############################################################################################## # AzureAutomationManager.ps1 # Description : This script manages all the setup and test operations in Azure environemnt. # It is an entry script of Azure Automation # Operations : # - Installing AzureSDK # - VHD preparation : Installing packages required by ICA, LIS drivers and waagent # - Uplaoding test VHD to cloud # - Invokes azure test suite ## Author : v-ampaw@microsoft.com ############################################################################################### param ([string] $xmlConfigFile, [switch] $eMail, [string] $logFilename="azure_ica.log", [switch] $runtests, [switch]$onCloud, [switch] $vhdprep, [switch]$upload, [switch] $help, [string] $Distro, [string] $cycleName, [string] $TestPriority, [string]$osImage, [switch]$EconomyMode, [switch]$keepReproInact, [string] $DebugDistro, [switch]$UseAzureResourceManager) Import-Module .\TestLibs\AzureWinUtils.psm1 -Force -Scope Global Import-Module .\TestLibs\RDFELibs.psm1 -Force -Scope Global Import-Module .\TestLibs\ARMLibrary.psm1 -Force -Scope Global $xmlConfig = [xml](Get-Content $xmlConfigFile) $user = $xmlConfig.config.Azure.Deployment.Data.UserName $password = $xmlConfig.config.Azure.Deployment.Data.Password $sshKey = $xmlConfig.config.Azure.Deployment.Data.sshKey $sshPublickey = $xmlConfig.config.Azure.Deployment.Data.sshPublicKey $LinuxSSHCertificate = Import-Certificate -FilePath .\ssh\$sshPublickey -CertStoreLocation Cert:\CurrentUser\My $sshPublicKeyThumbprint = $LinuxSSHCertificate.Thumbprint Set-Variable -Name user -Value $user -Scope Global Set-Variable -Name password -Value $password -Scope Global Set-Variable -Name sshKey -Value $sshKey -Scope Global Set-Variable -Name sshPublicKey -Value $sshPublicKey -Scope Global Set-Variable -Name sshPublicKeyThumbprint -Value $sshPublicKeyThumbprint -Scope Global Set-Variable -Name PublicConfiguration -Value @() -Scope Global Set-Variable -Name PrivateConfiguration -Value @() -Scope Global Set-Variable -Name CurrentTestData -Value $CurrentTestData -Scope Global try { # Main Body of the script # Work flow starts here # Creating TestResults directory $testResults = "TestResults" if (! (test-path $testResults)) { mkdir $testResults | out-null } if ($help) { Usage Write-Host "Info : Help command was passed, not runTests." exit 1 } if (! $xmlConfigFile) { Write-Host "Error: Missing the xmlConfigFile command-line argument." -ForegroundColor Red Usage exit 2 } if (! (test-path $xmlConfigFile)) { Write-Host "Error: XML config file", $xmlConfigFile, "does not exist." -ForegroundColor Red exit 3 } #Parse XML file #Get Parameters through XML file $xmlConfig=[XML](Get-Content $xmlConfigFile) $Platform=$xmlConfig.config.global.platform $global=$xmlConfig.config.global $testStartTime = [DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime() Set-Variable -Name testStartTime -Value $testStartTime -Scope Global $fname = [System.IO.Path]::GetFilenameWithoutExtension($xmlConfigFile) $testDir = $testResults + "\" + $fname + "-" + $testStartTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd-HHmmss") mkdir $testDir -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | out-null if ($logFilename) { $logfile = $logFilename } $logFile = $testDir + "\" + $logfile Set-Variable -Name logfile -Value $logFile -Scope Global Set-Variable -Name Distro -Value $Distro -Scope Global Set-Variable -Name onCloud -Value $onCloud -Scope Global Set-Variable -Name xmlConfig -Value $xmlConfig -Scope Global Set-Variable -Name vnetIsAllConfigured -Value $false -Scope Global if($EconomyMode) { Set-Variable -Name EconomyMode -Value $true -Scope Global if($keepReproInact) { Set-Variable -Name keepReproInact -Value $true -Scope Global } } else { Set-Variable -Name EconomyMode -Value $false -Scope Global Set-Variable -Name keepReproInact -Value $false -Scope Global } $AzureSetup = $xmlConfig.config.Azure.General LogMsg ("Info : AzureAutomationManager.ps1 - LIS on Azure Automation") LogMsg ("Info : Created test results directory:", $testDir) LogMsg ("Info : Logfile = ", $logfile) LogMsg ("Info : Using config file $xmlConfigFile") if ($UseAzureResourceManager) { Switch-AzureMode -Name AzureResourceManager Set-Variable -Name UseAzureResourceManager -Value $true -Scope Global Select-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName $AzureSetup.SubscriptionName } else { Switch-AzureMode -Name AzureServiceManagement Set-Variable -Name UseAzureResourceManager -Value $false -Scope Global LogMsg "Setting Subscription" SetSubscription -subscriptionID $AzureSetup.SubscriptionID -subscriptionName $AzureSetup.SubscriptionName -certificateThumbprint $AzureSetup.CertificateThumbprint -managementEndpoint $AzureSetup.ManagementEndpoint -storageAccount $AzureSetup.StorageAccount $AllSubscriptions = Get-AzureSubscription foreach ($subscription in $AllSubscriptions) { if (($subscription.CurrentStorageAccountName -imatch $AzureSetup.StorageAccount) -and ( $subscription.SubscriptionName -imatch $AzureSetup.SubscriptionName)) { $currentSubscription = $subscription } } LogMsg "SubscriptionName : $($currentSubscription.SubscriptionName)" LogMsg "SubscriptionId : $($currentSubscription.SubscriptionID)" LogMsg "ServiceEndpoint : $($currentSubscription.ServiceEndpoint)" LogMsg "CurrentStorageAccount : $($currentSubscription.CurrentStorageAccountName)" } #Check for the Azure platform if($Platform -eq "Azure") { #Installing Azure-SDK .\SetupScripts\ImportAzureSDK.ps1 if(!$?) { LogMsg "Failed to import Azure-SDK" exit 2 } if ( $UseAzureResourceManager ) { LogMsg "*************AZURE RESOURCE GROUP MODE****************" } else { LogMsg "*************AZURE SERVICE MANAGEMENT MODE****************" } } if($upload) { $uploadflag=$true } if ($vhdprep) { $sts=VHDProvision $xmlConfig $uploadflag if($sts -contains $false) { LogMsg "Exiting with Error..!!!" exit 3 } LogMsg "moving VHD provision log file to test results directory" LogMsg "move VHD_Provision.log ${testDir}\VHD_Provision.log" move "VHD_Provision.log" "${testDir}\VHD_Provision.log" LogMsg "----------------------------------------------------------" LogMsg "VHD provision logs : ${testDir}\VHD_Provision.log " } if (!$runTests) { LogMsg "No tests will be run as runtests parameter is not provided" LogMsg "Exiting : with VHD prepared for Automation" LogMsg "===========================================" exit 4 } if ($runTests) { if($Platform -ne "Azure") { LogMsg "Info : Starting ICA test suite on Hyper-V Server" ##To do #Ivoking ICA scripts on Hyper-V server #cd ...\Win8_ICA\ica #.\ica.ps1 .\XML\test.xml -runtests exit } if ($DebugDistro) { $OsImage = $xmlConfig.config.Azure.Deployment.Data.Distro | ? { $_.name -eq $DebugDistro} | % { $_.OsImage } Set-Variable -Name DebugOsImage -Value $OsImage -Scope Global } $testCycle = GetCurrentCycleData -xmlConfig $xmlConfig -cycleName $cycleName #Invoke Azure Test Suite $testSuiteResultDetails=.\AzureTestSuite.ps1 $xmlConfig -Distro $Distro -cycleName $cycleName #if(!$sts) #{ #exit #} # Add summary information to the ica log file $logDirFilename = [System.IO.Path]::GetFilenameWithoutExtension($xmlConfigFile) #$summaryText = "

" $summaryAll = GetTestSummary -testCycle $testCycle -StartTime $testStartTime -xmlFileName $logDirFilename -distro $Distro -testSuiteResultDetails $testSuiteResultDetails $PlainTextSummary += $summaryAll[0] $HtmlTextSummary += $summaryAll[1] # Remove HTML tags from platin text summary. $PlainTextSummary = $PlainTextSummary.Replace("
", "`r`n") $PlainTextSummary = $PlainTextSummary.Replace("
", "")
        $PlainTextSummary = $PlainTextSummary.Replace("
", "") LogMsg "$PlainTextSummary" if($eMail) { SendEmail $xmlConfig -body $HtmlTextSummary } } } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message LogMsg "EXCEPTION : $ErrorMessage" } Finally { exit }