This commit is contained in:
Shital Shah 2020-05-16 23:48:39 -07:00
Родитель 08c5fc78ed
Коммит fe8d3efc45
24 изменённых файлов: 1801 добавлений и 20 удалений

.vscode/launch.json поставляемый
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@ -109,6 +109,31 @@
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"args": ["--algos", "xnas"]
"name": "Divnas-Full",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${cwd}/scripts/",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"args": ["--full", "--algos", "divnas"]
"name": "Divnas-Search-Toy",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${cwd}/scripts/",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"args": ["--no-eval", "--algos", "divnas"]
"name": "Divnas-E2E-Toy",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${cwd}/scripts/",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"args": ["--algos", "divnas"]
"name": "Gs-Full",
"type": "python",

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@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
from typing import Iterable, Optional, Tuple
from typing import Iterable, Optional, Tuple, List
from collections import deque
import torch
from torch import nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import numpy as np
import h5py
from overrides import overrides
from archai.nas.model_desc import OpDesc
@ -43,10 +47,10 @@ class MixedOp(Op):
OpDesc(primitive, op_desc.params, in_len=1, trainables=None),
affine=affine, alphas=alphas)
def forward(self, x):
asm = F.softmax(self._alphas[0], dim=0)
asm = F.softmax(self._alphas[0], dim=0)
return sum(w * op(x) for w, op in zip(asm, self._ops))
@ -72,6 +76,12 @@ class MixedOp(Op):
def can_drop_path(self) -> bool:
return False
def get_op_desc(self, index:int)->OpDesc:
''' index: index in the primitives list '''
assert index < len(self.PRIMITIVES)
desc, _ = self._ops[index].finalize()
return desc
def _set_alphas(self, alphas: Iterable[nn.Parameter]) -> None:
# must call before adding other ops
assert len(list(self.parameters())) == 0
@ -84,4 +94,4 @@ class MixedOp(Op):
# asks back for the parameters in the object from Pytorch
# which automagically registers the just created parameters.
self._reg_alphas = new_p
self._alphas = [p for p in self.parameters()]
self._alphas = [p for p in self.parameters()]

