<#-------------Create Deployment Start------------------#> Import-Module .\TestLibs\RDFELibs.psm1 -Force $result = "" $testResult = "" $resultArr = @() $isDeployed = DeployVMS -setupType $currentTestData.setupType -Distro $Distro -xmlConfig $xmlConfig if ($isDeployed) { try { $testServiceData = Get-AzureService -ServiceName $isDeployed #Get VMs deployed in the service.. $testVMsinService = $testServiceData | Get-AzureVM $hs1vm1 = $testVMsinService $hs1vm1Endpoints = $hs1vm1 | Get-AzureEndpoint $hs1vm1sshport = GetPort -Endpoints $hs1vm1Endpoints -usage ssh $hs1VIP = $hs1vm1Endpoints[0].Vip $hs1ServiceUrl = $hs1vm1.DNSName $hs1ServiceUrl = $hs1ServiceUrl.Replace("http://","") $hs1ServiceUrl = $hs1ServiceUrl.Replace("/","") RemoteCopy -uploadTo $hs1VIP -port $hs1vm1sshport -files $currentTestData.files -username $user -password $password -upload RunLinuxCmd -username $user -password $password -ip $hs1VIP -port $hs1vm1sshport -command "chmod +x *" -runAsSudo LogMsg "Executing : $($currentTestData.testScript)" RunLinuxCmd -username $user -password $password -ip $hs1VIP -port $hs1vm1sshport -command "python $($currentTestData.testScript)" -runAsSudo RunLinuxCmd -username $user -password $password -ip $hs1VIP -port $hs1vm1sshport -command "mv Runtime.log $($currentTestData.testScript).log" -runAsSudo RemoteCopy -download -downloadFrom $hs1VIP -files "/home/$user/state.txt, /home/$user/Summary.log,/home/$user/$($currentTestData.testScript).log" -downloadTo $LogDir -port $hs1vm1sshport -username $user -password $password GetVMLogs -DeployedServices $isDeployed $testResult = Get-Content $LogDir\Summary.log $testStatus = Get-Content $LogDir\state.txt LogMsg "Test result : $testResult" if ($testStatus -eq "TestCompleted") { LogMsg "Test Completed" if($testResult -imatch "PASS") { RemoteCopy -download -downloadFrom $hs1VIP -files "/home/$user/stream-gcc.log" -downloadTo $LogDir -port $hs1vm1sshport -username $user -password $password LogMsg " ** STREAM RESULT **" $StreamLog = Get-Content $LogDir\stream-gcc.log foreach ($line in $StreamLog) { LogMsg "$line" } } } } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message LogMsg "EXCEPTION : $ErrorMessage" } Finally { $metaData = "" if (!$testResult) { $testResult = "Aborted" } $resultArr += $testResult #$resultSummary += CreateResultSummary -testResult $testResult -metaData $metaData -checkValues "PASS,FAIL,ABORTED" -testName $currentTestData.testName# if you want to publish all result then give here all test status possibilites. if you want just failed results, then give here just "FAIL". You can use any combination of PASS FAIL ABORTED and corresponding test results will be published! } } else { $testResult = "Aborted" $resultArr += $testResult } $result = GetFinalResultHeader -resultarr $resultArr #Clean up the setup DoTestCleanUp -result $result -testName $currentTestData.testName -deployedServices $isDeployed #Return the result and summery to the test suite script.. return $result