _AiidaData:
uuid: str
def _copy_builder_contents(
to: aiida.engine.ProcessBuilderNamespace, frm: aiida.engine.ProcessBuilderNamespace,
"""Recursively copy the contents of 'frm' into 'to'.
This mutates 'to'.
for k, v in frm.items():
if isinstance(v, aiida.engine.ProcessBuilderNamespace):
_copy_builder_contents(to[k], v)
setattr(to, k, v)
def traverse_mapping(f: Callable[[Any], Any], d: Mapping):
"""Traverse a nested Mapping, applying 'f' to all non-mapping values."""
return {
k: traverse_mapping(f, v) if isinstance(v, Mapping) else f(v)
for k, v in d.items()
def apply(f: PyFunction, *, max_restarts: int = 1, **kwargs) -> ProcessBuilder:
"""Apply f to **kwargs as a PyCalcJob or RestartedPyCalcJob.
The function to apply
The number of times to run 'f'. If >1 then a builder
for a RestartedPyCalcJob is returned, otherwise
a builder for a PyCalcJob is returned.
Keyword arguments to pass to 'f'. Will be converted
to Aiida types using "aiida.orm.to_aiida_type" if
not already a subtype of "aiida.orm.Data".
# TODO: check that 'f' applies cleanly to '**kwargs'
if max_restarts > 1:
builder = ProcessBuilder(RestartedPyCalcJob)
builder.metadata.options.max_restarts = int(max_restarts)
builder = ProcessBuilder(PyCalcJob)
builder.func = f
builder.metadata.label =
if kwargs:
builder.kwargs = toolz.valmap(ensure_aiida_type, kwargs)
if f.resources:
_apply_pyfunction_resources(f.resources, builder.metadata.options)
return builder
def apply_some(f: PyFunction, *, max_restarts: int = 1, **kwargs) -> ProcessBuilder:
"""Apply f to **kwargs as a PyCalcJob or RestartedPyCalcJob.
'kwargs' may contain _more_ inputs than what 'f' requires: extra
inputs are ignored.
The function to apply
The number of times to run 'f'. If >1 then a builder
for a RestartedPyCalcJob is returned, otherwise
a builder for a PyCalcJob is returned.
Keyword arguments to pass to 'f'. Will be converted
to Aiida types using "aiida.orm.to_aiida_type" if
not already a subtype of "aiida.orm.Data".
if max_restarts > 1:
builder = ProcessBuilder(RestartedPyCalcJob)
builder.metadata.options.max_restarts = int(max_restarts)
builder = ProcessBuilder(PyCalcJob)
builder.func = f
builder.metadata.label =
relevant_kwargs = toolz.keyfilter(lambda k: k in f.parameters, kwargs)
if relevant_kwargs:
builder.kwargs = toolz.valmap(ensure_aiida_type, relevant_kwargs)
if f.resources:
_apply_pyfunction_resources(f.resources, builder.metadata.options)
return builder
def map_(
f: PyFunction,
spec: Union[str, MapSpec],
max_concurrent_machines: Optional[int] = None,
max_restarts: int = 1,
) -> aiida.engine.ProcessBuilder:
"""Map 'f' over (a subset of) its inputs as a PyMapJob.
Function to map over
Specification for which parameters to map over, and how to map them.
The maximum number of machines to use concurrently.
The maximum number of times to restart the PyMapJob before returning
a partial (masked) result and a non-zero exit code.
Keyword arguments to 'f'. Any arguments that are to be mapped over
must by Aiida lists.
>>> from aiida.orm import List
>>> import aiida_dynamic_workflows as flow
>>> f = flow.step(lambda x, y: x + y, returns="sum")
>>> # We can map over _all_ inputs
>>> sums = flow.engine.map_(
... f, "x[i], y[i] -> sum[i]", x=List([1, 2, 3]), y=List([4, 5, 6])
... )
>>> # or we can map over a _subset_ of inputs
>>> only_one = flow.engine.map_(f, "x[i] -> sum[i]", x=List([1, 2, 3]), y=5)
>>> # or we can do an "outer product":
>>> outer= flow.engine.map_(
... f, "x[i], y[j] -> sum[i, j]", x=List([1, 2, 3]), y=List([4, 5, 6])
... )
if max_restarts > 1:
builder = ProcessBuilder(RestartedPyMapJob)
builder.metadata.options.max_restarts = int(max_restarts)
builder = ProcessBuilder(PyMapJob)
builder.func = f
builder.metadata.label =
if isinstance(spec, str):
spec = MapSpec.from_string(spec)
elif not isinstance(spec, MapSpec):
raise TypeError(f"Expected single string or MapSpec, got {spec}")
if unknown_params := set( for x in spec.inputs) - set(f.parameters):
raise ValueError(
f"{f} cannot be mapped over parameters that "
f"it does not take: {unknown_params}"
builder.metadata.options.mapspec = spec.to_string()
if max_concurrent_machines is not None:
builder.metadata.options.max_concurrent_machines = max_concurrent_machines
if f.resources:
_apply_pyfunction_resources(f.resources, builder.metadata.options)
if not kwargs:
return builder
return builder.finalize(**kwargs)
def _apply_pyfunction_resources(
resources: Dict, options: aiida.engine.ProcessBuilderNamespace
) -> None:
"""Apply the resource specification in 'resources' to the CalcJob options 'options'.
This mutates 'options'.
memory = resources.get("memory")
if memory is not None:
# The Aiida Slurm plugin erroneously uses the multiplyer "1024" when converting
# to MegaBytes and passing to "--mem", so we must use it here also.
multiplier = {"kB": 1, "MB": 1024, "GB": 1000 * 1024}
amount, unit = memory[:-2], memory[-2:]
options.max_memory_kb = int(amount) * multiplier[unit]
cores = resources.get("cores")
if cores is not None:
options.resources["num_cores_per_mpiproc"] = int(cores)
def all_equal(seq):
"""Return True iff all elements of 'seq' are equal.
