VM Diagnostic extension test case + Improvememts
1. [new] Added VM Diagnostic Test case to monitor default data set. 2. [Improvement] AzureTestSuite - In case of empty ImageName and OsVHD, exception will be thrown 3. [Improvement] Custom Script extension will be checked from Azure side. 4. [Improvement] Moved repeatedly used code in extension test cases to RDFELibs 5. [Improvement] Now, automation supports PublicConfiguratoin and PrivateConfiguration to be handled from Extensions.XML file. 6. [Improvement] ARM now supports deployment of Single VM without need of LoadBalancer and Availability Set. Thus it extends support to deploying "Basic" series VM sizes.
This commit is contained in:
@ -98,6 +98,10 @@ Function RunTestsOnCycle ($cycleName , $xmlConfig, $Distro )
LogMsg "Base VHD name - $BaseOsVHD"
if (!$BaseOsImage -and !$BaseOSVHD)
Throw "Please give ImageName or OsVHD for deployment."
LogMsg "Loading the cycle Data..."
$currentCycleData = GetCurrentCycleData -xmlConfig $xmlConfig -cycleName $cycleName
@ -233,6 +233,51 @@ for ($i =0; $i -lt 30; $i++)
#Check if the deployment Type is single VM deployment or multiple VM deployment
$numberOfVMs = 0
foreach ( $newVM in $RGXMLData.VirtualMachine)
$numberOfVMs += 1
$StorageProfileScriptBlock = {
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[4])^storageProfile^: " -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[4]){" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[5])^osDisk^ : " -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[5]){" -Path $jsonFile
if ( $osVHD )
if ( $osImage)
LogMsg "Overriding ImageName with user provided VHD."
LogMsg "Using VHD : $osVHD"
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[6])^image^: " -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[6]){" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[7])^uri^: ^[concat('http://',variables('StorageAccountName'),'.blob.core.windows.net/vhds/','$osVHD')]^" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[6])}," -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[6])^osType^: ^Linux^," -Path $jsonFile
LogMsg "Using ImageName : $osImage"
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[6])^sourceImage^: " -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[6]){" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[7])^id^: ^[variables('CompliedSourceImageName')]^" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[6])}," -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[6])^name^: ^$vmName-OSDisk^," -Path $jsonFile
#Add-Content -Value "$($indents[6])^osType^: ^Linux^," -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[6])^vhd^: " -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[6]){" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[7])^uri^: ^[concat('http://',variables('StorageAccountName'),'.blob.core.windows.net/vhds/','$vmName-$RGrandomWord-osdisk.vhd')]^" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[6])}," -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[6])^caching^: ^ReadWrite^," -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[6])^createOption^: ^FromImage^" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[5])}" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[4])}" -Path $jsonFile
LogMsg "Generating Template : $azuredeployJSONFilePath"
#region Generate JSON file
Set-Content -Value "$($indents[0]){" -Path $jsonFile -Force
@ -302,19 +347,6 @@ Set-Content -Value "$($indents[0]){" -Path $jsonFile -Force
LogMsg "Added Public IP Address $PublicIPName.."
#region availabilitySets
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[2]){" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[3])^apiVersion^: ^$apiVersion^," -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[3])^type^: ^Microsoft.Compute/availabilitySets^," -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[3])^name^: ^[variables('availabilitySetName')]^," -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[3])^location^: ^[variables('location')]^," -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[3])^properties^:" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[3]){" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[3])}" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[2])}," -Path $jsonFile
LogMsg "Added availabilitySet $availibilitySetName.."
#region virtualNetworks
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[2]){" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[3])^apiVersion^: ^$apiVersion^," -Path $jsonFile
@ -353,7 +385,26 @@ Set-Content -Value "$($indents[0]){" -Path $jsonFile -Force
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[2])}," -Path $jsonFile
LogMsg "Added Virtual Network $virtualNetworkName.."
#region Multiple VM Deployment
if ( $numberOfVMs -gt 1 )
#region availabilitySets
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[2]){" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[3])^apiVersion^: ^$apiVersion^," -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[3])^type^: ^Microsoft.Compute/availabilitySets^," -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[3])^name^: ^[variables('availabilitySetName')]^," -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[3])^location^: ^[variables('location')]^," -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[3])^properties^:" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[3]){" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[3])}" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[2])}," -Path $jsonFile
LogMsg "Added availabilitySet $availibilitySetName.."