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@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
import numpy as np
import pdb
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import combinations_with_replacement
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import math as ma
import h5py
import os
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import List, Set, Dict, Tuple, Any, Callable
from tqdm import tqdm
from itertools import permutations, combinations
from archai.algos.divnas.seqopt import SeqOpt
def create_submod_f(covariance:np.array)->Callable:
def compute_marginal_gain_func(item:int, sub_sel:List[int], S:Set[int]):
assert covariance.shape[0] == covariance.shape[1]
assert len(covariance.shape) == 2
assert len(S) == covariance.shape[0]
sel_set = set(sub_sel)
marg_gain = compute_marginal_gain(item, sel_set, S, covariance)
return marg_gain
return compute_marginal_gain_func
def get_batch(feature_list, batch_size, i):
start_row = batch_size * i
end_row = start_row + batch_size
feats = [feat[start_row:end_row, :] for feat in feature_list]
return feats
def rbf(x:np.array, y:np.array, sigma=0.1)->np.array:
""" Computes the rbf kernel between two input vectors """
# make sure that inputs are vectors
assert len(x.shape) == 1
assert len(y.shape) == 1
sq_euclidean = np.sum(np.square(x-y))
k = np.exp(-sq_euclidean/(2*sigma*sigma))
return k
def _compute_mi(cov_kernel:np.array, A:Set, V_minus_A:Set):
sigma_A = cov_kernel[np.ix_(list(A), list(A))]
sigma_V_minus_A = cov_kernel[np.ix_(list(V_minus_A), list(V_minus_A))]
I = 0.5 * np.log(np.linalg.det(sigma_A) * np.linalg.det(sigma_V_minus_A) / np.linalg.det(cov_kernel))
return I
def compute_brute_force_sol(cov_kernel:np.array, budget:int)->Tuple[Tuple[Any], float]:
assert cov_kernel.shape[0] == cov_kernel.shape[1]
assert len(cov_kernel.shape) == 2
assert budget > 0 and budget <= cov_kernel.shape[0]
V = set(range(cov_kernel.shape[0]))
# for each combination of budgeted items compute its mutual
# information with the complement set
mis = []
for subset in combinations(range(cov_kernel.shape[0]), budget):
A = set(subset)
V_minus_A = V - A
I = _compute_mi(cov_kernel, A, V_minus_A)
mis.append((subset, I))
# find the maximum subset
max_subset, mi = max(mis, key = lambda x: x[1])
return max_subset, mi
def compute_correlation(covariance:np.array)->np.array:
variance = np.diag(covariance).reshape(-1, 1)
stds = np.sqrt(np.matmul(variance, variance.T))
correlation = covariance / (stds + 1e-16)
return correlation
def compute_covariance_offline(feature_list:List[np.array])->np.array:
"""Compute covariance matrix for high-dimensional features.
feature_shape: (num_samples, feature_dim)
num_features = len(feature_list)
num_samples = feature_list[0].shape[0]
flatten_features = [
feas.reshape(num_samples, -1) for feas in feature_list]
unbiased_features = [
feas - np.mean(feas, 0) for feas in flatten_features]
# (num_samples, feature_dim, num_features)
features = np.stack(unbiased_features, -1)
covariance = np.zeros((num_features, num_features), np.float32)
for i in range(num_samples):
covariance += np.matmul(features[i].T, features[i])
return covariance
def compute_rbf_kernel_covariance(feature_list:List[np.array], sigma=0.1)->np.array:
""" Compute rbf kernel covariance for high dimensional features.
feature_list: List of features each of shape: (num_samples, feature_dim)
sigma: sigma of the rbf kernel """
num_features = len(feature_list)
covariance = np.zeros((num_features, num_features), np.float32)
for i in range(num_features):
for j in range(num_features):
if i == j:
covariance[i][j] = covariance[j][i] = 1.0
# NOTE: one could try to take all pairs rbf responses
# but that is too much computation and probably does
# not add much information
feats_i = feature_list[i]
feats_j = feature_list[j]
assert feats_i.shape == feats_j.shape
rbfs = np.exp(-np.sum(np.square(feats_i - feats_j), axis=1) / (2*sigma*sigma))
avg_cov = np.sum(rbfs)/feats_i.shape[0]
covariance[i][j] = covariance[j][i] = avg_cov
return covariance
def compute_euclidean_dist_quantiles(feature_list:List[np.array], subsamplefactor=1)->List[Tuple[float, float]]:
""" Compute quantile distances between feature pairs
feature_list: List of features each of shape: (num_samples, feature_dim)
num_features = len(feature_list)
num_samples = feature_list[0].shape[0]
# (num_samples, feature_dim, num_features)
features = np.stack(feature_list, -1)
# compute all pairwise feature distances
# too slow need to vectorize asap
distances = []
for i in range(num_features):
for j in range(num_features):
if i == j:
for k in range(0, num_samples, subsamplefactor):
feat_i = features[k, :][:, i]
feat_j = features[k, :][:, j]
dist = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(feat_i-feat_j)))
quantiles = [i*0.1 for i in range(1, 10)]
quant_vals = np.quantile(distances, quantiles)
quants = []
for quant, val in zip(quantiles, quant_vals.tolist()):
quants.append((quant, val))
return quants
def greedy_op_selection(covariance:np.array, k:int)->List[int]:
assert covariance.shape[0] == covariance.shape[1]
assert len(covariance.shape) == 2
assert k <= covariance.shape[0]
A = set()
# to keep order information
A_list = []
S = set()
for i in range(covariance.shape[0]):
for i in tqdm(range(k)):
marginal_gains = []
marginal_gain_ids = []
for y in S - A:
delta_y = compute_marginal_gain(y, A, S, covariance)
val = -ma.inf
argmax = -1
for marg_gain, marg_gain_id in zip(marginal_gains, marginal_gain_ids):
if marg_gain > val:
val = marg_gain
argmax = marg_gain_id
return A_list
def compute_marginal_gain(y:int, A:Set[int], S:Set[int], covariance:np.array)->float:
if A:
A_copy = deepcopy(A)
A_copy = set()
A_bar = S - A_copy
sigma_y_sqr = covariance[y, y]
if A:
sigma_AA = covariance[np.ix_(list(A), list(A))]
sigma_yA = covariance[np.ix_([y], list(A))]
numerator = sigma_y_sqr - np.matmul(sigma_yA, np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(sigma_AA), sigma_yA.T))
numerator = sigma_y_sqr
if A_bar:
sigma_AA_bar = covariance[np.ix_(list(A_bar), list(A_bar))]
sigma_yA_bar = covariance[np.ix_([y], list(A_bar))]
denominator = sigma_y_sqr - np.matmul(sigma_yA_bar, np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(sigma_AA_bar), sigma_yA_bar.T))
denominator = sigma_y_sqr
gain = numerator/denominator
return float(gain)
def collect_features(rootfolder:str, subsampling_factor:int = 1)->Dict[str, List[np.array]]:
""" Walks the rootfolder for h5py files and loads them into the format
required for analysis.
rootfolder: full path to folder containing h5 files which have activations
subsampling_factor: every nth minibatch will be loaded to keep memory manageable
dictionary with edge name strings as keys and values are lists of np.array [num_samples, feature_dim]
assert subsampling_factor > 0
# gather all h5 files
h5files = [os.path.join(rootfolder, f) for f in os.listdir(rootfolder) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(rootfolder, f)) and '.h5' in f]
assert h5files
# storage for holding activations for all edges
all_edges_activs = defaultdict(list)
for h5file in h5files:
with h5py.File(h5file, 'r') as hf:
edge_name = h5file.split('/')[-1].split('.')[-2]
edge_activ_list = []
# load all batches
keys_list = list(hf.keys())
print(f'processing {h5file}, num batches {len(keys_list)}')
for i in range(0, len(keys_list), subsampling_factor):
key = keys_list[i]
payload = np.array(hf.get(key))
obsv_dict = defaultdict(list)
# separate activations by ops
for batch in edge_activ_list:
# assumption (num_ops, batch_size, x, y, z)
for op in range(batch.shape[0]):
for b in range(batch.shape[1]):
feat = batch[op][b]
feat = feat.flatten()
num_ops = edge_activ_list[0].shape[0]
feature_list = [np.zeros(1) for _ in range(num_ops)]
for key in obsv_dict.keys():
feat = np.array(obsv_dict[key])
feature_list[key] = feat
# removing none and skip_connect
del feature_list[-1]
del feature_list[2]
all_edges_activs[edge_name] = feature_list
return all_edges_activs
def plot_all_covs(covs_kernel, corr, primitives, axs):
assert axs.shape[0] * axs.shape[1] == len(covs_kernel) + 1
flat_axs = axs.flatten()
for i, quantile in enumerate(covs_kernel.keys()):
cov = covs_kernel[quantile]
sns.heatmap(cov, annot=True, fmt='.1g', cmap='coolwarm', xticklabels=primitives, yticklabels=primitives, ax=flat_axs[i])
flat_axs[i].set_title(f'Kernel covariance sigma={quantile} quantile')
sns.heatmap(corr, annot=True, fmt='.1g', cmap='coolwarm', xticklabels=primitives, yticklabels=primitives, ax=flat_axs[-1])
def main():
rootfile = '/media/dedey/DATADRIVE1/activations'
all_edges_activs = collect_features(rootfile, subsampling_factor=5)
# # Use all edges
# all_edges_list = []
# all_names_list = []
# for i in all_edges_activs.keys():
# all_edges_list.extend(all_edges_activs[i])
# for prim in PRIMITIVES:
# all_names_list.append(i + '_' + prim)
# Use specific edges
all_edges_list = []
all_names_list = []
# edge_list = ['activations_node_0_edge_0']
edge_list = ['activations_node_0_edge_0', 'activations_node_0_edge_1']
# edge_list = ['activations_node_1_edge_0', 'activations_node_1_edge_1', 'activations_node_1_edge_2']
# edge_list = ['activations_node_2_edge_0', 'activations_node_2_edge_1', 'activations_node_2_edge_2', 'activations_node_2_edge_3']
# edge_list = ['activations_node_3_edge_0', 'activations_node_3_edge_1', 'activations_node_3_edge_2', 'activations_node_3_edge_3', 'activations_node_3_edge_4']
for name in edge_list:
for prim in PRIMITIVES:
all_names_list.append(name + '_' + prim)
# compute covariance like usual
# cov = compute_covariance_offline(all_edges_list)
# corr = compute_correlation(cov)
# sns.heatmap(corr, annot=False, xticklabels=all_names_list, yticklabels=all_names_list, cmap='coolwarm')
# plt.axis('equal')
# compute kernel covariance
# quants = compute_euclidean_dist_quantiles(all_edges_list, subsamplefactor=20)
cov_kernel_orig = compute_rbf_kernel_covariance(all_edges_list, sigma=168)
cov_kernel = cov_kernel_orig + 1.0*np.eye(cov_kernel_orig.shape[0])
print(f'Det before diag addition {np.linalg.det(cov_kernel_orig)}')
print(f'Det after diag addition {np.linalg.det(cov_kernel)}')
print(f'Condition number is {np.linalg.cond(cov_kernel)}')
sns.heatmap(cov_kernel, annot=False, xticklabels=all_names_list, yticklabels=all_names_list, cmap='coolwarm')
# brute force solution
budget = 4
bf_sensors, bf_val = compute_brute_force_sol(cov_kernel_orig, budget)
print(f'Brute force max subset {bf_sensors}, max mi {bf_val}')
# greedy
print('Greedy selection')
greedy_ops = greedy_op_selection(cov_kernel, cov_kernel.shape[0])
for i, op_index in enumerate(greedy_ops):
print(f'Greedy op {i} is {all_names_list[op_index]}')
greedy_budget = greedy_ops[:budget]
# find MI of the greedy solution
V = set(range(cov_kernel.shape[0]))
A_greedy = set(greedy_budget)
V_minus_A_greedy = V - A_greedy
I_greedy = _compute_mi(cov_kernel_orig, A_greedy, V_minus_A_greedy)
print(f'Greedy solution is {greedy_budget}, mi is {I_greedy}')
# seqopt
# simulated batch size
batch_size = 64
num_batches = int(all_edges_list[0].shape[0] / batch_size)
# seqopt object that will get updated in an online manner
num_items = cov_kernel.shape[0]
eps = 0.1
seqopt = SeqOpt(num_items, eps)
for i in tqdm(range(num_batches)):
# simulate getting a new batch of activations
sample = get_batch(all_edges_list, batch_size, i)
# sample a list of activations from seqopt
sel_list = seqopt.sample_sequence(with_replacement=False)
# Using 50th percentile distance
sigma = 168.0
cov = compute_rbf_kernel_covariance(sample, sigma=sigma)
# update seqopt
compute_marginal_gain_func = create_submod_f(cov)
seqopt.update(sel_list, compute_marginal_gain_func)
# now sample a list of ops and hope it is diverse
sel_list = seqopt.sample_sequence(with_replacement=False)
# sel_primitives = [all_names_list for i in sel_list]
# print(f'SeqOpt selected primitives are {sel_primitives}')
# check that it is close to greedy and or bruteforce
budget = 4
sel_list = sel_list[:budget]
# find MI of the greedy solution
V = set(range(num_items))
A_seqopt = set(sel_list)
V_minus_A_seqopt = V - A_seqopt
I_seqopt = _compute_mi(cov_kernel_orig, A_seqopt, V_minus_A_seqopt)
print(f'SeqOpt solution is {sel_list}, mi is {I_seqopt}')
# # For enumerating through many choices of rbf sigmas
# covs_kernel = {}
# for quantile, val in quants:
# print(f'Computing kernel covariance for quantile {quantile}')
# cov_kernel = compute_rbf_kernel_covariance(all_edges_list, sigma=val)
# covs_kernel[quantile] = cov_kernel
# # compute greedy sequence of ops on one of the kernels
# print('Greedy selection')
# greedy_ops = greedy_op_selection(covs_kernel[0.5], 3)
# for i, op_index in enumerate(greedy_ops):
# print(f'Greedy op {i} is {all_names_list[op_index]}')
# fig, axs = plt.subplots(5, 2)
# plot_all_covs(covs_kernel, corr, all_names_list, axs)
if __name__ == '__main__':