Returns 'True' if the sequence contains 0 or 1 elements.
seq = list(seq)
if len(seq) in (0, 1):
return True
fst, *rest = seq
return all(r == fst for r in rest)
@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
"""Aiida Parsers for interpreting the output of arbitrary Python functions."""
import os.path
import aiida.engine
import aiida.parsers
from . import common
from .common import MapSpec
from .data import PyRemoteArray, PyRemoteData, array_shape
# TODO: unify 'PyCalcParser' and 'PyMapParser': they are identical except
# for the type of the outputs (PyRemoteData vs. PyRemoteArray).
class PyCalcParser(aiida.parsers.Parser):
"""Parser for a PyCalcJob."""
def parse(self, **kwargs): # noqa: D102
calc = self.node
def retrieve(value_file):
# No actual retrieval occurs; we just store a reference
# to the remote value.
return PyRemoteData.from_remote_data(
calc.outputs.remote_folder, value_file,
exception_file = "__exception__.pickle"
remote_folder = calc.outputs["remote_folder"]
remote_files = remote_folder.listdir()
has_exception = exception_file in remote_files
exit_code = None
# If any data was produced we create the appropriate outputs.
# If something went wrong the exit code will still be non-zero.
output_folder = remote_folder.listdir("__return_values__")
for r in calc.inputs.func.returns:
filename = f"{r}.pickle"
path = os.path.join("__return_values__", filename)
if filename in output_folder:
self.out(f"return_values.{r}", retrieve(path))
exit_code = self.exit_codes.MISSING_OUTPUT
job_infos =
except AttributeError:
(job_info,) = job_infos
if job_info["State"] == "FAILED":
exit_code = self.exit_codes.NONZERO_EXIT_CODE
if has_exception:
self.out("exception", retrieve(exception_file))
exit_code = self.exit_codes.USER_CODE_RAISED
if exit_code is not None:
return exit_code
class PyMapParser(aiida.parsers.Parser):
"""Parser for a PyMapJob."""
def parse(self, **kwargs): # noqa: D102
calc = self.node
mapspec = MapSpec.from_string(calc.get_option("mapspec"))
mapped_parameter_shapes = {
k: array_shape(v)
for k, v in calc.inputs.kwargs.items()
if k in mapspec.parameters
expected_shape = mapspec.shape(mapped_parameter_shapes)
remote_folder = calc.outputs["remote_folder"]
has_exceptions = bool(remote_folder.listdir("__exceptions__"))
def retrieve(return_value_name):
return PyRemoteArray(
calc.outputs.remote_folder.get_remote_path(), return_value_name,
exit_code = None
# If any data was produced we create the appropriate outputs.
# Users can still tell something went wrong from the exit code.
for r in calc.inputs.func.returns:
path = os.path.join("__return_values__", r)
has_data = remote_folder.listdir(path)
if has_data:
self.out(f"return_values.{r}", retrieve(path))
exit_code = self.exit_codes.MISSING_OUTPUT
job_infos =
except AttributeError:
if any(j["State"] == "FAILED" for j in job_infos):
exit_code = self.exit_codes.NONZERO_EXIT_CODE
if has_exceptions:
self.out("exception", retrieve("__exceptions__"))
exit_code = self.exit_codes.USER_CODE_RAISED
if exit_code is not None:
return exit_code
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
import datetime
import aiida.common
import aiida.engine
import aiida.orm
from .workflow import PyWorkChain
def workflows() -> aiida.orm.QueryBuilder:
"""Return an Aiida database query that will return all workflows."""
q = aiida.orm.QueryBuilder()
q.append(cls=PyWorkChain, tag="flow")
q.order_by({"flow": [{"ctime": {"order": "desc"}}]})
return q
def running_workflows() -> aiida.orm.QueryBuilder:
"""Return an Aiida database query that will return all running workflows."""
r = workflows()
"attributes.process_state": {
"in": [
return r
def recent_workflows(
days: int = 0, hours: int = 0, minutes: int = 0
) -> aiida.orm.QueryBuilder:
"""Return an Aiida database query for all recently started workflows.
days, hours, minutes
Any workflows started more recently than this many days/minutes/hours
will be included in the result of the query.
delta = - datetime.timedelta(
days=days, hours=hours, minutes=minutes
r = workflows()
r.add_filter("flow", {"ctime": {">": delta}})
return r
@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
from collections import Counter
import textwrap
from typing import Union
from IPython.display import Image
import aiida.cmdline.utils.common as cmd
from aiida.cmdline.utils.query.formatting import format_relative_time
import aiida.orm
from import Graph
import graphviz
from . import query
from .calculations import PyCalcJob, PyMapJob, num_mapjob_tasks
from .data import PyRemoteArray, PyRemoteData
from .utils import render_png
from .workchains import RestartedPyCalcJob, RestartedPyMapJob
from .workflow import PyWorkChain
__all__ = [
ProcessType = Union[aiida.orm.ProcessNode, int, str]
def log(proc: ProcessType) -> str:
"""Return the output of 'verdi process report' for the given process.
The Aiida node for the process, or a numeric ID, or a UUID.
proc = _ensure_process_node(proc)
if isinstance(proc, aiida.orm.CalcJobNode):
return cmd.get_calcjob_report(proc)
elif isinstance(proc, aiida.orm.WorkChainNode):
return cmd.get_workchain_report(proc, levelname="REPORT")
elif isinstance(proc, (aiida.orm.CalcFunctionNode, aiida.orm.WorkFunctionNode)):
return cmd.get_process_function_report(proc)
raise TypeError(f"Cannot get report for processes of type '{type(proc)}'")
def graph(
proc: ProcessType, size=(20, 20), as_png=False
) -> Union[graphviz.Digraph, Image]:
"""Return a graph visualization of a calculation or workflow.
The Aiida node for the process, or a numeric ID, or a UUID.
proc = _ensure_process_node(proc)
graph = Graph(
graph_attr={"size": ",".join(map(str, size)), "rankdir": "LR"},
graph.recurse_descendants(proc, include_process_inputs=True)
if as_png:
return render_png(graph.graphviz)
return graph.graphviz
def progress(proc: ProcessType) -> str:
"""Return a progress report of the given calculation or workflow.
The Aiida node for the process, or a numeric ID, or a UUID.
proc = _ensure_process_node(proc)
if isinstance(proc, aiida.orm.CalcJobNode):
return _calcjob_progress(proc)
elif isinstance(proc, aiida.orm.WorkChainNode):
if issubclass(proc.process_class, PyWorkChain):
return _workflow_progress(proc)
elif issubclass(proc.process_class, (RestartedPyCalcJob, RestartedPyMapJob)):
return _restarted_calcjob_progress(proc)
elif isinstance(proc, (aiida.orm.CalcFunctionNode, aiida.orm.WorkFunctionNode)):
return _function_progress(proc)
raise TypeError(
"Cannot get a progress report for processes of type '{type(proc)}'"
def running_workflows() -> str:
"""Return a progress report of the running workflows."""
r = _flatten(query.running_workflows().iterall())
return "\n\n".join(map(_workflow_progress, r))
def recent_workflows(days: int = 0, hours: int = 0, minutes: int = 0) -> str:
"""Return a progress report of all workflows that were started recently.