#region LoadBalancer
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[2]){" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[3])^apiVersion^: ^$apiVersion^," -Path $jsonFile
@ -579,8 +630,6 @@ foreach ( $newVM in $RGXMLData.VirtualMachine)
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[3])}" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[2])}," -Path $jsonFile
$vmAdded = $false
$role = 0
@ -724,43 +773,11 @@ foreach ( $newVM in $RGXMLData.VirtualMachine)
#region Storage Profile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[4])^storageProfile^: " -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[4]){" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[5])^osDisk^ : " -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[5]){" -Path $jsonFile
if ( $osVHD )
if ( $osImage)
LogMsg "Overriding ImageName with user provided VHD."
LogMsg "Using VHD : $osVHD"
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[6])^image^: " -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[6]){" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[7])^uri^: ^[concat('http://',variables('StorageAccountName'),'.blob.core.windows.net/vhds/','$osVHD')]^" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[6])}," -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[6])^osType^: ^Linux^," -Path $jsonFile
LogMsg "Using ImageName : $osImage"
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[6])^sourceImage^: " -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[6]){" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[7])^id^: ^[variables('CompliedSourceImageName')]^" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[6])}," -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[6])^name^: ^$vmName-OSDisk^," -Path $jsonFile
#Add-Content -Value "$($indents[6])^osType^: ^Linux^," -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[6])^vhd^: " -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[6]){" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[7])^uri^: ^[concat('http://',variables('StorageAccountName'),'.blob.core.windows.net/vhds/','$vmName-$RGrandomWord-osdisk.vhd')]^" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[6])}," -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[6])^caching^: ^ReadWrite^," -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[6])^createOption^: ^FromImage^" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[5])}" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[4])}," -Path $jsonFile
LogMsg "Added Virtual Machine $vmName"
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $StorageProfileScriptBlock
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[4])," -Path $jsonFile
LogMsg "Added Virtual Machine $vmName"
#region Network Profile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[4])^networkProfile^: " -Path $jsonFile
@ -786,6 +803,146 @@ foreach ( $newVM in $RGXMLData.VirtualMachine)
$vmCount = $role
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[1])]" -Path $jsonFile
#region Single VM Deployment...
if ( $numberOfVMs -eq 1)
$vmName = $newVM.RoleName
$vmName = $RGName+"-role-0"
$vmAdded = $false
$newVM = $RGXMLData.VirtualMachine
$vmCount = $vmCount + 1
$VnetName = $RGXMLData.VnetName
$instanceSize = $newVM.ARMInstanceSize
$SubnetName = $newVM.SubnetName
$DnsServerIP = $RGXMLData.DnsServerIP
$NIC = "NIC" + "-$vmName"
#region networkInterfaces
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[2]){" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[3])^apiVersion^: ^2015-05-01-preview^," -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[3])^type^: ^Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces^," -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[3])^name^: ^$NIC^," -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[3])^location^: ^[variables('location')]^," -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[3])^dependsOn^: " -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[3])[" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[4])^[concat('Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/', variables('publicIPAddressName'))]^," -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[4])^[concat('Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/', variables('virtualNetworkName'))]^" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[3])]," -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[3])^properties^:" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[3]){" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[4])^ipConfigurations^: " -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[4])[" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[5]){" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[6])^name^: ^ipconfig1^," -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[6])^properties^: " -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[6]){" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[7])^privateIPAllocationMethod^: ^Dynamic^," -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[7])^publicIPAddress^:" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[7]){" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[8])^id^: ^[resourceId('Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses',variables('publicIPAddressName'))]^" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[7])}," -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[7])^subnet^:" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[7]){" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[8])^id^: ^[variables('subnet1Ref')]^" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[7])}" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[6])}" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[5])}" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[4])]" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[3])}" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[2])}," -Path $jsonFile
LogMsg "Added NIC $NIC.."
#region virtualMachines
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[2]){" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[3])^apiVersion^: ^2015-05-01-preview^," -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[3])^type^: ^Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines^," -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[3])^name^: ^$vmName^," -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[3])^location^: ^[variables('location')]^," -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[3])^dependsOn^: " -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[3])[" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[4])^[concat('Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/', '$NIC')]^" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[3])]," -Path $jsonFile
#region VM Properties
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[3])^properties^:" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[3]){" -Path $jsonFile
#region Hardware Profile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[4])^hardwareProfile^: " -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[4]){" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[5])^vmSize^: ^$instanceSize^" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[4])}," -Path $jsonFile
#region OSProfie
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[4])^osProfile^: " -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[4]){" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[5])^computername^: ^$vmName^," -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[5])^adminUsername^: ^[variables('adminUserName')]^," -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[5])^adminPassword^: ^[variables('adminPassword')]^" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[4])}," -Path $jsonFile
#region Storage Profile
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $StorageProfileScriptBlock
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[4])," -Path $jsonFile
#region Network Profile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[4])^networkProfile^: " -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[4]){" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[5])^networkInterfaces^: " -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[5])[" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[6]){" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[7])^id^: ^[resourceId('Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces','$NIC')]^" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[6])}" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[5])]," -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[5])^inputEndpoints^: " -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[5])[" -Path $jsonFile
#region Add Endpoints...
