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Этот файл содержит невидимые символы Юникода!

Этот файл содержит невидимые символы Юникода, которые могут быть отображены не так, как показано ниже. Если это намеренно, можете спокойно проигнорировать это предупреждение. Используйте кнопку Экранировать, чтобы показать скрытые символы.

Function CreateTestVMNode
[string] $ServiceName,
[string] $RoleName,
[string] $PublicIP,
[string] $SSHPort,
[string] $username,
[string] $password,
[string] $InternalIP,
[string] $URL,
[string] $logDir )
$objNode = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ServiceName -Value $ServiceName -Force
Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name RoleName -Value $RoleName -Force
Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name PublicIP -Value $PublicIP -Force
Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SSHPort -Value $SSHPort -Force
Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name username -Value $username -Force
Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name password -Value $password -Force
Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name InternalIP -Value $nodeInternalIP -Force
Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name logDir -Value $LogDir -Force
Add-Member -InputObject $objNode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name DNSURL -Value $DNSUrl -Force
return $objNode
Function VerifyAttachedDisks ( $VMObject, $PrevTestStatus, $metaData)
if ( $PrevTestStatus -eq "PASS" )
LogMsg "STARTING TEST : $metaData"
$attachedDataDisks = RetryOperation -operation { Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $VMObject.ServiceName | Get-AzureDataDisk } -description "Getting Attached disks"
LogMsg "Verifying $($attachedDataDisks.Count) disks.."
$fdiskBefore = "Disk /dev/sda`nDisk /dev/sdb"
$fdiskAfter = RunLinuxCmd -username $VMObject.username -password $VMObject.password -ip $VMObject.PublicIP -port $VMObject.SSHPort -command "$fdisk -l" -runAsSudo
Set-Content -Value $fdiskAfter -Path "$($VMObject.LogDir)\DataDiskStatusAfterDeployingVM.txt"
LogMsg "fdisk -l console output is saved to $($VMObject.LogDir)\DataDiskStatusAfterDeployingVM.txt"
$DetectedDisksInVM = GetNewPhysicalDiskNames -FdiskOutputBeforeAddingDisk $fdiskBefore -FdiskOutputAfterAddingDisk $fdiskAfter
LogMsg "Expected Disks : $($attachedDataDisks.Count)"
LogMsg "Attached Disks : $($DetectedDisksInVM.Split("^").Count)"
if ( $attachedDataDisks.Count -eq $DetectedDisksInVM.Split("^").Count )
LogMsg "All disks detected successfully"
$ExitCode = "PASS"
LogErr "Failed to detect all disks. Further tests will be aborted."
$ExitCode = "FAIL"
elseif ( $PrevTestStatus -eq "FAIL" )
$ExitCode = "ABORTED"
LogMsg "Skipping TEST : $metaData due to previous failed test"
elseif ( $PrevTestStatus -eq "ABORTED" )
$ExitCode = "ABORTED"
LogMsg "Skipping TEST : $metaData due to previous Aborted test"
return $ExitCode, $DetectedDisksInVM
Function GetKernelLogs ($VMObject)
$out = RunLinuxCmd -username $VMObject.username -password $VMObject.password -ip $VMObject.PublicIP -port $VMObject.SSHPort -command "dmesg > dmesg.txt" -runAsSudo
RemoteCopy -downloadFrom $VMObject.PublicIP -port $VMObject.SSHPort -files "dmesg.txt" -username $VMObject.username -password $VMObject.password -download -downloadTo $VMObject.LogDir
$dmesg = Get-Content -Path "$($VMObject.LogDir)\dmesg.txt"
Remove-Item -Path "$($VMObject.LogDir)\dmesg.txt" -Force | Out-Null
return $dmesg
Function verifyStopVM($VMObject, $PrevTestStatus, $metaData)
if ( $PrevTestStatus -eq "PASS" )
LogMsg "Starting Test : $metaData"
$stopVMResult = RetryOperation -operation { Stop-AzureVM -ServiceName $VMObject.ServiceName -Name $VMObject.RoleName -StayProvisioned -Force -Verbose } -description "Stopping VM $($VMObject.RoleName)" -maxRetryCount 10 -retryInterval 10
if($stopVMResult.OperationStatus = "Succeeded")
LogMsg "VM Stopped Successfully."
$ExitCode = "PASS"
LogErr "Failed to stop VM."
elseif ( $PrevTestStatus -eq "FAIL" )
$ExitCode = "ABORTED"
LogMsg "Skipping TEST : $metaData due to previous failed test"
elseif ( $PrevTestStatus -eq "ABORTED" )
$ExitCode = "ABORTED"
LogMsg "Skipping TEST : $metaData due to previous Aborted test"
return $ExitCode
Function verifyRestartVM($VMObject, $PrevTestStatus, $metaData)
if ( $PrevTestStatus -eq "PASS" )
LogMsg "Starting Test : $metaData"
$stopVMResult = RetryOperation -operation { Start-AzureVM -ServiceName $VMObject.ServiceName -Name $VMObject.RoleName -Verbose } -description "Starting VM $($VMObject.RoleName)" -maxRetryCount 10 -retryInterval 10
if($stopVMResult.OperationStatus = "Succeeded")
LogMsg "VM Started Successfully."
$sshStatus = RetryOperation -operation { Test-TCP -testIP $VMObject.PublicIP -testport $VMObject.SSHPort } -description "Checking if $($VMObject.RoleName) SSH port is available or not." -expectResult "True" -maxRetryCount 150 -retryInterval 2
if ($sshStatus -eq "True")
LogMsg "SSH port is enabled."
$ExitCode = "PASS"
LogErr "SSH port is NOT enabled."