This also includes workflows that are already complete.
days, hours, minutes
Any workflows started more recently than this many days/minutes/hours
will be included in the result of the query.
r = _flatten(query.recent_workflows(**locals()).iterall())
return "\n\n".join(map(_workflow_progress, r))
def _flatten(xs):
for ys in xs:
yield from ys
def _workflow_progress(p: aiida.orm.WorkChainNode) -> str:
assert issubclass(p.process_class, PyWorkChain)
lines = [
# This is a _single_ output line
f"{p.label or '<No label>'} (pk: {}) "
f"[{_process_status(p)}, created {format_relative_time(p.ctime)}]"
for c in p.called:
lines.append(textwrap.indent(progress(c), " "))
return "\n".join(lines)
def _restarted_calcjob_progress(p: aiida.orm.WorkChainNode) -> str:
assert issubclass(p.process_class, (RestartedPyCalcJob, RestartedPyMapJob))
lines = [
f"with_restarts({p.get_option('max_restarts')}) "
f"(pk: {}) [{_process_status(p)}]"
for i, c in enumerate(p.called, 1):
if c.label == p.label:
# The launched process is the payload that we are running with restarts
s = f"attempt {i}: {progress(c)}"
# Some post-processing (for RestartedPyMapJob)
s = progress(c)
lines.append(textwrap.indent(s, " "))
return "\n".join(lines)
def _calcjob_progress(p: aiida.orm.CalcJobNode) -> str:
assert issubclass(p.process_class, PyCalcJob)
s = p.get_state() or p.process_state
# Show more detailed info while we're waiting for the Slurm job.
if s == aiida.common.CalcJobState.WITHSCHEDULER:
sections = [
f"created {format_relative_time(p.ctime)}",
if p.get_scheduler_state():
sections.append(f"{p.get_scheduler_state().value} job {p.get_job_id()}")
# Show total number of tasks and states of remaining tasks in mapjobs.
job_states = _slurm_job_states(p)
if job_states:
if issubclass(p.process_class, PyMapJob):
task_counts = Counter(job_states)
task_states = ", ".join(f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in task_counts.items())
task_summary = f"{sum(task_counts.values())} / {num_mapjob_tasks(p)}"
f"remaining tasks ({task_summary})",
f"task states: {task_states}",
sections.append(f"job state: {job_states[0]}")
msg = ", ".join(sections)
msg = _process_status(p)
return f"{p.label} (pk: {}) [{msg}]"
def _process_status(p: aiida.orm.ProcessNode) -> str:
generic_failure = (
f"failed, run '{})' "
"for more information"
if p.is_finished and not p.is_finished_ok:
# 's.value' is "finished", even if the process finished with a non-zero exit
# code. We prefer the more informative 'failed' + next steps.
msg = generic_failure
elif p.is_killed:
# Process was killed: 'process_status' includes the reason why.
msg = f"killed, {p.process_status}"
elif p.is_excepted:
# Process failed, and the error occured in the Aiida layers
msg = generic_failure
elif p.is_created_from_cache:
msg = (
f"{p.process_state.value} "
f"(created from cache, uuid: {p.get_cache_source()})"
elif p.is_finished_ok:
msg = "success"
# Calcjobs have 'get_state', which gives more fine-grained information
msg = p.get_state().value
except AttributeError:
msg = p.process_state.value
return msg
def _function_progress(
p: Union[aiida.orm.CalcFunctionNode, aiida.orm.WorkFunctionNode]
) -> str:
return f"{p.label} (pk: {}) [{p.process_state.value}]"
def _slurm_job_states(process):
info = process.get_last_job_info()
if not info:
return []
return [x[1] for x in info.raw_data]
def _ensure_process_node(
node_or_id: Union[aiida.orm.ProcessNode, int, str]
) -> aiida.orm.ProcessNode:
if isinstance(node_or_id, aiida.orm.ProcessNode):
return node_or_id
return aiida.orm.load_node(node_or_id)
def _node_sublabel(node):
if isinstance(node, aiida.orm.CalcJobNode) and issubclass(
node.process_class, PyCalcJob
labels = [f"function: {}"]
if state := node.get_state():
labels.append(f"State: {state.value}")
if (job_id := node.get_job_id()) and (state := node.get_scheduler_state()):
labels.append(f"Job: {job_id} ({state.value})")
if node.exit_status is not None:
labels.append(f"Exit Code: {node.exit_status}")
if node.exception:
return "\n".join(labels)
elif isinstance(node, (PyRemoteData, PyRemoteArray)):
create_link = node.get_incoming().one()
except Exception:
if create_link.link_label.startswith("return_values"):
return create_link.link_label.split("__")[1]
return create_link.link_label
@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
import itertools
from typing import Dict, Iterable, Optional, Tuple
import aiida.orm
import toolz
from .calculations import PyCalcJob, PyMapJob
from .common import MapSpec
from .data import PyRemoteArray, from_aiida_type
def input_samples(result: PyRemoteArray) -> Iterable[Dict]:
"""Return an iterable of samples, given a result from a PyMapJob.
The array resulting from the execution of a PyMapJob.
An iterable of dictionaries, ordered as 'result' (flattened, if
'result' is a >1D array). Each dictionary has the same keys (the
names of the parameters that produced 'result').
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> # In the following we assume 'charge' is a PyRemoteArray output from a PyMapJob.
>>> df = pd.DataFrame(input_samples(charge))
>>> # Add a 'charge' column showing the result associated with each sample.
>>> df.assign(charge=charge.reshape(-1))
if result.creator is None:
raise ValueError(
"Cannot generate sample plan from data that was not produced from a CalcJob"
job = result.creator
if not issubclass(job.process_class, PyMapJob):
raise TypeError("Expected data that was produced from a MapJob")
output_axes = MapSpec.from_string(job.attributes["mapspec"]).output.axes
sp = _parameter_spec(result)
consts = {k: from_aiida_type(v) for k, (v, axes) in sp.items() if axes is None}
mapped = {
k: (from_aiida_type(v), axes) for k, (v, axes) in sp.items() if axes is not None
# This could be done more efficiently if we return instead a dictionary of arrays.
for el in itertools.product(*map(range, result.shape)):
el = dict(zip(output_axes, el))
d = {k: v[tuple(el[ax] for ax in axes)] for k, (v, axes) in mapped.items()}
yield toolz.merge(consts, d)
def _parameter_spec(result: aiida.orm.Data, axes: Optional[Tuple[str]] = None) -> Dict:
"""Return a dictionary specifying the parameters that produced a given 'result'.
Data produced from a PyCalcJob or PyMapJob.
Labels for each axis of 'result', used to rename input axis labels.