$EndPointAdded = $false
foreach ( $endpoint in $newVM.EndPoints)
if ( $EndPointAdded )
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[6])," -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[6]){" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[7])^enableDirectServerReturn^: ^False^," -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[7])^endpointName^: ^$($endpoint.Name)^," -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[7])^privatePort^: $($endpoint.LocalPort)," -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[7])^publicPort^: $($endpoint.PublicPort)," -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[7])^protocol^: ^$($endpoint.Protocol)^" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[6])}" -Path $jsonFile
LogMsg "Added input endpoint Name:$($endpoint.Name) PublicPort:$($endpoint.PublicPort) PrivatePort:$($endpoint.LocalPort) Protocol:$($endpoint.Protocol)."
$EndPointAdded = $true
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[5])]" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[4])}" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[3])}" -Path $jsonFile
LogMsg "Added Network Profile."
LogMsg "Added Virtual Machine $vmName"
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[2])}" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[1])]" -Path $jsonFile
Add-Content -Value "$($indents[0])}" -Path $jsonFile
Set-Content -Path $jsonFile -Value (Get-Content $jsonFile).Replace("^",'"') -Force
@ -448,18 +448,28 @@ Function GenerateCommand ($Setup, $serviceName, $osImage, $HSData)
$vmCount = 0
if ( $CurrentTestData.ProvisionTimeExtensions )
$extensionString = [string](Get-Content .\XML\Extensions.xml)
foreach ($line in $extensionString.Split())
$extensionString = (Get-Content .\XML\Extensions.xml)
foreach ($line in $extensionString.Split("`n"))
if ($line -imatch "EXECUTE-PS-")
if ($line -imatch ">$($CurrentTestData.ProvisionTimeExtensions)<")
$ExecutePS = $true
if ($line -imatch '</Extension>')
$ExecutePS = $false
if ( ($line -imatch "EXECUTE-PS-" ) -and $ExecutePS)
$PSoutout = ""
$line = $line.Trim()
$line = $line.Replace("EXECUTE-PS-","")
$line = $line.Split(">")
$line = $line.Split("<")
LogMsg "Executing Powershell command from Extensions.XML file : $($line[2])..."
$PSoutout = Invoke-Expression -Command $line[2]
$extensionString = $extensionString.Replace("EXECUTE-PS-$($line[2])",$PSoutout)
Sleep -Milliseconds 500
sleep -Milliseconds 1
$extensionXML = [xml]$extensionString
@ -534,18 +544,47 @@ Function GenerateCommand ($Setup, $serviceName, $osImage, $HSData)
if ($newExtn.Name -eq $extn)
[hashtable]$extensionHashTable = @{};
$newExtn.Params.ChildNodes | foreach {$extensionHashTable[$_.Name] = $_.'#text'};
$PublicConfiguration += $extensionHashTable | ConvertTo-Json
[hashtable]$extensionHashTable = @{};
$PrivateConfiguration += $extensionHashTable | ConvertTo-Json
if ($newExtn.PublicConfiguration)
[hashtable]$extensionHashTable = @{};
$newExtn.PublicConfiguration.ChildNodes | foreach {$extensionHashTable[$_.Name] = $_.'#text'};
$PublicConfiguration += $extensionHashTable | ConvertTo-Json
if ($newExtn.PrivateConfiguration)
[hashtable]$extensionHashTable = @{};
$newExtn.PrivateConfiguration.ChildNodes | foreach {$extensionHashTable[$_.Name] = $_.'#text'};
$PrivateConfiguration += $extensionHashTable | ConvertTo-Json
if ( $ExtensionCommand )
$ExtensionCommand = $ExtensionCommand + " | Set-AzureVMExtension -ExtensionName $($newExtn.OfficialName) -ReferenceName $extn -Publisher $($newExtn.Publisher) -Version $($newExtn.Version) -PublicConfiguration `$PublicConfiguration[$extensionCounter] -PrivateConfiguration `$PrivateConfiguration[$extensionCounter]"
if ($PublicConfiguration -and $PrivateConfiguration)
$ExtensionCommand = $ExtensionCommand + " | Set-AzureVMExtension -ExtensionName $($newExtn.OfficialName) -ReferenceName $extn -Publisher $($newExtn.Publisher) -Version $($newExtn.Version) -PublicConfiguration `$PublicConfiguration[$extensionCounter] -PrivateConfiguration `$PrivateConfiguration[$extensionCounter]"
