#region Azure RDFE Methods <# .SYNOPSIS List All OS Images in Cluster #> Function ListOSImages() { $images = Get-AzureVMImage $i=0 foreach ( $t in $images ) { if (!$t.MediaLink) { LogMsg $t.Label LogMsg $t.ImageName } } } Function DeleteUnwantedVMImages([switch]$preserveVHDs) { $images = Get-AzureVMImage $imageCount = 0 foreach ($image in $images) { if ($image.ImageName -imatch "CentOS-6-20-2013") { $imageCount = $imageCount + 1 $retryCount = 3 $isDeleted = $false $stillNotDeleted=$true While (($retryCount -gt 0) -and ($stillNotDeleted)) { $stillNotDeleted=$true $retryCount = $retryCount - 1 if ($preserveVHDs) { LogMsg "Deleting image $($image.ImageName), keeping its VHD file inact in storage account.." Remove-AzureVMImage -ImageName $image.ImageName -Verbose $stillNotDeleted = !$? } else { LogMsg "Deleting image $($image.ImageName) & deleting its VHD file from storage account.." Remove-AzureVMImage -ImageName $image.ImageName -Verbose -DeleteVHD $stillNotDeleted = !$? } } if ($stillNotDeleted) { Write-Host "Failed.. :-(" } else { Write-Host "Deleted successfully :-)" } } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Set the Azure Subscription based subcription id on Host machine .PARAMETER subscription Specifies the subsciption id #> Function DetectLinuxDistro($VIP, $SSHport, $testVMUser, $testVMPassword) { $tempout = RemoteCopy -upload -uploadTo $VIP -port $SSHport -files ".\SetupScripts\DetectLinuxDistro.sh,.\SetupScripts\packageInstall.sh" -username $testVMUser -password $testVMPassword 2>&1 | Out-Null $tempout = RunLinuxCmd -username $testVMUser -password $testVMPassword -ip $VIP -port $SSHport -command "chmod +x *.sh" -runAsSudo 2>&1 | Out-Null $DistroName = RunLinuxCmd -username $testVMUser -password $testVMPassword -ip $VIP -port $SSHport -command "/home/$user/DetectLinuxDistro.sh" -runAsSudo if(($DistroName -imatch "Unknown") -or (!$DistroName)) { LogErr "Linux distro detected : $DistroName" Throw "Unable to detect distro." } else { if ($DistroName -imatch "UBUNTU") { $CleanedDistroName = "UBUNTU" } elseif ($DistroName -imatch "CENTOS") { $CleanedDistroName = "CENTOS" } elseif ($DistroName -imatch "SLES") { $CleanedDistroName = "SLES" } elseif ($DistroName -imatch "SUSE") { $CleanedDistroName = "SUSE" } elseif ($DistroName -imatch "ORACLELINUX") { $CleanedDistroName = "ORACLELINUX" } elseif ($DistroName -imatch "REDHAT") { $CleanedDistroName = "REDHAT" } elseif ($DistroName -imatch "FEDORA") { $CleanedDistroName = "FEDORA" } elseif ($DistroName -imatch "COREOS") { $CleanedDistroName = "COREOS" } else { $CleanedDistroName = "UNKNOWN" } Set-Variable -Name detectedDistro -Value $CleanedDistroName -Scope Global SetDistroSpecificVariables -detectedDistro $detectedDistro LogMsg "Linux distro detected : $CleanedDistroName" } return $CleanedDistroName } Function GetCurrentPackageData ($packageXml, $packageName) { $failed = $true foreach ($packageDefinition in $packageXml.data.packageDefinition.package) { if ($packageDefinition.name -eq $packageName) { $expectedDefinition = $packageDefinition $failed = $false break } } if ($failed) { Throw "Unable to find $packageName in package definitions.." } return $expectedDefinition } Function InstallPackages ($VMIpAddress, $VMSshPort, $VMUserName, $VMPassword) { $installError=0 $installCount=0 $installSuccess=0 Set-Content -Value "" -Path .\VHD_Provision.log $password = "redhat" $packageXml = [xml](Get-Content .\XML\packageInstall.xml) $detectedDistro = DetectLinuxDistro -VIP $VMIpAddress -SSHport $VMSshPort -testVMUser $VMUserName -testVMPassword $VMPassword Write-Host "Detected Distro : $detectedDistro.." foreach ($package in $packageXml.data.installPackages.$detectedDistro.package) { #Write-Host "In the loop now.." #Write-Host "$($package.name)" $installCount=$installCount+1 $currentPackageName = $package.name $currentPackageData = GetCurrentPackageData -packageXml $packageXml -packageName $currentPackageName $currentDistroPackageData = $currentPackageData.$detectedDistro $currentPackageFile = $currentDistroPackageData.file LogMsg "Now installing .. $currentPackageName" Add-Content -Value "START--------------- INSTALL : $currentPackageName --------------------" -Path .\VHD_Provision.log if ($currentDistroPackageData.Location -eq "Remote") { #LogMsg "Invoking command : /root/packageInstall.sh -install $currentPackageName -isLocal no" try { $out = RunLinuxCmd -username $VMUserName -password $VMPassword -ip $VMIpAddress -port $VMSshPort -command "./packageInstall.sh -install $currentPackageName -isLocal no" -runAsSudo } catch { } if ($out -imatch "InstallSuccess") { LogMsg "Package : $currentPackageName : Installed successfully." $installSuccess=$installSuccess+1 } else { LogErr "Package : $currentPackageName : Installation failed." $installError=$installError+1 } } elseif ($currentDistroPackageData.Location -eq "local") { LogMsg "Uploading install file : $currentPackageFile..." RemoteCopy -upload -uploadTo $VMIpAddress -port $VMSshPort -username $VMUserName -password $VMPassword -files ".\tools\Packages\$currentPackageFile" #LogMsg "Invoking command : /root/packageInstall.sh -install $currentPackageName -isLocal yes -file $currentPackageFile" if ($currentDistroPackageData.supportingFiles) { foreach ($supprotFile in ($currentDistroPackageData.supportingFiles).Split(",") ) { LogMsg "Uploading support file - $supprotFile .. " RemoteCopy -upload -uploadTo $VMIpAddress -port $VMSshPort -username $VMUserName -password $VMPassword -files ".\tools\Packages\$supprotFile" } } $out = RunLinuxCmd -username $VMUserName -password $VMPassword -ip $VMIpAddress -port $VMSshPort -command "./packageInstall.sh -install $currentPackageName -isLocal yes -file $currentPackageFile" -runAsSudo if ($out -imatch "InstallSuccess") { LogMsg "Package : $currentPackageName : Installed successfully." $installSuccess=$installSuccess+1 } else { LogErr "Package : $currentPackageName : Installation failed." $installError=$installError+1 } } Add-Content -Value $out -Path .\VHD_Provision.log Add-Content -Value "END----------------- INSTALL : $currentPackageName --------------------" -Path .\VHD_Provision.log } LogMsg "Total packages : $installCount." LogMsg "Total installed : $installSuccess" LogMsg "Total failed : $installError" if ($installError -gt 0) { LogErr "$installError out of $installCount packages failed to install" $retValue=$false } else { LogMsg "All packages installed successfully." $retValue=$true } return $retValue } Function IsEnvironmentSupported() { $version = (Get-Module -Name "Azure").Version If ($version.Major -GT 0 -OR $version.Minor -GT 8 -OR (($version.Minor -EQ 8) -And ($version.Build -GE 8))) { return $true } Else { return $false } } Function SetSubscription ($subscriptionID, $subscriptionName, $certificateThumbprint, $managementEndpoint, $storageAccount, $environment = "AzureCloud") { $myCert = Get-Item cert:\CurrentUser\My\$certificateThumbprint # For Azure Powershell Version >= 0.8.8, Environment is used in Set-AzureSubscription for replacing ManagementEndpoint if (IsEnvironmentSupported) { Set-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName $subscriptionName -Certificate $myCert -SubscriptionID $subscriptionID ` -CurrentStorageAccountName $storageAccount -Environment $environment } Else { Set-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName $subscriptionName -Certificate $myCert -SubscriptionID $subscriptionID ` -CurrentStorageAccountName $storageAccount -ServiceEndpoint $managementEndpoint } Select-AzureSubscription -Current $subscriptionName } <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the Azure Hosted Service VIP .PARAMETER servicename Specifies the servicename #> Function GetHsVmVip([string]$servicename) { $endpoints = Get-AzureService $serviceName | Get-AzureVM | Get-AzureEndpoint $vip = $endpoints[0].Vip return $VIP } <# .SYNOPSIS Deletes Azure Service .PARAMETER servicename Specifies the servicename #> Function DeleteService ($serviceName, [switch]$KeepDisks) { $j= 0 $ExistingServices = Get-AzureService foreach ( $eachService in $ExistingServices ) { if( $eachService.ServiceName -eq $serviceName ) { $j = $j + 1 LogMsg "$serviceName ..service exists!" if ($eachService.Description -imatch "DONOTDISTURB") { Write-Host "Not Removing $($eachService.ServiceName). As it is labelled as DO NOT DISTURB. Please try Not to remove it..." -ForegroundColor Red $retValue = "True" break } LogWarn "Warning : Deleting All Virtual Machines in $serviceName in 5 seconds. Interrupt to break.." WaitFor -seconds 5 LogMsg "Deleting $serviceName..." $retValue = "False" $retryCount = 1 while (($retValue -eq "False") -and ($retryCount -lt 10)) { if ( $KeepDisks ) { $out = Remove-AzureService -ServiceName $serviceName -Force -Verbose } else { $out = Remove-AzureService -ServiceName $serviceName -DeleteAll -Force -Verbose } $RemoveServiceExitCode = $? if(($out -imatch "Complete") -or $RemoveServiceExitCode) { if($retryCount -lt 1) { LogMsg "Deleted $serviceName" } else { LogMsg "Deleted $serviceName after $retryCount Attempt" } $retValue = "True" } else { $retryCount = $retryCount + 1 LogWarn "Error in deletion. Retry Attempt $retryCount " } } } } if ($j -eq 0 ) { LogMsg "$serviceName not found!" $retValue = "True" } return $retValue } <# .SYNOPSIS Creates Azure Service .PARAMETER servicename Specifies the servicename #> Function CreateService($serviceName, $location, $AffinityGroup) { $FailCounter = 0 $retValue = "False" While(($retValue -eq "False") -and ($FailCounter -lt 5)) { try{ $FailCounter++ if($location) { LogMsg "Using location : $location" $out = RunAzureCmd -AzureCmdlet "New-AzureService -ServiceName $serviceName -Location $location" } else { if($AffinityGroup) { LogMsg "Using Affinity Group : $AffinityGroup" $out = RunAzureCmd -AzureCmdlet "New-AzureService -ServiceName $serviceName -AffinityGroup $AffinityGroup" } } $operationID = $out.OperationID $operationStatus = $out.OperationStatus LogMsg "New-AzureService`t" -NoNewline if ($operationStatus -eq "Succeeded"){ LogMsg "Hosted Service Created." $retValue = "True" } else { LogErr "Failed" $retValue = "False" } } catch { $retValue = "False" } } return $retValue } Function AddCertificate($serviceName) { $FailCounter = 0 $retValue = $false #Added try catch to handle "Unable to Send Request error" While(($retValue -eq $false) -and ($FailCounter -lt 5)) { try { $FailCounter++ $currentDirectory = (pwd).Path LogMsg "Adding Certificate to hosted service.." $out = RunAzureCmd -AzureCmdlet "Add-AzureCertificate -CertToDeploy `"$currentDirectory\ssh\myCert.cer`" -ServiceName $serviceName" $retValue = $? } catch { $retValue = $false } } return $retValue } Function GenerateCommand ($Setup, $serviceName, $osImage, $HSData) { $role = 0 $HS = $HSData $setupType = $Setup $defaultuser = $xml.config.Azure.Deployment.Data.UserName $defaultPassword = $xml.config.Azure.Deployment.Data.Password $totalVMs = 0 $totalHS = 0 $vmCommands = @() $vmCount = 0 foreach ( $newVM in $HS.VirtualMachine) { $vmCount = $vmCount + 1 $VnetName = $HS.VnetName $instanceSize = $newVM.InstanceSize $SubnetName = $newVM.SubnetName $DnsServerIP = $HS.DnsServerIP #............................................... # LIST OUT THE TOTAL PORTS TO BE OPENED AND ADD THEM ACCORDINGLY... #''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' $portCommand = "" $portNo = 0 $Endpoints = $newVM.Endpoints foreach ( $openedPort in $newVM.EndPoints) { if($openedPort.Name -eq "SSH") { $portCommand = $portCommand + " Set-AzureEndpoint -Name `"" + $openedPort.Name + "`" -LocalPort `"" + $openedPort.LocalPort + "`" -PublicPort `"" + $openedPort.PublicPort + "`" -Protocol `"" + $openedPort.Protocol + "`"" } else { $portCommand = $portCommand + " Add-AzureEndpoint" + " -Name `"" + $openedPort.Name + "`"" + " -LocalPort `"" + $openedPort.LocalPort + "`" -PublicPort `"" + $openedPort.PublicPort + "`" -Protocol `"" + $openedPort.Protocol + "`"" if ($openedPort.LoadBalanced -eq "True") { if ($openedPort.ProbePort) { $portCommand = $portCommand + " -LBSetName `"" + $openedPort.Name + "`"" + "-ProbePort " + $openedPort.ProbePort + " -ProbeProtocol tcp" } else { $portCommand = $portCommand + " -LBSetName `"" + $openedPort.Name + "`"" + " -NoProbe" } } } $portCommand = $portCommand + " |" $portNo = $portNo + 1 } if($newVM.RoleName) { $vmName = $newVM.RoleName } else { $vmName = $serviceName +"-role-"+$role } $diskCommand = "" foreach ( $dataDisk in $newVM.DataDisk) { if ( $dataDisk.LUN -and $dataDisk.DiskSizeInGB -and $dataDisk.HostCaching ) { if ($diskCommand) { $diskCommand = $diskCommand + " | " + "Add-AzureDataDisk -CreateNew -DiskSizeInGB $($dataDisk.DiskSizeInGB) -LUN $($dataDisk.LUN) -HostCaching $($dataDisk.HostCaching) -DiskLabel `"$vmName-Disk-$($dataDisk.LUN)`"" } else { $diskCommand = "Add-AzureDataDisk -CreateNew -DiskSizeInGB $($dataDisk.DiskSizeInGB) -LUN $($dataDisk.LUN) -HostCaching $($dataDisk.HostCaching) -DiskLabel `"$vmName-Disk-$($dataDisk.LUN)`"" } } } $sshPath = '/home/' + $defaultuser + '/.ssh/authorized_keys' $vmRoleConfig = "New-AzureVMConfig -Name $vmName -InstanceSize $instanceSize -ImageName $osImage" $vmProvConfig = "Add-AzureProvisioningConfig -Linux -LinuxUser $defaultuser -Password $defaultPassword -SSHPublicKeys (New-AzureSSHKey -PublicKey -Fingerprint 690076D4C41C1DE677CD464EA63B44AE94C2E621 -Path $sshPath)" if($SubnetName) { $vmProvConfig = $vmProvConfig + "| Set-AzureSubnet -SubnetNames $SubnetName" } $vmPortConfig = $portCommand.Substring(0,$portCommand.Length-1) if ( $diskCommand ) { $singleVMCommand = "( " + $vmRoleConfig + " | " + $vmProvConfig + " | " + $vmPortConfig + " | " + $diskCommand + " )" } else { $singleVMCommand = "( " + $vmRoleConfig + " | " + $vmProvConfig + " | " + $vmPortConfig + " )" } $totalVMs = $totalVMs + 1 $role = $role + 1 if ($totalVMs -gt 1) { $finalVMcommand = $finalVMcommand + ', ' + $singleVMCommand } else { $finalVMcommand = $singleVMCommand } } if ($VnetName) { $newDNS = "(New-AzureDns -Name `"DNSsettings`" -IPAddress $DnsServerIP)" $createSetupCommand = "New-AzureVM -ServiceName $serviceName -VMs ($finalVMcommand) -VNetName $VnetName -DnsSettings $newDNS" } else { $createSetupCommand = "New-AzureVM -ServiceName $serviceName -VMs ($finalVMcommand)" } return $createSetupCommand, $serviceName, $vmCount } Function CreateDeployment ($DeploymentCommand, $NewServiceName , $vmCount) { $FailCounter = 0 $retValue = "False" #While(($retValue -eq "False") -and ($FailCounter -lt 5)) #{ try { $FailCounter++ $out = RunAzureCmd -AzureCmdlet "$DeploymentCommand" #LogMsg $DeploymentCommand $retValue = $? LogMsg "VM's deployed. Verifying.." $VMDetails = Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $NewServiceName $tempcounter = 0 foreach ($vm in $VMDetails) { $VMcounter = $VMcounter + 1 } if ($VMcounter -eq $vmCount) { LogMsg "Expected VMs : $vmCount. Deployed VMs : $vmCounter" $retValue = "True" } else { $retValue = "False" LogErr "Expected VMs : $vmCount. Deployed VMs : $vmCounter" } } catch { $retValue = "False" } #} return $retValue } Function CheckVMsInService($serviceName) { try { $DeployedVMs = RetryOperation -operation { Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $serviceName } -retryInterval 1 -maxRetryCount 10 -NoLogsPlease $allVMsReady = "False" $isTimedOut = "False" $VMCheckStarted = Get-Date While (($allVMsReady -eq "False") -and ($isTimedOut -eq "False")) { $i = 0 $VMStatus = @() #$DeployedVMs = Get-AzureService -ServiceName $serviceName | Get-AzureVM $DeployedVMs = RetryOperation -operation { Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $serviceName } -retryInterval 1 -maxRetryCount 10 -NoLogsPlease $Recheck = 0 $VMStatuString = "" foreach ( $VM in $DeployedVMs ) { $VMStatuString += "$($VM.Name) : $($VM.InstanceStatus) " if ( $VM.InstanceStatus -ne "ReadyRole" ) { $VMStatus = $VM.InstanceStatus #Write-Host $VMStatus $Recheck = $Recheck + 1 } else { #Write-Host $VMStatus } } $VMcheckTimeNow = Get-Date $VMtime= $VMcheckTimeNow - $VMCheckStarted if ($VMtime.TotalSeconds -gt 1800 ) { $isTimedOut = "True" } if ($Recheck -eq 0 ) { $allVMsReady = "True" } $remainigSeconds = 1800 - $VMtime.TotalSeconds Write-Progress -Id 500 -Activity "Checking Deployed VM in Service : $serviceName. Seconds Remaining : $remainigSeconds" -Status "$VMStatuString" Write-Host "." -NoNewline #Write-Host $VMStatus -NoNewline sleep 1 } Write-Progress -Id 500 -Activity "Checking Deployed VM in Service : $serviceName. Seconds Remaining : $remainigSeconds" -Status "$VMStatuString" -Completed } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message LogMsg "EXCEPTION in CheckVMsInService() : $ErrorMessage" $allVMsReady = "False" } return $allVMsReady } Function CreateAllDeployments($setupType, $xmlConfig, $Distro){ $hostedServiceCount = 0 $xml = $xmlConfig LogMsg $setupType $setupTypeData = $xml.config.Azure.Deployment.$setupType $allsetupServices = $setupTypeData if ($allsetupServices.HostedService[0].Location -or $allsetupServices.HostedService[0].AffinityGroup) { $isMultiple = 'True' $hostedServiceCount = 0 } else { $isMultiple = 'False' } foreach ($newDistro in $xml.config.Azure.Deployment.Data.Distro) { if ($newDistro.Name -eq $Distro) { $osImage = $newDistro.OsImage } } $location = $xml.config.Azure.General.Location $AffinityGroup = $xml.config.Azure.General.AffinityGroup foreach ($HS in $setupTypeData.HostedService ) { $curtime = Get-Date $isServiceDeployed = "False" $retryDeployment = 0 if ( $HS.Tag -ne $null ) { $serviceName = "ICA-" + $HS.Tag + "-" + $Distro + "-" + $curtime.Month + "-" + $curtime.Day + "-" + $curtime.Hour + "-" + $curtime.Minute + "-" + $curtime.Second } else { $serviceName = "ICA-" + $setupType + "-" + $Distro + "-" + $curtime.Month + "-" + $curtime.Day + "-" + $curtime.Hour + "-" + $curtime.Minute + "-" + $curtime.Second } if($isMultiple -eq "True") { $serviceName = $serviceName + "-" + $hostedServiceCount } while (($isServiceDeployed -eq "False") -and ($retryDeployment -lt 5)) { LogMsg "Creating Hosted Service : $serviceName." LogMsg "Verifying that service name is not in use." $isServiceDeleted = DeleteService -serviceName $serviceName #isServiceDeleted = "True" if ($isServiceDeleted -eq "True") { $isServiceCreated = CreateService -serviceName $serviceName -location $location -AffinityGroup $AffinityGroup #$isServiceCreated = "True" if ($isServiceCreated -eq "True") { $isCertAdded = AddCertificate -serviceName $serviceName #$isCertAdded = "True" if ($isCertAdded -eq "True") { LogMsg "Certificate added successfully." $DeploymentCommand = GenerateCommand -Setup $Setup -serviceName $serviceName -osImage $osImage -HSData $HS Set-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName $xmlConfig.config.Azure.General.SubscriptionName -CurrentStorageAccountName $xmlConfig.config.Azure.General.StorageAccount $isDeployed = CreateDeployment -DeploymentCommand $DeploymentCommand[0] -NewServiceName $DeploymentCommand[1] -vmCount $DeploymentCommand[2] #$isDeployed = "True" if ( $isDeployed -eq "True" ) { LogMsg "Deployment Created!" $retValue = "True" $isServiceDeployed = "True" $hostedServiceCount = $hostedServiceCount + 1 if ($hostedServiceCount -eq 1) { $deployedServices = $serviceName } else { $deployedServices = $deployedServices + "^" + $serviceName } } else { LogErr "Unable to Deploy one or more VM's" $retryDeployment = $retryDeployment + 1 $retValue = "False" $isServiceDeployed = "False" } } else { LogErr "Unable to Add certificate to $serviceName" $retryDeployment = $retryDeployment + 1 $retValue = "False" $isServiceDeployed = "False" } } else { LogErr "Unable to create $serviceName" $retryDeployment = $retryDeployment + 1 $retValue = "False" $isServiceDeployed = "False" } } else { LogErr "Unable to delete existing service - $serviceName" $retryDeployment = 3 $retValue = "False" $isServiceDeployed = "False" } } } return $retValue, $deployedServices } Function VerifyAllDeployments($servicesToVerify) { LogMsg "Sleeping 10 seconds to VM to start.." WaitFor -seconds 10 LogMsg "Waiting for VM(s) to become Ready." foreach ($service in $servicesToVerify) { $serviceName = $service LogMsg "checking $serviceName.. " $isDeploymentReady = CheckVMsInService ($serviceName) if ($isDeploymentReady -eq "True") { LogMsg "" LogMsg "$serviceName is Ready.." Write-Host "" $retValue = "True" } else { LogErr "$serviceName provision Failed.." $retValue = "False" } } return $retValue } Function WaitFor($seconds,$minutes,$hours) { if(!$hours -and !$minutes -and !$seconds) { Write-Host "Come on.. Mention at least one second bro ;-)" } else { if(!$hours) { $hours = 0 } if(!$minutes) { $minutes = 0 } if(!$seconds) { $seconds = 0 } $timeToSleepInSeconds = ($hours*60*60) + ($minutes*60) + $seconds $secondsRemaining = $timeToSleepInSeconds $secondsRemainingPercentage = (100 - (($secondsRemaining/$timeToSleepInSeconds)*100)) for ($i = 1; $i -le $timeToSleepInSeconds; $i++) { write-progress -Id 27 -activity SLEEPING -Status "$($secondsRemaining) seconds remaining..." -percentcomplete $secondsRemainingPercentage $secondsRemaining = $timeToSleepInSeconds - $i $secondsRemainingPercentage = (100 - (($secondsRemaining/$timeToSleepInSeconds)*100)) sleep -Seconds 1 } write-progress -Id 27 -activity SLEEPING -Status "Wait Completed..!" -Completed } } Function RemoveICAUnusedServices([switch]$removePreservedServices, $pattern="ICA-", [switch]$onlyPreservedServices) { $ExistingServices = Get-AzureService foreach ($service in $ExistingServices) { if ($service.ServiceName -imatch $pattern) { if (!($service.Description -imatch "DONOTDISTURB")) { if(($service.Description -imatch "Preserving")) { if($removePreservedServices -or $onlyPreservedServices) { Write-Host "ATTENTION : Removing preserved service : $($service.ServiceName).." -ForegroundColor Red DeleteService -ServiceName $service.ServiceName } else { Write-Host "Skipping preserved hosted service : $($service.ServiceName).." -ForegroundColor Green } } else { if(!$onlyPreservedServices) { Write-Host "Removing $($service.ServiceName).." -ForegroundColor Red DeleteService -ServiceName $service.ServiceName } } } else { Write-Host "Not Removing $($service.ServiceName). As it is labelled as DO NOT DISTURB. Please try Not to remove it..." -ForegroundColor Red } } } } Function RemoveICAUnusedDataDisks() { $dataDisks = Get-AzureDisk $removeDiskId = 55 $totalIcaDisks = 0 $dataDiskToRemove = @() foreach ($disk in $dataDisks) { if (($disk.DiskName -imatch "ICA-") -and (!