Dictionary mapping parameter names (strings) to pairs: (Aiida node, axis names).
job = result.creator
job_type = job.process_class
if not issubclass(job_type, PyCalcJob):
raise TypeError(f"Don't know what to do with {job_type}")
if issubclass(job_type, PyMapJob):
mapspec = MapSpec.from_string(job.attributes["mapspec"])
if axes:
assert len(axes) == len(mapspec.output.axes)
translation = dict(zip(mapspec.output.axes, axes))
translation = dict()
input_axes = {
|||| [translation.get(ax, ax) for ax in spec.axes]
for spec in mapspec.inputs
input_axes = dict()
assert axes is None
kwargs = job.inputs.kwargs if hasattr(job.inputs, "kwargs") else {}
# Inputs that were _not_ created by another CalcJob are the parameters we seek.
parameters = {k: (v, input_axes.get(k)) for k, v in kwargs.items() if not v.creator}
# Inputs that _were_ created by another Calcjob need to have
# _their_ inputs inspected, in turn.
other_inputs = [(v, input_axes.get(k)) for k, v in kwargs.items() if v.creator]
upstream_params = [_parameter_spec(v, ax) for v, ax in other_inputs]
return toolz.merge(parameters, *upstream_params)
@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
from import Mapping
import datetime
from typing import List, Optional, T
from aiida.common.lang import type_check
from aiida.schedulers import JobInfo, JobState
from aiida.schedulers.plugins.slurm import SlurmScheduler
import toolz
__all__ = ["SlurmSchedulerWithJobArray"]
class SlurmSchedulerWithJobArray(SlurmScheduler):
"""A Slurm scheduler that reports only a single JobInfo for job arrays."""
def _parse_joblist_output(self, retval, stdout, stderr):
# Aiida assumes that there is a single job associated with each call
# to 'sbatch', but this is not true in the case of job arrays.
# In order to meet this requirement we merge the JobInfos for each job
# in the array.
return merge_job_arrays(super()._parse_joblist_output(retval, stdout, stderr))
# Return only the necessary fields for 'parse_output' to do its job.
# Our fat array jobs mean the response from 'sacct' can be pretty huge.
_detailed_job_info_fields = [
def _get_detailed_job_info_command(self, job_id):
fields = ",".join(self._detailed_job_info_fields)
# --parsable2 separates fields with pipes, with no trailing pipe
return f"sacct --format={fields} --parsable2 --jobs={job_id}"
def parse_detailed_job_info(cls, detailed_job_info):
"""Parse output from 'sacct', issued after the completion of the job."""
type_check(detailed_job_info, dict)
retval = detailed_job_info["retval"]
if retval != 0:
stderr = detailed_job_info["stderr"]
raise ValueError(f"Error code {retval} returned by 'sacct': {stderr}")
detailed_stdout = detailed_job_info["stdout"]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError(
"the `detailed_job_info` does not contain the required key `stdout`."
type_check(detailed_stdout, str)
lines = detailed_stdout.splitlines()
fields, *job_infos = lines
except IndexError:
raise ValueError("`detailed_job_info.stdout` does not contain enough lines")
fields = fields.split("|")
if fields != cls._detailed_job_info_fields:
raise ValueError(
"Fields returned by 'sacct' do not match fields specified."
# Parse the individual job outputs
job_infos = [dict(zip(fields, info.split("|"))) for info in job_infos]
# Each job has a 'batch' entry also, which we ignore
job_infos = [j for j in job_infos if not j["JobID"].endswith(".batch")]
return job_infos
def parse_output(self, detailed_job_info, stdout, stderr):
"""Parse output from 'sacct', issued after the completion of the job."""
from aiida.engine import CalcJob
job_infos = self.parse_detailed_job_info(detailed_job_info)
# TODO: figure out how to return richer information to the calcjob, so
# that a workchain could in principle reschedule with only the
# failed jobs.
if any(j["State"] == "OUT_OF_MEMORY" for j in job_infos):
return CalcJob.exit_codes.ERROR_SCHEDULER_OUT_OF_MEMORY
if any(j["State"] == "TIMEOUT" for j in job_infos):
def merge_job_arrays(jobs: List[JobInfo]) -> List[JobInfo]:
"""Merge JobInfos from jobs in the same Slurm Array into a single JobInfo."""
mergers = {
"job_id": toolz.compose(job_array_id, toolz.first),
"dispatch_time": min,
"finish_time": toolz.compose(
"job_state": total_job_state,
"raw_data": toolz.identity,
job_array_id_from_info = toolz.compose(
job_array_id, toolz.functoolz.attrgetter("job_id")
return [
merge_with_functions(*jobs, mergers=mergers, factory=JobInfo)
for jobs in toolz.groupby(job_array_id_from_info, jobs).values()
def total_job_state(states: List[JobState]) -> JobState:
# Order is important here
possible_states = [
for ps in possible_states:
if any(state == ps for state in states):
return ps
if all(state == JobState.DONE for state in states):
return JobState.DONE
raise RuntimeError("Invalid state encountered")
def job_array_id(job_id: str) -> str:
"""Return the ID of the associated array job.
If the provided job is not part of a job array then
the job ID is returned.
return toolz.first(job_id.split("_"))
def with_default(default: T, v: Optional[T]) -> T:
"""Return 'v' if it is not 'None', otherwise return 'default'."""
return default if v is None else v
def merge_with_functions(*dicts, mergers, factory=dict):
"""Merge 'dicts', using 'mergers'.
The dictionaries / mappings to merge
Mapping from keys in 'dicts' to functions. Each function
accepts a list of values and returns a single value.
Function that returns a new instance of the mapping
type that we would like returned
>>> merge_with_functions(
... {"a": 1, "b": 10, "c": "hello"},
... {"a": 5, "b": 20, "c": "goodbye"},
... mergers={"a": min, "b": max},
... )
{"a": 1, "b": 20, "c": "goodbye"}
if len(dicts) == 1 and not isinstance(dicts[0], Mapping):
dicts = dicts[0]
result = factory()
for d in dicts:
for k, v in d.items():
if k not in result:
result[k] = [v]
return toolz.itemmap(
lambda kv: (kv[0], mergers.get(kv[0], toolz.last)(kv[1])), result, factory
@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
import copy
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union
import toolz
from .data import PyFunction
__all__ = ["step"]
def step(
f: Callable,
returns: Union[str, Tuple[str]] = "_return_value",
resources: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
) -> PyFunction:
"""Construct a PyFunction from a Python function.
This function is commonly used as a decorator.
The function to transform into a PyFunction
The name of the output of this function.
If multiple names are provided, then 'f' is assumed to return
as many values (as a tuple) as there are names.
Optional specification of computational resources that this
function needs. Possible resources are: "memory", "cores".
"memory" must be a string containing an integer value followed
by one of the following suffixes: "kB", "MB", "GB".
"cores" must be a positive integer.
