
163 строки
7.5 KiB

Import-Module .\TestLibs\RDFELibs.psm1 -Force
$result = ""
$testResult = ""
$resultArr = @()
$isDeployed = DeployVMS -setupType $currentTestData.setupType -Distro $Distro -xmlConfig $xmlConfig
if ($isDeployed)
$hsNames = $isDeployed.Split("^")
$hs1Name = $hsNames[0]
$hs2Name = $hsNames[1]
$testServiceData = Get-AzureService -ServiceName $hs1Name
$dtapServiceData = Get-AzureService -ServiceName $hs2Name
#Extract Test VM Data
$testVMsinService = $testServiceData | Get-AzureVM
$hs1vm1 = $testVMsinService[0]
$hs1vm1Endpoints = $hs1vm1 | Get-AzureEndpoint
$hs1VIP = $hs1vm1Endpoints[0].Vip
$hs1ServiceUrl = $hs1vm1.DNSName
$hs1ServiceUrl = $hs1ServiceUrl.Replace("http://","")
$hs1ServiceUrl = $hs1ServiceUrl.Replace("/","")
$hs1vm1IP = $hs1vm1.IpAddress
$hs1vm1Hostname = $hs1vm1.InstanceName
$hs1vm2 = $testVMsinService[1]
$hs1vm2Endpoints = $hs1vm2 | Get-AzureEndpoint
$hs1vm2IP = $hs1vm2.IpAddress
$hs1vm2Hostname = $hs1vm2.InstanceName
$hs1vm1tcpport = GetPort -Endpoints $hs1vm1Endpoints -usage tcp
$hs1vm2tcpport = GetPort -Endpoints $hs1vm2Endpoints -usage tcp
$hs1vm1sshport = GetPort -Endpoints $hs1vm1Endpoints -usage ssh
$hs1vm2sshport = GetPort -Endpoints $hs1vm2Endpoints -usage ssh
$hs1vm1ProbePort = GetProbePort -Endpoints $hs1vm1Endpoints -usage TCPtest
$hs1vm2ProbePort = GetProbePort -Endpoints $hs1vm2Endpoints -usage TCPtest
#Extract DTAP VM data
$dtapServer = $dtapServiceData | Get-AzureVM
$dtapServerEndpoints = $dtapServer | Get-AzureEndpoint
$dtapServerIp = $dtapServerEndpoints[0].Vip
$dtapServerUrl = $dtapServer.DNSName
$dtapServerUrl = $dtapServerUrl.Replace("http://","")
$dtapServerUrl = $dtapServerUrl.Replace("/","")
$dtapServerTcpport = GetPort -Endpoints $dtapServerEndpoints -usage tcp
$dtapServerUdpport = GetPort -Endpoints $dtapServerEndpoints -usage udp
$dtapServerSshport = GetPort -Endpoints $dtapServerEndpoints -usage ssh
LogMsg "Test Machine 1 : $hs1VIP : $hs1vm1sshport"
LogMsg "Test Machine 2 : $hs1VIP : $hs1vm2sshport"
LogMsg "DTAP Machine : $dtapServerIp : $hs1vm1sshport"
$cmd1="./ -p $hs1vm1tcpport && mv Runtime.log -f"
$cmd2="./ -p $hs1vm2tcpport && mv Runtime.log -f"
$server1 = CreateIperfNode -nodeIp $hs1VIP -nodeSshPort $hs1vm1sshport -nodeTcpPort $hs1vm1tcpport -nodeIperfCmd $cmd1 -user $user -password $password -files $currentTestData.files -logDir $LogDir -nodeDip $hs1vm1.IpAddress
$server2 = CreateIperfNode -nodeIp $hs1VIP -nodeSshPort $hs1vm2sshport -nodeTcpPort $hs1vm2tcpport -nodeIperfCmd $cmd2 -user $user -password $password -files $currentTestData.files -logDir $LogDir -nodeDip $hs1vm2.IpAddress
$client = CreateIperfNode -nodeIp $dtapServerIp -nodeSshPort $dtapServerSshport -nodeTcpPort $dtapServerTcpport -nodeIperfCmd $cmd3 -user $user -password $password -files $currentTestData.files -logDir $LogDir
$resultArr = @()
$result = "", ""
$Value = 2
foreach ($mode in $currentTestData.TestMode.Split(","))
mkdir $LogDir\$mode -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | out-null
$testResult = $null
LogMsg "Starting test for $Value parallel connections in $mode mode.."
