зеркало из https://github.com/microsoft/archai.git
patch(root): Patches missing/changed files according to master.
This commit is contained in:
@ -149,4 +149,4 @@ venv.bak/
# Pyre type checker
# Pyre type checker
@ -326,82 +326,6 @@
"--param_constraint_upper", "15000000",
"--param_constraint_upper", "15000000",
"name": "Train GPT2 Flex Distributed WT103",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"module": "torch.distributed.launch",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"args": ["--full", "--algos", "local_search_darts_reg", "--datasets", "cifar10"]
"name": "Analysis Aggregate",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${cwd}/scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_aggregate.py",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"args": ["--results-dir", "F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\hog_imagenet16_search",
"--out-dir", "F:\\dedey\\archai_experiment_reports"]
"name": "Train Transformer XL",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${cwd}/archai/nlp/nvidia_transformer_xl/train.py",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"args": ["--config", "dgx1_1gpu_fp32", "--config_file", "wt103_base.yaml", "--attn_type", "2", "--n_layer", "16", "--n_head", "8", "--d_model", "256", "--d_head", "32", "--d_inner", "768", "--log_interval", "10"]
"name": "Train TransformerXL Distributed",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"module": "torch.distributed.launch",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
"args": [
"env": {
"name": "Search Autoregressive Memformer",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${cwd}/archai/nlp/search.py",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"args": ["--population_size", "10",
"--parent_size", "2",
"--mutation_size", "4",
"--crossover_size", "4",
"--n_iter", "2",
"--model_type", "mem_transformer",
"name": "Search Autoregressive HF GPT2/Flex",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${cwd}/archai/nlp/search.py",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"args": ["--population_size", "10",
"--parent_size", "2",
"--mutation_size", "4",
"--crossover_size", "4",
"--n_iter", "2",
"--model_type", "hf_gpt2_flex",
"--latency_constraint_upper", "10.0",
"--param_constraint_upper", "15000000",
"name": "Train GPT2 Flex Distributed WT103",
"name": "Train GPT2 Flex Distributed WT103",
"type": "python",
"type": "python",
@ -443,306 +367,6 @@
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"args": []
"args": []
"name": "Analysis Freeze Natsbench Space",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${cwd}/scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"args": ["--results-dir", "C:\\Users\\dedey\\Documents\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb2048_ftlr1.5_ct1024_augnone",
"--out-dir", "C:\\Users\\dedey\\archai_experiment_reports"]
"name": "Analysis Naswot Conditional Natsbench Space",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${cwd}/scripts/reports/analysis_naswot_cond_natsbench_space.py",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"args": ["--results-dir", "C:\\Users\\dedey\\Documents\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\proxynas_naswotcond0.8",
"--out-dir", "C:\\Users\\dedey\\archai_experiment_reports"]
"name": "Analysis Proxynas",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${cwd}/scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_create_darts_space_benchmark.py",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"args": ["--results-dir", "/home/dedey/archaiphilly/amlt/darts_constant_random_synthetic_cifar10",
"--out-dir", "/home/dedey/archai_experiment_reports"]
"name": "Analysis Freeze Darts Space",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${cwd}/scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_darts_space.py",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"args": ["--results-dir", "F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_dt_fb96_ftlr0.025_fte10_ct96_ftt0.6_nofreeze_ftonly",
"--out-dir", "F:\\archai_experiment_reports", "--reg-evals-file",
"name": "Analysis Regular Darts Space",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${cwd}/scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_regular_darts_space.py",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"args": ["--results-dir", "/home/dedey/archaiphilly/amlt/darts_constant_random_cifar100",
"--out-dir", "/home/dedey/archai_experiments_reports", "--reg-evals-file",
"name": "Analysis Freeze Natsbench and Nb101 Space",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${cwd}/scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"args": ["--results-dir", "F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_sc10_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.15",
"--out-dir", "F:\\archai_experiment_reports",
"--reg-evals-file", "F:\\archai_experiment_reports\\nb_reg_b256_e200_sc10\\arch_id_test_accuracy_synthetic_cifar10.yaml"]
"name": "NEW Analysis Freeze Natsbench and Nb101 Space NEW",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${cwd}/scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"args": ["--results-dir", "F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6_scu",
"--out-dir", "F:\\archai_experiment_reports"]
"name": "Analysis Freeze Natsbench SSS Space",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${cwd}/scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_sss.py",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"args": ["--results-dir", "F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_sss_r1.0_ft_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6",
"--out-dir", "F:\\archai_experiment_reports"]
"name": "Analysis Freeze Addon No Cond",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${cwd}/scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freezeaddon_nocond.py",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"args": ["--results-dir", "F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\fa_nb1_s3_fb256_ftlr0.001_fte5_nocond",
"--out-dir", "F:\\archai_experiment_reports"]
"name": "Analysis Naswot Conditional Natsbench Space",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${cwd}/scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_naswot_cond_natsbench_space.py",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"args": ["--results-dir", "C:\\Users\\dedey\\Documents\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\proxynas_naswotcond0.8",
"--out-dir", "F:\\archai_experiment_reports"]
"name": "Analysis Natsbench Nonstandard Generate Benchmark",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${cwd}/scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_natsbench_nonstandard_generate_benchmark.py",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"args": ["--results-dir", "/home/dedey/archaiphilly/amlt/natsbench_constant_random_cifar100",
"--out-dir", "/home/dedey/archai_experiment_reports"]
"name": "Analysis Regular Natsbench TSS, SSS and Nb101 Space",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${cwd}/scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"args": ["--results-dir", "F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_sss_reg_b256_e20",
"--out-dir", "F:\\archai_experiment_reports"]
"name": "Analysis Cross Experiment Plots",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${cwd}/scripts/reports/fear_plots/cross_exp_plots.py",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"args": ["--dataset", "darts_cifar10",
"--conf-location", "scripts/reports/fear_plots/cross_exp_conf.yaml"]
"name": "Analysis Cross Random Search Plots",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${cwd}/scripts/reports/fear_plots/cross_random_search.py",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"args": ["--dataset", "darts_cifar10",
"--conf-location", "scripts/reports/fear_plots/cross_random_search.yaml"]
"name": "Analysis Cross Local Search Plots",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${cwd}/scripts/reports/fear_plots/cross_local_search.py",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"args": ["--dataset", "natsbench_cifar10",
"--conf-location", "scripts/reports/fear_plots/cross_local_search.yaml"]
"name": "Analysis Zero Cost Natsbench, Nasbench101, Dartsspace Experiments",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${cwd}/scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_natsbench_zerocost.py",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"args": ["--results-dir", "/home/dedey/archaiphilly/amlt/zc_synthetic_cifar10",
"--out-dir", "/home/dedey/archai_experiment_reports",
"name": "Analysis Zero Cost Natsbench Epochs Experiments",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${cwd}/scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_natsbench_zerocost_epochs.py",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"args": ["--results-dir", "/home/dedey/archaiphilly/amlt/natsbench_constant_random_zerocost_epochs_scifar100",
"--out-dir", "/home/dedey/archai_experiment_reports",
"name": "Analysis Zero Cost Conditional Natsbench Experiments",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${cwd}/scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_natsbench_conditional_zerocost.py",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"args": ["--results-dir", "F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\zc_cond_b256_ftt0.6",
"--out-dir", "F:\\archai_experiment_reports"]
"name": "Analysis Generate ArchId Test Accuracy",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${cwd}/scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_generate_archid_test_acc.py",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"args": ["--results-dir", "F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_f102_b256_reg200",
"--out-dir", "F:\\archai_experiment_reports"]
"name": "Analysis Hog FFNet",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${cwd}/scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_hog_ffnet.py",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"args": ["--results-dir", "F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\hog_flower102_search",
"--out-dir", "F:\\archai_experiment_reports"]
"name": "Analysis Random Search Natsbench TSS Far",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${cwd}/scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_random_search_natsbench_tss_far.py",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"args": ["--results-dir", "F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\rs_far_ftt0.6_max500_ratio8.0_fixedseeds",
"--out-dir", "F:\\archai_experiment_reports"]
"name": "Analysis Random Search Natsbench TSS Far Post",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${cwd}/scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_random_search_natsbench_tss_far_post.py",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"args": ["--results-dir", "F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\rs_farpost_c100_ftt0.3_max500_ratio2.0_fixedseeds",
"--out-dir", "F:\\archai_experiment_reports"]
"name": "Analysis Random Search Natsbench TSS Reg",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${cwd}/scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_random_search_natsbench_tss_reg.py",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"args": ["--results-dir", "F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\rs_reg_max500_b1024_e50_fixedseeds",
"--out-dir", "F:\\archai_experiment_reports"]
"name": "Analysis Random Search DARTS Reg",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${cwd}/scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_random_search_darts_reg.py",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"args": ["--results-dir", "F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\rs_darts_reg_e5",
"--out-dir", "F:\\archai_experiment_reports"]
"name": "Analysis Random Search DARTS Far",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${cwd}/scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_random_search_darts_far.py",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"args": ["--results-dir", "F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\rs_darts_far_ftt0.6_fte10_ratio_8.0_nofreeze",
"--out-dir", "F:\\archai_experiment_reports"]
"name": "Analysis Local Search Natsbench TSS",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${cwd}/scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_local_search_natsbench_tss.py",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"args": ["--results-dir", "F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ls_far_ftt0.6_max300_ratio2.0_fixedseeds_refactor",
"--out-dir", "F:\\archai_experiment_reports", "--natsbench_loc", "C:\\Users\\dedey\\dataroot\\natsbench\\NATS-tss-v1_0-3ffb9-simple",
"--dataset", "cifar10"]
"name": "Analysis Nasbench301 Time-to-thresh vs. Test Acc",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${cwd}/scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_nasbench301_timetothresh.py",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"args": ["--nb301-logs-dir", "C:\\Users\\dedey\\dataroot\\nasbench301\\nasbench301_full_data\\nb_301_v13_lc_iclr_final\\rs",
"--out-dir", "F:\\archai_experiment_reports"]
"name": "Analysis Nasbench301 Ranking",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${cwd}/scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_nasbench301_ranking.py",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"args": ["--nb301-logs-dir", "C:\\Users\\dedey\\dataroot\\nasbench301\\nasbench301_full_data\\nb_301_v13_lc_iclr_final\\rs",
"--out-dir", "F:\\archai_experiment_reports"]
"name": "Analysis Simulate FEAR on Nasbench301",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${cwd}/scripts/reports/fear_analysis/simulate_fear_on_nb301.py",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"args": ["--nb301-logs-dir", "C:\\Users\\dedey\\dataroot\\nasbench301\\nasbench301_full_data\\nb_301_v13_lc_iclr_final\\rs",
"--out-dir", "F:\\archai_experiment_reports", "--scorer", "train_accuracy"]
"name": "Analysis Simulate FEAR on Nasbench301 Toy",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${cwd}/scripts/reports/fear_analysis/simulate_fear_on_nb301.py",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"args": ["--nb301-logs-dir", "C:\\Users\\dedey\\dataroot\\nasbench301\\nasbench301_full_data\\nb_301_v13_toy",
"--out-dir", "F:\\archai_experiment_reports", "--scorer", "train_accuracy"]
"name": "Analysis Arch Population",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${cwd}/scripts/lts_analysis/analyze_arch_population.py",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"args": ["--root_folder", "/home/dedey/archaiphilly/amlt/gpt2_flex_random_l5_u12_finedm",
"--out_dir", "/home/dedey/archai_experiment_reports",
"name": "Analysis Characterize Search Space",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${cwd}/archai/nlp/nas/characterize_search_space.py",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"args": ["--results-dir", "C:\\Users\\dedey\\Documents\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\proxynas_regular_and_parameterless",
"--out-dir", "C:\\Users\\dedey\\archai_experiment_reports"]
"name": "CurrentFile",
"name": "CurrentFile",
"type": "python",
"type": "python",
@ -1,568 +0,0 @@
import os
import time
from pathlib import Path
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
from overrides.overrides import overrides
from typing import List, Tuple, Optional, Dict
from collections import OrderedDict
import random
import ray
import numpy as np
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from tqdm import tqdm
from archai.common.common import get_conf_common
from archai.common.common import get_expdir
from archai.nas.searcher import SearchResult
from archai.common.common import logger
from archai.common.config import Config
from archai.algos.evolution_pareto.evolution_pareto_search import EvolutionParetoSearch
from archai.nas.arch_meta import ArchWithMetaData
from archai.nas.nas_utils import compute_crowding_distance, compute_pareto_hypervolume
from archai.common import utils
from archai.search_spaces.discrete_search_spaces.segmentation_search_spaces.discrete_search_space_segmentation import DiscreteSearchSpaceSegmentation
from archai.algos.evolution_pareto_image_seg.segmentation_trainer import SegmentationTrainer
from archai.algos.evolution_pareto_image_seg.utils import get_onnx_latency
from archai.algos.evolution_pareto_image_seg.report import get_search_status_df, save_3d_pareto_plot, save_2d_pareto_evolution_plot
from archai.algos.evolution_pareto_image_seg.remote_benchmark import RemoteAzureBenchmark
from archai.nas.constraints.macs import calculate_macs
from archai.nas.constraints.torch_constraints import measure_torch_peak_memory
from archai.nas.constraints.pareto_frontier import find_pareto_frontier_points
class EvolutionParetoSearchSegmentation(EvolutionParetoSearch):
def search(self, conf_search:Config)->SearchResult:
self.dataset_conf = conf_search['loader']['dataset']
self.nb_classes = self.dataset_conf.get('nb_classes', 19)
self.dataroot = utils.full_path(self.dataset_conf['dataroot'])
self.dataset_name = self.dataset_conf['name']
self.conf_train = conf_search['trainer']
self.conf_loader = conf_search['loader']
self.min_mac = conf_search['min_mac']
self.max_mac = conf_search['max_mac']
self.min_layers = conf_search['min_layers']
self.max_layers = conf_search['max_layers']
self.max_downsample_factor = conf_search['max_downsample_factor']
self.skip_connections = conf_search['skip_connections']
self.max_skip_connection_length = conf_search['max_skip_connection_length']
self.max_scale_delta = conf_search['max_scale_delta']
self.max_post_upsample_layers = conf_search['max_post_upsample_layers']
self.min_base_channels = conf_search['min_base_channels']
self.max_base_channels = conf_search['max_base_channels']
self.base_channels_binwidth = conf_search['base_channels_binwidth']
self.min_delta_channels = conf_search['min_delta_channels']
self.max_delta_channels = conf_search['max_delta_channels']
self.delta_channels_binwidth = conf_search['delta_channels_binwidth']
self.mult_delta = conf_search.get('mult_delta', False)
self.op_subset = conf_search['op_subset']
self.downsample_prob_ratio = conf_search['downsample_prob_ratio']
self.img_size = self.dataset_conf['img_size']
# Parses soft constraints parameters
soft_constraints = conf_search['objectives']['soft_constraints_penalty']
soft_constraints['allowed_ops'] = soft_constraints['allowed_ops'].split(',')
soft_constraints['allowed_scales'] = [int(s) for s in soft_constraints['allowed_scales'].split(',')]
soft_constraints['allowed_channels'] = [int(s) for s in soft_constraints['allowed_channels'].split(',')]
self.objectives = conf_search['objectives']
self.crowd_sorting = conf_search['crowd_sorting']
self.init_architectures_from_dir = conf_search['init_architectures_from_dir']
self.use_remote_benchmark = conf_search['use_remote_benchmark']
if self.use_remote_benchmark:
remote_config = conf_search['remote_benchmark_config']
assert 'connection_string_env_var_name' in remote_config
assert remote_config['connection_string_env_var_name'] in os.environ
con_string = os.environ[remote_config['connection_string_env_var_name']]
self.patience = remote_config['patience']
self.check_interval = remote_config['check_interval']
self.remote_benchmark = RemoteAzureBenchmark(
# eval cache so that if search visits
# a network already evaluated then we don't
# evaluate it again.
self.eval_cache = dict()
# Place to store models with evaluation errors
self.models_with_missing_results = []
# init ray
def get_search_space(self)->DiscreteSearchSpaceSegmentation:
return DiscreteSearchSpaceSegmentation(
def _get_secondary_objectives_proxy(self, model: ArchWithMetaData) -> Tuple[float, float]:
''' Gets a proxy for all secondary objectives (latency, memory and soft_constraints)'''
# TODO: Filter secondary objectives in a smarter way
proxy_objs = OrderedDict(
(obj, 0.0)
for obj in self.objectives if obj != 'f1'
if self.objectives['latency']['enabled']:
proxy_objs['latency'] = get_onnx_latency(model.arch, img_size=model.arch.img_size)
if self.objectives['memory']['enabled']:
proxy_objs['memory'] = measure_torch_peak_memory(
model.arch, use_quantization=False,
input_dims=(1, 3, *model.arch.img_size[::-1]),
n_threads=1, device='cpu'
if self.objectives['soft_constraints_penalty']['enabled']:
soft_constraints = self.objectives['soft_constraints_penalty']
proxy_objs['soft_constraints_penalty'] = sum(
node['scale'] not in soft_constraints['allowed_scales'] or
(node['op'] not in soft_constraints['allowed_ops'] and bool(node['op'])) or
model.arch.channels_per_scale[node['scale']] not in soft_constraints['allowed_channels']
for node in model.arch.graph.values()
) / len(model.arch.graph.values())
if self.objectives['macs']['enabled']:
proxy_objs['macs'] = calculate_macs(model.arch, (1, 3, *model.arch.img_size[::-1]))
return proxy_objs
def _sample_init_population(self) -> List[ArchWithMetaData]:
if self.init_architectures_from_dir:
arch_dir = Path(self.init_architectures_from_dir)
arch_files = list(arch_dir.glob('*.yaml'))
search_space = self.get_search_space()
logger.info(f'Loading {len(arch_files)} seed models for first iteration.')
model_list = [search_space.load_from_file(arch_file) for arch_file in arch_files]
# Initialization with crowd sorting
if self.crowd_sorting['initialization']:
init_pop = []
for _ in range(self.crowd_sorting['oversampling_factor']):
init_pop += super()._sample_init_population()
# Scores memory and latency
secondary_objs_proxy = np.array([
list(self._get_secondary_objectives_proxy(p).values()) for p in init_pop
crowd_dist = compute_crowding_distance(secondary_objs_proxy)
idxs = np.argsort(-crowd_dist, axis=None)[:self.init_num_models]
model_list = [p for pi, p in enumerate(init_pop) if pi in idxs]
model_list = super()._sample_init_population()
for model in model_list:
model.metadata['generation'] = self.iter_num
return model_list
def _sample_random_to_mix(self) -> List[ArchWithMetaData]:
if self.crowd_sorting['random_mix']:
init_pop = []
for _ in range(self.crowd_sorting['oversampling_factor']):
init_pop += super()._sample_random_to_mix()
# Scores memory, latency and soft constraints penalty
secondary_objs = np.array([
list(self._get_secondary_objectives_proxy(p).values()) for p in init_pop
crowd_dist = compute_crowding_distance(secondary_objs)
idxs = np.argsort(-crowd_dist, axis=None)[:self.num_random_mix]
model_list = [p for pi, p in enumerate(init_pop) if pi in idxs]
model_list = super()._sample_random_to_mix()
for model in model_list:
model.metadata['generation'] = self.iter_num
return model_list
def calc_secondary_objectives(self, population:List[ArchWithMetaData])->None:
cache_misses = 0
for p in tqdm(population):
sec_objs_proxy = self._get_secondary_objectives_proxy(p)
# TODO: Avoid special casing here and use a general logic for
# computing secondary objectives remotely or not
proxy_latency, proxy_mem = sec_objs_proxy['latency'], sec_objs_proxy['memory']
p.metadata['soft_constraints_penalty'] = sec_objs_proxy['soft_constraints_penalty']
p.metadata['macs'] = sec_objs_proxy['macs']
if not self.use_remote_benchmark:
p.metadata['latency'], p.metadata['memory'] = proxy_latency, proxy_mem
p.metadata['proxy_latency'], p.metadata['proxy_memory'] = proxy_latency, proxy_mem
# Checks if this architecture was already benchmarked before
if p.metadata['archid'] not in self.remote_benchmark:
cache_misses += 1
if self.use_remote_benchmark:
logger.info(f'{len(population) - cache_misses} benchmark cache hits')
def calc_task_accuracy(self, population:List[ArchWithMetaData])->None:
# computes task accuracy of each model
# and updates the meta data
# TODO: parallelize it via ray
# folder where to store training logs of each model
exp_dir = utils.full_path(get_expdir())
save_folder = os.path.join(exp_dir, f'arch_eval_logs_iter_{self.iter_num}')
os.makedirs(save_folder, exist_ok=True)
fit_refs = []
pop_to_eval = [
p for p in population
if p.metadata['archid'] not in self.eval_cache
if len(pop_to_eval) < len(population):
f'{len(population) - len(pop_to_eval)} evaluation cache hits'
for p in pop_to_eval:
# create a ray actor per model to be trained
actor_ref = self._create_training_job(p)
# create a folder name for the model training logs
run_path = os.path.join(save_folder, str(p.metadata['archid']))
os.makedirs(run_path, exist_ok=True)
# fit and validate the model
# gather all results for all models
results = ray.get(fit_refs)
# Cached results
for p in population:
if p.metadata['archid'] in self.eval_cache:
p.metadata['f1'] = self.eval_cache[p.metadata['archid']]
# Evaluation results
for r, p in zip(results, pop_to_eval):
p.metadata['f1'] = r
self.eval_cache[p.metadata['archid']] = r
def on_calc_task_accuracy_end(self, current_pop: List[ArchWithMetaData]) -> None:
if self.use_remote_benchmark:
evaluated = set()
nb_tries = 0
logger.info('Gathering remote benchmark results...')
pbar = tqdm(total=len(current_pop), desc='Gathering remote benchmark results...')
while len(evaluated) < len(current_pop) and (nb_tries < self.patience or len(evaluated) == 0):
for i, p in enumerate(current_pop):
# Gets the metrics for all the models in `current_pop``.
# we don't need to worry about the cost of checking the same model
# more than once since the cost of `get_entity` is infimal
# and we may get better estimates for the latency mean when we
# check the same model again (given how the pipeline is constructed)
metrics = self.remote_benchmark.get_entity(
# Updates the metadata with the remote benchmark metrics
if 'mean' in metrics and metrics['mean']:
p.metadata['latency'] = metrics['mean']
p.metadata['memory'] = p.metadata['proxy_memory']
if i not in evaluated:
nb_tries = 0
# Resets an entry from the Azure table if the status="complete" prematurely
if i not in evaluated and 'status' in metrics and metrics['status'] == 'complete':
metrics['status'] = 'incomplete'
if 'mean' in metrics:
del metrics['mean']
if 'total_inference_avg' in metrics:
del metrics['total_inference_avg']
self.remote_benchmark.update_entity(str(p.metadata['archid']), metrics)
if len(evaluated) < len(current_pop):
'Waiting remote benchmark results for '
f'{len(current_pop) - len(evaluated)} models...'
nb_tries += 1
if nb_tries >= self.patience:
logger.warn('Patience reached. Adding missing models to the next iteration...')
for i, p in enumerate(current_pop):
if i not in evaluated:
# Removes possibly incomplete results
p.metadata.pop('latency', None)
p.metadata.pop('memory', None)
# Removes entry from the Azure table
# Removes the models from the current population
for p in self.models_with_missing_results:
if p in self.all_pop:
logger.info('Finished gathering remote benchmark results.')
def on_search_iteration_start(self, current_pop: List[ArchWithMetaData]) -> None:
if self.use_remote_benchmark and self.models_with_missing_results:
logger.info(f'Adding missing models to the next iteration...')
self.models_with_missing_results = []
def _create_training_job(self, arch:ArchWithMetaData)->List:
''' Creates a ray actor that will train a single architecture '''
# region config
self.evaluate_for_steps = self.conf_train['evaluate_for_steps']
self.val_check_interval = self.conf_train['val_check_interval']
self.val_size = self.conf_train['val_size']
self.lr = self.conf_train['lr']
self.lr_exp_decay_gamma = self.conf_train['lr_exp_decay_gamma']
self.criterion_name = self.conf_train['criterion_name']
self.batch_size = self.conf_loader['batch_size']
self.seed = get_conf_common()['seed']
# train
trainer = ray.remote(
ref = trainer.remote(
arch.arch, dataset_conf=self.dataset_conf,
img_size=self.img_size, batch_size=self.batch_size, lr=self.lr,
criterion_name=self.criterion_name, seed=self.seed
return ref
def update_pareto_frontier(self, population:List[ArchWithMetaData])->List[ArchWithMetaData]:
# TODO: Make this more general
objs = [
[1.0 - p.metadata['f1'] for p in population],
[p.metadata['latency'] for p in population],
[p.metadata['memory'] for p in population],
[p.metadata['soft_constraints_penalty'] for p in population]
objs = [np.array(obj).reshape(-1, 1) for obj in objs]
points = np.concatenate(objs, axis=1)
points_idx = find_pareto_frontier_points(points, is_decreasing=True)
pareto_points = [population[idx] for idx in points_idx]
# save all the pareto points
self._save_yaml(pareto_points, basename='pareto')
return pareto_points
def _filter_population(self, population:List[ArchWithMetaData])->List[ArchWithMetaData]:
''' Filter the population based on the objectives constraints '''
return [
p for p in population
if all(
obj_data['min'] <= p.metadata[obj_name] <= obj_data['max']
for obj_name, obj_data in self.objectives.items()
if obj_data['enabled'] and obj_name in p.metadata
def _save_yaml(self, points:List[ArchWithMetaData], basename='pareto')->None:
exp_dir = utils.full_path(get_expdir())
save_folder = os.path.join(exp_dir, f'{basename}_iter_{self.iter_num}')
os.makedirs(save_folder, exist_ok=True)
for p in points:
this_name = os.path.join(save_folder, str(p.metadata['archid']) + '.yaml')
def mutate_parents(self, parents:List[ArchWithMetaData], mutations_per_parent: int = 1)->List[ArchWithMetaData]:
''' Using the nearest neighbors as mutations'''
mutations = {}
oversample_factor = (
self.crowd_sorting['oversampling_factor'] if self.crowd_sorting['mutation']
else 1
for p in tqdm(parents, desc='Mutating parents'):
candidates = {}
nb_tries = 0
patience = 20
if len(self._filter_population([p])) == 0:
f'Model {p.metadata["archid"]} has latency {p.metadata["latency"]}'
f' or memory {p.metadata["memory"]} that is too high. Skipping mutation.'
while len(candidates) < (mutations_per_parent * oversample_factor) and nb_tries < patience:
for nbr in self.search_space.get_neighbors(p):
if nbr.metadata['archid'] not in self.eval_cache:
nbr.metadata['generation'] = self.iter_num
candidates[nbr.metadata['archid']] = nbr
nb_tries += 1
if candidates and self.crowd_sorting['mutation']:
candidates_list = list(candidates.items())
secondary_objs_proxy = np.array([
list(self._get_secondary_objectives_proxy(p).values()) for _, p in candidates_list
crowd_dist = compute_crowding_distance(secondary_objs_proxy)
# Deletes mutations that are not on the top k
for idx in np.argsort(-crowd_dist, axis=None)[mutations_per_parent:]:
del candidates[candidates_list[idx][0]]
return list(mutations.values())
def crossover_parents(self, parents:List[ArchWithMetaData], num_crossovers: int = 1)->List[ArchWithMetaData]:
# Randomly samples k distinct pairs from `parents`
children, children_hashes = [], set()
if len(parents) >= 2:
pairs = [random.sample(parents, 2) for _ in range(num_crossovers)]
for p1, p2 in pairs:
child = self.search_space.crossover(p1, p2)
child_id = child.metadata['archid']
if child and child_id not in children_hashes and child_id not in self.eval_cache:
child.metadata['generation'] = self.iter_num
return children
def plot_search_state(self, all_pop:List[ArchWithMetaData], pareto:List[ArchWithMetaData], iter_num:int) -> None:
expdir = Path(get_expdir())
save_3d_pareto_plot(all_pop, pareto, ['f1', 'latency', 'memory'], iter_num, expdir)
save_3d_pareto_plot(all_pop, pareto, ['f1', 'latency', 'macs'], f'{iter_num}_macs', expdir)
status_df = get_search_status_df(
all_pop, pareto, iter_num,
fields=['archid', 'f1', 'latency', 'memory',
'soft_constraints_penalty', 'macs', 'generation']
status_df, x='latency', y='f1', save_path=expdir / 'latency_f1_2d_pareto.png',
x_increasing=False, max_x=self.objectives['latency']['max'], y_increasing=True, max_y=1.0
status_df, x='macs', y='f1', save_path=expdir / 'macs_f1_2d_pareto.png',
x_increasing=False, max_x=self.objectives['macs']['max'], y_increasing=True, max_y=1.0
status_df, x='memory', y='f1', save_path=expdir / 'memory_f1_2d_pareto.png',
x_increasing=False, max_x=self.objectives['memory']['max'], y_increasing=True, max_y=1.0
status_df, x='soft_constraints_penalty', y='f1', save_path=expdir / 'softconstraints_f1_2d_pareto.png',
x_increasing=False, max_x=self.objectives['soft_constraints_penalty']['max'], y_increasing=True, max_y=1.0
def save_search_status(self, all_pop:List[ArchWithMetaData], pareto:List[ArchWithMetaData], iter_num:int) -> None:
fields = [
'archid', 'f1', 'latency', 'memory', 'proxy_latency',
'proxy_memory', 'soft_constraints_penalty',
'parent', 'parents', 'macs', 'generation'
status_df = get_search_status_df(all_pop, pareto, iter_num, fields)
# Adds pareto hypervolume
pareto_points = np.array([
[p.metadata['latency'], p.metadata['memory'], p.metadata['macs'], 1 - p.metadata['f1']]
for p in pareto
status_df['pareto_hypervolume'] = compute_pareto_hypervolume(
], dtype=np.float32)
expdir = Path(get_expdir())
status_df.to_csv(expdir / f'search_status_{iter_num}.csv')
@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
from typing import List, Union, Dict, Tuple, Optional, Callable
import random
from pathlib import Path
import torch
from torch.utils.data.dataloader import DataLoader
import numpy as np
import pytorch_lightning as pl
import segmentation_models_pytorch as smp
from archai.common.config import Config
from archai.algos.evolution_pareto_image_seg.model import SegmentationNasModel
from archai.datasets.data import create_dataset_provider
def get_custom_overall_metrics(tp, fp, fn, tn, stage, ignore_classes: Optional[List[int]] = None):
gt_pos = (tp + fn).sum(axis=0)
pd_pos = (tp + fp).sum(axis=0)
tp_diag = tp.sum(axis=0)
f1 = 2 * tp_diag / torch.maximum(torch.ones_like(gt_pos), gt_pos + pd_pos)
iou = tp_diag / torch.maximum(torch.ones_like(gt_pos), gt_pos + pd_pos - tp_diag)
class_mask = torch.ones(tp.shape[1], dtype=torch.bool)
if ignore_classes is not None:
class_mask = [c not in ignore_classes for c in torch.arange(tp.shape[1])]
weight = 1 / torch.sqrt(gt_pos[class_mask])
overall_f1 = torch.sum(f1[class_mask] * weight) / torch.sum(weight)
overall_iou = torch.sum(iou[class_mask] * weight) / torch.sum(weight)
return {
f'{stage}_overall_f1': overall_f1,
f'{stage}_overall_iou': overall_iou
class LightningModelWrapper(pl.LightningModule):
def __init__(self,
model: SegmentationNasModel,
criterion_name: str = 'ce',
lr: float = 2e-4,
lr_exp_decay_gamma: float = 0.98,
img_size: Tuple[int, int] = (256, 256),
metrics_ignore_classes: Optional[List[int]] = None,
weight_decay: float = 0.0):
self.model = model
self.lr = lr
self.weight_decay = weight_decay
self.lr_exp_decay_gamma = lr_exp_decay_gamma
self.latency = None
self.img_size = img_size
self.metrics_ignore_classes = metrics_ignore_classes
def set_loss(self, criterion_name):
mode = smp.losses.MULTICLASS_MODE if self.model.nb_classes > 1 else smp.losses.BINARY_MODE
if criterion_name == 'ce':
if self.model.nb_classes > 1:
self.loss_fn = smp.losses.SoftCrossEntropyLoss(ignore_index=255, smooth_factor=0)
self.loss_fn = smp.losses.SoftBCEWithLogitsLoss(smooth_factor=0)
elif criterion_name == 'dice':
self.loss_fn = smp.losses.DiceLoss(mode, from_logits=True, ignore_index=255)
elif criterion_name == 'lovasz':
self.loss_fn = smp.losses.LovaszLoss(mode, ignore_index=255, from_logits=True)
def forward(self, image):
return self.model(image)
def evaluate(self, dataloader: DataLoader) -> Dict[str, float]:
with torch.no_grad():
outputs = [
{k: v.cpu() for k, v in self.shared_step(batch.cuda()).items()}
for batch in dataloader
return self.shared_epoch_end(outputs, stage='validation', log=False)
def shared_step(self, batch):
image = batch['image']
assert image.ndim == 4
h, w = image.shape[2:]
assert h % 32 == 0 and w % 32 == 0, \
f'found invalid image size ({image.shape}) in batch {batch}'
mask = batch['mask']
logits_mask = self.forward(image)
mask = (mask/255.0).unsqueeze(1) if self.model.nb_classes == 1 else mask
loss = self.loss_fn(logits_mask, mask)
if self.model.nb_classes == 1:
pred_mask = torch.sigmoid(logits_mask)
tp, fp, fn, tn = smp.metrics.get_stats(
pred_mask, (mask >= 0.5).long(),
mode='binary', threshold=0.5
tp, fp, fn, tn = smp.metrics.get_stats(
logits_mask.argmax(axis=1), mask.long(), mode='multiclass',
num_classes=self.model.nb_classes, ignore_index=255
metrics_result = {
'tp': tp,
'fp': fp,
'fn': fn,
'tn': tn,
'loss': loss
return metrics_result
def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx):
results = self.shared_step(batch)
self.log_dict({'training_loss': results['loss']}, sync_dist=True)
return results
def predict(self, image):
with torch.no_grad():
return self.model.predict(image)
def validation_step(self, batch, batch_idx):
results = self.shared_step(batch)
return results
def validation_epoch_end(self, outputs):
self.shared_epoch_end(outputs, stage='validation')
def training_epoch_end(self, outputs):
self.shared_epoch_end(outputs, stage='train')
def shared_epoch_end(self, outputs, stage, log=True):
tp = torch.cat([x['tp'] for x in outputs])
fp = torch.cat([x['fp'] for x in outputs])
fn = torch.cat([x['fn'] for x in outputs])
tn = torch.cat([x['tn'] for x in outputs])
avg_loss = torch.tensor([x['loss'] for x in outputs]).mean()
results = get_custom_overall_metrics(
tp, fp, fn, tn, stage=stage,
results[f'{stage}_loss'] = avg_loss
if log:
self.log_dict(results, sync_dist=True)
return results
def configure_optimizers(self):
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.parameters(), lr=self.lr, weight_decay=self.weight_decay)
scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.ExponentialLR(optimizer, gamma=self.lr_exp_decay_gamma)
scheduler = {
'scheduler': scheduler,
'interval': 'epoch'
return [optimizer], [scheduler]
def on_train_start(self) -> None:
sample = torch.randn((1, 3, self.img_size[1], self.img_size[0])).to(self.device)
self.logger.experiment.add_graph(self.model, sample)
class SegmentationTrainer():
def __init__(self, model: SegmentationNasModel,
dataset_conf: Config,
max_steps: int = 12000, img_size: Tuple[int, int] = (256, 256),
batch_size: int = 16, lr: float = 2e-4,
criterion_name: str = 'ce',
val_check_interval: Union[int, float] = 0.25,
lr_exp_decay_gamma: float = 0.98,
seed: int = 1, tr_num_workers: int = 4, val_num_workers: int = 4,
tr_augmentation_fn: Optional[Callable] = None,
val_augmentation_fn: Optional[Callable] = None):
self.max_steps = max_steps
self.val_check_interval = val_check_interval
self.dataset_conf = dataset_conf
self.dp = create_dataset_provider(dataset_conf)
self.tr_dataset, self.val_dataset = self.dp.get_train_val_datasets(
tr_augmentation_fn, val_augmentation_fn
self.tr_dataloader = DataLoader(self.tr_dataset, batch_size=batch_size, num_workers=tr_num_workers, shuffle=True)
self.val_dataloader = DataLoader(self.val_dataset, batch_size=batch_size, num_workers=val_num_workers, shuffle=False)
self.model = LightningModelWrapper(model, criterion_name=criterion_name, lr=lr,
img_size=img_size, lr_exp_decay_gamma=lr_exp_decay_gamma,
metrics_ignore_classes=dataset_conf.get('metrics_ignore_classes', None))
self.img_size = img_size
def get_training_callbacks(self, run_dir: Path) -> List[pl.callbacks.Callback]:
return [pl.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(
dirpath=str(run_dir / 'best_model'),
mode='max', save_top_k=1, verbose=True,
), pl.callbacks.lr_monitor.LearningRateMonitor()]
def fit(self, run_path: str) -> pl.Trainer:
run_path = Path(run_path)
arch = self.model.model
# Saves architecture metadata
arch.to_file(run_path / 'architecture.yaml')
# Saves architecture diagram
digraph = arch.view()
digraph.render(str(run_path / 'architecture'), format='png')
except AttributeError:
trainer = pl.Trainer(
trainer.fit(self.model, self.tr_dataloader, self.val_dataloader)
return trainer
def fit_and_validate(self, run_path: str)->float:
trainer = self.fit(run_path)
metrics = trainer.validate(model=trainer.model, dataloaders=self.val_dataloader)[0]
return metrics['validation_overall_f1']
@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from overrides.overrides import overrides
import random
from typing import Tuple, List, Dict, Union
import torch.nn as nn
from archai.common.common import logger
from archai.nas.arch_meta import ArchWithMetaData
from archai.search_spaces.discrete_search_spaces.base import EvolutionarySearchSpace
from archai.metrics.base import BaseMetric
from archai.nas.searcher import Searcher, SearchResult
from archai.common.config import Config
class EvolutionParetoSearch(Searcher):
def __init__(self, search_space: EvolutionarySearchSpace,
objectives: Union[List[BaseMetric], List[Tuple[BaseMetric, int]]]):
assert isinstance(search_space, EvolutionarySearchSpace), \
f'{str(search_space.__class__)} is not compatible with {str(self.__class__)}'
self.search_space = search_space
self.objectives = objectives
def mutate_parents(self, parents:List[ArchWithMetaData], mutations_per_parent: int = 1) -> List[ArchWithMetaData]:
''' Using the nearest neighbors as mutations'''
mutations = {}
oversample_factor = (
self.crowd_sorting['oversampling_factor'] if self.crowd_sorting['mutation']
else 1
for p in tqdm(parents, desc='Mutating parents'):
candidates = {}
nb_tries = 0
patience = 20
if len(self._filter_population([p])) == 0:
f'Model {p.metadata["archid"]} has latency {p.metadata["latency"]}'
f' or memory {p.metadata["memory"]} that is too high. Skipping mutation.'