>>> f = step(lambda x, y: x + y, returns="sum")
>>> @step(returns="other_sum", resources={"memory": "10GB", cores=2})
... def g(x: int, y: int) -> int:
... return x + y
>>> @step(returns=("a", "b"))
... def h(x):
... return (x + 1, x + 2)
# TODO: First query the Aiida DB to see if this function already exists.
# This will require having a good hash for Python functions.
# This is a hard problem.
if resources:
node = PyFunction(func=f, returns=returns, resources=resources)
return node
def _validate_resources(resources) -> Dict:
resources = copy.deepcopy(resources)
if "memory" in resources:
if "cores" in resources:
if resources:
raise ValueError(f"Unexpected resource specifications: {list(resources)}")
def _validate_memory(memory: str):
mem, unit = memory[:-2], memory[-2:]
if not mem.isnumeric():
raise ValueError(f"Expected an integer amount of memory, got: '{mem}'")
elif int(mem) == 0:
raise ValueError("Cannot specify zero memory")
valid_units = ("kB", "MB", "GB")
if unit not in valid_units:
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid memory unit: '{unit}' (expected one of {valid_units})."
def _validate_cores(cores: int):
if int(cores) != cores:
raise ValueError(f"Expected an integer number of cores, got: {cores}")
elif cores <= 0:
raise ValueError(f"Expected a positive number of cores, got: {cores}")
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
import asyncio
from IPython.display import Image
import aiida
import graphviz
def block_until_done(chain: aiida.orm.WorkChainNode, interval=1) -> int:
"""Block a running chain until an exit code is set.
chain : aiida.orm.WorkChainNode
interval : int, optional
Checking interval, by default 1
Exit code.
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
async def wait_until_done(chain: aiida.orm.WorkChainNode) -> None:
while chain.exit_status is None:
await asyncio.sleep(interval)
coro = wait_until_done(chain)
return chain.exit_status
def render_png(g: graphviz.Digraph) -> Image:
"""Render 'graphviz.Digraph' as png."""
return Image(g.render(format="png"))
@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional
from aiida.engine import WorkChain, append_, if_, while_
import aiida.orm
import numpy as np
import toolz
from . import common
from .calculations import (
# Subclass needed for "option" getters/setters, so that a WorkChain
# can transparently wrap a CalcJob.
class WorkChainNode(aiida.orm.WorkChainNode):
"""ORM class for nodes representing the execution of a WorkChain."""
def get_option(self, name: str) -> Optional[Any]:
"""Return the value of an option that was set for this CalcJobNode."""
return self.get_attribute(name, None)
def set_option(self, name: str, value: Any) -> None:
"""Set an option to the given value."""
self.set_attribute(name, value)
def get_options(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Return the dictionary of options set for this CalcJobNode."""
options = {}
for name in self.process_class.spec_options.keys():
value = self.get_option(name)
if value is not None:
options[name] = value
return options
def set_options(self, options: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
"""Set the options for this CalcJobNode."""
for name, value in options.items():
self.set_option(name, value)
# Hack to make this new node type use the Aiida logger.
# This is important so that WorkChains that use this node type also
# use the Aiida logger.
WorkChainNode._logger = aiida.orm.WorkChainNode._logger
class RestartedPyMapJob(WorkChain):
"""Workchain that resubmits a PyMapJob until all the tasks are complete.
Tasks in the PyMapJob that succeeded on previous runs will not be resubmitted.
_node_class = WorkChainNode
def define(cls, spec): # noqa: D102
spec.expose_outputs(PyMapJob, include=["return_values", "exception"])
"Maximum number of iterations the work chain will "
"restart the process to finish successfully."
message="The maximum number of restarts was exceeded.",
while_(cls.should_run)(cls.run_mapjob, cls.inspect_result),
if_(cls.was_restarted)(cls.merge_arrays, cls.extract_merged_arrays).else_(
def setup(self): # noqa: D102
||||"Setting up")
mapspec = common.MapSpec.from_string(self.inputs.metadata.options.mapspec)
mapped_inputs = {
k: v for k, v in self.inputs.kwargs.items() if k in mapspec.parameters
self.ctx.required_mask = expected_mask(mapspec, mapped_inputs)
self.ctx.total_output_mask = np.full_like(self.ctx.required_mask, True)
self.ctx.job_shape = self.ctx.required_mask.shape
self.ctx.total_num_tasks = np.sum(~self.ctx.required_mask)
self.ctx.iteration = 0
self.ctx.launched_mapjobs = []
def n_tasks_remaining(self) -> int:
"""Return the number of tasks that remain to be run."""
return self.ctx.total_num_tasks - np.sum(~self.ctx.total_output_mask)
def remaining_task_array(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Return a boolean array indicating which tasks still need to be run."""
return np.logical_xor(self.ctx.required_mask, self.ctx.total_output_mask)
def has_all_results(self) -> bool:
"""Return True iff all the necessary outputs are present."""
return np.all(self.ctx.total_output_mask == self.ctx.required_mask)
def should_run(self): # noqa: D102
return (
not self.has_all_results
and self.ctx.iteration < self.inputs.metadata.options.max_restarts
def run_mapjob(self): # noqa: D102
# Run failed elements only, using custom
# Slurm parameters: -A 1,3-10,20%24
self.ctx.iteration += 1
||||"Running MapJob for {self.n_tasks_remaining} tasks")
inputs = self.exposed_inputs(PyMapJob)
# Modify "metadata.options.custom_scheduler_commands" so that the
# correct tasks in the Slurm Job Array are run.
# NOTE: This assumes we are running on Slurm
options = inputs["metadata"]["options"]
csc = options.custom_scheduler_commands
# Remove the existing Array Job specification
commands = [x for x in csc.split("\n") if "--array" not in x]
# Add an updated Array Job specification
task_spec = array_job_spec_from_booleans(self.remaining_task_array.reshape(-1))
max_concurrent_jobs = (
options.cores_per_machine * options.max_concurrent_machines
commands.append(f"#SBATCH --array={task_spec}%{max_concurrent_jobs}")
inputs = toolz.assoc_in(
("metadata", "options", "custom_scheduler_commands"),
# "max_restarts" does not apply to PyMapJobs
del inputs["metadata"]["options"]["max_restarts"]
fut = self.submit(PyMapJob, **inputs)
return self.to_context(launched_mapjobs=append_(fut))
def inspect_result(self): # noqa: D102
||||"Inspecting result")
job = self.ctx.launched_mapjobs[-1]
m = result_mask(job, self.ctx.job_shape)
self.ctx.total_output_mask[~m] = False
f"{np.sum(~m)} tasks succeeded, "
f"{self.n_tasks_remaining} / {self.ctx.total_num_tasks} remaining"
def was_restarted(self): # noqa: D102
return self.ctx.iteration > 1
def merge_arrays(self): # noqa: D102
||||"Gathering arrays from {self.ctx.iteration} mapjobs.")
