185 строки
8.4 KiB
185 строки
8.4 KiB
<#-------------Create Deployment Start------------------#>
Import-Module .\TestLibs\RDFELibs.psm1 -Force
$result = ""
$testResult = ""
$resultArr = @()
$passwd = $password.Replace('"','')
$isDeployed = DeployVMS -setupType $currentTestData.setupType -Distro $Distro -xmlConfig $xmlConfig
if ($isDeployed)
$testServiceData = Get-AzureService -ServiceName $isDeployed
#Get VMs deployed in the service..
$testVMsinService = $testServiceData | Get-AzureVM
if($currentTestData.E2ESetupCmdLineArgument -imatch "singleVM_setup")
write-host "Preparing WordPress SingleVM Setup"
$hs1vm1 = $testVMsinService
$hs1vm1Endpoints = $hs1vm1 | Get-AzureEndpoint
$hs1vm1sshport = GetPort -Endpoints $hs1vm1Endpoints -usage ssh
$hs1VIP = $hs1vm1Endpoints[0].Vip
$wordpressUrl = $hs1vm1.DNSName+"wordpress/wp-admin/install.php"
$hs1ServiceUrl = $hs1vm1.DNSName
$hs1ServiceUrl = $hs1ServiceUrl.Replace("http://","")
$hs1ServiceUrl = $hs1ServiceUrl.Replace("/","")
$hs1vm1Hostname = $hs1vm1.Name
"#all the IPs should be Internal ips `n<username>$user</username>`n<password>$passwd</password>" > 'wordpress_install.XML'
# Uploading files into VM
$out = RemoteCopy -uploadTo $hs1VIP -port $hs1vm1sshport -files "wordpress_install.XML" -username $user -password $password -upload 2>&1 | Out-Null
# Uploading files into VM
$out = RemoteCopy -uploadTo $hs1VIP -port $hs1vm1sshport -files $currentTestData.files -username $user -password $password -upload 2>&1 | Out-Null
# Assiging Permissions to uploaded files into VM
$out = RunLinuxCmd -username $user -password $password -ip $hs1VIP -port $hs1vm1sshport -command "chmod +x *" -runAsSudo 2>&1 | Out-Null
# Converting the file from UTF-16 to ASCII
$out = RunLinuxCmd -username $user -password $password -ip $hs1VIP -port $hs1vm1sshport -command "iconv -f UTF-16 -t ASCII wordpress_install.XML > wordpress_install.XML.tmp ; mv -f wordpress_install.XML.tmp wordpress_install.XML" -runAsSudo 2>&1 | Out-Null
LogMsg "Executing : $($currentTestData.testScript)"
# Wordpress installation on E2ESingleVM"
Write-host "#################################################################################################"
Write-host ""
Write-host "Wordpress installation has been started on E2ESingleVM..." -foregroundcolor "magenta"
Write-host "It will take more than 20 minutes and may even take more time depending on internet speed." -foregroundcolor "magenta"
Write-host ""
Write-host "#################################################################################################"
# Wordpress Setup file is executing on E2ESingleVM"
$out = RunLinuxCmd -username $user -password $password -ip $hs1VIP -port $hs1vm1sshport -command " python $($currentTestData.testScript) singleVM_setup 2>&1 > print.log" -runAssudo -ignoreLinuxExitCode -runmaxallowedtime 3600 2>&1 | Out-Null
# Downloading the files VM
RemoteCopy -download -downloadFrom $hs1VIP -files "/home/$user/wdp_test.txt , /home/$user/logs.tar.gz" -downloadTo $LogDir -port $hs1vm1sshport -username $user -password $password 2>&1 | Out-Null
elseif($currentTestData.E2ESetupCmdLineArgument -imatch "loadbalancer_setup")
write-host "Preparing WordPress FourVM Setup"
$hs1bkvm = $testVMsinService[0]
$hs1fe1vm1 = $testVMsinService[1]
$hs1fe2vm2 = $testVMsinService[2]
$hs1fe3vm3 = $testVMsinService[3]
$hs1bkvmEndpoints = $hs1bkvm | Get-AzureEndpoint
$hs1bkvmsshport = GetPort -Endpoints $hs1bkvmEndpoints -usage ssh
$hs1VIP = $hs1bkvmEndpoints.Vip
$wordpressUrl = $hs1bkvm.DNSName+"wordpress/wp-admin/install.php"
$hs1ServiceUrl = $hs1bkvm.DNSName
$hs1ServiceUrl = $hs1ServiceUrl.Replace("http://","")
$hs1ServiceUrl = $hs1ServiceUrl.Replace("/","")
$bkendip = $hs1bkvm.Ipaddress.ToString()
$fe1ip = $hs1fe1vm1.Ipaddress.ToString()
$fe2ip = $hs1fe2vm2.Ipaddress.ToString()
$fe3ip = $hs1fe3vm3.Ipaddress.ToString()
#Preparation of wordpress install xml file