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@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Callable, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Dict
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from overrides import overrides, EnforceOverrides
import numpy as np
import torch
from torch import nn, tensor
from overrides import overrides, EnforceOverrides
import archai.algos.divnas.analyse_activations as aa
from archai.nas.cell import Cell
class Divnas_Cell():
''' Wrapper cell class for divnas specific modifications '''
def __init__(self, cell:Cell):
self._cell = cell
self._collect_activations = False
self._edgeoptype = None
self._sigma = None
self._counter = 0
self.node_covs:Dict[int, np.array] = {}
def collect_activations(self, edgeoptype, sigma:float)->None:
self._collect_activations = True
self._edgeoptype = edgeoptype
self._sigma = sigma
# go through all edges in the DAG and if they are of edgeoptype
# type then set them to collect activations
for i, node in enumerate(self._cell.dag):
# initialize the covariance matrix for this node
num_ops = 0
for edge in node:
if hasattr(edge._op, 'PRIMITIVES') and type(edge._op) == self._edgeoptype:
num_ops += edge._op.num_valid_div_ops
edge._op.collect_activations = True
self.node_covs[id(node)] = np.zeros((num_ops, num_ops))
def update_covs(self):
assert self._collect_activations
for _, node in enumerate(self._cell.dag):
# TODO: conver to explicit ordering
all_activs = []
for j, edge in enumerate(node):
if type(edge._op) == self._edgeoptype:
activs = edge._op.activations
# update covariance matrix
activs_converted = self._convert_activations(all_activs)
new_cov = aa.compute_rbf_kernel_covariance(activs_converted, sigma=self._sigma)
updated_cov = (self._counter * self.node_covs[id(node)] + new_cov) / (self._counter + 1)
self.node_covs[id(node)] = updated_cov
def clear_collect_activations(self):
for _, node in enumerate(self._cell.dag):
for edge in node:
if hasattr(edge._op, 'PRIMITIVES') and type(edge._op) == self._edgeoptype:
edge._op.collect_activations = False
self._collect_activations = False
self._edgeoptype = None
self._sigma = None
self._node_covs = {}
def _convert_activations(self, all_activs:List[List[np.array]])->List[np.array]:
''' Converts to the format needed by covariance computing functions
Input all_activs: List[List[np.array]]. Outer list len is num_edges.
Inner list is of num_ops length. Each element in inner list is [batch_size, x, y, z] '''
num_ops = len(all_activs[0])
for activs in all_activs:
assert num_ops == len(activs)
all_edge_list = []
for edge in all_activs:
obsv_dict = defaultdict(list)
# assumption edge_np will be (num_ops, batch_size, x, y, z)
edge_np = np.array(edge)
for op in range(edge_np.shape[0]):
for b in range(edge_np.shape[1]):
feat = edge_np[op][b]
feat = feat.flatten()
feature_list = [*range(num_ops)]
for key in obsv_dict.keys():
feat = np.array(obsv_dict[key])
feature_list[key] = feat
return all_edge_list

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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
from overrides import overrides
from archai.nas.cell_builder import CellBuilder
from archai.nas.operations import Op
from archai.nas.model_desc import ModelDesc, CellDesc, CellType, OpDesc, EdgeDesc
from .divop import DivOp
class DivnasCellBuilder(CellBuilder):
def register_ops(self) -> None:
lambda op_desc, alphas, affine:
DivOp(op_desc, alphas, affine))
def build(self, model_desc:ModelDesc, search_iter:int)->None:
for cell_desc in model_desc.cell_descs():
def _build_cell(self, cell_desc:CellDesc)->None:
reduction = (cell_desc.cell_type==CellType.Reduction)
# add div op for each edge in each node
# how does the stride works? For all ops connected to s0 and s1, we apply
# reduction in WxH. All ops connected elsewhere automatically gets
# reduced WxH (because all subsequent states are derived from s0 and s1).
# Note that channel is increased via conv_params for the cell
for i, node in enumerate(cell_desc.nodes()):
for j in range(i+2):
op_desc = OpDesc('div_op',
'conv': cell_desc.conv_params,
'stride': 2 if reduction and j < 2 else 1
}, in_len=1, trainables=None, children=None)
edge = EdgeDesc(op_desc, input_ids=[j])

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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
from typing import Type
from overrides import overrides
from archai.common.common import get_conf
from archai.nas.exp_runner import ExperimentRunner
from archai.nas.arch_trainer import ArchTrainer, TArchTrainer
from archai.algos.darts.bilevel_arch_trainer import BilevelArchTrainer
from archai.algos.gumbelsoftmax.gs_arch_trainer import GsArchTrainer
from .divnas_cell_builder import DivnasCellBuilder
from .divnas_finalizers import DivnasFinalizers
from archai.nas.finalizers import Finalizers
class DivnasExperimentRunner(ExperimentRunner):
def cell_builder(self)->DivnasCellBuilder:
return DivnasCellBuilder()
def trainer_class(self)->TArchTrainer:
conf = get_conf()
trainer = conf['nas']['search']['divnas']['archtrainer']
if trainer == 'bilevel':
return BilevelArchTrainer
elif trainer == 'noalpha':
return ArchTrainer
raise NotImplementedError
def finalizers(self)->Finalizers:
conf = get_conf()
finalizer = conf['nas']['search']['finalizer']
if finalizer == 'mi':
return DivnasFinalizers()
return super().finalizers()