$disk.AttachedTo)) { $totalIcaDisks += 1 $dataDiskToRemove += $disk.DiskName } } if ($totalIcaDisks -ge 1) { Write-Progress -Id $removeDiskId -Activity "Removing unused ICA data disks.." -PercentComplete 0 $totalRemaining = $totalIcaDisks $index = 1 foreach ($disk in $dataDiskToRemove) { Write-Progress -Id $removeDiskId -Activity "Removing unused ICA data disks.." -PercentComplete (100 - ($totalRemaining*100/$totalIcaDisks)) -Status "[$index/$totalIcaDisks] $disk" try { Write-Host "Removing - $disk.." -NoNewline sleep 3 $out = Remove-AzureDisk -DiskName $disk -DeleteVHD Write-Host ".Ok!" -ForegroundColor Green $totalRemaining -= 1 $index += 1 } catch { Write-Host ".Failed" -ForegroundColor Red } } Write-Progress -Id $removeDiskId -Activity "Removed!" -Completed } else { Write-Host "No unused ICA disks found." -ForegroundColor Green } } #function to collect and compare kernel logs Function GetAndCheckKernelLogs($DeployedServices, $status) { $retValue = $false $hsNames = $DeployedServices.Split('^') foreach ($hsName in $hsNames) { #$ErrCount = 0 $hsDetails = RunAzureCmd -AzureCmdlet "Get-AzureService -ServiceName $hsName" $VMs = Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $hsName foreach ($VM in $VMs) { $BootLogDir="$Logdir\$($VM.Name)" mkdir $BootLogDir -Force | Out-Null LogMsg "Collecting $($VM.Name) VM Kernel $status Logs.." $InitailBootLog="$BootLogDir\InitialBootLogs.txt" $FinalBootLog="$BootLogDir\FinalBootLogs.txt" $KernelLogStatus="$BootLogDir\KernelLogStatus.txt" $VMEndpoints = Get-AzureEndpoint -VM $VM $VMSSHPort = GetPort -Endpoints $VMEndpoints -usage "SSH" if($status -imatch "Initial") { $randomFileName = [System.IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName() Set-Content -Value "A Random file." -Path "$Logdir\$randomFileName" $out = RemoteCopy -uploadTo $VMEndpoints[0].Vip -port $VMSSHPort -files "$Logdir\$randomFileName" -username $user -password $password -upload Remove-Item -Path "$Logdir\$randomFileName" -Force $out = RunLinuxCmd -ip $VMEndpoints[0].Vip -port $VMSSHPort -username $user -password $password -command "dmesg > /home/$user/InitialBootLogs.txt" -runAsSudo $out = RemoteCopy -download -downloadFrom $VMEndpoints[0].Vip -port $VMSSHPort -files "/home/$user/InitialBootLogs.txt" -downloadTo $BootLogDir -username $user -password $password LogMsg "$($VM.Name): $status Kernel logs collected ..SUCCESSFULLY" $detectedDistro = DetectLinuxDistro -VIP $VMEndpoints[0].Vip -SSHport $VMSSHPort -testVMUser $user -testVMPassword $password SetDistroSpecificVariables -detectedDistro $detectedDistro $retValue = $true } elseif($status -imatch "Final") { $out = RunLinuxCmd -ip $VMEndpoints[0].Vip -port $VMSSHPort -username $user -password $password -command "dmesg > /home/$user/FinalBootLogs.txt" -runAsSudo $out = RemoteCopy -download -downloadFrom $VMEndpoints[0].Vip -port $VMSSHPort -files "/home/$user/FinalBootLogs.txt" -downloadTo $BootLogDir -username $user -password $password $KernelDiff = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject (Get-Content $FinalBootLog) -DifferenceObject (Get-Content $InitailBootLog) #Removing final dmesg file from logs to reduce the size of logs. We can alwayas see complete Final Logs as : Initial Kernel Logs + Difference in Kernel Logs Remove-Item -Path $FinalBootLog -Force | Out-Null if($KernelDiff -eq $null) { LogMsg "** Initial and Final Kernel Logs has same content **" Set-Content -Value "*** Initial and Final Kernel Logs has same content ***" -Path $KernelLogStatus $retValue = $true } else { $errorCount = 0 Set-Content -Value "Following lines were added in the kernel log during execution of test." -Path $KernelLogStatus LogMsg "Following lines were added in the kernel log during execution of test." Add-Content -Value "-------------------------------START----------------------------------" -Path $KernelLogStatus foreach ($line in $KernelDiff) { Add-Content -Value $line.InputObject -Path $KernelLogStatus if ( ($line.InputObject -imatch "fail") -or ($line.InputObject -imatch "error") -or ($line.InputObject -imatch "warning")) { $errorCount += 1 LogErr $line.InputObject } else { LogMsg $line.InputObject } } Add-Content -Value "--------------------------------EOF-----------------------------------" -Path $KernelLogStatus } LogMsg "$($VM.Name): $status Kernel logs collected and Compared ..SUCCESSFULLY" if ($errorCount -gt 0) { LogErr "Found $errorCount fail/error/warning messages in kernel logs during execution." $retValue = $false } } else { LogMsg "pass value for status variable either final or initial" $retValue = $false } } } return $retValue } Function SetDistroSpecificVariables($detectedDistro) { $python_cmd = "python" LogMsg "Set `$python_cmd > python" Set-Variable -Name python_cmd -Value $python_cmd -Scope Global } Function DeployVMs ($xmlConfig, $setupType, $Distro, $getLogsIfFailed = $false) { if( (!$EconomyMode) -or ( $EconomyMode -and ($xmlConfig.config.Azure.Deployment.$setupType.isDeployed -eq "NO"))) { try { $position = 0 $VerifiedServices = $NULL $retValue = $NULL $ExistingServices = Get-AzureService $position = 1 $i = 0 $role = 1 $setupTypeData = $xmlConfig.config.Azure.Deployment.$setupType $isAllDeployed = CreateAllDeployments -xmlConfig $xmlConfig -setupType $setupType -Distro $Distro $isAllVerified = "False" $isAllConnected = "False" if($isAllDeployed[0] -eq "True") { $deployedServices = $isAllDeployed[1] $servicesToVerify = $deployedServices.Split('^') ######## $isAllVerified = VerifyAllDeployments -servicesToVerify $servicesToVerify if ($isAllVerified -eq "True") { $isAllConnected = isAllSSHPortsEnabled -DeployedServices $deployedServices if ($isAllConnected -eq "True") { #Set-Content .\temp\DeployedServicesFile.txt "$deployedServices" $VerifiedServices = $deployedServices $retValue = $VerifiedServices $vnetIsAllConfigured = $false $xmlConfig.config.Azure.Deployment.$setupType.isDeployed = $retValue #Collecting Initial Kernel $user=$xmlConfig.config.Azure.Deployment.Data.UserName $KernelLogOutput= GetAndCheckKernelLogs -DeployedServices $deployedServices -status "Initial" } else { Write-Host "Unable to connect Some/All SSH ports.." $retValue = $NULL } } else { Write-Host "Provision Failed for one or more VMs" $retValue = $NULL } } else { Write-Host "One or More Deployments are Failed..!" $retValue = $NULL } # get the logs of the first provision-failed VM if ($retValue -eq $NULL -and $getLogsIfFailed -and $DebugOsImage) { foreach ($service in $servicesToVerify) { $VMs = Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $service foreach ($vm in $VMs) { if ($vm.InstanceStatus -ne "ReadyRole" ) { $out = GetLogsFromProvisionFailedVM -vmName $vm.Name -serviceName $service -xmlConfig $xmlConfig return $NULL } } } } } catch { if ($position -eq 0) { Write-Host "Failed to execute Get-AzureService. Source : DeployVMs()" } else { Write-Host "Exception detected. Source : DeployVMs()" } $retValue = $NULL } } else { $retValue = $xmlConfig.config.Azure.Deployment.$setupType.isDeployed $KernelLogOutput= GetAndCheckKernelLogs -DeployedServices $retValue -status "Initial" } return $retValue } function GetLogsFromProvisionFailedVM ($vmName, $serviceName, $xmlConfig) { try { LogMsg "Stopping the provision-failed VM : $vmName" $tmp = Stop-AzureVM -ServiceName $serviceName -Name $vmName -Force LogMsg "Stopped the VM succussfully" LogMsg "Capturing the provision-failed VM Image" $ErrorImageName = "$serviceName-fail" $tmp = Save-AzureVMImage -ServiceName $serviceName -Name $vmName -NewImageName $ErrorImageName -NewImageLabel $ErrorImageName LogMsg "Successfully captured VM image : $ErrorImageName" $vhdLink = (Get-AzureVMImage -ImageName $ErrorImageName).MediaLink $debugVMName = "$serviceName-debug" $debugVMUser = $xmlConfig.config.Azure.Deployment.Data.UserName $debugVMPasswd = $xmlConfig.config.Azure.Deployment.Data.Password $debugSshPath = "/home/$debugVMUser/.ssh/authorized_keys" LogMsg "Creating debug VM $debugVMName in service $serviceName" $newVmConfigCmd = "New-AzureVMConfig -Name $debugVMName -InstanceSize `"Basic_A1`" -ImageName $DebugOsImage | Add-AzureProvisioningConfig -Linux -LinuxUser $debugVMUser -Password $debugVMPasswd -SSHPublicKeys (New-AzureSSHKey -PublicKey -Fingerprint `"690076D4C41C1DE677CD464EA63B44AE94C2E621`" -Path $debugSshPath) | Set-AzureEndpoint -Name `"SSH`" -LocalPort 22 -PublicPort 22 -Protocol `"TCP`"" $newVmCmd = "New-AzureVM -ServiceName $serviceName -VMs ($newVmConfigCmd)" $out = RunAzureCmd -AzureCmdlet $newVmCmd $isVerified = VerifyAllDeployments -servicesToVerify @($serviceName) if ($isVerified -eq "True") { $isConnected = isAllSSHPortsEnabled -DeployedServices $serviceName if ($isConnected -ne "True") { return } } LogMsg "Removing image $ErrorImageName, keep the VHD $vhdLink" Remove-AzureVMImage -ImageName $ErrorImageName LogMsg "Attaching VHD $vhdLink to VM $debugVMName" $vm = Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $serviceName -Name $debugVMName $vm | Add-AzureDataDisk -ImportFrom -MediaLocation $vhdLink -DiskLabel "main" -LUN 0 | Update-AzureVM $ip = (Get-AzureEndpoint -VM $vm)[0].Vip $runFile = "remote-scripts\GetLogFromDataDisk.py" $out = RemoteCopy -uploadTo $ip -port 22 -files "$runFile" -username $debugVMUser -password $debugVMPasswd -upload $out = RunLinuxCmd -ip $ip -port 22 -username $debugVMUser -password $debugVMPasswd -command "chmod +x *" -runAsSudo $out = RunLinuxCmd -ip $ip -port 22 -username $debugVMUser -password $debugVMPasswd -command "./GetLogFromDataDisk.py -u $debugVMUser" -runAsSudo $dir = "$LogDir\$vmName" if (-not (Test-Path $dir)) { mkdir $dir } LogMsg "Downloading logs from the VHD" $out = RemoteCopy -download -downloadFrom $ip -port 22 -files "/home/$debugVMUser/waagent.log" -downloadTo $dir -username $debugVMUser -password $debugVMPasswd $out = RemoteCopy -download -downloadFrom $ip -port 22 -files "/home/$debugVMUser/messages.log" -downloadTo $dir -username $debugVMUser -password $debugVMPasswd $out = RemoteCopy -download -downloadFrom $ip -port 22 -files "/home/$debugVMUser/dmesg.log" -downloadTo $dir -username $debugVMUser -password $debugVMPasswd LogMsg "Stopping VM $debugVMName" $tmp = Stop-AzureVM -ServiceName $serviceName -Name $debugVMName -Force # Remove the Cloud Service LogMsg "Executing: Remove-AzureService -ServiceName $serviceName -Force -DeleteAll" Remove-AzureService -ServiceName $serviceName -Force -DeleteAll } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message LogMsg "EXCEPTION in GetLogsFromProvisionFailedVM() : $ErrorMessage" } } Function Test-TCP($testIP, $testport) { $socket = new-object Net.Sockets.TcpClient $isConnected = "False" try { $socket.Connect($testIP, $testPort) } catch [System.Net.Sockets.SocketException] { } if ($socket.Connected) { $isConnected = "True" } $socket.Close() return $isConnected } Function GetOSImageFromDistro($Distro, $xmlConfig) { foreach ($newDistro in $xmlConfig.config.Azure.Deployment.Data.Distro) #........v-shisav... needed for getting the OS image.. Removed hardcoding... { if ($newDistro.Name -eq $Distro) { $osImage = $newDistro.OsImage break } } return $osImage } Function SetOSImageToDistro($Distro, $xmlConfig, $ImageName) { $i = 0 foreach ($newDistro in $xmlConfig.config.Azure.Deployment.Data.Distro) #........v-shisav... needed for getting the OS image.. Removed hardcoding... { if ($newDistro.Name -eq $Distro) { $xmlConfig.config.Azure.Deployment.Data.Distro[$i].OsImage = $ImageName break } $i = $i + 1 } Set-Variable -Name xmlConfig -Value $xmlConfig -Scope Global return $true } Function GetPort($Endpoints, $usage) { foreach ($port in $Endpoints) { if ($port.Name -imatch $usage) { $tcpPort = $port.Port return $tcpPort break } } } Function isAllSSHPortsEnabled($DeployedServices) { LogMsg "Trying to Connect to deployed VM(s)" $TestIPPOrts = "" foreach ($hostedservice in $DeployedServices.Split("^")) { $DeployedVMs = Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $hostedService foreach ($testVM in $DeployedVMs) { $AllEndpoints = Get-AzureEndpoint -VM $testVM $HSVIP = GetHsVmVip -servicename $hostedservice $HSport = GetPort -Endpoints $AllEndpoints -usage SSH if($TestIPPOrts) { $TestIPPOrts = $TestIPPOrts + "^$HSVIP" + ':' +"$HSport" } else { $TestIPPOrts = "$HSVIP" + ':' +"$HSport" } } } $timeout = 0 do { $WaitingForConnect = 0 foreach ($IPPORT in $TestIPPOrts.Split("^")) { $IPPORT = $IPPORT.Split(":") $testIP = $IPPORT[0] $testPort = $IPPORT[1] Write-Host "Connecting to $TestIP : $testPort" -NoNewline $out = Test-TCP -testIP $TestIP -testport $testPort if ($out -ne "True") { Write-Host " : Failed" $WaitingForConnect = $WaitingForConnect + 1 } else { Write-Host " : Connected" } } if($WaitingForConnect -gt 0) { $timeout = $timeout + 1 Write-Host "$WaitingForConnect VM(s) still awaiting to open SSH port.." -NoNewline Write-Host "Retry $timeout/100" sleep 3 $retValue = "False" } else { LogMsg "ALL VM's SSH port is/are open now.." $retValue = "True" } } While (($timeout -lt 100) -and ($WaitingForConnect -gt 0)) return $retValue } Function GetHsVmVip($servicename) { $endpoints = Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $servicename | Get-AzureEndpoint $vip = $endpoints[0].Vip return $VIP } Function GetProbePort($Endpoints, $usage) { foreach ($port in $Endpoints) { if ($port.Name -imatch $usage) { $tcpPort = $port.ProbePort return $tcpPort break } } } Function ApplyDONOTDISTURBtoHostedServices($DeployedServices) { $DeployedServices = $DeployedServices.split("^") foreach ( $serviceName in $DeployedServices ) { Set-AzureService -ServiceName $serviceName -Description "DONOTDISTURB" } } Function GetPlatfromImages() { $allImages = Get-AzureVMImage $count = 1 foreach ($image in $allImages) { if((!$image.MediaLink) -and ($image.OS -eq "Linux")) { Write-Host "$count. " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Gray Write-Host "$($image.ImageName)" $count += 1 } } } Function RemoveEmptyHostedServices() { $allServices = Get-AzureService $TotalServices = $allServices.Length $ServicesRemaining = $TotalServices $count = 1 foreach ($service in $allServices) { $ServicesRemaining = $ServicesRemaining - 1 $Percentage = (100 - (($ServicesRemaining/$TotalServices)*100)) write-progress -Id 47 -activity Cheking.. -Status "$($service.ServiceName) ... " -percentcomplete $Percentage Write-Host "Checking $($service.ServiceName) ... " -NoNewline $out = Get-AzureDeployment -ServiceName $service.ServiceName 2>&1 if ($out -imatch "No deployments were found") { Write-Host "Deleting now... " -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline write-progress -Id 47 -activity Deleting.. -Status "$($service.ServiceName) ... " -percentcomplete $Percentage $out = Remove-AzureService -ServiceName $service.ServiceName -Force Write-Host "Deleted!" -ForegroundColor Green write-progress -Id 47 -activity Deleted.. -Status "$($service.ServiceName)!" -percentcomplete $Percentage } else { write-progress -Id 47 -activity Cheking.. -Status "$($service.ServiceName) ... OK" -percentcomplete $Percentage Write-Host "OK!" -ForegroundColor Green } write-progress -Id 47 -activity SLEEPING -Status "Wait Completed..!" -percentcomplete $Percentage } write-progress -Id 47 -activity "Empty Services Removed..!" -percentcomplete 100 } Function RemoveICAOsImages([switch]$removeUploaded, [switch]$removeCaptured, [switch]$removeVHD) { $allImages = Get-AzureVMImage $IcaUploaded = @() $IcaCaptured = @() $totalCount = 0 $uploadedCount = 0 $capturedCount = 0 foreach ($image in $allImages) { if ( ($image.ImageName -imatch "ICA-UPLOADED") -or ($image.ImageName -imatch "ICA-CAPTURED") ) { if ( ($removeUploaded) -and ($image.ImageName -imatch "ICA-UPLOADED") ) { $totalCount += 1 } elseif (($removeCaptured) -and ($image.ImageName -imatch "ICA-CAPTURED")) { $totalCount += 1 } } } Write-Host "Total Count = $totalCount" $totalRemaining = $totalCount Write-Progress -Activity "Removing ICA OS Images" -Id 50 -PercentComplete 0 foreach ($image in $allImages) { $SrNo = $totalCount - $totalRemaining + 1 $tempImage = $image.ImageName if ($image.ImageName -imatch "ICA-UPLOADED") { if($removeUploaded) { Write-Progress -Id 50 -Activity "Removing ICA OS Images" -CurrentOperation "$SrNo/$totalCount. $tempImage" -PercentComplete (100 - (($totalRemaining/$totalCount)*100)) if ($removeVHD) { Write-Host "Removing $tempImage with VHD" $out = Remove-AzureVMImage -ImageName $tempImage -DeleteVHD } else { Write-Host "Removing $tempImage keeping VHD" $out = Remove-AzureVMImage -ImageName $tempImage } $totalRemaining -= 1 } } if ($image.ImageName -imatch "ICA-CAPTURED") { if($removeCaptured) { Write-Progress -Id 50 -Activity "Removing ICA OS Images" -CurrentOperation "$SrNo/$totalCount. $tempImage" -PercentComplete (100 - (($totalRemaining/$totalCount)*100)) if ($removeVHD) { Write-Host "Removing $tempImage with VHD" $out = Remove-AzureVMImage -ImageName $tempImage -DeleteVHD } else { Write-Host "Removing $tempImage keeping VHD" $out = Remove-AzureVMImage -ImageName $tempImage } $totalRemaining -= 1 } } } Write-Progress -Id 50 -Activity "Removing ICA OS Images" -Completed } Function GetTestVMHardwareDetails ($xmlConfigFile, $setupType, [switch]$VCPU, [switch]$RAM) { $switchCount = 0 if ($VCPU) { $switchCount += 1 } if ($RAM) { $switchCount += 1 } if ($switchCount -lt 1) { LogErr "Use atleast one switch from `$VCPU or `$RAM.." $retValue = "Error" } elseif ($switchCount -gt 1 ) { LogErr "Use only one switch from `$VCPU or `$RAM.." $retValue = "Error" } elseif ($switchCount -eq 1) { try { $testVMSize = $xmlConfigFile.config.Azure.Deployment.$setupType.HostedService.VirtualMachine.InstanceSize foreach ($size in $testVMSize) { $testVMDetails = $xmlConfigFile.config.Azure.Deployment.Data.VMsizes.$size if ($VCPU) { if (!$retValue) { $retValue = $($testVMDetails.VCPU) } else { $retValue = "$retValue," + $($testVMDetails.VCPU) } } elseif ($RAM) { if (!$retValue) { $retValue = $($testVMDetails.RAM) } else { $retValue = "$retValue," + $($testVMDetails.RAM) } } } } catch { LogErr "Unable to find $setupType details." $retValue = "Unknown" } } return $retValue } #endregion #region Linux Commands Methods Function RemoteCopy($uploadTo, $downloadFrom, $downloadTo, $port, $files, $username, $password, [switch]$upload, [switch]$download, [switch]$usePrivateKey) #Removed XML config { $retry=1 $maxRetry=3 if($upload) { #LogMsg "Uploading the files" if ($files) { $files = $files.split(",") foreach ($f in $files) { $retry=1 $maxRetry=10 $testFile = $f.trim() $recurse = "" while($retry -le $maxRetry) { if($usePrivateKey) { LogMsg "Uploading $testFile to $username : $uploadTo, port $port using PrivateKey authentication" echo y | .\tools\pscp -i .\ssh\$sshKey -q -P $port $testFile $username@${uploadTo}: $returnCode = $LASTEXITCODE } else { LogMsg "Uploading $testFile to $username : $uploadTo, port $port using Password authentication" echo y | .\tools\pscp -pw $password -q -P $port $testFile $username@${uploadTo}: $returnCode = $LASTEXITCODE } if(($returnCode -ne 0) -and ($retry -ne $maxRetry)) { LogWarn "Error in upload, Attempt $retry. Retrying for upload" $retry=$retry+1 } elseif(($returnCode -ne 0) -and ($retry -eq $maxRetry)) { Write-Host "Error in upload after $retry Attempt,Hence giving up" $retry=$retry+1 Throw "Error in upload after $retry Attempt,Hence giving up" } elseif($returnCode -eq 0) { LogMsg "Upload Success after $retry Attempt" $retry=$maxRetry+1 } } } } else { LogMsg "No Files to upload...!" Throw "No Files to upload...!" } } elseif($download) { #Downloading the files if ($files) { $files = $files.split(",") foreach ($f in $files) { $retry=1 $maxRetry=10 $testFile = $f.trim() $recurse = "" while($retry -le $maxRetry) { if($usePrivateKey) { LogMsg "Downloading $testFile from $username : $downloadFrom,port $port to $downloadTo using PrivateKey authentication" echo y | .\tools\pscp -i .\ssh\$sshKey -q -P $port $username@${downloadFrom}:$testFile $downloadTo $returnCode = $LASTEXITCODE } else { LogMsg "Downloading $testFile from $username : $downloadFrom,port $port to $downloadTo using Password authentication" echo y | .\tools\pscp -pw $password -q -P $port $username@${downloadFrom}:$testFile $downloadTo $returnCode = $LASTEXITCODE } if(($returnCode -ne 0) -and ($retry -ne $maxRetry)) { LogWarn "Error in download, Attempt $retry. Retrying for download" $retry=$retry+1 } elseif(($returnCode -ne 0) -and ($retry -eq $maxRetry)) { Write-Host "Error in download after $retry Attempt,Hence giving up" $retry=$retry+1 Throw "Error in download after $retry Attempt,Hence giving up." } elseif($returnCode -eq 0) { LogMsg "Download Success after $retry Attempt" $retry=$maxRetry+1 } } } } else { LogMsg "No Files to download...!" Throw "No Files to download...!" } } else { LogMsg "Error: Upload/Download switch is not used!" } } Function RunLinuxCmd([string] $username,[string] $password,[string] $ip,[string] $command, [int] $port, [switch]$runAsSudo, [Boolean]$WriteHostOnly, [Boolean]$NoLogsPlease, [switch]$ignoreLinuxExitCode, [int]$runMaxAllowedTime = 180, [switch]$RunInBackGround) { $randomFileName = [System.IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName() $maxRetryCount = 10 $currentDir = $PWD.Path $RunStartTime = Get-Date if($runAsSudo) { $plainTextPassword = $password.Replace('"',''); if ( $detectedDistro -eq "COREOS" ) { $linuxCommand = "`"export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/share/oem/bin:/usr/share/oem/python/bin:/opt/bin && echo $plainTextPassword | sudo -S env `"PATH=`$PATH`" $command && echo AZURE-LINUX-EXIT-CODE-`$? || echo AZURE-LINUX-EXIT-CODE-`$?`"" $logCommand = "`"export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/share/oem/bin:/usr/share/oem/python/bin:/opt/bin && echo $plainTextPassword | sudo -S env `"PATH=`$PATH`" $command`"" } else { $linuxCommand = "`"echo $plainTextPassword | sudo -S $command && echo AZURE-LINUX-EXIT-CODE-`$? || echo AZURE-LINUX-EXIT-CODE-`$?`"" $logCommand = "`"echo $plainTextPassword | sudo -S $command`"" } } else { if ( $detectedDistro -eq "COREOS" ) { $linuxCommand = "`"export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/share/oem/bin:/usr/share/oem/python/bin:/opt/bin && $command && echo AZURE-LINUX-EXIT-CODE-`$? || echo AZURE-LINUX-EXIT-CODE-`$?`"" $logCommand = "`"export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/share/oem/bin:/usr/share/oem/python/bin:/opt/bin && $command`"" } else { $linuxCommand = "`"$command && echo AZURE-LINUX-EXIT-CODE-`$? || echo AZURE-LINUX-EXIT-CODE-`$?`"" $logCommand = "`"$command`"" } } LogMsg ".\tools\plink.exe -t -pw $password -P $port $username@$ip $logCommand" $returnCode = 1 $attempts = 0 $notExceededTimeLimit = $true $isBackGroundProcessStarted = $false while ( ($returnCode -ne 0) -and ($attempts -lt $maxRetryCount) -and $notExceededTimeLimit) { $attempts += 1 $runLinuxCmdJob = Start-Job -ScriptBlock ` { ` $username = $args[1]; $password = $args[2]; $ip = $args[3]; $port = $args[4]; $jcommand = $args[5]; ` cd $args[0]; ` #Write-Host ".\tools\plink.exe -t -C -v -pw $password -P $port $username@$ip $jcommand";` .\tools\plink.exe -t -C -v -pw $password -P $port $username@$ip $jcommand;` } ` -ArgumentList $currentDir, $username, $password, $ip, $port, $linuxCommand $RunLinuxCmdOutput = "" $debugOutput = "" if ( $RunInBackGround ) { While(($runLinuxCmdJob.State -eq "Running") -and ($isBackGroundProcessStarted -eq $false ) -and $notExceededTimeLimit) { $SSHOut = Receive-Job $runLinuxCmdJob 2> $LogDir\$randomFileName $JobOut = Get-Content $LogDir\$randomFileName if($jobOut) { foreach($outLine in $jobOut) { if($outLine -imatch "Started a shell") { $LinuxExitCode = $outLine $isBackGroundProcessStarted = $true $returnCode = 0 } else { $RunLinuxCmdOutput += "$outLine`n" } } } $debugLines = Get-Content $LogDir\$randomFileName if($debugLines) { $debugString = "" foreach ($line in $debugLines) { $debugString += $line } $debugOutput += "$debugString`n" } Write-Progress -Activity "Attempt : $attempts : Initiating command in Background Mode : $logCommand on $ip : $port" -Status "Timeout in $($RunMaxAllowedTime - $RunElaplsedTime) seconds.." -Id 87678 -PercentComplete (($RunElaplsedTime/$RunMaxAllowedTime)*100) -CurrentOperation "SSH ACTIVITY : $debugString" $RunCurrentTime = Get-Date $RunDiffTime = $RunCurrentTime - $RunStartTime $RunElaplsedTime = $RunDiffTime.TotalSeconds if($RunElaplsedTime -le $RunMaxAllowedTime) { $notExceededTimeLimit = $true } else { $notExceededTimeLimit = $false Stop-Job $runLinuxCmdJob $timeOut = $true } } WaitFor -seconds 5 $SSHOut = Receive-Job $runLinuxCmdJob 2> $LogDir\$randomFileName if($SSHOut ) { foreach ($outLine in $SSHOut) { if($outLine -imatch "AZURE-LINUX-EXIT-CODE-") { $LinuxExitCode = $outLine $isBackGroundProcessTerminated = $true } else { $RunLinuxCmdOutput += "$outLine`n" } } } $debugLines = Get-Content $LogDir\$randomFileName if($debugLines) { $debugString = "" foreach ($line in $debugLines) { $debugString += $line } $debugOutput += "$debugString`n" } Write-Progress -Activity "Attempt : $attempts : Executing $logCommand on $ip : $port" -Status $runLinuxCmdJob.State -Id 87678 -SecondsRemaining ($RunMaxAllowedTime - $RunElaplsedTime) -Completed if ( $isBackGroundProcessStarted -and !