while len(candidates) < (mutations_per_parent * oversample_factor) and nb_tries < patience:
nbr = self.search_space.mutate(p)
if nbr.metadata['archid'] not in self.eval_cache:
nbr.metadata['generation'] = self.iter_num
candidates[nbr.metadata['archid']] = nbr
nb_tries += 1
if candidates and self.crowd_sorting['mutation']:
candidates_list = list(candidates.items())
secondary_objs_proxy = np.array([
list(self._get_secondary_objectives_proxy(p).values()) for _, p in candidates_list
crowd_dist = compute_crowding_distance(secondary_objs_proxy)
# Deletes mutations that are not on the top k
for idx in np.argsort(-crowd_dist, axis=None)[mutations_per_parent:]:
del candidates[candidates_list[idx][0]]
return list(mutations.values())
def crossover_parents(self, parents:List[ArchWithMetaData], num_crossovers: int = 1) -> List[ArchWithMetaData]:
def update_pareto_frontier(self, population:List[ArchWithMetaData]) -> List[ArchWithMetaData]:
def plot_search_state(self, all_pop:List[ArchWithMetaData], pareto:List[ArchWithMetaData], iter_num:int) -> None:
def save_search_status(self, all_pop:List[ArchWithMetaData], pareto:List[ArchWithMetaData], iter_num:int) -> None:
def _sample_init_population(self)->List[ArchWithMetaData]:
init_pop:List[ArchWithMetaData] = []
while len(init_pop) < self.init_num_models:
return init_pop
def _sample_random_to_mix(self)->List[ArchWithMetaData]:
mix_pop:List[ArchWithMetaData] = []
while len(mix_pop) < self.num_random_mix:
return mix_pop
def on_calc_task_accuracy_end(self, current_pop: List[ArchWithMetaData]) -> None:
''' Callback function called right after calc_task_accuracy()'''
def on_search_iteration_start(self, current_pop: List[ArchWithMetaData]) -> None:
''' Callback function called right before each search iteration'''
def select_next_population(self, current_pop: List[ArchWithMetaData]) -> List[ArchWithMetaData]:
return current_pop[:self.max_unseen_population]
def search(self, conf_search:Config):
self.init_num_models = conf_search['init_num_models']
self.num_iters = conf_search['num_iters']
self.num_random_mix = conf_search['num_random_mix']
self.max_unseen_population = conf_search['max_unseen_population']
self.mutations_per_parent = conf_search.get('mutations_per_parent', 1)
self.num_crossovers = conf_search.get('num_crossovers', 1)
assert self.init_num_models > 0
assert self.num_iters > 0
assert self.num_random_mix > 0
assert self.max_unseen_population > 0
self.search_space = self.get_search_space()
assert isinstance(self.search_space, DiscreteSearchSpace)
# sample the initial population
self.iter_num = 0
unseen_pop:List[ArchWithMetaData] = self._sample_init_population()
self.all_pop = unseen_pop
for i in range(self.num_iters):
self.iter_num = i + 1
logger.info(f'starting evolution pareto iter {i}')
# for the unseen population
# calculates the memory and latency
# and inserts it into the meta data of each member
logger.info(f'iter {i}: calculating memory latency for {len(unseen_pop)} models')
# calculate task accuracy proxy
# could be anything from zero-cost proxy
# to partial training
logger.info(f'iter {i}: calculating task accuracy for {len(unseen_pop)} models')
# update the pareto frontier
logger.info(f'iter {i}: updating the pareto')
pareto:List[ArchWithMetaData] = self.update_pareto_frontier(self.all_pop)
logger.info(f'iter {i}: found {len(pareto)} members')
# select parents for the next iteration from
# the current estimate of the frontier while
# giving more weight to newer parents
parents = pareto # for now
logger.info(f'iter {i}: chose {len(parents)} parents')
# plot the state of search
self.save_search_status(all_pop=self.all_pop, pareto=pareto, iter_num=i)
self.plot_search_state(all_pop=self.all_pop, pareto=pareto, iter_num=i)
# mutate random 'k' subsets of the parents
# while ensuring the mutations fall within
# desired constraint limits
mutated = self.mutate_parents(parents, self.mutations_per_parent)
logger.info(f'iter {i}: mutation yielded {len(mutated)} new models')
# crossover random 'k' subsets of the parents
# while ensuring the mutations fall within
# desired constraint limits
crossovered = self.crossover_parents(parents, self.num_crossovers)
logger.info(f'iter {i}: crossover yielded {len(crossovered)} new models')
# sample some random samples to add to the parent mix
# to mitigage local minima
rand_mix = self._sample_random_to_mix()
unseen_pop = crossovered + mutated + rand_mix
# shuffle before we pick a smaller population for the next stage
logger.info(f'iter {i}: total unseen population before restriction {len(unseen_pop)}')
unseen_pop = self.select_next_population(unseen_pop)
logger.info(f'iter {i}: total unseen population after restriction {len(unseen_pop)}')
# update the set of architectures ever visited
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ from torch import Tensor, nn, autograd
from torch.nn.modules.loss import _Loss
from torch.nn.modules.loss import _Loss
from torch.optim.optimizer import Optimizer
from torch.optim.optimizer import Optimizer
from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import _LRScheduler
from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import _LRScheduler
import torch.nn.functional as F
from overrides import overrides
from overrides import overrides
@ -18,8 +19,8 @@ from archai.nas.arch_trainer import ArchTrainer
from archai.common import utils, ml_utils
from archai.common import utils, ml_utils
from archai.nas.model import Model
from archai.nas.model import Model
from archai.common.checkpoint import CheckPoint
from archai.common.checkpoint import CheckPoint
from archai.common.common import logger
from archai.common.common import logger, get_conf
from archai.algos.gumbelsoftmax.gs_op import GsOp
class GsArchTrainer(ArchTrainer):
class GsArchTrainer(ArchTrainer):
def __init__(self, conf_train: Config, model: nn.Module, checkpoint: Optional[CheckPoint]) -> None:
def __init__(self, conf_train: Config, model: nn.Module, checkpoint: Optional[CheckPoint]) -> None:
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ from archai.nas.arch_trainer import TArchTrainer
from archai.nas.finalizers import Finalizers
from archai.nas.finalizers import Finalizers
from .gs_model_desc_builder import GsModelDescBuilder
from .gs_model_desc_builder import GsModelDescBuilder
from .gs_arch_trainer import GsArchTrainer
from .gs_arch_trainer import GsArchTrainer
from .gs_finalizers import GsFinalizers
class GsExperimentRunner(ExperimentRunner):
class GsExperimentRunner(ExperimentRunner):
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ from typing import Iterable, Optional, Tuple, List, Iterator
import torch
import torch
from torch import nn
from torch import nn
from torch import Tensor
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.nn.functional as F
from overrides import overrides
from overrides import overrides
@ -41,8 +42,6 @@ class GsOp(Op):
# assume last PRIMITIVE is 'none'
# assume last PRIMITIVE is 'none'
assert GsOp.PRIMITIVES[-1] == 'none'
assert GsOp.PRIMITIVES[-1] == 'none'
self._gs_num_sample = op_desc.params['gs_num_sample']
self._ops = nn.ModuleList()
self._ops = nn.ModuleList()
for primitive in GsOp.PRIMITIVES:
for primitive in GsOp.PRIMITIVES:
op = Op.create(
op = Op.create(
@ -53,38 +52,36 @@ class GsOp(Op):
# any previous child modules
# any previous child modules
def set_op_sampled_weights(self, sampled_weights:Tensor):
''' Sets the weight for each op '''
assert sampled_weights.shape[0] == len(GsOp.PRIMITIVES)
self._sampled_weights = sampled_weights
def forward(self, x):
def forward(self, x):
# soft sample from the categorical distribution
assert self._sampled_weights is not None
# via gumbel softmax distribution
return sum(w * op(x) for w, op in zip_eq(self._sampled_weights, self._ops))
# TODO: should we be normalizing the ensemble?
#sampled = torch.zeros(alphas.size(), requires_grad=True)
sample_storage = []
for _ in range(self._gs_num_sample):
sampled = F.gumbel_softmax(self._alphas[0], tau=1, hard=False, eps=1e-10, dim=-1)
samples_summed = torch.sum(torch.stack(sample_storage, dim=0), dim=0)
return sum(w * op(x) for w, op in zip(samples_summed, self._ops))
def finalize(self) -> Tuple[OpDesc, Optional[float]]:
def finalize(self, sampled_weights) -> Tuple[OpDesc, Optional[float]]:
# finalization where each edge gets to keep as many
# finalization where each edge gets to keep as many
# unique operations that are sampled
# unique operations that are **sampled at the node level**
sample_storage = []
assert sampled_weights.shape[0] == len(GsOp.PRIMITIVES)
for i in range(self._gs_num_sample):
sampled = F.gumbel_softmax(self._alphas[0], tau=1, hard=True, eps=1e-10, dim=-1)
samples_summed = torch.sum(torch.stack(sample_storage, dim=0), dim=0)
# we can't handle empty op
greater_than_0 = samples_summed > 0
assert sampled_weights.bool().any()
greater_than_0 = sampled_weights > 0
children = []
children = []
children_ins = []
children_ins = []
selected_alphas = []
for i in range(greater_than_0.size()[0]):
for i in range(greater_than_0.size()[0]):
if greater_than_0[i]:
if greater_than_0[i]:
# all the ops will operate on the single node input
# all the ops will operate on the single node input
@ -104,7 +101,11 @@ class GsOp(Op):
children_ins = children_ins
children_ins = children_ins
return final_op_desc, None
max_alpha = 0.0
if selected_alphas:
max_alpha = max(selected_alphas)
return final_op_desc, max_alpha
def can_drop_path(self) -> bool:
def can_drop_path(self) -> bool:
@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
from typing import Optional, Callable, Tuple, Type
import os
import numpy as np
import torch
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
from torch import nn, Tensor
from torch.optim.optimizer import Optimizer
from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import _LRScheduler
from overrides import overrides, EnforceOverrides
from archai.common.metrics import Metrics
from archai.common.config import Config
from archai.common import common, utils
from archai.common.common import logger
from archai.nas.model import Model
from archai.nas.model_desc import ModelDesc
from archai.nas.arch_trainer import ArchTrainer
from archai.datasets import data
from archai.common.trainer import Trainer
from archai.nas.vis_model_desc import draw_model_desc
from archai.common.checkpoint import CheckPoint
from archai.common.ml_utils import set_optim_lr
from .naswotrain_metrics import NaswoTrainMetrics
TNaswotrainTrainer = Optional[Type['NaswotrainTrainer']]
class NaswotrainTrainer(ArchTrainer, EnforceOverrides):
def fit(self, data_loaders:data.DataLoaders)->Metrics:
self._metrics = NaswoTrainMetrics(self._title, self._apex, logger_freq=self._logger_freq)
# create optimizers and schedulers (we don't need it only to make to_amp call pass)
self._multi_optim = self.create_multi_optim(len(data_loaders.train_dl))
# before checkpoint restore, convert to amp
self.model = self._apex.to_amp(self.model, self._multi_optim,
# score the model with one minibatch of data
# as in the paper "Neural Architecture Search without Training", Mellor et al. 2020
# modified from https://github.com/BayesWatch/nas-without-training/blob/master/search.py
data_iterator = iter(data_loaders.train_dl)
x, target = next(data_iterator)
x, target = x.to(self.get_device()), target.to(self.get_device())
jacobs = self._get_batch_jacobian(x)
jacobs = jacobs.reshape(jacobs.size(0), -1).cpu().numpy()
score = self._eval_score(jacobs)
self._metrics.naswotraining_score = score
logger.info(f'nas without training score: {score} using batch size: {data_loaders.train_dl.batch_size}')
# make sure we don't keep references to the graph
del self._multi_optim
return self.get_metrics()
def _get_batch_jacobian(self, x):
''' Modified from https://github.com/BayesWatch/nas-without-training/blob/master/search.py '''
logits = self.model(x)
# Manual models only return logits,
# whereas DARTS space models return logits, aux_logits
if isinstance(logits, tuple):
logits = logits[0]
jacob = x.grad.detach()
return jacob
def _eval_score(self, jacob):
''' Modified from https://github.com/BayesWatch/nas-without-training/blob/master/search.py '''
corrs = np.corrcoef(jacob)
v, _ = np.linalg.eig(corrs)
k = 1e-5
return -np.sum(np.log(v + k) + 1./(v + k))
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ from .searcher_petridish import SearcherPetridish
from .evaluater_petridish import EvaluaterPetridish
from .evaluater_petridish import EvaluaterPetridish
from archai.common.config import Config
from archai.common.config import Config
from archai.common import utils
from archai.common import utils
from .petridish_cell_builder import PetridishCellBuilder
class PetridishExperimentRunner(ExperimentRunner):
class PetridishExperimentRunner(ExperimentRunner):
@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
from typing import Optional, Callable, Type
import os
import torch
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
from torch import nn, Tensor
from torch.optim.optimizer import Optimizer
from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import _LRScheduler
from overrides import overrides, EnforceOverrides
from archai.common.config import Config
from archai.common import common, utils
from archai.common.common import logger
from archai.nas.model import Model
from archai.nas.model_desc import ModelDesc
from archai.nas.arch_trainer import ArchTrainer
from archai.common.trainer import Trainer
from archai.nas.vis_model_desc import draw_model_desc
from archai.common.checkpoint import CheckPoint
from archai.common.ml_utils import set_optim_lr
from archai.datasets import data
TFreezeTrainer = Optional[Type['FreezeTrainer']]
class FreezeTrainer(ArchTrainer, EnforceOverrides):
def __init__(self, conf_train: Config, model: nn.Module,
checkpoint:Optional[CheckPoint]) -> None:
super().__init__(conf_train, model, checkpoint)
def pre_fit(self, data_loaders:data.DataLoaders) -> None:
# freeze everything other than the last layer
if not self.conf_train['bypass_freeze']:
# addup parameters which are not frozen
num_frozen_params = 0
for l in model_stats.layer_stats:
for identifier in self.conf_train['identifiers_to_unfreeze']:
if identifier in l.name:
num_frozen_params += l.parameters
ratio_unfrozen = num_frozen_params / model_stats.parameters
logger.info(f'unfrozen parameters ratio {ratio_unfrozen}')
logger.info(f'Bypassing freezing!')
def _freeze_but_last_layer(self) -> None:
# Do it via parameters
for param in self.model.parameters():
param.requires_grad = False
for name, param in self.model.named_parameters():
for identifier in self.conf_train['identifiers_to_unfreeze']:
if identifier in name:
param.requires_grad = True
for name, param in self.model.named_parameters():
if param.requires_grad:
logger.info(f'{name} requires grad')
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
from typing import Mapping, Optional, Union
from typing import Mapping, Optional, Union
import copy
import copy
import math as ma
import torch
import torch
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
@ -17,6 +18,7 @@ from archai.common.config import Config
from archai.nas.arch_trainer import ArchTrainer
from archai.nas.arch_trainer import ArchTrainer
from archai.common import utils, ml_utils
from archai.common import utils, ml_utils
from archai.nas.model import Model
from archai.nas.model import Model
from archai.nas.model_desc import CellType
from archai.common.checkpoint import CheckPoint
from archai.common.checkpoint import CheckPoint
from archai.common.common import logger
from archai.common.common import logger
from archai.datasets import data
from archai.datasets import data
@ -26,14 +28,13 @@ from .xnas_op import XnasOp
class XnasArchTrainer(ArchTrainer):
class XnasArchTrainer(ArchTrainer):
def __init__(self, conf_train: Config, model: Model,
def __init__(self, conf_train: Config, model: Model,
checkpoint:Optional[CheckPoint]) -> None:
checkpoint: Optional[CheckPoint]) -> None:
super().__init__(conf_train, model, checkpoint)
super().__init__(conf_train, model, checkpoint)
self._conf_w_lossfn = conf_train['lossfn']
self._conf_w_lossfn = conf_train['lossfn']
self._conf_alpha_optim = conf_train['alpha_optimizer']
def create_optimizer(self, conf_optim:Config, params) -> Optimizer:
def create_optimizer(self, conf_optim: Config, params) -> Optimizer:
# return optim that only operates on w, not alphas
# return optim that only operates on w, not alphas
return ml_utils.create_optimizer(conf_optim,
return ml_utils.create_optimizer(conf_optim,
@ -105,27 +106,43 @@ class XnasArchTrainer(ArchTrainer):
self._valid_iter = iter(self._val_dl)
self._valid_iter = iter(self._val_dl)
x_val, y_val = next(self._valid_iter)
x_val, y_val = next(self._valid_iter)
x_val, y_val = x_val.to(self.get_device()), y_val.to(self.get_device(), non_blocking=True)
x_val, y_val = x_val.to(self.get_device()), y_val.to(
self.get_device(), non_blocking=True)
# update alphas
# update alphas
self._xnas_optim.step(x, y, x_val, y_val)
self._xnas_optim.step(x, y, x_val, y_val)
def update_checkpoint(self, checkpoint:CheckPoint)->None:
def update_checkpoint(self, checkpoint: CheckPoint) -> None:
class _XnasOptimizer:
class _XnasOptimizer:
def __init__(self, conf_alpha_optim:Config,
def __init__(self, ncell_lr: float, rcell_lr: float,
model: Model, lossfn: _Loss) -> None:
ncell_effective_t: float, rcell_effective_t: float, train_batch: int,
self._alpha_lr = conf_alpha_optim['lr']
grad_clip: float, optim, apex, model: Model) -> None:
self._ncell_lr = ncell_lr
self._rcell_lr = rcell_lr
self._ncell_effective_t = ncell_effective_t
self._rcell_effective_t = rcell_effective_t
self._train_batch = train_batch
self._grad_clip = grad_clip
self._optim = optim
self._apex = apex
self._lossfn = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
# to keep track of where we are in effective updates
self._t_rcell = 0
self._t_ncell = 0
self._lossfn = lossfn
self._model = model # main model with respect to w and alpha
self._model = model # main model with respect to w and alpha
def _get_loss(model, lossfn, x, y):
def _get_loss(model, lossfn, x, y):
logits, *_ = model(x) # might also return aux tower logits
logits, *_ = model(x) # might also return aux tower logits
return lossfn(logits, y)
return lossfn(logits, y)
def step(self, x_train: Tensor, y_train: Tensor, x_valid: Tensor, y_valid: Tensor) -> None:
def step(self, x_train: Tensor, y_train: Tensor, x_valid: Tensor, y_valid: Tensor) -> None:
@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
from archai.common.utils import AverageMeter
import os
from collections import defaultdict
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Iterable, Optional, Tuple, List
from typing import Iterable, Optional, Tuple, List
import copy
import math as ma
from itertools import count
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch
from torch import nn
from torch import nn
@ -15,6 +19,9 @@ from archai.nas.model_desc import OpDesc
from archai.nas.operations import Op
from archai.nas.operations import Op
from archai.nas.arch_params import ArchParams
from archai.nas.arch_params import ArchParams
from archai.common.utils import zip_eq
from archai.common.utils import zip_eq
from archai.common.common import get_conf
from archai.common.common import get_expdir
# TODO: reduction cell might have output reduced by 2^1=2X due to
# TODO: reduction cell might have output reduced by 2^1=2X due to
# stride 2 through input nodes however FactorizedReduce does only
# stride 2 through input nodes however FactorizedReduce does only
@ -42,7 +49,7 @@ class XnasOp(Op):
# assume last PRIMITIVE is 'none'
# assume last PRIMITIVE is 'none'
assert XnasOp.PRIMITIVES[-1] == 'none'
assert XnasOp.PRIMITIVES[-1] == 'none'
self._ops = nn.ModuleList()
self._ops = nn.ModuleList()
for primitive in XnasOp.PRIMITIVES:
for primitive in XnasOp.PRIMITIVES:
op = Op.create(
op = Op.create(
@ -51,28 +58,47 @@ class XnasOp(Op):
# for getting gradients to non-leaf node
# for getting gradients to non-leaf node
self._is_first_call = True
self._grad = None
self._avg_grad_meter = AverageMeter()
# we do this at the end so that we can capture all arch params registered by
# we do this at the end so that we can capture all arch params registered by
# any previous child modules
# any previous child modules
def get_avg_grad(self)->torch.Tensor:
def update_alphas(self, eta:float, current_t:int, total_t:int, grad_clip:float):
return self._avg_grad_meter.avg
grad_flat = torch.flatten(self._grad)
def update_alphas(self, eta:float):
grad_flat = torch.flatten(self._avg_grad_meter.avg)
rewards = torch.tensor([-torch.dot(grad_flat, torch.flatten(activ)) for activ in self._activs])
rewards = torch.tensor([-torch.dot(grad_flat, torch.flatten(activ)) for activ in self._activs])
exprewards = torch.exp(eta * rewards).cuda()
exprewards = torch.exp(eta * rewards).cuda()
# TODO: Will this remain registered?
# NOTE: Will this remain registered?
self._alphas[0] = torch.mul(self._alphas[0], exprewards)
self._alphas[0] = torch.mul(self._alphas[0], exprewards)
# TODO: Implement the weak learner eviction
# weak learner eviction
conf = get_conf()
to_evict = conf['nas']['search']['xnas']['to_evict']
if to_evict:
theta = max(self._alphas[0]) * ma.exp(-2 * eta * grad_clip * (total_t - current_t))
assert len(self._ops) == self._alphas[0].shape[0]
to_keep_mask = self._alphas[0] >= theta
num_ops_kept = torch.sum(to_keep_mask).item()
assert num_ops_kept > 0
# zero out the weights which are evicted
self._alphas[0] = torch.mul(self._alphas[0], to_keep_mask)
# save some debugging info
expdir = get_expdir()
filename = os.path.join(expdir, str(id(self)) + '.txt')
# save debug info to file
alphas = [str(self._alphas[0][i].item()) for i in range(self._alphas[0].shape[0])]
with open(filename, 'a') as f:
def _save_grad(self):
def _save_grad(self):
def hook(grad):
def hook(grad):
# TODO: Note that we have to reduce the minibatch to 1 finally
self._grad = copy.deepcopy(grad)
self._avg_grad_meter.update(grad, n=1)
return hook
return hook
@ -82,10 +108,12 @@ class XnasOp(Op):
denom = sum(self._alphas[0])
denom = sum(self._alphas[0])
self.pt = torch.div(numer, denom)
self.pt = torch.div(numer, denom)
# register gradient hook if first time
# register hook to save gradients
if self._is_first_call:
# NOTE: it has to be done every forward call
# otherwise the hook doesn't remain registered
# for subsequent loss.backward calls
if self.training:
self._is_first_call = False
return self.pt
return self.pt
@ -105,9 +133,9 @@ class XnasOp(Op):
# do we have shared arch params?
# do we have shared arch params?
if arch_params is None:
if arch_params is None:
# create our own arch params
# create our own arch params
# TODO: dey: why requires_grad = False?
# the alphas are updated by exponentiated gradient descent
new_p = nn.Parameter( # TODO: use better init than uniform random?
# and not by gradients from backprop. so we don't require grad.
1.0e-3*torch.randn(len(XnasOp.PRIMITIVES)), requires_grad=False)
new_p = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(len(XnasOp.PRIMITIVES)), requires_grad=False)
self.create_arch_params([('alphas', new_p)])
self.create_arch_params([('alphas', new_p)])
assert arch_params.has_kind('alphas')
assert arch_params.has_kind('alphas')
@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ def accuracy(output, target, topk=(1,)):
res = []
res = []
for k in topk:
for k in topk:
correct_k = correct[:k].reshape(-1).float().sum(0)
correct_k = correct[:k].contiguous().view(-1).float().sum(0)
res.append(correct_k.mul_(1.0 / batch_size))
res.append(correct_k.mul_(1.0 / batch_size))
return res
return res
@ -69,11 +69,7 @@ class Trainer(EnforceOverrides):
assert data_loaders.train_dl is not None
assert data_loaders.train_dl is not None
self._metrics = self.init_metrics()
self._metrics = Metrics(self._title, self._apex, logger_freq=self._logger_freq)
# NOTE: critical that pre_fit is called before creating optimizers
# as otherwise FreezeTrainer does not work correctly
self.pre_fit(train_dl, val_dl)
# create optimizers and schedulers
# create optimizers and schedulers
self._multi_optim = self.create_multi_optim(len(data_loaders.train_dl))
self._multi_optim = self.create_multi_optim(len(data_loaders.train_dl))
@ -181,25 +177,6 @@ class Trainer(EnforceOverrides):
######################### hooks #########################
######################### hooks #########################
def pre_fit(self, data_loaders:data.DataLoaders)->None:
def pre_fit(self, data_loaders:data.DataLoaders)->None:
# compute model stats per minibatch of training data
data_iterator = iter(train_dl)
x, target = next(data_iterator)
x_shape = list(x.shape)
x_shape[0] = 1 # to prevent overflow errors with large batch size we will use a batch size of 1
model_stats = get_model_stats(self.model, input_tensor_shape=x_shape, clone_model=True)
# important to do to avoid overflow
mega_flops = float(model_stats.Flops)/1e6
mega_madd = float(model_stats.MAdd)/1e6
# log model stats
logger.info({'num_params': model_stats.parameters})
logger.info({'mega_flops_per_batch': mega_flops * float(train_dl.batch_size)})
logger.info({'mega_madd_per_batch': mega_madd * float(train_dl.batch_size)})
logger.info({'num_batches': len(train_dl)})
logger.info({'total_mega_flops_epoch': len(train_dl) * mega_flops * train_dl.batch_size})
def post_fit(self, data_loaders:data.DataLoaders)->None:
def post_fit(self, data_loaders:data.DataLoaders)->None:
test_metrics = None
test_metrics = None
@ -262,6 +239,9 @@ class Trainer(EnforceOverrides):
self._start_epoch = last_epoch + 1
self._start_epoch = last_epoch + 1
def epoch(self)->int:
return self._metrics.epochs()
def update_checkpoint(self, checkpoint:CheckPoint)->None:
def update_checkpoint(self, checkpoint:CheckPoint)->None:
# TODO: Don't need to pass checkpoint
# TODO: Don't need to pass checkpoint
# save all necessory state
# save all necessory state
@ -283,10 +263,11 @@ class Trainer(EnforceOverrides):
assert self.model.training # derived class might alter the mode
assert self.model.training # derived class might alter the mode
self.pre_step(x, y)
# TODO: please check that no algorithm is invalidated by swapping prestep with zero grad
self.pre_step(x, y)
# divide batch in to chunks if needed so it fits in GPU RAM
# divide batch in to chunks if needed so it fits in GPU RAM
if self.batch_chunks > 1:
if self.batch_chunks > 1:
x_chunks, y_chunks = torch.chunk(x, self.batch_chunks), torch.chunk(y, self.batch_chunks)
x_chunks, y_chunks = torch.chunk(x, self.batch_chunks), torch.chunk(y, self.batch_chunks)
@ -1,12 +1,8 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
<<<<<<< HEAD
from typing import Dict, Iterable, Type, MutableMapping, Mapping, Any, Optional, Tuple, List, Union, Sized
import functools
import functools
from typing import Dict, Iterable, Sized, Type, MutableMapping, Mapping, Any, Optional, Tuple, List, Union
from typing import Dict, Iterable, Sized, Type, MutableMapping, Mapping, Any, Optional, Tuple, List, Union
>>>>>>> ac2ff86d (fix(docs): Fixes sphinx-tabs not being compatible with other packages.)
import numpy as np
import numpy as np
import logging
import logging
import csv
import csv
@ -339,8 +339,8 @@ def _eval_tta(conf, augment, reporter):
loaders = []
loaders = []
for _ in range(augment['num_policy']):
for _ in range(augment['num_policy']):
tl, validloader, tl2 = get_dataloaders(augment['dataroot'], ds_name
tl, validloader, tl2 = get_dataloaders(augment['dataroot'], ds_name,
, aug, cutout,
aug, cutout,
load_train=True, load_test=True,
load_train=True, load_test=True,
val_ratio=val_ratio, val_fold=val_fold, n_workers=n_workers)
val_ratio=val_ratio, val_fold=val_fold, n_workers=n_workers)
@ -119,17 +119,15 @@ class EvolutionParetoSearch(Searcher):
# list(self._get_secondary_objectives_proxy(p).values()) for _, p in candidates_list
# list(self._get_secondary_objectives_proxy(p).values()) for _, p in candidates_list
# ])
# ])
# crowd_dist = compute_crowding_distance(secondary_objs_proxy)
def calc_secondary_objectives(self, population:List[ArchWithMetaData])->None:
# computes memory and latency of each model
# # Deletes mutations that are not on the top k
# and updates the meta data
# for idx in np.argsort(-crowd_dist, axis=None)[mutations_per_parent:]:
# del candidates[candidates_list[idx][0]]
def calc_task_accuracy(self, population:List[ArchWithMetaData])->None:
# computes task accuracy of each model
return list(mutations.values())
# and updates the meta data
def crossover_parents(self, parents: List[ArchaiModel], num_crossovers: int = 1) -> List[ArchaiModel]:
def crossover_parents(self, parents: List[ArchaiModel], num_crossovers: int = 1) -> List[ArchaiModel]:
# Randomly samples k distinct pairs from `parents`
# Randomly samples k distinct pairs from `parents`
@ -147,6 +145,7 @@ class EvolutionParetoSearch(Searcher):
return children
def sample_random_models(self, num_models: int) -> List[ArchaiModel]:
def sample_random_models(self, num_models: int) -> List[ArchaiModel]:
return [self.search_space.random_sample() for _ in range(num_models)]
return [self.search_space.random_sample() for _ in range(num_models)]
@ -181,7 +180,6 @@ class EvolutionParetoSearch(Searcher):
self.all_pop = unseen_pop
self.all_pop = unseen_pop
self.all_pop = unseen_pop
for i in range(self.num_iters):
for i in range(self.num_iters):
self.iter_num = i + 1
self.iter_num = i + 1
@ -249,9 +247,9 @@ class EvolutionParetoSearch(Searcher):
# sample some random samples to add to the parent mix
# sample some random samples to add to the parent mix
# to mitigage local minima
# to mitigage local minima
rand_mix = self._sample_random_to_mix()
rand_mix = self.sample_random_models(self.num_random_mix)
unseen_pop = crossovered + mutated + rand_mix
unseen_pop = crossovered + mutated + rand_mix
# shuffle before we pick a smaller population for the next stage
# shuffle before we pick a smaller population for the next stage
self.logger.info(f'iter {i}: total unseen population before restriction {len(unseen_pop)}')
self.logger.info(f'iter {i}: total unseen population before restriction {len(unseen_pop)}')
unseen_pop = self.select_next_population(unseen_pop)
unseen_pop = self.select_next_population(unseen_pop)
@ -27,21 +27,6 @@ class PredictiveDNNEnsemble(Predictor):
self.lr = lr
self.lr = lr
self.num_tr_steps = num_tr_steps
self.num_tr_steps = num_tr_steps
# TODO: should have an architecture featurizer
# object here and the featurizer should tell
# us what is the feature size
# TODO: get from config
self.input_feat_len = num_features
self.num_layers = num_layers
self.width = width
self.sigmoid = sigmoid
# build the ensemble
self.ensemble = [FFEnsembleMember(input_feat_len=self.input_feat_len,
width=self.width, sigmoid=self.sigmoid)
for _ in range(self.num_ensemble_members)]
self.is_fit = False
self.is_fit = False
self.device = 'cuda'
self.device = 'cuda'
self.X_meanvar = None
self.X_meanvar = None
@ -120,7 +105,8 @@ class PredictiveDNNEnsemble(Predictor):
class FFEnsembleMember(nn.Module):
class FFEnsembleMember(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, input_feat_len:int=128, num_layers:int=10, width:int=20, sigmoid: bool = False):
def __init__(self, num_objectives: int = 1, input_feat_len: int = 128,
num_layers: int = 10, width: int = 20):
super(FFEnsembleMember, self).__init__()
super(FFEnsembleMember, self).__init__()
self.input_feat_len = input_feat_len
self.input_feat_len = input_feat_len
@ -129,15 +115,7 @@ class FFEnsembleMember(nn.Module):
self.linears = nn.ModuleList([nn.Linear(self.input_feat_len, width)])
self.linears = nn.ModuleList([nn.Linear(self.input_feat_len, width)])
self.linears.extend([nn.Linear(width, width) for i in range(1, self.num_layers-1)])
self.linears.extend([nn.Linear(width, width) for i in range(1, self.num_layers-1)])
self.output = nn.Linear(width, num_objectives)
output_layers = [
nn.Linear(width, 1)
if sigmoid:
self.output = nn.Sequential(*output_layers)
def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
for layer in self.linears:
for layer in self.linears:
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
from typing import List, Any
from typing import Sequence, Any
class DiscreteChoice():
class DiscreteChoice():
def __init__(self, choices: List[Any]):
def __init__(self, choices: Sequence[Any]):
self.choices = choices
self.choices = choices
def __getitem__(self, idx):
def __getitem__(self, idx):
@ -79,11 +79,12 @@ class OpDesc:
c, cs = self.children, state_dict['children']
c, cs = self.children, state_dict['children']
assert (c is None and cs is None) or \
assert (c is None and cs is None) or \
(c is not None and cs is not None and len(c) == len(cs))
(c is not None and cs is not None and len(c) == len(cs))
# TODO: when c and cs are both none, zip throws an error that the
# TODO: when c and cs are both none, zip throws an error that the
# first argument should be iterable
# first argument should be iterable
if (c is None and cs is None):
if (c is None and cs is None):
for cx, csx in zip(c, cs):
for cx, csx in utils.zip_eq(c, cs):
if cx is not None and csx is not None:
if cx is not None and csx is not None:
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
"""Common-based methods and classes for the NLP package.
@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
"""Huggingface's Open AI GPT-2.
import types
from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from transformers.models.gpt2.modeling_gpt2 import GPT2LMHeadModel
from archai.nlp.legacy_models.hf_gpt2.config_hf_gpt2 import HfGPT2Config, HfGPT2FlexConfig
from archai.nlp.legacy_models.hf_gpt2.hf_gpt2_utils.gpt2_lm_head_model_flex import GPT2LMHeadModelFlex
from archai.nlp.legacy_models.model_base import ArchaiModel
class HfGPT2(ArchaiModel):
"""Huggingface's Open AI GPT-2 standard architecture.
def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None:
"""Initializes the class by creating compatible configuration and model objects.
self.config = HfGPT2Config(**kwargs)
self.model = GPT2LMHeadModel(self.config)
if self.config.tie_weight:
def forward(self,
input_ids: torch.Tensor,
labels: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
mems: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
past_key_values: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
output_loss: Optional[bool] = True,
output_prediction_scores: Optional[bool] = False
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...]:
<<<<<<< HEAD
"""Performs forward pass over the model.
input_ids: Input tokens.
labels: Input labels (same as tokens).
mems: Memory tensor.
past_key_values: Tensor with past key/values.
output_loss: Whether loss should be outputted.
output_prediction_scores: Whether prediction scores should be outputted.
(Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...]): Outputs, such as loss, prediction scores,
memories and past key/values.
<<<<<<< HEAD
def reset_length(self, tgt_len: int, ext_len: int, mem_len: int) -> None:
# There is no memory in GPT-2
assert mems is None, 'HfGPT2 does not support memory (mems).'
# Labels are the same as input_ids because they will be shifted inside the model
# Causal attention mask is also created inside the model
outputs = self.model(input_ids=input_ids,
if output_loss:
return (outputs.loss, None, None, outputs.past_key_values)
if output_prediction_scores:
# GPT-2 only outputs the logits, so they need to be converted with log_softmax
return (None, F.log_softmax(outputs.logits, dim=-1), None, outputs.past_key_values)
>>>>>>> 0a1d1a35 (chore(hf_gpt2): Re-structures hf_gpt2-related files.)
def get_params(self) -> Dict[str, int]:
params = {}
params['embedding'] = self.get_params_from_layer(['Embedding'])
params['attention'] = self.get_params_from_layer(['GPT2Attention'])
params['ff'] = self.get_params_from_layer(['GPT2MLP'])
params['layer_norm'] = self.get_params_from_layer(['LayerNorm'])
params['non_embedding'] = params['attention'] + params['ff'] + params['layer_norm']
params['total'] = params['non_embedding'] + params['embedding']
>>>>>>> 628e74a0 (fix(hf_gpt2): Fixes parameters calculation for HfGPT2 and HfGPT2Flex.)
<<<<<<< HEAD
assert mems is None, 'GPT2 does not support memory (mems)'
# Labels in Huggingface's GPT-2 are the same as inputs_ids and they will be shifted inside the model
# Causal attention mask is created inside the model
hf_out = self.model(input_ids=input_ids,
return params
class HfGPT2Flex(ArchaiModel):
"""Huggingface's Open AI GPT-2 flex-based architecture.
Flex-based architectures allow different hyperparameters settings for each layer.
def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None:
"""Initializes the class by creating compatible configuration and model objects.
self.config = HfGPT2FlexConfig(**kwargs)
assert all(self.config.n_head[0] == n_h for n_h in self.config.n_head), 'HfGPT2Flex does not support different `n_head`.'
self.model = GPT2LMHeadModelFlex(self.config)
if self.config.tie_weight:
def forward(self,
input_ids: torch.Tensor,
labels: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
mems: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
past_key_values: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
output_loss: Optional[bool] = True,
output_prediction_scores: Optional[bool] = False
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...]:
assert mems is None, 'HfGPT2Flex does not support memory (mems).'
>>>>>>> 0a1d1a35 (chore(hf_gpt2): Re-structures hf_gpt2-related files.)
# Labels are the same as input_ids because they will be shifted inside the model
# Causal attention mask is also created inside the model
outputs = self.model(input_ids=input_ids,
<<<<<<< HEAD
def reset_length(self, tgt_len: int, ext_len: int, mem_len: int) -> None:
"""Resets the length of the memory.
tgt_len: Length of target sample.
ext_len: Length of extended memory.
mem_len: Length of the memory.
# There is no memory in GPT-2
if output_loss:
return (outputs.loss, None, None, outputs.past_key_values)
if output_prediction_scores:
# GPT-2 only outputs the logits, so they need to be converted with log_softmax
return (None, F.log_softmax(outputs.logits, dim=-1), None, outputs.past_key_values)
>>>>>>> 0a1d1a35 (chore(hf_gpt2): Re-structures hf_gpt2-related files.)
def get_params(self) -> Dict[str, int]:
"""Returns a dictionary of total parameters per implemented layer.
(Dict[str, int]): Number of total parameters.
params = {}
params['embedding'] = self.get_params_from_layer(['Embedding'])
params['attention'] = self.get_params_from_layer(['GPT2Attention'])
params['ff'] = self.get_params_from_layer(['GPT2MLPFlex'])
params['layer_norm'] = self.get_params_from_layer(['LayerNorm'])
params['non_embedding'] = params['attention'] + params['ff'] + params['layer_norm']
params['total'] = params['non_embedding'] + params['embedding']
return params
@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
"""Hugginface's Transformer-XL.
from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple
import torch
from transformers import TransfoXLLMHeadModel
from archai.nlp.legacy_models.hf_transfo_xl.config_hf_transfo_xl import HfTransfoXLConfig
from archai.nlp.legacy_models.model_base import ArchaiModel
class HfTransfoXL(ArchaiModel):
"""Huggingface's Transformer-XL standard architecture.
def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None:
"""Initializes the class by creating compatible configuration and model objects.
self.config = HfTransfoXLConfig(**kwargs)
self.model = TransfoXLLMHeadModel(self.config)
if self.config.tie_weight:
def forward(self,
input_ids: torch.Tensor,
labels: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
mems: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
past_key_values: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
output_loss: Optional[bool] = True,
output_prediction_scores: Optional[bool] = False
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...]:
# Labels are the same as input_ids because they will be shifted inside the model
if output_loss:
outputs = self.model(input_ids=input_ids,
return (outputs.losses, None, outputs.mems, None)
if output_prediction_scores:
outputs = self.model(input_ids=input_ids,
return (None, outputs.logits, outputs.mems, None)
def get_params(self) -> Dict[str, int]:
"""Returns a dictionary of total parameters per implemented layer.
(Dict[str, int]): Number of total parameters.
params = {}
params['embedding'] = self.get_params_from_layer(['AdaptiveEmbedding'])
params['softmax'] = self.get_params_from_layer(['ProjectedAdaptiveLogSoftmax'])
params['attention'] = self.get_params_from_layer(['RelPartialLearnableMultiHeadAttn'])
params['ff'] = self.get_params_from_layer(['PositionwiseFF'])
params['non_embedding'] = params['softmax'] + params['attention'] + params['ff']
params['total'] = params['non_embedding'] + params['embedding']
return params
def reset_length(self, tgt_len: int, ext_len: int, mem_len: int) -> None:
if tgt_len < 1:
raise ValueError(f'tgt_len: {tgt_len} should be >= 1.')
if ext_len < 0:
raise ValueError(f'ext_len: {ext_len} should be >= 0.')
if mem_len < 0:
raise ValueError(f'mem_len: {mem_len} should be >= 0.')
self.model.config.tgt_len = tgt_len
self.model.config.mem_len = mem_len
self.model.config.ext_len = ext_len
@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
"""NVIDIA's Memory Transformer configurations.
<<<<<<< HEAD
from typing import Any, Dict
<<<<<<< HEAD
<<<<<<< HEAD
>>>>>>> b64935ed (chore(nlp): Adds configuration classes to every available model.)