$ExitCode = "FAIL"
LogErr "Failed to stop VM."
elseif ( $PrevTestStatus -eq "FAIL" )
$ExitCode = "ABORTED"
LogMsg "Skipping TEST : $metaData due to previous failed test"
elseif ( $PrevTestStatus -eq "ABORTED" )
$ExitCode = "ABORTED"
LogMsg "Skipping TEST : $metaData due to previous Aborted test"
return $ExitCode
Function VerifyIO($VMObject, $NewAttachedDiskName, $PrevTestStatus, $metaData, $mountPoint="/mnt/datadisk", [switch]$SkipCreatePartition, [switch]$AlreadyMounted, [switch]$DoNotUnmount)
if ( $PrevTestStatus -eq "PASS" )
LogMsg "STARTING TEST : $metaData"
$LogPath = "$($VMObject.LogDir)\VerifyIO-$($NewAttachedDiskName.Replace('/','')).txt"
$dmesgBefore = GetKernelLogs -VMObject $VMObject
#Perform the steps ONLY IF $PrevTestStatus flag is set to "PASS"
if ($AlreadyMounted )
LogMsg "$NewAttachedDiskName is already mounted to $mountPoint"
$out = RunLinuxCmd -username $VMObject.username -password $VMObject.password -ip $VMObject.PublicIP -port $VMObject.SSHPort -command "mkdir -p $mountPoint" -runAsSudo
if ( $SkipCreatePartition )
$FormatDiskOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $VMObject.username -password $VMObject.password -ip $VMObject.PublicIP -port $VMObject.SSHPort -command "mkfs.ext4 $NewAttachedDiskName" -runAsSudo -runMaxAllowedTime 2400
$out = RunLinuxCmd -username $VMObject.username -password $VMObject.password -ip $VMObject.PublicIP -port $VMObject.SSHPort -command "mount -o nobarrier $NewAttachedDiskName $mountPoint" -runAsSudo
$PartitionDiskOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $VMObject.username -password $VMObject.password -ip $VMObject.PublicIP -port $VMObject.SSHPort -command "./ -diskName $NewAttachedDiskName -create yes -forRaid no" -runAsSudo
$FormatDiskOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $VMObject.username -password $VMObject.password -ip $VMObject.PublicIP -port $VMObject.SSHPort -command "mkfs.ext4 $NewAttachedDiskName$partitionNumber" -runAsSudo -runMaxAllowedTime 2400
$out = RunLinuxCmd -username $VMObject.username -password $VMObject.password -ip $VMObject.PublicIP -port $VMObject.SSHPort -command "mount -o nobarrier $NewAttachedDiskName$partitionNumber $mountPoint" -runAsSudo
Add-Content -Value $formatDiskOut -Path $LogPath -Force
$ddOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $VMObject.username -password $VMObject.password -ip $VMObject.PublicIP -port $VMObject.SSHPort -command "dd if=/dev/zero bs=1024 count=1000000 of=$mountPoint/file_1GB" -runAsSudo -runMaxAllowedTime 1200
WaitFor -seconds 10
Add-Content -Value $ddOut -Path $LogPath
if ( $DoNotUnmount )
LogMsg "Keeping $NewAttachedDiskName$partitionNumber mounted to $mountPoint"
$out = RunLinuxCmd -username $VMObject.username -password $VMObject.password -ip $VMObject.PublicIP -port $VMObject.SSHPort -command "umount $mountPoint" -runAsSudo
LogMsg "umount failed. Trying umount -l"
$out = RunLinuxCmd -username $VMObject.username -password $VMObject.password -ip $VMObject.PublicIP -port $VMObject.SSHPort -command "umount -l $mountPoint" -runAsSudo
$dmesgAfter = GetKernelLogs -VMObject $VMObject
$addedLines = (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $dmesgBefore -DifferenceObject $dmesgAfter).InputObject
if ($addedLines)
LogMsg "Kernel Logs : $($addedLines.Replace('[32m','').Replace('','').Replace('',''))" -LinuxConsoleOuput
$ExitCode = "PASS"
elseif ( $PrevTestStatus -eq "FAIL" )
$ExitCode = "ABORTED"
LogMsg "Skipping TEST : $metaData due to previous failed test"
elseif ( $PrevTestStatus -eq "ABORTED" )
$ExitCode = "ABORTED"
LogMsg "Skipping TEST : $metaData due to previous Aborted test"
return $ExitCode
Function DetachDataDisk($VMObject, $LUN, $PrevTestStatus, $metaData)
if ( $PrevTestStatus -eq "PASS" )
LogMsg "STARTING TEST : $metaData"
$fdiskBefore = RunLinuxCmd -username $VMObject.username -password $VMObject.password -ip $VMObject.PublicIP -port $VMObject.SSHPort -command "$fdisk -l" -runAsSudo
$diskToRemove = RetryOperation -operation { Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $VMObject.ServiceName | Get-AzureDataDisk -Lun $LUN } -description "Getting disk details from LUN : $LUN..."
$RemoveDiskStatus = RetryOperation -operation { Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $VMObject.ServiceName | Remove-AzureDataDisk -LUN $LUN | Update-AzureVM } -description "Removing data disk from LUN : $LUN..."
$ExpectedDisks = (GetTotalPhysicalDisks -FdiskOutput $fdiskBefore)-1
if ( $RemoveDiskStatus.OperationStatus -eq "Succeeded")
WaitFor -seconds 60
$isVMAlive = RetryOperation -operation { Test-TCP -testIP $VMObject.PublicIP -testport $VMObject.SSHPort } -description "Checking availiblility of SSH port of VM $($VMObject.RoleName).." -expectResult "True" -maxRetryCount 100 -retryInterval 10
if ( $isVMAlive -eq "True")
$DiskIsVisible = $true
$maxTry = 10
$out = RetryOperation -operation {$removeDisk = Remove-AzureDisk -DiskName $($diskToRemove.DiskName) -Verbose; return $removeDisk.OperationStatus} -description "Breaking link between $($diskToRemove.DiskName) and $($diskToRemove.MediaLink); " -retryInterval 10 -maxRetryCount 20 -expectResult "Succeeded"
LogMsg "Checking inside VM.."
while ( $DiskIsVisible -and ( $maxTry -gt 0 ))
WaitFor -seconds 30
$maxTry -= 1
$fdiskAfter = RunLinuxCmd -username $VMObject.username -password $VMObject.password -ip $VMObject.PublicIP -port $VMObject.SSHPort -command "$fdisk -l" -runAsSudo
$ActualDisks = (GetTotalPhysicalDisks -FdiskOutput $fdiskAfter)
if ( $ExpectedDisks -eq $ActualDisks )
$NewAttachedDiskName = GetNewPhysicalDiskNames -FdiskOutputBeforeAddingDisk $fdiskAfter -FdiskOutputAfterAddingDisk $fdiskBefore
LogMsg "Removed Disk : $NewAttachedDiskName"
$ExitCode = "PASS"
$DiskIsVisible = $false
LogErr "Disk is still visible in VM."