$isBackGroundProcessTerminated ) { LogMsg "$command is running in background with ID $($runLinuxCmdJob.Id) ..." Add-Content -Path $LogDir\CurrentTestBackgroundJobs.txt -Value $runLinuxCmdJob.Id } else { Remove-Job $runLinuxCmdJob if (!$isBackGroundProcessStarted) { LogErr "Failed to start process in background.." } if ( $isBackGroundProcessTerminated ) { LogErr "Background Process terminated from Linux side with error code : $($LinuxExitCode.Split("-")[4])" $returnCode = $($LinuxExitCode.Split("-")[4]) LogErr $SSHOut } if($debugOutput -imatch "Unable to authenticate") { LogMsg "Unable to authenticate. Not retrying!" Throw "Unable to authenticate" } if($timeOut) { $retValue = $null Throw "Tmeout while executing command : $command" } LogErr "Linux machine returned exit code : $($LinuxExitCode.Split("-")[4])" if ($attempts -eq $maxRetryCount) { Throw "Failed to execute : $command." } else { if ($notExceededTimeLimit) { LogMsg "Failed to execute : $command. Retrying..." } } } Remove-Item $LogDir\$randomFileName -Force | Out-Null } else { While($notExceededTimeLimit -and ($runLinuxCmdJob.State -eq "Running")) { $jobOut = Receive-Job $runLinuxCmdJob 2> $LogDir\$randomFileName if($jobOut) { foreach ($outLine in $jobOut) { if($outLine -imatch "AZURE-LINUX-EXIT-CODE-") { $LinuxExitCode = $outLine } else { $RunLinuxCmdOutput += "$outLine`n" } } } $debugLines = Get-Content $LogDir\$randomFileName if($debugLines) { $debugString = "" foreach ($line in $debugLines) { $debugString += $line } $debugOutput += "$debugString`n" } Write-Progress -Activity "Attempt : $attempts : Executing $logCommand on $ip : $port" -Status "Timeout in $($RunMaxAllowedTime - $RunElaplsedTime) seconds.." -Id 87678 -PercentComplete (($RunElaplsedTime/$RunMaxAllowedTime)*100) -CurrentOperation "SSH ACTIVITY : $debugString" $RunCurrentTime = Get-Date $RunDiffTime = $RunCurrentTime - $RunStartTime $RunElaplsedTime = $RunDiffTime.TotalSeconds if($RunElaplsedTime -le $RunMaxAllowedTime) { $notExceededTimeLimit = $true } else { $notExceededTimeLimit = $false Stop-Job $runLinuxCmdJob $timeOut = $true } } $jobOut = Receive-Job $runLinuxCmdJob 2> $LogDir\$randomFileName if($jobOut) { foreach ($outLine in $jobOut) { if($outLine -imatch "AZURE-LINUX-EXIT-CODE-") { $LinuxExitCode = $outLine } else { $RunLinuxCmdOutput += "$outLine`n" } } } $debugLines = Get-Content $LogDir\$randomFileName if($debugLines) { $debugString = "" foreach ($line in $debugLines) { $debugString += $line } $debugOutput += "$debugString`n" } Write-Progress -Activity "Attempt : $attempts : Executing $logCommand on $ip : $port" -Status $runLinuxCmdJob.State -Id 87678 -SecondsRemaining ($RunMaxAllowedTime - $RunElaplsedTime) -Completed Remove-Job $runLinuxCmdJob Remove-Item $LogDir\$randomFileName -Force | Out-Null if ($LinuxExitCode -imatch "AZURE-LINUX-EXIT-CODE-0") { $returnCode = 0 LogMsg "$command executed successfully in $RunElaplsedTime seconds." -WriteHostOnly $WriteHostOnly -NoLogsPlease $NoLogsPlease $retValue = $RunLinuxCmdOutput.Trim() } else { if (!$ignoreLinuxExitCode) { $debugOutput = ($debugOutput.Split("`n")).Trim() foreach ($line in $debugOutput) { if($line) { LogErr $line } } } if($debugOutput -imatch "Unable to authenticate") { LogMsg "Unable to authenticate. Not retrying!" Throw "Unable to authenticate" } if(!$ignoreLinuxExitCode) { if($timeOut) { $retValue = $null Throw "Tmeout while executing command : $command" } LogErr "Linux machine returned exit code : $($LinuxExitCode.Split("-")[4])" if ($attempts -eq $maxRetryCount) { Throw "Failed to execute : $command." } else { if ($notExceededTimeLimit) { LogMsg "Failed to execute : $command. Retrying..." } } } else { LogMsg "Command execution returned return code $($LinuxExitCode.Split("-")[4]) Ignoring.." $retValue = $RunLinuxCmdOutput.Trim() break } } } } return $retValue } #endregion #region Test Case Logging Function DoTestCleanUp($result, $testName, $DeployedServices, $setupType = "BVTDeployment", [switch]$keepUserDirectory) { try { if($DeployedServices) { $currentTestBackgroundJobs = Get-Content $LogDir\CurrentTestBackgroundJobs.txt -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ( $currentTestBackgroundJobs ) { $currentTestBackgroundJobs = $currentTestBackgroundJobs.Split() } foreach ( $taskID in $currentTestBackgroundJobs ) { #Removal of background LogMsg "Removing Background Job ID : $taskID..." Remove-Job -Id $taskID -Force } $user=$xmlConfig.config.Azure.Deployment.Data.UserName $KernelLogOutput=GetAndCheckKernelLogs -DeployedServices $deployedServices -status "Final" #Collecting kernel logs after execution of test case : v-sirebb $isClened = @() $hsNames = $DeployedServices $hsNames = $hsNames.Split("^") foreach ($hs in $hsNames) { $hsDetails = Get-AzureService -ServiceName $hs if (!($hsDetails.Description -imatch "DONOTDISTURB")) { if($result -eq "PASS") { if($EconomyMode) { LogMsg "Skipping clenup of $hs." if(!$keepUserDirectory) { RemoveAllFilesFromHomeDirectory -DeployedServices $hs } } else { LogMsg "Cleaning up deployed test virtual machines." $isClened = DeleteService -serviceName $hsDetails.ServiceName if ($isClened -contains "False") { LogMsg "CleanUP unsuccessful for $($hsDetails.ServiceName).. Please delete the services manually." } else { LogMsg "CleanUP Successful for $($hsDetails.ServiceName).." } } } else { LogMsg "Preserving the hosted service(s) $hsNames" LogMsg "Integrating Test Case Name in the `"Description`" of preserved setups.." foreach ($service in $hsNames) { $suppressedOut = RetryOperation -operation { RunAzureCmd -AzureCmdlet "Set-AzureService -ServiceName $service -Description `"Preserving this setup for FAILED/ABORTED test : $testName`"" -maxWaitTimeSeconds 120 } -maxRetryCount 5 -retryInterval 5 } LogMsg "Collecting VM logs.." GetVMLogs -DeployedServices $hs if(!$keepUserDirectory -and !$keepReproInact -and $EconomyMode) { RemoveAllFilesFromHomeDirectory -DeployedServices $hs } if($keepReproInact) { $xmlConfig.config.Azure.Deployment.$setupType.isDeployed = "NO" } } } else { if ($result -ne "PASS") { LogMsg "Collecting VM logs.." GetVMLogs -DeployedServices $hs if($keepReproInact) { $xmlConfig.config.Azure.Deployment.$setupType.isDeployed = "NO" } } LogMsg "Skipping cleanup, as service is marked as DO NOT DISTURB.." } } } else { LogMsg "Skipping cleanup, as No services deployed for cleanup!" } } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Host "EXCEPTION in DoTestCleanUp : $ErrorMessage" } } Function GetFinalizedResult($resultArr, $checkValues, $subtestValues, $currentTestData) { $result = "", "" if (($resultArr -contains "FAIL") -or ($resultArr -contains "Aborted")) { $result[0] = "FAIL" } else{ $result[0] = "PASS" } $i = 0 $subtestLen = $SubtestValues.Length while ($i -lt $subtestLen) { $currentTestValue = $SubtestValues[$i] $currentTestResult = $resultArr[$i] $currentTestName = $currentTestData.testName if ($checkValues -imatch $currentTestResult) { $result[1] += " $currentTestName : $currentTestValue : $currentTestResult
" } $i = $i + 1 } return $result } Function CreateResultSummary($testResult, $checkValues, $testName, $metaData) { if ($checkValues -imatch $testResult) { $resultString = " $testName : $metaData : $testResult
" } return $resultString } Function GetFinalResultHeader($resultArr){ if(($resultArr -imatch "FAIL" ) -or ($resultArr -imatch "Aborted")) { $result = "FAIL" if($resultArr -imatch "Aborted") { $result = "Aborted" } } else { $result = "PASS" } return $result } Function SetStopWatch() { $sw = [system.diagnostics.stopwatch]::startNew() return $sw } Function GetStopWatchElapasedTime([System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]$sw, [string] $format) { if ($format -eq "ss") { $num=$sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds } elseif ($format -eq "hh") { $num=$sw.Elapsed.TotalHours } elseif ($format -eq "mm") { $num=$sw.Elapsed.TotalMinutes } return [System.Math]::Round($Num, 2) } Function GetVMLogs($DeployedServices) { $TestIPPOrts = "" foreach ($hostedservice in $DeployedServices.Split("^")) { $DeployedVMs = Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $hostedService foreach ($testVM in $DeployedVMs) { $AllEndpoints = Get-AzureEndpoint -VM $testVM $HSVIP = GetHsVmVip -servicename $hostedservice $HSport = GetPort -Endpoints $AllEndpoints -usage SSH $testIP = $HSVIP $testPort = $HSport #$LisLogFile = "LIS-Logs-" + $testVM.InstanceName + ".tgz" $LisLogFile = "LIS-Logs" + ".tgz" try { LogMsg "Collecting logs from IP : $testIP PORT : $testPort" RemoteCopy -upload -uploadTo $testIP -username $user -port $testPort -password $password -files '.\remote-scripts\LIS-LogCollector.sh' RunLinuxCmd -username $user -password $password -ip $testIP -port $testPort -command 'chmod +x LIS-LogCollector.sh' $out = RunLinuxCmd -username $user -password $password -ip $testIP -port $testPort -command './LIS-LogCollector.sh -v' -runAsSudo LogMsg $out RemoteCopy -download -downloadFrom $testIP -username $user -password $password -port $testPort -downloadTo $LogDir -files $LisLogFile LogMsg "Logs collected successfully from IP : $testIP PORT : $testPort" Rename-Item -Path "$LogDir\$LisLogFile" -NewName ("LIS-Logs-" + $testVM.InstanceName + ".tgz") -Force } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message LogErr "EXCEPTION : $ErrorMessage" LogErr "Unable to collect logs from IP : $testIP PORT : $testPort" } } } } Function RemoveAllFilesFromHomeDirectory($DeployedServices) { $TestIPPOrts = "" foreach ($hostedservice in $DeployedServices.Split("^")) { $DeployedVMs = Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $hostedService foreach ($testVM in $DeployedVMs) { $AllEndpoints = Get-AzureEndpoint -VM $testVM $HSVIP = GetHsVmVip -servicename $hostedservice $HSport = GetPort -Endpoints $AllEndpoints -usage SSH $testIP = $HSVIP $testPort = $HSport try { LogMsg "Removing all files logs from IP : $testIP PORT : $testPort" $out = RunLinuxCmd -username $user -password $password -ip $testIP -port $testPort -command 'rm -rf *' -runAsSudo LogMsg "All files removed from /home/$user successfully. VM IP : $testIP PORT : $testPort" } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Host "EXCEPTION : $ErrorMessage" Write-Host "Unable to remove files from IP : $testIP PORT : $testPort" } } } } Function CaptureVMImage ($ServiceName) { $retryCount = 5 $retryRequired = $true LogMsg "Stopping the Virtual Machine.." $tempVM = Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $ServiceName $out = $tempVM | Stop-AzureVM -Force -Verbose WaitFor -seconds 60 LogMsg "Capturing the VM image from service : $ServiceName..." #LogMsg ".\SetupScripts\CSUploadVHD.ps1 -Destination $Destination -Label $VHDName -LiteralPath $LiteralPath\$VHDName" $curtime = Get-Date $ImageName = "ICA-CAPTURED-" + $Distro + "-" + $curtime.Month + "-" + $curtime.Day + "-" + $curtime.Year + "-" + $curtime.Hour + "-" + $curtime.Minute + ".vhd" $ImageDestination = $DestinationURL + "/" + $ImageName $ImageLabel = $ImageName While($retryRequired -and ($retryCount -gt 0)) { try { $retryCount = $retryCount - 1 $out = $tempVM | Save-AzureVMImage -NewImageLabel $ImageLabel -NewImageName $ImageName -Verbose $retryRequired = $false LogMsg "VHD captured with Image Name : $ImageName" } catch { $retryRequired = $true } } LogMsg "Removing empty service : $ServiceName" $out = DeleteService -ServiceName $ServiceName return $ImageName } function ParseAndAddSubtestResultsToDB($resultSummary, $conn, $testCaseRunObj) { $newResultSummary = $resultSummary.Replace(" ","") $newResultSummary = $newResultSummary.Replace("
","^") $newResultSummary = $newResultSummary.Remove(($newResultSummary.Length - 1)) $newResultSummary = $newResultSummary.Split("^") $tempCounter = 1 foreach ($testSummary in $newResultSummary) { $tempCounter += 1 $testSummary = $testSummary.Split(":") $SubtestName = $testSummary[0] $SubtestResult = $testSummary[($testSummary.Length - 1)] Function GetResultMetadata ($testSummary) { $metadata = "" $counter = 0 $firstEntry=$true foreach ($word in $testSummary) { if(($counter -ne 0) -and ($counter -ne ($testSummary.Length - 1))) { if($firstEntry) { $metadata += $word $firstEntry = $false } else { $metadata += " : $word" } } $counter += 1 } return $metadata } $subtestMetadata = GetResultMetadata -testSummary $testSummary #Write-Host "$SubtestName : $subtestMetadata : $SubtestResult" #Now Add this subtest data to DB $subTestRunObject = CreateSubTestCaseObject -testSuiteRunId $testCaseRunObj.testSuiteRunId -testCaseId $testCaseRunObj.testCaseId -testName "$SubtestName : $subtestMetadata" -result $SubtestResult -startTime $testStartTime -endTime $testCaseRunObj.endTime -SubtestStartTime $SubTestStartTime -SubtestEndTime $SubTestEndTime $temp = AddSubTestResultinDB -conn $Conn -subTestCaseObj $subTestRunObject -testSuiteRunId $testCaseRunObj.testSuiteRunId } } #endregion #region Network FTM TestCase Methods ################################################################# Function IperfClientServertcpNonConnectivity($server,$client) { RemoteCopy -uploadTo $server.ip -port $server.sshPort -files $server.files -username $server.user -password $server.password -upload RemoteCopy -uploadTo $client.Ip -port $client.sshPort -files $client.files -username $client.user -password $client.password -upload $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $client.user -password $client.password -ip $client.ip -port $client.sshPort -command "rm -rf *.txt *.log" -runAsSudo $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $server.user -password $server.password -ip $server.ip -port $server.sshPort -command "rm -rf *.txt *.log" -runAsSudo $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $client.user -password $client.password -ip $client.ip -port $client.sshPort -command "chmod +x *" -runAsSudo $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $server.user -password $server.password -ip $server.ip -port $server.sshPort -command "chmod +x *" -runAsSudo $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $server.user -password $server.password -ip $server.ip -port $server.sshport -command "echo Test Started > iperf-server.txt" -runAsSudo StartIperfServer $server $isServerStarted = IsIperfServerStarted $server if($isServerStarted -eq $true) { LogMsg "iperf Server started successfully. Listening TCP port $($server.tcpPort) ..." #>>>On confirmation, of server starting, let's start iperf client... $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $client.user -password $client.password -ip $client.ip -port $client.sshport -command "echo Test Started > iperf-client.txt" -runAsSudo StartIperfClient $client $isClientStarted = IsIperfClientStarted $client $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $client.user -password $client.password -ip $client.ip -port $client.sshport -command "echo Test Complete >> iperf-client.txt" -runAsSudo $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $server.user -password $server.password -ip $server.ip -port $server.sshport -command "echo Test Complete >> iperf-server.txt" -runAsSudo if($isClientStarted -eq $false) { $serverState = IsIperfServerRunning $server if($serverState -eq $false) { #LogMsg "Test Finished..!" $testResult = "PASS" } else { LogErr "Connections observed on server. Test Finished..!" $testResult = "FAIL" } } else { $testResult = "FAIL" #LogMsg "Failured detected in client connection." LogErr "Ohh, client connected.. Verifying that it connected to server.." $serverState = IsIperfServerRunning $server #$serverState = $false if($serverState -eq $false) { LogMsg "Not Connected to server. Please check the logs.. where the client was connected. ;-)" } else { LogMsg "Connections observed on server. Test Finished..!" } } } else { LogMsg "Unable to start iperf-server. Aborting test." $testResult = "Aborted" } return $testResult } Function IperfClientServerUDPNonConnectivity($server,$client) { RemoteCopy -uploadTo $server.ip -port $server.sshPort -files $server.files -username $server.user -password $server.password -upload RemoteCopy -uploadTo $client.Ip -port $client.sshPort -files $client.files -username $client.user -password $client.password -upload $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $client.user -password $client.password -ip $client.ip -port $client.sshPort -command "rm -rf *.txt *.log" -runAsSudo $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $server.user -password $server.password -ip $server.ip -port $server.sshPort -command "rm -rf *.txt *.log" -runAsSudo $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $client.user -password $client.password -ip $client.ip -port $client.sshPort -command "chmod +x *" -runAsSudo $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $server.user -password $server.password -ip $server.ip -port $server.sshPort -command "chmod +x *" -runAsSudo $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $server.user -password $server.password -ip $server.ip -port $server.sshport -command "echo Test Started > iperf-server.txt" -runAsSudo StartIperfServer $server $isServerStarted = IsIperfServerStarted $server if($isServerStarted -eq $true) { LogMsg "iperf Server started successfully. Listening UDP port $($server.tcpPort) ..." #>>>On confirmation, of server starting, let's start iperf client... $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $client.user -password $client.password -ip $client.ip -port $client.sshport -command "echo Test Started > iperf-client.txt" -runAsSudo StartIperfClient $client $isClientStarted = IsIperfClientStarted $client $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $client.user -password $client.password -ip $client.ip -port $client.sshport -command "echo Test Complete >> iperf-client.txt" -runAsSudo $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $server.user -password $server.password -ip $server.ip -port $server.sshport -command "echo Test Complete >> iperf-server.txt" -runAsSudo $serverState = IsIperfServerRunning $server if($serverState -eq $false) { #LogMsg "Test Finished..!" $testResult = "PASS" } else { LogErr "Connections observed on server. Test Finished..!" $testResult = "FAIL" } } else { LogMsg "Unable to start iperf-server. Aborting test." $testResult = "Aborted" } return $testResult } Function IperfClientServerUDPTest($server,$client) { RemoteCopy -uploadTo $server.ip -port $server.sshPort -files $server.files -username $server.user -password $server.password -upload RemoteCopy -uploadTo $client.Ip -port $client.sshPort -files $client.files -username $client.user -password $client.password -upload $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $client.user -password $client.password -ip $client.ip -port $client.sshPort -command "rm -rf *.txt *.log" -runAsSudo $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $server.user -password $server.password -ip $server.ip -port $server.sshPort -command "rm -rf *.txt *.log" -runAsSudo $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $client.user -password $client.password -ip $client.ip -port $client.sshPort -command "chmod +x *" -runAsSudo $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $server.user -password $server.password -ip $server.ip -port $server.sshPort -command "chmod +x *" -runAsSudo $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $server.user -password $server.password -ip $server.ip -port $server.sshport -command "echo Test Started > iperf-server.txt" -runAsSudo StartIperfServer $server $isServerStarted = IsIperfServerStarted $server if($isServerStarted -eq $true) { LogMsg "iperf Server started successfully. Listening UDP port $($server.tcpPort) ..." #>>>On confirmation, of server starting, let's start iperf client... $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $client.user -password $client.password -ip $client.ip -port $client.sshport -command "echo Test Started > iperf-client.txt" -runAsSudo StartIperfClient $client $isClientStarted = IsIperfClientStarted $client $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $client.user -password $client.password -ip $client.ip -port $client.sshport -command "echo Test Complete >> iperf-client.txt" -runAsSudo $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $server.user -password $server.password -ip $server.ip -port $server.sshport -command "echo Test Complete >> iperf-server.txt" -runAsSudo $serverState = IsIperfServerRunning $server if($serverState -eq $true) { #LogMsg "Test Finished..!" $testResult = "PASS" } else { LogErr "Connections not observed on server. Test Finished..!" $testResult = "FAIL" } } else { LogMsg "Unable to start iperf-server. Aborting test." $testResult = "Aborted" } return $testResult } Function IperfClientServerTest($server,$client) { RemoteCopy -uploadTo $server.ip -port $server.sshPort -files $server.files -username $server.user -password $server.password -upload RemoteCopy -uploadTo $client.Ip -port $client.sshPort -files $client.files -username $client.user -password $client.password -upload $out = RunLinuxCmd -username $client.user -password $client.password -ip $client.ip -port $client.sshPort -command "rm -rf *.txt *.log" -runAsSudo $out = RunLinuxCmd -username $server.user -password $server.password -ip $server.ip -port $server.sshPort -command "rm -rf *.txt *.log" -runAsSudo $out = RunLinuxCmd -username $client.user -password $client.password -ip $client.ip -port $client.sshPort -command "chmod +x *" -runAsSudo $out = RunLinuxCmd -username $server.user -password $server.password -ip $server.ip -port $server.sshPort -command "chmod +x *" -runAsSudo StartIperfServer $server $isServerStarted = IsIperfServerStarted $server if($isServerStarted -eq $true) { LogMsg "iperf Server started successfully. Listening TCP port $($client.tcpPort) ..." #>>>On confirmation, of server starting, let's start iperf client... StartIperfClient $client $isClientStarted = IsIperfClientStarted $client if($isClientStarted -eq $true) { $serverState = IsIperfServerRunning $server if($serverState -eq $true) { LogMsg "Test Finished..!" $testResult = "PASS" } else { LogMsg "Test Finished..!" $testResult = "FAIL" } } else { LogErr "Failured detected in client connection." LogMsg "Test Finished..!" $testResult = "FAIL" } } else { LogMsg "Unable to start iperf-server. Aborting test." $testResult = "Aborted" } return $testResult } Function IperfClientServerTestParallel($server,$client) { $out = RunLinuxCmd -username $server.user -password $server.password -ip $server.ip -port $server.sshport -command "echo ServerStarted > iperf-server.txt" -runAsSudo $out = StartIperfServer $server $isServerStarted = IsIperfServerStarted $server if($isServerStarted -eq $true) { LogMsg "iperf Server started successfully. Listening TCP port $($client.tcpPort) ..." #>>>On confirmation, of server starting, let's start iperf client... $out = RunLinuxCmd -username $client.user -password $client.password -ip $client.ip -port $client.sshport -command "echo ClientStarted > iperf-client.txt" -runAsSudo $out = StartIperfClient $client $out = RunLinuxCmd -username $client.user -password $client.password -ip $client.ip -port $client.sshport -command "echo ClientStopped >> iperf-client.txt" -runAsSudo $out = RunLinuxCmd -username $server.user -password $server.password -ip $server.ip -port $server.sshport -command "echo ServerStopped >> iperf-server.txt" -runAsSudo $isClientStarted = IsIperfClientStarted $client if($isClientStarted -eq $true) { $serverState = IsIperfServerRunning $server if($serverState -eq $true) { LogMsg "Test Finished..!" $testResult = "PASS" } else { LogErr "Test Finished ..!" $testResult = "FAIL" } $clientLog= $client.LogDir + "\iperf-client.txt" $isClientConnected = AnalyseIperfClientConnectivity -logFile $clientLog -beg "ClientStarted" -end "ClientStopped" $clientConnCount = GetParallelConnectionCount -logFile $clientLog -beg "ClientStarted" -end "ClientStopped" If ($isClientConnected) { $testResult = "PASS" $serverLog= $server.LogDir + "\iperf-server.txt" $isServerConnected = AnalyseIperfServerConnectivity $serverLog "ServerStarted" "ServerStopped" If ($isServerConnected) { $testResult = "PASS" $serverConnCount = GetParallelConnectionCount -logFile $serverLog -beg "ServerStarted" -end "ServerStopped" LogMsg "Server Parallel Connection Count is $serverConnCount" LogMsg "Client Parallel Connection Count is $clientConnCount" If ($serverConnCount -eq $clientConnCount) { $testResult = "PASS" LogMsg "Connection Counts are Same in both Server and Client Logs" $clientDt= GetTotalDataTransfer -logFile $clientLog -beg "ClientStarted" -end "ClientStopped" $serverDt= GetTotalDataTransfer -logFile $serverLog -beg "ServerStarted" -end "ServerStopped" LogMsg "Server Total Data Transfer is $serverDt" LogMsg "Client Total Data Transfer is $clientDt" If ($serverDt -eq $clientDt) { $testResult = "PASS" LogMsg "Total DataTransfer is equal on both Server and Client" } else { $testResult = "FAIL" LogErr "Total DataTransfer is NOT equal on both Server and Client" } } else { $testResult = "FAIL" LogErr "Connection Counts are NOT Same in both Server and Client Logs" } } else { $testResult = "FAIL" LogErr "Server is not Connected to Client" } } else { $testResult = "FAIL" LogErr "Client is not Connected to Server" } } else { LogErr "Failures detected in client connection." RemoteCopy -download -downloadFrom $server.ip -files "/home/$user/iperf-server.txt" -downloadTo $server.LogDir -port $server.sshPort -username $server.user -password $server.password LogMsg "Test Finished..!" $testResult = "FAIL" } } else { LogErr "Unable to start iperf-server. Aborting test." RemoteCopy -download -downloadFrom $server.ip -files "/home/$user/iperf-server.txt" -downloadTo $server.LogDir -port $server.sshPort -username $server.user -password $server.password RemoteCopy -download -downloadFrom $client.ip -files "/home/$user/iperf-server.txt" -downloadTo $client.LogDir -port $client.sshPort -username $client.user -password $client.password $testResult = "Aborted" } return $testResult } Function IperfClientServerUDPTestParallel($server,$client) { RemoteCopy -uploadTo $server.ip -port $server.sshPort -files $server.files -username $server.user -password $server.password -upload RemoteCopy -uploadTo $client.Ip -port $client.sshPort -files $client.files -username $client.user -password $client.password -upload $out = RunLinuxCmd -username $client.user -password $client.password -ip $client.ip -port $client.sshPort -command "rm -rf *.txt *.log" -runAsSudo $out = RunLinuxCmd -username $server.user -password $server.password -ip $server.ip -port $server.sshPort -command "rm -rf *.txt *.log" -runAsSudo $out = RunLinuxCmd -username $client.user -password $client.password -ip $client.ip -port $client.sshPort -command "chmod +x *" -runAsSudo $out = RunLinuxCmd -username $server.user -password $server.password -ip $server.ip -port $server.sshPort -command "chmod +x *" -runAsSudo $out = RunLinuxCmd -username $server.user -password $server.password -ip $server.ip -port $server.sshport -command "echo Test Started > iperf-server.txt" -runAsSudo StartIperfServer $server $isServerStarted = IsIperfServerStarted $server if($isServerStarted -eq $true) { LogMsg "iperf Server started successfully. Listening UDP port $($client.udpPort) ..." #>>>On confirmation, of server starting, let's start iperf client... $out = RunLinuxCmd -username $client.user -password $client.password -ip $client.ip -port $client.sshport -command "echo Test Started > iperf-client.txt" -runAsSudo StartIperfClient $client $isClientStarted = IsIperfClientStarted $client $out = RunLinuxCmd -username $server.user -password $server.password -ip $server.ip -port $server.sshport -command "echo TestComplete >> iperf-server.txt" -runAsSudo if($isClientStarted -eq $true) { $serverState = IsIperfServerRunning $server if($serverState -eq $true) { LogMsg "Test Finished..!" $testResult = "PASS" } else { LogErr "Test Finished..!" $testResult = "FAIL" } $clientLog= $client.LogDir + "\iperf-client.txt" $isClientConnected = AnalyseIperfClientConnectivity -logFile $clientLog -beg "Test Started" -end "TestComplete" $clientConnCount = GetParallelConnectionCount -logFile $clientLog -beg "Test Started" -end "TestComplete" If ($isClientConnected) { $testResult = "PASS" $serverLog= $server.LogDir + "\iperf-server.txt" $isServerConnected = AnalyseIperfServerConnectivity $serverLog "Test Started" "TestComplete" If ($isServerConnected) { $testResult = "PASS" $serverConnCount = GetParallelConnectionCount -logFile $serverLog -beg "Test Started" -end "TestComplete" LogMsg "Server Parallel Connection Count is $serverConnCount" LogMsg "Client Parallel Connection Count is $clientConnCount" If ($serverConnCount -eq $clientConnCount) { $testResult = "PASS" LogMsg "Connection Counts are Same in both Server and Client Logs" $clientDt= GetTotalDataTransfer -logFile $clientLog -beg "Test Started" -end "TestComplete" $serverDt= GetTotalUdpServerTransfer -logFile $serverLog -beg "Test Started" -end "TestComplete" LogMsg "Server Total Data Transfer is $serverDt" LogMsg "Client Total Data Transfer is $clientDt" $dataLoss = 0 $diff= (($clientDt.Split("K")[0]) - ($serverDt.Split("K")[0])) If ($diff -gt 0) { $dataLoss= (($diff/($clientDt.Split("K")[0]))*100) } If ($dataLoss -lt 30) { $testResult = "PASS" LogMsg "DataTransfer Loss $dataLoss % is Less Than 30%" $udpLoss= GetUdpLoss -logFile $serverLog -beg "Test Started" -end "TestComplete" LogMsg "UDP Loss is $udpLoss" If ($udpLoss -gt 30) { $testResult = "FAIL" LogErr "UDP Loss $udpLoss is greater than 30%" } } else { $testResult = "FAIL" LogErr "DataTransfer Loss $dataLoss % is Less Than 30%" } } else { $testResult = "FAIL" LogErr "Connection Counts are NOT Same in both Server and Client Logs" } } else { $testResult = "FAIL" LogErr "Server is not Connected to Client" } } else { $testResult = "FAIL" LogErr "Client is not Connected to Client" } } else { LogErr "Failured detected in client connection." RemoteCopy -download -downloadFrom $server.ip -files "/home/$user/iperf-server.txt" -downloadTo $server.LogDir -port $server.sshPort -username $server.user -password $server.password LogMsg "Test Finished..!" $testResult = "FAIL" } } else { LogErr "Unable to start iperf-server. Aborting test." RemoteCopy -download -downloadFrom $server.ip -files "/home/$user/iperf-server.txt" -downloadTo $server.LogDir -port $server.sshPort -username $server.user -password $server.password RemoteCopy -download -downloadFrom $client.ip -files "/home/$user/iperf-server.txt" -downloadTo $client.LogDir -port $client.sshPort -username $client.user -password $client.password $testResult = "Aborted" } return $testResult } Function IperfClientServerUDPDatagramTest($server,$client, [switch] $VNET) { if(!$VNET) { RemoteCopy -uploadTo $server.ip -port $server.sshPort -files $server.files -username $server.user -password $server.password -upload RemoteCopy -uploadTo $client.Ip -port $client.sshPort -files $client.files -username $client.user -password $client.password -upload $tmp = RunLinuxCmd -username $client.user -password $client.password -ip $client.ip -port $client.sshPort -command "chmod +x *" -runAsSudo $tmp = RunLinuxCmd -username $server.user -password $server.password -ip $server.ip -port $server.sshPort -command "chmod +x *" -runAsSudo } $tmp = RunLinuxCmd -username $client.user -password $client.password -ip $client.ip -port $client.sshPort -command "rm -rf *.txt && rm -rf *.log" -runAsSudo $tmp = RunLinuxCmd -username $server.user -password $server.password -ip $server.ip -port $server.sshPort -command "rm -rf *.txt && rm -rf *.log" -runAsSudo $tmp = RunLinuxCmd -username $server.user -password $server.password -ip $server.ip -port $server.sshport -command "echo Test Started > iperf-server.txt" -runAsSudo $tmp = StartIperfServer $server $isServerStarted = IsIperfServerStarted $server if($isServerStarted -eq $true) { LogMsg "iperf Server started successfully. Listening UDP port $($server.udpPort) ..." #>>>On confirmation, of server starting, let's start iperf client... $tmp = RunLinuxCmd -username $client.user -password $client.password -ip $client.ip -port $client.sshport -command "echo Test Started > iperf-client.txt" -runAsSudo $tmp = StartIperfClient $client $isClientStarted = IsIperfClientStarted $client $tmp = RunLinuxCmd -username $client.user -password $client.password -ip $client.ip -port $client.sshport -command "echo Test Complete >> iperf-client.txt" -runAsSudo $tmp = RunLinuxCmd -username $server.user -password $server.password -ip $server.ip -port $server.sshport -command "echo Test Complete >> iperf-server.txt" -runAsSudo if($isClientStarted -eq $true) { $serverState = IsIperfServerRunning $server if($serverState -eq $true) { #LogMsg "Test Finished..!" $testResult = "PASS" $iperfclientLogPath = $client.logDir + "\iperf-client.txt" $iperfserverLogPath = $server.logDir + "\iperf-server.txt" $udpLoss = GetUdpLoss -logfile $iperfclientLogPath -beg "Test Started" -end "TestComplete" $isServerConnected = AnalyseIperfServerConnectivity -logfile $iperfserverLogPath -beg "Test Started" -end "Test Complete" if ($udpLoss -gt 30) { LogErr "UDP loss is greater than 30%" $testResult = "FAIL" } if (!$isServerConnected) { LogErr "Server Not Connected. [Error source : Function IperfClientServerUDPDatagramTest]" $testResult = "FAIL" } } else { LogErr "Test Finished..!" $testResult = "FAIL" } } else { LogErr "Failured detected in client connection." LogMsg "Test Finished..!" $testResult = "FAIL" } } else { LogMsg "Unable to start iperf-server. Aborting test." $testResult = "Aborted" } return $testResult } Function VerifyCustomProbe ($server1,$server2, [string] $probe) { RemoteCopy -uploadTo $server1.ip -port $server1.sshPort -files $server1.files -username $server1.user -password $server1.password -upload RemoteCopy -uploadTo $server2.Ip -port $server2.sshPort -files $server2.files -username $server2.user -password $server2.password -upload $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $server2.user -password $server2.password -ip $server2.ip -port $server2.sshPort -command "chmod +x *" -runAsSudo $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $server1.user -password $server1.password -ip $server1.ip -port $server1.sshPort -command "chmod +x *" -runAsSudo $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $server1.user -password $server1.password -ip $server1.ip -port $server1.sshport -command "echo Test Started > iperf-server.txt" -runAsSudo $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $server2.user -password $server2.password -ip $server2.ip -port $server2.sshPort -command "echo Test Started > iperf-server.txt" -runAsSudo StartIperfServer $server1 StartIperfServer $server2 $isServerStarted = IsIperfServerStarted $server1 $isServerStarted = IsIperfServerStarted $server2 sleep(60) if(($isServerStarted -eq $true) -and ($isServerStarted -eq $true)) { LogMsg "Iperf Server1 and Server2 started successfully. Listening TCP port $client.tcpPort ..." $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $server1.user -password $server1.password -ip $server1.ip -port $server1.sshport -command "echo TestComplete >> iperf-server.txt" -runAsSudo $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $server2.user -password $server2.password -ip $server2.ip -port $server2.sshPort -command "echo TestComplete >> iperf-server.txt" -runAsSudo RemoteCopy -download -downloadFrom $server1.ip -files "/home/$user/iperf-server.txt" -downloadTo $server1.LogDir -port $server1.sshPort -username $server1.user -password $server1.password RemoteCopy -download -downloadFrom $server2.ip -files "/home/$user/iperf-server.txt" -downloadTo $server2.LogDir -port $server1.sshPort -username $server2.user -password $server2.password # $server1State = IsIperfServerRunning $server1 # $server2State = IsIperfServerRunning $server2 # # if(($server1State -eq $true) -and ($server2State -eq $true)) { # LogMsg "Both Servers Started!" # $testResult = "PASS" # } else { # LogMsg "Both Servers NOT Started!!" # $testResult = "FAIL" # } # $server1CpConnCount = 0 $server2CpConnCount = 0 $server1Log= $server1.LogDir + "\iperf-server.txt" $server2Log= $server2.LogDir + "\iperf-server.txt" $isServerConnected1 = AnalyseIperfServerConnectivity $server1Log "Test Started" "TestComplete" $isServerConnected2 = AnalyseIperfServerConnectivity $server2Log "Test Started" "TestComplete" If ( $probe -eq "no" ) { if(!$isServerConnected1) { $isServerConnected1=!$isServerConnected1 } if(!$isServerConnected2) { $isServerConnected2=!$isServerConnected2 } } If (($isServerConnected1) -and ($isServerConnected2)) { If ( $probe -eq "yes" ) { $testResult = "PASS" } elseif ( $probe -eq "no" ) { $testResult = "FAIL" } #Verify Custom Probe Messages on both server If ( $probe -eq "yes" ) { If (( IsCustomProbeMsgsPresent -logFile $server1Log -beg "Test Started" -end "TestComplete") -and (IsCustomProbeMsgsPresent -logFile $server2Log -beg "Test Started" -end "TestComplete")) { $server1CpConnCount= GetCustomProbeMsgsCount -logFile $server1Log -beg "Test Started" -end "TestComplete" $server2CpConnCount= GetCustomProbeMsgsCount -logFile $server2Log -beg "Test Started" -end "TestComplete" LogMsg "$server1CpConnCount Custom Probe Messages observed on Server1" LogMsg "$server2CpConnCount Custom Probe Messages observed on Server1" $testResult = "PASS" } else { if (!( IsCustomProbeMsgsPresent -logFile $server1Log -beg "Test Started" -end "TestComplete") ) { LogErr "NO Custom Probe Messages observed on Server1" $testResult = "FAIL" } if (!(IsCustomProbeMsgsPresent -logFile $server2Log -beg "Test Started" -end "TestComplete")) { LogErr "NO Custom Probe Messages observed on Server1" $testResult = "FAIL" } } } elseif ( $probe -eq "no" ) { If ((!(IsCustomProbeMsgsPresent -logFile $server1Log -beg "Test Started" -end "TestComplete")) -and (!(IsCustomProbeMsgsPresent -logFile $server2Log -beg "Test Started" -end "TestComplete"))) { LogMsg "NO Custom Probe Messages observed on Server1" LogMsg "NO Custom Probe Messages observed on Server2" $testResult = "PASS" } else { if((IsCustomProbeMsgsPresent -logFile $server1Log -beg "Test Started" -end "TestComplete")) { $server1CpConnCount = GetCustomProbeMsgsCount -logFile $server1Log -beg "Test Started" -end "TestComplete" LogErr "$server1CpConnCount Custom Probe Messages observed on Server1" $testResult = "FAIL" } if((IsCustomProbeMsgsPresent -logFile $server2Log -beg "Test Started" -end "TestComplete")) { $server2CpConnCount = GetCustomProbeMsgsCount -logFile $server2Log -beg "Test Started" -end "TestComplete" LogErr "$server2CpConnCount Custom Probe Messages observed on Server2" $testResult = "FAIL" } } # If ( $probe -eq "yes" ) { # If ( IsCustomProbeMsgsPresent -logFile $server1Log -beg "Test Started" -end "TestComplete") { # $server1CpConnCount = GetCustomProbeMsgsCount -logFile $server1Log -beg "Test Started" -end "TestComplete" # LogMsg "$server1CpConnCount Custom Probe Messages observed on Server1" # $testResult = "PASS" # } else { # LogMsg "$server1CpConnCount NO Custom Probe Messages observed on Server1" # $testResult = "FAIL" # } # If ( IsCustomProbeMsgsPresent -logFile $server2Log -beg "Test Started" -end "TestComplete") { # $server2CpConnCount = GetCustomProbeMsgsCount -logFile $server2Log -beg "Test Started" -end "TestComplete" # LogMsg "$server1CpConnCount Custom Probe Messages observed on Server1" # $testResult = "PASS" # } else { # LogMsg "$server1CpConnCount NO Custom Probe Messages observed on Server1" # $testResult = "FAIL" # } # } elseif ( $probe -eq "no" ) { # If ( !(IsCustomProbeMsgsPresent -logFile $server1Log -beg "Test Started" -end "TestComplete")) { # $server1CpConnCount = GetCustomProbeMsgsCount -logFile $server1Log -beg "Test Started" -end "TestComplete" # LogMsg "$server1CpConnCount NO Custom Probe Messages observed on Server1" # $testResult = "PASS" # } else { # LogMsg "$server1CpConnCount Custom Probe Messages observed on Server1" # $testResult = "FAIL" # } # If (!(IsCustomProbeMsgsPresent -logFile $server2Log -beg "Test Started" -end "TestComplete")) { # $server2CpConnCount = GetCustomProbeMsgsCount -logFile $server2Log -beg "Test Started" -end "TestComplete" # LogMsg "$server1CpConnCount NO Custom Probe Messages observed on Server1" # $testResult = "PASS" # } else { # LogMsg "$server1CpConnCount Custom Probe Messages observed on Server1" # $testResult = "FAIL" # } # } } } return $testResult } } Function VerifyLBTCPConnectivity ($server1,$server2, $client, [string] $probe, [string] $pSize) { RemoteCopy -uploadTo $server1.ip -port $server1.sshPort -files $server1.files -username $server1.user -password $server1.password -upload RemoteCopy -uploadTo $server2.Ip -port $server2.sshPort -files $server2.files -username $server2.user -password $server2.password -upload RemoteCopy -uploadTo $client.Ip -port $client.sshPort -files $client.files -username $client.user -password $client.password -upload $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $server2.user -password $server2.password -ip $server2.ip -port $server2.sshPort -command "chmod +x *" -runAsSudo $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $server1.user -password $server1.password -ip $server1.ip -port $server1.sshPort -command "chmod +x *" -runAsSudo $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $client.user -password $client.password -ip $client.ip -port $client.sshPort -command "chmod +x *" -runAsSudo $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $server1.user -password $server1.password -ip $server1.ip -port $server1.sshport -command "echo Test Started > iperf-server.txt" -runAsSudo $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $server2.user -password $server2.password -ip $server2.ip -port $server2.sshPort -command "echo Test Started > iperf-server.txt" -runAsSudo StartIperfServer $server1 StartIperfServer $server2 $isServerStarted = IsIperfServerStarted $server1 $isServerStarted = IsIperfServerStarted $server2 sleep(30) if(($isServerStarted -eq $true) -and ($isServerStarted -eq $true)) { LogMsg "Iperf Server1 and Server2 started successfully. Listening TCP port $client.tcpPort ..." #>>>On confirmation, of server starting, let's start iperf client... $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $client.user -password $client.password -ip $client.ip -port $client.sshport -command "echo Test Started > iperf-client.txt" -runAsSudo StartIperfClient $client $isClientStarted = IsIperfClientStarted $client $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $server1.user -password $server1.password -ip $server1.ip -port $server1.sshport -command "echo TestComplete >> iperf-server.txt" -runAsSudo $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $server2.user -password $server2.password -ip $server2.ip -port $server2.sshPort -command "echo TestComplete >> iperf-server.txt" -runAsSudo if($isClientStarted -eq $true) { $server1State = IsIperfServerRunning $server1 $server2State = IsIperfServerRunning $server2 if(($server1State -eq $true) -and ($server2State -eq $true)) { LogMsg "Test Finished..!" $testResult = "PASS" } else { LogMsg "Test Finished..!" $testResult = "FAIL" } $clientLog= $client.LogDir + "\iperf-client.txt" $isClientConnected = AnalyseIperfClientConnectivity -logFile $clientLog -beg "Test Started" -end "TestComplete" $clientConnCount = GetParallelConnectionCount -logFile $clientLog -beg "Test Started" -end "TestComplete" $server1CpConnCount = 0 $server2CpConnCount = 0 If ($isClientConnected) { $testResult = "PASS" $server1Log= $server1.LogDir + "\iperf-server.txt" $server2Log= $server2.LogDir + "\iperf-server.txt" $isServerConnected1 = AnalyseIperfServerConnectivity $server1Log "Test Started" "TestComplete" $isServerConnected2 = AnalyseIperfServerConnectivity $server2Log "Test Started" "TestComplete" If (($isServerConnected1) -and ($isServerConnected2)) { $testResult = "PASS" $connectStr1="$($server1.DIP)\sport\s\d*\sconnected with $($client.ip)\sport\s\d" $connectStr2="$($server2.DIP)\sport\s\d*\sconnected with $($client.ip)\sport\s\d" $server1ConnCount = GetStringMatchCount -logFile $server1Log -beg "Test Started" -end "TestComplete" -str $connectStr1 $server2ConnCount = GetStringMatchCount -logFile $server2Log -beg "Test Started" -end "TestComplete" -str $connectStr2 #Verify Custom Probe Messages on both server If ( $probe -eq "yes" ) { If (( IsCustomProbeMsgsPresent -logFile $server1Log -beg "Test Started" -end "TestComplete") -and (IsCustomProbeMsgsPresent -logFile $server2Log -beg "Test Started" -end "TestComplete")) { $server1CpConnCount= GetCustomProbeMsgsCount -logFile $server1Log -beg "Test Started" -end "TestComplete" $server2CpConnCount= GetCustomProbeMsgsCount -logFile $server2Log -beg "Test Started" -end "TestComplete" LogMsg "$server1CpConnCount Custom Probe Messages observed on Server1" LogMsg "$server2CpConnCount Custom Probe Messages observed on Server1" $testResult = "PASS" LogMsg "Server1 Parallel Connection Count is $server1ConnCount" LogMsg "Server2 Parallel Connection Count is $server2ConnCount" $diff = [Math]::Abs($server1ConnCount - $server2ConnCount) If ((($diff/$pSize)*100) -lt 20) { $testResult = "PASS" LogMsg "Connection Counts are distributed evenly in both Servers" LogMsg "Diff between server1 and server2 is $diff" $server1Dt= GetTotalDataTransfer -logFile $server1Log -beg "Test Started" -end "TestComplete" $server2Dt= GetTotalDataTransfer -logFile $server2Log -beg "Test Started" -end "TestComplete" $clientDt= GetTotalDataTransfer -logFile $clientLog -beg "Test Started" -end "TestComplete" LogMsg "Server1 Total Data Transfer is $server1Dt" LogMsg "Server2 Total Data Transfer is $server2Dt" LogMsg "Client Total Data Transfer is $clientDt" $totalServerDt = ([int]($server1Dt.Split("K")[0]) + [int]($server2Dt.Split("K")[0])) LogMsg "All Servers Total Data Transfer is $totalServerDt" If (([int]($clientDt.Split("K")[0])) -eq [int]($totalServerDt)) { $testResult = "PASS" LogMsg "Total DataTransfer is equal on both Server and Client" } else { $testResult = "FAIL" LogErr "Total DataTransfer is NOT equal on both Server and Client" } } else { $testResult = "FAIL" LogErr "Connection Counts are not distributed correctly" LogErr "Diff between server1 and server2 is $diff" } } else { if (!( IsCustomProbeMsgsPresent -logFile $server1Log -beg "Test Started" -end "TestComplete") ) { LogErr "NO Custom Probe Messages observed on Server1" $testResult = "FAIL" } if (!(IsCustomProbeMsgsPresent -logFile $server2Log -beg "Test Started" -end "TestComplete")) { $server2CpConnCount= GetCustomProbeMsgsCount -logFile $server2Log -beg "Test Started" -end "TestComplete" LogErr "$server2CpConnCount Custom Probe Messages observed on Server1" $testResult = "FAIL" } } } elseif ( $probe -eq "no" ) { If ((!