153 строки
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153 строки
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# This script deploys the VMs for the LVM functional test and trigger the test.
# 1. lvm2, iozone and dos2unix must be installed in the test image
# Author: Sivakanth R
# Email : v-sirebb@microsoft.com
<#-------------Create Deployment Start------------------#>
Import-Module .\TestLibs\RDFELibs.psm1 -Force
$result = ""
$testResult = ""
$resultArr = @()
$FunctionType = ""
$isDeployed = DeployVMS -setupType $currentTestData.setupType -Distro $Distro -xmlConfig $xmlConfig
if ($isDeployed)
$allVMData = GetAllDeployementData -DeployedServices $isDeployed
Set-Variable -Name AllVMData -Value $allVMData
[string] $ServiceName = $allVMData.ServiceName
$hs1VIP = $allVMData.PublicIP
$hs1ServiceUrl = $allVMData.URL
$hs1vm1IP = $allVMData.InternalIP
$hs1vm1Hostname = $allVMData.RoleName
$hs1vm1sshport = $allVMData.SSHPort
$FunctionType = $currentTestData.FunctionType
$DiskParam = $currentTestData.DiskParam
$DiskSize = $currentTestData.DiskSize
$LunNumber = $currentTestData.LunNumber
$Cache = $currentTestData.Cache
RemoteCopy -uploadTo $hs1VIP -port $hs1vm1sshport -files $currentTestData.files -username $user -password $password -upload
RunLinuxCmd -username $user -password $password -ip $hs1VIP -port $hs1vm1sshport -command "dos2unix *.sh" -runAsSudo -ignoreLinuxExitCode
RunLinuxCmd -username $user -password $password -ip $hs1VIP -port $hs1vm1sshport -command "chmod +x *.sh" -runAsSudo
$KernelVersion = RunLinuxCmd -username $user -password $password -ip $hs1VIP -port $hs1vm1sshport -command "uname -a" -runAsSudo
LogMsg "VM1 kernel version:- $KernelVersion"
LogMsg "LVM functional $FunctionType test started with $Cache cache"
if ($DiskParam -imatch "datadisk")
$temp = RetryOperation -operation { Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $ServiceName | Add-AzureDataDisk -CreateNew -DiskSizeInGB $DiskSize -LUN $LunNumber -HostCaching $Cache -DiskLabel "$ServiceName-Disk-$LunNumber" | Update-AzureVM } -description "Attaching $DiskSize GB disk to LUN : $LunNumber with caching : $Cache." -maxRetryCount 10 -retryInterval 5
if ( $temp.OperationStatus -eq "Succeeded" )
LogMsg "Disk attached Successfully.."
$testJob = RunLinuxCmd -username $user -password $password -ip $hs1VIP -port $hs1vm1sshport -command "bash /home/$user/$($currentTestData.testScript) $user $DiskParam $FunctionType >> lvmFunctionTest.txt" -runAsSudo -RunInBackground
$IsAttach = $true
$IsDeattach = $true
while ( (Get-Job -Id $testJob).State -eq "Running" )
$lvmTestInfo = RunLinuxCmd -username $user -password $password -ip $hs1VIP -port $hs1vm1sshport -command "egrep ': Success|: Failed|please wait' /home/$user/lvmFunctionTest.txt | tail -1 " -runAsSudo -ignoreLinuxExitCode
LogMsg "Current Test Staus : $lvmTestInfo"
LogMsg "Attach the data disk to VM"
$AttachInfo = RunLinuxCmd -username $user -password $password -ip $hs1VIP -port $hs1vm1sshport -command "grep -i 'Now Attach data disk for LVM test' /home/$user/lvmFunctionTest.txt" -runAsSudo -ignoreLinuxExitCode
if ($AttachInfo -imatch "Now Attach data disk for LVM test")
$temp = RetryOperation -operation { Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $ServiceName | Add-AzureDataDisk -CreateNew -DiskSizeInGB $DiskSize -LUN $LunNumber -HostCaching $Cache -DiskLabel "$ServiceName-Disk-$LunNumber" | Update-AzureVM } -description "Attaching $DiskSize GB disk to LUN : $LunNumber with caching : $Cache." -maxRetryCount 10 -retryInterval 5
if ( $temp.OperationStatus -eq "Succeeded" )
LogMsg "Data disk attached Successfully.."
$IsAttach = $false
LogMsg "Data disk attach Failed.."
$testResult = "FAIL"
if($FunctionType -imatch "Shrink")
LogMsg "Detach the data disk from VM"
$DeattachInfo = RunLinuxCmd -username $user -password $password -ip $hs1VIP -port $hs1vm1sshport -command "grep -i 'Now Deattach the data disk' /home/$user/lvmFunctionTest.txt" -runAsSudo -ignoreLinuxExitCode
if ($DeattachInfo -imatch "Now Deattach the data disk")
$temp = RetryOperation -operation { Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $ServiceName | Remove-AzureDataDisk -DeleteVHD -LUN $LunNumber | Update-AzureVM –Verbose } -description "Removing disk from LUN : $LunNumber." -maxRetryCount 10 -retryInterval 5
if ( $temp.OperationStatus -eq "Succeeded" )
LogMsg "Data disk deattached Successfully.."
$IsDeattach = $false
LogMsg "Data disk deattach Failed.."
$testResult = "FAIL"
WaitFor -seconds 10
$lvmTesStatus = RunLinuxCmd -username $user -password $password -ip $hs1VIP -port $hs1vm1sshport -command "grep -i 'LVM functionlal test completed' /home/$user/lvmFunctionTest.txt" -runAsSudo -ignoreLinuxExitCode
if ($lvmTesStatus -imatch "LVM functionlal test completed")
LogMsg "LVM $FunctionType test COMPLETED.."
$syslogStatus = RunLinuxCmd -username $user -password $password -ip $hs1VIP -port $hs1vm1sshport -command "cat /home/$user/systemerrorlogs.txt" -runAsSudo -ignoreLinuxExitCode
LogMsg "Verify the found syslog errors are ignorable or not in /home/$user/systemerrorlogs.txt `n $syslogStatus"
$out = RemoteCopy -download -downloadFrom $hs1VIP -files "/home/$user/logs.tar" -downloadTo $LogDir -port $hs1vm1sshport -username $user -password $password 2>&1 | Out-Null
$testResult = "PASS"
LogMsg "LVM $FunctionType test FAILED.."
$testResult = "FAIL"
LogMsg "Test result : $testResult"
$ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
LogMsg "EXCEPTION : $ErrorMessage"
$metaData = ""
if (!$testResult)
$testResult = "Aborted"
$resultArr += $testResult
#$resultSummary += CreateResultSummary -testResult $testResult -metaData $metaData -checkValues "PASS,FAIL,ABORTED" -testName $currentTestData.testName# if you want to publish all result then give here all test status possibilites. if you want just failed results, then give here just "FAIL". You can use any combination of PASS FAIL ABORTED and corresponding test results will be published!
$testResult = "Aborted"
$resultArr += $testResult
$result = GetFinalResultHeader -resultarr $resultArr
#Clean up the setup
DoTestCleanUp -result $result -testName $currentTestData.testName -deployedServices $isDeployed -ResourceGroups $isDeployed
#Return the result and summery to the test suite script..
return $result