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@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
from typing import List, Tuple, Optional, Iterator, Dict
from overrides import overrides
import torch
from torch import nn
import numpy as np
from archai.common.common import get_conf
from archai.common.common import logger
from import get_data
from archai.nas.model import Model
from archai.nas.cell import Cell
from archai.nas.model_desc import CellDesc, ModelDesc, NodeDesc, EdgeDesc
from archai.nas.finalizers import Finalizers
from archai.algos.divnas.analyse_activations import compute_brute_force_sol
from archai.algos.divnas.divop import DivOp
from .divnas_cell import Divnas_Cell
class DivnasFinalizers(Finalizers):
def finalize_model(self, model: Model, to_cpu=True, restore_device=True) -> ModelDesc:
# get config and train data loader
# TODO: confirm this is correct in case you get silent bugs
conf = get_conf()
conf_loader = conf['nas']['search']['loader']
train_dl, val_dl, test_dl = get_data(conf_loader)
# wrap all cells in the model
self._divnas_cells:Dict[int, Divnas_Cell] = {}
for _, cell in enumerate(model.cells):
divnas_cell = Divnas_Cell(cell)
self._divnas_cells[id(cell)] = divnas_cell
# go through all edges in the DAG and if they are of divop
# type then set them to collect activations
sigma = conf['nas']['search']['divnas']['sigma']
for _, dcell in enumerate(self._divnas_cells.values()):
dcell.collect_activations(DivOp, sigma)
# now we need to run one evaluation epoch to collect activations
# we do it on cpu otherwise we might run into memory issues
# later we can redo the whole logic in pytorch itself
# at the end of this each node in a cell will have the covariance
# matrix of all incoming edges' ops
model = model.cpu()
with torch.no_grad():
for _ in range(1):
for _, (x, _) in enumerate(train_dl):
_, _ = model(x), None
# now you can go through and update the
# node covariances in every cell
for dcell in self._divnas_cells.values():
return super().finalize_model(model, to_cpu, restore_device)
def finalize_cell(self, cell:Cell, *args, **kwargs)->CellDesc:
# first finalize each node, we will need to recreate node desc with final version
node_descs:List[NodeDesc] = []
dcell = self._divnas_cells[id(cell)]
assert len(cell.dag) == len(list(dcell.node_covs.values()))
for node in cell.dag:
node_cov = dcell.node_covs[id(node)]
node_desc = self.finalize_node(node, cell.desc.max_final_edges, node_cov)
# (optional) clear out all activation collection information
finalized = CellDesc(
id =,
nodes = node_descs,
alphas_from = cell.desc.alphas_from,
return finalized
def finalize_node(self, node:nn.ModuleList, max_final_edges:int, cov:np.array, *args, **kwargs)->NodeDesc:
# node is a list of edges
assert len(node) >= max_final_edges
# covariance matrix shape must be square 2-D
assert len(cov.shape) == 2
assert cov.shape[0] == cov.shape[1]
# the number of primitive operators has to be greater
# than equal to the maximum number of final edges
# allowed
assert cov.shape[0] >= max_final_edges
# get total number of ops incoming to this node
num_ops = sum([edge._op.num_valid_div_ops for edge in node])
# and collect some bookkeeping indices
edge_num_and_op_ind = []
for j, edge in enumerate(node):
if type(edge._op) == DivOp:
for k in range(edge._op.num_valid_div_ops):
edge_num_and_op_ind.append((j, k))
assert len(edge_num_and_op_ind) == num_ops
# run brute force set selection algorithm
max_subset, max_mi = compute_brute_force_sol(cov, max_final_edges)
# convert the cov indices to edge descs
selected_edges = []
for ind in max_subset:
edge_ind, op_ind = edge_num_and_op_ind[ind]
op_desc = node[edge_ind]._op.get_valid_op_desc(op_ind)
new_edge = EdgeDesc(op_desc, node[edge_ind].input_ids)
# for edge in selected_edges:
# self.finalize_edge(edge)
return NodeDesc(selected_edges)

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@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
from typing import Iterable, Optional, Tuple, List
from collections import deque
import torch
from torch import nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import numpy as np
import h5py
from overrides import overrides
from archai.nas.model_desc import OpDesc
from archai.nas.operations import Op
from archai.common.common import get_conf
# TODO: reduction cell might have output reduced by 2^1=2X due to
# stride 2 through input nodes however FactorizedReduce does only
# 4X reduction. Is this correct?
class DivOp(Op):
"""The output of DivOp is weighted output of all allowed primitives.
'skip_connect', # identity
'none' # this must be at the end so top1 doesn't choose it
# list of primitive ops not allowed in the
# diversity calculation
# NOTALLOWED = ['skip_connect', 'none']
NOTALLOWED = ['none']
def _indices_of_notallowed(self):
''' computes indices of notallowed ops in PRIMITIVES '''
self._not_allowed_indices = []
for op_name in self.NOTALLOWED:
self._not_allowed_indices = sorted(self._not_allowed_indices, reverse=True)
def _create_mapping_valid_to_orig(self):
''' Creates a list with indices of the valid ops to the original list '''
self._valid_to_orig = []
for i, prim in enumerate(self.PRIMITIVES):
if prim in self.NOTALLOWED:
def __init__(self, op_desc:OpDesc, alphas: Iterable[nn.Parameter],
# assume last PRIMITIVE is 'none'
assert DivOp.PRIMITIVES[-1] == 'none'
conf = get_conf()
trainer = conf['nas']['search']['divnas']['archtrainer']
finalizer = conf['nas']['search']['finalizer']
if trainer == 'noalpha' and finalizer == 'default':
raise NotImplementedError
if trainer != 'noalpha':
self._alphas = None
self._ops = nn.ModuleList()
for primitive in DivOp.PRIMITIVES:
op = Op.create(
OpDesc(primitive, op_desc.params, in_len=1, trainables=None),
affine=affine, alphas=alphas)
# various state variables for diversity
self._collect_activations = False
self._forward_counter = 0
self._batch_activs = None
def collect_activations(self)->bool:
return self._collect_activations
def collect_activations(self, to_collect:bool)->None:
self._collect_activations = to_collect
def activations(self)->Optional[List[np.array]]:
return self._batch_activs
def num_valid_div_ops(self)->int:
return len(self.PRIMITIVES) - len(self.NOTALLOWED)
def forward(self, x):
# save activations to object
if self._collect_activations:
self._forward_counter += 1
activs = [op(x) for op in self._ops]
self._batch_activs = [t.cpu().detach().numpy() for t in activs]
# delete the activations that are not allowed
for index in self._not_allowed_indices:
del self._batch_activs[index]
if self._alphas:
asm = F.softmax(self._alphas[0], dim=0)
result = sum(w * op(x) for w, op in zip(asm, self._ops))
result = sum(op(x) for op in self._ops)
return result
def alphas(self) -> Iterable[nn.Parameter]:
if self._alphas:
for alpha in self._alphas:
yield alpha
def weights(self) -> Iterable[nn.Parameter]:
for op in self._ops:
for w in op.parameters():
yield w
def get_op_desc(self, index:int)->OpDesc:
''' index: index in the primitives list '''
assert index < len(self.PRIMITIVES)
desc, _ = self._ops[index].finalize()
return desc
def get_valid_op_desc(self, index:int)->OpDesc:
''' index: index in the valid index list '''
assert index <= self.num_valid_div_ops
orig_index = self._valid_to_orig[index]
desc, _ = self._ops[orig_index].finalize()
return desc
def can_drop_path(self) -> bool:
return False
def _set_alphas(self, alphas: Iterable[nn.Parameter]) -> None:
# must call before adding other ops
assert len(list(self.parameters())) == 0
self._alphas = list(alphas)
if not len(self._alphas):
new_p = nn.Parameter( # TODO: use better init than uniform random?
1.0e-3*torch.randn(len(DivOp.PRIMITIVES)), requires_grad=True)
# NOTE: This is a way to register parameters with PyTorch.
# One creates a dummy variable with the parameters and then
# asks back for the parameters in the object from Pytorch
# which automagically registers the just created parameters.
self._reg_alphas = new_p
self._alphas = [p for p in self.parameters()]

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@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
import numpy as np
from typing import List, Optional, Set, Dict
from archai.algos.divnas.wmr import Wmr
class SeqOpt:
""" Implements SeqOpt
TODO: Later on we might want to refactor this class
to be able to handle bandit feedback """
def __init__(self, num_items:int, eps:float):
self._num_items = num_items
# initialize wmr copies
self._expert_algos = [Wmr(self._num_items, eps) for i in range(self._num_items)]
def sample_sequence(self, with_replacement=False)->List[int]:
sel_set = set()
# to keep order information
sel_list = []
counter = 0
counter_limit = 10000
for i in range(self._num_items):
item_id = self._expert_algos[i].sample()
if not with_replacement:
# NOTE: this might be an infinite while loop
while item_id in sel_set and counter < counter_limit:
item_id = self._expert_algos[i].sample()
counter += 1
if counter >= counter_limit:
print('Got caught in infinite loop for a while')
return sel_list
def _check_marg_gains(self, reward_storage:List[List[float]])->bool:
reward_array = np.array(reward_storage)
is_descending = True
for i in range(reward_array.shape[1]):
marg_gains_this_item = reward_array[:,i]
is_descending = np.all(np.diff(marg_gains_this_item)<=0)
if not is_descending:
return is_descending
return is_descending
def _scale_minus_one_to_one(self, rewards:np.array)->np.array:
scaled = np.interp(rewards, (rewards.min(), rewards.max()), (-1, 1))
return scaled
def update(self, sel_list:List[int], compute_marginal_gain_func)->None:
""" In the full information case we will update
all expert copies according to the marginal benefits """
# mother set
S = set([i for i in range(self._num_items)])
reward_storage = []
# for each slot
for slot_id in range(self._num_items):
# for each action in the slot
sub_sel = set(sel_list[:slot_id])
reward_vector = []
for item in range(self._num_items):
# the function passed in
# must already be bound to the
# covariance function needed
reward = compute_marginal_gain_func(item, sub_sel, S)
# update the expert algo copy for this slot
scaled_rewards = self._scale_minus_one_to_one(np.array(reward_vector))
# # Uncomment to aid in debugging
# np.set_printoptions(precision=3, suppress=True)
# print('Marginal gain array (item_id X slots)')
# print(np.array(reward_storage).T)
# is_descending = self._check_marg_gains(reward_storage)
# if not is_descending:
# print('WARNING marginal gains are not diminishing')