$ExitCode = "FAIL"
LogErr "SSH port is not working after removing disk."
$ExitCode = "FAIL"
LogErr "Failed to attach disk. Further tests will be aborted."
$ExitCode = "FAIL"
#Perform the steps ONLY IF $PrevTestStatus flag is set to "PASS"
elseif ( $PrevTestStatus -eq "FAIL" )
$ExitCode = "ABORTED"
LogMsg "Skipping TEST : $metaData due to previous failed test"
elseif ( $PrevTestStatus -eq "ABORTED" )
$ExitCode = "ABORTED"
LogMsg "Skipping TEST : $metaData due to previous Aborted test"
return $ExitCode
Function CreatePartitionOnDisk ($VMObject, $diskName, $isItForRaid, $LogFilePath)
$diskShortName = $diskName.Replace("/dev/","")
$lsblkBefore = RunLinuxCmd -username $VMObject.username -password $VMObject.password -ip $VMObject.PublicIP -port $VMObject.SSHPort -command "lsblk -a" -runAsSudo
Add-Content -Value $lsblkBefore -Path $LogFilePath -Force
$PartitionDetected = $false
foreach ( $line in $lsblkBefore.Split("`n"))
$line = $line.Trim().Replace("","").Replace("","").Replace("","").Replace("Γ","").Replace("ö","").Replace("Ç","").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ")
if (($line -imatch $diskShortName) -and ($line -imatch "part"))
$partitionName = $line.Split()[0]
$Size = $line.Split()[3]
$mountedTo = $line.Split()[6]
$PartitionDetected = $true
if ( $PartitionDetected )
LogMsg "Deleting partition $partitionName"
if ($mountedTo -eq $null)
$deletePartition = RunLinuxCmd -username $VMObject.username -password $VMObject.password -ip $VMObject.PublicIP -port $VMObject.SSHPort -command "./ -diskName $diskName -delete yes" -runAsSudo
LogMsg "$diskName is mounted to $mountedTo. Trying to unmount"
$out = RunLinuxCmd -username $VMObject.username -password $VMObject.password -ip $VMObject.PublicIP -port $VMObject.SSHPort -command "umount $mountedTo" -runAsSudo
$deletePartition = RunLinuxCmd -username $VMObject.username -password $VMObject.password -ip $VMObject.PublicIP -port $VMObject.SSHPort -command "./ -diskName $diskName -delete yes" -runAsSudo
Add-Content -Value $deletePartition -Path $LogFilePath -Force
LogMsg "Creating the partition on $diskName"
$PartitionDiskOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $VMObject.username -password $VMObject.password -ip $VMObject.PublicIP -port $VMObject.SSHPort -command "./ -diskName $diskName -create yes -forRaid $isItForRaid" -runAsSudo
Add-Content -Value $PartitionDiskOut -Path $LogFilePath -Force
$lsblkAfter = RunLinuxCmd -username $VMObject.username -password $VMObject.password -ip $VMObject.PublicIP -port $VMObject.SSHPort -command "lsblk -a"
Add-Content -Value $lsblkAfter -Path $LogFilePath -Force
$PartitionDetected = $false
foreach ( $line in $lsblkAfter.Split("`n"))
$line = $line.Trim().Replace("","").Replace("","").Replace("","").Replace("Γ","").Replace("ö","").Replace("Ç","").Replace('`-',"").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ")
if (($line -imatch $diskShortName) -and ($line -imatch "part"))
$partitionName = "/dev/$($line.Split()[0])"
$Size = $line.Split()[3]
$mountedTo = $line.Split()[6]
$PartitionDetected = $true
if ($PartitionDetected)
LogMsg "$partitionName created successfully."
LogErr "$partitionName not created."
return $PartitionDetected, $partitionName
Function FormatPartition ($VMObject, $PartitionName, $FileSystem, $LogFilePath)
LogMsg "Formatting $PartitionName with $FileSystem file system"
$formatOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $VMObject.username -password $VMObject.password -ip $VMObject.PublicIP -port $VMObject.SSHPort -command "mkfs -t $FileSystem $PartitionName" -runAsSudo -runMaxAllowedTime 10800
Add-Content -Value $formatOut -Path $LogFilePath -Force
return $true
Function StopRaidArry($VMObject, $RaidName)
#Verify if raid is active
$df = (RunLinuxCmd -username $VMObject.username -password $VMObject.password -ip $VMObject.PublicIP -port $VMObject.SSHPort -command "df").Split("`n")
LogMsg "unmounting $RaidName, if any."
foreach ( $line in $df )
if ( $line -imatch $RaidName )
$ActiveArray = $line.Trim().Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Split(" ")[0]
$MountDir = $line.Trim().Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Split(" ")[5]
LogMsg "Found mounted array : $ActiveArray mounted to $MountDir"
$out = RunLinuxCmd -username $VMObject.username -password $VMObject.password -ip $VMObject.PublicIP -port $VMObject.SSHPort -command "umount $MountDir" -runAsSudo
$mdStat = (RunLinuxCmd -username $VMObject.username -password $VMObject.password -ip $VMObject.PublicIP -port $VMObject.SSHPort -command "cat /proc/mdstat").Split("`n")
foreach ( $line in $mdStat )
if ( $line -imatch "active" )
$ActiveArray = $line.Trim().Replace(":","").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Split()[0]
LogMsg "Found active arry : $ActiveArray"
if ($line -imatch '/dev/')
$out = RunLinuxCmd -username $VMObject.username -password $VMObject.password -ip $VMObject.PublicIP -port $VMObject.SSHPort -command "mdadm --stop $ActiveArray" -runAsSudo
$out = RunLinuxCmd -username $VMObject.username -password $VMObject.password -ip $VMObject.PublicIP -port $VMObject.SSHPort -command "mdadm --stop /dev/$ActiveArray" -runAsSudo
Function CreateRAIDOnPartitionsNotFormatted($VMObject, $NewAttachedDiskNames, $PrevTestStatus , $metaData, $RaidName, $RaidMountPoint, [switch]$DoNotStopRaid)
if ( $PrevTestStatus -eq "PASS" )
LogMsg "STARTING TEST : $metaData"
$LogPath = "$($VMObject.LogDir)\CreateRaidOnNotFormattedPartition.txt"
$RaidDisks = $NewAttachedDiskNames.Split("^")
foreach ($disk in $NewAttachedDiskNames.Split("^"))
$wipefs = RunLinuxCmd -username $VMObject.username -password $VMObject.password -ip $VMObject.PublicIP -port $VMObject.SSHPort -command "wipefs -a $disk" -runAsSudo
LogMsg $wipefs -LinuxConsoleOuput
Add-Content -Value $wipefs -Path $LogPath -Force
$RaidPartitions = ""
foreach ($disk in $RaidDisks)
$CreatePart = CreatePartitionOnDisk -VMObject $VMObject -diskName $disk -isItForRaid "yes" -LogFilePath $LogPath
$RaidPartitions += "$($CreatePart[1]) "
$RaidPartitions = $RaidPartitions.Trim()
#Now Reboot the VM..