assert self.ctx.iteration > 1
exception_arrays = []
return_value_arrays = defaultdict(list)
for j in self.ctx.launched_mapjobs:
if "exception" in j.outputs:
if "return_values" in j.outputs:
for k, v in j.outputs.return_values.items():
# 'merge_remote_array' must take **kwargs (this is a limitation of Aiida), so
# we convert a list of inputs into a dictionary with keys 'x0', 'x1' etc.
def list_to_dict(lst):
return {f"x{i}": x for i, x in enumerate(lst)}
context_update = dict()
# TODO: switch 'runner.run_get_node' to 'submit' once WorkChain.submit
# allows CalcFunctions (it should already; this appears to be a
# bug in Aiida).
if exception_arrays:
r = self.runner.run_get_node(
merge_remote_arrays, **list_to_dict(exception_arrays),
context_update["exception"] = r.node
for k, arrays in return_value_arrays.items():
r = self.runner.run_get_node(merge_remote_arrays, **list_to_dict(arrays),)
context_update[f"return_values.{k}"] = r.node
return self.to_context(**context_update)
def extract_merged_arrays(self): # noqa: D102
if "exception" in self.ctx:
self.ctx.exception = self.ctx.exception.outputs.result
if "return_values" in self.ctx:
for k, v in self.ctx.return_values.items():
self.ctx.return_values[k] = v.outputs.result
def pass_through_arrays(self): # noqa: D102
||||"Passing through results from single mapjob")
assert self.ctx.iteration == 1
(job,) = self.ctx.launched_mapjobs
if "exception" in job.outputs:
self.ctx.exception = job.outputs.exception
if "return_values" in job.outputs:
for k, v in job.outputs.return_values.items():
self.ctx[f"return_values.{k}"] = v
def output(self): # noqa: D102
||||"Setting outputs")
if "exception" in self.ctx:
self.out("exception", self.ctx.exception)
for k, v in self.ctx.items():
if k.startswith("return_values"):
self.out(k, v)
max_restarts = self.inputs.metadata.options.max_restarts
if not self.has_all_results and self.ctx.iteration >= max_restarts:
||||"Restarted the maximum number of times {max_restarts}")
return self.exit_codes.MAXIMUM_RESTARTS_EXCEEDED
def result_mask(job, expected_shape) -> np.ndarray:
"""Return the result mask for a PyMapJob that potentially has multiple outputs."""
if "return_values" not in job.outputs:
return np.full(expected_shape, True)
rvs = job.outputs.return_values
masks = [getattr(rvs, x).mask for x in rvs]
if len(masks) == 1:
return masks[0]
# If for some reason one of the outputs is missing elements (i.e. the
# mask value is True) then we need to re-run the corresponding task.
return np.logical_or(*masks)
class RestartedPyCalcJob(WorkChain):
"""Workchain that resubmits a PyCalcJOb until it succeeds."""
_node_class = WorkChainNode
def define(cls, spec): # noqa: D102
spec.expose_outputs(PyCalcJob, include=["return_values", "exception"])
"Maximum number of iterations the work chain will "
"restart the process to finish successfully."
message="The maximum number of restarts was exceeded.",
411, "CHILD_PROCESS_EXCEPTED", message="The child process excepted.",
while_(cls.should_run)(cls.run_calcjob, cls.inspect_result),
def setup(self): # noqa: D102
self.ctx.iteration = 0
self.ctx.function_name =
self.ctx.children = []
self.ctx.is_finished = False
def should_run(self): # noqa: D102
return (
not self.ctx.is_finished
and self.ctx.iteration < self.inputs.metadata.options.max_restarts
def run_calcjob(self): # noqa: D102
self.ctx.iteration += 1
inputs = self.exposed_inputs(PyCalcJob)
del inputs["metadata"]["options"]["max_restarts"]
node = self.submit(PyCalcJob, **inputs)
f"Launching {self.ctx.function_name}<{}> "
f"iteration #{self.ctx.iteration}"
return self.to_context(children=append_(node))
def inspect_result(self): # noqa: D102
node = self.ctx.children[-1]
if node.is_excepted:
||||"{self.ctx.function_name}<{}> excepted; aborting")
return self.exit_codes.CHILD_PROCESS_EXCEPTED
self.ctx.is_finished = node.exit_status == 0
def output(self): # noqa: D102
node = self.ctx.children[-1]
label = f"{self.ctx.function_name}<{}>"
self.out_many(self.exposed_outputs(node, PyCalcJob))
max_restarts = self.inputs.metadata.options.max_restarts
if not self.ctx.is_finished and self.ctx.iteration >= max_restarts:
f"Reached the maximum number of iterations {max_restarts}: "
f"last ran {label}"
return self.exit_codes.MAXIMUM_RESTARTS_EXCEEDED
f"Succeeded after {self.ctx.iteration} submissions: "
f"last ran {label}"
@ -0,0 +1,610 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
from __future__ import annotations
import abc
import copy
from dataclasses import dataclass, replace
from typing import Callable, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union
import aiida.engine
import graphviz
import toolz
from . import common, engine
from .calculations import PyCalcJob, PyMapJob
from .data import PyFunction, PyOutline, ensure_aiida_type
from .utils import render_png
# TODO: this will all need to be refactored when we grok
# Aiida's 'Process' and 'Port' concepts.
class Step(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
"""Abstract base class for steps."""
class Single(Step):
"""A single workflow step."""
class Action(Single):
"""Step that will be run with the current workchain passed as argument."""
def do(self, workchain):
"""Do the action on the workchain."""
class Concurrent(Step):
"""Step consisting of several concurrent steps."""
steps: List[Step]
class Sequential(Step):
"""Step consisting of several sequential steps."""
steps: List[Step]
class Process(Single):
"""Step consisting of a single Aiida Process."""
builder: aiida.engine.ProcessBuilder
parameters: Tuple[str]
returns: Tuple[str]
def __str__(self):
kind = self.builder.process_class
if issubclass(kind, PyCalcJob):
func = self.builder.func
return f"{kind.__name__}[{}(pk: {})]"
return kind.__name__
class OutputAction(Action):
"""Action step that outputs values from the workflow context."""
outputs: Dict[str, str]
def do(self, workchain):
"""Return the named outputs from this workflow."""
for from_name, to_name in self.outputs.items():
if from_name in workchain.ctx:
workchain.out(f"return_values.{to_name}", workchain.ctx[from_name])
f"Failed to set output '{to_name}': '{from_name}' "
"does not exist on the workchain context (did "
"the step that produces this output fail?"
class PyAction(Action):
"""Action step defined by a PyFunction."""
action: PyFunction
def do(self, workchain):
"""Do the action on the workchain."""
def single_steps(step: Step) -> Iterator[Single]:
"""Yield all Single steps in a given step."""
if isinstance(step, Single):
yield step
elif isinstance(step, (Concurrent, Sequential)):
yield from toolz.mapcat(single_steps, step.steps)
assert False, f"Unknown step type {type(step)}"
def single_processes(step: Step) -> Iterator[Process]:
"""Yield all Process steps in a given step."""
return filter(lambda s: isinstance(s, Process), single_steps(step))
def _check_valid_pyfunction(f: PyFunction):
"""Check that the provided PyFunction may be used as part of a workflow."""