>>>>>>> 929e81d1 (chore(nlp): Removing the need of model configuration defaults on NAS.)
from archai.nlp.models.config_base import Config
class MemTransformerLMConfig(Config):
<<<<<<< HEAD
def default(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return {
'd_head': -1,
'n_token': 267736,
'dropout': 0.1,
'dropatt': 0.0,
'd_embed': -1,
"""Provides a configuration for MemTransformerLM.
def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None:
"""Initializes the configuration.
def default(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Defines the default configuration used by the class.
return {
'd_head': None,
'n_token': 267736,
'dropout': 0.1,
'dropatt': 0.0,
'd_embed': None,
>>>>>>> b64935ed (chore(nlp): Adds configuration classes to every available model.)
'div_val': 4,
'pre_lnorm': False,
'tgt_len': 192,
'ext_len': 0,
'mem_len': 192,
'same_length': False,
'attn_type': 0,
'clamp_len': -1,
'sample_softmax': -1,
'cutoffs': [19997, 39997, 199997],
'tie_projs': [False, True, True, True],
'tie_weight': True,
'dtype': None,
'primer_conv': False,
'primer_square': False,
'use_cache': False
<<<<<<< HEAD
<<<<<<< HEAD
def search(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return {
'n_layer': [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12],
'd_model': [128, 256, 512, 768, 1024],
'd_inner': list(range(512, 2049, 50)) + list(range(2048, 3072, 200)),
'n_head': [2, 4, 8]
>>>>>>> b64935ed (chore(nlp): Adds configuration classes to every available model.)
def search(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Defines the default configuration used when searching with the class.
return {
'n_layer': {
'per_layer': False,
'value': [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]
'd_model': {
'per_layer': False,
'value': list(range(128, 1024, 64))
'd_inner': {
'per_layer': True,
'value': list(range(128, 4096, 64))
'n_head': {
'per_layer': True,
'value': [2, 4, 8]
>>>>>>> 3a5c71c5 (chore(models): Adds default search configuration to models' config.)
from typing import List, Optional
from archai.nlp.legacy_models.config_base import Config, SearchConfig, SearchConfigParameter
class MemTransformerLMConfig(Config):
"""NVIDIA's Memory Transformer default configuration.
def __init__(self,
n_token: Optional[int] = 267736,
tgt_len: Optional[int] = 192,
d_model: Optional[int] = 512,
d_inner: Optional[int] = 2048,
d_head: Optional[int] = 0,
d_embed: Optional[int] = 0,
n_layer: Optional[int] = 16,
n_head: Optional[int] = 8,
dropout: Optional[float] = 0.1,
dropatt: Optional[float] = 0.0,
div_val: Optional[int] = 4,
pre_lnorm: Optional[bool] = False,
cutoffs: Optional[List[int]] = [19997, 39997, 199997],
ext_len: Optional[int] = 0,
mem_len: Optional[int] = 192,
same_length: Optional[bool] = False,
attn_type: Optional[int] = 0,
clamp_len: Optional[int] = -1,
sample_softmax: Optional[int] = -1,
adaptive: Optional[bool] = True,
weight_init_type: Optional[str] = 'normal',
weight_init_range: Optional[float] = 0.01,
weight_init_std: Optional[float] = 0.02,
proj_init_std: Optional[float] = 0.01,
tie_weight: Optional[bool] = True,
tie_projs: Optional[List[bool]] = [False, True, True, True],
primer_conv: Optional[bool] = False,
primer_square: Optional[bool] = False,
use_cache: Optional[bool] = False,
**kwargs) -> None:
"""Initializes the class by overriding default arguments.
n_token: Size of the vocabulary (number of tokens).
tgt_len: Maximum length of sequences (positional embeddings).
d_model: Dimensionality of the model.
d_inner: Dimensionality of inner feed-forward layers.
d_head: Dimensionality of attention heads (`0` for using `d_model` // `n_head`)
d_embed: Dimensionality of embedding layer (`0` for using same as `d_model`)
n_layer: Number of layers.
n_head: Number of attention heads.
dropout: Dropout probability.
dropatt: Attention dropout probability.
div_val: Adaptive embedding/softmax divident.
pre_lnorm: Whether layer normalization should be performed to input instead of output.
cutoffs: Cutoffs values for adaptive embedding/softmax.
ext_len: Maximum length of extended context.
mem_len: Maximum length of the memory.
same_length: Whether every incoming sample should use the same attention length.
attn_type: Type of attention mechanism (`0` for default attention).
clamp_len: Uses the same positional embeddings after clamp_len (`0` for no clamp).
sample_softmax: Number of samples in the sampled softmax (`-1` for disabling).
adaptive: Whether to use adaptive softmax.
weight_init_type: Type of weight initialization (`normal` for default).
weight_init_range: Range to initialize the weights.
weight_init_std: Standard deviation to initialize the weights.
proj_init_std: Standard deviation to initialize the projections.
tie_weight: Whether embedding and softmax weights should be tied.
tie_projs: Whether embedding/softmax projections should be tied.
primer_conv: Whether 1D convolution primitive should be employed.
primer_square: Whether squared ReLU primitive should be employed.
use_cache: Whether `past_key_values` should be stored and used.
self.n_token = n_token
self.tgt_len = tgt_len
self.d_model = d_model
self.d_inner = d_inner
self.d_head = d_head if d_head > 0 else d_model // n_head
self.d_embed = d_embed if d_embed > 0 else d_model
self.n_layer = n_layer
self.n_head = n_head
self.dropout = dropout
self.dropatt = dropatt
self.div_val = div_val
self.pre_lnorm = pre_lnorm
self.cutoffs = cutoffs
self.ext_len = ext_len
self.mem_len = mem_len
self.same_length = same_length
self.attn_type = attn_type
self.clamp_len = clamp_len
self.sample_softmax = sample_softmax
self.adaptive = adaptive
self.weight_init_type = weight_init_type
self.weight_init_range = weight_init_range
self.weight_init_std = weight_init_std
self.proj_init_std = proj_init_std
self.tie_weight = tie_weight
self.tie_projs = tie_projs
self.primer_conv = primer_conv
self.primer_square = primer_square
self.use_cache = use_cache
class MemTransformerLMSearchConfig(SearchConfig):
"""NVIDIA's Memory Transformer search configuration.
def __init__(self) -> None:
"""Initializes the class by setting default parameters that are used during search.
# Default MemTransformerLM search options: n_layer, d_model, d_inner and n_head
n_layer = SearchConfigParameter(per_layer=False, value=[3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10])
d_model = SearchConfigParameter(per_layer=False, value=list(range(128, 1024, 64)))
d_inner = SearchConfigParameter(per_layer=True, value=list(range(128, 4096, 64)))
n_head = SearchConfigParameter(per_layer=True, value=[2, 4, 8])
>>>>>>> 13f92a50 (chore(mem_transformer): Re-structures mem_transformer-related files.)
Разница между файлами не показана из-за своего большого размера
Загрузить разницу
@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
"""NVIDIA's Memory Transformer for ONNX.
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
from onnx import (GraphProto, ModelProto, NodeProto, TensorProto,
ValueInfoProto, helper)
from onnxruntime.transformers.fusion_attention import (AttentionMask,
from onnxruntime.transformers.fusion_layernorm import FusionLayerNormalization
from onnxruntime.transformers.fusion_reshape import FusionReshape
from onnxruntime.transformers.fusion_shape import FusionShape
from onnxruntime.transformers.fusion_skiplayernorm import (
FusionBiasSkipLayerNormalization, FusionSkipLayerNormalization)
from onnxruntime.transformers.fusion_utils import FusionUtils
from onnxruntime.transformers.onnx_model import OnnxModel
from archai.nlp.compression.onnx.onnx_utils.fusion_options import FusionOptions
from archai.nlp.legacy_models.config_base import OnnxConfigWithPast
class MemTransformerLMOnnxConfig(OnnxConfigWithPast):
"""NVIDIA's Memory Transformer ONNX-based configuration.
def __init__(self, model_config: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
"""Initializes the class by setting missing keys on incoming
model's configuration.
model_config: Configuration of the model that will be exported.
# Checks the type of attention to define the `past_key_values`
if model_config['attn_type'] == 0:
# `k`, `v` and relative embeddings
past_key_values = 3
# `k` and `v`
past_key_values = 2
class MemTransformerLMOnnxModel(OnnxModel):
"""MemTransformerLM that enables addtiional ONNX optimizations.
def __init__(self, model: ModelProto) -> None:
"""Overrides initialization method.
model: ONNX-based model.
self.attention_mask = AttentionMask(self)
self.utils = FusionUtils(self)
def change_graph_input_type(self,
graph: GraphProto,
graph_input: ValueInfoProto,
new_type: Optional[int] = TensorProto.INT32
) -> Tuple[NodeProto, List[NodeProto]]:
"""Changes the input type of the graph and add Cast nodes if necessary.
graph: Graph instance.
graph_input: Graph inputs.
new_type: New data type.
(Tuple[NodeProto, List[NodeProto]]): Cast node to be added and
list of Cast nodes to be removed.
assert isinstance(graph, GraphProto)
assert isinstance(graph_input, ValueInfoProto)
assert self.find_graph_input(graph_input.name)
if graph_input.type.tensor_type.elem_type == int(new_type):
return None, []
new_cast_node = None
nodes_to_remove = []
input_name_to_nodes = self.input_name_to_nodes()
if graph_input.name in input_name_to_nodes:
nodes = input_name_to_nodes[graph_input.name]
nodes_not_cast = [node for node in nodes if node.op_type != 'Cast']
if nodes_not_cast:
node_name = self.create_node_name('Cast')
output_name = node_name + '_' + graph_input.name
new_value_info = graph.value_info.add()
new_value_info.name = output_name
new_cast_node = helper.make_node('Cast', [graph_input.name], [output_name],
for node in nodes_not_cast:
OnnxModel.replace_node_input(node, graph_input.name, output_name)
nodes_cast = [node for node in nodes if node.op_type == 'Cast']
for node in nodes_cast:
if OnnxModel.get_node_attribute(node, 'to') == int(new_type):
self.replace_input_of_all_nodes(node.output[0], graph_input.name)
if not self.find_graph_output(node.output[0]):
if nodes_to_remove:
graph_input.type.tensor_type.elem_type = int(new_type)
return new_cast_node, nodes_to_remove
def change_graph_inputs_to_int32(self) -> None:
"""Changes the inputs to int32.
graph = self.graph()
add_cast_count = 0
remove_cast_count = 0
for graph_input in graph.input:
new_node, removed_nodes = self.change_graph_input_type(graph,
if new_node:
add_cast_count += 1
remove_cast_count += len(removed_nodes)
def fuse_layer_norm(self) -> None:
"""Fuses the appropriate nodes into a LayerNormalization layer.
fusion = FusionLayerNormalization(self)
def fuse_skip_layer_norm(self) -> None:
"""Fuses the appropriate nodes into a SkipLayerNormalization layer.
fusion = FusionSkipLayerNormalization(self)
def fuse_add_bias_skip_layer_norm(self) -> None:
"""Fuses the appropriate nodes into a BiasSkipLayerNormalization layer.
fusion = FusionBiasSkipLayerNormalization(self)
def fuse_attention(self) -> None:
"""Fuses the appropriate nodes into an Attention layer.
fusion = FusionAttention(self, 0, 0, self.attention_mask)
def fuse_reshape(self) -> None:
"""Fuses the appropriate nodes into a Reshape layer.
fusion = FusionReshape(self)
def fuse_shape(self) -> None:
"""Fuses the appropriate nodes into a Shape layer.
fusion = FusionShape(self)
def use_dynamic_axes(self,
dynamic_batch_dim: Optional[str] = 'batch_size',
dynamic_seq_len: Optional[str] = 'seq_len') -> None:
"""Updates inputs and outputs shapes to use dynamic axes.
dynamic_batch_dim: Name of batch size dimension.
dynamic_seq_len: Name of sequence length dimension.
graph_inputs = self.get_graph_inputs_from_fused_nodes(casted=True) \
+ self.get_graph_inputs_from_fused_nodes(casted=False)
for inp in self.model.graph.input:
if inp.name in graph_inputs:
dim_proto = inp.type.tensor_type.shape.dim[0]
dim_proto.dim_param = dynamic_batch_dim
if dynamic_seq_len is not None:
dim_proto = inp.type.tensor_type.shape.dim[1]
dim_proto.dim_param = dynamic_seq_len
for out in self.model.graph.output:
dim_proto = out.type.tensor_type.shape.dim[0]
dim_proto.dim_param = dynamic_batch_dim
def adjust_reshape_and_expand(self) -> None:
"""Cleans up unncessary reshape nodes.
nodes_to_remove = []
for node in self.nodes():
if node.op_type == 'Reshape':
reshape_shape = self.get_constant_value(node.input[1])
if reshape_shape is not None and reshape_shape.size == 0:
self.replace_input_of_all_nodes(node.output[0], node.input[0])
reshape_path = self.match_parent_path(node,
['Expand', 'Expand', 'Reshape', 'Slice'],
[0, 0, 0, 0],
if reshape_path is not None:
expand_node = reshape_path[-3]
expand_shape_value = self.get_constant_value(expand_node.input[1])
reshape_before_expand = reshape_path[-2]
shape_value = self.get_constant_value(reshape_before_expand.input[1])
slice_node = reshape_path[-1]
if expand_shape_value is not None and shape_value is not None and len(
expand_shape_value) == 2 and len(
shape_value) == 1 and expand_shape_value[1] == shape_value[0]:
node.input[0] = slice_node.output[0]
if nodes_to_remove:
def clean_graph(self) -> None:
"""Cleans the graph after fusing nodes.
output_name_to_node = self.output_name_to_node()
nodes_to_remove = []
for node in self.nodes():
op_input_id = {'EmbedLayerNormalization': 1, 'ReduceSum': 0, 'Attention': 3}
if node.op_type in op_input_id:
i = op_input_id[node.op_type]
parent_nodes = self.match_parent_path(node,
['Cast', 'ConstantOfShape', 'Concat', 'Unsqueeze', 'Gather', 'Shape'],
[i, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
if parent_nodes is not None:
cast, constantOfShape, concat, unsqueeze, gather, shape = parent_nodes
if shape.input[0] == self.graph().input[0].name:
constantOfShape.input[0] = shape.output[0]
output_name_to_node = self.output_name_to_node()
if node.op_type == 'Attention':
parent_nodes = self.match_parent_path(node,
['ReduceSum', 'Cast', 'ConstantOfShape', 'Shape'],
[3, 0, 0, 0],
if parent_nodes is not None:
if parent_nodes[-1].input[0] == self.graph().input[0].name:
attention_node = helper.make_node('Attention',
inputs=node.input[0:len(node.input) - 1],
name=node.name + '_remove_mask')
attention_node.domain = 'com.microsoft'
attention_node.attribute.extend([helper.make_attribute('num_heads', self.num_heads)])
self.add_node(attention_node, self.get_graph_by_node(attention_node).name)
def optimize(self,
options: Optional[FusionOptions] = None,
add_dynamic_axes: Optional[bool] = False) -> None:
"""Performs the additional transformer-based optimization.
options: Options holding which operators should be fused.
add_dynamic_axes: Whether dynamic axes should be added.
# Fuses appropriate nodes into LayerNormalization
if (options is None) or options.enable_layer_norm:
# Pre-processing step
# Fuses appropriate nodes into Reshape
# Fuses appropriate nodes into SkipLayerNormalization
if (options is None) or options.enable_skip_layer_norm:
# Fuses appropriate nodes into Attention
# if (options is None) or options.enable_attention:
# if options is not None:
# self.attention_mask.set_mask_format(options.attention_mask_format)
# self.fuse_attention()
# Fuses appropriate nodes into Shape
# Removes useless Reshape nodes that are staling through the graph
# Post-processing step
# Fuses appropriate nodes into BiasSkipLayerNormalization
if (options is None) or options.enable_bias_skip_layer_norm:
# Removes unused constants that are staling through the graph
# Whether dynamic axes should be used
if add_dynamic_axes:
@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
"""Availability dictionaries of implemented Transformer-based classes.
# Huggingface's CodeGen
from archai.nlp.legacy_models.hf_codegen.config_hf_codegen import HfCodeGenConfig, HfCodeGenSearchConfig
from archai.nlp.legacy_models.hf_codegen.model_hf_codegen import HfCodeGen
# Huggingface's Open AI GPT-2
from archai.nlp.legacy_models.hf_gpt2.config_hf_gpt2 import (HfGPT2Config, HfGPT2SearchConfig,
HfGPT2FlexConfig, HfGPT2FlexSearchConfig)
from archai.nlp.legacy_models.hf_gpt2.model_hf_gpt2 import HfGPT2, HfGPT2Flex
from archai.nlp.legacy_models.hf_gpt2.onnx_hf_gpt2 import HfGPT2OnnxConfig, HfGPT2OnnxModel
# Huggingface's Open Pre-Trained Transformer
from archai.nlp.legacy_models.hf_opt.config_hf_opt import HfOPTConfig, HfOPTSearchConfig
from archai.nlp.legacy_models.hf_opt.model_hf_opt import HfOPT
# Huggingface's Transformer-XL
from archai.nlp.legacy_models.hf_transfo_xl.config_hf_transfo_xl import (HfTransfoXLConfig,
from archai.nlp.legacy_models.hf_transfo_xl.model_hf_transfo_xl import HfTransfoXL
from archai.nlp.legacy_models.hf_transfo_xl.onnx_hf_transfo_xl import (HfTransfoXLOnnxConfig,
# NVIDIA's Memory Transformer
from archai.nlp.legacy_models.mem_transformer.config_mem_transformer import (MemTransformerLMConfig,
from archai.nlp.legacy_models.mem_transformer.model_mem_transformer import MemTransformerLM
from archai.nlp.legacy_models.mem_transformer.onnx_mem_transformer import (MemTransformerLMOnnxConfig,
# Analytical parameters formulae
from archai.nlp.legacy_models.model_utils.analytical_params_formulae import (get_params_hf_codegen_formula,
'hf_codegen': HfCodeGen,
'hf_gpt2': HfGPT2,
'hf_gpt2_flex': HfGPT2Flex,
'hf_opt': HfOPT,
'hf_transfo_xl': HfTransfoXL,
'mem_transformer': MemTransformerLM
'hf_codegen': HfCodeGenConfig,
'hf_gpt2': HfGPT2Config,
'hf_gpt2_flex': HfGPT2FlexConfig,
'hf_opt': HfOPTConfig,
'hf_transfo_xl': HfTransfoXLConfig,
'mem_transformer': MemTransformerLMConfig
'hf_codegen': HfCodeGenSearchConfig,
'hf_gpt2': HfGPT2SearchConfig,
'hf_gpt2_flex': HfGPT2FlexSearchConfig,
'hf_opt': HfOPTSearchConfig,
'hf_transfo_xl': HfTransfoXLSearchConfig,
'mem_transformer': MemTransformerLMSearchConfig
'hf_codegen': get_params_hf_codegen_formula,
'hf_gpt2': get_params_hf_gpt2_formula,
'hf_gpt2_flex': get_params_hf_gpt2_flex_formula,
'hf_opt': get_params_hf_opt_formula,
'hf_transfo_xl': get_params_hf_transfo_xl_formula,
'mem_transformer': get_params_mem_transformer_formula
'hf_gpt2': HfGPT2OnnxModel,
'hf_transfo_xl': HfTransfoXLOnnxModel,
'mem_transformer': MemTransformerLMOnnxModel
'hf_gpt2': HfGPT2OnnxConfig,
'hf_transfo_xl': HfTransfoXLOnnxConfig,
'mem_transformer': MemTransformerLMOnnxConfig
@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
"""Functions that allows easy-loading of models and their configurations.
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional, Tuple
import torch
from onnxruntime.transformers.onnx_model import OnnxModel
from archai.nlp.legacy_models.config_base import Config, OnnxConfig, SearchConfig
from archai.nlp.legacy_models.model_base import ArchaiModel
from archai.nlp.legacy_models.model_dict import (MODELS, MODELS_CONFIGS,
def load_model_formula(model_type: str) -> Callable:
"""Loads an available analytical parameters formula.
model_type: Type of the model.
(Callable): Function that analytically calculates parameters.
if model_type not in MODELS_PARAMS_FORMULAE.keys():
raise Exception(f'model_type: {model_type} not supported yet.')
return MODELS_PARAMS_FORMULAE[model_type]
# Path to the `models` package
PACKAGE_PATH = 'archai.nlp.models'
def load_model_from_config(model_type: str, model_config: Dict[str, Any]) -> ArchaiModel:
"""Loads an available model from a configuration dictionary.
model_type: Type of the model.
model_config: Configuration of the model that will be created.
(ArchaiModel): An instance of the created model.
if model_type not in MODELS.keys():
raise Exception(f'model_type: {model_type} not supported yet.')
return MODELS[model_type](**model_config)
def load_model_from_checkpoint(model_type: str,
checkpoint_path: str,
replace_model_config: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
on_cpu: Optional[bool] = False,
for_export: Optional[bool] = False
) -> Tuple[ArchaiModel, Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any]]:
"""Loads an available model from a pre-trained checkpoint.
model_type: Type of the model.
checkpoint_path: Path to the pre-trained checkpoint.
replace_model_config: Model's configuration replacement dictionary.
on_cpu: Whether model should be loaded to CPU.
for_export: Whether model should be ready for ONNX exporting.
(Tuple[ArchaiModel, Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any]]): Model, configuration
and checkpoint dictionaries.
device = f'cuda:{torch.cuda.current_device()}' if not on_cpu and torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.device('cpu')
checkpoint = torch.load(checkpoint_path, map_location=device)
model_config = checkpoint['model_config']
def load_from_args(model_type: str, *args, cls_type: Optional[str] = 'model', **kwargs) -> Any:
"""Performs the loading of a pre-defined model and its
corresponding class.
model_type: Type of model to be loaded.
cls_type: Type of class to be loaded.
model = load_model_from_config(model_type, model_config)
# Gathers the name and index of corresponding type of class
cls_type = getattr(ModelClassType, cls_type.upper())
cls_type_idx = cls_type.value
def load_config(model_type: str) -> Config:
"""Loads an available default configuration class.
model_type: Type of the model.
(Config): Configuration.
if model_type not in MODELS_CONFIGS.keys():
raise Exception(f'model_type: {model_type} not supported yet.')
return MODELS_CONFIGS[model_type]()
def load_search_config(model_type: str) -> SearchConfig:
"""Loads an available search configuration class.
model_type: Type of the model.
(SearchConfig): Search configuration.
if model_type not in MODELS_SEARCH_CONFIGS.keys():
raise Exception(f'model_type: {model_type} not supported yet.')
return MODELS_SEARCH_CONFIGS[model_type]()
def load_onnx_model(model_type: str, *model_args) -> OnnxModel:
"""Loads an available ONNX-based model (used during export optimization).
model_type: Type of the model.
(OnnxModel): ONNX-based optimization model.
if model_type not in ONNX_MODELS.keys():
raise Exception(f'model_type: {model_type} not supported yet.')
model_type: Type of model to be loaded.
checkpoint_path: Path of the checkpoint to be loaded.
replace_config: Dictionary with keys that should replace the model's configuration.
on_cpu: Whether model should be loaded on CPU or not.
for_export: If model should support export or not.
(Tuple[torch.nn.Module, Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any]]): Model, configuration and checkpoint loaded from a checkpoint path.
def load_onnx_config(model_type: str, model_config: Dict[str, Any]) -> OnnxConfig:
"""Loads an available ONNX-based configuration (used during export).
model_type: Type of the model.
model_config: Model's configuration used to supply missing attributes.
(OnnxConfig): ONNX-based configuration.
if model_type not in ONNX_MODELS_CONFIGS.keys():
raise Exception(f'model_type: {model_type} not supported yet.')
# Replaces keys that were provided in the `replace_config` dictionary
if replace_config is not None:
for k, v in replace_config.items():
model_config[k] = v
# Checks whether model is supposed to be exported
if for_export:
model_config['use_cache'] = True
# Loads the model
model = cls_instance(**model_config)
return model, model_config, checkpoint
@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
"""Primer-EZ primitives.
from typing import Optional
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
class DWiseConvPrimerEZ(nn.Module):
"""Implements the depth-wise convolution according to https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.08668.
def __init__(self,
d_model: int,
kernel_size: Optional[int] = 3) -> None:
"""Overrides the initialization method.
d_model: Dimension of the model.
kernel_size: Amount of kernels.
super(DWiseConvPrimerEZ, self).__init__()
self.kernel_size = kernel_size
# Depthwise convolution: groups == in_channels
self.dconv = nn.Conv1d(d_model*3, d_model*3, kernel_size=kernel_size, groups=d_model*3)
def forward(self, inp: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Performs forward pass over the class. Note that the
input should have shape [length, batch, features].
inp: Input tensor.
(torch.Tensor) Output tensor.
def forward(self, inp: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
# LxBxF -> BxFxL
w_heads = inp.permute((1, 2, 0))
# Pad kernel_size-1 to the left of the length so we have causal convolution (can't look forward)
w_heads = F.pad(w_heads, (self.kernel_size-1, 0))
w_heads = self.dconv(w_heads)
# Permute back: BxFxL -> LxBxF
w_heads = w_heads.permute((2, 0, 1))
return w_heads
class PositionwiseFFPrimerEZ(nn.Module):
"""Implements the squared ReLU according to https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.08668.
def __init__(self,
d_model: int,
d_inner: int,
dropout: float,
pre_lnorm: Optional[bool] = False) -> None:
"""Overrides the initialization method.
d_model: Dimension of the model.
d_inner: Inner dimension of the model.
dropout: Dropout ratio.
pre_lnorm: Whether to perform layer normalization before or after.
super(PositionwiseFFPrimerEZ, self).__init__()
self.d_model = d_model
self.d_inner = d_inner
self.dropout = dropout
self.CoreNet1 = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(d_model, d_inner), nn.ReLU(inplace=True))
self.CoreNet2 = nn.Sequential(nn.Dropout(dropout),
nn.Linear(d_inner, d_model),
self.layer_norm = nn.LayerNorm(d_model)
self.pre_lnorm = pre_lnorm
def forward(self, inp: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Performs forward pass over the class.
inp: Input tensor.
(torch.Tensor) Output tensor.
if self.pre_lnorm:
inp = self.layer_norm(inp)
core_out = self.CoreNet2(self.CoreNet1(inp) ** 2)
# Residual connection
output = core_out + inp
if not self.pre_lnorm:
output = self.layer_norm(output)
return output
def forward_hf_gpt2_mlp_primer_ez(self, hidden_states: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Implements the squared ReLU for Huggingface's Open AI GPT-2 according to https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.08668.
hidden_states = self.c_fc(hidden_states)
hidden_states = self.act(hidden_states) ** 2
hidden_states = self.c_proj(hidden_states)
hidden_states = self.dropout(hidden_states)
return hidden_states
@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
"""Handles every ONNX-related export methods.
import json
from itertools import chain
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional
import torch
from onnx import helper, load_model, numpy_helper, save
from archai.nlp.legacy_models.model_loader import load_onnx_config
from archai.nlp.compression.onnx.onnx_utils.operators import (tril_onnx,
def weight_sharing(onnx_model_path: str, model_type: str) -> None:
"""Shares weights between embedding and softmax layers.
onnx_model_path: Path to the ONNX model that will have weights shared.
model_type: Type of model to share the weights.
# Finds nodes in the graph based on their input name
def _find_nodes_by_input(nodes, input_name):
return [name for name in nodes.keys() if input_name in nodes[name].input]
# Finds weights in the graph based on their shape
def _find_weights_by_shape(weights, shape):
return [name for name in weights.keys() if numpy_helper.to_array(weights[name]).shape == shape]
# Loads the ONNX model
model = load_model(onnx_model_path)
# Gathers weights and nodes from the loaded model
weights = {w.name:w for w in model.graph.initializer}
nodes = {n.name:n for n in model.graph.node}
if model_type in ['hf_gpt2', 'hf_gpt2_flex']:
n_emb_weight = 1
n_cutoffs = 0
elif model_type == 'mem_transformer':
n_emb_weight = len(list(filter(lambda x: 'word_emb.emb_layers' in x, weights.keys())))
n_cutoffs = n_emb_weight - 1
raise ValueError(f'Model {model_type} not supported for weight sharing.')
for i in range(n_emb_weight):
# Grabs the embedding weights pointer and removes from the graph
emb_weight_name = f'word_emb.emb_layers.{i}.weight'
if model_type == 'hf_gpt2':
emb_weight_name = 'transformer.wte.weight'
emb_weight = numpy_helper.to_array(weights[emb_weight_name])
# Replaces the duplicated embedding weights by the softmax ones
softmax_shape = (emb_weight.shape[1], emb_weight.shape[0])
if i == 0:
softmax_shape = (emb_weight.shape[1], emb_weight.shape[0] + n_cutoffs)
softmax_weight = _find_weights_by_shape(weights, softmax_shape)[0]
emb_gather_name = _find_nodes_by_input(nodes, emb_weight_name)[0]
nodes[emb_gather_name].attribute.append(helper.make_attribute('axis', 1))
nodes[emb_gather_name].input[0] = softmax_weight
# Adds a "Transpose" node to invert the new embedding weights
permute_dim = [1, 2, 0]
if n_cutoffs != 0:
permute_dim = [1, 0, 2]
emb_gather_output = nodes[emb_gather_name].output[0]
transpose_node_output = f'transposed_out_{i}'
transpose_node = helper.make_node('Transpose', [emb_gather_output], [transpose_node_output], perm=permute_dim)
# Links the previous embedding output with the "Transpose" node
emb_gather = _find_nodes_by_input(nodes, emb_gather_output)[0]
nodes[emb_gather].input[0] = transpose_node_output
# Saves the ONNX model
save(model, onnx_model_path)
def export_onnx_from_torch(model: torch.nn.Module,
model_config: dict,
model_type: str,
onnx_model_path: str,
share_weights: Optional[bool] = True,
do_constant_folding: Optional[bool] = True,
opset_version: Optional[int] = 11) -> None:
"""Exports a PyTorch-based model to ONNX.
model: Input model.
model_config: Model configuration.
model_type: Type of model to be exported.
onnx_model_path: Path to the output ONNX model file.
share_weights: Whether embedding/softmax weights should be shared.
do_constant_folding: Whether to apply constant folding.
opset_version: Version of the operators set.
# Gathers the proper ONNX configuration instance
onnx_config = load_from_args(model_type,
# Creates the dynamic axes based on inputs and outputs
dynamic_axes = {name: axes for name, axes in chain(onnx_config.inputs.items(), onnx_config.outputs.items())}
# Applies a caveat to use unsupported triu/tril by PyTorch
torch.triu = triu_onnx
torch.tril = tril_onnx
# Exports model to ONNX
# Exports configuration to JSON
config_path = Path(onnx_model_path).parent / 'config.json'
with open(config_path, 'w') as f:
json.dump(onnx_config.config.to_dict(), f)
# Applies weight sharing
if share_weights:
weight_sharing(onnx_model_path, model_type)
@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
"""ONNX-loading utilities that enable exports.
import copy
import types
from os import environ
from typing import Any, Dict, Sized, Tuple
from onnxruntime import (GraphOptimizationLevel, InferenceSession,
from onnxruntime.transformers import quantize_helper
from archai.nlp.legacy_models.model_loader import load_model_from_checkpoint, load_model_from_config
from archai.nlp.compression.onnx.onnx_utils.forward import (crit_forward_mem_transformer_onnx,
from archai.nlp.legacy_models.model_base import ArchaiModel
# ONNX-loading constants
# Constants available in onnxruntime
# that enables performance optimization
def load_from_onnx(onnx_model_path: str) -> InferenceSession:
"""Loads an ONNX-based model from file.
onnx_model_path: Path to the ONNX model file.
(InferenceSession): ONNX inference session.
# Defines the ONNX loading options
options = SessionOptions()
options.intra_op_num_threads = OMP_NUM_THREADS
options.graph_optimization_level = GraphOptimizationLevel.ORT_ENABLE_ALL
# Creates an inference session
session = InferenceSession(onnx_model_path, options)
return session
def _prepare_export(model: ArchaiModel,
model_config: Dict[str, Any],
model_type: str) -> ArchaiModel:
"""Prepares a PyTorch model with export-ready.
model: PyTorch model.
model_config: Model configuration.
model_type: Type of model.
(ArchaiModel): Export-ready PyTorch model.
# Overrides forward functions if MemTransformerLM
if model_type == 'mem_transformer':
model.forward = types.MethodType(forward_mem_transformer_onnx, model)
model.crit.forward = types.MethodType(crit_forward_mem_transformer_onnx, model.crit)
# Overrides forward functions if HfGPT2
if model_type == 'hf_gpt2':
model = model.model
model.forward = types.MethodType(forward_hf_gpt2_onnx, model)
for layer in model.transformer.h:
if isinstance(model_config['d_head'], Sized):
model_config['d_head'] = model_config['d_head'][0]
if isinstance(model_config['n_head'], Sized):
model_config['n_head'] = model_config['n_head'][0]
if model_config['d_head'] < 0:
model_config['d_head'] = model_config['d_model'] // model_config['n_head']
# Puts to evaluation model to disable dropout
return model, model_config
def load_from_config_for_export(model_type: str,
model_config: Dict[str, Any]) -> Tuple[ArchaiModel, Dict[str, Any]]:
"""Loads a PyTorch-based model from configuration with export-ready.
model_type: Type of model to be loaded.
model_config: Model configuration.
(ArchaiModel, Dict[str, Any]): Export-ready PyTorch model and its configuration.
# Copies model's configuration to prevent changing the original one
export_model_config = copy.deepcopy(model_config)
export_model_config['use_cache'] = True
# Loads the model from configuration
model = load_model_from_config(model_type, export_model_config)
# Prepares the model for export
model, export_model_config = _prepare_export(model, export_model_config, model_type)
return model, export_model_config
def load_from_torch_for_export(model_type: str,
torch_model_path: str) -> Tuple[ArchaiModel, Dict[str, Any]]:
"""Loads a PyTorch-based model from checkpoint with export-ready.
model_type: Type of model to be loaded.
torch_model_path: Path to the PyTorch model/checkpoint file.
(ArchaiModel, Dict[str, Any]): Export-ready PyTorch model and its configuration.
# Loads the model
model, model_config, _ = load_model_from_checkpoint(model_type,
# Prepares the model for export
model, model_config = _prepare_export(model, model_config, model_type)
return model, model_config
@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
"""ONNX-related optimization helpers and utilities.
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional
from onnx import load_model
from onnxruntime.transformers.optimizer import optimize_by_onnxruntime
from archai.common.utils import create_file_name_identifier
from archai.nlp.legacy_models.model_loader import load_onnx_model
from archai.nlp.compression.onnx.onnx_utils.fusion_options import FusionOptions
def optimize_onnx(model_type: str,
onnx_model_path: str,
num_heads: Optional[int] = 8,
use_gpu: Optional[bool] = False,
opt_level: Optional[int] = 0,
only_ort: Optional[bool] = False,
float16: Optional[bool] = False,
input_int32: Optional[bool] = False) -> Path:
"""Optimizes an ONNX model.
model_type: Type of model to be optimized.
onnx_model_path: Path to the ONNX model to be optimized.
num_heads: Number of attention heads.
use_gpu: Whether to use GPU during optimization.
opt_level: Level of optimization.
only_ort: Whether to only apply ORT optimization.
float16: Whether to use graph with float16.
input_int32: Whether to use inputs with int32.
(Path): Path to the optimized ONNX model.
assert opt_level in [0, 1, 2, 99]
ort_model_path = None
# Applies standard ORT-based optimization
if opt_level > 0:
disabled_optimizers = []
if opt_level > 1:
# Disables some optimizers that might influence shape inference/attention fusion.
if not only_ort:
disabled_optimizers = ['MatMulScaleFusion', 'MatMulAddFusion'
'SimplifiedLayerNormFusion', 'GemmActivationFusion',
# Performs the standard ORT optimization
ort_model_path = create_file_name_identifier(Path(onnx_model_path), '_ort')
# Applies additional transformer-based optimization
if not only_ort:
# Loads the ORT-optimized model, optimizer and fusion options
ort_model = load_model(ort_model_path or onnx_model_path)
ort_model_path = create_file_name_identifier(Path(onnx_model_path), '_opt')
# Puts the arguments for the optimizer
optimizer_args = (ort_model, )
if model_type == 'hf_gpt2':
# Adds `hidden_size` as zero just for retro-compatibility
optimizer_args += (num_heads, 0)
optimizer = load_from_args(model_type, *optimizer_args, cls_type='onnx_model')
options = FusionOptions(model_type)
# Optimizes the model
# Applies float16 to the model
if float16:
ort_model_path = create_file_name_identifier(Path(onnx_model_path), '_opt_fp16')
# Applies int32 to the model inputs
if input_int32:
# Saves the model to file
return ort_model_path
Разница между файлами не показана из-за своего большого размера
Загрузить разницу
@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
import random
from typing import List
from numpy import dtype
from overrides.overrides import overrides
import torch
import torch_geometric
from archai.nas.arch_meta import ArchWithMetaData
from archai.nas.discrete_search_space import EncodableDiscreteSearchSpace
from archai.algos.natsbench.natsbench_utils import create_natsbench_tss_api, model_from_natsbench_tss
from archai.algos.natsbench.lib.models.cell_searchs import CellStructure
class DiscreteSearchSpaceNatsbenchTSS(EncodableDiscreteSearchSpace):
def __init__(self, datasetname:str, natsbench_location:str):
self.datasetname = datasetname
self.natsbench_location = natsbench_location
# Natsbench TSS ops bag
self.OPS = ['avg_pool_3x3', 'nor_conv_1x1', 'nor_conv_3x3', 'none', 'skip_connect']
# create the natsbench api
self.api = create_natsbench_tss_api(self.natsbench_location)
def random_sample(self)->ArchWithMetaData:
''' Uniform random sample an architecture '''
curr_archid = random.sample(range(len(self.api)), k=1)[0]
# if not in cache actually evaluate it
model = model_from_natsbench_tss(curr_archid, self.datasetname, self.api)
meta_data = {
'datasetname': self.datasetname,
'archid': curr_archid
arch_meta = ArchWithMetaData(model, meta_data)
return arch_meta
def get_training_accuracy_at_n_epoch(self,
data = self.api.query_by_index(archid, dataname=datasetname, hp='200')
train_top1s = []
for _, v in data.items():
avg_train_top1s = sum(train_top1s)/len(train_top1s)
return avg_train_top1s
def get_neighbors(self, arch: ArchWithMetaData) -> List[ArchWithMetaData]:
''' Reused from https://github.com/naszilla/naszilla/blob/master/naszilla/nas_bench_201/cell_201.py '''
# first get the string representation of the current architecture
archid = arch.metadata['archid']
string_rep = self.api.get_net_config(archid, self.datasetname)['arch_str']
nbhd_strs = []
ops = self._get_op_list(string_rep)
for i in range(len(ops)):
available = [op for op in self.OPS if op != ops[i]]
for op in available:
new_ops = ops.copy()
new_ops[i] = op
new_arch_str = self._get_string_from_ops(new_ops)
# convert the arch strings to architecture ids
nbhd_archs = []
for arch_str in nbhd_strs:
this_archid = self.api.archstr2index[arch_str]
model = model_from_natsbench_tss(this_archid, self.datasetname, self.api)
meta_data = {
'datasetname': self.datasetname,
'archid': this_archid
arch_meta = ArchWithMetaData(model, meta_data)
return nbhd_archs
def _get_op_list(self, string:str)->List[str]:
''' Reused from https://github.com/naszilla/naszilla/blob/master/naszilla/nas_bench_201/cell_201.py '''
# given a string, get the list of operations
tokens = string.split('|')
ops = [t.split('~')[0] for i,t in enumerate(tokens) if i not in [0,2,5,9]]
return ops
def _get_string_from_ops(self, ops):
''' Reused from https://github.com/naszilla/naszilla/blob/master/naszilla/nas_bench_201/cell_201.py '''
# given a list of operations, get the string
strings = ['|']
nodes = [0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2]
for i, op in enumerate(ops):
if i < len(nodes) - 1 and nodes[i+1] == 0:
return ''.join(strings)
def get_arch_repr(self, arch: ArchWithMetaData) -> torch_geometric.data.Data:
string_rep = self.api.get_net_config(
arch.metadata['archid'], self.datasetname
return self.get_arch_repr_from_archstr(string_rep)
def get_arch_repr_from_archstr(self, string_rep: str) -> torch_geometric.data.Data:
model_arch = list(CellStructure.str2fullstructure(string_rep).nodes)
model_arch.insert(0, (('input', None),))
onehot = lambda x: [int(op == x) for op in self.OPS + ['input', 'output']]
# Node features and edges
node_features, edges = [], []
node_names = {}
for out_level, out_level_nodes in enumerate(model_arch):
node_names[out_level] = []
for op, in_level in out_level_nodes:
out_node = len(node_features)
if in_level is not None:
edges += [
[in_node, out_node] for in_node in node_names[in_level]
# Adds output node info
edges += [
[in_node, len(node_features)] for in_node in node_names[out_level]
# Returns torch_geometric.data.Data object
return torch_geometric.data.Data(
x=torch.tensor(node_features, dtype=torch.float),
edge_index=torch.tensor(edges, dtype=torch.long).T
@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
import sys
import math
from typing import List, Dict, Tuple, Optional
from functools import lru_cache
from collections import defaultdict
from torch_geometric.data import Data as GraphData
def get_graph_ngrams(graph: GraphData, n: int = 3,
node_features: Optional[List[int]] = None,
output_node_only: bool = False) -> List[Tuple[Tuple]]:
"""Lists all node n-grams from a torch_geometric graph
graph (torch_geometric.data.Data): Torch geometric graph
node_features (List[int]): List of node attributes that should be considered.
