33 строки
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33 строки
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Login on your Hyper-V server.
Start PowerShell with the Run As Administrator option.
Deploy VM's in Azure.
1. Create a hosted service.
2. Deploy a Virtual Machine in newly created hosted service.
Execute Test :
1. Login to newly created VM.
2. Get disk size information. (Execute-"df" on the VM)
3. Verify disk size is equal to attached disk size.
Cleanup the test VMs.
1. If test is PASS, delete all VMs under test.
2. If test is FAIL, collect the logs and preserve deployed VMs.
Edit the XML file used to drive the test
Run the tests defined in the .xml file.
From the PowerShell command line, issue the following command:
Run all BVT tests:
.\AzureAutomationManager.ps1 -xmlConfigFile azure_ica_all.xml -runtests -Distro CentOS -cycleName BVT |