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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
import numpy as np
class Wmr:
""" Implements the Randomized Weighted Majority algorithm by Littlestone and Warmuth
We use the version in Fig 1 in The Multiplicative Weight Update with the gain version """
def __init__(self, num_items:int, eta:float):
assert num_items > 0
assert eta >= 0.0 and eta <= 0.5
self._num_items = num_items
self._eta = eta
self._weights = self._normalize(np.ones(self._num_items))
self._round_counter = 0
def weights(self):
return self._weights
def _normalize(self, weights:np.array)->None:
return weights / np.sum(weights)
def update(self, rewards:np.array)->None:
assert len(rewards.shape) == 1
assert rewards.shape[0] == self._num_items
assert np.all(rewards) >= -1 and np.all(rewards) <= 1.0
# # annealed learning rate
# self._round_counter += 1
# eta = self._eta / np.sqrt(self._round_counter)
eta = self._eta
self._weights = self._weights * (1.0 + eta * rewards)
self._weights = self._normalize(self._weights)
def sample(self)->int:
return np.random.choice(self._num_items, p=self._normalize(self._weights))

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
from random import sample
from archai.common.utils import AverageMeter
from collections import defaultdict
from collections import defaultdict, deque
from typing import Iterable, Optional, Tuple, List
import torch
@ -49,7 +49,6 @@ class GsOp(Op):
affine=affine, alphas=alphas)
def forward(self, x):
# soft sample from the categorical distribution
@ -57,12 +56,11 @@ class GsOp(Op):
# TODO: should we be normalizing the ensemble?
#sampled = torch.zeros(self._alphas[0].size(), requires_grad=True)
sample_storage = []
for i in range(self._gs_num_sample):
for _ in range(self._gs_num_sample):
sampled = F.gumbel_softmax(self._alphas[0], tau=1, hard=False, eps=1e-10, dim=-1)
samples_summed = torch.sum(torch.stack(sample_storage, dim=0), dim=0)
return sum(w * op(x) for w, op in zip(samples_summed, self._ops))
@ -120,6 +118,13 @@ class GsOp(Op):
def can_drop_path(self) -> bool:
return False
def get_op_desc(self, index:int)->OpDesc:
''' index: index in the primitives list '''
assert index < len(self.PRIMITIVES)
desc, _ = self._ops[index].finalize()
return desc
def _set_alphas(self, alphas: Iterable[nn.Parameter]) -> None:
# must call before adding other ops

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@ -180,6 +180,12 @@ class PetridishOp(Op):
# rank=None to indicate no further selection needed as in darts
return final_op_desc, None
def get_op_desc(self, index:int)->OpDesc:
''' index: index in the primitives list '''
assert index < len(self.PRIMITIVES)
desc, _ = self._ops[index].finalize()
return desc
def _set_alphas(self, alphas: Iterable[nn.Parameter], in_len:int) -> None:
assert len(list(self.parameters()))==0 # must call before adding other ops

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@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ from archai.common.config import Config
from archai.nas import evaluate
from import Search
from archai.nas.finalizers import Finalizers
from archai.common.common import get_conf
from archai.nas.random_finalizers import RandomFinalizers
class ExperimentRunner(ABC, EnforceOverrides):
@ -93,4 +95,13 @@ class ExperimentRunner(ABC, EnforceOverrides):
def finalizers(self)->Finalizers:
return Finalizers()
conf = get_conf()
finalizer = conf['nas']['search']['finalizer']
if finalizer == 'default':
return Finalizers()
elif finalizer == 'random':
return RandomFinalizers()
raise NotImplementedError

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@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ class Finalizers(EnforceOverrides):
def finalize_cells(self, model:Model)->List[CellDesc]:
return [self.finalize_cell(cell) for cell in model.cells]
def finalize_cell(self, cell:Cell)->CellDesc:
def finalize_cell(self, cell:Cell, *args, **kwargs)->CellDesc:
# first finalize each node, we will need to recreate node desc with final version
node_descs:List[NodeDesc] = []
for node in cell.dag:
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ class Finalizers(EnforceOverrides):
return finalized
def finalize_node(self, node:nn.ModuleList, max_final_edges:int)->NodeDesc:
def finalize_node(self, node:nn.ModuleList, max_final_edges:int, *args, **kwargs)->NodeDesc:
# get edge ranks, if rank is None it is deemed as required
pre_selected, edge_desc_ranks = self.get_edge_ranks(node)
ranked_selected = self.select_edges(edge_desc_ranks, max_final_edges)

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@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class MacroBuilder(EnforceOverrides):
self.model_desc_params = conf_model_desc['params']
# endregion
# this satiesfies N R N R N pattern
# this satisfies N R N R N pattern
assert self.n_cells >= self.n_reductions * 2 + 1
# for each reduction, we create one indice

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@ -82,9 +82,7 @@ class EdgeDesc:
# edge cloning is same as deep copy except that we do it through
# constructor for future proofing any additional future rules and
# that we allow oveeriding conv_params and clearning weights. This later
# bit used in model builder to create edge from template
# that we allow overiding conv_params and clearing weights
e = EdgeDesc(self.op_desc.clone(), self.input_ids)
# op_desc should have params set from cloning. If no override supplied
# then don't change it

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@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ from overrides import overrides, EnforceOverrides
import torch
from torch import affine_grid_generator, nn, Tensor, strided
from ..common import utils, ml_utils
from .model_desc import OpDesc, ConvMacroParams
@ -117,6 +118,7 @@ class Op(nn.Module, ABC, EnforceOverrides):
def can_drop_path(self)->bool:
return True
class PoolBN(Op):
"""AvgPool or MaxPool - BN """
@ -288,7 +290,7 @@ class Identity(Op):
class Zero(Op):
"""Represents no connection. Zero op can be thought of 1x1 kernal with fixed zero weight.
"""Represents no connection. Zero op can be thought of 1x1 kernel with fixed zero weight.
For stride=1, it will produce output of same dimension as input but with all 0s. Now with stride of 2, it will zero out every other pixel in output.
@ -569,6 +571,7 @@ class MultiOp(Op):
in_len=1, trainables=None, children=None)
self._ch_adj = Op.create(ch_adj_desc, affine=affine)
def forward(self, x:Union[Tensor, List[Tensor]])->Tensor:
# we may receive k=1..N tensors as inputs. Currently DagEdge will pass

