
357 строки
11 KiB

// parse command line options
var minimist = require("minimist");
var mopts = {
string: ["node", "runner", "server", "suite", "task", "version", "testResults"]
var options = minimist(process.argv, mopts);
// remove well-known parameters from argv before loading make,
// otherwise each arg will be interpreted as a make target
process.argv = options._;
// modules
var make = require("shelljs/make");
var fs = require("fs");
var os = require("os");
var path = require("path");
var semver = require("semver");
var util = require("./make-util");
// util functions
var cd =;
var mkdir = util.mkdir;
var rm = util.rm;
var test = util.test;
var run =;
var banner = util.banner;
var fail =;
var ensureExists = util.ensureExists;
var buildNodeTask = util.buildNodeTask;
var addPath = util.addPath;
var copyTaskResources = util.copyTaskResources;
var matchFind = util.matchFind;
var matchCopy = util.matchCopy;
var ensureTool = util.ensureTool;
var getExternals = util.getExternals;
var createResjson = util.createResjson;
var createTaskLocJson = util.createTaskLocJson;
var validateTask = util.validateTask;
var fileToJson = util.fileToJson;
var createYamlSnippetFile = util.createYamlSnippetFile;
var createMarkdownDocFile = util.createMarkdownDocFile;
// global paths
var buildPath = path.join(__dirname, "_build", "Tasks");
var buildTestsPath = path.join(__dirname, "_build", "Tests");
var commonPath = path.join(__dirname, "_build", "Tasks", "Common");
// node min version
var minNodeVer = "6.10.3";
if (, minNodeVer)) {
"requires node >= " + minNodeVer + ". installed: " + process.versions.node
// add node modules .bin to the path so we can dictate version of tsc etc...
var binPath = path.join(__dirname, "node_modules", ".bin");
if (!test("-d", binPath)) {
fail("node modules bin not found. ensure npm install has been run.");
// resolve list of tasks
var taskList;
if (options.task) {
// find using --task parameter
taskList = matchFind(options.task, path.join(__dirname, "Tasks"), {
noRecurse: true,
matchBase: true
}).map(function(item) {
return path.basename(item);
if (!taskList.length) {
fail("Unable to find any tasks matching pattern " + options.task);
} else {
// load the default list
taskList = fileToJson(path.join(__dirname, "make-options.json")).tasks;
// set the runner options. should either be empty or a comma delimited list of test runners.
// for example: ts OR ts,ps
// note, currently the ts runner igores this setting and will always run.
process.env["TASK_TEST_RUNNER"] = options.runner || "";
target.clean = function() {
rm("-Rf", path.join(__dirname, "_build"));
// mkdir("-p", buildPath);
rm("-Rf", path.join(__dirname, "_test"));
rm("-Rf", path.join(__dirname, "_testresults"));
// Generate documentation (currently only YAML snippets)
// ex: node make.js gendocs
// ex: node make.js gendocs --task ShellScript
target.gendocs = function() {
var docsDir = path.join(__dirname, "_gendocs");
rm("-Rf", docsDir);
mkdir("-p", docsDir);
console.log("> generating docs");
taskList.forEach(function(taskName) {
var taskPath = path.join(__dirname, "Tasks", taskName);
// load the task.json
var taskJsonPath = path.join(taskPath, "task.json");
if (test("-f", taskJsonPath)) {
var taskDef = fileToJson(taskJsonPath);
// create YAML snippet Markdown
var yamlOutputFilename = taskName + ".md";
createYamlSnippetFile(taskDef, docsDir, yamlOutputFilename);
// create Markdown documentation file
var mdDocOutputFilename = taskName + ".md";
banner("Generating docs successful", true);
// ex: node make.js build
// ex: node make.js build --task ShellScript
// = function() {
ensureTool("tsc", "--version", "Version 3.4.1");
ensureTool("npm", "--version", function(output) {
if (, "5.6.0")) {
fail("Expected 5.6.0 or higher. To fix, run: npm install -g npm");
taskList.forEach(function(taskName) {
banner("Building: " + taskName);
var taskPath = path.join(__dirname, "Tasks", taskName);
// load the task.json
var outDir;
var shouldBuildNode = test("-f", path.join(taskPath, "tsconfig.json"));
var taskJsonPath = path.join(taskPath, "task.json");
if (test("-f", taskJsonPath)) {
var taskDef = fileToJson(taskJsonPath);
// fixup the outDir (required for relative pathing in legacy L0 tests)
outDir = path.join(buildPath, taskName);
// create loc files
createResjson(taskDef, taskPath);
// determine the type of task
shouldBuildNode =
shouldBuildNode || taskDef.execution.hasOwnProperty("Node");
} else {
outDir = path.join(buildPath, path.basename(taskPath));