$RebootStatus = RetryOperation -operation { Get-AzureService -ServiceName $VMObject.ServiceName | Get-AzureVM | Restart-AzureVM } -description "Rebooting VM..."
if ( $RebootStatus.OperationStatus -eq "Succeeded")
if (( VerifyAllDeployments -servicesToVerify $VMObject.ServiceName ) -eq "True")
if ( ( isAllSSHPortsEnabled -DeployedServices $VMObject.ServiceName ) -eq "True" )
$mdStat = (RunLinuxCmd -username $VMObject.username -password $VMObject.password -ip $VMObject.PublicIP -port $VMObject.SSHPort -command "cat /proc/mdstat").Split("`n")
foreach ( $line in $mdStat )
if ( $line -imatch "active" )
$ActiveArray = $line.Trim().Replace(":","").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Split()[0]
LogMsg "Found active arry : $ActiveArray"
if ($line -imatch '/dev/')
$out = RunLinuxCmd -username $VMObject.username -password $VMObject.password -ip $VMObject.PublicIP -port $VMObject.SSHPort -command "mdadm --stop $ActiveArray" -runAsSudo
$out = RunLinuxCmd -username $VMObject.username -password $VMObject.password -ip $VMObject.PublicIP -port $VMObject.SSHPort -command "mdadm --stop /dev/$ActiveArray" -runAsSudo
Set-Content -Value "#!/bin/bash" -Path "$($VMObject.LogDir)\" -Force
Add-Content -Value "partprobe -s" -Path "$($VMObject.LogDir)\" -Force
Add-Content -Value "exit 0" -Path "$($VMObject.LogDir)\" -Force
RemoteCopy -uploadTo $VMObject.PublicIP -port $VMObject.SSHPort -files "$($VMObject.LogDir)\" -username $VMObject.username -password $VMObject.password -upload
Remove-Item -Path "$($VMObject.LogDir)\"
$out = RunLinuxCmd -username $VMObject.username -password $VMObject.password -ip $VMObject.PublicIP -port $VMObject.SSHPort -command "chmod +x *.sh" -runAsSudo
$out = RunLinuxCmd -username $VMObject.username -password $VMObject.password -ip $VMObject.PublicIP -port $VMObject.SSHPort -command "./" -runAsSudo
$dmesgBefore = GetKernelLogs -VMObject $VMObject
$totalDisks = $NewAttachedDiskNames.Split("^").Count
LogMsg "Creating raid of $totalDisks disks."
LogMsg "Disks : $RaidPartitions"
$createRaidOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $VMObject.username -password $VMObject.password -ip $VMObject.PublicIP -port $VMObject.SSHPort -command "./ -create yes -diskNames $($RaidPartitions.Replace(" ","^")) -totalDisks $totalDisks -RaidName $RaidName" -runAsSudo
LogMsg $createRaidOut -LinuxConsoleOuput
Add-Content -Value $createRaidOut -Path $LogPath -Force
$formatRaid = FormatPartition -VMObject $VMObject -PartitionName $RaidName -FileSystem ext4 -LogFilePath "$LogDir\FormatRaid.txt"
LogMsg (Get-Content "$LogDir\FormatRaid.txt") -LinuxConsoleOuput
$Out = RunLinuxCmd -username $VMObject.username -password $VMObject.password -ip $VMObject.PublicIP -port $VMObject.SSHPort -command "mkdir -p $RaidMountPoint" -runAsSudo
$Out = RunLinuxCmd -username $VMObject.username -password $VMObject.password -ip $VMObject.PublicIP -port $VMObject.SSHPort -command "mount -o nobarrier $RaidName $RaidMountPoint" -runAsSudo
#Perform the steps ONLY IF $PrevTestStatus flag is set to "PASS"
#$verifyRaid = VerifyIO -VMObject $VMObject -NewAttachedDiskName $RaidName -PrevTestStatus "PASS" -metaData "VerifyingIO on Raid Drive : $RaidName" -SkipCreatePartition
$ExitCode = "PASS"
LogErr "VM is not accessible after reboot. Further Tests will be aborted."
$ExitCode = "ABORTED"
LogErr "VM is not accessible after reboot. Further Tests will be aborted."
$ExitCode = "ABORTED"
elseif ( $PrevTestStatus -eq "FAIL" )
$ExitCode = "ABORTED"
LogMsg "Skipping TEST : $metaData due to previous failed test"
elseif ( $PrevTestStatus -eq "ABORTED" )
$ExitCode = "ABORTED"
LogMsg "Skipping TEST : $metaData due to previous Aborted test"
return $ExitCode
Function isLinuxProcessRunning ($VMObject, $ProcessName)
LogMsg "Verifying if $ProcessName is running.."