If None, all node attributes are considered.
n (int, optional): n-gram length.
output_node_only (bool, optional): If all of the listed node n-grams should end in
the output node. Defaults to False.
List[Tuple[Tuple]]: List of node features n-grams (tuples of tuples)
# Converts the edge list to a node dict
edges = graph.edge_index.T.numpy().tolist()
node_features = graph.x.numpy()[:, node_features] if node_features else graph.x.numpy()
graph_dict = {
node: {
'inputs': [],
'features': node_features[node]
} for node in range(graph.num_nodes)
for in_node, out_node in edges:
def _ngrams_ending_in(node_id: int, n: int):
node = graph_dict[node_id]
features = [tuple(node['features'].tolist())]
if n == 1 or (output_node_only and node_id == 0):
return [features]
if node['inputs'] is None and not output_node_only:
return [None]
return [
path + features
for p_node in node['inputs']
for path in _ngrams_ending_in(p_node, n-1)
if path
if output_node_only:
return [tuple(p) for p in _ngrams_ending_in(len(node_features) - 1, n)]
return [
for terminal_node in graph_dict
for path in _ngrams_ending_in(terminal_node, n)
if path
def get_graph_paths(graph: GraphData, node_features: Optional[List[int]] = None) -> List[Tuple[Tuple]]:
"""Lists all paths from a architecture graph.
graph (torch_geometric.data.Data): Torch geometric graph
node_features (List[int]): List of node attributes that should be considered.
If None, all node attributes are considered.
the output node. Defaults to False.
List[Tuple[Tuple]]: List of node features n-grams (tuples of tuples)
return get_graph_ngrams(
graph, n=sys.maxsize, node_features=node_features,
def graph_ngram_cossim(graph1: Dict, graph2: Dict, node_vars: List[str],
n: int, output_node_only: bool = False):
x, y = [get_graph_ngrams(g, node_vars, n, output_node_only) for g in [graph1, graph2]]
x, y = set(x), set(y)
norm_x, norm_y = math.sqrt(len(x)), math.sqrt(len(y))
return (
len(x.intersection(y)) / (norm_x * norm_y)
def graph_path_cossim(graph1: Dict, graph2: Dict, node_vars: List[str]):
return graph_ngram_cossim(graph1, graph2, node_vars, sys.maxsize, True)
def graph_ngram_jaccard(graph1: Dict, graph2: Dict, node_vars: List[str],
n: int, output_node_only: bool = False):
x, y = [get_graph_ngrams(g, node_vars, n, output_node_only) for g in [graph1, graph2]]
x, y = set(x), set(y)
return (
len(x.intersection(y)) / (len(x) + len(y) - len(x.intersection(y)))
def graph_path_jaccard(graph1: Dict, graph2: Dict, node_vars: List[str]):
return graph_ngram_jaccard(graph1, graph2, node_vars, sys.maxsize, True)
@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
__include__: 'darts.yaml' # just use darts defaults
freq: -1 # essentially disable checkpointin to speedup download
num_edges_to_sample: 2 # number of edges each node will take input from
model_filename: False # disable model saving to speedup download
arch_index: 0
num_edges_to_sample: 2
train_batch: 256
aug: '' # in natsbench paper they use random flip and crop which is part of standard transforms
plotsdir: ''
_copy: '/common/apex'
aux_weight: '_copy: /nas/eval/model_desc/aux_weight'
drop_path_prob: 0.0 # probability that given edge will be dropped
grad_clip: 5.0 # grads above this value is clipped
l1_alphas: 0.0 # weight to be applied to sum(abs(alphas)) to loss term
logger_freq: 1000 # after every N updates dump loss and other metrics in logger
title: 'eval_train'
epochs: 108
batch_chunks: 1 # split batch into these many chunks and accumulate gradients so we can support GPUs with lower RAM
type: 'CrossEntropyLoss'
type: 'sgd'
lr: 0.2 # init learning rate
decay: 1.0e-4 # pytorch default is 0.0
momentum: 0.9 # pytorch default is 0.0
nesterov: False # pytorch default is False
decay_bn: .NaN # if NaN then same as decay otherwise apply different decay to BN layers
type: 'cosine'
min_lr: 0.000 # min learning rate to be set in eta_min param of scheduler
warmup: # increases LR for 0 to current in specified epochs and then hands over to main scheduler
multiplier: 1
epochs: 0 # 0 disables warmup
@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
__include__: 'darts.yaml' # just use darts defaults
freq: -1 # essentially disable checkpointin to speedup download
num_edges_to_sample: 2 # number of edges each node will take input from
model_filename: False # disable model saving to speedup download
arch_index: 0
num_edges_to_sample: 2
train_batch: 256
aug: '' # in natsbench paper they use random flip and crop which is part of standard transforms
plotsdir: ''
_copy: '/common/apex'
aux_weight: '_copy: /nas/eval/model_desc/aux_weight'
drop_path_prob: 0.0 # probability that given edge will be dropped
grad_clip: 5.0 # grads above this value is clipped
l1_alphas: 0.0 # weight to be applied to sum(abs(alphas)) to loss term
logger_freq: 1000 # after every N updates dump loss and other metrics in logger
title: 'eval_train'
epochs: 108
batch_chunks: 1 # split batch into these many chunks and accumulate gradients so we can support GPUs with lower RAM
type: 'CrossEntropyLoss'
type: 'sgd'
lr: 0.2 # init learning rate
decay: 1.0e-4 # pytorch default is 0.0
momentum: 0.9 # pytorch default is 0.0
nesterov: False # pytorch default is False
decay_bn: .NaN # if NaN then same as decay otherwise apply different decay to BN layers
type: 'cosine'
min_lr: 0.000 # min learning rate to be set in eta_min param of scheduler
warmup: # increases LR for 0 to current in specified epochs and then hands over to main scheduler
multiplier: 1
epochs: 0 # 0 disables warmup
@ -26,10 +26,6 @@ nas:
n_nodes: 5 # number of nodes in a cell if template desc is not provided
n_nodes: 5 # number of nodes in a cell if template desc is not provided
cell_post_op: 'proj_channels'
cell_post_op: 'proj_channels'
train_batch: 64
epochs: 600
cell_count_scale: 1.0 # for eval first multiply number of cells used in search by this factor, limit to n_cells
cell_count_scale: 1.0 # for eval first multiply number of cells used in search by this factor, limit to n_cells
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
__include__: 'darts.yaml' # just use darts defaults
#primitives: ['max_pool_3x3', 'avg_pool_3x3', 'skip_connect', 'sep_conv_3x3', 'sep_conv_5x5', 'dil_conv_3x3', 'dil_conv_5x5']
primitives: ['max_pool_3x3', 'avg_pool_3x3', 'skip_connect']
num_edges_to_sample: 2 # number of edges each node will take input from
num_edges_to_sample: 2
plotsdir: ''
epochs: 600
aux_weight: 0.0
drop_path_prob: 0.0
val_top1_acc_threshold: 0.85 # after some accuracy we will shift into training only the last layer
freeze_epochs: 200
freeze_lr: 0.001
freeze_decay: 0.0
freeze_momentum: 0.0
train_regular: True
identifiers_to_unfreeze: ['logits_op._op']
aux_weight: 0.0 # disable auxiliary loss part during finetuning
@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
__include__: 'darts.yaml' # just use darts defaults
num_edges_to_sample: 2 # number of edges each node will take input from
arch_index: 66
num_edges_to_sample: 2
n_cells: 8
val_ratio: 0.0
train_batch: 96
train_batch: 96 # batch size for freeze training
use_val: False
plotsdir: ''
epochs: 20
top1_acc_threshold: 0.60 # after some accuracy we will shift into training only the last 'n' layers
train_regular: True # if False the full regular training of the architecture will be bypassed
train_fear: False
plotsdir: ''
bypass_freeze: False
identifiers_to_unfreeze: ['logits_op._op', 'cells.7', 'cells.6'] # last few layer names in DARTS space are 'logits_op._op': Linear, 'cells.19': prefix for all cell 19 parameters
_copy: '/common/apex'
aux_weight: 0.0 # very important that this is 0.0 for freeze training
drop_path_prob: 0.0 # very important that this is 0.0 for freeze training
grad_clip: 5.0 # grads above this value is clipped
l1_alphas: 0.0 # weight to be applied to sum(abs(alphas)) to loss term
logger_freq: 1000 # after every N updates dump loss and other metrics in logger
title: 'eval_train'
epochs: 10
batch_chunks: 1 # split batch into these many chunks and accumulate gradients so we can support GPUs with lower RAM
type: 'CrossEntropyLoss'
type: 'sgd'
lr: 0.025 # init learning rate
decay: 3.0e-4 # pytorch default is 0.0
momentum: 0.9 # pytorch default is 0.0
nesterov: False # pytorch default is False
decay_bn: .NaN # if NaN then same as decay otherwise apply different decay to BN layers
type: 'cosine'
min_lr: 0.001 # min learning rate to be set in eta_min param of scheduler
warmup: # increases LR for 0 to current in specified epochs and then hands over to main scheduler
multiplier: 1
epochs: 0 # 0 disables warmup
title: 'eval_test'
batch_chunks: '_copy: ../../batch_chunks' # split batch into these many chunks and accumulate gradients so we can support GPUs with lower RAM
logger_freq: 0
freq: 1 # perform validation only every N epochs
type: 'CrossEntropyLoss'
@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
__include__: 'darts.yaml' # just use darts defaults
num_edges_to_sample: 2 # number of edges each node will take input from
arch_index: 288
natsbench_tss_fast: 'NATS-tss-v1_0-3ffb9-simple' # folder name in dataroot/natsbench that contains the tss fast mode folder
num_edges_to_sample: 2
val_ratio: 0.2
train_batch: 256
aug: '' # in natsbench paper they use random flip and crop, which are part of the regular transforms
train_batch: 256 # batch size for computing trainingless score
train_batch: 512 # batch size for freeze training. 2048 works reliably on V100 with cell13 onwards unfrozen
plotsdir: ''
use_val: False
top1_acc_threshold: 0.2 # after some accuracy we will shift into training only the last 'n' layers
_copy: '/common/apex'
aux_weight: '_copy: /nas/eval/model_desc/aux_weight'
drop_path_prob: 0.2 # probability that given edge will be dropped
grad_clip: 5.0 # grads above this value is clipped
l1_alphas: 0.0 # weight to be applied to sum(abs(alphas)) to loss term
logger_freq: 1000 # after every N updates dump loss and other metrics in logger
title: 'eval_train'
epochs: 200
batch_chunks: 1 # split batch into these many chunks and accumulate gradients so we can support GPUs with lower RAM
type: 'CrossEntropyLoss'
type: 'sgd'
lr: 0.1 # init learning rate
decay: 5.0e-4 # pytorch default is 0.0
momentum: 0.9 # pytorch default is 0.0
nesterov: True # pytorch default is False
decay_bn: .NaN # if NaN then same as decay otherwise apply different decay to BN layers
type: 'cosine'
min_lr: 0.000 # min learning rate to be set in eta_min param of scheduler
warmup: # increases LR for 0 to current in specified epochs and then hands over to main scheduler
multiplier: 1
epochs: 0 # 0 disables warmup
plotsdir: ''
bypass_freeze: True # if true will not freeze anything. identifiers_to_unfreeze has no effect.
identifiers_to_unfreeze: ['classifier', 'lastact', 'cells.16', 'cells.15', 'cells.14', 'cells.13'] # last few layer names in natsbench: lastact, lastact.0, lastact.1: BN-Relu, global_pooling: global avg. pooling (doesn't get exposed as a named param though), classifier: linear layer
_copy: '/common/apex'
aux_weight: 0.0 # very important that this is 0.0 for freeze training
drop_path_prob: 0.0 # very important that this is 0.0 for freeze training
grad_clip: 5.0 # grads above this value is clipped
l1_alphas: 0.0 # weight to be applied to sum(abs(alphas)) to loss term
logger_freq: 1000 # after every N updates dump loss and other metrics in logger
title: 'eval_train'
epochs: 5
batch_chunks: 1 # split batch into these many chunks and accumulate gradients so we can support GPUs with lower RAM
type: 'CrossEntropyLoss'
type: 'sgd'
lr: 0.1 # init learning rate
decay: 5.0e-4 # pytorch default is 0.0
momentum: 0.9 # pytorch default is 0.0
nesterov: True # pytorch default is False
decay_bn: .NaN # if NaN then same as decay otherwise apply different decay to BN layers
type: 'cosine'
min_lr: 0.000 # min learning rate to be set in eta_min param of scheduler
warmup: # increases LR for 0 to current in specified epochs and then hands over to main scheduler
multiplier: 1
epochs: 0 # 0 disables warmup
title: 'eval_test'
batch_chunks: '_copy: ../../batch_chunks' # split batch into these many chunks and accumulate gradients so we can support GPUs with lower RAM
logger_freq: 0
freq: 1 # perform validation only every N epochs
type: 'CrossEntropyLoss'
@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
__include__: "../datasets/cifar10.yaml" # default dataset settings are for cifar
experiment_name: 'throwaway' # you should supply from command line
experiment_desc: 'throwaway'
logdir: '~/logdir'
log_prefix: 'log' # prefix for log files that will becreated (log.log and log.yaml), no log files if ''
log_level: 20 # logging.INFO
backup_existing_log_file: False # should we overwrite existing log file without making a copy?
yaml_log: True # if True, structured logs as yaml are also generated
seed: 2.0
tb_enable: False # if True then TensorBoard logging is enabled (may impact perf)
tb_dir: '$expdir/tb' # path where tensorboard logs would be stored
filename: '$expdir/checkpoint.pth'
freq: 10
# reddis address of Ray cluster. Use None for single node run
# otherwise it should something like host:6379. Make sure to run on head node:
# "ray start --head --redis-port=6379"
redis: null
apex: # this is overriden in search and eval individually
enabled: False # global switch to disable everything apex
distributed_enabled: True # enable/disable distributed mode
mixed_prec_enabled: True # switch to disable amp mixed precision
gpus: '' # use GPU IDs specified here (comma separated), if '' then use all GPUs
opt_level: 'O2' # optimization level for mixed precision
bn_fp32: True # keep BN in fp32
loss_scale: "dynamic" # loss scaling mode for mixed prec, must be string reprenting floar ot "dynamic"
sync_bn: False # should be replace BNs with sync BNs for distributed model
scale_lr: True # enable/disable distributed mode
min_world_size: 0 # allows to confirm we are indeed in distributed setting
detect_anomaly: False # if True, PyTorch code will run 6X slower
seed: '_copy: /common/seed'
enabled: False # initialize ray. Note: ray cannot be used if apex distributed is enabled
local_mode: False # if True then ray runs in serial mode
smoke_test: False
only_eval: False
resume: True
dataset: {} # default dataset settings comes from __include__ on the top
max_num_models: 300
ratio_fastest_duration: 2.0
finalizer: 'default' # options are 'random' or 'default'
data_parallel: False
_copy: '/common/checkpoint'
resume: '_copy: /common/resume'
full_desc_filename: '$expdir/full_model_desc.yaml' # arch before it was finalized
final_desc_filename: '$expdir/final_model_desc.yaml' # final arch is saved in this file
metrics_dir: '$expdir/models/{reductions}/{cells}/{nodes}/{search_iter}' # where metrics and model stats would be saved from each pareto iteration
n_reductions: 2 # number of reductions to be applied
n_cells: 8 # number of cells
num_edges_to_sample: 2 # number of incoming edges per node to be randomly sampled
_copy: '/dataset'
max_final_edges: 2 # max edge that can be in final arch per node
model_post_op: 'pool_adaptive_avg2d'
params: {}
aux_weight: 0.4 # weight for loss from auxiliary towers in test time arch
aux_tower_stride: 3 # stride that aux tower should use, 3 is good for 32x32 images, 2 for imagenet
ops: ['stem_conv3x3', 'stem_conv3x3']
stem_multiplier: 3 # output channels multiplier for the stem
init_node_ch: 36 # num of input/output channels for nodes in 1st cell. NOTE: we match that in eval since this is discrete search.
n_nodes: 4 # number of nodes in a cell
cell_post_op: 'concate_channels'
_copy: '../../trainer_full/apex'
aug: '' # additional augmentations to use
cutout: 16 # cutout length, use cutout augmentation when > 0
load_train: True # load train split of dataset
train_batch: 96
train_batch: 96
train_workers: 4 # if null then gpu_count*4
test_workers: '_copy: ../train_workers' # if null then 4
load_test: True # load test split of dataset
test_batch: 1024
val_ratio: 0.0 #split portion for test set, 0 to 1
val_fold: 0 #Fold number to use (0 to 4)
cv_num: 5 # total number of folds available
_copy: '/dataset'
bypass_freeze: True
identifiers_to_unfreeze: ['logits_op._op', 'cells.7', 'cells.6'] # last few layer names in DARTS space are 'logits_op._op': Linear, 'cells.19': prefix for all cell 19 parameters
_copy: '/common/apex'
aux_weight: '_copy: /nas/search/model_desc/aux_weight'
drop_path_prob: 0.2 # probability that given edge will be dropped
grad_clip: 5.0 # grads above this value is clipped
logger_freq: 1000 # after every N updates dump loss and other metrics in logger
title: 'arch_train'
epochs: 10
batch_chunks: 1 # split batch into these many chunks and accumulate gradients so we can support GPUs with lower RAM
# additional vals for the derived class
plotsdir: '' #empty string means no plots, other wise plots are generated for each epoch in this dir
l1_alphas: 0.0 # weight to be applied to sum(abs(alphas)) to loss term
type: 'CrossEntropyLoss'
type: 'sgd'
lr: 0.025 # init learning rate
decay: 3.0e-4
momentum: 0.9 # pytorch default is 0
nesterov: False
decay_bn: .NaN # if NaN then same as decay otherwise apply different decay to BN layers
type: 'cosine'
min_lr: 0.001 # min learning rate, this will be used in eta_min param of scheduler
warmup: null
title: 'search_val'
logger_freq: 0
batch_chunks: '_copy: ../../batch_chunks' # split batch into these many chunks and accumulate gradients so we can support GPUs with lower RAM
freq: 1 # perform validation only every N epochs
type: 'CrossEntropyLoss'
top1_acc_threshold: 0.1
use_val: False
_copy: '/common/apex'
aux_weight: '_copy: /nas/search/model_desc/aux_weight'
drop_path_prob: 0.2 # probability that given edge will be dropped
grad_clip: 5.0 # grads above this value is clipped
logger_freq: 1000 # after every N updates dump loss and other metrics in logger
title: 'arch_train'
epochs: 100
batch_chunks: 1 # split batch into these many chunks and accumulate gradients so we can support GPUs with lower RAM
# additional vals for the derived class
plotsdir: '' #empty string means no plots, other wise plots are generated for each epoch in this dir
l1_alphas: 0.0 # weight to be applied to sum(abs(alphas)) to loss term
type: 'CrossEntropyLoss'
type: 'sgd'
lr: 0.025 # init learning rate
decay: 3.0e-4
momentum: 0.9 # pytorch default is 0
nesterov: False
decay_bn: .NaN # if NaN then same as decay otherwise apply different decay to BN layers
type: 'cosine'
min_lr: 0.001 # min learning rate, this will be used in eta_min param of scheduler
warmup: null
title: 'search_val'
logger_freq: 0
batch_chunks: '_copy: ../../batch_chunks' # split batch into these many chunks and accumulate gradients so we can support GPUs with lower RAM
freq: 1 # perform validation only every N epochs
type: 'CrossEntropyLoss'
@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
__include__: "../datasets/cifar10.yaml" # default dataset settings are for cifar
experiment_name: 'throwaway' # you should supply from command line
experiment_desc: 'throwaway'
logdir: '~/logdir'
log_prefix: 'log' # prefix for log files that will becreated (log.log and log.yaml), no log files if ''
log_level: 20 # logging.INFO
backup_existing_log_file: False # should we overwrite existing log file without making a copy?
yaml_log: True # if True, structured logs as yaml are also generated
seed: 2.0
tb_enable: False # if True then TensorBoard logging is enabled (may impact perf)
tb_dir: '$expdir/tb' # path where tensorboard logs would be stored
filename: '$expdir/checkpoint.pth'
freq: 10
# reddis address of Ray cluster. Use None for single node run
# otherwise it should something like host:6379. Make sure to run on head node:
# "ray start --head --redis-port=6379"
redis: null
apex: # this is overriden in search and eval individually
enabled: False # global switch to disable everything apex
distributed_enabled: True # enable/disable distributed mode
mixed_prec_enabled: True # switch to disable amp mixed precision
gpus: '' # use GPU IDs specified here (comma separated), if '' then use all GPUs
opt_level: 'O2' # optimization level for mixed precision
bn_fp32: True # keep BN in fp32
loss_scale: "dynamic" # loss scaling mode for mixed prec, must be string reprenting floar ot "dynamic"
sync_bn: False # should be replace BNs with sync BNs for distributed model
scale_lr: True # enable/disable distributed mode
min_world_size: 0 # allows to confirm we are indeed in distributed setting
detect_anomaly: False # if True, PyTorch code will run 6X slower
seed: '_copy: /common/seed'
enabled: False # initialize ray. Note: ray cannot be used if apex distributed is enabled
local_mode: False # if True then ray runs in serial mode
smoke_test: False
only_eval: False
resume: True
dataset: {} # default dataset settings comes from __include__ on the top
max_num_models: 2
ratio_fastest_duration: 1.2
natsbench_tss_fast: 'NATS-tss-v1_0-3ffb9-simple' # folder name in dataroot/natsbench that contains the tss fast mode folder
finalizer: 'default' # options are 'random' or 'default'
data_parallel: False
_copy: '/common/checkpoint'
resume: '_copy: /common/resume'
full_desc_filename: '$expdir/full_model_desc.yaml' # arch before it was finalized
final_desc_filename: '$expdir/final_model_desc.yaml' # final arch is saved in this file
_copy: '../../trainer/apex'
aug: '' # additional augmentations to use
cutout: 0 # cutout length, use cutout augmentation when > 0
load_train: True # load train split of dataset
train_batch: 256
train_batch: 1024 # batch size for freeze training.
train_workers: 4 # if null then gpu_count*4
test_workers: '_copy: ../train_workers' # if null then 4
load_test: False # load test split of dataset
test_batch: 1024
val_ratio: 0.0 #split portion for test set, 0 to 1
val_fold: 0 #Fold number to use (0 to 4)
cv_num: 5 # total number of folds available
_copy: '/dataset'
use_val: False
top1_acc_threshold: 0.1 # after some accuracy we will shift into training only the last 'n' layers
_copy: '/common/apex'
aux_weight: 0.0
drop_path_prob: 0.2 # probability that given edge will be dropped
grad_clip: 5.0 # grads above this value is clipped
logger_freq: 1000 # after every N updates dump loss and other metrics in logger
title: 'arch_train'
epochs: 200
batch_chunks: 1 # split batch into these many chunks and accumulate gradients so we can support GPUs with lower RAM
# additional vals for the derived class
plotsdir: '' #empty string means no plots, other wise plots are generated for each epoch in this dir
l1_alphas: 0.0 # weight to be applied to sum(abs(alphas)) to loss term
type: 'CrossEntropyLoss'
type: 'sgd'
lr: 0.1 # init learning rate
decay: 5.0e-4
momentum: 0.9 # pytorch default is 0
nesterov: True
decay_bn: .NaN # if NaN then same as decay otherwise apply different decay to BN layers
type: 'cosine'
min_lr: 0.000 # min learning rate, this will be used in eta_min param of scheduler
warmup: # increases LR for 0 to current in specified epochs and then hands over to main scheduler
multiplier: 1
epochs: 0 # 0 disables warmup
title: 'search_val'
logger_freq: 0
batch_chunks: '_copy: ../../batch_chunks' # split batch into these many chunks and accumulate gradients so we can support GPUs with lower RAM
freq: 1 # perform validation only every N epochs
type: 'CrossEntropyLoss'
plotsdir: ''
identifiers_to_unfreeze: ['classifier', 'lastact', 'cells.16', 'cells.15', 'cells.14', 'cells.13'] # last few layer names in natsbench: lastact, lastact.0, lastact.1: BN-Relu, global_pooling: global avg. pooling (doesn't get exposed as a named param though), classifier: linear layer
_copy: '/common/apex'
aux_weight: 0.0 # very important that this is 0.0 for freeze training
drop_path_prob: 0.0 # very important that this is 0.0 for freeze training
grad_clip: 5.0 # grads above this value is clipped
l1_alphas: 0.0 # weight to be applied to sum(abs(alphas)) to loss term
logger_freq: 1000 # after every N updates dump loss and other metrics in logger
title: 'eval_train'
epochs: 10
batch_chunks: 1 # split batch into these many chunks and accumulate gradients so we can support GPUs with lower RAM
type: 'CrossEntropyLoss'
type: 'sgd'
lr: 0.1 # init learning rate
decay: 5.0e-4 # pytorch default is 0.0
momentum: 0.9 # pytorch default is 0.0
nesterov: True # pytorch default is False
decay_bn: .NaN # if NaN then same as decay otherwise apply different decay to BN layers
type: 'cosine'
min_lr: 0.000 # min learning rate to be set in eta_min param of scheduler
warmup: # increases LR for 0 to current in specified epochs and then hands over to main scheduler
multiplier: 1
epochs: 0 # 0 disables warmup
title: 'eval_test'
batch_chunks: '_copy: ../../batch_chunks' # split batch into these many chunks and accumulate gradients so we can support GPUs with lower RAM
logger_freq: 0
freq: 1 # perform validation only every N epochs
type: 'CrossEntropyLoss'
@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
__include__: "../datasets/cifar10.yaml" # default dataset settings are for cifar
experiment_name: 'throwaway' # you should supply from command line
experiment_desc: 'throwaway'
logdir: '~/logdir'
log_prefix: 'log' # prefix for log files that will becreated (log.log and log.yaml), no log files if ''
log_level: 20 # logging.INFO
backup_existing_log_file: False # should we overwrite existing log file without making a copy?
yaml_log: True # if True, structured logs as yaml are also generated
seed: 2.0
tb_enable: False # if True then TensorBoard logging is enabled (may impact perf)
tb_dir: '$expdir/tb' # path where tensorboard logs would be stored
filename: '$expdir/checkpoint.pth'
freq: 10
# reddis address of Ray cluster. Use None for single node run
# otherwise it should something like host:6379. Make sure to run on head node:
# "ray start --head --redis-port=6379"
redis: null
apex: # this is overriden in search and eval individually
enabled: False # global switch to disable everything apex
distributed_enabled: True # enable/disable distributed mode
mixed_prec_enabled: True # switch to disable amp mixed precision
gpus: '' # use GPU IDs specified here (comma separated), if '' then use all GPUs
opt_level: 'O2' # optimization level for mixed precision
bn_fp32: True # keep BN in fp32
loss_scale: "dynamic" # loss scaling mode for mixed prec, must be string reprenting floar ot "dynamic"
sync_bn: False # should be replace BNs with sync BNs for distributed model
scale_lr: True # enable/disable distributed mode
min_world_size: 0 # allows to confirm we are indeed in distributed setting
detect_anomaly: False # if True, PyTorch code will run 6X slower
seed: '_copy: /common/seed'
enabled: False # initialize ray. Note: ray cannot be used if apex distributed is enabled
local_mode: False # if True then ray runs in serial mode
smoke_test: False
only_eval: False
resume: True
dataset: {} # default dataset settings comes from __include__ on the top
max_num_models: 3
ratio_fastest_duration: 1.2
natsbench_tss_fast: 'NATS-tss-v1_0-3ffb9-simple' # folder name in dataroot/natsbench that contains the tss fast mode folder
finalizer: 'default' # options are 'random' or 'default'
data_parallel: False
_copy: '/common/checkpoint'
resume: '_copy: /common/resume'
full_desc_filename: '$expdir/full_model_desc.yaml' # arch before it was finalized
final_desc_filename: '$expdir/final_model_desc.yaml' # final arch is saved in this file
_copy: '../../trainer/apex'
aug: '' # additional augmentations to use
cutout: 0 # cutout length, use cutout augmentation when > 0
load_train: True # load train split of dataset
train_batch: 256
train_batch: 1024 # batch size for freeze training.
train_workers: 4 # if null then gpu_count*4
test_workers: '_copy: ../train_workers' # if null then 4
load_test: False # load test split of dataset
test_batch: 1024
val_ratio: 0.0 #split portion for test set, 0 to 1
val_fold: 0 #Fold number to use (0 to 4)
cv_num: 5 # total number of folds available
_copy: '/dataset'
use_val: False
top1_acc_threshold: 0.3 # after some accuracy we will shift into training only the last 'n' layers
_copy: '/common/apex'
aux_weight: 0.0
drop_path_prob: 0.2 # probability that given edge will be dropped
grad_clip: 5.0 # grads above this value is clipped
logger_freq: 1000 # after every N updates dump loss and other metrics in logger
title: 'arch_train'
epochs: 200
batch_chunks: 1 # split batch into these many chunks and accumulate gradients so we can support GPUs with lower RAM
# additional vals for the derived class
plotsdir: '' #empty string means no plots, other wise plots are generated for each epoch in this dir
l1_alphas: 0.0 # weight to be applied to sum(abs(alphas)) to loss term
type: 'CrossEntropyLoss'
type: 'sgd'
lr: 0.1 # init learning rate
decay: 5.0e-4
momentum: 0.9 # pytorch default is 0
nesterov: True
decay_bn: .NaN # if NaN then same as decay otherwise apply different decay to BN layers
type: 'cosine'
min_lr: 0.000 # min learning rate, this will be used in eta_min param of scheduler
warmup: # increases LR for 0 to current in specified epochs and then hands over to main scheduler
multiplier: 1
epochs: 0 # 0 disables warmup
title: 'search_val'
logger_freq: 0
batch_chunks: '_copy: ../../batch_chunks' # split batch into these many chunks and accumulate gradients so we can support GPUs with lower RAM
freq: 1 # perform validation only every N epochs
type: 'CrossEntropyLoss'
plotsdir: ''
identifiers_to_unfreeze: ['classifier', 'lastact', 'cells.16', 'cells.15', 'cells.14', 'cells.13'] # last few layer names in natsbench: lastact, lastact.0, lastact.1: BN-Relu, global_pooling: global avg. pooling (doesn't get exposed as a named param though), classifier: linear layer
_copy: '/common/apex'
aux_weight: 0.0 # very important that this is 0.0 for freeze training
drop_path_prob: 0.0 # very important that this is 0.0 for freeze training
grad_clip: 5.0 # grads above this value is clipped
l1_alphas: 0.0 # weight to be applied to sum(abs(alphas)) to loss term
logger_freq: 1000 # after every N updates dump loss and other metrics in logger
title: 'eval_train'
epochs: 5
batch_chunks: 1 # split batch into these many chunks and accumulate gradients so we can support GPUs with lower RAM
type: 'CrossEntropyLoss'
type: 'sgd'
lr: 0.1 # init learning rate
decay: 5.0e-4 # pytorch default is 0.0
momentum: 0.9 # pytorch default is 0.0
nesterov: True # pytorch default is False
decay_bn: .NaN # if NaN then same as decay otherwise apply different decay to BN layers
type: 'cosine'
min_lr: 0.000 # min learning rate to be set in eta_min param of scheduler
warmup: # increases LR for 0 to current in specified epochs and then hands over to main scheduler
multiplier: 1
epochs: 0 # 0 disables warmup
title: 'eval_test'
batch_chunks: '_copy: ../../batch_chunks' # split batch into these many chunks and accumulate gradients so we can support GPUs with lower RAM
logger_freq: 0
freq: 1 # perform validation only every N epochs
type: 'CrossEntropyLoss'
plotsdir: ''
_copy: '/common/apex'
aux_weight: 0.0 # very important that this is 0.0 for freeze training
drop_path_prob: 0.0 # very important that this is 0.0 for freeze training
grad_clip: 5.0 # grads above this value is clipped
l1_alphas: 0.0 # weight to be applied to sum(abs(alphas)) to loss term
logger_freq: 1000 # after every N updates dump loss and other metrics in logger
title: 'eval_train'
epochs: 3
batch_chunks: 1 # split batch into these many chunks and accumulate gradients so we can support GPUs with lower RAM
type: 'CrossEntropyLoss'
type: 'sgd'
lr: 0.1 # init learning rate
decay: 5.0e-4 # pytorch default is 0.0
momentum: 0.9 # pytorch default is 0.0
nesterov: True # pytorch default is False
decay_bn: .NaN # if NaN then same as decay otherwise apply different decay to BN layers
type: 'cosine'
min_lr: 0.000 # min learning rate to be set in eta_min param of scheduler
warmup: # increases LR for 0 to current in specified epochs and then hands over to main scheduler
multiplier: 1
epochs: 0 # 0 disables warmup
title: 'eval_test'
batch_chunks: '_copy: ../../batch_chunks' # split batch into these many chunks and accumulate gradients so we can support GPUs with lower RAM
logger_freq: 0
freq: 1 # perform validation only every N epochs
type: 'CrossEntropyLoss'
@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
__include__: "../datasets/cifar10.yaml" # default dataset settings are for cifar
experiment_name: 'throwaway' # you should supply from command line
experiment_desc: 'throwaway'
logdir: '~/logdir'
log_prefix: 'log' # prefix for log files that will becreated (log.log and log.yaml), no log files if ''
log_level: 20 # logging.INFO
backup_existing_log_file: False # should we overwrite existing log file without making a copy?
yaml_log: True # if True, structured logs as yaml are also generated
seed: 2.0
tb_enable: False # if True then TensorBoard logging is enabled (may impact perf)
tb_dir: '$expdir/tb' # path where tensorboard logs would be stored
filename: '$expdir/checkpoint.pth'
freq: 10
# reddis address of Ray cluster. Use None for single node run
# otherwise it should something like host:6379. Make sure to run on head node:
# "ray start --head --redis-port=6379"
redis: null
apex: # this is overriden in search and eval individually
enabled: False # global switch to disable everything apex
distributed_enabled: True # enable/disable distributed mode
mixed_prec_enabled: True # switch to disable amp mixed precision
gpus: '' # use GPU IDs specified here (comma separated), if '' then use all GPUs
opt_level: 'O2' # optimization level for mixed precision
bn_fp32: True # keep BN in fp32
loss_scale: "dynamic" # loss scaling mode for mixed prec, must be string reprenting floar ot "dynamic"
sync_bn: False # should be replace BNs with sync BNs for distributed model
scale_lr: True # enable/disable distributed mode
min_world_size: 0 # allows to confirm we are indeed in distributed setting
detect_anomaly: False # if True, PyTorch code will run 6X slower
seed: '_copy: /common/seed'
enabled: False # initialize ray. Note: ray cannot be used if apex distributed is enabled
local_mode: False # if True then ray runs in serial mode
smoke_test: False
only_eval: False
resume: True
dataset: {} # default dataset settings comes from __include__ on the top
max_num_models: 2
natsbench_tss_fast: 'NATS-tss-v1_0-3ffb9-simple' # folder name in dataroot/natsbench that contains the tss fast mode folder
finalizer: 'default' # options are 'random' or 'default'
data_parallel: False
_copy: '/common/checkpoint'
resume: '_copy: /common/resume'
full_desc_filename: '$expdir/full_model_desc.yaml' # arch before it was finalized
final_desc_filename: '$expdir/final_model_desc.yaml' # final arch is saved in this file
_copy: '../../trainer/apex'
aug: '' # additional augmentations to use
cutout: 0 # cutout length, use cutout augmentation when > 0
load_train: True # load train split of dataset
train_batch: 1024
train_workers: 4 # if null then gpu_count*4
test_workers: '_copy: ../train_workers' # if null then 4
load_test: False # load test split of dataset
test_batch: 1024
val_ratio: 0.0 #split portion for test set, 0 to 1
val_fold: 0 #Fold number to use (0 to 4)
cv_num: 5 # total number of folds available
_copy: '/dataset'
use_val: False
top1_acc_threshold: 0.1 # after some accuracy we will shift into training only the last 'n' layers
_copy: '/common/apex'
aux_weight: 0.0
drop_path_prob: 0.2 # probability that given edge will be dropped
grad_clip: 5.0 # grads above this value is clipped
logger_freq: 1000 # after every N updates dump loss and other metrics in logger
title: 'arch_train'
epochs: 16
batch_chunks: 1 # split batch into these many chunks and accumulate gradients so we can support GPUs with lower RAM
# additional vals for the derived class
plotsdir: '' #empty string means no plots, other wise plots are generated for each epoch in this dir
l1_alphas: 0.0 # weight to be applied to sum(abs(alphas)) to loss term
type: 'CrossEntropyLoss'
type: 'sgd'
lr: 0.1 # init learning rate
decay: 5.0e-4
momentum: 0.9 # pytorch default is 0
nesterov: True
decay_bn: .NaN # if NaN then same as decay otherwise apply different decay to BN layers
type: 'cosine'
min_lr: 0.000 # min learning rate, this will be used in eta_min param of scheduler
warmup: # increases LR for 0 to current in specified epochs and then hands over to main scheduler
multiplier: 1
epochs: 0 # 0 disables warmup
title: 'search_val'
logger_freq: 0
batch_chunks: '_copy: ../../batch_chunks' # split batch into these many chunks and accumulate gradients so we can support GPUs with lower RAM
freq: 1 # perform validation only every N epochs
type: 'CrossEntropyLoss'
@ -1,348 +0,0 @@
# Reproducing Experimental Results in [FEAR: Ranking Architectures by Feature Extraction Capabilities](anonymous)
Since `shortreg` and `FEAR` with different hyperparameters is not
contained in Natsbench, the experiments require actually partially training
1000 architectures sampled from Natsbench Topology search space.
Consequently this requires significant compute. To support ease of reproduction,
we will also make public the associated log files upon publication.
## Install [Archai](https://github.com/microsoft/archai/tree/master/archai)
We utilize the open-source MIT licensed Archai NAS framework for the
experiments in this work. Please follow the
[installation instructions](https://github.com/microsoft/archai/blob/master/docs/install.md)
provided by the authors of the framework to install the latest version.
## Download datasets
Make a directory named `~/dataroot`
## Reproducing figures 3, 6, 7, 8
In the paper figures 3, 6, 7, 8 represent the plots of average duration
per architecture vs. Spearman’s correlation and
average duration per architecture vs. common ratio over the top x% of the
1000 architectures sampled from Natsbench topological search space on
CIFAR10, CIFAR100, ImageNet16-120. We also show the various zero-cost
measures from Abdelfattah et al.(22) in green.
There are three sets of experiments to be run and their corresponding
logs processed and passed to a script that plots the figures.