$ExtensionCommand = $ExtensionCommand + " | Set-AzureVMExtension -ExtensionName $($newExtn.OfficialName) -ReferenceName $extn -Publisher $($newExtn.Publisher) -Version $($newExtn.Version) -PublicConfiguration `$PublicConfiguration[$extensionCounter]"
$ExtensionCommand = $ExtensionCommand + " | Set-AzureVMExtension -ExtensionName $($newExtn.OfficialName) -ReferenceName $extn -Publisher $($newExtn.Publisher) -Version $($newExtn.Version) -PrivateConfiguration `$PrivateConfiguration[$extensionCounter]"
$ExtensionCommand = "Set-AzureVMExtension -ExtensionName $($newExtn.OfficialName) -ReferenceName $extn -Publisher $($newExtn.Publisher) -Version $($newExtn.Version) -PublicConfiguration `$PublicConfiguration[$extensionCounter] -PrivateConfiguration `$PrivateConfiguration[$extensionCounter]"
if ( $PublicConfiguration -and $PrivateConfiguration )
$ExtensionCommand = "Set-AzureVMExtension -ExtensionName $($newExtn.OfficialName) -ReferenceName $extn -Publisher $($newExtn.Publisher) -Version $($newExtn.Version) -PublicConfiguration `$PublicConfiguration[$extensionCounter] -PrivateConfiguration `$PrivateConfiguration[$extensionCounter]"
$ExtensionCommand = "Set-AzureVMExtension -ExtensionName $($newExtn.OfficialName) -ReferenceName $extn -Publisher $($newExtn.Publisher) -Version $($newExtn.Version) -PublicConfiguration `$PublicConfiguration[$extensionCounter]"
$ExtensionCommand = "Set-AzureVMExtension -ExtensionName $($newExtn.OfficialName) -ReferenceName $extn -Publisher $($newExtn.Publisher) -Version $($newExtn.Version) -PrivateConfiguration `$PrivateConfiguration[$extensionCounter]"
LogMsg "Extension $extn (OfficialName : $($newExtn.OfficialName)) added to deployment command."
$extensionCounter += 1
@ -4015,36 +4054,55 @@ Function GetAllDeployementData($DeployedServices, $ResourceGroups)
LogMsg "Collecting $ResourceGroup data.."
$RGIPdata = Get-AzureResource -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup -ResourceType "Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses" -ExpandProperties -OutputObjectFormat New -Verbose
$RGVMs = Get-AzureResource -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup -ResourceType "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines" -ExpandProperties -OutputObjectFormat New -Verbose
$LBdata = Get-AzureResource -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup -ResourceType "Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers" -ExpandProperties -OutputObjectFormat New -Verbose
$NICdata = Get-AzureResource -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup -ResourceType "Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces" -ExpandProperties -OutputObjectFormat New -Verbose
$numberOfVMs = 0
foreach ($testVM in $RGVMs)
$numberOfVMs += 1
if ( $numberOfVMs -gt 1 )
$LBdata = Get-AzureResource -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup -ResourceType "Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers" -ExpandProperties -OutputObjectFormat New -Verbose
foreach ($testVM in $RGVMs)
$QuickVMNode = CreateQuickVMNode
$InboundNatRules = $LBdata.Properties.InboundNatRules
foreach ($endPoint in $InboundNatRules)
if ( $numberOfVMs -gt 1 )
if ( $endPoint.Name -imatch $testVM.ResourceName)
$InboundNatRules = $LBdata.Properties.InboundNatRules
foreach ($endPoint in $InboundNatRules)
$endPointName = "$($endPoint.Name)".Replace("$($testVM.ResourceName)-","")
Add-Member -InputObject $QuickVMNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "$($endPointName)Port" -Value $endPoint.Properties.FrontendPort -Force
if ( $endPoint.Name -imatch $testVM.ResourceName)
$endPointName = "$($endPoint.Name)".Replace("$($testVM.ResourceName)-","")