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@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
from typing import List, Tuple, Optional, Iterator, Dict, Set
from overrides import overrides
import random
import torch
from torch import nn
import numpy as np
from archai.common.common import get_conf
from archai.common.common import logger
from import get_data
from archai.nas.model import Model
from archai.nas.cell import Cell
from archai.nas.model_desc import CellDesc, ModelDesc, NodeDesc, EdgeDesc
from archai.nas.finalizers import Finalizers
from archai.algos.divnas.analyse_activations import compute_brute_force_sol
from archai.algos.divnas.divop import DivOp
class RandomFinalizers(Finalizers):
def finalize_node(self, node:nn.ModuleList, max_final_edges:int)->NodeDesc:
# node is a list of edges
assert len(node) >= max_final_edges
# get total number of ops incoming to this node
num_ops = 0
for edge in node:
if hasattr(edge._op, 'PRIMITIVES'):
num_ops += len(edge._op.PRIMITIVES)
# and collect some bookkeeping indices
edge_num_and_op_ind = []
for j, edge in enumerate(node):
if hasattr(edge._op, 'PRIMITIVES'):
for k in range(len(edge._op.PRIMITIVES)):
edge_num_and_op_ind.append((j, k))
assert len(edge_num_and_op_ind) == num_ops
# run random subset selection
rand_subset = self._random_subset(num_ops, max_final_edges)
# convert the cov indices to edge descs
selected_edges = []
for ind in rand_subset:
edge_ind, op_ind = edge_num_and_op_ind[ind]
op_desc = node[edge_ind]._op.get_op_desc(op_ind)
new_edge = EdgeDesc(op_desc, node[edge_ind].input_ids)
return NodeDesc(selected_edges)
def _random_subset(self, num_ops:int, max_final_edges:int)->Set[int]:
assert num_ops > 0
assert max_final_edges > 0
assert max_final_edges <= num_ops
S = set()
while len(S) < max_final_edges:
sample = random.randint(0, num_ops)
return S

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@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ nas:
type: 'CrossEntropyLoss'
finalizer: 'default' # options are 'random' or 'default'
data_parallel: False
_copy: '/common/checkpoint'

confs/algos/divnas.yaml Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
__include__: "../datasets/cifar10.yaml" # default dataset settings are for cifar
experiment_name: 'throwaway' # you should supply from command line
experiment_desc: 'throwaway'
logdir: '~/logdir'
seed: 2.0
tb_enable: False # if True then TensorBoard logging is enabled (may impact perf)
tb_dir: '$expdir/tb' # path where tensorboard logs would be stored
filename: '$expdir/checkpoint.pth'
freq: 10
toy_mode: # this section will be used by toy.yaml to setup the toy mode
max_batches: 4
train_batch: 32
test_batch: 64
# TODO: workers setting
# reddis address of Ray cluster. Use None for single node run
# otherwise it should something like host:6379. Make sure to run on head node:
# "ray start --head --redis-port=6379"
redis: null
apex: # this is overriden in search and eval individually
enabled: False # global switch to disable everything apex
distributed_enabled: True # enable/disable distributed mode
mixed_prec_enabled: True # switch to disable amp mixed precision
gpus: '' # use GPU IDs specified here (comma separated), if '' then use all GPUs
opt_level: 'O2' # optimization level for mixed precision
bn_fp32: True # keep BN in fp32
loss_scale: "dynamic" # loss scaling mode for mixed prec, must be string reprenting floar ot "dynamic"
sync_bn: False # should be replace BNs with sync BNs for distributed model
scale_lr: True # enable/disable distributed mode
min_world_size: 0 # allows to confirm we are indeed in distributed setting
detect_anomaly: False # if True, PyTorch code will run 6X slower
seed: '_copy: /common/seed'
smoke_test: False
only_eval: False
resume: True
dataset: {} # default dataset settings comes from __include__ on the top
full_desc_filename: '$expdir/full_model_desc.yaml' # model desc used for building model for evaluation
final_desc_filename: '$expdir/final_model_desc.yaml' # model desc used as template to construct cells
# If below is specified then final_desc_filename is ignored and model is created through factory function instead.
# This is useful for running eval for manually designed models such as resnet-50.
# The value is string of form 'some.namespace.module.function'. The function returns nn.Module and no required args.
final_model_factory: ''
metric_filename: '$expdir/eval_train_metrics.yaml'
model_filename: '$expdir/' # file to which trained model will be saved
data_parallel: False
_copy: '/common/checkpoint'
resume: '_copy: /common/resume'
_copy: '/dataset'
max_final_edges: 2 # max edge that can be in final arch per node
cell_post_op: 'concate_channels'
model_stem0_op: 'stem_conv3x3'
model_stem1_op: 'stem_conv3x3'
model_post_op: 'pool_adaptive_avg2d'
aux_tower_stride: 3 # stride that aux tower should use, 3 is good for 32x32 images, 2 for imagenet
stem_multiplier: 3 # output channels multiplier for the stem
params: {}
n_nodes: 4 # number of nodes in a cell
n_reductions: 2 # number of reductions to be applied
init_node_ch: 36 # num of input/output channels for nodes in 1st cell
n_cells: 20 # number of cells
aux_weight: 0.4 # weight for loss from auxiliary towers in test time arch
_copy: '../../trainer/apex'
aug: '' # additional augmentations to use
cutout: 16 # cutout length, use cutout augmentation when > 0
load_train: True # load train split of dataset
train_batch: 96
train_workers: 4
test_workers: '_copy: ../train_workers' # if null then 4
load_test: True # load test split of dataset
test_batch: 1024
val_ratio: 0.0 #split portion for test set, 0 to 1
val_fold: 0 #Fold number to use (0 to 4)
cv_num: 5 # total number of folds available
_copy: '/dataset'
_copy: '/common/apex'
aux_weight: '_copy: /nas/eval/model_desc/aux_weight'
drop_path_prob: 0.2 # probability that given edge will be dropped
grad_clip: 5.0 # grads above this value is clipped
l1_alphas: 0.0 # weight to be applied to sum(abs(alphas)) to loss term
logger_freq: 1000 # after every N updates dump loss and other metrics in logger
title: 'eval_train'
epochs: 600
batch_chunks: 1 # split batch into these many chunks and accumulate gradients so we can support GPUs with lower RAM
type: 'CrossEntropyLoss'
type: 'sgd'
lr: 0.025 # init learning rate
decay: 3.0e-4 # pytorch default is 0.0
momentum: 0.9 # pytorch default is 0.0
nesterov: False # pytorch default is False
decay_bn: .NaN # if NaN then same as decay otherwise apply different decay to BN layers
type: 'cosine'
min_lr: 0.001 # min learning rate to se bet in eta_min param of scheduler
warmup: # increases LR for 0 to current in specified epochs and then hands over to main scheduler
multiplier: 1
epochs: 0 # 0 disables warmup
title: 'eval_test'
batch_chunks: '_copy: ../../batch_chunks' # split batch into these many chunks and accumulate gradients so we can support GPUs with lower RAM
logger_freq: 0
freq: 1 # perform validation only every N epochs
type: 'CrossEntropyLoss'
finalizer: 'random' # options are mutual information based 'mi' or 'random' or 'default'. NOTE: 'default' is not compatible with 'noalpha' trainer as 'default' uses the darts finalizer and needs alphas
sigma: 168
archtrainer: 'bilevel' # options are 'bilevel', 'noalpha'
data_parallel: False
_copy: '/common/checkpoint'
resume: '_copy: /common/resume'
search_iters: 1
collect_activations: True
full_desc_filename: '$expdir/full_model_desc.yaml' # arch before it was finalized
final_desc_filename: '$expdir/final_model_desc.yaml' # final arch is saved in this file
metrics_dir: '$expdir/models/{reductions}/{cells}/{nodes}/{search_iter}' # where metrics and model stats would be saved from each pareto iteration
_copy: '/nas/eval/trainer'
title: 'seed_train'
epochs: 0 # number of epochs model will be trained before search
aux_weight: 0.0
drop_path_prob: 0.0
_copy: '/nas/eval/loader'
train_batch: 128
val_ratio: 0.1 #split portion for test set, 0 to 1
_copy: '/nas/eval/trainer'
title: 'post_train'
epochs: 0 # number of epochs model will be trained after search
aux_weight: 0.0
drop_path_prob: 0.0
_copy: '/nas/eval/loader'
train_batch: 128
val_ratio: 0.1 #split portion for test set, 0 to 1
# default parameters are set so there is exactly one search iteration
max_cells: 8
max_reductions: 2
max_nodes: 4
enabled: False
summary_filename: '$expdir/perito.tsv' # for each iteration of macro, we fave model and perf summary
# we avoid copying from eval node because dataset settings
# may override eval.model_desc with different stems, pool etc
_copy: '/dataset'
max_final_edges: 2 # max edge that can be in final arch per node
cell_post_op: 'concate_channels'
model_stem0_op: 'stem_conv3x3'
model_stem1_op: 'stem_conv3x3'
model_post_op: 'pool_adaptive_avg2d'
aux_tower_stride: 3 # stride that aux tower should use, 3 is good for 32x32 images, 2 for imagenet
stem_multiplier: 3 # output channels multiplier for the stem
params: {}
n_nodes: 4 # number of nodes in a cell
n_reductions: 2 # number of reductions to be applied
init_node_ch: 16 # num of input/output channels for nodes in 1st cell
n_cells: 8 # number of cells
aux_weight: 0.0 # weight for loss from auxiliary towers in test time arch
_copy: '../../trainer/apex'
aug: '' # additional augmentations to use
cutout: 0 # cutout length, use cutout augmentation when > 0
load_train: True # load train split of dataset
train_batch: 64
train_workers: 4 # if null then gpu_count*4
test_workers: '_copy: ../train_workers' # if null then 4
load_test: False # load test split of dataset
test_batch: 1024
val_ratio: 0.5 #split portion for test set, 0 to 1
val_fold: 0 #Fold number to use (0 to 4)
cv_num: 5 # total number of folds available
_copy: '/dataset'
_copy: '/common/apex'
aux_weight: '_copy: /nas/search/model_desc/aux_weight'
drop_path_prob: 0.0 # probability that given edge will be dropped
grad_clip: 5.0 # grads above this value is clipped
logger_freq: 1000 # after every N updates dump loss and other metrics in logger
title: 'arch_train'
epochs: 50
batch_chunks: 1 # split batch into these many chunks and accumulate gradients so we can support GPUs with lower RAM
# additional vals for the derived class
plotsdir: '' #empty string means no plots, other wise plots are generated for each epoch in this dir
l1_alphas: 0.0 # weight to be applied to sum(abs(alphas)) to loss term
type: 'CrossEntropyLoss'
type: 'sgd'
lr: 0.025 # init learning rate
decay: 3.0e-4
momentum: 0.9 # pytorch default is 0
nesterov: False
decay_bn: .NaN # if NaN then same as decay otherwise apply different decay to BN layers
type: 'adam'
lr: 3.0e-4
decay: 1.0e-3
betas: [0.5, 0.999]
decay_bn: .NaN # if NaN then same as decay otherwise apply different decay to BN layers
type: 'cosine'
min_lr: 0.001 # min learning rate, this will be used in eta_min param of scheduler
warmup: null
title: 'search_val'
logger_freq: 0
batch_chunks: '_copy: ../../batch_chunks' # split batch into these many chunks and accumulate gradients so we can support GPUs with lower RAM
freq: 1 # perform validation only every N epochs
type: 'CrossEntropyLoss'
num_op: 2
num_policy: 5
num_search: 200
num_result_per_cv: 10 # after conducting N trials, we will chose the results of top num_result_per_cv
_copy: '/common/apex'
aug: '' # additional augmentations to use
cutout: 16 # cutout length, use cutout augmentation when > 0
epochs: 50
load_train: True # load train split of dataset
train_batch: 64
train_workers: 4 # if null then gpu_count*4
test_workers: '_copy: ../train_workers' # if null then 4
load_test: True # load test split of dataset
test_batch: 1024
val_ratio: 0.4 #split portion for test set, 0 to 1
val_fold: 0 #Fold number to use (0 to 4)
cv_num: 5 # total number of folds available
_copy: '/dataset'
type: 'sgd'
lr: 0.025 # init learning rate
decay: 3.0e-4 # pytorch default is 0.0
momentum: 0.9 # pytorch default is 0.0
nesterov: False # pytorch default is False
clip: 5.0 # grads above this value is clipped # TODO: Why is this also in trainer?
decay_bn: .NaN # if NaN then same as decay otherwise apply different decay to BN layers
#betas: [0.9, 0.999] # PyTorch default betas for Adam
type: 'cosine'
min_lr: 0.0 # min learning rate, this will be used in eta_min param of scheduler
warmup: null