* `shortreg`:
The command line that will run `shortreg` (regular training of a neural network with shortened epochs):
python scripts/main.py \
--full \
--algos natsbench_regular_eval \
--common.seed 36 \
--nas.eval.loader.train_batch <batch_size> \
--nas.eval.trainer.epochs <num_epochs> \
--nas.eval.natsbench.arch_index <arch_id> \
--exp-prefix <exp_name> \
--datasets <datasets>
`--nas.eval.loader.train_batch <batch_size>` is the batch size to vary. For example on
CIFAR100 we vary batch size in 256,512,1024,2048.
`--nas.eval.trainer.epochs <num_epochs>` is the number of epochs of training to vary.
For example on CIFAR100 we vary number of training epochs in 10,20,30.
`<arch_id>` is an architecture id in the list of 1000 uniform random architectures
sampled from Natsbench. For the exact list of architectures see the list in `main_proxynas_nb_wrapper.py`.
which also shows a simple way to distribute these 1000 architectures across machines.
`<exp_name>` is an appropriately chosen experiment name.
`<datasets>` is one of CIFAR10, CIFAR100, ImageNet16-120.
Each of the combinations above produces a folder with name `<exp_name>` containing
corresponding log files. Each log must be analyzed by the analysis script:
python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py \
--results-dir /path/to/exp_name \
--out-dir /path/to/processed/results
where `/path/to/processed/results` will be a folder created by the
script to save processed relevant data needed later on the for creating
plots over the 1000 architectures.
* `FEAR`
The command line that will run `FEAR` to evaluate each architecture:
python scripts/main.py \
--full \
--algos proxynas_natsbench_space \
--common.seed 36 \
--nas.eval.loader.freeze_loader.train_batch <freeze_batch_size> \
--nas.eval.freeze_trainer.epochs <freeze_num_epochs> \
--nas.eval.natsbench.arch_index <arch_id> \
--nas.eval.trainer.top1_acc_threshold <top1_acc_threshold> \
--exp-prefix <exp_name> \
--datasets <datasets>
`<freeze_batch_size>` is the batch size used for the second stage
where most of the architecture is frozen and only the last few
layers are trained for a few more epochs.
`<top1_acc_threshold>` is the training accuracy threshold
up to which the entire network is trained before entering the
second phase. This is dataset dependent and found by a shallow
pipeline. CIFAR10:0.6, CIFAR100:0.3, ImageNet16-120:0.2.
`freeze_num_epochs` is the number of epochs to train the network
in the second phase when most of the network is frozen.
Each of the combinations above produces a folder with name `<exp_name>` containing
corresponding log files. Each log must be analyzed by the analysis script:
python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py
--results-dir /path/to/exp_name \
--out-dir /path/to/processed/results
where `/path/to/processed/results` will be a folder created by the
script to save processed relevant data needed later on for creating
plots over the 1000 architectures.
* `zero cost` measures
The command line that will compute `zero cost` scores for each architecture:
python scripts/main.py \
--full \
--algos zerocost_natsbench_space \
--nas.eval.natsbench.arch_index <arch_id> \
--datasets <dataset>
Each of the combinations above produces a folder with name `<exp_name>` containing
corresponding log files. Each log must be analyzed by the analysis script:
python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_natsbench_zerocost.py \
--results-dir /path/to/exp_name \
--out-dir /path/to/processed/results
where `/path/to/processed/results` will be a folder created by the
script to save processed relevant data needed later on the for creating
plots over the 1000 architectures.
* Collating all methods into a single plot:
Now that `shortreg`, `FEAR` and `zero-cost` measures have all been run and
processed on the same set of 1000 architectures, one can use:
python /scripts/reports/fear_plots/cross_exp_plots.py \
--dataset <dataset_name>
--conf-location scripts/reports/fear_plots/cross_exp_conf.yaml
where `<dataset_name>` can take on values `natsbench_cifar10`,
`natsbench_cifar100` or `natsbench_imagenet16-120` respectively.
`cross_exp_conf.yaml` has to be edited to input the exact names
of various experiments used but should be pretty self-explanatory.
Note Table 2 in the paper is produced by manually inspecting
figures 3, 6, 7, 8 produced by the procedure above.
## Reproducing Table 3
Table 3 is produced by running `FEAR` and the `zero-cost` measures
on a dataset we term as Synthetic CIFAR10. So the first step is to
reproduce this dataset. Note that since this dataset is produced
by a random process, we will make the exact instance used in the
paper available upon acceptance and for the community to run further
experiments on. Since this dataset is not part of any benchmark
we first fully train the 1000 architectures from Natsbench on this dataset
to produce *groundtruth* test accuracies. We keep the same
training hyperparameters as used in Natsbench and train each architecture for
200 epochs.
* Reproducing Synthetic CIFAR10.
Edit `out_dir` in `scripts/datasets/synthetic_gen/gen_synthetic_dataset.py`
to reflect a path on disk you want to save the dataset in.
Then simply run `python scripts/datasets/synthetic_gen/gen_synthetic_dataset.py`
to generate the dataset.
* Fully training 1000 architectures on Synthetic CIFAR10.
python scripts/main.py \
--full \
--algos natsbench_regular_eval \
--common.seed 36 \
--nas.eval.loader.train_batch 256 \
--nas.eval.trainer.epochs 200 \
--nas.eval.natsbench.arch_index <arch_id> \
--exp-prefix <exp_name> \
--datasets synthetic_cifar10
followed by an analysis script on the log files generated
by the full training:
python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_natsbench_nonstandard_generate_benchmark.py \
--results-dir /path/to/logs/from/full/training
--out-dir /path/to/folder/for/saving/benchmark
This will generate a file named `archid_test_accuracy_synthetic_cifar10.yaml`
which contains for every architecture id in the set of 1000 used, the test
accuracy it obtained on this synthetic dataset. This file is then passed in
to downstream analysis scripts as detailed below.
* `zero-cost` on Synthetic CIFAR10.
Same as running zero-cost measures on any other dataset:
python scripts/main.py \
--full \
--algos zerocost_natsbench_space \
--datasets synthetic_cifar10
* `FEAR` on Synthetic CIFAR10.
Same as running `FEAR` on any other dataset
python scripts/main.py \
--full \
--algos proxynas_natsbench_space \
--common.seed 36 \
--nas.eval.loader.freeze_loader.train_batch 1024 \
--nas.eval.freeze_trainer.epochs 5 \
--nas.eval.natsbench.arch_index <arch_id> \
--nas.eval.trainer.top1_acc_threshold 0.15 \
--exp-prefix <exp_name> \
--datasets synthetic_cifar10
Each of the combinations above produces a folder with name `<exp_name>` containing
corresponding log files. Each log must be analyzed by the analysis script:
python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py
--results-dir /path/to/exp_name \
--out-dir /path/to/processed/results \
--reg-evals-file /path/to/archid_test_accuracy_synthetic_cifar10.yaml
where `/path/to/processed/results` will be a folder created by the
script to save processed relevant data needed later on for creating
plots over the 1000 architectures. Note the use of `archid_test_accuracy_synthetic_cifar10.yaml`
since this dataset is not part of the Natsbench benchmark.
* Collating all methods into a single plot:
Now that ranking methods and the full training have been run, the
plots comparing all the methods can be generated using the same
process and scripts as for benchmark datasets like
CIFAR10, CIFAR100 detailed above.
## Reproducing Figure 4
python scripts/main.py \
--full \
--algos zerocost_natsbench_epochs_space \
--nas.eval.natsbench.arch_index <arch_id> \
--datasets cifar10
to produce the logs of running `zero-cost` measures after every epoch of training for 200 epochs
on each of the 1000 architectures.
then point the analysis script to the folder of results for analysis
python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_natsbench_zerocost_epochs.py \
--results-dir /path/to/results \
--out-dir /path/to/save/dir
## Reproducing Random Search Results
* Random Search with FEAR
python scripts/main.py \
--full \
--algos random_natsbench_tss_far \
--datasets <dataset_name> \
--nas.search.trainer.top1_acc_threshold <dataset_specific_threshold> \
--nas.search.max_num_models 500 \
--nas.search.ratio_fastest_duration 4 \
--common.seed <seed> \
python /scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_random_search_natsbench_tss_far.py \
--results-dir /path/to/results \
--out-dir /path/to/save/dir
* Random Search with `shortreg`
python scripts/main.py \
--full \
--algos random_natsbench_tss_reg \
--datasets <dataset_name> \
--nas.search.max_num_models 500 \
--common.seed <seed> \
python /scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_random_search_natsbench_tss_reg.py \
--results-dir /path/to/results \
--out-dir /path/to/save/dir
@ -1,450 +0,0 @@
@REM cifar10
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb2048_ftlr1.5_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb2048_ftlr1.5_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb2048_ftlr1.5_fte5_ct256_ftt0.5 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb2048_ftlr1.5_fte10_ct256_ftt0.5 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb2048_ftlr1.5_fte5_ct256_ftt0.4 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb2048_ftlr1.5_fte10_ct256_ftt0.4 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb2048_ftlr1.5_fte5_ct256_ftt0.3 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb2048_ftlr1.5_fte10_ct256_ftt0.3 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb1024_ftlr1.5_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb1024_ftlr1.5_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb512_ftlr1.5_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb512_ftlr1.5_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb256_ftlr1.5_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb256_ftlr1.5_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb2048_ftlr1.5_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6_c9 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb2048_ftlr1.5_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6_c9 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb1024_ftlr1.5_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6_c9 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb1024_ftlr1.5_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6_c9 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb512_ftlr1.5_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6_c9 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb512_ftlr1.5_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6_c9 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb256_ftlr1.5_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6_c9 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb256_ftlr1.5_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6_c9 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6_c9 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6_c9 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6_c9 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6_c9 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6_c9 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6_c9 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte15_ct256_ftt0.6 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb1024_ftlr1.5_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb1024_ftlr1.5_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6_classifier --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6_c16 --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6_c15 --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6_c14 --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6_c12 --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6_c11 --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6_c10 --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6_c9 --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.55_c13 --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.50_c13 --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.45_c13 --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.40_c13 --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6_c13 --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte15_ct256_ftt0.6_c13 --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte20_ct256_ftt0.6_c13 --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte25_ct256_ftt0.6_c13 --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte30_ct256_ftt0.6_c13 --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_reg_b1024_e01 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_reg_b1024_e02 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_reg_b1024_e04 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_reg_b1024_e06 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_reg_b1024_e08 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_reg_b1024_e10 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_reg_b512_e01 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_reg_b512_e02 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_reg_b512_e04 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_reg_b512_e06 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_reg_b512_e08 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_reg_b512_e10 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_reg_b256_e01 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_reg_b256_e02 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_reg_b256_e04 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_reg_b256_e06 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_reg_b256_e08 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_reg_b256_e10 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_reg_b1024_e01_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_reg_b1024_e02_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_reg_b1024_e04_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_reg_b1024_e06_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_reg_b1024_e08_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_reg_b1024_e10_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_reg_b1024_e20_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_reg_b1024_e30_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_reg_b256_e01_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_reg_b256_e02_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_reg_b256_e04_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_reg_b256_e06_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_reg_b256_e08_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_reg_b256_e10_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_reg_b256_e20_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_reg_b256_e30_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM cifar100
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_c100_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.3 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_c100_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.3 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_c100_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.3 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_c100_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.3 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_c100_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.3 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_c100_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.3 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
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@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_c100_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.3_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_c100_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.3_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_c100_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.3_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
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@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_c100_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.3_c16 --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_c100_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.3_c15 --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_c100_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.3_c14 --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_c100_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.3_c12 --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_c100_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.3_c11 --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_c100_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.3_c10 --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_c100_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.3_c9 --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_c100_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.25_c13 --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_c100_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.20_c13 --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_c100_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.15_c13 --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_c100_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.10_c13 --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_c100_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.3_c13 --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_c100_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte15_ct256_ftt0.3_c13 --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_c100_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte20_ct256_ftt0.3_c13 --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_c100_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte25_ct256_ftt0.3_c13 --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_c100_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte30_ct256_ftt0.3_c13 --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_c100_reg_b256_e10 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_c100_reg_b256_e20 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_c100_reg_b256_e30 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_c100_reg_b512_e10 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_c100_reg_b512_e20 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_c100_reg_b512_e30 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_c100_reg_b1024_e10 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_c100_reg_b1024_e20 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_c100_reg_b1024_e30 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_c100_reg_b2048_e10 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_c100_reg_b2048_e20 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_c100_reg_b2048_e30 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_c100_reg_b1024_e10_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_c100_reg_b1024_e20_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_c100_reg_b1024_e30_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM ImageNet16-120
python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb256_ftlr0.5_fte5_ct256_ftt0.2 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb256_ftlr0.5_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.5_fte5_ct256_ftt0.2 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.5_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb1024_ftlr0.5_fte5_ct256_ftt0.2 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb1024_ftlr0.5_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb2048_ftlr0.5_fte5_ct256_ftt0.2 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb2048_ftlr0.5_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb256_ftlr1.0_fte5_ct256_ftt0.2 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb256_ftlr1.0_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb512_ftlr1.0_fte5_ct256_ftt0.2 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb512_ftlr1.0_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb1024_ftlr1.0_fte5_ct256_ftt0.2 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb1024_ftlr1.0_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb2048_ftlr1.0_fte5_ct256_ftt0.2 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb2048_ftlr1.0_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb1024_ftlr0.5_fte5_ct256_ftt0.1_val --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb1024_ftlr0.5_fte10_ct256_ftt0.1_val --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb2048_ftlr0.5_fte5_ct256_ftt0.1_val --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb2048_ftlr0.5_fte10_ct256_ftt0.1_val --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb1024_ftlr1.0_fte5_ct256_ftt0.1_val --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb1024_ftlr1.0_fte10_ct256_ftt0.1_val --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb2048_ftlr1.0_fte5_ct256_ftt0.1_val --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb2048_ftlr1.0_fte10_ct256_ftt0.1_val --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb2048_ftlr0.1_fte15_ct256_ftt0.2 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte15_ct256_ftt0.2 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb2048_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.1_val --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb2048_ftlr0.1_fte30_ct256_ftt0.2 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.2_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.2_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb256_ftlr0.5_fte5_ct256_ftt0.2_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb256_ftlr0.5_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.5_fte5_ct256_ftt0.2_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.5_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2_c14 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2_c15 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2_c16 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2_lastact --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb2048_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.1_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb2048_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.1_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.1_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.1_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb2048_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.1 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb2048_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.1 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.1 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.1 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.1 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.1 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.1 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.1 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb2048_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.2 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb2048_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.2 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.2 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.2 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_i16_reg_b256_e10 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_i16_reg_b256_e20 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_i16_reg_b256_e30 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_i16_reg_b512_e10 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_i16_reg_b512_e20 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_i16_reg_b512_e30 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_i16_reg_b1024_e10 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_i16_reg_b1024_e20 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_i16_reg_b1024_e30 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_i6_reg_b2048_e10 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_i6_reg_b2048_e20 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_i6_reg_b2048_e30 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_i16_reg_b256_e01_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_i16_reg_b256_e02_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_i16_reg_b256_e04_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_i16_reg_b256_e06_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_i16_reg_b256_e08_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_i16_reg_b256_e12 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_i16_reg_b256_e14 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_i16_reg_b256_e16 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_i16_reg_b256_e18 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_i16_reg_b512_e22_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_i16_reg_b512_e24_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_i16_reg_b512_e26_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_i16_reg_b512_e28_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_i16_reg_b512_e10_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_i16_reg_b512_e20_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb_i16_reg_b512_e30_scu --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2_classifier --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2_c16 --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2_c12 --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2_c11 --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2_c10 --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2_c9 --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.25_c13 --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.15_c13 --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.10_c13 --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte15_ct256_ftt0.2_c13 --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte20_ct256_ftt0.2_c13 --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte25_ct256_ftt0.2_c13 --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte30_ct256_ftt0.2_c13 --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM Flower 102
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_f102_fb2048_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.2 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports --reg-evals-file D:\\archai_experiment_reports\\nb_f102_b256_reg200\\archid_testacc.yaml
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_f102_fb2048_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports --reg-evals-file D:\\archai_experiment_reports\\nb_f102_b256_reg200\\archid_testacc.yaml
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_f102_fb2048_ftlr0.1_fte15_ct256_ftt0.2 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports --reg-evals-file D:\\archai_experiment_reports\\nb_f102_b256_reg200\\archid_testacc.yaml
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_f102_fb2048_ftlr0.1_fte30_ct256_ftt0.2 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports --reg-evals-file D:\\archai_experiment_reports\\nb_f102_b256_reg200\\archid_testacc.yaml
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_f102_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.2 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports --reg-evals-file D:\\archai_experiment_reports\\nb_f102_b256_reg200\\archid_testacc.yaml
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_f102_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports --reg-evals-file D:\\archai_experiment_reports\\nb_f102_b256_reg200\\archid_testacc.yaml
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_f102_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte15_ct256_ftt0.2 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports --reg-evals-file D:\\archai_experiment_reports\\nb_f102_b256_reg200\\archid_testacc.yaml
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_f102_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte30_ct256_ftt0.2 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports --reg-evals-file D:\\archai_experiment_reports\\nb_f102_b256_reg200\\archid_testacc.yaml
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_f102_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.2 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports --reg-evals-file D:\\archai_experiment_reports\\nb_f102_b256_reg200\\archid_testacc.yaml
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_f102_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports --reg-evals-file D:\\archai_experiment_reports\\nb_f102_b256_reg200\\archid_testacc.yaml
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_f102_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte15_ct256_ftt0.2 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports --reg-evals-file D:\\archai_experiment_reports\\nb_f102_b256_reg200\\archid_testacc.yaml
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_f102_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.2 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports --reg-evals-file D:\\archai_experiment_reports\\nb_f102_b256_reg200\\archid_testacc.yaml
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_f102_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports --reg-evals-file D:\\archai_experiment_reports\\nb_f102_b256_reg200\\archid_testacc.yaml
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_f102_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte15_ct256_ftt0.2 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports --reg-evals-file D:\\archai_experiment_reports\\nb_f102_b256_reg200\\archid_testacc.yaml
@REM Synthetic Cifar 10
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_sc10_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.15 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports --reg-evals-file D:\\archai_experiment_reports\\nb_reg_b256_e200_sc10\\arch_id_test_accuracy_synthetic_cifar10.yaml
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_sc10_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.15_c14 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports --reg-evals-file D:\\archai_experiment_reports\\nb_reg_b256_e200_sc10\\arch_id_test_accuracy_synthetic_cifar10.yaml
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_sc10_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.15_c15 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports --reg-evals-file D:\\archai_experiment_reports\\nb_reg_b256_e200_sc10\\arch_id_test_accuracy_synthetic_cifar10.yaml
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space_new.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_sc10_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.15_c16 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports --reg-evals-file D:\\archai_experiment_reports\\nb_reg_b256_e200_sc10\\arch_id_test_accuracy_synthetic_cifar10.yaml
@REM Nasbench 101
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_nb101_fb256_ftlr0.2_fte5_ct256_ftt0.2 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_nb101_fb256_ftlr0.2_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_nb101_fb1024_ftlr0.2_fte5_ct256_ftt0.2 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_nb101_fb1024_ftlr0.2_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_nb101_fb2048_ftlr0.2_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_nb101_fb2048_ftlr0.2_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_nb101_fb2048_ftlr1.0_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ft_nb101_fb2048_ftlr1.0_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\fa_nb1_s1_fb2048_ftlr0.001_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\fa_nb1_s1_fb2048_ftlr0.01_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\fa_nb1_s1_fb2048_ftlr0.025_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\fa_nb1_s1_fb3072_ftlr0.001_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\fa_nb1_s1_fb3072_ftlr0.01_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\fa_nb1_s1_fb3072_ftlr0.025_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\fa_nb1_s3_fb2048_ftlr0.001_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\fa_nb1_s3_fb2048_ftlr0.01_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\fa_nb1_s3_fb2048_ftlr0.025_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\fa_nb1_s3_fb3072_ftlr0.001_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\fa_nb1_s3_fb3072_ftlr0.01_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\fa_nb1_s3_fb3072_ftlr0.025_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\fa_nb1_se_fb256_ftlr0.001_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\fa_nb1_se_fb256_ftlr0.001_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\fa_nb1_se_fb256_ftlr0.01_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\fa_nb1_se_fb256_ftlr0.01_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\fa_nb1_se_fb256_ftlr0.025_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\fa_nb1_se_fb256_ftlr0.025_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\fa_nb1_s123_fb256_ftlr0.001_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
python scripts/reports/analysis_freeze_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\fa_nb1_s123_fb256_ftlr0.001_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/temp_analysis.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\fa_nb1_s3_fb256_ftlr0.001_fte5_nocond --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/temp_analysis.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\fa_nb1_s3_fb256_ftlr0.001_fte10_nocond --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/temp_analysis.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\fa_nb1_s3_fb256_ftlr0.01_fte5_nocond --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/temp_analysis.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\fa_nb1_s3_fb256_ftlr0.01_fte10_nocond --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/temp_analysis.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\fa_nb1_s3_fb256_ftlr0.025_fte5_nocond --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/temp_analysis.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\fa_nb1_s3_fb256_ftlr0.025_fte10_nocond --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb101_reg_b256_e01 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb101_reg_b256_e02 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb101_reg_b256_e04 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb101_reg_b256_e06 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb101_reg_b256_e08 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb101_reg_b256_e10 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb101_reg_b256_e20 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb101_reg_b256_e30 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb101_reg_b256_e108 --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM python scripts/reports/analysis_regular_natsbench_space.py --results-dir D:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\nb101_reg_b256_e108_rms --out-dir D:\\archai_experiment_reports
@REM Local Search
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_local_search_natsbench_tss.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ls_far_ftt0.6_max300_ratio2.0_fixedseeds --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports --natsbench_loc C:\\Users\\dedey\\dataroot\\natsbench\\NATS-tss-v1_0-3ffb9-simple --dataset cifar10
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_local_search_natsbench_tss.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ls_far_ftt0.6_max300_ratio4.0_fixedseeds --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports --natsbench_loc C:\\Users\\dedey\\dataroot\\natsbench\\NATS-tss-v1_0-3ffb9-simple --dataset cifar10
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_local_search_natsbench_tss.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ls_far_ftt0.6_max300_ratio8.0_fixedseeds --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports --natsbench_loc C:\\Users\\dedey\\dataroot\\natsbench\\NATS-tss-v1_0-3ffb9-simple --dataset cifar10
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_local_search_natsbench_tss.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ls_reg_max300_b1024_e02_fixedseeds --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports --natsbench_loc C:\\Users\\dedey\\dataroot\\natsbench\\NATS-tss-v1_0-3ffb9-simple --dataset cifar10
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_local_search_natsbench_tss.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ls_reg_max300_b1024_e20_fixedseeds --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports --natsbench_loc C:\\Users\\dedey\\dataroot\\natsbench\\NATS-tss-v1_0-3ffb9-simple --dataset cifar10
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_local_search_natsbench_tss.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ls_reg_max300_b1024_e30_fixedseeds --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports --natsbench_loc C:\\Users\\dedey\\dataroot\\natsbench\\NATS-tss-v1_0-3ffb9-simple --dataset cifar10
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_local_search_natsbench_tss.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ls_reg_max300_b1024_e40_fixedseeds --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports --natsbench_loc C:\\Users\\dedey\\dataroot\\natsbench\\NATS-tss-v1_0-3ffb9-simple --dataset cifar10
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_local_search_natsbench_tss.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ls_reg_max300_b1024_e50_fixedseeds --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports --natsbench_loc C:\\Users\\dedey\\dataroot\\natsbench\\NATS-tss-v1_0-3ffb9-simple --dataset cifar10
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_local_search_natsbench_tss.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ls_far_c100_ftt0.3_max300_ratio2.0_fixedseeds --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports --natsbench_loc C:\\Users\\dedey\\dataroot\\natsbench\\NATS-tss-v1_0-3ffb9-simple --dataset cifar100
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_local_search_natsbench_tss.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ls_far_c100_ftt0.3_max300_ratio4.0_fixedseeds --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports --natsbench_loc C:\\Users\\dedey\\dataroot\\natsbench\\NATS-tss-v1_0-3ffb9-simple --dataset cifar100
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_local_search_natsbench_tss.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ls_far_c100_ftt0.3_max300_ratio8.0_fixedseeds --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports --natsbench_loc C:\\Users\\dedey\\dataroot\\natsbench\\NATS-tss-v1_0-3ffb9-simple --dataset cifar100
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_local_search_natsbench_tss.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ls_reg_c100_max300_b1024_e02_fixedseeds --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports --natsbench_loc C:\\Users\\dedey\\dataroot\\natsbench\\NATS-tss-v1_0-3ffb9-simple --dataset cifar100
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_local_search_natsbench_tss.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ls_reg_c100_max300_b1024_e20_fixedseeds --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports --natsbench_loc C:\\Users\\dedey\\dataroot\\natsbench\\NATS-tss-v1_0-3ffb9-simple --dataset cifar100
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_local_search_natsbench_tss.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ls_reg_c100_max300_b1024_e30_fixedseeds --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports --natsbench_loc C:\\Users\\dedey\\dataroot\\natsbench\\NATS-tss-v1_0-3ffb9-simple --dataset cifar100
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_local_search_natsbench_tss.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ls_reg_c100_max300_b1024_e40_fixedseeds --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports --natsbench_loc C:\\Users\\dedey\\dataroot\\natsbench\\NATS-tss-v1_0-3ffb9-simple --dataset cifar100
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_local_search_natsbench_tss.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ls_reg_c100_max300_b1024_e50_fixedseeds --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports --natsbench_loc C:\\Users\\dedey\\dataroot\\natsbench\\NATS-tss-v1_0-3ffb9-simple --dataset cifar100
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_local_search_natsbench_tss.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ls_far_i16_ftt0.2_max300_ratio2.0_fixedseeds --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports --natsbench_loc C:\\Users\\dedey\\dataroot\\natsbench\\NATS-tss-v1_0-3ffb9-simple --dataset ImageNet16-120
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_local_search_natsbench_tss.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ls_far_i16_ftt0.2_max300_ratio4.0_fixedseeds --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports --natsbench_loc C:\\Users\\dedey\\dataroot\\natsbench\\NATS-tss-v1_0-3ffb9-simple --dataset ImageNet16-120
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_local_search_natsbench_tss.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ls_far_i16_ftt0.2_max300_ratio8.0_fixedseeds --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports --natsbench_loc C:\\Users\\dedey\\dataroot\\natsbench\\NATS-tss-v1_0-3ffb9-simple --dataset ImageNet16-120
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_local_search_natsbench_tss.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ls_reg_i16_max300_b1024_e02_fixedseeds --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports --natsbench_loc C:\\Users\\dedey\\dataroot\\natsbench\\NATS-tss-v1_0-3ffb9-simple --dataset ImageNet16-120
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_local_search_natsbench_tss.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ls_reg_i16_max300_b1024_e20_fixedseeds --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports --natsbench_loc C:\\Users\\dedey\\dataroot\\natsbench\\NATS-tss-v1_0-3ffb9-simple --dataset ImageNet16-120
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_local_search_natsbench_tss.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ls_reg_i16_max300_b1024_e30_fixedseeds --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports --natsbench_loc C:\\Users\\dedey\\dataroot\\natsbench\\NATS-tss-v1_0-3ffb9-simple --dataset ImageNet16-120
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_local_search_natsbench_tss.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ls_reg_i16_max300_b1024_e40_fixedseeds --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports --natsbench_loc C:\\Users\\dedey\\dataroot\\natsbench\\NATS-tss-v1_0-3ffb9-simple --dataset ImageNet16-120
@REM python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_local_search_natsbench_tss.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\ls_reg_i16_max300_b1024_e50_fixedseeds --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports --natsbench_loc C:\\Users\\dedey\\dataroot\\natsbench\\NATS-tss-v1_0-3ffb9-simple --dataset ImageNet16-120
@REM Random Search on DARTS
python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_random_search_darts_reg.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\rs_darts_reg_e5 --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_random_search_darts_reg.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\rs_darts_reg_e10 --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_random_search_darts_reg.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\rs_darts_reg_e15 --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_random_search_darts_far.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\rs_darts_far_ftt0.6_fte10_ratio_1.2 --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
python scripts/reports/fear_analysis/analysis_random_search_darts_far.py --results-dir F:\\archaiphilly\\phillytools\\rs_darts_far_ftt0.6_fte10_ratio_4.0 --out-dir F:\\archai_experiment_reports
@ -90,10 +90,8 @@ def main():
for dataset_key in ['dataset', 'dataset_search', 'dataset_eval']:
for dataset_key in ['dataset', 'dataset_search', 'dataset_eval']:
if dataset_key in conf:
if dataset_key in conf:
print(f'dataset_key: {dataset_key}')
print(f'dataset_key: {dataset_key}')
conf_data = conf[dataset_key]
conf_dataset = conf[dataset_key]
untar_dataset(dataset_key, pt_data_dir, conf_dataset, args.dataroot)
untar_dataset(pt_data_dir, conf_data, args.dataroot)
if __name__ == '__main__':
if __name__ == '__main__':
Различия файлов скрыты, потому что одна или несколько строк слишком длинны
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
# this is installed via pip
from nats_bench import create
from archai.algos.natsbench.lib.models import get_cell_based_tiny_net
def main():
# Create the API instance for the topology search space in NATS
api = create('/home/dedey/dataroot/natsbench/NATS-tss-v1_0-3ffb9-simple', 'tss', fast_mode=True, verbose=True)
# slow mode (NOTE: uses up 30GB RAM)
# api = create('C:\\Users\\dedey\\dataroot\\natsbench\\NATS-tss-v1_0-3ffb9.pickle.pbz2', 'tss', fast_mode=False, verbose=True)
# Query the loss / accuracy / time for n-th candidate architecture on CIFAR-10
# info is a dict, where you can easily figure out the meaning by key
info = api.get_more_info(100, 'cifar10')
# Query the flops, params, latency. info is a dict.
cost_info = api.get_cost_info(12, 'cifar10')
# Show information of an architecture index
# api.show(100)
# Query by index to get all runs individually (see paper appendix)
data = api.query_by_index(284, dataname='cifar10', hp='200')
info = api.get_more_info(1528, 'cifar10', hp=200, is_random=False)
# Create the instance of th 12-th candidate for CIFAR-10
config = api.get_net_config(12, 'cifar10')
# network is a nn.Module subclass. the last few modules have names
# lastact, lastact.0, lastact.1, global_pooling, classifier
# which we can freeze train as usual
network = get_cell_based_tiny_net(config)
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
# this is installed via pip
from nats_bench import create
from archai.algos.natsbench.lib.models import get_cell_based_tiny_net
def main():
# Create the API instance for the topology search space in NATS
api = create('C:\\Users\\dedey\\dataroot\\natsbench\\NATS-sss-v1_0-50262-simple', 'sss', fast_mode=True, verbose=True)
# slow mode (NOTE: uses up lots of RAM)
# api = create('C:\\Users\\dedey\\dataroot\\natsbench\\NATS-sss-v1_0-50262.pickle.pbz2', 'tss', fast_mode=False, verbose=True)
# Query the loss / accuracy / time for n-th candidate architecture on CIFAR-10
# info is a dict, where you can easily figure out the meaning by key
info = api.get_more_info(100, 'cifar10')
# Query the flops, params, latency. info is a dict.
cost_info = api.get_cost_info(12, 'cifar10')
# Show information of an architecture index
# api.show(100)
# Query by index to get all runs individually (see paper appendix)
data = api.query_by_index(284, dataname='cifar10', hp='90')
info = api.get_more_info(1528, 'cifar10', hp=90, is_random=False)
# Create the instance of th 12-th candidate for CIFAR-10
config = api.get_net_config(12, 'cifar10')
# network is a nn.Module subclass. the last few modules have names
# lastact, lastact.0, lastact.1, global_pooling, classifier
# which we can freeze train as usual
network = get_cell_based_tiny_net(config)
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
import argparse
from typing import Dict, List, Type, Iterator, Tuple
import glob
import os
import pathlib
from collections import OrderedDict
import yaml
from inspect import getsourcefile
import re
from runstats import Statistics
import matplotlib
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from archai.common import utils
from archai.common.ordereddict_logger import OrderedDictLogger
from analysis_utils import epoch_nodes, fix_yaml, remove_seed_part, group_multi_runs, collect_epoch_nodes, EpochStats, FoldStats, stat2str, get_epoch_stats, get_summary_text, get_details_text, plot_epochs, write_report
import re
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Report creator')
parser.add_argument('--results-dir', '-d', type=str,
help='folder with experiment results from pt')
parser.add_argument('--out-dir', '-o', type=str, default=r'~/logdir/reports',
help='folder to output reports')
args, extra_args = parser.parse_known_args()
# root dir where all results are stored
results_dir = pathlib.Path(utils.full_path(args.results_dir))
print(f'results_dir: {results_dir}')
# extract experiment name which is top level directory
exp_name = results_dir.parts[-1]
# create results dir for experiment
out_dir = utils.full_path(os.path.join(args.out_dir, exp_name))
print(f'out_dir: {out_dir}')
os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True)
# get list of all structured logs for each job
logs = {}
job_count = 0
for job_dir in results_dir.iterdir():
job_count += 1
for subdir in job_dir.iterdir():
if not subdir.is_dir():
# currently we expect that each job was ExperimentRunner job which should have
# _search or _eval folders
if subdir.stem.endswith('_search'):
sub_job = 'search'
elif subdir.stem.endswith('_eval'):
sub_job = 'eval'
raise RuntimeError(f'Sub directory "{subdir}" in job "{job_dir}" must '
'end with either _search or _eval which '
'should be the case if ExperimentRunner was used.')
logs_filepath = os.path.join(str(subdir), 'log.yaml')
if os.path.isfile(logs_filepath):
with open(logs_filepath, 'r') as f:
key = job_dir.name + ':' + sub_job
logs[key] = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.Loader)
# create list of epoch nodes having same path in the logs
grouped_logs = group_multi_runs(logs)
collated_grouped_logs = collect_epoch_nodes(grouped_logs)
summary_text, details_text = '', ''
for log_key, grouped_logs in collated_grouped_logs.items():
# for each path for epochs nodes, compute stats
for node_path, logs_epochs_nodes in grouped_logs.items():
collated_epoch_stats = get_epoch_stats(node_path, logs_epochs_nodes)
summary_text += get_summary_text(log_key, out_dir, node_path, collated_epoch_stats, len(logs_epochs_nodes))
details_text += get_details_text(log_key, out_dir, node_path, collated_epoch_stats, len(logs_epochs_nodes))
write_report('summary.md', **vars())
write_report('details.md', **vars())
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
import argparse
from typing import Dict, List, Type, Iterator, Tuple
import glob
import os
import pathlib
from collections import OrderedDict
import yaml
from inspect import getsourcefile
import re
<<<<<<< HEAD
from tqdm import tqdm
>>>>>>> d6e6e107 (Added analysis scripts to compute kendall tau and spearman's correlation for proxynas experiments.)
from scipy.stats import kendalltau, spearmanr
from runstats import Statistics
import matplotlib
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from archai.common import utils
from archai.common.ordereddict_logger import OrderedDictLogger
from analysis_utils import epoch_nodes, fix_yaml, remove_seed_part, group_multi_runs, collect_epoch_nodes, EpochStats, FoldStats, stat2str, get_epoch_stats, get_summary_text, get_details_text, plot_epochs, write_report
import re
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Report creator')
parser.add_argument('--results-dir', '-d', type=str,
help='folder with experiment results from pt')
parser.add_argument('--out-dir', '-o', type=str, default=r'~/logdir/reports',
help='folder to output reports')
args, extra_args = parser.parse_known_args()
# root dir where all results are stored
results_dir = pathlib.Path(utils.full_path(args.results_dir))
print(f'results_dir: {results_dir}')
# extract experiment name which is top level directory
exp_name = results_dir.parts[-1]
# create results dir for experiment
out_dir = utils.full_path(os.path.join(args.out_dir, exp_name))
print(f'out_dir: {out_dir}')
os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True)
# get list of all structured logs for each job
logs = {}
job_count = 0
<<<<<<< HEAD
for job_dir in tqdm(results_dir.iterdir()):
if job_dir.is_dir():
job_count += 1
for subdir in job_dir.iterdir():
if not subdir.is_dir():
# currently we expect that each job was ExperimentRunner job which should have
# _search or _eval folders
if subdir.stem.endswith('_search'):
sub_job = 'search'
elif subdir.stem.endswith('_eval'):
sub_job = 'eval'
raise RuntimeError(f'Sub directory "{subdir}" in job "{job_dir}" must '
'end with either _search or _eval which '
'should be the case if ExperimentRunner was used.')
logs_filepath = os.path.join(str(subdir), 'log.yaml')
if os.path.isfile(logs_filepath):
with open(logs_filepath, 'r') as f:
key = job_dir.name + ':' + sub_job
logs[key] = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.Loader)
all_good = True
if 'eval_arch' not in logs[key].keys():
print(f'eval_arch not in {key}')
all_good = False
if 'freeze_evaluate' not in logs[key].keys():
print(f'freeze_evaluate not in {key}')
all_good = False
if all_good:
print(f'{key} is all good')
for job_dir in results_dir.iterdir():
job_count += 1
for subdir in job_dir.iterdir():
if not subdir.is_dir():
# currently we expect that each job was ExperimentRunner job which should have
# _search or _eval folders
if subdir.stem.endswith('_search'):
sub_job = 'search'
elif subdir.stem.endswith('_eval'):
sub_job = 'eval'
raise RuntimeError(f'Sub directory "{subdir}" in job "{job_dir}" must '
'end with either _search or _eval which '
'should be the case if ExperimentRunner was used.')
logs_filepath = os.path.join(str(subdir), 'log.yaml')
if os.path.isfile(logs_filepath):
with open(logs_filepath, 'r') as f:
key = job_dir.name + ':' + sub_job
logs[key] = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.Loader)
>>>>>>> d6e6e107 (Added analysis scripts to compute kendall tau and spearman's correlation for proxynas experiments.)
# logs['proxynas_parameterless_seed_198980.3100969506_freeze_lr_0.001:eval']['eval_arch']['eval_train']['best_val']['top1']
# logs['proxynas_parameterless_seed_198980.3100969506_freeze_lr_0.001:eval']['freeze_evaluate']['eval_arch']['eval_train']['best_val']['top1']
all_reg_evals = []
all_freeze_evals = []
for key in logs.keys():
if 'eval' in key:
<<<<<<< HEAD
reg_eval_top1 = logs[key]['eval_arch']['eval_train']['best_val']['top1']
freeze_eval_top1 = logs[key]['freeze_evaluate']['eval_arch']['eval_train']['best_val']['top1']
except KeyError as err:
print(f'KeyError {err} in {key}')
reg_eval_top1 = logs[key]['eval_arch']['eval_train']['best_val']['top1']
freeze_eval_top1 = logs[key]['freeze_evaluate']['eval_arch']['eval_train']['best_val']['top1']
>>>>>>> d6e6e107 (Added analysis scripts to compute kendall tau and spearman's correlation for proxynas experiments.)
tau, p_value = kendalltau(all_reg_evals, all_freeze_evals)
spe, sp_value = spearmanr(all_reg_evals, all_freeze_evals)
print(f'Kendall Tau score: {tau}, p_value {p_value}')
print(f'Spearman corr: {spe}, p_value {sp_value}')
<<<<<<< HEAD
results_savename = os.path.join(results_dir, 'results.txt')
with open(results_savename, 'w') as f:
f.write(f'Kendall Tau score: {tau}, p_value {p_value}')
f.write(f'Spearman corr: {spe}, p_value {sp_value}')
>>>>>>> d6e6e107 (Added analysis scripts to compute kendall tau and spearman's correlation for proxynas experiments.)
plt.scatter(all_reg_evals, all_freeze_evals)
plt.xlabel('Val top1 at 600 epochs')
plt.ylabel('Freeze training')
<<<<<<< HEAD
plt.title('Freeze training at 0.75 val top1 followed by 200 epochs')
savename = os.path.join(results_dir, 'proxynas_0.75_freeze_training_200_epochs.png')
plt.savefig(savename, dpi=plt.gcf().dpi, bbox_inches='tight')
plt.title('Freeze training at 0.6 val top1 followed by 200 epochs')
dpi=plt.gcf().dpi, bbox_inches='tight')
>>>>>>> d6e6e107 (Added analysis scripts to compute kendall tau and spearman's correlation for proxynas experiments.)