Add-Member -InputObject $QuickVMNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "$($endPointName)Port" -Value $endPoint.Properties.FrontendPort -Force
$LoadBalancingRules = $LBdata.Properties.LoadBalancingRules
foreach ( $LBrule in $LoadBalancingRules )
if ( $LBrule.Name -imatch "$ResourceGroup-LB-" )
$endPointName = "$($LBrule.Name)".Replace("$ResourceGroup-LB-","")
Add-Member -InputObject $QuickVMNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "$($endPointName)Port" -Value $LBrule.Properties.FrontendPort -Force
$Probes = $LBdata.Properties.Probes
foreach ( $Probe in $Probes )
if ( $Probe.Name -imatch "$ResourceGroup-LB-" )
$probeName = "$($Probe.Name)".Replace("$ResourceGroup-LB-","").Replace("-probe","")
Add-Member -InputObject $QuickVMNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "$($probeName)ProbePort" -Value $Probe.Properties.Port -Force
$LoadBalancingRules = $LBdata.Properties.LoadBalancingRules
foreach ( $LBrule in $LoadBalancingRules )
if ( $LBrule.Name -imatch "$ResourceGroup-LB-" )
$AllEndpoints = $testVM.Properties.NetworkProfile.InputEndpoints
foreach ($endPoint in $AllEndpoints)
$endPointName = "$($LBrule.Name)".Replace("$ResourceGroup-LB-","")
Add-Member -InputObject $QuickVMNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "$($endPointName)Port" -Value $LBrule.Properties.FrontendPort -Force
$Probes = $LBdata.Properties.Probes
foreach ( $Probe in $Probes )
if ( $Probe.Name -imatch "$ResourceGroup-LB-" )
$probeName = "$($Probe.Name)".Replace("$ResourceGroup-LB-","").Replace("-probe","")
Add-Member -InputObject $QuickVMNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "$($probeName)ProbePort" -Value $Probe.Properties.Port -Force
Add-Member -InputObject $QuickVMNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "$($endPoint.EndpointName)Port" -Value $endPoint.PublicPort -Force
foreach ( $nic in $NICdata )
@ -6147,6 +6205,8 @@ Function RetryOperation($operation, $description, $expectResult=$null, $maxRetry
$ErrorActionPreference = $oldErrorActionValue
$retryCount ++
WaitFor -seconds $retryInterval
@ -6176,3 +6236,52 @@ Function RetryOperation($operation, $description, $expectResult=$null, $maxRetry
return $null
#region LinuxUtilities
Function GetFilePathsFromLinuxFolder ([string]$folderToSearch, $IpAddress, $SSHPort, $username, $password, $maxRetryCount=20)
$parentFolder = $folderToSearch.Replace("/" + $folderToSearch.Split("/")[($folderToSearch.Trim().Split("/").Count)-1],"")
$LogFilesPaths = ""
$LogFiles = ""
$retryCount = 1
while (($LogFilesPaths -eq "") -and ($retryCount -le $maxRetryCount ))
WaitFor -seconds 10
LogMsg "Attempt $retryCount/$maxRetryCount : Getting all file paths inside $folderToSearch"
$lsOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $username -password $password -ip $IpAddress -port $SSHPort -command "ls -lR $parentFolder" -runAsSudo
foreach ($line in $lsOut.Split("`n") )
$line = $line.Trim()
if ($line -imatch $parentFolder)
$currentFolder = $line.Replace(":","")
if ( ( ($line.Split(" ")[0][0]) -eq "-" ) -and ($currentFolder -imatch $folderToSearch) )
while ($line -imatch " ")
$line = $line.Replace(" "," ")
$currentLogFile = $line.Split(" ")[8]
if ($LogFilesPaths)
$LogFilesPaths += "," + $currentFolder + "/" + $currentLogFile
$LogFiles += "," + $currentLogFile
$LogFilesPaths = $currentFolder + "/" + $currentLogFile
$LogFiles += $currentLogFile
LogMsg "Found $currentFolder/$currentLogFile"
$retryCount += 1
if ( !$LogFilesPaths )
LogMsg "No files found in $folderToSearch"
return $LogFilesPaths, $LogFiles
@ -4,18 +4,18 @@
<commandToExecute>touch /var/log/CustomExtensionSuccessful</commandToExecute>
@ -26,11 +26,19 @@
<storageAccountKey>EXECUTE-PS-(Get-AzureStorageKey -StorageAccountName $xmlConfig.config.Azure.General.StorageAccount).Primary</storageAccountKey>
<!-- To be done... -->
@ -8,57 +8,66 @@ if ($isDeployed)
$testServiceData = Get-AzureService -ServiceName $isDeployed
#Get VMs deployed in the service..