(IsCustomProbeMsgsPresent -logFile $server1Log -beg "Test Started" -end "TestComplete")) -and (!(IsCustomProbeMsgsPresent -logFile $server2Log -beg "Test Started" -end "TestComplete"))) { LogMsg "NO Custom Probe Messages observed on Server1" LogMsg "NO Custom Probe Messages observed on Server2" $testResult = "PASS" LogMsg "Server1 Parallel Connection Count is $server1ConnCount" LogMsg "Server2 Parallel Connection Count is $server2ConnCount" $diff = [Math]::Abs($server1ConnCount - $server2ConnCount) If ((($diff/$pSize)*100) -lt 20) { $testResult = "PASS" LogMsg "Connection Counts are distributed evenly in both Servers" LogMsg "Diff between server1 and server2 is $diff" $server1Dt= GetTotalDataTransfer -logFile $server1Log -beg "Test Started" -end "TestComplete" $server2Dt= GetTotalDataTransfer -logFile $server2Log -beg "Test Started" -end "TestComplete" $clientDt= GetTotalDataTransfer -logFile $clientLog -beg "Test Started" -end "TestComplete" LogMsg "Server1 Total Data Transfer is $server1Dt" LogMsg "Server2 Total Data Transfer is $server2Dt" LogMsg "Client Total Data Transfer is $clientDt" $totalServerDt = ([int]($server1Dt.Split("K")[0]) + [int]($server2Dt.Split("K")[0])) LogMsg "All Servers Total Data Transfer is $totalServerDt" If (([int]($clientDt.Split("K")[0])) -eq [int]($totalServerDt)) { $testResult = "PASS" LogMsg "Total DataTransfer is equal on both Server and Client" } else { $testResult = "FAIL" LogErr "Total DataTransfer is NOT equal on both Server and Client" } } else { $testResult = "FAIL" LogErr "Connection Counts are not distributed correctly" LogErr "Diff between server1 and server2 is $diff" } } else { if((IsCustomProbeMsgsPresent -logFile $server1Log -beg "Test Started" -end "TestComplete")) { $server1CpConnCount = GetCustomProbeMsgsCount -logFile $server1Log -beg "Test Started" -end "TestComplete" LogErr "$server1CpConnCount Custom Probe Messages observed on Server1" $testResult = "FAIL" } if((IsCustomProbeMsgsPresent -logFile $server2Log -beg "Test Started" -end "TestComplete")) { $server2CpConnCount = GetCustomProbeMsgsCount -logFile $server2Log -beg "Test Started" -end "TestComplete" LogErr "$server2CpConnCount Custom Probe Messages observed on Server2" $testResult = "FAIL" } } } } else { $testResult = "FAIL" LogErr "Server is not Connected to Client" } } else { $testResult = "FAIL" LogErr "Client is not Connected to Client" } } else { LogErr "Failured detected in client connection." RemoteCopy -download -downloadFrom $server1.ip -files "/home/$user/iperf-server.txt" -downloadTo $server1.LogDir -port $server1.sshPort -username $server1.user -password $server1.password LogMsg "Test Finished..!" $testResult = "FAIL" } } else { LogMsg "Unable to start iperf-server. Aborting test." RemoteCopy -download -downloadFrom $server1.ip -files "/home/$user/iperf-server.txt" -downloadTo $server1.LogDir -port $server1.sshPort -username $server1.user -password $server1.password RemoteCopy -download -downloadFrom $server2.ip -files "/home/$user/iperf-server.txt" -downloadTo $server2.LogDir -port $server2.sshPort -username $server2.user -password $server2.password $testResult = "Aborted" } return $testResult } Function CreateIperfNode { param( [string] $nodeIp, [string] $nodeSshPort, [string] $nodeTcpPort, [string] $nodeUdpPort, [string] $nodeProbePort, [string] $nodeIperfCmd, [string] $user, [string] $password, [string] $files, [string] $nodeDip, [string] $nodeHostname, [string] $nodeUrl, [string] $logDir) $objNode = New-Object -TypeName PSObject Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ip -Value $nodeIp -Force Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name sshPort -Value $nodeSshPort -Force Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name tcpPort -Value $nodeTcpPort -Force Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name probePort -Value $nodeProbePort -Force Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name cmd -Value $nodeIperfCmd -Force Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name user -Value $user -Force Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name password -Value $password -Force Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name files -Value $files -Force Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name logDir -Value $LogDir -Force Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name DIP -Value $nodeDip -Force Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Hostname -Value $nodeHostname -Force Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name URL -Value $nodeUrl -Force Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name udpPort -Value $nodeUdpPort -Force return $objNode } Function CreateIdnsNode { param( [string] $nodeIp, [string] $nodeSshPort, [string] $user, [string] $password, [string] $nodeDip, [string] $nodeUrl, [string] $nodeDefaultHostname, [string] $nodeNewHostname, [string] $fqdn, [string] $logDir) $objNode = New-Object -TypeName PSObject Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ip -Value $nodeIp -Force Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name sshPort -Value $nodeSshPort -Force Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name user -Value $user -Force Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name password -Value $password -Force Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name logDir -Value $LogDir -Force Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name DIP -Value $nodeDip -Force Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name URL -Value $nodeUrl -Force Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name hostname -Value $nodeDefaultHostname -Force Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Newhostname -Value $nodeNewHostname -Force Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name fqdn -Value $fqdn -Force return $objNode } Function CreatePingNode { param( [string] $nodeIp, [string] $nodeSshPort, [string] $user, [string] $password, [string] $nodeDip, [string] $nodeUrl, [string] $cmd, [string] $files, [string] $logDir) $objNode = New-Object -TypeName PSObject Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ip -Value $nodeIp -Force Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name sshPort -Value $nodeSshPort -Force Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name user -Value $user -Force Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name password -Value $password -Force Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name logDir -Value $LogDir -Force Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name DIP -Value $nodeDip -Force Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name URL -Value $nodeUrl -Force Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name cmd -Value $cmd -Force Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name files -Value $files -Force return $objNode } Function StartIperfServer($node) { $currentDir = $PWD.Path LogMsg "Starting iperf Server on $($node.ip)" $out = RunLinuxCmd -username $node.user -password $node.password -ip $node.ip -port $node.sshport -command $node.cmd -runAsSudo -RunInBackGround sleep 1 } Function StartIperfClient($node) { LogMsg "Starting iperf Client on $($node.ip)" $out = RunLinuxCmd -username $node.user -password $node.password -ip $node.ip -port $node.sshport -command $node.cmd -runAsSudo sleep 3 } Function IsIperfServerStarted($node, $expectedServerInstances = 1) { #RemoteCopy -download -downloadFrom $node.ip -files "/home/$user/start-server.py.log" -downloadTo $node.LogDir -port $node.sshPort -username $node.user -password $node.password LogMsg "Verifying if server is started or not.." $iperfout = RunLinuxCmd -username $node.user -password $node.password -ip $node.ip -port $node.sshPort -command "ps -ef" -runAsSudo LogMsg "Total iperf server running instances : $($iperfout.CompareTo("iperf -s"))" if($iperfout.CompareTo("iperf -s") -ge $expectedServerInstances) { return $true } else{ return $false } } Function IsIperfServerRunning($node) { $out = RunLinuxCmd -username $node.user -password $node.password -ip $node.ip -port $node.sshport -command "python check-server.py && mv Runtime.log check-server.py.log -f" -runAsSudo RemoteCopy -download -downloadFrom $node.ip -files "/home/$user/check-server.py.log, /home/$user/iperf-server.txt" -downloadTo $node.LogDir -port $node.sshPort -username $node.user -password $node.password RemoteCopy -download -downloadFrom $node.ip -files "/home/$user/state.txt, /home/$user/Summary.log" -downloadTo $node.logdir -port $node.sshPort -username $node.user -password $node.password $serverState = Get-Content "$($node.Logdir)\state.txt" $serverSummary = Get-Content "$($node.Logdir)\Summary.log" #>>>Remove Temporary files.. Remove-Item "$($node.Logdir)\state.txt" -Force Remove-Item "$($node.Logdir)\Summary.log" -Force #>>>Verify client connections appeared on server... if($serverState -eq "TestCompleted" -and $serverSummary -eq "PASS"){ return $true } else{ return $false } } Function IsIperfClientStarted($node, [string]$beginningText, [string]$endText) { sleep 1 $out = RunLinuxCmd -username $node.user -password $node.password -ip $node.ip -port $node.sshPort -command "mv Runtime.log start-client.py.log -f" -runAsSudo RemoteCopy -download -downloadFrom $node.ip -files "/home/$user/start-client.py.log, /home/$user/iperf-client.txt" -downloadTo $node.LogDir -port $node.sshPort -username $node.user -password $node.password RemoteCopy -download -downloadFrom $node.ip -files "/home/$user/state.txt, /home/$user/Summary.log" -downloadTo $node.Logdir -port $node.sshPort -username $node.user -password $node.password $clientState = Get-Content "$($node.Logdir)\state.txt" $clientSummary = Get-Content "$($node.Logdir)\Summary.log" Write-Host "Client State : $clientState" Write-Host "Client Summary : $clientSummary" #>>>Remove Temporary files.. Remove-Item "$($node.Logdir)\state.txt" -Force Remove-Item "$($node.Logdir)\Summary.log" -Force if ($beginningText -and $endText) { $connectStingCount = GetStringMatchCount -logFile "$($node.LogDir)\iperf-client.txt" -beg $beginningText -end $endText -str "connected with" if ($connectStingCount -gt 0) { $retVal = $true } else { $retVal = $false } } else { if(($clientState -eq "TestCompleted") -and ($clientSummary -eq "PASS")){ $retVal = $true } else{ $retVal = $false } } return $retVal } Function DoNslookupTest ($vm1, $vm2) { $out = RunLinuxCmd -username $vm1.user -password $vm1.password -ip $vm1.Ip -port $vm1.SshPort -command "echo TestStarted > nslookup12.log" -runAsSudo if ($detectedDistro -eq "COREOS") { $nslookupCommand = "python nslookup.py -n $($vm2.Hostname)" } else { $nslookupCommand = "nslookup $($vm2.Hostname)" } $out = RunLinuxCmd -username $vm1.user -password $vm1.password -ip $vm1.Ip -port $vm1.SshPort -command "echo Executing : $nslookupCommand >> nslookup12.log" -runAsSudo $out = RunLinuxCmd -username $vm1.user -password $vm1.password -ip $vm1.Ip -port $vm1.SshPort -command "$nslookupCommand >> nslookup12.log" -runAsSudo -ignoreLinuxExitCode $out = RunLinuxCmd -username $vm1.user -password $vm1.password -ip $vm1.Ip -port $vm1.SshPort -command "echo TestCompleted >> nslookup12.log" -runAsSudo RemoteCopy -download -downloadTo $vm1.logDir -downloadFrom $vm1.ip -port $vm1.sshport -username $vm1.user -password $vm1.password -files "nslookup12.log" $nslookuplog12 = $vm1.logDir + "\nslookup12.log" $nslookupResult = GetStringMatchCount -logFile $nslookuplog12 -beg TestStarted -end TestCompleted -str $vm2.DIP $ErrorLine = GetStringMatchCount -logFile $nslookuplog12 -beg TestStarted -end TestCompleted -str "server can`'t find" $nslookuplog12 = $vm1.logDir + "\nslookup12.log" Write-host "Hostname match count : $nslookupResult" if(($nslookupResult -gt 0) -and ($ErrorLine -eq 0)) { $testResult = "PASS" } else { $testResult = "FAIL" $nslookupError = GetStringMatchObject -logFile $nslookuplog12 -beg TestStarted -end TestCompleted -str "server can`'t find" LogErr "NSLOOKUP FAILED : $nslookupError" } LogMsg "NSLOOKUP Result : $testResult" return $testResult } Function DoDigTest ($vm1, $vm2) { $out = RunLinuxCmd -username $vm1.user -password $vm1.password -ip $vm1.Ip -port $vm1.SshPort -command "echo TestStarted > dig12.log" -runAsSudo if ($detectedDistro -eq "COREOS") { $digCommand = "python dig.py -n $($vm2.fqdn)" } else { $digCommand = "dig $($vm2.fqdn)" } $out = RunLinuxCmd -username $vm1.user -password $vm1.password -ip $vm1.Ip -port $vm1.SshPort -command "echo Executing : $digCommand >> dig12.log" -runAsSudo $out = RunLinuxCmd -username $vm1.user -password $vm1.password -ip $vm1.Ip -port $vm1.SshPort -command "$digCommand >> dig12.log" -runAsSudo -ignoreLinuxExitCode $out = RunLinuxCmd -username $vm1.user -password $vm1.password -ip $vm1.Ip -port $vm1.SshPort -command "echo TestCompleted >> dig12.log" -runAsSudo RemoteCopy -download -downloadTo $vm1.logDir -downloadFrom $vm1.ip -port $vm1.sshport -username $vm1.user -password $vm1.password -files "dig12.log" $diglog12 = $vm1.logDir + "\dig12.log" $digResult = GetStringMatchCount -logFile $diglog12 -beg TestStarted -end TestCompleted -str $vm2.DIP if(($digResult -eq 1)) { $testResult = "PASS" $digOutput = GetStringMatchObject -logFile $diglog12 -beg TestStarted -end TestCompleted -str $vm2.DIP LogMsg "DIG Result : DIP RESOLVED. : PASS" LogMsg "DIG Output : $digOutput" } else { $testResult = "FAIL" LogErr "DIG Result : DIP NOT RESOLVED. : FAIL" } return $testResult } Function GetVMFQDN ($vm) { $out = RunLinuxCmd -username $vm.user -password $vm.password -ip $vm.Ip -port $vm.SshPort -command "hostname --fqdn > vmfqdn.txt" -runAsSudo RemoteCopy -download -downloadTo $vm.logDir -downloadFrom $vm.ip -port $vm.sshport -username $vm.user -password $vm.password -files "vmfqdn.txt" $vmFQDN = Get-Content "$($vm.LogDir)\vmfqdn.txt" if($vmFQDN) { return $vmFQDN } else { Throw "Unable to get VM FQDN.." } } Function DoPingTest ($pingFrom, [switch]$isVNET, [switch]$fromLocal, $intermediateVM) { #Skeep the file upload process for VNET test case. if(!$isVNET) { RemoteCopy -upload -uploadTo $pingFrom.IP -port $pingFrom.sshport -username $pingFrom.user -password $pingFrom.password -files $pingFrom.files } $pingLog = $pingFrom.logDir + "\ping.log" if(!$fromLocal) { $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $pingFrom.user -password $pingFrom.password -ip $pingFrom.Ip -port $pingFrom.SshPort -command "echo TestStarted > ping.log" -runAsSudo $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $pingFrom.user -password $pingFrom.password -ip $pingFrom.Ip -port $pingFrom.SshPort -command "chmod +x *.py" -runAsSudo $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $pingFrom.user -password $pingFrom.password -ip $pingFrom.Ip -port $pingFrom.SshPort -command "echo Executing : $($pingFrom.cmd) >> ping.log" -runAsSudo $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $pingFrom.user -password $pingFrom.password -ip $pingFrom.Ip -port $pingFrom.SshPort -command "$($pingFrom.cmd)" -runAsSudo $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $pingFrom.user -password $pingFrom.password -ip $pingFrom.Ip -port $pingFrom.SshPort -command "echo TestCompleted >> ping.log" -runAsSudo RemoteCopy -download -downloadTo $pingFrom.logDir -downloadFrom $pingFrom.ip -port $pingFrom.sshport -username $pingFrom.user -password $pingFrom.password -files "ping.log" } else { Set-Content -Value "TestStarted" -Path $pingLog $out = RunLinuxCmdOnRemoteVM -intermediateVM $intermediateVM -remoteVM $pingFrom -runAsSudo -remoteCommand "rm -rf ping.log" $out = RunLinuxCmdOnRemoteVM -intermediateVM $intermediateVM -remoteVM $pingFrom -runAsSudo -remoteCommand "chmod +x /home/$user/*.py" #$newPingCmd = ($pingFrom.cmd).Replace(" ","\ ") $newPingCmd = $pingFrom.cmd $pingoutput = RunLinuxCmdOnRemoteVM -intermediateVM $intermediateVM -remoteVM $pingFrom -runAsSudo -remoteCommand "$newPingCmd" Write-Host $pingoutput #$out = RunLinuxCmdOnRemoteVM -intermediateVM $intermediateVM -remoteVM $pingFrom -runAsSudo -remoteCommand "echo\ TestCompleted\ >>\ ping.log" $pingoutput = RunLinuxCmdOnRemoteVM -intermediateVM $intermediateVM -remoteVM $pingFrom -runAsSudo -remoteCommand "cat ping.log" Add-Content -Value $pingoutput -Path $pingLog Add-Content -Value "TestCompleted" -Path $pingLog } $pingResult = GetStringMatchCount -logFile $pinglog -beg TestStarted -end TestCompleted -str "ttl" if(($pingResult -ge 1)) { $testResult = "PASS" #I'm working on adding more checks here like packet loss, time to travel. will do it soon. Just now checking for connectivity. } else { $testResult = "FAIL" } return $testResult } #endregion #region ResultLog Parser Code ############################################################### Function GetStringMatchCount([string] $logFile,[string] $beg,[string] $end, [string] $str) { $match=GetStringMatchObject -logFile $logFile -beg $beg -end $end -str $str return $match.Count } Function GetTotalDataTransfer([string] $logFile,[string] $beg,[string] $end) { $dataTransfer=GetDataTxed -logFile $logFile -ptrn "[bits,bytes]/sec$" return $dataTransfer } Function GetTotalUdpServerTransfer([string] $logFile,[string] $beg,[string] $end) { $dataTransfer=GetDataTxed -logFile $logFile -ptrn "[bits,bytes]/sec" return $dataTransfer } Function GetTotalUdpServerTransfer([string] $logFile,[string] $beg,[string] $end) { $dataTransfer=GetDataTxed -logFile $logFile -ptrn "[bits,bytes]/sec" return $dataTransfer } Function GetUdpLoss([string] $logFile, [string] $beg,[string] $end) { $match=GetStringMatchObject -logFile $logFile -beg $beg -end $end -str "\([\d,\d.\d]*%\)$" $arr = @() foreach ($item in $match) { $item = $item.ToString() $str2=@($item.Split(" ",[StringSplitOptions]'RemoveEmptyEntries')) foreach ($a in $str2) { if($a.Contains("%")) { #$i=$str2.IndexOf($a) #$a=$str2[$i] $a= $a.Replace("%", "") $a= $a.Replace("(", "") $a= $a.Replace(")", "") #$num=$b[0].Split("(") $arr += $a } } $sum = ($arr | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum } return $sum } Function GetDataTxed([string] $logFile,[string] $beg,[string] $end, [string] $ptrn) { $match=GetStringMatchObject -logFile $logFile -beg $beg -end $end -str $ptrn $match= $match | Select-String -Pattern "0.00 KBytes/sec" -NotMatch $lastItem=$match.Item($match.Length-1) $lastItem=$lastItem.ToString() $str1=@($lastItem.Split(']')) $str2=@($lastItem.Split(" ",[StringSplitOptions]'RemoveEmptyEntries')) foreach ($a in $str2) { if($a.Contains("Bytes") -and !($a.Contains("Bytes/sec"))) { $i=$str2.IndexOf($a) $result=$str2[$i-1]+$str2[$i] } } return $result } Function AnalyseIperfServerConnectivity([string] $logFile,[string] $beg,[string] $end) { $connectStr="\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\sport\s\d*\sconnected with \d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\sport\s\d" $match=IsContainString -logFile $logFile -beg $beg -end $end -str $connectStr $failure = 0 If($match) { $RefusedConnections = GetStringMatchCount -logFile $logFile -beg $beg -end $end -str "Connection refused" if($RefusedConnections -gt 0){ LogErr "Server connected to client. But `"Connection Refused`" observed $RefusedConnections times in the logs. Marking test as FAIL." return $false } else{ LogMsg "Server Connected successfully" return $true } } else { LogErr "Server connection Fails!" return $false } } Function AnalyseIperfClientConnectivity([string] $logFile,[string] $beg,[string] $end) { $connectStr="\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\sport\s\d*\sconnected with \d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\sport\s\d" $match=IsContainString -logFile $logFile -beg $beg -end $end -str $connectStr $failure = 0 If ($match) { $match = IsContainString -logFile $logFile -beg $beg -end $end -str "failed" If($match) { $failure = $failure + 1 LogErr "Client connected with some failed connections!" } $match = IsContainString -logFile $logFile -beg $beg -end $end -str "error" If($match) { $failure = $failure + 1 LogErr "There were some errors in the connections!" } $match = IsContainString -logFile $logFile -beg $beg -end $end -str "refused" If($match) { $failure = $failure + 1 LogErr "Some connections were refused!" } $match = IsContainString -logFile $logFile -beg $beg -end $end -str "Broken pipe" If($match) { $failure = $failure + 1 LogErr "Broken Pipe Message observed in Iperf Client Output" } $match = IsContainString -logFile $logFile -beg $beg -end $end -str "TestIncomplete" If($match) { $failure = $failure + 1 LogErr "Client was successfully connected to server but, client process failed to exit!" } if ($failure -eq 0) { LogMsg "Client was successfully connected to server" return $true } else { LogErr "Client connection fails" return $false } } else { $match = IsContainString -logFile $logFile -beg $beg -end $end -str "No address associated" If($match) { LogErr "Client was not connected to server!" LogErr "No address associated with hostname" return $false } elseif (($match= IsContainString -logFile $logFile -beg $beg -end $end -str "Connection refused")) { LogErr "Client was not connected to server." LogErr "Connection refused by the server." return $false } elseif (($match= IsContainString -logFile $logFile -beg $beg -end $end -str "Name or service not known")) { LogErr "Client was not connected to server." LogErr "Name or service not known." return $false } else { LogErr "Client was not connected to server." LogErr "Unlisted error. Check logs for more information...!." return $false } } } Function IsContainString([string] $logFile,[string] $beg,[string] $end, [string] $str) { $match=GetStringMatchObject -logFile $logFile -beg $beg -end $end -str $str If ($match.count -gt 0) { return $true } else { return $false } } Function GetStringMatchObject([string] $logFile,[string] $beg,[string] $end, [string] $str) { if ($beg -eq "0") { $begPos = 1 $match=Select-String -Pattern $end -Path $logFile $endPos= $match.LineNumber $lineArr = ($begPos-1)..($endPos-1) $match=Get-Content -Path $logFile | Select-Object -Index $lineArr | Select-String -Pattern $str } elseif ($beg -ne "" -and $end -ne "") { $match=Select-String -Pattern $beg -Path $logFile $begPos= $match.LineNumber $match=Select-String -Pattern $end -Path $logFile $endPos= $match.LineNumber $lineArr = ($begPos-1)..($endPos-1) $match=Get-Content -Path $logFile | Select-Object -Index $lineArr | Select-String -Pattern $str } else { $match=Select-String -Pattern $str -Path $logFile } return $match } Function GetAllStringMatchObject([string] $logFile,[string] $beg,[string] $end) { if ($beg -eq "0") { $begPos = 1 $match=Select-String -Pattern $end -Path $logFile $endPos= $match.LineNumber $lineArr = ($begPos-1)..($endPos-1) $match=Get-Content -Path $logFile | Select-Object -Index $lineArr | Select-String } elseif ($beg -ne "" -and $end -ne "") { $match=Select-String -Pattern $beg -Path $logFile $begPos= $match.LineNumber $match=Select-String -Pattern $end -Path $logFile $endPos= $match.LineNumber $lineArr = ($begPos-1)..