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -365,4 +365,4 @@ def write_report(template_filename:str, **kwargs)->None:
print(f'report written to: {outfilepath}')
print(f'report written to: {outfilepath}')
if __name__ == '__main__':
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
import os
import argparse
from typing import Dict, List, Type, Iterator, Tuple
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
from scipy.stats.stats import _two_sample_transform
import yaml
import json
from inspect import getsourcefile
import seaborn as sns
import math as ma
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import kendalltau, spearmanr, pearsonr
import plotly.express as px
import plotly.graph_objects as go
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Report creator')
parser.add_argument('--list-of-npys', '-l', type=str,
help='txt file containing list of full path to npy files')
parser.add_argument('--out-dir', '-o', type=str, default=r'~/logdir/reports',
help='folder to output reports')
args, extra_args = parser.parse_known_args()
# load list of npys
with open(args.list_of_npys, 'r') as f:
list_data = f.readlines()
# create results dir for experiment
out_dir = os.path.join(args.out_dir)
print(f'out_dir: {out_dir}')
os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True)
# load all the npy files
npys = []
for l in list_data:
avg_heatmap = sum(npys)/len(npys)
ZEROCOST_MEASURES_PF = ['grad_norm', 'snip', 'grasp', 'fisher', 'jacob_cov', 'synflow', 'params', 'flops', 'gt']
fig = px.imshow(avg_heatmap, text_auto="0.1f", x=ZEROCOST_MEASURES_PF, y=ZEROCOST_MEASURES_PF)
fig.update_layout(font=dict(size=36)) # font size
savename_html = os.path.join(out_dir, f'avg_all_pairs_zc_spe.html')
savename_png = os.path.join(out_dir, f'avg_all_pairs_zc_spe.png')
fig.write_image(savename_png, width=1500, height=1500, scale=1)
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
import sys
import argparse
from typing import Dict, List, Type, Iterator, Tuple
import glob
import os
import pathlib
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
from scipy.stats.stats import _two_sample_transform
import yaml
from inspect import getsourcefile
import seaborn as sns
import math as ma
import plotly.express as px
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from scipy.stats import kendalltau, spearmanr, sem
from runstats import Statistics
#import matplotlib
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from multiprocessing import Pool
from collections import namedtuple
from archai.common import utils
from archai.common.ordereddict_logger import OrderedDictLogger
from archai.common.analysis_utils import epoch_nodes, parse_a_job, fix_yaml, remove_seed_part, group_multi_runs, collect_epoch_nodes, EpochStats, FoldStats, stat2str, get_epoch_stats, get_summary_text, get_details_text, plot_epochs, write_report
import re
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generates the darts space benchmark')
parser.add_argument('--results-dir', '-d', type=str,
help='folder with experiment results from pt')
parser.add_argument('--out-dir', '-o', type=str, default=r'~/logdir/reports',
help='folder to output reports')
args, extra_args = parser.parse_known_args()
# root dir where all results are stored
results_dir = pathlib.Path(utils.full_path(args.results_dir))
print(f'results_dir: {results_dir}')
# extract experiment name which is top level directory
exp_name = results_dir.parts[-1]
# create results dir for experiment
out_dir = utils.full_path(os.path.join(args.out_dir, exp_name))
print(f'out_dir: {out_dir}')
os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True)
# get list of all structured logs for each job
logs = {}
confs = {}
job_dirs = list(results_dir.iterdir())
# # test single job parsing for debugging
# # WARNING: very slow, just use for debugging
# for job_dir in job_dirs:
# a = parse_a_job(job_dir)
# parallel parsing of yaml logs
num_workers = 60
with Pool(num_workers) as p:
a = p.map(parse_a_job, job_dirs)
for storage in a:
for key, val in storage.items():
logs[key] = val[0]
confs[key] = val[1]
# remove all search jobs
for key in list(logs.keys()):
if 'search' in key:
# check for problematic logs
for key in logs.keys():
if 'best_test' not in logs[key]['regular_evaluate']['eval_arch']['eval_train']:
print(f'problem in {key}.')
for key in list(logs.keys()):
if '0' not in logs[key]['regular_evaluate']['eval_arch']['eval_train']['epochs']:
print(f'problem in {key}. missing training epoch 0 somehow.')
for key in list(logs.keys()):
if '99' not in logs[key]['regular_evaluate']['eval_arch']['eval_train']['epochs']:
print(f'problem in {key}. missing training epoch 99 somehow.')
archid_testacc = {}
archid_params = {}
archid_flops = {}
archid_trainacc_at_n_epoch = {}
n_epoch = '99'
for key in logs.keys():
if 'eval' in key:
dataset_name = confs[key]['dataset']['name']
if dataset_name == 'darcyflow':
test_acc = -logs[key]['regular_evaluate']['eval_arch']['eval_train']['best_test']['loss']
train_acc_at_n = -logs[key]['regular_evaluate']['eval_arch']['eval_train']['epochs'][n_epoch]['train']['loss']
test_acc = logs[key]['regular_evaluate']['eval_arch']['eval_train']['best_test']['top1']
train_acc_at_n = logs[key]['regular_evaluate']['eval_arch']['eval_train']['epochs'][n_epoch]['train']['top1']
arch_id = confs[key]['nas']['eval']['dartsspace']['arch_index']
archid_testacc[arch_id] = test_acc
archid_trainacc_at_n_epoch[arch_id] = train_acc_at_n
# get the number of params if in logs (most have it unless the early part is missing)
if 'num_params' in logs[key]['regular_evaluate']['eval_arch']['eval_train']:
num_params = logs[key]['regular_evaluate']['eval_arch']['eval_train']['num_params']
archid_params[arch_id] = num_params
mega_flops_per_batch = logs[key]['regular_evaluate']['eval_arch']['eval_train']['mega_flops_per_batch']
archid_flops[arch_id] = mega_flops_per_batch
except KeyError as err:
print(f'KeyError {err} not in {key}!')
print(f'Number of archs in benchmark {len(archid_params)}')
# sanity check
assert len(archid_testacc) == len(archid_flops)
assert len(archid_testacc) == len(archid_params)
assert len(archid_testacc) == len(archid_trainacc_at_n_epoch)
# save accuracies
savename = os.path.join(out_dir, 'arch_id_test_accuracy.yaml')
with open(savename, 'w') as f:
yaml.dump(archid_testacc, f)
# save params flops
arch_id_params_flops = dict()
savename = os.path.join(out_dir, 'arch_id_params_flops.yaml')
for archid in archid_params.keys():
num_params = archid_params[archid]
num_flops = archid_flops[archid]
arch_id_params_flops[archid] = {'params': num_params, 'flops': num_flops}
with open(savename, 'w') as f:
yaml.dump(arch_id_params_flops, f)
# plot test accuracy vs. number of params
# to see how the distribution looks
testaccs = []
params = []
flops = []
trainaccs = []
for archid in archid_params.keys():
num_params = archid_params[archid]
test_acc = archid_testacc[archid]
num_flops = archid_flops[archid]
trainacc = archid_trainacc_at_n_epoch[archid]
fig = go.Figure()
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=testaccs, y=params, mode='markers'))
fig.update_layout(xaxis_title="Test Accuracy",
fig.update_layout(font=dict(size=36)) # font size
fig.update_traces(marker=dict(size=20)) # marker size
savename_html = os.path.join(out_dir, 'darts_space_params_vs_test_acc.html')
savename_png = os.path.join(out_dir, 'darts_space_params_vs_test_acc.png')
fig.write_image(savename_png, width=1500, height=1500, scale=1)
# compute spearman correlation of #params vs. test accuracy
param_spe, param_sp_value = spearmanr(testaccs, params)
flop_spe, flop_sp_value = spearmanr(testaccs, flops)
print(f'Spearman correlation of #params vs. test accuracy is {param_spe}')
print(f'Spearman correlation of #flops vs. test accuracy is {flop_spe}')
savename = os.path.join(out_dir, 'darts_space_params_flops_spe.txt')
with open(savename, 'w') as f:
f.write(f'Spe #params vs. test accuracy: {param_spe}')
f.write(f'Spe #flops vs. test accuracy: {flop_spe}')
# compute spearman correlation of training acc at 'n' epoch vs. test accuracy
n_epoch_spe, _ = spearmanr(testaccs, trainaccs)
print(f'Spe training acc at {n_epoch}: {n_epoch_spe}')
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
import sys
import argparse
from typing import Dict, List, Type, Iterator, Tuple
import glob
import os
import pathlib
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
from scipy.stats.stats import _two_sample_transform
import yaml
from inspect import getsourcefile
import seaborn as sns
import math as ma
import plotly.express as px
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from scipy.stats import kendalltau, spearmanr, sem
from runstats import Statistics
#import matplotlib
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from multiprocessing import Pool
from collections import namedtuple
from archai.common import utils
from archai.common.ordereddict_logger import OrderedDictLogger
from archai.common.analysis_utils import epoch_nodes, parse_a_job, fix_yaml, remove_seed_part, group_multi_runs, collect_epoch_nodes, EpochStats, FoldStats, stat2str, get_epoch_stats, get_summary_text, get_details_text, plot_epochs, write_report
import re
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Freeze Darts Space Experiments')
parser.add_argument('--results-dir', '-d', type=str,
help='folder with experiment results')
parser.add_argument('--out-dir', '-o', type=str, default=r'~/logdir/reports',
help='folder to output reports')
parser.add_argument('--reg-evals-file', '-r', type=str,
help='yaml file which contains full evaluation results for every archid')
args, extra_args = parser.parse_known_args()
# root dir where all results are stored
results_dir = pathlib.Path(utils.full_path(args.results_dir))
print(f'results_dir: {results_dir}')
# extract experiment name which is top level directory
exp_name = results_dir.parts[-1]
# create results dir for experiment
out_dir = utils.full_path(os.path.join(args.out_dir, exp_name))
print(f'out_dir: {out_dir}')
os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True)
# regular full training file
with open(args.reg_evals_file, 'r') as f:
reg_evals_data = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.Loader)
# get list of all structured logs for each job
logs = {}
confs = {}
job_dirs = list(results_dir.iterdir())
# # test single job parsing for debugging
# # WARNING: very slow, just use for debugging
# for job_dir in job_dirs:
# a = parse_a_job(job_dir)
# parallel parsing of yaml logs
num_workers = 9
with Pool(num_workers) as p:
a = p.map(parse_a_job, job_dirs)
for storage in a:
for key, val in storage.items():
logs[key] = val[0]
confs[key] = val[1]
# remove all search jobs
for key in list(logs.keys()):
if 'search' in key:
all_reg_evals = []
all_freeze_evals_last = []
all_freeze_time_last = []
all_cond_time_last = []
all_partial_time_last = []
num_archs_unmet_cond = 0
for key in logs.keys():
if 'eval' in key:
# if at the end of conditional training train accuracy has not gone above target then don't consider it
# important to get this first
last_cond_epoch_key = list(logs[key]['freeze_evaluate']['eval_arch']['conditional_training']['eval_train']['epochs'].keys())[-1]
use_val = confs[key]['nas']['eval']['trainer']['use_val']
threshold = confs[key]['nas']['eval']['trainer']['top1_acc_threshold']
if use_val:
val_or_train = 'val'
val_or_train = 'train'
end_cond = logs[key]['freeze_evaluate']['eval_arch']['conditional_training']['eval_train']['epochs'][last_cond_epoch_key][val_or_train]['top1']
if end_cond < threshold:
num_archs_unmet_cond += 1
# regular evaluation
# important to get this first since if an arch id is
# not in the benchmark we need to remove it from consideration
arch_id = confs[key]['nas']['eval']['dartsspace']['arch_index']
if arch_id not in list(reg_evals_data.keys()):
reg_eval_top1 = reg_evals_data[arch_id]
# freeze evaluation
# at last epoch
last_freeze_epoch_key = list(logs[key]['freeze_evaluate']['eval_arch']['freeze_training']['eval_train']['epochs'].keys())[-1]
freeze_eval_top1 = logs[key]['freeze_evaluate']['eval_arch']['freeze_training']['eval_train']['epochs'][last_freeze_epoch_key][val_or_train]['top1']
# collect duration for conditional training and freeze training
# NOTE: don't use val_or_train here since we are really interested in the duration of training
freeze_duration = 0.0
for epoch_key in logs[key]['freeze_evaluate']['eval_arch']['freeze_training']['eval_train']['epochs']:
freeze_duration += logs[key]['freeze_evaluate']['eval_arch']['freeze_training']['eval_train']['epochs'][epoch_key]['train']['duration']
cond_duration = 0.0
for epoch_key in logs[key]['freeze_evaluate']['eval_arch']['conditional_training']['eval_train']['epochs']:
cond_duration += logs[key]['freeze_evaluate']['eval_arch']['conditional_training']['eval_train']['epochs'][epoch_key]['train']['duration']
all_freeze_time_last.append(freeze_duration + cond_duration)
except KeyError as err:
print(f'KeyError {err} not in {key}!')
# Store some key numbers in results.txt
results_savename = os.path.join(out_dir, 'results.txt')
with open(results_savename, 'w') as f:
f.write(f'Number of archs which did not reach condition: {num_archs_unmet_cond} \n')
f.write(f'Total valid archs processed: {len(all_reg_evals)} \n')
print(f'Number of archs which did not reach condition: {num_archs_unmet_cond}')
print(f'Total valid archs processed: {len(all_reg_evals)}')
# Sanity check
assert len(all_reg_evals) == len(all_freeze_evals_last)
assert len(all_reg_evals) == len(all_cond_time_last)
assert len(all_reg_evals) == len(all_freeze_time_last)
# scatter plot between time to threshold accuracy and regular evaluation
fig = px.scatter(x=all_cond_time_last, y=all_reg_evals, labels={'x': 'Time to reach threshold train accuracy (s)', 'y': 'Final Accuracy'})
savename = os.path.join(out_dir, 'cond_time_vs_final_acc.html')
savename_pdf = os.path.join(out_dir, 'cond_time_vs_final_acc.pdf')
fig.write_image(savename_pdf, engine="kaleido", width=1500, height=1500, scale=1)
# histogram of training accuracies
fig = px.histogram(all_reg_evals, labels={'x': 'Test Accuracy', 'y': 'Counts'})
savename = os.path.join(out_dir, 'distribution_of_reg_evals.html')
# Freeze training results at last epoch
freeze_tau, freeze_p_value = kendalltau(all_reg_evals, all_freeze_evals_last)
freeze_spe, freeze_sp_value = spearmanr(all_reg_evals, all_freeze_evals_last)
print(f'Freeze Kendall Tau score: {freeze_tau:3.03f}, p_value {freeze_p_value:3.03f}')
print(f'Freeze Spearman corr: {freeze_spe:3.03f}, p_value {freeze_sp_value:3.03f}')
with open(results_savename, 'a') as f:
f.write(f'Freeze Kendall Tau score: {freeze_tau:3.03f}, p_value {freeze_p_value:3.03f} \n')
f.write(f'Freeze Spearman corr: {freeze_spe:3.03f}, p_value {freeze_sp_value:3.03f} \n')
sns.scatterplot(x=all_reg_evals, y=all_freeze_evals_last)
plt.xlabel('Test top1 at natsbench full training')
plt.ylabel('Freeze training')
savename = os.path.join(out_dir, 'proxynas_freeze_training_epochs.png')
plt.savefig(savename, dpi=plt.gcf().dpi, bbox_inches='tight')
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -1,488 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
import sys
import argparse
from typing import Dict, List, Type, Iterator, Tuple
import glob
import os
import pathlib
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
from scipy.stats.stats import _two_sample_transform
import yaml
from inspect import getsourcefile
import seaborn as sns
import math as ma
import plotly.express as px
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from scipy.stats import kendalltau, spearmanr, sem
from runstats import Statistics
#import matplotlib
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from multiprocessing import Pool
from collections import namedtuple
from archai.common import utils
from archai.common.ordereddict_logger import OrderedDictLogger
from archai.common.analysis_utils import epoch_nodes, parse_a_job, fix_yaml, remove_seed_part, group_multi_runs, collect_epoch_nodes, EpochStats, FoldStats, stat2str, get_epoch_stats, get_summary_text, get_details_text, plot_epochs, write_report
import re
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Report creator')
parser.add_argument('--results-dir', '-d', type=str,
help='folder with experiment results from pt')
parser.add_argument('--out-dir', '-o', type=str, default=r'~/logdir/reports',
help='folder to output reports')
parser.add_argument('--reg-evals-file', '-r', type=str, default=None,
help='optional yaml file which contains full evaluation \
of architectures on new datasets not part of natsbench')
args, extra_args = parser.parse_known_args()
# root dir where all results are stored
results_dir = pathlib.Path(utils.full_path(args.results_dir))
print(f'results_dir: {results_dir}')
# extract experiment name which is top level directory
exp_name = results_dir.parts[-1]
# create results dir for experiment
out_dir = utils.full_path(os.path.join(args.out_dir, exp_name))
print(f'out_dir: {out_dir}')
os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True)
# if optional regular evaluation lookup file is provided
if args.reg_evals_file:
with open(args.reg_evals_file, 'r') as f:
reg_evals_data = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.Loader)
# get list of all structured logs for each job
logs = {}
confs = {}
job_dirs = list(results_dir.iterdir())
# # test single job parsing for debugging
# # WARNING: very slow, just use for debugging
# for job_dir in job_dirs:
# a = parse_a_job(job_dir)
# parallel parsing of yaml logs
num_workers = 12
with Pool(num_workers) as p:
a = p.map(parse_a_job, job_dirs)
for storage in a:
for key, val in storage.items():
logs[key] = val[0]
confs[key] = val[1]
# examples of accessing logs
# logs['proxynas_blahblah:eval']['naswotrain_evaluate']['eval_arch']['eval_train']['naswithouttraining']
# logs['proxynas_blahblah:eval']['regular_evaluate']['regtrainingtop1']
# logs['proxynas_blahblah:eval']['freeze_evaluate']['eval_arch']['freeze_training']['eval_train']['epochs']['9']['val']['top1']
# last_epoch_key = list(logs['proxynas_blahblah:eval']['freeze_evaluate']['eval_arch']['freeze_training']['eval_train']['epochs'].keys())[-1]
# last_val_top1 = logs['proxynas_blahblah:eval']['freeze_evaluate']['eval_arch']['freeze_training']['eval_train']['epochs'][last_epoch_key]['val']['top1']
# epoch_duration = logs[key]['freeze_evaluate']['eval_arch']['freeze_training']['eval_train']['epochs']['0']['train']['duration']
# remove all search jobs
for key in list(logs.keys()):
if 'search' in key:
# remove all arch_ids which did not finish
for key in list(logs.keys()):
to_delete = False
# it might have died early
if 'freeze_evaluate' not in list(logs[key].keys()):
to_delete = True
if 'naswotrain_evaluate' not in list(logs[key].keys()):
to_delete = True
if 'regular_evaluate' not in list(logs[key].keys()):
to_delete = True
if to_delete:
print(f'arch id {key} did not finish. removing from calculations.')
if 'freeze_training'not in list(logs[key]['freeze_evaluate']['eval_arch'].keys()):
print(f'arch id {key} did not finish. removing from calculations.')
# freeze train may not have finished
num_freeze_epochs = confs[key]['nas']['eval']['freeze_trainer']['epochs']
last_freeze_epoch_key = int(list(logs[key]['freeze_evaluate']['eval_arch']['freeze_training']['eval_train']['epochs'].keys())[-1])
if last_freeze_epoch_key != num_freeze_epochs - 1:
print(f'arch id {key} did not finish. removing from calculations.')
all_arch_ids = []
all_reg_evals = []
all_naswotrain_evals = []
all_freeze_evals_last = []
all_cond_evals_last = []
all_freeze_flops_last = []
all_cond_flops_last = []
all_freeze_time_last = []
all_cond_time_last = []
all_partial_time_last = []
all_freeze_evals = defaultdict(list)
num_archs_unmet_cond = 0
for key in logs.keys():
if 'eval' in key:
# if at the end of conditional training train accuracy has not gone above target then don't consider it
last_cond_epoch_key = list(logs[key]['freeze_evaluate']['eval_arch']['conditional_training']['eval_train']['epochs'].keys())[-1]
train_end_cond = logs[key]['freeze_evaluate']['eval_arch']['conditional_training']['eval_train']['epochs'][last_cond_epoch_key]['train']['top1']
if train_end_cond < confs[key]['nas']['eval']['trainer']['train_top1_acc_threshold']:
num_archs_unmet_cond += 1
# regular evaluation
# important to get this first since if it is not
# available for non-benchmark datasets we need to
# remove it from consideration
# --------------------
if not args.reg_evals_file:
reg_eval_top1 = logs[key]['regular_evaluate']['regtrainingtop1']
# lookup from the provided file since this dataset is not part of the
# benchmark and hence we have to provide the info separately
if 'natsbench' in list(confs[key]['nas']['eval'].keys()):
arch_id_in_bench = confs[key]['nas']['eval']['natsbench']['arch_index']
elif 'nasbench101' in list(confs[key]['nas']['eval'].keys()):
arch_id_in_bench = confs[key]['nas']['eval']['nasbench101']['arch_index']
if arch_id_in_bench not in list(reg_evals_data.keys()):
# if the dataset used is not part of the standard benchmark some of the architectures
# may not have full evaluation accuracies available. Remove them from consideration.
reg_eval_top1 = reg_evals_data[arch_id_in_bench]
# freeze evaluation
# at last epoch
last_freeze_epoch_key = list(logs[key]['freeze_evaluate']['eval_arch']['freeze_training']['eval_train']['epochs'].keys())[-1]
freeze_eval_top1 = logs[key]['freeze_evaluate']['eval_arch']['freeze_training']['eval_train']['epochs'][last_freeze_epoch_key]['train']['top1']
# collect evals at other epochs
for epoch in range(int(last_freeze_epoch_key)):
# collect flops used for conditional training and freeze training
freeze_mega_flops_epoch = logs[key]['freeze_evaluate']['eval_arch']['freeze_training']['eval_train']['total_mega_flops_epoch']
freeze_mega_flops_used = freeze_mega_flops_epoch * int(last_freeze_epoch_key)
last_cond_epoch_key = list(logs[key]['freeze_evaluate']['eval_arch']['conditional_training']['eval_train']['epochs'].keys())[-1]
cond_mega_flops_epoch = logs[key]['freeze_evaluate']['eval_arch']['conditional_training']['eval_train']['total_mega_flops_epoch']
cond_mega_flops_used = cond_mega_flops_epoch * int(last_cond_epoch_key)
# collect training error at end of conditional training
cond_eval_top1 = logs[key]['freeze_evaluate']['eval_arch']['conditional_training']['eval_train']['epochs'][last_cond_epoch_key]['train']['top1']
# collect duration for conditional training and freeze training
freeze_duration = 0.0
for epoch_key in logs[key]['freeze_evaluate']['eval_arch']['freeze_training']['eval_train']['epochs']:
freeze_duration += logs[key]['freeze_evaluate']['eval_arch']['freeze_training']['eval_train']['epochs'][epoch_key]['train']['duration']
cond_duration = 0.0
for epoch_key in logs[key]['freeze_evaluate']['eval_arch']['conditional_training']['eval_train']['epochs']:
cond_duration += logs[key]['freeze_evaluate']['eval_arch']['conditional_training']['eval_train']['epochs'][epoch_key]['train']['duration']
all_freeze_time_last.append(freeze_duration + cond_duration)
# naswotrain
# --------------
naswotrain_top1 = logs[key]['naswotrain_evaluate']['eval_arch']['eval_train']['naswithouttraining']
# record the arch id
# --------------------
if 'natsbench' in list(confs[key]['nas']['eval'].keys()):
elif 'nasbench101' in list(confs[key]['nas']['eval'].keys()):
except KeyError as err:
print(f'KeyError {err} not in {key}!')
# Store some key numbers in results.txt
results_savename = os.path.join(out_dir, 'results.txt')
with open(results_savename, 'w') as f:
f.write(f'Number of archs which did not reach condition: {num_archs_unmet_cond} \n')
f.write(f'Total valid archs processed: {len(all_reg_evals)} \n')
print(f'Number of archs which did not reach condition: {num_archs_unmet_cond}')
print(f'Total valid archs processed: {len(all_reg_evals)}')
# Sanity check
assert len(all_reg_evals) == len(all_freeze_evals_last)
assert len(all_reg_evals) == len(all_cond_evals_last)
assert len(all_reg_evals) == len(all_cond_time_last)
assert len(all_reg_evals) == len(all_naswotrain_evals)
assert len(all_reg_evals) == len(all_freeze_flops_last)
assert len(all_reg_evals) == len(all_cond_flops_last)
assert len(all_reg_evals) == len(all_freeze_time_last)
assert len(all_reg_evals) == len(all_arch_ids)
# scatter plot between time to threshold accuracy and regular evaluation
fig = px.scatter(x=all_cond_time_last, y=all_reg_evals, labels={'x': 'Time to reach threshold accuracy (s)', 'y': 'Final Accuracy'})
savename = os.path.join(out_dir, 'cond_time_vs_final_acc.html')
fig = px.histogram(all_reg_evals, labels={'x': 'Test Accuracy', 'y': 'Counts'})
savename = os.path.join(out_dir, 'distribution_of_reg_evals.html')
# Freeze training results at last epoch
freeze_tau, freeze_p_value = kendalltau(all_reg_evals, all_freeze_evals_last)
freeze_spe, freeze_sp_value = spearmanr(all_reg_evals, all_freeze_evals_last)
print(f'Freeze Kendall Tau score: {freeze_tau:3.03f}, p_value {freeze_p_value:3.03f}')
print(f'Freeze Spearman corr: {freeze_spe:3.03f}, p_value {freeze_sp_value:3.03f}')
with open(results_savename, 'a') as f:
f.write(f'Freeze Kendall Tau score: {freeze_tau:3.03f}, p_value {freeze_p_value:3.03f} \n')
f.write(f'Freeze Spearman corr: {freeze_spe:3.03f}, p_value {freeze_sp_value:3.03f} \n')
sns.scatterplot(x=all_reg_evals, y=all_freeze_evals_last)
plt.xlabel('Test top1 at natsbench full training')
plt.ylabel('Freeze training')
savename = os.path.join(out_dir, 'proxynas_freeze_training_epochs.png')
plt.savefig(savename, dpi=plt.gcf().dpi, bbox_inches='tight')
# Conditional training results at last epoch
cond_tau, cond_p_value = kendalltau(all_reg_evals, all_cond_evals_last)
cond_spe, cond_sp_value = spearmanr(all_reg_evals, all_cond_evals_last)
print(f'Conditional Kendall Tau score: {cond_tau:3.03f}, p_value {cond_p_value:3.03f}')
print(f'Conditional Spearman corr: {cond_spe:3.03f}, p_value {cond_sp_value:3.03f}')
with open(results_savename, 'a') as f:
f.write(f'Conditional Kendall Tau score: {cond_tau:3.03f}, p_value {cond_p_value:3.03f} \n')
f.write(f'Conditional Spearman corr: {cond_spe:3.03f}, p_value {cond_sp_value:3.03f} \n')
sns.scatterplot(x=all_reg_evals, y=all_cond_evals_last)
plt.xlabel('Test top1 at natsbench full training')
plt.ylabel('Conditional training')
savename = os.path.join(out_dir, 'proxynas_cond_training_epochs.png')
plt.savefig(savename, dpi=plt.gcf().dpi, bbox_inches='tight')
# Report average runtime and average flops consumed
total_freeze_flops = np.array(all_freeze_flops_last) + np.array(all_cond_flops_last)
avg_freeze_flops = np.mean(total_freeze_flops)
std_freeze_flops = np.std(total_freeze_flops)
stderr_freeze_flops = std_freeze_flops / np.sqrt(len(all_freeze_flops_last))
avg_freeze_runtime = np.mean(np.array(all_freeze_time_last))
std_freeze_runtime = np.std(np.array(all_freeze_time_last))
stderr_freeze_runtime = std_freeze_runtime / np.sqrt(len(all_freeze_time_last))
avg_cond_runtime = np.mean(np.array(all_cond_time_last))
std_cond_runtime = np.std(np.array(all_cond_time_last))
stderr_cond_runtime = std_cond_runtime / np.sqrt(len(all_cond_time_last))
avg_partial_runtime = np.mean(np.array(all_partial_time_last))
std_partial_runtime = np.std(np.array(all_partial_time_last))
stderr_partial_runtime = std_partial_runtime / np.sqrt(len(all_partial_time_last))
with open(results_savename, 'a') as f:
f.write(f'Avg. Freeze MFlops: {avg_freeze_flops:.03f}, std {std_freeze_flops}, stderr {stderr_freeze_flops:.03f} \n')
f.write(f'Avg. Freeze Runtime: {avg_freeze_runtime:.03f}, std {std_freeze_runtime}, stderr {stderr_freeze_runtime:.03f} \n')
f.write(f'Avg. Conditional Runtime: {avg_cond_runtime:.03f}, std {std_cond_runtime}, stderr {stderr_cond_runtime:.03f} \n')
f.write(f'Avg. Partial Runtime: {avg_partial_runtime:.03f}, std {std_partial_runtime}, stderr {stderr_partial_runtime:.03f} \n')
# Plot freeze training rank correlations if cutoff at various epochs
freeze_taus = {}
freeze_spes = {}
for epoch_key in all_freeze_evals.keys():
tau, _ = kendalltau(all_reg_evals, all_freeze_evals[epoch_key])
spe, _ = spearmanr(all_reg_evals, all_freeze_evals[epoch_key])
freeze_taus[epoch_key] = tau
freeze_spes[epoch_key] = spe
for epoch_key in freeze_taus.keys():
plt.scatter(epoch_key, freeze_taus[epoch_key])
plt.xlabel('Epochs of freeze training')
plt.ylabel('Kendall Tau')
plt.ylim((0.0, 1.0))
savename = os.path.join(out_dir, 'proxynas_freeze_training_kendall_taus.png')
plt.savefig(savename, dpi=plt.gcf().dpi, bbox_inches='tight')
for epoch_key in freeze_taus.keys():
plt.scatter(epoch_key, freeze_spes[epoch_key])
plt.xlabel('Epochs of freeze training')
plt.ylabel('Spearman Correlation')
plt.ylim((0.0, 1.0))
savename = os.path.join(out_dir, 'proxynas_freeze_training_spearman_corrs.png')
plt.savefig(savename, dpi=plt.gcf().dpi, bbox_inches='tight')
# Naswottraining results
naswot_tau, naswot_p_value = kendalltau(all_reg_evals, all_naswotrain_evals)
naswot_spe, naswot_sp_value = spearmanr(all_reg_evals, all_naswotrain_evals)
print(f'Naswotraining Kendall Tau score: {naswot_tau:3.03f}, p_value {naswot_p_value:3.03f}')
print(f'Naswotraining Spearman corr: {naswot_spe:3.03f}, p_value {naswot_sp_value:3.03f}')
results_savename = os.path.join(out_dir, 'results.txt')
with open(results_savename, 'a') as f:
f.write(f'Naswotraining Kendall Tau score: {naswot_tau:3.03f}, p_value {naswot_p_value:3.03f} \n')
f.write(f'Naswotraining Spearman corr: {naswot_spe:3.03f}, p_value {naswot_sp_value:3.03f} \n')
sns.scatterplot(all_reg_evals, all_naswotrain_evals)
plt.xlabel('Test top1 at 200 epochs')
savename = os.path.join(out_dir, 'proxynas_naswotraining.png')
plt.savefig(savename, dpi=plt.gcf().dpi, bbox_inches='tight')
# Rank correlations at top n percent of architectures
reg_freezelast_naswot_evals = [(all_reg_evals[i], all_freeze_evals_last[i], all_naswotrain_evals[i], all_freeze_time_last[i]) for i in range(len(all_reg_evals))]
# sort in descending order of accuracy of regular evaluation
reg_freezelast_naswot_evals.sort(key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True)
top_percent_freeze_times_avg = []
top_percent_freeze_times_std = []
top_percent_freeze_times_stderr = []
spe_freeze_top_percents = []
spe_naswot_top_percents = []
top_percents = []
top_percent_range = range(2, 101, 2)
for top_percent in top_percent_range:
num_to_keep = int(ma.floor(len(reg_freezelast_naswot_evals) * top_percent * 0.01))
top_percent_evals = reg_freezelast_naswot_evals[:num_to_keep]
top_percent_reg = [x[0] for x in top_percent_evals]
top_percent_freeze = [x[1] for x in top_percent_evals]
top_percent_naswot = [x[2] for x in top_percent_evals]
top_percent_freeze_times = [x[3] for x in top_percent_evals]
spe_freeze, _ = spearmanr(top_percent_reg, top_percent_freeze)
spe_naswot, _ = spearmanr(top_percent_reg, top_percent_naswot)
sns.scatterplot(top_percents, spe_freeze_top_percents)
sns.scatterplot(top_percents, spe_naswot_top_percents)
plt.legend(labels=['Freeze Train', 'Naswot'])
plt.ylim((0.0, 1.0))
plt.xlabel('Top percent of architectures')
plt.ylabel('Spearman Correlation')
savename = os.path.join(out_dir, f'spe_top_archs.png')
plt.savefig(savename, dpi=plt.gcf().dpi, bbox_inches='tight')
plt.errorbar(top_percents, top_percent_freeze_times_avg, yerr=np.array(top_percent_freeze_times_std)/2, marker='s', mfc='red', ms=10, mew=4)
plt.xlabel('Top percent of architectures')
plt.ylabel('Avg. time (s)')
plt.yticks(np.arange(0,600, step=50))
savename = os.path.join(out_dir, f'freeze_train_duration_top_archs.png')
plt.savefig(savename, dpi=plt.gcf().dpi, bbox_inches='tight')
# how much overlap in top x% of architectures between method and groundtruth
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
arch_id_reg_evals = [(arch_id, reg_eval) for arch_id, reg_eval in zip(all_arch_ids, all_reg_evals)]
arch_id_freezetrain_evals = [(arch_id, freeze_eval) for arch_id, freeze_eval in zip(all_arch_ids, all_freeze_evals_last)]
arch_id_naswot_evals = [(arch_id, naswot_eval) for arch_id, naswot_eval in zip(all_arch_ids, all_naswotrain_evals)]
arch_id_reg_evals.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
arch_id_freezetrain_evals.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
arch_id_naswot_evals.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
assert len(arch_id_reg_evals) == len(arch_id_freezetrain_evals)
assert len(arch_id_reg_evals) == len(arch_id_naswot_evals)
top_percents = []
freezetrain_ratio_common = []
naswot_ratio_common = []
for top_percent in top_percent_range:
num_to_keep = int(ma.floor(len(arch_id_reg_evals) * top_percent * 0.01))
top_percent_arch_id_reg_evals = arch_id_reg_evals[:num_to_keep]
top_percent_arch_id_freezetrain_evals = arch_id_freezetrain_evals[:num_to_keep]
top_percent_arch_id_naswot_evals = arch_id_naswot_evals[:num_to_keep]
# take the set of arch_ids in each method and find overlap with top archs
set_reg = set([x[0] for x in top_percent_arch_id_reg_evals])
set_ft = set([x[0] for x in top_percent_arch_id_freezetrain_evals])
ft_num_common = len(set_reg.intersection(set_ft))
set_naswot = set([x[0] for x in top_percent_arch_id_naswot_evals])
naswot_num_common = len(set_reg.intersection(set_naswot))
# save raw data for other aggregate plots over experiments
raw_data_dict = {}
raw_data_dict['top_percents'] = top_percents
raw_data_dict['spe_freeze'] = spe_freeze_top_percents
raw_data_dict['spe_naswot'] = spe_naswot_top_percents
raw_data_dict['freeze_times_avg'] = top_percent_freeze_times_avg
raw_data_dict['freeze_times_std'] = top_percent_freeze_times_std
raw_data_dict['freeze_times_stderr'] = top_percent_freeze_times_stderr
raw_data_dict['freeze_ratio_common'] = freezetrain_ratio_common
raw_data_dict['naswot_ratio_common'] = naswot_ratio_common
savename = os.path.join(out_dir, 'raw_data.yaml')
with open(savename, 'w') as f:
yaml.dump(raw_data_dict, f)
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -1,520 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
import sys
import argparse
from typing import Dict, List, Type, Iterator, Tuple
import glob
import os
import pathlib
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
from scipy.stats.stats import _two_sample_transform
import yaml
from inspect import getsourcefile
import seaborn as sns
import math as ma
import plotly.express as px
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from scipy.stats import kendalltau, spearmanr, sem
from runstats import Statistics
#import matplotlib
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from multiprocessing import Pool
from collections import namedtuple
from archai.common import utils
from archai.common.ordereddict_logger import OrderedDictLogger
from archai.common.analysis_utils import epoch_nodes, parse_a_job, fix_yaml, remove_seed_part, group_multi_runs, collect_epoch_nodes, EpochStats, FoldStats, stat2str, get_epoch_stats, get_summary_text, get_details_text, plot_epochs, write_report
import re
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Report creator')
parser.add_argument('--results-dir', '-d', type=str,
help='folder with experiment results')
parser.add_argument('--out-dir', '-o', type=str, default=r'~/logdir/reports',
help='folder to output reports')
parser.add_argument('--reg-evals-file', '-r', type=str, default=None,
help='optional yaml file which contains full evaluation \
of architectures on new datasets not part of natsbench')
args, extra_args = parser.parse_known_args()
# root dir where all results are stored
results_dir = pathlib.Path(utils.full_path(args.results_dir))
print(f'results_dir: {results_dir}')
# extract experiment name which is top level directory
exp_name = results_dir.parts[-1]
# create results dir for experiment
out_dir = utils.full_path(os.path.join(args.out_dir, exp_name))
print(f'out_dir: {out_dir}')
os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True)
# if optional regular evaluation lookup file is provided
if args.reg_evals_file:
with open(args.reg_evals_file, 'r') as f:
reg_evals_data = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.Loader)
# get list of all structured logs for each job
logs = {}
confs = {}
job_dirs = list(results_dir.iterdir())
# # test single job parsing for debugging
# # WARNING: very slow, just use for debugging
# for job_dir in job_dirs:
# a = parse_a_job(job_dir)
# parallel parsing of yaml logs
num_workers = 6
with Pool(num_workers) as p:
a = p.map(parse_a_job, job_dirs)
for storage in a:
for key, val in storage.items():
logs[key] = val[0]
confs[key] = val[1]
# examples of accessing logs
# logs['proxynas_blahblah:eval']['naswotrain_evaluate']['eval_arch']['eval_train']['naswithouttraining']
# logs['proxynas_blahblah:eval']['regular_evaluate']['regtrainingtop1']
# logs['proxynas_blahblah:eval']['freeze_evaluate']['eval_arch']['freeze_training']['eval_train']['epochs']['9']['val']['top1']
# last_epoch_key = list(logs['proxynas_blahblah:eval']['freeze_evaluate']['eval_arch']['freeze_training']['eval_train']['epochs'].keys())[-1]
# last_val_top1 = logs['proxynas_blahblah:eval']['freeze_evaluate']['eval_arch']['freeze_training']['eval_train']['epochs'][last_epoch_key]['val']['top1']
# epoch_duration = logs[key]['freeze_evaluate']['eval_arch']['freeze_training']['eval_train']['epochs']['0']['train']['duration']
# remove all search jobs
for key in list(logs.keys()):
if 'search' in key:
# remove all arch_ids which did not finish
for key in list(logs.keys()):
to_delete = False
# it might have died early
if 'freeze_evaluate' not in list(logs[key].keys()):
to_delete = True
if 'naswotrain_evaluate' not in list(logs[key].keys()):
to_delete = True
if 'regular_evaluate' not in list(logs[key].keys()):
to_delete = True
if to_delete:
print(f'arch id {key} did not finish. removing from calculations.')
if 'freeze_training'not in list(logs[key]['freeze_evaluate']['eval_arch'].keys()):
print(f'arch id {key} did not finish. removing from calculations.')