$psef = RunLinuxCmd -username $VMObject.username -password $VMObject.password -ip $VMObject.PublicIP -port $VMObject.SSHPort -command "ps -ef"
$foundProcesses = 0
foreach ( $line in $psef.Split("`n"))
if (( $line -imatch $ProcessName) -and !( $line -imatch "--color=auto"))
$foundProcesses += 1
$linuxUID = $line.Trim().Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Split(" ")[0]
$linuxPID = $line.Trim().Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Split(" ")[1]
$linuxPPID = $line.Trim().Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Split(" ")[2]
$linuxC = $line.Trim().Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Split(" ")[3]
$linuxSTIME = $line.Trim().Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Split(" ")[4]
$linuxTTY = $line.Trim().Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Split(" ")[5]
$linuxTIME = $line.Trim().Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Split(" ")[6]
$linuxCMD = $line.Trim().Replace("$linuxUID","").Replace("$linuxPID","").Replace("$linuxPPID","").Replace("$linuxC","").Replace("$linuxSTIME","").Replace("$linuxTTY","").Replace("$linuxTIME","").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ")
return $foundProcesses
Function VerifyRaidDiskFunctional($VMObject, $PrevTestStatus, $metaData, $RaidName, $RaidMountPoint)
#We don't need to write separate code here, just use VerifyIO function with Raid Mount directory.
if ( $PrevTestStatus -eq "PASS" )
LogMsg "Starting test $metaData"
$ExitCode = VerifyIO -VMObject $VMObject -NewAttachedDiskName $RaidName -PrevTestStatus $PrevTestStatus -metaData $metaData -mountPoint $RaidMountPoint -SkipCreatePartition -AlreadyMounted
elseif ( $PrevTestStatus -eq "FAIL" )
$ExitCode = "ABORTED"
LogMsg "Skipping TEST : $metaData due to previous failed test"
elseif ( $PrevTestStatus -eq "ABORTED" )
$ExitCode = "ABORTED"
LogMsg "Skipping TEST : $metaData due to previous Aborted test"
return $ExitCode
Function AttachDiskToAnotherVM($diskMediaLink, $PrevTestStatus, $metaData, $tempVMSize)
#We don't need to write separate code here, just use VerifyIO function with Raid Mount directory.
if ( $PrevTestStatus -eq "PASS" )
LogMsg "Starting test $metaData"
LogMsg "Deploying a temporary VM.."
$oldVMData = $allVMData
$tempVM = DeployVMS -setupType $tempVMSize -Distro $Distro -xmlConfig $xmlConfig
#$tempVM = "ICA-HS-SmallVM-U1404-9-23-18-48-58"
if ($tempVM)
$allVMData = GetAllDeployementData -DeployedServices $tempVM
$tempVM = $allVMData
$fdiskBefore = RunLinuxCmd -username $user -password $password -ip $tempVM.PublicIP -port $tempVM.SSHPort -command "$fdisk -l" -runAsSudo
$attachDiskStatus = RetryOperation -operation { Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $tempVM.ServiceName | Add-AzureDataDisk -ImportFrom -MediaLocation $diskMediaLink -LUN 0 -DiskLabel "TempDisk" -HostCaching ReadOnly | Update-AzureVM } -description "Attaching data disk $diskMediaLink to $($tempVM.ServiceName)"
if ($attachDiskStatus.OperationStatus -eq "Succeeded")
LogMsg "New Disk attached successfully"
$retryCount = 0
$maxRetryCount = 20
$diskNotDetected = $true
while ($diskNotDetected -and ($retryCount -lt $maxRetryCount))
$fdiskAfter = RunLinuxCmd -username $user -password $password -ip $tempVM.PublicIP -port $tempVM.SSHPort -command "$fdisk -l" -runAsSudo
if ( ( ( GetTotalPhysicalDisks -FdiskOutput $fdiskBefore ) + 1) -eq ( ( GetTotalPhysicalDisks -FdiskOutput $fdiskAfter ) ) )
LogMsg "New Disk detected successfully"
$diskNotDetected = $false
$retryCount += 1
if ($diskNotDetected)
LogErr "Disk not detected in VM. Aborting."
$ExitCode = "ABORTED"
$newDisk = GetNewPhysicalDiskNames -FdiskOutputBeforeAddingDisk $fdiskBefore -FdiskOutputAfterAddingDisk $fdiskAfter
$out = RunLinuxCmd -username $user -password $password -ip $tempVM.PublicIP -port $tempVM.SSHPort -command "mkdir -p /mnt/datadisk" -runAsSudo
$out = RunLinuxCmd -username $user -password $password -ip $tempVM.PublicIP -port $tempVM.SSHPort -command "mount -o nobarrier $newDisk`1 /mnt/datadisk" -runAsSudo
#RemoteCopy -uploadTo $tempVM.PublicIP -files "$LogDir\file_1GB.txt" -port $tempVM.SSHPort -username $user -password $password -upload
#$md5Out = RunLinuxCmd -username $user -password $password -ip $tempVM.PublicIP -port $tempVM.SSHPort -command "md5sum -c file_1GB.txt" -runAsSudo
$lsOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $user -password $password -ip $tempVM.PublicIP -port $tempVM.SSHPort -command "ls /mnt/datadisk" -runAsSudo
if ($lsOut -imatch "file_1GB")
$ExitCode = "PASS"
LogMsg "Data verified successfully"
$out = DeleteService -serviceName $tempVM.ServiceName
$ExitCode = "FAIL"
LogErr "Data verification failed"
LogMsg "Deleting service but keeping $diskMediaLink."
$out = DeleteService -serviceName $tempVM.ServiceName -KeepDisks
LogErr "Failed to attatch disk."
$ExitCode = "ABORTED"
$allVMData = $oldVMData
LogErr "Failed to deploy temporary VM."