if not isinstance(f, PyFunction):
raise TypeError()
if any(r.startswith("_") for r in f.returns):
raise ValueError(
"Cannot use functions with return names containing underscores "
"in workflows."
if set(f.parameters).intersection(f.returns):
raise ValueError(
"Function has outputs that are named identically to its input(s)."
def _check_pyfunctions_compatible(a: PyFunction, b: PyFunction):
"""Check that Pyfunction 'b' has enough inputs/outputs to be compatible with 'a'."""
if missing_parameters := set(a.parameters) - set(b.parameters):
raise ValueError(f"'{}' is missing parameters: {missing_parameters}")
if missing_returns := set(a.returns) - set(b.returns):
raise ValueError(f"'{}' is missing return values: {missing_returns}")
def from_pyfunction(f: PyFunction) -> Step:
"""Construct a Step corresponding to applying a PyFunction."""
return Process(builder=engine.apply(f), parameters=f.parameters, returns=f.returns,)
def map_(f: PyFunction, *args, **kwargs) -> Step:
"""Construct a Step corresponding to mapping a PyFunction.
*args, **kwargs
Positional/keyword arguments to pass to 'aiida_dynamic_workflows.engine.map_'.
See Also
return Process(
builder=engine.map_(f, *args, **kwargs),
def concurrently(*fs: Union[PyFunction, Step]) -> Step:
"""Construct a Step for several tasks executing concurrently."""
if len(fs) < 2:
raise ValueError("Expected at least 2 steps")
for i, f in enumerate(fs):
for g in fs[i + 1 :]:
if set(f.returns).intersection(g.returns):
raise ValueError("Steps return values that are named the same")
returns = [set(f.returns) for f in fs]
parameters = [set(f.parameters) for f in fs]
if any(a.intersection(b) for a in parameters for b in returns):
raise ValueError("Steps cannot be run concurrently")
def ensure_single(f):
if isinstance(f, PyFunction):
return from_pyfunction(f)
elif isinstance(f, Single):
return f
raise TypeError(f"Expected PyFunction or Single, got {type(f)}")
return Concurrent([ensure_single(f) for f in fs])
def new_workflow(name: str) -> Outline:
"""Return an Outline with no steps , and the given name."""
return Outline(steps=(), label=name)
def first(s: Union[PyFunction, Step]) -> Outline:
"""Return an Outline consisting of a single Step."""
return Outline(steps=(ensure_step(s),))
def ensure_step(s: Union[Step, PyFunction]) -> Step:
"""Return a Step, given a Step or a PyFunction."""
if isinstance(s, Step):
return s
elif isinstance(s, PyFunction):
return from_pyfunction(s)
elif isinstance(s, Outline):
return Sequential(s.steps)
raise TypeError(f"Expected PyFunction, Step, or Outline, got {type(s)}")
def output(*names: str, **mappings: str) -> OutputAction:
"""Return an OutputAction that can be used in an outline."""
outputs = {name: name for name in names}
outputs.update({from_: to_ for from_, to_ in mappings.items()})
return OutputAction(outputs)
class Outline:
"""Outline of the steps to be executed.
Each step kicks off either a _single_ process, or several processes
steps: Tuple[Step]
#: Sequence of steps constituting the workflow
label: Optional[str] = None
#: Optional label identifying the workflow
def rename(self, name: str) -> Outline:
"""Return a new outline with a new name."""
return replace(self, label=name)
def then(self, step: Union[PyFunction, Step, Outline]) -> Outline:
"""Add the provided Step to the outline.
If a PyFunction is provided it is added as a single step.
return replace(self, steps=self.steps + (ensure_step(step),))
def join(self, other: Outline) -> Outline:
"""Return a new outline consisting of this and 'other' joined together."""
return replace(self, steps=self.steps + other.steps)
def returning(self, *names, **mappings) -> Outline:
"""Return the named values from this workflow."""
possible_names = self.parameters.union(self.all_outputs)
existing_names = self.returns
requested_names = set(names).union(mappings.keys())
if invalid_names := requested_names - possible_names:
raise ValueError(
f"Cannot return any of {invalid_names}; "
"they do not appear in this outline."
if already_returned := requested_names.intersection(existing_names):
raise ValueError(
"The following names are already returned "
f"by this outline: {already_returned}."
return replace(self, steps=self.steps + (output(*names, **mappings),))
def _single_processes(self) -> Iterator[Process]:
for step in self.steps:
yield from single_processes(step)
def _single_steps(self) -> Iterator[Single]:
for step in self.steps:
yield from single_steps(step)
def parameters(self) -> Set[str]:
"""Parameters of the Outline."""
raw_parameters = toolz.reduce(
set.union, (s.parameters for s in self._single_processes), set(),
return raw_parameters - self.all_outputs
def returns(self) -> Set[str]:
"""Values returned by this Outline."""
ret = set()
for step in self._single_steps:
if isinstance(step, OutputAction):
return ret
def all_outputs(self) -> Set[str]:
"""All outputs of this outline."""
return toolz.reduce(
set.union, (s.returns for s in self._single_processes), set(),
def visualize(self, as_png=False) -> Union[graphviz.Digraph]:
"""Return a Graphviz visualization of this outline."""
g = graphviz.Digraph(graph_attr=dict(rankdir="LR"))
mapped_inputs = set()
for proc in self._single_processes:
proc_id = str(id(proc))
is_mapjob = issubclass(proc.builder.process_class, PyMapJob)
opts = dict(shape="rectangle")
output_opts = dict()
if is_mapjob:
for d in (opts, output_opts):
d["style"] = "filled"
d["fillcolor"] = "#ffaaaaaa"
g.node(proc_id,, **opts)
if is_mapjob:
spec = common.MapSpec.from_string(proc.builder.metadata.options.mapspec)
for p in spec.parameters:
g.node(p, **output_opts)
for r in proc.returns:
g.node(r, **output_opts)
g.edge(proc_id, r)
for p in self.parameters - mapped_inputs:
g.node(p, style="filled", fillcolor="#aaaaaa")
for proc in self._single_processes:
proc_id = str(id(proc))
for p in proc.parameters:
g.edge(p, proc_id)
if as_png:
return render_png(g)
return g
def traverse(self, f: Callable[[Single], Single]) -> Outline:
"""Return a copy of this Outline, with 'f' applied to all Single steps."""
def transform(x: Step) -> Step:
if isinstance(x, Single):
return f(x)
elif isinstance(x, (Concurrent, Sequential)):
return type(x)(steps=tuple(map(transform, x.steps)))
raise TypeError(f"Unknown step type {type(x)}")
return replace(self, steps=tuple(map(transform, self.steps)))
def with_restarts(self, step_restarts: Dict[PyFunction, int]) -> Outline:
"""Return a copy of this Outline with restarts added to all specified steps.
