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"""App Center crashes API wrappers."""
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
import datetime
import logging
import os
from typing import Any, Iterator
import urllib.parse
from import BlobServiceClient
import deserialize
import appcenter.constants
from appcenter.derived_client import AppCenterDerivedClient, ProgressCallback
from appcenter.models import (
class AppCenterCrashesClient(AppCenterDerivedClient):
"""Wrapper around the App Center crashes APIs.
:param token: The authentication token
:param parent_logger: The parent logger that we will use for our own logging
def __init__(self, token: str, parent_logger: logging.Logger) -> None:
super().__init__("crashes", token, parent_logger)
def group_details(self, *, org_name: str, app_name: str, error_group_id: str) -> ErrorGroup:
"""Get the error group details.
:param org_name: The name of the organization
:param app_name: The name of the app
:param error_group_id: The ID of the error group to get the details for
:returns: An ErrorGroup
request_url = self.generate_app_url(org_name=org_name, app_name=app_name)
request_url += f"/errors/errorGroups/{error_group_id}"
response = self.http_get(request_url)
return deserialize.deserialize(ErrorGroup, response.json())
def error_details(
self, *, org_name: str, app_name: str, error_group_id: str, error_id: str
) -> HandledErrorDetails:
"""Get the error details.
:param org_name: The name of the organization
:param app_name: The name of the app
:param error_group_id: The ID of the error group to get the details for
:param error_id: The ID of the error to get the details for
:returns: A HandledErrorDetails
request_url = self.generate_app_url(org_name=org_name, app_name=app_name)
request_url += f"/errors/errorGroups/{error_group_id}/errors/{error_id}"
response = self.http_get(request_url)
return deserialize.deserialize(HandledErrorDetails, response.json())
def error_info_dictionary(
self, *, org_name: str, app_name: str, error_group_id: str, error_id: str
) -> HandledErrorDetails:
"""Get the full error info dictionary.
This is the full details that App Center has on a crash. It is not
parsed due to being different per platform.
:param org_name: The name of the organization
:param app_name: The name of the app
:param error_group_id: The ID of the error group to get the details for
:param error_id: The ID of the error to get the details for
:returns: The raw full error info dictionary
request_url = self.generate_app_url(org_name=org_name, app_name=app_name)
request_url += f"/errors/errorGroups/{error_group_id}/errors/{error_id}/download"
response = self.http_get(request_url)
return deserialize.deserialize(dict[str, Any], response.json())
def set_annotation(
org_name: str,
app_name: str,
error_group_id: str,
annotation: str,
state: ErrorGroupState | None = None,
) -> None:
"""Get the error group details.
:param org_name: The name of the organization
:param app_name: The name of the app
:param error_group_id: The ID of the error group to set the annotation on
:param annotation: The annotation text
:param state: The state to set the error group to
The `state` parameter here does seem somewhat unusual, but it can't be
helped unfortunately. The API requires that we set the state with the
annotation. In order to work around this, the state can either be set
explicitly in this call, or if it is set to `None` (the default), we'll
read the existing state and use that.
if state is None:
request_url = self.generate_app_url(org_name=org_name, app_name=app_name)
request_url += f"/errors/errorGroups/{error_group_id}"
response = self.http_get(request_url)
group = deserialize.deserialize(ErrorGroup, response.json())
state = group.state
request_url = self.generate_app_url(org_name=org_name, app_name=app_name)
request_url += f"/errors/errorGroups/{error_group_id}"
self.http_patch(request_url, data={"state": state.value, "annotation": annotation})
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
def get_error_groups(
org_name: str,
app_name: str,
start_time: datetime.datetime,
end_time: datetime.datetime | None = None,
version: str | None = None,
app_build: str | None = None,
group_state: ErrorGroupState | None = None,
error_type: str | None = None,
order_by: str | None = None,
limit: int = 30,
) -> Iterator[ErrorGroupListItem]:
"""Get the error groups for an app.
:param org_name: The name of the organization
:param app_name: The name of the app
:param start_time: The time to start getting error groups from
:param end_time: The end time to get error groups from
:param version: The version of the app to restrict the search to (if any)
:param app_build: The build to restrict the search to (if any)
:param group_state: Set to filter to just this group state (open, closed, ignored)
:param error_type: Set to filter to specific types of error (all, unhandledError, handledError)
:param order_by: The order by parameter to pass in (this will be encoded for you)
:param limit: The max number of results to return per request (should not go past 100)
:returns: An iterator of ErrorGroupListItem
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
request_url = self.generate_app_url(org_name=org_name, app_name=app_name)
request_url += "/errors/errorGroups?"
parameters = {"start": start_time.replace(microsecond=0).isoformat()}
if end_time:
parameters["end"] = end_time.replace(microsecond=0).isoformat()
if version:
parameters["version"] = version
if app_build:
parameters["app_build"] = app_build
if group_state:
parameters["groupState"] = group_state.value
if error_type:
parameters["errorType"] = error_type
if order_by:
parameters["$orderby"] = order_by
if limit:
parameters["$top"] = str(limit)
request_url += urllib.parse.urlencode(parameters)
page = 0
while True:
page += 1"Fetching page {page} of crash groups")
response = self.http_get(request_url)
error_groups = deserialize.deserialize(ErrorGroups, response.json())
yield from error_groups.errorGroups
if error_groups.nextLink is None:
request_url = appcenter.constants.API_BASE_URL + self._next_link_polished(
error_groups.nextLink, org_name, app_name
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
# pylint: enable=too-many-arguments
def errors_in_group(
org_name: str,
app_name: str,
error_group_id: str,
start_time: datetime.datetime | None = None,
end_time: datetime.datetime | None = None,
model: str | None = None,
operating_system: str | None = None,
) -> Iterator[HandledError]:
"""Get the errors in a group.