# freeze train may not have finished
num_freeze_epochs = confs[key]['nas']['eval']['freeze_trainer']['epochs']
last_freeze_epoch_key = int(list(logs[key]['freeze_evaluate']['eval_arch']['freeze_training']['eval_train']['epochs'].keys())[-1])
if last_freeze_epoch_key != num_freeze_epochs - 1:
print(f'arch id {key} did not finish. removing from calculations.')
all_arch_ids = []
all_reg_evals = []
all_naswotrain_evals = []
all_freeze_evals_last = []
all_cond_evals_last = []
all_freeze_flops_last = []
all_cond_flops_last = []
all_freeze_time_last = []
all_cond_time_last = []
all_partial_time_last = []
all_freeze_evals = defaultdict(list)
num_archs_unmet_cond = 0
for key in logs.keys():
if 'eval' in key:
# if at the end of conditional training train accuracy has not gone above target then don't consider it
# important to get this first
last_cond_epoch_key = list(logs[key]['freeze_evaluate']['eval_arch']['conditional_training']['eval_train']['epochs'].keys())[-1]
use_val = confs[key]['nas']['eval']['trainer']['use_val']
threshold = confs[key]['nas']['eval']['trainer']['top1_acc_threshold']
if use_val:
val_or_train = 'val'
val_or_train = 'train'
end_cond = logs[key]['freeze_evaluate']['eval_arch']['conditional_training']['eval_train']['epochs'][last_cond_epoch_key][val_or_train]['top1']
if end_cond < threshold:
num_archs_unmet_cond += 1
# regular evaluation
# important to get this first since if it is not
# available for non-benchmark datasets we need to
# remove it from consideration
# --------------------
if not args.reg_evals_file:
reg_eval_top1 = logs[key]['regular_evaluate']['regtrainingtop1']
# lookup from the provided file since this dataset is not part of the
# benchmark and hence we have to provide the info separately
if 'natsbench' in list(confs[key]['nas']['eval'].keys()):
arch_id_in_bench = confs[key]['nas']['eval']['natsbench']['arch_index']
elif 'nasbench101' in list(confs[key]['nas']['eval'].keys()):
arch_id_in_bench = confs[key]['nas']['eval']['nasbench101']['arch_index']
if arch_id_in_bench not in list(reg_evals_data.keys()):
# if the dataset used is not part of the standard benchmark some of the architectures
# may not have full evaluation accuracies available. Remove them from consideration.
reg_eval_top1 = reg_evals_data[arch_id_in_bench]
# freeze evaluation
# at last epoch
last_freeze_epoch_key = list(logs[key]['freeze_evaluate']['eval_arch']['freeze_training']['eval_train']['epochs'].keys())[-1]
freeze_eval_top1 = logs[key]['freeze_evaluate']['eval_arch']['freeze_training']['eval_train']['epochs'][last_freeze_epoch_key][val_or_train]['top1']
# collect evals at other epochs
for epoch in range(int(last_freeze_epoch_key)):
# collect flops used for conditional training and freeze training
freeze_mega_flops_epoch = logs[key]['freeze_evaluate']['eval_arch']['freeze_training']['eval_train']['total_mega_flops_epoch']
freeze_mega_flops_used = freeze_mega_flops_epoch * int(last_freeze_epoch_key)
last_cond_epoch_key = list(logs[key]['freeze_evaluate']['eval_arch']['conditional_training']['eval_train']['epochs'].keys())[-1]
cond_mega_flops_epoch = logs[key]['freeze_evaluate']['eval_arch']['conditional_training']['eval_train']['total_mega_flops_epoch']
cond_mega_flops_used = cond_mega_flops_epoch * int(last_cond_epoch_key)
# collect training error at end of conditional training
cond_eval_top1 = logs[key]['freeze_evaluate']['eval_arch']['conditional_training']['eval_train']['epochs'][last_cond_epoch_key][val_or_train]['top1']
# collect duration for conditional training and freeze training
# NOTE: don't use val_or_train here since we are really interested in the duration of training
freeze_duration = 0.0
for epoch_key in logs[key]['freeze_evaluate']['eval_arch']['freeze_training']['eval_train']['epochs']:
freeze_duration += logs[key]['freeze_evaluate']['eval_arch']['freeze_training']['eval_train']['epochs'][epoch_key]['train']['duration']
cond_duration = 0.0
for epoch_key in logs[key]['freeze_evaluate']['eval_arch']['conditional_training']['eval_train']['epochs']:
cond_duration += logs[key]['freeze_evaluate']['eval_arch']['conditional_training']['eval_train']['epochs'][epoch_key]['train']['duration']
all_freeze_time_last.append(freeze_duration + cond_duration)
# naswotrain
# --------------
naswotrain_top1 = logs[key]['naswotrain_evaluate']['eval_arch']['eval_train']['naswithouttraining']
# record the arch id
# --------------------
if 'natsbench' in list(confs[key]['nas']['eval'].keys()):
elif 'nasbench101' in list(confs[key]['nas']['eval'].keys()):
except KeyError as err:
print(f'KeyError {err} not in {key}!')
# Store some key numbers in results.txt
results_savename = os.path.join(out_dir, 'results.txt')
with open(results_savename, 'w') as f:
f.write(f'Number of archs which did not reach condition: {num_archs_unmet_cond} \n')
f.write(f'Total valid archs processed: {len(all_reg_evals)} \n')
print(f'Number of archs which did not reach condition: {num_archs_unmet_cond}')
print(f'Total valid archs processed: {len(all_reg_evals)}')
# Sanity check
assert len(all_reg_evals) == len(all_freeze_evals_last)
assert len(all_reg_evals) == len(all_cond_evals_last)
assert len(all_reg_evals) == len(all_cond_time_last)
assert len(all_reg_evals) == len(all_naswotrain_evals)
assert len(all_reg_evals) == len(all_freeze_flops_last)
assert len(all_reg_evals) == len(all_cond_flops_last)
assert len(all_reg_evals) == len(all_freeze_time_last)
assert len(all_reg_evals) == len(all_arch_ids)
# scatter plot between time to threshold accuracy and regular evaluation
fig = px.scatter(x=all_cond_time_last, y=all_reg_evals, labels={'x': 'Time to reach threshold train accuracy (s)', 'y': 'Final Accuracy'})
savename = os.path.join(out_dir, 'cond_time_vs_final_acc.html')
savename_pdf = os.path.join(out_dir, 'cond_time_vs_final_acc.pdf')
fig.write_image(savename_pdf, engine="kaleido", width=1500, height=1500, scale=1)
# scatter plot between time to threshold accuracy and fear evaluation
all_freeze_evals_last_scaled = [x*100.0 for x in all_freeze_evals_last]
fig = px.scatter(x=all_cond_time_last, y=all_freeze_evals_last_scaled, labels={'x': 'Time to reach threshold train accuracy (s)', 'y': 'FEAR Accuracy'})
savename = os.path.join(out_dir, 'cond_time_vs_fear_acc.html')
savename_pdf = os.path.join(out_dir, 'cond_time_vs_fear_acc.pdf')
fig.write_image(savename_pdf, engine="kaleido", width=1500, height=1500, scale=1)
# histogram of training accuracies
fig = px.histogram(all_reg_evals, labels={'x': 'Test Accuracy', 'y': 'Counts'})
savename = os.path.join(out_dir, 'distribution_of_reg_evals.html')
# Freeze training results at last epoch
freeze_tau, freeze_p_value = kendalltau(all_reg_evals, all_freeze_evals_last)
freeze_spe, freeze_sp_value = spearmanr(all_reg_evals, all_freeze_evals_last)
print(f'Freeze Kendall Tau score: {freeze_tau:3.03f}, p_value {freeze_p_value:3.03f}')
print(f'Freeze Spearman corr: {freeze_spe:3.03f}, p_value {freeze_sp_value:3.03f}')
with open(results_savename, 'a') as f:
f.write(f'Freeze Kendall Tau score: {freeze_tau:3.03f}, p_value {freeze_p_value:3.03f} \n')
f.write(f'Freeze Spearman corr: {freeze_spe:3.03f}, p_value {freeze_sp_value:3.03f} \n')
sns.scatterplot(x=all_reg_evals, y=all_freeze_evals_last)
plt.xlabel('Test top1 at natsbench full training')
plt.ylabel('Freeze training')
savename = os.path.join(out_dir, 'proxynas_freeze_training_epochs.png')
plt.savefig(savename, dpi=plt.gcf().dpi, bbox_inches='tight')
# Conditional training results at last epoch
cond_tau, cond_p_value = kendalltau(all_reg_evals, all_cond_evals_last)
cond_spe, cond_sp_value = spearmanr(all_reg_evals, all_cond_evals_last)
print(f'Conditional Kendall Tau score: {cond_tau:3.03f}, p_value {cond_p_value:3.03f}')
print(f'Conditional Spearman corr: {cond_spe:3.03f}, p_value {cond_sp_value:3.03f}')
with open(results_savename, 'a') as f:
f.write(f'Conditional Kendall Tau score: {cond_tau:3.03f}, p_value {cond_p_value:3.03f} \n')
f.write(f'Conditional Spearman corr: {cond_spe:3.03f}, p_value {cond_sp_value:3.03f} \n')
sns.scatterplot(x=all_reg_evals, y=all_cond_evals_last)
plt.xlabel('Test top1 at natsbench full training')
plt.ylabel('Conditional training')
savename = os.path.join(out_dir, 'proxynas_cond_training_epochs.png')
plt.savefig(savename, dpi=plt.gcf().dpi, bbox_inches='tight')
# Report average runtime and average flops consumed
total_freeze_flops = np.array(all_freeze_flops_last) + np.array(all_cond_flops_last)
avg_freeze_flops = np.mean(total_freeze_flops)
std_freeze_flops = np.std(total_freeze_flops)
stderr_freeze_flops = std_freeze_flops / np.sqrt(len(all_freeze_flops_last))
avg_freeze_runtime = np.mean(np.array(all_freeze_time_last))
std_freeze_runtime = np.std(np.array(all_freeze_time_last))
stderr_freeze_runtime = std_freeze_runtime / np.sqrt(len(all_freeze_time_last))
avg_cond_runtime = np.mean(np.array(all_cond_time_last))
std_cond_runtime = np.std(np.array(all_cond_time_last))
stderr_cond_runtime = std_cond_runtime / np.sqrt(len(all_cond_time_last))
avg_partial_runtime = np.mean(np.array(all_partial_time_last))
std_partial_runtime = np.std(np.array(all_partial_time_last))
stderr_partial_runtime = std_partial_runtime / np.sqrt(len(all_partial_time_last))
with open(results_savename, 'a') as f:
f.write(f'Avg. Freeze MFlops: {avg_freeze_flops:.03f}, std {std_freeze_flops}, stderr {stderr_freeze_flops:.03f} \n')
f.write(f'Avg. Freeze Runtime: {avg_freeze_runtime:.03f}, std {std_freeze_runtime}, stderr {stderr_freeze_runtime:.03f} \n')
f.write(f'Avg. Conditional Runtime: {avg_cond_runtime:.03f}, std {std_cond_runtime}, stderr {stderr_cond_runtime:.03f} \n')
f.write(f'Avg. Partial Runtime: {avg_partial_runtime:.03f}, std {std_partial_runtime}, stderr {stderr_partial_runtime:.03f} \n')
# Plot freeze training rank correlations if cutoff at various epochs
freeze_taus = {}
freeze_spes = {}
for epoch_key in all_freeze_evals.keys():
tau, _ = kendalltau(all_reg_evals, all_freeze_evals[epoch_key])
spe, _ = spearmanr(all_reg_evals, all_freeze_evals[epoch_key])
freeze_taus[epoch_key] = tau
freeze_spes[epoch_key] = spe
for epoch_key in freeze_taus.keys():
plt.scatter(epoch_key, freeze_taus[epoch_key])
plt.xlabel('Epochs of freeze training')
plt.ylabel('Kendall Tau')
plt.ylim((-1.0, 1.0))
savename = os.path.join(out_dir, 'proxynas_freeze_training_kendall_taus.png')
plt.savefig(savename, dpi=plt.gcf().dpi, bbox_inches='tight')
for epoch_key in freeze_taus.keys():
plt.scatter(epoch_key, freeze_spes[epoch_key])
plt.xlabel('Epochs of freeze training')
plt.ylabel('Spearman Correlation')
plt.ylim((-1.0, 1.0))
savename = os.path.join(out_dir, 'proxynas_freeze_training_spearman_corrs.png')
plt.savefig(savename, dpi=plt.gcf().dpi, bbox_inches='tight')
# Naswottraining results
naswot_tau, naswot_p_value = kendalltau(all_reg_evals, all_naswotrain_evals)
naswot_spe, naswot_sp_value = spearmanr(all_reg_evals, all_naswotrain_evals)
print(f'Naswotraining Kendall Tau score: {naswot_tau:3.03f}, p_value {naswot_p_value:3.03f}')
print(f'Naswotraining Spearman corr: {naswot_spe:3.03f}, p_value {naswot_sp_value:3.03f}')
results_savename = os.path.join(out_dir, 'results.txt')
with open(results_savename, 'a') as f:
f.write(f'Naswotraining Kendall Tau score: {naswot_tau:3.03f}, p_value {naswot_p_value:3.03f} \n')
f.write(f'Naswotraining Spearman corr: {naswot_spe:3.03f}, p_value {naswot_sp_value:3.03f} \n')
sns.scatterplot(all_reg_evals, all_naswotrain_evals)
plt.xlabel('Test top1 at 200 epochs')
savename = os.path.join(out_dir, 'proxynas_naswotraining.png')
plt.savefig(savename, dpi=plt.gcf().dpi, bbox_inches='tight')
# Rank correlations at top n percent of architectures
reg_freezelast_naswot_evals = [(all_reg_evals[i], all_freeze_evals_last[i], all_naswotrain_evals[i], all_freeze_time_last[i]) for i in range(len(all_reg_evals))]
# sort in descending order of accuracy of regular evaluation
reg_freezelast_naswot_evals.sort(key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True)
top_percent_freeze_times_avg = []
top_percent_freeze_times_std = []
top_percent_freeze_times_stderr = []
spe_freeze_top_percents = []
spe_naswot_top_percents = []
top_percents = []
top_percent_range = range(2, 101, 2)
for top_percent in top_percent_range:
num_to_keep = int(ma.floor(len(reg_freezelast_naswot_evals) * top_percent * 0.01))
top_percent_evals = reg_freezelast_naswot_evals[:num_to_keep]
top_percent_reg = [x[0] for x in top_percent_evals]
top_percent_freeze = [x[1] for x in top_percent_evals]
top_percent_naswot = [x[2] for x in top_percent_evals]
top_percent_freeze_times = [x[3] for x in top_percent_evals]
spe_freeze, _ = spearmanr(top_percent_reg, top_percent_freeze)
spe_naswot, _ = spearmanr(top_percent_reg, top_percent_naswot)
sns.scatterplot(top_percents, spe_freeze_top_percents)
sns.scatterplot(top_percents, spe_naswot_top_percents)
plt.legend(labels=['Freeze Train', 'Naswot'])
plt.ylim((-1.0, 1.0))
plt.xlabel('Top percent of architectures')
plt.ylabel('Spearman Correlation')
savename = os.path.join(out_dir, f'spe_top_archs.png')
plt.savefig(savename, dpi=plt.gcf().dpi, bbox_inches='tight')
plt.errorbar(top_percents, top_percent_freeze_times_avg, yerr=np.array(top_percent_freeze_times_std)/2, marker='s', mfc='red', ms=10, mew=4)
plt.xlabel('Top percent of architectures')
plt.ylabel('Avg. time (s)')
plt.yticks(np.arange(0,600, step=50))
savename = os.path.join(out_dir, f'freeze_train_duration_top_archs.png')
plt.savefig(savename, dpi=plt.gcf().dpi, bbox_inches='tight')
# how much overlap in top x% of architectures between method and groundtruth
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
arch_id_reg_evals = [(arch_id, reg_eval) for arch_id, reg_eval in zip(all_arch_ids, all_reg_evals)]
arch_id_freezetrain_evals = [(arch_id, freeze_eval) for arch_id, freeze_eval in zip(all_arch_ids, all_freeze_evals_last)]
arch_id_naswot_evals = [(arch_id, naswot_eval) for arch_id, naswot_eval in zip(all_arch_ids, all_naswotrain_evals)]
arch_id_reg_evals.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
arch_id_freezetrain_evals.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
arch_id_naswot_evals.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
assert len(arch_id_reg_evals) == len(arch_id_freezetrain_evals)
assert len(arch_id_reg_evals) == len(arch_id_naswot_evals)
top_percents = []
freezetrain_ratio_common = []
naswot_ratio_common = []
for top_percent in top_percent_range:
num_to_keep = int(ma.floor(len(arch_id_reg_evals) * top_percent * 0.01))
top_percent_arch_id_reg_evals = arch_id_reg_evals[:num_to_keep]
top_percent_arch_id_freezetrain_evals = arch_id_freezetrain_evals[:num_to_keep]
top_percent_arch_id_naswot_evals = arch_id_naswot_evals[:num_to_keep]
# take the set of arch_ids in each method and find overlap with top archs
set_reg = set([x[0] for x in top_percent_arch_id_reg_evals])
set_ft = set([x[0] for x in top_percent_arch_id_freezetrain_evals])
ft_num_common = len(set_reg.intersection(set_ft))
set_naswot = set([x[0] for x in top_percent_arch_id_naswot_evals])
naswot_num_common = len(set_reg.intersection(set_naswot))
# save raw data for other aggregate plots over experiments
raw_data_dict = {}
raw_data_dict['top_percents'] = top_percents
raw_data_dict['spe_freeze'] = spe_freeze_top_percents
raw_data_dict['spe_naswot'] = spe_naswot_top_percents
raw_data_dict['freeze_times_avg'] = top_percent_freeze_times_avg
raw_data_dict['freeze_times_std'] = top_percent_freeze_times_std
raw_data_dict['freeze_times_stderr'] = top_percent_freeze_times_stderr
raw_data_dict['freeze_ratio_common'] = freezetrain_ratio_common
raw_data_dict['naswot_ratio_common'] = naswot_ratio_common
savename = os.path.join(out_dir, 'raw_data.yaml')
with open(savename, 'w') as f:
yaml.dump(raw_data_dict, f)
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
import json
import argparse
import os
from typing import List
from tqdm import tqdm
import plotly.graph_objects as go
def find_train_thresh_epochs(train_acc:List[float], train_thresh:float)->int:
for i, t in enumerate(train_acc):
if t >= train_thresh:
return i
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Nasbench301 time to threshold vs. test accuracy')
parser.add_argument('--nb301-logs-dir', '-d', type=str, help='folder with nasbench301 architecture training logs')
parser.add_argument('--out-dir', '-o', type=str, default=r'~/logdir/reports', help='folder to output reports')
args, extra_args = parser.parse_known_args()
train_thresh = 60.0
timetothresh_vs_test_acc = []
# collect all the json file names in the log dir recursively
for root, dir, files in os.walk(args.nb301_logs_dir):
for name in tqdm(files):
log_name = os.path.join(root, name)
with open(log_name, 'r') as f:
log_data = json.load(f)
num_epochs = len(log_data['learning_curves']['Train/train_accuracy'])
test_acc = log_data['test_accuracy']
per_epoch_time = log_data['runtime'] / num_epochs
num_epochs_to_thresh = find_train_thresh_epochs(log_data['learning_curves']['Train/train_accuracy'],
# many weak architectures will never reach threshold
if not num_epochs_to_thresh:
time_to_thresh = per_epoch_time * num_epochs_to_thresh
timetothresh_vs_test_acc.append((time_to_thresh, test_acc))
# plot
fig = go.Figure()
xs = [timetothresh for timetothresh, testacc in timetothresh_vs_test_acc]
ys = [testacc for timetothresh, testacc in timetothresh_vs_test_acc]
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=xs, y=ys, mode='markers'))
fig.update_layout(xaxis_title='Time to reach threshold train accuracy (s)',
yaxis_title='Final Accuracy')
savename_html = os.path.join(args.out_dir, 'nasbench301_timetothresh_vs_testacc.html')
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
import argparse
from typing import Dict, List, Type, Iterator, Tuple
import glob
import os
import pathlib
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict, namedtuple
from scipy.stats.stats import _two_sample_transform
import yaml
from inspect import getsourcefile
import seaborn as sns
import math as ma
import plotly.express as px
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from scipy.stats import kendalltau, spearmanr
from runstats import Statistics
#import matplotlib
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from multiprocessing import Pool
from collections import namedtuple
from archai.common import utils
from archai.common.ordereddict_logger import OrderedDictLogger
from archai.common.analysis_utils import epoch_nodes, parse_a_job, fix_yaml, remove_seed_part, group_multi_runs, collect_epoch_nodes, EpochStats, FoldStats, stat2str, get_epoch_stats, get_summary_text, get_details_text, plot_epochs, write_report
import re
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Report creator')
parser.add_argument('--results-dir', '-d', type=str,
help='folder with experiment results from pt')
parser.add_argument('--out-dir', '-o', type=str, default=r'~/logdir/reports',
help='folder to output reports')
args, extra_args = parser.parse_known_args()
# root dir where all results are stored
results_dir = pathlib.Path(utils.full_path(args.results_dir))
print(f'results_dir: {results_dir}')
# extract experiment name which is top level directory
exp_name = results_dir.parts[-1]
# create results dir for experiment
out_dir = utils.full_path(os.path.join(args.out_dir, exp_name))
print(f'out_dir: {out_dir}')
os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True)
# get list of all structured logs for each job
logs = {}
confs = {}
job_dirs = list(results_dir.iterdir())
# # test single job parsing for debugging
# # WARNING: very slow, just use for debugging
# for job_dir in job_dirs:
# a = parse_a_job(job_dir)
# parallel parsing of yaml logs
num_workers = 60
with Pool(num_workers) as p:
a = p.map(parse_a_job, job_dirs)
for storage in a:
for key, val in storage.items():
logs[key] = val[0]
confs[key] = val[1]
# remove all search jobs
for key in list(logs.keys()):
if 'search' in key:
# remove all arch_ids which did not finish
for key in list(logs.keys()):
to_delete = False
if 'eval_arch' not in list(logs[key].keys()):
to_delete = True
if to_delete:
print(f'arch id {key} did not finish. removing from calculations.')
# eval_arch may not have finished
num_epochs = confs[key]['nas']['eval']['trainer']['epochs']
last_epoch_key = int(list(logs[key]['eval_arch']['eval_train']['epochs'].keys())[-1])
if last_epoch_key != num_epochs - 1:
print(f'arch id {key} did not finish. removing from calculations.')
# create a dict with arch_id: regular eval score as entries
# and save since synthetic cifar10 or other new datasets
# are not part of the benchmark
arch_id_reg_eval = {}
arch_id_params_flops = {}
arch_id_trainacc_at_n_epoch = {}
n_epoch = '3'
for key in logs.keys():
arch_id = confs[key]['nas']['eval']['natsbench']['arch_index']
reg_eval = logs[key]['eval_arch']['eval_train']['best_test']['top1']
train_acc_at_n = logs[key]['eval_arch']['eval_train']['epochs'][n_epoch]['train']['top1']
num_params = logs[key]['eval_arch']['eval_train']['num_params']
mega_flops_per_batch = logs[key]['eval_arch']['eval_train']['mega_flops_per_batch']
# store
arch_id_reg_eval[arch_id] = reg_eval
arch_id_trainacc_at_n_epoch[arch_id] = train_acc_at_n
arch_id_params_flops[arch_id] = {'params': num_params, 'flops': mega_flops_per_batch}
savename = os.path.join(out_dir, 'arch_id_test_accuracy_synthetic_cifar10.yaml')
with open(savename, 'w') as f:
yaml.dump(arch_id_reg_eval, f)
savename = os.path.join(out_dir, 'arch_id_params_flops.yaml')
with open(savename, 'w') as f:
yaml.dump(arch_id_params_flops, f)
# now create a list of regular evaluation and corresponding synflow scores
# to compute spearman's correlation
all_reg_evals = []
all_epochs_at_n = []
for arch_id in arch_id_reg_eval.keys():
spe_epochs_at_n, _ = spearmanr(all_reg_evals, all_epochs_at_n)
print(f'Spearman corr. {n_epoch}: {spe_epochs_at_n}')
print(f'num valid architectures used for analysis {len(logs)}')
# plot histogram of regular evaluation scores
fig = px.histogram(all_reg_evals, labels={'x': 'Test Accuracy', 'y': 'Counts'})
savename = os.path.join(out_dir, 'distribution_of_test_accuracies.html')
# plot histogram of training scores
all_train_accs = []
for key in logs.keys():
train_acc = logs[key]['eval_arch']['eval_train']['best_train']['top1']
fig1 = px.histogram(all_train_accs, labels={'x': 'Train Accuracy', 'y': 'Counts'})
savename = os.path.join(out_dir, 'distribution_of_train_accuracies.html')
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -1,360 +0,0 @@
import sys
import argparse
from typing import Dict, List, Type, Iterator, Tuple
import glob
import os
import pathlib
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
from scipy.stats.stats import _two_sample_transform
import yaml
from inspect import getsourcefile
import seaborn as sns
import math as ma
import plotly.express as px
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from scipy.stats import kendalltau, spearmanr, pearsonr
from runstats import Statistics
#import matplotlib
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from multiprocessing import Pool
from collections import namedtuple
from itertools import product
from archai.common import utils
from archai.common.ordereddict_logger import OrderedDictLogger
from archai.common.analysis_utils import epoch_nodes, parse_a_job, fix_yaml, remove_seed_part, group_multi_runs, collect_epoch_nodes, EpochStats, FoldStats, stat2str, get_epoch_stats, get_summary_text, get_details_text, plot_epochs, write_report
import re
ZEROCOST_MEASURES = ['grad_norm', 'snip', 'grasp', 'fisher', 'jacob_cov', 'plain', 'synflow', 'synflow_bn']
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Report creator')
parser.add_argument('--results-dir', '-d', type=str,
help='folder with experiment results from pt')
parser.add_argument('--out-dir', '-o', type=str, default=r'~/logdir/reports',
help='folder to output reports')
parser.add_argument('--reg-evals-file', '-r', type=str, default=None,
help='optional yaml file which contains full evaluation \
of architectures on new datasets not part of natsbench')
parser.add_argument('--params-flops-file', '-p', type=str, default=None,
help='optional yaml file which contains params flops information \
of architectures on new datasets not part of natsbench')
args, extra_args = parser.parse_known_args()
# root dir where all results are stored
results_dir = pathlib.Path(utils.full_path(args.results_dir))
print(f'results_dir: {results_dir}')
# extract experiment name which is top level directory
exp_name = results_dir.parts[-1]
# create results dir for experiment
out_dir = utils.full_path(os.path.join(args.out_dir, exp_name))
print(f'out_dir: {out_dir}')
os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True)
# if optional regular evaluation lookup file is provided
reg_evals_data = None
if args.reg_evals_file:
with open(args.reg_evals_file, 'r') as f:
reg_evals_data = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.Loader)
# if optional params flops lookup file is provided
params_flops_data = None
if args.params_flops_file:
with open(args.params_flops_file, 'r') as f:
params_flops_data = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.Loader)
# get list of all structured logs for each job
logs = {}
confs = {}
job_dirs = list(results_dir.iterdir())
# # test single job parsing for debugging
# # WARNING: very slow, just use for debugging
# for job_dir in job_dirs:
# a = parse_a_job(job_dir)
# parallel parsing of yaml logs
num_workers = 48
with Pool(num_workers) as p:
a = p.map(parse_a_job, job_dirs)
for storage in a:
for key, val in storage.items():
logs[key] = val[0]
confs[key] = val[1]
# remove all search jobs
for key in list(logs.keys()):
if 'search' in key:
# remove all arch_ids which did not finish
for key in list(logs.keys()):
to_delete = False
# it might have died early
if 'zerocost_evaluate' not in list(logs[key].keys()):
to_delete = True
if to_delete:
print(f'arch id {key} did not finish. removing from calculations.')
all_arch_ids = []
all_reg_evals = []
all_params_evals = []
all_flops_evals = []
all_zerocost_init_evals = defaultdict(list)
for key in logs.keys():
if 'eval' in key:
# regular evaluation
# important to get this first since if it is not
# available for non-benchmark datasets we need to
# remove it from consideration
# --------------------
if not args.reg_evals_file:
reg_eval_top1 = logs[key]['regular_evaluate']['regtrainingtop1']
# lookup from the provided file since this dataset is not part of the
# benchmark and hence we have to provide the info separately
if 'natsbench' in list(confs[key]['nas']['eval'].keys()):
arch_id_in_bench = confs[key]['nas']['eval']['natsbench']['arch_index']
elif 'nasbench101' in list(confs[key]['nas']['eval'].keys()):
arch_id_in_bench = confs[key]['nas']['eval']['nasbench101']['arch_index']
elif 'dartsspace' in list(confs[key]['nas']['eval'].keys()):
arch_id_in_bench = confs[key]['nas']['eval']['dartsspace']['arch_index']
if arch_id_in_bench not in list(reg_evals_data.keys()):
# if the dataset used is not part of the standard benchmark some of the architectures
# may not have full evaluation accuracies available. Remove them from consideration.
reg_eval_top1 = reg_evals_data[arch_id_in_bench]
if params_flops_data:
params = params_flops_data[arch_id_in_bench]['params']
flops = params_flops_data[arch_id_in_bench]['flops']
# zerocost initial scores
for measure in ZEROCOST_MEASURES:
score = logs[key]['zerocost_evaluate']['eval_arch']['eval_train'][measure]
# record the arch id
# --------------------
if 'natsbench' in list(confs[key]['nas']['eval'].keys()):
elif 'nasbench101' in list(confs[key]['nas']['eval'].keys()):
elif 'dartsspace' in list(confs[key]['nas']['eval'].keys()):
except KeyError as err:
print(f'KeyError {err} not in {key}')
# Sanity check
for measure in ZEROCOST_MEASURES:
assert len(all_reg_evals) == len(all_zerocost_init_evals[measure])
assert len(all_reg_evals) == len(all_arch_ids)
# if params flops is present compute spearman wrt params and flops
# also compute scatter plots for params vs synflow
if params_flops_data:
assert len(all_reg_evals) == len(all_params_evals)
assert len(all_reg_evals) == len(all_flops_evals)
spe_params, _ = spearmanr(all_reg_evals, all_params_evals)
spe_flops, _ = spearmanr(all_reg_evals, all_flops_evals)
# Store some key numbers in results.txt
results_savename = os.path.join(out_dir, 'results.txt')
with open(results_savename, 'w') as f:
f.write(f'Total valid archs processed: {len(all_reg_evals)} \n')
f.write(f'Spearman wrt params: {spe_params} \n')
f.write(f'Spearman wrt flops: {spe_flops} \n')
print(f'Total valid archs processed: {len(all_reg_evals)}')
print(f'Spearman wrt params: {spe_params} \n')
print(f'Spearman wrt flops: {spe_flops} \n')
# scatter params vs. synflow
fig = go.Figure()
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=all_params_evals, y=all_zerocost_init_evals['synflow'], mode='markers'))
fig.update_layout(font=dict(size=36)) # font size
fig.update_traces(marker=dict(size=20)) # marker size
savename_html = os.path.join(out_dir, f'params_vs_synflow.html')
savename_png = os.path.join(out_dir, f'params_vs_synflow.png')
fig.write_image(savename_png, width=1500, height=1500, scale=1)
# create heatmap of all pairs of proxies along with params, flops, gt
ZEROCOST_MEASURES_PF = ['grad_norm', 'snip', 'grasp', 'fisher', 'jacob_cov', 'synflow', 'params', 'flops', 'gt']
all_zerocost_init_evals['params'] = all_params_evals
all_zerocost_init_evals['flops'] = all_flops_evals
all_zerocost_init_evals['gt'] = all_reg_evals
for i, m1 in enumerate(ZEROCOST_MEASURES_PF):
for j, m2 in enumerate(ZEROCOST_MEASURES_PF):
# sometimes jacob_cov has a nan here and there. ignore those.
m1_scores = all_zerocost_init_evals[m1]
m2_scores = all_zerocost_init_evals[m2]
valid_scores = [x for x in zip(m1_scores, m2_scores) if not ma.isnan(x[0]) and not ma.isnan(x[1])]
m1_valid = [x[0] for x in valid_scores]
m2_valid = [x[1] for x in valid_scores]
spe, _ = spearmanr(m1_valid, m2_valid)
hm[i][j] = spe
fig = px.imshow(hm, text_auto="0.1f", x=ZEROCOST_MEASURES_PF, y=ZEROCOST_MEASURES_PF)
fig.update_layout(font=dict(size=36)) # font size
savename_html = os.path.join(out_dir, f'all_pairs_zc_spe.html')
savename_png = os.path.join(out_dir, f'all_pairs_zc_spe.png')
fig.write_image(savename_png, width=1500, height=1500, scale=1)
results_savename = os.path.join(out_dir, 'results.txt')
with open(results_savename, 'a') as f:
f.write(f'Total valid archs processed: {len(all_reg_evals)} \n')
f.write(f'Spearman wrt params: {spe_params}')
f.write(f'Spearman wrt flops: {spe_flops}')
print(f'Total valid archs processed: {len(all_reg_evals)}')
print(f'Spearman wrt params: {spe_params}')
print(f'Spearman wrt flops: {spe_flops}')
top_percent_range = range(2, 101, 2)
# Rank correlations at top n percent of architectures
# -------------------------------------------------------
spe_top_percents_init = defaultdict(list)
for measure in ZEROCOST_MEASURES:
reg_init = [(all_reg_evals[i], all_zerocost_init_evals[measure][i]) for i in range(len(all_reg_evals))]
reg_init.sort(key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True)
top_percents = []
for top_percent in top_percent_range:
num_to_keep = int(ma.floor(len(reg_init) * top_percent * 0.01))
top_percent_evals = reg_init[:num_to_keep]
# sometimes jacob_cov has a nan here and there. ignore those.
top_percent_reg = [x[0] for x in top_percent_evals
if not ma.isnan(x[0]) and not ma.isnan(x[1])]
top_percent_init = [x[1] for x in top_percent_evals
if not ma.isnan(x[0]) and not ma.isnan(x[1])]
assert len(top_percent_reg) == len(top_percent_init)
spe_init, _ = spearmanr(top_percent_reg, top_percent_init)
# for the entire bin of archs scatter plot
# groundtruth accuracy (x-axis) vs. measure and save
if top_percent == 100:
fig = go.Figure()
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=top_percent_reg, y=top_percent_init, mode='markers'))
fig.update_layout(xaxis_title="Test Accuracy",
fig.update_layout(font=dict(size=36)) # font size
fig.update_traces(marker=dict(size=20)) # marker size
savename_html = os.path.join(out_dir, f'test_accuracy_vs_{measure}.html')
savename_png = os.path.join(out_dir, f'test_accuracy_vs_{measure}.png')
fig.write_image(savename_png, width=1500, height=1500, scale=1)
spe_top_percents_init['top_percents'] = top_percents
# overlap in top x% of architectures between method and groundtruth
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
cr_init_top_percents = defaultdict(list)
arch_id_reg_evals = [(all_arch_ids[i], all_reg_evals[i]) for i in range(len(all_reg_evals))]
arch_id_reg_evals.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
for measure in ZEROCOST_MEASURES:
arch_id_init = [(all_arch_ids[i], all_zerocost_init_evals[measure][i]) for i in range(len(all_reg_evals))]
arch_id_init.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
assert len(arch_id_reg_evals) == len(arch_id_init)
top_percents = []
for top_percent in top_percent_range:
num_to_keep = int(ma.floor(len(arch_id_reg_evals) * top_percent * 0.01))
top_percent_arch_id_reg_evals = arch_id_reg_evals[:num_to_keep]
top_percent_arch_id_init_evals = arch_id_init[:num_to_keep]
# take the set of arch_ids in each method and find overlap with top archs
set_reg = set([x[0] for x in top_percent_arch_id_reg_evals])
set_init = set([x[0] for x in top_percent_arch_id_init_evals])
init_num_common = len(set_reg.intersection(set_init))
cr_init_top_percents['top_percents'] = top_percents
# save data
save_data(spe_top_percents_init, cr_init_top_percents, out_dir)
# print out summary in pretty format to text file
with open(results_savename, 'a') as f:
f.write('spearman correlations: \n')
for measure in ZEROCOST_MEASURES:
f.write(f'{measure}: {spe_top_percents_init[measure][-1]} \n')
print(f'{measure}: {spe_top_percents_init[measure][-1]} \n')
def save_data(spe_top_percents:List[float], cr_top_percents:List[float], savefolder:str):
# save raw data for other aggregate plots over experiments
# --------------------------------------------------------
raw_data_dict = {}
raw_data_dict['top_percents'] = spe_top_percents['top_percents']
for measure in ZEROCOST_MEASURES:
raw_data_dict[measure+'_spe'] = spe_top_percents[measure]
raw_data_dict[measure+'_ratio_common'] = cr_top_percents[measure]
os.makedirs(savefolder, exist_ok=True)
savename = os.path.join(savefolder, 'raw_data.yaml')
with open(savename, 'w') as f:
yaml.dump(raw_data_dict, f)
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
from collections import defaultdict
from enum import Enum
import json
import argparse
import os
from typing import Dict, List
from tqdm import tqdm
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from scipy.stats import kendalltau, spearmanr, sem
import statistics
SCORERS = {'train_accuracy', 'train_loss', 'train_cross_entropy', 'val_accuracy'}
def plot_spearman_top_percents(results:Dict[str, list],
for idx, tp in enumerate(results['top_percents']):
avg_time = results['avg_times'][idx]
stderr = results['stderr_times'][idx]
error_x = dict(type='data', array=[stderr], visible=True, thickness=1, width=0)
spe = results['spes'][idx]
show_legend = False if idx > 0 else True
row=idx+1, col=1)
def find_train_thresh_epochs(train_acc:List[float], train_thresh:float)->int:
for i, t in enumerate(train_acc):
if t >= train_thresh:
return i + 1
<<<<<<< HEAD
def top_buckets_spearmans(all_reg_evals:List[float],
assert len(all_reg_evals) == len(all_proxy_evals)
assert len(all_reg_evals) == len(all_proxy_times)
reg_proxy = [(x, y, z) for x, y, z in zip(all_reg_evals, all_proxy_evals, all_proxy_times)]
# sort in descending order of accuracy of regular evaluation
reg_proxy.sort(key= lambda x: x[0], reverse=True)
top_percent_times_avg = []
top_percent_times_std = []
top_percent_times_stderr = []
spe_top_percents = []
top_percents = []
top_percent_range = range(10, 101, 10)
for top_percent in top_percent_range:
num_to_keep = int(ma.floor(len(reg_proxy) * top_percent * 0.01))
top_percent_reg_proxy_times = reg_proxy[:num_to_keep]
top_percent_reg = [x[0] for x in top_percent_reg_proxy_times]
top_percent_proxy = [x[1] for x in top_percent_reg_proxy_times]
top_percent_proxy_times = [x[2] for x in top_percent_reg_proxy_times]
spe_proxy, _ = spearmanr(top_percent_reg, top_percent_proxy)
results = {
'top_percents': top_percents,
'spes': spe_top_percents,
'avg_times': top_percent_times_avg,
'std_times': top_percent_times_std,
'stderr_times': top_percent_times_stderr
return results
>>>>>>> 17e92924 (Simulation code on DARTS logs nominally working.)