mkdir("-p", outDir);
// get externals
var taskMakePath = path.join(taskPath, "make.json");
var taskMake = test("-f", taskMakePath) ? fileToJson(taskMakePath) : {};
if (taskMake.hasOwnProperty("externals")) {
console.log("> getting task externals");
getExternals(taskMake.externals, outDir);
// Common: build, copy, install
var commonPacks = [];
if (taskMake.hasOwnProperty("common")) {
var common = taskMake["common"];
common.forEach(function(mod) {
var modPath = path.join(taskPath, mod["module"]);
var modName = path.basename(modPath);
var modOutDir = path.join(commonPath, modName);
if (!test("-d", modOutDir)) {
banner("Building module " + modPath, true);
mkdir("-p", modOutDir);
// create loc files
var modJsonPath = path.join(modPath, "module.json");
if (test("-f", modJsonPath)) {
createResjson(fileToJson(modJsonPath), modPath);
// npm install and compile
if (
(mod.type === "node" && mod.compile == true) ||
test("-f", path.join(modPath, "tsconfig.json"))
) {
buildNodeTask(modPath, modOutDir);
// copy default resources and any additional resources defined in the module's make.json
console.log("> copying module resources");
var modMakePath = path.join(modPath, "make.json");
var modMake = test("-f", modMakePath) ? fileToJson(modMakePath) : {};
copyTaskResources(modMake, modPath, modOutDir);
// get externals
if (modMake.hasOwnProperty("externals")) {
console.log("> getting module externals");
getExternals(modMake.externals, modOutDir);
if (
(mod.type === "node" && mod.compile == true) ||
test("-f", path.join(modPath, "package.json"))
) {
var commonPack = util.getCommonPackInfo(modOutDir);
// assert the pack file does not already exist (name should be unique)
if (test("-f", commonPack.packFilePath)) {
fail(`Pack file already exists: ${commonPack.packFilePath}`);
// pack the Node module. a pack file is required for dedupe.
// installing from a folder creates a symlink, and does not dedupe.
run(`npm pack ./${path.basename(modOutDir)}`);
// store the npm pack file info
if (mod.type === "node" && mod.compile == true) {
// copy ps module resources to the task output dir
else if (mod.type === "ps") {
console.log("> copying ps module to task");
var dest;
if (mod.hasOwnProperty("dest")) {
dest = path.join(outDir, mod.dest, modName);
} else {
dest = path.join(outDir, "ps_modules", modName);
matchCopy("!Tests", modOutDir, dest, {
noRecurse: true,
matchBase: true
// npm install the common modules to the task dir
if (commonPacks.length) {
var installPaths = {
return `file:${path.relative(taskPath, commonPack.packFilePath)}`;
run(`npm install --save-exact ${installPaths.join(" ")}`);
// build Node task
if (shouldBuildNode) {
buildNodeTask(taskPath, outDir);
// remove the hashes for the common packages, they change every build
if (commonPacks.length) {
var lockFilePath = path.join(taskPath, "package-lock.json");
if (!test("-f", lockFilePath)) {
lockFilePath = path.join(taskPath, "npm-shrinkwrap.json");
var packageLock = fileToJson(lockFilePath);
Object.keys(packageLock.dependencies).forEach(function(dependencyName) {
commonPacks.forEach(function(commonPack) {
if (dependencyName == commonPack.packageName) {
delete packageLock.dependencies[dependencyName].integrity;
fs.writeFileSync(lockFilePath, JSON.stringify(packageLock, null, " "));
// copy default resources and any additional resources defined in the task's make.json
console.log("> copying task resources");
copyTaskResources(taskMake, taskPath, outDir);
banner("Build successful", true);
// will run tests for the scope of tasks being built
// npm test
// node make.js test
// node make.js test --task ShellScript --suite L0
target.test = function() {
ensureTool("tsc", "--version", "Version 3.4.1");
ensureTool("mocha", "--version", "6.0.2");
// find the tests
var suiteType = options.suite || "_suite";
var taskType = options.task || "*";
var pattern1 = buildPath + "/" + taskType + "/Tests/" + suiteType + ".js";
var pattern2 =
buildPath + "/Common/" + taskType + "/Tests/" + suiteType + ".js";
var testsSpec = matchFind(pattern1, buildPath).concat(
matchFind(pattern2, buildPath)
// .concat(matchFind(pattern3, buildTestsPath, { noRecurse: true }));
if (!testsSpec.length && !process.env.TF_BUILD) {
`Unable to find tests using the following patterns: ${JSON.stringify([
// setup the version of node to run the tests
let testCmd = "";
if (options.testResults)
testCmd = ` --reporter mocha-junit-reporter --reporter-options mochaFile=${options.testResults}`;
"mocha " +
" "
) + testCmd,
/*inheritStreams:*/ true