($endPos-1) $match=Get-Content -Path $logFile | Select-Object -Index $lineArr | Select-String } else { $match=Select-String -Path $logFile } return $match } Function GetParallelConnectionCount([string] $logFile,[string] $beg,[string] $end) { $connectStr="\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\sport\s\d*\sconnected with \d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\sport\s\d" $p=GetStringMatchCount -logFile $logFile -beg $beg -end $end -str $connectStr return $p } Function GetMSSSize([string] $logFile,[string] $beg,[string] $end) { $match=GetStringMatchObject -logFile $logFile -beg $beg -end $end -str "MSS size \d*\sbytes" If ($match.Length -gt 1) { $lastItem=$match.Item($match.Length-1) } else { $lastItem=$match } $lastItem=$lastItem.ToString() #$str1=@($lastItem.Split(']')) $str2=@($lastItem.Split(" ",[StringSplitOptions]'RemoveEmptyEntries')) foreach ($a in $str2) { if($a.Contains("size")) { $i=$str2.IndexOf($a) $result=$str2[$i+1]+$str2[$i+2] } } return $result } Function GetParallelConnectionsCount($iperfClientoutput) { $iperfClientOutput = $iperfClientOutput.Split("") $uniqueIds = @() $AllConnectedIDs = @() $NoofUniqueIds = 0 foreach ($word in $iperfClientOutput) { if ($word -imatch "]") { $word = $word.Replace("]","") $word = $word.Replace("[","") $word = $word -as [int] if ($word) { $AllConnectedIDs += $word $NotUnique = 0 foreach ($id in $uniqueIds) { if ($word -eq $id) { $NotUnique = $NotUnique + 1 } } if ($NotUnique -eq 0) { $uniqueIds += $word } } } } $NoofUniqueIds = $uniqueIds.Count #return $AllConnectedIDs, $uniqueIds, $NoofUniqueIds return $NoofUniqueIds } Function GetCustomProbeMsgsCount([string] $logFile,[string] $beg,[string] $end) { $match=GetStringMatchObject -logFile $logFile -beg $beg -end $end -str "0.00 KBytes 0.00 KBytes/sec" return $match.Count } Function IsCustomProbeMsgsPresent ([string] $logFile,[string] $beg,[string] $end) { $cpStr="0.00 KBytes 0.00 KBytes/sec" $match=IsContainString -logFile $logFile -beg $beg -end $end -str $cpStr return $match } Function GetAllStringMatchObject([string] $logFile,[string] $beg,[string] $end) { if ($beg -eq "0") { $begPos = 1 $match=Select-String -Pattern $end -Path $logFile $endPos= $match.LineNumber $lineArr = ($begPos-1)..($endPos-1) $match=Get-Content -Path $logFile | Select-Object -Index $lineArr } elseif ($beg -ne "" -and $end -ne "") { $match=Select-String -Pattern $beg -Path $logFile $begPos= $match.LineNumber $match=Select-String -Pattern $end -Path $logFile $endPos= $match.LineNumber $lineArr = ($begPos-1)..($endPos-1) $match=Get-Content -Path $logFile | Select-Object -Index $lineArr } else { $match=Select-String -Path $logFile } return $match } Function GetUdpDatagramSize ([string] $logFile,[string] $beg,[string] $end) { $datagramLine = GetStringMatchObject -beg $beg -end $end -logFile $logFile -str Sending $datagramLine = $datagramLine.ToString() $datagramLine = $datagramLine.Split(" ") $datagramSize = $datagramLine[1] return $datagramSize } #endregion #region PerfTest Methods Function GetIozoneResultAllValues { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $logFile ) $iozoneData= @{"write"="";"rewrite"="";"read"="";"reread"="";"randread"="";"randwrite"="";"bkwdread"="";"recrewrite"="";"strideread"="";} foreach ($key in @($iozoneData.keys)) { $iozoneData[$key]=GetIozoneResult $logFile $key } return $iozoneData } Function GetIozoneResult ([string] $logFile,[string] $str) { $str="^"+$str $match=GetStringMatchObject -logFile $logFile -str $str $match=$match.ToString() $value=$match.Split(" ") return $value[$value.lenght-1] } #endregion #region VNET TESTS Methods Function Get-AllVMHostnameAndDIP($DeployedServices) { foreach ($hostedservice in $DeployedServices.Split("^")) { $DeployedVMs = Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $hostedService foreach ($testVM in $DeployedVMs) { $VMhostname = $testVM.InstanceName $VMDIP = $testVM.IpAddress if($HostnameDIP) { $HostnameDIP = $HostnameDIP + "^$VMhostname" + ':' +"$VMDIP" } else { $HostnameDIP = "$VMhostname" + ':' +"$VMDIP" } } } return $HostnameDIP } Function Get-SSHDetailofVMs($DeployedServices) { foreach ($hostedservice in $DeployedServices.Split("^")) { $DeployedVMs = Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $hostedService foreach ($testVM in $DeployedVMs) { $AllEndpoints = Get-AzureEndpoint -VM $testVM $HSVIP = GetHsVmVip -servicename $hostedservice $HSport = GetPort -Endpoints $AllEndpoints -usage SSH if($TestIPPOrts) { $TestIPPOrts = $TestIPPOrts + "^$HSVIP" + ':' +"$HSport" } else { $TestIPPOrts = "$HSVIP" + ':' +"$HSport" } } } return $TestIPPOrts } Function CreateVMNode { param( [string] $nodeIp, [string] $nodeSshPort, [string] $user, [string] $password, [string] $nodeDip, [string] $nodeHostname, [string] $cmd, [string] $files, [string] $logDir) $objNode = New-Object -TypeName PSObject Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ip -Value $nodeIp -Force Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name sshPort -Value $nodeSshPort -Force Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name user -Value $user -Force Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name password -Value $password -Force Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name logDir -Value $LogDir -Force Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name DIP -Value $nodeDip -Force Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Hostname -Value $nodeHostname -Force Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name URL -Value $nodeUrl -Force Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name cmd -Value $cmd -Force Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name files -Value $files -Force return $objNode } Function ConfigureDnsServer($intermediateVM, $DnsServer, $HostnameDIPDetails) { #Get VNETVM details using - Get-AllVMHostnameAndDIP() function. This will generate the string of all VMs IP and hostname. $HostnameDIP = $HostnameDIPDetails $DnsConfigureCommand = "python /home/test/ConfigureDnsServer.py -v `"$HostnameDIP`"" $out = RunLinuxCmdOnRemoteVM -intermediateVM $intermediateVM -remoteVM $DnsServer -remoteCommand $DnsConfigureCommand if($out -imatch 'ExitCode : 0') { LogMsg "DNS server configured successfully." } else { Throw "DNS server configuration failed." } } Function UploadFilesToAllDeployedVMs($SSHDetails,$files) { $TestIPPOrts = $SSHDetails foreach ($IPPORT in $TestIPPOrts.Split("^")) { $IPPORT = $IPPORT.Split(":") $testIP = $IPPORT[0] $testPort = $IPPORT[1] RemoteCopy -upload -uploadTo $testIP -port $testPort -username $user -password $password -files $files } } Function RunLinuxCmdOnAllDeployedVMs($SSHDetails,$command) { $TestIPPOrts = $SSHDetails foreach ($IPPORT in $TestIPPOrts.Split("^")) { $IPPORT = $IPPORT.Split(":") $testIP = $IPPORT[0] $testPort = $IPPORT[1] $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -ip $testIP -port $testPort -username $user -password $password -command "$command" -runAsSudo } } Function RunLinuxCmdOnRemoteVM($intermediateVM,$remoteVM, [switch] $runAsSudo, $remoteCommand, [switch]$hostnameMode) { #Assuming that all py scripts will be in the remoteVM $newPass = ($remoteVM.password).Replace("`"","") #RunLinuxCmd -intermediateVM -c 'RunSSHcmd.py -remoteVM' #RunLinuxCmd -intermediateVM -c 'RemoteCopy.py' -files 'isConnected.txt' #RemoteCopy -from intermediateVM -isConnected.txt to automation server. #if(isConnected = true) # { #RunLinuxCmd -intermediateVM -c 'RemoteCopy.py' -files 'RunSSHcmd-out.txt, RunSSHcmd-err.txt' #RemoteCopy -from intermediateVM -isConnected.txt to automation server. # } #Decide whether desired work is accomplished or not.. and return true or false. #Generate the Full command that will be actually executed on intermediate VM. if(!$hostnameMode) { $RunSSHremoteCommand = "python /home/test/RunSSHCmd.py -s `'$($remoteVM.ip)`' -u $($remoteVM.user) -p`'$newPass`' -P$($remoteVM.sshPort) -c `'$remoteCommand`'" } else { $RunSSHremoteCommand = "python /home/test/RunSSHCmd.py -s `'$($remoteVM.Hostname)`' -u $($remoteVM.user) -p`'$newPass`' -P$($remoteVM.sshPort) -c `'$remoteCommand`'" } if($runAsSudo) { $RunSSHremoteCommand = $RunSSHremoteCommand + " -o yes" } #Write-Host $RunSSHremoteCommand #Now Run this command.. $remoteOutput = RunLinuxCmd -ip $intermediateVM.ip -username $intermediateVM.user -password $intermediateVM.password -port $intermediateVM.SSHport -command $RunSSHremoteCommand -runAsSudo #Write-Host $remoteOutput if($remoteOutput -imatch 'ExitCode : 0') { LogMsg "$remoteCommand executed successfully on $($remoteVM.ip)." } else { Write-host $remoteOutput Throw "$remoteCommand Failed to execute on $($remoteVM.ip)." } return $remoteOutput } Function RemoteCopyRemoteVM($intermediateVM,$remoteVM,$remoteFiles, [switch]$upload, [switch]$download, [switch]$hostnameMode ) { $remoteFiles = $remoteFiles.Replace(" ","") $tempFiles = $remoteFiles.Split(",") $fileCount = $tempFiles.Length ($remoteVM.password) = ($remoteVM.password).Replace("`"","") if($upload) { #$allFiles = "/home/test/azuremodules.py,/home/test/ConfigureDnsServer.py,/home/test/CleanupDnsServer.py,/home/test/ConfigureResolvConf.py,/home/test/RunSSHCmd.py,/home/test/RemoteCopy.py" if($hostnameMode) { $uploadCommand = "python RemoteCopy.py -m upload -c `'$($remoteVM.Hostname)`' -u $($remoteVM.user) -p `'$($remoteVM.password)`' -P$($remoteVM.sshPort) -r `'/home/$user`' -f `'$remoteFiles`'" } else { $uploadCommand = "python RemoteCopy.py -m upload -c `'$($remoteVM.ip)`' -u $($remoteVM.user) -p `'$($remoteVM.password)`' -P$($remoteVM.sshPort) -r `'/home/$user`' -f `'$remoteFiles`'" } $remoteFiles = $remoteFiles.Replace(" ",'') $uploadOutput = RunLinuxCmd -ip $intermediateVM.ip -port $intermediateVM.sshPort -username $intermediateVM.user -password $intermediateVM.password -command $uploadCommand -runAsSudo $uploadCount = (Select-String -InputObject $uploadOutput -Pattern "...OK!").Length LogMsg "Uploaded $uploadCount files to $($remoteVM.ip)" $uploadErrorCount = (Select-String -InputObject $uploadOutput -Pattern "...Error!").Length if ($uploadErrorCount -gt 0) { LogErr $uploadOutput Throw "Failed to upload $uploadErrorCount files to $($remoteVM.ip)" } elseif ($uploadCount -ne $fileCount) { LogErr $uploadOutput Throw "File count doensn't match" } else { $retValue = "True" } } if($download) { #$allFiles = "/home/test/azuremodules.py,/home/test/ConfigureDnsServer.py,/home/test/CleanupDnsServer.py,/home/test/ConfigureResolvConf.py,/home/test/RunSSHCmd.py,/home/test/RemoteCopy.py" if($hostnameMode) { $downloadCommand = "python RemoteCopy.py -m download -c `'$($remoteVM.Hostname)`' -u $($remoteVM.user) -p `'$($remoteVM.password)`' -P$($remoteVM.sshPort) -l `'/home/$user`' -f `'$remoteFiles`'" } else { $downloadCommand = "python RemoteCopy.py -m download -c `'$($remoteVM.ip)`' -u $($remoteVM.user) -p `'$($remoteVM.password)`' -P$($remoteVM.sshPort) -l `'/home/$user`' -f `'$remoteFiles`'" } $remoteFiles = $remoteFiles.Replace(" ",'') $downloadOutput = RunLinuxCmd -ip $intermediateVM.ip -port $intermediateVM.sshPort -username $intermediateVM.user -password $intermediateVM.password -command $downloadCommand -runAsSudo $downloadCount = (Select-String -InputObject $downloadOutput -Pattern "...OK!").Length LogMsg "downloaded $downloadCount files from $($remoteVM.ip)" $downloadErrorCount = (Select-String -InputObject $downloadOutput -Pattern "...Error!").Length if ($downloadErrorCount -gt 0) { LogErr $downloadOutput Throw "Failed to download $downloadErrorCount files to $($remoteVM.ip)" } elseif ($downloadCount -ne $fileCount) { LogErr $downloadOutput Throw "File count doensn't match" } else { $retValue = "True" } } return $retValue } Function ConfigureVNETVMs($SSHDetails) { UploadFilesToAllDeployedVMs -SSHDetails $SSHDetails -files ".\remote-scripts\ConfigureResolvConf.py,.\remote-scripts\azuremodules.py" $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmdOnAllDeployedVMs -SSHDetails $SSHDetails -command "chmod +x /home/$user/*.py" $TestIPPOrts = $SSHDetails foreach ($IPPORT in $TestIPPOrts.Split("^")) { $IPPORT = $IPPORT.Split(":") $testIP = $IPPORT[0] $testPort = $IPPORT[1] LogMsg "$testIP : $testPort configuration in progress.." $out = RunLinuxCmd -ip $testIP -port $testPort -username $user -password $password -command "python /home/$user/ConfigureResolvConf.py" -runAsSudo if (-not ($out -imatch 'ExitCode : 0')) { Throw "$testIP : $testPort ConfigureResolvConf.py failed..." } #Enable TCP MTU probing, requried for using WS2012 RRAS as VPN device #TODO how to check the return value? $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -ip $testIP -port $testPort -username $user -password $password -command "sh -c 'echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_mtu_probing'" -runAsSudo LogMsg "$testIP : $testPort configuration finished" } } Function ConvertFileNames([switch]$ToLinux, [switch]$ToWindows, $currentWindowsFiles, $currentLinuxFiles, $expectedLinuxPath, $expectedWindowsPath) { if ($ToLinux) { $remotefiles = "" $files = $currentWindowsFiles.Split(',') foreach ($newFile in $files) { $newFile = $newFile.Split("\") $newFileLen = $newFile.Length $exactFile= $newFile[$newFileLen -1] if(!$remotefiles) { $remotefiles = $expectedLinuxPath + "/" +$exactFile } else { $remotefiles = $remotefiles + ", $expectedLinuxPath" + "/" +$exactFile } } return $remotefiles } if ($ToWindows) { $remotefiles = "" $files = $currentLinuxFiles.Split(',') foreach ($newFile in $files) { $newFile = $newFile.Split("/") $newFileLen = $newFile.Length $exactFile= $newFile[$newFileLen -1] if(!$remotefiles) { $remotefiles = $expectedWindowsPath + "\" +$exactFile } else { $remotefiles = $remotefiles + ", $expectedWindowsPath" + "\" +$exactFile } } return $remotefiles } } Function VerifyDIPafterInitialDeployment($DeployedServices) { $hsNames = $DeployedServices.Split('^') foreach ($hsName in $hsNames) { $ErrCount = 0 $hsDetails = Get-AzureService -ServiceName $hsName $VMs = Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $hsName foreach ($VM in $VMs) { LogMsg "Checking : $($VM.Name)" $VMEndpoints = Get-AzureEndpoint -VM $VM $VMSSHPort = GetPort -Endpoints $VMEndpoints -usage "SSH" $out = RunLinuxCmd -ip $VMEndpoints[0].Vip -port $VMSSHPort -username $user -password $password -command "ifconfig -a" -runAsSudo if ($out -imatch $VM.IpAddress) { LogMsg "Expected DIP : $($VM.IpAddress); Recorded DIP : $($VM.IpAddress);" LogMsg "$($VM.Name) has correct DIP.." } else { LogErr "INCORRECT DIP DETAIL : $($VM.Name)" $ErrCount = $ErrCount + 1 } } if ($ErrCount -eq 0) { $testRusult = "True" } else { $testRusult = "False" } } return $testRusult } Function VerifyDNSServerInResolvConf($DeployedServices, $dnsServerIP) { $hsNames = $DeployedServices.Split('^') foreach ($hsName in $hsNames) { $ErrCount = 0 $hsDetails = Get-AzureService -ServiceName $hsName $VMs = Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $hsName foreach ($VM in $VMs) { LogMsg "Checking resolv.conf file of : $($VM.Name)" $VMEndpoints = Get-AzureEndpoint -VM $VM $VMSSHPort = GetPort -Endpoints $VMEndpoints -usage "SSH" $out = RunLinuxCmd -ip $VMEndpoints[0].Vip -port $VMSSHPort -username $user -password $password -command "cat /etc/resolv.conf" -runAsSudo if ($out -imatch $dnsServerIP) { LogMsg "Expected DNS IP : $dnsServerIP; Recorded DNS IP : $dnsServerIP;" LogMsg "$($VM.Name) has correct DNS SERVER IP.." } else { LogErr "INCORRECT DNS SERVER IP : $($VM.Name)" $ErrCount = $ErrCount + 1 } } if ($ErrCount -eq 0) { $testRusult = "True" } else { $testRusult = "False" } } return $testRusult } Function RestartAllDeployments($DeployedServices) { $hsNames = $DeployedServices.Split('^') foreach ($hsName in $hsNames) { $ErrCount = 0 $hsDetails = Get-AzureService -ServiceName $hsName $VMs = Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $hsName foreach ($VM in $VMs) { $isRestarted = "" $retryCount = 3 While(($retryCount -gt 0) -and !($isRestarted)) { LogMsg "Restaring : $($VM.Name)" $out = Restart-AzureVM -ServiceName $hsName -Name $VM.Name $isRestarted = $? if ($isRestarted) { LogMsg "Restarted : $($VM.Name)" } else { LogErr "FAILED TO RESTART : $($VM.Name)" $retryCount = $retryCount + 1 if ($retryCount -gt 0) { LogMsg "Retrying..." } if ($retryCount -eq 0) { Throw "Unable to Restart : $($VM.Name)" } } } } } $isAllVerified = VerifyAllDeployments -servicesToVerify $hsNames if ($isAllVerified -eq "True") { $isAllConnected = isAllSSHPortsEnabled -DeployedServices $deployedServices if ($isAllConnected -eq "True") { #Set-Content .\temp\DeployedServicesFile.txt "$deployedServices" $retValue = "True" } else { LogErr "Unable to connect Some/All SSH ports.." $retValue = "False" } } else { LogErr "Provision Failed for one or more VMs" $retValue = "False" } return $retValue } Function StopAllDeployments($DeployedServices) { $hsNames = $DeployedServices.Split('^') foreach ($hsName in $hsNames) { $ErrCount = 0 $hsDetails = Get-AzureService -ServiceName $hsName $VMs = Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $hsName foreach ($VM in $VMs) { $isStopped = "" $retryCount = 3 While(($retryCount -gt 0) -and !($isStopped)) { LogMsg "Stopping : $($VM.Name)" $out = Stop-AzureVM -ServiceName $hsName -Name $VM.Name -StayProvisioned -Force $isStopped = $? if ($isStopped) { LogMsg "Stopped : $($VM.Name)" $retValue = $true } else { LogErr "FAILED TO STOP : $($VM.Name)" $retryCount = $retryCount + 1 if ($retryCount -gt 0) { LogMsg "Retrying..." } if ($retryCount -eq 0) { $retValue = $false Throw "Unable to Restart : $($VM.Name)" } } } } } return $retValue } Function StartAllDeployments($DeployedServices) { $hsNames = $DeployedServices.Split('^') foreach ($hsName in $hsNames) { $ErrCount = 0 $hsDetails = Get-AzureService -ServiceName $hsName $VMs = Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $hsName foreach ($VM in $VMs) { $isRestarted = "" $retryCount = 3 While(($retryCount -gt 0) -and !($isRestarted)) { LogMsg "Starting : $($VM.Name)" $out = Start-AzureVM -ServiceName $hsName -Name $VM.Name $isRestarted = $? if ($isRestarted) { LogMsg "Started : $($VM.Name)" } else { LogErr "FAILED TO START : $($VM.Name)" $retryCount = $retryCount + 1 if ($retryCount -gt 0) { LogMsg "Retrying..." } if ($retryCount -eq 0) { Throw "Unable to Start : $($VM.Name)" } } } } } $isAllVerified = VerifyAllDeployments -servicesToVerify $hsNames if ($isAllVerified -eq "True") { $isAllConnected = isAllSSHPortsEnabled -DeployedServices $deployedServices if ($isAllConnected -eq "True") { #Set-Content .\temp\DeployedServicesFile.txt "$deployedServices" $retValue = "True" } else { LogErr "Unable to connect Some/All SSH ports.." $retValue = "False" } } else { LogErr "Provision Failed for one or more VMs" $retValue = "False" } return $retValue } Function Get-IPV4NetworkStartIP ($IpAddressCIDR) { #source = http://blog.tyang.org/2011/05/01/powershell-functions-get-ipv4-network-start-and-end-address/ $StrNetworkAddress = ($IpAddressCIDR.split("/"))[0] $NetworkIP = ([System.Net.IPAddress]$StrNetworkAddress).GetAddressBytes() [Array]::Reverse($NetworkIP) $NetworkIP = ([System.Net.IPAddress]($NetworkIP -join ".")).Address $StartIP = $NetworkIP + 0 #Convert To Double If (($StartIP.Gettype()).Name -ine "double") { $StartIP = [Convert]::ToDouble($StartIP) } $StartIP = [System.Net.IPAddress]$StartIP Return $StartIP } Function Get-IPV4NetworkEndIP ($IpAddressCIDR) { #source = http://blog.tyang.org/2011/05/01/powershell-functions-get-ipv4-network-start-and-end-address/ $StrNetworkAddress = ($IpAddressCIDR.split("/"))[0] [int]$NetworkLength = ($IpAddressCIDR.split("/"))[1] $IPLength = 32-$NetworkLength $NumberOfIPs = ([System.Math]::Pow(2, $IPLength)) -1 $NetworkIP = ([System.Net.IPAddress]$StrNetworkAddress).GetAddressBytes() [Array]::Reverse($NetworkIP) $NetworkIP = ([System.Net.IPAddress]($NetworkIP -join ".")).Address $EndIP = $NetworkIP + $NumberOfIPs If (($EndIP.Gettype()).Name -ine "double") { $EndIP = [Convert]::ToDouble($EndIP) } $EndIP = [System.Net.IPAddress]$EndIP Return $EndIP } Function Get-IPV4NetworkRange($IpAddressCIDR) { $startIP = Get-IPV4NetworkStartIP -IpAddressCIDR $IpAddressCIDR $EndIP = Get-IPV4NetworkEndIP -IpAddressCIDR $IpAddressCIDR $ipStream = '' # created by Dr. Tobias Weltner, MVP PowerShell source = http://ficility.net/tag/ip-address-powershell/ $ip1 = ([System.Net.IPAddress]$startIP).GetAddressBytes() [Array]::Reverse($ip1) $ip1 = ([System.Net.IPAddress]($ip1 -join '.')).Address $ip2 = ([System.Net.IPAddress]$EndIP).GetAddressBytes() [Array]::Reverse($ip2) $ip2 = ([System.Net.IPAddress]($ip2 -join '.')).Address for ($x=$ip1; $x -le $ip2; $x++) { $ip = ([System.Net.IPAddress]$x).GetAddressBytes() [Array]::Reverse($ip) $ip = $ip -join '.' $ipStr = $ip.ToString() if(!