$testVMsinService = $testServiceData | Get-AzureVM
$hs1vm1 = $testVMsinService
$hs1vm1Endpoints = $hs1vm1 | Get-AzureEndpoint
$hs1vm1sshport = GetPort -Endpoints $hs1vm1Endpoints -usage ssh
$hs1VIP = $hs1vm1Endpoints[0].Vip
$hs1ServiceUrl = $hs1vm1.DNSName
$hs1ServiceUrl = $hs1ServiceUrl.Replace("http://","")
$hs1ServiceUrl = $hs1ServiceUrl.Replace("/","")
$lsOutput = RunLinuxCmd -username $user -password $password -ip $hs1VIP -port $hs1vm1sshport -command "ls /var/log/" -runAsSudo
LogMsg -msg $lsOutput -LinuxConsoleOuput
$out = RunLinuxCmd -username $user -password $password -ip $hs1VIP -port $hs1vm1sshport -command "tar -cvzf /home/$user/AzureExtensionLogs.tar.gz /var/log/azure/*" -runAsSudo
RemoteCopy -download -downloadFrom $hs1VIP -files "/home/$user/AzureExtensionLogs.tar.gz" -downloadTo $LogDir -port $hs1vm1sshport -username $user -password $password
$varLogFolder = "/var/log"
$lsOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $user -password $password -ip $hs1VIP -port $hs1vm1sshport -command "ls -lR $varLogFolder" -runAsSudo
$hs1VIP = $AllVMData.PublicIP
$hs1vm1sshport = $AllVMData.SSHPort
$hs1ServiceUrl = $AllVMData.URL
$hs1vm1Dip = $AllVMData.InternalIP
$hs1vm1Hostname = $AllVMData.RoleName
$ExtensionVerfiedWithPowershell = $false
$LogFilesPaths = ""
$LogFiles = ""
$folderToSearch = "/var/log/azure"
foreach ($line in $lsOut.Split("`n") )
$FoundFiles = GetFilePathsFromLinuxFolder -folderToSearch $folderToSearch -IpAddress $hs1VIP -SSHPort $hs1vm1sshport -username $user -password $password
$LogFilesPaths = $FoundFiles[0]
$LogFiles = $FoundFiles[1]
foreach ($file in $LogFilesPaths.Split(","))
if ($line -imatch $varLogFolder)
foreach ($fileName in $LogFiles.Split(","))
$currentFolder = $line.Replace(":","")
if ( ( ($line.Split(" ")[0][0]) -eq "-" ) -and ($currentFolder -imatch $folderToSearch) )
if ($LogFilesPaths)
if ( $file -imatch $fileName )
$LogFilesPaths += "," + $currentFolder + "/" + $line.Split(" ")[8]
$LogFiles += "," + $line.Split(" ")[8]
$LogFilesPaths = $currentFolder + "/" + $line.Split(" ")[8]
$LogFiles += $line.Split(" ")[8]
$out = RunLinuxCmd -username $user -password $password -ip $hs1VIP -port $hs1vm1sshport -command "cat $file > $fileName" -runAsSudo
RemoteCopy -download -downloadFrom $hs1VIP -files $fileName -downloadTo $LogDir -port $hs1vm1sshport -username $user -password $password
RemoteCopy -download -downloadFrom $hs1VIP -files $LogFilesPaths -downloadTo $LogDir -port $hs1vm1sshport -username $user -password $password
RemoteCopy -download -downloadFrom $hs1VIP -files "/var/log/waagent.log" -downloadTo $LogDir -port $hs1vm1sshport -username $user -password $password
$lsOutput = RunLinuxCmd -username $user -password $password -ip $hs1VIP -port $hs1vm1sshport -command "ls /var/log/" -runAsSudo
LogMsg -msg $lsOutput -LinuxConsoleOuput
if ($lsOutput -imatch "CustomExtensionSuccessful")
$extensionVerified = $true
$extensionVerified = $false
$ConfirmExtensionScriptBlock = {
$vmDetails = Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $isDeployed
if ( ( $vmDetails.ResourceExtensionStatusList.ExtensionSettingStatus.Status -eq "Success" ) -and ($vmDetails.ResourceExtensionStatusList.ExtensionSettingStatus.Name -imatch "CustomScriptForLinux" ))
$ExtensionVerfiedWithPowershell = $true
LogMsg "CustomScriptForLinux extension status is SUCCESS in (Get-AzureVM).ResourceExtensionStatusList.ExtensionSettingStatus"
$ExtensionVerfiedWithPowershell = $false
LogErr "CustomScriptForLinux extension status is FAILED in (Get-AzureVM).ResourceExtensionStatusList.ExtensionSettingStatus"
return $ExtensionVerfiedWithPowershell
$ExtensionVerfiedWithPowershell = RetryOperation -operation $ConfirmExtensionScriptBlock -description "Confirming CustomScript extension from Azure side." -expectResult $true -maxRetryCount 10 -retryInterval 10
if ( $ExtensionVerfiedWithPowershell -and $extensionVerified )
$testResult = "PASS"
$testResult = "FAIL"
LogMsg "Please check logs."