LogMsg "Trying to access non defined TCP port ... $hs1vm1tcpport."
if(($mode -eq "IP") -or ($mode -eq "VIP") -or ($mode -eq "DIP"))
{#.........................................................................Client command will decided according to TestMode....
$cmd3="./ -c $hs1VIP -p $hs1vm1tcpport -t20 -P$Value"
if(($mode -eq "URL") -or ($mode -eq "Hostname"))
$cmd3="./ -c $hs1ServiceUrl -p $hs1vm1tcpport -t20 -P$Value"
$client.cmd = $cmd3
mkdir $LogDir\$mode\Server1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | out-null
mkdir $LogDir\$mode\Server2 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | out-null
$server1.logDir = "$LogDir\$mode\Server1"
$server2.logDir = "$LogDir\$mode\Server2"
$client.logDir = $LogDir + "\$mode"
$client.cmd = $cmd3
RemoteCopy -uploadTo $server1.ip -port $server1.sshPort -files $server1.files -username $server1.user -password $server1.password -upload
RemoteCopy -uploadTo $server2.Ip -port $server2.sshPort -files $server2.files -username $server2.user -password $server2.password -upload
RemoteCopy -uploadTo $client.Ip -port $client.sshPort -files $client.files -username $client.user -password $client.password -upload
$suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $server2.user -password $server2.password -ip $server2.ip -port $server2.sshPort -command "chmod +x *.py" -runAsSudo
$suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $server1.user -password $server1.password -ip $server1.ip -port $server1.sshPort -command "chmod +x *.py" -runAsSudo
$suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $client.user -password $client.password -ip $client.ip -port $client.sshPort -command "chmod +x *.py" -runAsSudo
$suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $server1.user -password $server1.password -ip $server1.ip -port $server1.sshport -command "echo Test Started > iperf-server.txt" -runAsSudo
$suppressedOut = RunLinuxCmd -username $server2.user -password $server2.password -ip $server2.ip -port $server2.sshPort -command "echo Test Started > iperf-server.txt" -runAsSudo
StartIperfServer $server1
StartIperfServer $server2
$isServer1Started = IsIperfServerStarted $server1
$isServer2Started = IsIperfServerStarted $server2
if(($isServer1Started -eq $true) -and ($isServer2Started -eq $true))
LogMsg "Iperf Server1 and Server2 started successfully. Listening TCP port $($client.tcpPort) for probe messages..."
#>>>On confirmation, of server starting, wait 30 seconds for probe messages
WaitFor -seconds 30
$server1State = IsIperfServerRunning $server1
$server2State = IsIperfServerRunning $server2
if(($server1State -eq $true) -or ($server2State -eq $true))
LogErr ".. whoa, whoa, whoa.!!. Server got some connections messages. THATS NOT EXPECTED."
LogMsg "Please check out the logs.."
$testResult = "FAIL"
LogMsg "Test Finished..!"
$testResult = "PASS"
LogErr "Unable to start iperf-server. Aborting test."
RemoteCopy -download -downloadFrom $server1.ip -files "/home/$user/iperf-server.txt" -downloadTo $server1.LogDir -port $server1.sshPort -username $server1.user -password $server1.password
RemoteCopy -download -downloadFrom $server2.ip -files "/home/$user/iperf-server.txt" -downloadTo $server2.LogDir -port $server2.sshPort -username $server2.user -password $server2.password
$testResult = "Aborted"
LogMsg "Test Finished, result is $testResult"
$ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
LogErr "EXCEPTION : $ErrorMessage"
$metaData = " tcpport used : $hs1vm1tcpport "
if (!$testResult)
$testResult = "Aborted"
$resultArr += $testResult
$resultSummary += CreateResultSummary -testResult $testResult -metaData $metaData -checkValues "PASS,FAIL,ABORTED" -testName $currentTestData.testName# if you want to publish all result then give here all test status possibilites. if you want just failed results, then give here just "FAIL". You can use any combination of PASS FAIL ABORTED and corresponding test results will be published!
$testResult = "Aborted"
$resultArr += $testResult
$result = GetFinalResultHeader -resultarr $resultArr
#Clean up the setup
DoTestCleanUp -result $result -testName $currentTestData.testName -deployedServices $isDeployed
#Return the result and summery to the test suite script..
return $result,$resultSummary