Script that creates packaged releases package archive (#2508)

* Script that creates packaged releases package archive

Saves a couple of hours during releasing for Docker/Debian

* Support JSON file & address style comments with pylint and pep8
This commit is contained in:
Derek Bekoe 2017-03-17 10:05:00 -07:00 коммит произвёл Troy Dai
Родитель 4e85c0ec9f
Коммит ffce17528d
2 изменённых файлов: 167 добавлений и 52 удалений

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@ -3,67 +3,45 @@ Creating a Packaged Release
This document provides instructions on creating a packaged release.
Throughout this document, `{VERSION}` refers to a semantic version for this packaged release (e.g. `0.1.5`).
Throughout this document, `{VERSION}` refers to a semantic version for this packaged release (e.g. `0.2.3`).
1 - Assemble module source code
To assemble the source code, visit [Releases]( and download the source code for each component (and version) that should be part of the packaged release.
Use the downloaded source code to create a directory with the structure outlined below.
Make a directory with name `azure-cli_packaged_{VERSION}`:
$ mkdir azure-cli_packaged_{VERSION}
**IMPORTANT** - The builds expect a certain folder structure.
Expected folder structure inside of `azure-cli_packaged_{VERSION}`:
|-- az.completion
|-- src
| |-- azure-cli
| |--
| `-- etc...
| |-- azure-cli-core
| |--
| `-- etc...
| |-- azure-cli-nspkg
| |--
| `-- etc...
| |-- command_modules
| |--
| `-- etc...
(A script may be available in the future to make this step more straightforward.)
- Only the packages that will be in the CLI should be included here; leave out 'optional' components unless there's a specific reason to include any extra components.
- Make sure the versions of components don't include the `+dev` suffix. Remove these if this is the case.
Modify the file in question in the directory created from (You can use the `patch_*` files in `patches` subdirectory for this).
2 - Create release archive
1 - Create release archive
We create a `.tar.gz` containing the source code for the packaged release.
This archive will be used as the basis for the Docker, Debian and Homebrew builds as they build from this source.
The archive should have the following name `azure-cli_packaged_{VERSION}.tar.gz`.
Archive the assembled source code from above:
Clone the repo afresh:
$ tar -cvzf azure-cli_packaged_{VERSION}.tar.gz azure-cli_packaged_{VERSION}/
$ git clone
Run the script to create the release archive from the 'scripts' folder at the repo root:
$ cd scripts
$ python -m automation.release.packaged --version {VERSION} --components azure-cli=VERSION ...
3 - Upload release archive
A full example:
$ cat ~/cli-components.json
"azure-cli": "2.0.1",
"azure-cli-core": "2.0.1",
"azure-cli-component": "2.0.0",
"azure-cli-acs": "2.0.0"
$ python -m automation.release.packaged --version 0.2.3 -f ~/cli-components.json
$ python -m automation.release.packaged --version 0.2.3 --components azure-cli=2.0.1 acs=2.0.1 appservice=0.1.1b6 batch=0.1.1b5 cloud=2.0.0 component=2.0.0 configure=2.0.1 container=0.1.1b4 core=2.0.1 documentdb=0.1.1b2 feedback=2.0.0 find=0.0.1b1 iot=0.1.1b3 keyvault=0.1.1b6 network=2.0.1 nspkg=2.0.0 profile=2.0.1 redis=0.1.1b3 resource=2.0.1 role=2.0.0 sql=0.1.1b6 storage=2.0.1 vm=2.0.1
2 - Upload release archive
The release archive should be uploaded to a storage account.
@ -86,13 +64,13 @@ Get the SHA256 checksum:
$ shasum -a 256 azure-cli_packaged_{VERSION}.tar.gz
4 - Build/Release for Debian, Docker, Homebrew
3 - Build/Release for Debian, Docker, Homebrew
Follow the instructions in the `debian`, `docker` and `homebrew` subdirectories to create these releases.
5 - Modify
4 - Modify
Modify the packaged release history with release notes on this release and create a PR for this change.