LogMsg "Test result : $testResult"
@ -14,37 +14,12 @@ if ($isDeployed)
$hs1vm1Dip = $AllVMData.InternalIP
$hs1vm1Hostname = $AllVMData.RoleName
$ExtensionVerfiedWithPowershell = $false
$lsOutput = RunLinuxCmd -username $user -password $password -ip $hs1VIP -port $hs1vm1sshport -command "ls /var/log/" -runAsSudo
LogMsg -msg $lsOutput -LinuxConsoleOuput
$varLogFolder = "/var/log"
$lsOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $user -password $password -ip $hs1VIP -port $hs1vm1sshport -command "ls -lR $varLogFolder" -runAsSudo
$LogFilesPaths = ""
$LogFiles = ""
$folderToSearch = "/var/log/azure"
$out = RunLinuxCmd -username $user -password $password -ip $hs1VIP -port $hs1vm1sshport -command "chmod -R 666 $varLogFolder" -runAsSudo
WaitFor -Seconds 120
foreach ($line in $lsOut.Split("`n") )
$line = $line.Trim()
if ($line -imatch $varLogFolder)
$currentFolder = $line.Replace(":","")
if ( ( ($line.Split(" ")[0][0]) -eq "-" ) -and ($currentFolder -imatch $folderToSearch) )
$currentLogFile = $line.Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Split(" ")[8]
if ($LogFilesPaths)
$LogFilesPaths += "," + $currentFolder + "/" + $currentLogFile
$LogFiles += "," + $currentLogFile
$LogFilesPaths = $currentFolder + "/" + $currentLogFile
$LogFiles += $currentLogFile
$FoundFiles = GetFilePathsFromLinuxFolder -folderToSearch $folderToSearch -IpAddress $hs1VIP -SSHPort $hs1vm1sshport -username $user -password $password
$LogFilesPaths = $FoundFiles[0]
$LogFiles = $FoundFiles[1]
$retryCount = 1
$maxRetryCount = 20
if ($LogFilesPaths)
@ -123,17 +98,24 @@ if ($isDeployed)
LogErr "No Extension logs are available."
$extensionVerified = $false
$ConfirmExtensionScriptBlock = {
$vmDetails = Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $isDeployed
if ( ( $vmDetails.ResourceExtensionStatusList.ExtensionSettingStatus.Status -eq "Success" ) -and ($vmDetails.ResourceExtensionStatusList.ExtensionSettingStatus.Name -imatch "OSPatchingForLinux" ))
$ExtensionVerfiedWithPowershell = $true
LogMsg "OSPatchingForLinux extension status is SUCCESS in (Get-AzureVM).ResourceExtensionStatusList.ExtensionSettingStatus"
$ExtensionVerfiedWithPowershell = $false
LogErr "OSPatchingForLinux extension status is FAILED in (Get-AzureVM).ResourceExtensionStatusList.ExtensionSettingStatus"
if ( ( $vmDetails.ResourceExtensionStatusList.ExtensionSettingStatus.Status -eq "Success" ) -and ($vmDetails.ResourceExtensionStatusList.ExtensionSettingStatus.Name -imatch "OSPatchingForLinux" ))
$ExtensionVerfiedWithPowershell = $true
LogMsg "OSPatchingForLinux extension status is SUCCESS in (Get-AzureVM).ResourceExtensionStatusList.ExtensionSettingStatus"
$ExtensionVerfiedWithPowershell = $false
LogErr "OSPatchingForLinux extension status is FAILED in (Get-AzureVM).ResourceExtensionStatusList.ExtensionSettingStatus"
return $ExtensionVerfiedWithPowershell
$ExtensionVerfiedWithPowershell = RetryOperation -operation $ConfirmExtensionScriptBlock -description "Confirming OS PATCHING extension from Azure side." -expectResult $true -maxRetryCount 10 -retryInterval 10
if ( $ExtensionVerfiedWithPowershell -and $extensionVerified )
$testResult = "PASS"
@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
<#-------------Create Deployment Start------------------#>
Import-Module .\TestLibs\RDFELibs.psm1 -Force
$result = ""
$testResult = ""
$resultArr = @()
$isDeployed = DeployVMS -setupType $currentTestData.setupType -Distro $Distro -xmlConfig $xmlConfig
if ($isDeployed)
$hs1VIP = $AllVMData.PublicIP
$hs1vm1sshport = $AllVMData.SSHPort
$hs1ServiceUrl = $AllVMData.URL
$hs1vm1Dip = $AllVMData.InternalIP
$hs1vm1Hostname = $AllVMData.RoleName
$ExtensionVerfiedWithPowershell = $false
$LogFilesPaths = ""
$LogFiles = ""
$folderToSearch = "/var/log/azure"
$FoundFiles = GetFilePathsFromLinuxFolder -folderToSearch $folderToSearch -IpAddress $hs1VIP -SSHPort $hs1vm1sshport -username $user -password $password
$LogFilesPaths = $FoundFiles[0]
$LogFiles = $FoundFiles[1]
if ($LogFilesPaths)
$retryCount = 1
$maxRetryCount = 10
{ LogMsg "Attempt : $retryCount/$maxRetryCount : Checking extension log files...."
