94 строки
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94 строки
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Import-Module .\TestLibs\RDFELibs.psm1 -Force
$Subtests= $currentTestData.SubtestValues
$SubtestValues = $Subtests.Split(",")
$testResult = ""
$result = ""
$resultArr = @()
$isDeployed = DeployVMS -setupType $currentTestData.setupType -Distro $Distro -xmlConfig $xmlConfig
if ($isDeployed)
foreach ($VMdata in $allVMData)
if ($VMdata.RoleName -imatch $currentTestData.setupType)
$hs1VIP = $VMdata.PublicIP
$hs1vm1sshport = $VMdata.SSHPort
$hs1vm1tcpport = $VMdata.TCPtestPort
$hs1vm1udpport = $VMdata.UDPtestPort
$hs1ServiceUrl = $VMdata.URL
elseif ($VMdata.RoleName -imatch "DTAP")
$dtapServerIp = $VMdata.PublicIP
$dtapServerSshport = $VMdata.SSHPort
$dtapServerTcpport = $VMdata.TCPtestPort
$dtapServerUdpport = $VMdata.UDPtestPort
LogMsg "Test Machine : $hs1VIP : $hs1vm1sshport"
LogMsg "DTAP Machine : $dtapServerIp : $hs1vm1sshport"
$iperfTimeoutSeconds = $currentTestData.iperfTimeoutSeconds
$client = CreateIperfNode -nodeIp $dtapServerIp -nodeSshPort $dtapServerSshport -nodeTcpPort $dtapServerTcpport -nodeIperfCmd $cmd1 -user $user -password $password -files $currentTestData.files -logDir $LogDir
$server = CreateIperfNode -nodeIp $hs1VIP -nodeSshPort $hs1vm1sshport -nodeTcpPort $hs1vm1tcpport -nodeIperfCmd $cmd2 -user $user -password $password -files $currentTestData.files -logDir $LogDir
foreach ($Value in $SubtestValues)
mkdir $LogDir\$Value -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | out-null
foreach ($mode in $currentTestData.TestMode.Split(","))
$testResult = $null
RemoteCopy -uploadTo $hs1VIP -port $hs1vm1sshport -files $currentTestData.files -username $user -password $password -upload
RemoteCopy -uploadTo $dtapServerIp -port $dtapServerSshport -files $currentTestData.files -username $user -password $password -upload
$suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $user -password $password -ip $hs1VIP -port $hs1vm1sshport -command "chmod +x *.py && rm -rf *.txt *.log" -runAsSudo
$suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $user -password $password -ip $dtapServerIp -port $dtapServerSshport -command "chmod +x *.py && rm -rf *.txt *.log" -runAsSudo
mkdir $LogDir\$Value\$mode -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | out-null
$server.cmd = "$python_cmd start-server.py -p $hs1vm1udpport -u yes && mv Runtime.log start-server.py.log -f"
if(($mode -eq "IP") -or ($mode -eq "VIP") -or ($mode -eq "DIP"))
$client.cmd = "$python_cmd start-client.py -c $hs1VIP -i1 -p $hs1vm1udpport -t$iperfTimeoutSeconds -u yes -l $Value"
if(($mode -eq "URL") -or ($mode -eq "Hostname")){
$client.cmd = "$python_cmd start-client.py -c $hs1ServiceUrl -i1 -p $hs1vm1udpport -t$iperfTimeoutSeconds -u yes -l $Value"
LogMsg "Test Started for UDP Datagram Size $Value in $mode mode.."
$server.logDir = $LogDir + "\$Value\$mode"
$client.logDir = $LogDir + "\$Value\$mode"
$testResult = IperfClientServerUDPDatagramTest $server $client
LogMsg "$($currentTestData.testName) : $Value : $mode : $testResult"
$ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
LogMsg "EXCEPTION : $ErrorMessage"
$metaData = $Value + " : " + $mode
if (!$testResult)
$testResult = "Aborted"
$resultArr += $testResult
$resultSummary += CreateResultSummary -testResult $testResult -metaData $metaData -checkValues "PASS,FAIL,ABORTED" -testName $currentTestData.testName# if you want to publish all result then give here all test status possibilites. if you want just failed results, then give here just "FAIL". You can use any combination of PASS FAIL ABORTED and corresponding test results will be published!
$testResult = "Aborted"
$resultArr += $testResult
$result = GetFinalResultHeader -resultarr $resultArr
#Clean up the setup
DoTestCleanUp -result $result -testName $currentTestData.testName -deployedServices $isDeployed -ResourceGroups $isDeployed
#Return the result and summery to the test suite script..
return $result,$resultSummary