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@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import os
import sys
import tempfile
import tarfile
import shutil
import json
from subprocess import check_call, check_output
from .version_patcher import VersionPatcher
from ..utilities.path import get_all_module_paths, get_repo_root
REPO_ROOT_DIR = get_repo_root()
COMPLETION_FILE = os.path.join(REPO_ROOT_DIR, 'packaged_releases', 'az.completion')
ARCHIVE_FILE_TMPL = 'azure-cli_packaged_{}'
class Patch(object): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
def __init__(self, src_of_patch, path_to_patch):
- src: Relative path from the repo root
- dest: Relative path to file to patch in the packaged release
self.src_of_patch = src_of_patch
self.path_to_patch = path_to_patch
def apply(self, working_dir):
src = os.path.join(REPO_ROOT_DIR, self.src_of_patch)
dest = os.path.join(working_dir, self.path_to_patch)
shutil.copy(src, dest)
Patch(os.path.join('packaged_releases', 'patches', ''),
os.path.join('src', 'azure-cli-core', 'azure', 'cli', 'core', '')),
Patch(os.path.join('packaged_releases', 'patches', ''),
os.path.join('src', 'command_modules', 'azure-cli-component', 'azure', 'cli',
'command_modules', 'component', ''))
def error_exit(msg):
print('ERROR: '+msg, file=sys.stderr)
def _gen_tag(c_name, c_version):
return '{}-{}'.format(c_name, c_version)
def _verified_tags(components):
available_tags = check_output(['git', 'tag'], cwd=REPO_ROOT_DIR).split()
for c_name, c_version in components:
t = _gen_tag(c_name, c_version)
if t not in available_tags:
print('Tag {} not found.'.format(t))
return False
return True
def create_packaged_archive(version, components, archive_dest=None, use_version_patch=True):
# Verify the components and versions by checking git tags
if not _verified_tags(components):
error_exit('Some components or versions are not valid.')
working_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
print('Using tmp directory {}'.format(working_dir))
modules = {n: p for n, p in get_all_module_paths()}
cur_git_commitish = check_output(['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'], cwd=REPO_ROOT_DIR).strip()
for c_name, c_version in components:
c_path = modules[c_name]
git_tag = _gen_tag(c_name, c_version)
check_call(['git', 'checkout', git_tag], cwd=REPO_ROOT_DIR)
patcher = VersionPatcher(use_version_patch, c_name, c_path)
sub_dir = 'command_modules' if 'command_modules' in c_path else ''
shutil.copytree(c_path, os.path.join(working_dir, 'src', sub_dir, c_name))
check_call(['git', 'checkout', cur_git_commitish], cwd=REPO_ROOT_DIR)
# Add completion file
completion_dest = os.path.join(working_dir, 'az.completion')
shutil.copy(COMPLETION_FILE, completion_dest)
# Apply patches
for patch in PATCHES:
# Build archive
archive_filename = ARCHIVE_FILE_TMPL.format(version)
archive_dest = os.path.expanduser(archive_dest) or os.getcwd()
archive_path = os.path.join(archive_dest, archive_filename+'.tar.gz')
with, 'w:gz') as tar:
tar.add(working_dir, arcname=archive_filename)
print("Archive saved to {}".format(archive_path))
def _type_components_list(value):
c_name, c_version = value.split('=', 1)
if not c_name.startswith('azure-cli'):
c_name = 'azure-cli-' + c_name
return (c_name, c_version)
def _type_json_file(value):
with open(os.path.expanduser(value)) as open_file:
data = json.load(open_file)
return [(k, data[k]) for k in data]
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Automated generation of the packaged release archive.")
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
group.add_argument('--components', '-c', nargs='+',
help="Space separated list in 'component=version' format. "
"(e.g. azure-cli=2.0.0 vm=2.0.0)",
group.add_argument('--file-data', '-f',
help='Path to JSON file with commands in key/value format. '
'(e.g. {"azure-cli":"2.0.0", ...})',
parser.add_argument('--version', '-v', required=True,
help="The version to name the packaged release.")
parser.add_argument('--dest', '-d',
help="The destination directory to place the archive. "
"Defaults to current directory.")
args = parser.parse_args()
components_list = args.components or args.file_data
create_packaged_archive(args.version, components_list, args.dest)