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@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ from archai.algos.random.random_exp_runner import RandomExperimentRunner
from archai.algos.manual.manual_exp_runner import ManualExperimentRunner
from archai.algos.xnas.xnas_exp_runner import XnasExperimentRunner
from archai.algos.gumbelsoftmax.gs_exp_runner import GsExperimentRunner
from archai.algos.divnas.divnas_exp_runner import DivnasExperimentRunner
def main():
runner_types:Dict[str, Type[ExperimentRunner]] = {
@ -16,14 +17,15 @@ def main():
'xnas': XnasExperimentRunner,
'random': RandomExperimentRunner,
'manual': ManualExperimentRunner,
'gs': GsExperimentRunner
'gs': GsExperimentRunner,
'divnas': DivnasExperimentRunner
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='NAS E2E Runs')
parser.add_argument('--algos', type=str, default='darts,petridish,xnas,random,gs,manual',
parser.add_argument('--algos', type=str, default='darts,petridish,xnas,random,gs,divnas,manual',
help='NAS algos to run, seperated by comma')
parser.add_argument('--datasets', type=str, default='cifar10',
help='datasets to use, seperated by comma')
help='datasets to use, separated by comma')
parser.add_argument('--full', type=lambda x:x.lower()=='true',
nargs='?', const=True, default=False,
help='Run in full or toy mode just to check for compile errors')

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@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ install_requires=[
'hyperopt', # @ git+
'tensorwatch>=0.9.1', 'tensorboard',
'pretrainedmodels', 'tqdm', 'sklearn', 'matplotlib', 'psutil',
'requests', 'seaborn',
'gorilla', 'pyyaml', 'overrides', 'runstats', 'psutil', 'statopt'