"#all the IPs should be Internal ips `n<back_endVM_ip>$bkendip</back_endVM_ip>`n<front_endVM_ips>$fe1ip $fe2ip $fe3ip</front_endVM_ips>`n<username>$user</username>`n<password>$passwd</password>" > 'wordpress_install.XML'
# Uploading xml file into VM
$out = RemoteCopy -uploadTo $hs1VIP -port $hs1bkvmsshport -files "wordpress_install.XML" -username $user -password $password -upload 2>&1 | Out-Null
# Uploading files into VM
$out = RemoteCopy -uploadTo $hs1VIP -port $hs1bkvmsshport -files $currentTestData.files -username $user -password $password -upload 2>&1 | Out-Null
# Assiging Permissions to uploaded files into VM
$out = RunLinuxCmd -username $user -password $password -ip $hs1VIP -port $hs1bkvmsshport -command "chmod 777 *.XML" -runAsSudo 2>&1 | Out-Null
# Converting the file from UTF-16 to ASCII
$out = RunLinuxCmd -username $user -password $password -ip $hs1VIP -port $hs1bkvmsshport -command "iconv -f UTF-16 -t ASCII wordpress_install.XML > wordpress_install.XML.tmp ; mv -f wordpress_install.XML.tmp wordpress_install.XML" -runAsSudo 2>&1 | Out-Null
LogMsg "Executing : $($currentTestData.testScript)"
# Wordpress installation on E2EFOURVM
Write-host "#################################################################################################"
Write-host ""
Write-host "Wordpress installation has been started on E2EFOURVM..." -foregroundcolor "magenta"
Write-host "It will take more than 30 minutes and may take more time depending on internet speed." -foregroundcolor "magenta"
Write-host ""
Write-host "#################################################################################################"
# Wordpress Setup file is executing on E2EFOURVM
$out = RunLinuxCmd -username $user -password $password -ip $hs1VIP -port $hs1bkvmsshport -command "python $($currentTestData.testScript) loadbalancer_setup 2>&1 > print.log" -runAsSudo -ignoreLinuxExitCode -runmaxallowedtime 3600 2>&1 | Out-Null
# Downloading the files VM
RemoteCopy -download -downloadFrom $hs1VIP -files "/home/$user/wdp_test.txt,/home/$user/logs.tar.gz " -downloadTo $LogDir -port $hs1bkvmsshport -username $user -password $password 2>&1 | Out-Null
LogErr "Command line argument not properly added for WordPress Setup, add the argument for FourVM: loadbalancer_setup, SingleVM: singleVM_setup in azure_ica_all.xml file at E2ESetupCmdLineArgument tag"
#Verifying Wordpress setup id completed or not
$out = Select-String -Simple "WDP_INSTALL_PASS" $LogDir\wdp_test.txt
write-host "Wordpress setup finished successfully."
write-host "Wordpress setup failed."
write-host "Wordpress setup failed..."
LogMsg "Exception Detected in Wordpress.py"
$ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
LogMsg "EXCEPTION : $ErrorMessage"
$metaData = ""
if (!$testResult)
$testResult = "Aborted"
$resultArr += $testResult
$testResult = "Aborted"
$resultArr += $testResult
#Verification of WordPress URL
WaitFor -seconds 120
$webclient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$out = Select-String -Simple WordPress index.html
write-host "WordPress verification using url success." -foreground "white"
write-host "WordPress verification using url failed." -foreground "white"
write-host "WordPress verification using url failed..." -foreground "green"
$resultArr += $testResult
$result = GetFinalResultHeader -resultarr $resultArr
$result = $testResult
#Clean up the setup
#DoTestCleanUp -result $result -testName $currentTestData.testName -deployedServices $isDeployed
#Return the result and summery to the test suite script..
if ($testResult -eq "PASS")
Write-host "#################################################################################################"
Write-host ""
Write-host "Open $wordpressUrl in the browser and you should be able to see the Wordpress installation page." -foregroundcolor "magenta"
Write-host ""
Write-host "#################################################################################################"
return $result