$ipStream) { $ipStream = $ipStr } else { $ipStream = $ipStream + "^" + $ipStr } } return $ipStream } Function DetectSubnet($inputString) { $subnet1 = '' $subnet2 = '' $subnet1Range = Get-IPV4NetworkRange -IpAddressCIDR $subnet1 $subnet2Range = Get-IPV4NetworkRange -IpAddressCIDR $subnet2 $subnet1Range = $subnet1Range.split('^') $subnet2Range = $subnet2Range.split('^') $isDetected = 'False' if ($isDetected = "false") { foreach ($IP in $subnet1Range) { if ($inputString -imatch $IP) { $isDetected = "True" $detectedSubnet = "subnet1" break } } } if ($isDetected = "false") { foreach ($IP in $subnet2Range) { if ($inputString -imatch $IP) { $isDetected = "True" $detectedSubnet = "subnet2" break } } } return $detectedSubnet } Function VerifyGatewayVMsInHostedService($DeployedServices) { $hsNames = $DeployedServices.Split('^') foreach ($hsName in $hsNames) { $ErrCount = 0 $hsDetails = Get-AzureService -ServiceName $hsName $VMs = Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $hsName foreach ($VM in $VMs) { LogMsg "Checking Gateway : $($VM.Name)" $VMEndpoints = Get-AzureEndpoint -VM $VM $VMSSHPort = GetPort -Endpoints $VMEndpoints -usage "SSH" $currentVMGateway = RunLinuxCmd -ip $VMEndpoints[0].Vip -port $VMSSHPort -username $user -password $password -command "route" -runAsSudo $currentVMDIP = $VM.IpAddress $currentVMDIPSubnet = DetectSubnet -inputString $currentVMDIP $currentVMGatewaySubnet = DetectSubnet -inputString $currentVMGateway LogMsg "DIP subnet subnet detected : $currentVMDIPSubnet" LogMsg "Gateway subnet detected : $currentVMGatewaySubnet" if ($currentVMDIPSubnet -eq $currentVMGatewaySubnet) { LogMsg "PASS" } else { LogErr "FAIL" $ErrCount = $ErrCount + 1 } } if ($ErrCount -eq 0) { $testRusult = "True" } else { $testRusult = "False" } } return $testRusult } Function DoSSHTest($fromVM, $toVM, $command, [switch]$runAsSudo, [switch]$hostnameMode) { if($runAsSudo) { if($hostnameMode) { $sshOutput = RunLinuxCmdOnRemoteVM -intermediateVM $fromVM -remoteVM $toVM -remoteCommand $command -runAsSudo -hostnameMode } else { $sshOutput = RunLinuxCmdOnRemoteVM -intermediateVM $fromVM -remoteVM $toVM -remoteCommand $command -runAsSudo } } else { if($hostnameMode) { $sshOutput = RunLinuxCmdOnRemoteVM -intermediateVM $fromVM -remoteVM $toVM -remoteCommand $command -hostnameMode } else { $sshOutput = RunLinuxCmdOnRemoteVM -intermediateVM $fromVM -remoteVM $toVM -remoteCommand $command } } #Write-host "Printing output" #Write-Host "$sshOutput" if ($sshOutput -imatch "ExitCode : 0") { return "PASS" } else { return "FAIL" } } Function DoSCPTest($fromVM, $toVM, $filesToCopy, [switch]$hostnameMode) { if($hostnameMode) { $scpUpload = RemoteCopyRemoteVM -intermediateVM $fromVM -remoteVM $toVM -remoteFiles $filesToCopy -upload -hostnameMode #Write-Host $scpUpload } else { $scpUpload = RemoteCopyRemoteVM -intermediateVM $fromVM -remoteVM $toVM -remoteFiles $filesToCopy -upload #Write-Host $scpUpload } if(($scpUpload -eq "True")) { return "PASS" } else { return "FAIL" } } Function RunMysqlCmd ($intermediateVM, $mysqlServer, $MysqlUsername, $MysqlPassword, $mysqlCommand, [switch]$HostnameMode) { if($HostnameMode) { $mysqlOutput = RunLinuxCmd -username $intermediateVM.user -password $intermediateVM.password -ip $intermediateVM.ip -port $intermediateVM.sshPort -command "mysql -u`'$MysqlUsername`' -p`'$MysqlPassword`' -h `'$($mysqlServer.hostname)`' -e `'$mysqlCommand`'" -runAsSudo } else { $mysqlOutput = RunLinuxCmd -username $intermediateVM.user -password $intermediateVM.password -ip $intermediateVM.ip -port $intermediateVM.sshPort -command "mysql -u`'$MysqlUsername`' -p`'$MysqlPassword`' -h`'$($mysqlServer.ip)`' -e `'$mysqlCommand`'" -runAsSudo } return $mysqlOutput } Function DoMysqlAccessTest ($fromVM, $mysqlServer, $MysqlUsername, $MysqlPassword, [switch]$HostnameMode) { try { if($HostnameMode) { $mysqlOutput = RunMysqlCmd -intermediateVM $fromVM -mysqlServer $mysqlServer -MysqlUsername $MysqlUsername -MysqlPassword $MysqlPassword -mysqlCommand "\s" -HostnameMode } else { $mysqlOutput = RunMysqlCmd -intermediateVM $fromVM -mysqlServer $mysqlServer -MysqlUsername $MysqlUsername -MysqlPassword $MysqlPassword -mysqlCommand "\s" } if ($mysqlOutput -imatch "TCP/IP") { $retValue = "PASS" } else { $retValue = "FAIL" } } catch { $retValue = "FAIL" } $logfilepath = "$($FromVM.LogDir)\mysqlOutput.log" Set-Content -Path $logfilepath -Value $mysqlOutput return $retValue } Function DoMysqlOperationsTest ($fromVM, $mysqlServer, $MysqlUsername, $MysqlPassword, [switch]$HostnameMode) { $logfilepath = "$($FromVM.LogDir)\mysqlOutput.log" $mySqlOperations = @() $mySqlOperations = $mySqlOperations + "use test;" $mySqlOperations = $mySqlOperations + "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS products (productID INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,productCode CHAR(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT `"`",name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT `"`",quantity INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,price DECIMAL(7,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 99999.99,PRIMARY KEY (productID));" $mySqlOperations = $mySqlOperations + "SHOW TABLES;" $mySqlOperations = $mySqlOperations + "DESCRIBE products;" $mySqlOperations = $mySqlOperations + "INSERT INTO products VALUES (1001, `"PEN`", `"Pen Red`", 5000, 1.23);" $mySqlOperations = $mySqlOperations + "INSERT INTO products VALUES (NULL, `"PEN`", `"Pen Blue`", 8000, 1.25),(NULL, `"PEN`", `"Pen Black`", 2000, 1.25);" $mySqlOperations = $mySqlOperations + "INSERT INTO products (productCode, name, quantity, price) VALUES (`"PEC`", `"Pencil 2B`", 10000, 0.48), (`"PEC`", `"Pencil 2H`", 8000, 0.49);" $mySqlOperations = $mySqlOperations + "SELECT * FROM products;" $mySqlOperations = $mySqlOperations + "DELETE FROM products;" $mySqlOperations = $mySqlOperations + "SHOW TABLES;" $mySqlOperations = $mySqlOperations + "DROP TABLE products;" $allOperations = '' foreach ($mysqlCommand in $mySqlOperations) { $allOperations = "use test; SHOW TABLES; SHOW DATABASES; describe products" } $allOperations = $allOperations if($HostnameMode) { Add-Content -Path $logfilepath -Value "Executing : $allOperations" $mysqlOutput = RunMysqlCmd -intermediateVM $fromVM -mysqlServer $mysqlServer -MysqlUsername $MysqlUsername -MysqlPassword $MysqlPassword -mysqlCommand $allOperations -HostnameMode set-Content -Path $logfilepath -Value "$mysqlOutput" } else { Add-Content -Path $logfilepath -Value "Executing : $allOperations" $mysqlOutput = RunMysqlCmd -intermediateVM $fromVM -mysqlServer $mysqlServer -MysqlUsername $MysqlUsername -MysqlPassword $MysqlPassword -mysqlCommand $allOperations set-Content -Path $logfilepath -Value "$mysqlOutput" } $CompleteMysqlOutput = Get-Content -Path $logfilepath if ($CompleteMysqlOutput -imatch "Error") { $retValue = "FAIL" } else { $retValue = "PASS" } return $retValue } Function DoNfsShareAccessTest ($fromVM, $nfsServer, $nfsServerDirctory, [switch]$HostnameMode) { try { if($HostnameMode) { LogMsg "Mounting $($nfsServer.Hostname):$nfsServerDirctory to home directory .." $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -ip $fromVM.ip -port $fromVM.sshport -username $fromVM.user -password $fromVM.password -command "mount $($nfsServer.Hostname):$nfsServerDirctory ~" -runAsSudo LogMsg "Unmounting.." $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -ip $fromVM.ip -port $fromVM.sshport -username $fromVM.user -password $fromVM.password -command "umount ~ -lf" -runAsSudo $retValue = "PASS" } else { LogMsg "Mounting $($nfsServer.ip):$nfsServerDirctory to home directory .." $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -ip $fromVM.ip -port $fromVM.sshport -username $fromVM.user -password $fromVM.password -command "mount $($nfsServer.ip):$nfsServerDirctory ~" -runAsSudo LogMsg "Unmounting.." $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -ip $fromVM.ip -port $fromVM.sshport -username $fromVM.user -password $fromVM.password -command "umount ~ -lf" -runAsSudo $retValue = "PASS" } } catch { LogErr "Failed." $retValue = "FAIL" } return $retValue } Function DoNfsShareFileTranferTest ($fromVM, $nfsServer, $nfsServerDirctory, [switch]$HostnameMode) { $logfilepath = "$($fromVM.LogDir)\nfsFileCreate.log" try { if($HostnameMode) { LogMsg "Mounting $($nfsServer.Hostname):$nfsServerDirctory to home directory .." $output = RunLinuxCmd -ip $fromVM.ip -port $fromVM.sshport -username $fromVM.user -password $fromVM.password -command "mount $($nfsServer.Hostname):$nfsServerDirctory ~" -runAsSudo 2>&1 } else { LogMsg "Mounting $($nfsServer.ip):$nfsServerDirctory to home directory .." $output = RunLinuxCmd -ip $fromVM.ip -port $fromVM.sshport -username $fromVM.user -password $fromVM.password -command "mount $($nfsServer.ip):$nfsServerDirctory ~" -runAsSudo 2>&1 } LogMsg "Tranferring 1MB data.." $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -ip $fromVM.ip -port $fromVM.sshport -username $fromVM.user -password $fromVM.password -command "dd if=/dev/zero of=~/testfile bs=1M count=1" -runAsSudo LogMsg "Unmounting.." $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -ip $fromVM.ip -port $fromVM.sshport -username $fromVM.user -password $fromVM.password -command "umount ~ -lf" -runAsSudo $retValue = "PASS" } catch { LogErr "Failed." $retValue = "FAIL" } return $retValue } Function DoSSHTestFromLocalVM($intermediateVM, $LocalVM, $toVM,[switch]$hostnameMode) { if($hostnameMode) { LogMsg "Executing - date - command on $($toVM.Hostname) .." $sshOutput = RunLinuxCmd -username $intermediateVM.user -password $intermediateVM.password -ip $intermediateVM.ip -port $intermediateVM.sshport -runAsSudo -command "python /home/$user/RunSSHCmd.py -s `'$($LocalVM.ip)`' -u $($LocalVM.user) -p`'$($LocalVM.password)`' -P $($LocalVM.sshPort) -c `'python /home/$user/RunSSHCmd.py -s `"$($toVM.hostname)`" -u test -p `"$($toVM.password)`"`" -P 22 -c `"date`" -o yes`'" } else { LogMsg "Executing - date - command on $($toVM.DIP) .." $sshOutput = RunLinuxCmd -username $intermediateVM.user -password $intermediateVM.password -ip $intermediateVM.ip -port $intermediateVM.sshport -runAsSudo -command "python /home/$user/RunSSHCmd.py -s `'$($LocalVM.ip)`' -u $($LocalVM.user) -p`'$($LocalVM.password)`' -P $($LocalVM.sshPort) -c `'python /home/$user/RunSSHCmd.py -s `"$($toVM.dip)`" -u test -p `"$($toVM.password)`"`" -P 22 -c `"date`" -o yes`'" } LogMsg "Verifying output.." $logfilepath = $toVM.logDir + "\sshOutput.log" LogMsg "Writing output to $logfilepath ..." Set-Content -Path $logfilepath -Value $sshOutput #Write-host "Printing output" #Write-Host "$sshOutput" if ($sshOutput -imatch (Get-Date).Year) { return "PASS" } else { return "FAIL" } } Function DoSCPTestFromLocalVM( $intermediateVM, $LocalVM, $toVM, [switch]$hostnameMode) { $logFilepath = $toVM.logDir + "\scpOutput.log" LogMsg "Creating 1MB file on local VM..." $out = RunLinuxCmdOnRemoteVM -intermediateVM $intermediateVM -remoteVM $LocalVM -remoteCommand "`'dd\ if=/dev/zero\ of=/home/$user/testfile\ bs=1M\ count=1`'" -runAsSudo if($hostnameMode) { LogMsg "File Created. Now copying it to $($toVM.Hostname) ..." $scpOutput = RunLinuxCmd -username $intermediateVM.user -password $intermediateVM.password -ip $intermediateVM.ip -port $intermediateVM.sshport -runAsSudo -command "python /home/$user/RunSSHCmd.py -s `'$($LocalVM.ip)`' -u $($LocalVM.user) -p`'$($LocalVM.password)`' -P $($LocalVM.sshPort) -c `'python /home/$user/RemoteCopy.py -c `"$($toVM.Hostname)`" -m upload -u `"$($toVM.user)`" -p `"$($toVM.password)`"`" -P 22 -r `"/home/$user`" -f `"/home/$user/testfile`"`'" } else { LogMsg "File Created. Now copying it to $($toVM.DIP) ..." $scpOutput = RunLinuxCmd -username $intermediateVM.user -password $intermediateVM.password -ip $intermediateVM.ip -port $intermediateVM.sshport -runAsSudo -command "python /home/$user/RunSSHCmd.py -s `'$($LocalVM.ip)`' -u $($LocalVM.user) -p`'$($LocalVM.password)`' -P $($LocalVM.sshPort) -c `'python /home/$user/RemoteCopy.py -c `"$($toVM.DIP)`" -m upload -u `"$($toVM.user)`" -p `"$($toVM.password)`"`" -P 22 -r `"/home/$user`" -f `"/home/$user/testfile`"`'" } LogMsg "Writing output to $logfilepath ..." Set-Content -Path $logFilepath -Value $scpOutput if(($scpOutput -imatch "OK!") -and ($scpOutput -imatch "Connected")) { LogMsg "File transferred successfully." return "PASS" } else { return "FAIL" } } Function StartIperfServerOnRemoteVM($remoteVM, $intermediateVM) { #$NewremoteVMcmd = ($remoteVM.cmd).Replace(" ","\ ") $NewremoteVMcmd = $remoteVM.cmd Write-Host $NewremoteVMcmd LogMsg "Deleting any previous server logs ..." $DeletePreviousLogs = RunLinuxCmdOnRemoteVM -intermediateVM $intermediateVM -remoteVM $remoteVM -remoteCommand "rm -rf /root/*.txt /root/*.log" -runAsSudo $CommandOutput = RunLinuxCmdOnRemoteVM -intermediateVM $intermediateVM -remoteVM $remoteVM -remoteCommand $NewremoteVMcmd -runAsSudo LogMsg "Checking if server started successfully or not ..." $isServerStarted = RunLinuxCmdOnRemoteVM -intermediateVM $intermediateVM -remoteVM $remoteVM -remoteCommand "cat /root/isServerStarted.txt" -runAsSudo if(($isServerStarted -imatch "yes") -and ($CommandOutput -imatch "ExitCode : 0")) { LogMsg "Server started successfully ..." $retValue = "True" } else { $retValue = "False" LogErr "Server Failed to start ..." } return $retValue } Function StartIperfClientOnRemoteVM($remoteVM, $intermediateVM) { #$NewremoteVMcmd = ($remoteVM.cmd).Replace(" ","\ ") $NewremoteVMcmd = $remoteVM.cmd Write-Host $NewremoteVMcmd LogMsg "Deleting any previous client logs ..." $DeletePreviousLogs = RunLinuxCmdOnRemoteVM -intermediateVM $intermediateVM -remoteVM $remoteVM -remoteCommand "rm -rf /root/*.txt /root/*.log" -runAsSudo $CommandOutput = RunLinuxCmdOnRemoteVM -intermediateVM $intermediateVM -remoteVM $remoteVM -remoteCommand $NewremoteVMcmd -runAsSudo LogMsg "Checking if client connected successfully or not ..." $DeletePreviousLogs = RunLinuxCmdOnRemoteVM -intermediateVM $intermediateVM -remoteVM $remoteVM -remoteCommand "cp /root/Runtime.log /root/start-client.py.log" -runAsSudo Set-Content -Value (RunLinuxCmdOnRemoteVM -intermediateVM $intermediateVM -remoteVM $remoteVM -remoteCommand "cat /root/start-client.py.log" -runAsSudo) -Path ("$($remoteVM.logDir)" + "\start-client.py.log") Set-Content -Value (RunLinuxCmdOnRemoteVM -intermediateVM $intermediateVM -remoteVM $remoteVM -remoteCommand "cat /root/state.txt" -runAsSudo) -Path ("$($remoteVM.logDir)" + "\state.txt") Set-Content -Value (RunLinuxCmdOnRemoteVM -intermediateVM $intermediateVM -remoteVM $remoteVM -remoteCommand "cat /root/Summary.log" -runAsSudo) -Path ("$($remoteVM.logDir)" + "\Summary.log") $clientState = Get-Content "$($remoteVM.Logdir)\state.txt" $clientSummary = Get-Content "$($remoteVM.Logdir)\Summary.log" Write-Host $clientState Write-Host $clientSummary #>>>Remove Temporary files.. Remove-Item "$($remoteVM.Logdir)\state.txt" -Force Remove-Item "$($remoteVM.Logdir)\Summary.log" -Force if($clientState -imatch "TestCompleted" -and $clientSummary -imatch "PASS") { return $true } else { return $false } } Function IperfLocalToVNETUdpTest ($vnetAsServer, $localAsClient, $intermediateVM) { LogMsg "Removing any previous Server logs.." $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $vnetAsServer.user -password $vnetAsServer.password -ip $vnetAsServer.ip -port $vnetAsServer.sshPort -command "rm -rf *.txt *.log" -runAsSudo StartIperfServer -node $vnetAsServer $isServerStarted = IsIperfServerStarted -node $vnetAsServer if($isServerStarted -eq $true) { LogMsg "Starting iperf client ..." $isClientConnected = StartIperfClientOnRemoteVM -remoteVM $localAsClient -intermediateVM $intermediateVM if ($isClientConnected -eq $true) { LogMsg "Checking if server received connections from client of not ..." $checkServer = IsIperfServerRunning -node $vnetAsServer if($checkServer -eq $true) { LogMsg "Server was successfully connected to client.." $retValue = "PASS" } else { LogMsg "Failures detected on server .." $retValue = "FAIL" } } else { LogErr "Client failed to connect to server..." $retValue = "Fail" } } else { LogErr "Failed to start iperf server." $retValue = "Fail" } return $retValue } Function IperfVnetToLocalUdpTest ($vnetAsClient, $localAsServer) { $isServerStarted = StartIperfServerOnRemoteVM -remoteVM $localAsServer -intermediateVM $vnetAsClient if($isServerStarted -eq "True") { LogMsg "Starting iperf client ..." LogMsg "Removing any previous client logs.." $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $vnetAsClient.user -password $vnetAsClient.password -ip $vnetAsClient.ip -port $vnetAsClient.sshPort -command "rm -rf *.txt *.log" -runAsSudo StartIperfClient -node $vnetAsClient $isClientConnected = IsIperfClientStarted -node $vnetAsClient if ($isClientConnected -eq $true) { LogMsg "Checking if server received connections from client of not ..." $temp = RunLinuxCmdOnRemoteVM -intermediateVM $vnetAsClient -remoteVM $localAsServer -runAsSudo -remoteCommand "cp /root/iperf-server.txt /home/$user/" $checkServer = RunLinuxCmdOnRemoteVM -intermediateVM $vnetAsClient -remoteVM $localAsServer -runAsSudo -remoteCommand "/home/$user/check-server.py" $checkServerSummary = RunLinuxCmdOnRemoteVM -intermediateVM $vnetAsClient -remoteVM $localAsServer -runAsSudo -remoteCommand "cat ~/Summary.log" if($checkServerSummary -imatch "PASS") { LogMsg "Server was successfully connected to client.." $retValue = "PASS" } else { LogMsg "Failures detected on server .." $retValue = "FAIL" } } else { LogErr "Client failed to connect to server..." $retValue = "Fail" } } else { LogErr "Failed to start iperf server." $retValue = "Fail" } return $retValue } #endregion #region E2E Feature Tests Methods Function GetTotalPhysicalDisks($FdiskOutput) { $physicalDiskNames = ("sda","sdb","sdc","sdd","sde","sdf","sdg","sdh","sdi","sdj","sdk","sdl","sdm","sdn", "sdo","sdp","sdq","sdr","sds","sdt","sdu","sdv","sdw","sdx","sdy","sdz", "sdaa", "sdab", "sdac", "sdad","sdae", "sdaf", "sdag", "sdah", "sdai") $diskCount = 0 foreach ($physicalDiskName in $physicalDiskNames) { if ($FdiskOutput -imatch "Disk /dev/$physicalDiskName") { $diskCount += 1 } } return $diskCount } Function GetNewPhysicalDiskNames($FdiskOutputBeforeAddingDisk, $FdiskOutputAfterAddingDisk) { $availableDisksBeforeAddingDisk = "" $availableDisksAfterAddingDisk = "" $physicalDiskNames = ("sda","sdb","sdc","sdd","sde","sdf","sdg","sdh","sdi","sdj","sdk","sdl","sdm","sdn", "sdo","sdp","sdq","sdr","sds","sdt","sdu","sdv","sdw","sdx","sdy","sdz", "sdaa", "sdab", "sdac", "sdad","sdae", "sdaf", "sdag", "sdah", "sdai") foreach ($physicalDiskName in $physicalDiskNames) { if ($FdiskOutputBeforeAddingDisk -imatch "Disk /dev/$physicalDiskName") { if ( $availableDisksBeforeAddingDisk -eq "" ) { $availableDisksBeforeAddingDisk = "/dev/$physicalDiskName" } else { $availableDisksBeforeAddingDisk = $availableDisksBeforeAddingDisk + "^" + "/dev/$physicalDiskName" } } } foreach ($physicalDiskName in $physicalDiskNames) { if ($FdiskOutputAfterAddingDisk -imatch "Disk /dev/$physicalDiskName") { if ( $availableDisksAfterAddingDisk -eq "" ) { $availableDisksAfterAddingDisk = "/dev/$physicalDiskName" } else { $availableDisksAfterAddingDisk = $availableDisksAfterAddingDisk + "^" + "/dev/$physicalDiskName" } } } $newDisks = "" foreach ($afterDisk in $availableDisksAfterAddingDisk.Split("^")) { if($availableDisksBeforeAddingDisk -imatch $afterDisk) { } else { if($newDisks -eq "") { $newDisks = $afterDisk } else { $newDisks = $newDisks + "^" + $afterDisk } } } return $newDisks } Function CreateHotAddRemoveDataDiskNode { param( [string] $ServiceName, [string] $nodeIp, [string] $nodeSshPort, [string] $user, [string] $password, [string] $files, [int] $Lun, [string] $InstanceSize, [string] $ExistingDiskMediaLink, $allExistingDisks, [string] $logDir) $objNode = New-Object -TypeName PSObject Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ServiceName -Value $ServiceName -Force Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ip -Value $nodeIp -Force Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name sshPort -Value $nodeSshPort -Force Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name user -Value $user -Force Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name password -Value $password -Force Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name files -Value $files -Force Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name logDir -Value $LogDir -Force Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Lun -Value $Lun -Force Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name InstanceSize -Value $InstanceSize -Force Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name AttachedDisks -Value @() -Force Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ExistingDiskMediaLink -Value $ExistingDiskMediaLink -Force Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name allExistingDisks -Value $allExistingDisks -Force return $objNode } Function PerformIOTestOnDisk($testVMObject, [string]$attachedDisk, [string]$diskFileSystem) { $retValue = "Aborted" $testVMSSHport = $testVMObject.sshPort $testVMVIP = $testVMObject.ip $testVMUsername = $testVMObject.user $testVMPassword = $testVMObject.password $isVMAlive = Test-TCP -testIP $testVMVIP -testport $testVMSSHport if ($isVMAlive -eq "True") { $retValue = "FAIL" $suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $testVMUsername -password $testVMpassword -ip $testVMVIP -port $testVMSSHport -command "rm -rf *.txt *.log" -runAsSudo LogMsg "Performing I/O operations on $attachedDisk.." $ioOutout = RunLinuxCmd -username $testVMUsername -password $testVMpassword -ip $testVMVIP -port $testVMSSHport -command "python /home/$testVMUsername/DoIOTest.py -d $attachedDisk -f $diskFileSystem" -runAsSudo if ( $ioOutout -imatch ( "$attachedDisk" + "_AVAILABLE" )) { if ( $ioOutout -imatch ( "$attachedDisk" + "_PARTITION_CREATED_SUCCESSFULLY" )) { if ( $ioOutout -imatch ( "$attachedDisk" + "_PARTITION_FORMATTED_SUCCESSFULLY" )) { if ( $ioOutout -imatch ( "$attachedDisk" + "_FILE_CREATED_SUCCESSFULLY" )) { if ( $ioOutout -imatch "FINAL_TEST_RESULT_PASS") { LogMsg "All I/O operations completed successfully on $attachedDisk" $retValue = "PASS" } else { LogErr "All tests done but unable to confirm final result. Please check logs for more information." $retValue = "FAIL" } } else { LogErr "Failed to create file on $attachedDisk`1" $retValue = "FAIL" } } else { LogErr "Failed to Formant partition on $attachedDisk with file system $diskFileSystem." $retValue = "FAIL" } } else { LogErr "Failed to Create partition on $attachedDisk" $retValue = "FAIL" } } else { LogErr "$attachedDisk is not available in VM." $retValue = "FAIL" } $suppressedOut = RemoteCopy -downloadFrom $testVMVIP -port $testVMSSHport -files "/home/$testVMUsername/Runtime.log" -downloadTo $testVMObject.logDir -username $testVMUsername -password $testVMPassword -download Rename-Item -Path "$($testVMObject.logdir)\Runtime.log" -NewName ( $attachedDisk.Replace("/dev/","dev-") + "-IO-Test-Logs-$diskFileSystem.txt") LogMsg "I/O logs saved as $($attachedDisk.Replace("/dev/","dev-"))-IO-Test-Logs-$diskFileSystem.txt" } else { LogErr "VM is not Alive." LogErr "Aborting Test." $retValue = "Aborted" } return $retValue } Function DoHotAddNewDataDiskTest ($testVMObject, [int]$diskSizeInGB ) { $testVMSSHport = $testVMObject.sshPort $testVMVIP = $testVMObject.ip $testVMServiceName = $testVMObject.ServiceName $testVMUsername = $testVMObject.user $testVMPassword = $testVMObject.password $testLun = $testVMObject.Lun $HotAddLogFile = "$($testVMObject.logDir)\Hot-Add-Disk.log" $isVMAlive = Test-TCP -testIP $testVMVIP -testport $testVMSSHport $retValue = "ABORTED" if ($isVMAlive -eq "True") { Add-Content -Value "--------------------ADD DISK TO LUN $testLun : START----------------------" -Path $HotAddLogFile -Encoding UTF8 #GetCurrentDiskInfo $fdiskOutputBeforeAddingDisk = RunLinuxCmd -username $testVMUsername -password $testVMpassword -ip $testVMVIP -port $testVMSSHport -command "fdisk -l" -runAsSudo Add-Content -Value "Before Adding New Disk : " -Path $HotAddLogFile -Encoding UTF8 Add-Content -Value $fdiskOutputBeforeAddingDisk -Path $HotAddLogFile -Encoding UTF8 $disksBeforeAddingNewDisk = GetTotalPhysicalDisks -FdiskOutput $fdiskOutputBeforeAddingDisk #Add datadisk to VM $supressedOut = RetryOperation -operation { Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $testVMServiceName | Add-AzureDataDisk -CreateNew -DiskSizeInGB $diskSizeInGB -DiskLabel "TestDisk-$testLun" -LUN $testLun | Update-AzureVM } -maxRetryCount 5 -retryInterval 5 -description "Attaching $diskSizeInGB GB disk to LUN : $testLun." if ( ( $supressedOut.OperationDescription -eq "Update-AzureVM" ) -and ( $supressedOut.OperationStatus -eq "Succeeded" )) { LogMsg "Disk Attached Successfully.." WaitFor -seconds 10 LogMsg "Checking VM status.." $isVMAlive = Test-TCP -testIP $testVMVIP -testport $testVMSSHport if ($isVMAlive -eq "True") { LogMsg "VM Status : RUNNING." $retryCount = 1 $MaxRetryCount = 20 $newDiskAdded = "FAIL" While (($retryCount -le $MaxRetryCount) -and ($newDiskAdded -eq "FAIL")) { LogMsg "Attempt : $retryCount : Checking for new disk." $fdiskOutputAfterAddingDisk = RunLinuxCmd -username $testVMUsername -password $testVMpassword -ip $testVMVIP -port $testVMSSHport -command "fdisk -l" -runAsSudo -ignoreLinuxExitCode $disksafterAddingNewDisk = GetTotalPhysicalDisks -FdiskOutput $fdiskOutputAfterAddingDisk if ( ($disksBeforeAddingNewDisk + 1) -eq $disksafterAddingNewDisk ) { $newDiskAdded = "PASS" LogMsg "New Disk detected." $newDisknames = GetNewPhysicalDiskNames -FdiskOutputBeforeAddingDisk $fdiskOutputBeforeAddingDisk -FdiskOutputAfterAddingDisk $fdiskOutputAfterAddingDisk $extResult = PerformIOTestOnDisk -testVMObject $testVMObject -attachedDisk $newDisknames -diskFileSystem "ext4" $xfsResult = PerformIOTestOnDisk -testVMObject $testVMObject -attachedDisk $newDisknames -diskFileSystem "xfs" if ( ($extResult -eq "PASS") -and ($xfsResult -eq "PASS") ) { $retValue = "PASS" } else { $retValue = "FAIL" } } else { Write-Host "New disk not detected." WaitFor -seconds 10 $newDiskAdded = "FAIL" $retryCount += 1 } } Add-Content -Value "After Adding New Disk : " -Path $HotAddLogFile -Encoding UTF8 Add-Content -Value $fdiskOutputAfterAddingDisk -Path $HotAddLogFile -Encoding UTF8 } else { LogErr "VM Status : OFF." LogErr "VM is not Alive after adding new disk." $retValue = "FAIL" } } else { LogErr "Failed to Attach disk." $retValue = "FAIL" } } else { LogErr "VM is not Alive." LogErr "Aborting Test." $retValue = "Aborted" } Add-Content -Value "--------------------ADD DISK TO LUN $testLun : END : $retValue----------------------" -Path $HotAddLogFile return $retValue } Function DoHotRemoveDataDiskTest ($testVMObject) { $testVMSSHport = $testVMObject.sshPort $testVMVIP = $testVMObject.ip $testVMServiceName = $testVMObject.ServiceName $testVMUsername = $testVMObject.user $testVMPassword = $testVMObject.password $testLun = $testVMObject.Lun $HotRemoveLogFile = "$($testVMObject.logDir)\Hot-Remove-Disk.log" $isVMAlive = Test-TCP -testIP $testVMVIP -testport $testVMSSHport $retValue = "ABORTED" if ($isVMAlive -eq "True") { Add-Content -Value "--------------------REMOVE DISK FROM LUN $testLun : START----------------------" -Path $HotRemoveLogFile -Encoding UTF8 #GetCurrentDiskInfo $out = RunLinuxCmd -username $testVMUsername -password $testVMpassword -ip $testVMVIP -port $testVMSSHport -command "fdisk -l" -runAsSudo $disksBeforeRemovingDisk = GetTotalPhysicalDisks -FdiskOutput $out Add-Content -Value "Before Removing Disk : " -Path $HotRemoveLogFile -Encoding UTF8 Add-Content -Value $out -Path $HotRemoveLogFile -Encoding UTF8 #Add datadisk to VM $supressedOut = RetryOperation -operation { Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $testVMServiceName | Remove-AzureDataDisk -LUN $testLun | Update-AzureVM } -maxRetryCount 5 -retryInterval 5 -description "Removing disk from LUN : $testLun." if ( ( $supressedOut.OperationDescription -eq "Update-AzureVM" ) -and ( $supressedOut.OperationStatus -eq "Succeeded" )) { LogMsg "Disk Removed Successfully.." WaitFor -seconds 10 $isVMAlive = RetryOperation -operation {Test-TCP -testIP $testVMVIP -testport $testVMSSHport} -description "Checking VM status.." -expectResult "True" if ($isVMAlive -eq "True") { LogMsg "VM Status : RUNNING." $retryCount = 1 $MaxRetryCount = 20 $retValue = "FAIL" While (($retryCount -le $MaxRetryCount) -and ($retValue -eq "FAIL")) { $out = "" LogMsg "Attempt : $retryCount : Verifying removal of disk." $out = RunLinuxCmd -username $testVMUsername -password $testVMpassword -ip $testVMVIP -port $testVMSSHport -command "fdisk -l" -runAsSudo -ignoreLinuxExitCode $disksafterRemovingDisk = GetTotalPhysicalDisks -FdiskOutput $out if ( ($disksBeforeRemovingDisk - 1) -eq $disksafterRemovingDisk ) { LogMsg "Disk removed successfully.." $retValue = "PASS" } else { LogErr "Disk can be still visible in VM." WaitFor -seconds 10 $retValue = "FAIL" $retryCount += 1 } } Add-Content -Value "After removing Disk : " -Path $HotRemoveLogFile -Encoding UTF8 Add-Content -Value $out -Path $HotRemoveLogFile -Encoding UTF8 } else { LogMsg "VM Status : OFF." LogErr "VM is not Alive after removing new disk." $retValue = "FAIL" } } else { LogErr "Failed to remove disk." $retValue = "FAIL" } } else { LogErr "VM is not Alive." LogErr "Aborting Test." $retValue = "Aborted" } Add-Content -Value "--------------------REMOVE DISK FROM LUN $testLun : END : $retValue----------------------" -Path $HotRemoveLogFile -Encoding UTF8 return $retValue } Function DoHotAddNewDataDiskTestParallel ($testVMObject, $TotalLuns) { $testVMSSHport = $testVMObject.sshPort $testVMVIP = $testVMObject.ip $testVMServiceName = $testVMObject.ServiceName $testVMUsername = $testVMObject.user $testVMPassword = $testVMObject.password $testLun = $testVMObject.Lun $retValue = "ABORTED" $HotAddLogFile = "$($testVMObject.logDir)\Hot-Add-Disk.log" #$HotAddLogFile = ".