tests/ Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from itertools import combinations
from copy import deepcopy
import math as ma
import unittest
from tqdm import tqdm
from typing import Any, Callable, List, Tuple, Set
import archai.algos.divnas.analyse_activations as aa
from archai.algos.divnas.seqopt import SeqOpt
from archai.algos.divnas.analyse_activations import _compute_mi, compute_brute_force_sol
from archai.algos.divnas.online_analyse_activations import create_submod_f
from archai.algos.divnas.wmr import Wmr
def create_rbf_func(first:np.array, sigma:float)->Callable:
assert len(first.shape) == 1
assert sigma >= 0.0
def rbf_bound(second:np.array):
assert len(second.shape) == 1
val = aa.rbf(first, second, sigma)
return val
return rbf_bound
def synthetic_data2()->List[Tuple[np.array, np.array]]:
# num grid locations
num_loc = 10
# plop some kernels on 0, 3, 9
k_0_func = create_rbf_func(np.array([0.0]), 3.0)
k_3_func = create_rbf_func(np.array([3.0]), 0.1)
k_6_func = create_rbf_func(np.array([6.0]), 0.1)
k_9_func = create_rbf_func(np.array([9.0]), 0.5)
Y = []
for i in range(num_loc):
i_arr = np.array([i])
y = 20.0 * k_0_func(i_arr) - 25.0 * k_3_func(i_arr) + 100.0 * k_6_func(i_arr) - 100.0 * k_9_func(i_arr)
y_arr = np.array([y])
Y.append((y_arr, i_arr))
return Y
def synthetic_data()->List[Tuple[np.array, np.array]]:
# num grid locations
num_loc = 10
# plop some kernels on 0, 3, 9
k_0_func = create_rbf_func(np.array([0.0]), 3.0)
k_3_func = create_rbf_func(np.array([3.0]), 0.1)
k_6_func = create_rbf_func(np.array([6.0]), 0.1)
k_9_func = create_rbf_func(np.array([9.0]), 0.5)
Y = []
for i in range(num_loc):
i_arr = np.array([i])
y = -10.0 * k_0_func(i_arr) + 25.0 * k_3_func(i_arr) - 100.0 * k_6_func(i_arr) - 100.0 * k_9_func(i_arr)
y_arr = np.array([y])
Y.append((y_arr, i_arr))
return Y
def compute_synthetic_data_covariance(Y:List[Tuple[np.array, np.array]], sigma=0.8):
num_obsvs = len(Y)
covariance = np.zeros((num_obsvs, num_obsvs), np.float32)
for i in range(num_obsvs):
for j in range(num_obsvs):
if i == j:
covariance[i][j] = covariance[j][i] = 1.0
obsv_i = Y[i][0]
obsv_j = Y[j][0]
assert obsv_i.shape == obsv_j.shape
if len(obsv_i.shape) == 1:
obsv_i = np.reshape(obsv_i, (obsv_i.shape[0], 1))
obsv_j = np.reshape(obsv_j, (obsv_j.shape[0], 1))
rbfs = np.exp(-np.sum(np.square(obsv_i - obsv_j), axis=1) / (2*sigma*sigma))
avg_cov = np.sum(rbfs)/obsv_i.shape[0]
covariance[i][j] = covariance[j][i] = avg_cov
return covariance
class SeqOptSyntheticDataTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.Y = synthetic_data2()
self.vals = [item[0] for item in self.Y]
self.cov_kernel = compute_synthetic_data_covariance(self.Y)
def test_marginal_gain_calculation(self):
""" Tests that marginal gain calculation is correct """
V = set(range(self.cov_kernel.shape[0]))
A_random = set([1])
V_minus_A_random = V - A_random
y = 2
I_A_random = _compute_mi(self.cov_kernel, A_random, V_minus_A_random)
A_aug = deepcopy(A_random)
V_minus_A_aug = V - A_aug
I_A_aug = _compute_mi(self.cov_kernel, A_aug, V_minus_A_aug)
diff_via_direct = abs(I_A_aug - I_A_random)
print(f'MI(A) {I_A_random}, MI(A U y) {I_A_aug}, diff {diff_via_direct}')
diff = aa.compute_marginal_gain(y, A_random, V, self.cov_kernel)
# the marginal_gain leaves out 0.5 * log term as it does not
# matter for ranking elements
half_log_diff = 0.5 * np.log(diff)
print(f'Diff via aa.compute {half_log_diff}')
self.assertAlmostEqual(diff_via_direct, half_log_diff, delta=0.01)
def test_greedy(self):
# budgeted number of sensors
budget = 4
# brute force solution
bf_sensors, bf_val = compute_brute_force_sol(self.cov_kernel, budget)
print(f'Brute force max subset {bf_sensors}, max mi {bf_val}')
# greedy
greedy_sensors = aa.greedy_op_selection(self.cov_kernel, budget)
# find MI of the greedy solution
V = set(range(self.cov_kernel.shape[0]))
A_greedy = set(greedy_sensors)
V_minus_A_greedy = V - A_greedy
I_greedy = _compute_mi(self.cov_kernel, A_greedy, V_minus_A_greedy)
print(f'Greedy solution is {greedy_sensors}, mi is {I_greedy}')
self.assertAlmostEqual(bf_val, I_greedy, delta=0.1)
def test_wmr(self):
eta = 0.01
num_rounds = 10000
gt_distrib = [0.15, 0.5, 0.3, 0.05]
num_items = len(gt_distrib)
wmr = Wmr(num_items, eta)
for _ in range(num_rounds):
sampled_index = np.random.choice(num_items, p=gt_distrib)
rewards = np.zeros((num_items))
rewards[sampled_index] = 1.0
self.assertTrue(wmr.weights[1] > 0.4)
def test_seqopt(self):
# budgeted number of sensors
budget = 4
# brute force solution
bf_sensors, bf_val = compute_brute_force_sol(self.cov_kernel, budget)
print(f'Brute force max subset {bf_sensors}, max mi {bf_val}')
# greedy
greedy_sensors = aa.greedy_op_selection(self.cov_kernel, budget)
# find MI of the greedy solution
V = set(range(self.cov_kernel.shape[0]))
A_greedy = set(greedy_sensors)
V_minus_A_greedy = V - A_greedy
I_greedy = _compute_mi(self.cov_kernel, A_greedy, V_minus_A_greedy)
print(f'Greedy solution is {greedy_sensors}, mi is {I_greedy}')
# online greedy
eps = 0.1
num_items = self.cov_kernel.shape[0]
seqopt = SeqOpt(num_items, eps)
num_rounds = 100
for i in tqdm(range(num_rounds)):
# sample a list of activations from seqopt
sel_list = seqopt.sample_sequence(with_replacement=False)
# NOTE: we are going to use the batch covariance
# every round as this is a toy setting and we want to
# verify that seqopt is converging to good solutions
# update seqopt
compute_marginal_gain_func = create_submod_f(self.cov_kernel)
seqopt.update(sel_list, compute_marginal_gain_func)
# now sample a list of ops and hope it is diverse
seqopt_sensors = seqopt.sample_sequence(with_replacement=False)
seqopt_sensors = seqopt_sensors[:budget]
V = set(range(self.cov_kernel.shape[0]))
A_seqopt = set(seqopt_sensors)
V_minus_A_seqopt = V - A_seqopt
I_seqopt = _compute_mi(self.cov_kernel, A_seqopt, V_minus_A_seqopt)
print(f'SeqOpt solution is {seqopt_sensors}, mi is {I_seqopt}')
self.assertAlmostEqual(I_seqopt, I_greedy, delta=0.1)
self.assertAlmostEqual(I_greedy, bf_val, detal=0.1)
def main():
# # generate some synthetic 1d data
# Y = synthetic_data2()
# vals = [item[0] for item in Y]
# print(f'{np.unique(vals).shape[0]} unique observations' )
# plt.figure()
# plt.plot(vals)
# #
# # budget on sensor
# budget = 4
# # compute kernel covariance of observations
# cov_kernel = compute_synthetic_data_covariance(Y)
# print(f'Det of cov_kernel is {np.linalg.det(cov_kernel)}')
# plt.figure()
# sns.heatmap(cov_kernel, annot=False, cmap='coolwarm')
# #
# # brute force solution
# bf_sensors, bf_val = compute_brute_force_sol(cov_kernel, budget)
# print(f'Brute force max subset {bf_sensors}, max mi {bf_val}')
# # greedy
# greedy_sensors = aa.greedy_op_selection(cov_kernel, budget)
# # find MI of the greedy solution
# V = set(range(cov_kernel.shape[0]))
# A_greedy = set(greedy_sensors)
# V_minus_A_greedy = V - A_greedy
# I_greedy = _compute_mi(cov_kernel, A_greedy, V_minus_A_greedy)
# print(f'Greedy solution is {greedy_sensors}, mi is {I_greedy}')
# # online greedy
# eps = 0.1
# num_items = cov_kernel.shape[0]
# seqopt = SeqOpt(num_items, eps)
# num_rounds = 100
# for i in range(num_rounds):
# print(f'Round {i}/{num_rounds}')
# # sample a list of activations from seqopt
# sel_list = seqopt.sample_sequence(with_replacement=False)
# # NOTE: we are going to use the batch covariance
# # every round as this is a toy setting and we want to
# # verify that seqopt is converging to good solutions
# # update seqopt
# compute_marginal_gain_func = create_submod_f(cov_kernel)
# seqopt.update(sel_list, compute_marginal_gain_func)
# # now sample a list of ops and hope it is diverse
# seqopt_sensors = seqopt.sample_sequence(with_replacement=False)
# V = set(range(cov_kernel.shape[0]))
# A_seqopt = set(seqopt_sensors)
# V_minus_A_seqopt = V - A_seqopt
# I_seqopt = _compute_mi(cov_kernel, A_seqopt, V_minus_A_seqopt)
# print(f'SeqOpt solution is {seqopt_sensors}, mi is {I_seqopt}')
if __name__ == '__main__':