
152 строки
5.5 KiB
Исходник Обычный вид История

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
//; eval_flags(c-rocm): -lamdhip64 -D__HIP_PLATFORM_HCC__ -I/opt/rocm/include -L/opt/rocm/lib
//; eval_flags(c-cuda): -lcuda -lcudart -I/usr/local/cuda/include -L/usr/local/cuda/lib64
#if !defined(__HIP_PLATFORM_HCC__)
#include <cuda.h>
#include <hip/hip_runtime.h>
#define cuInit hipInit
#define cuMemAlloc hipMalloc
#define cuMemFree hipFree
#define cuModuleLoad hipModuleLoad
#define cuModuleLoadData hipModuleLoadData
#define cuModuleUnload hipModuleUnload
#define cuModuleGetFunction hipModuleGetFunction
#define cuLaunchKernel hipModuleLaunchKernel
#define cuMemAllocHost hipHostMalloc
#define cuMemFreeHost hipHostFree
#define cuStreamSynchronize hipStreamSynchronize
#define cuCtxSynchronize hipDeviceSynchronize
#define cuMemcpyHtoDAsync hipMemcpyHtoDAsync
#define cuMemcpyDtoHAsync hipMemcpyDtoHAsync
#define CUdeviceptr hipDeviceptr_t
#define CUmodule hipModule_t
#define CUfunction hipFunction_t
#define CUevent hipEvent_t
#define cuEventElapsedTime hipEventElapsedTime
#define cuEventCreate hipEventCreateWithFlags
#define cuEventDestroy hipEventDestroy
#define cuEventRecord hipEventRecord
#define CUcontext long
#define cuDevicePrimaryCtxRetain(x, y) hipSetDevice(y)
#define cuCtxSetCurrent(x) 0
#define CUstream hipStream_t
namespace ab {
static int _current_device;
static std::unordered_map<size_t, std::vector<void*>> _cached_memory;
void init(int dev) {
CUcontext ctx;
// Just one of many methods to set target device id by visiblity
setenv("CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES", std::to_string(dev).c_str(), 1);
if (0 != cuInit(0) || 0 != cuDevicePrimaryCtxRetain(&ctx, _current_device) || 0 != cuCtxSetCurrent(ctx))
throw std::runtime_error("GPU device is not found.\n");
void finalize() {
void* alloc(size_t byteSize, const std::vector<size_t> &shape, const std::string &dtype, const std::string &name) {
auto &it = _cached_memory[byteSize];
if (it.size()) {
auto dptr = it.back();
return dptr;
void *dptr = nullptr;
CHECK_OK(0 == cuMemAlloc((CUdeviceptr*)&dptr, byteSize));
return dptr;
void release(void *dptr, size_t byteSize) {
auto &it = _cached_memory[byteSize];
void* moduleLoad(const std::string &source) {
ab_utils::TempFile tempfile("cu", source);
auto &path = tempfile.get_path();
#if !defined(__HIP_PLATFORM_HCC__)
static std::string _gpu_arch;
if (!_gpu_arch.size()) {
int major, minor;
CHECK_OK(0 == cuDeviceGetAttribute(&major, CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPUTE_CAPABILITY_MAJOR, _current_device));
CHECK_OK(0 == cuDeviceGetAttribute(&minor, CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPUTE_CAPABILITY_MINOR, _current_device));
_gpu_arch = std::to_string(major * 10 + minor);
std::vector<std::string> compile_args = {"/usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc", path, "--fatbin", "-O2", "-gencode", ("arch=compute_" + _gpu_arch + ",code=sm_" + _gpu_arch), "-o", (path + ".out")};
static std::string _gpu_arch;
if (!_gpu_arch.size()) {
hipDeviceProp_t prop;
CHECK_OK(0 == hipGetDeviceProperties(&prop, _current_device));
_gpu_arch = std::to_string(prop.gcnArch);
std::vector<std::string> compile_args = {"/opt/rocm/bin/hipcc", path, "--genco", "-O2", ("--amdgpu-target=gfx" + _gpu_arch), "-Wno-ignored-attributes", "-o", (path + ".out")};
ab_utils::Process(compile_args, 10);
CUmodule hmod = nullptr;
CHECK_OK(0 == cuModuleLoad(&hmod, (path + ".out").c_str()));
return hmod;
std::vector<void*> moduleGetFunction(const void *hModule, const std::string &fname, const std::unordered_map<std::string, int> &threads) {
auto query = [&](const std::string &axis, long defval = 1) -> void* {
auto it = threads.find(axis);
if (it == threads.end())
return (void*)defval;
return (void*)(long)it->second;
CUfunction hfunc = nullptr;
CHECK_OK(0 == cuModuleGetFunction(&hfunc, (CUmodule)hModule, fname.c_str()));
return { hfunc, query("blockIdx.x"), query("blockIdx.y"), query("blockIdx.z"), query("threadIdx.x"), query("threadIdx.y"), query("threadIdx.z") };
void launchKernel(const std::vector<void*> &hFunc, const std::vector<void*> &krnl_args, void *stream) {
std::vector<void* const*> pargs(krnl_args.size());
for (int i = 0; i < pargs.size(); ++i)
pargs[i] = &krnl_args[i];
CHECK_OK(0 == cuLaunchKernel((CUfunction)hFunc[0], (long)hFunc[1], (long)hFunc[2], (long)hFunc[3], (long)hFunc[4], (long)hFunc[5], (long)hFunc[6],
0, (CUstream)stream, (void**), nullptr));
void memcpyHtoD(void *dptr, void *hptr, size_t byteSize, void *stream) {
CHECK_OK(0 == cuMemcpyHtoDAsync((CUdeviceptr)dptr, hptr, byteSize, (CUstream)stream));
void memcpyDtoH(void *hptr, void *dptr, size_t byteSize, void *stream) {
CHECK_OK(0 == cuMemcpyDtoHAsync(hptr, (CUdeviceptr)dptr, byteSize, (CUstream)stream));
void synchronize(void *stream) {
CHECK_OK(0 == cuStreamSynchronize((CUstream)stream));
void* recordTime(void *stream) {
CUevent hEvent;
CHECK_OK(0 == cuEventCreate(&hEvent, 0));
CHECK_OK(0 == cuEventRecord(hEvent, (CUstream)stream));
return hEvent;
double convertToElapsedTime(void *hStart, void *hStop) {
CHECK_OK(0 == cuCtxSynchronize());
float ms;
CHECK_OK(0 == cuEventElapsedTime(&ms, (CUevent)hStart, (CUevent)hStop));
CHECK_OK(0 == cuEventDestroy((CUevent)hStart));
CHECK_OK(0 == cuEventDestroy((CUevent)hStop));
return ms * 1e-3;