param location string = resourceGroup().location @description('Name of azure web app') param siteName string @description('Stack settings') param linuxFxVersion string = 'php|7.4' @description('Database administrator login name') @minLength(1) param administratorLogin string = 'redcap_app' @description('Database administrator password') @minLength(8) @secure() param administratorLoginPassword string @description('REDCap zip file URI.') param redcapAppZip string = '' @description('REDCap Community site username for downloading the REDCap zip file.') param redcapCommunityUsername string @description('REDCap Community site password for downloading the REDCap zip file.') @secure() param redcapCommunityPassword string @description('REDCap zip file version to be downloaded from the REDCap Community site.') param redcapAppZipVersion string = 'latest' @description('Email address configured as the sending address in REDCap') param fromEmailAddress string @description('Fully-qualified domain name of your SMTP relay endpoint') param smtpFQDN string @description('Login name for your SMTP relay') param smtpUser string @description('Login password for your SMTP relay') @secure() param smtpPassword string @description('Port for your SMTP relay') param smtpPort string = '587' @description('Describes plan\'s pricing tier and capacity - this can be changed after deployment. Check details at') @allowed([ 'F1' 'D1' 'B1' 'B2' 'B3' 'S1' 'S2' 'S3' 'P1v2' 'P2v2' 'P3v2' 'P1v3' 'P2v3' 'P3v3' ]) param skuName string = 'S1' @description('Describes plan\'s instance count (how many distinct web servers will be deployed in the farm) - this can be changed after deployment') @minValue(1) param skuCapacity int = 1 @description('Initial MySQL database storage size in GB ') param databaseStorageSizeGB int = 32 @description('Initial MySQL databse storage IOPS') param databaseStorageIops int = 396 @allowed([ 'Enabled' 'Disabled' ]) param databaseStorageAutoGrow string = 'Enabled' @allowed([ 'Enabled' 'Disabled' ]) param databseStorageAutoIoScaling string = 'Enabled' @description('MySQL version') @allowed([ '5.6' '5.7' ]) param mysqlVersion string = '5.7' @description('The default selected is \'Locally Redundant Storage\' (3 copies in one region). See for more information.') @allowed([ 'Standard_LRS' 'Standard_ZRS' 'Standard_GRS' 'Standard_RAGRS' 'Premium_LRS' ]) param storageType string = 'Standard_LRS' @description('Name of the container used to store backing files in the new storage account. This container is created automatically during deployment.') param storageContainerName string = 'redcap' @description('The path to the deployment source files on GitHub') param repoURL string = '' @description('The main branch of the application repo') param branch string = 'main' var siteNameCleaned = replace(siteName, ' ', '') var databaseName = '${siteNameCleaned}_db' var uniqueServerName = '${siteNameCleaned}${uniqueString(resourceGroup().id)}' var hostingPlanNameCleaned = '${siteNameCleaned}_serviceplan' var uniqueWebSiteName = '${siteNameCleaned}${uniqueString(resourceGroup().id)}' var uniqueStorageName = 'storage${uniqueString(resourceGroup().id)}' var storageAccountId = '${resourceGroup().id}/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/${uniqueStorageName}' resource storageName 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts@2016-01-01' = { name: uniqueStorageName location: location sku: { name: storageType } tags: { displayName: 'BackingStorage' } kind: 'Storage' dependsOn: [] } resource blobServices 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices@2021-09-01' = { name: 'default' parent: storageName } resource storageContainer 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/containers@2021-09-01' = { name: storageContainerName parent: blobServices } resource hostingPlanName 'Microsoft.Web/serverfarms@2016-09-01' = { name: hostingPlanNameCleaned location: location tags: { displayName: 'HostingPlan' } sku: { name: skuName capacity: skuCapacity } kind: 'linux' properties: { name: hostingPlanNameCleaned reserved: true } } resource webSiteName 'Microsoft.Web/sites@2016-08-01' = { name: uniqueWebSiteName location: location tags: { displayName: 'WebApp' } properties: { name: uniqueWebSiteName serverFarmId: hostingPlanNameCleaned siteConfig: { linuxFxVersion: linuxFxVersion alwaysOn: true appCommandLine: '/home/' appSettings: [ { name: 'StorageContainerName' value: storageContainerName } { name: 'StorageAccount' value: uniqueStorageName } { name: 'StorageKey' value: concat(listKeys(storageAccountId, '2015-05-01-preview').key1) } { name: 'redcapAppZip' value: redcapAppZip } { name: 'redcapCommunityUsername' value: redcapCommunityUsername } { name: 'redcapCommunityPassword' value: redcapCommunityPassword } { name: 'redcapAppZipVersion' value: redcapAppZipVersion } { name: 'DBHostName' value: '${uniqueServerName}' } { name: 'DBName' value: databaseName } { name: 'DBUserName' value: administratorLogin } { name: 'DBPassword' value: administratorLoginPassword } { name: 'DBSslCa' value: '/home/site/wwwroot/DigiCertGlobalRootCA.crt.pem' } { name: 'PHP_INI_SCAN_DIR' value: '/usr/local/etc/php/conf.d:/home/site' } { name: 'from_email_address' value: fromEmailAddress } { name: 'smtp_fqdn_name' value: smtpFQDN } { name: 'smtp_port' value: smtpPort } { name: 'smtp_user_name' value: smtpUser } { name: 'smtp_password' value: smtpPassword } { name: 'SCM_DO_BUILD_DURING_DEPLOYMENT' value: '1' } ] } } dependsOn: [ hostingPlanName storageName ] } resource webSiteName_web 'Microsoft.Web/sites/sourcecontrols@2015-08-01' = { parent: webSiteName name: 'web' location: location tags: { displayName: 'CodeDeploy' } properties: { repoUrl: repoURL branch: branch isManualIntegration: true } dependsOn: [ serverName ] } resource serverName 'Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers@2021-12-01-preview' = { location: location name: uniqueServerName tags: { displayName: 'MySQLAzure' } properties: { version: mysqlVersion administratorLogin: administratorLogin administratorLoginPassword: administratorLoginPassword storage: { storageSizeGB: databaseStorageSizeGB iops: databaseStorageIops autoGrow: databaseStorageAutoGrow autoIoScaling: databseStorageAutoIoScaling } backup: { backupRetentionDays: 7 geoRedundantBackup: 'Disabled' } highAvailability: { mode: 'Disabled' } replicationRole: 'None' } sku: { name: 'Standard_B1ms' tier: 'Burstable' } } resource serverName_AllowAzureIPs 'Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/firewallRules@2021-12-01-preview' = { parent: serverName name: 'AllowAzureIPs' properties: { startIpAddress: '' endIpAddress: '' } dependsOn: [ serverName_databaseName ] } resource serverName_databaseName 'Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/databases@2021-12-01-preview' = { parent: serverName name: databaseName properties: { charset: 'utf8' collation: 'utf8_general_ci' } } output MySQLHostName string = '${uniqueServerName}' output MySqlUserName string = '${administratorLogin}@${uniqueServerName}' output webSiteFQDN string = '${uniqueWebSiteName}' output storageAccountName string = uniqueStorageName output storageContainerName string = storageContainerName