>>> # Set up the original flow
>>> import aiida_dynamic_workflows as flows
>>> a = flows.step(lambda x, y: x + y, returning="z")
>>> b = flows.step(lambda z: 2 * z)
>>> flow = flows.workflow.first(a).then(b)
>>> # Apply restarts: a restarted up to 2 times, b up to 3.
>>> new_flow = flow.with_restarts({a: 2, b: 3})
def mapper(step):
max_restarts = step_restarts[step.builder.func]
except (AttributeError, KeyError):
return step
return replace(step, builder=step.builder.with_restarts(max_restarts))
return self.traverse(mapper)
def replace_steps(self, step_map: Dict[PyFunction, PyFunction]) -> Outline:
"""Return a copy of this Outline, replacing the step functions specified.
Any steps that are PyCalcJobs or PyMapJobs executing a PyFunction specified
in 'step_map' will have the function executed replaced by the corresponding
value in 'step_map'.
See Also
>>> # Set up the original flow
>>> import aiida_dynamic_workflows as flows
>>> a = flows.step(lambda x, y: x + y, returning="z")
>>> b = flows.step(lambda z: 2 * z)
>>> flow = flows.workflow.first(a).then(b)
>>> # Create the new steps
>>> new_a = flows.step(lambda x, y: x * y, returning="z")
>>> new_b = flows.step(lambda z: 5 * z
>>> # Replace the old steps with new ones!
>>> new_flow = flow.replacing_steps({a: new_a, b: new_b})
for a, b in step_map.items():
_check_pyfunctions_compatible(a, b)
def mapper(step):
new_func = step_map[step.builder.func]
except (AttributeError, KeyError):
return step
b = copy.deepcopy(step.builder)
b.func = new_func
return Process(
builder=b, parameters=new_func.parameters, returns=new_func.returns
return self.traverse(mapper)
def on(
env: engine.ExecutionEnvironment,
max_concurrent_machines: Optional[int] = None,
) -> Outline:
"""Return a new Outline with the execution environment set for all steps."""
def transform(s: Single):
if not isinstance(s, Process):
return s
return replace(s, builder=s.builder.on(env, max_concurrent_machines))
return self.traverse(transform)
# TODO: See if we can come up with a cleaner separation of "logical data flow"
# and "error handling flow".
# TODO: see if we can do this more "directly" with the Aiida/Plumpy
# "process" interface. As-is we are running our own "virtual machine"
# on top of Aiida's!.
class PyWorkChain(aiida.engine.WorkChain):
"""WorkChain for executing Outlines."""
def define(cls, spec): # noqa: D102
spec.input("outline", valid_type=PyOutline)
spec.input_namespace("kwargs", dynamic=True)
spec.output_namespace("return_values", dynamic=True)
aiida.engine.while_(cls.is_not_done)(cls.do_step, cls.check_output),
spec.exit_code(401, "INVALID_STEP", message="Invalid step definition")
450, "STEP_RETURNED_ERROR_CODE", message="A step returned an error code"
def get_builder(cls): # noqa: D102
return engine.ProcessBuilder(cls)
# TODO: have the outline persisted into "self.ctx"; this way
# we don't need to reload it from the DB on every step.
def setup(self): # noqa: D102
"""Set up the state for the workchain."""
outline = self.inputs.outline.value
self.ctx._this_step = 0
self.ctx._num_steps = len(outline.steps)
self.ctx._had_errors = False
if "kwargs" in self.inputs:
def finalize(self):
"""Finalize the workchain."""
if self.ctx._had_errors:
return self.exit_codes.STEP_RETURNED_ERROR_CODE
def is_not_done(self) -> bool:
"""Return True when there are no more steps in the workchain."""
return self.ctx._this_step < self.ctx._num_steps
def do_step(self):
"""Execute the current step in the workchain."""
this_step = self.ctx._this_step
||||"doing step {this_step} of {self.ctx._num_steps}")
step = self.inputs.outline.value.steps[this_step]
if isinstance(step, (Single, Sequential)):
concurrent_steps = [step]
elif isinstance(step, Concurrent):
concurrent_steps = list(step.steps)
||||"Unknown step type {type(step)}")
return self.exit_codes.INVALID_STEP
for s in concurrent_steps:
self.ctx._this_step += 1
def _base_step(self, s: Step):
if isinstance(s, Process):
inputs = get_keys(self.ctx, s.parameters)
except KeyError as err:
||||"Skipping step {s} due to missing inputs: {err.args}")
self.ctx._had_errors = True
finalized_builder = s.builder.finalize(**inputs)
fut = self.submit(finalized_builder)
||||"Submitted {s} (pk: {})")
elif isinstance(s, Sequential):
ol = Outline(steps=tuple(s.steps))
inputs = get_keys(self.ctx, ol.parameters)
except KeyError as err:
||||"Skipping step {s} due to missing inputs: {err.args}")
self.ctx._had_errors = True
builder = PyWorkChain.get_builder()
builder.outline = PyOutline(outline=ol)
builder.kwargs = inputs
fut = self.submit(builder)
||||"Submitted sub-workchain: {}")
elif isinstance(s, Action):
def check_output(self):
"""Check the output of the current step in the workchain."""
if "_futures" not in self.ctx:
for step in self.ctx._futures:
if step.exit_status != 0:
||||"Step {step} reported a problem: {step.exit_message}")
self.ctx._had_errors = True
for name, value in return_values(step):
self.ctx[name] = value
del self.ctx["_futures"]
def get_keys(dictionary, keys):
"""Select all keys in 'keys' from 'dictionary'."""
missing = []
r = dict()
for k in keys:
if k in dictionary:
r[k] = dictionary[k]
if missing:
raise KeyError(*missing)
return r
# XXX: This is all very tightly coupled to the definitions of "PyCalcJob"
# and "PyMapJob".
def return_values(calc: aiida.orm.ProcessNode):
"""Yield (name, node) tuples of return values of the given ProcessNode.
This assumes an output port namespace called "return_values".
return calc.outputs.return_values.items()
except AttributeError:
return ()
def build(outline: Outline, **kwargs) -> PyWorkChain:
"""Return a ProcessBuilder for launching the given Outline."""
# TODO: validate that all ProcessBuilders in 'outline' are fully specified
builder = PyWorkChain.get_builder()
builder.outline = PyOutline(outline=outline)
if outline.label:
builder.metadata.label = outline.label
if missing := set(outline.parameters) - set(kwargs):
raise ValueError(f"Missing parameters: {missing}")
if superfluous := set(kwargs) - set(outline.parameters):
raise ValueError(f"Too many parameters: {superfluous}")
builder.kwargs = toolz.valmap(ensure_aiida_type, kwargs)
return builder
def _check_outline(outline: Outline):
for proc in outline._single_processes:
if proc.builder.code is None:
raise ValueError(
f"Execution environment not specified for {}. "
"Did you remember to call 'on(env)' on the workflow?"
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