$ExitCode = "ABORTED"
elseif ( $PrevTestStatus -eq "FAIL" )
$ExitCode = "ABORTED"
LogMsg "Skipping TEST : $metaData due to previous failed test"
elseif ( $PrevTestStatus -eq "ABORTED" )
$ExitCode = "ABORTED"
LogMsg "Skipping TEST : $metaData due to previous Aborted test"
return $ExitCode
Function WriteDataOnSingleDisk($VMObject, $diskName, $PrevTestStatus, $metaData)
$ExitCode = "ABORTED"
if ( $PrevTestStatus -eq "PASS" )
LogMsg "Starting test $metaData"
$out = RunLinuxCmd -username $VMObject.username -password $VMObject.password -ip $VMObject.PublicIP -port $VMObject.SSHPort -command "mkdir -p /mnt/datadisk" -runAsSudo
$partitionName = CreatePartitionOnDisk -VMObject $VMObject -diskName $diskName -LogFilePath "$($VMObject.LogDir)\PartitionDisk.txt" -isItForRaid "no"
if ($partitionName[0])
$mdStat = (RunLinuxCmd -username $VMObject.username -password $VMObject.password -ip $VMObject.PublicIP -port $VMObject.SSHPort -command "cat /proc/mdstat").Split("`n")
foreach ( $line in $mdStat )
if ( $line -imatch "active" )
$ActiveArray = $line.Trim().Replace(":","").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Replace(" "," ").Split()[0]
LogMsg "Found active arry : $ActiveArray"
if ($line -imatch '/dev/')
$out = RunLinuxCmd -username $VMObject.username -password $VMObject.password -ip $VMObject.PublicIP -port $VMObject.SSHPort -command "mdadm --stop $ActiveArray" -runAsSudo
$out = RunLinuxCmd -username $VMObject.username -password $VMObject.password -ip $VMObject.PublicIP -port $VMObject.SSHPort -command "mdadm --stop /dev/$ActiveArray" -runAsSudo
$formatPartition = FormatPartition -VMObject $VMObject -PartitionName $partitionName[1] -FileSystem "ext4" -LogFilePath "$($VMObject.LogDir)\FormatDisk.txt"
$out = RunLinuxCmd -username $VMObject.username -password $VMObject.password -ip $VMObject.PublicIP -port $VMObject.SSHPort -command "mount -o nobarrier $($partitionName[1]) /mnt/datadisk" -runAsSudo
LogMSg "Writing a 1GB file on data disk.."
$ddOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $VMObject.username -password $VMObject.password -ip $VMObject.PublicIP -port $VMObject.SSHPort -command "dd if=/dev/zero bs=1024 count=1000000 of=/mnt/datadisk/file_1GB" -runAsSudo -runMaxAllowedTime 1200
#LogMSg "Calculating MD5 of file.."
#$Out = RunLinuxCmd -username $VMObject.username -password $VMObject.password -ip $VMObject.PublicIP -port $VMObject.SSHPort -command "md5sum /mnt/datadisk/file_1GB > file_1GB.txt" -runAsSudo -runMaxAllowedTime 1200
#RemoteCopy -downloadFrom $VMObject.PublicIP -port $VMObject.SSHPort -files "file_1GB.txt" -username $user -password $password -download -downloadTo $LogDir
$out = RunLinuxCmd -username $VMObject.username -password $VMObject.password -ip $VMObject.PublicIP -port $VMObject.SSHPort -command "umount /mnt/datadisk" -runAsSudo
$ExitCode = "PASS"
LogErr "Failed to format $diskName"
elseif ( $PrevTestStatus -eq "FAIL" )
$ExitCode = "ABORTED"
LogMsg "Skipping TEST : $metaData due to previous failed test"
elseif ( $PrevTestStatus -eq "ABORTED" )
$ExitCode = "ABORTED"
LogMsg "Skipping TEST : $metaData due to previous Aborted test"
return $ExitCode
Function DeallocateVM($VMObject, $PrevTestStatus, $metaData)
$ExitCode = "ABORTED"
if ( $PrevTestStatus -eq "PASS" )
LogMsg "Starting test $metaData"
$DeallocateResult = RetryOperation -operation { $stopVM = Stop-AzureVM -Name $VMObject.RoleName -ServiceName $VMObject.ServiceName -Force -Verbose; return $stopVM.OperationStatus } -expectResult "Succeeded" -description "Deallocating VM $($VMObject.RoleName)" -maxRetryCount 10 -retryInterval 10
if ($DeallocateResult -eq "Succeeded")
$ExitCode = "PASS"
LogMsg "Deallocated successfully."
LogErr "Failed to deallocate"
$ExitCode = "FAIL"
elseif ( $PrevTestStatus -eq "FAIL" )
$ExitCode = "ABORTED"
LogMsg "Skipping TEST : $metaData due to previous failed test"
elseif ( $PrevTestStatus -eq "ABORTED" )
$ExitCode = "ABORTED"
LogMsg "Skipping TEST : $metaData due to previous Aborted test"
return $ExitCode
Function RemoveDataDisks($VMObject, [switch]$oneByOne, [switch]$allAtOnce, $LUNs, [switch]$DeleteVHD, $PrevTestStatus, $metaData)
$ExitCode = "ABORTED"
if ( $PrevTestStatus -eq "PASS" )
LogMsg "Starting test $metaData"
$fdiskBefore = RunLinuxCmd -username $user -password $password -ip $VMObject.PublicIP -port $VMObject.SSHPort -command "$fdisk -l" -runAsSudo
if ($allAtOnce)
$removeDiskCommand = "Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $($VMObject.ServiceName) -Name $($VMObject.RoleName)"
foreach ($LUN in $LUNs)
$removeDiskCommand += " | Remove-AzureDataDisk -LUN $LUN -DeleteVHD"
$removeDiskCommand += " | Update-AzureVM -Verbose"
$removeDiskResult = RetryOperation -operation { $stopVM = Invoke-Expression -Command $removeDiskCommand ; return $stopVM.OperationStatus } -expectResult "Succeeded" -description "Removing $($LUNs.count) data disks from $($VMObject.RoleName)" -maxRetryCount 10 -retryInterval 10
if ($removeDiskResult -eq "Succeeded")
WaitFor -seconds 10
LogMsg "All Disks detached successfully."
LogMsg "Checking if VM is alive or not..."