foreach ($file in $LogFilesPaths.Split(","))
foreach ($fileName in $LogFiles.Split(","))
if ( $file -imatch $fileName )
$out = RunLinuxCmd -username $user -password $password -ip $hs1VIP -port $hs1vm1sshport -command "cat $file > $fileName" -runAsSudo
RemoteCopy -download -downloadFrom $hs1VIP -files $fileName -downloadTo $LogDir -port $hs1vm1sshport -username $user -password $password
if ( Test-Path "$LogDir\extension.log" )
$extensionOutput = Get-Content -Path $LogDir\extension.log
if ($extensionOutput -imatch "Start mdsd")
LogMsg "Extension Agent in started in Linux VM."
$waitForExtension = $false
$extensionVerified = $true
LogMsg "Extension Agent not started in Linux VM"
$waitForExtension = $true
$extensionVerified = $false
$extensionVerified = $false
LogErr "extension.log file does not present"
$waitForExtension = $true
$retryCount += 1
WaitFor -Seconds 30
while (($retryCount -lt $maxRetryCount) -and $waitForExtension )
LogErr "No Extension logs are available."
$extensionVerified = $false
$ConfirmExtensionScriptBlock = {
$vmDetails = Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $isDeployed
if ( ( $vmDetails.ResourceExtensionStatusList.ExtensionSettingStatus.Status -eq "Success" ) -and ($vmDetails.ResourceExtensionStatusList.ExtensionSettingStatus.Name -imatch "Microsoft.OSTCExtensions.LinuxDiagnostic" ))
$ExtensionVerfiedWithPowershell = $true
LogMsg "LinuxDiagnostic extension status is SUCCESS in (Get-AzureVM).ResourceExtensionStatusList.ExtensionSettingStatus"
$ExtensionVerfiedWithPowershell = $false
LogErr "LinuxDiagnostic extension status is FAILED in (Get-AzureVM).ResourceExtensionStatusList.ExtensionSettingStatus"
return $ExtensionVerfiedWithPowershell
$ExtensionVerfiedWithPowershell = RetryOperation -operation $ConfirmExtensionScriptBlock -description "Confirming VM DIAGNOSTICS extension from Azure side." -expectResult $true -maxRetryCount 10 -retryInterval 10
if ( $ExtensionVerfiedWithPowershell -and $extensionVerified)
$testResult = "PASS"
$testResult = "FAIL"
LogMsg "Test result : $testResult"
$ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
LogMsg "EXCEPTION : $ErrorMessage"
$metaData = ""
if (!$testResult)
$testResult = "Aborted"
$resultArr += $testResult
#$resultSummary += CreateResultSummary -testResult $testResult -metaData $metaData -checkValues "PASS,FAIL,ABORTED" -testName $currentTestData.testName# if you want to publish all result then give here all test status possibilites. if you want just failed results, then give here just "FAIL". You can use any combination of PASS FAIL ABORTED and corresponding test results will be published!
$testResult = "Aborted"
$resultArr += $testResult
$result = GetFinalResultHeader -resultarr $resultArr
#Clean up the setup
DoTestCleanUp -result $result -testName $currentTestData.testName -deployedServices $isDeployed
#Return the result and summery to the test suite script..
return $result
Ссылка в новой задаче