\temp\Hot-Add-Disk.log" $isVMAlive = Test-TCP -testIP $testVMVIP -testport $testVMSSHport if ($isVMAlive -eq "True") { Add-Content -Value "--------------------ADD $TotalLuns DISKS : START----------------------" -Path $HotAddLogFile -Encoding UTF8 #GetCurrentDiskInfo $FdiskOutputBeforeAddingDisk = RunLinuxCmd -username $testVMUsername -password $testVMpassword -ip $testVMVIP -port $testVMSSHport -command "fdisk -l" -runAsSudo Add-Content -Value "Before Adding Disks : " -Path $HotAddLogFile -Encoding UTF8 Add-Content -Value $FdiskOutputBeforeAddingDisk -Path $HotAddLogFile -Encoding UTF8 $disksBeforeAddingNewDisk = GetTotalPhysicalDisks -FdiskOutput $FdiskOutputBeforeAddingDisk #Add datadisk to VM $lunCounter = 0 $HotAddCommand = "Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $testVMServiceName" while ($lunCounter -lt $TotalLuns) { $diskSizeInGB = ($lunCounter+1)*10 $HotAddCommand += " | Add-AzureDataDisk -CreateNew -DiskSizeInGB $diskSizeInGB -DiskLabel `"TestDisk-$lunCounter`" -LUN $lunCounter" $lunCounter += 1 } $HotAddCommand += " | Update-AzureVM" $suppressedOut = RetryOperation -operation {Invoke-Expression $HotAddCommand } -maxRetryCount 5 -retryInterval 5 -description "Attaching $TotalLuns disks parallely." if(($suppressedOut.OperationDescription -eq "Update-AzureVM") -and ( $suppressedOut.OperationStatus -eq "Succeeded")) { LogMsg "$TotalLuns Disks Attached Successfully.." WaitFor -seconds 10 $isVMAlive = RetryOperation -operation {Test-TCP -testIP $testVMVIP -testport $testVMSSHport} -description "Checking VM status.." -expectResult "True" if ($isVMAlive -eq "True") { LogMsg "VM Status : RUNNING." $retryCount = 1 $MaxRetryCount = 20 $isAllDiskDetected = "FAIL" While (($retryCount -le $MaxRetryCount) -and ($isAllDiskDetected -eq "FAIL")) { $out = "" LogMsg "Attempt : $retryCount : Checking for new disk." $FdiskOutputAfterAddingDisk = RunLinuxCmd -username $testVMUsername -password $testVMpassword -ip $testVMVIP -port $testVMSSHport -command "fdisk -l" -runAsSudo -ignoreLinuxExitCode $disksafterAddingNewDisk = GetTotalPhysicalDisks -FdiskOutput $FdiskOutputAfterAddingDisk if ( ($disksBeforeAddingNewDisk + $TotalLuns) -eq $disksafterAddingNewDisk ) { LogMsg "All $TotalLuns New Disks detected." $newDisks = GetNewPhysicalDiskNames -FdiskOutputBeforeAddingDisk $FdiskOutputBeforeAddingDisk -FdiskOutputAfterAddingDisk $FdiskOutputAfterAddingDisk $isAllDiskDetected = "PASS" $successCount = 0 $errorCount = 0 foreach ( $newDisk in $newDisks.split("^")) { $extResult = $null $xfsResult = $null $extResult = PerformIOTestOnDisk -testVMObject $testVMObject -attachedDisk $newDisk -diskFileSystem "ext4" $xfsResult = PerformIOTestOnDisk -testVMObject $testVMObject -attachedDisk $newDisk -diskFileSystem "xfs" if ( ($extResult -eq "PASS") -and ($xfsResult -eq "PASS") ) { $successCount += 1 } else { LogErr "IO Operations failed for $newDisk" $errorCount += 1 } } if ($successCount -eq $TotalLuns) { $retValue = "PASS" } else { $retValue = "FAIL" LogErr "I/O operations on $errorCount disks." } } else { $NotDetectedDisks = ( ($disksBeforeAddingNewDisk + $TotalLuns) - $disksafterAddingNewDisk ) LogErr "Total undetected disks : $NotDetectedDisks" WaitFor -seconds 10 $isAllDiskDetected = "FAIL" $retryCount += 1 } } Add-Content -Value "After Adding New Disk : " -Path $HotAddLogFile -Encoding UTF8 Add-Content -Value $FdiskOutputAfterAddingDisk -Path $HotAddLogFile -Encoding UTF8 } else { LogMsg "VM Status : OFF." LogErr "VM is not Alive after adding new disk." $retValue = "FAIL" } } else { LogErr "Failed to attach disks." $retValue = "FAIL" } } else { LogErr "VM is not Alive." LogErr "Aborting Test." $retValue = "Aborted" } Add-Content -Value "--------------------ADD DISK TO LUN $testLun : END : $retValue----------------------" -Path $HotAddLogFile return $retValue } Function DoHotRemoveNewDataDiskTestParallel ($testVMObject, $TotalLuns) { $testVMSSHport = $testVMObject.sshPort $testVMVIP = $testVMObject.ip $testVMServiceName = $testVMObject.ServiceName $testVMUsername = $testVMObject.user $testVMPassword = $testVMObject.password $testLun = $testVMObject.Lun $retValue = "ABORTED" $HotRemoveLogFile = "$($testVMObject.logDir)\Hot-Remove-Disk.log" #$HotRemoveLogFile = ".\temp\Hot-Remove-Disk.log" $isVMAlive = Test-TCP -testIP $testVMVIP -testport $testVMSSHport if ($isVMAlive -eq "True") { Add-Content -Value "--------------------REMOVE $TotalLuns DISKS : START----------------------" -Path $HotRemoveLogFile -Encoding UTF8 #GetCurrentDiskInfo $out = RunLinuxCmd -username $testVMUsername -password $testVMpassword -ip $testVMVIP -port $testVMSSHport -command "fdisk -l" -runAsSudo Add-Content -Value "Before Adding Disks : " -Path $HotRemoveLogFile -Encoding UTF8 Add-Content -Value $out -Path $HotRemoveLogFile -Encoding UTF8 $disksBeforeRemovingNewDisk = GetTotalPhysicalDisks -FdiskOutput $out #Add datadisk to VM $lunCounter = 0 $HotRemoveCommand = "Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $testVMServiceName" while ($lunCounter -lt $TotalLuns) { $diskSizeInGB = ($lunCounter+1)*10 $HotRemoveCommand += " | Remove-AzureDataDisk -LUN $lunCounter" $lunCounter += 1 } $HotRemoveCommand += " | Update-AzureVM" LogMsg $HotRemoveCommand #$supressedOut = ( Invoke-Expression $HotAddCommand ) $RemoveOut = RetryOperation -operation {Invoke-Expression $HotRemoveCommand} -maxRetryCount 5 -retryInterval 5 -description "Removing $TotalLuns disks parallely." if($RemoveOut.OperationStatus -eq "Succeeded") { LogMsg "$TotalLuns Disks removed Successfully.." WaitFor -seconds 10 $isVMAlive = RetryOperation -operation {Test-TCP -testIP $testVMVIP -testport $testVMSSHport} -description "Checking VM status.." -expectResult "True" if ($isVMAlive -eq "True") { LogMsg "VM Status : RUNNING." $retryCount = 1 $MaxRetryCount = 20 $retValue = "FAIL" While (($retryCount -le $MaxRetryCount) -and ($retValue -eq "FAIL")) { $out = "" LogMsg "Attempt : $retryCount : Checking for new disk." $out = RunLinuxCmd -username $testVMUsername -password $testVMpassword -ip $testVMVIP -port $testVMSSHport -command "fdisk -l" -runAsSudo -ignoreLinuxExitCode $disksafterRemovingNewDisk = GetTotalPhysicalDisks -FdiskOutput $out if ( ($disksBeforeRemovingNewDisk - $TotalLuns) -eq $disksafterRemovingNewDisk ) { LogMsg "All Disks removed." $retValue = "PASS" } else { $UnexpectedDisks = ( $disksafterRemovingNewDisk - ($disksBeforeRemovingNewDisk - $TotalLuns) ) LogErr "Total unexpected disks : $UnexpectedDisks" WaitFor -seconds 10 $retValue = "FAIL" $retryCount += 1 } } Add-Content -Value "After removing Disks : " -Path $HotRemoveLogFile -Encoding UTF8 Add-Content -Value $out -Path $HotRemoveLogFile -Encoding UTF8 } else { LogMsg "VM Status : OFF." LogErr "VM is not Alive after adding new disk." $retValue = "FAIL" } } else { LogErr "Error in removing disks." LogErr "Aborting Test." $retValue = "Aborted" } } else { LogErr "VM is not Alive." LogErr "Aborting Test." $retValue = "Aborted" } Add-Content -Value "--------------------REMOVE $testLun DISKS : END : $retValue----------------------" -Path $HotRemoveLogFile return $retValue } Function DoHotAddExistingDataDiskTest($testVMObject) { $retValue = "ABORTED" $testVMSSHport = $testVMObject.sshPort $testVMVIP = $testVMObject.ip $testVMServiceName = $testVMObject.ServiceName $testVMUsername = $testVMObject.user $testVMPassword = $testVMObject.password $testLun = $testVMObject.Lun $testExistingDisk = $testVMObject.ExistingDiskMediaLink $HotAddLogFile = "$($testVMObject.logDir)\Hot-Add-Existing-Disk.log" $isVMAlive = Test-TCP -testIP $testVMVIP -testport $testVMSSHport if ($isVMAlive -eq "True") { Add-Content -Value "--------------------ADD EXISTING DISK TO LUN $testLun : START----------------------" -Path $HotAddLogFile -Encoding UTF8 #GetCurrentDiskInfo $fdiskOutputBeforeAddingDisk = RunLinuxCmd -username $testVMUsername -password $testVMpassword -ip $testVMVIP -port $testVMSSHport -command "fdisk -l" -runAsSudo Add-Content -Value "Before Adding Existing Disk : " -Path $HotAddLogFile -Encoding UTF8 Add-Content -Value $fdiskOutputBeforeAddingDisk -Path $HotAddLogFile -Encoding UTF8 $disksBeforeAddingNewDisk = GetTotalPhysicalDisks -FdiskOutput $fdiskOutputBeforeAddingDisk #Add datadisk to VM $addExistingDisk = RetryOperation -operation { Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $testVMServiceName | Add-AzureDataDisk -ImportFrom -MediaLocation $testExistingDisk -DiskLabel "TestDisk-$testLun" -LUN $testLun | Update-AzureVM } -maxRetryCount 15 -retryInterval 10 -Description "Attaching $testExistingDisk disk to LUN : $testLun." if ( ( $addExistingDisk.OperationDescription -eq "Update-AzureVM" ) -and ( $addExistingDisk.OperationStatus -eq "Succeeded" )) { LogMsg "Disk Attached Successfully.." WaitFor -seconds 10 LogMsg "Checking VM status.." $isVMAlive = Test-TCP -testIP $testVMVIP -testport $testVMSSHport if ($isVMAlive -eq "True") { LogMsg "VM Status : RUNNING." $retryCount = 1 $MaxRetryCount = 20 $newDiskAdded = "FAIL" While (($retryCount -le $MaxRetryCount) -and ($newDiskAdded -eq "FAIL")) { $fdiskOutputAfterAddingDisk = "" LogMsg "Attempt : $retryCount : Checking for new disk." $fdiskOutputAfterAddingDisk = RunLinuxCmd -username $testVMUsername -password $testVMpassword -ip $testVMVIP -port $testVMSSHport -command "fdisk -l" -runAsSudo -ignoreLinuxExitCode $disksafterAddingNewDisk = GetTotalPhysicalDisks -FdiskOutput $fdiskOutputAfterAddingDisk if ( ($disksBeforeAddingNewDisk + 1) -eq $disksafterAddingNewDisk ) { LogMsg "Existing Disk detected." $newDiskAdded = "PASS" $newDisknames = GetNewPhysicalDiskNames -FdiskOutputBeforeAddingDisk $fdiskOutputBeforeAddingDisk -FdiskOutputAfterAddingDisk $fdiskOutputAfterAddingDisk $extResult = PerformIOTestOnDisk -testVMObject $testVMObject -attachedDisk $newDisknames -diskFileSystem "ext4" $xfsResult = PerformIOTestOnDisk -testVMObject $testVMObject -attachedDisk $newDisknames -diskFileSystem "xfs" if ( ($extResult -eq "PASS") -and ($xfsResult -eq "PASS")) { $retValue = "PASS" } else { $retValue = "FAIL" } } else { LogErr "Existing disk not detected." WaitFor -seconds 10 $newDiskAdded = "FAIL" $retryCount += 1 } } Add-Content -Value "After Adding Existing Disk : " -Path $HotAddLogFile -Encoding UTF8 Add-Content -Value $fdiskOutputAfterAddingDisk -Path $HotAddLogFile -Encoding UTF8 } else { LogMsg "VM Status : OFF." LogErr "VM is not Alive after adding new disk." $retValue = "FAIL" } } else { LogErr "Error while attaching disk." LogErr "Aborting Test." $retValue = "Aborted" } } else { LogErr "VM is not Alive." LogErr "Aborting Test." $retValue = "Aborted" } Add-Content -Value "--------------------ADD EXISTING DISK TO LUN $testLun : END : $retValue----------------------" -Path $HotAddLogFile return $retValue } Function DoHotAddExistingDataDiskTestParallel ($testVMObject, $TotalLuns) { $testVMSSHport = $testVMObject.sshPort $testVMVIP = $testVMObject.ip $testVMServiceName = $testVMObject.ServiceName $testVMUsername = $testVMObject.user $testVMPassword = $testVMObject.password $testLun = $testVMObject.Lun $existingDisks = $testVMObject.AllExistingDisks $retValue = "ABORTED" $HotAddLogFile = "$($testVMObject.logDir)\Hot-Add-Disk.log" #$HotAddLogFile = ".\temp\Hot-Add-Disk.log" $isVMAlive = Test-TCP -testIP $testVMVIP -testport $testVMSSHport if ($isVMAlive -eq "True") { Add-Content -Value "--------------------ADD EXISTING $TotalLuns DISKS : START----------------------" -Path $HotAddLogFile -Encoding UTF8 #GetCurrentDiskInfo $FdiskOutputBeforeAddingDisk = RunLinuxCmd -username $testVMUsername -password $testVMpassword -ip $testVMVIP -port $testVMSSHport -command "fdisk -l" -runAsSudo Add-Content -Value "Before Adding Disks : " -Path $HotAddLogFile -Encoding UTF8 Add-Content -Value $FdiskOutputBeforeAddingDisk -Path $HotAddLogFile -Encoding UTF8 $disksBeforeAddingNewDisk = GetTotalPhysicalDisks -FdiskOutput $FdiskOutputBeforeAddingDisk #Add datadisk to VM $lunCounter = 0 $HotAddCommand = "Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $testVMServiceName" while ($lunCounter -lt $TotalLuns) { $HotAddCommand += " | Add-AzureDataDisk -ImportFrom -MediaLocation $($existingDisks[$lunCounter]) -DiskLabel TestDisk-$lunCounter -LUN $lunCounter " $lunCounter += 1 } $HotAddCommand += " | Update-AzureVM" LogMsg "$HotAddCommand" $AttachDiskOut = RetryOperation -operation {Invoke-Expression $HotAddCommand } -maxRetryCount 10 -retryInterval 10 -description "Attaching $TotalLuns disks parallely." if ($AttachDiskOut.OperationStatus -eq "Succeeded") { LogMsg "$TotalLuns Disks Attached Successfully.." WaitFor -seconds 10 $isVMAlive = RetryOperation -operation {Test-TCP -testIP $testVMVIP -testport $testVMSSHport} -description "Checking VM status.." -expectResult "True" if ($isVMAlive -eq "True") { LogMsg "VM Status : RUNNING." $retryCount = 1 $MaxRetryCount = 20 $isAllDiskDetected = "FAIL" While (($retryCount -le $MaxRetryCount) -and ($isAllDiskDetected -eq "FAIL")) { $FdiskOutputAfterAddingDisk = "" LogMsg "Attempt : $retryCount : Checking for existing disk." $FdiskOutputAfterAddingDisk = RunLinuxCmd -username $testVMUsername -password $testVMpassword -ip $testVMVIP -port $testVMSSHport -command "fdisk -l" -runAsSudo -ignoreLinuxExitCode $disksafterAddingNewDisk = GetTotalPhysicalDisks -FdiskOutput $FdiskOutputAfterAddingDisk if ( ($disksBeforeAddingNewDisk + $TotalLuns) -eq $disksafterAddingNewDisk ) { LogMsg "All $TotalLuns existing Disks detected." $isAllDiskDetected = "PASS" $newDisks = GetNewPhysicalDiskNames -FdiskOutputBeforeAddingDisk $FdiskOutputBeforeAddingDisk -FdiskOutputAfterAddingDisk $FdiskOutputAfterAddingDisk $isAllDiskDetected = "PASS" $successCount = 0 $errorCount = 0 foreach ( $newDisk in $newDisks.split("^")) { $extResult = $null $xfsResult = $null $extResult = PerformIOTestOnDisk -testVMObject $testVMObject -attachedDisk $newDisk -diskFileSystem "ext4" $xfsResult = PerformIOTestOnDisk -testVMObject $testVMObject -attachedDisk $newDisk -diskFileSystem "xfs" if (($extResult -eq "PASS") -and ($xfsResult -eq "PASS")) { $successCount += 1 } else { LogErr "IO Operations failed for $newDisk" $errorCount += 1 } } if ($successCount -eq $TotalLuns) { $retValue = "PASS" } else { $retValue = "FAIL" LogErr "I/O operations on $errorCount disks." } } else { $NotDetectedDisks = ( ($disksBeforeAddingNewDisk + $TotalLuns) - $disksafterAddingNewDisk ) LogErr "Total undetected disks : $NotDetectedDisks" WaitFor -seconds 10 $isAllDiskDetected = "FAIL" $retryCount += 1 } } Add-Content -Value "After Adding New Disk : " -Path $HotAddLogFile -Encoding UTF8 Add-Content -Value $FdiskOutputAfterAddingDisk -Path $HotAddLogFile -Encoding UTF8 } else { LogMsg "VM Status : OFF." LogErr "VM is not Alive after adding new disk." $retValue = "FAIL" } } else { LogErr "Error in Attaching disks.." LogErr "Aborting Test." $retValue = "Aborted" } } else { LogErr "VM is not Alive." LogErr "Aborting Test." $retValue = "Aborted" } Add-Content -Value "--------------------ADD EXISTING $TotalLuns DISKS : END : $retValue----------------------" -Path $HotAddLogFile return $retValue } Function CleanUpExistingDiskReferences($ExistingDiskMediaLinks) { $existingDisks = $ExistingDiskMediaLinks $RetryCount2 = 1 $falseDetections = 1 $RetryCount3 = 0 #Get information about all disks.. do { $RetryCount3 += 1 LogMsg "ATTEMPT : $RetryCount3 : Checking if Existing Disks are attached to any VM or not.." while(($RetryCount2 -le 20) -and ($falseDetections -gt 0)) { $disksToBreakRefrences = @() $UnableToDetachDisks = @() $UnableToBreakDisks = @() $BreakReferenceFailCounter = 0 $DetachFailCounter = 0 $totalAttachedDisks = 0 $diskReferenceCounter = 0 $totalOrphanedDisks = 0 $falseAlarm = $true $falseDetections = 0 WaitFor -seconds 15 $allDiskReferences = Get-AzureDisk $RetryCount2 += 1 foreach ($diskReference in $allDiskReferences) { if($existingDisks -match $diskReference.MediaLink.AbsoluteUri) { $diskReferenceCounter += 1 if ($diskReference.AttachedTo -ne $null) { LogMsg "$(($diskReference.MediaLink.AbsoluteUri).ToUpper()) is in use by $(($diskReference.AttachedTo.HostedServiceName).ToUpper())" $targetVM = Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $diskReference.AttachedTo.HostedServiceName -Name $diskReference.AttachedTo.RoleName $attachedDisks = $targetVM | Get-AzureDataDisk foreach ($disk in $attachedDisks) { if($diskReference.MediaLink.AbsoluteUri -imatch $disk.MediaLink.AbsoluteUri) { $diskToRemove = $disk } } if ($diskToRemove -ne $null) { $totalAttachedDisks += 1 $falseAlarm = $false LogMsg "Disk is attached to $(($targetVM.Name).ToUpper()) at LUN : $($diskToRemove.Lun)" $outDetachDisk = RetryOperation -operation { Remove-AzureDataDisk -VM $targetVM -LUN $diskToRemove.Lun -Verbose | Update-AzureVM -Verbose } -description "Operation : Remove Disk : STARTED" -maxRetryCount 10 -retryInterval 5 if ( $outDetachDisk.OperationStatus -eq "Succeeded" ) { LogMsg "Operation : Remove Disk : FINISHED" $disksToBreakRefrences += $diskToRemove.DiskName } else { LogMsg "Operation : Remove Disk : FAIED" $DetachFailCounter += 1 $UnableToDetachDisks += $diskToRemove.MediaLink.AbsoluteUri } } else { $falseAlarm = $true } if($falseAlarm) { LogMsg "False Detection. Disk is not in use by any VM in service $(($diskReference.AttachedTo.HostedServiceName).ToUpper())." $falseDetections += 1 } } if ($diskReference.AttachedTo -eq $null) { $falseAlarm = $false $totalOrphanedDisks += 1 LogMsg "$(($diskReference.MediaLink.AbsoluteUri).ToUpper()) is referenced as $(($diskReference.DiskName).ToUpper()) but not in use." $disksToBreakRefrences += $diskReference.DiskName } } } } if($diskReferenceCounter -gt 0) { WaitFor -seconds 30 foreach ($diskToBreakReference in $disksToBreakRefrences) { $RetryCount = 0 do { $RetryCount += 1 LogMsg "Operation : Break Reference of Disk : $(($diskToBreakReference).ToUpper()) : STARTED" try { $outBreak = Remove-AzureDisk -DiskName $diskToBreakReference $exceptionGenerated = $false } catch { LogErr "Operation : Break Reference : FAILED" $exceptionGenerated = $true } } while ((($outBreak.OperationStatus -ne "Succeeded") -or $exceptionGenerated) -and ($RetryCount -lt 10) ) if($outBreak.OperationStatus -eq "Succeeded") { LogMsg "Operation : Break Reference : FINISHED" } else { LogErr "Operation : Break Reference : FAILED" $BreakReferenceFailCounter += 1 $UnableToBreakDisks += $diskToBreakReference } } if (($BreakReferenceFailCounter -eq 0) -and ($DetachFailCounter -eq 0)) { LogMsg "All existing disks are free to use now." $retValue = $true } else { $retValue = $false foreach ($detachDisk in $UnableToDetachDisks) { LogErr "Unable to detach : $(($detachDisk).ToUpper())" } foreach ($breakDisk in $UnableToBreakDisks) { LogErr "Unable to Break Reference : $(($breakDisk).ToUpper())" } WaitFor -seconds 15 } } else { LogMsg "All Existing Disks are already free to use." $retValue = $true } } while(($retValue -eq $false) -and ($RetryCount3 -lt 3)) return $retValue } <# .SYNOPSIS Retry to do the operation until it is executed successfully or has reached the maximum number of retry attempts. It returns the result of the operation if success. Otherwise, it returns null. .PARAMETER operation Specifies the operation which you want to retry. It is a script block. The format shoulde be {OPERATION}. .PARAMETER description Specifies the description of the operation. .PARAMETER expectResult Specifies the expect result. The default value is "$null" and it means not to check the result. .PARAMETER maxRetryCount Specifies the maximum retry count. The default value is 18. .PARAMETER retryInterval Specifies the retry interval. The default value is 10 seconds. #> Function RetryOperation($operation, $description, $expectResult=$null, $maxRetryCount=10, $retryInterval=10, [switch]$NoLogsPlease) { $retryCount = 1 do { LogMsg "Attempt : $retryCount/$maxRetryCount : $description" -NoLogsPlease $NoLogsPlease $ret = $null $oldErrorActionValue = $ErrorActionPreference $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" try { $ret = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $operation if ($expectResult -ne $null) { if ($ret -match $expectResult) { return $ret } else { $ErrorActionPreference = $oldErrorActionValue } } else { return $ret } } catch { $retryCount ++ continue } finally { $ErrorActionPreference = $oldErrorActionValue } if ($retryCount -ge $maxRetryCount) { break; } $retryCount += 1 WaitFor -seconds $retryInterval } while ($True) return $null } #endregion