:param org_name: The name of the organization
:param app_name: The name of the app
:param error_group_id: The ID of the group to get the errors from
:param start_time: The time to start getting error groups from
:param end_time: The end time to get error groups from
:param model: The device model to restrict the search to (if any)
:param operating_system: The OS to restrict the search to (if any)
:returns: An iterator of HandledError
request_url = self.generate_app_url(org_name=org_name, app_name=app_name)
request_url += f"/errors/errorGroups/{error_group_id}/errors?"
parameters: dict[str, str] = {}
if start_time:
parameters["start"] = start_time.replace(microsecond=0).isoformat()
if end_time:
parameters["end"] = end_time.replace(microsecond=0).isoformat()
if model:
parameters["model"] = model
if operating_system:
parameters["os"] = operating_system
request_url += urllib.parse.urlencode(parameters)
page = 0
while True:
page += 1"Fetching page {page} of crashes for group {error_group_id}")
response = self.http_get(request_url)
errors = deserialize.deserialize(HandledErrors, response.json())
yield from errors.errors
if errors.nextLink is None:
request_url = appcenter.constants.API_BASE_URL + self._next_link_polished(
errors.nextLink, org_name, app_name
def begin_symbol_upload(
org_name: str,
app_name: str,
symbols_name: str,
symbol_type: SymbolType,
build_number: str | None = None,
version: str | None = None,
) -> SymbolUploadBeginResponse:
"""Upload debug symbols
:param org_name: The name of the organization
:param app_name: The name of the app
:param symbols_path: The path to the symbols
:param symbol_type: The type of symbols being uploaded
:param build_number: The build number (required for Android)
:param version: The build version (required for Android)
:raises ValueError: If the build number or version aren't specified and it's an Android upload
:returns: SymbolUploadBeginResponse
if symbol_type == SymbolType.PROGUARD:
if build_number is None:
raise ValueError("The build number is required for Android")
if version is None:
raise ValueError("The version is required for Android")
request_url = self.generate_app_url(org_name=org_name, app_name=app_name)
request_url += "/symbol_uploads"
data = {"symbol_type": symbol_type.value, "file_name": symbols_name}
if build_number:
data["build"] = build_number
if version:
data["version"] = version
response = self.http_post(request_url, data=data)
return deserialize.deserialize(SymbolUploadBeginResponse, response.json())
def commit_symbol_upload(
self, *, org_name: str, app_name: str, upload_id: str
) -> SymbolUploadEndRequest:
"""Commit a symbol upload operation
:param org_name: The name of the organization
:param app_name: The name of the app
:param upload_id: The ID of the symbols upload to commit
:returns: The App Center symbol upload end response
request_url = self.generate_app_url(org_name=org_name, app_name=app_name)
request_url += f"/symbol_uploads/{upload_id}"
data = {"status": "committed"}
response = self.http_patch(request_url, data=data)
return deserialize.deserialize(SymbolUploadEndRequest, response.json())
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
def upload_symbols(
org_name: str,
app_name: str,
symbols_path: str,
symbols_name: str | None = None,
symbol_type: SymbolType,
build_number: str | None = None,
version: str | None = None,
progress_callback: ProgressCallback | None = None,
) -> None:
"""Upload debug symbols
:param org_name: The name of the organization
:param app_name: The name of the app
:param symbols_path: The path to the symbols
:param symbols_name: The name to use for the symbols (defaults to file basename)
:param symbol_type: The type of symbols being uploaded
:param build_number: The build number (required for Android)
:param version: The build version (required for Android)
:param progress_callback: The upload progress callback
For the upload progress callback, this is a callable where the first
parameter is the number of bytes uploaded, and the second parameter is
the total number of bytes to upload (if known).
:raises Exception: If something goes wrong
:raises FileNotFoundError: If the symbols path doesn't have a file at the end
if not os.path.isfile(symbols_path):
raise FileNotFoundError(f"There was no file at: {symbols_path}")
if not symbols_name:
symbols_name = os.path.basename(symbols_path)
begin_upload_response = self.begin_symbol_upload(
with open(symbols_path, "rb") as symbols_file:
url_components = urllib.parse.urlparse(begin_upload_response.upload_url)
path = url_components.path[1:]
container, blob_name = path.split("/")
connection_string = f"BlobEndpoint={url_components.scheme}://{url_components.netloc};"
connection_string += f"SharedAccessSignature={url_components.query}"
service = BlobServiceClient.from_connection_string(connection_string)
blob_client = service.get_blob_client(container, blob_name, None)
blob_client.upload_blob(symbols_file, progress_hook=progress_callback, overwrite=True)
commit_response = self.commit_symbol_upload(
if commit_response.status != SymbolUploadStatus.COMMITTED:
raise Exception("Failed to upload symbols")
# pylint: enable=too-many-arguments
def _next_link_polished(self, next_link: str, org_name: str, app_name: str) -> str:
"""Polish nextLink string gotten from AppCenter service
:param next_link: The nextLink property from a service response when items are queried in batches
:param org_name: The name of the organization
:param app_name: The name of the app
:returns: A polished next link to use on next batch
_ = self
if f"{org_name}/{app_name}" not in next_link:
# For some apps, AppCenter is returning invalid nextLinks without app name and org, just a // instead.
next_link = next_link.replace("//", f"/{org_name}/{app_name}/", 1)
# AppCenter is returning a nextLink with a /api on the URL which causes the request to fail.
return next_link.replace("/api", "", 1)