$isVMAlive = RetryOperation -operation { Test-TCP -testIP $VMObject.PublicIP -testport $VMObject.SSHPort } -description "Checking availiblility of SSH port of VM $($VMObject.RoleName).." -expectResult "True" -maxRetryCount 100 -retryInterval 10
if ( $isVMAlive -eq "True")
$retryCount = 0
$maxRetryCount = 20
$disksVisibleinVM = $true
while ( $disksVisibleinVM -and ($retryCount -lt $maxRetryCount))
$fdiskAfter = RunLinuxCmd -username $user -password $password -ip $VMObject.PublicIP -port $VMObject.SSHPort -command "$fdisk -l" -runAsSudo
$disksBefore = (GetTotalPhysicalDisks -FdiskOutput $fdiskBefore)
$disksAfter = ( GetTotalPhysicalDisks -FdiskOutput $fdiskAfter)
LogMsg "Disks Expected in VM : $($disksBefore - $LUNs.Count) "
LogMsg "Disks Visible in VM : $disksAfter"
if ( $disksAfter -eq ( $disksBefore - $LUNs.Count) )
LogMsg "All disks removed from VM."
$disksVisibleinVM = $false
if ( $disksVisibleinVM )
$ExitCode = "FAIL"
LogErr "$($disksAfter - ( $disksBefore - $LUNs.Count)) extra disks are still visible in VM."
$ExitCode = "PASS"
LogErr "SSH port is not working after removing data disks."
$ExitCode = "FAIL"
LogErr "Failed to remove disks."
$ExitCode = "FAIL"
elseif ( $PrevTestStatus -eq "FAIL" )
$ExitCode = "ABORTED"
LogMsg "Skipping TEST : $metaData due to previous failed test"
elseif ( $PrevTestStatus -eq "ABORTED" )
$ExitCode = "ABORTED"
LogMsg "Skipping TEST : $metaData due to previous Aborted test"
return $ExitCode
Import-Module .\TestLibs\RDFELibs.psm1 -Force
$Subtests= $currentTestData.SubtestValues
$SubtestValues = $Subtests.Split(",")
$FinalresultArr = @()
$FinalResult = ""
$RaidName = "/dev/md1"
$RaidMountPoint = "/mnt/RaidVolume"
foreach ($vmSize in $currentTestData.SubtestValues.Split(","))
$result = ""
$testResult = ""
$resultArr = @()
LogMsg "-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-="
$isDeployed = DeployVMS -setupType $vmSize -Distro $Distro -xmlConfig $xmlConfig
#$isDeployed = "ICA-HS-D1V2DISK2-U1404-9-23-15-30-35"
$AllVMData = GetAllDeployementData -DeployedServices $isDeployed
$hs1VIP = $AllVMData.PublicIP
$hs1vm1sshport = $AllVMData.SSHPort
$hs1ServiceUrl = $AllVMData.URL
$hs1vm1InternalIP = $AllVMData.InternalIP
$hs1vm1Hostname = $AllVMData.RoleName
$VMObject = CreateTestVMNode -ServiceName $isDeployed -PublicIP $hs1VIP -SSHPort $hs1vm1sshport -username $user -password $password -URL $hs1ServiceUrl -logDir $LogDir -RoleName $hs1vm1Hostname -InternalIP $hs1vm1InternalIP
RemoteCopy -uploadTo $hs1VIP -port $hs1vm1sshport -files $currentTestData.files -username $user -password $password -upload
$out = RunLinuxCmd -username $VMObject.username -password $VMObject.password -ip $VMObject.PublicIP -port $VMObject.SSHPort -command "chmod +x *.sh" -runAsSudo
$testResult = "PASS"
foreach ($currentTask in $currentTestData.Tasks.Split(","))
#Make $testResult = $Null
$PrevTestResult = $testResult
$testResult = $null
switch ($currentTask.Trim())
"manual" #Do manual work if necessory.
LogMsg "Manual override started.."
$ManualWork = $null
While ( !$ManualWork )
$ManualWork = Read-Host -Prompt "Please tell, what you are trying to do in one line"
$metaData = $ManualWork
LogMsg "Please complete your manual work."
LogMsg "ssh $user@$hs1ServiceUrl -p $hs1vm1sshport"
$isManaulWorkDone = $null
While ( !( $isManaulWorkDone -eq "YES" ) -and !( $isManaulWorkDone -eq "NO" ) )
$isManaulWorkDone = Read-Host -Prompt "Did you finished your work? [YES/NO]"
if ( $isManaulWorkDone -eq "YES" )
$ProceedForAutomation = $null
While ( !( $ProceedForAutomation -eq "YES" ) -and !( $ProceedForAutomation -eq "NO" ) )
$ProceedForAutomation = Read-Host -Prompt "Can Automation proceed? [YES/NO]"
if ( $ProceedForAutomation -eq "YES")
$testResult = "PASS"
$StopAutomationReason = $null
While ( !$StopAutomationReason )
$StopAutomationReason = Read-Host -Prompt "Please tell, why automation should stop in one line."
$testResult = "FAIL"
$manualWorkNotDoneReason = $null
While ( !$manualWorkNotDoneReason )
$manualWorkNotDoneReason = Read-Host -Prompt "Please tell, why manual work is not completed in one line."
$testResult = "ABORTED"
"verifyAllDisks" #Deploy and Verify attached disks.