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Nasbench301 time to threshold vs. test accuracy')
parser.add_argument('--nb301-logs-dir', '-d', type=str, help='folder with nasbench301 architecture training logs')
parser.add_argument('--out-dir', '-o', type=str, default=r'~/logdir/reports', help='folder to output reports')
parser.add_argument('--scorer', '-s', type=str, default='train_accuracy',
help='one of train_accuracy, train_loss, train_cross_entropy, val_accuracy')
args, extra_args = parser.parse_known_args()
if args.scorer not in SCORERS:
raise argparse.ArgumentError
scorer_key = "Train/" + args.scorer
# TODO: make these into cmd line arguments
train_thresh = 60.0
post_thresh_epochs = 10
all_test_acc = []
all_fear_end_acc = []
all_fear_time = []
all_reg_train_acc = defaultdict(list)
all_reg_train_time_per_epoch = defaultdict(list)
# collect all the json file names in the log dir recursively
for root, dir, files in os.walk(args.nb301_logs_dir):
for name in tqdm(files):
log_name = os.path.join(root, name)
with open(log_name, 'r') as f:
log_data = json.load(f)
num_epochs = len(log_data['learning_curves'][scorer_key])
test_acc = log_data['test_accuracy']
per_epoch_time = log_data['runtime'] / num_epochs
num_epochs_to_thresh = find_train_thresh_epochs(log_data['learning_curves'][scorer_key],
# many weak architectures will never reach threshold
if not num_epochs_to_thresh:
simulated_stage2_epoch = num_epochs_to_thresh + post_thresh_epochs
fear_time = per_epoch_time * simulated_stage2_epoch
train_acc_stage2 = log_data['learning_curves'][scorer_key][simulated_stage2_epoch]
# get training acc at all epochs for regular
# evaluation baseline
for epoch_num, train_acc in enumerate(log_data['learning_curves'][scorer_key]):
all_reg_train_time_per_epoch[epoch_num].append((epoch_num + 1) * per_epoch_time)
spes_train_acc_vs_epoch = {}
avg_time_train_acc_vs_epoch = {}
for epoch_num, train_accs_epoch in all_reg_train_acc.items():
if len(train_accs_epoch) != len(all_test_acc):
this_spe, _ = spearmanr(all_test_acc, train_accs_epoch)
spes_train_acc_vs_epoch[epoch_num] = this_spe
avg_time_train_acc_vs_epoch[epoch_num] = statistics.mean(all_reg_train_time_per_epoch[epoch_num])
for epoch_num, spe in spes_train_acc_vs_epoch.items():
avg_time = avg_time_train_acc_vs_epoch[epoch_num]
<<<<<<< HEAD
print(f'Epoch {epoch_num}, spearman {spe}, avg. time: {avg_time} seconds')
# print(f'Epoch {epoch_num}, spearman {spe}, avg. time: {avg_time} seconds')
# FEAR rank correlations at top n percent of architectures
# -------------------------------------------------------------
fear_results = top_buckets_spearmans(all_reg_evals=all_test_acc,
# picking epoch 10 to plot for regular evaluation
reg_results = {}
for epoch_num in all_reg_train_acc.keys():
all_reg = all_reg_train_acc[epoch_num]
all_reg_times = all_reg_train_time_per_epoch[epoch_num]
if len(all_test_acc) != len(all_reg):
reg_results[epoch_num] = top_buckets_spearmans(all_reg_evals=all_test_acc,
# plot
num_plots = len(fear_results['top_percents'])
num_plots_per_row = num_plots
num_plots_per_col = 1
subplot_titles = [f'Top {x} %' for x in fear_results['top_percents']]
fig = make_subplots(rows=num_plots_per_row,
plot_spearman_top_percents(fear_results, fig, 'FEAR', 'red')
for epoch_num, epoch_num_results in reg_results.items():
plot_spearman_top_percents(epoch_num_results, fig, f'Regular epochs {epoch_num}', 'blue')
fig.update_layout(title_text="Duration vs. Spearman Rank Correlation vs. Top %")
# Regular evaluation rank correlations at top n percent of architectures
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> 17e92924 (Simulation code on DARTS logs nominally working.)
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -1,417 +0,0 @@
exp_folder: 'F:\\archai_experiment_reports'
ft_dt_fb96_ftlr0.025_fte10_ct96_ftt0.6_ftonly: 'ft_dt_fb96_ftlr0.025_fte10_ct96_ftt0.6_ftonly'
ft_dt_fb96_ftlr0.025_fte15_ct96_ftt0.6_ftonly: 'ft_dt_fb96_ftlr0.025_fte15_ct96_ftt0.6_ftonly'
ft_dt_fb96_ftlr0.025_fte20_ct96_ftt0.6_ftonly: 'ft_dt_fb96_ftlr0.025_fte20_ct96_ftt0.6_ftonly'
ft_dt_fb96_ftlr0.025_fte10_ct96_ftt0.6_c5_ftonly: 'ft_dt_fb96_ftlr0.025_fte10_ct96_ftt0.6_c5_ftonly'
ft_dt_fb96_ftlr0.025_fte10_ct96_ftt0.6_c4_ftonly: 'ft_dt_fb96_ftlr0.025_fte10_ct96_ftt0.6_c4_ftonly'
ft_dt_fb96_ftlr0.025_fte10_ct96_ftt0.6_c3_ftonly: 'ft_dt_fb96_ftlr0.025_fte10_ct96_ftt0.6_c3_ftonly'
ft_dt_fb96_ftlr0.025_fte10_ct96_ftt0.6_nofreeze_ftonly: 'ft_dt_fb96_ftlr0.025_fte10_ct96_ftt0.6_nofreeze_ftonly'
dt_reg_b96_e5: 'dt_reg_b96_e5'
dt_reg_b96_e10: 'dt_reg_b96_e10'
dt_reg_b96_e15: 'dt_reg_b96_e15'
dt_reg_b96_e20: 'dt_reg_b96_e20'
freezetrain: 'red'
zero_cost: 'green'
shortreg: 'blue'
nb_sss_c4_ft_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6: 'nb_sss_c4_ft_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6'
nb_sss_c3_ft_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6: 'nb_sss_c3_ft_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6'
nb_sss_c2_ft_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6: 'nb_sss_c2_ft_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6'
nb_sss_c1_ft_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6: 'nb_sss_c1_ft_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6'
nb_sss_r0.1_ft_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6: 'nb_sss_r0.1_ft_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6'
nb_sss_r0.2_ft_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6: 'nb_sss_r0.2_ft_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6'
nb_sss_r1.0_ft_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6: 'nb_sss_r1.0_ft_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6'
nb_sss_reg_b256_e5: 'nb_sss_reg_b256_e5'
nb_sss_reg_b256_e10: 'nb_sss_reg_b256_e10'
nb_sss_reg_b256_e15: 'nb_sss_reg_b256_e15'
nb_sss_reg_b256_e20: 'nb_sss_reg_b256_e20'
freezetrain: 'red'
zero_cost: 'green'
shortreg: 'blue'
# ft_fb2048_ftlr1.5_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6: 'fear stage 2: batch 2048, lr 1.5, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.6'
# ft_fb2048_ftlr1.5_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6: 'fear stage 2: batch 2048, lr 1.5, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.6'
# ft_fb2048_ftlr1.5_fte5_ct256_ftt0.5: 'fear stage 2: batch 2048, lr 1.5, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.5'
# ft_fb2048_ftlr1.5_fte10_ct256_ftt0.5: 'fear stage 2: batch 2048, lr 1.5, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.5'
# ft_fb2048_ftlr1.5_fte5_ct256_ftt0.4: 'fear stage 2: batch 2048, lr 1.5, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.4'
# ft_fb2048_ftlr1.5_fte10_ct256_ftt0.4: 'fear stage 2: batch 2048, lr 1.5, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.4'
# ft_fb2048_ftlr1.5_fte5_ct256_ftt0.3: 'fear stage 2: batch 2048, lr 1.5, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.3'
# ft_fb2048_ftlr1.5_fte10_ct256_ftt0.3: 'fear stage 2: batch 2048, lr 1.5, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.3'
# ft_fb1024_ftlr1.5_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6: 'fear stage 2: batch 1024, lr 1.5, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.6'
# ft_fb1024_ftlr1.5_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6: 'fear stage 2: batch 1024, lr 1.5, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.6'
# ft_fb1024_ftlr1.5_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6_scu: 'fear stage 2: batch 1024, lr 1.5, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.6 scu'
# ft_fb1024_ftlr1.5_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6_scu: 'fear stage 2: batch 1024, lr 1.5, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.6 scu'
# ft_fb512_ftlr1.5_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6: 'fear stage 2: batch 512, lr 1.5, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.6'
# ft_fb512_ftlr1.5_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6: 'fear stage 2: batch 512, lr 1.5, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.6'
# ft_fb256_ftlr1.5_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6: 'fear stage 2: batch 256, lr 1.5, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.6'
# ft_fb256_ftlr1.5_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6: 'fear stage 2: batch 256, lr 1.5, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.6'
# ft_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6: 'fear stage 2: batch 1024, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.6'
# ft_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6: 'fear stage 2: batch 1024, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.6'
#ft_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6_scu: 'fear stage 2: batch 1024, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.6'
# ft_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6: 'fear stage 2: batch 512, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.6'
# ft_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6: 'fear stage 2: batch 512, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.6'
# ft_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6_scu: 'fear stage 2: batch 512, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.6 scu'
# ft_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6_scu: 'fear stage 2: batch 512, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.6 scu'
# ft_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6: 'fear stage 2: batch 256, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.6'
# ft_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6: 'fear stage 2: batch 256, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.6'
# ft_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte15_ct256_ftt0.6: 'fear stage 2: batch 256, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 15, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.6'
# ft_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6_c9: 'fear stage 2: batch 1024, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.6, frozen till: cell 9'
# ft_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6_c9: 'fear stage 2: batch 512, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.6, frozen till: cell 9'
# ft_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6_c9: 'fear stage 2: batch 512, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.6, frozen till: cell 9'
# ft_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6_c9: 'fear stage 2: batch 256, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.6, frozen till: cell 9'
# ft_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6_c9: 'fear stage 2: batch 256, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.6, frozen till: cell 9'
# ft_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6_nofreeze: 'fear stage 2: nofreeze, batch 1024, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.6'
# ft_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6_classifier: 'fear stage 2: last layer, batch 1024, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.6'
# ft_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6_c16: 'fear stage 2: c16 onwards, batch 1024, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.6'
# ft_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6_c15: 'fear stage 2: c15 onwards, batch 1024, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.6'
ft_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6_scu: 'fear stage 2: c13 onwards, batch 1024, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.6'
# ft_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6_c14: 'fear stage 2: c14 onwards, batch 1024, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.6'
# ft_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6_c12: 'fear stage 2: c12 onwards, batch 1024, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.6'
# ft_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6_c11: 'fear stage 2: c11 onwards, batch 1024, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.6'
# ft_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6_c10: 'fear stage 2: c10 onwards, batch 1024, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.6'
# ft_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.6_c9: 'fear stage 2: c9 onwards, batch 1024, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.6'
# ft_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.55_c13: 'fear stage 2: c13 onwards, batch 1024, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.55'
# ft_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.50_c13: 'fear stage 2: c13 onwards, batch 1024, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.50'
# ft_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.45_c13: 'fear stage 2: c13 onwards, batch 1024, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.45'
# ft_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.40_c13: 'fear stage 2: c13 onwards, batch 1024, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.40'
ft_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.6_c13: 'fear stage 2: c13 onwards, batch 1024, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.6'
ft_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte15_ct256_ftt0.6_c13: 'fear stage 2: c13 onwards, batch 1024, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 15, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.6'
ft_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte20_ct256_ftt0.6_c13: 'fear stage 2: c13 onwards, batch 1024, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 20, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.6'
ft_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte25_ct256_ftt0.6_c13: 'fear stage 2: c13 onwards, batch 1024, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 25, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.6'
ft_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte30_ct256_ftt0.6_c13: 'fear stage 2: c13 onwards, batch 1024, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 30, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.6'
zc_cond_b256_ftt0.6_at_init: 'zero cost score at initialization'
#zc_cond_b256_ftt0.6_at_cond: 'zero cost score at train accuracy 0.6'
# nb_reg_b1024_e01: 'shortreg: batch 1024 epochs 01'
# nb_reg_b1024_e02: 'shortreg: batch 1024 epochs 02'
# nb_reg_b1024_e04: 'shortreg: batch 1024 epochs 04'
# nb_reg_b1024_e06: 'shortreg: batch 1024 epochs 06'
# nb_reg_b1024_e08: 'shortreg: batch 1024 epochs 08'
# nb_reg_b1024_e10: 'shortreg: batch 1024 epochs 10'
# nb_reg_b1024_e20: 'shortreg: batch 1024 epochs 20'
# nb_reg_b1024_e30: 'shortreg: batch 1024 epochs 30'
nb_reg_b1024_e01_scu: 'shortreg: batch 1024 epochs 01'
nb_reg_b1024_e02_scu: 'shortreg: batch 1024 epochs 02'
nb_reg_b1024_e04_scu: 'shortreg: batch 1024 epochs 04'
nb_reg_b1024_e06_scu: 'shortreg: batch 1024 epochs 06'
nb_reg_b1024_e08_scu: 'shortreg: batch 1024 epochs 08'
nb_reg_b1024_e10_scu: 'shortreg: batch 1024 epochs 10'
nb_reg_b1024_e20_scu: 'shortreg: batch 1024 epochs 20'
nb_reg_b1024_e30_scu: 'shortreg: batch 1024 epochs 30'
nb_reg_b512_e01: 'shortreg: batch 512 epochs 01'
nb_reg_b512_e02: 'shortreg: batch 512 epochs 02'
nb_reg_b512_e04: 'shortreg: batch 512 epochs 04'
nb_reg_b512_e06: 'shortreg: batch 512 epochs 06'
nb_reg_b512_e08: 'shortreg: batch 512 epochs 08'
nb_reg_b512_e10: 'shortreg: batch 512 epochs 10'
# nb_reg_b256_e01: 'shortreg: batch 256 epochs 01'
# nb_reg_b256_e02: 'shortreg: batch 256 epochs 02'
# nb_reg_b256_e04: 'shortreg: batch 256 epochs 04'
# nb_reg_b256_e06: 'shortreg: batch 256 epochs 06'
# nb_reg_b256_e08: 'shortreg: batch 256 epochs 08'
# nb_reg_b256_e10: 'shortreg: batch 256 epochs 10'
nb_reg_b256_e01_scu: 'shortreg: batch 256 epochs 01'
nb_reg_b256_e02_scu: 'shortreg: batch 256 epochs 02'
nb_reg_b256_e04_scu: 'shortreg: batch 256 epochs 04'
nb_reg_b256_e06_scu: 'shortreg: batch 256 epochs 06'
nb_reg_b256_e08_scu: 'shortreg: batch 256 epochs 08'
nb_reg_b256_e10_scu: 'shortreg: batch 256 epochs 10'
nb_reg_b256_e20_scu: 'shortreg: batch 256 epochs 20'
nb_reg_b256_e30_scu: 'shortreg: batch 256 epochs 30'
freezetrain: 'red'
zero_cost: 'green'
shortreg: 'blue'
# ft_c100_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.3: 'fear stage 2: batch 1024, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.3'
# ft_c100_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.3: 'fear stage 2: batch 1024, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.3'
# ft_c100_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.3_scu: 'fear stage 2: batch 1024, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.3 scu'
# ft_c100_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.3_scu: 'fear stage 2: batch 1024, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.3 scu'
# ft_c100_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.3: 'fear stage 2: batch 512, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.3'
# ft_c100_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.3: 'fear stage 2: batch 512, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.3'
ft_c100_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.3_scu: 'fear stage 2: batch 512, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.3'
# ft_c100_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.3_scu: 'fear stage 2: batch 512, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.3'
# ft_c100_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.3: 'fear stage 2: batch 256, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.3'
# ft_c100_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.3: 'fear stage 2: batch 256, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.3'
ft_c100_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.3_nofreeze: 'ft_c100_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.3_nofreeze'
zc_cifar100: 'zero cost score at initialization'
nb_c100_reg_b256_e10: 'shortreg: batch 256 epochs 10'
nb_c100_reg_b256_e20: 'shortreg: batch 256 epochs 20'
nb_c100_reg_b256_e30: 'shortreg: batch 256 epochs 30'
nb_c100_reg_b512_e10: 'shortreg: batch 512 epochs 10'
nb_c100_reg_b512_e20: 'shortreg: batch 512 epochs 20'
nb_c100_reg_b512_e30: 'shortreg: batch 512 epochs 30'
# nb_c100_reg_b1024_e10: 'shortreg: batch 1024 epochs 10'
# nb_c100_reg_b1024_e20: 'shortreg: batch 1024 epochs 20'
# nb_c100_reg_b1024_e30: 'shortreg: batch 1024 epochs 30'
nb_c100_reg_b1024_e10_scu: 'shortreg: batch 1024 epochs 10'
nb_c100_reg_b1024_e20_scu: 'shortreg: batch 1024 epochs 20'
nb_c100_reg_b1024_e30_scu: 'shortreg: batch 1024 epochs 30'
nb_c100_reg_b2048_e10: 'shortreg: batch 2048 epochs 10'
nb_c100_reg_b2048_e20: 'shortreg: batch 2048 epochs 20'
nb_c100_reg_b2048_e30: 'shortreg: batch 2048 epochs 30'
freezetrain: 'red'
zero_cost: 'green'
shortreg: 'blue'
#ft_i6_fb2048_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.1: 'fear stage 2: batch 2048, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.1'
#ft_i6_fb2048_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.1: 'fear stage 2: batch 2048, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.1'
# ft_i6_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.1: 'fear stage 2: batch 1024, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.1'
# ft_i6_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.1: 'fear stage 2: batch 1024, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.1'
# ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.1: 'fear stage 2: batch 512, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.1'
# ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.1: 'fear stage 2: batch 512, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.1'
# ft_i6_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.1: 'fear stage 2: batch 256, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.1'
# ft_i6_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.1: 'fear stage 2: batch 256, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.1'
# ft_i6_fb2048_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.2: 'fear stage 2: batch 2048, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
# ft_i6_fb2048_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2: 'fear stage 2: batch 2048, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
# ft_i6_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.2: 'fear stage 2: batch 1024, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
# ft_i6_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2: 'fear stage 2: batch 1024, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
# ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.2: 'fear stage 2: batch 512, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
# ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2: 'fear stage 2: batch 512, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
# ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.2_scu: 'fear stage 2: batch 512, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2 scu'
# ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2_c14: 'fear stage 2: batch 512, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2 c14'
# ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2_c15: 'fear stage 2: batch 512, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2 c15'
# ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2_c16: 'fear stage 2: batch 512, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2 c16'
# ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2_lastact: 'fear stage 2: batch 512, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2 lastact'
# ft_i6_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.2: 'fear stage 2: batch 256, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
# ft_i6_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2: 'fear stage 2: batch 256, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
# ft_i6_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.2_scu: 'fear stage 2: batch 256, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2 scu'
# ft_i6_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2_scu: 'fear stage 2: batch 256, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2 scu'
# ft_i6_fb256_ftlr0.5_fte5_ct256_ftt0.2: 'fear stage 2: batch 256, lr 0.5, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
# ft_i6_fb256_ftlr0.5_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2: 'fear stage 2: batch 256, lr 0.5, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
# ft_i6_fb256_ftlr0.5_fte5_ct256_ftt0.2_scu: 'fear stage 2: batch 256, lr 0.5, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2 scu'
# ft_i6_fb256_ftlr0.5_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2_scu: 'fear stage 2: batch 256, lr 0.5, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2 scu'
# ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.5_fte5_ct256_ftt0.2: 'fear stage 2: batch 512, lr 0.5, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
# ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.5_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2: 'fear stage 2: batch 512, lr 0.5, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
# ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.5_fte5_ct256_ftt0.2_scu: 'fear stage 2: batch 512, lr 0.5, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2 scu'
# ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.5_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2_scu: 'fear stage 2: batch 512, lr 0.5, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2 scu'
# ft_i6_fb1024_ftlr0.5_fte5_ct256_ftt0.2: 'fear stage 2: batch 1024, lr 0.5, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
# ft_i6_fb1024_ftlr0.5_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2: 'fear stage 2: batch 1024, lr 0.5, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
# ft_i6_fb2048_ftlr0.5_fte5_ct256_ftt0.2: 'fear stage 2: batch 2048, lr 0.5, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
# ft_i6_fb2048_ftlr0.5_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2: 'fear stage 2: batch 2048, lr 0.5, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
# ft_i6_fb256_ftlr1.0_fte5_ct256_ftt0.2: 'fear stage 2: batch 256, lr 1.0, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
# ft_i6_fb256_ftlr1.0_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2: 'fear stage 2: batch 256, lr 1.0, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
# ft_i6_fb512_ftlr1.0_fte5_ct256_ftt0.2: 'fear stage 2: batch 512, lr 1.0, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
# ft_i6_fb512_ftlr1.0_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2: 'fear stage 2: batch 512, lr 1.0, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
# ft_i6_fb1024_ftlr1.0_fte5_ct256_ftt0.2: 'fear stage 2: batch 1024, lr 1.0, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
# ft_i6_fb1024_ftlr1.0_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2: 'fear stage 2: batch 1024, lr 1.0, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
# ft_i6_fb2048_ftlr1.0_fte5_ct256_ftt0.2: 'fear stage 2: batch 2048, lr 1.0, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
# ft_i6_fb2048_ftlr1.0_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2: 'fear stage 2: batch 2048, lr 1.0, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
# ft_i6_fb1024_ftlr0.5_fte5_ct256_ftt0.1_val: 'fear stage 2: batch 1024, lr 0.5, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.1 val'
# ft_i6_fb1024_ftlr0.5_fte10_ct256_ftt0.1_val: 'fear stage 2: batch 1024, lr 0.5, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.1 val'
# ft_i6_fb2048_ftlr0.5_fte5_ct256_ftt0.1_val: 'fear stage 2: batch 2048, lr 0.5, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.1 val'
# ft_i6_fb2048_ftlr0.5_fte10_ct256_ftt0.1_val: 'fear stage 2: batch 2048, lr 0.5, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.1 val'
# ft_i6_fb1024_ftlr1.0_fte5_ct256_ftt0.1_val: 'fear stage 2: batch 1024, lr 1.0, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.1 val'
# ft_i6_fb1024_ftlr1.0_fte10_ct256_ftt0.1_val: 'fear stage 2: batch 1024, lr 1.0, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.1 val'
# ft_i6_fb2048_ftlr1.0_fte5_ct256_ftt0.1_val: 'fear stage 2: batch 2048, lr 1.0, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.1 val'
# ft_i6_fb2048_ftlr1.0_fte10_ct256_ftt0.1_val: 'fear stage 2: batch 2048, lr 1.0, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.1 val'
# ft_i6_fb2048_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.1_scu: 'fear stage 2: batch 2048, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.1 val scu'
# ft_i6_fb2048_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.1_scu: 'fear stage 2: batch 2048, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.1 val scu'
# ft_i6_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.1_scu: 'fear stage 2: batch 1024, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.1 val scu'
# ft_i6_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.1_scu: 'fear stage 2: batch 1024, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.1 val'
# ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2_nofreeze: 'fear stage 2: nofreeze, batch 512, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
# ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2_classifier: 'fear stage 2: last layer, batch 512, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
# ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2_c16: 'fear stage 2: c16 onwards, batch 512, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
# ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2_c15: 'fear stage 2: c15 onwards, batch 512, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
# ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2_c14: 'fear stage 2: c14 onwards, batch 512, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2_scu: 'fear stage 2: c13 onwards, batch 512, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
# ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2_c12: 'fear stage 2: c12 onwards, batch 512, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
# ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2_c11: 'fear stage 2: c11 onwards, batch 512, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
# ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2_c10: 'fear stage 2: c10 onwards, batch 512, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
# ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2_c9: 'fear stage 2: c9 onwards, batch 512, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
# ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.25_c13: 'fear stage 2: c13 onwards, batch 512, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.25'
# ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.15_c13: 'fear stage 2: c13 onwards, batch 512, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.15'
# ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.10_c13: 'fear stage 2: c13 onwards, batch 512, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.10'
ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte15_ct256_ftt0.2_c13: 'fear stage 2: c13 onwards, batch 512, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 15, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte20_ct256_ftt0.2_c13: 'fear stage 2: c13 onwards, batch 512, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 20, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte25_ct256_ftt0.2_c13: 'fear stage 2: c13 onwards, batch 512, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 25, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
ft_i6_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte30_ct256_ftt0.2_c13: 'fear stage 2: c13 onwards, batch 512, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 30, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
zc_imagenet16-120: 'zero cost score at initialization'
nb_i16_reg_b256_e01_scu: 'shortreg: batch 256 epochs 01'
nb_i16_reg_b256_e02_scu: 'shortreg: batch 256 epochs 02'
nb_i16_reg_b256_e04_scu: 'shortreg: batch 256 epochs 04'
nb_i16_reg_b256_e06_scu: 'shortreg: batch 256 epochs 06'
nb_i16_reg_b256_e08_scu: 'shortreg: batch 256 epochs 08'
nb_i16_reg_b256_e10: 'shortreg: batch 256 epochs 10'
nb_i16_reg_b256_e12: 'shortreg: batch 256 epochs 12'
nb_i16_reg_b256_e14: 'shortreg: batch 256 epochs 14'
nb_i16_reg_b256_e16: 'shortreg: batch 256 epochs 16'
nb_i16_reg_b256_e18: 'shortreg: batch 256 epochs 18'
nb_i16_reg_b256_e20: 'shortreg: batch 256 epochs 20'
nb_i16_reg_b256_e30: 'shortreg: batch 256 epochs 30'
nb_i16_reg_b512_e10_scu: 'shortreg: batch 512 epochs 10'
nb_i16_reg_b512_e20_scu: 'shortreg: batch 512 epochs 20'
nb_i16_reg_b512_e22_scu: 'shortreg: batch 512 epochs 22'
nb_i16_reg_b512_e24_scu: 'shortreg: batch 512 epochs 24'
nb_i16_reg_b512_e26_scu: 'shortreg: batch 512 epochs 26'
nb_i16_reg_b512_e28_scu: 'shortreg: batch 512 epochs 28'
nb_i16_reg_b512_e30_scu: 'shortreg: batch 512 epochs 30'
nb_i16_reg_b1024_e10: 'shortreg: batch 1024 epochs 10'
nb_i16_reg_b1024_e20: 'shortreg: batch 1024 epochs 20'
nb_i16_reg_b1024_e30: 'shortreg: batch 1024 epochs 30'
nb_i6_reg_b2048_e10: 'shortreg: batch 2048 epochs 10'
nb_i6_reg_b2048_e20: 'shortreg: batch 2048 epochs 20'
nb_i6_reg_b2048_e30: 'shortreg: batch 2048 epochs 30'
freezetrain: 'red'
zero_cost: 'green'
shortreg: 'blue'
ft_f102_fb2048_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.2: 'fear stage 2: batch 2048, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
ft_f102_fb2048_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2: 'fear stage 2: batch 2048, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
ft_f102_fb2048_ftlr0.1_fte15_ct256_ftt0.2: 'fear stage 2: batch 2048, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 15, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
ft_f102_fb2048_ftlr0.1_fte30_ct256_ftt0.2: 'fear stage 2: batch 2048, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 30, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
ft_f102_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.2: 'fear stage 2: batch 1024, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
ft_f102_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2: 'fear stage 2: batch 1024, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
ft_f102_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte15_ct256_ftt0.2: 'fear stage 2: batch 1024, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 15, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
ft_f102_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte30_ct256_ftt0.2: 'fear stage 2: batch 1024, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 30, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
ft_f102_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.2: 'fear stage 2: batch 512, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
ft_f102_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2: 'fear stage 2: batch 512, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
ft_f102_fb512_ftlr0.1_fte15_ct256_ftt0.2: 'fear stage 2: batch 512, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 15, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
ft_f102_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.2: 'fear stage 2: batch 256, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
ft_f102_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.2: 'fear stage 2: batch 256, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
ft_f102_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte15_ct256_ftt0.2: 'fear stage 2: batch 256, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 15, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.2'
nb_f102_reg_b256_e10: 'shortreg: batch 2048 epochs 10'
nb_f102_reg_b256_e20: 'shortreg: batch 2048 epochs 20'
nb_f102_reg_b256_e30: 'shortreg: batch 2048 epochs 30'
zc_flower102: 'zero cost score at initialization'
freezetrain: 'red'
zero_cost: 'green'
shortreg: 'blue'
ft_sc10_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte5_ct256_ftt0.15: 'fear stage 2: batch 1024, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 5, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.15'
ft_sc10_fb1024_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.15: 'fear stage 2: batch 1024, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.15'
ft_sc10_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.15: 'fear stage 2: batch 256, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.15'
ft_sc10_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.15_c14: 'fear stage 2: batch 256, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.15 c14'
ft_sc10_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.15_c15: 'fear stage 2: batch 256, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.15 c15'
ft_sc10_fb256_ftlr0.1_fte10_ct256_ftt0.15_c16: 'fear stage 2: batch 256, lr 0.1, <br> epochs 10, stage 1: batch 256, thresh 0.15 c16'
zc_synthetic_cifar10: 'zero cost score at initialization'
nb_reg_b256_e10_sc10: 'shortreg: batch 256 epochs 10'
nb_reg_b256_e20_sc10: 'shortreg: batch 256 epochs 20'
nb_reg_b256_e30_sc10: 'shortreg: batch 256 epochs 30'
freezetrain: 'red'
zero_cost: 'green'
shortreg: 'blue'
freezetrain: [ft_nb101_fb256_ftlr0.2_fte5_ct256_ftt0.2,
zero_cost: []
shortreg: [nb101_reg_b256_e01,
freezetrain: 'red'
zero_cost: 'green'
shortreg: 'blue'
@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
import os
import yaml
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from typing import List, Dict
from itertools import cycle
from cycler import cycler
from collections import OrderedDict
import math as ma
import yaml
import argparse
import plotly.express as px
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
import plotly.graph_objects as go
def parse_raw_data(root_exp_folder:str, exp_list:List[str])->Dict:
data = {}
for exp in exp_list:
exp_full_path = os.path.join(root_exp_folder, exp)
with open(os.path.join(exp_full_path, 'raw_data.yaml')) as f:
data[exp] = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.Loader)
return data
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Cross Experiment Random Search Plots')
parser.add_argument('--dataset', type=str, default='natsbench_cifar10',
help='dataset on which experiments have been run')
parser.add_argument('--conf-location', type=str, default='scripts/reports/fastarchrank_plots/cross_random_search.yaml',
help='location of conf file')
args, extra_args = parser.parse_known_args()
with open(args.conf_location, 'r') as f:
conf_data = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.Loader)
exp_folder = conf_data['exp_folder']
far_exp_list = list(conf_data[args.dataset]['fastarchrank'].keys())
reg_exp_list = list(conf_data[args.dataset]['regular'].keys())
# parse raw data from all processed experiments
far_data = parse_raw_data(exp_folder, far_exp_list)
reg_data = parse_raw_data(exp_folder, reg_exp_list)
fig = go.Figure()
for key in far_data.keys():
legend_name = conf_data[args.dataset]['fastarchrank'][key]
marker_color = conf_data[args.dataset]['colors']['fastarchrank']
error_x = dict(type='data', array=[far_data[key]['stderr_duration']], visible=True)
error_y = dict(type='data', array=[far_data[key]['stderr_max_acc']], visible=True)
name=legend_name, mode='markers',
for key in reg_data.keys():
legend_name = conf_data[args.dataset]['regular'][key]
marker_color = conf_data[args.dataset]['colors']['regular']
error_x = dict(type='data', array=[reg_data[key]['stderr_duration']], visible=True)
error_y = dict(type='data', array=[reg_data[key]['stderr_max_acc']], visible=True)
name=legend_name, mode='markers',
fig.update_layout(title_text="Duration vs. Max. Accuracy Random Search",
xaxis_title="Duration (s)",
yaxis_title='Avg. Top-1 Max Accuracy')
savename_html = os.path.join(exp_folder, f'{args.dataset}_random_search.html')
fig_detail = go.Figure()
for key in far_data.keys():
legend_name = conf_data[args.dataset]['fastarchrank'][key]
marker_color = conf_data[args.dataset]['colors']['fastarchrank']
for i in range(len(far_data[key]['trajs'])):
xs = [duration for duration, test_acc in far_data[key]['trajs'][i]]
ys = [test_acc for duration, test_acc in far_data[key]['trajs'][i]]
for key in reg_data.keys():
legend_name = conf_data[args.dataset]['regular'][key]
marker_color = conf_data[args.dataset]['colors']['regular']
for i in range(len(reg_data[key]['trajs'])):
xs = [duration for duration, test_acc in reg_data[key]['trajs'][i]]
ys = [test_acc for duration, test_acc in reg_data[key]['trajs'][i]]
fig_detail.update_layout(title_text="Duration vs. Max. Accuracy Random Search",
xaxis_title="Duration (s)",
yaxis_title='Avg. Top-1 Max Accuracy')
savename_html = os.path.join(exp_folder, f'{args.dataset}_random_search_detail.html')
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
exp_folder: 'F:\\archai_experiment_reports'
rs_darts_reg_e5: 'rs_darts_reg_e5'
rs_darts_reg_e10: 'rs_darts_reg_e10'
rs_darts_reg_e15: 'rs_darts_reg_e15'
rs_darts_reg_e50: 'rs_darts_reg_e50'
rs_darts_far_ftt0.6_fte10_ratio_1.2: 'rs_darts_far_ftt0.6_fte10_ratio_1.2'
rs_darts_far_ftt0.6_fte10_ratio_2.0: 'rs_darts_far_ftt0.6_fte10_ratio_2.0'
rs_darts_far_ftt0.6_fte10_ratio_4.0: 'rs_darts_far_ftt0.6_fte10_ratio_4.0'
rs_darts_far_ftt0.6_fte10_ratio_8.0: 'rs_darts_far_ftt0.6_fte10_ratio_8.0'
rs_darts_far_ftt0.6_fte10_ratio_8.0_nofreeze: 'rs_darts_far_ftt0.6_fte10_ratio_8.0_nofreeze'
fastarchrank: 'green'
regular: 'red'
# rs_far_ftt0.6_max50_ratio1.2: 'rs_far_ftt0.6_max50_ratio1.2'
# rs_far_ftt0.6_max50_ratio1.0: 'rs_far_ftt0.6_max50_ratio1.0'
# rs_far_ftt0.3_max50_ratio1.2: 'rs_far_ftt0.3_max50_ratio1.2'
# rs_far_ftt0.3_max50_ratio1.0: 'rs_far_ftt0.3_max50_ratio1.0'
# rs_far_ftt0.15_max50_ratio1.2: 'rs_far_ftt0.15_max50_ratio1.2'
# rs_far_ftt0.15_max50_ratio1.0: 'rs_far_ftt0.15_max50_ratio1.0'
rs_far_ftt0.6_max500_ratio1.2_fixedseeds: 'rs_far_ftt0.6_max500_ratio1.2_fixedseeds'
rs_far_ftt0.6_max500_ratio2.0_fixedseeds: 'rs_far_ftt0.6_max500_ratio2.0_fixedseeds'
rs_far_ftt0.6_max500_ratio4.0_fixedseeds: 'rs_far_ftt0.6_max500_ratio4.0_fixedseeds'
rs_far_ftt0.6_max500_ratio8.0_fixedseeds: 'rs_far_ftt0.6_max500_ratio8.0_fixedseeds'
# rs_reg_max50_b1024_e01: 'rs_reg_max50_b1024_e01'
# rs_reg_max50_b1024_e02: 'rs_reg_max50_b1024_e02'
# rs_reg_max50_b1024_e04: 'rs_reg_max50_b1024_e04'
# rs_reg_max50_b1024_e06: 'rs_reg_max50_b1024_e06'
# rs_reg_max50_b1024_e08: 'rs_reg_max50_b1024_e08'
# rs_reg_max50_b1024_e10: 'rs_reg_max50_b1024_e10'
rs_reg_max500_b1024_e02_fixedseeds: 'rs_reg_max500_b1024_e02_fixedseeds'
rs_reg_max500_b1024_e04_fixedseeds: 'rs_reg_max500_b1024_e04_fixedseeds'
rs_reg_max500_b1024_e06_fixedseeds: 'rs_reg_max500_b1024_e06_fixedseeds'
rs_reg_max500_b1024_e08_fixedseeds: 'rs_reg_max500_b1024_e08_fixedseeds'
rs_reg_max500_b1024_e10_fixedseeds: 'rs_reg_max500_b1024_e10_fixedseeds'
rs_reg_max500_b1024_e50_fixedseeds: 'rs_reg_max500_b1024_e50_fixedseeds'
fastarchrank: 'green'
regular: 'red'
# rs_far_c100_ftt0.3_max1000_ratio1.2_seed1.0: 'rs_far_c100_ftt0.3_max1000_ratio1.2_seed1.0'
# rs_far_c100_ftt0.3_max1000_ratio1.2: 'rs_far_c100_ftt0.3_max1000_ratio1.2'
rs_far_c100_ftt0.3_max500_ratio1.2_fixedseeds: 'rs_far_c100_ftt0.3_max500_ratio1.2_fixedseeds'
rs_far_c100_ftt0.3_max500_ratio1.4_fixedseeds: 'rs_far_c100_ftt0.3_max500_ratio1.4_fixedseeds'
rs_far_c100_ftt0.3_max500_ratio1.6_fixedseeds: 'rs_far_c100_ftt0.3_max500_ratio1.6_fixedseeds'
rs_far_c100_ftt0.3_max500_ratio1.8_fixedseeds: 'rs_far_c100_ftt0.3_max500_ratio1.8_fixedseeds'
rs_far_c100_ftt0.3_max500_ratio2.0_fixedseeds: 'rs_far_c100_ftt0.3_max500_ratio2.0_fixedseeds'
<<<<<<< HEAD
rs_far_c100_ftt0.3_max500_ratio4.0_fixedseeds: 'rs_far_c100_ftt0.3_max500_ratio4.0_fixedseeds'
rs_far_c100_ftt0.3_max500_ratio8.0_fixedseeds: 'rs_far_c100_ftt0.3_max500_ratio8.0_fixedseeds'
rs_far_c100_ftt0.3_max500_ratio2M_fixedseeds: 'rs_far_c100_ftt0.3_max500_ratio2M_fixedseeds'
rs_farpost_c100_ftt0.3_max500_ratio1.2_fixedseeds: 'rs_farpost_c100_ftt0.3_max500_ratio1.2_fixedseeds'
rs_farpost_c100_ftt0.3_max500_ratio2.0_fixedseeds: 'rs_farpost_c100_ftt0.3_max500_ratio2.0_fixedseeds'
>>>>>>> f9883b2e (Fixed the dataloader caching issue which causes OOM error on long discrete searcher jobs.)
# rs_reg_c100_max1000_b1024_e08_seed1.0: 'rs_reg_c100_max1000_b1024_e08_seed1.0'
# rs_reg_c100_max1000_b1024_e08: 'rs_reg_c100_max1000_b1024_e08'
rs_reg_c100_max500_b1024_e02_fixedseeds: 'rs_reg_c100_max500_b1024_e02_fixedseeds'
rs_reg_c100_max500_b1024_e04_fixedseeds: 'rs_reg_c100_max500_b1024_e04_fixedseeds'
rs_reg_c100_max500_b1024_e06_fixedseeds: 'rs_reg_c100_max500_b1024_e06_fixedseeds'
rs_reg_c100_max500_b1024_e08_fixedseeds: 'rs_reg_c100_max500_b1024_e08_fixedseeds'
rs_reg_c100_max500_b1024_e50_fixedseeds: 'rs_reg_c100_max500_b1024_e50_fixedseeds'
fastarchrank: 'green'
regular: 'red'
rs_far_i16_ftt0.2_max500_ratio1.2_fixedseeds: 'rs_far_i16_ftt0.2_max500_ratio1.2_fixedseeds'
rs_far_i16_ftt0.2_max500_ratio2.0_fixedseeds: 'rs_far_i16_ftt0.2_max500_ratio2.0_fixedseeds'
rs_far_i16_ftt0.2_max500_ratio4.0_fixedseeds: 'rs_far_i16_ftt0.2_max500_ratio4.0_fixedseeds'
rs_reg_i16_max500_b512_e08_fixedseeds: 'rs_reg_i16_max500_b512_e08_fixedseeds'
rs_reg_i16_max500_b512_e16_fixedseeds: 'rs_reg_i16_max500_b512_e16_fixedseeds'
rs_reg_i16_max500_b512_e22_fixedseeds: 'rs_reg_i16_max500_b512_e22_fixedseeds'
rs_reg_i16_max500_b512_e50_fixedseeds: 'rs_reg_i16_max500_b512_e50_fixedseeds'
fastarchrank: 'green'
regular: 'red'
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
import setuptools
from setuptools import find_packages, setup
with open("README.md", "r", encoding="utf_8") as f:
with open("README.md", "r", encoding="utf_8") as f:
long_description = f.read()
long_description = f.read()
Ссылка в новой задаче