$metaData = "$vmSize $currentTask"
mkdir "$LogDir\$metaData" -Force | Out-Null
$VMObject.LogDir = "$LogDir\$metaData"
$VerifyPreAttachedDisksResult = VerifyAttachedDisks -VMObject $VMObject -PrevTestStatus "PASS" -metaData $metaData
$testResult = $VerifyPreAttachedDisksResult[0]
$PreAttachedDisks = $VerifyPreAttachedDisksResult[1]
"verifyStopVM" #Install LIS4
$metaData = "$vmSize $currentTask"
mkdir "$LogDir\$metaData" -Force | Out-Null
$VMObject.LogDir = "$LogDir\$metaData"
$testResult = verifyStopVM -VMObject $VMObject -PrevTestStatus $PrevTestResult -metaData $metaData
"verifyRestartVM" #Install LIS4
$metaData = "$vmSize $currentTask"
mkdir "$LogDir\$metaData" -Force | Out-Null
$VMObject.LogDir = "$LogDir\$metaData"
$testResult = verifyRestartVM -VMObject $VMObject -PrevTestStatus $PrevTestResult -metaData $metaData
"verifyCreateRaid" #Create RAID on partitions previously not formatted
$metaData = "$vmSize $currentTask"
mkdir "$LogDir\$metaData" -Force | Out-Null
$VMObject.LogDir = "$LogDir\$metaData"
$RaidResult = CreateRAIDOnPartitionsNotFormatted -VMObject $VMObject -NewAttachedDiskNames $PreAttachedDisks -PrevTestStatus $PrevTestResult -RaidName $RaidName -RaidMountPoint $RaidMountPoint -metaData $metaData -DoNotStopRaid
$testResult = $RaidResult
"verifyRaidIO" # Verify RAID/disks functional
$metaData = "$vmSize $currentTask"
mkdir "$LogDir\$metaData" -Force | Out-Null
$VMObject.LogDir = "$LogDir\$metaData"
$testResult = VerifyRaidDiskFunctional -VMObject $VMObject -PrevTestStatus $PrevTestResult -RaidName $RaidName -RaidMountPoint $RaidMountPoint -metaData $metaData
$out = StopRaidArry -VMObject $VMObject -RaidName $RaidName
"WriteDataOnSingleDisk" # Verify RAID/disks functional
$metaData = "$vmSize $currentTask"
mkdir "$LogDir\$metaData" -Force | Out-Null
$VMObject.LogDir = "$LogDir\$metaData"
$AttachedDiskLunCount = $PreAttachedDisks.Split("^").Count
$diskToRemove = RetryOperation -operation { Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $VMObject.ServiceName | Get-AzureDataDisk -Lun ($AttachedDiskLunCount-1) } -description "Getting disk details from LUN : $($AttachedDiskLunCount-1)..."
$diskNameToRemove = $PreAttachedDisks.Split("^")[($AttachedDiskLunCount-1)]
foreach ($currentDiskName in $PreAttachedDisks.Split("^"))
LogMsg "Writing files on $currentDiskName"
$testResult = WriteDataOnSingleDisk -VMObject $VMObject -PrevTestStatus $PrevTestResult -diskName $currentDiskName -metaData $metaData
"DetachSingleDisk" #Run sysbench IO test on RAID volume
$metaData = "$vmSize $currentTask"
mkdir "$LogDir\$metaData" -Force | Out-Null
$testResult = DetachDataDisk -VMObject $VMObject -LUN ($AttachedDiskLunCount-1) -PrevTestStatus $PrevTestResult -metaData $metaData
"verifyAttachDiskToAnotherVM" # Upgrade kernel
if ($vmSize -imatch "D1V2")
$tempVMSize = "D1V2"
elseif ($vmSize -imatch "D2V2")
$tempVMSize = "D2V2"
elseif ($vmSize -imatch "D3V2")
$tempVMSize = "D3V2"
elseif ($vmSize -imatch "D4V2")
$tempVMSize = "D4V2"
elseif ($vmSize -imatch "D5V2")
$tempVMSize = "D5V2"
elseif ($vmSize -imatch "D11V2")
$tempVMSize = "D11V2"
elseif ($vmSize -imatch "D12V2")
$tempVMSize = "D12V2"
elseif ($vmSize -imatch "D13V2")
$tempVMSize = "D13V2"
elseif ($vmSize -imatch "D14V2")
$tempVMSize = "D14V2"
$metaData = "$vmSize $currentTask"
mkdir "$LogDir\$metaData" -Force | Out-Null
$VMObject.LogDir = "$LogDir\$metaData"
$testResult = AttachDiskToAnotherVM -PrevTestStatus $PrevTestResult -metaData $metaData -diskMediaLink $diskToRemove.MediaLink -tempVMSize $tempVMSize
"verifyDeallocateVM" # Upgrade kernel
$metaData = "$vmSize $currentTask"
mkdir "$LogDir\$metaData" -Force | Out-Null
$VMObject.LogDir = "$LogDir\$metaData"
$testResult = DeallocateVM -VMObject $VMObject -PrevTestStatus $PrevTestResult -metaData $metaData
"verifyRootDisk" # Upgrade kernel
$metaData = "$vmSize $currentTask"
LogMsg "STARTING TEST : $currentTask"
mkdir "$LogDir\$metaData" -Force | Out-Null
$VMObject.LogDir = "$LogDir\$metaData"
$testResult = VerifyIO -VMObject $VMObject -NewAttachedDiskName "/dev/sda" -PrevTestStatus $PrevTestResult -metaData $metaData -mountPoint "/home/$user" -SkipCreatePartition -AlreadyMounted -DoNotUnmount
"verifyRemoveDisks" # Upgrade kernel
$metaData = "$vmSize $currentTask"
mkdir "$LogDir\$metaData" -Force | Out-Null
$VMObject.LogDir = "$LogDir\$metaData"
$LUNs = @()
$dataDisks = Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $VMObject.ServiceName -Name $VMObject.RoleName | Get-AzureDataDisk -Verbose
foreach ($disk in $dataDisks)
$LUNs += $disk.Lun
$testResult = RemoveDataDisks -VMObject $VMObject -allAtOnce -LUNs $LUNs -DeleteVHD $PrevTestResult -metaData $metaData
$ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
LogMsg "EXCEPTION : $ErrorMessage"
if (!$testResult)
$testResult = "Aborted"
$resultArr += $testResult
$resultSummary += CreateResultSummary -testResult $testResult -metaData "$vmSize : $currentTask" -checkValues "PASS,FAIL,ABORTED" -testName $currentTestData.testName# if you want to publish all result then give here all test status possibilites. if you want just failed results, then give here just "FAIL". You can use any combination of PASS FAIL ABORTED and corresponding test results will be published!
$result = GetFinalResultHeader -resultarr $resultArr
$FinalresultArr += $result
DoTestCleanUp -result $result -testName $currentTestData.testName -deployedServices $isDeployed -SkipVerifyKernelLogs
$testResult = "Aborted"
LogMsg "Skipping cleanup due to failed deployment."
$FinalresultArr += $testResult
$resultSummary += CreateResultSummary -testResult $testResult -metaData "$vmSize : DeployVM" -checkValues "PASS,FAIL,ABORTED" -testName $currentTestData.testName
#Clean up the setup
$FinalResult = GetFinalResultHeader -resultarr $FinalresultArr
#Return the result and summery to the test suite script..
return $FinalResult,$resultSummary